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Dear << Test First Name >>, Welcome to the PIMFA Bulletin, grab a coffee and take 10 minutes to read this week's latest industry news affecting you and your firm.
Brexit Negotiations
Share Trading Obligation post Brexit
After two weeks of intensive negotiations,
In a statement issued this week, the FCA
the UK and EU agree that significant
said that mutual equivalence between the
divergences remain. David Frost, UK
UK and EU is easy to agree and remains
Chief Negotiator, said there are “wide
the best way of dealing with overlapping
gaps on core issues” although “some
STOs. The FCA said it will allow UK firms
progress” has been made. His EU
to trade UK shares on EU markets even
counterpart, Michel Barnier, is reported to
without an equivalence decision. This
have been frustrated with a lack of
approach is driven by the objective to
progress and engagement from the UK.
preserve the ability of UK-based firms to
He acknowledged that progress was
execute their share trades at the venues
made on police and judicial cooperation,
where they can get the best outcomes for
but said there was no movement on
themselves and their customers. The FCA
fisheries, level playing field and
will use the Temporary Transitional Power
governance arrangements.
to allow firms to continue trading all shares on EU trading venues and
Following a short break this week, the
systematic internalisers (SIs) where they
negotiations will resume on 6 November
choose to do so, and where the regulatory
at deputy level and the two Chief
status of those venues and SIs permits
Negotiators will continue the talks from 8
such activity.
November in London. The FCA’s approach is intended to ensure open markets and competition between Brexit and PIMFA Members' Preparedness
trading venues globally and supports companies’ freedom to choose where to raise capital, regardless of the currency they are seeking to issue in.
The UK is due to exit the EU Single Market when the Brexit transition period
Latest PIMFA
ends on 31 December 2020. The
Consultation Response
negotiations on the terms of the future relationship between the UK and EU are ongoing but, regardless of the outcome,
PIMFA’s latest consultation response is
firms with an EU footprint will need to
to the FCA on the Liquidity Mismatch in
adjust to operating from a third country in
Authorised Open-ended Property
relation to the EU. Retail financial services
firms cannot rely on a pan-European set
of rules for servicing customers in the EU
Read this and all of our other PIMFA
and, with passporting lost and no
consultation papers here.
equivalence available in the retail investment sector, the options for PIMFA
PIMFA in the Press
firms to continue cross-border trade with the EU are limited and mostly dependent on the approaches adopted by national
FT Adviser: Regulators in the WPC's
regulators in the EU Member States. The
sights over scams
FCA advises firms in the retail financial
Professional Adviser: FCA chief: No
services sector, who wish to continue to
immediate plans to reduce FSCS levy for
serve clients in the EU, to speak to local
regulators and ensure they understand
Adviser Points of View: PIMFA calls for
that regulatorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s approach and the impact it
the approval of unregulated financial
will have on their business post Brexit
promotions to be a regulated activity
We want to hear from firms who would like
Request for Vulnerable Customer case studies
to obtain legal advice on options available to them for servicing clients in the EU once the UK has left the Brexit transition period. The cost of such advice
We would like to collect case studies
would be shared among firms participating
relating to vulnerable customer issues
in the project. At this stage, we would be
from member firms, so that we can collate
grateful if you could indicate your interest
them and create a list of common issues
by emailing Maja Erceg.
and possible solutions. The case studies would be anonymised and filed together to provide a useful source for members in devising their policy and processes in relation to vulnerable customers.
Please send any case studies or scenarios to Alex Roberts.
ESG & Climate Change
The European Banking Authority (EBA) has recommended that supervisory review processes are ‘enhanced’ with “ESG factors”, and a “new area of supervisory analysis and evaluation” looking at long-term resilience across financial institutions’ business models.
The EBA made its proposal in a discussion paper this week where it outlines its thinking on how ESG factors and risks could be included in the regulatory and supervisory framework. It noted existing supervisory review processes might not be robust enough to understand longer-term impacts from ESG risks on future financial positions and related long-term vulnerabilities.
Earlier this year, in reply to the EU’s Renewed Sustainable Finance Strategy consultation, the EBA pointed out there is a “critical mass of green assets to make green securitisation possible”, especially in Europe, and echoed a recent report by the European Central Bank that close to a third of surveyed European banks have not considered whether their capital is vulnerable to financial losses resulting from climate change.
The consultation will also support the EBA’s other sustainable finance work, such as developing a technical standard on ESG risks disclosure requirements, and is interesting as it is an example of EU regulatory authorities working together to be more consistent on ESG issues. This could be a path the UK regulators also take in the coming years.
Latest PIMFA Blogs & Press Releases
Senior Wealth management and financial advice figures gather for PIMFA's virtual leadership summit PIMFA calls for the approval of unregulated financial promotions to be a regulated activity PIMFA welcomes first reading of Financial Services Bill Rising Professional Indemnity Insurance premiums present advice industry with an existential threat PIMFA urges Regulator to work more closely with industry to rebuild levels of trust in fair FSCS outcomes
PIMFA Online Learning Authentic Leadership: How to thrive as a female leader in wealth and finance 24 November Early Bird Fee: £2,500 member | £3,000 non-members
Break through the barriers and get what you want from your career. This six month programme is for any woman seeking to reach her true leadership potential and for anyone — man or woman — looking to create a more gender-balanced workforce. Find out more about this ground breaking programme here.
