PIMFA News Bulletin - 26 June 2020

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PIMFA NEWS BULLETIN | 26 June 2020 Welcome to your Weekly PIMFA Bulletin Grab a coffee and take 10 minutes to read this week's highlights and key issues affecting you and your firm

WE ARE IN THIS TOGETHER Dear << Test First Name >>,

We hope you and your loved ones are safe and well during this difficult time. Due to the virus, PIMFA is continuing to work remotely, and we remain committed to representing our members and providing as much useful information as possible.

This Bulletin contains the latest news on the impact of the virus and other key issues PIMFA are working on for our members. If there is anything we can be of assistance with,

please contact us at enquiries@pimfa.co.uk.

Best wishes The Team at PIMFA

COVID 19 & What's happening in PIMFA

PIMFA partners with LGBT Great

PIMFA has become an official partner to LGBT Great, a global membership organisation that specialises in developing LGBT+ diversity and inclusion within the investment and savings industry. The programme works by developing innovative insights, visibility and outreach initiatives and also by measuring progress with its LGBT+ benchmarking tool called the iiBT. LGBT Great is the first organisation to focus exclusively on the LGBT+ agenda specifically for our sector and works collaboratively with a range of organisations across the industry.

UK – EU Free Trade Agreement

UK – Japan FTA negotiations

(FTA) negotiations Japan has given the UK just six weeks to The UK government has published the

agree a post Brexit free trade agreement.

agenda for the next round of Brexit talks

The Japanese Chief Negotiator said that

with the EU. For the first time since the

talks must be concluded by the end of July

coronavirus lockdown was imposed in

so that the Japanese parliament can vote

March, the talks will be held in person.

on the deal before the end of the year.

Teams of negotiators will work in groups

The UK and Japan want the agreement to

throughout July, starting next week on 29

be similar to the Japan – EU trade deal

June. The agenda covers a wide range of

but also to include new provisions in areas

topics including level playing field rules,

such as digital trade and copyright. The

fisheries and governance, which have so

UK Government expects manufacturing

far been the hardest to tackle.

and financial services to benefit the most from such an ambitious deal. The

According to EU Chief Negotiator Michel

shortage of time now means that the

Barnier, the EU is ready to compromise

ambitions will have to be limited on both

and “to be creative in order to find

sides. If the UK and Japan do not agree a

common ground”. He said that although

FTA within the available time frame, the

he does not see the same level of

two countries will have to trade on the

willingness to engage on the UK side, he

WTO terms from 1 January 2021.

still hopes an agreement can be reached by the end of October. The EU’s red lines have not shifted but Barnier acknowledged that both sides will have to

Bank of England Andrew Bailey's letter to the Chancellor

compromise if there is going to be a deal at the end of the negotiating process. On

Governor of the Bank of England Andrew

fisheries, the EU is “ready to work on a

Bailey wrote to Chancellor Rishi Sunak in

mix of parameters” to find a solution, but

response to the Chancellor’s remit and

“if there is no agreement on fisheries,

recommendations letter sent to the Bank’s

there is no agreement on trade.” Barnier

Financial Policy Committee on 11 March

said the level playing field, one of the most

2020. In the paragraph on the future

contentious issues, was not for sale but,

relationship with the EU, the Governor

as with fisheries and governance, the EU

said the Committee is committed to “the

was willing to work on finding a

implementation of robust prudential


standards in the UK, irrespective of the particular form of the UK’s future

Webinar Wednesday: A Diverse and Inclusive workforce

relationship with the EU”. He also said that as well as continuing to assess the potential impact on financial stability of the UK’s changing relationship with the EU,

At next week's Webinar Wednesday (1

the Committee will have regard to

July, 3pm) PIMFA’s PR Manager Matthew

opportunities arising from the UK’s exit

West will be joined by Susheel Sharma,

from the EU “with a view to supporting the

Partnerships Manager at The Brokerage

Government’s economic policy towards

and Matt Cameron, Global Managing

the financial services industry, including in

Director of LGBT Great to discuss what

relation to competition, innovation and

firms can do to ensure they have a diverse

competitiveness, where the FPC judges

and inclusive workforce.

