January 10, 2013

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Volume 126, Number 2

Thursday, January 10, 2013

14 Pages, 70 Cents Plus Tax Per Copy

Stevens County Commissioners accept encumbrance letters for 2013 and discuss progress of KDI The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session Monday morning, January 7, 2013 with all members, David Bozone, Gary Baker and James Bell present. Also present were County Counselor Bob Johnson, County Clerk Pam Bensel, RoGlenda Coulter from The Hugoton Hermes and Commissioner Elect Pat Hall. The following is just an agenda for the day with a few of the unofficial highlights. Official minutes will be published at a

later date. When this reporter arrived, the commissioners were discussing the encumbrance letter from Robert Rich from the fitness center and three part-time county employees who were not included in the COLA raise recently. Motion was made and passed to include these three employees for the recent raise given to the full-time county employees. All three have been dependable employees for the county for a

The building progress east of town at the KDI (Kansas Dairy Ingredient) plant is astounding and shows signs of expanding even further in

number of years. JC Cantrell was next on the agenda. He discussed the 2013 budget and presented his encumbrance letter. Motion was made and passed to accept the proposal after much discussion of how to split it between material budget and equipment. They talked about how much it costs to seal 45 miles of asphalt down to how long the paint on the asphalt lasts before passing this budget. The commissioners reminded JC to be in

charge of snow removal out at the new Manor. JC said he hadn’t thought of it because the manor used to remove their own snow when they were in their previous location. They now have two very large parking lots needing the attention of the county crew. Three local applications have been received so far for JC’s job. While JC was there, the commissioners discussed the matter of the turning lane or four lane needed for KDI east of town. KDOT wants to know what the commissioners would be willing to do to help out this situation. JC suggested getting together with Larry Thompson from KDOT out of Garden

City. Pat and the commissioners discussed the water damage to the north side of the old manor. This was from freezing damage to the interior of the building. Prior to this turn of events, the commissioners had asked if this was taken care of so it would not happen and had been assured that it was. Gary Rowden and Jan Leonard from the City of Hugoton came in. Kim Harper was also to be present. They discussed a lot of issues for east of Hugoton, like the possibility of needing a transfer station and the reason the gas lines have not been put in yet. A right-of-way

has to be worked out for each. The gas line needs to be done as soon as possible. Dale Noyes’ shop needs heat as does the completed part of KDI’s business. This has to be worked out with Black Hills. This matter was supposed to have been worked on since May. The commissioners talked about all the good building progress out east of town. Gary Rowden says it is very likely KDI will go on with their Phase II. Bob Johnson said he has been visiting with them and understands it is a very good possibility they will even move on to Phase III. In this event Gary says it will just about double Continued to page 3

the near future. This is according to reports at the Stevens County Commissioners’ meeting Monday.

City Council debates rezoning issue The Hugoton City Council met January 7, 2013 for their regularly scheduled January meeting in the council meeting room in the city building at 5:15 p.m. Present for the meeting were Mayor Jack E. Rowden, City Clerk Thomas G. Hicks, Police Chief Courtney Leslie, City Attorney Wayne R. Tate, retiring Outside Utilities Supervisor Dean Banker, incoming Outside Utilities Supervisor Paul Nordyke, Electric System Supervisor Gary Rowden and Councilmen Gary Baughman, Mike Eshbaugh, Kim Harper, Greg Gill and Bob Mason. Also attending the meeting were Jan Leonard, Austin Heaton, Bobbi Talbert, Warren and Amanda Willis, Roger and Judy Lynch, Earl and Bernice Omo, Don Wilson, Jeff Wilson, Geneva Wilson, Mabel Harmon, Hazel Allen and Hugoton Hermes reporter Ruthie Winget. City Inspector Tony Martin was absent. The minutes of previous meetings and the December municipal judge’s report were approved. Warren and Amanda Willis had requested the two lots of 926 and 928 S. Main Street, directly north of Presto, be rezoned from R2 (residential) to B2 (business). The Planning Commission at the public hearing November 29, 2013 voted unanimously to approve the rezoning request. The request then went to the city council for approval. All parties who resided within 200 feet from the proposed rezoning were invited to state their comments at the council meeting. Warren gave a presenta-

tion, stating they would like to erect a 38’ by 20’ metal building to house their crop insurance business, Willis Crop Insurance, LLC, in the first phase of the project. In the second phase, they plan to attach a 50’ by 104’ building to the office building for their Willis Seed retail inventory. Mabel Harmon remarked if the seed was stored, rodents would be attracted, bringing mice and rats to the neighborhood. She felt the industrial parks would be a better location. Warren replied they had had no problems with rodents in their business which is currently in a rural area. Roger Lynch spoke to the councilmen, stating his views against approving the rezoning. He stated he sent letters to everyone who resided within 200 feet of this rezoning and none of these residents wanted these businesses built at 926 and 928 S. Main Street. Lynch remarked he felt a building of this size would be an eyesore for Main Street. He also felt the building of this size could create a traffic hazard if it obstructs the view of drivers. One of the city regulations is warehouses should not be permitted in a B2

area. However, there is no definition of what constitutes a warehouse. It was reported that in the dictionary, anything that is in a building for sale is a warehouse. Tate responded every business on Main Street is a warehouse. Kim Harper remarked the only thing the council is required to do is to approve or disapprove the Planning Commission’s recommendations. It will be up to the City Inspector to approve a building permit. The motion to approve the Planning Commission’s recommendation was passed by a vote of 3-2. Hugoton Recreation’s Austin Heaton next asked the council for permission to put in a septic tank at Parsons Field. Currently, a porta-potty is installed as a bathroom at Parsons Field. Hugoton Recreation would like to build bathrooms, a concession stand and a storage unit for public use. However, the first step will be to install a septic system as there is no sewer line near the park. The council approved the motion to permit the septic system. The council then went into Executive Session. Afterward, the meeting adjourned.

Welcome wet snow fell during the holidays making many motorists stay home rather than risk the slick roads.

A large beautiful amount of wet snow fell in the area last week. The totals ranged from five to

ten inches. Another winter storm is expected to hit the area later this week.

Make a worthy 2013 New Year resolution With the beginning of a new year comes a fresh start. New Year resolutions are often made to form good habits and reach new goals. This New Year the American Red Cross encourages people to resolve to help patients in need through regular blood donations. Donate blood in Hugoton Wednesday, January 23 from noon to 6:00 p.m. at the Stevens County Fairgrounds, Highway 51 and Washington Street. As the winter season continues, blood donations are especially needed. Donations typically decline this time of year as many regular donors are impacted by inclement weather and seasonal illnesses. There is no better resolution to make this New Year than to help save lives with the Red Cross. Give the gift of life and help give patients another year with their loved ones. Make an appointment to donate blood at redcrossblood.org or 1-800-RED CROSS. Upcoming blood donation opportunities locally are Meade County January 17 from noon to 5:30 p.m. at Plains United Methodist Church, 601 Grand Ave. in Plains; Jan-

uary 18 from 9:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at St. John Forst Center, 500 W. Carthage in Meade; Morton County January 17 from 11:45 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. at Elkhart City Hall, 433 Morton St. in Elkhart; Seward County January

24 from noon to 6:00 p.m. at Western Avenue Church of Christ, 215 S. Western Ave. in Liberal; and Texas County January 25 from 8:00 a.m. to noon at First Christian Church, 802 N. Quinn in Guymon, Ok.

Lifeline Screening comes to Hugoton Residents living in and around the Hugoton community can be screened to reduce their risk of having a stroke or bone fracture. Memorial Hall will host Life Line Screening January 15. The site is located at 200 East Sixth Street in Hugoton. Sallie Trotter of Bonner Springs attended a Life Line Screening and said, "1 want to thank you for saving me from having a stroke". Four key points every person needs to know: •Stroke is the third leading cause of death and a leading cause of permanent disability •80% of stroke victims had no apparent warning signs prior to their stroke •Preventive ultrasound screenings can help you avoid a stroke •Screenings are fast, noninvasive, painless, affordable and convenient Screenings identify po-

tential cardiovascular conditions such as blocked arteries and irregular heart rhythm, abdominal aortic aneurysms, and hardening of the arteries in the legs, which is a strong predictor of heart disease. A bone density screening to assess osteoporosis risk is also offered and is appropriate for both men and women. All five screenings take 60-90 minutes to complete. There is a fee for the screening. For more information or to schedule an appointment, call 1-877237-1287 or visit the website at www.lifeline screening.com. Pre-registration is required. Screenings in Kansas are performed by Life Line Screening of America, LLS on behalf of Life Line Screening Physicians, P.A. Submitted by Life Line Screening.

The Hugoton Hermes

Thursday, January 10, 2013

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WHAT’S HAPPENIN’ January 10, 11, 15 and 16 During the last week in January, southwest Kansas will be part of a nation-wide effort to count the homeless and Catholic Social Service is looking for volunteers to help with the effort. Training sessions for people who can help will take place at: Great Bend - January 10, 10:00-11:30 a.m. at the Catholic Social Service office, 2201 16th St. Medicine Lodge – January 11, 10:30-12:00 p.m. at the Medicine Lodge Library, 201 N. Main Greensburg – January 15, 2:00-3:30 p.m. at St Joseph Church, 820 S. Walnut Larned – January 16, 2:003:30 p.m. at the United Methodist Church, 701 Main St. January 12 - Sew All Day at the Senior Center. Call 544-2283 for more information. - Rolla Hope Members’ Meal at 6:30 p.m. in the Multi-Purpose Room. - Covered dish and Movie Night at the Moscow Senior Center. Everyone is welcome! - Senior Adult Prom at the Senior Center, 624 S. Main, beginning at 8:00 p.m. There will be Bingo and lots of prizes. The event is sponsored by the 4-H Leadership group. January 13 - Pastor Bob Rich will preach and minister at Lighthouse

Fellowship, 424 S. Jackson, at 10:30 a.m. January 14 - USD 217 Board of Education will meet at 6:30 p.m. - USD 209 Board of Education will meet at 8:00 p.m. January 15 - The American Red Cross will host a blood drive from 12:00 noon to 6:00 p.m. at Grant County Fairgrounds, 1000 W. Patterson Avenue in Ulysses. - Lifeline Screenings will be available in Hugoton at the Memorial Hall. Pre-registration is required; call 1-800364-0457 and use priority code FANL-188. To find out more, please visit lifeline screening.com. - Parent Meeting in Moscow from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. regarding the REAL program. January 16 - No school for USD 209 students. January 17 - Camera Club will meet at 7:00 p.m. at the Hugoton Recreation Commission at 304 E. Third in Hugoton. For more information, call Lowell Stanley at 620-598-2914 or email lstanley@pld.com. January 18 - Deadline to sign up for Men’s and Women’s Basketball league at the Hugoton Recreation. Games start Wednesday, January 23. - Deadline to sign up for Hugoton Rec’s Community Meltdown 2013. Program lasts

for nine weeks. Pick up registration packets at the HRC, 211 S. Madison. For more information, call 620-544-4675. January 20 - Pastor Bob Rich will preach and minister at Lighthouse Fellowship, 424 S. Jackson, at 10:30 a.m. January 21 - Martin Luther King Jr. Day - Stevens County Commissioners will meet in the Commissioners’ Room at the Stevens County Courthouse at 8:30 a.m. - USD 210 Board of Education will meet at 6:30 p.m. in HMS Library. January 23 - The American Red Cross will be in Hugoton from 12:00

noon to 6:00 p.m. at the Stevens County Fairgrounds. January 27 - Chocolate Cake Day January 29 - Kansas Day February 1 - Deadline to apply for Fall 2013 Helium Litigation Scholarship. Forms are available online at http://www.swkroa.com. Call 620-544-4333 or email erick.nordling@nordlinglaw.co m for more information. February 1-May 1 - Moscow’s Community weight-loss program - “Biggest Loser.” Contact Rusty at the MRC for more information 620-598-2995.

HUGOTON MUNICIPAL COURT DECEMBER 2012 Flores, Mayra, Cruelty to Animals $365.00 5 Days Jail Suspended, 1 Year Probation Flores, Mayra, Dog at Large x2 $100.00 Hemann, Stephanie, Dog at Large $110.00 Lamberson, Jacob L., Inattentive Driving $110.00 Gonzalez, Marie, Dog at Large $110.00 Saldana, Frank, Prohibited Parking $10.00 Juarez, Dylan, No Driver’s License $210.00 2nd Juarez, Dylan, Loud Music $50.00 Alferez, Juan F., No Driver’s License $210.00

Alferez, Juan F., No Child Restraint $60.00 Sutton, Dale, Prohibited Parking $10.00 Vaughn, Daniel, Speeding 36/20 $126.00 Castro, Adrean, Domestic Battery 2nd $710.00 90 Days Jail, Serve 5, 1 Year Probation Burrows, Jonathon, DUI $3,141.64 30 Days Jail, Serve 2, Suspend 28 ADSAP, 1 Year Probation Burrows, Jonathan, Minor in Consumption $200.00 1 Year Probation Fox, Brandon, Disorderly Conduct AMD from Battery $360.00 1 Year Probation, 10 Days Jail Suspended


Obituaries J.W. “Bill” Fitzgerald Word has been received that J.W. “Bill” Fitzgerald, 87, passed away Wednesday, December 26, 2012 on the family farm where he was born May 23, 1925. He was the son of Ed and Frances Fitzgerald.

