Amanda Mac Amanda has had two lifelong love affairs: one with horses, and the other with writing. Now she happily combines the two as editor of HorseVibes. In this issue, she talks to down-to-earth Olympian and Tokyo contender Amanda Ross about keeping things real, and to Liz Lewis about the joys of Clydesdales in harness.
Michael Archer Michael is a FEI and EA Level 3 show jumping judge, an EA Level 1 Course Designer, Steward and Accredited Trainer, and member of the EA Rules Review Panel. President of the Ground Jury at a number of World Cup Qualifiers, State and Australian titles, he explains why the sport needs more ground level volunteers.
Linda Shore Linda operates River Range Warmblood Stud, runs Darling Downs Western Dressage Club, and is a member of the Toowoomba Dressage Committee. She’s presented Western dressage at Equitana, and for the past two years has focused on Working Equitation (WE). If you’d like to improve your WE scores, turn to Training Tips where Linda explains how.
Liz Lewis Liz’s fascination with horses began in childhood. At 15 she was given her first horse and eventing became her discipline of choice. She trained and competed in the sport until around five years ago, when a passion for Clydesdales kicked in. Since then she has made her mark driving Clydesdales in the show ring.
Larissa Bilton Larissa, BAgrSc (Hons I) is the Nutritionist for Farmalogic, where she developed Equine Vit&Min and the Farmalogic Equine range. Her extensive experience is highly regarded by trainers, riders and owners who understand the importance of good nutrition. In her article she discusses the importance of balancing your weanling’s rations to avoid nutritional insufficiencies.
N.G. Quinlan N.G. Quinlan, otherwise known as ‘Q’, is a writer, musician, poet, and regular HorseVibes contributor. With ANZAC Day fast approaching, we bring you a tribute to the men of the 4th and 12th Australian Light Horse Regiments and their Waler partners, whose exceptional bravery rightfully earned them a place in Australian military history. 6 | HORSEVIBES MAR/APR 2021
Charlie Brister Regular columnist Charlie is an allround horseman whose expertise is in re-training problem horses, as well as coaching riders in the art of cross country, show jumping and dressage. If you and your pony don’t see eye to eye when it comes to bridling, Charlie has some tips to help make the experience blissful for you both.
Prue Barrett Chef d’Equipe and eventing coach for the bronze medal winning 2016 Australian team, Prue Barrett is an experienced equestrian athlete, coach, and program manager, and she knows a thing or two about collaboration! Turn to her story for a fascinating glimpse into the life of an Olympic Chef d’Equipe.