Welcome... to the Examiner’s new look compact Christmas guide.
or Christmas 2009 the Examiner, along with Huddersfield Town Centre Partnership Limited and other local media, have teamed up to promote the town with the theme ‘Huddersfield’s Going Crackers for Christmas’. As part of this theme we have produced this compact guide which includes the following sections:
Festive Fun
Home Interiors
Family Matters
2009 has been a difficult year for many businesses so this year it’s more important than ever to shop locally and support your local retailers. Not only does it help our town thrive, less travelling means less pollution. So make a coffee, put your feet up and use our guide for inspiration, safe in the knowledge that you are doing your bit for both the town and the environment. Have a cracking Christmas!
For those feeling the stress of Christmas, there’s some timely advice and we also chat to two local celebrities to see what they’re up to this festive season. This year we have joined forces with local electrical retailer Broadbents to offer you some cracking Christmas prizes including TV’s, a sat nav, i Pods, cameras, gaming consoles and much more. Tokens will appear in the Examiner from Monday, November 16 until Saturday November 28. Simply collect eight tokens and post them to us by Friday December 4. You can also submit just one ‘bonus’ token from this guide. CHRISTMAS IN HUDDERSFIELD 3
Contents FESTIVE FUN ■ ■ ■ ■
Christmas Pantomimes Days Out Dining Out Partying at Home
GLAMOUR ■ ■ ■ ■
■ ■
■ ■ ■
■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
■ ■ ■ ■ ■
p38 - p54
Piece Hall Calderdale Gifts for Men Christmas Shopping Colne Valley Lindley Marsh & Paddocks Holmfirth Springfield Mill
p30 - p37
Ideal Christmas Toys Byram Arcade Huddersfield Town Centre Christmas Shopping
p25 - p29
Christmas Decorations Outdoor Decorations Refresh your Home Interiors
p18 - p24
Dress to Impress Body Beautiful Accessories Hair and Makeup
p6 - p17
p55 - p66
Fostering Travel Recycling Festive Weddings Coping with Stress Bereavement
The panto season is upon us Local pantomines and Christmas shows bring festive fun with familiar and not-so-familiar characters on theatre stages across West Yorkshire.
o Christmas is complete without a family trip to the theatre for some good natured ritual booing of pantomime baddies who we love to hate. This year the region looks to have outshone itself once again, boasting a phenomenal line-up of pantomimes, shows and comedy throughout the whole of December and January alike. A fantastic combination of sing-a-long-songs, dance, laugh-out-loud comedy and true love, the British pantomime is in
now an undeniably essential part of Christmas, with many families and adults eagerly anticipating their annual excursion to the panto each year. Typically aimed at children, panto tells the magical story of our favourite fairy tales or folk lore including classics such as Cinderella, Aladdin, Dick Whittington and Snow White to name but a few, and is often a child's first experience of live theatre - not to mention one they'll never forget.
Start Christmas with the
Huddersfield Methodist Choir at the Town Hall Handel’s Messiah conducted by Alan Brierlley Tuesday December 8 at 7.15pm Soloists Stephanie Helliwell - Soprano Sally Perkins - Alto Simon Allatt - Tenor Alistair Ollerenshaw - Bass Organist Simon Lindley Tickets £12 and £11
Christmas Concert December 19 at 7.15pm Special guests - Skelmanthorpe Brass Band Jane Hobson and Hobson’s Chorus Tickets £8 to £12 Children and students half price Senior citizen £1 reduction in the area. Buy tickets for both concerts for a £2 reduction
Tickets from 01484 542257 or 01484 512 428 and from the central library 6 CHRISTMAS IN HUDDERSFIELD
Originally believed to date back to the Middle Ages, pantos boast a fascinating history and over the years have adapted to include many different aspects of theatre from around the world. Today however, they have become an incredibly popular Christmas accompaniment - and with many productions featuring stars from TV past and present, it can also be a great opportunity to see your favourite actors in action. You don’t have to visit one of the larger theatres for high quality productions and entertainment either. Many smaller theatres, amateur dramatic societies and community groups put on
first class productions over Christmas, and offer brilliant value for money. What’s more, this tradition of a trip to the theatre, has now extended with many other shows too, and if you fancy seeing something different, Christmas is a great time to catch some brilliant performances. From all-singing, all-dancing stage productions boasting lavish sets and glamour, to top stand-up comedians and music acts or even dramatic plays, there are theatre tickets out there with your name on! So for an unforgettable night out guaranteed to get you in that holiday mood, book your seats for panto today!
Huddersfield Choral Society presents
A CHRISTMAS CONCERT in Huddersfield Town Hall on Thursday 10th and Friday 11th December at 7.30pm. Guest artists: Hepworth Band and Martene Grimson, soprano Conductor and Presenter: Brian Kay
Sunday December 20th, 2008, 7.30pm
Tickets £8.00 to £28.00
Friday 18th December, 2008, 7.30pm
Huddersfield Town Hall Dewsbury Town Hall
For tickets and information contact Julie Hale, 07989 395066 or email julie.hale@huddersfieldchoral.com
as Gala Conce m t s i ChrBLACK DYKE BAND rt
Please indicate which evening you would prefer
Tickets available from: Kirklees Tourist Information Centre, Albion Street, Huddersfield • Tel: 01484 223200
A true Yorkshire start to Christmas with the world famous
In partnership with Leeds Metropolitan University CHRISTMAS IN HUDDERSFIELD 7
Festive fun with the family this year
How are you spending Christmas and New Year this time?
ill it be a family affair with outings to local attractions to enjoy some quality time together
away from the stresses and strains of worklife, school, college etc? If so, here are a few ideas to help you on your way:
NATIONAL TRUST - Why not visit one of the local National Trust properties and enjoy some festive entertainment?Just a few miles beyond Wakefield is Nostell Priory, an impressive 18th Century mansion which has events on all year round and is worth a visit any time, summer or winter. Look out for a Christmas craft fayre on Saturday December 5 where you could pick up a festive gift or two.
Picture top: Nostell Priory and meet the pit ponies at National Coal Mining Museum - pictured above
UK BOWLING If you're a fan of ten-pin bowling, then why not treat the family to a trip to the local bowling alley this Christmas. Guaranteed to be good fun for all the family, ten-pin bowling is ideal for all ages and fun for families and groups of friends.Whether you get a strike or not, it's always 10 out of 10 for a visit to the bowling alley.
EMBSAY RAILWAY Fancy a day out this Christmas? Then head for the Embsay and Bolton Abbey Steam Railway situated in the heart of beautiful countryside. Special events are held all year round and there’s sure to be plenty happening this Christmas for all ages.Take a look at the website www.embsayboltonab beyrailway.org.uk for details of all Christmas events.
NATIONAL COAL MINING MUSEUM Take a trip out to the National Coal Mining Museum this Christmas and discover more about a by-gone era. One of the attractions this year will be a Santa’s underground grotto which is sure to delight young and old alike.There’s always loads to see and do at the museum, so why not spend a day out there this Christmas or New Year?
DISCOVER Santa’s Underground Grotto at the National Coal Mining Museum for England From Saturday 21 November until Wednesday 23 December 2009 Santa underground trips run from 10.00am until 3.30pm Dates for the Santa underground trips are: 21 and 22 November 28 and 29 November 5 and 6 December 11, 12 and 13 December 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23 December
Children - £6.00 Adults - £4.00 (Includes a free hot drink and mince pie, subject to availability)
• Santa’s Reindeer Hunt (£1.00 per trail)* • Festive art & craft activities* • Living History performances* • Carols Underground* * not all activities are available every day
Every Sunday from 22nd November - 20th December & Saturdays 5th - 19th December
Pre-booking is essential for all Santa underground trips On the A642 halfway between Wakefield and Huddersfield
www.ncm.org.uk t: 01924 848806 Entry to the Museum and underground tour is free National Coal Mining MuseumTrading Ltd Registered in England &Wales as a limited company by guarantee no.5122121. VAT Reg.no.852 6560 15 Reg.Office Caphouse Colliery, New Road, Overton,WakefieldWF4 4RH.
Get your skates on! Huddersfield on Ice, Thursday December 3, 2009 to Sunday January 3, 2010 The Piazza, Huddersfield (next to Huddersfield Library)
he real ice-rink returns to Huddersfield for the fourth year running. The rink opens on Thursday December 3 and runs for a month until Sunday January 3 in the centre of Huddersfield. As an added bonus, prices have been frozen this year with adults paying £6 and children (aged 16 and under) and Kirklees passport holders skating for just £3.50. The launch of the icerink begins with a party night on Thursday December 3 from 6.30pm where skaters in fancy dress skate for half price. It’s a great way to get into the Christmas spirit
with two hours of music and competitions. And for those of you who prefer to watch instead of skate then why not treat yourself to a steaming mug of hot chocolate or a cold beer at the Ice Café and Bar. Don’t forget to become a fan of Huddersfield on Ice on Facebook to be the first to hear about exclusive offers. For more details about the special events including speed skating nights, student buy one get one free offers, and the all new Family sessions where adults skate for free alongside their children, then visit www.huddersfieldonice.co.uk
Enjoy your festive food Whether you're eating at home with friends and family or going out this Christmas, forget the diet for a week or two and enjoy some festive food
he essential ingredients for a happy Christmas are time spent with friends, family and colleagues mixed with plenty of fine food and drink, topped with a generous helping of
laughter. If you've been assigned the responsibility of organising your Christmas night out, make sure it's an amazing event they will talk about for years to come. There's plenty of
choice when it comes to dining out, whether it's a traditional turkey dinner with all the festive trimmings you crave or perhaps something a little different.So many places can cater for your Christmas party needs –
from traditional pubs, trendy bistros and wine bars, to exclusive restaurants and luxurious hotels which are noted for their excellent standard of cuisine and service, as well as a broad range of cuisine from around the world.
