inside huddersfield - Spring 2010

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The newsletter of the Huddersfield Town Centre Partnership

The best time to join us

Issue 52

Spring 2010 In this edition

Members news Page 10

HTCPL news Pages 5, 6 and 7

Members news Page 11


o you want to be part of the local business community? Do you care about Huddersfield? Do you want to get great value for money? Then join us! There has never been a better time to become a member of the Huddersfield Town Centre Partnership – anybody who joins now pays for just one year, but gets membership until 31 March 2011. Being a member of the HTCPL has so many benefits, everyone is a winner. In supporting the HTCPL, you are also supporting all its initiatives and events which benefit the town centre, consequently bringing in more visitors and improving the local economy. Get involved with events that really put the town on the map, such as the Huddersfield Food and Drink Festival. Chairman Steven Pollitt said: “Because we all work together, in the Partnership and with other groups, Huddersfield already punches above its weight and will grow and thrive with team working. “The Partnership is also about getting to know the businesses in the town, using networking sessions and new social media connecting opportunities. “There is also the social aspect – representatives at the fortnightly Business Referral Clubs don’t just create business relationships, but find new friends too.

“Our fees are modest considering all that we offer members, and the high retention rate speaks for itself – 90% of members renew their membership each year.” Costs are as follows: * Small business = £80 (plus VAT) * Medium business = £180 (plus VAT) * Large business = £350 (plus VAT) The HTCPL, steered by a board, was formed in 2006 from the former Huddersfield Town Centre Association. Its mission statement is: “To improve the viability and vitality of the town through co-ordinated management of commercial, retail and civic activities and responsibilities.” Every quarter, the HTCPL produces this ‘Inside Huddersfield’ newsletter which is sent to 1,200 businesses in the town centre, Lockwood and the Leeds Road corridor and all members. For retail businesses, there is an extra bonus – members get £70 off the cost of the Retail Radio, which has helped towards reducing shop crime by 15%. Steven added: “We are a multi-issue organisation and open to everybody – retail, design companies, accountants, lawyers, you name it. What we are always striving to do is to increase the benefits the town offers and this has a knock-on effect for all businesses. “Members can find out what’s going on as well by using the Town Centre Management office as a base for communication – if there

are any problems or items of interest, they will get information out to members at the first available opportunity. For example, during the recent wintry spell, members were kept informed of the transport situation on a regular basis.” For a full list of members’ benefits, go to the website But don’t just listen to us – read what our members say about us. Alasdair Brown, chief executive of Kirklees Active Leisure, said: "The Partnership provides a great opportunity for local businesses to work together to influence key local issues and to ensure that Huddersfield remains a great place to work and live. James Walsh, MD of Barrett Business Machines, is a staunch supporter of the Partnership and in particular, the Business Referral Club. He said: “It’s really worth doing, doesn’t take much of your time up and the breakfasts are lovely! “They are a friendly bunch and I enjoy going. It helps me feel part of our community and gives me an insight into what’s happening in the town and the surrounding area.” To join, or find out more information, go to our website, ring the office on 01484 487933 or email

Welcome new members

pages 2 & 3

Strategic marketing and design company joins Partnership


lacksmith Design Consultancy, one of Huddersfield’s longest established design agencies, has joined the HTCPL after a recent move to new premises. Owner and managing director Neil Smith established Blacksmith in his home town 18 years ago after working for several high-profile advertising agencies in Leeds. With his team of six full-time staff, they specialise in design for print and design for web, while also offering marketing consultancy, strategic guidance and sourcing merchandise for their clients. Neil said: “I graduated from the University of Huddersfield, which is now one of our biggest

clients. We work with both national and local companies, most of which are in the education, pensions or legal services sectors. “In joining the HTCPL we hope to re-establish ourselves within the local business community. “We offer exceptional professionalism and service and sharp creativity. Everything we do is bespoke.” The company first set up home in Shepley, close to one of its most well-known local clients, Shepley Spring, which produces Ice Valley mineral water. Blacksmith Design Consultancy was responsible for all its branding from the outset. Another of its biggest local clients is Earnshaws Fencing Centre.

Burgeoning florist joins HTCPL


he first florist and bridal shop in the town centre to become a member of the Good Florist Guide has also joined the HTCPL. La Fleur Floral and Bridal boutique on Northumberland Street has only been trading since October 2008 and has already carved out a niche for itself despite the recession and disruption from the St George’s project. Owner and manager Alisa Devlin said: “It has been a tough trading year. However, the feedback I have had for my wedding boutique and flower work has been really positive and I am building up a regular corporate business, as well as a loyal customer base and passing trade.” Alisa was delighted to be recently awarded membership of the Good Florist Guide 2010 which is only given to businesses which meet its exacting criteria. La Fleur is only one of ten to be included in the guide within West Yorkshire. Her philosophy is to only send out bouquets of flowers which she would like to receive herself. Having worked with flowers most of her working life, buying her

The design company recently moved to a more prominent location on Wakefield Road in Lepton. Neil, who was born and bred in Huddersfield, added: “I really enjoy working in Huddersfield, it’s great to be able to build a business in your home town. “Huddersfield has become a bit of a design centre, especially since its traditional industries disappeared. Its proximity to Manchester and Leeds, with all their resources, and the high profile Media Centre make it attractive to design businesses.” To find out more, go to the website or ring 01484 452620.

own shop in Huddersfield was a dream come true. “You could say it was a mid-life crisis, many years as a high flying executive travelling the world and not finding time for my family and friends, that finally pushed me into following my dream. I truly love my shop and enjoy working in an environment that I have created.” La Fleur also sells exclusively designed bridal dresses by True Bride and Hillary Morgan, alongside a range of glamorous dresses for a range of occasions. Alisa added: “We don't operate an appointment system. Our aim is to make our brides feel comfortable and relaxed while we help them choose the perfect dress for their day. I also source complementary shoes, tiaras and other accessories.” Le Fleur hopes to encourage more independent businesses to set up in the “long neglected but developing and architecturally beautiful part of Huddersfield's centre” which is her primary reason for joining the HTCPL. Find out more at www.lafleurfloralbridal. com or ring 01484 517812. joins the Partnership


printing franchise that has recently located to the town centre has joined the HTCPL. is a national franchise with its head office in Manchester.

