Equestrian Hub Magazine May June 2021

Page 38


Europe’s iconic horsemen The herdsmen of Europe have a long history steeped in traditions passed down through the centuries. Their story is fascinating, so JESSICA MORTON delved a little deeper.


he hardworking, tough,

by poverty and violence, were those

idiosyncratic characteristics

with nothing to lose. Brigands, poachers

of men and women who tend

and ex-mercenaries drifted to the

livestock for a living are universal. And

area looking for work and took jobs as

while there are a number of European

farm hands and wranglers, eventually

countries in which the traditional

becoming known as the butteri.

herdsman culture is still practised by local horsemen and women, Italy, France and Hungary deserve a special mention.

These mounted herders took on an important role. On the back of his powerful, locally bred Maremmano

The Italian Butteri

horse, the buttero was a heroic

The term ‘buttero’ derives from the

character who became symbolic of

Latin word ‘butoros’, which translates to

freedom, strength, and the region in

‘ox goad’. While not the most flattering

general. He was also the keeper of the

term, butteri (plural of buttero) was

age-old secrets of his craft.

nonetheless the name given to the

The butteri did not live an easy life. In

original horsemen and cattle breeders

charge of farming operations such as

of the Maremma, a region that stretches

counting and moving stock, they also

of choice is still the Maremmano. The

from the north of Lazio to the former

took care of the cattle and horses, the

descendent of ancient Rome’s cavalry

marshlands of southern Tuscany.

repair of shelters, fencing, branding,

horses, they stand between 15 and

The plains of this region were once

drenching and breaking in the horses.

16.2hh and like many breeds, have over

famous for horse breeding, but after

Their uniform consists of corduroy

time undergone some changes mainly

the collapse of ancient Rome the land

trousers, a wide-brimmed felt hat, a

brought about by the type of work they

was abandoned. The river flooded and

pastràno (rainproof jacket), goatskin

were required to perform.

turned the area into a deadly marshland

chaps and leather boots. They also carry

which attracted malaria-carrying

However, thanks to the diligence of

a mazzarella, a long, thin wooden stick

mosquitos, and for hundreds of years

the Tuscan and Lazio breeders, the

with a hook on one end and a ‘fork’ on

life expectancy for the region’s residents

Maremmano have kept their unique

the other – a traditional tool used for

was extremely low.

identity through the ages, and the

many tasks such as opening and closing

important qualities of courage and

gates, directing cattle and training horses.

hardiness have been carefully cultivated.

whilst feudal lords waged war

In the past, the buttero was the only

Versatile and reliable, the Maremmano

domestically and Ottoman pirates raided

man who had the right to ride the estate

is not only an incredible working horse,

the coastline from the Tyrrhenian Sea.

owner's horses – and even today they

but also a sport horse capable of

The only outsiders willing to pit their wits

have an excellent reputation as skilled

achieving significant results in jumping

against this hostile region, characterised

horsemen and women. Their mount

and dressage events. They are also

The land did little more than stagnate

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