Kirklees Business News, 19th January 2010

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FTSE 100

STEVE GREEN Story of a running man!

+39.02 5494.39

Full inter view - Page 3

ANDY DAVISON Pressure begins to tell? Repor t - Page 4

An EXAMINER publication

KIRKLEES BUSINESS NEWS The business NEWSpaper for Kirklees

Woollen mill gets a new lease of life

A FORMER textile mill is set to be three-storey former stone warehouse. transformed into offices in a move There are seven other suites available which could create up to 200 jobs. in the building, starting at 40sq ft. Hopton Mills at Mirfield has been Oliver Quarmby of St James Securacquired by Leeds-based commercial ities, said: “Wheatley Park lies in a property developer St James Securities beautiful wooded valley and is an oasis for an undisclosed sum. of calm, only minutes away from the The four-acre site has been renamed hustle and bustle of the Calder Valley Wheatley Park as part of moves to and M62 corridor. It is a unique transform the mill – part of which environment for a modern business dates back to the 18th century – and park. surrounding land into a modern office “We have secured planning permispark. sion for the conversion of a further Two lettings have already been three buildings to offices which will be secured – to textile firm Camira Fab- built out on a sequential basis. Ultirics and interior design company Nor- mately, we hope to create a thriving, mal TM, based at Fenay Bridge.. highly-regarded business environment Camira, which has manufacturing at Wheatley Park. “There is ample car parking space operations at Meltham, has taken 13,000 sq ft for its international on site and Mirfield Railway station is headquarters on the first floor of a within walking distance.” The agents for Wheatley Park are two-storey refurbished building now Huddersfield-based Hanson called the Watermill. The ground floor remains available Chartered Surveyors and Michael to let in suites ranging from 750sq ft to Steel & Co, of Leeds. Ja s o n M e t c a l f e, o f H a n s o n 13,000sq ft. Normal TM has taken 500sq ft in Chartered Surveyors, said: “The initial the 1812 Building, a 7,200sq ft marketing has generated a number of

court action or with average, poor or very poor insolvent or out date accounts. Begbies said it expected a further rise in corporate insolvencies during the second half of 2010. The report, which monitors early warning signs of company distress, showed a year on year increase of 19%

Healthy options COMPANIES from Kirklees and Calderdale are looking for a healthy boost to business – by pursuing export opportunities to the Middle East. Firms in Fenay Bridge, Elland and Birkenshaw are among Yorkshire healthcare technology firms attending a major exhibition, Arab Health 2010, in Dubai.

● Full story - Page 5

■ RURAL VIEW: An impression of Wheatley Park, formerly Hopton Mills, Mirfield, which is being turned into an office park to create up to 200 jobs

local and regional enquiries for the refurbished office suites and it was pleasing to be in a position to agree two pre-lets in a difficult market place.” Alec Michael, of Michael Steel &

Co, said: “In addition to availability in the Watermill and 1812 building, the site will offer detached office studio accommodation suitable for a variety of professional uses as well as hospitality and leisure operators.”

More than 10,000 firms in financial distress MORE than 10,000 Yorkshire firms are in financial distress, it is claimed. The latest Red Flag Alert report from insolvency firm Begbies Traynor shows that companies in Yorkshire continued to suffer in the last quarter of 2009. Some 10,130 firms were reporting significant problems – those facing


in companies in the region with significant problems during the last quarter. It also showed a 96% rise in the number of firms with critical problems – those with county court judgements totalling at least £5,000 and/or facing wind-up petitions and related actions.

The monthly number of companies experiencing significant problems averaged 2,259 in 2008, rising to 3,772 in 2009. The number of construction industry firms with significant problems rose by 26% in the final quarter of 2009 against 12% in the same period of 2008.

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Icing on the cake A 1950s-style pin-up is helping sell cakes. Bradley-based 10 Associates came up with the glamorous image for client Fanny’s Cupcakes to promote the company’s range of “shamelessly indulgent” treats.

● Full story - Page 8

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Northern Rock still supporting United NATIONALISED lender Northern Rock said it would continue to sponsor Newcastle United Football Club after signing another four-year deal. The contract, which valued at between £1.5m and a potential £10m, will see the bank remain the main sponsor of the Championship team following a long-standing relationship dating back to 2004. Newcastle-based Northern Rock said it believed the sponsorship contract fitted in with its responsibilities under Government ownership. Gary Hoffman, bank chief executive, said: “We remain mindful of our responsibilities under Government ownership and only consider those advertising and promotion channels that deliver a high return on investment and good strategic fit.

“We believe that the sponsorship deal with Newcastle United provides both of these.” Northern Rock – the “good”' part of the bank that was spun off from its more toxic loans at the start of the year – said it will only pay out the maximum £10m if Newcastle is playing in the Premier League for the full four years. The contract, which begins at the start of next season, is also subject to review after two years, added the ■ ROCK ROLE: Northern Rock bank. Newcastle United is currently top of continued to back sponsor Newcastle the Championship and is on course for promotion amid a recent turnaround in with Newcastle United “represents an fortunes. The club is owned by Mike important community link”. Said Mr Ashley, who heads the Sports World Hoffman: “Brand awareness and proretail empire Sports Direct Interna- motion are important elements in the continuing development of the comtional. Northern Rock said its relationship pany.

