Huddersfield Centre for Research in Education and Society (HudCRES) newsletter issue 3 - May 17

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Issue 03 May 2017

In the third issue of the HudCRES newsletter, we focus on the strong international context of our research and teaching. The central spread of the last newsletter (no.2, December 2016) introduced our academic staff and research groups. The main feature in this issue highlights our extensive international connections, including the important contribution made by our international postgraduate researchers, and by our growing number of international visiting scholars and research collaborators.

Strengthening our international links

One of three Associate Deans appointed recently in the School of Education and Professional Development, Professor Ann Harris, shown here (centre) on a visit to the Gambia, is the new Associate Dean (International). Professor Paul Thomas, previously Director of Research, has been appointed Associate Dean (Research and Enterprise) and Professor Kevin Orr has been appointed Associate Dean (Teaching and Learning). As well as making regular international visits in support of the delivery and promotion of our work overseas, Ann’s research focuses on international education, academic and digital literacies, writing, and assessment and curricular development, especially in the area of English, TESOL and literacy. Her recent work includes contributing to research led by Dr Susan Sheehan and published by the British Council ‘Identifying key criteria of written and spoken English at C1’. Identifying key criteria of written and spoken English at C1 This research establishes criteria for assessing written and spoken English at level C1 – the required level of proficiency for someone wishing to teach English as a foreign language. The British Council – EAQUALS Core Inventory for General English was used as framework for the analysis of test data. The project developed a better understanding of the language used by people who are operating at the top of the scales of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment (CEFR). ISSN 2057-5203

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HudCRES – International connections HudCRES – the Huddersfield Centre for Research in Education and Society – is definitely not just about Huddersfield! As part of the School of Education and Professional Development, our staff, students and research collaborators are part of and contribute to a vibrant international community.

Jamaica Gambia

The School of Education and Professional Development offers a supportive and stimulating environment for postgraduate researchers from a wide range of professional and cultural backgrounds. The School has provided opportunities for study at PhD, EdD and Masters level for over twenty years, and many of the graduates from our postgraduate research programmes now occupy senior positions in the education systems of the UK and countries overseas.

We also host prestigious Chevening Scholars These scholarships are funded by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, the UK government’s international awards scheme aims to develop global leaders. 2016-17 Mohamed Ukasha from Libya is currently studying TESOL MA. 2015-16 Nohemi Martinez Rodriguez from Mexico studied Early Childhood Studies MA. Malick Bah from the Gambia and Bayanzul Gungaa from Mongolia both studied Leadership in Education and Public Services MA.

Current postgraduate researchers include: YINGXIANG XU (PhD, FT)




An exploration of the extent of a sense of commitment to home cultures and relevant cultural groups among Chinese international students in British higher education and the resulting influences on their overseas learning. Supervisor: Professor Pete Sanderson

The perceptions and the experiences of the EFL Libyan primary teachers towards continuing professional development (CPD) in Gharian district. Supervisor: Dr Liz Bennett

BABOU JOOF (PhD, FT) Gambia Student Centred Learning: A model for engaging learners in science in The Gambia. Supervisor: Dr Martyn Walker

UGONWA AROH (PhD, FT) Nigeria An Effective Sustainability Strategy: A critical review of the Nigerian education sector. Supervisor: Dr Emma Salter





The Impact of primary teachers’ pedagogical knowledge and autonomy on the teaching of early reading. Supervisor: Professor Kevin Orr

Transformational Leadership in Saudi Higher Education: A study of academic deans. Supervisor: Dr Andrew Youde

HIEU KIEU (PhD, FT) Vietnam Connecting the dots: Government agenda and perspectives of the public universities’ insiders on reforming higher education in Vietnam. Supervisor: Professor James Avis

Would you like to join us? Find out more about the options for postgraduate study at

International projects

Visiting scholars and visits

Cybersafe Generation: Digital Education by Design (CyGen)

During 2016-17, HudCRES is hosting a programme of international visiting scholars, supported by the University Research Fund:

This three-year project, led by Professor Helen Lomax and funded by the Erasmus+ programme (€266,652) brings together young people, teachers and academics (University of Northampton, UK; VIA University College, Aarhus, Denmark; UC Leuven-Limburg, Belgium; and Dimotiko Sxoleio Kalamatas, Greece) in order to develop an evidence-based digital educational programme to promote young peoples’ online citizenship in diverse European countries.

The Development, Application, Research and Evaluation of prosocial serious gaming interventions for the prevention of gender-based violence in the UK (DARE) Professor Paul Miller and Dr James Reid are contributing to the project being funded by the University as an ‘Area of Strategic Research Importance’, and directed by Professor Adele Jones in the School of Human and Health Sciences. The project involves collaboration with the University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada; Iowa State University, USA; University of Buffalo, New York, USA; and Tongji University, China.

Training in student-centred learning for vocational teachers Between 2011-14, funded by the Guangdong Provincial Government, staff from the School of Education and Professional Development delivered intensive blocks of training in China to more than 5,000 Chinese teachers and lecturers in the principles of student-centred learning and use of student-centred techniques.

Community Reporting Thresholds Professor Paul Thomas is jointly leading this project with Professor Michele Grosman of Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia, funded by the prestigious CREST (Centre for Research and Evidence on Security Threats) scheme, through the Economic and Social Research Council (£99,240). The project builds on ground-breaking Australian research on barriers for community members sharing concerns with public authorities about the involvement of a close friend or family member in extremism or travel to foreign conflict zones. This project was featured in more detail in Newsletter no.2 (December 2016).