The marketing agency PM Marketing Group bolted it onto its business a year ago and opened its shop on Upperhead Row opposite the Bus Station last year. does just that – printing business and retail needs from business cards to exhibition stands and external signs. As part of the PM Marketing Group, which prides itself on being “straight-talking and practical” and getting great results, it can take the customer through the whole process from the idea through to the finished product. The award-winning franchise is geared towards offering the best service at the lowest prices, with 300 shops around the country. The franchise is owned and managed by former international athlete Steve Green, still a Bingley

Harrier who runs at least 60 miles every week. Steve said: “We have moved into the town centre from Fenay Bridge. We want to get to know more about what’s going on within Huddersfield itself and communicate with its business community. It’s also nice to give something back. “Although a lot of our work is done electronically, having a town centre presence will be an uplift for the brand and make it easier for customers to call in. Many of our clients are sole traders or small to medium-sized firms, so we are aiming to appeal to the whole Huddersfield business community.” Showing the same determination and grit that scooped him several championship titles in the 1990s, Steve built up PM Marketing, a full service marketing agency providing print and design, advertising and marketing, corporate branding, web, public relations and display, exhibition and events. It was a winner in the 2008 Northern Marketing Awards. Look at or ring on 0845 026 7407. Upperhead Row office is open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm for all enquiries.

A new dawn for Holmfirth’s New Dawn Resources


company which provides essential business services such as human resources and health and safety support has joined the Partnership.

New Dawn Resources, based in Holmfirth, assists small to medium-sized businesses who cannot afford to have in-house resources for training, health and safety and human resources services. Vanessa Scrimshaw founded the company, which largely serves clients within the catering, manufacturing and marketing industries, in 2007. She knew Sarah Harrison, who was managing director of a vegetable manufacturer in Norfolk, who joined the company shortly afterwards. They employ several consultants as

associates on a retained basis. Vanessa said: “The business is going very well. We have recently invested and taken on bigger offices in Holmfirth after securing some large contracts in the area. “Towards the end of 2009, I got a strong sense that everybody was fed up of all the doom and gloom and as we enter a new year we are all ready to start thinking more positively. “One of the main aspects of our business is training which is often one of the first budgets to go during hard times, but we are now seeing that side improve with more businesses willing to invest in their staff. It’s a good reflection of the market.” New Dawn Resources has a “strong moral ethic”, only buying products and employing people from within the West Yorkshire area. As

Learner Driver Training Centre joins HTCPL


he Learner Driver Training Centre, which has been successfully running from Huddersfield for more than 35 years, has joined the Partnership.

Based at premises on Old Wakefield Road in Moldgreen, the company trains people to become driving instructors as well as teaching learner drivers. Chris Morris founded the business in 1972 when he began as a driving instructor, then went on to teach would-be driving instructors too. He said: “I taught driving instructors for 20 years but had so many people wanting to learn that I moved on to managing the business. “With the introduction of the internet, we became a national business teaching instructors and establishing them in their home towns. It has grown steadily over the years and has survived two recessions.” There are now more than 100 driving schools around the country, but the head office is still in Huddersfield. Courses are tailored to the individual, which is particularly useful for those wanting a change of career but not able to take a break in earnings. All instructors who pass the course are guaranteed a job with Learner Driver Training Centres, with franchises also on offer from

part of this drive to stay local, they have joined the HTCPL. “This enhances our marketing and encourages other customers to source locally as well,” added Vanessa. “A lot of our business comes from proactive people making a new start or wanting to develop a more professional outlook. “Although we can’t ignore the reactive side of the business, which unfortunately tends to be customers struggling to defend themselves against legal claims or ever-increasing insurance premiums.” For more information, see the website at, ring 01484 680098, or email the team at


TCPL members are getting Huddersfield fitter with the F Factor. Kirklees Council’s Culture and Leisure have joined forces with Kirklees Active Leisure to help get more people, more active, more often – helped by Pennine FM. F stands for get Fitter, eat healthier Food, have Fun and do it with your Friends and Family. Four teams of four people, each led by a Pennine FM radio presenter, will be competing to change their lives for the better. A fitness instructor will act as mentor and adviser to each team, devising gym workouts and signposting them to a variety of activities from yoga to netball. Participants receive a free three-month

£30 per week. Any qualified instructors who do not earn at least £30,000 in their first year with Learner Driver Training Centres will have their course fees refunded. “Although we are a national company, we wanted to promote ourselves more to local businesses and joining the HTCPL was a good way of doing that,” added Chris. “We are keen to get more people to learn how to drive with our instructors in Huddersfield. We don’t just teach you how to pass your test, we teach you how to drive well, safely and with confidence. “We can also offer other members a discount on driving lessons.” Find out more by ringing 0800 0740 886 or go to

MORE membership which gives them access to swimming, classes, fitness suites and saunas at eleven centres across the district. Participants need to attend as many activities as possible each week and fill in a weekly blog. The winning team will be judged at the end of May by how much exercise and activity they have done. The F Factor is being promoted by car stickers and by various events across Huddersfield and beyond, including schools, sports centres and community centres. Organiser Hilary Frayne, marketing officer for Culture and Leisure, said: “We are very excited about this new project, which will not only benefit those taking part but also have a wider knock-on effect across the community.’’


Businesses with advice and support

> Advice on setting up a business > Signposting to funding and training opportunities > Helping businesses expand or relocate > Environmental support > Supporting corporate social responsibility For more information Call: 01484 221414 Email:

Barrett Business is booming


ANAGING director of Barrett Business Machines Ltd, James Walsh, rarely misses a Business Referral Club breakfast meeting.

