Hugo Maia Architecture Portfolio

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selected works 2007-2013

Hugo Maia Architect

I aim to reach the highest stage that an architect should long for: …to be anonymous! revealing that the work has become the place itself! Pretendo alcançar o estado mais elevado que um arquiteto pode desejar: ... tornar-me anônimo! revelando que o trabalho se tornou no lugar em si! (adaptation of the words of Souto de Moura about his master Fernando Távora)

Architecture 2007|2013 Architecture 2011|2012 Psychology 2002|2006 Drawing | Sculpture 2006|2007

Integrated Master exchange Master student Degree specialization post-employment course

Technical University of Lisbon Faculty of Architecture (FAUTL) The University of Tokyo Faculty of Engineering Department of Architecture Higher Institute of Applied Psychology (ISPA Universitary Institute of Lisbon)

Graduated with distinction

ARCO (Center of Fine Arts and Visual Communication)

Born on the 15th of May 1982 in Lubango, Angola Angolan and Portuguese nationality Microsoft Office, Autodesk Autocad, Adobe Photoshop Graphisoft Archicad, Rhinoceros, Sketchup, InDesign (basic) Portuguese (Native), English (Goog) French (Basic), Spanish (Basic), Italian (listener) Hugo Correia Maia

00351 932898155


I believe architecture should aim to become quiet, searching to reveal the place, to define it in a peaceful and embracing way. Throughout these early years of contact with the architecture, my understanding of professional practice has been structured around the dimensions of temporality and permanence, inherited of a “critical regionalism” and grounded in an understanding of the “built” as an answer to the conditions of the place. My journey to East allowed me the contact with Japanese architecture, putting the ephemeral and nature side by side with the built and permanence, thereby softening the hardness recognized on an understanding of the “architecture of stone” (european architecture). On the city archetype of modernity (Tokyo), I had the opportunity to rehearse the dimensions of the place, time and memory (resulting in the thesis: “The place of | the memory in world’s busiest station. Shinjuku, Tokyo city”), with which I have been working as a principle to a deeper understanding of the building process. Besides from staying in Tokyo during the 5th year of the Integrated Master, I had the opportunity to establish contact with various academic and professional institutions namely: MIT, ETSAV, Sapienza, Strelka, among others, seeing my participation recognized by 1st prizes in Germany and Spain, in the same way as the 1st prize for the construction of the pavilion of the square consandey (EPFL, Switzerland), resulting from the collaboration on Kengo Kuma and Associates (Tokyo). Previous to my journey to Architecture, I graduated in Psychology (ISPA), developing a strong interest in the human dimension, along with the need for an in depth look at the understanding of place, memory and living experience. I understand architecture as an integrated appropriation and structuring intervention in society, looking in each project to the deepening and lightness necessary to the structuring of the place as the substrate to human existence.

Eu acredito que a arquitetura deve pretender tornar-se silenciosa, procurando revelar o lugar, definindo-o de um modo pacífico e abrangente. Ao longo deste primeiros anos de contacto com a arquitectura, o meu entendimento da prática profissional têm-se estruturado em torno das dimensões de temporalidade e permanência, herdadas de um “regionalismo crítico” e alicerçado a um entendimento do construído como resposta às condições do lugar.A minha viagem a Oriente permite-me o contacto com a arquitectura japonesa, colocando o efémero e a natureza a par do construído e da permanência, suavizando deste modo a rigidez própria de a um olhar da “arquitectura da pedra” (arquitectura europeia). Na cidade arquétipo de modernidade (Tóquio), tive a oportunidade de ensaiar as dimensões do lugar, memória e tempo (sobe a tese: “O lugar da|á memória na estação mais movimentada do mundo. Shinjuku cidade de Tóquio”) com as quais tenho vindo a trabalhar como princípio a um entendimento profundo do construir. Para além da permanência em Tóquio aquando do 5º ano do Mestrado Integrado, tive a oportunidade de estabelecer contacto com diversos académicos e profissionais de instituições como o MIT, ETSAV, La Sapienza, Strelka, entre outras, vendo a minha participação reconhecida por primeiros prémios na Alemanhã e Espanha, para além do 1º prémio para a construção do pavilhão da praça consandey (EPFL, Suiça), aquando da colaboração no atlier Kengo Kuma e Associados. Anterior à incursão pela Arquitectura, licenciei-me em Psicologia (ISPA), desenvolvendo um forte interesse pela dimensão humana, a par com a necessidade de um olhar profundo sobre o entendimento do lugar, memória e vivência. Entendo deste modo a arquitectura como um olhar global e estruturante à sociedade, procurando em cada projecto o aprofundamento e leveza necessários á estruturação do lugar enquanto substracto à existência humana.

Hugo Correia Maia






Ephemeral use PROMONTORY

figueira da foz



san tiago de compostela



lisbon guimar茫es





RESCALE recovering



MEDIEVO acessibility







sobral da lagoa




extended profile




OPUSNOVUM recovering RURBAN planning Reference











Looking towards inside... address of psychic energy into oneself.