Dr Jools Page, formerly of the University of Sheffield, visited the School in March to give a seminar on her work on professional love and met with colleagues with interests in childhood and early-years research. Professor Darlene Clover, University of Victoria, Canada, visited the School in March and spent a week with staff and students running seminars and workshops focused on using creative methods in teaching and research. Professor Tiago Neves, University of Porto, Portugal will be visiting the School in May to work with colleagues on collaborative research and give the keynote lecture at the School/HudCRES Research Conference. Professor Leena Alanen, University of Jyvaskyla, Finland will be visiting the School in June to work with colleagues in Childhood Studies and give the keynote lecture at our international symposium 21st Century Childhoods. Professor Anja Swennen, VU University, Amsterdam, Netherlands will be visiting the School in June and July to work with colleagues in initial teacher training both within the School and from across the Education and Training Consortium.

The University Research Fund is also enabling HudCRES staff to make two additional international research visits: In April 2017, Professors Janet Fink and Helen Lomax, and Drs Samantha McMahon, Martin Purcell and James Reid visited research centres at Universities in Denmark and Sweden in connection with their work in Early Years and Childhood Studies. • VIA University College, Aarhus, Denmark • University of Lund, Sweden • University of Linköping, Sweden In November, Professor Paul Thomas and Dr Shamim Miah will visit Universities in Australia to share their research on preventing extremism. • University of Queensland, Brisbane • Deakin University, Melbourne • University of Western Australia, Perth

European funding for ‘Cyber Safe Generation’

Professor Helen Lomax

‘Cyber Safe Generation: Digital education by design’ (CyGen) is a three-year collaborative research project funded by the Erasmus+ programme and led by Professor Helen Lomax, recently appointed as Professor of Childhood Studies at HudCRES, with colleagues at the University of Northampton and partner institutions in Denmark, Belgium & Greece. The project brings together children, teachers, parents and academics to develop, implement and evaluate learning resources to enhance the digital citizenship and wellbeing of children in Europe. The project is timely as children are accessing the Internet at younger ages using an expanding array of digital media platforms and devices. With these opportunities – for learning and social connectivity – come challenges and risks. The project uniquely places children at its heart, working with primary age children to map their digital worlds. Creative visual methods will support this process and child-led participatory design technologies will involve children in the creation of learning resources to support safe online participation at home and in school. CyGen resources, which will include the participatory design and creative tool kits and online learning resources, will be freely available on the project website for schools, parents, and children to use. For more information about CyGen, visit:

‘Ed Space – subscribe now! The ‘Ed Space blog is now fully operational, and already there has been a wide variety of interesting posts, including: Stop moaning … start writing –

Where is ‘otherness’ in educational research? –

Who cares about Vocational Education and Training? –

Ethics and Ethnography

Searching for the meaning of ‘love’ – and More on ‘Love’ – ‘Professional Love’ – If you’re interested in doing educational research (at whatever level) or the use of educational research in policy, practice or wider society, then why not join us? Subscribe now by entering your email address on the homepage so that you never miss a new post. See,

Get involved... Come to an event (Dates are occasionally subject to change)

HudCRES organises regular Public Lectures, Seminars and International Symposia. Events are advertised through the University Events page (search for HudCRES, by title, or by date) and also on unless otherwise stated.

• School of Education and Professional Development /HudCRES Research Conference

4 May 2017

• What on earth are we here for? A theology of work for today’s world

18 May 2017

Right Reverend Professor Jonathan Gibbs, Bishop of Huddersfield, Inaugural Professorial Lecture.

• International Symposium: Vocational Education and Training, Race and Ethnicity

Speakers include: Dr Paul Warmington (University of Warwick), Dr Ros Cameron and Dr Terry Bell (Curtin University, Australia), Dr Gerald Onsando (RMIT, Australia), Professor Kiran Mirchandani (University of Toronto, Canada), Professor Sue Webb (Monash University, Australia), Dr Christian Imdorf (University of Basel, Switzerland), Dr Ly Tran (Deakin University, Australia).

• Phone Clones: The authenticity work of transnational call centre workers in India Kiran Mirchandani, Associate Professor in the Ontario Institute

5-6 June 2017

6 June 2017

for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto.

Festival of Childhood 19-23 June 2017 • International Symposium: 21st Century Childhoods: Theories, Concepts and Contexts

19-20 June 2017

Speakers include: Professor Leena Alanen (University of Jyväskylä, Finland), Dr Hayley Davies (University of Leeds), Professor Rachel Holmes (Manchester Metropolitan University), Dr Roy Huijsmans (International Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, The Netherlands), Professor Madeleine Leonard (Queen’s University Belfast), Dr Pam Lowe (Aston University), Dr Zsuzsa Millei (University of Tampere Finland/ University of Newcastle, Australia), Becky Oberg (Eureka! The National Children’s Museum), Dr Marion Oswald (University of Winchester), Dr Karen Wells (Birkbeck, University of London).

• Digging into Data, Sharing Research Findings: considering the needs and interests of children and young people as participants in education research

21 June 2017

Contributions from: Professor Madeleine Leonard (Queen’s University, Belfast), Dr Mhairi Beaton (University of Aberdeen), Dr Debbie Watson (University of Bristol), Dr Katy Vigurs (University of Derby), Cat Fergusson-Baugh (University of Hull).

• •

A two-day series of inclusive workshops and events for children, 22-23 June 2017 teachers and early years practitioners, with a focus on science, sport and creative arts The Nature of School Leadership: Global Perspectives 17 October 2017

Professor Paul Miller, Professorial Inaugural Lecture

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