“The new contract will help keep the Northern Rock brand in the public eye and reinforce our strong roots in the north-east region, a community we are immensely proud to support.” Northern Rock was taken into public ownership in 2008 after its credit crunch woes sparked the first run on a UK bank in more than a century. The group was split in two on January 1, with the “good” bank hived off, comprising about £19bn in savings and £10bn of mortgages. It is set to be put up for sale into the private sector, while the so-called “bad” bank is expected to remain in public ownership. UK Financial Investments said the decision to renew the sponsorship,was an “operational issue” for the bank.

Page 2 Alert for investors INVESTORS in the former Jessops camera retailing business were urged to approve the wind-up of the company or risk getting nothing for their shares. Shareholders have must vote today on the voluntary liquidation of Jessops plc, which owned the group’s 213 stores and website until September last year. The company, labouring under a huge debt burden, sold assets to a new company 47%-owned by bank HSBC and 33%-owned by pension trustees, with the remaining 20% held by an employee trust. A meeting on Thursday is set to wind-up Jessops plc, with shareholders receiving just 9.7p for every 100 shares owned if the liquidation is approved.

Sales put ASOS in party mood

Builder is in good shape

Switch-off for talks

INTERNET fashion firm ASOS said strong demand for party clothing helped drive a 30% rise in Christmas and New Year sales. However, the figure for the five weeks to January 3 was down on the 47% improvement repor ted in November and comes after sales more than doubled in the same period a year earlier. The retailer’s UK arm reported a 25% rise in sales for the first 42 weeks of the financial year to date – sales at its burgeoning international business more than doubled. ASOS, which stands for As Seen on Screen, has slowed down sales growth in the UK as it said the

HOUSEBUILDER Taylor Wimpey said it had started the year in good shape after reporting a 62% rise in sale reservations on a year earlier. The group’s UK order book for private house sales stood at 3,048 homes compared with the 1,887 at the start of 2009. Including affordable housing reservations, the figure was up by 28% at 5,431 homes. Taylor Wimpey described market conditions as stable, but warned it remained concerned about economic prospects and the impact of reduced mortgage availability. It said its operational focus

INTERNATIONAL Power – the owner of UK assets including the coal-fired station at Rugeley in Staffordshire – said it had failed to reach agreement over a possible tie-up with France’s GDF-Suez. Despite preliminary talks over a possible combination with “certain power assets” of GDF-Suez the discussions are over, International Power said.

group's warehouse and systems would not have been able to cope with another doubling of sales. Chief executive Nick Robertson said he was “pleased to report another excellent Christmas for ASOS” and confirmed the group was confident about its full-year results. The group is to launch a website aimed at the USA this year to meet increasing demand in America. France, Germany, Ireland, Denmark and Sweden are also key overseas markets for the firm, which said international sales now make up a quarter of total turnover.

remained on reducing building costs and increasing sale prices in 2010. The company completed the sale of 10,186 homes last year – down on the 13,394 reported for 2008. The average selling price fell to £160,000 from £171,000, but the figure was higher than the £153,000 seen at the half year stage. Taylor Wimpey has spent much of the last year in a battle for survival before a refinancing deal in April gave it bank facilities totalling £2.47bn. A £510m cash call on shareholders also helped to cut its debts from £1.5bn to about £750m now.

SHARE PRICES NORTH AMERICAN American Express £25.96 Gannett 985.79 Hess Corp £38.23 Microsoft 1889.54 Motors Liquidation 45.92 Wal-Mart Stores £32.87 AEROSPACE & DEFENCE BAE Systems 3643/4 Rolls-Royce Gp 4921/4 Smiths Grp 1037 VT Group 520 AIM Brady Plc 631/2 Dawson Intl 13/4 AUTOMOBILES & PARTS GKN 1293/4 BANKS Barclays 3173/4 HSBC 699 Lloyds Banking Gp 585/8 Ryl Scotland 371/4 Stan Chart 1561 BEVERAGES Diageo 1075 SABMiller 1820 CHEMICALS Croda 817 Delta 146 Elementis 98 55 Johnsn Mat 1616 CONSTRUCTION & MATERIALS Balfour Beatty 2821/2 Costain 251/4 ELECTRICITY

-31/4 +41/4 -4 +2

+13/8 1

+6 /2 -31/2 +13/4 +1/2 +91/2 +11 +37 +51/2 -11/2 +3 +37/8 -1 5

Intl Power 311 -11 Scottish & Sthrn 1171 +2 Energy ELECTRONIC & ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT Chloride 1901/8 +1/2 Invensys 311 +2 7 -17/8 Laird 134 /8 EQUITY INVESTMENT INSTRUMENTS Alliance Trust 3341/4 +43/4 FIXED LINE TELECOM SERVICES BT Grp 1467/8 +17/8 C&W 1451/4 -1/4 Colt Telecom 139 +31/8 KCOM 52 -13/4 FOOD & DRUG RETAILERS Morrison W 3003/4 +33/4 Sainsbury 3341/4 +35/8 1 Tesco 426 /2 +33/4 FOOD PRODUCERS AB Food 869 +31/2 Cadbury 8071/2 +14 -5/8 Nth Foods 651/2 Tate Lyle 412 +2 Unilever 1939 +8 -11/2 Uniq 311/2 GAS, WATER & MULTIUTILITIES Centrica 2851/2 +3/8 National Grid 6441/2 +1 Pennon Grp 540 +8 Severn 1089 +23/4 United Utils 4907/8 GENERAL FINANCIAL 3i Group 2801/2 +1/8 ICAP 4341/8 +21/4 1 London StockExch 694 /2 +91/2 Man Group 2881/4 -43/8 1