In 1946 Bill and JoAnne Boles were married. Mr. Fitzgerald was a wellknown and respected farmer/stockman in the area. He was a pioneer member of the Liberty School Community. As boys, he and his brother Joe delivered water to Liberty School on the home section. Most of his children also attended Liberty School. In 2008 the home place was recognized as a Century Farm of Kansas. Bill was a member of the Liberal High School Class of 1944. He was a World War II Veteran, European Theater, Purple Heart recipient, an American Legion member, a lifetime member of the Saint

Joe Davidson

Business Hours, Call 544-4959 After Hours, Call 544-2020 Monday, December 24, 2012 • Medical Assist; City Ponds; Public Service; Officer Crane • Adopted a Dog out; 1600 South Washington; Public Service; Officer Crane • Dog at Large; Returned Owner; Officer Crane • Vehicle Unlock; 300 Block of South Adams; Citizen Assist; Officer Crane Tuesday, December 25, 2012 • Public Service; 1000 BLock of South Jackson; Public Service; Officer Lamatsch • Vehicle Unlock; 900 Block of South Lincoln; Citizen Assist; Sgt. Johnson Wednesday, December 26, 2012 • Adopted a Dog out; 1600 South Washington; Public Service; Officer Lamatsch • Vehicle Unlock; 500 Block of South Polk; Citizen Assist; Officer Lamatsch • Vehicle Unlock; 500 Block of South Adams; Citizen Assist; Officer Lamatsch • Civil Matter; 400 Block of East 4th; Spoke with RP; Officer Lamatsch • Welfare Check; 500 Block of West 8th; Officer Lamatsch Thursday, December 27, 2012 • Dog at Large; 1000 Block of South Jackson; Dog Impounded; ACO Smith • Vehicle Unlock; 1100 Block of South Madison; Citizen Assist; Officer Hagman • Vehicle Unlock; 1000 Block of

South Monroe; Citizen Assist; Officr Hagman • Medical Assist; 1100 Block of South Jefferson; Public Service; Officer Hagman Friday, December 28, 2012 • Welfare Check; 500 Block of West Eighth; Officer Crane • Vehicle Unlock; 700 Block of South Main; Citizen Assist; Officer Crane • Funeral Escort; 800 Block of South Main; Public Service; Officer Crane/ACO Smith • Loud Music; 500 Block of South Harrison; Advised to Turn it Down; Sgt. Johnson • Noise Complaint; 500 Block of South Harrison; Second Warning; Sgt. Johnson Saturday, December 29, 2012 • Dog at Large; 600 Block of East Eleventh; Dog Impounded; Officer Crane • Motorist Assist; 100 Block of South Main; Public Service; Officer Crane • Vehicle Unlock; 500 Block of South Main; Citizen Assist; Officer Crane • Funeral Escort; Public Service; Officer Crane • Fight; 500 Block of West Eighth; Officer Crane • Domestic; 200 Block of South Jefferson; Subject Left; Sgt. Johnson Sunday, December 30, 2012 • Dog at Large; 100 Block of West Sixth; Dog Impounded; Officer Crane • Dog at Large; 200 Block of South Wilson; Returned to Owner; Officer Crane

Gene Campbell Lifelong Stevens County resident Gene Campbell passed from this life Monday, December 31, 2012 at Satanta District Hospital at the age of 82.

He was born October 30, 1930 in Stevens County, the son of Burgis Campbell and the former Ruby Jennings. Gene was a lifetime resident of Hugoton, serving nine years in the United States Army Reserves. In 1950, Gene and Ila Harper were united in marriage in Clayton, N.M. Gene was an oil and gas inspector and independent contractor. He also farmed. A member of the Bethel

Friends Church, Mr. Campbell taught Sunday School classes, was the Sunday School Superintendent and enjoyed singing at church. Survivors include his wife Ila of the home; sons Jerry Campbell and wife Janet of Emporia and Kris Campbell and wife Marreta of Hugoton; daughter Dana Seidle and husband John of Centennial, Co.; his brother Terry Campbell and wife Carol of Hugoton; sister Barbara Walters of Amarillo, Tx.; his seven grandchildren; and seven great grandchildren. Those preceding Gene in death include his parents and sister, Yvonne Carlise. Graveside services were attended Saturday morning, January 5, 2013 in the Hugoton Cemetery. A memorial service followed at the Bethel Friends Church in Hugoton with Pastor Eric Mason and Dave Mason officiating. Garnand Funeral Home in Hugoton was in charge of the arrangements. Memorial contributions may be given to the Bethel Friends Church in care of Garnand Funeral Home, 423 S. Main, Hugoton, Ks 67951.

• Released Dog to Owner; 1600 Block of South Washington; Public Service; Officer Crane • Agency Assist; Race Track; Public Service; Sgt. Johnson Monday, December 31, 2012 • Dog at Large, 700 Block of South Monroe, Dog Impounded, ACO Smith • House Unlock, 100 Block of West Second, Public Service, Officer Lamatsch Tuesday, January 1, 2012 • Non Injury Accident, 600 Block of East Eleventh, Took Report, Officer Hagman • Dog at Large, 500 Block of South Monroe, Dog Impounded, Officer Hagman • Returned Dog to Owner, 1600 Block of Washington, Public Service, Officer Hagman Wednesday, January 2, 2012 • Medical Assist, Airport, Public Service, Sergeant Johnson • Vehicle Unlock, 1000 Block of South Jackson, Subject Got It Unlocked, Sergeant Johnson • Medical Alert, 200 Block of North Jackson, Subject Okay, Sergeant Johnson • Non Injury Accident, Eleventh and Washington, Took Report, Sergeant Johnson

• Non Injury Accident, 600 Block of South Main, Took Report, Sergeant Johnson • Dog at Large, 200 Block of Wilson, Dog Impounded, ACO Smith Thursday, January 3, 2012 • Funeral Escort, 800 Block of South Main, Public Service, Sergeant Johnson/Chief Leslie/ ACO Smith • Vehicle Unlock, 800 Block of East Eleventh, Citizen Assist, Sergeant Johnson Friday, January 4, 2012 • Vehicle Unlock, Citizen Assist, Officer Hagman • Complaint, 900 Block of South Coulter, Spoke to RP, Officer Hagman • Vehicle Unlock, 600 Block of East Eleventh, Citizen Assist, Officer Lamatsch Saturday, January 5, 2012 • Loud Music Complaint, 500 Block of South Harrison, Advised Them to Turn It Down, Officer Lamatsch • Loud Music Complaint, 500 Block of South Harrison, Notice to Appear, Officer Lamatsch Sunday, January 6, 2012 • Dogs at Large, Alley at 400 Block of Jefferson, Dogs Impounded, Officer Hagman • Domestic, West City Limits RV Park, Took Report, Officer Hagman

Stevens County Fire Department and Ambulance Report Stevens County Emergency Services run activity December 27 through January 6. Fire Department Hugoton Station Monday, December 31 5:44 a.m. called to Road Q and Road 13 for a motor vehicle accident. Friday, January 4 - 11:07 p.m. called to 202 McLeod for

smoke in a trailer home. Fire Department Moscow Station Friday, January 4 - 11:07 p.m. called to 202 McLeod for smoke in a trailer home. Ambulance Activity Five medical runs, three transfers, one Life Flight and one motor vehicle accident.

Anthony Parish (instrumental in helping build two churches), and a member of the Knights of Columbus. Over the years, Bill served with various boards including the Liberty School Board and Seward County Fair Board. He was also a 4-H leader. Mr. Fitzgerald is survived by his wife JoAnne; children Mike Fitzgerald and wife Annette, Tom Fitzgerald and wife Kathy, Mark Fitzgerald and wife Elaine, all of Liberal, John Fitzgerald of Rolla, Elizabeth Harris and Mike Vincent of Hays, and Martha Fitzgerald and Wayne Pritchard, Marie Sciacca and husband Tom and Alice Fitzgerald, all of Trinidad, Co.; his 13 grandchildren; 14 great grandchildren; brother Dr. E.J. Fitzgerald and wife Mary of Wichita; and brother-in-law E. Paul Boles and wife Patsy of Liberal. Mr. Fitzgerald was a good husband, father, friend and neighbor. Private services were attended Saturday, December 29, 2012 at Saint Anthony’s Catholic Church. Memorials: American Legion, Post #80, and Wounded Warrior Foundation in care of Brenneman Funeral Home, 1212 W. Second, Liberal, Ks 67901. Condolences may be sent to the family at www.brenneman funeralhome.com.

The death of Joe Leslie Davidson, age 65, has been learned. Mr. Davidson passed away Saturday, December 29, 2012 at the Morton County Hospital in Elkhart.

He was born in Stratton, Co. January 29, 1947 to the former Betty Crawford and Cecil Davidson. Joe lived in Colorado until fourth grade when his parents moved to Richfield. He attended schools in Richfield and later Rolla. After graduation, he enrolled at the Liberal Vo-Tech School and completed a study in Diesel Mechanics. After graduation in Liberal, he worked for Morton County Road Department until 1976, when he was hired by C.I.G. (Colorado Interstate Gas). In 2001, Joe retired from CIG and immediately went to work for a second time at the Morton County Road Depart-

ment where he worked until his death. Besides being a devoted and loving husband and father, Joe was passionate about his community. He served with the school board for over 20 years, volunteered as a fireman for more than 40 years, and was an active member of the United Methodist Church in Elkhart. December 22, 1981, Joe married Claudine Allen in Elkhart, she survives. Their four children are Summer Stewart, Tiffany Davidson, Jeff Davidson, and Carrie Jo Davidson, all of Elkhart. Other survivors include his brother, Jim Davidson, of Mustang, Ok. Joe is preceded in death by his younger brothers, Greg and Phillip; sister Kathy; and his parents. Funeral services were attended Wednesday morning, January 2, 2013 at the Morton County Civic Center in Elkhart. Interment followed in the Richfield Cemetery under the direction of Garnand Funeral Home of Elkhart. The family requests memorials be given in lieu of flowers to the donor’s choice or the Carrie Jo Davidson KSU Veterinary Education Fund in care of Garnand Funeral Home, PO Box 854, Elkhart, Ks 67950.

Margaret Ellinor Cox Longtime Hugoton resident Margaret Ellinor Cox passed from this life Sunday, December 30, 2012 at Pioneer Manor. She was 97. The daughter of Harry Parker and the former Myrtle Alms, she was born April 16, 1915 in rural Hugoton. August 6, 1939, Ellinor and Harold Cox were united in marriage at the United Methodist Church Parsonage. They were married 72 years. Ellinor graduated from Southwestern College at Winfield in 1936. She taught business at a secondary school in Bazine. After Harold and Ellinor were married, they moved to Ulysses and owned a Western Auto store. Later moving to Hugoton, Ellinor quickly began her life as a farm wife, loving mother and

grandmother, special aunt and faithful friend. Mrs. Cox was a kind and loving person who was forever doing good deeds for everyone else. She planned fun trips, headed several committees,

and wrote programs for numerous organizations. Ellinor was a great 4-H leader, Sunday School teacher and was given the Woman of the Year award in 1986. Her family gives thanks for her example of love, integrity, perserverance and faith in God. Survivors include two sons, Jerry Cox and wife Sandy and Jeff Cox and wife Jo all of Hugoton; daughter Judy Hamlin and husband Rick of Hugoton; daughter-in-law Cheryl Cox of Hugoton; a special niece Janet Stutz and husband Jon of Hugoton; nephew Jack Bryan and wife Vicki of Rogers, Ar.; her 11 grandchildren; 26 great grandchildren; and six great great grandchildren. Those preceding Ellinor in

death were her parents; her husband Harold Cox; son Jim R. Cox; sister Ila Bryan; and brother-in-law Earl Bryan. Funeral services were attended Thursday afternoon, January 3, 2013 at United Methodist Church in Hugoton with Rev. Harry Cross presiding. Burial followed in the Hugoton Cemetery under the direction of Paul’s Funeral Home of Hugoton. A memorial has been established for Pioneer Manor or United Methodist Church of Hugoton. Memorials may be mailed to Paul's Funeral Home, Box 236, Hugoton, Ks 67951.

