Terms and conditions: Investment fund for community fridges
About the fund
Hubbub wants to help Community Fridge Network (CFN) members grow their impact and build resilient communities by supporting a cross section of society to have access to healthy and sustainable food, food skills and stronger local food economies. With this fund we want to deepen the impact of fridges and really address the issues that they are coming up against time and time again. These are volunteer recruitment, lack of capacity, dependency on grant funding to name a few. We’ve listened to the network and identified areas where our support could address these problems through encouraging innovation, enhancing existing activities, adapting to new and future challenges and using research and insights to enable groups to become selfsustaining.
Organisations will be selected from the pool of CFN member applicants. Successful applicants will be offered a one-off payment taking into account the applicant’s project costings which must fall between £3,000 - £7,000. Successful grant recipients will be required to report back on the impact of their project so that the wider impact of investment fund initiatives can be evaluated and reported.
By submitting an application, organisations agree to Hubbub’s decisions relating to the fund being final and binding.
To receive funding, organisations will be required to enter into further agreements, which will be provided should the application be successful.
The grant is open to any member of the Community Fridge Network which has a fridge that has been open for a minimum of 1 year. Groups must have submitted their impact reporting for this time period.
Applicants must be able to provide certified bank details for their registered organisation.
Applications from a collaboration of organisations or partnerships are welcomed. The lead organisation must be a registered member of the Community Fridge Network.
Each Applicant shall appoint a lead “representative” to represent it and act on its behalf, including registering and entering an application, along with a secondary contact who is able to act in the “representative’s” absence. The representative must be authorised to submit on behalf of the organisation.
The fund will be opened on 2nd October 2023.
The fund will be open on a rolling basis for a period of 6 months with a number of funding spaces allocated per month.
The final deadline for applications is 30th March 2024. We reserve the right to close the funding window before this time should all the funding be allocated.
The link to the application form will become available on our main funding webpage once the application window is open.
Please contact us directly if you are unable to complete a digital application: communityfridge@hubbub.org.uk
Applications will be assessed against the following criteria:
Community fridge must have been open for 12 months prior to submitting the application
Application demonstrates that the funding is to support activities relating to and/ or around the community fridge
Impact reporting must be consistent and up to date
The proposal should give some reflection of how this funding could support the group to be self-sufficient in future
The proposed idea/activity must be detailed and specific and align with the mission statement of the fund
Evidence of capacity and resources available to run chosen project
Evidence that ideas are realistic and achievable
Evidence of community need or demand shown through engagement with the local community
Open and available to all
The proposal must clearly demonstrate the social and/or environmental impact in its continuation
Demonstrate realistic cost-benefit analysis (I.e., The budget is well allocated and sustainable long term)
Potential for scalability or replicability for other community fridges
Where possible we would encourage groups applying for funding to support a one-off purchase to have evidence of having already raised significant funding towards their goal and/or demonstrated initiative in securing the purchase
Applications must be completed in English – we offer translation services upon request.
An applicant may not enter more than one application.
Applications must not violate the intellectual property rights of any other person or entity.
If for any reason an application is confirmed to have been mistakenly deleted, lost, or otherwise destroyed or corrupted, the sole remedy is to provide the opportunity for resubmitting an application. Such request will be agreed at the sole discretion of Hubbub. Proof of sending or submitting an application may not necessarily be deemed proof of receipt by Hubbub.
The grant panel will make a decision on a rolling monthly basis until the window closes
From the pool of applications received, a panel of Hubbub staff will choose the successful applicants Successful applicants will then be contacted and offered a grant of up to £7,000
Should a successful applicant wish to accept the grant offer, they will be required to sign a mutually agreed Letter of Agreement between Hubbub and the applicant organisation and complete a Due Diligence form. Organisations will not be eligible to receive grant funding until they have signed their Letter of Agreement and Due Diligence with Hubbub.
An Applicant will be deemed ineligible if:
they refuse to provide further requested information; and/or
they are uncontactable for a period of more than 14 days during the application process
Hubbub reserves the right, at their sole discretion, to disqualify any applicant.
The grant
The Fund will support projects for a one-year period detailed in the Letter of Agreement.
Progress reports will be required six months and one year from the project launch. Details of the timings and requirements for the reporting will be provided as part of the Letter of Agreement.
All of the funding allocated will be provided upon signing of the Letter of Agreement.
The grant money must only be spent as outlined in the Letter of Agreement.
Any personal information collected from you when entering the Programme is subject to the privacy policy located here.
Contacting us
If you have any questions regarding these T&Cs or this grant fund, please email us at communityfridge@hubbub.org.uk