Salifinite Branding Strategy

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DEFAULT Priscilla Dominguez | Nesara Kishor | Huanchao Tang | Sarah Wang

















Salinfinite is a simple apparatus that harvests electricity from seawater, storing the energy within a portable battery contained within it. Salinfinite is a magnetohydrodynamic generator installed into seawater, attached to the fixtures of a bridge or other pillars of support. The name is derived from the principle that the generator depends upon an infinite resource: salt water. The channel of the generator is placed so that it is parallel to the flow of the seawater, allowing the velocity vector to be perpendicular to the magnetic field, harvesting the greatest output of electricity. Salinfinite works on the principle of magnetohydrodynamics, in which electricity is produced when the kinetic energy of the salt-water ions are crossed with a magnetic field.

Compared to other existing sustainable energy apparatus designs, Salinfinite requires a minimal amount of initial monetary investment: $500. This is made possible because the materials used for the apparatus, such as Copper and Zinc, are readily available at a low cost. The battery that stores the energy would need to be replaced every 10 years. Because it depends upon salt-water as the conductive field, the generator makes use of a limitless resource. In fact, with maintenance check-ups every few years, it will continue to harvest electricity as long as the salt-water is available.

Salinfinite harvests electricity with the help of Copper electrodes, a metal that has high conductivity and low reactivity in seawater. The generator uses segmented electrodes and magnets to optimize the voltage output of the generator – a smart choice that provides a larger voltage output than a configuration that uses continuous electrodes and magnet sets. The batteries can transport and apply the energy to nearby locations.

Because of its ease of use and low economies of scale, Salinfinite can fit into even limited budgets. It is ideal for energy companies, governments, and NGO’s looking for the highest return on their investments. With low installation costs, low maintenance, a durable shelf life, and reliance on a limitless natural resource, Salinfinite is the smartest solution for energy seekers.



II. MARKET ANALYSIS INDUSTRY LANDSCAPE the form of policy and subsidies is a key factor in the growth of the solar energy industry (IBIS Report: Solar Energy, 2013)

Salinfinite is a novel energy generating system that fits into the sustainable energy category. A significant contributor to global CO2 emissions is traditional energy. The most effective means to combat the reduction of CO2 emissions is by shifting towards sustainable energy (World Bank, 2014).

Wind energy is also experiencing a strong growth in the category. Combined with favorable government assistance, wind power will ride high with the recent trend of economic recovery and rises in electricity demands. A push for the creation of offshore wind farms is also expected to help the growth of the industry. Revenue from wind energy is expected to grow at an annual rate of 9.6% to $10.8 billion during the next five years (IBIS Report: Wind Energy, 2013).

Existing sustainable energies include hydroelectric, solar, and wind. American Municipal Power develops hydroelectric generation “one of the most prevalent form of renewable energy used to generate electricity today� (AMP, 2014). According to IBIS, Hydroelectric and electricity derived from renewable sources are consistently growing. The report projects that, aided by an increasing demand for electricity and green energy, firms responsible for such energy sources will grow in the next 5 years (IBIS Report: Hydroelectric Energy, 2013).

Salinfinite introduces an alternative form of sustainable energy generation. While solar, wind, and hydroelectric methods exist in the market, Salinfinite offers an economically-sound alternative to these existing methods.

Within the solar energy industry, profits will account for 17% of the total revenue. By 2019, the solar energy industry revenue is expected to grow by 7.6% to $710 million. The growing support of the government in



PARTNERSHIPS Duke Energy has been developing sustainability plans and goals since 2012. The strategic sustainability plan includes innovative product and service, environmental footprint, quality workforce, strong communities, and governance and transparency. IDEAL LOCATION Duke operates within a key geographic area that is ideal for Salinfinite. Since it functions at optimum level in bodies of warm saltwater, Duke’s presence in the Florida coast, specifically, is a major advantage.

Duke Energy is headquartered in Charlotte, NC. Its Duke Power business is one of the largest investor- owned power generators in the United States. The company supplies electricity to 7.2 million customers in North Carolina, Ohio, Florida and Indiana. Duke has currently committed $2.5 billion to renewable energy investments since 2007.

CONTINUOUS SUPPORT Duke is proactive in its advocacy for renewable and sustainable energy, proving it could be a receptive consumer for the client’s product. Initiatives include their education programs, SunSense program, as well as a bill reduction initiative for consumers who are able to offset their energy use by generating their own. It also invests in alternative energy sources, and has a “standing request for renewable energy,” offering to buy from qualifying facilities.

