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FEATURES 14 GETTING REAL Hobokenites on reality shows 30 HOLISTIC HEALTH Alternative treatments 34 WRITE ON! Hoboken authors 42 GALLERY MANIA Art all over 54 LOOKING UP! Beautiful cornices 60 WEST SIDE STORY Library upgrades


62 HOW WE LIVE House proud

22 WORKING OUT WITH— Theresa Howard

70 HOW WE WORK Small businesses

38 ON THE WATERFRONT The Boathouse

74 SOUNDING OFF Todd books


75 VANISHING Manual elevator


76 DATES What’s goin’ on



78 WATERING HOLES The Stewed Cow

Cover Photo by Terri Saulino Bish Alyssa Bredin rides the bull 82 EATERIES San Giuseppe 85 07030 DISH Restaurant listings

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CONTRIBUTORS 07030 TODD ABRAMSON is co-owner of Maxwell’s and books the talent for this legendary Hoboken night spot.

MELISSA ABERNATHY is a Hoboken-based communications consultant, who serves as communications and volunteer coordinator for the Hoboken Historical Museum. She began her career as a reporter and editor with a business travel magazine.

ARLENE PHALON BALDASSARI has worked as an actress, for a literary agency and book publisher, and in the restaurant industry. She lives in Hoboken with her husband Mike and daughter Sophie.



TERRI SAULINO BISH began her career as a graphic designer and digital artist. Expanding into the area of photography, she not only creates images but captures them with her camera. Her work has appeared in many publications, including Best of Photography. Her art currently includes digital paintings and photos that can be viewed at tbishphoto.com.

ALYSSA BREDIN is a recent graduate of Saint Peter’s College, Jersey City, with a degree in graphic arts. She is pursuing a career in photography. Her work can be seen at tbishphoto.com.




is a freelance writer, Jersey girl, and paramour of concrete and trees. A graduate of Lehigh University and former staff writer for The Hudson Reporter, she lives, works, and plays in her beloved Jersey City. For more info, visit lanarosediaz.com.

STEFANIE JACKOWITZ is a Hoboken writer whose work has appeared in AM New York, Millburn-Short Hills Magazine, Suburban Essex magazine, and online at Glide Magazine and Cinema Blend. You can follow her at www.stefaniejackowitz.wordpress.com.

AMANDA PALASCIANO is a former staff writer for the Hoboken Reporter. In addition to her many writing gigs, she has also held jobs in acting, modeling, music, and public relations.





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has studied publication design, graphic design, and photography. “I’ve been fascinated by photo-graphy for 18 years,” he says. One of his jobs as a construction project manager is to photograph job sites.


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SPRING & SUMMER 2013 Vo l u m e 2 • N u m b e r 1 Published every Spring & Fall A Publication of The Hudson Reporter

PUBLISHERS Lucha Malato, David Unger EDITOR IN CHIEF Kate Rounds GRAPHICS STAFF Terri Saulino Bish, Lisa M. Cuthbert Alyssa Bredin Mike Mitolo Pasquale Spina Patricia Verano COPYEDITING Christopher Zinsli ADVERTISING MANAGER Tish Kraszyk SENIOR ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES Toni Anne Calderone, Ron Kraszyk ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES Joseph Calderone, Jay Slansky CIRCULATION MANAGER Roberto Lopez CIRCULATION Luis Vasquez ACCOUNTING Christine Caraballo

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8 • 07030 HOBOKEN — SPRING & SUMMER 2013

07030 Hoboken is published two times a year by the Hudson Reporter Associates, L.P., 1400 Washington St., Hoboken, New Jersey 07030, (201) 798-7800, Fax (201) 798-0018. Email 07030@hudsonreporter.com. Subscriptions are $10 per year, $25 for overseas, single copies are $7.50 each, multiple copy discounts are available. VISA/MC/AMEX accepted. Subscription information should be sent to 07030 Hoboken Subscriptions, 1400 Washington St., Hoboken, NJ 07030. Not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts or other unsolicited materials. Copyright ©2013, Hudson Reporter Associates L.P. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission is prohibited.

07030 Hoboken is a publication of The Hudson Reporter Associates, L.P. 1400 Washington Street, Hoboken, New Jersey 07030 phone 201.798.7800 • fax 201.798.0018 e-mail: 07030@hudsonreporter.com 07030hoboken.com



Hazy Maybe, Lazy Maybe Not One spring evening, I was riding on the 126 going up Washington Street during the rush hour. In front of me was an Indian woman with her two little kids—a boy and girl—who asked her, “Mommy, what are Girl Scout cookies?” I thought it was a great question for kids embarking on the multicultural journey that is Hoboken. Their mother’s response was more wonderful still: “Magic biscuits.” What makes Hoboken magical is the wide range of people who raise kids here, find homes, work, shop, and take part in all the town has to offer. In summer, no matter how old we are, we still get that school-vacation feel. Summer’s fleeting days are filled with the nostalgic song of the ice cream truck and the briny scent of the Hudson. Check out our calendar, and you’ll see so many events that take place outside, on the waterfront—concerts, plays, festivals, and much more. In this issue, we tell you about kayaking and stand-up paddling sponsored by the Hoboken Community boat house. This is the perfect season for just walking up and down our tree-lined streets—and looking up. That’s right, have you ever looked at the cornices that grace some of our historic brownstones? Read about them in this issue. Arlene Phalon Baldassari covers the gallery scene and talks to the many Hobokenites who have been on reality shows. Lana Rose Diaz looks into the revitalizing world of holistic health, and Stefanie Jackowitz talks to hairdressers about the close and confidential bonds they have with clients. This issue of 07030 is as diverse as the town it covers.—07030

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Still Church Still Preaching Dynamic, passionate preaching straight from the Bible still brings more lasting change than comedy routines drama or motivational talks. Come discover the benefit of Bible preaching.

Still Reverent Casual is all the rage in American institutions, but God deserves better. While you won’t find a judgmental spirit here, you will find a place that still believes reverence is right for the presence of God.

Still Family Our culture’s experiments with the family have left the America home in a mess. We still teach the biblical roles for the family as the best answer and as our only hope for stable, fulfilled homes.

Still Hymns Most church music amounts to dumbing down the lyrics and crancking up the volume to build interest. The hymns we sing still generate an attitude toward God that is anything but lifeless and boring.

Still Exciting God doesn’t need the Top 40 or the latest fads to be exciting. We still enjoy several timeless practices that stir the soul in a way that strobe lights and dancing in the aisles can never manufacture.

Life feels like a balancing act, doesn’t it? The strain of managing your career, personal relationships, finances, your health and family, can make you feel stretched so thin that it seems as though you could literally snap! I have felt that strain myself. It was because of my faith and a strong local church that my family and I were able to anchor during these storms of life. Now I have the humble honor and privilege to be called by God to pastor a church that can do the same for you. I do not claim to have all the answers, but what I can offer you is a promise to direct you to the One who does. Jesus Christ. If you are searching for that “something missing,” or life’s trials have left you feeling empty or afraid, I’d be honored if you would come and meet me and the church that God is building here in Hoboken. –Pastor Rizzo

For service times and location, please visit CityBaptist.com As seen in the previous issue of 07030




Mon – Fri: 9am-9pm Sat: 9am-6pm


900 Willow Ave I Hoboken I 201-659-4992 07030 HOBOKEN — SPRING & SUMMER 2013 •


s e t u n i M n e e t f i F Your oken residents star in reality TV Hob




he first time it happened was in 1993. I loved Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, and as I watched one night, the Fab Five worked their magic on a guy who lived only a few blocks from my apartment. I’ll admit to a little thrill as I saw my bus stop on TV. Fast-forward 10 years, and now it doesn’t surprise me at all to recognize a storefront or restaurant interior, or to see a camera crew on Washington Street. It seemed that an inordinate number of people from our neighborhood have been featured on reality shows. What is it about the Hoboken area that attracts these shows? And how do they choose who will be on them? The most obvious answer to the first question is financial. Production companies based in New York looking for an atmosphere other than Manhattan don’t have to travel far to get a different state, with a different look and feel from the city. Last year, Hoboken issued 46 film permits. Industry standards define “out of town” for film crews as any location outside a 25-mile radius from Columbus Circle, and crew costs can include paid travel time, meals or per diem, transportation, and lodging. This makes every shooting day far more expensive. The Hoboken film commission works to accommodate permit requests; the revenues they bring in can be significant. But to find out how these producers find people who supply their stories, I asked some of our neighbors who have stepped before the cameras.

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THE BORELLI FAMILY Alison and Brett Borelli are the proud parents of twins Stella and Gibson, age 11, and Hudson, age 9. They were all pretty excited when they were invited to a birthday party that was to be filmed by the Cake Boss. Had they seen the show before? “Plenty! We were big fans,” says Hudson. They were even more thrilled when, on the recommendation of the birthday girl’s dad, the producers asked to interview them for a possible episode. “They came over and explained the process, took pictures of us, and we all talked about story ideas,” remembers Alison. The one that emerged centered around their recent move to a brownstone, and one of Gibson’s favorite foods, Pop-Tarts. Buddy could create a cake that looked like a row of Hoboken brownstones out of Poptarts, and embed a real working toaster in it. About a month later, the family got a call in their hotel room in Florida, saying they had been chosen. “We all screamed so loud!” says Gibson. The production company arranged everything for the presentation of the cake at a block party, from permits to hula hoops and cotton candy. The hardest part of the day? Stella says, “Keeping up with the chaos! But it was really fun, they treated us very special.” Not long after, another reality-show opportunity came up, again through a friend, this one involving Hudson participating in a hidden-camera experiment on stranger safety for NBC’s Dateline, with Alison watching via remote. “That was scary, but I’m glad we did it,” she says. Overall, the family rates their reality-show experiences as great fun. Having racked up three appearances and counting, they would love to do it again.





CHRIS MORELLI AND TAD EATON Last fall, Chris Morelli and Tad Eaton were ready for their closeup. The longtime friends and owners of the Frayed Knot, on Observer Highway bordering Hoboken and Jersey City, had won their spot on A&E’s hit show Storage Wars, NYC edition. Their colorful personalities, strong business acumen, and mascot Dottie, a particularly telegenic one-eyed Jack Russell terrier, were just the right combination for the reality series, where bidders at auctions of abandoned storage lockers, fight for hidden treasure. They had six episodes in the can and were hopeful that the exposure would bring in business. Then Hurricane Sandy hit. The pair chose to ride out the storm in the loft over their store. At first, they could see the flood waters rising, creeping up the legs of their lovingly restored antiques. Then the power went out, and “it was like being on the Titanic,” says Chris, remembering the sounds of glass breaking and rushing water. When the water receded a few days later, they had lost most of their stock, and the watermarks were more than three feet high. The show had not yet aired. In the months since, Chris and Tad have, like so many business owners, patiently rebuilt. Their store is a mesmerizing avalanche of vintage and midcentury furniture, on which they practice their first love—restoring and re-upholstering old pieces with fantastic, wild fabrics. Those one-of-a-kind pieces were what first attracted the reality world’s attention, when designer Cortney Novogatz of 9 By Design visited them repeatedly. But it took Chris answering an ad on Craigslist to land them this show, and a year and a half later, the deal was finally done.

