Architecture Portfolio by Hugo Yu Sun

Page 1

!"#$%" ARCHITECTURE PORTFOLIO 2009-2016 Selected Works

Bachelor of Architecture 2014 Academic & Professional


Education STTU)D)STVW

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Academic Architecture +
















Competitions !










Pofessional Works A










Academic Architecture +


First Year Studio

Learning from the beginning




&'( Make absorbing sponge as a concept generation. Through different material testing to find out the potential of architecture.




I Book - Measuring my experience of life and looking for a taste of Who Am I. Trying to transform the homogeneous state of barbed wire in to another state to representation the growing of the personality.



The Springboard in the City Matrix Rain Ripple Generator

Springboard turns any state of water area into a swimming pool. It means an installation can change the property of space. How can an installation changes a room, changes a building and changes the city? The interaction between human and installation will be a trigger to turn the installation on. The installation make use of the different states of water to create fields, and also improve the quality of space.




Urban Situations During the day time, most of the people work for the bourgeois and the city. People lost the subjectivity of themselves. The development of city also causes many problems about mental and physical.


A. Foreign Immigrants Lots of immigrants move into Taipei every year. The unfamiliarity to the enviroment make people feel anxious and fear which result in the alienation to citizens.

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B. Construction Fields On average each year permit 329 construction permition,so there will be more than 329 construction sites are under construction at the same time. It will cause serious air pollution to the city.

C. Overstimulated The stimlated of different sens is overloaded, it makes human feeling sense of fatigue.

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Dark City theory 2$-*"

The problems of the city can be roughly divided into the mental dimension and the environmental dimension. In the mental dimension, darkness deprives the sense of sight of us, but also enhances our experiences of other senses. The enhancement of our senses somehow make us feel calm, and it also has the same effect in water.



In the environmental dimension, water can be utilized to solve the dust problem. The proportion of suspended particles reduces after rain, and construction sites also use spray to suppress the diffusion of suspended particles. Therefore, when dealing with issues of the city, we use water to solve problems of both the spiritual dimension and the environmental dimension.




The texture of container change the state of water ,and change the sound of water to to influence the space.


Distance make change of speed water fall play the roll as a standard.


Water drop create the space and make the contours clear


The architecture Fog make the connects the land space without and water. edge and depth.

Refraction of light by water create the ambiguous boundary of space.





Water can practice the theory of the !Dark City"

When we do research on the spiritual dimension, we use the abstract method to describe the feelings that water and darkness make people feel. There are many similar statuses between water and darkness. For example, they have no boundary, no depth, and no direction in space. The purpose is to explore the outlet of citizens by water space.The architecture (installation) of water is like a ceremony for modern citizens to look for there subjectivity.



Space Ripple Generator

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Generator concept

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Finding out how does the water play as a soft interface to influence the space and human activity. Generator tramsforming the dripping sound to the ripple on the water and then turn it into lighting effect, and thoes effects are interactive by enviroment decibel.


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Frequency conrtoller Controlling the frequency of dripping by sensing the enviroment decibel, lower level of decibel correspond to the lower frequency of dripping and turn into light of ripple, in contrast as well.







Site plan






Matrix Rain

Filter concept

Make use of the installation to filter the air,creating a low-dust field,and improve the quality of space. The interaction between human and installation will be a trigger to turn the installation on. The idea of installation is inspired by the nature, rainning and fog can both reduce the particular matter. While the installation is running, the interaction between them can not only turn it on, but also make the water pattern of space, which creat a new experience of space.




Site analysis The site is selected to be located in Xinyi District, because Xinyi District is the most urbanized area in Taipei. It is filled with a variety of activities during both day and night. I hope to link day and night together with the device, while solving the problems of the city. With Base analysis, such as traffic, green, and crowd distribution during day and night, we get a conceptual diagram of air pollution. What is surprising is that people have frequent daytime activities in the air polluted outdoor space, but the air quality in the indoor space where people spend most of their time at the middle of the night is also very bad.






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A construction site is at the middle of the entertainment district,which cause heavy particular matter to the environment.

day particular matter diagram



Night particular matter diagram





Operating system




The nearest piston start to pump

State of unit




Dirty air Materials



Spreading to others piston

Filter 1. (Pumping system) Dripping

Second clean air

Waving of dripping Dripping on the fog machine



S2 Filter 2. (Fog system) Question


First clean air


Principle of installation

Using the atmospheric pressure in the piston to exchange the air, and filter the dirty air by water. The installation will run like a piston. While the piston goes up from the buttom, the dirty air comes into installation by suction, and the piston also starts to drip water to filter the air. Then the piston will go downs to the bottom and squeeze the dirty air out.

dirty air water


step 1.

dirty air


clean air


step 2.


step 3.

clean air


Auto machine

Water container

Fog machine



Installation matrix The installation is arranged in matrix, and the sequence of the operation is like the ripple.