Olhar para dentro... dirigir da energia psíquica para o interior.

Contrary to the full occupation of buildable space, the proposal for for a reading | reflection space promotes an enclosure area, a gesture that defines the square in relation to the historically buildings. Providing individuality to the shared space, it finds itself divided into multiple experiences, multiple worlds, realities, narratives and confabulations.

Contrária à ocupação do espaço edificável na sua totalidade, a proposta para um espaço de leitura|reflexão promove o encerramento do espaço num gesto que define a praça na sua relação com os elementos historicamente presentes.

Searching the “vital space” of the individual (perceived comfort zone) within the shared public space, the appropriation becomes unavoidable. This occurs through the permanent but not invasive privatization of public space, providing a momentary and ephemeral dwelling as the pursuit on the structure of the individual as a person. down: frame of “Citizen Kane” orson welles (treasure hall)

Ao se conferir individualidade ao espaço partilhado, este vê-se repartido em múltiplas vivências, múltiplos mundos, realidades, narrativas, confabulações. Procura-se o “espaço vital” do indivíduo (área de conforto percebida) no seio da partilha do espaço público. Esta privatização ocorre através da estruturação permanente embora não invasiva do espaço público, promovendo um habitar momentâneo e efémero assente na estruturação do indivíduo enquanto pessoa. rigth: cabinets (model picture interior view)

INTROVERSION_LOOKING TOWARDS INSIDE 2008 lisbon, Faculty of Architecture TULisbon published in ARQ.A 2008 n_56 p.102 coordination Ant贸nio Leite



down: site proposal_Square of St. Dominic Church

left:section and underground plan of the proposal


left: interior view_cabinets (photomontage model + citizen kane) | right: interior view_integration of ruins | up: cabinets (model)

The Tower as an element of demarcation and assertion of the landscape claim to itself the determination affirmation of a territory, which, seen in has recognized in its limits by the appropriated built horizon. The new fire lookout tower for Serra da Boa Viagem states as a supporting structure and temporary shelter to users in the forest park in the same way that responds to its initial propose. To the pre-existing gesture of vertical demarcation of the territory, is added the recognition of longitudinality or the possibility of crossing over. The isolated penchant, inaccessible and often unusable, it’s replaced by an open, public and accessible structure, defining shared responsibilities in fire control, in the same time that proposes itself as a lookout on the landscape that embraces.

A Torre enquanto elemento de demarcação e afirmação na paisagem encerra em si a vontade expressa de afirmação de um território, o qual, se vê reconhecido nos seus limites pelo horizonte apropriável da edificação. A proposta para a nova torre de vigia para incêndios da Serra da Boa Viagem afirmase como estrutura de apoio e abrigo temporário a usuários do parque florestal ao mesmo tempo que responde à necessidade inicial para que foi erguida. Ao gesto pré-existente de demarcação vertical do território, associou-se o reconhecimento da sua longitudinalidade ou possibilidade de atravessamento. O pendor isolado, inacessível e frequentemente inutilizado, vê-se substituído por uma estrutura aberta, pública e acessível, definindo responsabilidades partilhadas no controlo de fogos e incêndios, ao mesmo tempo que se propõe como um miradouro sobre a paisagem que a acolhe.



2011 serra da boa viagem, Faculty of Architecture TULisbon

left: previous watch-tower (serra da boa viagem)

down: belvedere (phomontage)

up: sketch proposal (endless staircase)

down: site_ “Serra da Boa viagem�. Figueira da Foz, Portugal

right: front view, section, plan


The proposal for the place of rest and meditation in the way to Santiago de Compostela develops the understanding of the pre-existing triad chapel|porch|stone cross. The ephemeral structure supports in the pre-existence of low-qualified porch, which sees is essence rehabilitated as place of stop and rest. Defined as the square of the religious site, the structure sacralizes the cruise on the alignment of vision that proposes. Recreates in this way the commonly closed religious system, proposing a course of internalization | reflection supported by a structure that promotes a space for meeting and sharing, able to provide shelter and refuge, while contributing to the structuring of place and landscape from which is a constituent part.

A proposta para o local de descanso e meditação a caminho de Santiago de Compostela desenvolve-se no entendimento da tríade pré-existente ermida|alpendre|cruzeiro. Enquanto estrutura efémera suporta-se na pré-existência pouco qualificada do alpendre, o qual se vê reabilitado na sua essência enquanto elemento de paragem e descanso. Constituindo-se como o adro do local religioso, a estrutura sacraliza o cruzeiro no enfiamento visual que propõe. Reproduz deste modo o sistema religioso habitualmente encerrado, propondo um percurso de interiorização|reflexão apoiado numa estrutura que promove um espaço de encontro e partilha, capaz de oferecer abrigo e recolhimento, ao mesmo tempo que contribui para a estruturação do lugar e paisagem em que se insere.