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While some reality shows will admit to being “loosely scripted,” Chris says, “Storage Wars is not. Basically, they call us the night before and tell us where to show up the next morning. We bid using our own money. People do overpay sometimes; they get caught up in the moment.” But this is Chris and Tad’s livelihood, and they try to keep it professional. Tad says the hardest part comes after the cameras stop rolling. “We might buy several lockers,” he says, “but not all of them are interesting enough to make the show. It’s about 75 percent junk. And after the shoot, I still have to clean them all out. When the cameras go off, that’s when reality sets in!” Chris and Tad have seen a slight uptick in business, but it’s likely there will be a lot more down the road, especially if they are called for more episodes. They just received their first piece of fan mail— a very good sign.

ANTHONY AND CLAUDIA ORLANDO For Anthony and Claudia Orlando, condo living in Hoboken posed one huge problem. Most kitchens seem to be designed with clubhopping twenty-somethings in mind, not big, extended Italian families cooking Sunday dinners. With two kids and a third on the way, they knew they were going to have to renovate. Then, a friend told them that the Brunelleschi Construction Company was going to do a kitchen-renovation show. They submitted their name to HGTV and were chosen for the first season of Kitchen Cousins. Cousins John Coloneri and Anthony Carrino, handsome and personable, present the perfect personas for HGTV’s female viewers. Claudia had something special in common with them, being a firstgeneration Italian. “I’m born here, but I didn’t speak English until the first grade,” she says. Her mom was in the apartment during the


initial meet and greet, and the Orlandos didn’t realize at first that the crew was interviewing her. Carrino’s father Alfonso is from Florence, so when he met Claudia’s Roman dad, Sergio, the two hit it off, and their conversation in Italian made the show. The Orlandos had little to do with the redesign of their home. “We picked the accent color, but that’s it,” says Claudia. “The rest was a total surprise.” She was shocked and moved when the cousins revealed a wall mural of Italy extending through their living room. Product placement entices manufacturers to offer deep discounts, but appearing on a home-renovation reality show is far from getting a free ride. The Brunelleschi’s relationship with an exclusive cabinet maker out of Florence helped quite a bit, but the Orlandos were asked what their budget was for the new kitchen. Then, the cousins proposed their redesign and a budget. “And we met somewhere in between,” says Claudia. The episode’s crisis came when the custom countertop couldn’t make the corner into the condo. The only solution was to lift it up through an exterior window. Claudia saw it happening as she came out of the Shoprite, arms full of bags, with Hoboken off-duty fire fighters pitching in to help. According to Anthony Orlando, the hardest part was being displaced for a month. “If you’re in a house, you might be able to live through a major renovation by keeping to a different floor,” he says, “but the entire condo was taken over during the compressed time period.” The family had to move out, and Anthony had to commute to take care of his patients in his office at Orlando Physical Therapy. Still, many of those patients were excited to have seen Anthony and his family on the show. “Once, I even had a stranger, a lady at the Rite Aid staring at me while I was buying batteries,” Anthony says.

“She actually recognized me from TV.” Claudia also had a long-lost friend reconnect with her after having seen the show. A year after their taping, Anthony’s brother appeared on Food Network’s Fat Chef. He has a CKO kickboxing franchise on Staten Island and had become trainer to the Fat Chef. As for the cousins, they have a new show, Cousins on Call, which features entire construction jobs by the Brunelleschi Company. Episodes have featured celebrities like Khloe & Lamar and Vanessa Williams, and the cousins were contacted by Ellen DeGeneres to restore a Long Beach Island family’s house that had been wrecked by Hurricane Sandy. There are untold numbers of people eager to appear on screen. Unlike those described above, some reality shows set about to embarrass, encouraging misbehavior or using editing to create conflict where there isn’t any. (I’m talking to you, Andy Cohen.) In the paradigm of our time, notoriety usually trumps reputation. But, as the saying goes, there is no such thing as bad publicity, and the rewards can be great. Bethenny and the other Bravo-lebrities have reaped huge benefits and spend many episodes at launch parties for their clothing lines, perfumes, cocktail mixes, and so on. Cupcake shops across the nation boast lines out the door. You could argue that reality TV has helped upgrade our city’s image. If you want to be on a reality show, you might hear about a casting session from a friend, see a posting on Craigslist, or receive a blanket email at work. If there’s a specific show you want to target, most networks list contact information on their websites. Whether the aim is to promote your business, fix up your house, gain personal fame, or just have fun, for those of us in the Hoboken area, the odds are tilted in our favor.— 07030

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Working Out With— Theresa Howard BY AMANDA PALASCIANO


orrest Gump did it. And lately—from 5Ks to 26-mile marathons—everyone and her mom “just started running.” A few years ago, I asked myself and the blogosphere where everyone was going.

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Now we ask Theresa Howard, 23-year Hoboken resident and director of children with special needs for the Hoboken Family Alliance. “I think running may have become more popular over recent years because people realized the value in exercise,” says Howard, “and running is one of the easiest things to do.” Easy for her to say.


“You just need your running shoes and you walk out the door and poof! You’re running,” she says. “It doesn’t require money or membership, just your time and commitment.” Speaking of running shoes, Howard’s first pair were beige sneakers with heavy rubber soles from Sears. “They probably weighed a pound each,” she says. That’s because it was 1978. Howard typically gets up in the 5-to-6 a.m. range and runs about three miles five days a week. Her 15mile weekly commitment is small potatoes compared to the 45 miles a week she used to run. “My routine varies because sometimes as a working mom with two kids, a husband who also works, and so many activities and commitments, schedules don’t always go as smoothly as you like,” she says. “On the best days it’s a finely tuned machine. On the worst days, it’s chaos. Mostly it’s somewhere in between.”

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In addition to everything else, Howard also runs her own strategic marketing firm. So what is her motivation? “I need to run. I need the time to clear my head, unwind, think, or plan my day,” she says. Oh, did we mention she runs marathons? Howard advises, “Follow a schedule that lets you build and progress over time. It’s amazing how your body adjusts. I ran my first marathon in 5:19 because I had never run more than 13 miles. I went from seven to 13 easily enough so I thought, ‘How difficult it can be to go to 26?’”

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Though Howard once ran regularly with the Hoboken Harriers, today she mostly goes solo. “I usually run alone because I have to go on my own schedule,” she says. “Running with a group or partner pushes you, but right now I can’t make the schedule work.” The most unique part of Howard’s running regimen is that she’s not tangled up in headphones. “I like the quiet,” she says. “I never run with music or gadgets. I just run with my own thoughts. I had been running so long without gadgets that when I tried running with music it totally threw me off.”—07030



Natural Healing with Acupuncture & CHINESE HERBS



FALL/WINTER 2013/14 07030 HOBOKEN — SPRING & SUMMER 2013 •


blow out BUZZ CUTS

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Salons offer cuts, color, comfort, and commiseration BY STEFANIE JACKOWITZ


et’s face it. We all enjoy a trip to the local salon where we can sit back, relax, and feel pampered and taken care of. It’s kind of like a mini vacation. But is it just our hair that’s getting the treatment? A trip to the hair stylist can cure the soul as well. “I always say it’s like I’m a therapist,” says Lori Turner of Hoboken’s Buzz Cuts. “It’s fun. Never a dull moment!” Turner, who celebrated Buzz Cuts’ 10th anniversary in May, recalls one male client who was meeting a woman for a first date and

needed advice on what to wear. She suggested jeans and emphatically added some extra tidbits: “Just be yourself, put your phone away, and don’t drink a lot.” Whether she’s doling out love-life advice, consoling a client who has recently lost a loved one, or providing parenting guidance, Turner says clients always feel better after having their hair styled and letting go of some of their worries.

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“It’s a personal thing—styling hair,” she says. “Once they sit in your chair and you get to know them, they trust you. It’s an outlet.” Leslie Palacios of Studio Z Salon understands what it feels like to fill a role that entails much more than just providing a good haircut. Along with son Richard, she opened Studio Z’s second Hoboken location at 80 Hudson St. last spring. “I see men who have very serious jobs,” says Palacios. “They ask if they should pay me as a stylist and as a therapist.” However, it may be hard to determine when clients simply want to vent or when they are truly seeking guidance. “Sometimes, they just want to talk,” says Yoselin Plasencia of Hoboken Hair, a 14th Street unisex salon. “Some people just want me to listen, some want to have a conversation, and some actually want advice.” Having worked almost exclusively with men for 10 years at D&V Barber Shop before opening Hoboken Hair in 2011, Plasencia can sense when her male clients need to put their guard up when it comes to relationships. “When a client meets someone and the woman wants to change him, that’s a red flag right there,” Plasencia insists. One devoted customer told Plasencia that she was the “only one” who could ever tell him what to do with his hair. “It’s a relationship,” she says. “Some people like to have one person that they trust.” And trust comes in all ages. Plasencia has a client in his 90s who used to come into her barber shop. When he seemed down or sad, she would try to lift his spirits. She encouraged him to follow her to her new salon. Plasencia’s jokes, suggestions, and upbeat attitude must have worked. Now he is a regular customer at Hoboken Hair. Stylists also take something meaningful from the stylistclient relationship. “Work for me is not work; it’s like my therapy,” says Plasencia. “You feel good because you are thinking of others. You give yourself to them.”—07030



hirteen years ago when Ravinder Valia, owner of Ravinder’s Day Spa on First Street, came to Hoboken, most people didn’t think of Hoboken when they thought of holistic skin care. And while it still may be a while until the mile-square—home of Frank and fondant—will be recognized as a mecca of health, holistic things are certainly brewing here. And thanks to the groundwork laid by practitioners like Valia and others, there’s already a lot you can do to treat your body naturally.

HOLISTIC BY HERITAGE Holistic health care is a method of medical care that treats the mind as well as the body. While that’s a relatively new concept here in the United States, across the sea this has been the approach to medical care for centuries. Valia, who is originally from India, discovered the principles of Ayurveda as part of everyday life.

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Holistic Hoboken



have grown up into it, learning from my mother and my grandmother,” she says. At Ravinder’s Day Spa, clients can indulge in massage, facials, reflexology, and oxygen infusions. But these luxurious services don’t just help clients look good, they also can be used to treat skin conditions like acne, rosacea, and scars as well as a host of other medical issues, including obesity and disease. “If you don’t take care of the skin, skin eruptions can occur,” Valia says. “There’s more bacteria on the skin and people are more prone to other diseases.” Valia says reflexology is popular because clients don’t have to undress; they just take off their shoes and socks for 30 to 60 minutes of treatment. Concentrating on specific points during this process can help speed up weight loss or relieve stress.


The number-one killer in this country, Valia says, is stress. When you decrease the stress levels, the person feels better, works better, and is healthier. “You’re working the whole body—the mind, the body, and the soul,” she says. In fact, her signature “facial” actually goes from head to toe with a combination of back massage, reflexology, and a facial with ayurvedic products that Valia makes fresh on the spot, specifically for each client. “Most of the [commercial] products are carcinogenic,” claims Valia. “We should stay as natural as possible.” With nature in mind, clients are treated with masks made of things like yogurt and lemon juice as well as essential oils like sandalwood and lavender. “I guarantee they won’t need a face lift,” she says.