The Hugoton Hermes

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Page 3

County Commissioners Continued from page 1

the electricity usage of Hugoton so the transformer station out there would definitely be needed. This will create the need for rightof-ways and easements in the future. Jan told the commissioners he has 15 campers parked out at his RV site. When Kim Harper arrived, they moved into executive session. Linda Stalcup and Rachel Crane came in to update the commissioners for Pioneer Manor. They are still working out some glitches and details. They have 67 or 68 residents at this time and more are coming. They were asked if they expect to ever fill up. They responded, probably all but the three double rooms. Employees are still working out some issues and there is always the need for good nurses. The commissioners said last year they all had no real idea of how much to budget for 2012 for the new manor. Linda and Rachel explained some of the extra expenses no one really expected. They listed them and explained them to the commissioners. The local Rotary Club helped with some small cart vehicles to help transfer patients’ families from the entryway to their family member’s room. This is working out nicely. The commissioners asked them to detail all the extra expenses. A big portion was for equipment for Megan Sullivan’s department. The subject then turned to the hospital and how it is doing. Linda says the hospital, ER and clinic have been more busy lately than it has been since she started there. Linda and Rachel will look up and get a

detailed list of what all was spent that wasn’t included in the 2012 budget. Future plans for Medicaid and Medicare were discussed and their effects on the hospital. It would not be good. Paula Rowden was next on the agenda. The commissioners asked if there was any flu vaccine left. She said very little. She brought with her the encumbrance letter for the Health Department. The commissioners looked it over and commented they understood she will have moving-in expenses. They discussed items listed that are needed. Commissioners told her of the flood in her part of the old manor. Motion was made and passed to accept the budget. They discussed how many patients her department is seeing locally, how many from other counties and how much the cost is for each one. Over 2,271 patients received 9,194 services from the health department in the year of 2012. WIC patients numbered 1,229 and are 100% paid for. The number of persons registered as users of the clinic comes to 8,309. This shows the expansion of the department was a very good idea. Paula will look into how much is really going out of county and get back to the commissioners. Ted Heaton came in. He was concerned exactly when the meetings are going to be. The commissioners assured Ted the timing will remain the same - first and third Mondays of the month. Swearing in of the re-elected and newly elected candidates is going to be Monday, January 14 at 2:00 p.m., but other than that the meetings will remain the same. Meeting adjourned.

Official minutes for December 27, 2012 The county commissioners met in regular session with all members present including Bob Johnson, Pam Bensel and RoGlenda Coulter. Meeting was called to order and minutes were approved. Motion was made and passed to approve the county vouchers and draw warrants for the following amounts: General .. 105,099.99; Road & Bridge .. 5,377.07; Noxious Weed .. 242.55; Community Health .. 3,211.87; County Equipment .. 190,350.00; Employees P/R Misc W/H . 66.62. Rodney Kelling came in to discuss the donations from county businesses. Rodney explained that his firemen were asking the businesses if they would want to make a donation to the fire department to help with buying of supplies for the fire trucks. Some chose to, others didn’t. There are some gas companies and other businesses that have their own funds for donations to different places. Rodney said this has been a misunderstanding and they will not ask for any more donations. He brought in the 2012 encumbrance letter for the Fire Department and EMS Department. He will present it at the January 7, 2013 meeting instead. Bob Johnson discussed the land east of town. Pete Earles is working on some information on the area for the transformer station. Bob also discussed vacating an alley above Block 2 for the KDI Plant. Pam Bensel presented a 2012 encumbrance letter from Susan Schulte. Motion was made and passed to approve the 2012 encumbrance letter for Susan Schulte in the GIS Department in the amount of

$8,000. JC Cantrell came in to discuss the culverts that were put in for KDI east of town. Bob informed JC that the bill for the culverts will be paid. Commissioners talked to JC about fixing the road on the north side of the Manor so it goes all the way to Road 12 west of town. JC discussed next year’s projects. He is planning to seal 45 miles of road including Evans Road to Road 12, Second Street to Road D, Moscow Dairy Road to Road 20 and Road P to the county line. JC asked to transfer the money left in 2012 to the Fund 220- R & B Equipment (1/2) and Fund 225-Highway Improvement (1/2). Commissioners agreed to allow the transfer. Ted Heaton presented a 2012 encumbrance letter. Motion was made and passed to allow the 2012 encumbrance letter for Concealed Carry in the amount of $1,032.50 and Registered Offenders in the amount of $1,027.32. Motion was made to reappoint Ted Heaton to the Juvenile Corrections and Prevention Services Board for 2013. Motion carried. Nancy Honig came in to inform the commissioners that the heater at the 4-H Building needs replaced. Nancy brought in a bid from Lin Goode & Company with two options: * Option 1 – Goodman 5 ton 13 seer package gas electric unit. Installed: $4,900.00 * Option 2 – Trane 5 ton 13 seer package gas electric unit. Installed: $7,400.00 Motion was made to accept Option 1 – Goodman 5 ton 13 seer package gas electric unit. Installed: $4,900.00 from Lin Goode. Motion carried. Nancy says that Extension will send the money for the insurance to the Insurance Agency Fund.

Neal Gillespie explained about the four year period for the financing that KDI is asking to do for payment of the land east of town with a 10% down. Bob will talk to the attorney for KDI and work on the papers. Motion was made to go into executive session for land acquisition and attorney/client with County Counselor Robert Johnson, Neal Gillespie and

John Dustin E Johnson Financial FinancialAdvisor Advisor .

608 S Main Street Hugoton, KS 67951 620-544-8818

nounced a statewide antigang initiative called Gang Free Kansas. As part of that initiative, an advisory group of law enforcement officers has made recommendations to the attorney general for changes in state law that would strengthen their ability to prosecute gang members who commit crimes. Enactment of an anti-racketeering statute is their top recommendation. The proposed anti-racketeering legislation is modeled on the federal anti-racketeer-

ing statute, which originally was enacted to combat organized crime but has been effectively used against criminal street gangs. The idea of the law is to allow prosecution for engaging in a pattern of criminal activity rather than only prosecution of individual criminal acts. The Wichita Police Department has advocated the legislature enact a similar law for several years. However, the broad sweep of that proposed statute has slowed its progress. Schmidt said he

has worked closely with supporters of the previous bill to narrow the new proposal in a way that should increase its chances of passage. Schmidt will also propose changes to the Criminal Gang Member Statute which will update existing anti-gang law in Kansas. He said he will ask the legislature to introduce the measures soon after it reconvenes. More information about Gang Free Kansas is available at www.gangfree kansas.org.


Stephanie A Weeast, CFP®, AAMS® Financial Advisor

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Gene Nunn

40!4040! !

Jason made it to

40!?! Happy Birthday Jason Don!!!

Kansas Attorney General proposes anti-gang measures Kansas Attorney General Derek Schmidt will recommend the 2013 Kansas legislature enact a new anti-racketeering statute to combat criminal street gangs. "For criminal street gangs, the whole of their criminal activity in our communities is sometimes greater than the sum of the parts," Schmidt said. "A state-level racketeering statute will give law enforcement and prosecutors a more effective tool to bring gang leaders to justice." Last year, Schmidt an-

Pat Hall present. Motion was made and approved to appoint Pat Hall to the Southwest Guidance Center Board for the 2013 year. The commissioners discussed the landscape drawings from Thomas Landscaping for the northwest side of the courthouse. The discussion will be tabled till next meeting. By motion the Board adjourned.

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The snow is a welcome sight at the Smith Pioneer Park. The needed moisture was well received throughout Stevens County. Perhaps

this will bring a tiny bit of relief from the extreme drought Kansas has been suffering from during the past years.

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Lovely wet snow made a beautiful scene in front of the Sunflower Plaza on West Seventh Street.

Lay Aways

The Hugoton Hermes

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Molly Sims named to SWOSU fall honor roll Honor rolls at Southwestern Oklahoma State University in Weatherford have been announced for the 2012 fall semester. Among the 632 students on the Dean’s Honor Roll

was Molly Kathrine Sims of Hugoton. She completed 12 semester hours of undergraduate work with a grade point average of 3.5 or higher with no grade lower than a “C”.

Two from Hugoton make Washburn U honor roll Washburn University has released the names of students who were named to the 2012 fall semester Dean's Honor Roll. Among the students on the honor roll are Tyler Concannon and Ana

Nunez of Hugoton. To be named to the list, a student must be enrolled in at least 12 graded semester credit hours and attain a semester grade point average between 3.4 and 3.99.

Lighthouse Fellowship would like to welcome you to hear

Pastor Bob Rich Preach & Minister

January 13 & 20 10:30 a.m. 424 South Jackson Hugoton

Page 4

McBride - Fey Jordan Fey of St. Louis, Mo., and Bethany McBride of Hugoton were united in marriage October 27, 2012 in Austin, Tx. Greatuncle of the bride, Ronald Betsworth, officiated the outdoor ceremony at The Vineyards at Chappell Lodge. Bethany is the daughter of Tony and Rhonda McBride of Hugoton and the granddaughter of Janet Jones of Washington, Kansas and Evelyn McBride of Hugoton. Jordan is the son of John and Teresa Fey of St. Louis, Mo., and the grandson of Marie Fey of St. Louis, Mo. Matron of Honor was Meredith Fey of Manhattan, sister of the groom. Maid of Honor was Erin Fey of St. Louis, sister of the groom. Garrett McBride and Tyler McBride of Hugoton, brothers of the bride, served as best men. The wedding party included Kylee Mills of Hugoton, accompanied by Matt Erlich of St. Louis, Ashley Schumake of St. Louis, accompanied by Scott Smiley of Denver, Co., Chelsey Abney of Tulsa, Ok., accompanied by Brian Wiegers of St. Louis, Lauren Maier of Chicago, Il., accompanied by Pat Simmons of St. Louis, and Reanna Rencin, cousin of the bride of Barnes accompanied by Pat McGurk of Great Bend. Family and friends enjoyed a terrace dinner and dance following the ceremony. Bethany graduated in 2011 from Kansas State University with a degree in Interior Architecture and Product Design and is employed by LauckGroup of Austin, Tx. Jordan graduated from Kansas State University in 2009 with a degree in Biology and is employed by Myriad RBM. The couple spent their honeymoon in Jamaica and now reside in Austin.

Look who’s new Beni and Eldy welcome Avian Armani Beni Carrillo of Hugoton and Eldy Leyva from Syracuse welcomed their handsome son Avian Armani Carrillo Leyva Sunday, January 5, 2013. Avian weighed seven pounds and two ounces upon his arrival at Kearny County Hospital in Lakin. Proud maternal grandpar-

ents are Alfredo and Silvia Leyva of Syracuse. Paternal grandparents are Benito Carrillo and Consepcion Cruz from Hugoton.

Avian Armani Carrillo Leyva

Akela Miller is named to FHSU Dean’s Honor Roll

Citizens State Bank 601 S. Main - Hugoton

PAUL'S FUNERAL HOME David & Brandy Robson

314 S. Van Buren 544-4122

Pyramid Agency, Inc. 521 S. Main - Hugoton

Faith Publishing LLC 522 S. Main 620-544-4321

ASAMBLEA DE DIOS LOS REDIMIDOS DEL REY Martes 7:00 PM Jueves 7:00 PM Domingo 3:00 PM 138 S. Main Hugoton Pastores: Martinez 620-544-7096

ASSEMBLY OF GOD Main and Second Street 544-2773 Ben Coats, Pastor Sunday School - 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship - 11:00 a.m. Sunday Evening - 6:00 p.m. Service Wed. Night - 7:00 p.m. Celebrate Recovery Every Monday at 7:00 p.m.

BETHEL FRIENDS CHURCH Eric Mason, Pastor Zac Johnson, Youth Pastor 11th & Jefferson - 544-8517 Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. Morning Service - 10:30 a.m. Wednesday Evening Ministries - 6:30 p.m. (Children, Youth, & Adult)




531 S. Main 544-7077 Michael Taylor, Pastor Monday Bible Q & A - 6:30 p.m. Wednesday Book Study- 6:30 p.m. Friday Prayer - 8:00-10:00 p.m. Saturday Bible Study - 6:30 p.m. Sunday Coffee & Fellowship - 10:00 a.m. Sunday Services - 10:30 a.m.

1011 South Jefferson Street 544-2551 Sunday - 11:00 a.m. English Mass - 1:00 p.m. - Spanish Mass


Tenth and Adams 544-2092 Christopher M. Fincher, Pastor Morning Worship - 9:00 a.m. Sunday School - 10:30 a.m. Bible Study, Wednesday - 7:30 p.m.

FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH 600 S. Van Buren - 544-2715 Pastor Randy Nash Sunday School - 9:15 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. Fellowship - 10:15 - 10:30 a.m. Worship Hour - 10:30 - 12:00 Children's Church, 10:30 a.m. Jr. High Youth Group, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Sr. High Youth Group, 7:45-9:00 p.m. Information on small groups call 544-2715

FIRST CHURCH OF GOD 801 W. City Limits 544-2652 800 S. Van Buren - 544-2763 Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship - 10:30 a.m. Wednesday Evening Service - 7:00 p.m. Call 544-2652 fIor Church Bus

1045 S. Van Buren 544-2825 Matthew Russell, Minister 1041 S. Van Buren Wednesday - 7:00 p.m. Sunday School - 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship - 11:00 a.m. Evening Service - 6:00 p.m.



424 S. Jackson 544-4828 Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. Sunday Church - 10:30 a.m. Wednesday - 7:00 p.m. Pre-Service Prayer - half hour before service

520 E. First 544-2125 Sacrament - 9:00 a.m. Sunday School - 10:00 a.m. Priesthood - 11:00 a.m.

CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE 500 S. Van Buren 544-2493 Pastor Dave Piper Sunday School - 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship - 10:45 a.m. Evening Services - 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study - 7:00 p.m.

