PIMFA News Bulletin - 3 July 2020

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PIMFA NEWS BULLETIN | 3 July 2020 Welcome to your Weekly PIMFA Bulletin Grab a coffee and take 10 minutes to read this week's highlights and key issues affecting you and your firm

WE ARE IN THIS TOGETHER Dear << Test First Name >>,

We hope you and your loved ones are safe and well during this difficult time. Due to the virus, PIMFA is continuing to work remotely, and we remain committed to representing our members and providing as much useful information as possible.

In addition to the latest industry news, Bulletin contains information on the impact of the virus and other key issues PIMFA are working on for our members. If there is anything we

can help you with, please contact us at enquiries@pimfa.co.uk.

Best wishes The Team at PIMFA

COVID-19 & What's happening in PIMFA

PIMFA and LGBT Great Allyship campaign

Last week PIMFA, alongside eight of our members, became an official partner to LGBT Great, a global membership organisation that specialises in developing LGBT+ diversity and inclusion within the investment and savings industry. PIMFA is one of 100 organisation to partner with LGBT Great as part of their Allyship campaign and we will be doing more work with them in the future. This week we were delighted that Matt Cameron, global managing director of LGBT Great was able to join us alongside Susheel Sharma, partnership manager at The Brokerage, for Webinar Wednesday to discuss diversity and inclusion in the Financial Series industry and in particular within wealth management and financial advice.

If members want to know more about either organisation, more information is available here.

Brexit negotiations

Brexit: UK – Switzerland

After this week’s round of negotiations

This week Chancellor Rishi Sunak

between the UK and EU, big differences

announced the start of the talks between

remain unresolved between the two sides.

the UK and Switzerland on “an ambitious,

Michel Barnier, EU’s Chief Negotiator,

outcomes-based mutual recognition

said that “after four days of talks serious

agreement”. The agreement will bring

divergences remain”. David Frost, UK’s

together government, regulators and

Chief Negotiator echoed his comments,

industry to create a new and better

saying that the talks “have been

framework for cross-border financial

comprehensive and useful but they have

services across insurance, banking, asset

also underlined the significant differences

management and capital markets. The

that still remain between us on a number

Chancellor said that “no one’s ever done

of important issues.” According to Barnier,

anything as ambitious as this, on this kind

the EU has engaged constructively and

of scale.” The Swiss-UK proposal aims to

will continue to insist on parallel progress

create a new template for trade in finance.

in all areas. “We need an equivalent

Sunak also pledged to reopen access,

engagement by the United Kingdom”,

which the EU had shut, for UK traders to

Barnier added. Both sides insist they

the Swiss stock market, as soon as the

remain committed to finding a deal on the

UK leaves the transition period.

future relationship between the EU. The talks continue in London next week.

Chancellor Merkel on Brexit negotiations

New FSCS Working Party: Join today & have your say

Angela Merkel, German Chancellor, told the Bundestag that both the UK and EU

PIMFA is seeking to work up alternative

should press for a good solution to the

funding solutions for the FSCS. In order to

negotiations on the future relationship, but

do so, we require input from firms over the

also said that Germany and the rest of the

coming months to ensure that any

EU “must and should prepare for the

alternative solution does not

event that an agreement is not reached

disproportionately impact any member

after all.” On 1 July Germany took over the

firm in a negative way.

rotating presidency of the Council of the EU, which will allow it to play an important

We are still looking for participants in our

role in coordinating the position of the

FSCS Working Group from across the

EU27 Member States and maintain their

membership. Please contact Simon

unity during the final stages of

Harrington should this be of interest to

negotiations. German officials believe the


last realistic moment for both sides to reach an agreement is late October, as PIMFA Website: COVID-19 Information

Visit our members only COVID-19 web area for the latest information on the virus, to access webinar recordings, download briefing notes, and view the

any later date would not leave sufficient time to the European Parliament and EU governments to ratify the deal.

Consultations launched on pensions value for money and default charge cap

latest global response tracker.

The FCA and DWP respectively have launched consultations looking at value for

Click here if you have forgotten your

money in pension schemes (and pathway

password or to create a user account.

solutions) as well as a call for evidence on the default charge cap for workplace

The public COVID-19 page can be

pension schemes which is currently set at

accessed here.

