what does too much sugar do to your body

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what does too much sugar do to your body https://health-harvard.blogspot.com

Nutrition & Health tips

Why You Should Never eat Sweet Foods After the Age of 40 Sweet foods are diverse and delicious, but they contain extremely high calories, which makes people easy to gain weight, Sweet foods may change endocrine (collection of glands that produce hormones), sugar metabolism, fat metabolism will often be disordered , so sweet food should also be taken with care.

Health details: serious diseases caused or improved by sweets | Reasons Why Too Much Sugar Is Bad for You Eating more sweets promote breast cancer: Women's breast is an organ that can absorb a lot of insulin, and the growth of breast cancer cells requires a lot of insulin. If a large amount of high-sugar food is consumed for a long time, the insulin content in the blood will often be at a high level, which will promote the growth and reproduction of breast cancer cells. Eating more sweets is susceptible to vaginitis: Vaginitis is inflammation of the vagina that can result in discharge, itching and pain. Candida vaginitis is a common reproductive system disease in women. A study showed that patients with candidal vaginitis had significantly higher blood sugar or urine sugar levels than normal. When 90% of patients reduce their daily sugar intake, their infection or

recurrence rate is significantly reduced, which indicates that sugar intake is closely related to Candida infection. Eat sweets too fast accelerate the aging: Women who eat too much sweets will accelerate the aging of cells and will also induce gray hair. This is because sugar is an acidic food. Eating a lot of sugar will make the body fluid change from alkaline to neutral or weakly acidic, which will promote cell aging and cause hair to turn yellow and white. Eating Too Much Sweets Reduce Calcium in Body: At the same time, a large amount of calcium is neutralized, causing bone decalcification (removing calcium from tissues) and osteoporosis. Eating more sweets can easily lead to stones: Excessive sugar will promote the secretion of insulin, causing a serious imbalance in the ratio of cholesterol, bile acid and lecithin in bile. Excess sugar can also be converted into fat on its own, leading to obesity. Obesity does not cause everyone to have stones, but for women who are 40 years old, it is a hotbed for gallstones. Healthy Tips for eating sweets When you want to eat ice cream, choose vegetable fat. The taste of fat cream is no different from ordinary ice cream, but the calorie is only half or less of ordinary ice cream, and

it will not increase the burden of cardiovascular and internal organs like animal fat. How to eat sweet without health hazard 1. Eat sweets before meals: Eat sweets before meals, not only can satisfy the appetite, but also can effectively control the intake of dinner. 2. Eat sweets in the morning: When eating sweets in the morning the human body will metabolize and decompose it with a day's work and exercise, so that 50-100 grams of cakes or biscuits and a small piece of chocolate will not hoard up after eating. 3. Replace fructose with sucrose: Fructose (fruit sugar) is sweeter than sucrose (common sugar), and the calories of the two are not worse, but the conversion rate of fructose into fat is slower than sucrose, so the body needs more time to metabolize it. honey And apple candy are very common fructose, when you make sweets, you can use them instead of granulated sugar.



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