MAKING CONNECTIONS In the days of yesteryear, an apothecary was a place you could go to get answers, herbs, and advice. And that’s precisely what Ariele Myers had in mind when she opened Ariele’s Apothecary in Hoboken a few years ago. A licensed acupuncturist and board-certified herbalist, Myers recently made the move from her own location— where she collaborated with various practitioners, including energy workers, massage therapists, and nutritionists—into Devotion Yoga, which has a collaborative spirit of its own. The owners of the yoga space have been expanding their own wellness center and now offer services like Reiki and massage. Connecting with and supporting likeminded people is essential, Myers says. “I don’t think people think of Hoboken as a really healthconscious scene,” she says. “But I feel like there’s pockets of us here and if we stay strong, stay together, there’s a lot of options for us here.”


the same channels used in acupuncture without puncturing the skin) and cupping (a suction remedy) can be used to treat asthma, lung weakness, eczema, digestive disorders, and even anxiety or attention deficit disorder (ADD) in young patients.

BALANCING AND EMPOWERING PATIENTS Dr. Shi-Hong Loh, who is both a physician and practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), agrees that women’s health issues are the most popular reason patients come to his practice these days. For all women’s conditions—including cramps, endometriosis, infertility, symptoms related to pregnancy, postpartum depression, breast-milk production, menopause, migraines—acupuncture is the best cure, he says. “What it does is it balances the woman’s reproductive system,” says Loh. “All those symptoms go away one by one, all those abnormalities will be taken care of.” So what about the men? Loh says things like erectile dysfunction are rarely an organic problem but are often caused by medicine or psychological issues. With men’s health issues, there is often an extra layer that needs to be peeled back in order to see what’s causing the problem. For this reason, Loh strongly supports patient research and empowerment prior to selecting a practitioner. “It is important for a doctor to understand instead of just coming in and shooting needles,” says Loh. “You have to find out what causes that first.”



FERTILITY AND FAMILY Acupuncture has become well known for pain management and as a treatment for a variety of ailments including digestive, respiratory, neurological, gynecological, muscular, and skeletal disorders. Here in Hoboken, one of the most popular uses of acupuncture is for women’s health issues—particularly infertility. Myers says 85 to 90 percent of her business is now fertility related. “I love helping people have babies and start their families,” she says. Ideally, clients come to her before they ever begin in vitro fertilization (IVF). Sometimes, acupuncture helps them avoid the need for IVF. As those babies grow up, Myers says the moms keep coming back for advice, treatment, and homeopathic remedies for their little ones. “I feel like a lot of parents are not wanting to give their kids antibiotics several times a year,” she says. “There’s so many options for our kids.” Although treatment for children does not usually include sticking needles in them, Shonishin (energetically working

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Loh’s background is in oncology. He once served as chief of hematology and oncology at St. Mary’s Hospital in Hoboken. But after years of disappointment and watching his patients not get better from chemotherapy treatment alone, he decided to return to his roots. “Throughout my years of practice in oncology, many of my cancer patients experienced long-term severe emotional distress before cancer developed,” says Loh. “When they’re in better emotional status, they responded better to chemo.” Delving into his knowledge of Chinese medicine, Loh found that the best way to maintain health and combat cancer is by balancing and nourishing the mind, body, and spirit connection. “Acupuncture is a good choice to help people through the hardship of cancer treatment,” he says. And while he’s firm that acupuncture cannot cure cancer, he says it can relieve symptoms, strengthen the immune system, and help the person feel more comfortable. However, a blend of therapies can prove quite successful. In his detailed report, “Qi Gong Therapy in the Treatment of Metastatic Colon Cancer,” Loh revealed how a patient’s tumor disappeared through the combined treatment of QiGong and chemotherapy.—07030 Ariele’s Apothecary 12 Hudson Pl., Suite 201 (201) 526-4684 Devotion Yoga 12 Hudson Pl., Second floor (201) 610-YOGA Dr. Shi-Hong Loh 109 Grand St (201) 659-0100 Ravinder’s Day Spa 367 First St. (201) 222-0124

A Quick Primer on Holistic Treatments Acupuncture: a system of complementary medicine which originated in ancient China and involves pricking the skin or tissues with needles to alleviate pain and treat various physical, mental, and emotional conditions Ayurveda: the traditional Hindu system of medicine, which uses diet, herbal treatment, and yogic breathing and is based on the idea of balance in bodily systems Cupping: a therapy in which heated glass cups are applied to the skin along meridians of the body, creating suction as a way of stimulating flow of energy Qi Gong: physical exercises and breathing control related to tai chi Reflexology: a system of massage used to relieve tension and treat illness based on reflex points on the feet, hands, and head that are linked to every part of the body Reiki: a healing technique in which the therapist channels energy into the patient through touch to activate the natural healing processes of the patient’s body

07030 HOBOKEN — SPRING & SUMMER 2013 •


e t i r w on Hoboken is home to many literary luminaries


t’s no news that Hoboken’s proximity to the big city is a big draw for artistic types—and writers are no exception. There are so many, in fact, that we could never name them all. But a few have agreed to share with 07030 their views on living and writing in Hoboken. Take Santiago Cohen. He was born in Mexico, but after getting a Masters in Communications and Design from Pratt Institute in New York, he spent a short time in Manhattan and then headed across the river. He’s been living in Hoboken since 1988.

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SANTIAGO COHEN AND ETHEL CESARMAN He and his wife, Ethel Cesarman, who is a cancer researcher in New York,own a townhouse in Hoboken. They brought up two kids here, who are now ages 24 and 20. “I had friends here who liked it here very much,” Cohen says, “and there was more space for kids.” Cohen says he makes “visual stories.” He’s an illustrator who has worked for many print and broadcast outlets, including the New Yorker, the Cartoon Network, Children’s Television Network, HBO, Houghton Mifflin, and Comedy Central. He will have a major show at the Hunterdon Museum in Clinton, N.J., which runs from September 2013 to January 2014. Cohen says that he and his wife go to bars and restaurants in Hoboken “all the time,” including Elysian Café and Robongi’s. “I think we’ve tried every restaurant in Hoboken,” he says. He’s witnessed a lot of changes in the city over the last quarter century. “It’s one of the best towns around for raising kids,” Cohen says. “I can’t imagine raising kids in New York City. “When they become teenagers, they can go by themselves all over the place. They don’t have to have a car to go to shows in the city, and it’s very safe.” He had no intention of rushing out to the ’burbs “to get more grass. That’s a terrible idea. There are lots of parks in Hoboken. I love it.”

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DAWN RAFFEL Dawn Raffel is also a longtime Hoboken resident. She and her husband have been here 20 years and raised two sons, ages 19 and 16. Raffel grew up in Wisconsin. “A lot of what I write is rooted in the Midwest,” she says. She lived in Manhattan for awhile before venturing to Hoboken to start a family. Raffel thinks of herself as a fiction writer but inspired both readers and critics with her latest book, an illustrated memoir titled The Secret Life of Objects, which made Oprah’s Summer Reading List for 2012. Her son, Sean Evers, created the images for the book. She is the author of two short-story collections, Further Adventures in the Restless Universe, and In the Year of Long Division, as well as the novel, Carrying the Body. Raffel, who has a degree in semiotics from Brown University, says she always wanted to be a writer. She describe semiotics as “a big mix-up of theory and literature and comparative literature and theater. It doesn’t have a practical application.” Which is how she ended up as a magazine editor. She helped launch O Magazine and is its former fiction editor. “It was very high-intensity there and an exciting time,” she says. Currently she edits The Literarian, the magazine for the Center for Fiction in New York City. “It’s the only nonprofit devoted solely to literary fiction,” she says. At Brown, Raffel hung out in the theater department, which turned out to be good for her writing. “It had a strong effect on dialog and creating scenes,” she says. “I briefly studied playwriting in New York but I did not want to pursue it because you need to involve a lot of people.”

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She writes at home and has written three books while living in Hoboken. “I write when I can at the edges of other things,” she says. “Honestly, a lot of women who write don’t have the luxury of blocks of time to sit and write. It’s woven around other obligations.” But it’s not all work. “I love walking along the waterfront,” she says. “It’s become increasingly beautiful and is part of my life here.” Raffel is on the board of Friends of the Hoboken Public Library. “The library is a fantastic resource,” she says, “and a rich connection to the community. Bring kids into this physical space and it encourages reading and literacy.” Writers Caroline Leavitt and Jeff Tamarkin are married and work together in their brick row-house. “It’s been great for us,” Leavitt says. “It’s a fantastic place to live and raise a family. It was the best decision we ever made.” They have a teenage son, Max, who wants to pursue a career in theater. She says the house looked “terrible” when they first bought it: “It was covered in wood paneling and orange shag carpeting, but when we pulled up the carpet, there were wide oak planks, and fireplaces behind the paneling.” A literary novelist, Leavitt’s 10th book, Is This Tomorrow, came out in May. Her other books include Girls in Trouble, Coming Back to Me, Living Other Lives, Into Thin Air, Family, Jealousies, Lifelines, and Meeting Rozzy Halfway. Her ninth novel, Pictures of You, is a New York Times bestseller.

She’s contributed to many magazines, including the New York Times Book Review, and has appeared on numerous television shows, including The Today Show. Leavitt attended Brandeis University in Waltham, Mass. “I always wanted to be a writer,” she says, “but thought I would be an English teacher and write on the side.” At Brandeis, where she minored in writing, they told her she would never make it as a writer. “I refused to give up,” she says. “I’d sent out stories since I was 17 and got published in my late 20s.” Jeff Tamarkin is the author of Got a Revolution: the Turbulent Flight of the Jefferson Airplane. He got to know members of the band in the late 1970s when he was living in San Francisco. A native of Franklin Square on Long Island, he attended the University of Hartford for one year and then graduated from San Francisco State. “I played the drums in high school,” he says, “but when I moved into an apartment, that was impractical. I traded in my drums for a typewriter.” And then, of course, a computer. He has been writing about music ever since. “I majored in broadcasting,” he says, “but didn’t do anything with it. “ He says he loves the diversity in Hoboken. “I’ve always felt it was a very open and accepting city,” he says. “Our neighbors are completely different kinds of people.” And he loves the convenience. “We can zoom into the city when we need to,” he says. When he’s looking for a music fix right here in Hoboken, he of course heads for Maxwell’s. “There are also live concerts at churches or at the Monroe Center, and twice a year there’s the arts and music festival.” Both Leavitt and Tamarkin are vegetarians but find plenty to eat at Hoboken’s ethnic restaurants. “We rotate among eight or nine places,” he says. “Italian, Chinese, Mexican, Indian.” Tamarkin, who is associate editor at Jazz Times, which is based in Boston, works from home. He co-wrote the biography of the lead singer for the Turtles, Howard Kaylan, famous for the hit song “Happy Together.” Titled Shell Shocked: My Life with the Turtles, Flo and Eddie, and Frank Zappa, etc., it was published by Backbeat Books in April. Leavitt and Tamarkin make a good writing team. “We supply what the other’s weakness is,” Leavitt says. “I look through what he does to give him advice on character,” and he tells me when the facts are wrong. It’s really helpful.”—Kate Rounds

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Bring on the kayakers and standup paddleboarders!