COWBOY CHURCH - HUGOTON Second & Fourth Tuesday of every month Stevens County Commercial Building at Fairgrounds 7:00 p.m.

FAITH CHAPEL CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST Tenth and Jefferson Lawrence Johnson, Pastor Sunday School - 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship - 11:00 a.m. Bible Band (Tuesday) - 6:00 p.m. Home and Forn. Miss. (Friday) - 6:00 p.m. Youth - 6:00 p.m. Bible Study - 7:00 p.m.

Eighth and Main 544-2210 506 East Eighth - 544-2295 Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship - 10:30 a.m. Youth Service - 6:30 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study - 6:30 p.m.


LONE STAR FRIENDS CHURCH 14 Miles East of Hugoton on Highway 51 Church 624-3784 Home 624-3104 Sunday School - 9:45 a.m. Contemporary Worship Celebration - 10:45 a.m. Jr. High & Sr. High Youth Group - Sunday 6:30 p.m. Sunday Evening Fellowship - 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Evening Adult Study - 6:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting Wednesday - 8:00 p.m. Christian Life Club (age 2 - 18) - 6:30 p.m.

MY FATHER’S HOUSE A Full Gospel Church 207 East 6th - Hugoton Pam Peachey, Pastor 544-2436 Services Sundays 10:30 a.m. & 5:00 p.m.

PRIMERO BAUTISTA IGLESIA HISPANO Congregación 618 Main sur - Hugoton 620-370-1003 Pastor Marcelino Auila Servicio de la Iglesia 11:00 a.m. - Domingo 7:00 p.m. - Miércoles

TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH 516 N.E. Avenue 544-2355 Morning Worship - 9:00 a.m. Fellowship/Refreshments - 10:00 a.m. Sunday School - 10:30 a.m. Rev. Larry Bradford, Interim Pastor 544-9492 or 598-2400 YOU ARE WELCOME!

UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 828 S. Main Hugoton 544-8715 Harry Cross, Pastor Sunday School - 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship - 11:00 a.m. HugotonUMC.com

MOSCOW MOSCOW BAPTIST CHURCH 598-2455 Church - 598-2400 Home Rev. Larry Bradford, Pastor 1 mile S. of Moscow, 1/2 mile E. of Moscow/Hooker Rd. Morning Worship - 10:30 a.m. Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study - 7:00 p.m. Team Kids (Wed.) - 3:30-5:00p.m. Sept.-May

MOSCOW UNITED METHODIST 598-2426 Tim McCrary, Pastor 598-2421 Sunday School - 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship - 11:00 a.m. Kid’s Club - Wednesday 3:30 p.m. UMYF Jr. High - 6:00 p.m. UMYF Sr. High - 5:00 p.m.

ROLLA EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH 202 Monroe St. - Rolla, Ks. 67954 Henry McGuire, Pastor 593-4693 Sunday School - 10:00 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship - 11:00 a.m. Sunday Evening Service - 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Evening, AWANA’s - 6:45 p.m.

ROLLA PENTECOSTAL HOLINESS CHURCH Corner of Third and Adams, Rolla Marcus Light, Pastor Church - 593-4626, Parsonage - 593-4796 Sunday School - 10:00 a.m. Worship - 11:00 a.m. Wednesday night meal - 6:00 p.m.

UNITED METHODIST CHURCH ROLLA - RICHFIELD 593-4596 or 593-4781 Sandy Ferguson, Pastor Rolla Morning Worship - 11:00 a.m. Sunday School - 10:00 a.m. Youth Groups - 5:00 p.m. Richfield Morning Worship - 9:15 a.m. Sunday School - 10:30 a.m.

Akela Miller of Hugoton, a marketing major, has been named to Fort Hays State University's Deans Honor Roll for the fall 2012 semester. The roll includes only fulltime (12 credit hours or more) undergraduate students who have at least a 3.60 gradepoint average for the semester. Both on-campus and FHSU Virtual College students are eligible.

The Hugoton Hermes (USPS 253-820)

522 S. Main Hugoton, KS 67951 - 620-544-4321 Owner/Operator Faith Publishing LLC RoGlenda Coulter, Kay McDaniels and Ruthie Winget RoGlenda Coulter, Bookkeeper/ Classifieds/Obituaries Kay McDaniels, Advertising/ Circulation/Layout Ruthie Winget, Composition/Layout Reece McDaniels, Sports Editor Wilma Bartel, Asst. Composition Marie Austin, Asst. Composition Toni Hamlin, Asst. Mailing Jean Coulter, Asst. Mailing

Ads email: hermes10@pld.com Obituaries email: hermesro@pld.com

Subscriptions $30.00 (including Kansas State Sales Tax) for Stevens and adjoining Kansas Counties, $35.00 elsewhere in state (including Kansas State Sales Tax), and for all out of state subscriptions. Online subscriptions are $25.00 a year. Online and printed subscriptions combined are $10.00 plus the cost of the subscription. Foreign Subscription Rate $40.00. School Subscriptions and Military Personnel $25.00 (including Kansas State Sales Tax) payable in advance. Advertising Rates Noncommissionable $5.00 per column inch, Commissionable Rates $6.25 per column inch, Classified $5.00 per column inch. Frequency is weekly every Thursday. Periodicals Postage paid at Hugoton, Ks. 67951. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Hugoton Hermes at 522 S. Main, Hugoton, Kansas 67951. Opinion Page Our opinion page is open to the public. We encourage comments from readers in the form of letters to the editor or guest columns. All letters must be signed and must include the address and telephone number of the sender. (names will be published but not address & phone#) Letters should be no more than 300 words. No libelous or offensive letter will be published. The guest column or letter to the editor does not reflect the opinion of this newspaper or its representatives.

Helium Litigation announces scholarships available for fall 2013 The Board of Directors of the Helium Litigation Scholarship Fund, Inc., is pleased to announce the availability of scholarships for the fall semester of 2013. The fund was established in 1992 in the wake of the litigation regarding helium processed from natural gas produced from the Hugoton Field in Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas. Under the guidelines established by the Scholarship Fund Board, incoming college freshmen from this area will be selected to receive scholarships for the Fall semester of 2013. The successful scholarship applicants will be eligible to annually renew their scholarships in pursuit of a college degree. The scholarship amount is determined by available funds. In 2012 the scholarship amount was set at $1,000. To be eligible, applicants must be residents of one of the following counties: the Southwest Kansas counties of Hamilton, Kearny, Finney, Stanton, Grant, Haskell, Stevens, Seward and Morton; the Oklahoma

Panhandle counties of Texas, Beaver and Cimarron or the Texas Panhandle counties of Moore, Sherman, Hansford, Ochiltree and Hutchinson. Further, the prospective scholarship recipients must be students who will be engaged in agricultural, environmental or energy related studies at an accredited college, university or junior college. The Board will accept scholarship applications from students who will be eligible for scholarship funds beginning with the 2013 fall semester. The deadline for such applications is February 1, 2013. For more information, please contact The Helium Litigation Scholarship Fund, Inc. at PO Box 248, Hugoton, Kansas 67951, call 620-544-4333 or email erick.nordling@nordling law.com. The application form, along with information about the scholarship program, is also available online at http://www.swkroa.com under Forms & Publications.

Get ready . . . It’s tax season: Six tax prep tips As you settle down after the busy holiday season, you will soon face another season…tax season! As a small business owner you need to understand how taxes are going to affect you and your business. It is important that you file properly, avoid audits and claim the right tax deductions. Here are a few tips that may ease the burden of tax preparation and to help you get ready for the April 15, 2013 deadline. 1. Keep Good Records Proper record-keeping yearround is the first step to ensuring your taxes are filed accurately and that you have the paperwork you need to back-up your deduction claims should you be audited. 2. Understand Your Deductions What small business deductions can you take? Do you have the documentation and original receipts to back them up? Tax credits and deductions change each year. 3. Utilize the Small Business Jobs Act Tax Provisions The Small Business Jobs Act of 2010 signed into law by President Obama has over 17 tax provisions decreasing the tax burdens for small businesses—several of these provisions can be taken advantage of during this year’s tax season. Utilizing these provisions will provide great savings for your business. 4. Remember the tax credits within the Affordable Care Act These tax credits will allow small businesses to cover up to 35 percent of the premiums a small business pays to cover its workers. In 2014, the rate will increase to 50 percent. 5. Avoid Common Audit Traps It is very important to be

aware of potential red flags and act on them before the IRS does: • Classifying Employees as Independent Contractors – Independent contractors and employees are not the same, and it's important to understand the difference. In the eyes of the IRS, misclassification can be seen as an attempt to avoid payroll taxes, and non-compliance can bring penalties and back taxes. • Home Office Deduction – This deduction is very specific and not all home-based businesses will qualify. Likewise, if you run your business from a commercial location and claim the home office deduction, you might trigger some interest from the IRS. Know how to determine if you are eligible to claim it, and what specific expenses you can write off. • Large Sum Miscellaneous Deductions – If you claim a large amount of itemized deductions relative to your income, the IRS will get suspicious. Likewise, if you bucket a large amount of miscellaneous expenses, you may raise eyebrows. Be specific and label every deduction. 6. Keep Business and Personal Expenses Separate – The IRS scrutinizes personal expenses that may have been claimed as a business expense, such as the use of a business vehicle for personal use. Be diligent about keeping good records. Maintain a separate bank and credit card account for your business. For additional information on these tax tips and current year tax deductions visit the SBA Small Business Tax Guide or contact the IRS www.irs.gov . We also invite you to follow us on Twitter #SBAGreatPlains and on Facebook at SBA Great Plains.

The Hugoton Hermes

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Page 5

State’s first LEMA proposal approved

The windbreak surrounding the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints located at 520 E. First Street caught a lot of snow during the

recent snow storm. The windbreaks are great for stopping the blowing snow.

Kansas Governor Sam Brownback announced Friday, January 3, the Kansas Department of Agriculture Division of Water Resources (DWR) has approved the first Local Enhanced Management Area (LEMA) in Kansas. Proposed by Groundwater Management District (GMD) 4 in Northwest Kansas, Sheridan 6 LEMA will be located in Sheridan and Thomas counties. The LEMA process is a central component of legislation supported by Kansas Governor Sam Brownback in 2012 to reform multiple Kansas water statutes. It allows GMDs to initiate a public hearing process to consider locally-developed LEMA proposals aimed at conserving water resources while also meeting local

Roberts’ bipartisan style lauded as he exits ag panel’s senior post By Amy Bickel The Hutchinson News Senator Pat Roberts stepped down as ranking member of the Senate Agriculture Committee Thursday, with Senator Thad Cochran taking the reins. Roberts, RKan., told The [Hutchinson] News Thursday afternoon that he moved for the Mississippi Republican's nomination when the committee met earlier in the day. "Senator Cochran has my full support. I moved his nomination be accepted unanimously and it was," he said, adding that he and Cochran "have been pretty good friends for over 20 years." He said he respected the Senate's historic seniority privileges. "I would have preferred to stay on as ranking member, but I'm good friends with Thad and when someone asserts their ranking, you can make a fuss, I suppose, but agriculture already has about had enough hurdles to jump through." Roberts said the action allowed him to assert his seniority on the Senate Rules Committee. He said the post could benefit rural Kansas and small towns as he works in defending minority rights and campaign finance reform.

Roberts also retained his seat on the Senate Finance Committee, where he is a senior member. Roberts said he wanted to emphasize to Kansas farmers and ranchers that he will continue to champion agriculture. "The message I want to give and really stress is it doesn't matter if I hold a gavel or I am the ranking member or I am a senior member, agriculture has always been a top priority of my efforts in public service. Nothing will change that. "The thing I want to emphasize is I'm going to remain a strong - underscore - voice for agriculture." Those efforts include shaping a future farm bill. Roberts supported legislation passed January 1 that pulled Americans away from the fiscal cliff and included a measure extending the 2008 farm law through September. Roberts said baseline funding was maintained through the extension. "We know we have direct payments, and that really helps us," Roberts said, adding that was especially so amid the current drought. He said he hoped the writing of a new farm bill would begin by late January or February. He thought Cochran

has some of the same goals as he does in mind. "Obviously, he is a Southern senator," Roberts added. "That region of crops will be of interest to him." Roberts said he would continue to reiterate what Kansas farmers have stressed over months of farm bill hearings - expanding crop insurance. "We all know that No. 1 is crop insurance, and that was basically what I was working for when the bill passed in the Senate," he said of action by the committee and the Senate last summer. The House Agriculture Committee also passed similar legislation. House leaders, however, failed to bring the measure to the floor. Roberts added that a united Congress is needed as a new year begins - with efforts on getting a farm bill passed in both houses without it being "tied up in the middle." Kansas' agribusiness sector commended Roberts for his past work on farm bills and his current bipartisan efforts with Ag Committee Chairwoman Debbie Stabenow, D-Mich., to write a farm bill. "Roberts' replacement as minority member is a reflection only of seniority rules,"

said Kansas Grain and Feed Association President Tom Tunnell. "Stabenow and Roberts have been one of the few shining lights in D.C. over the past couple years," he said. Likewise, the Kansas Corn Growers Association gave Roberts a nod for his prior work on agriculture issues. "For years, the Kansas Corn Growers Association has worked closely on ag issues with Senator Roberts. We were proud to have Senator Roberts as the ranking member on the Ag Committee in 2012. We are confident in the fact that he will remain a vocal and respected member of the ag committee," said KCGA President Bob Timmons. "We have never doubted Senator Roberts' dedication to agriculture. His experience in building consensus on farm bills and other farm policy is extremely valuable to the growers of our state." Roberts remains the only state congressional leader representing agriculture on a House or Senate committee. Republican Tim Huelskamp, who represents Kansas' Big First in the House, was removed from his post in December. Used by permission from www.ksagland.com.

