5 Great Tips To Become a Great Virtual Assistant

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"The only true security in life comes from knowing that every single day you are improving yourself in some way."

-- Anthony Robbins

5 Tips to Becoming A Successful Virtual Assistant! 2007—2008 © Copyright— Kim Hughes This report is not to be copied, distributed sold or reproduced in any way whatsoever without written consent of the author—Kim Hughes, PK Hughes, LLC—dba Kim Hughes & Company® — VACoffee® www.YourVirtualAssistantCoach.com.com—www.KimHughes.com

I am so excited that you downloaded this valuable report on how to become or stay successful as a VA. You know, 8 years ago there were only a hand full of virtual assistants and the VA concept was not well known, but those entrepreneurs that used a VA knew the value of having one! Because of these VAs the industry is growing strong and the name virtual assistant is becoming a business that is here to stay! To your success, Kim Hughes

A little about how I have succeeded. Believe me I was in the same shoes you could be in now. I had the desire to own my business, after all owning an Internet business was all the talk back in 1999. The key was finding your niche. Well, after I researched the virtual assistant industry – as small as it was then -I knew I had found something I could do and be successful. I spent a lot of time researching, emailing other VAs and calling them to ask questions. Everyone was so helpful and generous in offering information, but then I thought who would I market to? How would they find me? How much will it cost to start this company? The list goes on. You know what I mean, you probably have these same questions, right? Once I decided this is my destiny, I thought what knowledge and experience do I have that makes me stand out. REAL ESTATE! I have been in real estate since 1983 working with some of the top development companies where I worked in real estate development in building malls, condominiums, shopping centers and office buildings. I have 2 degrees – one in business management and the other in marketing and I have worked in executive levels with some very high power individuals in the real estate industry. I was lucky, so I sat down and created a business plan on who I would target my services and who were the big hitters in today’s real estate world. After all, I had taken some time off to be raise my 3 boys and had lost touch with a lot of the corporate America power hitters. I was lucky that I had a brother and sister-in-law that were in real estate. I called and talked to them about my idea and they were very supportive, so I started talking to local agents and they loved the concept and even helped me market my services to their companies. It always help to know people! So, I took my idea to my husband who I will honestly say thought I had lost my mind. Yes, he did. I told him to give me one year and if this did not work then I would do something else. At the time my boy’s were 6, 7 and 11 and I knew before long they would be headed for college, need cars and help getting started in their adult lives. I wanted to give them the best start possible, so this was my motivation. I was determine, excited and focused! I worked long hours, sometimes 2-3 days on just a couple of hours of sleep researching what I could offer to my clients, created samples for my portfolio, building my website, etc. Well, after about 6 months of all my hard work and determination I had landed my first client and because she was so excited about my services and the hard work and dedication I offered she referred me to her colleagues. This gave me an opportunity to attend the Allen F. Hainge CyberStar Summit where she introduced me to top producing REALTORS®. I walked away from that conference with 2 clients. Then Michael Russer held a Met The VA of Your Dream Roundtable at the 2003 NAR conference where I walked away with 5 clients. Then in 2005 I was invited to attend a Howard Britton Star Power Event in Palm Beach. Florida to discuss virtual assistants. By investing into these conferences I was able to start building a name for myself and today I am going strong and loving every minute of it. I want you to go strong and love every minute as well!

5 Tips to Becoming A Successful Virtual Assistant! 2007—2008 © Copyright— Kim Hughes This report is not to be copied, distributed sold or reproduced in any way whatsoever without written consent of the author—Kim Hughes, PK Hughes, LLC—dba Kim Hughes & Company® — VACoffee® www.YourVirtualAssistantCoach.com.com—www.KimHughes.com