Schroders 1340 -5 Schroders NV 1060 -3 GENERAL INDUSTRIALS Avon Rbbr 911/2 +1/2 Cooksn Grp 4693/4 +1 1 REXAM 293 /4 +23/4 GENERAL RETAILERS Ashley L 131/2 +1/4 DSG International 363/4 +11/8 3 Home Retail 267 /4 +63/4 Inchcape 287/8 -1/4 Kingfisher 2281/4 +25/8 5 M&S 360 /8 +11 Mothercare 615 +141/2 Next 1980 +19 WH Smith 4981/4 +1/8 HEALTH CARE EQUIPMENT & SERVICES Smith Nph 6381/2 +31/2 HOUSEHOLD GOODS Aga Rangemaster 1351/2 -31/2 Barrat Dev 1333/8 -13/4 1 Persimmon 483 /4 +11/4 Reckitt Benckiser £33 +1/2 Taylor Wimpey 403/4 -7/8 INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING Charter 7311/2 -11/2 IMI 5581/2 +1/2 Man Brnze 109 INDUSTRIAL METALS Ferrexpo 2351/4 +53/4 INDUSTRIAL TRANSPORTATION BBA Aviation 1651/4 -3/4 Forth Ports 1125 +20 LIFE INSURANCE Aviva 422 +21/4 1


1085/8 +1/8 615 +5 3 +11/2 85 /4 3 211 /4 +13/4 MEDIA BSkyB 567 -61/2 Chrysalis 1013/4 -21/4 3 D Mail Tst 478 /4 +33/4 ITV 581/8 +1/4 Johnston Press 271/4 +1/2 Pearson 909 +14 Reed Elsevier 509 -1/2 STV Group 511/2 -1/2 1 Trinity Mirror 163 /2 -11/2 Utd Business 441 +6 +61/4 UTV 983/4 WPP 605 +4 Yell Group 39 +1 MINING Anglo American £281/8 +7/8 Antofagasta 1040 +15 3 +1/4 BHP Billiton £20 /4 Eurasian Natural 1030 +381/2 Res Fresnillo 804 +7 Kazakhmys 1445 +35 Lonmin 1989 +13 +3/8 Rio Tinto £361/8 VEDANTA £271/2 +1/4 RESOURCES 1 Xstrata 1216 /2 +28 MOBILE TELECOM SERVICES Inmarsat 680 -2 +7/8 Vodafone Group 1355/8 NONLIFE INSURANCE Admiral Grp 1150 +2 RSA Insurance Gp 1273/8 Old Mutual Prudential Resolution Standard Life

Local shares Carclo Chapelthorpe Marshalls National Grid Rensburg Sheppards Weir Gp

161 141/2 88 6441/2 5971/2

-4 -1/2 +1 -1/2



FTSE closed at

5494.3 Up 39.0 BG 12171/2 +11/2 BP 629 1 Cairn Energy 357 /4 -13/4 Norsk Hdro 520 +57/8 Royal Dutch Shell A 1850 +2 Royal Dutch Shell B 17811/2 +21/2 Total £391/4 +5/8 Tullow Oil 1369 +30 OIL EQUIPMENT & SERVICES Petrofac 1005 -4 Wood Group 3417/8 -31/4 PERSONAL GOODS Burberry 5991/2 +91/2 PHARMACEUTICALS & BIOTECHNOLOGY Astrazeneca £301/8 +1/8 Axis-Shield 4051/2 -11/2


1224 +2 REAL ESTATE Brit Land 459 +41/2 DTZ Hldgs 75 -1 Hamrsn 400 +41/8 Land Secs 693 +61/2 SEGRO 3371/2 +61/2 SOFTWARE ETC SERVICES Autonomy Corp 1567 +17 -1 Dimension Data 791/2 Logica 1233/8 -3/4 Misys 217 -2 Sage Group 235 +1 SUPPORT SERVICES AMEC 7721/2 +101/2 Bunzl 6391/2 -1 +31/2 Capita 7281/2 Davis Service 4217/8 +21/4 Group De La Rue 1005 +3 +13/8 Electrocomp 1803/8 Experian 6081/2 +5 +11/2 G4S 2591/2 1 Hays 111 /2 +3/4 Homeserve 1761 +12 1 -11/2 Menzies J 320 /2 Rentokil 115 -7/8 Smiths News 1163/4 +2 Wolseley 1488 -2 IT HARDWARE ARM Hldgs 1867/8 -31/8 Psion 96 -1/4 Spirent Comms 1091/4 +1/8 TOBACCO Br Am Tob £205/8 +1/4 Imperial Tobacco £203/8 +3/8

Arriva Brit Airways Carnival Compass Grp easyJet Enterprise Inns FirstGroup Go-Ahead Greene King Intercontl Htls Ladbrokes Mitchells & Butlers Natl Express PartyGaming Rank Org Stagecoach Group TUI Travel Whitbread

4951/8 1943/4 £221/2 4651/2 377 961/4 3955/8 1356 4361/4 932 1511/4 2763/4 201 2703/4 925/8 178 2741/4 1391

-13/4 +21/4 +1/4 +51/2 +47/8 +1/4 +63/4 -11 +95/8 +121/2 +5/8 +21/2 +3 +10 +21/8 -11/2 +45/8 +4

