Huddersfield Centre for Research in Education and Society (HudCRES) Newsletter Issue 5 - Jun 2018

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Issue 05 June 2018

Creativity and collaboration Creativity and collaboration underpin much of our work at HudCRES, and this is clearly illustrated by the projects featured in this issue of the newsletter. On the inside pages you will also find an important invitation for you to contribute to the collaboration, as we open our doors for ‘HudCRES … in conversation’.

As a specialist in arts-based pedagogy in lifelong learning and arts-based enquiry, Sarah Williamson researches the aesthetic construction of knowledge and also the transformative value and impact of the arts in professional education. Attracting national and international recognition, Sarah was recently invited to become an international collaborator on a five-year research project funded by an Insight Grant from the Canadian Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC). Led by Professor Darlene Clover, the project involves experts from Canada, USA, Italy, Portugal, Sweden and Finland. It will explore how art galleries and museums can be used to draw attention to injustices and inequalities, particularly genderbased, and their potential to be sites for change.

You can read more about Sarah and Darlene’s interventionist work with students in art galleries and museums in Sarah’s ‘Ed space blog post (28th Feb, 2018) blogs.hud. Sarah will also be contributing to a collaborative workshop in Lisbon, Portugal in January 2019 as part of an international knowledge exchange project entitled ‘Feminists and feminisms in museums and art galleries’, funded by a SSHRC Connections Grant, and led by Dr Nancy Taber, Brock University, Ontario, Canada.

Sarah Williamson (far right) with HudCRES visiting scholar Professor Darlene Clover from the University of Victoria, Canada and students from the Lifelong Learning PGCE

In addition, Sarah has continued to develop her expertise in ‘pop-up’ pedagogy for informal and large-scale community arts education, through her creation and leadership of ‘Pop-Up Art Schools’. More information about these can be found in the book below, and on by searching for ‘pop up arts’. Informal Learning: Perspectives, Challenges and Opportunities Sarah’s contribution to this book outlines her programme of ‘Pop-Up Art Schools’. She describes and theorises these public arts events in the context of Russian philosopher Bakhtin’s ‘Carnivalesque’, a concept based on medieval carnivals where freedom, unpredictability and the resultant creativity that this produces, is encouraged and celebrated. ISBN 978-1536122503

Learner Dashboards – students’ responses to data

What’s in the box? The maternity package, of which the ‘baby box’ is the most used option, was first introduced in Finland in 1938. Baby boxes are now increasing in popularity across the globe and are being marketed as a healthy and safe sleep space.

Developing a new international and interdisciplinary research project team Last year, Dr Jim Reid visited Finland and the USA to develop an understanding of the historical and social context of baby boxes and their more recent commercialization. Since then, he has teamed up with Professor Barry Doyle in the School of Music, Humanities and Media to develop research around adapting and adopting the Finnish baby box for use in two low and middle income countries – Zambia and Vietnam. In June, with the support of internal funding from the University of Huddersfield, they are bringing together interested colleagues from across the University, the UK and internationally for three days to share information and begin to formulate plans for future research. In particular, they will:

Last year, Dr Liz Bennett was awarded a Scoping Award from the Society for Research in Higher Education (SRHE) to investigate Students’ learning responses to receiving dashboard data. The study aimed to understand how higher education students’ learning data could be used to support them in their studies.

• Consider the content of the box. • Consider the materiality of the box itself and its function as a social tool • Develop adaptable technologies as content for the box in humanitarian contexts • Review the design and manufacture of the box for use in a variety of contexts with particular consideration for achieving an affordable box • Compare health policy in Europe, Africa and Asia Participants from the University of Huddersfield include Dr Julia Meaton (Business School), Dr Serena Bartys (Centre for Applied Psychological and Health Research), Professor Patricia Tzortzoloulos Fazenda and Dr Ertu Unver (Art, Design and Architecture), Dr Rebecca Gill (Music, Humanities and Media) and Dr Haydn Martin (Computing and Engineering). They will be joined by: Professor David Swann, Professor in Design, Sheffield Hallam University Dr Debbie Watson, Reader in Childhood Studies, University of Bristol Dr Tanya Vahtikari, Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Tampere, Finland Dr Christine P. Mushibwe, Acting Vice Chancellor, University of Africa, Zambia Dinh Phuong Linh, Faculty of Sociology, University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University

A typical university collects a lot of data about students’ learning behaviours including their attendance at lectures and seminars, the frequency of visits to the library, which books they take out, their attainment, and their activity in the virtual learning environment etc.