Extension buys time for farm bill By Tim Unruh Salina Journal Food producers understand the need to cut federal budgets, Wallace County farmer David Schemm said, and he'd prefer that Congress let agriculture groups have a say. "We've been willing to step up and make cuts to programs. Please let us help design good risk management alternatives," said Schemm, president of the Kansas Association of Wheat Growers. Like most groups dependent upon federal tax dollars, agriculture groups have been poised to see their funding reduced in the push to trim the deficit. "Until we get a farm bill passed, let us design a program that's going to meet the needs of producers," Schemm said. "Let's not use a machete to do scalpel work." One aspect of avoiding the fiscal cliff of tax increases (on all except the wealthiest) and slashed spending – a deal reached Tuesday night [January 4] – was extending the 2008 farm bill for nine months. The agreement also delayed acrossthe-board budget reductions, known as sequestration, for two months. "It does give time to rewrite the 2013 farm bill. What they will likely be doing is starting from scratch," said Dalton Henry, KAWG's director of governmental affairs. Extending the 2008 farm bill – which amounted to an estimated $284 billion over five

years and $604 billion total through fiscal year 2017, according to the Congressional Budget Office – will cost nearly $5 billion in 2013. In a news release sent Wednesday [January 5], the Center for Rural Affairs in Lyons, Ne., called the farm bill extension a "disaster" for cutting future investment in "small rural communities and family farming and ranching," according to comments from Chuck Hassebrook, the center's executive director. Programs aimed at creating rural jobs and helping rural communities were left out of the farm bill extension, the release reads, and the extension prevents enrollment in the Conservation Stewardship Program this year. Donn Teske, of Wheaton, president of Kansas Farmers Union, said the extension changed much of the mandatory funding to discretionary funding. He also expressed angst that the work of the House and Senate agriculture committees was bypassed. While the Farmers Union is not a fan of direct payments, Teske said baseline funding was maintained for future negotiations. The Supplemental Revenue Assistance program, which provides help for crop production and-or quality losses from natural disasters, was not funded, he said. "The timing on this really sucks," Teske. Troy Dumler, a Kansas State University agricultural

economist in Garden City, doesn't see a huge effect for Kansas farmers. "I think we'll see both ag committees move fairly quickly to get a new farm bill passed," he said. "There was no disaster aid passed as part of the extension. We wouldn't expect that for crop producers, but for livestock, that could be an issue." Old programs remain in place, but they're not as lucrative. "It's a negative for dairy producers, based on what they would like to see," Dumler said. As the months unfold in 2013, expect less federal aid. "We assume some level of cuts will occur," Henry said. "Farm programs make up such a small portion of the federal deficit, yet it's kind of the favorite whipping boy." Agriculture committees in both houses of Congress have voluntarily shown a willingness to accept cuts, he said. "I think farmers have shown they are willing to make reductions," Henry said. The Tuesday night agreement also addressed estate taxes, he said, capped at 40 percent beyond $5 million a person and $10 million a couple, which fell short of devastating to family farms. It's critical to maintain what works, said Steve Baccus, a Minneapolis-area farmer, the Kansas Farm Bureau president. "That's why passing a farm bill, or at least passing an extension, is better than doing nothing," he said.

One of the more critical farm programs, subsidized crop insurance, was not changed by the fiscal cliff deal. However, improvements built into the 2012 farm bill, that failed, will not be enacted, Henry said. "It is disappointing that those changes won't be made," he said. "They would have allowed crop insurance coverage to better match what a producer expected to raise." But without insurance help during the drought-ridden 2012 growing season, Baccus said, "You would have seen a lot of blood flowing in Kansas." Farmers expect that direct payments that they receive, decoupled from production, "would come to an end," said Joe Kejr, who farms in the Salina area. Henry, of the wheat growers association, said direct payments were cut from the 2012 farm bill, and those savings were used for improvements to the crop insurance program and deficit reduction. But again, that bill didn't pass. "Insurance has been our bigger concern," Kejr said. "You get disaster years like last year, with the way input costs are, it would be pretty devastating to the industry if there's not something out there." The federal crop insurance subsidy makes the protection affordable, he said. "It helps," Kejr said, "so you're in the game the next year." Used by permission from www.ksagland.com.

needs. “The approval of the Sheridan 6 LEMA proposal is great news for GMD 4 as well as for the state. The innovative leaders in GMD 4 have worked diligently with their stakeholders to identify a plan to reduce water use during the next five years and increase the economic value of each acre-foot that is pumped,” Governor Brownback said. “We look forward to continuing to work with GMD 4 and encourage other GMDs to consider initiating the LEMA process as well. This is an important step in our goal to shift the mindset from one of ‘use it or lose it’ to a culture of water conservation in Kansas.” According to the order approving the proposal, the GMD’s plan to reduce water use within the Sheridan 6 LEMA by approximately 20 percent during the next five years will serve the public interest by conserving water and, thus, extending the useful life of the Ogallala Aquifer, which is a top priority for Governor Brownback. Beginning January 1, 2013, all water use within the LEMA boundaries will be included

in the five-year allocations established by the Sheridan 6 LEMA. The Sheridan 6 LEMA proposal also provides significant flexibility to allow water users to maximize the economic benefits of the reduced supply. The LEMA is expected to reduce water use by approximately 28,000 acrefeet during the next five years. An acre-foot is approximately 325,000 gallons, which will result in total water savings of almost ten billion gallons. GMD 4 submitted the Sheridan 6 LEMA proposal July 16, 2012, to DWR for consideration. Since then, it has been the subject of two public hearings, which took place in September and November of 2012. A more detailed order of designation will be issued in the coming weeks. It will include the specifics of the corrective control provisions, monitoring and evaluation of the LEMA. A copy of the order can be found online at http://www.ksda.gov/water_ma nagement_services/?cid=2021. This article was submitted by the Office of Governor Sam Brownback.

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The Hugoton Hermes

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600 E. 11th




Page 6

Ladies pull out all the stops at Scott City Friday night The Lady Eagles extended their record to five and two Friday night at Scott City. After getting off to an even start with the Lady Beavers, Hugoton moved ahead with a 13 point lead by half time. Not a team to mess with, the Lady Eagles came back in the second half and extended their lead again by a whopping 28 points when the final buzzer sounded. Hugoton won the away game, 58 to 30. Hugoton took the lead early with a 16 to 9 first quarter. Riley Sosa made three of her six three-point shots in this quarter. By the time the second quarter had begun the Lady Eagles had a five point advantage. It was the second quarter where both teams scored their most points per quarter. Hugoton added 20 points and Scott City added another 14. Chastity Parsons and Sosa each scored a three point

shot along with six points from Nicole Kinser. The Lady Eagles were on fire in the second half, hitting shot after shot while shutting down the Lady Beavers. Hugoton added another 13 points in the third quarter while holding Scott City to only four, allowing the Lady Beavers a single two point shot and two free throws, Hugoton had four girls score. Stefani Armendariz scored one basket from under the goal and two free throws. She ended the game with eleven points. Hugoton worked the ball more in the final quarter adding nine points. Scott City was not able to handle the Lady Eagles in the fourth quarter and scored only three points, due to free throws. Sofia Jimenez got her two points of the game in the final quarter. Overall it was an exciting

Megan Cornelson stands ready to block out against the Lady Beavers last Friday evening as the Eagles traveled to Scott City. game for the Hugoton fans. Sosa scored 18 points - all from three point baskets. Armendariz also did well with eleven points followed by ten from Kinser. Although the Lady Eagles hit a total of 15 two point shots and eight three pointers they were off on free throws. Hugoton hit a

total of four free throws out of 15. Scott City on the other hand hit ten out of 15 free throws and ten two-point shots. It was, however, a great game for the Lady Eagles fans. Hugoton will play at home Tuesday and travel to Goodland Friday.

Hugoton boys struggle against aggressive Scott City team The Eagles traveled to Scott City Friday night where they played the very fast, big and aggressive Beavers. Hugoton battled their way up and down the court but could not get past the Beavers defense. By half time the Eagles had scored five points but had given up 45 to Scott City. Hugoton played hard to the very end but it was the Beavers that came out on top in the end, 8 to 71. Logan Frederick, Yates Sutton, Ross Davis, Austin Scott and Jeison Rodriguez started the game with Davis jumping for the team. Scott City got the ball on the jump and scored the first two points of the game on two

free throws. Sutton got his chance to add points to the Hugoton score board when he was fouled on the shot. He scored one free throw for Hugoton. Scott added a two point shot with less than a minute to play in the first quarter. Hugoton added two more points in the second quarter, both from free throws. Scott and Logan each hit a free throw, giving the Eagles five points at the half time buzzer. Scott City had a 40 point lead going into the second half. Scott City had possession of the ball in the start of the third quarter and they quickly scored the first points

Coach Szymczak attempts to spur the Eagles to a victory during a timeout, but the Beavers are just too big, too fast and too aggressive for the Eagles to beat. of the quarter. Hugoton battled on and with 3:26 left to play in the quarter Rodriquez scored a basket for the Ea-

BayLee Hoskinson considers her options as she scans Hugoton’s offense Friday night. The ladies resembled a well-oiled machine as they poured in bucket after bucket, winning the contest 58-30 at Scott City.

gles. Hugoton did not score again until the last few minutes of the fourth quarter. Henry Vela made a break for the basket and was fouled on the shot. Going to the line he scored the only point of the final quarter for the Eagles. The Eagles will put this loss behind them and play at home Tuesday. Friday the team travels to Goodland Friday.

Sports by Austin Scott looks for the pass at the top of the key Friday night as Logan Frederick sets up a pick and Ross Davis darts across the lane. The

boys were unable to score much against the tough Scott City team, and the game ended in a defeat for the Eagles.

Reece McDaniels

Undefeated A-team finishes with record of 27-0 for two years Chastity Parsons tosses up a basket Friday night as the Scott City Lady Beavers attempt to block her shot. Parsons’ teammate Riley Sosa was the high scorer with six threepoint shots for a total of 18 points.

Sports Schedule Thursday, January 10 Middle School Basketball at Guymon; 4:00 p.m. Wrestling at Dodge City Duals; 6:00 p.m. High School Basketball JV Tourney at Ulysses; TBA

Friday, January 11 High School Basketball at Goodland; 4:45 p.m. Saturday, January 12 Wrestling V at Clearwater; TBA High School Basketball JV Tourney at Ulysses; TBA

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The eighth grade Hugoton Lady Eagles competed Monday and Tuesday, December 17 and 18, at the League tournament at Dodge City. After two hard fought battles against Horace Goode and Kenneth Henderson, the Ateam was named League Champions. As they were the number one seed they only had two games to play in the tournament. The B-team also competed at League.The team battled against two teams the first day. They defeated both the Dodge City Comanches and Kenneth Henderson. The B-team finished up their third game in the tournament Tuesday against Horace Goode losing to the team. The first A-team game Monday, December 17, was against Kenneth Henderson. Hugoton defeated the team 34-21. The Lady Eagles started out in the lead in the first half and did not let up in the last two quarters. Scoring for the team were Melissa Fabela with 13 closely followed by Amy Scott with seven, Katy Heger with six, and Hannah Rodriguez, Brecklyn Stump, Wendy Vela and Marisol Don Juan with two each. "The first game we played went fairly well. We moved the ball well from side to side and took some good shots.

