Asymmetry usually means the muscle is too weak on one side and too tight on the other (Image courtesy Natasha Gunston).
e all know riding is a sport like no other, thanks to our four legged friends
who keep us somewhat broke, always
humble, and usually very happy. But beyond the partnership aspect of horse
The beauty of balance
riding, the demands placed on us as athletes are also quite unique. While a sport like running requires forward and up/down movement, a rider must deal with four types of movement: forward and back, side-to-side, twisting,
Riding is a sport that requires the human
and up and down. To ride effectively,
body to perform a variety of movements.
we have to stabilise ourselves against
ENYA CROCKFORD explores the world of biomechanics and shares some expert advice on how to become a more balanced and effective rider.
all these movements and correctly apply our aids at the same time. This is known as biomechanics, which looks at how the horse and rider move,