When looking at the front, the pattern of water will act like a wave (a). When we are inside of the matrix, we can feel the movement of the water. "



Site plan



Different face at day and night There are also a vary large different of activities between day and night. During the day time, people who come over here can be any group, such as teenager, families. But at night , it is a place for night life, so the installation will play different role between day and night. During the day time, it can be more function. Human interactive can be the trigger to filter the air. At night, it can be a performance and gather the crowd to make people meet each other.



Track Generator Machine of Form

Operating digital tool to reshape a certain pattern and then make an entity machine through digital production, in the end, this machine would reproduce an initial pattern deformities. Architecture design take over at the turn of next stage, locating at the suitable site and program to an experimental environment. I choose “ TRACK� as the pattern, including mechanical and nature locus, were gear,shutter and light, sound respectively. Base on these four elements to design four different machines.





Mechanical Trajectory

About the machine A. Start from the two dimension

motion with gear, remanufacturing the track of its mechanical movement and create a new track of three dimension motion.









About the architect The issue at this stage is to transform mechanical concept into architecture, located at expo-park in Taipei city as an experimental architecture environment. Base on the concept of structure and speed, the three-dimensional screw gear is thereby converted into MRT outer casing. Structure spacing, which is designed from dense to sparse is correspond to slowing speed of the MRT, meanwhile, creating the constant speed visual effect to passengers in the car.




Decorative frameworks

Main structure is used to differentiate two direction tracks, followed by rhythmical substructure, which is interconnected with decorative structure functioned as lighting grid, ending in outer skin.

Secondary structure

Primary structure




Mechanical Trajectory

About the machine B. The camera shutter, which is also

the mechanical movement,find the mechanism of mechanical movement then use this mechanism as the foundation of machine with the method of movement to create the opening and closing. It varies the new dimension changes.





Type A

Type B

About the architect On the system of flyover re-construction and concept of “shutter� to record car tracks under the bridge. Expecting traffic flow lighting could be reflected on the bridge. Two different types are produced in the process. Type A, reflecting traffic light into bridge through whole structure. On the other hand, type B achieve the goal by dividing the surface and integrate them into the final design.



Type A+B

We don't expect dazzling front glare but the taillight which is much more gentle with different direction opening on the shell. Hoping the flyover allows visitors to stop and feel the pulse of the city. It also allows city lights overpass it at night.




Nature Trajectory

About the machine C. Find the track of light from the kaleidoscope and try to imitate the texture created by the kaleido scope and light with machine then to manufacture a new three dimensional motion.





Low speed

High speed

Low speed

About the architect In the limited space, the use of reflection and rotation such as a kaleidoscope can make unlimited combinations. We located a extreme spot gallery at the intersection between art museum and post-sport park. Threading together the old tracks with the modern, meanwhile creating a new type of appreciation art. Design core lies in changes in viewing angle and the speed. When you move from slow to fast with the skateboard or bike, paintings and you also will be approaching the vertical angle.



High speed

The faster the speed is, the more vertical angle between target and moving objects should be to see it clearly. In this case, Speed is designed from slow to fast and ended in a slow speed.

Low speed




Nature Trajectory

About the machine D. Cymatic means the process to instantiate every same wave with vibration frequency (e.g. Voice) through the intermedium (e.g. Water and sand). The theory is to create different geometry changes by means of the superposition, interference and reflection of the wave. With this conception to create a machine and combine infinite geometry changed by the same unit motion.





X Hotel

The platform for communication!

X hotel is located in the center of Taipei city, and also in between the entertainment zone and business zone. The concept of X Hotel is providing a platform which can exchange the experience and promote the ability for the elite comming from all over the world. X hotel offer many public spaces to approach the concept. It also create cozy atmosphere in each different public space for the better communication。There are also functional spaces in each floor which is designed for the business travelers to meeting or working.




Site strategy

A. Hotel facing to the south and green built to make the most of the sun for warmth and natural light.

B. The perforated metal skin provide a level of privacy for the Hotel.

C. Public space were placed on different level to make its have visual contect.



Food and Beverage

Lounge and Bussiness Centre

Hotel Amenities

Hotel Rooms

High transparency

Low transparency

Medium transparency

Major structure


Perforated metal skin

Transparency level




1. Lobby 2. Lounge 3. Snack bar 4. Staff area 5. Car elevator 6. Freight elevator 7. Restaurant 8. Kitchen 9. Lounge bar 10. Indoor golf course 11. Standard room 12. Suite 13. Coworking space #

14. Pool



15. Meeting room


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1F plan !"#$%&'








2F plan



3F plan

4F plan


1. Lobby 2. Lounge 3. Snack bar 4. Staff area 5. Car elevator 6. Freight elevator


7. Restaurant 8. Kitchen 9. Lounge bar 10. Indoor golf course 11. Standard room


12. Suite N

13. Coworking space 14. Pool

12F plan


13F plan

15. Meeting room


Running Forest School! Post-Disaster Reconstruction !