Currently, the dominant theoretical model that underpins the design of most Learner Dashboards is students’ self-regulated learning. However, the findings suggest that alongside self-regulated learning, it would be valuable to think of dashboards as socio-material assemblages and that this would enable the messiness of the learning process, the complexity of individual dispositions and variety of contexts to be more completely understood.

Liz has been invited to disseminate the findings at the JISC Student Experts Group and through webinars for the ‘Evaluation of Learners’ Experiences of e-learning Special Interest Group’ (ELESIG) and Teaching and Learning Conversations (TLC). Journal articles based on the study are also planned. The report is available from the Research area of the SRHE website:

HudCRES … in conversation 4th July 2018 This one-day event is an opportunity for anyone interested in doing, contributing to, or using research across a wide range of themes to meet our staff and postgraduate researchers, find out about our current and previous research projects and, most importantly, add your voice to the conversation about research and its impact. Activities will be focused on exploring, together, and in practical ways, current and recent research and the insights it offers for policy and practice. You will also have the opportunity to find out about different methods used in social and educational research. There will be displays to look at, and conversations and activities to engage in over a good lunch and coffee breaks.

Young people on the margins, and at risk

Doing ethnography with NEET young people

The impact of youth work on young Roma Slovak people’s aspirations and attitude

‘Walking through treacle’: The academic and social experience of autistic students Understanding the post-16 transitions of young people outside education and employment

You might work for a local authority, in a nursery, school, pupil referral unit, alternative provision, college or university, for a charity or community group … You might be a day-nursery owner or manager, charity or community group leader or volunteer, headteacher or school leader, educational psychologist, policy-maker, teacher, college or university lecturer, or tutor, child-minder, teaching assistant, researcher, education welfare officer, youth worker, nursery nurse/ teacher, school improvement officer … or just interested in research!

Digital technology and the professional practice of FE teachers in training

Further and vocational education and training A research-informed critical approach to understanding Learner Dashboards

Implementing the ‘Prevent Duty’ in education

Thinking outside the box: baby boxes as a cultural and curated space

What are the barriers to reporting people suspected of violent extremism?

Young children’s online safety

School leadership, teacher progression and race in/equality

From communities of practice to research organisations: the workplace as a site for developing knowledge

Creative pedagogy: possibilities for practice through reflective walking, landscape and the environment

Making a difference for children and families From dough gym to boys’ handwriting: A small scale evaluation of practitioners’ experiences of an intervention to improve boys’ handwriting

Educational paraprofessionals in a fragmented school system: thriving or surviving?

Participation is FREE, but places are limited so book now!

Changing the world – one conversation at a time

Get involved ... Come to an event HudCRES organises a range of public lectures, seminars and events. If you would like to be notified of upcoming events by email, please join our mailing list. (Dates are occasionally subject to change)

HudCRES … in conversation

4 July 2018

See the inside pages of this newsletter for more details of this one-day research event

‘Lights, Camera, Action!’: Re-framing children’s participation in visual research

12 July 2018

Professor Helen Lomax, Professorial Inaugural Lecture

Social justice leadership for academic, organizational and community sustainability in high need schools: Research evidence from three nations

16 Oct 2018

Distinguished Professor Stephen L. Jacobson, University at Buffalo, State University of New York, USA

Professorial Inaugural Lecture

Date tbc

Professor Ann Harris, Associate Dean: International

Read the ‘Ed Space blog Recent posts include: • Storytelling as a research method • Keeping track of references (and how I learnt to love a database)

If you’re interested in doing educational research (at whatever level) or the use of educational research in policy, practice or wider society, then why not read our blog?

• The 2018 definition of information literacy • Are schools preparing students for Industry 4.0? • Has access to Higher Education in the UK become more equal? Subscribe now by entering your email address on the homepage so that you never miss a new post.

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