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he boathouse at 11th and Sinatra Drive at Maxwell Place looks spanking new. And it is. The first kayaks were launched from there in 2008. But it occupies an historic spot. It was here that the New York Yacht Club had its first clubhouse—in 1845. The modern Hoboken Cove Community Boathouse launched its first kayaking programs from 5th Street and Sinatra Drive in 2003, in partnership with the Downtown Boathouse of New York City (DTBH), which supplied kayaks and volunteers. In the past 10 years, Hoboken boathouse has served some 9,500 paddlers. “We wouldn’t be around without DTBH,” says Eileen McCarren, board member, Hoboken Cove Community Boathouse (HCCB). Weather permitting, the annual kayaking season runs from early June through September. The boathouse holds 25 kayaks. Community partner Recreational Equipment Inc. joins HCCB with standup paddleboards, and the American Canoe Association offers certified instructors to give 20-minute lessons during HCCB’s “embayment” days. McCarren says that HCCB does 12-15 public dates on what’s known as the cove embayment. She says, “As long as people know how to swim, sign a waiver, and wear a life jacket, they can paddle around the cove.” When the weather and the currents cooperate, participants can take short, guided trips out into the channel. Three-hour voyages include trips to the 79th Street Boat Basin in Manhattan, or, on this side of the river, north toward


07030 HOBOKEN — SPRING & SUMMER 2013 •


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Weehawken or south toward Jersey City. “We always check the tides, and have five to six guides on the longer trips,” McCarren says. “We take about 12 people at a time, and they have to show us that they are strong paddlers.” Standup paddleboarding requires the paddler to stand on a board similar to a surf board or windsurf board, using a long, singlebladed paddle, with a leash connected to the board. The boathouse was lucky not to have suffered damage from Hurricane Sandy. “The water stopped 12 feet in front of our door,” McCarren says. Another boathouse is planned for the cove between Weehawken and Hoboken. “We’re working in conjunction with the city,” McCarren says. “It will double the size of what we have now. We’re completely supported through donations and the support of the city.” In fact, public support for the mission of the boathouse has been strong. McCarren says, “Our goal at the boathouse is to promote free river access to the community.”— Kate Rounds info@hobokencoveboathouse.org hobokencoveboathouse.org



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Hoboken is bursting with art galleries BY ARLENE PHALON BALDASSARI


t’s a beautiful Sunday afternoon, and you’ve just enjoyed an enormous brunch. Why not walk off some of that bacon and

enjoy Hoboken’s art scene? In conjunction with the City of Hoboken, several of our local galleries have organized Hoboken’s Gallery Walk, which takes place every third Sunday from 2-6 p.m. You

might come across live music, a wine reception, or an art happening. Your first stop is virtual: Visit hobokengallerywalk.com, which features artists, exhibits, events, receptions, sched-

uled closings and a detailed map. Special thanks to Al Barsky and Lena Marchese of Barsky Gallery the wonderful website, which also provides click-throughs to the individual businesses.



BAMA GALLERY 946 Bloomfield St. (201) 659-8873 Owner, painter, and poet Chris Burkhardt has exhibited such artists as Francine K. Affourtit, Nat Bard, Joe Borzotta, Lou Carbone, Mark Davis, Marco Lopez, Robert Piersanti, Michael Sarno, and Cliff Tisdell. BAMA also hosts art and wellness classes, including Beginner Painting, Drawing from


Life, Pilates, Yoga, and the popular Salsa On Sundays.

BARSKY GALLERY 49 Harrison St. 888-465-4949 Hoboken’s newest contemporary art destination, Barsky Gallery collection features works of artists from around the world. Albert Barsky, the gallery’s

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owner and curator, brings together a roster of talent across a diverse range of media. The gallery focuses on original works in both abstract and representational styles in an environment that welcomes the casual browser as well as the seasoned collector. The gallery provides fine-art services to designers, real-estate developers, and corporations, as well as a venue for private events, while supporting the community through event sponsorships and charity fundraisers.

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D’S SOUL FULL CAFE 918 Willow Ave. (201) 604-0054 This unique sandwich shop shows local artists such as Jessica Butler, Lloyd Hazel, Justin Rivenbark, and Barbara Schaefer. Musicians who have played here include the Aster Pheonyx Project, Chris Butler, Karyn Kuhl, Rob Nicholas, Debby Schwartz, and many more.

THE MASON CIVIC LEAGUE 1200 Washington St. (201) 468-5428 The Mason Civic League is a gallery and community space sponsored by the Mason Family Civic League. Recent artists who have exhibited here include Liz Cohen, Cid Mendez, Laura Renee Meyerson, Ibou Ndoye, Roslyn Rose, Don Schler, and Sterne Slaven. Last MACKEY BLUE. ARTIST: LYNN HOFHER

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46 • 07030 HOBOKEN — SPRING & SUMMER 2013




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winter, Gallery 1200 presented the Courtroom Art exhibition, which showed the courtroom drawings of Aggie Kenny and Elizabeth Williams, capturing scenes from trials such as those of Oliver North, Son of Sam, Martha Stewart, and the Watergate defendants.

HOB’ART GALLERY Monroe Center 720 Monroe St., Second Floor, E208 (201) 707-6107 This cooperative gallery provides a forum for expression in genres, includ-

ing visual, tactile, and spoken. More than 50 artist members collaborate to present creative experiences through exhibitions, workshops, film nights, and slide shows.

HOBOKEN HISTORICAL MUSEUM, UPPER GALLERY 1301 Hudson St. (201) 656-2240 The Hoboken Historical Museum, which was established in 1986, collects


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ISSYRA GALLERY, THE HOBOKEN AFRICAN ART GALLERY 313 First St. (917) 587-8678 This gallery suffered severe damage during Hurricane Sandy. A grand reopening event was scheduled for May, which will launch a new line of interior-design products called Issyra Design. Check its Facebook page for the latest updates and call for private appointments.


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and displays artifacts in themed exhibitions on Hoboken history. It also offers educational programs, lectures, and tours, and hosts films and plays. Exhibits have included those on Hoboken’s relationship with the Hudson River, its role as a sweets producer, shipping history, an anniversary of On the Waterfront, the city’s contributions to the world of music, and the city’s struggle and revival through the 1970s. The upper gallery features six local artists’ work each year. The museum occupies the former Bethlehem Steel machine shop, now known as the Shipyard.





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MACKEYBLUE 1200 Washington St. Entrance on 12th Street (201) 469-6947 MackeyBlue is a boutique that features fun, vintage home goods, personal sundries, paper ephemera, and textiles. Owner Karen Marsh has shown the works of local artists Bill Curran and Frank Hanavan, as well as photographers Adam Gallagher, Lynn Hofhe, and Carl Posey.

PVS GALLERY 49 Harrison St., First Floor (201) 448-7870 PVS Gallery is the home of Harrison Street’s first gallery, formed to help promote emerging artists. For more than three years, it has been hosting solo and group shows, as well as music events, screenings, open mics, readings, and artist talks. Artists in residence include Jay Boucher, who specializes in drawing, illustration, and digital art; Laura Gravenstine, whose services include life casting, mold making, and sculpture; and photographer Virginia Kamenitzer. Figure Drawing Tuesdays features music, as well as models.

RIGHT ANGLE, DOWNTOWN 320 Washington St. (201) 420-8262

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Right Angle, owned and operated by Pablo and Daniela Godoy, has been framing since 1983. It does museumquality conservation framing and restoration, and regularly exhibits the work of local artists. Featured artists have included Tim Daly, Michelle Doll, Tom James, Chris Kappmeier, Susan Mark, Lisa Palumbo, and Laura Renee.

STARBUCKS 314 Washington St. (201) 222-2491 As part of an ongoing commitment to connecting and giving back to each neighborhood where a Starbucks is located, the Washington Street store has partnered with local artists such as Nina Nemeth and Anju Saran. A portion of sales of the works are donated to a community initiative. Future exhibitions will include work by Hoboken photographers and high-school students.

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URBAN CONSIGN AND DESIGN 38 Jackson St., Second Floor (201) 921-6800 This family-owned, high-end furniture consignment gallery specializes in furniture resale and art for the home. A supporter of local artists, it has exhibited the photography of Richard Satz, the sculpture of Gabriel Paccheco, and the oil portraits of Laura Bochet.—07030

Monroe Street Movement Space WÄ‚ĆŒÄžĹśĆš ĹšĹ?ĹŻÄš ^Ä?ĹšŽŽů dĹ?žĞ DŽǀĞžĞŜƚ͕ DĆľĆ?Ĺ?Ä? Θ >Ä‚ĹśĹ?ƾĂĹ?Äž


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The crowning touch on Hoboken’s traditional brownstones BY GLENN D. FINK


et’s face it, when birds have flown into your attic through holes in your cornice and nested there, the time has come for some “frontscaping.” First, a definition: Cornices are those horizontal molded projections that crown a building. After a few false starts, my wife Linda and I found a

masonry contractor, and the resurfacing of our aging brownstone facade began. Then we started on the fun part: designing the paint scheme for our cornice, which has a montage of eclectic mechanical gears, concentric rings, knobs, and flowers. We’d admired the beautifully painted, ornate wood Victorian houses in San Francisco and Cape May.

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Many examples can be seen in Painted Ladies: San Francisco’s Resplendent Victorians by Elizabeth Pomada, Michael Larsen, and Morley Baer. The variety of colors and their creative contrasts and hues highlight the talented workmanship of the carpenters, as well as the character and creativity of the homeowners. It’s quite stunning to see house after house in full display.

We are constrained in Hoboken, of course, by the brownstone facade, and our area of creativity is limited to the wood cornice. The cornice reminds me of the tie worn with a suit, the place where you can show some individuality and flair. Although so much finely detailed carpentry on cornices is hidden beneath monolithic blacks, browns, and greens, it doesn’t take

much to imagine the streets of Hoboken lined with detailed and colorful cornices. Multiple examples in town will get your creative juices flowing, and this project is a good excuse for a walking photo tour. Don’t forget to include the kids if you want a big dose of imagination. Our cornice looks great—and no more birds in the attic! — 07030

Here’s how to create your own painted cornice —Shoot a digital picture of your cornice at the highest resolution possible. After uploading it to your computer, you’ll probably notice a repeating pattern. You can enlarge that area with your photo-adjustment software. I used Lightroom by Adobe, but simpler programs will probably suffice.

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—Decolorize the photo to black and white. —Lighten the dark areas because it is hard to color effectively on dark backgrounds. Do this by increasing the exposure of the photo, increasing the fill light, or deceasing the saturation. It is important to retain the outline of the areas to be colored.