Running Forest School, allow children to be able to run ,learn and grow up in the forest. After the earthquake, the green cover and ecological of Mianyan City were damage hardly. If we make the school as a forest breeding ground to be the concept, it can restore the damaged of green coverage. Back to the essence of education, after the severely damaged by the earthquake, I hope students can better understand and become famillar with nature since childhood. Running in the forest, but also arouse the concern of nature.



Site analyze

Ecological degradation regional reach 40%

Green cover decreased by 1% (100 hectares green space) after the earthquake

If more than 170 primary school greening and each of school greening 1/3 area, then the green coverage of Mianyang city can be increased by 0.2%. Almost can restored the green coverage rate before the earthquake if this idea go with the silviculture plan.

Mianyang City / 10300 Ha



Business district

residential zone

density of trees


face the neighbor softly

make a gradually interface


Type A. Transmittance High Canopy Radius : < 2m


Spaces have combination of different species trees We divided different species of trees by its transmittance and canopy radius into three types. Each type will correspond to different kinds of spaces. The type related to the different need of spaces, for example; If we compared common classroom and audio-visual classroonm, common classroom will need more nature light than audio-visual classroonm, and the rule how they are be placed.



Type C. Transmittance Low Canopy Radius : > 3m


Type B. Transmittance Middle Canopy Radius : 1.5-3m up.





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1. Common classroom

4. Audio-visual room

7. Preparation room

10. Library

2. Music classroom

5. Audio visul equipment

8. Labor skill room

11. Sport equipment

3. Instrument room

6. Laboratory

9. Room of science

12. Teacher office





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1F plan

13. Administration

16. WC

Type A

14. Guardhouse

17. Canteen

Type B

15. Health office

18. Stage

Type C



- 3.4m





+ 0m



B1 plan

1. Common classroom

4. Audio-visual room

7. Preparation room

10. Library

2. Music classroom

5. Audio visul equipment

8. Labor skill room

11. Sport equipment

3. Instrument room

6. Laboratory

9. Room of science

12. Teacher office





13. Administration

16. WC

Type A

14. Guardhouse

17. Canteen

Type B

15. Health office

18. Stage

Type C









Competition /

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Resonance Theatre

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Pause the urban life, floating on the riverbank!


Design: Vibration

The U-theatre was founded in 1988 with a focus on the Zen art of percussion. It uses music, drama, literature, dance, and other materials to practice a unique integration of Oriental and Western arts.

The stage gives off energy from every step, every beat on its surface. The experience here is based on the sound vibrations caused by the movement of participants and the material of the stage shell. Integrating structure and surface in the audience’s seats, the environment challenges audience members to change their perspective. In the water, they take off each article of clothing, sensing ripples caused by the beats of drum, or they choose how much they want to participate in the show.

Concept When people watch this kind of show, their satisfaction from viewing is far from than merely a visual experience.Not only do viewers use their eyes or ears, but their whole bodies are also involved.

Design: Dispersion of Sound Although a traditional concert often aims for a uniform audience experience,while drumming exist freely as individual nuclei. Meanwhile, they can also join together. To the viewers,sound comes from all directions.


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Conclusion This stage can provide a different approach to viewing U-theatre performances. Uncertainty breed doubts, which inspire people to more creative conversation between audience members.


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Judges' list Award




Floating Trigger

Pause the urban life, floating on the riverbank!


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Taipei, as the world livable cities in the top one +($% hundred, we imagine that what riverside park Taipei + would need might just like natural cotton and artificial fibers interw-oven fabric.Has two of the best features to living and ecological exchange posture, embraces natural and cultural history of the estuary.



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Through observation on the base, we found that the nature of river banks’ differences, based on the region's business, entertainment, leisure and analysis, Tataocheng shore will be #$% defined as urban life extends, there is the lifestyle can only be experienced in Riverside.