Dining out The local area is renowned for its excellent Chinese and Indian restaurants which often offer fantastic banquets during the festive period. So there is a venue to suit every taste and pocket.Lots of restaurants and pubs are offering seasonal discounts for big parties with after dinner
entertainment from discos to live bands. Many are hosting themed nights to get you into the festive spirit. If you spend every yuletide slaving over a hot stove to create a festive feast for the family, only to find it's gobbled up by the hungry hoards in less than a minute, why not give yourself a break and dine out on
Christmas day? Imagine waking up on Christmas morning, blissfully aware that there are no potatoes to peel or turkeys to stuff, no carrots to chop and you won't even have to touch a sprout if you don't want to. All because your Christmas dinner will have been prepared for you by someone else.
Four of our sites have function suites with: • Bars • Late Licences • Dance Floors • Catering Freedom to decorate as you wish • Children’s Children’s Parties Whitcliffe Mount and Dewsbur y Sports Centres also offer Dance Mats Parties. Give us a ring, we will be happy to help: Huddersfield Sports Centre 01484 223651 Colne Valley Valley Leisure Centre 01484 222522 Whitcliff Mount Sports Centre 01274 335130 Dewsbur y Sports Centre 01924 325020
Lodge Ltd.
Christmas Day Lunch £25 per person English/Indian Choices – Booking Essential
Special Banquet from £10 Bookings now being taken for Christmas 4 Holmfirth Road, Meltham 01484 851777 12 CHRISTMAS IN HUDDERSFIELD
But if you do want to eat out on Christmas Day, there's no time to waste. You need to book as early as possible to benefit from this Christmas Day service. Many eateries will be open on Christmas Day, but demand for tables will be high. and there will usually be a set Christmas menu offered. The majority of restaurants will be serving
traditional Christmas dinners but if you fancy a break from standard Christmas fayre you may be able to find some places serving something a little bit different. How about a traditional Christmas with goose or wild fowl? Or maybe something more exotic? Try a Chinese or Mediterranean Christmas menu to help make your yuletide luncheon a treat with a difference!
3 for 2 offer on all main dishes Delivery Only (AvailableTues-Thurs & Sun) FREE DELIVERY Love Curries and Highlife Cards are welcome 12 St Peter’s Street, Huddersfield HD1 1RA Tel 01484 451991
Royal & Ancient 19 Dalton Bank Road, Colne Bridge, Huddersfield HD5 0RE
01484 425461
::::: - 5/5 hygiene rating KMC
Open 12 noon - 9pm for food (except Christmas Day)
Christmas Menu
Christmas Party Menu from £15.95 pp (5 courses) New Year’s Eve menu £22.95 pp
3 Courses £16.95 • 2 Courses £13.95 1 Course £9.95
r ossroads Inn C e h T 01484 683567 Penistone Road, New Mill, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire HD9 7JL Member of the Yorkshire Food Guide Good Home Cooked Food – served daily
Open 12 noon - 9pm
The perfect Christmas gift our personalised gift vouchers new
Early Bird Menu now available on Saturdays 5.30pm - 6.30pm
(vacate by 7.15pm) @ both LAXMI and indya 158 Woodhead road, Berry Brow, Huddersfield HD4 7NE Tel: 01484 666555/666444 Open Tues-Sat 5.30pm - 11.00pm Sunday 5.15pm - 10.00pm
Stable Court, Huddersfield Road Holmfirth HD9 3AY Tel: 01484 681200 Open Wed-Sat 6.00pm - 11.00pm Sunday 5.30pm - 10.00pm
(except Christmas Day)
Traditional Turkey? The traditional Christmas day meal is not just confined to turkey. If cooking sounds like hard work - then why not eat elsewhere! hilst the traditional Christmas lunch is usually enjoyed at home with family or friends, the lead up to the festivities and the long holiday – which most of us enjoy between Christmas and New Year – provide us with ample opportunity to get out and enjoy a meal in a restaurant. If Christmas lunch at home isn’t your cup of tea, you’ll find any number of restaurants, hotels and pubs offering Christmas Day lunch. Whilst you may find you’ll pay a premium for someone else giving up their Christmas lunch whilst you enjoy yours, it may be a price worth paying and there’s the added bonus of no washing up! Turkey finds its way on to most menus at Christmas, however, some people get ‘turkeyed’ out. If you’ve had enough turkey by Boxing Day why
not try something a little different. Many restaurants prepare special menus over the holiday period so why not pick your favourite eatery and see what they’ve cooked up on the specials board between Christmas and New Year? More and more restaurants are switching on to the idea that working parents don’t necessarily want to start slaving over a stove when they get home from work. The advent of the early evening menu is well and truly here and many of them are well worth taking advantage of. You can get some great early evening deals and during the Christmas holiday you don’t have to dash home from work in order to make a 6.30pm date at the restaurant.
If you know where to look you can pick up a two-course meal with half a bottle of wine for around the £12 a head mark which is a great saving on the usual a la carte menu price. The early evening deals are usually set menus, however, you’ll get a choice of starter and main course and you usually find a meat or fish dish and a vegetarian option. An early evening menu can be a great start to your night and you can be in and out of the restaurant before the later punters start to wait for their tables! Whether you prefer Chinese, traditional English, French, Greek, Indian, Italian or any food culture from the gastronomical centres of the world, you’ll find a meal to suit your palate over the Christmas holiday in a selection of restaurants across Huddersfield. You really will find the World in one
town so why not use the Christmas period to try something a little different?
Christmas Apricot and Chestnut Stuffing Ingredients:
One pint water One coarsely chopped large onion 225g pre-soaked dried apricots chopped into small pieces 225g fresh white breadcrumbs 75g butter 225g chestnuts, roughly chopped chopped fresh parsley salt and pepper.
Butter a shallow ovenproof dish, boil onion and apricot for about five minutes. Put breadcrumbs in a large bowl and pour half of melted butter over. Add remaining butter into frying pan and cook chestnuts until lightly browned. Add to breadcrumbs along with onion, apricot and parsley. Season with salt and pepper. Bake in a pre-heated oven (200 C gas 4) for 25 to 30 minutes until crisp.
This can either be eaten straight away or frozen until Christmas Day. CHRISTMAS IN HUDDERSFIELD 15
Be the ideal host/hostess It may have seemed like a good idea at the time, offering to host a Christmas party but with only a few days to go and a limited budget, how can it be done? on’t worry, it is possible to put on a good spread of food at very little notice without having a nervous breakdown. Read on for help...
The key to success is organisation so first of all, you need to establish how many people you are catering for. Finger food or canapes is the best option here and whilst they can look extremely stylish, often they are very simple and require only straight forward ingredients. Anything that can be made ahead is a good idea so you don’t have to rush round at the last minute. Make sure you plan for a balanced combination of fish, meat and vegetables and remember that presentation is key when it comes to finger food. Garnishing is crucial to add that all important
finishing touch so have plenty of fresh herbs, colourful salad leaves and slices of lemon and lime to hand. For the base of your canapes get a variety of different breads in including foccacia, bruschetta, ciabatta, French bread and fresh sliced white bread. It is a good idea to have a few bowls of more hearty fayre such as salad potatoes and pasta as well as salads, breadsticks, crisps and bread rolls. Next prepare a variety of toppings from a good range of ingredients. These can include parma ham, sun dried tomatoes, spinach, sardines, roasted peppers, slices of hard cheese, soft cheese, smoked salmon, chives, basil leaves, olive oil, minted lamb, figs, tuna but not all together! This is where you can really use your imagination and try some new flavour combinations. Make sure you taste any wacky combinations before the event itself though.
Here are a few classic canape recipes Bruschetta with tomato and basil
Devils on horseback
6 or 7 ripe plum tomatoes 2 cloves garlic minced 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil 1 teaspoon balsamic vinegar 6-8 fresh basil leaves, chopped. Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste 1 baguette French bread or similar Italian bread 1/4 cup olive oil
2 chicken livers 3 rashers streaky bacon 6 fingers hot buttered toast Black pepper freshly ground Cayenne pepper and Paprika
Method Remove the skin from the tomatoes and cut into small pieces removing the seeds, juice and stem. Add garlic, olive oil and vinegar in a bowl and mix. Add chopped basil and salt and pepper to taste. Slice the baguette on a diagonal into about half inch thick slices. Coat one side of each slice with olive oil using a pastry brush. Place on a cooking sheet, olive oil side down and toast until the bread just begins to turn golden brown. Align the bread on a serving platter, olive oil side up and place the tomato topping over the bread immediately before serving so the bread doesn’t go soggy.
