WHO AM I? At quae cus eaqui quas ex endantius rereperuptas que nihil et eume prat. Busaestist, net facimil id molent, qui ni doloribus si volore maiorit modis id ma seque nimenihicias volecus quam res dolor asi ut volorep eratatem aut quundam velenem atur, idit entiam lia incia si omnimen imolore num simolup taestota voloren demporis maionet eat andipsam doluptur? Equam eius esse eum, cum eostemquatus aliqui de pore dent voluptat acercide et exerit offictur, omnis quaspis magnihi liquia comnis et que illandebis et dolupta ectum, non consequia nusa eat lam que landamendae sincill upidund ipiscium quibus most volestium rest optatur abor si autem core volorunti dipsanda nat.
Architecture as a Discourse [T]
he change of discourse of architecture is the change of thinkings and concerns in architects. Towards the new century of architecture, the discourse of architecture has been shifted from dead hard calssical laws of architecture -portions, compositions, colors, techniques-to the emphasis of more intricate and organic architecture, as a great response to the advanced technology provide by the 20th century human civilization. “To make architecture si to map the world in some way, to intervene, to signify: it is a political act.�
n this shift of architecture, architects have been taking their buildings not merely as an object providing shelter but a tool that speaks for itself, that it lively talk to the surrounding environment and respond to them.
ne role, in this play of architecture, is the technology, who has advanced the discourse of architecture. It enables architecture to escape the box of modules, and follows a pattern of change- a pattern of calculus and algorithmic calculations. This mode of architectural design allows dynamic changes to be made and to be presented. This escape is a manifesto of architecture as a responsive decipline trying to get in touch with the forever changing everyday life.
Without being Modular Greg Lynn
he father of digital architecture, Greg Lynn, is clearly the pioneer of the discourse of architecture. This image is the Korean Presbyterian Church done by Greg Lynn’s team.
n his world of design, Greg Lynn is not interested in architecture out of pure ideal structures, ones that seek for architectural balance in simple physics laws.But rather, he learns from the nature. The interests in generic forms and generic evolution had made the start point of his new looks in architecture.
he Korean Presbyterian Church has a series of roof covering above the main stairs. Without being modular, these roofs are varied in size, structure and distance in a similar way. According to Greg, it is a ‘calculus based definition’ that make the roofs change in pattern. This change of pattern based on calculus not only contribute to the formal features of the church but also to the spatial experience of visitor- the rational change in distance and opening between components create a high sense dynamic movement of space.