Click start your career with Kirklees Council We advertise over 100 great jobs most weeks. Visit our website You can also obtain our weekly Vacancy Bulletin in your local Library and Information Centre, main council receptions and Job Centres.
Make the most of employment opportunities at the Jobs Zone The ‘Jobs Zone’ at the Dewsbury and Huddersfield Real Help Now recession events will provide help on making the most of any employment opportunities you may have spotted, and generally provide assistance on how to tackle the job opportunities during these recessionary times. Help will be on hand from Jobcentre Plus, Kirklees Council, the NHS and Voluntary Action Kirklees. Whilst the emphasis will be upon the provision of recruitment advice – the Council’s Cleaning and Catering Service will be recruiting to relief catering and cleaning posts. These jobs are family friendly, local, offer excellent hourly rates and many are term time only, with good prospects and training. If you wish to apply for other specific Council jobs that are being advertised at the time and have relevant experience, it will be possible to support your application in order to increase the chance of being offered an interview. If a health problem and/or a disability or other barriers to finding work affect any jobs for which you would like to apply – help will be on hand from Worklink – the Council’s service for sup-
porting people into employment. In the event that any welfare benefits may affect your situation, Benefits Advisors will be available to help you assess the impact of various employment options. In October, the Council, with the support of Jobcentre Plus will be offering temporary work experience jobs for 18 to 24 year olds who receive job seekers allowance (for at least 39 weeks) and meet certain other eligibility criteria. Information will be available about how to find out more about these opportunities and members of the Council’s Young Employees Network will be available to talk to you about what the Council offers for younger employees. The remit of the Network is to help recruit and retain young employees – and the Network is active in encouraging young people to take advantage of any work experience or apprenticeships that the Council has to offer. Jobcentre Plus will be able to advise you upon the support available to find employment, skill update and other sessions designed to improve the move back into employment.
New Jobcentre Plus Welcome to a new modernised Jobcentre Plus. With unemployment rising, many customers are facing the need to claim Jobseekers Allowance for the first time in a long time. Many people still have visions of Jobcentres as portrayed in the Full Monty film. But in Huddersfield, Dewsbury, Batley, Spen Valley and all across the region all our Jobcentres have been completely transformed and modernised. Today’s Jobcentres are modern and bright, with computerised jobpoints that Jobseekers can use to easily search for jobs by occupation and area. But it isn’t just the environment that has changed. The procedures for making a claim and ‘signing on’ have been simplified and we have increased staffing and streamlined processes to deal with greater numbers of claims. Jobcentre Plus offers help and support to everyone There is no typical person seeking help and Jobcentre Plus provides customers with the level of assistance that is appropriate to them. Jobcentre Plus advisers work with individuals to provide information about any financial help that may be available, and how they can use their skills and experience to find suitable employment. The Rapid Response Service (RRS) In Huddersfield, Dewsbury, Batley and Spen Valley the Rapid Response service is available to any individual losing their job through redundancy and help includes the following: A Skills Transfer Analysis to help identify individual transferable skills and training needs relevant to the local labour market Job Focused Training to assist individuals with appropriate training and certification linked to employment or self employment Action Fund to cover initial expenses for individual facing financial barriers to employment, self employment or retraining. Providing information about other jobs within the labour market, matching redundant workers
to known vacancies, helping them to draw up their CV, improve their job search skills, and provide general information about benefits and making a claim. Work Trials Work Trials are a Jobcentre Plus initiative – the customer gets to do the job for a few weeks to see if it is something they would like to do more permanently, without losing any of their benefits. The advantage to the employer is that they get to see if the person is suitable for the job without having to pay them or employ them on a formal contract. The Six Month Offer Since April, everyone reaching six months claiming Jobseekers’ Allowance receives extra support from our advisers. This involves regular extended meetings to discuss with customers a range of work and training options which they may be able to access. These include: Money and support for customers to set up their own business Cash for employers who recruit and train unemployed people - up to £2,500 (£500 when the person starts, £500 after 6 months and a further £1500 to cover any training they may need) Training to improve skills to get a job The chance to do volunteer work while looking for a job (without it affecting their benefits). So if you have recently been made redundant and need to make a claim for Jobseekers’ Allowance call 0800 055 6688, lines are open between 8am and 6pm. During the call we will ask you to provide information including: your National Insurance number details about your rent or mortgage details of your past or present employer, and details of other income and savings. During this call an appointment will be made for you at your local Jobcentre Plus office, usually within a few days of your call.