FTSE 100

INDEX 5494.39


FTSE 250

INDEX 9572.07


TOURIST RATES Tourists going abroad can expect the following rates for sterling: Australia...................... 1.68 dollars Bangladesh................. 105.81 taka Brazil.............................. 2.58 reals Canada....................... 1.60 dollars China ............................. 9.96 yuan Czech Republic ...... 27.02 korunas Denmark....................... 8.04 krone Euro............................... 1.08 euro Hong Kong................ 12.03 dollars Hungary................... 270.10 forints India.......................... 65.64 rupees Japan........................... 141.45 yen Mexico ....................... 18.44 pesos New Zealand .............. 2.06 dollars Norway ......................... 8.82 krone Pakistan.................. 129.57 rupees Philippines ................. 64.16 pesos South Africa.................. 11.37 rand South Korea.............. 1600.00 won Sri Lanka ................ 175.98 rupees Sweden....................... 10.99 krona Switzerland.................. 1.60 francs Taiwan ...................... 45.31 dollars Turkey....................... 2.33 new lira USA ............................ 1.56 dollars

KIRKLEES BUSINESS NEWS FORMER international athlete Steve Green is proving to be a winner in the business world. The Bingley Harrier, who now lives at Fenay Bridge, has competed in cross-country and road races around the world – winning several national titles with his club throughout the 1990s on road and cross country. Steve joined Bingley Harriers when he was nine in emulation of his 13-year-old brother, who got involved because their father was fed up of him “moping about the house”. While his brother quit at the age of 16, Steve is still a member more than 30 years later. He won his first race at the age of 10 and went on to become West Yorkshire cross-country league champion as well as running in the English Schools cross country and representing Yorkshire, England and Great Britain. His sport has taken him to race in countries such as the USA, Spain, Portugal, Italy, France, Germany, Holland and Iceland. At the time, he was working as a freelance and was able to devote time to his athletics. "I had a Dutch agent and I was classed as a full-time athlete,” he says. "I was running 130 miles a week and had a sponsorship deal with Adidias for several years. "But there was no money in running compared to sports like football unless you are really at the top. “It doesn’t attract huge interest unless it's the Olympics or the London Marathon." Now Steve runs for fun – clocking up 50 to 60 miles a week. “It’s a good start to the day,” he says. “It gives you a clear head and provides you with thinking time. “It helps you get ‘on the ball’ for the day ahead and contributes to your overall work ethic. “It encompasses the principles of discipline, dedication and determination that you need in business.” Steve has demonstrated his commitment to business by building up PM Marketing, a full service marketing agency providing print and design, advertising and marketing, corporate branding, web, public relations and display, exhibition and events. A year ago, the agency – a winner in the 2008 Northern Marketing Awards – added to its armoury with the opening of franchise business Now both businesses are based at Upperhead Row in Huddersfield town centre following a move from offices in Fenay Bridge. Steve says: “The move makes sense because there are about 300 stores across the country and the most successful ones are in town


Print run suits Steve and city centre locations. “Although a lot of our work is done electronically, having a town centre presence will be an uplift for the brand and make it easier for customers to call in. “Many of our clients are sole traders or small to medium-sized firms, so we are aiming to appeal to the whole Huddersfield business community. Steve, who has been in the industry for 22 years, says the franchise complements PM Marketing’s activities – providing items such as stationery, business cards, flyers and leaflets, folders, booklets and notepads with eye-catching design. There are also promotional items such as pens, key rings, mouse mats, coasters, glassware and embroidered workwear.

■ TOWN TALK: Steve Green has moved a town centre site

Having the support of a UK-wide franchise means Steve can offer monthly special offers and competitive pricing as well as a quick turnaround of orders. “The franchise dovetails nicely with the agency,” he says. “It adds value and I believe it also fills a gap in the local market.” Steve attended Bradford Art College and also studied a year at Keighley College before beginning his career in the sector as a junior finished artist with Charles Walls Group in Leeds. Alongside Brahm and Poulters, it was one of Yorkshire’s biggest names in marketing, advertising and PR. After six years, he moved to Cravens Advertising in Headingley for a year before joining 4AM in Horsforth before deciding to go freelance. “The industry has changed dramatically since I started out,” he says. “I began on a drawing board turning out work by hand before technology developed and I was working on a Mac. “Because of technology, we have seen a variety of roles compressed into just one over the years – that of designer, who not only needs to design for print, but also web and do finished artwork. “In some ways, the industry has been devalued and some of the traditional skill elements have gone, although new ones have also flourished. "The industry has become a lot more saturated and there is a lot

Page 3 Steve Green Role: Store manager Age: 39 Family: Married to Zoe with children Elliot, Mia, Kristian and Nicole Holidays: Ski-ing in Zell Am See, Austria Car: Smart Car for work First job: Junior finished artist with Charles Walls Advertising in Leeds Best thing about job: Seeing businesses succeed on the back of your help Worst thing about job: Tight deadlines Business tip: Make sure the customer always comes first

more competition," says Steve. "Bigger agencies are on the decline whilst smaller agencies are on the up. “But in some respects, customer service levels are higher because smaller agencies tend to look after their customers better. “If you get too big, your offer can get diluted.” Steve says the most recent recession has seen many companies cut their marketing budgets in a bid to reduce costs, but believes this is a false economy. “A recession is exactly the time firms should be investing more in marketing and being pro-active about

letting people know they are there," he says. “Their sales staff need the support of marketing or advertising campaigns to keep the awareness of their brand within the market place. “Marketing is a powerful tool if it is used correctly. “It is about building strong working relationships with customers, in order to get the most of out of their marketing budget, so they can achieve their business goals.”


