HTI News 2018 - European Health Tourism Magazine

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ISSN 2459-8305




Issue 4 • 2018 • Year II


Abu Dhabi

Global WELLNESS Market

Changes & Challenges Hospitality meets


Thermal Spas in

Croatia EUROPEAN TOURISM DAY Towards Sustainability and Innovation Termatalia - Bridge Between Continents p.66 1

Engaged Patient

Healthy Patient Secrets to a Successful Spa p.82

Choose Croatia Airlines for your business and leisure travels! Croatia Airlines, the Croatian flag carrier, is a mid-sized European airline in constant growth. In its 29 year existence, it has connected Croatian cities with the most important European centres and, through them, the entire World. In Croatia, the airline has flights to Zagreb, Bol, Dubrovnik, Osijek, Pula, Split and Zadar. The utmost attention is paid to the confidence and satisfaction of passengers, which is why the company constantly works on improving and developing the quality of its services. On all flights passengers are offered food and beverages free of charge which vary depending on the class of travel, the flight duration and the part of the day. Special attention is paid to the maintenance of aircraft both within their own fleet and also for the third parties. This is an additional guarantee of safety, one of Croatia Airlines’ most important business segments. In May 2018 Croatia Airlines introduced, for the first time, regular international flights on the Zagreb-Mostar route, which will continue to operate during the winter on Thursdays and Sundays. Another novelty is the introduction of flights during the winter timetable on the Rijeka-Munich route, which will be operated every Thursday and Sunday. Also, Croatia Airlines will continue to fly to Barcelona and Lisbon. You can fly to Barcelona on Thursdays and Sundays, and to Lisbon on Mondays and Fridays until mid-January. In accordance with the 2018 summer schedule, the company operated more than 100 flights per day and flew to 40 European destinations in 23 countries. In addition, during the high season, Zagreb was directly connected to six Croatian airports. Fly with Croatia Airlines to magnificent Croatian cities of Zagreb, Dubrovnik, Split, Zadar and Pula. Our modern fleet, professional staff and quality service guarantee your satisfaction. Visit our website, check our offers and buy your ticket.

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Issue 4 • 2018 • Year II ISSN 2459-8305


ISSUE 4 • 2018 • YEAR II



Issue 4 • 2018 • Year II


Abu Dhabi

Global WELLNESS Market


Hospitality meets


Thermal Spas in

Croatia EUROPEAN TOURISM DAY Towards Sustainability and Innovation

Engaged Patient


Healthy Patient

ISSN 2459-8305

Termatalia - Bridge Between Continents p. 66

Secrets to a Successful Spa p. 82


ISSN 2459-8305 PUBLISHER Nativa Media Ltd. Roginina 6, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia T: + 385 (0) 1 7701 390 Email: EDITORIAL BOARD

HTI Event Coordination Centre ETATMED Ltd. Strojarska cesta 20, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia M: +385 (0) 91 2381 823 P: +385 (0) 1 5533 705 Email: © 2018 HTI NEWS. All rights reserved. Copying in any form, renting, making public in any form, including on the Internet, as well as modifying in any way, any part or the entire publication is not allowed without a writen consent of the rights holder.


16 Photo: Abu Dhabi Medical Tourism

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Andrea Šitum EXECUTIVE EDITOR Viktorija Antolković MARKETING Željko Šitum ART DIRECTOR Filip Dinstl GRAPHIC DESIGN Atlantis, Zagreb TECHNICAL SUPPORT Story Editor, editorial system TRANSLATION Dialogo, Zagreb; Albion, Funtana PHOTO COPYRIGHT Depositphotos PRINT Kerschoffset Zagreb Ltd.


14 Step Towards Sustainable Healthcare

22 European Tourism Day 30 Hospitality and Design Meet Healthcare

44 Engaged Patient = Healthy Patient

38 Prof. Velimir Šimunić: To Deliver

a New Life is the Biggest Award

64 Siyka Katsarova: ESPA – Medical Spa Experts Network Since 1995


16 Abu Dhabi – Your Destination for a Healthier Life

53 Wiesbaden – the Green City of 48 Caring for the Ageing Population Health 73 American Healthcare Revolution 80 Tunisia - Rising Star on the World Health Tourism Map


24 Markus Stock: Austrian Lessons


26 Ruža Tomašić: European Health

54 Thermal Spas in Croatia 66 Termatalia – Bridge Between

- Cooperation is a Factor of Success

Tourism has Exceptional Diversity


28 Ivan Novak: Croatia Has a Strong 76 Global Wellness Market: Changes Tradition of Health Tourism

and Challenges

“Cooperation instead of confrontation is a factor of success, and this principle is more important than ever”


Markus Stock, Head of the EU-Representation of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (WKÖ)

p. 24



xx 82






ear readers, In this fast-paced and technology-driven world, the only constant is change. That is why this edition of HTI News Magazine features the topic of the European Tourism Day (p. 22), dedicated to innovative and sustainable approach under the theme “Making EU Tourism Stronger in a New Industrial Era”. In this regard, we bring you the interviews with prominent EU policy makers – MEP Ruža Tomašić (p. 26), Head of the EU-Representation of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, Markus Stock (p. 24) and Director of the Croatian National Tourist Board in Brussels, Ivan Novak (p. 28). Striving for the best in changing circumstances should be a constant reminder of how to do business, so we examined what lessons can be learned at the intersection of hospitality, design and healthcare (p. 30) and how to engage patients to improve patient experience (p. 44). Valuable insights come from Renée-Marie Stephano, President and Co-Founder of MTA, who writes about American healthcare revolution (p. 73), while Zdeslav Radovčić, CEO of HTI Conference (p. 14), and Jai Verma, Global Head of B2G at Cigna International (p. 48), examine

ISSN 2459-8305


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the contribution of health tourism in creating a sustainable healthcare system. The new issue also features a global hub of medical tourism, Abu Dhabi (p. 16), as well as some rising stars on the health tourism map, such as Tunisia (p. 80). László Puczkó, Director of Industry Intelligence at RLA (p. 76), shares some insights on the global wellness market and Cesar Tejedor, Founder and CEO of Massage Around the World, shares some tips on how to build a successful spa business (p. 82). We have also visited Termatalia, International Fair of Thermal Tourism (p. 66), and we are taking you to the healing thermal springs of Croatian spas (p. 54). Simone Zagrodnik from EHTTA writes about the future of the European thermal heritage (p. 50), and Siyka Katsarova, Vice-President of the ESPA, discusses the positioning of the European spas within the healthcare market (p. 64). We hope that the new edition of HTI News Magazine will be a pleasurable and enticing read and that you will enjoy reading it as much as we enjoyed preparing it.

Issue 3 • 2018 • Year II

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In Jai Verma

ISSN 2459-8305


Changinogf d e th Wollrlness We


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Workplace Wellness


p. 46

Energy of Water

p. 86

5-Star Hotel Experience




Partners & Sponsors HOST AND PATRON

Member of the European Parliament Ruža Tomašić












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News & Trends

HEALTH TOURISM News & Trends Medical Tourism in Oman healthcare, and thus gives them an opportunity to be able to compete in the medical tourism industry for incoming patients. Oman’s medical tourism industry, its facility and service quality rank 8th among the Arab nations in the region, but it is the cost advantage in healthcare that allows Oman to compete with the neighbouring nations, explains Dr Sasan Momeni, CEO of Glossy Medical Service LLC and Medical Tourism Editor of Safar Magazine.

Even though this country is improving its image and showing political stability to the world, it is the culture and language similarity sub-dimension that stands out, as well as its location close to the leading Arab nations, which means they have to develop competitive advantages when it comes to the medical tourism arena. The country still needs to work on attracting more visitors and boosting the quality of its hospitals and international accreditations in order to achieve greater results and increase medical tourism business, Dr Momeni concludes. But the interest for medical tourism industry in Oman is still great, as was shown by the well-attended 8th Oman Health Exhibition and Conference held in September 2018.

Photo: Depositphotos

Officially known as the Sultanate of Oman, this country on the Arabian Peninsula received more than 2.5 million visitors in 2017. Tourism is the fastest growing industry in the country and it facilitated rehabilitation of its historic venues and development of better infrastructure. Oman’s population counts more than 4.6 million, of which 2.2 million locals. Although Omani nationals have free access to the country’s public healthcare, expatriates do not, which allows for the private healthcare sector to co-exist in the country. Public healthcare is perceived as being of high quality for a middle income country, which also applies to the private

The new edition of the Long-Haul Travel Barometer, published by the European Travel Commission (ETC), reveals that the long-haul travel sentiment index in Japan, Russia and the US has improved in the last four months of 2018 compared to the same period last year. The strongest boost is seen in Russia, where one in three (33%) respondents are likely to take a trip outside the Russian Commonwealth before the end of 2018, while the index values in Brazil and China stagnate, writes ETC.


Photo: Jeshoots, Unsplash


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IQCURE® SCAN is a superb combination of scanners used in preventive and rehabilitation programs, based on the principle of quantum physics. They scan your body based on medical technology and reference databases in order to get a clear picture of you physical and mental health. The system itself does not cure illnesses and is not used as a diagnostic tool in traditional medicine, but operates on the principle of preventing illnesses from developing. You can try blue, silver or gold scan.

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Health tourism || QUALITY HEALHCARE

STEP TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE HEALTHCARE As medical travel opens numerous possibilities for better quality healthcare, there should be a consensus on how to improve connectivity among EU member states in order to solve mutual problems related to health tourism


AUTHOR: Zdeslav Radovčić, HTI Conference Director,

“Among the best European systems are those in which the liberalization was carried out in different bands. The systems of the Netherlands, Switzerland, Germany, Denmark, Norway, Luxembourg, etc. have created competitive conditions between private and state insurers”


he idea of universal healthcare and the availability of the best treatment conditions is broadly accepted and one of the best in the tradition of European healthcare systems. However, facing the results of attempts to achieve this idea is less well accepted, postponed or even avoided. Problems predicted by analysts will soon become a reality and not just a warning to future generations. The aging of population will create new needs and new problems that, due to decline in births in many countries, will not be easily financially solved. European health systems have common ambitions, but they also share common problems in terms of sustainability that is facing ever-increasing challenges. What does the system focus on - patients and their needs or maintenance that is increasingly difficult to pay? What do we do with a problematic system in the near future according to European experiences?


Europe does not have a unique health system. Different models are available in different countries. Focus should shift to patient-oriented health systems, as well as to the possibility of introducing private sector in healthcare systems. This also raises the greatest fears because it is seen as threat to services and opportunities provided by the today’s frail, inflexible systems. However, insisting on the status quo will just minimize the possibility of wider availability of quality health services. Among the best European systems are those in which the liberalization was carried out in different bands. The systems of the Netherlands, Switzerland, Germany, Denmark, Norway, Luxembourg, etc. have created competitive

conditions between private and state insurers, with better outcomes for patients. Former Eastern Bloc countries could not follow these changes in healthcare because their budget spending is much lower than the average spending of Western EU countries. The use of more expensive innovative treatments and state-of-the-art devices can only change the standards in better-off Western European countries.


For example, there are significant differences in life expectancy between European countries ranging up to eight years. Past efforts to link national systems were also very limited and without any major impact. According to the Eurobarometer survey, only 10% of Europe’s citizens were informed of the possibility of cross-border healthcare. Considering all these facts, there is a great opportunity in this area to increase the importance of travel for health movement. There are many health providers outside of the big cities, particularly private ones, with slow businesses who are looking to increase their practice volume. The British NHS has already started a partnership with French hospitals with the aim of providing patients with an additional choice of high quality care and reduced waiting times if willing to travel to France. It is expected that other countries will follow this example. Having in mind all these issues, everyone in the health tourism industry wonders about the next step. For starters, at least, there should be a consensus on how to improve connectivity among EU member states in order to solve mutual problems related to health tourism. From our side, the HTI platform will continue to promote the necessity of health tourism as an important leverage for sustainable healthcare.

Editor's choice || ABU DHABI - GLOBAL HUB

Photo: Abu Dhabi Medical Tourism

Abu Dhabi


Your Destination for a Healthier Life Abu Dhabi is renowned as a global hub for specialised, modern healthcare with its world-class facilities and premium services, thanks to the combined effort by the Department of Culture and Tourism - Abu Dhabi and the Department of Health

Editor's choice || ABU DHABI - GLOBAL HUB


AUTHOR: Andrea Šitum

bu Dhabi is known for its cultural diversity and its unique blending of ancient traditions with modern lifestyles. It has a number of world heritage sites classified by UNESCO, where traces of many cultures dating back to prehistoric times are located. These sites stand as testimonies of sedentary human occupation of a desert region since the Neolithic Age. Additionally, it is also the home of modern architectural masterpieces, thrilling headline attractions, award-winning golf courses, luxurious resorts, world-class shopping centres, and a packed calendar of headline events covering the arts, culture, sports, concerts and trade shows. It is also LEADER IN where stunning desert landscapes and tradiTHE REGION tional Arabian culture Abu Dhabi is not only growing merge together to creas a major tourist destination ate a memorable visitor in the world, but is also one of experience. the most popular countries for But thrilling as it is, Abu Dhabi, the capital medical tourism in and the second most the region populous city for the United Arab Emirates, is also an attractive medical tourism destination and hub for the regional and global healthcare market – with state-of-the-art medical infrastructure and treatments, it offers a high quality medical experience through a number of exceptional hospitals and world-renowned, internationally recognised doctors.


According to the Medical Tourism Index, Abu Dhabi’s healthcare system is a mix of public and private, where the public system acts as a comprehensive system that caters to all patient needs. On the other hand, the private sector is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and is predominantly oriented towards medical tourists. Out of 13 countries surveyed in the Medical Tourism Index for the Arabic

The Treatment You Need

Whether you are developing a health problem, seeking specialised medical treatment, or alternative medicine methods, Abu Dhabi guarantees rapid recovery and patient-centred approach


Photo: Abu Dhabi Medical Tourism

Photo: Abu Dhabi Medical Tourism

Photo: Abu Dhabi Medical Tourism

Editor's choice || ABU DHABI - GLOBAL HUB

Photo: Abu Dhabi Medical Tourism

Photo: Abu Dhabi Medical Tourism

region, Abu Dhabi ranked second, with an sector in Abu Dhabi. The “Abu Dhabi overall MTI score of 63.65. Abu Dhabi can Healthcare Quality Indicators – JAWDA” boast excellent facilities and service qualprogramme measures some of the most ity thanks to international accreditations important indicators for hospital perforand quality of care. mance to be reported quarterly, covering It should also be noted that Abu Dhabi four main areas - safety, effectiveness of was ranked #1 in terms of patient satisfaccare, timeliness of service delivery, and tion – apart from the high-end medical patient-centric delivery of care. Measuring services, with easily available ‘medical these indicators helps establish a baseline visas’ and medical tourism agencies acting of the quality provided and improve the as facilitators, Abu Dhabi offers steady quality of healthcare services provided to recovery and a seamless medical experinationals and residents in the Emirate of ence. It is also specialised in VIP and Abu Dhabi. royal healthcare treatment, In line with the Abu Dhabi QUALITY where VIP patients are Vision 2030 and with the provided with fast-track continuation of the OF CARE services by a dedicated Quality Framework In line with the Abu Dhabi Vision 2030 medical team and a (JAWDA) Programme, and as a continuation of the Quality single point of contact the Department of Framework (JAWDA) Programme, Abu to access all services Health (DoH), in in the hospital. collaboration with Dhabi is bringing together key players the Department of in tourism, transport, immigration and MEASURING Tourism and Culture healthcare to offer an unprecedented QUALITY (DCT Abu Dhabi) is seamless high-quality specialised In 2014, the Departbuilding a network healthcare product to international ment of Health – Abu of service providers to patients Dhabi launched a robust build a comprehensive and comprehensive new system to attract and meet quality framework for the health international patient require-


Photo: Abu Dhabi Medical Tourism

Editor's choice || ABU DHABI - GLOBAL HUB

Saeed Al Dhaheri is the Tourism Special Interests Manager at the Department of Culture and Tourism - Abu Dhabi (DCT Abu Dhabi). Having joined DCT Abu Dhabi in 2003, he overseas the development of niche market projects for the Department. Al Dhaheri is credited with advancing the Department’s Medical Tourism strategy, already having made significant key achievements in the sector that has only recently been added to the DCT Abu Dhabi’s strategic remit. He also presided over the development of DCT Abu Dhabi’s visitor information service for the last six years, and currently oversees a specialist ‘Tourism Special Interest’ team. During his DCT mandate he has also overseen the development of Abu Dhabi as a worldclass home-port and port-of-call capacity for the cruise sector, by driving its credentials in key regional and international cruise markets.

ments using existing local expertise and capacity in healthcare and infrastructure in Abu Dhabi.


Abu Dhabi is an exciting destination where an actionpacked calendar takes place within an atmosphere promoting healthy lifestyle and wellness. The emirate recognises wellness as an essential component of day-to-day life, which allows communities to function at an optimum level in all aspects. Consequently, Abu Dhabi adopts a health-driven lifestyle through a selection of international healthy restaurants, sports festivals and activities, and high-end spas and health clubs. Abu Dhabi also has a solid reputation for safety, an aspect of living that brings great pride to all residents alike. The emirate has been ranked twice as the safest city in the world, according to its outstanding digital security, health security, infrastructure safety, and personal security. Safety closely follows the desire for excellent healthcare amongst the top priorities of travelling patients, where Abu Dhabi achieves the highest ranks in both categories in contrast with many other countries. Today, Abu Dhabi brings together the key players in tourism, transport, immigration and healthcare, to offer an unprecedented, high-quality and specialised healthcare experience to international patients. With a holistic network of service providers, it acquires a comprehensive system to meet international patient requirements utilising existing local expertise and capacity in healthcare and infrastructure.