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—Save this pale rendition of your cornice and print at least ten more copies. Now for the best part, color away! You’ll want a box of colored pencils with 48 to 64 colors. You’ll find it doesn’t take long to generate multiple variations. Try three, four, or five colors. We tried to avoid getting too carried away and ending up with a circus look. —Go to your paint store and find the matching oil-based, outdoor paint patches and lay them on your photo to double check your color choices, and to help the painter follow your design. —Find a professional painter. Peter Volaric, for example, is a well-known Hoboken painter. —Before the painting begins, replace rotten wood, fill in weather cracks, and replace missing pieces. —Use a primer coat, followed by two low-luster coats. Dry overnight between coats.

07030 HOBOKEN — SPRING & SUMMER 2013 •


Hoboken’s bravest fight big blazes through the ages


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f you hear an alarm bell coming from 213 Bloomfield St., don’t be alarmed. It’s just a kid pretending to be a firefighter, sitting in the vintage 1932 fire truck at Hoboken’s Fire Department Museum. On

weekends from noon to 5, anyone who’s ever dreamed of being a firefighter can live the fantasy or delve into the trove of photos and stories to learn what a challenging job it can be. The sign on the front of the building says “Ass’n. of Exempt Firemen” because



HOBOKEN PIER FIRE, JUNE 30, 1900. the earliest organized firefighters were volunteers, who were “exempt” from paying city taxes in exchange for their service. By 1891, the force was converted to paid employment, due to the severity of the fires and the need for a full-time, professional firefighting corps.

In Hoboken’s early days, major conflagrations were a common occurrence on Hoboken’s piers, and in factories, theaters, and residential buildings, before modern building codes and fire-safety practices reduced the risk. The biggest blaze in Hoboken’s history was the

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07030 HOBOKEN — SPRING & SUMMER 2013 •


THE BREMAN (L) AND MAIN BURN ON JUNE 30, 1900. pier fire of June 30, 1900. The fire caused more than $5 million worth of damage (in 1900 dollars). The plume of smoke was so large, it was seen by more than a million people, from Manhattan down to the Jersey Shore. The fire started in a bale of cotton in a warehouse on a pier belonging to the North German Lloyd shipping line, near the foot of Fourth Street. With dry, windy conditions, and ready fuel in the wooden piers—boats, sheds, and stored supplies—fire quickly

consumed two other piers, three major ships, and 27 smaller boats and barges. The fire even spread to Pier 18 in Manhattan, when one of the burning ships was cut loose from Hoboken and floated across the river. As bad as it was, it would have been worse without the quick action of firefighters to cut a fire halt on a neighboring pier, and of crew and tugboat operators who worked to save neighboring vessels. Three large passenger and cargo ships, the Saale,

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Bremen, and Main, were almost completely destroyed, but the line’s flagship Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse was saved. Her crew freed the ship, and tugboats pulled it to safety. Although it was badly scorched on one side and the bow partially burned, the ship was still able to depart from a Manhattan pier for its scheduled voyage to Europe the following week. The catastrophe cost the lives of an estimated 400 people, among them passengers, crew, and longshoremen,

who were trapped on the burning boats and piers, some of whom were unable to swim, and drowned. Miraculously, a group of 15 men were saved after being trapped for eight hours in a coal bin in the hull of the Main, which had been towed to the Weehawken mud flats when the flames could not be extinguished. The survivors had managed to seal out the smoke by stuffing their clothes into the crevices of the compartment. Then, as now, major fires attracted huge crowds. Disaster photos often became the viral images of their time through the popular penny postcard; people wanted to share what they witnessed with friends and family. These postcards and news reports about fires are part of the rich archive about life in early Hoboken in the collections of both the Fire Department Museum and the Hoboken Historical Museum. A growing portion of the museum’s collections are online, at hobokenmuseum.org/research/collections. Without these images and stories, we wouldn’t know about many of the historic buildings that have succumbed to the ravages of fire, such as the Independent Order of Odd Fellows (IOOF) building, which was located at 412 Washington St.. A picture of it appeared in the debut issue of 07030, Summer 2012. After the IOOF building burned down in the early 1920s, it was replaced with a building that housed a linen

store at street level and a dance hall on the second floor, called the Palace Gardens. After only a year, on Jan. 29, 1923, there was another noteworthy fire, in which some 400 people narrowly escaped, thanks to the local hook-andladder companies. The famous 1905 Lackawanna Terminal fire claimed two ferries, the terminal building, and the famous Duke’s House tavern and restaurant, which stood where the Baker office building now stands. The replacement terminal building, built in 1907, still stands more than a hundred years later, a testament to more modern, fire-resistant materials. The building also reminds us of the economic boom of the early 20th century, with its fancy molded copper decoration, Tiffany glass skylight, and gilded clock. In some cases, an empty space marks the site of a major fire. In 1906, a gas storage tank at the Hoboken Gas Works, on the corner of Twelfth and Clinton Streets, burst into flames that shot a hundred feet into the air, with a plume of smoke that rose for thousands of feet, visible in New York. The fire, which was covered by the New York Times, burned for six days, threatening a nearby oil tank, causing officials to evacuate neighboring apartment buildings. Over the years, Hoboken’s fire department can pride itself on its role in historic preservation by preventing fires from spreading in a tightly packed city of factories alongside residences and entertainment halls—as famous fires transformed Chicago and London. Even so, individual building fires can reshape a city, as in the 1970s and 1980s, when Hoboken suffered a rash of suspicious fires at a time when many buildings were being converted to condominiums To imagine what it’s like to be a firefighter, just pick up a copy of the oral history chapbook The Firehouse, Recollections of Bill Bergin, a retired Hoboken firefighter who grew up here chasing fire engines and fulfilling his dreams with a long career in the department. He was the driving force behind the Fire Department Museum. The oral history series is a cooperative effort by the Hoboken Historical Museum and the Friends of the Hoboken Library.—07030 Hoboken Historical Museum Associate Ian Maxen assisted with this story. Hoboken Historical Museum 1301 Hudson St. (201) 656-2240 hobokenmuseum.org Hoboken Fire Department Museum 213 Bloomfield St.

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A New Chapter


The Hoboken Public Library honors its historic pedigree


t’s hard to walk by the Hoboken Public Library and not be drawn back to another time, with its Italian Renaissance design and distinctive dome. The interior of dark wood and high ceilings looks, feels, and even smells like a centuryold institution.

In fact, it opened on April 5, 1897, and is the oldest public library building in New Jersey—not the oldest library but the first dedicated public library building. Last year the library applied for inclusion in the New Jersey Register of Historic Places. “We are

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working on renovations that will be sensitive to the historic value of the building,” says Library Director Lina Podles. “This entails some stabilization of the building and rehabilitation of the front door and staircase on Fifth Street.”

A community room that can accommodate 85 people will also be added to the area on the lower level. “Currently we have no large room for adult or children’s programs,” Podles says. “We have to close regular library business and open it for programs.”

WEST SIDE STORY 07030 This is welcome news for Laura Knittel, the library’s community outreach specialist. “Our philosophy here is that we are proud of the building and our services,” she says. “In terms of growth and outreach efforts, we will have more space for more programming. Programs in the new room will cut down on interruptions in the reading room and other study areas.” Past programs at the library have included African mask making, soldering and electronic basics, art exhibits, starting your own business, saving for retirement, book signings and readings, energy efficiency, computer classes, movies, as well as reading, crafts, and video games for kids. The public library was designed by Hoboken architect Alfred Beyer. Martha Bayard Stevens, who controlled much of the Stevens fortune and was considered one of the richest women in the United States, donated land and money to build the library. Last March, the library presented an original play, Martha Stevens Returns, written by Hoboken Public Library Board Member Arturo Martinez. Local actress Florence Pate played Martha Stevens, who comes back for a visit to check out the project she initiated more than a century ago.—Kate Rounds

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How we


aja Bolton has lived in Hoboken since 2002 and at Harborside Lofts since 2008. She’s an agent with Liberty Realty and has her finger on the pulse of Hoboken properties. With so many choices, why Harborside? “The structure itself turned 100 in June,” she says.”Being from Europe, I like


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history, and a lot of stuff in America is newer.” Bolton came to Hoboken by way of Princeton and Oslo, Norway. “This was something different,” she says. “The ceilings were high and the units very bright with large windows.” The building has 116 units. Bolton’s is on the top floor. It’s 1,950 square feet with 13.5-foot ceilings, two bedrooms, a large den, kitchen, two and a half baths, and 11-foot windows that offer views of the river and the city.

Bolton lives with her husband and three-year-old daughter. “The preschool system in Hoboken is fantastic,” Bolton says.”I was so impressed.” In fact, she likes a lot of things about the city. “There are 4.5 million people in Norway, so New York City was too big for me. There were more people there than in the country where I am from. When you get off the PATH in Hoboken it’s a different vibe. It’s calmer and more manageable and has a lot of character. I don’t really go


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07030 HOBOKEN — SPRING & SUMMER 2013 •


HOW WE LIVE 07030 across the river as much as I thought I would.” Bolton loves the restaurants, including nearby Pilsner Haus Biergarten. “Hoboken is booming with an Anthropologie and Gap coming,” she says. Bolton also loves the community right in her own building. “It’s a great group of people,” she says. Another thing right in her own unit is the 600-square-foot roof deck with a full outdoor kitchen, including gas, electric, and water. Cookouts on the roof, walks down to the pier, and taking her daughter to outdoor kids’ shows are all things that make summer in Hoboken a great experience for Bolton and her family.


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How we

Scott and Julia Senchak and their year-old daughter, Macy, have found their niche on Adams Street in Hoboken. Both Scott and Julia work in finance in New York City and find Hoboken to be the perfect place to come home to. In fact, they met at a Hoboken St. Patrick’s Day event and moved into their new home in 2010. “It’s new construction,” Scott says.

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“We were the first ones in the building. We liked the location, the layout, and the open-plan design.” They are on the fourth and fifth floors of a five-story building. Other pluses are hardwood floors and a balcony, from which they can see the spire of the Empire State Building and the new World Trade tower. Scott was very impressed with the remodeling work done by Hoboken designer Robert Jenny of RJD Design. “He designed and built the staircase

HOW WE LIVE 07030 and the gas fireplace,” Scott says. “He floated the fireplace off the wall between the living room and dining room, so that you could enjoy it from either room.” There’s a skylight above the staircase, which provides natural light and a “brick wall” behind it, which is really made of tile. “It’s beautiful,” Scott says. Hoboken has turned out to be just the right spot for a young, busy couple, starting a family. “We love the restaurants,” Scott says. “There are a lot of great places

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HOW WE LIVE 07030 to eat, and we like being near the city because of all the commuting options—PATH, buses, ferries. That came in handy during Hurricane Sandy.” With a one-year-old and two working parents, daycare is important. “There are lots of daycare options,” Scott says. “I take her to daycare, and my wife picks her up. That makes it easy.” PHOTOS BY VICTOR M. RODRIGUEZ


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BARBARA TULKO, Broker Associate and CAROLYN CAVALLARO, Sales Associate of RE/MAX Villa Realtors have one philosophy... CUSTOMER SERVICE AND SATISFACTION ALWAYS COME FIRST! " It is not about JUST selling or renting a property... it is about matching the RIGHT property with the right BUYER or TENANT so it is a win/win experience for everyone." Barbara has been specializing in NORTH HUDSON County and her hometown of WEEHAWKEN for over 25 years... and for over 17 years Carolyn has concentrated her efforts on her hometown of HOBOKEN, and also in JERSEY CITY. Together they have it all covered and can cover it all for YOU. Using the latest technology, marketing plans, their vast experience and just plain hard work, these ladies can provide you with just what you need when it comes to BUYING, SELLING, or RENTING. Barbara can be reached at 201-868-3100 x300 or her cell 201-218-4009 email barbaratulko@remax.net Carolyn can be reached at 201-946-2700 x324 or her cell 201-851-3012 email cavallaroc@aol.com

Nobody sells more real estate in the World than RE/MAX ! 07030 HOBOKEN — SPRING & SUMMER 2013 •





701 Grand St. (201) 360-4400 emazzanti.net

This computer network service has been growing strong since 2001. Owned by the husband-and-wife team of Carl and Jennifer Mazzanti, it has about 400 clients and a staff of 19 that’s growing by the month. The company offers security, design, thousands of products, and monthly Incare Support, as well as acting as the IT department for smaller clients. “We knew Hoboken was right strategically,” Jennifer says. “The largest city in the world is across the river, and we could also spread out into New Jersey.”