Printing .com Work: Design, print and marketing Sites: Upperhead Row, Huddersfield Phone: 01484 452620 Email:


Page 4

Firms doing fewer deals MERGER and acquisitions activity in Yorkshire plunged during the fourth quarter of last year, latest figures have revealed. The number of transactions in the region during the quarter fell by 48% to 51 deals compared with 98 during the previous three months. A total of 299 deals were announced in 2009 as a whole – 38% down on the 2008 figure of 480. The total value of deals in Yorkshire fell by 56% during the fourth quarter to £232.9m from £525.7m. The annual figure was down by 80% to £1.58bn from £7.93bn in 2008. Nationally, mergers and acquisitions during the fourth quarter fell by 24.5% to 4,269 from 5,656 last time. The value of deals UK-wide rose by just 0.22% to £272.6bn. The largest deal for 2009 in Yorkshire was worth £341.3m while the number of mid-range deals – those worth £10m to £100m – fell by 45% from 11 to six in the fourth quarter and by 35% from 43 to 28 during 2009 as a whole.

Sponsors’ evening HUDDERSFIELD Town spread some seasonal cheer when the club staged a get-together for its sponsors. The event was held at Heritage Exchange, Heritage Mills, in Lindley and attracted more than 50 organisations. They included club sponsors Yorkshire Air Ambulance, Thornton and Ross, Thomas Cook, Hollybank Trust and Wilby Insurance. Team manager Lee Clark, club ambassador Andy Booth and several town directors also attended the event, which included a champagne reception and canapes. Town commercial director Sean Jarvis also gave an overview of the club’s activities during 2009, said: “It was the first time that we have done an end of year ‘do’ for sponsors and it is certainly something we’ll continue with because everyone had an excellent time.”

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Passing the stress test

A TRAINING company has launched a workshop to help “stressed-out” workers. Positive Days Training and Development, based neat Huddersfield and run by owner Jeanette Harkness, is aiming its “Wellbeing Workshop” at people who work in highly stressful jobs. The move comes in response to new guidelines on the mental wellbeing of employees issued by the National Institute for Clinical Excellence. The workshop can be delivered over a half or full day at an employer’s premises – or staff can escape the pressure of work and spend the day in the tranquil surroundings of the Positive Days Retreat, a rural farmhouse location in the Pennines. The NICE recommendations for employers include policies to ensure that employees experiencing stress can be identified early and offered support. Support could include coun-

selling or stress management training. Jeanette, a qualified teacher and hypnotherapist who has a background in providing training in the public and voluntary sectors, launched Positive Days in 2008 to provide a programme of courses covering areas such as personal development, stress management, dealing with aggression and effective team performance. She said: “Many of the people employed in the public sector have been facing increasingly challenging conditions at work which are leading to high levels of stress. “It is important that organisations recognise how acute these problems are and develop an effective way to deal with them.” Said Jeanette: “At Positive Days, we believe in helping people reach their full potential by changing the way they think and act. “Our new Wellbeing Workshop

■ TRAINING: Jeanette Harkness, of Positive Days

does this by teaching people a variety of techniques for reducing stress and by providing a supportive and relaxed environment conducive to developing the right mental approaches.”

Yorkshire workers are feeling the pressure WORKERS in Yorkshire are more stressed than anywhere else in the UK due to the ravages of the recession, according to new research from Yorkshire Bank. Almost a quarter of workers questioned in the Yorkshire Bank survey said their workplace stress levels have rocketed since the economic downturn started. Nearly two-thirds of Yorkshire workers – the highest figure in the country – said that the recession has made it far harder to balance their work and personal lives. Andy Davison, managing partner of Yorkshire Bank’s West Yorkshire Financial Solutions Centre, which covers Kirklees, said: “This survey shows that this recession has had a very real impact on our professional lives – even for those who have kept their jobs. “Many businesses have had to work extremely hard to ensure their survival and keep their workforce intact and – by prioritising their jobs over their private and family lives – West Yorkshire’s workers have shown great grit and determination. “It is important for economic

■ SUPPORT: Andy Davison, of Yorkshire Bank in West Yorkshire

recovery that West Yorkshire workers are focused on helping their business to survive. “However, it is essential that employers ensure they are offering their staff the necessary support to achieve a work-life balance that creates happy and productive employees.” The Yorkshire figures are higher than the UK average

where one in five workers believe the downturn has made them more stressed and 51% feel that the recession has made it harder to create an acceptable work-life balance. The survey showed that almost a quarter of employees claim to be working up to 11 hours more a week than they did before the onset of the recession.