Method Wash and dry each liver and cut into three. Remove the rind from the bacon and cut each rasher in half. Wrap each piece of liver in bacon and fry or grill for two to three minutes. Place one roll on each finger of toast. Sprinkle with black pepper and a little cayenne and paprika.
Dress to impress this party season YEAH! The party season is here so get out your dancing shoes and your new frock!
his season party frocks are big business with style and sparkle in abundance so dress to impress with sequin skirts, a little black dress, jewel colours such as ruby and purple, high heels and chunky accessories. Sequins and jewel colours really are big news although black is still a favourite, especially for those who want to
play safe with the party season's all time much-loved colour. Off-the-shoulder and strapless dresses are popular this year. When you’re thinking about going glam for the party season, make sure you remember accessories. Colourful clutch bags are back in fashion and shoes are high with platforms back in vogue. Sequins also make it onto shoes and bags and popular colours again include perennial black and funky purple. Accessorize with chunky bracelets and matching necklaces, big rings, brooches and large pearls. Dress up and hit the party!
If youʼre playing hostess and cooking the festive lunch, then you need to strike a balance between feeling comfortable and looking fabulous. If you plan ahead, you can look elegant and unfazed as you get to grips with the stress of preparing lunch for family and friends. As youʼre going to be on your feet in the kitchen, aim for comfort in the shoe department. This doesnʼt have to mean flats but maybe a modest heel to keep you comfortable, rather than struggling to look great in high heels that will be killing you by the end of the day. Keep your cool in the kitchen with something festive but simple. Dress up with accessories but beware of long sleeves, scarves etc that could end dipped in the gravy or the roast potatoes. Practicality is the key while youʼre grappling with the sprouts and carving up the turkey. If however you are lucky enough to be a guest in someone elseʼs house this Christmas, then glam up and enjoy the champagne. However do remember it is polite to offer to help with the washing up afterwards..... 18 CHRISTMAS IN HUDDERSFIELD
Ban the dreaded celulite It’s all too easy to overindulge at Christmas with too much food and drink. Come the New Year, it will be back on the diet but what about problems such as cellulite. ereʼs a few pointers on how to deal with this particular problem: Cellulite is the name given to the lumpy, irregular fat deposits often found around the hips, buttocks and upper leg area. It is sometimes described as ʻorange peel skinʼ because of the visible dimpled appearance. Cellulite happens to 90% of post adolescent women- even those who put a lot of effort into keeping there bodies slim and well toned. A good diet and plenty of exercise can help in the early stages of cellulite
formation; however diet and exercise alone will not get rid of it. There are many different treatments available that can assist in helping to reduce any unwanted cellulite, such as and some medical grade creams. It can be caused by many factors. A few examples of these would be genetics, hormones, hyperthyroidism, poor diet and lack of exercise. These contributing factors lead to poor blood circulation and a dysfunctional lymphatic system. Cellulite is primarily caused by weakened connective tissue.
Need a new look this party season With Christmas just weeks away, plan your beauty regime in good time.
his is the one time of year when we all want to look our best, whether we’re on a work night out, a New Year’s Eve party or simply during our Christmas Day lunch. With the rush of Christmas it’s easy to get caught in the flow, then before you know it, Christmas is here, and that self-pampering you planned for party time is gone. Your beauty regime can begin a few weeks before
We also buy Gold • Antique Jewellery • Gold Coins • Diamond Rings (Old or Antique) • Gold Watches • Old/Unwanted Jewellery (any condition) • Scrap Gold • TOP PRICES PAID
Christmas, eating more fruit, drinking water and making sure you get enough vitamins can all help bring the beauty out of you. These simple things help begin to make you feel good during the festive season, plus your skin will look fresh and cleaner. Then, when the party season begins, getting your hair and make-up just right is essential to ensure you look great from head to toe.
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How can I choose a flattering colour? "It's really all about the skin tone and eye colour," Andrew Barton explains. "The more dramatic the hair colour change is from your natural hair colour, the more make-up you'll need to wear. Girls with darker complexions tend to suit shades that are warmer like reds, rich browns and warm blondes, where paler skins suit pastel shades, icy blondes and pale browns." How often should I colour my hair? "Colour your hair every four to six weeks to help prevent colour banding within the hair," advises celebrity colourist Mark Ramos. I'm a first-timer to colour, how will I know if it suits me? "If you are going darker or changing the tone completely, I would recommend using semi-permanent colour, certainly in the first instance, as this will fade naturally," suggests 10 Years Younger colourist Lisa Shepherd. "From there you can assess whether the shade suits you and if it is something you can wear permanently."
Most people tend to stick to the same cosmetics, the same colours and styles as they know what suits them. Why not try some different colours at home? A different lipstick or eyeshadow may just add that extra touch of glamour that you’re after. Scarlett Johansson recently turned to the bottle for the fourth time this year for a dramatic colour change, ditching her trademark blonde for autumnal brunette. And the actress isn't alone in using hair colour to make a dramatic statement. Forget the stylist, the colourist is every celebrity's secret weapon... In August, Cheryl Cole shocked onlookers with a deep plum shade for a photoshoot and trendsetting Peaches Geldof followed suit.
Fast-forward a couple of months and Cheryl's back to brunette and Peaches is dark blonde. Now the skies have turned grey for winter, women are craving colour. The hair colour industry is worth ÂŁ153 million in the UK alone and 64% of women regularly colour or highlight their locks. "Colour is one of the easiest ways of transforming your look," says hairdresser Andrew Barton. Whether you want to maintain your colour or work a stop-and-stare shade, make sure you have hair that's to 'dye' for this winter.
RELAXING TREATMENTS One of the best and easiest ways to relax is to put on some music and run a steamy hot bath with relaxing aromatherapy oils or bath bombs like lavender and chamomile, to unlock any lingering tension. Then, simply slip in and let the day soothe away. To make your bath even better, why not add everyday luxuries including candles, a glass of wine, box of chocolates and your favourite magazine or book you’ve been dying to read? Try using an exfoliating body scrub to rejuvenate dull old skin and bring out your body’s natural glow. Then massage in a deep nourishing conditioning hair mask to work its magic on dry and brittle winter hair and transform lacklustre locks into a glistening mane.
GOLDEN GLOW Christmas Why not top off your g look with a self-tannin ct, rfe pe treatment? This is the n lde go safe way to achieve a w ne t glow that will set off tha You’ll be party dress perfectly. althy guaranteed to look he the and glowing for party season.
RED HOT NAILS Party animals across the local area will be polishing their talons and priming their bodies in order to emerge looking like the cat’s whiskers during the Christmas season. According to style and feeling -good guru, Gok Wan, the key is to prepare, prepare, prepare! Unfortunately, there are no Fairy Godmothers in real life, and we have to do all the donkey work
in order to reach that Cinderella, pre-midnight, state. Maybe this is the one time of year when you can treat yourself to some beauty treatments. Why not enjoy a luxury manicure or even invest in a set of acrylic nails? Red hot nail varnish is one of the key looks for the Christmas party season.
Four Great Reasons to try
il Salon Unisex Hair & Na
HAIR • Prom packages from £30.00 Cut & • Wedding packages available Blow • Hair Extensions - 100% Human from Hair, pre-blonded, weave or clip in £15.00 • Dry Cut £10.00 • Kids cut £5.00 ACRYLIC NAILSFull set of Acrylic • Coloured Acrylic Nails - Full Set £22.00 White Tips £15.00 • 10% discount for students & OAP’s Tues & Weds All by fully qualified technicians COLOUR- T-Section Prices subject to change. Foils from £15.00 Please confirm at time of purchase. TOES Hollywood Open: Monday by appointment only Toes Tues - Sat 9.30 - 5.30 (later appointments available on request) £10.00 1, Haywood Avenue, Marsh, Huddersfield HD3 4BA Tel: 01484 428853 Free Parking Available Please note, no credit cards or cheques accepted Mob: 07896 546217
Book your Christmas appointments now! 1 George St, Kirkburton Tel: 01484 602487 24 CHRISTMAS IN HUDDERSFIELD
Colour your home this Christmas As we become increasingly sophisticated in our interior design tastes, so the pressure becomes greater to create a stylish and tastefully decorated home for Christmas.
great way to ensure your home looks its best for the festive period is to go for a theme which helps to create a unified look which flows thorughout the house. But where to begin? Have a think about a theme which means something special to you or which reflects you and your family’s personality. Bear in mind your budget here – there is no point in going all out for a
particular theme if you simply can’t afford it. Keep it simple and use your imagination and you won’t go far wrong. How about taking a colour as a particular theme? Red, green and white are the traditional colours associated with Christmas so either pick one of these colours or if you are feeling brave, a combination of all three. More contemporary colours include navy and silver which create a cool trendy feel. Chill winds and storms may be nature's signs that winter's arrived but in our homes the first sign is the return of the rich, berry shades to the decor palette. Nature offers the best palette of colours available so you can continue your coloured theme by bringing in holly from the garden with its vivid green, spiky leaves and its vibrant red berries. To add a touch of white to the theme, lightly spray the holly with snow spray for the finished look. It's not really surprising that a 'home harvest' of
sumptuous purples, plums, aubergines and berry reds is a perennial favourite because the colours give an instant injection of warmth, glamour and luxury. Scented candles are great for bringing festive cheer into the home. Arrange a selection of candles in green, red and white around the home to continue the Christmas coloured theme and enjoy the beautiful aromas at the same time.