His company, now trading in its 21st year, prides itself on being local and supporting local businesses and organisations. With exciting expansion plans on the horizon, that ethos has really paid dividends. James said: “We look to keep business as local as possible. I do some business in Leeds, Bradford, Halifax, Wakefield and Dewsbury, but most of it is within the Huddersfield area. It makes economical sense to stay local.” BBM now has eight full-time employees, but James started out by himself selling faxes during the big fax boom of the early 1990s. After three years working from home, he moved into rented premises in Lockwood. The business bought its current premises in Honley about eight years ago. Barrett was his wife’s maiden name, which James thought sounded well with Business Machines, and would also keep the company towards the top of the Yellow Pages listings - so the company was born. Another key to his success was to stay one step ahead of the game. “We had to diversify, so after faxes came copiers, printers and now we supply everything for an office, including furniture and seating, apart from computers,” said James. “We move with the times. At the moment, colour printers are very much in demand – and colour copiers which connect to a network and double as a scanner and printer.” A couple of years ago, its turnover was £1 million, which has dropped slightly due to the recession, but expected to shoot back up again. “I am proud that we haven’t had to lay anybody off, but have kept ticking over – but now things are picking up,” said James. BBM currently supplies many well-known brands, including Infotec/Ricoh and OKI Printing Solutions but having forged a new deal with household name Olivetti at the beginning of February, making him exclusive supplier in this area, he expects business to be even brisker over the coming years. “This is quite a coup for us,” said James. “It’s a new fresh range of products and will open up new business opportunities. We hope it will lead to further expansion of the business. “Olivetti and BBM are offering a print health check/audit. Many organisations understand the cost of photocopier and copy. However, printer cost and volumes are not as easy to calculate and are at a premium to run, so if unsure of your situation then please contact us.” James is a staunch supporter of the Business


Referral Clubs and only misses a meeting due to illness or holiday. “I was one of the first members of the breakfast club, along with Steven Pollitt, who is now HTCPL chairman,” he recalled. “I have made loads of friends and have a chat with them, not just about business. I have given business to fellow members and get business deals for our company too. “We are passing information back and forth. Getting to know what’s going on in the town. “I got to know Jonathan Hardy before the Kingsgate Centre was open and have been a supplier to them ever since. “It’s all about networking and meeting friendly people who you can relate to. “We also get information informally – for example, stockbroker Les Baxter keeps members updated with what’s going on in the City, which is an indication of how business in general is going. He passes on tips about which

companies are doing well and who the up-and-coming ones are, which is very useful information for businesses. “Other people talk about employment law, health and safety, new legislation coming out - if you are not up to date, you can be left behind. “Members also update each other on what’s going on, about events and new products and what social events are coming up. It is informal and friendly. I wouldn’t miss it unless I had good reason.” BBM also likes to get involved with the local community. Said James: “We have a commitment to our staff, our customers, and our community, we are always ready to embrace change and invest in new technologies. We have donated equipment to nearby schools in Honley and also sponsor many events.” BBM is among several HTCPL members supporting a charity recycled fashion show in March. James’ daughter Ciara Walsh, who also works on a casual basis at BBM while studying

for her degree in marketing at Huddersfield University, is helping to organise the fashion event at Holmfirth’s Picturedrome. The No Frills Fashion Show 2010 is helping to raise funds for the ‘Keep It Up campaign’, which supports both the Yorkshire Air Ambulance and Huddersfield Town Football Academy. Organisers include the student team, recycling company Bag It Up and Huddersfield University business lecturer, Nadio Granata. Mark Longbottom of Design 58 and Edward's Catering Services are also supporting the event. No Frills runs on March 5, with the VIP section open from 7pm, standard open from 8pm, and an after-show party from 10pm. The Huddersfield Examiner has also helped promote the event. For tickets and more information, visit Find out more about the company on its website or ring the team on 01484 665111.

Less shoplifting in Huddersfield


hoplifting in Huddersfield town centre has fallen by 15%, according to police figures. In 2009, police caught 630 shoplifters compared to 743 the previous year. The news is even more positive considering that nationally shoplifting has risen by up to a third.

Last year, a large number of retailers in Huddersfield town centre joined the retail radio scheme which helps shops work together to combat shoplifting. Cathy Burger, Huddersfield Town Centre Manager, said that the increase in the scheme’s participants, which was originally set up ten years ago, contributed to the success in reducing crime.

She added: “Retailers are employing fewer people in the current climate and there may thus be fewer staff on the shop floors so it is now

within the town which helped to beat the thieves. “It is all down to the work we are doing with the town centre partnership,’’ he said. “We have

easier for things to go missing. “We have found more stores are interested in

a lot of people out there working with us. “The CCTV operators are good and are really

joining the retail radio system. It shows maybe that stores are being targeted that have not needed security systems before.

on the ball, we have excellent police community support officers and good store detectives. I am pleased with the figures.

“The stores on the retail radio system have found they have managed the situation. I don’t think they have been as badly affected.”

“It is very good news and I’m sure it will make people feel safer.” The British Retail Consortium recently

Retailers meet with police every two months to share information and ideas on reducing

published a survey showing that theft from shops rose nationally by a third in 2009, robbing UK shops of £1.1bn.

crime. Sgt John McFadzean, of Huddersfield Police, believed it was the impressive partnerships

Plant sales in town centre


Shopping centre manager retires after 18 years


uddersfield’s ever popular plant sales on New Street are now in their tenth year. Dates for this year’s sales are May 15, June 5 and July 3.

The plant sales regularly feature up to 20 growers and specialist nurseries from across the region. Some exhibitors specialise in unusual varieties of plants and are happy to give growing

Fines for bad car parkers in Huddersfield

tips to gardeners and anyone else who is interested. There are plenty of green bargains to pick up too. Julia Lilof, Assistant Town Centre Manager, said: “The plant sales are really popular events and plants tend to go quickly so our advice as always is to come down early to avoid disappointment.” Photo: A customer looks at the plants available

Photo( right): A member of staff contacts the CCTV control room


rresponsible parking may be a thing of the past now council officials have new powers to clamp down on drivers who dump their cars carelessly. From January 1, Kirklees Council wardens can give penalty charge notices to motorists parking in front of dropped kerbs or who have parked more than 50cm away from the kerb edge on public highways.

Cars parked in this way can cause an obstruction to other road users, pedestrians and the emergency services. This can be a particular problem in some of Huddersfield town centre’s narrow roads. Photo: An example of inconsiderate parking

he HCTPL was sad to wave goodbye to the Piazza Shopping Centre manager John Beardall who has been at the helm for almost 18 years.