Saeed Al Dhaheri: ‘Abu Dhabi Welcomes More Medical Tourists’

One of your latest achievements includes bringing the Medical Tourism Association to Abu Dhabi to focus on developing Abu Dhabi as a preferred destination for medical treatment. What would you point out as the most important factors contributing to the medical excellence of Abu Dhabi? - Abu Dhabi offers state-of-the-art medical Saeed Al infrastructure, facilities and treatments, and Dhaheri, embraces a holistic environment for rejuvenaDCT Abu tion and recovery. Seeking treatment in Abu Dhabi Dhabi will not only provide travelling patients with high-end medical services, it will ensure they are being taken care of from the moment they set foot in the emirate, until they depart safely.

“Abu Dhabi offers stateof-the-art medical infrastructure, facilities and treatments, and embraces a holistic environment for rejuvenation and recovery” Saeed Al Dhaheri, Tourism Special Interests Manager at the Department of Culture and Tourism

What distinguishes Abu Dhabi healthcare market from other cities in the region? - One of the main advantages is the JAWDA programme, a quality index that provides precise data and figures of the quality and standards of healthcare services offered in different cities and countries, which enables patients to decide on the right destination for the best treatment. The Department of Health – Abu Dhabi launched the “Abu Dhabi Healthcare Quality Indicators – JAWDA” in 2014, with the aim to improve the quality of healthcare services provided to nationals and residents in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. The quality metrics cover four main areas: safety, effectiveness of care, timeliness of service delivery, and patient-centric delivery of care. You are also credited with overseeing the implementation of a new ‘medical visa’. What are the benefits of such a visa? - The implementation of a new ‘medical visa’ for visitors arriving in Abu Dhabi enables them to take advantage of the medical facilities and expertise in the emirate. With an easyto-obtain medical visa, on-ground transportation and fully involved hotels and tourism agencies, patients will enjoy a steady and smooth recovery, all the while feeling right at home.


News & Trends

HEALTH TOURISM News & Trends The results of the German survey Top Business Travel 2018 show there is great openness among business travellers to new digital tools. A great majority of them would like to use a mobile check-in/out at the hotel and virtual payment, and artificial intelligence would also come in handy. 54% of business travellers appreciate permanent availability of a ChatBot, which answers online travel questions, and 63% of them would also like to be advised by a virtual assistant on travel matters.

Photo: Rawpixel, Unsplash

The 12th annual Global Wellness Summit, held in Cesena, Italy, covered the topic of the wellness industry and tackled the issue of overtourism. It has stated that overtourism is now one of the defining issues of the travel and tourism industry, but there is a cure - wellness tourism can be a way to move travellers out of overcrowded sites and over to rural areas, as much of wellness’ growth is happening in underdeveloped areas of developed tourism markets.

Photo: Jacek Dylag, Unsplash

Cure for Overtourism

Business Travellers Welcome Digitalization

A recently released international report Medical Tourism: Associations and Clusters Survey 2018 analyses the current challenges faced by medical travel associations and clusters around the globe. Through the most representative answers, the survey highlights the critical areas of medical tourism cooperation as follows - removing friction for private players when they deal with government, to enable mixing tourism and medical sectors into an association and aid diversification of choices based on quality and price. However, the results have also shown a big difference between what associations and clusters say is important in their work (co-ordinating medical tourism interests with governments) and what they actually measure to assess their success (inbound patient numbers, treatment volumes and patients’ feedback). The organisations that participated in the survey gave marginal importance

Photo: Depositphotos

The Importance of Good Data to the following measurement activities - monitoring the performance of the participating members and collecting data on the activities of the participating members. Lack of the member performance statistics and reliable market data makes it difficult to measure the results of the undertaken activities, which is why resolving this obstacle remains a priority for medical associations and clusters. Based on the findings, the report makes three recommendations for the global medical travel industry, including better industry co-operation, clearer performance measures and further sector education and capacity building. The survey, first of its kind in the medical travel sector, targeted 250 medical travel associations and clusters around the world. It was jointly funded and run by LaingBuisson International and Resources for Leisure Assets (RLA), international wellbeing and hospitality consultants and international healthcare experts.


Editor's choice || WHAT’S AHEAD?

The Future of European Tourism

Photo: Depositphotos

For the 7th consecutive year, European tourism experienced another year of growth. Registering over 530 million international tourist arrivals, Europe remains the global leader in tourism, but the future brings new challenges


Editor's choice || WHAT’S AHEAD?

European Tourism Day

Deliberations for the Future The 7th of November was dedicated to the European Tourism Day 2018, which revolved around the topic of ‘The Renewed EU Industrial Policy Strategy: making EU tourism stronger in a new industrial era’


n 7th November, the Charlemagne Building in Brussels, Belgium, was the place of gathering of the most prominent European stakeholders – the European Tourism Day event was attended by up to 400 participants, including representatives of the European Commission and other EU institutions, high-level representatives of public authorities at EU, national and regional level, representatives of prominent European sectorial associations and the tourism and travel industry, international organisations, academics, as well as other relevant stakeholders. The aim of the conference was to exchange views on the challenges of European tourism under the Renewed EU Industrial Policy Strategy, and to share good practices of opportunities offered by this horizontal strategic approach. After the opening remarks of Ms Elżbieta Bieńkowska, Commissioner for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, European Commission, the discussion focused on three main segments.

ON SMART TOURISM PRACTICES Although Europe remains the global leader in tourism, thanks to unique destinations and diverse natural, cultural and historical heritage, the new age of tourism is bringing an accelerated pace of economic, societal and technological transformations, predominantly in the field of big data and digital technologies, which was the topic of the first session Value Creation and Smart Innovation in EU Tourism. In this light, innovations and value creation remain of

AUTHOR: Viktorija Antolković

source-efficient business models. This way, the utmost importance for the developthe European tourism takes responsibility ment of European tourism in the new industrial age, which is why the European for the protection of the environment, but Union puts significant efforts in empower- also creates new jobs and opportunities and provides competitive advantages, ading the industry, regions, and cities to addressing the growing consumer dress emerging challenges and demand for an eco-friendlier turn them into opportunities. tourism experience. Thus, the initiatives of the KEY TOPICS European Union, such as The European Tourism Day THE IMPORTANCE the Investment Plan, the topics included good practices OF HUMAN Single Market Strategy, of stimulating innovation in CAPITAL the Capital Markets tourism, inter-regional and The third and final Union, the Digital cross-sectoral cooperation, Single Market Strategy, session focused on sustainable practices and the topic of ValorisHorizon 2020 and the ing Human Capital in European Structural and circular economy, and specific Tourism Management. As Investment Funds, play a skillset of human capital labour-intensive sectors, crucial role in stimulating investment and cross-regional tourism and travel industry are accountable for almost 25 million collaboration in innovation, includjobs in the European Union, contributing ing in tourism. with around 11% to the total EU employTo highlight this practice, the Euroment. Because tourism relies heavily on pean Union initiated the first edition of the European Capital of Smart Tourism high-quality service, provided by adcompetition, with cities Helsinki and Lyon equately skilled staff, the competencies and skills of its human capital immediately as bright examples of an innovative and come into focus. creative approach to tourism. That is especially important in the everTOWARDS CIRCULAR ECONOMY changing landscape of European tourism, where the future challenges call for new Because uncontrolled tourism growth and specific knowledge and skills, both poses a potential threat to the local envifrom employees and tourism entrepreronment, the second session was dedicated to Tourism and the Circular Economy. neurs, which is why the European Union If managed in a responsible and sustaininitiated several actions to support skills development for tourism workers. Thus, able way, tourism can be a generator of the first small conversation of the session sustainable development of the local focused on the discussion about what destination. future jobs in tourism should be, and how Through initiatives such as the EU Ecolabel and EMAS, as well as EU Circular to transform the skills of tourism professionals in order to maintain global comEconomy Action Plan aimed at tackling the problems of plastic pol- petitiveness. Second small conversation, under the title Generating Social Value lution and waste manageThrough Tourism Development, discussed ment, European tourism companies are encour- the role of the local community in showcasing local identity and culture, as well aged to implement as the utilisation of innovative social tools more sustainable, low-carbon and re- that support local tourism projects.


Interview || MARKUS STOCK

Austrian Lessons: Cooperation is a Factor of Success Since 2012 Markus Stock has served as the Head of the EU-Representation of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (WKÖ) in Brussels, which acts as the intermediary between the WKÖ and European institutions


AUTHOR: Andrea Šitum

ince the beginning of his career, Mag. Markus Stock has been oriented towards trade and business within the European context. After graduating from the Leopold-Franzens Universität Innsbruck, he completed his internship at the Court of Justice of the European Union and worked in the EU-Representation of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (WKÖ) in Brussels, and in 2012 he became the head of the EU-Representation of the WKÖ. The EU-Representation serves as the interface between the WKÖ and European institutions and cooperates with the most important business associations at Euro-

“Health tourism accounts for around 23% of all commercial stays in Austria, thus making a significant contribution to the domestic economy” pean level, thus having a comprehensive grasp of the current European issues that affect the Austrian economy.

Phot o:


Austria is currently presiding over the Council of the European Union. What are the main focuses of the presidency and what can be expected at the end of the term? - The motto of the Austrian


Presidency is ‘A Europe that protects’. The Austrian Presidency of the Council of the European Union therefore puts a focus on security and the fight against illegal migration, securing prosperity and competitiveness through digitalisation, and stability in the European neighbourhood. Of course, Brexit negotiations with the United Kingdom, progress on the multiannual financial

framework post-2020 and the debate on the future of the European Union are also the important topics the Austrian Presidency is working on. The Austrian EU Presidency takes place at a politically sensitive time because the European Parliament’s legislature ends in 2019, as is the European Commission’s term of office. Overall some 300 dossiers should be finalMarkus Stock, Head of the EU-Representation of the WKÖ

Photo: Depositphotos

Interview || MARKUS STOCK



ised before the EP elections in spring 2019 and the course for a new legislative period should be set as well. From a business perspective, the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (WKÖ) supports the Austrian Presidency in achieving solutions, allowing Europe to continue its growth path and allowing businesses to invest, offer employment and train young people.

With the contribution of 8.8% (in 2016) to Austrian GDP, tourism also plays an important role in the Austrian economy. Do you have enough data to estimate the size and potential growth rate of the health-related tourism market? - Health tourism accounts for around 23% of all commercial stays in Austria, thus making a significant contribution to the domestic economy. In total, around 24% of hotel beds in Austria in the 3-5 star categories is accounted for by health tourism. In addition to traditional health tour-

ism in the form of wellness and thermal tourism, the segment of spa and rehabilitation also plays an important role. What is the one lesson that Europe could learn from the Austrian example? - Austria is a small, export-oriented nation and strongly depends on cooperation and trade with other nations. Cooperation instead of confrontation is a factor of suc-

cess. As protectionist tendencies and confrontation seem to grow across the world, this principle is more important than ever. Education, and in particular vocational education and training (VET), is crucial for the competitiveness and social cohesion of Europe. In many countries, VET is decoupled from the demands of the labour market due to insufficient coordination between the education and employment systems. The dual apprenticeship system in Austria is the best practice in Europe. Companies are directly involved in the organization and design of VET. This is done through the well-organized chambers, which represent an important link between companies and the state. This co-ownership is crucial to the willingness of companies to offer training places. Our companies do an excellent job in vocational training and make a significant contribution to job security in Europe.

“From a business perspective, the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (WKÖ) supports the Austrian Presidency in achieving solutions, allowing Europe to continue its growth path and allowing businesses to invest, offer employment and train young people” 25

Interview || RUŽA TOMAŠIĆ

‘European Health Tourism HAS EXCEPTIONAL DIVERSITY’ As a member of the European Parliament, Ruža Tomašić is dedicated to the protection of the fishing industry and was also the organizer of the first Conference on Health Tourism on Croatian islands


uža Tomašić is a Croatian politician and member of the European Parliament, as well as a full member of the European Parliament’s Committee on Fisheries (PECH) and the European Parliament’s Committee on Regional Development (REGI). She started her career at the Police Academy, Ontario Police College, where she proved to be one of the top students in her class, especially in the practice of martial arts. She worked on the suppression of drugs and of juvenile delinquency, and after finishing her studies at the Police Academy in Canada, she completed several courses in security procedures for high officials. This enabled her to be appointed as the Head of Security during the visit of the Croatian President Franjo Tuđman to Vancouver, and later as his bodyguard. For her exceptional contribution to the fight against corruption and organized crime she was awarded with the Order of Stjepan Radić, a Croatian national decoration, in 2010. During her political career, she was twice elected as a member of the Croatian Parliament, whereas in 2013 and 2014 she was elected member of the European Parliament, winning the highest number of preferential votes on her list.


AUTHOR: Andrea Šitum

Health Tourism on Islands MEP Ruža Tomašić initiated the first Conference on Health Tourism on Croatian islands, which took place 17-18 May 2018 on the Croatian island of Korčula. Its goal is to highlight the importance of health sector as well as its potential and role in the future development of islands

Europe remains the top tourism destination globally, with health tourism comprising around 5% of general tourism in the EU28. What do you see as the greatest strengths of European health tourism? - The greatest strengths of European health tourism are certainly Europe’s excellent geographical location on the world map and the exceptional diversity of its health tourism offer. Since EU is an association of 28 Member States, health tourism business in Europe is very rich, interesting and diverse, with high level of safety, so it is not surprising that Europe is a very popular health tourism destination. In May this year you initiated the Conference on Health Tourism on Croatian islands. What was the main idea and what were the major conclusions afterwards? Could Croatian and Mediterranean islands become wellness, spa and medical retreats for revitalizing Europeans? - I have organized the first Conference on Health Tourism on Croatian islands,

which took place 17-18 May 2018 on the Croatian island of Korčula, in Vela Luka, Korkyra Hotel. The event was held in Vela Luka because of the very famous retreat and rehabilitation centre Kalos. The Conference was organized in collaboration with the Municipality of Vela Luka and the Local Action Group LAG 5. I wanted to highlight the importance of the health sector and its potential and role in the future development of islands. The Conference gathered together the public institutions of Croatia (Ministries of Health, Tourism and Agriculture, Croatian National Tourist Board, Croatian Chamber of Economy) and Europe (European Commission, Ministry of Malta), as well as international experts (the leading tour-operators from Germany, France and the Netherlands, the largest global health insurer Cigna) and Croatian authorities and professionals in the field of health tourism. The main conclusion is that all relevant sectors on national and regional (local) level should collaborate more closely because they depend on each other, especially on islands. If you want to develop health tourism on islands, regular connectivity between islands and mainland is a must. Croatian islands have a huge potential and I hope this practice will also develop on other Croatian and EU islands. Honouring the European Tourism Day you will be hosting the HTI Conference in the European Parliament. Most of the time, national presentations are offered in the Parliament and supported by MEPs. However, HTI Conference is an entirely European event and it is still backed up by the member of the European Parliament. How come you offered

Interview || RUŽA TOMAŠIĆ

“The greatest strengths of European health tourism are Europe’s excellent geographical location on the world map and exceptional diversity of its health tourism offer, so it is not surprising that Europe is a very popular health tourism destination”

Photo: Genevieve Engel, European Union

such a great support? - Health Tourism Industry Project is a project that attracted my attention when I was invited to a Zagreb event they organized. Since I did not have the opportunity to attend, my REGI Policy Advisor went instead of me. She informed me that the people and the event were organized immaculately, so I decided to cooperate with them while I was preparing Korčula Conference. The leading people of HTI, Mr Zdeslav Radovčić and Mrs Leila Krešić Jurić, have made a tremendous impact on me, since it was brought to my attention that they were hardworking professionals and prominent experts in the field of health tourism. They have managed to build the HTI as a leading European B2B event in the health industry, gathering hundreds of delegates from more than fifty countries. Therefore, it was indeed my honour to offer my support to this project.


Interview || IVAN NOVAK


Has a Strong Tradition of Health Tourism’

The Croatian National Tourist Board places targeted investment in activities related to the promotion of Croatia’s health tourism, such as the recent campaign dedicated to health tourism, reveals Ivan Novak, director of office in Brussels


Photo: Depositphotos

s an expert with extensive experience in the travel and management industry, Ivan Novak has been the director of the Croatian National Tourist Board for the Benelux countries in Brussels since 2010. This is a market that increasingly perceives Croatia as a year-round destination, reveals Mr. Novak. - The Dutch market saw an increase of 9% in arrivals and 5% in overnight stays this year (by 22nd October), the Belgium market increased by 3% in arrivals, while the overnight stays are at the level of last year, while Luxembourg saw an increase of 18% in arrivals and 17% in overnight stays. In total, the Benelux market has generated more than 0.7 million arrivals and 4.2 million overnight stays this year, placing it 8th in its importance for Croatian tourism, with the growth


AUTHOR: Andrea Šitum

trend reported especially in the pre- and post-season periods - he adds. The Croatian National Tourist Board has launched a special promotional campaign

“Health tourism is the fastest growing part of the tourism industry, growing at a rate of 15 to 20 per cent annually, while users of health tourism services spend 20 to 30 per cent more than the average guest”

focused on health tourism. What campaign results do you expect? - A special promotional campaign focuses on the promotion of health tourism as one of the key segments of the Croatian tourist offer. The campaign will be carried out in six markets, in Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Great Britain, Italy and Switzerland by 6th December. The focus is on display and print ads, and on special online forms and social networks such as Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. In this segment, Croatia has an exceptionally strong resource base and a rich tradition. We are confident of the positive effects and results of this campaign, which will position Croatia’s health tourism offer even stronger in the international market. This is also confirmed by the results of the TOMAS Summer 2017 poll, according to which

Photo: Depositphotos

Interview || IVAN NOVAK

In the first nine months of 2018, Croatia welcomed 18 million tourists and reached the number of 100 million overnight stays one month earlier than the previous year. How are you satisfied with the results? - At the beginning of this tourist year we announced growth of tourist traffic in the range of 5 to 7 per cent. Past results and expected trends indicate that we were right. This is an excellent result that is higher than the European average, which confirms our country’s competitive position on the international market. Other indicators such as tourism spending are also favourable. According to the Croatian National Bank (HNB), in the first six months of 2018, revenues from foreign tourists amounted to EUR 3 billion, which represents a growth of 10 per cent compared to the same period last year, or EUR 276 million more. By the end of the year we expect revenues that will exceed EUR 12 billion. The promotional video ‘Ambassadors of Croatian Tourism’ was awarded in Las Vegas with the ‘Travel Video Award’ and at the Zagreb TourFilm Festival. The 2018 FIFA World Cup Final has also contributed to the promotion of Croatia. What are the reactions? How has the perception of Croatia changed? - The video was filmed on various recognizable locations in Croatia and 10 famous celebrities from the world

of sports and art took part in it - Luka Modrić, Ivan Rakitić, Mario Mandžukić, Mateo Kovačić, Dejan Lovren, Dario Šarić, Marin Čilić, 2Cellos, Maksim Mrvica and Zrinka Cvitešić. In addition to the famous Croatian

Photo: CNTB

7% of the tourists visit Croatia motivated by health reasons, while about 8% come for the wellness facilities.

