pelvic inflammatory disease treatments pelvic inflammatory disease symptoms

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Gynecological inflammation causes and Prevention

Women Health tips

Gynecological inflammation makes daily life and sexual life full of unspeakable pain and embarrassment. Many women endure and procrastinate because they are ashamed of their teeth or think they are not too important. Not only do they suffer more and more pain, but they also cause inflammation to spread to the entire reproductive system and become stubborn diseases. What are the gynecological inflammations Health details Inflammation of female reproductive organs is collectively referred to as gynecological inflammation, which generally includes vaginitis, pelvic inflammatory disease, cervicitis, and urethritis. Vaginitis: Inflammation of the vulva or vagina, causing swelling, congestion, erosion, and itching and burning pain, which makes you afraid to scratch or scratch, and is at a loss. Pelvic inflammatory disease: Chronic patients show lower abdominal distension, irregular menstruation, and increased leucorrhea. Acute patients show fever, abdominal pain, fatigue, and loss of appetite.

Cervicitis: manifested as increased leucorrhea, milky white mucus or yellowish purulent, bloody leucorrhea and intercourse bleeding when accompanied by polyps. Urethritis: manifested as urgency, frequent urination, and dysuria. Causes of gynecological inflammation and Physiological reasons: The genital skin is rich in sweat glands and has poor breathability. It is most likely to be attacked by germs. Due to the openness of the vagina, bacteria in the urethra and anus easily enter the vagina. Don't pay attention to hygiene during menstruation: Use unsanitary sanitary pads and have sex during menstruation. Injury: abortion, childbirth and other gynecological operations cause damage to the cervix and vagina, causing infection. Insufficient disinfection of uterine cavity operation Sexually transmitted diseases: unclean sexual life and excessive sexual intercourse, leading to pathogen invasion.

Extensive use of antibiotics: Excessive use of antibiotics can make the bacteria resistant, destroy the restrictive relationship between normal vaginal flora, and cause fungal infections. Long-term cleaning of the lower body with alkaline soap or medicine: The vagina is in an acidic environment and has a self-purifying effect. Long-term cleaning of the lower body with alkaline soap or medicine will kill the beneficial vaginal bacteria and reduce the local resistance. Long-term use of potassium permanganate solution to clean the lower body: Frequently using potassium permanganate solution will not only irritate and corrode the vulva skin and vaginal mucosa, but also absorb moisture, causing dry skin of the genitals.

Some Protection Health Tips Women are best to wear white cotton underwear, which is comfortable and breathable, and easy to observe the color of the leucorrhea. When wearing colored underwear, the diseased leucorrhea is often not easy to distinguish, which affects the early detection and treatment of some gynecological inflammations.

Clean the vulva method 1 Cleaning method. It is best to shower and rinse with warm water. If there is no shower condition, you can use a basin instead, but you need to use a dedicated basin. Do not use hot water to scald the pudendal skin. 2. Cleaning sequence. Wash your hands, wash the vulva from front to back, then wash the labia major and minor, and finally around and around the anus. 3. Cleaning liquid. Health-care cleansing products that can be decontaminated and sterilized can be used, but normally rinsed with clean water. 4. cleaning time. Once a day, it is best to go to bed. Note: Washing utensils should be washed before use, and towels should be dried or dried in a ventilated place after use. Exposure to the sun is best, which is conducive to sterilization.


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