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Cleaning Tips
Make sure you have the proper tools to get the job done efficiently Replace worn out tools when needed Anytime a piece of equipment will reduce the time it takes to get the job done, it should be strongly considered
Sanitation needs to be a top priority for your facility to remain healthy
Choose products that are Pet/User friendly Make sure products are surface safe & non-corrosive Control your consumption and save time by using a metered dispenser Choose a product the staff likes using
Make a plan for sanitation Create an SOP (standard operating procedure) for three cleaning situations Daily cleaning – Simple/effective before and after business hours Spot cleaning – Quick/safe during business hours Detail cleaning – More thorough/scheduled time
Keep these steps simple and concise for the best results
Animal Care Facilities use extensive amounts of manual labor and labor costs are one the biggest expenses. Our Sanitation consultants are available to help you create a plan based on the unique needs of your facility. We can help your facility reduce labor costs, reduce cross contamination, save money, increase OSHA compliance and promote efficiency.