Buzzing with Excitement
The Wellness Group of Bayonne
Dr. Noah
By Tara Ryazansky Photos Courtesy of Dr. Noah DeKoyer
ast January, The Wellness Group of Bayonne was buzzing with excitement. Dr. Noah DeKoyer led an event called An Evening With The Bee Keepers.
16 • BLP ~ SPRING | SUMMER 2022
The beekeepers are Dr. Noah and his family. “When my father retired, he was considering becoming a master gardener. That’s a course that you can take through Rutgers University,” Dr. Noah explains. But the new retiree decided not to take on the program.
The Head Beekeeper “It was a little bit too comprehensive. He would have had to go to class every Friday. So instead, he joined a local bee club. He learned a lot, and it started from there.” Now the family has been beekeeping together in Bergen County for eight years. “My father is the head beekeeper, for sure,” said Dr. Noah, adding that he and