Time on your hands?
Worried about finding work?
Volunteering can help you get to where you want to be It’s a great way to: • Boost your skills • Improve your confidence • Give you the chance to try a few things • Gain training and qualifications
I started volunteer ing few years ago. It did work a lea getting a job as a lun d to me chtime supervisor . . . and hope the end of it get a ca fully at re youth or community er in work Katie Thewlis from Rawthorpe
Volunteering is simply giving your time to do something useful Hundreds of organisations in Kirklees need your help. Whatever your skills and experience there is something you can do. To find out more contact Volunteering Kirklees or have a look at all of our vacancies are on the national database. Call Volunteering Kirklees on 01484 226608 or drop by and see us: Dewsbury Library on Thursday 10-1pm Cleckheaton Age Concern on Tuesday 10-12.30pm Huddersfield Volunteer Centre, Monday to Wednesday 10-3pm
Could you be paying less rent and council tax? You could get help with your council tax and rent Housing benefit and council tax benefit could help reduce how much you pay towards your rent and council tax. You may be entitled to these benefits if you are on a low income, even if you own your own home or are working.
How do I apply? It’s so easy You can either use our benefit calculator to estimate if you qualify for any help at or you can download a form. It’s simple to apply. Just complete one form telling us whether you want housing benefit, council tax benefit or both, give us the evidence we ask for and we’ll do the rest. Don’t delay as we can only pay you from the date we receive your form.
Where can I find out more? You can find out more about housing benefit and council tax benefit from our website at or call us on 01484 414950
Real Help Now from Business Link Business Link Yorkshire is pleased to be supporting the Real Help Now events in Dewsbury and Huddersfield, where we will be on hand to offer information and advice on all aspects of running a business and how to start up on your own. We are the central point of information and advice for all businesses in Yorkshire and Humber, no matter what their size or stage of development, and for those thinking of starting up on their own. Our services are free and impartial. Our customer information centre and website provide a wealth of information for would-be entrepreneurs and trading businesses: from information packs and 2-hour free desk research through to local free specialist events. If more in-depth help is needed our experienced business advisers work with companies and starting businesses on a one-to-one basis; identifying issues and working together to develop solutions, either through Business Link’s services or by recommending and referring you to expert support.
“Our services are free and impartial.’’ We also have an extensive free events and workshops programme for starting and established businesses, at a venue near you. Our events and workshops for starting businesses and would-be entrepreneurs cover the basics of VAT and business planning for anyone planning to launch a social enterprise there are workshops designed to give information on the whole spectrum of possibilities to help them choose the best route. First of all though, we start by exploring with you whether self-employment is for you What it means to start a business and what is required. How to avoid the pitfalls and grab opportunities. We will provide you with the opportunity to network with other like-minded people in your area. We also organise more specific events, targeted around specific topics. For example, research shows that there are 4.7 million small businesses in the UK and over 2.5 million are
people working from home. Many people who choose the home option, share common issues so Business Link Yorkshire is running a series of workshops between October and December 2009 in your area. These events will help you through the benefits and pitfalls of home-based work and show you how to make the most of the work life balance. For trading businesses our services are targeted to help them survive and thrive. We all work in increasingly competitive environments and face a wide range of opportunities and challenges on a daily basis. Successful businesses face up to those challenges and maximise those opportunities. They consider situations from alternative perspectives to improve business performance. We work with businesses to help them do just that. Whatever your venture, Business Link Yorkshire can help discover and develop your potential for growth and increased competitiveness in a number of areas, such as innovation and product development, e-business and effective use of technology, sales and market development, development of international markets, management and workforce development, and access to finance and investment readiness. Whatever your business enquiry, come and talk to us at the Real How Now events in Dewsbury and Huddersfield. For more information about Business Link’s services and events call 0845 6 048 048 or go to
ARE YOU SETTING UP A BUSINESS OR AN EXISTING BUSINESS? I’ve had a great business idea, who can advise me on starting up?
Do you need help with regulations?