But, that does not mean I did not run into brick walls! Nope, it seemed I was in for quite a learning experience in how to build a solid foundation for my business and to keep that foundation intact. I know I have come across every obstacle that can be thrown out there and because I have been there done that I hope this report on The 5 Greatest Tips Become A Successful Virtual Assistant! Before I go through each Tip I want to make sure you are ready to become or stay successful. You have to have the desire to become successful. I don’t just mean monetarily, but personally successful as well. We all know having a business our first goal it to make money, that is a given. But, we need to want to become successful from our heart and soul. Each person is different as to what drives them to achieve, so what drives you? Write it down and keep it in front of you at all times. I made a poster. Don’t laugh, it works! I had photos of my children, my husband, my home, my DREAM car, universities and things relating to college. My drive was to put my kids through college without causing a financial burden on our own personal finances. It is so important to set goals and keep them in front of you. You might want to take the family on a special vacation , buy that DREAM car, buy new furniture, pay-off your debt, start a retirement fund, etc. Whatever it is say it out loud, write it down and share it with your spouse/partner/friend whoever. This will motivate you to the next level! Keep your focus my putting your religion/spiritual beliefs first ,family second and career third! ALWAYS!

Now, are you ready to become successful in your business? Let’s get started.

5 Tips to Becoming A Successful Virtual Assistant! 2007—2008 © Copyright— Kim Hughes This report is not to be copied, distributed sold or reproduced in any way whatsoever without written consent of the author—Kim Hughes, PK Hughes, LLC—dba Kim Hughes & Company® — VACoffee® www.YourVirtualAssistantCoach.com.com—www.KimHughes.com

Let’s assume you are starting with nothing for your business. Of course, you know that you need a computer. A laptop would be best since you can be mobile, but if you have a PC you are on your way. Make sure you have a reliable Internet provider. Look at what is available in your market and get the highest speed possible. I started off on dialup, then satellite and now I am on DSL. Compare prices, service, etc. Be prepared to pay about $35 $40 per month for Internet service. You might consider a home network as well. I have mine through www.earthlink.net and they offer a great home network package. If I have problems, I call them. I pay about $7.50 per month for their technical assistance for this service is worth every penny. You will also want to have a separate phone number for your business. You are now a professional, so calling the home number is taboo. Check with your local phone company to see what your options are. You might also consider your cell phone to be your office number. If you choose a cell phone make sure you have nationwide services for long distance calls. Also, you will want to have a package for unlimited long distance. I cannot tell you how much this has saved me! Plus, your clients will love the fact you will call them. This is a good thing because • • • •

You are keeping them on track Taking the initiative Absorbing the costs of the call You are helping them stay organized You will also want to consider a head set so you are hands free when talking to clients on the phone. You might look at www.plantronics.com I have a wireless headset and I can walk up to 300 feet from my phone. You will be able to multi-task when talking to clients. Best Investment I have ever made in equipment.

Also you will need a voice message service. If you are out or on the phone you need those call monitored and a way to have clients or prospective clients to leave a message. I use www.ureach.com. This is great because I can check it from any computer, anywhere. I even have a message box on my computer for incoming calls. This will cost about $15.00 per month. Make sure your message is clear, professional and gives direction. You will need a good email program, the most popular one is MS outlook. Not Express, but Outlook. You should also have the latest in the MS software. As of this writing 2007 the latest. It is your responsibility to make this investment in your business. You are an Internet Professional, so you need to know more or at least as much as your client. If you need some tutorials on Outlook there are several free sites that offer it. Here are some of my favorite sites to learn about Outlook: Microsoft - http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/training/CR100654581033.aspx Free Tutorials – For 2003 version, but can be used for 2007 http://www.freeemailtutorials.com/ microsoftOutlook2003/introductionToOutlook2003/meetOutlook2003.cwd Outlook Power e-Zine - http://www.outlookpower.com/ Most of your clients will use MS Outlook for email, so it is to your advantage to know how it works and all the special features it offers to help your clients use it to it’s fullest ability. 5 Tips to Becoming A Successful Virtual Assistant! 2007—2008 © Copyright— Kim Hughes This report is not to be copied, distributed sold or reproduced in any way whatsoever without written consent of the author—Kim Hughes, PK Hughes, LLC—dba Kim Hughes & Company® — VACoffee® www.YourVirtualAssistantCoach.com.com—www.KimHughes.com

Know your other software programs: Your client will look to you to know everything, so even though we cannot know it all it is to your advantage to learn the most popular software programs. You can do a Google search for free tutorials on just about anything, so take advantage of these tutorials to always be the person your client relies on to help them. Here is the top list: Microsoft Office 2007 (2003) – you will need to have MS Word, MS Publisher, MS PowerPoint, MS Exel. Adobe Products – You will need to have the ability to read pdf files and create pdf files. If your budget does not allow you to purchase these products now, put them in your budget and get these products as soon as you can. To help you start out consider these products.

