1 minute read
The Will to live
Philanthropy: noun
1. The effort or inclination to increase the wellbeing of humankind, as by charitable aid or donations.
2. Love of humankind in general.
The word philanthropist may not sit comfortably with Janine Flatt, but it describes her perfectly. As in so many cases, a tragic bereavement – the death of her husband – was the catalyst for Janine’s decision to donate to medical research. But that’s just a reflection of the spirit that inspired it – the love of humankind in general.
As an African-American US military veteran, Bruce Hall never knew he was in a high-risk group for stomach cancer
“I’m not a millionaire and there are other diseases I could have donated to, but stomach cancer is so much more prevalent than I’d realised, and I know my donation will make a difference.”
Janine Flatt, donor
linked to gastric bacteria (H.pylori) infection. Even when he was diagnosed with H.pylori infection in April 2017, there was no mention of increased cancer risk.
So, no-one expected this fit, nonsmoking teetotaller to succumb to the disease at the age of 64. Piling stress on top of Janine’s grief, Bruce died without a Will, leaving Australian-born Janine alone in the USA, with a lengthy and draining legal process to settle his affairs.
So, when Janine heard about Dr Richard Ferrero’s research at Hudson Institute into precisely this condition, she decided a donation from Bruce’s estate was an effective and appropriate way to help others avoid a similar fate.

Janine is in good company, too – another significant funder of this research is the US government itself.
“I felt so strongly about this link between H.pylori and cancer, and then to find out it’s so prevalent among people just like
The microscope, with a plaque in Jessica’s memory, was unveiled in late 2022 in the Centre for Cancer Research in a touching ceremony attended by the Lindner family.

Now, as well as their cherished memories of a daughter and sister, Jessica’s family have an enduring legacy in her name that they know will bring treatments and cures for rare childhood cancers closer to reality.
Bruce, I wanted to make a difference if could,” Janine said.
“It is good to hear the US Dept of Defense look beyond their immediate shores to fund and utilise the research skills of those at Hudson Institute.”
Now living back in Australia, unsurprisingly, one of the first things Janine asks people is: “Do you have a Will?”