CHIC BUY Plum and raspberry glass tea light containers and candle holders displayed on surfaces are an inexpensive but hugely effective way to 'get the look' and add colour to your Christmas home. CHRISTMAS IN HUDDERSFIELD 25
Silver and gold are also classic Christmas colours and help to create a really stylish look for your home. Is it best to pick either silver or gold and not both. The easy way to achieve this look with minimum effort and outlay, is simply to buy some silver or gold spray and use it on ornaments, picture frames, mirrors and candles. Bows are a popular choice for adding some an attractive festive finishing touch to the home. Start the theme right at the front door with a giant bow tied to the door and then in each room, tie bows on everything from candlesticks to doorknobs, teddy bears to chair backs. Fairy lights are a simple yet highly effective way of bringing Christmas home. Shop around for a selection of different lights which you can arrange in each room around and along mantlepieces and
mirrors and even intertwined down stair rails for the a truly enchanting look.
White is the ultimate colour for Christmas. Not only is it the colour of snow but it also helps to create a beautifully clean, crisp look. So how to achieve it? First of all, spray the Christmas tree with snow. The amount depends upon your own personal taste. You can give it a light dusting or make it look like a heavy snowfall. Instead of going for the usual array of coloured fairy lights, use clear lights. Not only are they generally cheaper to buy but they also help to create the perfect minimalist look. Adorn the tree with clear, white and silver ornaments, snowflakes and glass ornament icicles.
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Roller • Vertical • Venetian • Roman • Pleated • Perfect Fit
Tel: 01484 428116 www.conservatoryblind.co.uk CHRISTMAS IN HUDDERSFIELD 27
Find the right christmas tree From amazing artificial spruces to sweet-scented fir trees, Christmas just wouldn’t be complete without a sparkling, tinsel adorned tree. Often the main focal point within the home, Christmas trees are an essential requirement to create that magical Christmas atmosphere and whether you’re a contemporary fashionista or staunch traditionalist, there are hundreds of varieties to choose between. For those who prefer to fake it, artificial trees can be an easy low maintenance option and there are now an excellent variety of convincing and stylish trees on the market. Ranging from
contemporary slim-line varieties, fibre-optics, and inverted trees, to more traditional 7ft spruces and classic pre-lit branches. And, as you’ll be able to use them year after year, they can also work at as a more cost effective option. Alternatively, Christmas just wouldn’t be Christmas for some people without a real tree and they make a stunning addition to any home. There are many varieties to choose between and whether you buy a fresh pre-cut spruce or potted Christmas tree ready to
transfer straight to the garden post festivities there's something to suit every family. In particular, Nordman Firs and Scots Pines are famed for their high needle retention, and both the Norway and Blue Spruce are incredibly popular for giving off that magical scent of Christmas. Whatever you want, you're sure to find your dream tree and there are a wide range of shops, as well as excellent local stores and suppliers right on your doorstep.
Take your decorating outdoors In recent years more and more people have taken to decorating the outside of their homes for the festive season.
any go the whole hog and deck their house with a host of festive lights, snowmen, santas and the like. Today there is often a tendency for the more lights, the merrier. However sometimes less is more to create a stylish look. However for those who prefer a slightly more subtle approach and don始t want to go completely over the top, a few well placed Christmas lights in the garden can make a house look very pretty and festive. If you始ve a tree in your garden, why not dress it up with lights and make it a real festive feature of your home? Keeping it simple is the key to creating a great Christmas look. Too many lights can make a home appear tacky and over dressed.
Fix a colourful Christmas wreath to your door to welcome seasonal visitors and set the festive mood! If you始re on a budget, remember there are many local shops who sell Christmas lights at a very reasonable price. However if you始re using lights for the outside of the home, you must ensure they are suitable for outdoor use. Keep safe at all costs and have a very Merry Christmas! CHRISTMAS IN HUDDERSFIELD 29
Christmas gift ideas for your little ones Christmas best sellers predicted by the Toy Retailers Association (TRA) annual ‘Dream Toys’ list. Ben 10 Alien Force Kevins DX
COOL green action car is among the toys most likely to fly off the shelves this Christmas, according to UK retailers. Kevin Levinʼs DX Action Cruiser, from the Ben 10 Alien Force by Bandai, is one of 12 toys highlighted by the Toy Retailers Association (TRA) as one of their Dream Dozen for 2009.
GO GO Pets Hamsters, Character Options (RRP £9.99)
TRA chairman Gary Grant said the industry had “turned the latest trends into innovative and creative toys” for Christmas. “The list also reveals a trend towards nostalgic characters and brands which have been updated with a modern twist,” he said. “Consumers are reverting back to heritage brands which will last longer than the Christmas season.” The Dream Dozen includes Monopoly City, a moderntake on the traditional boardgame, cute hamsters from Go Go Pets and a 30 CHRISTMAS IN HUDDERSFIELD
multimedia digital camera. The TRA also compiled separate “dream dozen” lists for the girlsʼ, boysʼ, preschool, games, construction and creative categories. Animals will dominate the girlsʼ wish-list, with the Go Go Pets Hamsters, Pony in My Pocket Pony Arena, FurReal Friends and Fluffy goes Walkies all featuring in the top 12, the TRA said. Animagic Peanut My Playful Pup, marketed as “the closest you can get to having your very own reallife puppy”, is also expected to be among the best-sellers. Dolls are also expected to be popular, with relative newcomers such as Baby Annabell 2009, Sally Doll, and Cicciobello Love ʼnʼ Care going up
GX Racers Tightrope Terror, Flair (RRP £22.99)
against traditional favourites including Barbie and The Three Musketeers Corinne Doll and the Sylvanian Families. For boys, fast cars and battle sets are expected to fly off the shelves as parents snap up the likes of the Ben 10 Alien Force cruiser, the GX Racers, which can be sent across tightropes to perform stunts, and the Battle Strikers starter set. Star Wars and Transformers action figures are also expected to be key features of Christmas stockings this year. For pre-school children, much-loved faces like Thomas the Tank Engine and Postman Pat will be as popular as ever, while the Waybuloo Peeka Lau Lau offers youngsters the chance to play
Action Cruiser, Bandai (RRP £29.99)
peeka as if they were on the CBeebies programme. The KidiZoom Multimedia Digital Cameras from VTech will appeal to budding photographers while the snoring Night Night Timmy is expected to be popular at bedtime. Monopoly City, Jenga and Rubiks 360 are touted as potential best-sellers in the games category while Star Wars dominates the construction category with its Echo Base and Darth Vaderʼs Tie Fighter. And for the budding creative-types, Doodle with Glo Doodle, a reusable glow-in-the-dark surface, and the Crayola GloStation will be among the must-have toys, as is the Letʼs Cook Fruit Factory which enables children to turn fruit into juice, smoothies or ice cream.
Take a trip to Byram Arcade This Christmas why not visit one of Huddersfield town centre’s shopping gems, the architecturally stunning Byram Arcade. including three fashion designers. Goods on sale include specialist clothing, music, arts and crafts, hairdressing, foodstuffs and much more. Byram Arcade is an elegant Victorian arcade built in 1880 and 1881 by the architect W H Atkinson. It was acquired by the former Huddersfield Corporation in 1920 and refurbished by Kirklees over a period of several years. Much of the paintwork was kept to colours more
ome to a multitude of shops, this threestorey arcade is a great example of Victorian architecture which has been extensively refurbished in recent years by Kirklees Council. With a range of shops, offices and restaurants, Byram Arcade is a great place to browse for Christmas gifts this festive season. The arcade is home to a range of small independent shops
Skincare Treatment FREE with every two skincare products purchased
Tel: 01484 424 244 8 Station Street, Huddersfield, HD1 1LN Visit: www.urbanescape.co.uk email: info@urbanescape.co.uk developed by The Internationa Dermal Institute
Enjoy Good Food at
No 10 The Deli 9-10 BYRAM ARCADE, HUDDERSFIELD Oak Rooms Tel: 01484 512373 No10 The Deli Tel & Fax: 01484 300620 32 CHRISTMAS IN HUDDERSFIELD
in keeping with the age of the arcade. A passenger lift was installed more recently which allows the upper floors to be easily reached. The Arcade is open six days a week Monday to Saturday.