John retired at the beginning of the year. He first joined the Huddersfield shopping centre when it was owned by CIN Properties on behalf of the Coal Pensions Fund. It was later sold to Zurich Assurance Ltd in 2004. John has always prided himself on being a hands-on manager, taking a lead role in many of the town’s biggest activities such as the Piazza summer festivals and Christmas lights switch-on events. John said: “It has been a real pleasure to work in Huddersfield and I am really grateful for all the support that I have received over the years, particularly from town centre management.” As well as keenly supporting various charities, John has also been an active member of the British Council of Shopping Centres, attending meetings throughout the country on behalf of the town. His successor Vernon O’Reilly took over the reins on Monday January 4. Cathy Burger, Huddersfield Town Centre Manager, said: “John has been a huge support to ourselves and the town and has been a member of the HTCPL since 2000. We are sad to see John go and wish him all the best in his retirement. We would like to extend a warm welcome to Vernon and we look forward to working with him.”

Boost for station


uddersfield Railway Station is getting a much-needed £2.3 million makeover to improve access and safety.Work has already started to provide two lifts to enable people with disabilities, the elderly and parents with pushchairs easy passage between the platforms and St George’s Square. The project, funded by the Department for Transport’s Access for All scheme, will also include CCTV and telephone links. Network Rail is carrying out the work which is due to be finished by the summer. It promises to keep disruption to passengers to a minimum. Richard Lungmuss, Route Director for Network Rail, said: “These new facilities will make station and platform access much easier for all passengers, including people with

disabilities, those carrying heavy luggage or with pushchairs. “This important funding has made it possible for us to carry out these vital station improvements that will make the railway open to more and more people.” The HTCPL welcomed the news that the town’s beautiful station will be made more practical for passengers. Chairman Steven Pollitt said: “This investment brings improved access for all to one of the finest Victorian stations in the country and then out into Yorkshire’s premier town square; an imposing entry to an ever-improving town. “Huddersfield is in the centre of the country and at the centre of Yorkshire business and retail growth.”

Festive quiz winner


hristmas came early for Richard Armitage when he won the Business Referral Club’s festive quiz with an almost perfect score.

Richard, of HTCPL members Agenda Creative and Printpod, is a familiar face at the referral clubs. Unfazed by the tough questions set by former Huddersfield Town Centre Manager David Wyles, which tested participants on local general and business knowledge, Richard answered nearly all 25 multiple choice questions correctly in the Balderdash quiz. He won a gilded Marmite jar desk tidy trophy for his trouble: a jar of Marmite is the prize always promised at business referral club meetings for presentations that last exactly a minute – but never given. Questions included these – would you know the answers? The statue in St George’s Square commemorates: Harold Wilson* Harold Steptoe Harold McMillan Who’s the Gal in Galpharm: Gary Lineker Graham Leslie* Gaynor Lot Virtual Huddersfield is owner/managed by: Simon Flatley* Michael Flatley Bill Gates Andrew Jones of Andrew Jones Pies ‘n Pasties featured on: Trinny & Susannah’s What not To Wear* Emmerdale

In Bloom changes


alling all flower lovers! Anyone wishing to give their business a boost and join the Huddersfield in Bloom competition, please note that the council is changing the way businesses can order hanging baskets and window boxes. From this year onwards, shop and business owners must pay for their flowers when they order them from Kirklees Council. They will be able to pay in a variety of different ways including by credit and debit cards over the

phone or by cheques through the post. Julia Lilof, Assistant Town Centre Manager, said: “The new system is a lot simpler and more cost-effective than the old one and will allow the nursery to keep the cost of baskets down. “They have also introduced a bulk buy discount. From now on if you buy four baskets, you'll get one free!" The council will be issuing more details of how to order in March. Photo (above) HTCPL member Term Time Wear decorated with hanging baskets.

White Christmas was profitable

Gordon Ramsay’s The F Word Thatchers Furnishings was established at the start of which war: The First World War The Second World War* War of the Roses Whose inflatables are found near Holmfirth: Ballykissangel BallyHoo* Nora Batty’s Vic Watson is: Huddersfield Town’s Terrier Huddersfield’s Town Crier* Huddersfield’s Giant Which Mirfield born actor switched on the Christmas Lights: Patrick McNee Patrick Swayze Patrick Stewart* Photo (above): A proud Richard Armitage shows of his trophy and certificate


espite the coldest and snowiest Christmas for decades, Huddersfield town centre shops reported a great trading period. Expectations were definitely exceeded after fears that the harsh wintry conditions would keep shoppers at home. Many retailers claimed to have enjoyed better Christmas trading than the previous year and some reported the best Christmas Eve they have ever had. The figures were shared at last month’s Retail Forum meeting, chaired by the HTCPL. Cathy Burger, Huddersfield Town Centre Manager, said: “Even with the snow making it difficult the week before Christmas, people still came out in force to use the town centre shops and some retailers reported the best ever Christmas Eve. “We have much to celebrate here in Huddersfield – thank you to the shoppers for supporting us and the council and Metro for helping people come into town.” On Boxing Day, the town was bustling again, with many retailers including the Kingsgate Centre agreeing that sales were the best they had

experienced. Post-Christmas trade was helped by the free parking provided by Kirklees Council from December 26 until 28, and Metro which ran services into town on Boxing Day. The Free Town Bus has also played its part in ensuring a prosperous Christmas and New Year, helping everyone move around the hilly town centre easily to access all the shops. In December alone, more than 24,000 people used the service.

How we survived the snow


uddersfield felt the effects of the Big Freeze in December and January, but members of the HTCPL did their best to keep Huddersfield open. The town suffered more than a month of subzero temperatures, resulting in reduced public transport services, reduced car parking spaces, fewer cars on the roads, school closures and many employees being unable to physically arrive at their workplace or find alternative childcare for their children. HTCPL members Pennine FM and the Huddersfield

Examiner helped by broadcasting weather bulletins and news of road and school closures on the air and internet. The Examiner helped to boost morale with their series on Heroes of the Snow. Council gritting teams worked tirelessly to try to maintain major routes and keep the town centre open. Huddersfield Town Centre Manager Cathy Burger said: “In extremely difficult circumstances everyone pulled together as best they could and we got through it. “I asked Pennine FM to broadcast that the town

was still open for business on the worst days and shoppers still managed to come in. “On one very icy day the buses were not running, so some of the retailers acted responsibly and sent their staff home - apart from that the town centre remained open, which was high on the Council’s list of priorities. “Well done to everyone for all their efforts.” HTCPL member Virtual Huddersfield experienced record viewers to their webcams as residents logged on to see the snowy town centre. Simon Flatley, MD of Virtual Huddersfield, said: “The webcams in St George's Square, Holmfirth and Lindley are constantly taking pictures and uploading them to the internet. "It was great to see the buses and taxis battling on in Town and the paths cleared in Holmfirth. We haven't had so many viewers since the Queen visited.” View the webcams on