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They are already outgrowing their 2,000-square-foot space but insist that they “won’t look outside of Hoboken, where we have built a life.” They live at Maxwell Place and have two boys, ages 4 and 2. Carl’s favorite eatery was Schnackenberg’s, which is currently closed for renovations. Carl has nicknamed it “Schnacky’s.” The couple likes to work at the Malibu Diner. “We go at night when we have a big project,” Jennifer says. “We put a ton of paperwork on the table and stay late.” Another local haunt is Elysian Café. “We are huge proponents of shopping local,” Jennifer says. “I shop the boutiques on Washington instead of ordering on the Internet. It’s like us versus Best Buy—the same issue.”



GARDEN STREET SCHOOL OF PERFORMING ARTS 1018 Washington St. (201) 683-9100 info@gardenstreetmusic.com gardenstreetmusic.com

Founder Annie McLoughlin started with about 20 students seven years ago when the school really was on Garden Street. Now it has more than 500 students in its larger digs on Washington. Classes include piano, guitar, violin, bass, woodwinds, brass—basically any instrument—as well as composition. A huge dance department for two-year-olds to adults includes ballet, tap, jazz, hip hop, Irish step, Zumba, yoga, and fitness classes.

Musical theater is also a big draw. “We work with Broadway directors and actors,” McLoughlin says. “Everyone on my staff has worked on Broadway or has Masters or Doctorates. They worked in Wicked, Phantom of the Opera , they’re from the Royal Ballet or the Rockettes. It’s a high caliber of professionals.” As for her own background, she says, “I’ve pretty much done it all in the performing arts—professional dancer, musical theater, acting, and singer/songwriter.” When McLoughlin and her husband decided to “settle down and have a family,” they chose Hoboken. “It has a small-town mentality,” McLoughlin says. “It’s a community, you know your neighbors, but there’s a great city right across the river. There’s tons of work for us.” They have two boys, ages 5 and a half and 22 months. “We want to raise our kids here,” she says. “We have no need to move to the suburbs.”

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INTERIOR MOTIF 629 Washington St. (201) 418-9860 interiormotif.com

Stephan Elbaz, owner of Interior Motif, would like to start with a clarification: “We are not an interior design firm. We work with designers. We are a custom decorating source.” Got it. Elbaz, who has been in the trade for 21 years, has owned Interior Motif in Hoboken for 18. The company started out dealing mainly in shades and other window treatments, but has recently branched out into “full closet solutions and interior painting.” “We have a large client base in Hoboken, along the waterfront from Jersey City, all the way up, in Manhattan, and Central Jersey,” Elbaz says. “We’re opening satellite locations in Hoboken, Jersey City, and the Paramus area.” When it comes to window treatments, “soft” refers to curtains and drapes, and “hard” refers to shades. “The trend over the last few years has been for hard window treat-

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ments, versus curtains and drapes,” Elbaz says. “Shades have come a long way. You can get them manual, motorized, or special child-safety.” Interior Motif has certified installers on staff, a trade-in allowance for old window shades, in-home consultation, and a program that allows clients to replace shades if they are not satisfied with their original purchase. Though Interior Motif offers a number of manufacturers of window treatments, it is the exclusive Hunter Douglas Gallery dealer in Hudson County. Elbaz had originally tried locations in Englewood and North Bergen, but he settled on Hoboken. “I saw where the trend was going, and Hoboken was the right place for me,” Elbaz says. “I instantly knew it was the right niche for the vibe and energy of the clientele.” What he was seeing was “clean, contemporary lines, minimalist, very cutting edge.” Incorporating windows, closets, and painting, Interior Motif can organize an entire living space. “What I love about the job,” Elbaz says, “is that every project is different, every window is different, and every client is different.”



STARR PSYCHOTHERAPY 306 Washington St., Ste. 202 (201) 706-8436 starrpsych.com

This psychotherapy practice gives new meaning to the phrase, “You are what you eat.” Therapist Talia Filipelli started in 2011 with traditional treatments for depression, anxiety, anger, and trauma. “It evolved into considering mood food,” she says. She added Certified Nutrition Coach to her list of credentials. “I work with people with both types of goals,” she says, “mental health and healthy living.” They’re connected. “If you don’t eat properly, you become depressed,” she says. “The food you put in your body affects your moods and how you feel at home or on the job, wherever you are.”

Food is our friend. “My whole life, I’ve loved food,” Filippelli says. “I come from a big Italian family, and I grew up eating very healthy food. I’ve noticed so many people have self-esteem issues and issues with body image and weight. What you put in your body can contribute to anxiety, low self-esteem, or depression.” Most of her clients are from Hoboken, Jersey City, and North Bergen. “The biggest thing is people not eating fruits and vegetables,” she says. “I take clients on supermarket tours and introduce them to vegetables.” She also gives them easy vegetable recipes. And last, “to bring it full circle,” she says, “I also became a Certified Personal Trainer. “I’ve been an athlete my whole life.”—07030

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My Life as a




here’s a reason there’s no guide called Booking Shows for Dummies. At least I don’t think there is. It’s very much an inexact science, and formal training doesn’t exist. A look at my career may show just how unscientific it is. Like many who wind up in my field, at a young age I became a big fan of music. It started out with what was then Top 40 radio on WABC and quickly moved further underground. While I purchased my share of Jethro Tull and Yes records back in the day, they never really resonated with me. The wave of bands that excited me were the likes of Slade, Sweet, and T-Rex (the U.K. glam bands of the early seventies) and then The Ramones, Television, Blondie, and the punk bands out of the CBGB scene, and shortly thereafter some of their British counterparts. I started going to shows when I was very young—I was either 14 or 15 when I caught The Cramps and Ramones at CBGB’s—and met my heroes. I managed to put on a show at the cafeteria of my high school, which was quite a success—starring The Zantees. I was not actively involved with booking shows during my college years, but shortly after graduation, Pat Dinizio, lead vocalist of The Smithereens, asked me if I knew anyone who could help him with a weekly series of shows at Folk City. I told him I thought I was the perfect candidate. That series, dubbed The Big Combo Series, started in January of 1985 and ran through the club’s closing night at the end of March 1986. I’ve done many shows with acts that I first worked with there, including Southern Culture, On The Skids, Alex Chilton, The dB’s, and Yo La Tengo. Folk City was supposed to reopen on East Fourth Street after a month or two. Had I known it was never going to happen, I would have charged for helping to move the tables and chairs there. Not wanting to stop booking—and also being paranoid that all agents would forget who I was after a month—I reached out to the

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owner/booker of Maxwell’s, Steve Fallon. I knew that soundman, Yo La Tengo member Ira Kaplan, had booked a month the previous year, allowing Steve to take a break. Ironically enough, Ira had also been involved with a successful weekly series at Folk City prior to The Big Combo Series. Steve agreed to let me book for a month. This was a thrill because Steve was a mentor to me. Also, I loved going to Maxwell’s, and I had moved to Hoboken in late 1984. After that month, with Folk City’s re-opening still nowhere in sight, I approached Steve about continuing. Before I could get a single word out of my mouth, he said, “You want to keep doing this, right?” I said “Yes,” and here I am still today, with the longest 30-day job anyone has ever held. I spread my wings a bit during my time at Maxwell’s. I continued a weekly series at venues such as Siberia in the meatpacking district and the original Knitting Factory on Leonard Street, both in New York City. I booked some random shows at CBGB’s, which I couldn’t have imagined back when I first started going there. I also put in time at Tramps and Under Acme. When I saw that Brooklyn was going to become a viable location for live music I accepted a booking position at Southpaw in Park Slope, eventually moving on to The Bell House in Gowanus, where I am still booking. I am also proud to be part of a wonderful festival in New Orleans called The Ponderosa Stomp. Doing shows at the venerable Landmark Loew’s Theatre in Jersey City has given me valuable experience in a completely different type of show, where production has to be brought in the day of the show, and the financial arrangements are quite different than a club show. All in all, it has been a rewarding and exciting career, though not for the faint of heart. There is no telling what tomorrow might bring. Bands might be hot one month and cold the next, or vice versa. Competition is fierce. Like many things in life, the best way to learn is probably through hands-on experience.—07030



07030 HOBOKEN — SPRING & SUMMER 2013 •


D AT E S Want your event listed? Please email us at 07030@hudsonreporter.com and put “07030 calendar listings” in the subject line.

ONGOING Movies Under the Stars, Pier A Park, First Street and Sinatra Drive, (201) 420-2207, hobokennj.org. Movies start at 9 p.m. in June and July, at 8 p.m. in August. June 12, 19, 26; July 10, 17, 24, 31; Aug. 7, 14, 21. Family Fun Nights, Shipyard Park, 13th Street and Constitution Way, (201) 420-2207, hobokennj.org. 7-8 p.m. Outdoor performances and fun for the whole family. Bring a blanket. Sinatra Park Concert Series, Sinatra Drive between Fourth and Fifth Streets, (201) 420-2207, hobokennj.org. 7-9 p.m. Free outdoor performances featuring a variety of musical acts.

Twelfth Night, Sinatra Drive. between Fourth and Fifth Streets, milesquaretheatre.org. 8 p.m. Hudson County’s leading professional theatre. June 28, 29, 30; July 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 12, 13, 14. Concerts in Church Square Park, Church Square Park, Garden Street between Fourth and Fifth Streets. 79:30 p.m. Live music every Wednesday night beginning June 27 and running through the end of August. Hoboken Gallery Walk, various locations, hobokengallerywalk.com. 2-6 p.m. Third Sunday of every month. Galleries and art spaces around Hoboken participate with special events and receptions highlighting the work of local, regional, and international artists.