Next time you’re in town, why not visit Byram Arcade and see one of Huddersfield’s hidden gems? You might be surprised at what you find! Especially at this time of year, great gift ideas are available.
Entrance to Byram Arcade
!"#$%& () *(+$,"
4 Byram Arcade, Westgate, Huddersfield Tel 01484 544 002
Portmerion at
Shades of China Get yours at C.A. Wilson this Christmas
23 Hollowgate, Ho lmfirth Tel: 01484 687596
Byram Arcade, Huddersfield Tel: 01484 544002
Briers Hairdressing “Frame your perfect moments for Christmas”
20% off for family deals £5 off ladies and gentlemens wash, cut and blow dry Appointments not always necessary
We stock: ghd, turbo hairdriers & Wella products 18 Cross Church Street Tel: 01484 427107
Huddersfield Picture Framing Tel: 01484 687598
“A photograph is the only present that lasts a lifetime” www.greavesphotographers.com
Get your Steiff bears at THE CHOCOLATE BOX Hollowgate, Holmfirth Tel: 01484 688222
10% OFF XMAS VOUCHER 1 Peel Street, Marsden Tel: 01484 846226 www.roobarbgifts.co.uk
Chris’s Cosmetics His & Hers Intimately Beckham 50ml - £12.95 each Tel: Holmfirth 687551 open Mon-Sat 10-5pm Now accepting Credit/Debit cards
Have moved to below address
Experts in personalised greetings cards Tel: 01484 435020 Fairlea Road, Taylor Hill, Huddersfield
Huddersfield shopping Huddersfield town centre has it all! From the large high street multiples to small independent outlets, the town is great for shopping all year round.
here really is no need to travel out of town as there is everything here right on the doorstep. Whether you’re shopping for special Christmas gifts or everyday commodities, the town is ideal for a great day’s retail therapy. Choose from the Piazza area, the main New Street and John William Street areas, King Street and the many individual arcades. Since the opening of the Kingsgate centre, there is even more choice with the added bonus of it all being under cover. Remember too that the Huddersfield area is rich in local markets offering
great fresh produce and excellent bargains. There are also regular street markets selling all kinds of European produce and the popular Food and Drink Festival held every August in St George’s Square.
The Food and Drink Festival Huddersfield Christmas lights
Collect @ Piece Hall Halifax
01422 355388 OPEN DAILY
Traditional to Sci-fi & Anime Collectables
FEEL FABRICS formerly Denholme Velvet Mill Shop
LUXURY QUALITY VELVETS Open Monday - Saturday 11-4.30pm Closed Weds
37 The Colonnade Piece Hall 01422 321332
Discover The Piece Hall Get your skates on this Christmas and get yourself over to the Piece Hall in Halifax for some festive shopping. n the run-up to Christmas there始s loads going-on in this architectural gem which is home to a multitude of independent shops selling everything from jewellery to books, clothing to collectables. This unique architectural masterpiece was originally built as a cloth hall to house over 300 merchants. Re-opened in July 1976
the Piece Hall remains the `jewel in Calderdale始s crown始 and today embodies the different elements of its historical past by being home to a multitude of shops. This Christmas one of the main attractions is sure to be an ice rink which will offer ice skating to Piece Hall visitors from Saturday November 28. Advance tickets are available from the box
Whatever You Wear
The Silver Shop Make an Impression
The Silver Jewellery Specialists
Ladies & Gents Sterling Silver & Fashion Fashion Jeweller y, Charms & Charm Bracelets Engravable Engravable giftware, Christening Gifts and more
Dollshouses, Miniatures, Dolls & Teddy Bears Our shop is open 7 days a week. Monday to Saturday 10.00 to 5.00, Sunday 10.30 to 4.30 Close to the Ice Rink entrance 53 The Arcade, Piece Hall, Halifax HX1 1RE Tel: 01422 340097 email: sales@tedshop.com web: www.tedshop.com
Handmade Chocolate Gifts
Visit us Today:
69 The Piece Hall, Halifax, West Yorkshire HX1 1RE Tel: 01422 383533 38 CHRISTMAS IN HUDDERSFIELD
1 Market Street, Brighouse, West Yorkshire HD6 1AP Tel: 01484 723847
65 Piece Hall Halifax HX1 1RE 01422 330458
The Cappuccino Café • cappuccino • latte • hot chocolate • espresso • mocha Good quality food and drink in the heart of Halifax Open 7 days a week 9 am - 5 pm
Tel 01422 381902 office at Halifaxʼs Victoria Theatre. Saver tickets can be bought or simply pay on the day. The covered ice rink means that skating is still available whatever the weather and the rink is rapidly becoming a popular annual attraction. Other up and coming events this Christmas include a charity market on Sunday November 29 which will raise money for Ellandʼs Overgate Hospice. A little earlier in the month there will be the switching-on of the Piece Hall Christmas lights on Saturday November 21 flooding the whole complex with a festive feel. Just before Christmas itself, there will be a community carol concert
at 2.30pm on Sunday December 20 so not come along and join in the festivities? If youʼre looking for some great gift ideas, then enjoy a trip over to the Piece Hall this Christmas and browse the many shops. The Piece Hall has a unique 18th century atmosphere and has been used in several TV programmes and feature films, including the film "Brassed Off". It is a unique feature in Calderdale and attracts thousands of visitors every year. Information about the Piece Hall shops and events can be found at www.piecehall.info.
RED PATCH Jigsaws, Boards, Woodcraft, Traditional Games & Much More! 60 THE PIECE HALL HALIFAX WEST YORKSHIRE 01422 340932 Large selection of Jigsaws in stock, Ravensburger, Jumbo, Wasjig, Gibson, House of Puzzles, etc
Christmas Hampers to order 67 The Piece Hall Halifax West Yorkshire HX1 1RE
01422 342679
Christmas in Calderdale The nearby Calderdale areas of Brighouse, Elland and Halifax offer great festive shopping opportunities this Christmas.
The Christmas tree arrive at The Piece Hall ready for festivities
There will be plenty of Christmas cheer in Halifax this year for both local people and visitors to enjoy. The townʼs Christmas lights will be switched on in a special event at the Piece Hall, Halifax, on Saturday 21 November, marking the beginning of the Christmas festivities. Halifaxʼs Christmas lights are being revamped this year to replace the townʼs 30-year-old lights and will include a new neon `exploding fireworkʼ display at Bull Green roundabout. Calderdale council is organising many other events to transform the area into a winter wonderland including an ice skating rink at the Piece Hall, a snowballing
area, ice wall and Victorian Christmas market. In the nearby towns of Brighouse and Elland, various Christmas celebrations are being planned. In Brighouse plans are under way to attract more local shoppers into the town this Christmas and these include a lights switch-on on Friday November 20. Other festive attractions will include street entertainers and brass bands. Sometimes itʼs nice to experience festive shopping in other areas, even if they are right on the doorstep and just a short drive away. Different shops offer a welcome change and bring a new complexion to Christmas shopping.
Christmas at La Cachette Christmas Party Menu Available Lunch and Dinner from Tuesday 1st December to Wednesday 23rd December. £23.95 Per person Includes a complimentary half bottle of house wine per person. (Terms & conditions apply)
Boxing Day Menu Saturday 26th December 2009 Three course Dinner £24.95 adults, £15.00 children (up to age 12) available 5.00pm to 9.00pm.
LA CACHETTE RESTAURANT & WINE BAR 31 Huddersfield Road, Elland, West Yorkshire HX5 9AW Tel: 01422 378833 Fax: 01422 327567 www.lacachette-elland.com email: info@lacachette-elland.com CHRISTMAS IN HUDDERSFIELD 41
Gifts for her Let the woman in your life know just how much she means to you.
hether you're a big spender looking to give her a real treat or prefer to give just a little something, there's plenty here for mums, daughters, girlfriends and wives to fall in love with. How about a DVD of her favourite artist? Many top artists release new DVDs in time for Christmas sales and this is always a popular gift. Why not sweeten up her life with some chocolates? All the best sellers have festive boxes of chocolates on sale in various box sizes. If she’s a lover of luxury Continental style choccies, then why not spoil her with a big box of soft centres? The marketplace is full of electrical gadgets so why not spoil her with a new mobile phone, a music player, a video camera, a
radio.....the list is endless. Mobile phones in particular continue to evolve all the time with new functions and new funky colours and designs. Help her to keep in touch with everyone by splashing out on one of the latest styles. If you’re thinking of a gift of clothing or
footwear, think about some snuggly, comfy slippers or soft boots to keep her warm and cosy all winter. Alternatively if you’re not sure of sizes, then think about a gift voucher for the appropriate store so she can choose herself. Jewellery is always a winner with the ladies, whether it’s an expensive watch, necklace or ring etc, or a more modestly priced piece of bling. Particular popular at the moment are charm bracelets and chunky jewellery. Gifts of perfume and/or make-up are always welcome but make sure
you are sure of the brand she wears. Many cosmetic manufacturers offer special Christmas packaging including both perfume and make-up, bath products, nail care etc. If your loved one has the travel bug then why not splash out and book a city or country break for the New Year? She’s sure to love a break in the midst of winter so get it booked and surprise her this Christmas. You don’t have to go far - there are some great city break options within easy reach! For TV sitcom lovers, many of the top series offer DVD collections at Christmas and these are a must-have for fans. If she’s a fan of Friends, for example, then the 15th anniversary collection containing all the episodes of the popular sitcom is a great choice. Get yourself in the good books this Christmas!