If so, we can offer you free regulatory advice The Kirklees Business Partnership is a network of organisations that regulates business. Our aim is to make it easier for businesses to understand and comply with regulations. Our network includes various council regulators (such as Environmental Services, Environmental Waste, Planning & Building Control & Licensing); regional regulators (such as West Yorkshire Trading Standards, West Yorkshire Fire) and national regulators (such as HM Revenue & Customs, Health & Safety Executive, Environment Agency)
At Business Link we understand that the difficult economic climate means we’re living in uncertain times. That’s why, whether you’re struggling with financial concerns, trying to cope with slow sales, dealing with staffing issues or maybe thinking of starting up on your own, you can get FREE advice and even a FREE business health check at Business Link.
We produce a bi-annual newsletter, organise events and provide a free helpline (01484 226699) for any regulatory queries you may have
Come and see us in the Business Zone or give us a call on 01484 226699 Making regulations work for your business
Keep healthy during the recession IT’S easy to turn to comfort eating, stay at home, stop being active and worry during times of financial hardship. But with rising obesity levels in Kirklees and concerns over people’s mental health and wellbeing, it’s important that you don’t make healthy eating and physical activity a low priority. NHS Kirklees - the leader of the local NHS - is committed to working with others to achieve the best health and well being for all the people of Kirklees. During the recession, the NHS and Council can give you lots of support to help you make the right health choices. A healthy diet doesn’t need to be expensive and can even save you money. Cooking meals from scratch can be cheaper and healthier than eating processed food or ready meals. They can be prepared in large batches, frozen, and then simply reheated for a cheaper, healthier option that is just as convenient as a ready meal. If fresh produce is too expensive, you can still get your 5-A-DAY by eating tinned or frozen fruit and vegetables. Snacks, such as crisps and chocolate, can also be replaced with healthier alternatives, such as bananas or apples. Keeping active doesn’t need to cost a lot and you could visit Kirklees Active Leisure sports facilities where you can swim4free if you are under 16 or over 60, or pay on the day to use the fitness suite or do an activity session. Going for a walk or a run won’t cost you a penny and you can take in some of the district’s beautiful open spaces. You might even want to join a walking group or a running club. A healthy diet and regular exercise is also good for your mental health and overall wellbeing. Financial difficulties, being unemployed or the prospect of losing your job can all cause anxiety and stress. Things like being more active, facing your fears and not drinking too much are just some of the things you can do to help yourself. If you are worried call the NHS Credit Crunch
Stressline (0300 123 2000) or speak to your GP, who might be able to help by explaining stress management techniques or arranging counselling and talking therapies. For information on services available to people with a mental health need contact Gateway to Care on 01484 223000 or email
Other cost saving behaviours you might consider in the recession are: Quitting smoking – the NHS has support groups to help you do this. Call 01484 344285 for the Huddersfield area or 01924 351498 for the Dewsbury/Batley/Spenborough area. Breastfeeding your baby instead of buying formula milk - there are a number of “baby cafes” or “baby bistros” offering support to mums who want to feed their baby’s naturally. Surestart Children’s Centres are also a valuable source of support and information for families with children under five which can offer childcare and learning as well as child and family health services. For more information contact NHS Kirklees on 01484 466172 or 01484 466214 or visit the “your health” section at or or
Save money now
NHS Kirklees…
We can give you:
o p s s a Kirklees P
Save money on sport, courses, car parking, driving lessons, DVD loan and much more with your Kirklees Passport. If you or your family receive council tax benefit or housing benefit or other benefits you may be eligible for a Kirklees Passport. Call in at your local library or council reception point for an application form.