“The Croatian National Tourist Board has been making target investments in the inventorization and promotion of health tourism in order to expand the offer, achieve an adequate level of quality standards and to make Croatia truly one of the leading health tourism destinations” Ivan Novak, director of the Croatian National Tourist Board in Brussels

destinations, the video also promotes other forms of the Croatian tourist offer, such as cultural and historical heritage, enogastronomy, active vacations, nautical and natural attractions. We are extremely pleased that this film was awarded by both foreign experts, as well as by Croatian experts. This is a confirmation that the Croatian Tourist Board, together with our partners, creates top-notch promotional content. The success of our football team, as well as the promotional activities we carried out during and after the World Cup in Russia, are certainly elements that significantly contribute to the visibility of our country. Concrete positive effects on tourism traffic will be most noticeable next year, although the positive effect has already been felt this year. What are the further plans for health tourism promotion of Croatia in key global markets? - Building on the Croatian Tourism Development Strategy until 2020, the Health Tourism Development Action Plan brings a vision of Croatia as an internationally recognizable health tourism destination which stands out by its medical wellness facilities, in particular thalassotherapy programmes, competitive health tourism appropriately combined with the Central European environment and top-quality competitive and well-priced, market-oriented medical tourism. One of the primary goals is to improve the international recognition and desirability of wellness, healthcare and medical tourism content, supported by activities foreseen in the domain of promotion and sales, and connecting with facilitators of health and medical tourism. In addition, a lot of work is being done to improve capacities, on networking and promotion, where the Croatian National Tourist Board plays a significant role, which in the past two years has been making target investments in the inventorization and promotion of health tourism in order to expand the offer, achieve an adequate level of quality standards and to make Croatia truly one of the leading health tourism destinations.




Photo: Depositphotos

According to the biophilia hypothesis, human beings are evolutionary predisposed to react positively to nature. Because of that, nature can impact people’s well-being in terms of psychological benefits, such as stress reduction, restored focus and positive emotions




Meet Healthcare

It is well documented how physical environment can have a positive impact on human well-being and health. But this is just one aspect of it – the same attention should be given to tangible and intangible aspects of hospitality throughout entire healthcare system



Building for human health is not, in itself, so new. Since the 1980s, healthcare architecture has had some crucial findings, such as the use of natural light, beneficial effects of art or contribution of nature and natural view to promote health. Traces can be

Photo: Depositphotos

y its definition, as defined in Cambridge Dictionary, hospitality is “the act of being friendly and welcoming to guests and visitors“. The same word stands for one of the world’s oldest and largest industries, group of service-based businesses encompassing bars, restaurants, hotels, vacation resorts, and more. But ironically, as it is often pointed put, the words “hospitality” and “hospital” come from the same root word, hospes in Latin, meaning “guest” or “host.” Except for sharing the same root word, it can be argued that the two entities also share some common characteristics – in both instances the focus is set upon taking care of the unique needs of their guests by providing comfortable accommodation, food service, privacy and security, and other similar amenities. So, it is no wonder that one can benefit from the experiences of the other, with quality design as helpful creative force set to improve the guest/patient experience of both.

AUTHOR: Viktorija Antolković

found in the idea of biophilic design, which seeks to bridge our inherent need to connect with nature in the modern built environment, based on the work of Edward O. Wilson and his “biophilia”. Another influence is derived from the theory of salutogenesis, originated from the field of Medical Sociology. Medical or therapeutic architecture, or salutogenic design, refers to the beneficial impact of environmental interventions to increase wellbeing and sense of community. The goal is to minimize the

amount of exertion needed to overcome stressful situations and provide social support, which can be especially helpful when battling mental health disorders, including Alzheimer’s.


Hospitality and healthcare also intertwined in the design of healthcare surroundings that were connected with the natural environment and their communities, while at the same trying to be pleasing to patients. However, this often stopped at surface aesthetic and added hospitality qualities, such as warm wood flooring or homelike bedspreads, while a more thoughtful approach was left out.


Photo: Depositphotos


Now, the new approach includes “smart design” that goes beyond room details and focuses on overall patient experience. Wellness architecture has already integrated design into the hospitable and “feel-good“ vibe of its facilities, from natural materials that address the physical and mental health to elaborated high-tech standards for human health and well-being. Furthermore, many emerging healthcare segments are positioning themselves on the intersection of hospitality and healthcare, such as senior care centres, wellness and medical tourism facilities. One of the examples is the Hogewey Dementia Village in the Netherlands, where salutogenesis has been the key principle of this first dementia village with the aim to establish a non-institutional, patientfriendly concept of a healthcare home.

Call for Purpose and Authenticity The needs of wellness travellers call for unique experiences “rooted in meaning, purpose, authenticity and nature”, states the Global Wellness Institute, and wellness architecture should reflect that

With that in mind, key design factors should include overall cohesiveness of the on-property experience and provide an immersive experience for guests. This is enabled through seamless integration of wellness facilities and service platform, as well as details and design principles that constitute an important part of the guests’ overall experience. The space should also address the growing need ARCHITECTURE OF WELL-BEING for authentic experience As wellness is much more than visitand stronger connecing a spa, the architecture and design tion to nature, comof a wellness resort should be munities and other aligned with the primary individuals, which WHEN A purpose of guiding an can be accomplished individual towards through an ecoHOSPITAL DOESN’T developing healthy friendly and sustainFEEL LIKE ONE habits – including able design. Even with a luxurious private physical activities, suite, a hospital is still a hospital. customised nutrition, HOSPITALITY IN But what can make a difference wellness education HEALTHCARE and special interest As guest orientais a genuine interest in the patient programming with tion stands at the core and “human touch”, something the goal of extending of the hospitality inwhich can be adopted through the wellness routine dustry, other industries lessons from hospitality into daily lives. and sectors may profit



from its experiences. This is especially true for the healthcare industry, which is trying to reduce the costs of caring for aging and chronic disease-driven population while at the same time maintaining high quality of care. Although the healthcare system collects a real wealth of clinical and personal information, it mainly lacks data to build a complete picture of patients’ needs, desires, and concerns that can lead to deeper understanding. In order to anticipate and accommodate patients’ needs and preferences, and tailor differentiated experience aimed at improving patient satisfaction, collecting and curating experience-related patients’ data will be of utmost importance. As means of achieving this, healthcare organizations can turn to the practices used in other industries (and hospitality industry quickly comes to mind) in order to learn how to deliver satisfying experiences that attract and retain lifelong guests. Because of that, one of the important factors of well-being and positive patient experience in the healthcare concerns hospitality and great guest experience, or more specifically, the ‘human touch’. That should include caring for patients and staff, investing in employees and coaching them to reach out to patients, and, overall, adopting patient-centred approach. Because of that, there is a growing need to learn from hospitality industry in order to integrate intangible and tangible aspects of a positive guest experience.

Health tourism || TOP CLINIC TURKEY

COMMITMENT to World-Class Care

Top Clinic provides the latest and most innovative techniques and methods of hair transplant and plastic surgeries, all while ensuring the maximum satisfaction and most exceptional level of care

op Clinic is one of the most qualified beauty clinics focused on bringing out the best in people, by making high-quality hair transplant operations, plastic surgeries, and cosmetic dentistry. Top Clinic was established in Istanbul, Turkey, and boasts a three-year-long record of accomplishments alongside with highly experienced surgeons and doctors. Furthermore, the clinic provides services on five different languages - English, Spanish, German, Italian, and French.


At Top Clinic the patients can be confident to receive the ultimate care to make them look and feel better, due to the choice of the recognized hospitals for establishing Top Clinic’s medical centre, which is certified by Turkish Ministry of Health. Furthermore, the medical centre is equipped with the latest global medical technologies in hair transplant, cosmetic surgeries, and cosmetic dentistry. Top Clinic’s priority is to enable steady recovery by providing worldwide quality of medical care, approved by TEMOS. The clinic’s surgeons and doctors are certified by

Keeping Up with Emerging Changes

The measure of any beauty clinic is how it reacts to emerging changes in cosmetic techniques and medical technologies at large. Thus, the priority of Top Clinic is to maintain that level on the global scale and keep up with the latest techniques. Top Clinic takes upon itself to meet all your needs, no matter where in the world you are

Photo: Top Clinic


PROMO Top Clinic

Turkish Ministry of Health and The International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS). Top Clinic is fully enabling better outcomes across the continuum of care. In line with the clinic’s motto “Uncover Your Beauty”, they cultivate an approach which offers a high level of luxury and reassurance, in order to feel confident and comfortable before, during, and after the cosmetic procedure.


Top Clinic’s mission is to provide the most exceptional level of care for their patients, diagnose their medical problems, and to ensure their maximum satisfaction. They believe that the time in which a patient achieves his goals plays an essential role in how the patient thinks about his selfesteem, so at the Top Clinic the focus is on achieving that as soon as possible. The clinic strives to expand on the global level and offer their services to the whole world, in order to be the world’s leader in patients’ experience, in line with the advancing techniques, and to exceed their patients’ expectations at all times. Top Clinic is committed to complying with the highest professional standards. The clinic demonstrates its commitment to world-class care every day - maintaining the patients’ satisfaction, encouraging innovation and continually seeking better, more efficient ways to achieve its goals.

The services offered by Top Clinic include: Hair Transplant Surgery - Female Hair Transplant - Male Hair Transplant - Beard hair Transplant - Eyebrow Hair Transplant Plastic Surgeries - Abdominal Etching (Six Packs) - Arm Lift - Rhinoplasty - Liposuction - Fat Transfer - Breast Augmentation - Breast Lift - Buttocks Augmentation - Buttocks Reduction - Tummy Tuck - Male Breast Reduction - Prominent Ear Correction - Face Lift Non-Surgical Plastic Treatment - Chemical Peel - Facelift Injections - Platelet-Rich Plasma - Mesotherapy - Silhouette Soft Facelift Cosmetic Dentistry - Dental Implant - Hollywood Smile


Photo: Bagatin Clinic

Health tourism || PROMO BAGATIN CLINIC

7 Bagatin Laws

g n di an r B of

Everything you do is branding, says Ognjen Bagatin, Bagatin Clinic CEO, as he shares his personal experience of building the Bagatin Clinic brand and 360° approach to marketing


ocated in two attractive locations in the center of Zagreb, Bagatin Clinic is Croatia’s leading multispecialty clinic. The story of Bagatin Clinic started in 1995, when Prof. Marijo Bagatin, one of the most renowned maxillofacial surgeons in Croatia, opened his private practice. This family-run clinic was inherited by his sons, Dinko and Tomica, both successful and acknowledged cosmetic surgeons, and Ognjen, on the position of the clinic Director. With more than 23 years of experience, the Clinic has provided more than 20.000 clients


AUTHOR: Andrea Šitum

TRACKING CLIENT PREFERENCES Bagatin Clinic online guides and pricelists are being downloaded in more than 260.000 copies a year the marketing team monitors web performance daily and keeps track of the preferences of current and potential clients according to the number of downloaded materials

with high quality aesthetic services. The Clinic offers more than 250 different treatments across four departments with 90 employees ensuring and devoting themselves to providing a five-star treatment through the entire customer journey. State-of-the-art technology, latest methods of non-invasive treatments and surgical procedures, coupled with highly trained and educated medical specialists result in Bagatin Clinic being the top service provider that follows international standards. Today, they are recognized as the leading plastic surgery, dentistry, dermatology and cosmetology clinic in Croatia.

Health tourism || PROMO BAGATIN CLINIC

5 Marketing Tips & Tricks

by the director of Bagatin Clinic, CEO, Ognjen Bagatin


Use all available online tools for lead generation Their cost is usually insignificant next to the potential benefits (or at least try them through a trial period).

Photo: Bagatin Clinic


Test everything Every business story or market is unique and without testing you can’t possibly know which marketing channels are the best for you.

3. 4.

Find someone good for this job because you don’t have a clue Be sure he/she is married to Excel! Set up your goals and allocate your budget Your key metrics are lead conversion rate and cost per lead. See if numbers are green, be aware of the statistical significance!


Photo: Bagatin Clinic


Do everything again – every day, every week, every month! And remember, everything you do is branding. Be detailed. Be consistent. Be patient. Your people, your clients, your brand. In that order. There is no other correct way.

From the very inception of the Bagatin Clinic, their business strategy was to set up a standard of quality that was unparalleled in the Croatian market, and the Clinic recognized the importance of using modern channels of communication and marketing from the start. With an innovative approach to marketing Bagatin Clinic has set a standard of excellence that starts with excellent communication with the clients and an individualized approach. Clinic continually works on creating unique content on their website and social media platforms (Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube and two Facebook pages, Bagatin Clinic and Bagatin Clinic dental center) to give the clients additional value. This approach has resulted in a large number of followers on Facebook,

more than 140 000 as well as in the monthly reach of their content.


Bagatin Clinic advertises in the most popular magazines and portals – through classic ads, native ads, vlogs, columns and organized events. - We have started including a lot of video content in the marketing collateral and have focused marketing activities in that direction. All videos are being uploaded on our YouTube channel, with currently more than 300 videos online, and embedded afterwards within the webpage content and social media, very often with subtitles. Furthermore, we post one-minute educational videos on Facebook and Instagram profiles where the Clinic’s doctors answer the most common questions and explain the

procedures more closely to the clients. With the same purpose the Bagatin TV channel has been integrated within the webpage with videos of the doctors explaining the procedures, first hand patient experiences and presentational videos for introducing new technologies - says Ognjen Bagatin, Clinic CEO. Bagatin Clinic online guides and pricelists are being downloaded in more than 260 000 copies a year and this personal approach to communication has attracted new patients and allowed them the retention of the existing ones. - With the help of our loyal brand ambassadors and spokespersons and their positive attitude through the campaigns we have reached 1.242.000 fans and followers. The marketing team monitors web performance daily and keeps track of the preferences of our current and


Health tourism || PROMO BAGATIN CLINIC potential clients according to the number of downloaded materials – added Mr. Bagatin.

Bagatin Laws of Branding

1. 2.

Be your mission and vision Be consistent in knowing where you are going and how you will get there. Act on your strengths You have to know what your competitive advantages are your people are your strength. Answer yourself the question, what makes you special?

3. 4.

Grow your identity and image Do never compromise your mission and vision. Everything you do or don`t do is branding! Ask your clients Not all clients are desirable. You have to know your clients - segmentation and targeting. Brand your most profitable services!

5. 6.

Timing & continuity Be constantly visible everywhere your customers are! Keep on keeping your presence! Investigate & measure Measure your KPIs. Anytime and anywhere you have to know your marketing and sales numbers.


Never break your promise Never overpromise & underdeliever. Quality over quantity. Always measure your clients’ satisfaction!


Average investment in Google and Facebook advertising amounts to $600.000 per year. The Clinic covers all channels and all parts of the customer journey - ads, communication and targeting are tailored according to the RACE model (reach, act, convert and engage) and use advanced analytical tools such as Supermetrics that enables to keep track of all the campaigns. Furthermore, the Clinic uses Google Search Network and Display Network, while on Facebook they use a diversity of campaigns – engagement, traffic, conversion and lead ads which they optimize to get the best of results. Bagatin Clinic is proud to be the marketing leader in Croatia and the region with presence on all relevant platforms, where the interactivity of the website enables clients to be fully digitally interactive with the team before even entering the Clinic. In creating the brand, the Bagatin Clinic went so far that the postulate, called “7 Bagatin Laws of Branding”, has emerged, giving clear guidelines important for the process of building a brand.


Photo: Bagatin Clinic

Photo: Bagatin Clinic


and potential clients are offered with free consultation for certain services and provide the clients with special discounts on certain services at a certain time - Happy Hours.