Our defense was pretty good that night," commented Coach Nick Rodriguez. The second game Tuesday, December 18, of the tournament was against Horace Goode. The final score was Hugoton 27 and HG 24. after the first quarter the two teams were tied at six points each. At half time the Horace Goode team had pulled ahead and led 9-14. The girls came back from half time in top form and quickly took the lead and did not give it back. "The second night we had a hard fought tough game", said Coach Rodriguez. "Any time you play a team three times in just a few weeks you begin to figure some things out and we took some tough shots early in the game that kept Horace Goode in the game. We just did not get a lot of offensive rebounds. We were behind at half time and that had not happened in two years. We were pretty down at that point but the girls rallied some in the third quarter and played with more confidence," commented Coach Rodriguez. Scoring for the girls were Melissa Fabela with ten, Katy Heger with nine, Amy Scott with six and Hannah Rodriguez with two. "Everyone expects these girls to win so the pressure was all on us but we got our-

selves put back together and held on for a tough fought victory. A great finish to two years of basketball for these girls. They finished 27-0 over that time period in A-team games," said Coach Rodriguez. The first game for the Bteam was against the Dodge City Comanche Monday, December 17. The final score of the game was 29-4. The Hugoton team started out ahead in the first quarter and did not allow Dodge City to make any points until the third quarter where the team added two points to Hugoton's 23 points. In the fourth quarter DC added another two points while the Lady Eagles added six to their score. Jackie Armendariz scored ten points in the game followed by Zeida Betance with eight, Yaczeny Gastelum with six, Jazmyn Monge with four and Martha Rubio with one. In the team's second game of the night Kenneth Henderson put up a tough battle losing to the Hugoton team by only one point. After four quarter of play Hugoton came out on top 22-21. Jackie Armendariz and Zeida Betance both scored seven points in the game. Yaczeny Gastelum scored four points followed by Martha Rubio and Jazmyn

Monge with two apiece. "The first day to come out and win two games was big to get themselves into the championship game," said Coach Rodriguez. The Lady Eagles competed against Horace Goode Bteam in the championship game Tuesday. After a tough battle Hugoton lost 11 to Horace Goode's 34. Hugoton was ahead in the first quarter 6-4 but did not make but two points in the second quarter compared to HG's 14. Hugoton could not get their momentum back in the last two quarters. Zeida Betance led the scoring with seven points. Jackie Armendariz and Yaczeny Gastelum each scored two points in the game. "These girls played three good games. The championship game just did not go well for the girls," said Coach Rodriguez. "We struggled against their press. We came out in the first quarter and hit a couple of early baskets but the next two quarters their full court pressure gave our team a lot of trouble. We just had some trouble with their overall team quickness," concluded coach Rodriguez. The girls had an outstanding season going 10-5 on the year.

The Hugoton Hermes

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Page 7

Federation wrestlers medal at Scott City tournament The Hugoton Federation Wrestlers traveled to Scott City to take part in the Scott City Open Wrestling Tournament Saturday, December 29. Nineteen wrestlers participated in this tournament.

In the six and under division, Bryan Montoya and Isaac Martin received first place medals, Ty Burnett and Thomas Willis received third place medals and Carter McClure received a fourth place

medal. In the eight and under division, Zevin Littell and Adam Mendoza received first place medals and Carson Chamberlain received a third place medal. Others participating in the eight and under division were Conder DeVaughan and Zackary Willis. In the ten and under division, Michael Mendoza received a first place medal, Wyatt Angell received a third place medal and Riggs Martin received a fourth place

medal. In the 12 and under division, Dawson Kerbow received a first place medal, Cole Martin received a second place medal, Nick Gold and Manny Mendoza received third place medals, and Weston Maravilla and Zayden Littell received fourth place medals. All of the wrestlers did an awesome job! The next tournament scheduled is Great Bend Saturday, January 5.

Zayden Littell tries to take down his opponent at the Scott City tournament. Littell shows his wrestling skills by placing fourth at the tournament. Photo courtesy of Carla Kerbow.

Wrestling Club competes at Roger Richter Memorial Tournament Thomas Willis wrestles his opponent at the Scott City tournament recently. Thomas battled his way into a third place win. Photo courtesy of Carla Kerbow.

Adam Mendoza pins his opponent at the Scott City tournament. Mendoza finished the tournament with a first place trophy. Photo courtesy of Carla Kerbow.

The Hugoton Wrestling Club traveled to Great Bend Saturday, January 5, to participate in the Roger Richter Memorial Tournament. In the eight and under division Adam Mendoza took home a first place trophy. In the ten and under division, Wyatt Angell took home the first place trophy, Michael Mendoza placed third and Riggs Martin took home the fourth place trophy. In the 12 and under divi-

sion, Bradan Slemp and Nick Mahan placed first, Dawson Kerbow and Weston Maravilla took home second place trophies, Manny Mendoza was third and Cole Martin fourth. Great Bend’s Wrestling Club provides very nice trophies that the boys were excited to bring home. The boys represented HWC very well and everyone is proud of them. Next week the team will travel to Garden City. Best of luck to the boys!

Hugoton Recreation Commission

Men’s & Women’s Basketball Leagues

SIGN UP YOUR TEAMS AT HRC COSTS: $125 (Games will start January 23!) Deadline to sign up is January 18th!

The Hugoton 5th Grade Girls Basketball Team



Citizens State Bank

for sponsoring the Dodge City tournament we played in last weekend

Great Plains Gas Compression for buying our jerseys

Bradan Slemp receives first place at the Great Bend tournament recently. Slemp is trying to pin his opponent during one of the rounds in the tournament. Photo courtesy of Carla Kerbow.

Late-season hunts still on tap It’s a mistake to overlook late-season hunting opportunities, even this year. Most hunting seasons will close in January, but many hunters may have already hung up their gear for the year because of disappointing conditions and bird populations. However, the late season still has hunting opportunities worth pursuing. While the drought has left many shallow wetlands without water, waterfowl have been using reservoirs, and many northern-Kansas lakes have enough ducks and geese to provide good hunting opportunities. Mallards and Canada geese are the primary waterfowl present, and hunters who scout roosting, loafing and feeding areas can enjoy excellent hunting in January. The extended whitetailonly antlerless season runs through January 13, 2013. The special season is open statewide and allows hunters

Hugoton Recreation Commission’s

2013 Who: Anyone wanting to be healthier and get in shape. When: Register by Friday, January 18th at Hugoton Recreation Commission. Weigh-In: Monday, January 21st starting at 7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Where do we sign up: Sign up at Hugoton Recreation Commission 211 S. Madison Why: Pairs participating to lose weight, become healthy, and feel good about yourself. All participants are eligible to win prizes. Goal: Becoming a healthier, happier you! Duration: Program will last for 9 weeks with prizes going to Men and Women for total pounds lost and total percentage weight lost. cost: $60 a pair Pick up registration packets at Hugoton Recreation Commission, 211 S. Madison. For more information or questions, call 544-4675.

to use any unfilled permit to take white-tailed antlerless deer, using any legal equipment. Unit restrictions listed on the permits are still in effect. While all hunters must have a permit that allows the harvest of an antlered deer before purchasing antlerlessonly permits during the regular seasons, whitetail antlerless permits can be purchased over the counter by anyone during the extended season. Unfilled either-sex permits and the first whitetail-only antlerless permits purchased are valid statewide, including department-managed lands. Hunters may purchase up to four additional whitetail antlerless-only permits; however, subsequent whitetail antlerless-only permits are valid only in units and department-managed lands listed on the permit. Hunters with permits valid in Units 7, 8 and 15 get another seven days to hunt whitetail antlerless deer during the January 14-20, 2013, special whitetail antlerless season. Upland bird hunting has been disappointing in most areas of the state as a result of below average populations due to prolonged drought and extreme summer heat. However, there are some bright spots, and for the hunter willing to travel and work, birds are there. Late season can be especially good because fewer hunters are afield and birds will be more concentrated in heavier cover. Don’t forget your 2013 hunting license, and hurry. January will be gone before you know it, and next fall will be a long wait.

Sports by Reece McDaniels

Nick Mahan tries to pin his opponent at the Great Bend tournament recently. After successfully pinning his opponent, Mahan received a first place trophy. Photo courtesy of Carla Kerbow.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service releases annual list of candidates for Endangered Species Act Protection The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service released its Candidate Notice of Review, a yearly appraisal of the current status of plants and animals considered candidates for protection under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). Three species have been removed from candidate status, two have been added, and nine have a change in priority from the last review conducted in October of 2011. There are now 192 species recognized by the Service as candidates for ESA protection, the lowest number in more than 12 years. This reduction reflects the Service’s successful efforts to implement a court-approved work plan that resolves a series of lawsuits concerning the agency’s ESA Listing Program. Since its implementation, this agreement has significantly reduced litigation-driven workloads and allowed the agency to protect 25 candidate species under the ESA, and propose protection for 91 candidate species. The agreement will continue to allow the agency to focus its resources on the species most in need of the ESA’s protections over the next five years, said Fish and Wildlife Service Director Dan Ashe. “We’re continuing to keep the commitments we made under this agreement, which has enabled us to be more efficient and effective in both protecting species under the ESA, as well as in working with our partners to recover species and get them off the list as soon as possible,” said Director Ashe. “Our ultimate goal is to have the smallest Candidate List possible, by addressing the needs of species before they require ESA protection and extending the ESA’s protections to species that truly need it.” Ashe noted that the work plan will enable the agency to systematically review and address the needs of every species on the 2011 candidate list – a total of more than 250 unique species – over a period of six years to determine if they should be added to the Federal Lists of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants. Candidate species are plants and animals for which the Service has enough information on their status and the threats they face to propose them as threatened or endangered, but developing a proposed listing rule is precluded by the need to address other higher priority listing actions. Candidate species do not receive protection under the ESA, although the Service works to conserve them. The annual review and identification of candidate species provides landowners and resource managers notice of species in need of conservation, allowing them to

address threats and work to preclude the need to list the species. The Service is currently working with landowners and partners to implement voluntary conservation agreements covering five million acres of habitat for more than 130 candidate species. The notice identifies two new candidate species: Peñasco least chipmunk (Sacramento and White Mountains, New Mexico) and Cumberland arrow darter (Kentucky and Tennessee). All candidates are assigned a listing priority number based on the magnitude and imminence of the threats they face. When adding species to the list of threatened or endangered species, the Service addresses species with the highest listing priority first. The nine changes in priority announced in the notice are based on new informain the updated tion assessments of continuing candidates. These changes include five species that increased in priority and four that lowered in priority. The three species removed from the candidate list include mud meadow elongate springsnail, Christ’s paintbrush, and bog asphodel. Based on protections for almost all sites, the identification of additional sites, and updated information on threats, the bog asphodel no longer needs the protection of the ESA. The removal of the springsnail and paintbrush is based on the successful conservation efforts by other federal agencies. Efforts by the Bureau of Land Management for the springsnail fully addressed the threats from recreational and livestock use of the springs where the snail exists. Also, three additional populations of the springsnail have been discovered, making this species less vulnerable to random, naturally occurring events than previously thought. For Christ’s paintbrush, the U.S. Forest Service has successfully implemented numerous conservation actions that have ameliorated most of the previously known threats and established long-term monitoring programs to document their effectiveness on conservation actions. There is a long-term commitment by the Forest Service, through a 2005 Candidate Conservation Agreement and 2012 Memorandum of Agreement with the Service, to continue to implement conservation actions for this species. The complete notice and list of proposed and candidate species appears in the Federal Register and can be found online at http://www.fws. gov/endangered/what-we-do/ cnor.html. Story submitted by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

The Hugoton Hermes

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Page 8

2012 Hugoton Recreation Commission Boys’ Basketball Teams

Lakers are front row, left to right: Diego Montoya, Ethan Fox and Javier Lopez; kneeling are Joseph Cruz, David Cruz and Nic Gold; back row: Coach Barry Angell, Wade Angell, Peter Loewen, Carter Gillen and Coach Andy Gillen.

Cavs are front row, left to right: T. J. Cox, Zayden Littell and Austin Stevenson; kneeling are Aaron Camacho, Samuel Fabela and Carlos Tinoco; back row: Coach Mike Persinger, Dawson Kerbow, Jeff Persinger, Rafael Munoz and Coach James Persinger. Not pictured is Jayden Silva.

Wizards are front row, left to right: Isaac Valles, Weston Maravilla, Christian Pearson and Ivan Valles; kneeling are Terron Stegman, Luis Garcia, Leonardo Armendariz and Brian Rios; back row: Coach Danny Ray, Austin Dale, Christian Landa, Jaeger Hertel and Coach Ginny Pearson.

Bobcats are front row, left to right: Conner Wells, Damien Lewis and Michael Mirabal; kneeling are Brian Cabezas, Nathan Mendoza, Salvador Gomez, Jace Gilmore and Gavin Heger; back row: Coach Dean Banker, Ryland Bennett, Carlos Montiel, Eric Reeves and Coach Lisa Bennett.

Photos courtesy of Kathy Pate K-C Oil Company & Main Street Laundry 218 S. Main St. 544-4660

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A Nursing/Ancillary Resource Company 620-417-5679 Office • 620-544-7629 Fax Ed Stevenson RN • Alicia Stevenson 404 Jayhawk Ct. • Hugoton, KS 67951 www.nurselinkstaffing.com • nursels@pld.com

CIRCLE H FARMS LLC 1242 Road 12 544-2688

Providing Insurance and Financial Services Home Office, Bloomington, Illinois 61710

Debbie L. Nordling, State Farm Agent 617 S. Main Hugoton, KS 67951 620-544-8528 - Phone 620-544-8527 - Fax debbie.nordling.c2v4@statefarm.com Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.