Chance to join with the giants MAJOR companies are lining up to meet Yorkshire firms at the UK’s largest Meet the Buyer event in the spring. International giants including Siemens, Ford Europe, Wal-Mart and Aerospace Components will be represented at the event, which will take place on March 17 at the Great Yorkshire Show Ground in Harrogate. The event will provide an opportunity for more than 500 regional businesses with export potential to meet buyers actively looking for their products or services. International buyers signed up include ones from Mexico, Thailand, Germany, the USA, Brazil, India and South Korea in sectors including food and drink, engineering, digital and media, electronics, healthcare and construction. Theresa Lindsay, assistant director at Yorkshire Forward, said: “The international companies lined up for the event have a wide range of purchasing requirements, which means the opportunities for regional businesses are vast.” Register at www.tradeyorkshire. com/goingglobal10

Experts offer sound advice SUCCESSFUL business leaders will be in West Yorkshire this week to help young professionals and start-up companies achieve their goals. The Asian Business Development Network has joined forces with Business Link and Sharing the Success to stage Inspire to Success, a one-day event to be held from 9.30am to 2.30pm on Thursday at Leeds Metropolitan University. The day will provide an

opportunity for networking and meeting successful entrepreneurs as well as an exhibition featuring successful young business people. Speakers will include Amar Latif; founder of Traveleyes, an international tour operator catering to the blind; Saeeda Ahmed, the founder of Trescom, a social enterprise delivering equality and diversity training; and social entepreneur Deirdre Bounds (above). Spaces are limited to 200 people. Visit or phone 08455 048048.



Page 5

Firms set for healthy export drive to Dubai

COMPANIES from Kirklees and Calderdale are investigating export opportunities to the Middle East. H u d d e r s f i e l d f i r m P a x m a n C o o l e r s, Elland-based Drive Medical and Park House Healthcare in Birkenshaw are among Yorkshire healthcare technology firms attending a major exhibition, Arab Health 2010, in Dubai. Paxman Coolers, based at Fenay Bridge, will be showcasing its next generation of scalp coolers designed to reduce hair loss for cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. Drive Medical is attending the event for the second time – to seek new distributors for its products and strengthen relationships with key customers. And after celebrating 25 years in business, Park House Healthcare is taking its pressure care equipment to promote its products and meet with potential business partners. Arab Health 2010, which takes place over four days next week, is billed as the largest and most prestigious healthcare exhibition in the Middle East with more than 55,000 visitors.

It is viewed as an ideal platform for regional firms to highlight how their pioneering products are improving healthcare for patients around the world. It is estimated that the Middle East’s healthcare sector is growing at a rate of 16% a year – making it a key market for Yorkshire firms to target. Companies will be supported by Medilink Yorkshire and Humber – an organisation dedicated to the growth of the healthcare technologies sector – and government export support arm UK Trade & Investment. Charlotte Fraser, international manager at Medilink Y&H and organiser of the Yorkshire Pavilion at the show, said: “The UK enjoys an excellent trading relationship with countries across the Middle East, with sustained investment in health delivery reforms leading to the demand for the latest technologies and medicines. “This year, in a bid to further develop new trading collaborations, there are a wide range of pioneering companies at the exhibition showcasing the latest in cutting edge products and innovations.”

■ ARABIAN SIGHTS: Companies in Kirklees and Calderdale aim to drive up exports to the Middle East at next week’s Arab Health 2010 exhibition

Maximum benefits HEN looking at tax W planning for individuals to obtain the

maximum benefits, it is worth looking not just at husband and wife but also parents and children. Both husband and wife have the benefit of the Personal Allowance and the basic rate tax band. Transfers of assets between them are free of all taxes. It may be beneficial to review the assets of each spouse to see if transfers can be made from one to the other to ensure Personal Allowances are not wasted and basic rate tax bands are utilised as far as possible whilst at the same time mitigating the extent of any higher rate tax liabilities on the transferring spouse. This is important not just to avoid the 40% higher rate of tax which starts for those with income in excess of £43,785 but also for very high earners given that from April 6, 2010, they will gradually lose their entitlement to the Personal Allowance where income exceeds £100,000 and for those whose income is above £150,000 who will suffer the new 50% tax rate. However, due consideration should always be given to any commercial or other

TAX TALK Colin Barrett

risks in identifying such transactions. Where a sale of a capital asset is contemplated and a gain will be made consideration should be given to transferring an interest to the spouse so that two capital gains tax annual exemptions can be utilised rather than one. Where the asset is eligible for Entrepreneurs’ Relief, care will be needed for transfers between spouses to ensure that the valuable business relief is not lost. This will particularly apply to shares in family trading companies or on the disposal of shares in a company where only one spouse is an employee. Children under 18 also have their own Personal Allowances and tax bands but income from capital gifted by a parent is only taxable on a child if it does not exc e e d £ 1 0 0 g ro s s p e r annum. Otherwise it is tax-

able on the parent. Gifts from grandparents o r o t h e r r e l at i v e s a r e however taxable on the children no matter how big the income is. So if grandparents wish to help with educational costs it may well be appropriate for them to gift the money directly to the grandchildren rather than their parents so that any income is assessable on the grandchildren and would therefore be tax free up to the annual personal allowance. Where children work in the family business then payments could be made to them provided the amount is realistic for the work done. A tax deduction will be given to the business for the wages paid and would potentially be tax free in the hands of the child. As with any tax planning the important thing is to plan well in advance.