Members using 21st century means of doing business



TCPL members are using increasingly modern forms of communication to reach potential customers and business partners – including the Partnership

Member Virtual Huddersfield is entirely web-based, although its main aim is to bring shoppers into the town centre. It features webcams and loads up videos of town centre events such as the Christmas lights switch-on. HTCPL members Revell Ward and Sheards joined forces with other Huddersfield accountants to create a memorable and hilarious pastiche of Abba’s “Money Money Money” which was enjoyed at the Huddersfield Society of Chartered Accountants Annual Dinner – and now takes pride of place on their website Londoner Phil Harvey, who has naturally fallen in love with Huddersfield, made a short film of his favourite places in and around the town to the

tune of Huddersfield Town, by Roger Davies. The video, on YouTube, even features Merrie England cafe. And the HTCPL isn’t getting left behind member Design 58 has developed new social media profiles including an “on-line community”. The HTCPL Members Community is a social network where members can develop a profile page; blog their news; add events, videos and pictures; start specific groups within the Partnership; open discussions and use an instant chat facility. Mark Longbottom, of Design 58, said: “The Members Community adds to the value of HTCPL membership, enabling members to network and develop relationships to enhance the face to face meetings made at other events. “There is also a new HTCPL Facebook Fan Page and Twitter account encouraging awareness of the Partnership’s work and helping spread more links to the HTCPL website.” A Facebook page is also available for the Huddersfield Food and Drink Festival. Find out

more at these websites: and


njoy shopping ethically during Huddersfield’s annual Fairtrade Fortnight. The event runs from Monday February 22 until Friday March 7, with various activities and opportunities to buy fair-trade goods within Huddersfield.

Fairtrade Fortnight highlights the Fairtrade Foundation’s mission to support fair, ethical trading with developing countries. It aims to raise awareness of fair trade and promote fair trade products. This year, the theme is The Big Swap. The Foundation hopes to get one million and one people to take part by swapping their usual goods such as wine, sugar and oranges for Fairtrade goods. More information at

Are you ready for VAT?


usiness Link Yorkshire is holding an information day for new businesses up to five years old in Huddersfield. “Winning Ways: VAT... Are you Ready?” is a free event on February 25 to help fledgling businesses grow and develop. Held at the Galpharm Stadium in partnership

with Kirklees Council, there will be several presentations from experts, with invaluable question and answer sessions. Various partners of Business Link Yorkshire will have exhibition stands and there will be a networking session over a buffet lunch. Seminars will run throughout the morning on the following topics: VAT made simple, access to finance, how to grow your own business, taking

on your first employee and how to do business with Kirklees Council. Places on the workshops are limited but can be booked in advance. Delegates can also register on the day from 9am. The seminar runs until 2.30pm. For further information, go to and search for events.

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A little bit of Buenos Aires in Huddersfield town centre Parties Welcome 37 John William Street Phone 01484 535440 Visit our website

Top bubbles for Spa!


Huddersfield spa has been celebrating an award with bubbles after a top entry into a national guide. HTCPL member Alexandra House Spa, in Edgerton, has just been awarded a “four bubble” rating in the Good Spa Guide.

The independent guide to spas across the UK reviewed the facilities at Alexandra House and described it as: “a slice of heaven just off the M62”. Owner Maxine Stead said: “We are all delighted with our review and rating. It’s a great reward for me and the team and it reflects the hard work put in by everyone to create a wonderful experience for all of our visitors.”

Easy savings for employees


financial co-operative based in Huddersfield is offering an easy and affordable way for local employees to save money for their futures.

Castle and Minster Credit Union runs a payroll deduction service to any company in Kirklees which it claims helps retain employees and build a happy workforce. Employees of companies who sign up to the scheme can save money by having it deducted automatically from their salary. They can also enjoy other benefits such as free life insurance on savings and loans, an annual dividend, on-line access to manage their money and instant access to their savings. Castle and Minster offers a range of financial services to anyone living and working within Kirklees. For more information, contact its Huddersfield head office on 01484 221579 and speak to Suha, or email

Maxine set up the business two years ago, leaving her career in cancer research and stepping out into the unknown during one of the most difficult periods of trading for half a century. She added: “The recognition by the independent Good Spa Guide makes it all worth the effort.” The guide praised the spa’s Victorian mansion house, its friendly and welcoming atmosphere, knowledgeable staff, effective treatments and “gorgeous products”. The satisfied reviewer also raved about “the website best cake I have ever eaten”. To celebrate their bubbly success, staff at Photo: Alexandra House (right) Alexandra House Spa are planning some special and (above) the new award logo offers for customers in February. Check out their

Huddersfield’s Code Blue expanding

Two new dentists at Courtyard


wo new recruits have joined the award-winning team at the Courtyard dental practice in Huddersfield.

Canadian David Veige trained as a Dental Technician making porcelain veneers, giving his clients plenty to smile about. Kimberley Taylor has many years of experience in cosmetic dentistry. She has trained with Bill Dorfman from television

programme Extreme Makeover. Her main interests lie in beauty treatments including fillers, so she is excited about the Courtyard’s ethos to give a visit to the dentist the feel of visiting any other beauty spa.


Andy Wilkinson, IT Manager at Spratt Endicott, said: “The commitment to customer service shines through and given Spratt Endicott’s previous experience of working with them, choosing P2

Alongside its Publishing and Design operations, Code Blue Group now also runs three new divisions: Technologies, Recruitment and Communications. In diversifying, the company which was established in 2002, has won new accounts within the local area and across the UK as part of its growth plans.