0.75%. PIMFA is minded at this point to respond to both.

Webinar Wednesday: Compliance under COVID-19

We would welcome comments from firms to inform our approach. Please contact Simon Harrington with any

At next week's Webinar Wednesday (8


July, 3pm) join NICE Actimize and PIMFA for this FREE webinar as we share best practices to help your firm navigate these

PIMFA Podcasts

complex challenges. We’ll provide Don't forget to access the latest freely

guidance on: • The current regulatory environment and

available PIMFA podcasts on topics such as Wellbeing, Cyber Resilience & SM&CR

enforcement practices • How to extend compliance processes

etc, all in our online learning library.

and technology to remote workforces and new communication modalities to comply with key global regulations • How automated solutions can help your firm ensure compliance (for example with SM&CR’s requirements around maintaining certification and avoiding conflicts) even in remote environments. Please click here to book your free place

Brexit Financial Services Update

The Chancellor has provided a useful update on the UK’s approach to financial services as we leave the EU regulatory regime.

The key points include: •

The UK’s approach to the prudential regime

The next stage of the Financial Services Future Regulatory Framework Review will look

at how financial services policy and regulation are made in the UK, including the role of Parliament, the Treasury (HMT) and the financial services regulators, and how stakeholders are involved in the process. HMT will consult in the second half of the year. •

The UK will not be implementing the EU’s new settlement discipline regime, set out in

the Central Securities Depositories Regulation, which is due to apply in February 2021. UK firms should instead continue to apply the existing industry-led framework. Any future legislative changes will be developed through dialogue with the financial services industry, and sufficient time will be provided to prepare for the implementation of any new future regime •

Additionally, the UK will not be taking action to incorporate into UK law the reporting

obligation of the EU’s Securities Financing Transactions Regulation for non-financial counterparties (NFCs), which is due to apply in the EU from January 2021. Systemically important NFC trading activity will be captured sufficiently through the other reporting obligations that are due to apply to financial counterparties. HMT plans to set out further detail on upcoming legislation in due course, which will include: •

Amendments to the Benchmarks Regulation to ensure continued market access to third

country benchmarks until end-2025. HMT will publish a policy statement in July 2020; •

Amendments to the Market Abuse Regulation to confirm and clarify that both issuers

and those acting on their behalf must maintain their own insider lists and to change the timeline issuers have to comply with when disclosing certain transaction undertaken by their senior managers (‘Persons Discharging Managerial Responsibilities’); •

Legislation to improve the functioning of the PRIIPs regime in the UK and address

potential risks of consumer harm in response to industry and regulator feedback. HMT will publish a policy statement July 2020; and •

Legislation to complete the implementation of the European Market Infrastructure

Regulation (REFIT) to improve trade repository data and ensure that smaller firms are able to access clearing on fair and reasonable terms.

Barnier rejects UK proposals for financial services cooperation

EU Chief Negotiator Michel Barnier rejected the UK’s proposals for financial services cooperation post-Brexit which would include a legally enforceable regulatory cooperation framework. Barnier described the proposal as unacceptable to Member States or the European Parliament. He suggested instead that the UK and EU could set up a voluntary framework for dialogue among regulators and supervisors of the kind that already exists between the EU and third countries. Barnier further accused the UK of attempting to negotiate the terms of the EU’s process for withdrawing equivalence decisions and turn what is the EU’s unilateral decision into co-managed one. He repeated a longstanding Commission stance that equivalence decisions remain unilateral. Although both sides have been expected to conclude technical assessments of each other’s rulebooks by the end of June, Barnier said the UK has answered questionnaires on just four out of 28 areas covered by equivalence.

The UK has not responded yet to the EU Chief Negotiator’s rejection of the UK proposals but Economic Secretary to the Treasury and City Minister John Glenn referred to the equivalence issue when he spoke before the House of Lords EU Services Sub-Committee on 2 July. Glenn said the UK had already made its assessment of the EU’s equivalence and will publicize the conclusions when the EU is ready to reveal its own. As for providing replies to 4 out of 28 EU questionnaires, he said that the UK received over thousand pages of detailed questionnaires to assess the equivalence of British rules, including 240 pages which were sent as late as the end of May. The UK is working on providing detailed answers and “will be able to conclude that in the next couple of weeks.” He also added that equivalence is a technical process for assessing financial services rules as they stand at the time of assessment and the UK and EU start from nearly identical regulations.