Tel: 01484 234056
• Advice on cooking healthy meals on a budget • Information on low cost or FREE ways to be more active • Support to keep positive during the difficult times • A FREE Expert Patient Programme to manage your long term condition • FREE help to stop smoking
Seek help, support and advice from your local NHS
For more information Call our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) on 01484 466172 or 01484 466214 or visit the ‘your health’ section at
NHS Kirklees… working together to achieve the best health and well-being for all the people of Kirklees
eatwell 4
Help and advice for young people in Kirklees The Young People's Service (YPS) is responsible for youth and recreation programmes for children and young people as set out in the Kirklees Children and Young People Plan. Quality standards are applied through Ofsted, Joint Area Review (JAR) of Childrens Service Authorities and other quality standards for specific areas of YPS activity. YPS also runs community recreation, play and junior youth club programmes and outdoor activity programmes. YPS delivers both directly and through partnership training programmes for senior members, part time workers, adult volunteers and
• •
voluntary sector youth organisations. YPS plays an active part in developing and strengthening services for young people across Kirklees. IYCE (Involving Young Citizens Equally) works with a range of agencies and services to enhance the influence of children and young people on democratic decision-making and service design and evaluation. It does this by working with adults as well as with the children and young people. YPS has made a significant contribution to the Every Child Matters agenda and will play a major part in Kirklees with the implementation of the government’s new agenda for youth services as set out in the Youth Matters (2005) and Youth Matters – Next Steps (2006) which has seen the advent of the Youth Opportunity and Youth Capital Funds in Kirklees and the creation of Integrated Youth Support Services. YPS is a key partner in developing a localised Connexions Service and currently manages one of the largest Positive Activities for Young People (PAYP) programmes in England. Mission The Kirklees Young People’s Service is committed to securing high quality leisure and informal learning opportunities for young people in Kirklees. We plan our work and evaluate our programmes by applying the five key outcomes as set out in the Every Child Matters Framework. Values The work of the YPS, both directly and through partnerships, will: *Be young person centred *Be accountable to an overall quality assurance framework for all areas of service through a range of QA processes *Be effective in developing working relationships with partners *Be open, inclusive yet dynamic in making service decisions and developing action plans *Recognise the needs of the “whole” young person, whether learning, recreation, community involvement, relationships, good health or shelter and transport. *Respect community and cultural identity and
IMPROVE YOUR JOB PROSPECTS AND GET QUALIFIED Are you… • Currently unemployed? • Looking for a career change? • Pursuing a promotion? • Returning to learn after a long time out of education? • A school leaver?
Then enrolling at college could really give your future a boost. Study to gain new skills and get those all important qualifications for that dream job. Dewsbury Centre: 08450 760 225
Huddersfield Centre: 0500 162 100
diversity *Support intervention and prevention as part of a strategy for equality of opportunity, focusing where relevant on those young people who are disadvantaged for a variety of reasons *Support work with young people that is of
high quality and seek to address weakness through advice, training and support *Monitor and evaluate work with young people against agreed targets and outcomes and according to agreed service plans to ensure effective work and good value for the resources used.
• Travel Expenses • Up to 16 hours a week flexible tuition
Call this number now:
0845 074 2902 To find out more
Courses are currently available in: Retail • Business Administration Hospitality and Catering • Care
Front line skills from Direct Training “Show us your past and we will help you discover your future’’ For many years, Direct Training has been providing front line skills training. It has recently expanded its provision and has a network of 11 excellent West Yorkshire delivery centres. The Company prides itself on helping people to improve their skills and become confident and capable in their working life - giving jobseekers an opportunity to find that next step. Direct Training encourages learners to adopt a positive mindset and is helping people to become part of the recovery rather than be a victim of the recession. Where previously jobseekers may go to a recruitment agency to seek work, they are now realising that the market is slow and are making best use of their time by approaching a skills trainer, such as Direct Training, to support them. Plus Direct Training work hard to establish employer partnerships to give our learners real opportunities to find work. A period of unemployment can be an excellent opportunity to assess skills and abilities to see whether these can be transferred to other work situations. A positive approach such as this can help a jobseeker widen their search area for work. Our ethos is “show us your past, and we will help you discover your future”. The Company
works with learners to help them identify opportunities and jobs they would not normally apply for. It believes that thinking outside the box and assessing what you can do, rather than what you have done, is the best way to discover new opportunities and is a good starting point for any unemployed learner. Qualification levels delivered start at Entry 1 and go up to Level 2. Subjects include Employability, Numeracy, Literacy and ESOL (English as a Second Language). Many parts of the programme are delivered through IT so this also gives a learner the opportunity to refresh this important skill for employment. In a recent employer survey, 82% of hiring managers said they would look to recruit someone with a qualification in Maths or English first. If jobseekers would like to get qualified and improve their chances of finding a job, all they need to do is call 01484 484333 for Huddersfield or 01924 504620 for Dewsbury. Our courses are free to anyone claiming benefit and learners could be eligible for some travel expenses and training allowance. The Company aims to help 2000 learners across West Yorkshire to gain more skills and get ready for employment as the recovery continues.