Visit The Courtyard in Wormalds Yard, off King Street or go to their website Photo: David and Kimberley celebrate at the Private Dentistry Awards with Courtyard owner Marcos White (centre)

P2 Technologies attracts major law firms

TCPL member P2 Technologies has some new legal clients.Among the new companies now working with P2 are Blake Lapthorn, Hart Brown and Spratt Endicott. They have chosen P2 for its expertise in Legal IT solutions coupled with outstanding customer service and its reputation for giving clear advice.


marketing and publishing company has beat the economic downturn and expanded – by diversification. Code Blue Group, based on Old Leeds Road, has recently strengthened its publishing division and also launched three new business divisions, creating 15 jobs in total.

Technologies for our managed IT support is an easy decision.” Gareth Woodhouse, IT Project Manager for Blake Lapthorn, said: “We found P2 to be an excellent knowledge base for PMS/CMS projects. We needed assistance to skill up our PMS and CMS development teams and the interactive consultancy that Graham delivered gave us exactly what we wanted.” P2 is based at the Old Stable Block in Lockwood Park and has been offering managed IT and telephony solutions since 2007. Go to for more information.

Director Neil Wheeler said: “Since the expansion we are now able to provide a full package of services for clients from arranging telecoms and IT infrastructure networks through to producing marketing material and finding the right candidate for every job. “We are keen to build on the strong and lasting relationships that we have built with our existing client base, which includes both small local businesses and global multi-nationals, as well as developing links with new companies.” Find out more at

Award for CEBS


Huddersfield organisation which supports young people’s development and employment opportunities has won a coveted award.

Photo: (l-r) John Little, John Downs, Peter Nixon and Managing Director Andrew Czolacz

HTCPL member Compact Education Business Services (CEBS) achieved the Award for Education Business Excellence in December. The award accredits the organisation to the Department for Children, Schools and Families’ National Standard for Education Business Partnership Organisations, recognising CEBS efforts in connecting education with the workplace. CEBS, based on Halifax Road in Edgerton, works with young people from secondary and special schools across Kirklees, Wakefield and Calderdale. Last year, they helped more than 1,100

employers in the area support about 113,000 young people, sharing their expertise with them. Andrew Czolacz, Managing Director of CEBS, said: “We at CEBS are delighted to be the first Education Business Partnership in Yorkshire to be accredited with the Award for Education Business Excellence. “We are pleased that all of our efforts to improve the learning experiences of young people in Kirklees, Wakefield and Calderdale have been recognised at a national level by the Institute for Education Business Excellence. We are all extremely proud of the services we offer which help our schools develop the skills of their young people in preparation for the future.” Find out more about CEBS at

Is this Huddersfield’s most creative café?


he Media Centre’s Café Ollo in Northumberland Street is claiming to be the town’s most creative café. Café Ollo is run by a talented team, headed by manager Tracy Dyson, including an artist, singer-musician and dancer. Many of its customers work at the Media Centre which has become the hub of Huddersfield’s creative community. On its walls hang works from local artists and there is even a book-sharing shelf for anyone wanting a quiet read with their coffee. It now opens for longer hours, from 8.30am for early birds, and on Friday evenings for Mello Ollo when it becomes a lounge environment in which to enjoy drinks and nibbles. Tracy, who has worked in hospitality

management roles around Huddersfield for ten

years, said: “I see the café as a chilled out creative hub – a space for creative people to enjoy a relaxing atmosphere or a business meeting.” The café team provides catering for meetings and conferences within the Media Centre. Café Ollo, on Northumberland Street, now also plays host to a lively bi-monthly debate series called Huddersfield Salon and holds an acoustic music night, Acoustic Revolutionaries, each month. Some upcoming events at the café: Acoustic Revolutionaries – February 17th, March 17th from 8pm Huddersfield Salon – March 30th at 6.00pm Knowledge Sandwich – second Thursday of

the month. February’s Knowledge Sandwich is with Charlie Brook of Parkglobe, looking at making money from the internet. 12.30 – 1.30, free to all, includes lunch. Booking essential – email Social Media Surgeries – March 15th, May 24th help with social media queries such as setting up a Facebook page for your local community organisation. Free. 5- 7pm. OpenCoffee – second Wednesday of each month - networking over coffee and cake for people working in digital technologies. 10am – 12noon. For more information, go to the website Photo: Café Ollo manager Tracy Dyson (photo courtesy of Amanda Crowther)

TV appearance good for bookings


hat’s a great way of boosting your restaurant bookings? As well as a tasty, varied menu, a television appearance can do the trick, according to Discovery Bay owner Barrington Douglas.

Barrington should know this well – he has appeared on two major television programmes in the last year and his telephone has been ringing madly ever since with diners keen to sample his dishes.

In December, Barrington’s Caribbean restaurant almost made the final of Gordon Ramsay’s F Word on Channel 4. With his sous-chef Lashawn Price, he cooked up a three-course feast competing against an Argentine restaurant in the Americas section of the contest. Within an hour of the popular show being aired, Barrington had 187 more bookings. He said: “I feel as though I was a winner to have got that far. The competition was tight, and if we had been up against

anyone else we would have won. “I feel we did Huddersfield and Yorkshire proud.” Gordon Ramsay was so impressed with the Huddersfield pair that he gave Barrington his whites, which are proudly framed and displayed on the wall of his Wood Street restaurant. Last summer, Barrington spent a month travelling round the Caribbean with celebrity chef Gary Rhodes for UKTV. Has he tired of the spotlight yet? No – he now hopes to appear with Jamie Oliver. Read more at

Community venue with new look and new name in Springwood area of town


he Sikh Leisure Centre located in the Huddersfield area of Springwood has been extended and refurbished to offer a varied community facility which is open to everyone.