2011 path of santiago de compostela, spain collaboration of Eduardo Barreira and João Marques PLADUR competition Faculty of Architecture TULisbon

left: site_“San Pedro Martir”. way to Santiago de Compostela. Spain


down: interior view


up: skecht proposal


left: pre-existent “rest area�

up: ground floor plan

down: longitunial sections


Based on the need to maximize the return of an ephemeral structure of support for seasonal or temporaries uses, the proposal defines a unique element of diversified use.

Assente na necessidade de rentabilização de uma estrutura efémera ou de apoio a actividades sazonais ou temporárias, a proposta define um elemento único de utilização diversificada.

The concept sets 3 scenarios as the starting point: 1 sale station; 2 Information|new media office; 3 Support for public activities.

O conceito define 3 cenários como ponto de partida: 1 Posto de venda; 2 Posto de informações; 3 Apoio a actividades públicas. Resultante de uma análise e experimentação exaustiva de encaixes e esforços, o modelo construído em ripas de pinho e placas MDF apresenta-se estruturalmente capaz de suportar as diversas utilizações. A não utilização de pregos, colas ou parafusos reforça a sua vocação enquanto estrutura efémera de utilização múltipla e experimentações ilimitadas.

Resulting from an exhaustive analysis and testing of joints and efforts, the model built in slats of pine and MDF boards presents to be structurally capable of supporting different uses. No use of nails, screws or glue, strengthens the vocation as an ephemeral structure of multiple use and unlimited experimentation.

down: front view and section

right: back view and model picture (background)

ET CETERA_ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES collaboration of Tiago Costa 2009 Faculty of Architecture TULisbon



left: model picture (door sistem rear entrance)

down: photomontage (model_in guimar達es square)

up: plan


left: model pictures_mdf plates joint, slates pine joint, door system | down: photomontage (model+lisbon garden) | up: plan

Within a program of services|public space|apartment housing, the context of confluence of the urban grid, presents a challenging as the need to respond to programmatic imperatives coordinated with two street fronts, along with the binding of different street levels. The building as a public crossing place, develops in the ground volume supporting the creating of shared public space in a high street level. The use of theoretic models on the living space supports a structure of rigid functional axis capable of organizing uses and structuring the building, allowing a segmented interpretation of the volume. Structure and infrastructure give shape to the proposal that questions the value and condition of the scale, in a project of monumentalized space to the city of Lisbon

down: site_santos-o-velho (lisbon)

Face a um programa de serviços|espaço público|habitação, o contexto de confluência da malha urbana, apresenta-se desafiante quanto à necessidade de resposta à resposta programática coordenada com duas frentes de rua, a par com a ligação de cotas distintas. O edifício enquanto elemento de atravessamento e espaço público desenvolve-se no corpo inferior suportando a criação de espaço público partilhado e rua sobrelevada. O recurso a modelos de reflexão sobre do espaço habitacional, suporta a estruturação de núcleos funcionais rígidos organizadores dos usos e estruturadores do edifício, permitindo uma interpretação fragmentada do corpo edificado. Estrutura e infra-estrutura dão corpo questionam a condição de traseira e o valor da escala, num projecto de espaço monumentalizado para a cidade de Lisboa.

right: proposal evolution + schematic model

CONFLUENCES_BETWEEN THE CITY AND THE PLACE 2009 santos-o-velho, portugal Faculty of Architecture TULisbon coordination Jorge Spencer and Duarte Cabral de Melo



left: front view (top) + back view (down)

right: pthotomontage + sketch proposal

Contrary to the prevailing strategy of Tabula rasa practice in Nippon territory, the proposal for a new student residence searched the transformation of the building preserving the initial structure as unequivocal heritage. Its peripheral condition in relation with the the campus, set the actions towards the definition of new centrality and services, supporting the relation with the outside of the campus, at the same time that define a clear identity within the place itself. The intervention questions the values of public and private searching a inner intimate relation between the building and their users. In this way, the private scale of the apartments meet the urban scale of the building in the same way that new uses and appropriations are offered to the dwellers and visitors.

Contrariamente à vigente estratégia de Tabula rasa partilhada no território Nipónico, a proposta para a nova residência de estudantes apoiase na transformação do edifício reservando-se a estrutura inicial como herança inequívoca. A sua condição periférica face ao campus que o recebe, promove uma actuação com vista a definir uma nova centralidade, apoiada na relação com o exterior do campus, ao mesmo tempo que se determina uma identidade clara para o lugar que o recebe. A intervenção questiona os valores do público e do privado, procurando uma relação de proximidade entre o edifício e seus usuários. Desta forma, a escala privada das habitações complementa o carácter urbano do edifício ao mesmo tempo que novas utilizações e apropriações do espaço são oferecidas para os habitantes.



