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Figure 16. Screenshot of Sprint Board in Jira
Team Reflection
Overall, the teamwork went smooth. We used daily stand-ups as part of the agile methodology to manage our teamwork. For structure and communication, we used three online platforms, Jira, Miro and Teams. One of our team members, Yash, who is already an expert on this, took the role of ‘scrum master’ and lead us through the Journey. In the beginning, we wrote down everything in our mind that probably needed to be done in the ‘backlog’, such as SWOT analysis and stakeholder analysis. Then we started our ‘sprint’ every Friday afternoon, after which everyone of us was assigned several ‘backlogs’ to do by the next Friday. During the week, we did 1-2 weekly ‘standup(s)’ to exchange our progresses and help each other out. And finally, it turns out to be efficient to work in this way.We had a quite nice time management and task divisions. It not only allows us to leverage our strengths in each task but also gives us opportunities to challenge ourselves to practice outside our ‘comfort zones’. In the second stage of this project (working on the solution part), besides the ‘sprint’ meeting, each of us take over preparing and hosting 1-2 workshops to help us brainstorm for the solution, such as the scoping session, the technology workshop and the ideation session (Figure 16 Figure 17). During the journey, however, because we kept inspired by different sources of information, we had a hard time to narrow down our scope and sometimes got lost in discussion. Some meetings were unnecessarily long (e.g. sometimes we spend the whole Friday afternoon to discuss even until 18:00). But we think this is the journey. It should be like this as we collaborate with each other for the first time and a lot of knowledge is new to us. We need time to digest and adapt to it. But obviously, we learned along the way! Besides, each of our team member wrote down several good and bad points of teamwork as followed.
Individual Reflection
• Yash
Good points: Great teamwork, collaboration and ideation. Analytical thinking and applicationoriented thinking. Bad point: Sometimes getting lost in long discussions and information. But that is a part of the journey.
• Siraadj
Good points: Great communication within the team due to multiple daily standups a week; fun group with team bonding activities which mostly include food. All team members have a different skill set. even the ones from the same study.” Bad point: Sometimes goals were not aligned. Long discussions were needed to align as a group again to stay in scope.
• Luxin
Good points: • This was the first time I use ‘agile’ method in practice, and it turned out to be useful and efficient. I would like to try to lead a sprint meeting in my next team-work project.