PUSH THE BOAT OUT If she loves her food and drink, then what about a hamper. Push the boat out and get a hamper from the top London store Harrods but remember many high street names now offer hampers at a reasonable price including wines, champagnes, chocolates, truffles and other luxury items.
FESTIVE FUN Even if you’re busy at work, always save a day off for December so you can catch up on any last minute Christmas shopping.
If you’re buying presents for office colleagues, operate a Secret Santa so everyone buys just one pressie and set a price limit.
Enjoy Colne Valley The handful of villages that make up the Colne Valley have much to offer the shopper this Christmas.
rom the relaxed atmosphere of Marsden at the top end of the valley, right down to bustling Milnsbridge, there is a host of shops and services just waiting to be discovered. Many sell everyday commodities but others stock a wide range of household items and also offer vital services all year round. The length of the Colne Valley follows the line of the Huddersfield Narrow Canal, stretching from beyond Milnsbridge to Linthwaite, Slaithwaite
01484 847222
Christmas Day - booking on day Christmas Eve & New Year’s Eve Bookings now being taken
and Marsden and then under the Pennines to Lancashire. The revival of the canal has brought a fresh impetus to the Colne Valley, particularly in Slaithwaite, where it flows right through the centre of the village. Visitors are found regularly in all Colne Valley villages discovering the delights of the canal and surrounding area. Discover these quaint villages for yourself and spend a little time exploring the canal and much more.
The Family Firm Who Care...
NO CONTRACT NO JOINING FEE 40 STATION FITNESS SUITE Cardio, Resistance, Free Weights Saunas and Sunbed Qualified Personal Trainer Memberships From £15 per month Call in for details 2-4 New Street, Slaithwaite, Huddersfield 01484 843568 www.wharfsideworkout.co.uk 44 CHRISTMAS IN HUDDERSFIELD
Chapels of Rest at: MARSDEN Manchester Road,, Marsden 01484 844289 HOLMFIRTH 98 Huddersfield Road, Holmfirth 01484 688575 MELTHAM Clarke Lane, Meltham 01484 844289
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enquiries@pearson-funerals.co.uk www.pearson-funerals.co.uk
Easy Fireplace
Bespoke Fireplaces – design your fireplace to meet your needs All orders before Xmas go into
Order before January 1st
a prize draw for a £100 cashback
Made to Measure at no extra cost
Fires Fireplaces
Fireplaces from £299
Milnsbridge Centre
A62 Manchester Road to Oldham WE ARE HERE
One way system
Warren House
To M
01484 644464
ALDI Market Street
Christmas Lindley Lindley provides the perfect blend of a warm village atmosphere with upmarket shops and restaurants.
This Party Season
Fish & Chips Dare to be different! Visit our Party Room @ LAURIE HOPKINS MENSWEAR 18/20 Acre Street Lindley Huddersfield Tel: 01484 511088 www.lhmw.co.uk
Traditional menswear... with twist! 46 CHRISTMAS IN HUDDERSFIELD
• Open 7 days • CHIPS £1 ~
FREE CAN OF POP with every food purchase with this voucher (7-Up / Tango only)
10 ACRE STREET, LINDLEY Opposite the Bay Horse pub
sparkle at
Take-Outs always welcome
10% OFF in the heart of Lindley
BUY ONE CURRY AND GET ONE FREE! Offer to run 22nd - 26th November Cheapest Curry Free-dining only, (not to be used in conjunction with any other offer)
Book NOW for Christmas 10% OFF 10 + persons, off total bill.
15% OFF 20+ or more, off total bill.
Spend £20 and receive OFFER a FREE bottle of wine 27 & 28th Nov
(red or white as specified on arrival by manager).
• Designer Lingerie & Swimwear • Sizes A-JJ • Gift Vouchers Available • Experienced & Professional Approach to Lingerie Fitting
Tel: 01484 651558 46 Lidget Street, Lindley, Huddersfield HD3 3JP
We would like to wish all our families, local residents and businesses a Merry Christmas
Our choir will be in Lindley Village on December 1st. Join us in following our Nativity Trail through the village to help raise money for the
Air Ambulance and Local Schools.
The true taste of Italy at home OPENING 5pm ON Tuesday 1st DEC. LINDLEY LATE NIGHT
PIZZETTA PATATINE ONLY £4 (8 inch Margherita Pizza with 2 toppings & Chips) 29 LIDGET STREET, LINDLEY, HUDDERSFIELD HD3 3JB
01484 648844 OPEN: 5.00pm UNTIL LATE. CLOSED TUESDAY
The best wood oven baked, traditional, authentic Italian pizza you can taste
SPharmacy T Shaw Ltd. for MEDICINES, TOILETRIES BABY CARE and GIFTS Free prescription collection and delivery service for elderly and housebound
59 Lidget Street, Lindley Telephone 651405 48 CHRISTMAS IN HUDDERSFIELD
New to Lindley Contemporary Dining Reservations now being taken for Christmas & New Year Opening times: Monday - Appointment only Tuesday-Friday 12am-2.30pm 5.30-9.30 Saturday: 5.30-10pm Sunday Lunch 12pm-3pm See our website for news, events and our menus www.livelounge.org.uk 75 Lidget Street, Lindley 01484 646416
f you haven’t visited Lindley recently your should. Why not time your visit for the late night Christmas shopping on December 1. The evening begins with Leeds Rhino star Keith Senior switching on the Christmas lights. All the local shops and restaurants will be open with many of the staff dressed in Victorian costumes. Hot food will be available and entertainment is being provided by the local school and church choirs. Santa will be there so make get your Christmas wish list together. Or if you’re looking for Christmas gift inspiration check out the number of shops selling a wide range of gifts for him, for her and for the kids. If the shopping gets too much try out a relaxing holistic therapy.
And why not finish your evening off with a glass of your favourite tipple at the Wine Shop and pick up a take away or dine at one of the many restaurants in Lindley catering for all tastes and budgets. So what are you waiting for check out what Lindley has on offer now or go along to the late night charity fund raising evening on December 1, 2009 from 6pm and help Lindley businesses and the community raise money for guide dogs. In the run-up to Christmas, why not try the hypnotherapist based at Wellington Mills to help you quit that bad habit or de-stress and relax over the busy festive period? Lindley is a buzzing village if you’re buying gifts, food, wine and champagne, clothes, underwear, household
LINDLEY FINE WINES Lindley Fine Wines sells a fantastic range of quality wines and spirits to suit all pallets and pockets, plus associated gifts and accessories. • Tasteful presentation packages. • Classic French decanters and glassware in various styles. • If you can’t make your mind up what to buy, we have gift vouchers.
items or want beauty treatments or help with habits, phobias, weight
management or simply want a great night out.
“We would like to thank our customers for their
support and continued business during 2009. Merry Christmas & all the best for 2010 From Michelle, Helen & Rachel 89 Lidget St, Lindley, Huddersfield Tel 01484 460006
HULIN’S Hairdressing & Barbers Shop would like to wish all their customers a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 31-33 Lidget St, Lindley Huddersfield HD3 3JB Tel: 01484 659029
Why not call in and have a browse or ask for friendly advice.
Open: 9am till 6pm Monday to Saturday
95 LIDGET STREET, LINDLEY www.lindleyfinewines.co.uk Tel: 01484 653888
93 Lidget Street, Lindley 01484 649 199 2 Market Place, Honley 01484 660 688
Fresh Style Turkeys £1.98 plb/£4.37 pkg
Fresh Turkeys £2.72 plb/£6.00 pkg We are taking orders now
Paddock - 01484 428660 Holmfirth 01484 683302
A Very Happy Christmas From all @ Angela Barraclough Optometrists To all our clients and best wishes for 2010 120 Westbourne Road Marsh, Huddersfield HD1 4LF Tel: 01484 531938 Fax: 01484 422240
Wishing you a Merry Christmas from
110 Westbourne Road, Marsh, Huddersfield 01484 300394 www.oxley-property.co.uk
Shopping in Marsh and Paddock Just a short drive from the main centre of Huddersfield are the villages of Marsh and Paddock, ach village has a range of shops and services to provide all your local needs. Despite the current credit crunch, the two centres have managed to maintain their range of shops which are thriving in the difficult economic climate. Some new shops have even opened recently and are competing well in the busy marketplace. Both Marsh and Paddock are ideal for
Wishing All our Customers & Suppliers A Merry Christmas ¼ & A Happy New Year ¼ from all the staff at WESTBOURNE NEWS 81 Westbourne Road, Marsh ¼ 01484 530896 ¼ 50 CHRISTMAS IN HUDDERSFIELD
local shopping and for picking up items as you pass through. With plenty of easy free parking, they are ideal for drivers who want to look for out-oftown shopping. Marsh in particular is always a bustling centre, being situated alongside the main Westbourne Road leading out of town to the M62. Many people already stop on their journey to pick up everyday essentials as well as browsing at some of the more
Merry Christmas to all our customers and thanks for making it a good year. From all the staff at
musical instruments 4 all ltd
39b Westbourne Road, Marsh Tel: 01484 321388
specialised outlets. The shopping area of Paddock stretches out along Church Street and near the village's roundabout area. In both Marsh and Paddock you'll find long established shops and outlets which have served the local community for years. Why not stop awhile and pick some festive fayre or Christmas gifts? You might be surprised at the range of goods available.