SUSTAINABILITY PLAN The Duke Energy belief: “Sustainability is a journey that requires a long view and a broad stakeholder perspective, as well as collaboration and perseverance.”



BUYING POWER The sheer budget capacity of GE proves it to be a desirable target for the client. Within its commitment to renewable energy, GE has invested in projects worth $7 billion in wind energy, $1.5 billion in solar energy, and $9 billion overall for alternative energy initiatives in general. GE generated $25 billion revenues from sustainability investment in 2012. GE promised that they will double sustainability investment in 2014. In the interests of cost-efficiency for GE, Salinfinite would be promising because of its high level of functionality and little need for maintenance. GE would have to spend very little capital and human resources towards the upkeep of its product: this would result in higher profits for GE. Total investment of the client’s prototype would consist of roughly $2 billion investment per year, an investment that GE can easily take part in.

As one of the leading energy technology firms across the globe, GE has amassed enough clout and influence to make a difference in supporting growing renewable energy initiatives. GE’s technology currently helps deliver roughly a quarter of the world’s electricity. Furthermore, GE has a Sustainability Division in place operaing with many other sustainability initiatives, focusing on life sciences, power, gas, among others. ALTERNATIVE ENERGY INVESTMENT GE has invented “Ecomagination” as its commitment in building innovative solutions for environmental challenges while still driving economic growth. In 2012, GE successfully reached the goal it set two years ago of growing ecomagination revenue at twice the rate of its total revenue in five years. GE’s ecomagination R&D investments totaled $1.4 billion in 2012, which accounts for 28% of its overall R&D investment that year.

LOCATION OPPORTUNITY GE has currently invested in projects across the United States and globally; however, it has not extended its reach for sustainable initiatives in Florida. Because the client’s product works ideally in this specific climate, GE could expand its project base further. This would ultimately lead to cost efficiencies and ultimately a greater return on investment.



Specific projects include the Vietnam Renewable Energy project, the China Renewable Energy Scale-Up program, and the Bangladesh Rural Electricity and Distribution Project. Projects in Africa have been funded through “Lighting Africa”, an initiative to support off-grid electricity to rural communities, with “Lighting Asia” a parallel initiative (World Bank: Energy 2014) . Featuring Salinfinite to such governments and partnered NGO’s will be ideal, since its attractive high return on investment and reliability is a crucial factor when deciding upon an appropriate energy system for developing areas. The International Water and Resource Economics Consortium would be another receptive body since one of its aims include the integration of water and energy (Water Science and Policy Center 2014).

Key partnerships for Salinfinite include NGO’s and Governments from the United States, China, India, South Africa, and more. Among them, The World Bank is one of the most influential drivers in sustainable energy development. The World Bank’s energy initiative has covered funding for over $12.5 billion for renewable energy projects since 2007, and provided $8.2 billion to support energy finance overall in 2012 alone (World Bank: Energy 2014). Their energy initiative is based upon choosing the most cost-efficient options within renewable energy systems, proving Salinfinite to be an ideal choice. It’s direct involvement with the United Nation’s Sustainable Energy for All Initiative includes seventy-seven countries across the world. So far, the energy initiative has backed projects in India, Senegal, Cameroon, Kenya, Indonesia, Bangladesh, and Mongolia (World Bank: Energy 2014).

Other targets include smaller-scale NGO’s such as the U.S. based Technology for the Poor, which provides and enables economically disadvantaged communities across the world with sustainable technologies. They have mainly provided assistance in Tanzania, promoting simple solutions such as pedal-power bicycles (Technology for the Poor). The U.S. based New Earth Foundation also assists communities by providing funding for innovative sustainable projects such as solar cookers for refugees, solar computers for literacy, or agricultural education for food income within Asia and the Caribbean (New Earth Foundation).



III. CREATIVE BRIEF Why are we advertising? To establish an awareness of Salinfinite among energy companies, governments, and NGOs who are devoted to sustainable energy.

What is the single most persuasive idea? Salinfinite is the smartest solution for sustainable energy seekers because it presents the high ROI.

Who are we talking to? Energy companies, governments and NGOs who are looking for the latest trends in the sustainable energy industry to profit from, and are financially capable of investing. They want to establish themselves as pioneers of sustainable energy development and have a beneficial impact on their communities.

What do they currently think?

What do we want them to think?

Why should they believe it?

The sustainable energy market is currently saturated with existing technologies such as wind, solar, hydro, and nuclear. They all have disadvantageous limitations including cost, geolocation, environment, and scale.

Our current practices are not the most efficient. Salinfinite will bring our energy practices to the highest level, economically and environmentally.