Triple H Farms LLC 544-4557 - Office Hugoton

Southwest Family Steakhouse 508 S. Main 544-7066 Stevens County Gas and Historical Museum

1026 S. Main 620-544-8011

113 W. 6th St. 620-5444-2990

905 S Adams St Hugoton 620-544-8751

STEVENS COUNTY Activity Center - 544-2283 Nutrition Center - 544-8041 ~ Barbara Beeks ~ It’s finally a Monday morning when I write this! We have had so many off days, it’s

Gavin has completed 300 books in the quest for 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten! Great job Gavin! Any child who has not yet entered Kindergarten can participate in this program at the Stevens County Library.

good to get back on the right days. Anyway, the snow was beautiful and very much needed, for which we are certainly thankful. Our attendance for lunch has been down, but now that the cold and flu season is slowing up and the weather cooperating, hopefully we will get back up there. This week is a busy one. The regular board meeting is Tuesday. Then Bridge days are back on schedule. Saturday is our “Sew All Day” day. Then Saturday evening is the “Senior Adult Prom” dance and Bingo sponsored by the 4-H leadership group. All begins at 8:00 p.m. The dance is free, with refreshments provided by the 4-H group. There will be Bingo prizes and door prizes. So be sure to come on down and join in the fun and fellowship! Menu Jan. 10......Smothered Chicken ...................................Breast Jan. 11...............................Chili Jan. 14 ......................Meat Loaf Jan. 15 ...............Ham & Beans Jan. 16.................Birthday Day ..............Oven Fried Chicken Activities Schedule Thursday, January 10 Exercise....................10:30 a.m. Bridge......................................... Friday, January 11 Exercise....................10:30 a.m. Bingo........................12:30 p.m. Saturday, January 12 Sew All Day................................

@YourYOUR LIBRARY Information Source for 99 Years 500 Monroe Hugoton, Ks. 67951-2639 Phone: 620.544.2301 • Fax: 620.544.2322 Email: svcolib@pld.com

FESTIVAL OF TREES One hundred forty-eight nonperishable food items were collected during the annual Festival of Trees competition. The food was donated to Project Hope. Winners of the competition were the Chinese Festival Christmas by Ying Lin in the individual category, and the Cloverleaf Cowboys in the group category. Prizes can be picked up at the library. We would like to thank all who participated in this annual event. KIDS’ WINTER READING PROGRAM Read Like a Rock Star, the Kids' Winter Reading Program, continues at the SCL. Sign-up forms and reading logs are available at the circulation desk. This program is for Kindergarten to sixth grade. ADULT WINTER READING PROGRAM After the holiday season is past and winter is here with all its cold and snow, why not enjoy the chilly days and evenings with some hot titles from the library?? Plan now to sign up for our Let It Snow Winter Reading Program, which will run from January 2 through March 22. Adults and kids in high school who wish to participate may read their choice of Stevens County Library books (or online books from the State Library of Kansas) and then enter the titles into a weekly drawing. AND...there’s even more fun!! A basket full of good-

ies will be awarded to one lucky reader! TEXTILE EXHIBIT The annual Textile Exhibit is fast approaching. If you work in animal, plant, mineral or synthetic fiber, we invite you to share your finished projects at our exhibit. Contact Eunice for details and to register your items. Setup will be January 28 - February 1 and the exhibit will run through the end of February. 1000 BOOKS BEFORE KINDERGARTEN Register your child for 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten. When you register, you will receive a reading log bookmark to record the first 100 books your child experiences. After you and your child record 100 books on your reading log bookmark, return the bookmark to the library. For every 100 books your child experiences, he/she will add his/her name to our 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten progress chart! Upon the completion of every 100 books, you will receive a new reading log bookmark. Upon reaching 1,000 books, your child will receive a certificate of completion and a small gift. Any child that has not yet enrolled in Kindergarten is eligible for this program. Count any books that are read to your child, no matter who reads the books: brother, sister, babysitter, or even a librarian at Circle Time!

Weather Watch Friday, December 28

Thursday, January 3

Low - 13˚ High - 35˚

Low - 6˚ High - 33˚ Wind speed - 13 Wind gust - NA

Wind speed - 14 Wind gust - NA

Saturday, December 29 Low - 13˚ High - 46˚ Wind speed - 21 Wind gust - 40

Sunday, December 30 Low - 23˚ High - 44˚ Wind speed - 26 Wind gust - 36

Monday, December 31 Low - 15˚ High - 38˚ Wind speed - 22 Wind gust - 25

Tuesday, January 1 Low - 6˚ High - 23˚ Wind speed - 13 Wind gust - NA

Wednesday, January 2 Low - 4˚ High - 34˚ Wind speed - 21 Wind gust - 23

Friday, January 4 Low - 2˚ High - 38˚ Wind speed - 23 Wind gust - NA

Saturday, January 5 Low - 8˚ High - 41˚ Wind speed - 23 Wind gust - 28

Sunday, January 6 Low - 15˚ High - 45˚ Wind speed - 28 Wind gust - 23

Monday, January 7 Low - 33˚ High - 53˚ Wind speed - 26 Wind gust - 33 Wind speed is shown in MPH. Weather data is taken from the Aviation Weather System at the Hugoton Municipal Airport.

Senior Adult Prom.....8:00 p.m. Monday, January 14 Exercise....................10:30 a.m. Line Dance.................7:00 p.m. Tuesday, January 15 Exercise......................10:30 a.m. Wednesday, January 16 Birthday Day ............................. Exercise....................10:30 a.m. Paint...........................1:00 p.m. Thursday, January 17 Exercise....................10:30 a.m. Bridge.........................................

The Hugoton Hermes

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Page 1B

State of Kansas beats estimates by over $30 million The state ended 2012 on a high note with $32.7 million more in state coffers than expected halfway through Fiscal Year 2013. Individual income revenue receipts, released Monday, December 31 were $27.2 million, or 10.4 percent more

than estimated for December, and the monthly total for all revenue receipts was about $30.2 million more than expected. “While there is much work to do, we are pleased to begin the new year on a positive note with the Kansas econ-

omy showing steady signs of growth,” said Revenue Secretary Nick Jordan. “In 2013, we will continue to focus on policies that strengthen the Kansas economy and leave more money in the pockets of hard working Kansans.”

Kansas issues revised fish consumption advisories The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) and the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism (KDWPT) are issuing revised fish consumption advisories for 2013. The advisories identify types of fish or other aquatic animals that should be eaten in limited quantities or, in some cases, avoided altogether because of contamination. General advice and internet resources are also provided to aid the public in making informed decisions regarding the benefits as well as the risks associated with eating locally caught fish from Kansas waters. Definitions Bottom-feeding fish: buffalo, carp, carpsuckers, catfish (except flathead catfish), sturgeons and suckers. Predatory fish: black bass, crappie, drum, flathead catfish, perch, sunfish, white bass, wiper, striper, walleye, saugeye and sauger. Shellfish: mussels, clams and crayfish. General Population: Men and women 18 years of age or older. Sensitive Populations: Women who are pregnant, may become pregnant, or are nursing and children age 17 or younger. Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs), Perchlorate, Chlordane, Mercury, Lead and Cadmium: Toxic chemicals and heavy metals that pose serious health risks, particularly to fetuses and children. Developmental and neurological problems are some of the risks related to prolonged or repeated exposure. Meal size (before cooking): Adults and Children age 13 and older = eight ounces Children age six to 12 = four ounces Children younger than six = two ounces Statewide Advisories Kansas recommends the following consumption restrictions because of mercury in fish: 1. Sensitive Populations should restrict consumption of all types of locally caught fish, from waters or species of fish not specifically covered by an advisory to one meal per week because of mercury. 2. Largemouth, smallmouth and spotted bass (black bass): A. Sensitive Populations should restrict consumption of these species to one meal per month because of mercury. B. General Public should restrict consumption of these species to one meal per week because of mercury. Waterbody specific advisories for all consumers KDHE recommends not eating specified fish or aquatic life from the following locations: 1. The Kansas River from Lawrence (below Bowersock Dam) downstream to Eudora at the confluence of the Wakarusa River (Douglas and Leavenworth counties); bottom-feeding fish because of PCBs. 2. Horseshoe Lake located in units 22 and 23 of the Mined Lands Wildlife Area (Cherokee County); all forms of aquatic life including fish and shellfish because of perchlorate. 3. The Spring River from

the confluence of Center Creek to the Kansas/Oklahoma border (Cherokee County); shellfish because of lead and cadmium. 4. Shoal Creek from the Missouri/Kansas border to Empire Lake (Cherokee County); shellfish because of lead and cadmium. 5. Cow Creek in Hutchinson and downstream to the confluence with the Arkansas River (Reno County); bottomfeeding fish because of PCBs. 6. The Arkansas River from the Lincoln Street dam in Wichita downstream to the confluence with Cowskin Creek near Belle Plaine (Sedgwick and Sumner counties); bottom-feeding fish because of PCBs. KDHE recommends restricting consumption of all types of fish to one meal per month from the following location because of mercury and PCBs: The Little Arkansas River from the Main Street Bridge immediately west of Valley Center to the confluence with the Arkansas River in Wichita (Sedgwick County). Rescinded Advisory In reference to the previous year’s fish consumption advisory, the advisory for Blue River from U.S. 69 Highway to the Kansas/Missouri state line (Johnson County) has been rescinded. The one-meal-perweek advisory for all types of fish because of mercury has been superseded by the statewide mercury advisory for sensitive groups. General advice for eating locally caught fish in Kansas 1. Sensitive populations should consider restricting their total mercury intake as related to both supermarket fish and locally caught species. Concerned parents and other persons may wish to consult with a physician about eating fish and mercury exposure. 2. Mercury exposure can be reduced by limiting the consumption of large predatory fish. Larger/older fish of all types are more likely to have higher concentrations of mercury. 3. Avoid the consumption of fish parts other than fillets, especially when eating bottom feeding fish. Fatty internal organs tend to accumulate higher levels of fat soluble contaminants such as chlordane and PCBs than fillets. 4. Consumers can reduce

their ingestion of fat soluble contaminants such as chlordane and PCBs by trimming fat from fillets, and cooking in a manner in which fat drips away from the fillet. 5. In water bodies where advisories or warnings related to harmful algae blooms have been applied, fish should be consumed in moderation and care taken to only consume skinless fillets. Avoid cutting into internal organs and as a precaution rinse fillets with clean water prior to cooking or freezing. Internet resources from KDHE, KDWPT, EPA, FDA, and the American Heart Association KDHE’s Fish Tissue Contaminant Monitoring Program: http://www.kdheks. gov/befs/fish_tissue_monitoring.htm Fishing in Kansas, including licensing, regulations, fishing reports and fishing forecasts: http://www. kdwpt.state.ks.us/news/Fishing

Food and Drug Administration resources: http://www.fda.gov/food/re sourcesforyou/consumers/uc m110591.htm Sensitive populations and mercury in fish: http://www.fda.gov/food/re sourcesforyou/consumers/uc m110591.htm Information about the health benefits and the risks of including fish in your diet: http://www.heart.org/HEART ORG/GettingHealthy/Nutri tionCenter/Fish101_UCM_305986_Article.jsp Harmful algal blooms, including current advisories and warnings for Kansas waters: http://www.kdheks.gov/algae -illness/index.htm For technical information regarding the EPA risk assessment methods used to determine advisory consumption limits please visit: http://water.epa.gov/scitech/ swguidance/fishshellfish/tech guidance/

COMING CAMERA CLUB Sponsored by Hugoton Recreation Commission I want to organize a camera club in Hugoton. The primary purpose of the camera club would be to build friendships between people with a common interest, photography. We would meet once a month on the third Thursday at 7:00 p.m. at the Recreation Center at 304 East Third Street. Each month we would have a subject, for example waterfowl, or automobiles, or agriculture and we would encourage our members to take photographs. Then at the meeting we would have a contest and select the best. I think that we could persuade the Newspaper to print our winners. We would join a large group of camera clubs called the North Central Camera Club Council (n4c). This group consists or about 40 camera clubs in Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Iowa. They have monthly contests to select winners in Prints, digital photographs and slides. We could enter these contests. We could have guest speakers, movies, etc. to learn more about photography. We would encourage our members to enter fairs and online contests. We would have a monthly newsletter to keep our members informed. From time to time we could take field trips. Lowell Stanley, Box 52, Moscow Ks. 67952 Phone: 620-598-2914 • Email: lstanley@pld.com

The Hugoton Hermes

Thursday, January 10, 2013 Page 2B

ROLLA NEWS By Mary Courtney

Kalen Brummett to “Take the Plunge” for Special Olympics Individuals from all over Kansas are preparing to be Oz-Some for the Special Olympics Kansas. They will plunge in to the frigid waters of lakes, ponds, and swimming pools to raise funds for the Special Olympics. Kalen Brummett, son of Phoebe and Karick Brummett, is one of those who is brave

JD Robson wins third at Pueblo, Colo. tourney J.D. Robson apparently did not overeat, but stayed in shape during Christmas. He traveled to Pueblo, Co. with the Garden City wrestling team and placed third in his weight class. Unfortunately, later in the week, he became ill and missed his next tournament, but is up and running and ready to hit the mats again.

enough...or crazy enough, to participate in this important fundraising effort. Those wanting to support Kalen may go to his website at http://plunge-emporia. ksso.org/SigTauDelta/kbrmmett/ to pledge support to Kalen and the Kansas Special Olympics.

