2005 Honda S2000 Service Repair Manual

Page 1

EngineElectrical EngineElectrical SoecialTools

Starting System Location Index ........,..... Component CircuitDiagram StarterCircuitTroubleshooting ClutchlnterlockSwitchTest Test ................ StarterSolenoid Test StarterPerformance ............,.. StarterReplacement StarterOverhaul.,...,.................

4-2 4-3 4-4 4-5 4-6 4-7 4-7 4-8 4-10

lgnition System LocationIndex .............. Component CircuitDiagram lgnitionTimingInspection SparkPlugInspection

ChargingSystem LocationIndex .............. Comoonent Diagram Circuit CircuitTroubleshooting Charging Alternator-com oressorBelt ......,..,,.......... and Replacement Inspection Alternator Reolacement Inspection/Replacement Auto-tensioner Alternator Overhaul................



4-16 4-' tl 4-18 4-'t9 4-20 4-21 4-22 4-25 4-26 4-27 4-29

4-35 Location Index ......................................... Comoonent .'....."4-36 CircuitDiagram 4-37 Index ............................... SymptomTroubleshooting ........... 4-38 CruiseControlUnitInputTest 4-40 ............... MainSwitchTest ................. 4-41 Test .................... MainSwitch/lndicator/lllumination 4-41 .................. BulbReplacement MainSwitch/lndicator 4-42 .................... SwitchTest SeVResume 4-42 ............................... SwitchRep1acement SeVResume ............. 4-43 Test Actuator CruiseControl 4-44 ........................ CruiseControlActuatorReplacement 4-45 ............. ActuatorCableReplacement 4-46 ............'.. Adjustment Cable Actuator '... 4-47 ClutchPedalPositionSwitchTest '.".' 4-47 BrakePedalPositionSwitchTest

EngineElectrical SpecialTools Number

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Tool Number 07746-0010400 07749-0010000

Description Attachment, 52 x 55 mm Driver


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StartingSystem \-


est, page4-6




STARTER page4-5 Troubleshooting, SolenoidTest,page4-7 page4-7 Performance. page4'8 Replacement, Overhaul,page 4-10



StartingSystem CircuitDiagram



StarterCircuitTroubleshooting NOTE: . Air temperaturemust be between59'and 100"F(15' a n d 3 8 " C )d u r i n gt h i s p r o c e d u r e . . After this test,or any subsequentrepair,resetthe enginecontrol module (ECM)to clear any diagnostic t r o u b l ec o d e s{ D T C S{)s e ep a g e1 1 - 3 ) . . The batterymust be in good conditionand fully cnargeo. RecommendedProcedure: . Use a startersystemtester. . Connectand operatethe equipmentin accordance with the manufacturer'sinstructions. Allernate Procedure 1 . H o o ku p t h e f o l l o w i n ge q u i p m e n t : . Ammeter,0 400 A . Voltmeter,0 20 V (accuratewithin 0.1 volt) . Tachometer,0 '1200rpm

4. Checkthe batterycondition.Checkelectrical connectionsat the battery,the negativebattery cableto body, engineground cables,and the starterfor loosenessand corrosion.Then try s t a n i n gt h e e n g i n ea g a i n . Did the stattet crank the engine? YES Repairingthe looseconnectionfixed the problem.The startingsystem now is OK.l NO lf the starterwill not crank the engine at all, go to step 5, lf it cranksthe engine erraticallyor too slowly, go to step 7. lf it won't disengagefrom the flywheel ring gear when you releasethe switch, checkfor the Jollowinguntil you find the cause. . Solenoidplungerand switch malfunction . Dirty drive gear or damagedoverrunningclutch 5. Make sure the transmissionis in neutral,then wire (A) from the starter disconnectthe BLK,^/VHT jumper (B). wire from the a solenoid Connect batterypositiveterminal to the solenoidterminal.


R e m o v et h e N o . 2{ 1 5A ) f u s ef r o m t h e u n d e r - d a s h fuse/relaybox. Turn the ignition switch ON {ll} with the clutch pedaldepressed,and push the engine start switch. Did the starter crank the engine? Did the starter crank the engine normally? YES Go to step 6. YES The startingsystem is OK.l NO Go to step 4.

NO Removethe starterand repairor replaceas necessary.



StartingSystem StarterCircuit Troubleshooting (cont'dl

ClutchlnterlockSwitch Test 1. Disconnectthe connectorfrom the clutch interlock switch,then removethe clutch interlockswitch.

6. Checkthe following wires in the order listeduntil you find the open circuit. . Betweenthe ignition switch and the startercut relay. . Betweenthe ignition switch and the start switch. . Betweenthe start switch and lhe startercut relay. . Betweenthe start switch and body ground. . Betweenthe staner cut relay and the starter. . Checkthe ignition switch,the start switch.the clutchinterlockswitch,and those connectors. . Substitutea known-goodstartercut relay.