One of the greatest achievements for Bagatin Clinic believes in providing the clients with tailored services on pair Bagatin Clinic in the area of marketing (traditional as well as digital) in the inwith five-star hotels and offers their ternational markets was the publication loyal clients the opportunity to enroll into the exclusive loyalty program called of the Destination Guide in cooperation with the Medical Tourism AssociaElite club. - It is a way of consolidating the existing relationtion which is now printed in its third edition. Their joint ships with the clients, to ALL CHANNELS efforts and cooperation attract new ones and turn one-time visitors resulted in a unique AVAILABLE guide that contains into regular clients. Bagatin Clinic continually works The loyalty program all the necessary inon creating unique content on enables the Clinic formation regarding their website and social media Zagreb and Croato get to know the platforms (Instagram, LinkedIn, tia as top tourist clients and their YouTube and two Facebook destinations, with an habits with the purpose of sales imin-depth description pages, Bagatin Clinic and Bagatin provement and brand of the Clinic and its Clinic dental center) to give the services, staff, facilities strengthening – says clients additional value and equipment. Mr. Bagatin. To increase the number Special events are being organized with partners of international clients, Bagatin from Croatia and the entire region for Clinic actively visits specialized global conferences, such as the WMTC in Los the Loyalty club clients where they are Angeles, where they participated as presented with services and products that might seem appealing to them (e.g. Golden sponsors, with their CEO, OgnRolex, Moet). The Clinic also organizes jen Bagatin, as one of the speakers. Furopen door events where the existing thermore, in 2017 Croatia hosted several

Health tourism || PROMO BAGATIN CLINIC significant conferences relevant in the world of medical tourism such as the HTI Conference in Rovinj with Bagatin Clinic participating as silver sponsor and the IMTJ Summit held in Opatija where the Clinic was awarded for the “International Cosmetic Surgery Clinic of the Year” and won third place for the “Best Marketing Initiative” in 2017. This year, Bagatin Clinic continues at the same pace in building the brand internationally. The year of international performances began in February at the 4th Annual Tourism CE Summit in Berlin with the title of sponsor. Upon the return, Bagatin Clinic was welcoming the HTI Conference in Zagreb, again with the title of DESTINATION a silver sponsor. This event was followed GUIDE by the IMTJ Summit In cooperation with the Medical which was held in Tourism Association, Bagatin Clinic has beautiful Athens created a unique destination guide that this year. With the contains all the necessary information title of the Golden Sponsors, Bagatin regarding Zagreb and Croatia as top Clinic achieved a tourist destinations, with an in-depth great result and was description of the Clinic and its declared finalist in services, staff, facilities three categories - for exand equipment cellence in customer care, best cosmetic surgery and best dental clinic of the year. They will finish this year by participating at yet another HTI Conference in Bruxelles.

Photo: Bagatin Clinic

Photo: Bagatin Clinic


Bagatin Clinic Green Gold Tower Grada Vukovara 269a/10, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Downtown - Centre Kneza Višeslava 14/2, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia T: +385 (0) 1 46 10 225 Email:


Photo: IVF Clinic

38 Photo: IVF Clinic

Photo: IVF Clinic

Photo: IVF Clinic




Is the Biggest Award’’ The IVF Clinic has developed a comprehensive approach to diagnosis and treatment of infertile couples based on thirty year of experience of Prof. Velimir Šimunić’s, the founder of the Clinic and pioneer of gynaecological endocrinology

hanks to the work of Prof. Velimir Šimunić, MD, PhD, a specialist in gynaecology and obstetrics and subspecialist in human reproduction, over 5,000 children have been born using the methods of assisted reproductive technologies. This pioneer of gynaecological endocrinology and human reproduction was the leader of a team of experts who succeeded in achieving the conception and birth of the first Croatian IVF baby, which carved his name in the annals of the medical profession. Prof. Velimir Šimunić, MD, PhD, is also the founder and director of the IVF Clinic, the first private facility for treating infertility in this area, engaged in reproductive medicine and in vitro fertilisation - IVF and ICSI treatments. Thanks to your pioneering work you started the IVF program in 1982/83 at the Clinic for Gynaecology and Obstetrics of the University Hospital Centre Zagreb in Petrova Street, where you led the team of experts who managed to achieve the conception and birth of the first IVF baby in Croatia, or former Yugoslavia. I think many people are not even aware of the significance of this achievement at the global level… - Yes, thanks to the IVF team from Petrova Clinic under my leadership, Croatia was at the time the seventh country in the world and fifth one in Europe (after the United Kingdom and Germany) that succeeded in an important and attractive branch of medicine, reproductive medicine. This success in IVF treatment was seen as one of the major

“There is nothing better than when, at the end of the day, on-call shift, week, you conclude – I really did my best to help people“ medical achievements. Even today, in vitro fertilization and new related technologies are a reflection of the quality of advanced medicine and clinical embryology. Early success strengthened our reputation and earned us the respect of the profession on the global scale. You established the IVF Clinic, the first private facility for treating infertility, in 1997. What made you take this step? - I continued my career at the Clinic for Gynaecology and Obstetrics of the University Hospital Centre Zagreb, where I further tried to improve reproductive medicine, IVF procedures and gynaecological endocrinology. I had the privilege to teach young people, transfer my knowledge and experience. I established the IVF Clinic over 20 years ago, but it took a while for private healthcare to be accepted as an equal subject among the public and patients. I continued to work in the hospital and I practiced privately in the afternoons. I was continuously employed at the Faculty of Medicine and Clinic in Petrova for 40 years.

Photo: IVF Clinic


AUTHOR: Andrea Šitum


Interview || PROF. VELIMIR ŠIMUNIĆ, MD, PHD Nowadays the Clinic employs top quality experts in a state-of-the-art facility in Babonićeva Street No. 121. How many people are in the team? How well is the hospital equipped? - The Clinic has eight full-time employees and additionally hires six top experts in reproductive medicine. This demanding part of medicine has to be fully equipped, from “clean room“ technology to sophisticated devices, ultrasound machines, operating theatre, incubator and embryology laboratory. The experts, experience, as well as state-of-the-art technology all contribute to the quality of work performed. What fertility treatments are performed at the IVF Clinic? - We perform a complete diagnosis of both partners, as well as the overall treatment. Minor surgical procedures, hysteroscopy, ovulation stimulation, all methods of assisted reproductive technologies, endocrine treatment, treatment of endometriosis, myoma, abnormal bleeding... How many couples face infertility? Do you have information on the percentages in Croatia and the world? - In Croatia, similar to the Western world, the incidence of infertility has increased to 17% of all couples. This means that almost 80,000 couples need help conceiving. How many babies are born each year in Croatia thanks to assisted reproductive technologies? - Around 6,000 assisted reproductive tech-

Infertility Treatments Today, the IVF Clinic successfully performs comprehensive diagnosis and treatment of infertility - semen analysis and advanced analysis of male infertility, endocrine disorders in women, treatment of myoma, endometriosis, adenomyosis and all types of assisted reproductive technology

nology procedures are performed in Croatia each year, and 1,200-1,400 babies are born, last year we even had 1,600 babies. This is a significant contribution to our birth rate by more than 4% of live births. Looking back at the past two decades, how did things change? Which areas achieved the greatest successes and where is there still room for improvement? - Reproductive medicine has made great progress. High-quality gamete and embryo freezing (the so-called vitrification) has been achieved. This resulted in technologies in which cryo-procedures are even more successful than fresh IVF. Fertility preservation methods have been made available (in oncofertility, medical and social indications). Medications, culture media and equipment have been improved, as well as patient safety. Risks, such as ovarian hyperstimulation are avoided. Sperm can be obtained surgically from testicles. Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD, PGS, etc.) has been improved and it is possible to avoid pregnancy with an abnormal embryo. Success rate can be up to 60%. Assisted reproductive technology is very advanced at our facility and we use all state-of-the-art and proven technologies. Unfortunately, donation programme and PGD are still not in use.

info Poliklinika IVF Photo: Depositphotos

Babonićeva 121, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia T: +385 (0) 1 4678 600 Email:


Your clinic is famous for high success rate in assisted reproductive technology. How many couples come to your clinic each year? - Each year our clinic treats 300-400 couples using assisted reproductive technology. Success depends on the woman’s age and causes of infertility. For younger women the probability of success is 50-60% with a fresh procedure and about 45% with a cryo-procedure (using frozen embryos). As a woman grows older this probability of success drops by 50%. How do you explain the increasing infertility in couples? - The main reason is delaying birth until a woman is over 30. Natural fertility and ovarian reserve diminish after the age of 32, and very rapidly after the age of 38. There are numerous other reasons for infertility – weight issues, diseases of the reproductive system, harmful habits and environmental toxins. Several studies have shown a decrease in male fertility, who have 50% worse fertility indicators in the spermogram compared to 50 years ago. Why is that so? - This is true. Male sterility has been a more common reason nowadays because a number of harmful factors can affect the continuous sperm production. These include heat, cold, smoking, weight issues,

“In Croatia, similar to the Western world, the incidence of infertility has increased to 17% of all couples. This means that almost 80,000 couples need help conceiving“

Interview || PROF. VELIMIR ŠIMUNIĆ, MD, PHD heavy metals, pesticides, inflammations, cell phones close to the testicles, etc. Also, steroids (anabolics) and oestrogens in food (fattened meats). It seems that vitamin D deficiency also plays a role. What are the main causes of infertility in men, and what are the main causes in women? - For both men and women an inflammation of reproductive organs can be fatal. The most common causes in women are anovulation, endometriosis, myoma and ovarian cancer. Any surgery in the pelvis can result in adhesions, but also significantly reduce ovarian reserve. In the fourth decade diseases are more frequent, as well as pathological changes in the uterus. How is fertility affected by the factors such as unhealthy habits, smoking, weight issues...? How can couples improve their chances of conceiving? - Weight issues, smoking and alcohol reduce fertility in both partners by 50%. Couples over 41 find it five times more difficult to conceive than young couples. In

our country there are 60% of obese or overweight young couples. This causes endocrine disorders, insulin resistance, etc. In vitro fertilization can often be a lengthy process, physically and mentally exhausting. How important is mental preparation for couples prior to undergoing a procedure, given the possible failure of the treatment? - A fair approach to couples is important, as well as explanations and mental preparation. We have to understand a deeper emotional connection of women associated with maternal drive. The IVF Clinic has been successfully recertified according to ISO 9001:2015 standard. What does such a certification mean on a global scale? - Our mission is to provide patients with safety and high-quality treatment. Obtaining international certificates is a confirmation of the quality of our work. We were the first healthcare facility in Croatia to receive the ISO certification issued by a German certification body InterCert back in 2001 (at the time there was no certification for assisted reproductive technology procedures in Croatia). Today we are also the first assisted reproductive technology clinic with the ISO 9001:2015 standard issued by Buro Veritas. We have also had the Global Clinic Ranking certificate for three years already.

“When you are present on the international market, holding a certificate is a reflection of your commitment and high quality standards, which is something patients recognize“ When you are present on the international market, holding a certificate is a reflection of your commitment and high quality standards, which is something patients recognize. For more than 25 years you were the Head of the Department for Human Reproduction at the Clinic for Gynaecology and Obstetrics in Zagreb, you are the founder of the Society of Human Reproduction of the Croatian Medical Association and a full member of the Academy of Medical Sciences. In 2017 you were awarded the highest national acknowledgment by the Croatian Medical Chamber for outstanding professional achievements that significantly improved healthcare in Croatia. What does such recognition mean to you? - Each praise, each acknowledgement is an award for the effort, commitment and some sort of achievement. When a person dedicates their entire life to improving their abilities to help someone, then it is nice when this is recognized. There is nothing better than when, at the end of the day, oncall shift, week, you conclude – I really did my best to help people. Happiness and gratitude for motherhood are a great encouragement, but also a reward. Knowledge and experience bring about another unparalleled privilege - to teach young people, transfer knowledge and monitor their progress.



ZYGOMA ALL-ON-4 Changing the Face of Implantology

Lack of bone matter in the upper jaw is no longer an obstacle for implants - the new zygomatic implants have successfully managed to overcome that barrier


AUTHOR: Andrea Šitum

“From my experience, I believe this method, that requires excellent surgical skills, takes precedence over other methods for dealing with tooth loss. That includes six or eight implants in the upper jaw and sinus lift, a bone augmentation procedure“ Zdenko Trampuš, DDS

ou may have been told that you are not a suitable candidate for upper jaw implants and that your only option is the outdated and uncomfortable prosthesis or more implants plus bone augmentation (sinus lift). We believe that anyone who is convinced there is no other option will be glad to hear that is no longer the case, thanks to the Zygoma All-On-4 method. Now everyone with lack of bone matter or complete bone resorption in the upper jaw can get implants. Thanks to this state of the art dental method, implemented in only a few offices in the world, dealing with missing teeth will never be the same.


It has been a long journey for dentistry, one that took us from uncomfortable prosthesis, to All-on-4 concept. Luckily, now patients with a completely toothless jaw can say goodbye to their old prosthesis, thanks to All-on-4 – a method where both jaws can be implanted with four implants made on the basis of digitally designed teeth. The best dental implants on the market, combined with a state of the art treatment concept, result in a fast and painless treatment. In a couple of hours, the patient gets teeth

Meet Zdenko Trampuš, DDS

Zdenko Trampuš, DDS, graduated from The School of Dental Medicine at The University of Zagreb. He received further training in the field of implantology at UCLA (University of California Los Angeles, USA) in 2008. He is a member of American Dental Implant Association (The Implant Prosthodontic Section of ICOI), co-founder and member of the European Academy of Piezosurgery, member of the International Congress of Oral Implantologists, and co-founder and member of GFDT (Functional Diagnostics and Therapy Association). Also, he is a member of Croatian Society for Maxillofacial, Plastic and Reconstructive Head and Neck Surgery, as well as Croatian Medical Association. Zdenko Trampuš, DDS, is known in Croatia for his constant search for and introduction of state-of-the-art dental technology and methods in the dental practice.


prototype implants as a temporary solution, while the permanent solution takes two and a half months to be ready. The result is a fixed prosthesis which does not appear different from natural teeth. The greatest obstacle for dental implants has always been a lack of bone matter where the implant should be placed. If the root is missing for a longer period of time, the location of the tooth loses bone matter. Until now, this was treated by a long and sometimes uncomfortable bone augmentation procedure. Luckily, that obstacle is no longer present because now you can implant zygomatic implants in the upper jaw. Zygoma implants or zygomatic implants are a revolutionary new type of implants for the upper jaw. The method was developed by Per Ingvar Brånemark, a Swedish professor, biologist, orthopaedic surgeon and scientist who dedicated a huge part of his scientific work to osseointegration (functional joining of the bone and implant).


Zygoma All-on-4 protocol has almost a 100 percent success rate and there is no need for artificial bone implants or sinus lift. Patients respond well to the protocol, especially because the procedure is entirely painless and quick. The procedure can be done on patients with diabetes, osteoporosis or another condition which can be contraindicated for bone augmentation. Also, patients can maintain oral hygiene more easily since it is identical to the care needed for natural teeth. Unlike All-on-4 method with a traditional procedure, the procedure with Zygoma implants is two times more expensive and is done exclusively by dentists with exceptional manual skills and training necessary for them to learn this operativeprosthetic method of dealing with tooth loss. So, if you were told that you are not a suitable candidate for implants, don’t hesitate to call for a free initial check up and consultation.

Photo: Ortoimplant Dental Spa


“Zygoma All-on-4 enables us to implant four zygomatic implants even to a completely dysfunctional upper jaw, giving permanent teeth to people who have lost all hope, just after a few hours in the chair“ Zdenko Trampuš, DDS



: Orto

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Ortoimplant Dental Spa Ilica 283, Zagreb, Croatia T: +385 (0) 1 37 03 498 Email:,

Photo: Ortoimplant Dental Spa


Health tourism || PATIENT EXPERIENCE

Engaged Patient

= HEALTHY PATIENT Encouraging patient engagement, i.e. employing strategies that empower patients to be active in their own healthcare and motivate them to improve their personal health, can lead to better healthcare outcomes and improved patient satisfaction


AUTHOR: Viktorija Antolković

s global healthcare is shifting its focus from CONTINUUM a treatment-based to a more wellOF CARE ness-focused Patient-doctor interaction is not approach, and the only factor that contributes at the same to patient satisfaction - great time facing significant financial patient experience is influenced constraints imposed by an by everyone and everything aging population and the high within a health system, through incidence of non-communicable the entire continuum diseases, one aspect of healthcare of care management is becoming increasingly important – the patient and their engagement in their own healthcare. In order to provide better care for individuals, better health for populations, and lower per capita costs, many agree that patients’ power has the potential to transform the healthcare system.


The patient is no longer just a passive subject undergoing medical treatments, but rather becomes an active subject who has (or at least should have) the greatest personal influence in the course of the treatment. Thus patient engagement becomes the cornerstone of the patient-centred care - engaged patients are actively enrolled in their health management, they seek out information on which they base educated decisions and proactively manage their health. A 2009 Kaiser study of coordinated cardiac care highlighted how patient engagement can bring heartening results, with just a little tweak – engag-


Health tourism || PATIENT EXPERIENCE


Improving patient experience can be influenced by a variety of factors. This task is additionally challenged by the lack of universally accepted definitions and conflicting research that shows the connections between patient satisfaction and outcomes, as explained by Matthew Manary and others in the article in The New England Journal of Medicine. Despite inconsistencies, there is still enough data to demonstrate the link between improving the patient experience and delivering a higher quality of care. Some recommendations include using patient satisfaction as a balance measure and not a driver for outcomes – in this way, balance measures empower health systems to make improvements regarding quality of care bearing in mind potential negative impacts; evaluating

EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT Healthcare organizations are beginning to realize how employee engagement and seeking out interactions with patients can impact patient experience

entire care teams and not just individual providers; colecting data and acting upon it; employing innovations in healthcare technology and improving employee engagement.