Salinifinite uses the inexhaustible supply of salt water to generate power. It requires minimal maintenance yet enjoys a significantly longer lifespan than existing products.



IV. MEDIA RECOMMENDATION PARTNERSHIPS Energy companies, governments and NGOs who are looking for the latest trends within the sustainable energy industry to profit from, and are financially capable of investing in them. They want to establish themselves as pioneers of sustainable energy developments and have a beneficial impact on their communities.




Duke Energy

U.S.A China South Africa Japan Egypt Australia Brazil Malaysia

Global Energy Initiative New Earth Foundation, Inc. Renewable Natural Resources Foundation Technology for the Poor World Development Endowment Foundation World Bank

General Electric









AIRPORTS Major international airports providing service to the conferences and tradeshows will be the location of targeted outdoor campaigns. With businessmen and representatives traveling across the world to these events, the airport will be a central location to launch brand awareness and increase brand sentiment. This messaging will feed into product specific advertising at the tradeshows. VENUE UN Climate Summit, 2014 Sep 2014, NYC

World Bio Market Conferences Sep 16 - Sep 17; Sao Paulo, Brazil Jun 17 - Jun 18; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Oct 28 - 29; San Diego, US

NMW-National Manufacturing Week 2014 May 13-16 Sydney, Australia

Renewable Energy World Conference & Expo Dec 9 - 11; Orlando, FL

Renewable Energy World Asia 2014 Sep 10-12 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

IEE Annual Conference & Expo 2014 May 18-22, Caribe Hilton, San Juan, Puerto Rico

SXSW 2015, Austin, TX

AmCon Design & Contract Manufacturing Expo April 9-10, Seattle May 1-2, Denver May 21-22, Austin, Texas

GEOGRAPHY North America, South America, Africa, Asia, and Australia.

11th Annual Meeting of the International Water Resource Economics Consortium Sep 7 - 9; Washington D.C.

SEASONALITY Advertising at trade shows will take place during the Spring and Fall months. Outdoor guerrilla marketing will take place in airports year long. Social media conversations will flow from advertising at trade shows and guerilla marketing. This will be continuous.

IIC-China 2014 Fall Exhibition Sept 2 - 5 Shenzhen, China Africa Ports & Harbours Show 2014 July 1-2 Johannesburg, South Africa




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The beauty of the ocean is that it is infinite. A resource that keeps giving. A quality that smart sustainability thrives upon. Energy generation at its simplest and most efficient, Salinfinite harvests electricity through the everflowing salt water. Salinfinite is an energy generator installed into seawater, attached to the fixtures of a bridge or other similar pillars of support. The channel of the generator is placed parallel to the flow of the seawater, allowing the velocity vector to be perpendicular to the magnetic field, harvesting the greatest output of electricity. Salinfinite has two components that optimizes energy output: the use of copper electrodes, providing high conductivity, and segmented electrodes and magnets, optimizing voltage output. Salinfinite offers a high return on investment. With low installation costs, low maintenance, a durable shelf life, and reliance on a limitless natural resource, Salinfinite is the smartest solution for sustainable energy seekers. 18



The beauty of the ocean is that it is infinite. A resource that keeps giving. A quality that smart sustainability thrives upon. Energy generation at its simplest and most efficient, Salinfinite harvests electricity through the everflowing salt water. Salinfinite is an energy generator installed into seawater, attached to the fixtures of a bridge or other similar pillars of support. The channel of the generator is placed parallel to the flow of the seawater, allowing the velocity vector to be perpendicular to the magnetic field, harvesting the greatest output of electricity. Salinfinite has two components that optimizes energy output: the use of copper electrodes, providing high conductivity, and segmented electrodes and magnets, optimizing voltage output. Salinfinite offers a high return on investment. With low installation costs, low maintenance, a durable shelf life, and reliance on a limitless natural resource, Salinfinite is the smartest solution for sustainable energy seekers. 19



ABOUTCOMPANY Founded in 2013, Syracuse-based mechanical engineering company Salinfinite specializes in innovative sustainable energy designs. The company is named after the very first energy generator it introduced into the market. Within its first year, Salinfinite has developed and launched a novel renewable energy product that is designed to deliver high ROI to energy investors.


CONTACT MISSIONSTATEMENT Providing smart sustainable energy solutions to energy seekers worldwide; Empowering small and large companies with the tools for sustainable living.


Smart Solution

102 Walnut Ave. Syracuse, NY 13210 U.S.A (800) 334-1234






Salinfinite is installed into seawater, attached to the fixtures of bridges.