Downtown Farmers Market, Washington Street between Newark Street and Observer Highway, 37:30 p.m. Tuesdays June 25 through Nov. 19. Uptown Farmers Market, Hudson Street between 13th and 14th Streets. 37:30 p.m. Thursdays, June 27 through Oct. 24. Garden Street Mews Farmer’s Market, 14th and Garden Streets. 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturdays, June 1 through Oct. 19. Free Kayaking Days, Hoboken Cove Boathouse, Maxwell Place, hobokencoveboathouse.com. Season opens on June 1 and runs through midSeptember. Wednesday Guitar Circle, Symposia Bookstore, 510 Washington St., (201) 9630909, symposia.us. 8 p.m. Beginners welcome.

JUNE 1 Storybook Theatre: Where the Wild Things Are, Elysian Park, Hudson Street between 10th and 11th Streets. 1-3 p.m.

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Classic children’s literature comes to life through storytelling, song, dance, rhythm, and improvisation. Hoboken Cove Community Boathouse Paddle Raiser, Pilsner Haus & Biergarten, 1422 Grand St., hobokencoveboathouse.org. 6:30 p.m. to close. Friends and family of all ages are welcome to enjoy food and drink and raise money for the boathouse equipment and activities. $30 includes a beer and a grill item.

1-2 OLG Fun Fest, Church Square Park, Willow Avenue between Fourth and Fifth Streets, (201) 659-0369, olgfunfest.com. Entertainment, rides, games, crafts, food, and several family-friendly activities including face painting and pony rides.

2 Hoboken Secret Garden Tour, Hoboken Historical Museum, 1301 Hudson St., (201) 656-2240, hobokenmuseum.org. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Guided two-hour tours of up to 10 hidden horticultural gems. Rain date: June 9.

5 Upper Gallery Opening: A Child’s Innocence,

Hoboken Historical Museum, 1301 Hudson St., (201) 656-2240, hoboken museum.org. 2-5 p.m. Watercolors by Ben Roman, local art teacher, capture the essence of childhood. Free opening reception.

9 Spring Family Fun Day, Hoboken Historical Museum, 1301 Hudson St., (201) 656-2240, hoboken museum.org. Noon3:30 p.m. All ages, hands-on activities.

10 The Sounds of Hoboken, various locations, full schedule available at hobokennj.org. 11 a.m.7 p.m. Citywide musical celebration.

13 Sinatra Idol Contest, Sinatra Park, Sinatra Drive between Fourth and Fifth Streets. 6:30 p.m. 15 contestants strut their stuff. Prizes are awarded to the best Sinatra-style vocalist.

17 & 24 Cyrano de Bergerac, Sinatra Drive between Fourth and Fifth Streets. 7 p.m. Come early for best seating possible, bring a blanket or comfortable low-back chair.

20 New Jersey Symphony Orchestra Concert, Pier A Park. 100 Sinatra Dr. 7 p.m. Jacques Lacombe, Music Director, and Neeme Jarvi, Conductor Laureate. Bring a blanket or lawn chair. Free.

(201) 656-2240, hoboken musuem.org. 8 p.m. Showcase of short films and video works by New Jersey City University students and alumni.


The 103rd annual street celebration with food, fun, and nightly entertainment.

AUGUST 12 & 19



Puerto Rican Flag Raising and Ceremony, City Hall, 94 Washington St., (201) 420-2207, hobokennj.org. 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Flag raising begins at 11 a.m. in front of City Hall, ceremony to follow in the Court Room.

Independence Day Celebrations, along the waterfront, (201) 4202207, hobokennj.org. Check city website for details TBA.

Macbeth, Shakespeare in the Park, Sinatra Drive between Fourth and Fifth Streets, hudsonshake speare.org. 7 p.m. Come early for best seating possible, bring a blanket or comfortable low-back chair.

15 & 22


Henry VIII, Shakespeare in the Park, Sinatra Drive between Fourth and Fifth Streets, hudson shakespeare.org. 7 p.m. Come early for best seating possible, bring a blanket or comfortable low-back chair.

Storybook Theatre: Listen to the Rain! Elysian Park, 1-3 p.m. Classic children’s literature comes to life through storytelling, song, dance, rhythm, and improvisation. Recommended for ages 3-10. Children must be accompanied by parent or guardian.

23 Olympic Day, Pier A Park, 100 Sinatra Dr., (201) 4202207, hobokennj.org. 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Olympic-style activities including 5K, cycling, sport and fitness demos, food, activities for children, and more.

30 Hoboken Baby Parade, Sinatra Park to Pier A Park. 1 p.m. Dress up your toddlers and festoon your strollers to compete for the cup in this 100-year-old tradition. Rain date: May 26.

31 Urban Image presents: Spring Showcase, Hoboken Historical Museum, 1301 Hudson St.,

20 Storybook Theatre: The Magic Hat, Elysian Park. 13 p.m. Classic children’s literature comes to life through storytelling, song, dance, rhythm, and improvisation. Recommended for ages 310, children must be accompanied by parent or guardian.

24-28 St. Ann’s Italian Festival, St. Ann’s Church, 704 Jefferson St., (201) 6591114, st-annchurch.com.

29 Spaghetti Dinner Block Party, Sinatra Drive Walkway, between First and Second Streets. 5-8 p.m. Enjoy four types of pasta, salad, sausage, meatballs, and Italian pastries with neighbors and friends. Tickets available at City Hall.





Uptown Storytime at the Museum, Hoboken Historical Museum, 1301 Hudson St., (201) 656-2240, hoboken museum.org. 10 a.m. Librarian Penny Metsch shares stories with children ages 2-5 and their caregivers.

Alice in Wonderland Journey, tempestproductions.org. Location and time TBA. Come follow Alice and the White Rabbit on a journey through Wonderland on their way to a Mad Hatter Tea Party.


Harvest Festival, Pier A Park, First Street and Sinatra Drive. 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Hay maze, pony rides, face painting, moonwalk, trackless train, pumpkin painting, sand art, and more.

Hoboken Italian Festival, Sinatra Park, Sinatra Drive between Fourth and Fifth Streets. Annual street fair and Feast of the Madonna Dei Martiri. Procession on Sept. 7.

19 Uptown Storytime at the Museum, Hoboken Historical Museum, 1301 Hudson St., (201) 656-2240, hoboken museum.org. 10 a.m. Librarian Penny Metsch shares stories with children ages 2-5 and their caregivers.

29 Hoboken Fall Arts & Music Festival, Washington Street between Observer Highway and Seventh Street, (201) 420-2207. 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Over 300 artists and crafters, kids area, great food, and three stages of live performance.


27 Hoboken House Tour, various locations, (201) 656-2240, hoboken museum.org. 10 a.m.4 p.m. An annual tour of some of the great private homes in Hoboken.

31 Rag-A-Muffin Parade, 13th and Washington Streets. 3 p.m. Lineup starts on 13th Street and heads down Washington Street, followed by a Costume Contest at the Little League Field. Prizes awarded for the best costumes.—07030

07030 HOBOKEN — SPRING & SUMMER 2013 •


the stewed A

touch of Texas has arrived on Adams Street. When we strode (good Texas word) into the Stewed Cow on a Thursday evening, it had been open only for about five weeks. It has a newly rustic décor with lots of stressed wood, high tables, people bellying up to the bar (of course) and—a bull. That is, a mechanical bull waiting in his makeshift ring for some urban cowboys to test their bronco chops. It’s not as dark as you might expect. There is a row of windows along streetside that gives the room pleasant natural light.


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In true Texas fashion, it is a very friendly place. Though waiters Tara and Sarah were our hosts, just about everybody on staff seemed interested in the two guests who had come in to shoot pictures and take notes. Turns out that both Tara and photographer, Terri Saulino Bish, grew up in Hoboken, so they reminisced about the “old days,” in the typical, chummy way of Hoboken lifers. Tara and Sarah suggested drinks and menu items, and Tara helped Terri by using her smartphone to light the food that Terri was shooting.


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They brought out two tiny beer mugs for me to taste some of their 20 draught and 25 bottled beers. I decided on a light robust Brooklyn Pilsner. Terri went for the Stewed Punch, a colorful concoction of moonshine, cinnamon whiskey, malt liquor, and pomegranate juice that comes with cherries on top and is served with ice in a Mason jar. In fact, Mason jars play a strong role in creating the country aura of the place. We gave up trying to pick things from the menu, because Doug, the chef, just started sending things out from the kitchen. We started with some items from the Stewed Cow’s selection of “Saloon Bites”—spinach and artichoke dip with a basket of fresh chips. This provided the green-and-good-for-you element. It was followed by an elegant twisting tower of tavern chips, lightly accented with bleu cheese. Don’t worry if you are not a bleu-cheese fan, the taste is not overpowering—just a hint, lightly crumbled. Out came some Chipotle BBQ Ribs with thick French fries and a nice, fresh cole slaw, served in a bowl, not a little paper cup. By this time we were really full but we just had to taste the desserts—both of which were served in Mason jars. Doug sent out two. The first was a Bacon Bourbon Ice Cream sundae. This unique concoction is not for the faint of heart. The ice cream is laced with bourbon, and there really are strips of bacon torquing through the mélange, which is shot through with whipped cream. The carrot cake was delicious. It was more like a carrot-cake pudding sharing space with meringues of whipped cream. Manager Rich Adams was game enough to give us a bull-riding demonstration. Alyssa Bredin rode the bull for our cover. The bull is in full operation Thursdays through Sunday after 9 p.m. Other menu selections include burgers, sandwiches, make-your-own salad, fish, pasta, pork chops, chicken, and just about anything that fits in with a Western saloon on the west side of Hoboken.—Kate Rounds The Stewed Cow 400 Adams St. (201) 706-8589 thestewedcow.com

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San Giuseppe



his Italian gem is tucked away on the west side in the shadow of the viaduct. On beautiful summer evenings you can sit outside and watch the passing parade. We went on a Friday evening, so there were business people celebrating the start of the weekend, parents with strollers, and plenty of parking for folks who stop by after driving to work. It’s a popular spot, as we quickly found out. Pretty soon, we had to give up the extra table we were using for photo shoots. The interior is warm and pleasant, with muted yellow walls, paintings with Italian scenes, and Frank Sinatra singing “Summer Wind” in the background. San Giuseppe is noted for its “coal-fired” pizza, made by owner Joe Russo himself. So, no matter what else you might be tempted to order, get a pizza for your table. From a selection of nine “signature” pies, we chose the “Quattro Stagioni,” with roasted artichoke hearts, kalamata olives, roasted crimini mushrooms, prosciutto di parma, and fresh mozzarella. Superb! But I get ahead of myself. The first thing that comes to the table is a basket of focaccia, oven-baked Italian bread topped with herbs. This eatery is BYOB, so the waiter will be glad to bring you an ice bucket to keep your beer or wine 07030 HOBOKEN — SPRING & SUMMER 2013 •


EATERIES 07030 cold. Our waiter, Yari, couldn’t have been more helpful and hospitable, suggesting, explaining, and helping us make room for picture-taking. We did not order an appetizer, for fear we would not have room for what was to follow. But they have a good selection—everything from Burrata, roasted vegetables, and chicken wings to an assortment of imported cheeses and artisanal Italian cured meats. And, get this, in January San Giuseppe was awarded the “Best Chicken Wings in Hoboken” at the first annual “A Wing and a Prayer” cook-off, hosted by the St. Frances Helpers of the Elks Lodge. But we started with a healthy and colorful Tuscan salad, a wonderful combination of chick peas, cannellini beans, onions, cherry tomatoes, gaeta olives, parmigiano reggiano shavings, extra virgin olive oil, and lemon dressing on Romaine lettuce. The cheese is more generous than just “shavings,” and the tomatoes were really fresh and sweet. Other salads include tri-colored, baby spinach, and baby arugula. We followed this with a pasta dish—Farfalle Mari e Monti— sauteed shrimps, crimini mushrooms, peas, plum tomato, and fresh basil in white wine sauce, served over bowtie pasta. Yari was very generous with the fresh parmesan, which she sprinkled liberally over the top. This was one of the restaurant’s six “signature” pasta dishes. The “family favorite” is Sugo Delle Nonna, a mélange of meatballs, raisins, pignoli nuts, and fenel sausage over penne. And what’s an Italian restaurant noted for its pizza without a dessert that looks suspiciously like pizza? Our “sweet pizza” was topped with chocolate, strawberries, and confectionary sugar. You guessed it— we tried one delicious slice and took the rest home. —Kate Rounds San Giuseppe 1320 Adams St. (201) 942-9200 sangiuseppehoboken.com

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104 14th Street (201) 653-0610 ajamexicancuisine.com Baja offers a new experience in char-broiled Tex-Mex specialties. With mojitos and margaritas fin abundance and Happy Hour every day, it’s a fun place with a happening bar.


