Community Fridge Network | Impact report 2020 | Hubbub

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Tales from lockdown “Our volunteers who have been manning the fridge since lockdown had a (socially distanced) standing ovation from five elderly ladies from the nearby residential scheme!”

“One of our regulars, Mrs C, is 89, lives alone, has no close family, and suffers from extremely poor health. She’s shielding, so can’t go to the shops and doesn’t have internet access to order supermarket deliveries. The meals we deliver to her have been, in her words, “a life-saver” and she looks forward to the daily visits of the delivery driver, because they are the only person she sees all week.”

“People tell us that good quality, free food has made a huge difference at this time. From feeding families, improving mental health, encouraging people to try new food, to improving diets.”


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