It has also changed its name to the Apna Venue to

Safer homes for the vulnerable


Huddersfield project has received £100,000 to help make vulnerable people’s homes safer. The Safer Homes (Kirklees) project aims to create jobs, and reduce crime and the fear of crime. It is targeting those particularly vulnerable to break-ins, including the elderly and students. The project is being run from Fresh Horizons Limited, a not-for-profit community enterprise based in Deighton. Since September, the project has provided five new jobs and serviced 500 homes in and around Huddersfield. The service is completely free to the householders, and Safer Homes hopes to visit a further 300 homes and 200 student accommodation units. The team fits equipment to improve home security, including mortise and window locks, door chains and bolts, and even external lighting. Morris Simpson, of Fresh Horizons Ltd, said: “Many crimes are not planned and most burglaries can be prevented. “Thieves are often opportunists and statistics show that in three out of ten burglaries, a door or window has been left open or unsecured. “Safer Homes can help you to make your home more secure by fitting some simple yet effective equipment.” Contact the Safer Homes Co-ordinator on 01484 234216/234234 or text student to 07872 049413 to arrange the initial survey. Fresh Horizons now also manages Fartown Village Hall, which is available for hire for meetings, parties and other functions. It has a kitchen and main hall, with room for 100 seated guests or 150 standing; a meeting room for up to 25 people and free parking for 20 cars. The Chestnut Centre in Deighton is also available for hire. Both venues are affordable. Ring Morris Simpson on 01484 551520.

help distinguish it from the nearby Sikh Temple. The Apna Venue Ltd now offers various facilities, including a gym and sauna, and a public bar with Sky Sports open from 5.30pm until 11pm. Its main hall with bar facilities is available for big functions, parties, weddings and conferences, with a capacity of 650 people. A smaller function room on the first floor, which also has bar facilities, can accommodate up to 120 people.


The Apna Venue, on Prospect Street, also offers indoor sports including five-a-side football during weekdays from 5pm until 10.30pm. A spokesman said: “Some people get confused between the two buildings and this change will help clarify that the Leisure Centre is not a place of worship but a community venue accommodating a range of activities.” The facilities are open to everyone. For all bookings and inquiries, ring 01484 450650.

Paddle progress

uddersfield University’s Business Mine ran a two-day course for graduates wanting to start up their own businesses.

Nine graduates who had studied a range of subjects took part in the Enterprising Skills Workshop in January, funded by Yorkshire Forward through the Kirklees Skills Investment Plan. Their business ideas included setting up a book publishing company, a locum agency for healthcare practitioners, photography and recycled welding equipment. Enterprising Skills Workshop took the graduates from initial business concept through to making it a reality. It included one-to-one sessions with business advisers who helped the attendees put together a business plan and develop their idea and vision for the future before signposting them to Business Link Yorkshire for continued support. Michelle Hoggard, Business Start Up Adviser at the Business Mine, said: “It was a fantastic two days and the participants came away with lots of knowledge and motivation.” Contact the Business Mine on 01484 473563.



£20,000 Kirklees Capital Investment grant could be kick-starting the introduction of Paddle tennis at Huddersfield Lawn Tennis and Squash

Achieving huge popularity in southern Spain, the sport is beginning to take off in the UK. Encompassing ideas from both tennis and squash, Paddle is great for players of all ages and skills, being both quick and easy to pick up. With a history dating back over 125 years ago, the Huddersfield club is one of the oldest clubs in Yorkshire and, while being proud of its tradition, is excited by the prospect of offering yet more new facilities. The club already boasts four indoor acrylic tennis courts with superb viewing gallery, leading to a fully

equipped fitness suite. Six outdoor courts with floodlighting complete the tennis court count. All five squash/racketball courts are heated, two being glass-backed with viewing for up to 130 people. Fresh faces on the coaching team are assisting with the smooth running of the coaching programme, ensuring that adults and juniors, from beginners to team players, are all provided for. A spacious lounge and bar area (available for private function hire) enable the club to stage a variety of social events with excellent in-house catering. Located on Cemetery Road, off the main Halifax Road, minutes from the Huddersfield town centre, there is ample free parking. Contact details: 01484 422541

Forward Ladies


new force for ladies in business has been launched in the town. HTCPL member Ramsdens Solicitors were involved in getting Forward Ladies off the ground in the town, along with fellow members HSBC and the Heritage Group, and the Forward Ladies organisation. About 45 ladies met for its first event at Heritage Coffee Mill, Bar and Bistro in Wellington Mills, Lindley, entitled “Unlocking the secrets of networking.”

Guest speaker was Etta Cohen, founder of Forward Ladies, a membership organisation which aims to inspire women in professional life. It is one of the North of England’s fastest-growing business support organisations. She spoke about effective networking. Guests travelled from across Yorkshire to the event at the end of January and were inspired by Etta’s words. Sinéad Sopala, marketing manager at Ramsdens, said: "Our first event was

a true success and we must thank local professional business ladies for joining us. “Hopefully our next event will be another opportunity for ladies to come along and network and communicate, because that is what it is all about.’’ Their next networking event is an “irreverent and fun” wine-tasting presentation at Ramsdens Solicitors premises on Hungerford Road, with Rob Hoult of Hoults Wine Merchants. Learn more about wine and chat to other Huddersfield businesswomen. A buffet, refreshments and prize

Revell-ing in success


our members of Revell Ward Accountants are celebrating passing examinations.Nicola Lightowlers passed her Association of Tax Technician (ATT) exam. Craig Peace and Matthew Bestwick sat their advanced exams, and Siraj Dabhad was successful in his final Chartered Institute of Tax exams (CTA). A spokesman for the Huddersfield accountancy firm said: “Our congratulations go to them all. Our staff

are enthusiastic individuals and their success is the result of their

Literary Festival


he Huddersfield Literary Festival organised by HTCPL member the University of Huddersfield is back in March and promises to be the biggest yet. It features Marsden poet Simon Armitage, writers Dorothea Smartt, Jeremy Dyson, Moniza Alvi, and comic turned author Alexei Sayle, as well as dozens of exciting events.

Running from March 10 to 14, the lottery-funded event combines the talents and venues of various organisations, including the University of Huddersfield, the Lawrence Batley Theatre, Kirklees Council, Media Centre and Peacock Lounge on Viaduct Street. As well as the authors, the festival will have a specially-commissioned version of Gilgamesh, an album-in-a-day event, storytelling, novel writing, poetry, cabaret, song,

theatre, screenwriting, master classes and even guided walks. Michael Stewart, festival director, said: “Welcome to this year’s festival, the most exciting and innovative festival yet. “I really think we deserve our tagline of, ‘the word in action’.” Legendary screen star Sir Patrick Stewart, patron of the festival, said: "Words are the backbone of my life, as an actor. Therefore it is my absolute pleasure to be asked to be a patron for Huddersfield Literature Festival. “It's fitting that what has been described as 'the poetry capital of the North', finally has its own literature festival. This emerging and dynamic new festival is dedicated to celebrating the power of words, wherever we may find them. May you enjoy all that the festival has to offer." Go to for information.

effort and commitment.” Matthew Bestwick shared his knowledge with students from Huddersfield New College. He gave a talk to the students about accountancy, what routes they could follow into the profession, and what accountants actually do on a daily basis. Matthew said: “It was a pleasure to offer my knowledge to local students as it would have benefited me when I was in their position.There were a few keen individuals among the attendees and I hope the information I supplied them with helps them make the tough decisions about their future.” Photo:(left back) (l-r) Nicola and Siraj, front (l-r) Craig and Matthew

draw will be included in the event on March 3 from 5.30 until 8pm. To attend, or for more information about Forward Ladies, visit their website or call Sinéad Sopala at Ramsdens Solicitors on 01484 558087.

