Time-Consuming Since you are an expat it’s quite obvious that you might be not
so familiar with Hong Kong taxation rules (which income is taxable and which one to exempt and under which section). It takes a long time to understand the entire tax filing return procedure and expecting the same from you is not practical. Only a tax experienced mind can configure it without consuming your productive time. It is the years of experiences of taxation professionals of Hong Kong that IRS record the tax preparation within 16 hours which covers record keeping, tax planning and so forth which is a splendidly awesome job. Kudos to all US tax professionals working in Hong Kong.
Involve lots of calculative complexity US tax return for individuals living Hong King and
covers under US taxation of Hong Kong income need to understand the methodology on the basis of which tax prepare and exempt. Each taxpayer has a different source of income which requires different forms and tax preparation method. These entire technical requirements can be smoothly handled by a tax preparation specialist. Also, seeking their help, chances of errors are reduced and always keep you protected from falling as a defaulter or compel you to bear penalties or interest.
Unaware of deduction and benefit As you are new to Hong Kong taxation system,
chances are high that you may miss to include a certain amount of tax exclusions that you and your earned income eligible for. The years of practice of tax professionals will make sure that you have claimed all the tax benefits which you are supposed to be eligible. They also ensure that you are not paying any extra amount more than you are rightly eligible for.
Frequent changes introduced in tax codes and rules
 Since 2001, near around 5000 changes have
been introduced to Hong Kong taxation codes.  Paying detail attention to all those changes to prepare your tax liability is something beyond imagination.
Contact Us Address:-
1103-5 Allied Kajima Building, 138 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Postal code: 518023 HK: +852 8172 1040