PIMFA welcomes appointment of Nikhil Rathi as Chief Executive of the Financial Conduct Authority

PIMFA welcomes proposed permanent FCA marketing ban for mini-bonds

PIMFA welcomes FCA Chairman Charles Randell’s comments regarding the FSCS Levy

Regulator working on how to avoid ‘lumpy bills’ for firms in future, FCA Executive Director of Supervision, Megan Butler, tells PIMFA’s Virtual Fest

Financial services has a chance to help consumers in the aftermath of COVID-19, Baroness Morgan tells PIMFA’s Virtual Fest

Blog: ESG and Covid 19


The inaugural PIMFA Virtual Fest took place on 3 and 4 June 2020. If you missed it, you can still catch up with all the sessions using our on-demand service for 2 months. Simply register your place to gain access. The content is FREE to members, (paid for tickets are also available for non-members). Catch up with sessions from 30+ high profile experts such as Mark Carney, Megan Butler, John Glen and Baroness Morgan of Cotes (Nicky Morgan) on topical areas which you have identified to us as key priorities for the profession. ALL SESSIONS ARE AVAILABLE ON-DEMAND. BOOK NOW


PIMFA WEBINAR: LIFE BEYOND LOCKDOWN How women can get what they really want As lockdown starts to ease, many female executives have been reflecting on what their new ‘normal‘ will look like. For some, a return to the office will be a welcome relief; for others, there is a real danger of burnout, feelings of guilt or even thoughts about leaving a job role they have worked so hard to get. In this FREE interactive one-hour session with women’s leadership coach, Caroline Holt, and PIMFA CEO, Liz Field we: •

explore the challenges and opportunities facing you and other women in wealth management and financial advice in these unprecedented times

get clarity about what you want your new ‘normal’ to look like – professionally and personally

understand what typically gets in the way of professional women realising their career aspirations and how to clear away these block

You can click here to register your place.

14 July 2020


Professional Adviser: Chris Davies; The FCA Business Plan 2020/21 Professional Adviser: FCA permanently bans marketing of mini-bonds FT Adviser: What the advice industry wants from new FCA boss Rathi Money Marketing: How the battle on continent charging was lost Wealth Adviser: PIMFA welcomes appointment of new FCA Chief Executive


PIMFA’s latest consultation response is to the European Commission regarding their Review of MiFID II and MiFIR.

Read this and all of our other PIMFA consultation papers here.


DB pension transfers - update from the FCA

Following on from the FCA’s recent publications on DB transfers, they will be contacting all firms who hold relevant permissions to request further data. The aim is to allow them to build a more detailed picture of the entire DB transfer advice market.

They are planning to issue the request next week and firms will be asked to submit their response by 31 July 2020. If you have any questions relating to this please do not hesitate to contact us.

FCA extends SM&CR deadline for solo-regulated firms

The FCA has extended the deadline for solo-regulated firms to have undertaken the first assessment of the fitness and propriety of their Certified Persons from 9 December 2020 until 31 March 2021.

It says this will help give firms impacted by challenges arising from the coronavirus pandemic more time to make the changes they need to implement. The FCA is also consulting on extending the date the Conduct Rules come into force, the deadline for submission of information about Directory Persons to the Register, and for assessing Certified Persons as fit and proper (which has been agreed by the Treasury)

The regulator pointed out that senior managers should ensure Conduct Rules training is effective and that impacted staff are aware of (and understand) the Conduct Rules that will specifically apply to them as they do their jobs.

The FCA indicated firms should continue with their work programme for implementing SM&CR. Firms who are able to certify staff earlier than March 2021 should do so, and should not wait to remove staff who are not fit and proper from certified roles.

The regulator will still publish the details of certified employees of solo firms starting from 9 December 2020 on the Financial Services Register.

More information is available here.

www.pimfa.co.uk Personal Investment Management & Financial Advice Association (PIMFA) 22 City Road, Finsbury Square, London EC1Y 2AJ (registered in England No 2991400) Unsubscribe | Manage Profile | Terms and Conditions

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