Adobe Reader will allow you to read pdf files and FREE to download at www.adobe.com

Adobe Creative Suite - http://www.adobe.com/products/creativesuite/design/ This product offers you InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, and Acrobat 8 Professional The cost is $399.00, but you can buy the academic version two ways. You can see if you qualify for the student discount by visiting http://www.adobe.com/education/ products/creativesuite/design/ Or visit www.academicsuperstore.com—This website offers the student version or a lower price

To create a pdf Adobe allows you to have their program create it for a small fee. http://createpdf.adobe.com/

I also recommend a program to capture screen shots. I use Screen Shot 32 and you can download it for free at http://www.freedownloadscenter.com/Business/ Printer_Tools/Screen_Print_32.html

You also need a good spam blocker. I have tried so many and come to love Spam Bully. Here is the link http://www.spambully.com/

5 Tips to Becoming A Successful Virtual Assistant! 2007—2008 © Copyright— Kim Hughes This report is not to be copied, distributed sold or reproduced in any way whatsoever without written consent of the author—Kim Hughes, PK Hughes, LLC—dba Kim Hughes & Company® — VACoffee® www.YourVirtualAssistantCoach.com.com—www.KimHughes.com

We live in a society that lives in the moment. Most of us were never educated on how to handle money so therefore we have a tendency to develop bad habits and your habits can be passed down to your children, if you have children. Whatever the reason, you must take your business seriously and treat it as a business. Knowing how to handle your finances is the first and most important step. When I first started my business I was unsure how to handle the finance end. I looked at it like if there was money in the bank account I was good to go and do whatever and buy whatever. • • • •

Purchase a good accounting program. My preference is QuickBooks Pro. I have used MS Money, Quicken, etc and have found this the best for my needs. Set up two checking account—Personal and Business Any money received from your business goes into the Business account and any invoices are paid from the business account. At the end of each month pay yourself ONY after you have paid your invoices/bills. Leave at least 10% in the business account per month to cover unexpected expenses.

The most important thing to remember is you can be successful as a business, but until you achieve financial success you are losing. • • •

If you have credit card debit – this should be the first goal to pay them off. Pay more than the Minimum per month, if you cannot pay the balance. Call your bank and ask for a reduce interest rate. You might qualify. Never close an account in good standing. This will make your credit score drop.

Visit www.truecredit.com and get your report and score. Your state might offer one free per year. Get yours and your husbands. Clean up your credit, if needed. Items Needed to be Financially successful Monthly accordion file Accounting program Client List Notebook/Dividers – For personal and Business bank statement Invoice file Date Stamp with ink Paypal Account or other method to receive CC – Call Paypal and ask them how to send a payment if you do not have a paypal account and do not want to open one. This is how your clients can pay with a credit card without having a paypal account. • • • • •

Set up accounts online Make sure you can transfer money online Free Checking for both personal and business Debit cards for personal and business Checks for personal and business

I am not a CPA, so please check with your personal CPA for more information. The above are my suggestions on what you should be aware of when starting a virtual assistant business.

5 Tips to Becoming A Successful Virtual Assistant! 2007—2008 © Copyright— Kim Hughes This report is not to be copied, distributed sold or reproduced in any way whatsoever without written consent of the author—Kim Hughes, PK Hughes, LLC—dba Kim Hughes & Company® — VACoffee® www.YourVirtualAssistantCoach.com.com—www.KimHughes.com

How to Market Your VA Business is the questions I hear probably the most. Being virtual how do you let those potential clients you are here and ready to give them the services they need to succeed.