High ROI. With low cost materials copper and zinc- and a simple installation procedure, Salinfinite provides a high return on investment.


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Operating on the principle of magnetohydrodynamics, it produces electricity using the kinetic energy of the salt-water ions.

Its use of copper electrodes and choice of segmented electrodes and magnets ensures optimal energy output.

Salinfinite was created when five brilliant engineering students in the L.C.Smith College of Engineering at Syracuse University joined forces to look towards the future of sustainable energy. Inspired by a conceptual model from a Russian Sci-Fi, the five students discovered the hidden power in the ever-flowing ocean and invented an innovative way of energy generation. From there, Salinfinite was born.

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Infinite resources. Since seawater is one of the main components in the functionality of the design, the apparatus makes full use of the infinite resource. Low Maintenance. A simple on-site evaluation once a year, and a battery change once every ten. SALINFINITE




AMBIENT ADVERTISING SPONSORED WIFI The outdoor campaign will target business travelers and industry professionals in airports who are on their way to conferences. Airports typically lack free wifi, a simple yet key service that business travelers would be in need for. Salinfinite will provide free wifi at major international airports, with the network name Salinfinite. Once connected, users are taken to the landing page with brand information and contents. Salinfinite will also have actual wifi booths stationed in the airports. The booths will feature our logo and provide information about the product and its strengths.



SmartTravel APP Airports are crowded. And sometimes it seems to take forever to get to your boarding gate, especially when you are in a hurry. There are maps scattered around, but they don’t always make it clear which way you are going. To help business travelers with this problem, Salinfinite provides them with a navigation application. When travelers print out their boarding passes, they will find Salinfinite’s QR code on the back. Upon scanning the QR code, users will be lead to a simple navigation web page, without having to download the actual app. The page functions as a navigation map, guiding travelers to their correct gates. The actual App download is also available for their future use, with a simple click on the web page. Both the web page and the App will be designed to be well-branded without being intrusive or noisy.



SOCIAL MEDIA #Salinfinite[Cityname]


Targeting business travelers at the airports, Salinfinite will provide temporary location-based networks through a Twitter-based campaign. After connecting to the Salinfinite wifi network at the airport, the landing page will invite travelers to join in a Twitter conversation with the hashtag #Salinfinite[CityName]. This creates temporary networks for business people who are traveling to or from a particular city. They will be able to network with others and share helpful information about the city to fellow travelers. In essence, Salinfinite is providing a simple and smart solution to make their business travel and stay much easier and more enjoyable.

Salinfinite will produce bi-weekly blog/article content that will be posted on LinkedIn. Subscribed members will be notified of the updates through email. Articles will be directly relevant to technology and commerce in the sustainable energy field. For example, one article will be “5 Essential Tips for Smart Commerce in Sustainable Energy.� Salinfinite will create a conversation among members by inviting them to contribute their own tips or solutions, with the hashtag #SalinfiniteSmart.






SUMMARY Current sustainable energy practices today require a high-degree of maintenance and dependence on expensive resources. Salinfinite is remarkably simple in that it requires none of this. With its simplicity in design, reliance on low cost materials, and use of an unlimited resource, Salinfinite will provide the highest ROI to sustainable energy seekers. Every aspect of the integrated interactive campaign will meet energy investors, corporate and government alike, through meaningfully targeted messaging. Because potential buyers of Salinfinite will already be active members in the energy forum, tradeshows and conferences will be a prime means for advertising, with posters and brochures set up at the booths. Ambient advertising at international airports will allow them to experience the Salinfinite brand through simple, smart solutions in the form of sponsored Wifi and a Travel App. Finally, the 360-degree social media strategy speaks to industry members’ and stakeholders’ need for establishing networks with like-minded people. Salinfinite will provide the forum for these discussions through Twitter and LinkedIn, engaging stakeholders in timely, relevant conversations. With strategic marketing applied towards a prime set of buyers, L. C. Smith Engineering will be able to realize far-reaching impact of Salinfinite on corporations, governments, and indeed, the future of sustainable development.



REFERENCES AMP, 2014 Design Status Report: MHD Generator, L.C. Smith Engineering Duke Energy GE Energy IBIS Report: Hydroelectric Energy, 2013 IBIS Report: Solar Energy, 2013 IBIS Report: Wind Energy, 2013 New Earth Foundation Operating Procedure: Magnetohydrodynamics Generator, L.C. Smith Engineering Technology for the Poor Water Science and Policy Center 2014 World Bank, 2014 World Bank: Energy 2014



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