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Why Minor in History of Art?
History of Art is the most popular minor at FIT, according to a 2020–2022 analysis conducted by the Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness. Below, four students share why they chose to minor in art history.

I felt that minoring in History of Art helped expose me to a wider variety of cultures and mediums. To appreciate art is to understand it in the context of its historical position and the purpose for its creation; art history helps us to unpack those elements. I have taken History of European Art and Civilization: Renaissance to Modern Era (HA 112), Indigenous Art of North America (HA 116), Beauty: The Human Ideal in Visual Culture (HA 382), and Art of the Silk Road: Cross-Cultural Encounters (HA 383). Of all of these courses I would have to say that Indigenous Art of North America was my favorite, not only because it was a topic that I had no knowledge of, but also because it helped me to rethink my own perceptions of American history and showed me how rich the varied cultures of indigenous peoples are. I think the minor can only help me in my career, as it allows me a wider breadth and appreciation of mediums, cultures, and ideas. Knowledge is power, and art is my driving passion. My inspiration for filmmaking and music does not come from other films or music alone, but from paintings, sculptures, texts, and many other forms. The professors I've had for art history have been wonderful and passionate people who truly want to see their students learn, and who care about what they have to say.
—A.J. Lane, Film & Media ’23
I minored in History of Art to gain more knowledge about the arts and the development of my own artworks. I want to be a working artist. So all of the knowledge in art history is very useful and valuable for my artistic career.
illustration major and creative person. My favorite HA class has to be HA 202: Feminist Art Histories, Theories, and Practices. The professor, Sandra Skurvida, was such a knowledgeable and enthusiastic professor who made me really appreciate feminist art. I learned so much from her teachings that it inspired me to do more research into feminist art outside of class. We went on many field trips to galleries and museums, where I was able to see feminist artwork in action. I really enjoyed taking her class and it was an inspiration to my own art and to my education. I feel like my History of Art minor helps me to understand the world of art history more and apply it to my own artwork as an illustration major. I’m continually able to apply the concepts I’ve learned about such as technique, color, composition, depth, and light/shade. I've always loved art history and world history; being able to learn more in depth about it at FIT was amazing.
—Jianna Cruz, Illustration ’24
Art history goes well with the fashion design curriculum. I also think having art history knowledge helps me in my designs. And it helps me with the writing and wording for my collections.
—Daxian Zhou, Fine Arts ’23
I decided to minor in art history because FIT has such a range of art history classes that all sounded incredibly interesting to take. I really enjoy and appreciate learning about art history. It is also incredibly useful to know more about the art world as I am an

So far my favorite of the four HA classes I’ve taken is Modern and Contemporary Korean Art (HA 240). Through that class, I was not only able to learn about modern Korean art but also learned about the culture and the people of Korean, Japanese, and Chinese history. Writing art history papers helps me with both my academic papers and my collection philosophies. Having art history knowledge helps me come up with inspirations for my collections. I love how art history also teaches about the culture and overall history of different time periods.
—Asalya Samieva, Fashion Design ’24
Visit the History of Art minor page to learn more.