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The Zhongxiao pier is trying to combine with elementary education .On the park itself, in addition to fighting and floods, is to accept and appropriate adjustments. Meanwhile, to experience the ( park's ecological and educational opportunities will be greatly highlighted. In this logical design of the park will be achieved %%,$% on the natural conditions for ecological education. Procure two river banks interact with living and ecological as trigger! $%"* ""$%

"$% Entrance +$ Pier #$ Aquatic Trail &$ Vendors District '$ Electrical Equipment ($ Restaurant )$ Parking (permeable pavements) ,$ Paddling pool !$ Toilet "*$ Rinse area ""$ Cafe "+$ Independent bookstores "#$ Shared cabin "&$ River Cottage "'$ Gravel hydrophilic regions "($ Volleyball court ")$ Basketball Court


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Quality Award

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Natural Selection

The construction of a natural, should be completed by nature. Introduction For Eco-house, we have been trying very hard not to be one who claim building an eco-housing simply because of covering trees. We believe that the concept of growth is very important ,Whether people live to what will be in accordance with their own preferences, placed the point of view of the chair, the seat of the bedside cabinet and even soy sauce shelf to put how much heigth. these things are the most important thing in a house. For natural seed is exactly the human chair at home or bedside cabinet. It should personally selected the landing place by the nature of the species. Designed only 50% of the wall, providing 30% of the green, these plants contain Querong, papaya, Fan Pomegranate, mulberry trees and other fruit will attract birds to the plant in the city, these birds bring him another accident from the other corner , we are looking forward to let nature help us to complete a gradually growing house.



Honorable Mention

The Growth of Architecture




start from 50% facade 30% greening Inhance the percentage



Human Fertilizer Plants

Vertical Wall Whole plant contains soil is a ecosystem that reduce volatile substances.



Organic volatile substances The reducer effect 45%


Organic volatile substances The reducer effect 15%


+Reduce the organic concentration of volatile substances in the air +To reduce the concentration of CO2


+Reduce the suspended particles in the air to reduce the amount of 20% of the fallout +To reduce the concentration of CO2


Professional Work /

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Shutanest Flagship Store Project Name Location Architecture Practice Area (sqm)

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THE WHITE WALLS Taichung City , Taiwan Wuz Architect 250

This architecture originates from the Taichung flagship store and prestigious private club of renowned Malaysian food product brand, Sudan Swallow’s Nest. The design concept aims to represent the Malaysia brand that is rooted in Taiwan and impress the structural space and complexity by shaping the customer experience between a balance of avant-garde exotic and hometown familiarity.

1F plan





The configuration of the architecture adds height and space to the foundational levels thus offering a novel interpretation to Malaysia’s traditional high footed architectural style. This method not only satisfies the function of the space but also the demand. The open area in the first floor can be used to display and sell swallow’s nests. The private space separated by wood grating and the balcony serves as a private club and a place for product tasting at the second and third floor. The private club on the third floor features cathedral ceilings and indoor gardens to separate different rooms. In particular, the connected roof garden adds a touch of nature to the interior of the architecture and enables the development of a different scenery within the private space.



2F plan

3F plan

4F plan





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Kim Residential Building Project Name Location Architecture Practice Area (sqm)

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THE WHITE WALLS Taipei ,Taiwan Wuz Architect 155

This case is located on the vibrant Ti Ding Avenue. The area of its base is not only narrow but also small which exactly reflects the saturated population in Taipei. The architecture is built in a sophisticated manner to balance the pressure given by the environment and simple fold-techniques to enhance the ratio of its independence and elegance. The front and back of the architecture employs big balconies and glass wall to allow panoramic vision and lighting. Both sides apply wood grating as a cover to blend smoothly with neighboring buildings. The one unit per floor signifies the autonomy of nuclear families in metropolitan Taipei.

site plan




2F plan


3-6F plan


7F plan


7+ F plan






Xin-Yi Club Hotel

The renovation of IBM office building

Introduction This is where the prime location in Taipei city locates, an office building has been abandoned for long. Now restored by an enterprise, lets its hospitality function shine through its past. New hotel branding setup has been distinguished from the typical hotels, it targets to become a deluxe hospitality club. With gym, salon, small theatre, high-fashion tailor shop, an open lounge area and a small theatre to adjoin and create a life style, which also double the enjoyment. As for the facade itself, lower level are covered by glass brick and wide-open window to adjoin the urban openness. The rest of the upper floor are built as double layer, solid inner wall with wire mesh curtain. Lighting design in between two material created a constantly changing scene, where the facade life is a part of the entertainment.




21F Sky Bar 20F Restaurant 19F Theater/ Cigar Bar/ VIP Room

6F- 18F Hotel Rooms 5F Lobby/ Library/ Lounnge/ Gym 4F Staff Office

3F Bussiness Center

2F Bussiness Center

1F Reception/ Bistro+Cafe/ Storage

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