Photo: The Huddersfield Forward Ladies in action (l-r) Etta Cohen (Forward Ladies), Mandy Barwick (The Heritage Group), Sinéad Sopala (Ramsdens Solicitors),Vicky Broadley (HSBC) and Vicky Creesey (HSBC)

Stafflex continues to grow


ecruitment agency Stafflex, based in Aspley, continues to expand with the appointment of a new Business Development Manager.

Steve Masih, who joins HTCPL member Stafflex from Capita Education in Leeds, will spearhead the company’s expansion plans. Stafflex offers reliable temporary workers to local businesses and aims to take the hassle and effort out of recruiting. It offers terms of credit for its clients which, it says, is helping local companies survive and even prosper

during this difficult economic period. To find out more about Stafflex, ring the team on 01484 351010. Photo: Steve Masih

A unique wedding event



TCPL member Chris Turner of Enjoy Photography is pleased to be involved in a unique Wedding Fair on 17

He explained: “It’s unique because it is being held in my local church – St Bartholomew’s in Marsden.” St Bartholomew’s, known locally as the Colne Valley Cathedral, is absolutely beautiful. As a result, couples regularly enquire about the potential to get married there. According to Chris: “One of the purposes of the fair is to let people

know that they may be able to get married in church when they might think they couldn’t, perhaps because they’ve been married previously, aren’t regular church goers, or already have children.” He added: “The Fair’s not just for people who want a church wedding – we have a good selection of local wedding suppliers (including photographers, florists, cakes, cars, stationery and music) as well as wedding dresses and outfits for the whole wedding party. “A truly unique part of the event will be a fashion show which will feature the models literally ‘walking down the aisle’

in the church!” If would like to know more, or are interested in one of the few remaining spaces for exhibitors contact Photo: A wedding photo taken in St Bartholomew’s by Enjoy Photography

The newsletter of the Huddersfield Town Centre Partnership

From the Leader of Kirklees Council


have been Leader of the Council for a year. It has made my life very busy, working about 80 hours each week. But the role is very fulfilling and challenging. It is a chance to make real changes to improve people’s lives and businesses in the area.

Like this winter, the economic climate has been harsh. We hope that the situation is beginning to improve, but we know that many companies, jobs and consequently families have been badly affected by the global recession. We are only too aware of this tough reality and have been putting in place measures to lead out of recession into a more positive future. Investment in our town Work has started to improve our beautiful railway station, the second busiest in West Yorkshire, following negotiations with Railtrack. This will encourage more visitors and improve commuting. For young people Education is important to us. We helped secure Government funding for the £85 million new Kirklees College campus on the Waterfront Development in Chapel Hill. This will boost student numbers, and bring about a renaissance in a run-down area. Festive spirit The Christmas Ice Rink attracted 13,000 people. And our new cheery Christmas lights, made locally, helped brighten our moods. They certainly made the town attractive and will last for many years. Free parking was extended on Christmas shopping days and retailers reported their best Boxing Day ever and a buoyant festive

shopping period. Events create memories and positive feelings about a place. December’s spectacular Festival of Light was a wonderful experience and attracted about 9,000 visitors into Huddersfield. Helping people into jobs and training Kirklees was the first council in West Yorkshire to secure £2.25 million for the Future Jobs Fund, creating 350 new jobs in the district, tackling youth and long-term unemployment. We developed trailblazing schemes such as Train to Gain which assisted over 6,000 residents last year with training and nearly 600 apprentices gained new qualifications. The council held events giving jobs, training and benefits advice to more than 1,000 people. We have increased the number of advisers helping people with debt and benefits. Helping businesses We have helped safeguard more than 200 manufacturing jobs by giving reductions in business rates. Kirklees Council also pays more than 70% of invoices within ten days, compared with neighbouring councils who pay within 30 days. This improved cash flow has helped keep many businesses afloat. Our retail vacancy rate is lower than neighbouring authorities. We have helped support town centre retailers with promotions, events and improvements to attract shoppers. We also encourage local companies to sell to us by setting up Last year, the council spent £30 million with local suppliers. Action plan for the future We are now consulting on the Area Action

■ CLR MEHBOOB KHAN: LEADER OF KIRKLEES COUNCIL: Plan, a blueprint for sustainable development of the town centre. Home is where the heart is And finally, we are delivering a Government-backed mortgage rescue scheme to help homeowners in difficulties stay in their

Dates for the diary Forthcoming HTCPL dates for the diary

Development Sub Group Venue: Bramleys, St George’s Square Time: 4pm Tuesday March 9 Tuesday May 4 Tuesday July 13 Tuesday September 7 Tuesday November 9

Marketing Sub Group Venue: The Media Centre, Northumberland St Time: 3:30pm Thursday January 21 Thursday March 11 Thursday May 6 Thursday July 1 Thursday September 9

Thursday November 11 Retail Crime Venue: tba Time: 10:30am Tuesday April 20 Retail Forum Venue: Methodist Mission

Time: 2:30pm Tuesday March 16 Business Referral Club Venue: George hotel Time: 7:30am Held on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of every month

homes. I hope that all these initiatives, projects and investments will work together to improve the lives of the people of Huddersfield. Mehboob Khan, Leader of Kirklees Council

Tell me about the HTCPL Name................................................................. Address.............................................................. ........................................................................... Phone................................................................. email...................................................................

Please complete & return to:

Huddersfield Town Centre Partnership Ltd, Unit 51, The Media Centre, 7 Northumberland Street, Huddersfield HD1 1RL t: 01484 487933

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