The first and foremost thing is to create a website. You need to come up with a company name and if the name is not already purchased then buy it. Go Daddy—www.godaddy.com is a good one to buy domains. There are others, just compare the costs and services. Set up your email account using your company name. Example: Kim@YourVirtualAssistantCoach.com If you do not have the talent or desire to build a website, then seek out a web designer to help you. Make sure you have your content written and talk to them about your personality and business so they can create a website that reflects who you are and what you offer. Looking for a great web designer? I have someone you can contact who will build your site, submit you to the search engines and give you A+ service. Let me know if you need help with this, please let me know.

Once you have a website you need to submit it to the search engines. Make sure to discuss this with your designer to see what the costs involved are. Look at Google Ad Words to get you started. https://adwords.google.com/ select/Login

Join as many VA organizations as you can. By joining you can network with other VAs, learn more about how to become the best in your field as well as possibly offer to sub-contract for other VAs to get the experience and an income started. Here are a few I recommend. Real Estate Virtual Assistant Rainmakers is a premier group of REVAs who are looking for friendship with other VAs who specialize in real estate. This is a private group, so please allow 24 hours for acceptance.

Real Estate Virtual Assistant Rainmakers http://groups.google.com/group/real-estate-virtual-assistant-rainmakers

5 Tips to Becoming A Successful Virtual Assistant! 2007—2008 © Copyright— Kim Hughes This report is not to be copied, distributed sold or reproduced in any way whatsoever without written consent of the author—Kim Hughes, PK Hughes, LLC—dba Kim Hughes & Company® — VACoffee® www.YourVirtualAssistantCoach.com.com—www.KimHughes.com

I saved the most important for last so you can walk away from this report thinking about this one.

Ethics—Morals and Values Be proud of your company and what your company is built on. Be proud that you offer the best services possible and you treat each person you come into contact with respect. You need to create your Mission Statement and live by it. I always tell VAs that I coach that if you do not believe in yourself and have these qualities then you will not succeed as a person or a business person. Notice how I separate the two. As a person you need to look at yourself and work on the areas you are weak in and look at the qualities you excel in and make them better and by doing the two you will succeed! We all have bad days, wake up on the wrong side of the bed, etc., but when it comes to interacting with others you must treat them with respect. Whether on the phone or in person. When you are faced with a situation, always be the better person and rise above the conflict. In your business you will be dealing with different personalities and you need to know how each client works and their expectations and try to go beyond this, but if your client is difficult and stresses you so you cannot work to your best performance, then let them go. You also need to make sure of your commitment to your clients. If you promise to deliver you better make sure you can. If not, be honest with the client and work to resolve it and if that means not taking on the client then so be it. If you offer to learn at a reduced rate or at no charge you could win a client that is always recommending you. And remember just because you are virtual you may think you cannot be touched, but if you are not ethical, honest and hard working you will be out of business faster than you think. Bad news travels fast and your reputation could be ruined so always work with honesty.

5 Tips to Becoming A Successful Virtual Assistant! 2007—2008 © Copyright— Kim Hughes This report is not to be copied, distributed sold or reproduced in any way whatsoever without written consent of the author—Kim Hughes, PK Hughes, LLC—dba Kim Hughes & Company® — VACoffee® www.YourVirtualAssistantCoach.com.com—www.KimHughes.com

Upon closing… Thank you for requesting my free report. My goal is to provide you with information to help you succeed in your business, whatever it may be. I specifically speak to virtual assistants since this is area of specialty, but this report can be used in any online business. The key to finding your comfort zone is to look at the qualities you offer and strive to be the best. This does not happen overnight. It takes hard work and dedication, but it is so worth it. When I started this business there was no such thing call virtual assistant coaches, everyone just helped each other and we learned from those experiences, so that is why I offer today’s virtual assistants coaching. IT is important to have direction, know how to balance your personal life as well as your business life and learn to keep what is important in front of you. Sometimes, we just need to have someone listen and hold us accountable. I love it when I get an email from another virtual assistant telling me how much they learned from a teleseminar I conducted or a coaching client. It tells me that I succeeded in my goal to help them get started in the right direction.