that this would not conflict with the achievement of the Committee’s primary

A once in a lifetime recession coming over the horizon following the pandemic is expected to have a disproportionately negative impact on certain groups within


society compared with others. This makes the need for diversity and inclusion within

PIMFA Compare My Allocations report

financial services even greater. So, are wealth management and financial adviser firms doing enough to ensure they are

Have you ever wondered how your firms'

truly representative of wider society? And

asset allocations compare to your peer

what impact does that have on their ability


to serve their clients? Find out with the PIMFA Compare My We will be emailing all members with

Allocations report, FREE for PIMFA

booking details on Monday 29th June.


PIMFA Website: COVID-19 Information

For more information and to get your firms’ free copy please email indices@pimfa.co.uk .

Visit our members only COVID-19 web area for the latest information on the

PIMFA Podcasts

virus, to access webinar recordings, download briefing notes, and view the

Don't forget to access the latest freely

latest global response tracker.

available PIMFA podcasts on topics such as Wellbeing, Cyber Resilience & SM&CR

Click here if you have forgotten your

etc, all in our online learning library.

password or to create a user account.

The public COVID-19 page can be accessed here.

UK Financial Services post Brexit

Earlier this week the FCA published a discussion paper to mark the first step in introducing a set of prudential rules for investment firms. The new rules will build on the EU’s Investment Firm Regulation and Directive but will set the UK’s own approach as the country leaves the transition period at the end of the year. The decision has been seen by many as the beginning of a process usually described as divergence. In a statement to Parliament on 23 June, Chancellor Rishi Sunak said that “rules designed for 28 countries

cannot be expected in every respect to be the right approach for a large and complex international financial sector such as the UK.�

However, the UK will still want to maintain access to the EU market which will require a delicate balancing act. In his speech, Sunak said that the Government wants to introduce prudential standards in a manner that is flexible and proportionate and that the regulators have regard to competitiveness and equivalence when making rules for these regimes.

CSDR Settlement Discipline

As you know, Euroclear had been planning to implement the new CSDR Settlement Discipline Regime from 1 February 2021 and, on 23 June, Rishi Sunak, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, announced this important change:

"The Government is committed to regulation that supports and enhances the functioning of UK capital markets. It will therefore consider the future approach to the UK’s settlement discipline framework, given the importance of ensuring that regulation facilitates the settlement of market transactions in a timely manner while sustaining market liquidity and efficiency. As such, the UK will not be implementing the EU’s new settlement discipline regime, set out in the Central Securities Depositories Regulation, which is due to apply in February 2021. UK firms should instead continue to apply the existing industry-led framework. Any future legislative changes will be developed through dialogue with the financial services industry, and sufficient time will be provided to prepare for the implementation of any new future regime."

Please note that this does not affect the CSDR requirement for firms to be ready to offer their new and existing clients the choice of an omnibus or segregated account for their Crest eligible investments at the point when Euroclear receives its CSD authorisation from the Bank of England (current estimate: December 2020). That CSDR requirement is already part of UK law. Also the requirement for firms to carry out internalised settlement reporting continues.

Also, firms should note that other EU CSDs will be implementing the settlement discipline regime from 1 February 2021, so any failed transactions due to settle via those EU CSDs

would be subject to the CSDR settlement discipline rules.

The Chancellor’s statement can be read here.