7. Checkthe crankingvoltageand currentdraw, ls cranking voltage greater than or equal to 8.5 volts and current draw less than or equal to 380 amps? YES Go to step 8. NO - Removeand disassemblethe starter,and checkfor the following until you find the cause. . Open circuit in starterarmaturecommutator segments . Starterarmaturedragging . Shortedarmaturewinding . Excessivedrag in engine 8 . C h e c ke n g i n es p e e dd u r i n gc r a n k i n g .

Checkthe clutch interlockswitch connector terminalsfor continuity.Thereshould be no continuitybetweenthe terminalswith the button (A) released.and there should be continuitywith the button pressed. CLUTCHINTERLOCKSWITCH CONNECTOR

Terminalside oI maleterminals

ls engine speed above 100 rpm? YES Go to step 9. NO Removeand disassemblethe starter,and checktor the following until you find the cause. . . . .

Excessivelyworn staner brushes Open circuitin commutator brushes Dirty or damagedhelicalsplineor drive gear Faultydrive gear clutch

9. Removethe starterand inspectits drive gear and the flywheel ring gear for damage.Beplaceany damaged parts.l


lf the clutch interlockswitch is faulty, replaceit. Installtheclutch interlockswitch,and adjust it (see page 12-41.

Starter Solenoid Test 1. Checkthe hold-incoilfor continuitybetweenthe S terminal and the armaturehousinglground).There should be continuitv. . lf there is continuity,go to step 2. . lf there is nocontinuity.replacethesolenoid.

Starter PerformanceTest 1 . Disconnectthe wires from the S terminal and the M terminal. Make the connectionsas describedbelow using as heavy a wire as possible(preferablyequivalentto the wire used for the vehicle).To avoid damaginig the starter,never leavethe battervconnectedfor more than 10 seconds. Connectthe batteryas shown. Be sure to disconnectthe startermotor wire from the solenoid. lf the starterpinion pops out, itisworking properly.

Checkthe pull-incoil for continuitybetweenthe S terminal and M terminal.Thereshould be continuity. . lf there is continuity,the solenoidis OK. . lfthere is no continuity,replacethe solenoid.

Disconnectthe batteryfrom the M terminal. lf the pinion does not retract,the hold-incoil of the solenoidis working properly.



StartingSystem Stafter PerformanceTest {cont'dl 5. Disconnectthebatteryfrom the starterbody. lfthe pinion retractsimmediately,it is working properly.

Starter Replacement '1.

Make sure you have the anti-theftcode for the radio, then write down the frequenciesfor the radio's presetbuttons. Disconnectthe negativecablefrom the battery, then disconnectthe positivecable. Move the auto-tensioner(A)to relievetensionfrom the alternator-compressor belt, and removethe b e l t( B ) .

Clamp the starterfirmly in a vise. 7 . Connectthe starterto the batteryas describedin the diagram below, and confirm that the motor starts and keepsrotating.

4. Removethe auto-tensioner.

lf the electriccurrentand motor speed meet the specificationswhen the batteryvoltageis at 11.5V, the starteris working properly. Specifications: 1.0 kw 90 A or less (Electric current),

3,000rom or more


& 8 x 1.25mm 22 N.m (2.2kgf.m, 16lbf.ftl 8 x 1 . 2 5m m 22 N m (2.2kgf.m, 16lbf.ft)

\Disconnectthe 4P connector(A)from the alternator (B),and disconnectthe BLKwire from the alternatorB lerminal (C).

7. Disconnectthe startercablefrom the B terminal on the staner solenoid(A),then disconnectthe BLK,^/VHTwire from the S terminal (C).

E x 1 . 2 5m m 1 2N . m (1.2kgt.m, 9 tbf.ft)





8 x 1.25

I N.m (0.9ksf.m,7lbt.ft)

Removethe mounting bolts,then removethe alternator. 10x 1.25mm ,14N'm (4.5kgf.m,33 lbf ftl

10 x 1,25mm 44 N.m (4.5kgt.m,33lbf.ft)

\ -.t -1 0 x 1 . 2 5m m 44 N.m (4.5kgt.m, 33 tbf.frl

Removethetwo boltssecuring the starter,then removethe starter. 9 . lnstallin the reverseorderof removal.Makesure the crimpedsideofthe ringterminalis facingout.

1 0 .Connectthe positivecableand negativecableto the battery. 'l

1 . Startthe engineto make sure the starteroperates properly.

1 2 .Enterthe anti-iheftcode for the radio,then enter the customer'sradio stationpresets. t5.

Set the clock.

1 4 . P r e f o r mt h e e n g i n es o n t r o lm o d u l e( E C M )i d l e l e a r n p r o c e d u r e( s e ep a g e1 1 - 1 0 0 ) .