2012 tokyo, Faculty of Architecture The University of Tokyo coordination Ken Yokogawa

left: preexistente building | downt: plan (preexistence + proposal) | skecth main entrance (integration with the surroundings)


left: preexistence (perspective section) + preexistente rooms


down: acess floor


up: upper floor (duplex tipology)

up: sketch proposal (apartments arrangement)

down: longitudinal section (belvedere)


down: longitudinal section (alcoves)

up: scketch operable facade

down: preexistente building (3 separated buildiings) | up: preexistente plan + extension proposal

| right: proposal facade


Intervening in the historic walled city of Dalt Vila (Ibiza), starts from the understanding of a place that is structured by layers in a successive addition of elements with the goal to achieve the completion of a secular construction work . Historical opened space, the inherent defensive and inaccessibly that defines it, reveals today as an impediment to the public and easy access that is being pursuit. The proposed of structuring of towers | vertical communications come has part of the medieval heritage still present in the city of Dalt Vila. The use of ruined buildings has containers, offers new spaces to the city, while allowing the creation of new services and sights, answering to the clear program of access to the historical heritage

Intervir na histórica cidade muralhada de Dalt Vila (Ibiza), socorre-se da compreensão de um lugar que se constitui por layers, numa sucessiva adição de elementos com vista ao concretizar da secular obra. Núcleo histórico a céu aberto, o pender defensivo e inacessível com que foi edificada, apresenta-se hoje impeditivo ao acesso público e facilitado que se procura. A proposta da estruturação de torres|comunicações verticais insere-se na herança medieval ainda vigente na cidade Dalt Vila. A inserção destas em edifício em ruínas, devolve espaços à cidade, ao mesmo tempo que permite a constituição de novos miradouros e serviços, colmatando a necessidade manifesta em aceder à herança histórica inestimável.

down: eivissa, dalt vila (ibiza photomontage) | right: site:eivissa, dalt vila (acess to cathedral) + sketch proposed intervention



2010 eivissa, spain ETSAV UPCatalunha locus ibiza (erasmus intensive programme) 1st prize published in “let’s open city for us - LOCUS”, may 2013

“a fresh and consistent approach to the site of eivissa” Elias Torres

side (above)

site intervention pathway (down)

sketch main entrance(above)

down: view from inside the intervention (photomontage)

| right: proposed intervention (photomontage) + sketch proposal


down: longitudinal section (different escalators and spaces definitions - photomontage)


The ancient Capuchos Hospital, a remarkable place in city of Lisbon, shows himself drifting regarding to its future role. The centrality of the space defines an opportunity to the promotion of a sustainable and share interventional strategy.

Antigo Hospital dos Capuchos, lugar destacado da cidade de Lisboa, revela-se expectante quanto à sua futura vocação. A centralidade da estrutura edificada revela-se uma oportunidade à promoção de uma estrutura de intervenção sustentada e partilhada.

The space as a confluence of business and retail, housing and services, culture and sport, demands a minimal intervention edifying intervention, stating the alternative of the building as an economic, social and cultural engine.

O espaço como local de confluência empresarial e de comércio; habitação e serviços; cultura e desporto, recebe uma intervenção mínima face ao gesto edificante propondo em alternativa uma visão do edificado como motor de transformações económicas, sociais e culturais.

The phased strategy supports the restoration and conservation of most qualified spaces, at the same time that promotes an experimentalist culture in the most critical and degraded spaces , promoting a closer integration between the city and the new reopened spaces.

O faseamento da intervenção propõe a recuperação e conservação dos edifícios mais qualificados, a par com uma cultura experimentalista quanto aos espaços menos qualificados, promovendo-se a integração dos espaços que se abrem à cidade.



2011 lisbon, portugal collaboration Eduardo Barreira, João Marques and Sérgio Gonzalez presented in “European Heritage Days” 2011 by Cristina Cavaco (coord.)

left: preexistente constructions (unintegrated interventions)

down:site_capuchos hospital (sant’ana hill, lisbon)


left: intervention plans (roof top, 1st level, ground floor) + schematic section | down: schematic intervention plan (lower floor)

down: longitudinal section (reusing the preexistence) up: ground floor plan | right: photomontage_ proposed types of space


In a place marked by strong agricultural bias, the tension triggered by the conflict between rural and urban, underlies a reflection that seeks to reconcile the value of landscape, architectural elements and pathways in the assertion of a new urbanity to the town of Óbidos.

Num lugar marcado pelo pendor fortemente agrícola, a tensão despoletada pelo conflito entre o rural e o urbano, subjaz a uma reflexão que procura conciliar o valor da paisagem, elementos arquitectónico e percursos de circulação com a afirmação de uma nova urbanidade para a vila de Óbidos.

The urban program expected to the site suggests a scale of intervention opposed to the essence of the place.In this way, the demands in equipment, housing and infrastructure, are used in a dialogue with the territory able to preserve its condition of place and landscape, in a constant conflict between rural and urban.

O programa urbano aguardado para o lugar sugere uma escala de intervenção contrastante com as condições do lugar. Deste modo, a par com exigências face a equipamento, habitação e infra-estruturas, enceta-se uma diálogo com o território capaz de preservar a sua condição de lugar e paisagem, num conflito constante entre o rural e o urbano.

In the center of the intervention, the aqueduct regains its status as major element in the construction of a recognizable memory seen has structural to the people of Óbidos.

