Equestrian Hub Magazine July August 2021

Page 28

Lisa and Phillip Leitch performing with Cremello Lusitano Lucio Do Rei at the 2019 Baroque Horse Festival. All images by Rachael Walker Equine and Pet Photography.


Tales from the castle


hen you first glimpse the impressive turrets of Kryal Castle, you may well

think you’re having a Game of Thrones flashback. You’re not! Mind you, take a stroll around the castle grounds, and that first impression might linger, particularly if you happen to hear the pounding of hooves and a lance snapping as it connects with a knight’s shield. Kryal Castle is the legacy left behind by Keith Ryall, who, driven by a vision and a passion for the Middle Ages,

If you don’t know a chanfron from a caparison, read on. AMANDA MAC speaks to Kryal Castle’s Phillip Leitch about his love for all things medieval.

began building the castle in 1972. So it’s really quite fitting that the castle’s site manager is the equally passionate Phillip Leitch. Phillip, a world champion jouster, lives on site with wife Lisa and their 19-year-old daughter Mieka, with

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