Recommendations for improving patient satisfaction can come from a surprising source. Justin Gressel for Health Catalysts argues that healthcare organizations can learn a lot from Disney, and the same is pointed out in the new course offered by the Cornell Institute for Healthy Futures, as part of a curriculum design for a new major in Hospitality Bridging Healthcare (H2H). Despite the obvious differences, success can be measured similarly – because healthcare organizations need to focus on patientcentred care, they could benefit from observing Disney’s guestcentred approach. As the foundation for providing a great guest experience, understanding the guest is the crucial part of Disney’s policy. From hands-on experience to elaborate market research, commitment to the guest permeates all levels of the Disney Company, from the front-line Disney employees all the way up to the senior leaders. And whenever

Photo: Depositphotos

ing patients in the design of their care plans. Compared to those not enrolled in the study, coordinated care “patients have an 88 per cent reduced risk of dying of a cardiac-related cause when enrolled within 90 days of a heart attack, compared to those not in the program”, which “reduced overall mortality by 76 per cent and cardiac mortality by 73 per cent.” Furthermore, when patients are involved in their own care, this is often accompanied by the increased quality and efficiency of treatment and, subsequently, increased patient satisfaction - which is an important factor to consider, as patient experience of care is a critical quality area used to evaluate the performance of healthcare facilities and in the process of accreditation.


Photo: Depositphotos

Health tourism || PATIENT EXPERIENCE


Some valuable lessons for healthcare can be derived from Disney’s dedication to providing a great guest experience. By applying such guest-centric approach, a healthcare organization can avoid the trap of focusing on disparate and low-priority activities that lose the sight of the overall, satisfying patient experience. In order to maximize patient satisfaction, the first step should include understanding the patient journey, which can be accomplished by using data and research.


This process also includes discovering which aspects of patient experience drive satisfaction (as well as dissatisfaction) and use resources in a way that will improve patient experience. In addition, this kind of care can be accomplished by ensuring that every member of the hospital

Photo: Depositphotos

important decisions are to be made, the focus should always be on the guest and their long-term satisfaction. This way the guest experience really becomes an integral part of a successful organization, and not just another bullet on a company mission statement.

Promoting Positive Patient Behaviour As defined in Health Affairs, “’patient activation’ refers to a patient’s knowledge, skills, ability, and willingness to manage his or her own health and care. ‘Patient engagement’ is a broader concept that combines patient activation with interventions designed to increase activation and promote positive patient behaviour, such as obtaining preventive care or exercising regularly.”

team is always at the patient’s disposal, not forgetting that the patient is not a burden or an interruption of work, but rather the whole reason for the job; enabling staff to seek out interactions with patients; and showing the care team how to put patients first and encourage their engagement in their own healthcare.

HUMANITAS Research Hospital in Milan, ITALY: •

6,000 patients daily

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50.000 annual ER entries

35% non-regional and foreign patients • • • • • • • • • • •

5 linear accelerators 1st TrueBeam in Italy 1st EDGE (ultra-new) Gamma Knife Robot Da Vinci Xi and Si Microsurgery and ERAS 2 O-Arm 3D endoscopic neurosurgery 2 PET-CTs (with cyclotron) 6 CT-scans 6 MRIs (incl. open, 3Tesla)

Humanitas Research Hospital International Office Via Manzoni, 56 - 20089 Rozzano (MI) ITALY +39 02 8224 2386, +39 02 8224 6579

Health tourism || GOLDEN YEARS


Caring for the Ageing Population

With an increase in ageing population and chronic conditions across the globe, the healthcare systems across different countries may soon be faced with social and economic difficulties to guarantee the well-being of its citizens


AUTHOR: Jai Verma, Senior Executive Officer and Global Head of B2G, Cigna International


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he world is quickly approaching a population tipping point. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), by 2050, the number of people aged 60 years and over is expected to grow by 56 per cent to reach nearly 2.1 billion, up from 900 million today. As the population ages, it becomes paramount for the country’s social and economic institutions to guarantee the well-being of citizens – particularly the senior age bracket. With an increase in chronic conditions across the globe, the ageing population may soon pose one of the most expensive problems ever faced by healthcare systems across different countries. For instance, in Latin America and the Caribbean, Uruguay has the oldest popula-

Jai Verma, Global Head of B2G, Cigna International


tion – similar to those in some European and Asian countries that started its demographic transition early. In other words, there are larger numbers of older adults and fewer births.


Ageing populations in most of the developed countries with social healthcare system will contribute significantly to the growth of medical tourism in the future - most of these countries will face challenges to meet the healthcare needs of their growing baby boomers. The waiting period for elective surgeries in many of these countries is forcing people with disposable income to look for quality care at the right price abroad. Hospitals in the United States have long cared for medical tourists from other countries. Of late, many medical tourists are going the other way — from the United States to other countries to receive healthcare. In 2007, it was estimated that 750.000 Americans travelled to other countries for healthcare services. In 2017, more than 1.4 million

Technological Benefits As EY’s Megatrends 2016 report and Cigna’s survey show, the next generation of smart health technologies could bring enormous benefits to the ageing population

Americans sought healthcare in a variety of countries around the world. High healthcare costs in the US are one of the drivers behind this move. On the other hand, as treatments become too expensive in China, people seeking medical attention have increasingly travelled to the US for healthcare. In 2016, the number of patients leaving China to seek medical care abroad grew by a staggering 500%. The long waiting period for medical procedures in China, lack of quality and innovation in healthcare, coupled with cheaper cost of medical care in the US (in comparison to China) are the key reasons for the outflow

Jai Verma is the Senior Executive Officer and Global Head of the B2G (Business to Government) Segment at Cigna International. He has 20 years of experience across multiple industries and countries, including first-hand exposure to new market development in Asia Pacific, Middle East, Africa, Europe and the United States

Health tourism || GOLDEN YEARS

“Ageing populations in most of the developed countries with social healthcare system will contribute significantly to the growth of medical tourism in the future - most of these countries will face challenges to meet the healthcare needs of their growing baby boomers” of medical tourists from China to the US.


Photo: Depositphotos

Here are some key measures that are helping to address the ageing conundrum: Governments stepping up: healthcare costs are surging as governments struggle with primary healthcare delivery for the young as well. Plans are underway to introduce public health strategies that address critical diseases more efficiently and manage the needs of the booming elderly population in countries including China, Thailand, Mexico and India. On the other hand, countries such as the UAE and Malaysia are becoming prime destinations for high-quality and competitively priced healthcare. Impact of technology: EY’s Megatrends 2016 report notes that the next generation of smart health technologies is poised For more information to bring enormous on Cigna’s range of health benefits to the and wellness solutions, ageing population. please contact Changes in the way medical information is received and used online have led to a fundamental shift in healthcare consumption. According to the 2017 Cigna 360° Well-Being Survey, 78 per cent of respondents believe the use of digital technology in healthcare has the potential to bring good health to more people around the world. In addition, 59 per cent of the respondents use or plan to use health apps in the next year. New and customizable solutions: healthcare companies such as Cigna are working closely with governments and medical facilities around the world to design new and flexible solutions that provide access to affordable and efficient care for senior citizens.


Wellness & Spa || SPA TOWNS OF EUROPE

The Future of the

European Thermal Heritage The aim of the European Historic Thermal Towns Association (EHTTA) is to promote and protect the unique thermal heritage of European spa towns, as well as to offer individually-tailored spa experiences

ince ancient times, people have been drawn to the hot healing mineral waters of Europe. Ancient civilizations established bathing traditions and built complexes to harness the power of water, which were upgraded by the subsequent generations, so that by the 18th century, “taking the waters” had become almost an art-form.

Photo: Bath,


AUTHOR: Simone Zagrodnik, Member of EHTTA Executive Council, City of Wiesbaden,



t o:




GmbH The most important people in in g ke t Europe gathered at the spas to n Mar e ad see and to be seen - artists, writers and philosophers rubbed shoulders with nobility and royalty, generating unique social situations. This phenomenon was known as the “Café of Europe”, a term that describes the huge creative potential of the historic thermal spa towns of Europe. These towns are renowned for the quality of their architecture, heritage, and spa facilities, as well as their hospitality to health tourists. Historically, the endorsement by the celebrities of the day generated prestigious thermal facilities - drinking halls, bathing palaces, assembly rooms, and grand hotels that characterise the present urban landscape. Landscaped gardens enabled socialisation and moderate exercise as part of the cure - also in the surrounding ‘therapeutic landscape’ – which is still a vital part of any spa town’s offer.


The European Historic Thermal Towns Association (EHTTA) is active in promoting the benefits not only of the thermal waters, but of protecting the built and cultural heritage of spa town traditions across Europe. The as-


Simone Zagrodnik, EHTTA

sociation has more than 40 members from 15 European countries, among them Budapest, Karlovy Vary, Spa, Bath, Montecatini Terme, Baden-Baden, and Vichy, as well as thermal regions, such as Galicia. Although the network’s members are all facing the challenge of global competition for tourist destinations, through the Association, they are facing it together, and finding a common response. As the thermal destinations of Europe, they are able to

“Thermal towns established the first public health policies, and they constantly play an important role in the pursuit of a better quality of life”

share an extraordinary experience with their guests and use it as an attractive USP that has great potential for future development. Whether the guests come to a thermal town for a medical cure or are simply looking for a break from the hectic nature of life in the 21st century, they will find what they seek.


The designation of EHTTA as a Cultural Route allows these incredible towns to tell their unique story together – with some effective collaborations between public and private sectors. From specific cures in high-tech clinics to general relaxation and wellness, from heritage to historical events, and from landscapes to unique urban forms, the spa towns of Europe have a fascinating package for today’s tourists who crave individually-tailored, themed “immersive” experiences which are social-media friendly. The route provides a range of package opportunities for visitors, which allow them to repair body, mind and spirit in destinations which were literally built for that purpose hundreds of years ago, and which embody a distinctly European tradition.

Discover the Thermal Heritage of Europe Culture  Art  Architecture  History  Health


More than 40 spa destinations in 15 countries are waiting for you! #thermaltravels ThermalTravels european_historic_thermaltowns

News & Trends

Active since 1982, the European Health Management Association (EHMA) is dedicated to improving health and healthcare. Its 2018 Annual Conference, titled Making It Happen, was a gathering of healthcare managers, professionals, researchers and policy makers, held 20-22 June at Semmelweis University, Hungary and hosted by its Health Services Management Training Centre (EMK). More than 400 delegates came together from across Europe to learn, debate and discuss matters relating to improving the health of communities and citizens.


The European Health Management Association is involved in several of Europe’s cutting-edge research projects. EHMA’s main expertise relates not only to project management, but also to the dissemination of research results – in particular ‘knowledge transfer’, in which the dialogue between researchers and targets group are central. EHMA is currently involved on the projects SUSTAIN, IC-Health and

Towards Integrated Care

As member of the Integrated Care Alliance, the European Union of Private Hospitals (UEHP) and the ICA partners launched its Multi-Stakeholder Digital Health Roadmap at the European Parliament. After Call for Action United Towards Integrated Care, the ICA partners presented a Multi-Stakeholder Digital Health Roadmap which identifies Integrated Care objectives by 2021 and recommended measures for the implementation.


The European Union of Private Hospitals (UEHP) organised a master class on New Generation of Risk Management, in close partnership with SHAM - Hospital Mutual Insurance Company – European leader in hospital risk. Risk Management offers levers to secure and optimize operations, with the need for an innovative approach to adapt to emerging and evolving risk profiles.

Photo: Depositphotos


New Generation of Risk Management

FIRST HANDBOOK ON LGBTQ TRAVEL IN EUROPE The European Travel Commission (ETC), in collaboration with the International Gay & Lesbian Travel Association (IGLTA), has published its first study on the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer travel market. The purpose of the Handbook on the LGBTQ Travel Segment, authored by Peter Jordan, is to help European destinations to comprehend the potential of the LGBTQ travel market.


EHMA Conference on Healthcare Management

Photo: Depositphotos


Photo: Wiesbaden Marketing GmbH

Wellness & Spa || GIFT OF NATURE

WIESBADEN The Green City of Health

The capital of the German state of Hessen is recognised as a renowned centre for the treatment of rheumatic and orthopaedic conditions, offering highly regarded first-class medical services


AUTHOR: Claudia Meyer, Wiesbaden Marketing GmbH

iesbaden, a green city where the rivers Rhine and Main meet, invites its guests to come and discover its cultural and historical sights, exclusive shopping areas and a wide range of regional and international culinary specialities. The city also has a long history, which is reflected in its appealing architecture. A great number of parks and green areas in the city centre enjoy a mild climate throughout the year thanks to its geographic location. Cafés, restaurants and bars that tempt you to stroll around and dine outside in the summer months make the pedestrianized old quarter the best place to enjoy the infamous Wiesbaden Mediterranean lifestyle.

the metabolism and detoxifying the body. The vapours also bring relief to patients suffering from respiratory complaints and asthma. Besides, thermal water helps with gout, inflammation, rheumatic and orthopaedic complaints as well as disorders of the vegetative nervous system. The Nassauer Hof and Radisson Blu Schwarzer Bock hotels in the centre of Wiesbaden are both proud owners of their own hot springs and use them to fill the baths in their wellness areas. You can also enjoy the water when visiting the thermal baths and spas of Thermalbad Aukammtal or the Kaiser-Friedrich-Therme. Thanks to this gift of nature, Wiesbaden


Known as the “world spa town of the 19th century”, Wiesbaden has developed into a place of water, wellbeing and health, and today it is a modern and internationally recognised health location

Even 2000 years ago, the Romans knew how to appreciate the healing effect of the spring water, two million litres of which still gush from 26 hot springs per day. The warm, thermal water has a soothing and relaxing effect, and alternating with cold water, helps to stimulate circulation and the immune system. Taken as a drink, its high common salt content has a healing effect, stimulating

has developed into a place of water, wellbeing and health. Just as before, many international guests rely on the combined medical expertise and seek recovery and rehabilitation in the renowned specialist clinics.


Today, Wiesbaden is a recognised centre for the treatment of rheumatic and orthopaedic conditions with a large number of specialist and rehab clinics. The acute care hospitals provide all of the disciplines for centralised care. Many private clinics with a wide range of medical departments round off the exclusive offer. The growing number of patients from Arab countries is further proof of the recognition of the Deutsche Klinik für Diagnostik (DKD HELIOS Klinik Wiesbaden), among others, which has been resident in Wiesbaden since 1970. The clinic was founded as the Deutsche Klinik für Diagnostik based on the model of the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, USA. Since the very beginning, the focus has been on diagnosing special and problem cases, preventative check-ups and cooperation between different medical disciplines. In addition to the diagnostic focus, the DKD has proven their expertise in the fields of endocrine surgery, coloproctology, hernia surgery and shunt surgery.




Photo: Depositphotos

In addition to significantly reducing the symptoms of many dermatological diseases, thermal water therapy improves circulation and positively affects the elasticity and firmness of connective tissues




The Gif t of Health in a Drop of Water

Combining state-of-the-art technology and natural healing factors, Croatian spas and rehabilitation centres are ideal destinations to recover from disease, rest and return to health PROMO




edicinal thermal springs have for centuries been used to improve health and maintain vitality, both of the body and the spirit. Deep underneath the earth, on its journey to the surface, water is refined with minerals and trace elements that transform it into a source of health and vitality.


The most famous spa resorts and thermal spas have sprung up on these thermal springs. The medicinal powers of the water are used in hot or cold baths and compresses, along with hydrotherapy to relieve skin diseases and the diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Apart from the water, other natural healing agents, such as thermal mud or mineral oil, can be found on the surface of the earth. One of them is naphtalan, which can be found in only one place in Europe, in the Naftalan Special Hospital in Ivanić-Grad. It comes as no surprise that Croatian thermal springs such as Krapinske, Tuheljske, Stubičke or Bizovačke Toplice

and Sv. Martin na Muri spas, with thermal and mineral water springs, are gaining ever more attention. Thermal water springs in Daruvar and Topusko have been used by the ancient Romans, while Varaždinske Toplice spa is among the oldest, dating back to the third century BC.


While continental Croatia boasts its healing thermal springs, due to the benefits

THE SEA HEALS EVERYTHING A simple seafront stay can bring relief to people with allergies and asthma, eradicate stress and have a positive effect on our overall health

of the sea, the Croatian coast also has natural resources to match. Hippocrates and Plato wrote about the healing properties of the sea, and even the word thalassotherapy itself comes from Greek; thalassos for sea, and therapia for therapy or treatment. A simple seafront stay can bring on numerous health benefits - pure sea air facilitates breathing and has a beneficial effect on people suffering from allergies and asthma; sun is crucial in the synthesis of vitamin D, which plays an important role in preventing many diseases, while the proximity of the sea and its blue colour is soothing and helps to fight stress. Therapeutic properties of the seawater are mostly used in the rehabilitation and recovery of the body and in the treatment of locomotor as well as the respiratory systems. Marine treasures, such as salt or algae, are also used in different body treatments. Croatia has a long tradition of “marine” healing centres, which started when Opatija was declared a climatic spa in 1885 and followed with the opening of spas in Veli Lošinj in 1892 and in Crikvenica in 1906.

Special Hospital for Medical Rehabilitation Varaždinske Toplice

Photo: Varaždinske Toplice spa

Thanks to medicinal thermal water springs and thermal mud, Varaždinske Toplice has been keeping the treatment tradition alive for more than 2,000 years. Physical therapy performed at the hospital is based on the use of thermal water and medicinal mud. Apart from these treatments, some of the most common procedures include hydrotherapy, kinesiotherapy, electrotherapy as well as various types of massages. Beneficial properties of all these therapeutic procedures have a positive effect on rheumatic and neurological diseases, spinal cord injuries, orthopaedic diseases and deformities. Thanks to outstanding achievements in this area, the Special Hospital for Medical Rehabilitation Varaždinske Toplice has obtained the status of the Reference Centre of the Ministry of Health for the rehabilitation of persons with spinal cord injuries. An integral part of the Special Hospital complex is the Minerva facility offering health programs, relaxation and active holidays, a state-of-the-art fitness centre as well as an indoor recreational pool with an outdoor olympic pool. Within Minerva facility there is the Minerva Medica Health Centre, whose employees provide medical and physiotherapy services through individualized arrangements.