PIMFA welcomes appointment of Nikhil Rathi as Chief Executive of the Financial Conduct Authority

PIMFA welcomes proposed permanent FCA marketing ban for mini-bonds

PIMFA welcomes FCA Chairman Charles Randell’s comments regarding the FSCS Levy

Regulator working on how to avoid ‘lumpy bills’ for firms in future, FCA Executive Director of Supervision, Megan Butler, tells PIMFA’s Virtual Fest

Financial services has a chance to help consumers in the aftermath of COVID-19, Baroness Morgan tells PIMFA’s Virtual Fest

Blog: ESG and Covid 19


VIRTUAL FEST The inaugural PIMFA Virtual Fest took place on 3 and 4 June 2020. If you missed it, you can still catch up with all the sessions using our on-demand service for 2 months. Simply register your place to gain access. The content is FREE to members, (paid for tickets are also available for non-members). Catch up with sessions from 30+ high profile experts such as Mark Carney, Megan Butler, John Glen and Baroness

Morgan of Cotes (Nicky Morgan) on topical areas which you have identified to us as key priorities for the profession. ALL SESSIONS ARE AVAILABLE ONDEMAND. BOOK NOW

BUILDING OPERATIONAL RESILIENCE IN WEALTH MANAGEMENT FIRMS This online course will explore the FCA’s interpretation of Operational Resilience as it applies to wealth management firms and their expectations of those firms who will be required to evidence that they are have identified their critical business services and set challenging impact tolerances for each of them. What you’ll learn: •

Understand what the regulator means to achieve operational resilience in your firm

Recognise the business value of operational resilience and business continuity

Co-ordinate people and resources to build an effective resilient management

Leverage proven approaches to set impact tolerances for each important business service you provide

and more.

You can click here to register your place.

29 June 2020


Professional Adviser: FCA permanently bans marketing of mini-bonds FT Adviser: What the advice industry wants from new FCA boss Rathi Money Marketing: How the battle on continent charging was lost Wealth Adviser: PIMFA welcomes appointment of new FCA Chief Executive Money Marketing: Who is new FCA chief Nikhil Rathi?


PIMFA’s latest consultation response is to the European Commission regarding their Review of MiFID II and MiFIR.

Read this and all of our other PIMFA consultation papers here.


Euroclear Crest Courier and Sorting Service (CCSS) update

On a PIMFA CCSS Working Group conference call yesterday, Euroclear gave an update on their project to replace the current CCSS service which is delivered in partnership with TNT couriers.

As you may know, TNT have given notice to Euroclear to discontinue their involvement in the CCSS service with effect from December 2020. Euroclear have been looking at alternative solutions and consulting with the parties who use CCSS. After careful consideration, Euroclear has decided to ‘insource’ the service and manage it from one site, which may be the Euroclear office at 33 Cannon Street – they are still working out the logistics, but that is the current plan.

It is proposed that this insourced service should be put in place for 18 – 24 months and would then be replaced by a digital solution. Euroclear have been speaking to the registrars and they are supportive of the objective to move to a digital solution, providing the legal and regulatory issues can be resolved. Our thanks to Craig Clayton and Michael Kempe from Euroclear for consulting with our members on this important issue over the past few months and for keeping us appraised of their progress in resolving it. Craig and Michael will be joining us for another Zoom conference on CCSS in around two weeks’ time where they will answer any questions firms may have on the way forward for CCSS.

If you or a colleague would like to join the Zoom conference call, please contact Michael Cahill and we will send you the link.

Firms to prepare for phased move from Gabriel to the FCA’s new data collection platform RegData

The FCA have announced that the new name of the platform replacing Gabriel is RegData. Since April, firms have been registering for RegData through a one-off activity when accessing Gabriel.

The FCA will be moving firms and their users to RegData in groups to minimise the impact this has on them. Firms’ moving dates will be determined by the nature of their reporting obligations and reporting schedules.

Firms will not be able to access RegData until they and their users’ data have been moved from Gabriel. The FCA will email firms’ principal user and associated users 3 weeks before their moving date, with reminders 5 days and 1 day to go. Compliance consultants will receive reminders for every firm their user account is currently associated with in Gabriel.

The full statement can be read here.

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