Wishing Everyone A Merry Christmas 146 Westbourne Road, Marsh HD1 4LF 01484 453322
Un it 7
68 014 PHON 72 84 E 60
Huddersfield Road, Holmfirth
For all your Christmas Gift Ideas • Chaise longues • Floral Arrangements • Candles, Mirrors, Frames • Christmas Decorations • Wood-burning stoves
unique & bespoke gemstone designs
Open: Wed - Sat 9.30am - 5pm, Sun 10am - 4pm
Stockists of
• Paper • Card • Brushes • Paints
Great Choice of • Sandwiches • Paninis • Wraps • Toasties • Soup • Salad Bar • Cakes PLUS Shakes, Smoothies, Teas
Telephone 01484 689434
Un it 4
Home of great Coffee, Pastries & Sandwiches
Un it 8
LE P 68 014 HO 92 84 NE 79
A tiny shop packed with original and unusual gift ideas. Lots to see! Silk Scarves, Bags, Jewellery
Open: Tues - Sat 10 - 4.30, Sun 11 - 3.30
TE LE P 68 014 HO 10 84 NE 69
• Prescription delivery service • Toiletries and Gifts • Advice and friendly service
BRIDAL AND PROM BOUTIQUE Opening January 18th, 2010 Stockists of: Ellis, Wtoo, Madeleine James Isaac, JLM, Betsey Couture, Mori Lee Prom, Paradox Shoes, Veils, Tiaras and Jewellery T: 07545 271600 or 07507 851649 for details www.laceandbeaux.co.uk
Un it 9
Now conveniently located within Riverside Shopping Centre. Medicare is here for all the families healthcare needs...
. . . Coming Soon . . . Irene Gilpin Lingerie . . . Interested in renting a unit within Riverside Shopping Centre? Contact the managing Agent, FORWARD, on 01484 421829. Short-term leases available CHRISTMAS IN HUDDERSFIELD 51
Christmas shopping in Springfield Mill Enjoy a visit to Springfield Mill this Christmas and pick up some real festive bargains. et in the heart of Denby Dale, the mill complex is home to a host of small businesses selling a multitude of goods. All the businesses offer a traditional personal service to their customers that larger stores simply cannot match. Shops within the complex sell everything from fashions to stationery, health foods to shoes and home furnishings to jewellery. Anyone visiting Springfield Mill can also enjoy a break from shopping with a visit to the complex始s cafe for a refreshing cuppa or bite to eat. Some car parking is available in the mill complex
Ladies Fashion, Jewellery Hosiery, Scarves, Belts, Art Umbrellas, Nightwear, Underwear, Fashion Socks Lots of Christmas gift ideas
Famous names in cosmetics/perfumes Open Mon-Sat 10-5pm, Sun 11-4pm Unit 12a, Springfield Mill Tel: 01484 862466 52 CHRISTMAS IN HUDDERSFIELD
itself and extra spaces are available on the roads around Springfield Mill. If you take a look around the mill, you will find Christmas gift ideas in abundance with price tags to suit all budgets. There始s something for everyone from young to old. Springfield Mill is a former working textile mill producing many different fabrics including the bolt of silk used for the Queens Mothers Wedding dress. The mill also made parachute silk and khaki shirting during World War Two. Take a look at the website www.springfield-mills.co.uk for more information on individual shops.
Denby Dale Wines LTD 650 Different Wines in Stock from £5 per bottle
DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE ON CASES Full Case 10% – Mixed Case 5% Open Tuesday 10-5, Wednesday-Friday 9-6 Saturday 9-5, Sunday 10-4 Closed Monday 1b/1c Springfield Mill, Denby Dale Tel: 01484 865222 email: denbydalewineltd@aol.com CHRISTMAS IN HUDDERSFIELD 53
Gifts for him Let the man in your life know just how much he means to you. ll present and correct for the man in your life. If you need inspiration follow our guide and make space under the Christmas tree with our selection of the best stylish gifts for him. ■ Good grooming - buy him his favourite gel, lotion etc this Christmas but look for a special festive presentation pack. ■ If you’re opting for that perennial favourite of socks, then ring the changes and opt for something really stylish. ■ If he’s into his gadgets, then check out the latest on the market. Why not stretch to buying him the latest mobile phone or other gizmo?
What about music? Is he a fan of a particular group? If so, then check out the latest DVD. ■ If you’re thinking of buying clothes for the man in your life, then remember that purple is the new in-colour for men. ■ Is your man into sport? Then why not get him the latest sporting autobiography or tickets for a main event. ■
family matters
Purrfect treats for your pets this christmas What are you going to buy your pet for Christmas? Today, it seems, there is almost as much choice in presents for pets as there is for humans. Walk into any pet store and the range is phenomenal - you'll almost be spoilt for choice. So what to get for your furry companion?
DOGS Some suggestions for your favourite canine include a festive doggy Christmas stocking filled with chewy treats, a smart new lead, a favourite new chewy toy, a new comfy bed or maybe something for when he or she travels in the car.
Favourite pressies always have to be something to eat but remember choose doggie chocolates. Never give your dog real chocolate as this can be quite dangerous for a canine.
Although cats can be solitary and quite aloof on occasion, deep down they appreciate a treat and a present as well. So what to buy? A new feeding dish, a cat stocking filled with treats, a comfy sheepskin bed, a scratching post, a little toy mouse to chase round the house, a furry cat house to sleep in – the choice is endless.
IES FISH & FURR With small furries, there isn’t as much choice in the Christmas present department but children will still want to spoil their favourite pet. So how about a new hutch or cage, some food treats, an outdoor run etc. Take a look at your local pet store for some inspiration. Many people keep fish, either just some goldfish in a tank or a collection of tropical 56 CHRISTMAS IN HUDDERSFIELD
fish in a built-in tank which is often displayed as a feature of a lounge or dining room. There are presents you can buy for your fish – ranging from decorations for your tanks to books on fish care (for the owner, of course!).
PET LOVERS If you’re buying a gift for a pet lover, then again there is a great choice. Take a look at any specialist store and you’ll find pet calendars, books, Christmas cards, diaries, stationary packs etc. Looking for a gift for a keen gardener or wildlife fan? Remember you can always buy a gift to `adopt’ an animal such as a donkey, an endangered species, a pony, a penguin and much more. If you like to feed the birds in your garden, today there is an endless choice of bird food, feeders, bird houses, suet blocks etc. Why not buy a number of products and combine them all into a hamper for a wildlife lover?
don’t get caught out in the cold With the onset of winter and Christmas just round the corner, you need to be sure your car is in good working order. orning frosts, rain, snow and cold conditions all take their toll on a vehicle and you need to check your wheels are up to the task in hand. Bear in mind that many local garages will be closed for a few days over the Christmas period so you need to act now. If you're worried about the state of your tyres or brakes etc, or just to check everything is in good working order for the cooler months ahead, then have a word with your local garage now. Ask the mechanic to
check there is enough anti-freeze in the water coolant and top up your wash wipe bottle so you can keep a clear windscreen. Check you've got some de-icer to hand in case of frosty mornings. The last thing you want is to get caught out at Christmas with a car that won't start or worn tyres that won't cope in the grip of winter. Plan ahead so your Christmas and winter motoring will run smoothly! ...If that sounds like hard work - call a taxi!!
Taxi firms will be in great demand and you need to book early if you’ve a specific important event in mind. After all, you don’t want to get to the end of the night and find you don’t know how you’re getting home. The main festive days of Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year’s Eve etc all place extreme demands on local taxi firms, so give them a ring in good time to reserve your slot. In the run-up to Christmas, the many office parties and other celebrations mean that empty taxis can be in
short supply. Book now and make sure you arrive home safely – don’t leave it to chance!
Recycle your christmas cards Local supermarkets nearly all have collecting bins to collect cards in January when the festivities are over. This year The Woodland Trust and Recycle Now is aiming to collect over 100 million Christmas cards in the UK. This would raise enough money to plant 24,000 trees. Special collection bins will be available in many local high street stores until the end of January. In the last 10 years around 444million cards have been successful recycled.
Last year over eight million Christmas cards were recycled in Scotland alone and it is hoped that this year’s figures will be even better. Recycled cards are taken to paper mills for recycling into new paper products. The money raised will be used to help the Woodland Trust plant thousands of new trees throughout the UK. Converting the cards into other products and saving on landfill space, saves around 2,600 tonnes of greenhouse gases. This is equivalent to taking 800 cars off the roads.