Special Hospital for Medical Rehabilitation Stubičke Toplice

Photo: Stubičke Toplice spa

Stubičke Toplice developed at the foot of the northern slopes of Medvednica, in the gentle valley of the Croatian Zagorje. The natural healing factor of Stubičke Toplice is thermal water, with a temperature at source of up to 69°C, which makes it a prominent spa and rehabilitation centre. Pools with medicinal thermal water and a wellness centre are located only 50 km from Zagreb airport. A treatment in this institution is indicated for consequences of polytrauma and after operative and reconstructive procedures on the locomotor system, after neurosurgical procedures, degenerative joint and spinal cord diseases, inflammatory rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis, extra articular rheumatism, the conditions of peripheral and central nervous system and postoperative procedures and sports injuries. Customer satisfaction, quality of service, innovation and creativity in medical rehabilitation and health tourism stand out as the main goal of their work, for which users recognize the Special Hospital for Medical Rehabilitation Stubičke Toplice as a destination for health, vitality, beauty and hospitality.

Bizovačke Toplice spa is the centre of continental and health tourism in eastern Croatia. Every analysis performed at the Institute for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the University of Zagreb Medical School confirmed that the thermal mineral water present in Bizovačke Toplice is unique in the world. It is the warmest iodine hyperthermal water (84°C) in Europe and it contains three times more salt than seawater. Different treatments such as hydrotherapy, kinesitherapy, electrical stimulation and heat therapy, lymphatic drainage and work therapy are performed in the new spa building. Indications for rehabilitation in the health centre include diseases and injuries to the musculoskeletal system, orthopedic and posttraumatic conditions, chronic rheumatic diseases, inflammatory rheumatic diseases in the inactive phase, rehabilitation of sports injuries, overstrain syndrome, rehabilitation of chronic pain, brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerves injuries, as well as the treatment of other neurological and skin diseases and post-operative rehabilitation services. The centre contains 56 modern rooms and 2 suites, and visitors are offered five specially designed therapeutic packages, which include full-board and the use of the Aquapolis spa complex.

Photo: Bizovačke Toplice spa

Bizovačke Toplice Spa



Special Hospital Naftalan

Photo: Special Hospital Naftalan

Naftalan, a special hospital for medical rehabilitation located in Ivanić-Grad, is well known for its treatments with Naphtalan and salty thermal water. Naphtalan mineral oil is one of the precious natural healing devices with positive effects on preventing illnesses, injuries and the treatment of preexisting conditions. Only two naphtalan sites are known to the world, one is located in the town of Naftalan in Azerbaijan and the other in Ivanić-Grad, near Zagreb. Naphtalan therapy is extremely beneficial in the treatment of skin diseases, primarily psoriasis and neurodermatitis, inflammatory rheumatic diseases such as rheumatic and psoriatic arthritis, joint and spine diseases. It is also efficient in the treatment of burns and for rehabilitation after various surgical procedures. Apart from spa therapies, Naftalan also offers cosmetic treatments and wellness programs. Its experienced medical team of 60 employees combines the use of naphtalan and physical therapy in healing and rehabilitation.

Thalassotherapia Crikvenica

Photo: Thalassotherapia Crikvenica

Medical Rehabilitation Hospital Thalassotherapia Crikvenica is an ideal place for thalassotherapy, recovery and rest. It combines the principles of thalassotherapy with the latest achievements in modern medicine, which yields exceptional results in treating diseases of the musculoskeletal and respiratory systems in children, adults and senior citizens. Rehabilitation is carried out under the supervision of specialists in the field of physical medicine and rehabilitation, otorhinolaryngology, pulmonology, pediatrics, cardiology, allergology and dermatology, who focus on the specific condition of each patient through a multidisciplinary approach. The therapy indicated for respiratory rehabilitation includes asthma, bronchitis, COPD, chronic and allergic sinus, nose and throat diseases, vocal cord disorders, post-surgical conditions, radio and chemotherapy of the respiratory system. Indications for the rehabilitation of the locomotor system include rheumatic diseases, rehabilitation after spine and joint surgery, post-implant conditions, neurological diseases and post stroke conditions. The facility boasts 120 beds, in rooms or in apartments (3***) and a closed seawater swimming pool with other amenities.


Photo: Thalassotherapia Opatija


Thalassotherapia Opatija Thalassotherapia Opatija has positioned itself as a regional health tourism brand and an ideal health, wellness and beauty destination. Thalassotherapia Opatija - specialized hospital for the rehabilitation and prevention of heart, lung and rheumatic diseases is also the seat of the Clinic for rehabilitation, treatment and prevention of diseases of the heart and blood vessels, Centre of Excellence for Health Tourism and Medically Programmed Vacation of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Croatia and the Reference Center for Rehabilitation of Cardiac Patients of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Croatia.

It employs 240 people, 37 of which are medical specialists in cardiology, rheumatology, physical and rehabilitation medicine, neurology, dermatology and aesthetic surgery. The harmony of a professional and specialized team, together with education and experience, state-of-the-art medical, diagnostic and therapeutic equipment combined with the ideal climatic and geographical characteristics of the Opatija Riviera, make this hospital an ideal place for relaxation and health as well as for a pleasurable treatments in Thalasso Wellness Centre Opatija. (email:, T: +385 51 202 616)

Veli Lošinj health resort is a well-known Croatian climatic and thalassotherapy centre with a 130 year long tradition. The spa is located on the island of Lošinj, the island of vitality, with a unique microclimate, covered with pine forests and numerous medicinal herbs that release essential oils in the air enriched with marine aerosols. With a simple stay on the island of Lošinj, you are left with the beneficial effect of aromatherapy, a natural healing factor that is the basis of the treatment of respiratory system diseases. Programs are not only intended for asthma patients, but for anyone living in polluted cities or exposed to harmful substances in their workplaces. The Health Centre offers psoriasis treatment based on the beneficial effects of sun and sea combined with a customized diet and educational workshops. It also offers programs for the rehabilitation of diseases of the locomotory system and sports injuries by applying modern methods of physical therapy.

Photo: Lječilište Veli Lošinj

Veli Lošinj Health Resort


Wellness & Spa || DARUVAR SPA


Photo: Daruvar Spa

The power of thermal water, mineral mud and untouched nature will help you find peace and relax your body and soul

The Healing Thermal Springs

of Daruvar Spa

The beneficial properties of thermal springs were known even to the Romans – from ancient times onward, this magnificent gift of nature has restored health and vitality


hen you visit Daruvar Spa, you will see for yourself why the old Romans adored this healing spa. Numerous healing thermal water springs, deposits of mineral mud, preserved historical buildings and beautiful historical landscape parks, as well as sports and recreational, wellness-spa and medical facilities, still make Daruvar Spa a perfect place for treatment, relaxation and rehabilitation.


With the application of thermal water and mineral mud (fango), a team of top specialists and physiotherapists, and state-ofthe-art equipment, Daruvar Spa offers successful treatments of rheumatic diseases, degenerative diseases of the spine and joints, as well as medical rehabilitation after surgical procedures, injuries and fractures. Treatments also proved to be useful


PROMO DARUVAR SPA Thermal spring water and healing mud (fango) help out with: • rheumatic disease treatments • inflammatory rheumatism • degenerative spine disease and joint effusion • medical rehabilitation after surgeries and injuries • sports injuries treatment and rehabilitation • assistance in infertility treatments • health wellness and spa programmes


in treating infertility and as an excellent basis for wellness and spa programmes.


You will find a pleasant accommodation in the spa hotel Termal and wing Villa Arcadia located in one of the oldest protected parks in Croatia, Julije’s Park. Along with Arcadia, there is also a wing with 12 exclusive apartments, connected with a Baroque restaurant Terasa, which has been included on the list of 100 best Croatian restaurants for years in a row.

Daruvar Spa Julijev park 1, 43500 Daruvar, Croatia T: +385 (0) 43 623 632, +385 (0) 43 623 624 Fax: +385 (0) 43 331 455 Email:



The thermal water in Krapinske Toplice flows from 4 sources and is chemically characterized by unique levels of calcium, magnesium and hydrocarbon. The water has shown to be especially suitable for rheumatism, spinal cord diseases, neuro-muscular problems, posttraumatic conditions and cardiovascular diseases. With its long tradition as a health destination since the time of Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, Krapinske Toplice have entered into a modern era of tourism development, describes Ernest Svažić, municipal mayor of Krapinske Toplice

R Photo: Clinic for Cardiovascular Diseases Magdalena

elated to medical tourism, what has changed in Krapinske Toplice in the last 12 months? - Our healthcare institutions have recognized the importance of continuous investment in quality management. For example, Clinic for Cardiovascular Diseases Magdalena has successfully reached the highest Diamond Accreditation Level after the assessment process by Accreditation Canada International. Likewise, Special Hospital for Orthopaedic Surgery Akromion received international recognition of quality and expertise by the International Accreditation Organiza-


tion Global Clinic Rating (GCR) in June 2018. Additionally, Special Hospital for Medical Rehabilitation Krapinske Toplice is an established national rehabilitation centre in the areas of rheumatology, orthopaedics, cardiology and neurology. With continuous professional investment into their medical expertise, they have made big steps forward in the application of robotics in the area of neurological rehabilitation. Also, in cooperation with one medical institute from Slovakia they are currently working on the application of stem cells for therapeutic purposes. Finally, another private medical facility for physical therapy was opened, Fizio Bakran.

“Our desire is to become the best Croatian health destination recognized worldwide, and we have excellent predispositions to achieve that” Ernest Svažić,

municipal mayor of Krapinske Toplice

What is new in the area of wellness tourism? - During 2017, already reputable and well-known Hotel Villa Magdalena was expanded, making its wellness packages even more attractive. Each room has a whirlpool with thermal water, while the roof of the hotel offers new wellness facilities with a panoramic view over the city and towards Medvednica mountain. Water Park Aquae Vivae is also continuously expanding its packages, now working on 18,000 m2 with five indoor pools and one outdoor pool, sauna and wellness centre.

Photo: Special Hospital Akromion

Photo: Krapinske Toplice


How does the development of medical tourism influence the life in Krapinske Toplice? - In recent years, we have noticed enviable investments in semi-related and even non-related areas that have started to further enrich Krapinske Toplice as a tourist destination, but also as a desirable place for living. One Russian investment has picked a very specific niche, training of helicopter aircrew and technology personnel. In the future, Heli Centre will offer training opportunities to even general public. Gastronomy of this region has already gained excellent reputation that locals and tourists can enjoy at Villa Magdalena, or many local restaurants that offer authentic Zagorje cuisine prepared with food from domestic breeding (e.g., Kod Đurđe). Ranch HFC (“Horses for Champions”) offers horse riding programs and will soon open its own accommodation capacities for tourists. We are happy to say that over the last one year, 15 families have opened new accommodation capacities with an authentic and attractive look.

Why have you started to cooperate with Chinese Southeast European Business Association (CSEBA)? - In the centre of Krapinske Toplice there is an outdated hotel that requires renovation. Our cooperation started when CSEBA offered the best solution with an investor who will soon develop a healthcare hotel at the same location, in an investment that has became the first Chinese investment of that kind in Croatia. We can say that CSEBA opened our destination to new investment prospective for investments from China, and we are currently working on the residential projects for se-

nior citizens, and improvement of sports and congress facilities. Soft activities are also important part of our cooperation since we have a chance to promote Krapinske Toplice, most significantly as a health tourism destination at forums and conferences in China. Earlier this year, CSEBA has launched a series of workshops and conferences hosted in Croatia with a goal to connect Chinese buyers and Croatian tour and health tourism providers. The very first Silk Road Workshop was held in Krapinske Toplice with a participation of several big Chinese tourist agencies.

“Since 2014, Chinese Southeast European Business Association is working on promotion of Croatian tourism, especially in PR China. As a country extremely rich in natural sources for health tourism, especially in thermal waters and therapeutic mud, but also rich in skilled and educated medical professionals, Croatia offers tremendous opportunities for investments and international cooperation in the sector” Mario Rendulić, President of the Presidency, CSEBA





Ms Siyka Katsarova is a Board Member and Vice-President of the European SPA Association (ESPA), which works towards the promotion of spas and balneology within the European healthcare market


The ESPA is currently representing 20 European countries and more than 1400 medical spas and health resorts, as well as facilities for cure, prevention, rehabilitation, and health and wellness tourism in Europe. Which services benefit the ESPA members? - The ESPA offers network of and for health resort and spa experts, which enables recognised expertise in the European spa business and consultation on legislation and regulation in the member states. It also enables support for research, publication (ESPA e-library) and the provision of information, as well as contacts by communication




Vienna House Dvořák, Carlsbad, Czech Republic

PA ES oto :

The ESPA has been promoting the interests of European spas since 1995. How has this come about? - The European Spas Association (ESPA) was founded in 1995 in Brussels as an umbrella association for national spa associations in Europe. Since the beginning, the ESPA has been building a close network of contacts with policymakers and leading representatives of science and business. Above all, this mostly benefits our members - for only with a strong association the opportunities offered by Europe can be used to the fullest. A closer look at the spa resorts of our members reveals the offer of these healthcare providers based on natural remedies, such as medicinal water, mineral water, mud, climate – complementary follow-up treatments for cancer, diabetes, arthritis, overweight and obesity, respiratory diseases, the loss of autonomy among elderly people and some other chronic conditions.

Terme Tuhelj, Croatia


ith 20 years of experience in the field of hospitality industry, Ms Siyka Katsarova is also prominent in the field of health and medical tourism, thanks to the decade of business efforts, not only in Bulgaria, but also in many European markets. She is the founder and board member of the Bulgarian Union of Balneology and SPA Tourism (BUBSPA), and since March 2018 she has been serving as the Union’s president. Ms Katsarova is also the VicePresident of the European SPA Association (ESPA) and a member of the ESPA Managing Board. As the founder of the ESPA Innovation Awards she is a great promoter of quality and innovation in the European Spa & Health Resorts sector.

AUTHOR: Andrea Šitum

Siyka Katsarova, ESPA

ESPA Conference The next ESPA Conference 2019 will take place in Croatia, Terme Tuhelj, on 8-10 May. Organised by the ESPA and the Croatian Chamber of Commerce, it will be held under the motto ‘Secrets of life balance’

and collaboration with the members and operators in Europe and worldwide (for example, this year we started the China project). Furthermore, the ESPA works on certification of health resorts and spa facilities through the international quality seals EuropeSpa. These services are all aligned with the aim of developing health resorts and spas in collaboration with experts. The European Spa Association’s global objective is to promote spas and balneology in Europe. What would you highlight as the main challenges? - The ESPA’s mission is to align health resorts within the European healthcare market. This also calls for more fairness in competition by quality, which is intended through the ESPA Innovation Awards and for promotion of clear distinction between health resort therapy and services in health prevention.

Wellness & Spa || TERMATALIA 2018

TERMATALIA Bridge Between Continents This year’s Termatalia, International Fair of Thermal Tourism, Health and Welfare, was held in Brazil – by which it connected Latin America and Europe and positioned the city of Foz do Iguaçu as the top health tourism destination AUTHOR: Andrea Šitum

Photo: Andrea Šitum



Ecuador, Colombia and the Argentine province of Entre Ríos presented their thermal resources in the race for hosting Termatalia 2020. The host city of the 20th edition of the fair will be revealed in Ourense at Termatalia 2019


n the very heart of South America, on the border of Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay, the Brazilian city of Foz do Iguaçu testifies to the energy of water on an everyday basis – in the immediate vicinity there are the spectacular Iguaçu waterfalls, one of the new seven wonders of the world, where the Iguaçu River descends from the height of 80 meters. However, during several days in September Foz do Iguaçu also hosted Termatalia, International Fair of Thermal Tourism, Health and Welfare, and it therefore perfectly embodied the slogan of this year’s Termatalia, “The energy of the waters“.


Termatalia is the only international fair specialized in health tourism that connects America and Eurasia, held this year in Brazil in the Maestra Convention Centre of the Recanto Cataratas Hotel, 12 - 15 September. With this year’s event Termatalia Fair celebrated its coming of age, and its 18th edition was attended by more than 200 exhibitors from 34 countries, tour operators from South and Central America, more than 60 speakers and lecturers and numerous journalists and media sponsors, including the Croatian company Nativa media, which is also the publisher of the first glossy magazine accompanying the leading European health tourism industry event, HTI News. The fair was attended by a number of high-ranking guests such as the Minister of Tourism of Brazil, Vinicius Lummertz and the Mayor of Foz do Iguaçu, Francisco Brasileiro, Brazilian Director of Itaipu Binacional Dam, Marcos Stamm, and since the Termatalia Fair is held alternatively in Spain and the countries of Latin America, Ourense (the official Euro-

pean location of the fair) was represented by the Director of Galicia Tourism Agency, Nava Castro; Councillor for Tourism and Thermalism of the City of Ourense, Jorge Pumar, and many others.


- After Termatalia, the largest thermal tourism fair, I believe that Foz do Iguaçu will attract investors in health tourism. Currently, two million domestic and foreign guests visit Foz do Iguaçu every year, and since the whole of Brazil attracts six million tourists a year, we are pleased with these figures. After all, Foz do Iguaçu is a small town compared to Rio de Janeiro or Sao Paolo. We intend to double this figure over the next ten years and attract even more tourists from neighbouring countries, as well as overseas tourists, of course – the Mayor Francisco Brasileiro revealed to me with language assistance from Célia Regina de Andrade, Municipal Secretary of Foz do Iguaçu Tourist Board. - Since we have excellent natural resources for ecotourism, as well as for adventure tourism, the plan is to add thermal and wellness offer to the existing one and thus have a complete offer even for our most demanding guests. Along with that, we also plan to add another 8,000 beds to the current offer of 32,000 hotel


Wellness & Spa || TERMATALIA 2018 beds over the next two years. That would meet our current need, and we also plan to construct a new airport – concluded Mayor Brasileiro.