36-42 Newark Street (201) 710-5520 BiggiesClamBar.com Biggie’s is proud to offer a second location in the Mile Square City. Formerly the Clam Broth House, Biggie’s offers an extensive menu of both old and new selections.

07030 HOBOKEN — SPRING & SUMMER 2013 •


DISH 07030

® 100 Sinatra Drive Hoboken 201.222.1440 www.meltingpot.com/hoboken

Its raw clams on the half shell are second to none. Through the dynamic changes Hoboken has undergone in the last 60 years, Biggie’s has stood for tradition, quality, consistency, and stability. Biggie’s is well known for its family atmosphere. Stop in and see for yourself. You won’t be disappointed.


363 15th St. (201) 706-8680 chickengalorehoboken.net Chicken Galore is a fast food, takeout, delivery, and catering restaurant. It serves a wide variety of chicken dishes, as well as ribs, seafood, sandwiches, and more. Popular items include chicken dinner, buttermilk biscuits, chicken fingers, French fries, and buffalo wings. For your convenience, this popular eatery offers online ordering.


800 Jackson St., Hoboken 201.714.4040


239 Marin Blvd., Jersey City (201) 761-0000 www.edwardssteakhouse.com Edward’s Steak House offers steak, seafood, and other sumptuous fare with an elegant bistro flare. Tucked into a historic townhouse in downtown Jersey City, Edward’s is comfortably upscale. The menu includes all the classic steaks and chops—aged prime sirloin, porterhouse, filet mignon, and more. You’ll enjoy the atmosphere whether you’re celebrating a special occasion or stopping by for a steak sandwich at the bar.


150 - 14th Street (201) 683-8554 healthyforlifegrill.com Healthy For Life brings healthy food, reasonable prices and superior service together to provide the total solution for the health-conscious consumer without sacrificing great taste and freshness. The food is selected and prepared to include a balance of vitamins, minerals, fiber, fats, and carbohydrates. A variety of drinks, protein shakes, and juice blends are offered.


219 Washington Street (201) 706-8308 eatatjosdiner.com Come out to Jo’s for great comfort food and service with a smile. This family joint aims to make you part of the family. Daytime delivery available. BYOB and have a blast.

86 • 07030 HOBOKEN — SPRING & SUMMER 2013

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103 Montgomery Street (201) 433-4567 www.komegashi.com Located in Jersey City’s financial district, Komegashi offers fresh, wellpresented sushi along with traditional Japanese favorites and an extensive selection of fresh shellfish. Locals and visitors from around the world find this a perfect spot to dine in casual elegance. Open seven days.


99 Pavonia Ave. Newport Financial Center (201) 533-8888 www.komegashi.com Komegashi too offers an authentic Japanese dining experience with a spectacular view of the New York Skyline. The menu includes perfectly prepared sushi and sashimi, kaiseki, teriyaki, and tempura. Located on the river at Newport Financial Center, Komegashi too is open seven days.


200 Grand St. (201) 659-9467 leosgrandevous.com Since 1939, this Hoboken landmark has been tm. You haven’t been to Hoboken until you have eaten at Leo’s!!


100 Sinatra Drive (201) 222-1440 meltingpot.com/hoboken There’s just something about a fondue pot that invites conversation, laughter, and coming together. At the Melting Pot, we offer a unique, interactive dining experience that creates memorable moments with family and friends. From the time the first piece of bread is dipped to the last piece of dessert is savored, you’ll discover new things about old friends, and make new friends in the bargain.


1064 West Side Avenue (201) 432-4111 puccinisrestaurant.com Excellent food, gracious service, and the elegant surroundings at Puccini’s are all you need for a perfect evening out. Chef Pasquale Iengo, a Naples native, creates authentic Italian dishes the way they were meant to be served and offers an impressive wine list to complement your meal. Expert catering is also available in two exquisitely appointed and expanded banquet halls, a perfect setting for your wedding or special event. Puccini’s Restaurant is open for lunch and dinner Tuesday through Friday and for dinner Saturday and Sunday.

07030 HOBOKEN — SPRING & SUMMER 2013 •


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Sullivan’s BAR & GRILL

2 01. 4 2 0 . 9 8 4 9 6 0 0 WA S HIN G T O N S T R E E T www.bajamexicancuisine.com

J.C. Waterfront District newportnj.com Overlooking the Hudson River and the Manhattan skyline is the most diverse dining destination on the New Jersey Gold Coast—The Restaurants at Newport. Located among the luxury apartments and office towers in the Newport section, The Restaurants at Newport include 12 fine establishments: Komegashi too, Dorrian’s, Raaz, Cosi, Confucius, Bertucci’s, Babo, Fire and Oak, Boca Grande Cantina, Michael Anthony’s, Skylark on the Hudson, and Loradella’s.


Offering a new experience in Charbroiled Tex-Mex specialties... And with the best Mojitos and Margaritas around and Happy Hour every day, it’s truly a fun place with a happening bar! Baja 104 Fourteenth Street, Hoboken 201-271-0610

1072 Westside Avenue (201) 434-4604 Jersey City’s newest and most talked about Italian deli and market is brought to you by Natale Rescigno and Chef Pasquale, who have delivered top quality to Puccini’s for more than 27 years. With a fresh menu that changes daily, Salumeria Ercolano offers delicious sandwiches, panninis, wraps, and salads along with daily, fresh-made mozzarella, and desserts. Whether you eat in or take it home, you owe it to yourself to make this your next stop for lunch or a take-home dinner. Quality catering for all occasions is available. Serving beer and wine. Open Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturday, from 9:30 a. m. to 5 p.m. Free parking.


drink local NJ Beer Co. beers are available at these local restaurants, bars and retailers and throughout New Jersey.

212 Washington Street, Jersey City (201) 435.5151 satisbistro.com Tucked away in the Paulus Hook neighborhood, Satis is Jersey’s City’s best-kept dining secret. Satis is a foodie haven with a fantastic wine bar that serves dinner daily and brunch on weekends. The cuisine is modern European with an emphasis on French, Italian, and Spanish specialties. Menu changes are made seasonally, and specials are run weekly. Reservations are recommended.


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88 • 07030 HOBOKEN — SPRING & SUMMER 2013

600 Washington Street (201) 420-9849 Sullivan’s Bar & Grill has a neighborhood-bar vibe and excellent food. These qualities have made it a Hoboken staple. Stop by and enjoy a pint.



bistro S café S wine bar

“Don’t Miss” – New York Times January 2013

SERVING DINNER & BRUNCH reservations recommended 212 WASHINGTON STREET | JERSEY CITY, NJ 07302 | 201.435.5151



07030 HOBOKEN — SPRING & SUMMER 2013 •



500 Grand St. (201) 217-1650 threeasbarandgrill.com Tucked away in the heart of the city, this establishment offers a hometown feel in an urban landscape. The decor features beautiful hardwood floors and original tin ceilings, as well as enough windows to allow afternoon sunlight to stream across the tables. It offers an excellent beer selection, creative martini list, and a moderately priced wine list. The kitchen serves a variety of entrees, featuring chef’s specials every day.


800 Jackson Street (201) 714-4040 hoboken.tiltedkilt.com We’re in the business of lifting spirits one burger, one beer, one guest, one visit, at a time. So, the next time you’re nearby, whether at happy hour, noon, or night, stop in and see us. The Tilted Kilt offers a one-of-a-kind experience that will always leave you in a better mood then when you arrived.


616 Grand Street (201) 610-1522 williemcbrides.com The front bar is very large with open fireplaces, stone floors, and memorabilia imported from Ireland. A balcony overlooks the front bar. With a stage and sound system, the establishment hosts bands from all over the tri-state area that perform Friday and Saturday nights. 28 HD large screens and numerous TVs play sporting events. There are also a pool table and dart boards. A full menu with Irish and American specialties at reasonable prices is offered. A function room is available for private gatherings for up to 350, with private bar. Free shuttle service on the weekend.


79 Hudson Street (201) 963-0900 windmillhoboken.com Welcome to the Windmill. We serve tasty, award-winning burgers and dogs, along with cheese fries to die for. Zagat has given us the thumbs up, but more important, Hoboken locals love us. Stop by and find out for yourself!

90 • 07030 HOBOKEN — SPRING & SUMMER 2013

Puccini’s Restaurant & Catering

Celebrating 30 Years of fine dining and catering, Puccini's has all the elements to make any celebration, special occasion or social event a spectacular success! Recognized as one of Hudson County's most illustrious catering facilities with a reputation for Quality, Ambiance & Service. Noted for it's satisfying traditional Italian cuisine, Puccini's uses only the finest ingredients — many of which are imported from Italy. In addition to our two banquet rooms, Puccini's is open for lunch & dinner Tuesday — Friday and for dinner on Saturday & Sunday.

1064 WESTSIDE AVENUE, JERSEY CITY • 201.432.4111 Ample Valet Parking • Gift Certificates Available Major Credit Cards Accepted


Edge Lofts is a unique collection of sustainable luxury residences designed to achieve a LEED for Homes Platinum Certification. The design of this stylish building offers modern loft style homes, a private garden terrace, smoke-free environment and an abundance of green features. Residences boast Energy Star appliances, LED lighting, ducted kitchen exhausts and advanced air filtration systems for a healthier, cleaner way of life.

New Luxury Loft Rentals. Starting From $2,795/Month. 1405 Clinton Street, Hoboken NJ | 201.963.1405 | EdgeLoftsHoboken.com


Exclusive Sales and Marketing Agent: Bijou Properties

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