No centro da intervenção, o aqueduto recupera a sua condição enquanto elemento de destaque na construção dos valores da memória reconhecidos como estruturantes às gentes de Óbidos.



2010 óbidos, Faculty of Architecture TULisbon + MIT presented in “Territory - Óbidos Sustainable and Creative Community” coordination António Leite, Cristina Verissimo and José Pinto Duarte

left: óbidos aqueduct (preexistente element)

down: site_ óbidos aérial view up: intervention sketch (aqueduct and urbanity)


left: proposed burried houses (integration with the aqueduct and landscape) | up: urban plan intervention | down: north view

Sustained between walls, the place is recognized as the ancient gateway to the former cultivation fields, ancestrally present in the construction of the village. The abandonment of agricultural activity diluted the memory of the place of meeting and sharing, today expectant to the most immediate future.

O lugar contido entre muros reconhece-se como antiga porta de acesso para campo de cultivo ancestralmente presente na edificação da aldeia. O abandono da actividade agrícola levou consigo a memória do lugar de encontro e partilha, hoje expectante quanto ao futuro mais imediato.

The recovery of the place of transition between the countryside and village, promotes a new experience and appreciation of the qualified heritage as a cornerstone in building a dialogue between the “rural” and “urban”.

A recuperação do lugar de transição entre o campo e aldeia, promove uma nova vivência e valorização do património qualificado enquanto pedra basilar na construção de um diálogo entre o “rural” e o “urbano”.

The pre-existing, essential in retaking an ancestral dynamic, find itself integrated into a comprehensive program of construction of qualified public space, in which the equipment fits as an engine of recovery and acknowledgment of the place.

As pré-existências, essenciais no reactivar de uma dinâmica ancestral, vêem-se integradas num vasto programa de construção de espaço público qualificado, no qual o equipamento se encaixa como motor de recuperação e valorização do lugar envolvente.


ENCLOSURE_LOCI CONTINENTUR 2011 sobral da lagoa, Faculty of Architecture TULisbon presented in “Territory - Óbidos Sustainable and Creative Community” coordination António Lobato Santos and Pedro Pacheco

left: preexistence (houses+garden)

down: site_sobral da lagoa

up: proposal sketch (a terrace over the landscape)


down: preexistence place (forgotten garden, rear inaccessible place) + proposed intervention


right: roof top plans recreaction space parish council housing eldery center cafeteria enclosed garden cafeteria | terrace gate house surrouding wall


down: section (recreaction space, parish council, eldery center, cafe)

up: sketch patio

right: plan garden upper level


down: section (garden, startups, recovered water tank, garden, gate house) up: sketch patio right: plan garden lower level

picture of the fisical model


Supported in a profound historical and documental analysis regarding to the city, public-space, place and memory, the propousal aimes to recapture the centrality of the station as a central space to Sinjuku|Tokyo’s urbanity, at the same time that assumes the strategy of urban regeneration. Government headquarters, business center, cultural, leisure and commercial space, Shinjuku defines itself expectant to the definition of the city’s different scales, which find in the train station the sustained place capable of solving the city. Continually appropriated as a public space, the station’s places defines themselves as part of tokyoites memory as a public space “de facto”. The place of the memory recovers the centrality of the station, defining its mainly public quality, as an element for gathering realities, structured on a continuous experience of the place.

Estruturando-se em torno de uma aprofundada análise histórico-documental sobre a cidade, espaço público, lugar e memória, a proposta procura retomar a centralidade da estação enquanto espaço âncora à urbanidade de Shinjuku|Tóquio, ao mesmo tempo que se define como estratégia de requalificação urbana. Sede de governo, centro empresarial de Negócios, espaço de cultura, lazer e comércio, Shinjuku revela-se expectante face à conciliação das diferentes escalas da cidade, tendo na estação de comboios o lugar suspenso ao coser da cidade. Continuamente apropriada e reclamada enquanto espaço público, o lugar da estação inscreve-se na memória tokyoite como espaço público efectivo. O lugar da memória retoma a centralidade da estação, afirmando-se a sua vivência predominantemente pública enquanto elemento de aproximação de realidades, alicerçado a uma vivência continuada do lugar.



2013 tokyo, Faculty of Architecture TULisbon + Faculty of Architecture The University of Tokyo Master thesis coordination Pedro Pacheco Juri: José Aguiar and Nuno Mateus (ARX Portugal)