Real help now with keeping your home and a roof over your head When money is tight, keeping a roof over your head is a top priority. Here is some advice we’ve put together to help people in Kirklees who face difficult financial choices because of the local effects of the global recession. See also Who can help: The Kirklees Council Housing Options and Support Service may be able to help. We can provide advice and support about housing options including information about applying for a council home, renting from a private landlord and preventing homelessness We can assess your housing need, including if you are homeless or at risk of homelessness and provide temporary accommodation for some homeless households. We may be able to help you get a private rented property and we also provide support to young people aged 16 – 25. We can provide advice on any benefits you are entitled to or rights you have to stay in your property. Even if you are faced with court proceedings to take your home from you there may still be solutions available to prevent this from happening. An owner occupier came to us as his mortgage company were starting to take court action to repossess his home. We looked at his monthly spending and income, along with the Citizens Advice Bureau and advised him how to cut his bills and gave him information about benefits he should have been receiving. By negotiation with the lender his mortgage payment was reduced, his monthly outgoings were cut by a further £100 which meant he could stay in his own home.
Real help now with your housing costs If you are worried about paying your mortgage or your rent the first thing you should do is talk to your lender or landlord, ignoring the problem will not make it go away. They might be able to help you by agreeing new payment arrangements. If you are on Income Support you may also be entitled to help towards your mortgage payment. If you are a tenant and on benefits or have a low income, you might be able to get help with paying your rent from housing benefits. Housing Options and Support Service can advise you on these matters, do not be afraid to ask - it may save your home. In certain circumstances there are some new schemes that may be able to help you: Breathing Space – a secured interest free loan of up to £15K for home owners who are experiencing severe but short term/temporary mortgage repayment difficulties. The Repossession Prevention Fund will soon be available to provide interest free loans of up to £5K to prevent homelessness for those with small amounts of m o r t g ag e o r r e n t arrears The National M o r t g a g e Re s c u e Scheme for people with major debt problems. You can contact us at: Civic Centre 3, High Street, Huddersfield, HD1 2PR – tel 01484 221350 or D ew s bu r y Tow n Hall, Town Hall Way, Dewsbury WF12 8DG – tel 01924 324310 or email us at housing.options@kirklees.
Are you struggling to keep your home ?
ow elp n
Real h
Help is at hand –
contact Kirklees Council Housing Options and Support Service Huddersfield – 01484 221350 Dewsbury – 01924 324310 or email
Housing Options and Support Service Providing help and advice to prevent you becoming homeless
Real help now FREE drop in events - helping you deal with recession Dewsbury Sports Centre
12 noon - 8pm on Wednesday 16 September J6 J7 J8
J3 J2
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M10 M9
B1 B2
Money & your home
B3 B4
B5 B6 B7 B8
M1 M2 M3 M4 M5
Huddersfield Sports Centre 12 noon - 8pm on Monday 21 September J1
L6 B1
L4 L3
B5 B6
B7 B8 B9
J7 J8
J10 L2 L1
Health Zone Business
B3 B4
L8 L7
J3 J4
Money & Your Home M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6
Business Link Yorkshire Business and Enterprise Centres, Kirklees Council 'build', Kirklees Council Business Rates Team, Kirklees Council Kirklees Markets HM Revenue & Customs Kirklees Business Partnership Better Health at Work, Kirklees Council Learn to Plaster-Huddersfield event only
Health Zone
B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9
J1 J2 J3 J4 J5 J6 J7 J8 J9 J10
Who'll be there?
M10 M9 M8 M7
L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9
Direct Training Employment Links Jobcentre Plus A4E Pathways to Work West Yorkshire Homeworking Unit Social Care Careers Voluntary Action Kirklees NHS - Jobs Worklink Kirklees Council Kirklees Council Calderdale and Kirklees Careers The University of Huddersfield Kirklees College Neighbourhood Learning Kirklees Young People's Service National Apprenticeship Service BEST A4E Direct Training
Money & Your Home
M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M10 M11
Gateway to Care Kirklees Benefits Advice Service Housing Options & Support Service CHAS Housing Advice Service Kirklees Neighbourhood Housing Revenues and Benefits Kirklees Citizens Advice / Kirklees Law Centre Department for Work and Pensions Castle & Minster Credit Union Ltd Stop Loan Sharks Kirklees Passport Health Zone NHS Kirklees, Kirklees Council, Kirklees Active Leisure