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about me

My name, José Manuel Fachal Roel, artistic name “JosemaFRoel”.I am Galician, native of the municipality of Cambre, in the city of La Coruña (Galicia-Spain).

I am fifty-nine years old and my interest in digital photography goes back years, it can be said about three decades. My photographic discipline has been reserved mainly, and for a long time, for two modalities, the daytime and night long exposure and, on occasions, the panoramic modality, in which I am very satisfied and which I enjoy enormously. With this, my amateur and personal life has changed satisfactorily and this is something very important to me, as it has affected both my emotional state and even my health, since I feel very relaxed and with a great quality of life. At the same time, thanks to this and it must be said, I have been lucky enough to meet new photographer friends who, although they are few, are pleasantly extraordinary people and who bring me great joy and very good sensations in each photographic outing or getaway. This is of vital importance to me, for which I am enormously grateful.


Regarding the equipment that I have, for each type of photography I use one or another, depending on whether the outing is day or night. For daytime outings, I like to take the lightest equipment, since I also take the opportunity to go on long walks and the weight of the backpack is very important to me, in which I sometimes carry a Fujifilm model XA2 camera, although I have other models of the brand, but this one is so light and light, that I hardly notice it in the weight of the backpack that, in addition, I really like the Raw files that it generates and that I like to reveal and edit, other times, I take a Sony Nex 3N, also very light and I also like its Raw files.

As for the rest of the team, regarding the optics, I usually attach several objectives of different diameters, such as a Samyang 12mm. F2.8, a Meike 12mm. F2.8, a Tokina 11-16mm. F2.8, among others, but these are the ones I often use due to the type of photography I’ve been doing lately, together with degraded CPL or ND filters, which I almost always use and I can’t do without them either, so I couple them a Haida ND8 and a CPL from the German brand Praktica, which I have had for several years now, although I have different ones and other brands, these two filters are the ones I use most regularly. Regarding the night photography modality, also long exposure of course, I usea Nikon brand camera and model D610 and another one from the same brand, but model D750, although the one I usually use the most is the D610, which I also like Much the Raw files it generates and which are a bit lighter than those of the powerful D750, than with the Samyang 14mm lens. F2.8, seems like a good set to me.

The tripod, a very important element, I would say essential, since most of the work done is usually long exposure, for which I use two different types but also very light, aluminum and magnesium, very light, but yes, very complete, with their specific ball joints for all kinds of rotary movements, with their spirit levels, graphic scale, etc.

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