Photo: Andrea Šitum


Zdeslav Radovčić, CEO of HTI Conference, and Andrea Šitum, Nativa media

With Silvia Pardo Domínguez, PR manager of Termatalia Fair

Photo: Andrea Šitum

Brazilian Termatalia helped the host city, Foz do THE WONDER Iguaçu, present itself as a health tourism OF NATURE destination. It is one This Brazilian Termatalia contributed to of the main tourpresenting the host city, Foz do Iguaçu, ist destinations in as a health tourism destination. After all, Brazil and South it is one of the main tourist destinations America, primarily in Brazil and South America, primarily thanks to the imthanks to the impressive Cataratas pressive Cataratas de de Iguaçu - a national park, UNESCO Iguaçu - a UNESCO protected area, and one of the new protected area, the seven natural wonders Iguaçu National Park (the other half of which of the world is situated across the border in Argentina) and one of the new seven natural wonders of the world. This is also the location of Itaipu Binacional thermal power plant, the largest renewable energy generator in the world, which even extends across the border to Paraguay. This area has the greatest potential for growth as a tourist destination, which is certainly contributed by direct flights from the United States and Europe. - Since networking, business contacts and exchange of knowledge are the most important segments of Termatalia in Brazil, it is an absolute pleasure that we have, once again, affirmed our position as the leading fair and promoters of the health tourism sector in the world, this time putting emphasis on the exploitation ing Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Spain, of natural resources and energy of Cuba, Ecuador and Costa Rica – he concluded. water in a beautiful Foz do Iguaçu. Professionalism and success of SPECIFIC KNOW-HOW Termatalia have increased the Termatalia is, among other interest in the development of thermal resources thoroughthings, also dedicated to the exchange of knowledge, so out Latin America, in line with the European model prepart of the programme is sented here – said Alejandro devoted to the series of lectures on Thermal Resources Rubín, Director of Termatalia, and Health Tourism and also the Director of Expouhealthy food. Some rense, the fair organizer. - This interest is of the noteworthy confirmed by an panels include the one on thermal ever increasing number of delegations, highSince Termatalia ranking guests is a platform for and entrepremineral water neurs coming industry, it also to Termatalia, featured the both from Latin 16th InternaAmerica and tional Mineral Eurasia, includWater Tasting

Photo: Andrea Šitum


medicine, moderated by Benigno Amor, Secretary General of the Mineral and Thermal Water Cluster of Galicia, and the panel on the experiences of Brazil and Latin America regarding the development of thermal tourism. The panel on Integration of Wellness as a Business Model also included a Croatian representative, Zdeslav Radovčić, Founder and CEO of HTI Conference, the leading European health tourism event. Since Termatalia is a platform for mineral water industry, it also featured the 16th International Mineral Water Tasting. Prizes for the best thermal waters were awarded during the closing ceremony, with a Galician sommelier Mercedes González as the master of ceremonies. The Mineral and Thermal Water Cluster of Galicia strongly affirmed its presence by receiving two prizes, it promoted this Spanish province as the first thermal tourism destination in Spain and presented its thermal resources under the umbrella brand “Auga de Galicia“.

Photo: Andrea Šitum

Photo: Andrea Šitum

Wellness & Spa || TERMATALIA 2018

Photo: Andrea Šitum

Photo: Andrea Šitum

Photo: Andrea Šitum

Croatian representative, Zdeslav Radovčić, Founder and CEO of HTI Conference, on the panel on Integration of Wellness as a Business Model

“After Termatalia, I believe that Foz do Iguaçu will attract investors in health tourism. Since we already have excellent natural resources for ecotourism, as well as for adventure tourism, the plan is to add thermal and wellness offer to the existing one and thus have a complete offer, even for the most demanding guests“ Francisco Brasileiro, Mayor of Foz do Iguaçu


Termatalia 2018 was attended by more than 200 exhibitors from 34 countries

Photo: Andrea Šitum

Wellness & Spa || TERMATALIA 2018

“Since networking, business contacts and exchange of knowledge are the most important segments of Termatalia in Brazil, it is an absolute pleasure that we have, once again, affirmed our position as the promoter of the health tourism sector in the world“ Photo: Depositphotos

Alejandro Rubín, General Director of Termatalia


The Thermal Capital of Spain Photo: Andrea Šitum

Galicia is well known as the main thermal destination in Spain. The healing properties of Galician springs were known since before the Roman conquest, and today Galicia is the Spanish leader in thermal sector, with 300 thermal springs and 23 spas, which attract 150,000 visitors annually. The inner capital of Galicia, Ourense, has a thermal flow of 4 million litres of medicinalmineral water per day, which makes it the second city in Europe, only surpassed by Budapest. Although the spa tradition dates back to pre-Roman times, they were the ones who instigated the development of the city revolving around the hot springs of As Burgas. Since then, the thermal springs of Ourense have been used throughout history, especially popular among many pilgrims who were traveling to Santiago de Compostela in the Middle Ages. As a result of this rich tradition and thermal wealth, this quintessential spa-town of Spain transforms to the thermal headquarters of the world every other year, as the host of the International Fair of Thermal Tourism, Health and Welfare, Termatalia, with the next edition of the fair scheduled for 2019.



The next edition of Termatalia returns to the Old Continent, to the Spanish city of Ourense (where the fair is held each odd year), but the closing ceremony featured three candidacies for Termatalia 2020 host city. Ecuador, Colombia and the Argentine province of Entre Ríos presented their thermal resources in the race for hosting the 20th edition of the Fair. Ecuador’s candidacy was presented by the representative of the Ministry of Tourism, Patricio Miller, and President of the Spanish Chamber of Trade and Industry in Quito, Rafael Roldán. The organizers also received the petition of the Ecuadorian Minister of Tourism, Enrique Ponce de León, which emphasized the thermal potential of the country and important thermal areas, such as Cuenca (inscribed on the UNESCO world heritage list), Baños de Agua Santa and Chachimbiro, hot spring of volcanic origin. The candidacy of the Argentinian province Entre Ríos was presented by the Secretary of the Ministry of Tourism, Carolina Gaillard, who demonstrated how thermalism changed the life of this province, which has the largest number of thermal destinations in Argentina, even 13 out of 16 locations in total. The last candidacy was presented by Ricardo Ramirez, Co-Director of the Tourism Sector of Colombia, who emphasized the commitment

of the new government to the “orange economy“, which supports creativity and tourism, and the wealth of Colombia’s hot springs and their biodiversity. And which city will become Termatalia 2020 host, this will be revealed in Ourense in September 2019.


I have attended numerous fairs on health and thermal tourism, but Termatalia should definitely be singled out as a bright example of a top-notch fair that pays attention to each and every detail. Press tours for journalists, accompanied by Célia Regina de Andrade, Municipal Secretary for Tourism, which were organized in the mornings, showed us the best of Foz do Iguaçu – including the spectacular waterfalls, magnificent Itapu dam and Parque das Aves Nature Park. Afternoons were reserved for networking, lectures and 2020 candidacy or award ceremonies, so the journalists were able to attend all the most important events of the fair. The evenings were reserved for networking and learning about the customs and culture of South America. The level of professionalism, dedication and excellent energy put into this fair were truly fascinating, and I am truly honoured that the company Nativa media was recognized and selected as a media sponsor. Until some other Termatalia: Adeus Brasil!

Health tourism || FINANCING - HOW TO DECIDE?


Health Tourism Projects

What makes a project worth financing? Although there can be many contributing factors, highlighted are the five characteristics that could be indicative of the success of the project in question


AUTHOR: Paulo Moreira, Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of Healthcare Management

ithin the global perspective developed while managing the International Journal of Healthcare Management (IJHM) and focusing on generating knowledge and evidence to improve healthcare, the financing issue is one very practical topic for further advancement. It is not as if there is no interest or a wide audience present, but rather due to the sensitive and confidential dimension of most processes related to financing and investment. Few companies would agree to publish the story or the case study of their financing process and would be especially reluctant to make public the negotiation procedures and outcomes of related negotiations. In this sense, we do not have a lot of transparent data or evidence to support most claims that financing entities could promote.



Photo: Depositphotos

Having said that, and focusing on the other dimension of financing, there is some evidence on what makes successful projects including the success to access funds to its venture. In other words, if we cannot say much about what is really happening in the financing activity dedicated to health tourism, we can certainly identify and endorse the principles that make a successful project move forward. In my experience, also in consulting for project development in healthcare

There is a number of factors that are key to successful project, but if a project offers these five characteristics, its potential to be financed and find serious long investors will grow exponentially


Health tourism || FINANCING - HOW TO DECIDE? it is vital to produce a plan to tackle the risks that the project could face. We need to make sure all key stakeholders are aware of the risks and know how to quickly resolve the issue with the management plan that has already been set in place. This will give the team the confidence when facing project risks and help the partners feel comfortable with the project’s progression. Failed projects often were not ready to face the unexpected and had no mental flexibility to adapt to the possible solutions.

Photo: Depositphotos

4. and health tourism, the factors that are key to success include the following.



The few projects I have seen succeeding, in comparison to the many I have seen failing, had this common feature - a very good team of people involved, motivated, complementing each other in terms of skills and knowledge. One more fundamental characteristic they had in common is a true passion for the project enveloped in an overall honest and transparent approach, which is the only way to promote a win-win outcome for all those involved. The projects I have seen failing, missed at least one of these characteristics.




Experienced managers know that things rarely go exactly as planned. During the planning process,

We do not live alone, and projects do not survive alone. This is especially true within the multiprofessional, multi-cultural and multisectoral nature of health tourism. The issue is not just finding the right partnerships. It is rather establishing as many partnerships as possible to widen horizons and access to networks. A good project needs to be open to an array of partnerships of all sizes and modes. Establishing the partnership development function at the onset of the project is, therefore, crucial.



A supportive local political environment is fundamental. We all know that. If it is not there, there will trouble ahead. There are many definitions of this sort and many papers have been written about it. However, each sector has its own features and most health tourism projects share the need to ensure the five factors above.



Marketing concepts are often misunderstood. A common misshaped idea is the narrow association of marketing with sale while ignoring the fact that the marketing approach should define all aspects of the business and project development. The key marketing policies, while being price, communication, distribution, service development, human resources, physical evidence, and process of service delivery, define all the fundamentals of the project and will always lead the way forward. If this is the case, it is certain that the project is viable and will create value for the investors. A usual mistake includes


projects led by technical people who do not understand the marketing concepts and fail to be flexible and adapt the technical features of their service to the real needs and expectations of customers.


“The few projects I have seen succeeding had this common feature - a very good team of people involved, motivated, complementing each other in terms of skills and knowledge” Paulo Moreira, Editor-in-Chief, IJHM

To be blunt, and also from a practical perspective, if a project offers these five characteristics, its potential to be financed and find serious long investors will grow exponentially. Any flaw in any of the five will generate doubt and affect the trust that the investor must have in the project. I believe the HTI community will debate the extent to which these characteristics can be guaranteed and established in future projects, as for some of them this is the right network to participate if they are in the search of a financing for a new health tourism project. In my experience, I often share this thought - there is a lot of capital available to finance health tourism projects. But there are few good projects deserving it.

Health tourism || CHANGE ON THE HORIZON


The New Era is Here

New technologies and bold initiatives are changing the face of healthcare, with innovative solutions that will fundamentally transform, on the global scale, the way healthcare is delivered

undreds of organizations are engaging in global collaborative healthcare, employing different models based on services offered, global distribution, and the inclination to assume risk while thousands of entrepreneurs are innovating new technology to fundamentally change the way healthcare is delivered to all walks of life in every language. That’s why HEALTHCARE ЯEVOLUTION® brought in hospitals, health systems, insurers, governments, and employers to talk about this transformation and how they each serve as a change agent to drive solutions into the hands, and hearts, of their patients, insured, and employees. Global buyers and providers convened to connect and build new business ventures to exchange patients and collaborate for capacity building and advisory partnerships.


Hawaii Mainland Administrators (HMA) and Global Healthcare Resources have announced a new partnership to disrupt the Medical Tourism industry. Starting in 2019, HMA will start offering medical tourism to all its self-funded employers making it available to thousands of Americans. This new medical tourism offering will be launched under Provider Network International (PNI), the first global medical travel network to be launched by a US based TPA or insurance company. The new benefit offering for self-funded employers will allow employees and plan members to receive access to the top centers of excellence globally. Bundled rates apply to covered members who will receive incentives such as covered travel expenses, waiver of deductibles, coinsurance, and out of pocket expenses. In some cases, employees shall benefit from a percentage of the savings or cash incentive.

Jonathan Edelheit and Renée-Marie Stephano with Concierge Clients Sammy Refua and Derek Johnson of Privé Care

Photo: Global Healthcare Resources


AUTHOR: Renée-Marie Stephano, JD, President of Medical Tourism Association, CEO of Global Healthcare Resources

“Blockchain technology may be new, but it is already catalyzing a major revolution in healthcare. As more research is being done to establish a sustainable mechanism for the wider application of this technology, there is no doubt healthcare, will become more simplified, secure, and patient-centric in the future”

Paul Carter, Founder and CEO of HMA stated - U.S. healthcare is a ‘rigged’ game. There are cities and states where our members are not able to receive fair pricing and there is a huge variation in pricing, quality and outcomes. We are not going to play this game anymore and are allowing our members to save up to 50% while eliminating variability in care. For our clients this is not about pricing, it’s about receiving the same or higher quality of care at reasonable prices. Hospitals being added to our international network will have a vigorous credentialing process - added Carter.


Global Healthcare Resources will be working with HMA in building out their network of top hospitals from around the world. HMA is committed to working solely with hos-


HEALTHCARE ЯEVOLUTION® concludes with a keynote by Renée-Marie Stephano

A Chinese delegation from Hainan co-hosts a reception with Global Healthcare Resources and their concierge clients

East Meets West from China China’s healthcare reform policies and shifting economic and demographic trends are creating new opportunities for international companies seeking to partner with Chinese organizations in areas such as hospital development, senior care, biotech, MedTech, and pharmaceuticals. With an estimated 500,000 medical and wellness tourists leaving China each year, China is one of the largest outbound markets and growing. This growth is further enhanced through business to business and business to government relationships and strategic partnerships. A special reception brought together a


large delegation from China to meet with US healthcare and wellness organizations with a special focus on partnerships and affiliations for Chinese healthcare advisory services, capacity building, joint ventures and other projects. HEALTHCARE ЯEVOLUTION®, the decade-old conference that has married together the Employer Healthcare & Benefits Congress and the World Medical Tourism Congress, brings together the best and brightest minds who are striving to create innovation and disruption within the healthcare ecosystem. This event has been a driving inspirational factor behind the endeavour.

Photo: Global Healthcare Resources

Photo: Global Healthcare Resources

Health tourism || CHANGE ON THE HORIZON pitals that provide the best outcomes and amazing experiences through established international patient departments. As part of this process GHR will be collaborating with Global Healthcare Accreditation® in the selection and standards for the network. Only facilities with a proven track record in medical travel that demonstrate consistent levels of medical travel service, quality, and outcomes will be selected. To jumpstart the initiative, HMA will be conducting roadshows around the country in partnership with Global Healthcare Resources to educate its broker and employer network of the new offering. HMA will also be sponsoring and speaking at HEALTHCARE ЯEVOLUTION® meeting with hospitals and clinics from around the world to identify new members for the innovative network. Provider Network International will provide a comprehensive network for major procedures such as orthopedics, cardiac and cancer care, as well as the ability to receive second opinions in all clinical areas. PNI will also offer concierge services for covered members and their families.


What HMA is doing is unique. Most TPAs are playing the same old game and not trying to buck a broken healthcare system. With rising healthcare costs continuing in the U.S., and with a majority of those costs being generated by large claimants spending the most amount of money on expensive conditions, HMA stepped out of the sandbox, setting a new standard in the industry. This also opens up a new frontier in specialty biologic drugs. When a $90,000 life saving drug in the US can be purchased for $2,000 abroad, something needs to change. This is part of a larger strategy of Global Healthcare Resources to engage large buyers of healthcare. Through effective engagement, strategies can be created which will enable them to offer medical tourism and while doing so, be part of something disruptive and unique.


Healthcare system is also affected by another revolution - blockchain technology, although a novel concept, is one of the catalysts of the evolving paradigm shift in healthcare delivery. The medical tourism industry is also experiencing a rapid revolution as healthcare becomes more patient-centric and technology driven. The blockchain is a decentralized digital ledger made of chronologically arranged immutable, distributive data between connected devices in a blockchain system. Records and transactions stored in the blockchain system are blocks of data connected to previous records in the system to form a

Health tourism || CHANGE ON THE HORIZON

Abu Dhabi Takes New Strides

blockchain. The advantages of blockchain are its decentralized system of data control, as well as its validity, authenticity, transparency, and security. The records and transactions in a blockchain system encrypted with cryptographic keys have a shareable key and a private key. This key secures the data and ensures it cannot be accessed or used by unauthorized persons. This stored data shared with each participant’s identity is undisclosed. This technology is the foundation of bitcoin and cryptocurrency and is being widely used in other fields, including financial services and insurance, Internet of Things (IoT), real estate, identity management for HR, energy and commodity trading. But the healthcare industry is not taking a passive stance in this tech revolution. A study by Frost & Sullivan titled Blockchain in Healthcare, Forecast 2017-2025, estimates the global blockchain in the healthcare market will grow at a CAGR of 63.85% from 2018 to 2025, reaching a market value of $5.61 billion. The blockchain is also expected to provide efficient healthcare services through advances in health information technology. This is estimated to save the industry up to $100 – $150 billion yearly by 2025.