PIMFA Training Getting the DB Pension transfer advice process right 24 November
In this online session we will help you: •
Understand what’s going wrong with DB pension advice, and how you can get it right
Grasp the FCA’s expectations as to how to act and treat customers
Identify weaknesses and poor practices in your existing advice process
Learn how to test whether your DB pension transfer advice is likely to stand up to FCA scrutiny
Receive tips on how to ensure you capture the right “know your customer” information from clients
Recognise how you can improve (and shorten!) your suitability reports
For more info and to book your place, please click here. PIMFA Online Conference Virtual Fest V2 27- 28 January 2021 Following on from the HUGE success of the inaugural PIMFA Virtual Fest in June 2020, we are proud to announce that bookings are now open for Virtual Fest V2. Taking place over two days (27 & 28 January 2021) the event will deliver presentations on key areas which members have identified as their key short- and long-term focus including: • Compliance • Risk and Resilience • ESG and Impact Investing • Cyber Resilience • and others A 50% early-bird discount is available to all PIMFA members if you book by October 31st For more info and to book your place please click here
PIMFA Training What does good 'Training and Competency' look like in your firm under COVID-19? 14 December What are the key learning objectives of the course? Training and competence requirements are not static they are ongoing and must be demonstrated as a continuing process to reflect the current climate. The regulator expect no less of regulated firms. This practical online training session provides professionals who are involved in the design, implementation or overseeing of T&C with the knowledge to help develop and adapt a successful T&C Framework and approach for a displaced workforce. For more info and to book your place, please click here.
The PIMFA ESG Academy, supported by Morningstar, is definitely NOT your traditional online class! As you learn at your own pace and in your own time, you will have access to an evergreen library of ESG content that you can engage and interact with on your tablet, computer and mobile – all FREE for PIMFA members! The Academy was launched following growing demands by advisers for an immersive, engaging, CPD-approved learning experience that supports them in making the most of the growing ESG opportunity - find out more here.
Partner Event - Morningstar Investment Conference 16-17 November
The all-digital Morningstar Investment Conference (16-17 November) offers a unique opportunity to watch the great content on the UK agenda, from wherever you are. Register for free today
There will be a big focus on ESG, including Holly Mackay’s ‘Seven Sustainable Investor Tribes’ and founder of Sustainalytics, a Morningstar company, Michael Jantzi, who will talk about why ‘now’ is the time for sustainable investing. We’ll also feature sessions from the likes of Carl Richards, creator of The Behavior Gap, and Morningstar's Mike Coop, Head of Multi Asset Portfolios, looking at new strategies that advisers can adopt to help investors win.
Plus, registering for the UK edition of the Morningstar Investment Conference gives attendees on demand access to ALL of Morningstar's conferences from around
the world via the same event platform until 1 December.
Bank of England
At a meeting held on 4 November 2020, the Bank of Englandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Monetary Policy Committee voted to maintain Bank Rate at 0.1% and added ÂŁ150 billion to its bond purchase target to support the economy through a second lockdown. The BoE also forecast a 2% contraction in the economy for the final three months of the year, reversing its projection in August of 5.5% growth, because of the new government restrictions and a rise in the spread of the coronavirus. The Bank of England also said that the outlook for the economy remains unusually uncertain and depends on the evolution of the pandemic and measures taken to protect public health, as well as the nature of, and transition to, the new trading arrangements between the EU and the UK.
FCA sets out its approach to the share trading obligation
The FCA has confirmed its approach to the share trading obligation (STO) at the end of the Brexit transition period, if mutual equivalence is not agreed. Only mutual equivalence would mean that firms could continue to satisfy STO obligations at trading venues in both the EEA and the UK.
The FCA will use the Temporary Transitional Power (TTP) to avoid disruption and allow firms to continue trading all shares on EU trading venues and systematic internalisers (SIs).
This use of the TTP means that UK market participants will continue to be able to access any EU trading venue from the end of the implementation period, providing the venue has ensured it has the relevant regulatory permissions.
Read more here.
25% Off All Harriman Books - For PIMFA Members Only
In partnership with Harriman House, PIMFA is delighted to offer members an exclusive 25% discount on high quality books from over 300+ titles in print, eBook and audio form.
These cover a broad spectrum of topics ranging from thought leadership, professionallevel technical guides, financial adviser insight and creative marketing titles through to personal finance â&#x20AC;&#x201C; something for everyone!
Find out more here.
Contact Us
Bulletin contains the latest industry news and updates on key issues PIMFA are working on for members. If you have queries on our work, or anything in Bulletin, please contact us at BECOME A MEMBER Find out more about becoming a PIMFA member here.
Read our membership brochure or chat to our team at Personal Investment Management & Financial Advice Association (PIMFA) 22 City Road, Finsbury Square, London EC1Y 2AJ (registered in England No 2991400) Unsubscribe | Manage Profile | Terms and Conditions
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