“Oh! Japan, japan (…) un intelligent and delicate country (…) that does what it wants and how it wants, shapely and slightly, wheter it shall be a kimono; a car; a temple; a garden; (…) although it produces cars, travels in airplace jats, drinks coke, (…)although being a victim of contemporary civilization, it preserves – although and for how long – a thousand and one small|big qualities of the men of past. Country of small boxes, where everything is careful wrapped, of refined windows (…) of ceremonies (…) of kimonos and umbrellas, of hands that know how to touch in things in a way that I never saw, of extraordinary interests and curiosities, of gardens with 0,50m2 or even big parks (…) of small temples (…) Japan is perhaps unique in the world. I believe that in any time, the intelligence, the beauty (…) has embedded, like in Japan, so densely in all the layers of the population. (…) If the country preserves its good judgment, if it “gets rid” of the american game and doesn’t to fall in hands like those, namely if it continues to be Japan it is destined to have an extraordinary future.” Távora, Fernando 1960 (master of Siza and Souto de Moura) left: fotomontage tokyo heterotopic| down: site_shinjuku (superposition of historic preexistence) | up: 1960 manifestaions place

up: skyscrapper district+suruga-cho and mont fuji (hiroshige) | down: site_shinjuku and imperial palace (tokyo aerial view)

plantação - escala 1|2000? colocar Norte

e projecto)

Parque Central de Shinjuku - zona tampão|refúgio

confluência entre as diferentes ção de Tóquio cupações e manifestações do de diversos níveis de circulação

Parte integrante do plano de arranha-céus de Shinjuku, procura lidar com a diferença escalas entre o plano e a cidade propondo uma zona arbórea de transição

Distrito de Arranha-Céus de Shinkuju - antiga estação de tratamento de àguas de Yodabashi Edificado nos anos 60 o “Plano Voisin” de Tóquio reflete a controvérsia da imposição de umaescala esmagadora de cidade vertical à então “cidade

Shinjuku Dori

Kabukicho Histórica àrea de diversão, revela-se central na definição da identidade de Shinjuku como lugar de paragem, descanço e diversão Conserva grande parte do cadastro inicial bem como uma constante plurali-

Lugar da antiga residência de Takamatsu Kiroku, antigo dono e senhor das terras de Shinjuku Transformado em parque para a realeza, e reconstruído após os bombardemantos

Anterior ligação com Oume Kaid

Estrada comercial à saída de Tó


uio óquio


“Tokyo presente ce paradoxe précieus: ell possède bien un centre mais ce centre est vide. Tout la ville tourne autor d’un lieu à la fois interditet indifferent demeure masque sous la verdure (…) habitée par un empereur qu’on ne voit jamais (…) ce cercle, dont la crête basse, forme visible de l’invisibilité, cache le “rien sacre.” Barthes, Roland.

Koshu Kaido - ou falar dos “ANEIS EM TORNO PALÁCIO”

Antiga àrea de defesa do Palácio Edo

Palácio imperial


Estrada secular Edo que se encontra na génese de Shinjuku É uma das 5 entradas para a cidade de Edo e dirige-se para Oeste de Tóquio, tornando Shinjuku em lugar de passagem e paragem

Antigo anel de defesa do palácio Edo, apresentando-se rodeada do rio sumida e cujo acesso por pontes podia ser controlado e vigiado constantemente Àrea exclusiva a habitantes com maiores previlégios

Antigo palácio Edo, construído como àrea inacessível de canais meandrantes e sucessivos aneis de defesa Define-se como o centro geográfico de Edo e actual centro “geodésico” ou

Centro Empresarial e de Negócios, anterior sede do Governo antes d cação para o distrito de arranha-céus de Shinjuku

“The underground plaza with a large opening at 60 m diameter (…) has become a landmark (…) today, but in the turbulent early 1970’s, it stirred debate on the role that urban plazas play in society, as it was the favorite gathering place for “student movements” and the “folk(song)-guerrilla” jam sessions.” Matsuka, Akira


left: site_shinjuku plaza (bus|train station+road) left up: 1960 manifestaions place |

right: aerial view (urban | local proposal)


down: plan 1st floor (structure over the square) | right: intervention (schematic view of the different levels on shinjuku square)




5.30 vestiários

10.60 escritório

10.60 escritório



10.60 refeições rápidas

dispe nsa

cozinha aberta


10.60 5.30 10.60


+1.85 +1.80


yα9 +5.45


yα 8







sala de



v3 yα 5

sala de

cinema ao ar livre

o retroprojecçã


xα2 yα4 xα3


xα 4

yα3 3.00


v4 ("praça|jardim chaminé)

yΩ1 yα2



5.90 xα7

v2 (south shinjuku)

yΩ 1

catering recepção

v3 (promenade viária) xα8


xα9 yα 1 xα10




yΩ 1



yΩ 1

5.90 v1 (skyscrapers + shinjuku central park)



yΩ1 xΩ2



xΩ3 xΩ4


xΩ 5



xΩ 6



xΩ 8










LUGAR àMEMÓRIA na estação mais movimentada do mundo da


Universidade Técnica de Lisboa Faculdade de Arquitectura Projecto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Arquitectura Candidato_Hugo Maia 6758 Orientador Científico_Arquitecto Especialista Pedro Pacheco



planta piso 1_ O jardim com lugar central 5 10m cota 4.45m esc. 1|300





“The eternal present (…), in which the heroic past of gods and ancestors is perpetuated by ritual reenactments of their deeds, the mythical moment returns again, and men become ‘real’ and truly themselves by becoming imitations of the archetype.(…) young Japanese look to the future as something wonderful (…) and limitless (…) a utopia whose qualities cannot be described.” Lynch, Kevin. What time is this place?