Blockchain technology is permeating healthcare rapidly, bringing healthcare solutions to promote better patient experience for medical travelers. It offers solutions to several barriers in medical tourism and health tourism, such as poor pre-travel lo-

Photo: Global Healthcare Resources

The Department of Culture and Tourism – Abu Dhabi signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Medical Tourism Association to coordinate efforts to position Abu Dhabi as a world-class medical tourism destination, with the MTA’s annual World Medical Tourism & Global Healthcare Congress® event now being hosted in Abu Dhabi a major part of the agreement. The MoU agreement, which was signed by HE Saif Saeed Ghobash, Undersecretary of DCT Abu Dhabi, and Jonathan Edelheit, CEO of Medical Tourism Association® and the Chairman & CoFounder of Global Healthcare Resources, opens a pathway for the two entities to strategically cooperate to further build a medical tourism proposition for consumer markets in several key areas.

Global Healthcare Resources’ Co-founder Renée-Marie Stephano moderates a medical tourism panel

gistics, record exchange between healthcare providers, billing management and loss of patient visibility in a tourist destination country. For example, a lack of access to a patient’s health records can slow down the care process, lead to healthcare mishaps, and ultimately, ruin the reputation and attractiveness of a hospital or health travel destination. With blockchain, a patient’s health data are made accessible to providers (and anyone) to whom the patient grants authorization. This ensures a free-flow of health information between local and international healthcare providers. Geographical barriers are a major limitation in health travel and often impede the continuum of care. Because of the interoperability of systems blockchain offers, patients can access their health history and records

HEALTHCARE ЯEVOLUTIONARIES Podcast Global Healthcare resources also kicked off a global podcast called HEALTHCARE ЯEVOLUTIONARIES, establishing a new benchmark platform for the discussion of innovative, disruptive information destined to alter the course of healthcare administration. Each podcast will present respected health, benefits, insurance and wellness industry experts who will share authoritative knowledge relating to all aspects of 21st-century health business

through the decentralized record system. Furthermore, the quality of healthcare services is a key driver of health tourism, often tied to the volume and quality of medical research and clinical trials conducted in the destination country. Blockchain technology can help reduce the incidence of errors and fraud in clinical trial records by providing verifiable records of clinical trials and results.


Blockchain also finds ist use in genomic medicine, which opens the world of genetic data for providing an accurate diagnosis, prognosis, and appropriate treatment of several genetic diseases. Using cryptographic blocks, blockchain reduces the risk of data modification and tampering, providing an authentic database for research purposes, and for the development of new diagnostics and treatment options for rare disorders. As the technology gains widespread use in genomics, more and more researchers will be able to gain a deeper understanding of disease mechanisms. This knowledge will facilitate the development of better therapies and interventions for a wide variety of diseases while maintaining data privacy and security. Blockchain technology is still in its developing stages and rapidly revolutionizing many industries, particularly the healthcare industry. Healthcare is on the cusp of a dramatic transformation, one that will improve lives all over the globe. The evolution of healthcare delivery inevitably requires technology solutions and interoperability along with user friendly add-ons and interfaces to keep us engaged.


Wellness & Spa || WELLNESS REPORT


Photo: Depositphotos

According to IWSTM, the two areas in wellness and spa that can expect growth are eco and natural resources-based services, and family-oriented facilities


Wellness & Spa || WELLNESS REPORT

GLOBAL Wellness Market

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The new survey from the Tourism Observatory for Health, Wellness and Spa and Resources for Leisure Assets highlights the key market changes and challenges in the wellness and spa industry. The data presented in the report come from information and input from 396 wellness and spa operators


AUTHOR: Lรกszlรณ Puczkรณ, Director of Industry Intelligence, Resources for Leisure Assets,

he International Wellness, Spa and Travel Monitor 2018 report is the 5th benchmark study on the relationships between spa and wellness services and travel and tourism. Published by the Tourism Observatory for Health, Wellness and

Spa, in cooperation with Resources for Leisure Assets (RLA), the international wellbeing and hospitality advisory, the IWSTM 2018 provides industry insights for investors, operators, planners, policy makers as well as industry analysts. The survey targeted 2,000+ wellness, spa and hospitality operators around the world in 45 countries and highlights the key market changes and challenges to the

wellness and spa operations working in wellness tourism. This is the first year the report addresses regional, country as well as thematic data, sharing market intelligence about key market trends in North America, Asia-Pacific & Europe, piloting country level data from Italy, Poland, Colombia and Costa Rica, and mapping the thermal and hot spring market as well. By using a wide typology of 17 different wellness and spa service operation types, the report highlights the complexity of the spa and wellness industry


Wellness & Spa || WELLNESS REPORT and indicates the vast display of service providers. For the purpose of this study, the report distinguished three major demand segments - local or walk-in guests, domestic or intra-country guests and international visitors. The characteristics of the three major demand segments can vary from country to country - while the previous reports have consistently shown that the role of tourists is significant in wellness and spa facilities (with 2 out of 3 guests being non-locals), that is not applicable in the same way for every single market. Thus, the report highlights relevant differences in key markets, namely NorthAmerica, Asia-Pacific, Europe, Spanishspeaking countries (Spain and Central and South America, excluding Brazil), etc, as well as country specific information about Colombia, Costa Rica, Italy and Poland. However, on the global scale, it can be noted that the number of local guests increased (29% compared to 20% in 2017), as well as the number of foreign guests (36% compared to 30% in 2017), while the number of domestic guests declined (from 50% in 2017 to 35%).


Photo: Depositphotos


In the markets with strong supply of thermal resources and facilities, the wellness and INDUSTRY spa services tend to be more affordable. That is INSIGHTS in line with the postuThe International Wellness, late that the wellness Spa and Travel Monitor 2018 should be available report provides wellness to everybody in order industry insights for investors, to promote the health standing of the current of the population, but operators, planners, policy it is not true for every demand is a key task to makers as well as industry any wellness and spa opcountry. In the certain analysts eration. The segmentation inmarkets, wellness and spa facilities are mostly positioned formation show that the thermal resources are mainly popular for Baby in the upmarket and luxury segments. This result is based on the traditional Boomers and Generation X guests, with assumption that the wellness industry is some notable differences between various markets. For example, Baby Boomers (born predominantly oriented towards high-end 1946-1964) play the most important role guests, tourists or vacationers. in North-America, while the Generation X The IWSTM data indicates significant growth in the guest spending when (born 1965-1975) is predominant in Poland compared globally to the previous year. and in Costa Rica. Generation Y (born 1976-1995) continues to gain higher market Although the typical spending on tradishare, which can be explained by the growtional thermal facilities, such as affordable ing earning potential of such age groups. baths and spas, remains comparatively low, it shows that the international guests repreBearing in mind the complexity of marsent the highest spending market segment. keting, IWSTM 2018 shows a high degree of differentiation in terms of target segments. Again, guests travelling for wellness and WHO IS THE WELLNESS spa services can greatly differ from counTRAVELLER? When it comes to guest segmentation, try to country, but it would seem that the relying on data and gaining a better undermost typical segments for wellness and spa


services remain “couples” and “groups of friends”. However, wellness and spa providers should not discard those guests who may not be core wellness guests. Instead, it should be advisable to pay closer attention to the group of guests that show growing interest for healthy options at hotels or wellness facilities.

"The number of international travellers is expected to grow, as well as the number of first-time guests, whose first experiences can be vital incentive in cultivating returning guests" László Puczkó, Director of Industry Intelligence, Resources for Leisure Assets

Wellness & Spa || WELLNESS REPORT need to employ not only these resources and assets, but also to look at how existing services and treatments are being communicated.



IWSTM 2018 estimates

Natural, local and traditional bright future for wellness qualities are what attracts and spa services. Accordand motivates guests, and ing to IWSTM predictions, the two areas that show they are even willing to travel potential for growth are long distances to ecologically conscious, natureach them


most important thing that the guests look for and enjoy. Natural, local and traditional qualities are highlighted as the most important pull factors – these qualities are what attracts and motivates guests, they are happy to pay for them and even willing to travel long distances to reach them. The latest three editions of IWSTM also confirmed that trend, and thus suggested that wellness facilities

László Puczkó, Director of Industry Intelligence, RLA


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IWSTM traditionally provides an extensive list of possible motivations for guests, but they can be divided into three main motivation factors for wellness and spa guests Treatments & Services; Brand & Reputation; and Location. Key travel motivation shows relevant differences in key markets for local, domestic and foreign guests, as well as on the global level. For instance, the main motivation for local guests in 2017 were Treatments & Services, while now are Therapists. For domestic guests, the travel motivation has shifted from Brand & Reputation in 2017 to Location in 2018, but for the international guests, the motivation remains the same – Location. When it comes to popular wellness and spa services, IWSTM 2018 points out to the overwhelming importance of authentic experiences rooted in local surroundings. Treatments and services based on natural and other local resources seem to be the

ral and local resources-based facilities, associated with the natural or free-from movement, and familyoriented facilities. Some European markets, such as Germany or Austria, already have strong presence in that markets, but the upcoming wellness destinations should consider opening to the family market. However, this market is distinguished by the different expectations and operational requirements than the usual wellness market. Although the notable growth in 2018 is present in most markets and most parameters, in the future, the highest growth is anticipated in the group of international travellers, but the number of first-time guests is expected to grow at a significant rate. This is especially important as the first experiences are crucial in creating loyalty and interest for wellness and destination, and can be vital incentive in cultivating returning guests.


Tunisia Rising Star on

Interview || LOTFI KHELIFI

the World Health Tourism Map Tunisia is becoming increasingly recognised as a health tourism destination, with the Tunisian Health Tourism and Wellness Association and its Chairman, Lotfi Khelifi, working towards the country’s worldwide promotion


AUTHOR: Andrea Šitum

and private clinics have state-of-the-art equipment and English speaking staff. The combination of large investments in training and equipment in both the public and private health sectors gives Tunisian medicine a competitive edge, while the cost of cosmetic surgery and treatment is extremely competitive.

According to the Global Wellness Institute, Tunisia is ranked one of the top ten “wellness tourism” markets in the MENA region. How does Tunisia distinguish itself from other Mediterranean countries and what attracts visitors the most? - Tunisia is ranked as one of the top ten destinations, not only in the Middle East region, but also as the second thermal treatment destination in the world after France. Tunisia is one of the most important wellness countries. Every year, thousands of guests seeking relaxation and authentic treatments travel to Tunisia to be pampered and to receive highly effective treatments, all with guaranteed sunny weather. Thalas-

Who are your visitors and which countries do most medical tourists come from? - The international patients come from North Africa (40%), Africa (20%), Europe (30%) and some of them from the Middle East (10%). In the last 10 years, the average number of patients coming from abroad has been 350.000 to 400.000 patients in different specialities.



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uch more than just a ive popular tourist destinach Ar tion, Tunisia has also strongly positioned itself on the world map of health tourism. The country is well known as an attractive wellness Lotfi Khelifi, destination with numerous strengths in Chairman of the field of medical tourism, especially THTWA when it comes to cosmetic and plastic surgery. As a medical tourism expert in marketing, the CEO of Middle East Health Tourism Magazine and Chairman of the Tunisian Health Tourism and Wellness Association, Mr Lotfi Khelifi, explains why Tunisia is a desirable health tourism destination. sotherapy in Tunisia is of excellent quality, thanks to top-class facilities, comfortable hotels and highly professional treatments. Tunisia is known as one of the famous medical tourism destinations for international patients. What kind of services does Tunisian health tourism have to offer? - Tunisia is one of the most sophisticated, relaxed and tolerant states in North Africa. In terms of medical expertise it has a high standard of healthcare and an excellent reputation for cosmetic surgery. Cosmetic and plastic surgeons are regulated by the Tunisian Ministry of Health

What are the factors contributing to the expansion of health tourism in Tunisia? - The main factors making Tunisia a preferable health tourism destination are geographic location, state of the art clinics, very competitive cost, highly talented doctors, the majority of whom work in both Tunisian and European hospitals, and nice infrastructure as a tourist country.

Tunisia also launched its health tourism organisation, the Tunisia Health Tourism and Wellness Association, with you as the Chairman. How did this initiative come about and how will health tourism benefit from it?

- The Tunisia Health Tourism and Wellness Association (THTWA) was founded with the idea of creating a cluster of health tourism professionals that cover the whole spectrum of health tourism throughout Tunisia. Thus, the THTWA cluster includes entities from several industries, such as clinics, airlines, insurance companies, travel agencies, health facilitators, hotels, health tourism consultants and certification bodies. Its main purpose is to provide support to other related organizations in the worldwide promotion of Tunisia as a health tourism destination by highlighting the country’s great possibilities and strengths. It also remains highly active and builds strong cooperations with respective bodies abroad. The THTWA is a very important point of reference and co-operation between all contributors in the field of travel, treatment and wellness in Tunisia, it also aims to be a supporting organization for health tourism professionals in the country and for every health tourist choosing our country for their treatment. THTWA can provide useful information either through its website or social media networks.

Tunisia saw the arrival of some renowned international hotel brands – how will that affect the tourism segment? Do you expect a rise in the luxury travel niche? - In Tunisia we believe in an open market and free initiatives, so we welcome all kinds of initiatives and investments... This will surely bring more tourists to our country and support local tourism potentials.

Photo: Depositphotos

What are the plans for further promotion of Tunisian health tourism? What key markets are you targeting? Do you have plans for attracting more European health tourism visitors? - One of our main plans is to further strengthen our presence in our current market, especially European market, and to expand more to new destinations like Russia and China, as well as Africa and the Middle East. The Tunisia Health Tourism and Wellness Association also aims to support our health tourism professionals in being more involved in our target-markets, especially in Africa, the Middle East & Europe, through organizing and participating in health tourism events and initiatives. With that aim, we are co-organizing the first Tunisia International Medical Guest Forum 2019, along with the National Health Tourism Forum. The THTWA is also cooperating with all other bodies to launch a brand new marketing campaign to promote our clinics and work together to come up with a three-year plan in order to reach more than 500.000 patients by 2021.


Photo: Depositphotos

Wellness & Spa || TIPS & TRICKS


Wellness & Spa || TIPS & TRICKS


The Secret to a Successful Spa César Tejedor, Founder and CEO of Massage Around the World spa training and consultancy services, offers some valuable insights into developing a successful spa business and building a strong brand


AUTHOR: César Tejedor, Founder and CEO of Massage Around the World,

hat is our mission? What do we offer our clients? Who exactly are our clients? If you feel there is something off in your spa business, or that your business could benefit some more, then it is crucial to answer these questions. And not just that, but to define your spa concept, build it right and act in accordance with your brand.


The first step should always be an accurate market analysis – conduct a market survey, do your research and analyse the competition and think about how you want to position your spa. Since there is wide variety of spa concepts, be sure to consider all the factors. It is important to be realistic and act according to your financial situation and resources at your disposal,

but also to listen to your instincts and keep in mind your values.


Once you know where you stand in the market, build the concept and philosophy that will define your spa. This means developing your mission statement that will reflect the feeling you want to transmit to your staff and clients. Your concept should reflect your own spirit and identity, because believing in what you do and living it is an important part of your brand. It should also include what you offer and how you communicate it, your work methods and management style, as well as any visual guidelines which will help express your mission better.


It is important that your brand relies on the emotional story, this will inspire and motivate loyalty and communicate value to your clients. Know who you are

Spa Consultant César Tejedor is Founder and Director of Massage Around the World, a company that offers spa training and consultancy services, and Ambassador of Global Wellness Day. He is also the bestselling author in the field of spa & wellness and an expert in integrative medicine, best known as the creator of VibraHealing, the therapy that uses vibrations to de-stress and balance the body

Body Language for Wow Spa Experiences Without an excellent quality of service and responsive staff, your modern spa and state-of-the-art equipment count for nothing. What makes a difference is a peaceful atmosphere you can create with the thoughtful use of silence and body language. The Five Types of Non-Verbal Communication, which are an

essential part of soft skills, include the following: kinesics, or the way we move our body; proxemics or the use of space; chronemics or how we perceive, organize and react to time; haptics or the use of touch in our communication; and vocalics, which refers to the pitch, tone, and speed of speech


Wellness & Spa || TIPS & TRICKS

Your spa could greatly benefit from the Tibetan KuNye Massage, which combines exclusivity and effectiveness, ancient tradition and science. From a Tibetan perspective on health, it is performed in order to prevent imbalances and disorders and relieve pain or disease. It uses specific massage strokes designed for increasing energy flow and opening the energy channels, with the aim to restore or maintain health

and be clear with how you want to be perceived by others. Think about a name that will compliment your spa and reflect your philosophy, and the same should be considered when deciding on the logo or slogan – bearing in mind that the emotions you want to convey to your clients should be the guiding principle, from the moment they first interact with your brand throughout treatments and post-visit feedback.

to integrate all the disparate elements into a cohesive structure. Multidisciplinary approach is crucial to achieve this, with someone who can coordinate and guide the entire staff, including nutritionists, physicians, spa therapists, fitness and yoga instructors.



As the spa industry is shifting to a more proactive and integrative approach, it is important to respond to such needs by offering a truly integrative and holistic programme. Even though many spas offer a vide variety of treatment services, it is not uncommon that they lack guidance and experience


Today wellness travellers search for unique experiences and tailor-made services that will best meet their individual needs. In order to develop a truly personalised wellness programme, opt for in-depth wellness screenings that include key physiological biomarkers and offer deeper insights into the cli-

Photo: Depositphotos

Tibetan Wisdom

ent’s health. Based on the results, such individualised wellness programme, carried out by your expert staff, should really be in the service of promoting client’s health and well-being.

THE HEALING POWER OF SOUND Tibetan singing bowls have been used for centuries for therapeutic purposes. Nowadays, different singing bowl methods and exercises, combined with intentions, target distinct levels of human organism – for a better physical effect and energy or mental state, as well as spiritual benefits



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