Colin Barrett is tax partner at Wheawill and Sudworth chartered accountants, Huddersfield

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Page 6

Painting firm provides gloss to trade figures

A PAINTING contractor with premises in Huddersfield has bucked the gloomy trend in the building sector to double turnover and recruit 400 more employees. Seddon Painting Ltd, which has a site at Almondbury Bank, has increased turnover from £25m to £53m from 2004 and increased employee numbers ffrom 600 to 1,000. Now the company has been rebranded as Seddon Property Services to reflect its long-standing success and significant advances into the property maintenance sector. Joint managing director Neil Hand said: “This is more than a name change, but reflects the natural development of the business. In recent years, we have seen the property maintenance aspect of the business grow, supported by a number of refurbishment contracts with leading housing associations across the UK – and a nationwide contract with Whitbread to maintain their Premier Inns. “The new name of Seddon Property Services better reflects the mix of the business, which will see the maintenance and refurbishment element represent 45% of our turnover in 2010.” Seddon Property Services has also invested heavily in staff development to ensure consistent delivery of quality work and customer

satisfaction. Seddon, which is based at Stoke-on-Trent, is investing £1m a year to deliver a fully-qualified workforce for the future. NVQ training has also been expanded to cover not only painting and decorating, but customer care and maintenance operations. Said Mr Hand: “All workers from apprentices to painters with 20 to 30 years in the trade are encouraged to continually improve their performance – and our purpose-built training centre in Stoke-on-Trent is recognised as one of the best in the industry. “Considerable focus has also been placed on information technology – with the aim of delivering outstanding customer service levels.” The company was recognised for its efforts last October when it would the Investors in Excellence standard. Investors in Excellence is the UK’s recognised standard for organisations who are able to demonstrate high standards across areas such as leadership, policy and strategy, customer and staff relations and training. Seddon Property Services is part of Seddon Group Ltd, one of Britain’s major privately owned construction companies, with an annual turnover in excess of £250m, which employs 1,750 people.

■ IDENTITY: Seddon Property Services joint managing directors Neil Hand (left) and Mark Brindle prepare for a new era as the company changes its name

commercial properties

14 st georges square, huddersfield hd1 1jf telephone 01484 558231/530361 -




£10,000 P/A

Single Storey 199.36m² (2,146ft²) ● Popular Leeds Road Corridor location ●

Close to M62

Motorway and

town centre ●

Good loading and



yard space

Single storey

3 Phase electricity

industrial units

3 Miles from


Huddersfield town




£7,250 PA

Modern Single Storey Industrial Unit ● 89.96m² (968ft²) ● Popular industrial location ●

Outskirts of town centre

Max. eaves 5.5m

Rateable value £5,300


FROM £7,500 PA

Retail units 20.72sqm (223sqft) and 155.33sqm (1,672sqft) ● Popular shopping centre ● ●

Recently refurbished ● Adjacent to Sainsburys ● On site car parking ●


£10,500 P/A

Retail property



(524sqft) ●


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Excellent window display



£30,000 PA

High quality refurbished offices

Dedicated car parking

268sqm (2,883sq ft) ● Prominent position on the outskirts of Honley ●

£8,500 PA

2ND Floor office accommodation ● 103.68sqm (1,116sq ft) ● Close to railway station ●




Quality offices

Grade II Listed

Lift access

Prominent location Opposite Railway Station ● Close to bus station and multistorey car park


£18,000 P/A


Office Accommodation 67.07m² 275.17m² (722ft² 2,962ft²) ● Attractive Grade II Listed Building


Retail shop with upper floors 116.87m² (1,258ft²) plus attic ● Town centre position

Close to Kingsgate Centre ● Secondary retail location ● Rateable value £10,750 ●

Former Hostel Premises 395sqm (4,250sqft) ● Site Area 0.13 Hectares (0.33 Acres) ●

Vacant Possession

Suitable for refurbishment

014 8 4 4 3 2 0 4 3 Retail


Standard House Sargeantson Street Huddersfield

Contact Jason Metcalfe or Philip Deakin

01484 432043 The Old Gatehouse

Cartwright Court Bradley Business Park Huddersfield

Offices Fitzwilliam House Fitzwilliam Street Huddersfield

Offices Rosemount House Huddersfield Road Elland





Sales area 482 sq ft

750 to 830 sq ft

1,520 to 8,200 sq ft

2,659 sq ft

Town centre retail unit within art deco building Close to municipal car parks, railway and bus stations Excellent return frontage and 786 sq ft store

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68 New North Road Huddersfield HD1 5NE

Ground floor newly refurbished open plan offices Ample on site car parking Within 1 mile of junction24 M62 Joint agent Walker Singleton

Joint agent Bramleys

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Colne Road, Huddersfield 90 m2 (970 sq ft)

Northgate, Almondbury

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The Wellington, 47 Wellington Street, Batley Busy market town centre pub with new 10 year lease & passing rent £25,000 pax


Yorkshire Bank YORKSHIRE Bank has appointed Martin Ibbetson as assistant regional director covering its business and private banking centres in Yorkshire. Mr Ibbetson, 52, has led Yorkshire Bank’s North Yorkshire financial solutions centre for two years. In his new role, he will work alongside Richard Norrington, whose appointment as successor to Kath Myers was announced in November. The two will cover Yorkshire and Clydesdale banks’ east region, which stretches from Newcastle to Norwich and will oversee the eight financial solutions centres in Yorkshire and the north-east – including the West Yorkshire FSC in Bradford. Mr Ibbetson (pictured) joined Yorkshire Bank from Leeds University in 1979 and worked his way up through roles in Barnsley, Leeds, Blackburn, Hanley, Darlington, Bradford, and Sheffield where he managed the South Yorkshire FSC for seven years. His appointment comes soon after Yorkshire Bank announced a further £10bn will be issued as loans during the next two years to support the economic recovery – including £2bn in Yorkshire. Yorkshire Bank’s six Yorkshire FSCs are in Bradford, Doncaster, Hull, Leeds, Sheffield and York.