Beautiful winter weddings It’s the stuff of dreams! A winter wedding with snow or frost on the ground to create a picture perfect scene. f youʼve chosen a winter wedding, congratulations, as itʼs undoubtedly one of the best seasons to tie the knot. A magical time of year, the glistening frost and winter weather transforms everything around it into a winter wonderland. With so many great venues, as well as bridal fashions and a range of decorations to complement the season, you can guarantee that your wedding will be a truly memorable event. There is much to be done before the big day arrives, however, and itʼs best to start by writing down any ideas that you may have and researching what's available. Excellent organisational skills are the key to achieving your perfect wedding, and it's well worth visiting wedding fayres and bridal
stores as well as looking on websites and flicking through bridal magazines to get some inspiration. Winter is not the time for shivering in flimsy outfits. You need to think about gowns which are made of heavier materials such as thick satin, velvet or brocade. Also think carefully about your colour scheme. Pastel colours are definitely out for the winter months and need to be replaced with deep rich colours such as reds, blues, greens etc.
Picture the scene: a bride dressed in a stunning dress with a fur stole or shrug to keep her warm. Alongside her are her bridesmaids dressed in rich shades of velvet and carrying matching deep coloured flowers
A winter wedding also means you need to think about the food for your guests. After standing in the churchyard for photographs, they will be cold and hungry and will appreciate a warming soup or traditional roast dinner. If your wedding is around Christmas time, then why not serve warm mulled wine to welcome them to the reception venue. Donʼt be put off organising a winter wedding - it can be truly memorable and if youʼre lucky enough to have a little snow, it will be all the more magical.
PERFECT DAZE BRIDAL AND PROM BOUTIQUE Opening January 18th, 2010 Stockists of: Ellis, Wtoo, Madeleine James Isaac, JLM, Betsey Couture, Mori Lee Prom, Paradox Shoes, Veils, Tiaras and Jewellery T: 07545 271600 or 07507 851649 for details Unit 9, Riverside Shopping Centre, Holmfirth www.laceandbeaux.co.uk
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DRINKING TOO MUCH? Kirklees Alcohol Advisory Service are here to help
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Festive season stresses and strains FOR most people Christmas is a happy time - but for others it can be a time of loneliness and despair. o winter is officially here. It's dark in the morning, dark in the late afternoon and in between the wind keeps blowing our umbrellas inside out. Motivation at this time of year can be hard to come by. No longer is there a summer holiday to look forward to and Christmas is still a few weeks away. Even when Christmas arrives, it’s not always a fun time for everyone. At this festive time of year, The Samaritans organisation
often reports an increase in the number of people calling at a time of despair and loneliness. Unfortunately not everyone shares the joy of the festive period. Many people are alone over Christmas while others are so stressed in their everyday lives that Christmas becomes just another difficult event to deal with. In today’s spend, spend, spend society, many people will find themselves in debt after
Christmas which then becomes a worry for the months ahead. All kinds of problems make people worried and upset at Christmas, and sometimes they just need someone to listen. If you’re worrying about having enough money this Christmas, then there are various organisations in the local area who can help spread the cost of the festive season. Various companies can help with the cost of Christmas including those
who offer payday cash advances.A local spokesman says: “In the past there has often been a real stigma to pay day advances but in reality this is something which can help people at Christmas time.’’One local specialist offers payday cash advances of up to £600 with a fee payable.
ALCOHOL ABUSE Often people are on their own at Christmas which only adds to their troubles. Unfortunately it can be a time when the stress and strain of the festive season leads them to turn to the bottle. ■ Alcohol abuse and dependency is on the increase with recent figures revealing that 12 million people in the United States alone are classed as being alcohol
dependent. Figures show that around 20% of teenagers are `problem drinkers’ which means they often get drunk, get into trouble with the law and affect their friends and family members. ■ A person's alcohol use is primarily influenced by attitudes developed during the first 20 years of life. Parental attitudes toward drinking, peer ■
influence, society and family relationships all can impact on and affect attitudes toward drinking alcohol. ■ Alcohol and caffeine are the two most widely abused substances in the world. In the local area there are various organisations which can help with alcoholism. If you’ve got a problem, seek help now and start 2010 with a more positive.
Things on your mind? Phone: 01484 533388 or 08457 90 90 90. E mail: jo@samaritans.org Write to CHRIS at P.O. BOX 9090 STIRLING FK8 2SA Call in at 14 New North Parade, Huddersfield (nr the bus station) Drop in times in the window.
We don’t know when you’ll need us. That’s why we’re here 24hrs a day for confidential emotional support.
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Coping with bereavement Coping with a bereavement at Christmas is always difficult. hether you’ve lost a loved one just recently or some years ago, it always seem more stressful if it’s around the festive period.
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While everyone else is dashing around buying festive food and presents and looking forward to the big day, your thoughts are elsewhere thinking about a friend or family member who has passed away, either because of old age, through illness or in tragic accidental circumstances. Because Christmas is such a big annual event, you are reminded of your loss for many years at this traditionally happy time of year. If you suffer a bereavement during the Christmas period itself,
Chapels of Rest at: MARSDEN, Manchester Road, Marsden 01484 844289 HOLMFIRTH, 98 Huddersfield Road, Holmfirth 01484 688575 MELTHAM, Clarke Lane, Meltham 01484 844289
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you will need to contact a local undertaker. Despite Christmas, all funeral directors are available to deal with family tragedies all through the holiday period and will do everything they can to help you through this difficult time. They will take the responsibility for organising the funeral and help you with all the necessary arrangements including transport, music, funeral refreshments and a newspaper announcement. As for your own emotional well-being, there are things you can do to help Christmas pass by a little easier. You will also need to organise refreshments for after the funeral but remember there are many local experts who regularly cater for funeral meals. Your funeral advisor can recommend venues or ask friends and family.
Accept any offers of help and don’t worry if you find it difficult to cope. On Christmas Day itself, try not to follow the same old rituals which only serve to remind you of Christmas past. Try something new, go for a long walk on Christmas Day and try to create new special memories. Avoid the commercial side of Christmas as this will make the celebrations feel more empty and shallow.
Try and spend time with good friends who will welcome you whether you want to cry, laugh or sit quietly.
Don’t be pressurised into feeling you have to do anything you don’t want to. Just do what you feel comfortable with. Don’t feel pressured to deck up your house. Sometimes after a bereavement, you may feel it doesn’t seem appropriate. Don’t be afraid of getting upset - people do understand! Ask your funeral director for as much help as you need. He or she will only be too glad to help.
Funeral Directors & Memorial Consultants Our Family Helping Yours
222 Bradford Road, Huddersfield HD1 6LJ Tel: 01484 452220
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Our family provides 24hr personal support with professional care.
Tel: 01484 683322 Holme Valley Funeral Home Prepaid Funeral Plans available CHRISTMAS IN HUDDERSFIELD 65
How others celebrate Christmas How are you spending Christmas this year? Is it a traditional one with family or are you planning an exotic holiday to get away from it all? Let’s see how a couple of our local celebrities are spending the holiday period after being busy all year with their professional lives: David Bintley, Director of Birmingham Royal Ballet s an international ballet choreographer, Huddersfield's David Bintley is busy all year round. Originally from Honley, David is currently the Director of Birmingham Royal Ballet as well as Artistic Director of the National Ballet of Japan. This means he is currently spending much of his time abroad working with Japan's new national theatre ballet company in Tokyo. This time of year is always busy for David as he is busy preparing his dancers for the production of The Nutcracker at Birmingham's Hippodrome Theatre
which is guaranteed to be a festive favourite.He will also be spending 10 days in Japan in the run-up to Christmas. David, whose parents still live in the Holme Valley, said: "Each year I look forward to the carol concert organised by Elmhurst School for Dance, the school which runs in association with the Birmingham Royal Ballet.''During the short Christmas break however David will be spending time with his family, both in Birmingham and back home in Huddersfield, enjoying a traditional festive holiday.
Jenna Roberts as The Snow Fairy in Birmingham Royal Ballet’s The Nutcracker: credit Roy Smiljanic Birmingham Royal Ballet Director David Bintley by Steve Hanson
The Mayor of Kirklees Clr Julie Stewart-Turner
The Mayor of Kirklees Clr Julie Stewart-Turner 66 CHRISTMAS IN HUDDERSFIELD
Life is so hectic at the moment for the Mayor of Kirklees Clr Julie Stewart-Turner, she hasn’t had time to make any definite plans yet for Christmas. However she’s not short of options. She said: “I usually drive the Green Party mini bus on Christmas Eve, and I may do again this year. If at home we may go out for lunch. “I usually cook the Christmas Dinner, but other family
members and friends that usually join us are all away, so I won't need to do a lot of cooking this year. We may spend Boxing Day with family but as yet, haven’t decided what we’ll be doing.’’ There’s one thing for certain, Julie is sure to have a traditional Christmas surrounded by her family and friends before returning to her demanding civic duties.