“Working with Kim in preparation for launching my own real estate virtual assistant business has been extremely positive and an enriching process. She was available throughout our coaching and beyond the formal meetings. She offered real world examples. She even offered an example of two mistakes she’s made along the way and how she’s learned from them. I truly feel fortunate to have had sessions with Kim because I know I have a credible and reliable resource in corner! I would strongly recommend Kim to anyone interested in becoming a VA.” Jennifer Braun

“I want to see everyone that has a dream to own their own business succeed, no matter what your goals are!” To your success, Kim Hughes

To –Do

PS—Contact me today for my Coaching Package—TODAY! Email me today! Kim@YourVirtualAssistantCoach.com

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

VA Coaching Set up office Outline for Website Get Finances in order Prepare Marketing Plan Prepare Mission Statement

5 Tips to Becoming A Successful Virtual Assistant! 2007—2008 © Copyright— Kim Hughes This report is not to be copied, distributed sold or reproduced in any way whatsoever without written consent of the author—Kim Hughes, PK Hughes, LLC—dba Kim Hughes & Company® — VACoffee® www.YourVirtualAssistantCoach.com.com—www.KimHughes.com

If you are ready to move forward in your business, but not sure where to exactly start then you might consider my mentoring program. Contact me for my brochure on how my mentoring/ coaching program will benefit you TODAY by helping you stay focused on how to start a successful business and stay successful. Even if you are already established in your business, you might need guidance on certain areas, I can help you decide what is the best method for YOU! Contact me today for more information on how my Mentoring/Coaching program can help you achieve your goals! Probably the most popular niche for virtual assistants is providing support to real estate professionals. Real estate provides niches within that industry as well such as: listing coordination, client care management, transaction management and internet marketing. The rule of thumb is to learn an area and provide only those services. The FIRST Real Estate Virtual Assistant Handbook offers you some of the most detailed information on what it takes to work with real estate agents! Including 15 sample forms! Why re-create the wheel – It is all in this e-book This is the best investment you will make for your business and remember all educational products are tax deductible!

Order The Real Estate Virtual Assistant Handbook TODAY at the special price! Join the most popular real estate virtual assistant group today! http://groups.google.com/group/real-estate-virtual-assistant-rainmakers Visit my website—www.YourVirtualAssistantCoach.com to see additional products in my online store. 5 Tips to Becoming A Successful Virtual Assistant! 2007—2008 © Copyright— Kim Hughes This report is not to be copied, distributed sold or reproduced in any way whatsoever without written consent of the author—Kim Hughes, PK Hughes, LLC—dba Kim Hughes & Company® — VACoffee® www.YourVirtualAssistantCoach.com.com—www.KimHughes.com

This book is dedicated to all seekers of greatness, those unique individuals who want to rise up from where they are in life right now and seek a brighter future. Finding the Leader Within, you’ll uncover personal stories of inspiration and instruction from other people, some maybe even just like you, who have from rags to riches—mentally as well as monetarily—and you can too. Through the real life stores and heartfelt sharing in The Power of Leadership: “Finding the Leader Within” you will find that you too, have the inner potential for great leadership. Visit www.YourVirtualAssistantCoach.com and visit the Book Store for more information and to purchase this invaluable and inspiration book.

5 Tips to Becoming A Successful Virtual Assistant! 2007—2008 © Copyright— Kim Hughes This report is not to be copied, distributed sold or reproduced in any way whatsoever without written consent of the author—Kim Hughes, PK Hughes, LLC—dba Kim Hughes & Company® — VACoffee® www.YourVirtualAssistantCoach.com.com—www.KimHughes.com

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5 Great Tips To Become A Successful Virtual Assistant