StartingSystem StarterOverhaul Disassembly/Reassembly I x 1.25mm 9 N.m(0.9kgf m,7 lbt.ft)

8 r '1.25mm














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1. Removethe staner (seepage 4-8).

5. Checkthe commutatordiameter,lf the diameteris below the servicelimit, reDlacethe armature.

2. Disassemblethe staner. Armature Inspection and Test

Commutator Diameter Standard{New}:28.0-28.1 mm {1.102 1.106in.l SeryiceLimit: 27.5 mm (1.083in.l

3. Inspectthe armaturefor wear or damagedue to contactwith the permanentmagnet.lf there is wear or damage,replacethe armature.

Measurethe commutator runout.

Checkthe commutator(A) surface.lf the surfaceis dirty or burnt, resurfaceit with emery cloth or a lathewithin the following speciiications,or reconditionwith # 500 or # 600 sandpaper(B).

. lf the commutator runout is within the service limit, checkthe commutatorfor carbondust or brasschips betweenthe segments. . lf the commutator runout is not within the service limit, replacethe armature. Commutator Runout Standard{New}:0.02mm (0.001in.l max. 0.05 mm (0.002in.) Service Limit:



StartingSystem StarterOverhaul(cont'dl 7. Checkthe mica depth (A).lf the mica is too high (B), undercutthe mica with a hacksawbladeto the properdepth.Cut away all the mica (C) between the commutatorsegments.The undercutshould not be too shallow,too narrow,or V-shaped(D). Commutator Mica Depth Standard(New):0.4-0.5 mm (0.010 0.020in.) ServiceLimit: 0.15 mm (0.006in.)

8. Checkfor continuitybetweenthe segments ofthe commutator, lf an opencircuitexistsbetweenany segments, replacethe armature.



9 . Placethe armature(A) on an armaturetester(B). Hold a hacksawblade (C)on the armaturecore. lf the blade is attractedto the core or vibrateswhile the core is lurned,the armatureis shorted.Replace the armature. B


1 0 .Checkwith an ohmmeterthatno continuityexists betweenthecommutator(A)andarmaturecoil core{B),andbetweenthe commutator and armatureshaft(C).lf continuityexists,replace the armature.

! Starter Brush Inspection

Starter Brush Holder Test

11. lvleasurethe brush length.lf it is not within the servicelimit, replacethe brush holder assembly.

14. Checkthat there is no continuitybetweenthe (+ ) b r u s hh o l d e r{ A )a n d ( ) b r u s h h o l d e r( B ) .l f t h e r e is continuity,replacethe brush holderassembly.

Brush Length Standard(New): 15.8 16.2mm 10.62 0.64in.) ServiceLimit: 11.0mm (0.43in.)


Starter Field Winding Test


12. Checkfor continuitybetweenthe brushes(A).lf there is no continuity,replacethe armature h o u s i n g( B ) . A

/ / / B

Insertthe brush (A) into the brush holder,and bring the brush into contactwith the commutator,then attacha spring scale(B)to the spring (C).Measure the spring tension at the moment the spring lifts off the brush. Spring Tension: 15.7 17.7N (1.6 -1.8kgf.3.53


\ \ \ \ \ \ '

Checkfor continuitybetweeneach brush (A) and the armaturehousing{B).lf there is continuity, replacethe armaturehousing.



StartingSystem Stafter Overhaul(cont'dl '16.Pry

backeach brush spring with a screwdriver.then positionthe brush about halfway out of its holder, and releasethe spring to hold it there.

1 8 . Installthe starterend cover (A)to retainthe brush h o l d e r( B ) . BOLT,5x 1,0 mm 5.9 N m (0.6ksf m,4.3lbf ft)


1 7 . I n s t a l l t h ea r m a t u r ei n l h e h o u s i n ga, n d i n s t a l l t h e brush holder.Next, pry backeach brush spring a g a i n ,a n d p u s ht h e b r u s hd o w n u n t i li t s e a t s againstthe commutator,then releasethe spring againstthe end of the brush. NOTE:To seat new brushes,slip a strip of # 500 or # 600 sandpaper,with the grit side up, betweenthe commutatorand each brush,and smoothly rotate the armature.The contactsurfaceofthe brushes will be sandedto the same contouras the commutator.


Overrunning Clutch Inspection ,|9.

Slidethe overrunningclutchalong the shaft. Replaceit if it does not slide smoothly.

20. Hold the planetarygear shaft (A),and turn the overrunningclutchassembly(B) both ways. lf it does not lock in either directionor it locksin both directions,reDlaceit.


2 1 . lf the starterdrive gear (C)is worn or damaged, replacethe overrunningclutchassembly;the gear is not availableseparately. Checkthe conditionof the torque converterring gear if the starterdrjve gear teeth are damaged. Reassemblethe starterin reverseorder of disassembly.


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