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A New York Times bestseller JanneleMichelleJimenez

about the tenderness of the unuttered

withwhomIhaveneverneededwords, whichisamercythattaughtmetolovethemallthemore.

fromJannele, whoismanyislandsawayand isthinkingofyou.

For Aletha,

Thistenderness,oneweshare, isalyricpoemwithoutend.


onbeinginaworldfullofhalfwits. thebiographyofavirgo e.bautista

eljay. toaletha,


withyou,theeaseoflookingforcompany andfindingwaystorememberhighschoolwithatleast someformoffondnesscomeseasy.youallowtenderness inthelaughterthatcomesfromteasing,andthesmall glareswheneveribeatyouatsupersmash.yourhugs andthewayyouclingtoone'sarmwhilewewalkaredearly missed.ihopetoseeyousoon,andipraytowhatevergods intheuniversethatyouhavethemostjoyfulandwarm ofbirthdays.


'amazingly-paopaofunny' a series of short stories by sab <3

what if.. cats ruled the world?

For Aletha,

whose presence makes me feel the way a cat feels under the sun - warm, contented, appreciated who has a way with words that makes them astonishingly beautiful, a skill I so admire i wish you the happiest of birthdays <3 a lovely trusted friend,

There is a particularly sweet joy in crossing paths with a person you have come to greatly admire even from a distance, and then one day come to call them your friend.

I miss your company a whole lot. Happy birthday. Portia

To Aletha, my dear friend and fellow worrier.

You and I share the same burden of carrying our worries for this earth as if it were perpetually perched on our shoulders. But I want you to remember that you can knock on my door anytime when you long for rest.

Tall worrier and warrior, I look forward always to the days we’ll draw flowers again on quiet afternoons just like that day in Kostka during our breaks in between classes.

Ay kavogue -RV Seulgi Nakakaloka -NCT Jaehyun PAKK 5 stars! -Aespa Winter A coming-of-age comeback When FromthePulitzerPride Awardee speaks I know it's you warmth Written by Faith Santos

I wish you the most joyful of birthdays.

Maybe style your hair again.

When we see each other again, I'll cook you anything.

Whose words felt like the tender weight of two hands that both grounded and encouraged me.


With whom I'll be grateful to have done my first hair styling service,

Have I ever told you I look up to you like I would a sister?


I t ' s c o l d , b u t i n t h e m i r r o r t h e r e i s f i r e . R N O L D M A N U E L R I L L O R T A

f o r A l e t h a .

W o r d s , u n s u r p r i s i n g l y , a r e h a r d f o r m e . i b r e a k a t a n o t h e r ' s b e n d . W h a t i s s u r p r i s i n g , h o w e v e r , i s t h a t y o u r e v e r y w o r d i s p r e c i o u s t o m e . T h e d a y s o f e a s y c h a t t e r m a y b e l e s s s o a t t h e m o m e n t , a n d m y p r e s e n c e i n y o u r l i f e m a y f l u c t u a t e a s w e g r o w , b u t I w i l l t a k e w h a t I c a n . I w i l l g i v e w h a t I c a n . W h a t s h o u l d I s a y t o a p e r s o n w h o s e w o r d s c a p t i v a t e m e ? I r e s o l v e t h e q u e r y a n d s a y t h i s : w h i c h e v e r p a t h y o u t r a v e r s e , i t i s y o u r s . I h o p e i t i s f i l l e d w i t h a s m u c h l o v e a s y o u d e s e r v e . L o v e a l w a y s a n d h a p p y b i r t h d a y , A r n o l d

Happy Birthday, Aletha!

with the hopes of seeing you soon, the School of Th<3ts

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