madeira impermeabilização da tela tela pitonada (impermeabilizante) isolamento contra ruído e impacto isolamento térmico (poliestireno extrudido) betão leve chapa metálica perfilada poliestireno expandido forro madeira

LUGAR àMEMÓRIA na estação mais movimentada do mundo da


Universidade Técnica de Lisboa Faculdade de Arquite Projecto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Arquite Candidato_Hugo Maia 6758 Orientador Científico_Arquitecto Especialista Pedro Pac

left: rooftop over the previous bus station up: detail on the intervention| down: reclaiming the space (preexistence uncovered)

LUGAR àMEMÓRIA na estação mais movimentada do mundo da


(viga em vista)


Universidade Técnica de Lisboa Faculdade de A Projecto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em A Candidato_Hugo Maia 6758 Orientador Científico_Arquitecto Especialista Ped


“(…) on peut le rendre visible. Pareil au vent, il est imperceptible. Pareil à l’eau, il est insaissable; - Le geniu loci ne reste jamais inert. Il change continuellment de place. Il change d’inten´raire. Les formes qu’il prende conferente sa spécificité au lieau. Il transforme le lieu; - Le genius loci existe toujours au pluriel. Il s’exerce de diferentes manieres sur la terre, dans le ciel, dans l’eau ou bien encore à travers l’histoire. Ses flux s’entrechoquent es s’entrelacent; - Par le bias de l’arcitecture, la civilization a essayé d’attacher le genius loci mobile à la terre (…) En dressant des piliers de Pierre (…) suspendre les mouvements du genius loci c’est le tuer; (…)porter secours au genius loci ne signifie pas retourner à la terre et à l’histoire. Cela signifie plutôt inspirer la terre et l’histoire; (…)je veux réveiller la vie presente dans la terre, le vente t l’eau. (…)je estimule la vie, la libère. (…)Le lieu fait jaillir en permanence une vie nouvelle” Ando, Tadao. «Genius Loci» (1994)


name adress phone number

Maia, Hugo Adilson Correia nº 4, 4º Esq., Impasse da Cruz, 2735-355, Agualva. Portugal 00351 932898155

age | born

31 years | on the 15th of May 1982 in Luanda, Angola


Angolan and Portuguese


Internship Experience Tokyo Internship from

KKAA - Kengo Kuma and Associates, Tokyo (Japan) Full time intern in architecture as team member in international competitions April to June 2012 (3 months)

Workshop | colaborations Lisbon Presentation entety Oldenburg Workshop entety

Óbidos Workshop

Lisbon architecture TRIENNALE Guided tour through Alcântara ETAR on Lisbon open house Lisbon architecture TRIENNALE, October 2013 Smanful - suburban mobility architecture and new forms of urban life Urban planning and ideas contest for the municipality of Oldenburg Germany ETSAV, Spain | Jade Hochschule, Germany July 2012

Mobility-on-Demand: A New Urban Village Urban planning for the municipality of Obidos


MIT | FA TUL, October 2010


1st International Congress for housing in the Lusophone Space


The living space, paradigms for the transformation of the place

entety Ibiza Workshop

ISCTE-IUL, September 2010 Locus: Let’s Open Cities fo Us Improving accessibility to city Patrimony of Umanity


ETSAV, Spain. April | May 2010


VI International Conference on Architecture. Architecture and Cosmology

Workshop entety

Roman Baths in the convent of Christ in Tomar La Sapienza | FA TUL, July 2008

Education July 2013 Setember 2010

integrated Master of Architecture Faculty of Architecture, Technical University of Lisbon

exchange Master of Architecture May 2012 October 2011

June 2010 September 2007

July 2007 November 2006

The University of Tokyo Faculty of Engineering Department of Architecture AUSMIP exchange student

Degree of Architecture Faculty of Architecture, Technical University of Lisbon

course Drawing | Sculture ARCO (center of Fine Arts and Visual Communication)

October 2006

Degree Psychology

October 2002

Higher Institute of Applied Psychology (ISPA Universitary Institute of Lisbon) 3 years psychology + 2 years social psychology








very good




very good





regular use basic


Microsoft Office, Autodesk Autocad, Adobe Photoshop, InDesign Graphisoft Archicad, Rhinoceros, Sketchup, 3D Studio

Creative, dynamic, thinker, extroverted, arguer and good listener Team and solo worker, hard worker, “ hands on the job�

awards | exposition 1 st prize competition 1 st prize

EPFL - Consandey Square (Switerland) facing Sanaa’s Rolex Center KKA team member for the EPFL international competition Smanful - suburban mobility architecture and new forms of urban life

workshop competition

ETSAV, Spain | Jade Hochschule, Germany July 2012

2 works exhibited

Territory - Obidos sustainable and creative community


Obidos city hall |FA TUL. October 2011 | January 2012

not awarded contest 1 st prize

XXI Contest Iberian construction on Pladur Solutions Portugal | Spain. March 2011 Locus: Let’s Open Cities fo Us

workshop competion

Ibiza ETSAV, Spain. April | May 2010

press | collaborations

translated titles

May 2013 published project 2013 published project

Let’s Open City fo Us - LOCUS. Coordinator Marta Bordas, UPC Barcelona Rethinking Tokyo in: Architecture and Urbanism Student Mobility international Program anual report 2011|2012 in press