David McCann

Millers Oils OILS and fuel treatments manufacturer Millers Oils has appointed David McCann as project manager at the company. Mr McCann (pictured) joins the Brighouse-based company after 18 years in corporate sales and marketing at global mineral producer Imerys. His appointment follows Millers’s acquisition of Falcon Lubricants last November. In his new role, Mr McCann will help integrate Falcon Lubricants into the Millers business as well as redesigning the company website to boost online sales. Steve Woollven, sales and marketing director at Millers Oils, said: “We are delighted to welcome David to the Millers Oils team and we are sure that the experience he will bring to the company will be of great benefit when driving projects forward in 2010. “It’s been a difficult year for the manufacturing sector, but we have continued to push forward with extension plans and as a result we are in a strong position going forward into next year.”

Amanda Mathie

Pilgrims Group SECURITY and risk management company Pilgrims Group has appointed Amanda Mathie as regional sales managsr covering Yorkshire. Ms Mathie (pictured) joins the Warrington-based team to lead the northern region following an increase in requests for risk and security services from businesses based in Yorkshire, the north-east and the north-west. She has gained extensive experience working with a broad range of companies, from multi-nationals to small and medium-sized firms and has direct experience of working in operational security and business development management roles.

Movers and shakers

Page 8

Something’s cooking at 10!

A 1950s-style pin-up has provided the icing on the cake for Huddersfield-based branding agency 10 Associates. The Bradley-based agency came up with the glamorous image (right) for client Fanny’s Cupcakes to promote the confectionery firm’s range of “shamelessly indulgent” cupcakes. A spokeswoman said: “We’ve spent the past several months working with Fanny’s Cupcakes founders Debbie Shaw and Hannah Beaumont to capture the true 1950's essence of Fanny and to create a brand that will bring the beautifully baked produce to our lips. “This is the first stage in what we envisage to be fantastic life for Fanny!” The agency provides branding, consultancy, digital and online design services, advertising, packaging, literature, direct mail and exhibitions. Its clients range from local companies

such as Standard Fireworks and Rowan Yarns to BhS, Bulmers, wallpaper brand Graham & Brown, Morrisons, Dunelm and Scottish Distillers. Among other recent contracts, 10 Associates – led by founders David Worthington and Jill Peel – has created a new website for Companion Care, the vet partners at retail chain Pets at Home. The agency was given the task of creating a site to appeal to customers and vets. There are currently 52 vet practices in Pets at Home. One aim of the website is to help recruit another 100. Among the highlights of a busy 2009, the award-winning agency launched Brandschool to offer companies half-day or full-day courses explaining the principles of building a brand identity to turn their products or services into household names.

Sweet deal at Cleckheaton

■ CANDY MEN: Steve Roberts (left), of BTG McInnes, with Andy Needham, of Morris & Son A SECOND sweet manufacturer has been snapped up by growth-hungry wholesaler Morris & Son – just weeks after it acquired traditional sweet manufacturer, Stockley’s Sweets. The £15m turnover Leeds-based wholesaler has acquired the assets and goodwill of Sweet Luxuries, a specialist sugar-free sweet manufacturer based in Cleckheaton, which supplies products under the Sugarless brand. The acquisition also marks the arrival of confectionery industry veteran Brian Siron to the business, further strengthening the Stockley’s business. The deal, which was structured by BTG McInnes Corporate Finance in Leeds, sees parent company Morris and Son take ownership of the Cleckheaton operation and secures the future of 15 employees. “The acquisition will add more than £1m sales in the coming year, but more importantly adds additional industry expertise to our new Stockley’s subsidiary,” said Andy Needham, of

Morris & Son. “Brian Siron has been involved in sweet manufacturing for over 30 years – running his own businesses and setting up manufacturing plants for some of the biggest names in the industry. His knowledge of product development, manufacturing techniques and the wider marketplace per se will vastly strengthen the Stockley’s business.” The deal marks a big change in fortunes for Stockley’s Sweets which was in administration just four months ago, and whose future was secured when Morris and Son stepped in to bring the firm into the growing wholesale group. “These businesses will all benefit from working together and we remain open to opportunities to continue the growth by acquisition of the right businesses,” said Steve Roberts, of BTG McInnes who negotiated the deal of the business from its previous owners. The combined group now has factories in Cleckheaton and Accrington as well as three depots. In total, it employs 95 staff.

Get into top gear BANKING customers in Kirklees have been invited to nominate good causes to benefit from a £250,000 charity fund. Spanish banking giant Santander has launched the new charity scheme to mark the rebrand of its Abbey and Bradford & Bingley businesses to the Santander name. Formula 1 racing driver Lewis Hamilton waved the flag to get the Community Chest scheme under way. The bank wants its newly-acquired customers across the Pennines to decide which charities should benefit in their local areas. The scheme will allow customers to support local charities by voting every time they visit their branch between now and February 26 – with the aim of strengthening relationships in communities served by Santander and help to make raise the profile of charitable organisations. Christianne Carrick, community relations manager at Santander, said: “The Community Chest is a great example of Santander working together with its customers to support the charities that are important to them. “It’s part of Santander’s ongoing commitment to local communities, with over £5 million donated to good

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