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Visit my website—www.YourVirtualAssistantCoach.com to see additional products in my online store. 5 Tips to Becoming A Successful Virtual Assistant! 2007—2008 © Copyright— Kim Hughes This report is not to be copied, distributed sold or reproduced in any way whatsoever without written consent of the author—Kim Hughes, PK Hughes, LLC—dba Kim Hughes & Company® — VACoffee® www.YourVirtualAssistantCoach.com.com—www.KimHughes.com

www.SendIncredibleCards.com Just for you! As my way of thanking you for requesting my 5 Great Tips to Becoming a Successful Virtual Assistant I have a wonderful gift for you. Visit the above link and open a FREE GIFT Account to send your client, family and friends a very unique greeting card. This is my gift to you and you will be able to send 2 cards to that someone special. In addition to being a wonderful greeting card system, Send Out Cards can also be used to build your business. To see how Send Out Cards works as an incredible referral-generation system for both you and your clients, check out the Referral Movie link below. You might be interested to know that being a Send Out Cards distributor can provide a powerful income-generating opportunity that will blend well with your VA business and personal life. By helping your clients, friends, and family also benefit from the power of Send Out Cards, you will make money. Visit the two websites on this page to see how the card system and referral strategies work, then contact me directly for more specific information or to get started.”

5 Tips to Becoming A Successful Virtual Assistant! 2007—2008 © Copyright— Kim Hughes This report is not to be copied, distributed sold or reproduced in any way whatsoever without written consent of the author—Kim Hughes, PK Hughes, LLC—dba Kim Hughes & Company® — VACoffee® www.YourVirtualAssistantCoach.com.com—www.KimHughes.com

LEGAL DISCLAIMER The author and publisher of this report and the accompanying materials have used their best efforts in preparing this report. The author and publisher make no representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy, applicability, fitness or completeness of the contents of this report. The information contacted in this report is strictly for education purposes. Therefore, if you wish to apply ideas contained in this report, you are taking full responsibility for your actions. Every effort has been made to accurately represent this product and its potential. Even though this industry is one of the few where one can write their own check in terms of earnings, there is no guarantee that you will earn any money using the techniques and ideas in these materials. Examples in these materials are not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of earning. Earning potential is entirely dependent on the person using our product, ideas and techniques. We do not purport this as a “get rich scheme.” Any claims made of actual earning or examples of actual results can be verified upon request. Your level of success in attaining the results claimed in our materials depends on the time you devote to the program, ideas and techniques mentioned, your finances, knowledge and various skills. Since these factors differ according to individuals, we cannot guarantee your success or income level. Nor are we responsible for any of your actions. Materials in our product and our website may contain information that includes or is based upon forwarding looking statements within the meaning of the securities litigation reform act of 1995. Forward-looking statements give our expectations or forecasts of future events. They use words such as “anticipate” “estimate,” “project.” “intend”, “plan”, “believe,” and other words and terms of similar meaning in connection with a description of potential earnings or financial performance. Any and all forward looking statements here or on any of our sales material are intended to express our opinion of earning potential. Many factors will be important in determining your actual results and no guarantees are made that you will achieve results similar to ours or anybody else’s, in fact, no guaranteed are made that you will achieve any results from our ideas and techniques in our material. The author and publisher disclaim any warranties (express or implied), mechanically, or fitness for any particular purpose. The author and publisher shall in no event be geld liable to any party for any direct, indirect, punitive, special, incidental or other consequential damages arising directly or indirectly from any use of this material, which is provided “as is”, and without warranties. As always, the advice of a competent legal, tax, accounting or other professional should be sought. The author and publisher do not warrant the performance, effectiveness or applicability of any sites listed or linked to in this report. All links are for information purposes only and are not warranted for content, accuracy or any other implied or explicit purpose.

This report is © (copyrighted by Kim Hughes & Company—dba of PK Hughes, LLC). No part of this may be copied, or changed in any format, sold, used in any way other than what is outlines within this report under any circumstances.

5 Tips to Becoming A Successful Virtual Assistant! 2007—2008 © Copyright— Kim Hughes This report is not to be copied, distributed sold or reproduced in any way whatsoever without written consent of the author—Kim Hughes, PK Hughes, LLC—dba Kim Hughes & Company® — VACoffee® www.YourVirtualAssistantCoach.com.com—www.KimHughes.com

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