July 2012 journal cover

2011 published investigation january 2012 interview respondent 13 april 2010 interview respondent January 2010 published project

Smanful - “Dritter Uni-Campus mit Nachtleben” | Germany -nachtleben_a_1,0,491616159.html Architectural heritage of the Technical University of Lisbon Coordinator José Manuel Fernandes UTL, Lisbon Mobility-on-demand: a new urban village edit. see 5:18 Tur, Joan (dir) “Future architects from all Europe think better access to Dalt Vila” in: Diário de Ibiza, pp.10-11. Ibiza, Prensa Ibérica The House of the Three little pigs... Publication of proceedings of the second semester of Architecture II, Academic Year 2007/2008, Degree in Architecture. Lisbon PRAXIS / DIDACTIC.

april 2009

Baptista, Luís “FA.TUL School of Architecture from Technical University of Lisbon”

published project

in: Arq|a arquitecture and art magazine, 68 p.103. Lisbon, Futur Magazine.

april 2008 published project

Baptista, Luís “Academics FA.TUL” in: Arq|a arquitecture and art magazine, 56 p.102. Lisbon, Futur Magazine.

Barcelona October 19th, 2013

TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN I am proud to introduce you the young and talented architect Mr. Hugo Maia. I first met him one year ago, when he was an architecture student in Lisbon and attended the European Intensive Program I coordinate. The Program was held in Oldenburg, and it gave us the opportunity to share many formal and informal meetings to discuss about his projects and work, and also on architecture and beyond. For having shared with him these meetings, discussions and talks in such a special intense academic frame, I know quite well Mr. Maia professional and personal skills. He has always been an enthusiastic, passionate, careful and serious student with his work, as well as a really responsible, honest, nice and easy-­‐going person. During all the period I have worked with him, he has demonstrated to be a quick learner and has managed to perform in an excellent way. Such qualities are coupled with his multi-­‐cultural background, his experiences abroad in several international programs and mainly in his academic and professional stage in Tokyo, as well as with his degree in Psychology. Many of these qualities arose when we look to his CV. His stage in Tokyo was remarkable in terms of professional development, with an internship at Kengo Kuma and Associates, but also at the academic level with the his thesis "Place of Memory in world's busiest station. Shinjuku Tokyo city” in which he combines his unique architectural and psychological backgrounds. And his multiple awards also show the unique qualities of Mr. Maia at the individual level, but also as a team worker. Indeed, the Intensive Program where I met him for the first time awarded his teamwork with the First Prize – I still remember the high quality of his contribution. Therefore, I would like to strongly recommend Mr. Hugo Maia as a young and talented architect at both professional and personal level. Please, do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further doubt or question regarding this recommendation, and have my best regards. Sincerely,

Josep Maria Garcia-­‐Fuentes, PhD Vice Dean of the Escola Tècnica Superior d’Arquitectura del Vallès -­‐ ETSAV Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya -­‐ BarcelonaTECH e. jose.maria.garcia-­‐ t. +34 934017875 Josep-Maria Garcia-Fuentes, PhD – Vice Dean of the Escola Tècnica Superior d’Arquitectura del Vallès – ETSAV c/Pere Serra 1-15, 08173 Sant Cugat del Vallès (Barcelona) Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya – Barcelona TECH

pedro pacheco architect

Calçada do Correio Velho, 10-14 1100-171 Lisboa Portugal

Referral Professional traineeship Hugo Maia has just completed the Master’s degree of Architecture at the Faculty of Architecture, Universidade Técnica, Lisbon. He is now ready to begin a professional traineeship in an architectural studio, thus launching a new professional phase. Having taught Hugo in the Projects course for the academic years 2010-2011 and 2011-2013 (first and second terms of the fourth and fifth years of the course), including the orientation of the Master’s degree Final Project, I can confirm that he was always diligent, motivated student, with an innate architectural sensibility, always profoundly immersed in his projects, whether conceptually, technically or culturally. These qualities enabled him to achieve the highest results in his academic work - mainly in the Final Project with a special mention from the jury - and will surely guarantee his professional future. As a perusal of their portfolio will show, his mastery of drawing as an instrument of thought, and communication as well as an unusual skill for research in architecture - an aptitude that was consolidated during his academic training - are important foundation stones, and will allow him to integrate in any working team.

Knowing how important a positive experience of a professional traineeship is for a recently graduated architect, I wish to underline Hugo’s qualities as a student, secure in the knowledge that his contribution to an architectural practice will be significant.

Lisbon, 22 October 2013

Pedro Pacheco *

* Professor, Faculty of Architecture, Technical University of Lisbon

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