Stacy Burrows honored JD Robson


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Stacy Burrows, a member of the USD #217 Rolla Board of Education has been honored by the Kansas Association of School Boards for participating in their training programs. Burrows received a certificate for acquiring at least 25 Leadership Academy points. The KASB Leadership

Academy encourages school board members to seek continuing education to help them become better district leaders. KASB sponsors workshops and seminars throughout the year at which school board members receive points based on length and content of each seminar.

Rolla mourns Edward Bucher Edward Bucher passed away the morning of January 7. His wife, Coral, died four years ago, and was the sister of Mary Francis Light and Hope Anderson. He is survived by his stepchildren, Richard, Tom and Earl Robert Edelman, and grandchildren, Chris Dahl, Rick Dahl, Missy (Edelman) Lowery, Rick Edelman,

Tonya (Edelman) Phillips, Keri (Edelman) Clark, Tricia (Edelman) Luedke, Stephanie Edelman and Kristie Edelman. Ed was living in Webster, S.D. with his children at the time of his death. Graveside services will be in the summer in Rolla, and he will be buried next to Coral.

Community Calendar Thursday, January 10 High School Scholars’ Bowl at Hugoton; 4:00 p.m. Junior High Basketball vs. Deerfield at Home; 4:30 p.m. Friday, January 11 High School Basketball at Deerfield; 4:15 p.m. PDC Meeting; 7:15 a.m. Saturday, January 12 Rolla Hope Members Meal; 6:30 p.m. in the Multi-Purpose Room Monday, January 14 Junior High Basketball vs. Moscow at Home; 4:30 p.m. – Pep Rally is at 3:15 p.m. Board of Education Meeting; 6:30 p.m. Rec Board Meeting; 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, January 16 Elementary MTSS at Sublette Junior High and High School MTSS at Home Friday, January 18 Junior High Basketball at Tyrone; 4:00 p.m. ARGH Monday, January 21 Junior High & High School Basketball vs. Boise City (Varsity only) at Home; 4:00 p.m. ARGH Tuesday, January 22 High School Basketball at Walsh; 5:00 p.m. Wednesday, January 23 Dental Check-Ups

January 25-26 High School Quest TV Round at Topeka Friday, January 25 Junior High & High School Basketball vs. Felt (Varsity only) at Home; 4:00 p.m. ARGH January 28-31 Homecoming Week Tuesday, January 29 High School Basketball at Elkhart; 4:45 p.m. Wednesday, January 30 Spring Portraits; 9:00 a.m.

RHS Scholars take first and third at Ulysses Before school started, the Rolla High School Scholars' Bowl team was in action in Ulysses. Though they were short some players, two teams took to the buzzers with serious intent. Rolla's first team placed first with only four players and the second team placed third, playing with only three. Playing for the first team were Garry Norton, Taylor Cameron, Kori Hall and Chandler Burrows. John Glave, Meredith Light and Tori Ferrell played on the second team.

MOSCOW NEWS by Sara Cross

Moscow Rec plans “Biggest Loser” Moscow Recreation Commission will have their annual "Biggest Loser" competition again this year starting February 1. The contest will take place through

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Haley McCammon, PA-C Office Hours 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Tuesday

Manuel Caga-anan, M.D. Internal Medicine Office Hours 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon Thursday

Steven Samii, MD, MHA Internal Medicine Office Hours 1:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Wednesday

Lori Harriman, ARNP Office Hours 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon Friday

Supported and Sponsored by Morton County Health System Elkhart, KS

Coach Shawn Anderson takes a time out with the Lady Wildcats Friday night at the basketball game against Hardesty. The Lady Cats had another win for the season. Picture by Marcie Knoll.

This coming Saturday will be the monthly covered dish and movie night at the Senior Center. Everyone is welcome! Come enjoy some wonderful food, fellowship and a movie!

May 1. Please contact Rusty with the Rec at 598-2995 for more information.

Moscow Baptist invites you to Bible Study Moscow Baptist Church invites the public to join them in an eight-week video Bible study Sunday nights from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. Child care is provided. If you have any questions, please contact Larry Bradford at 598-2400.

Resolve to quit smoking to avoid health risks Despite the negative health implications of smoking tobacco, millions of people continue to light up each and every day. While past generations may have been able to claim ignorance as to the effects smoking has on the body, nowadays ignorance is no excuse. Information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicate that around 20 percent of Americans over the age of 18 currently smoke. The latest Statistics Canada figures show 20.8 percent of Canadians ages 12 and over smoke. Thousands of people lose their lives to health problems due to cigarette smoking every year. Roughly ten million cigarettes are sold every minute around the world, and CBS News Canada reports men and women age 18 to 34 are the segment of society most likely to smoke, as 28 percent of people in that age bracket smoke tobacco. Rehashing the effects of smoking on the body may help to inspire a new crop of smokers to quit. • Most lung cancer cases are attributed to cigarette smoking. Information from ReadytoQuit.com indicates that 90 percent of lung cancer cases in men and 80 percent in women can be traced back to smoking. • Coronary heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, and the leading smoking-related cause of death. • Cigarette smoking has

been identified as the most important source of preventable morbidity and premature mortality around the world. • Smoking-related diseases cause an estimated 440,000 American deaths each year, and tobacco kills an estimated 45,000 Canadians a year, says the Canadian Lung Association. • A 2004 Study by the CDC's National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion found that cigarette smoke contains more than 4,800 chemicals, 69 of which are known to cause cancer. • A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that nonsmokers exposed to secondhand smoke were 25 percent more likely to have coronary heart disease compared to nonsmokers not exposed to smoke. • Improvements in breathing ability and lung health can begin as early as 72 hours after quitting smoking. After nine months, smokingrelated coughing, congestion and shortness of breath should slow and cease. After one year, risk of coronary heart decreases by 50 percent. There are many avenues for quitting smoking. Talk with a doctor about medical and nonmedical intervention to find a plan that works for you. From Metro Editorial Services.

Senior Easton Bohl, son of Andy and Cher Bohl, dribbles down the court to make another score for the Wildcats Friday night against Hardesty. The Wildcats won the game. Picture provided by Marcie Knoll.

Moscow Community Calendar Thursday, January 10 High School Scholars’ Bowl in Hugoton 4:00 p.m. Friday, January 11 Moscow High School Basketball vs. Stanton County at HOME. Monday, January 14 Jr. High basketball in Rolla at 4:30 p.m. School board meeting 8:00 p.m. Tuesday, January 15 PARENTS REMINDER please don't forget the parent meeting from 6:00-7:00 p.m. regarding the REAL program. Wednesday, January 16 NO SCHOOL


The Hugoton Hermes

Rocky Mountain region seeing lower average gas prices We should all be so lucky. Motorists in the Rocky Mountain region are enjoying considerably lower gas prices than the rest of the U.S. and it’s due to healthy gasoline inventories; the availability of cheap Canadian crude and refineries operating exceptionally well. Current Dec. 2012 Jan. 2012 CO $2.89 $3.31 $3.00 ID $2.99 $3.47 $3.04 MT $3.06 $3.35 $3.02 UT $2.92 $3.45 $2.92 WY $2.88 $3.29 $2.99 “The Rockies region is doing very well as they are insulated from the higher price of West Texas Intermediate crude oil and can capitalize on the less expensive crude from Canada. On the last day of 2012, WTI closed at $91.82 per barrel while the Canadian crudes averaged $72.11 on the same day,” said Patrick DeHaan, senior petroleum analyst, GasBuddy.com. “From a supply perspective the Rockies gasoline inventory has increased by 17% in the

past month while the U.S. inventory increased by 11% over the same period. At the same time the region’s refinery output during the month of December was 95.2%, while nationwide (including the Rocky Mountain region) refineries operated at 90%. Today’s report from the Department of Energy has the region’s refinery utilization rate at 96.9% , so it really doesn’t get much better than that,” he noted. “Consequently, 60% of gas stations (2,848 out of 4,712) in the Rocky Mountain region have gas below $3 per gallon. Only 24 percent of stations in the rest of the U.S. are below $3,” said Gregg Laskoski, another senior petroleum analyst with GasBuddy. (For all 50 states, 26.1% were below $3 January 6, 2013.) How long will the party last? “The logistics of the region create a lag effect that keeps gasoline price trends there about two weeks behind what we see in the rest of the country,” says

DeHaan. GasBuddy operates over 250 similar Web sites tracking gasoline prices at over 140,000 gasoline stations in the United States and Canada. In addition, GasBuddy offers a free

smartphone app which has been downloaded over 25 million times to help motorists find the lowest gasoline prices in their area. Article submitted by GasBuddy.com.

Test your home’s radon level this month January is Radon Action Month according to the Environmental Protection Agency. Health agencies throughout the United States have joined forces to promote awareness of the leading cause of lung cancer for non-smokers. The American Lung Association, Centers for Disease Control, and National Cancer Institute all agree radon is a national health problem and encourage radon testing during the January awareness drive. Radon is a naturally-occurring, invisible and odorless radioactive gas. One in 15 American homes contains high levels of radon. Millions of Americans are unknowingly exposed to this dangerous gas. In

fact, a recent study by Harvard University ranks radon as America's leading in-home hazard. By taking simple steps to test your home for radon and fix if necessary, this health hazard can be avoided. Contact your state radon office for information on locating qualified test kits or qualified radon testers. The federal commitment will focus efforts on radon reduction and mitigation in homes, especially those of low-income families, many of whom do not have the resources to make the simple fixes necessary to protect their homes and loved ones. Learn more about the Federal Radon Action Plan at http://www.radonplan.org/.

Look familiar? This cupola, featured at the Stevens County Gas and Historical Museum, was removed from the old Stevens County Courthouse in 1953.

Thursday, January 16, 2003 Four Hugoton Middle School students were selected as the ‘Students of the Week’ for January 6-10. They were Judith Ortiz, Kaylan Martin, Garrett McBride and Matt Lewis. Shelby Rae Palmgren and Rex M. Evans were united in marriage in September at Satanta United Methodist Church. The bride is currently a first grade teacher in Hugoton and the groom is employed by Southwest Irrigation in Hugoton. Thursday, January 14, 1993 Stevens County Clerk Opal Hall administered the oath of office to three newcomers for county positions. Chris Concannon is the new County Attorney, and Dale Sutton and Richard Farrar are the new Stevens County Commissioners. Thursday, January 13, 1983 For the fourth consecutive

year, Brad Bryan has made the Junior National Gymnastic Team. After three days of testing in Colorado Springs, he finished second in the 13-14 age group. Coach Jack Bryan commented, “The testing gets harder and gymnasts get better every year.” Thursday, January 18, 1973 The Citizens State Bank honored Millie McCoy for her retirement. She received a white orchid corsage along with a cash gift. Sergeant Frank E. Walker will be one of 8,000 Fort Riley troops deployed Monday from Forbes Air Force Base in Topeka to participate in winter maneuvers in Germany. Thursday, January 17, 1963 A 1917 Rumley Oil Pull tractor has been recently restored by Kenneth Lester after setting in the elements for the past 35 years. Lester has completely restored the tractor using original parts and painting it in the original colors. Thursday, January 15, 1953 Hugoton’s first Golden Gloves tournament has been moved to the Hugoton Grade School gymnasium to accommodate the large crowds expected, KC Honn, promoter, announced today. It was to be in the Memorial Hall. The Hugoton team has swelled to eleven boys - Jimmy and Billy Nordyke, Jack Honn, Dennie Quimby, Glenn Reynolds, Ellis Glover, Kenny Stuart, Louis Honn, Mickey O’Leary, John Rosel and Moe Ricord. Friday, January 13, 1933 A.E. Kramer took the place of L.L. Morgan as Stevens County Attorney. H.V. Parker and W.H. Hamilton took J.E. Flower and A.L. Roehr’s places as Stevens County Commissioners. If any readers have pictures for the history page of the Hermes, please bring them in to Ruthie Winget at The Hugoton Hermes. 12




Time... Keeps On Ticking But Our Deadline Is the Same! Monday at 5:00 p.m.

BELLTOWER REMOVAL. E.M Gregg, in light shirt at bottom center, directs his large winch truck as it backs into position to lower the cupola from the roof to the old Stevens County courthouse. Atop the building are city

employees and others who chained the cupola to the especially built gin pole used for the ticklish job. From the January 15, 1953 issue of The Hugoton Hermes.

MUSEUM UPDATE from The Stevens County Gas & Historical Museum Gladys Renfro and Beulah Carter This is a New Year and here are some things we are thankful for: • The sacrifice of Jesus Christ Who promises us eternal life with Him • The Bible - God’s Word • Churches • Law Enforcement • Firemen • The Elderly • Little Children • Family • Nursing Homes • Hospitals • Doctors, Nurses, Aides • Schools • Teachers • Friends

• • • • • • • • • • • • •

Unexpected Blessings Good Health Music Shelter Clothing Food Newspaper Mail Carriers/Mail Libraries/Books Pets Good Neighbors Work Transportation We invite you to visit us at 905 S. Adams. Our hours are 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Saturday.


Compiled by Ruthie Winget ton County Historical Society. Darline contributed many years of service to the community through 4-H and various school functions.

Page 3B


History From The Hermes Thursday, January 17, 2008 Darline Clinesmith of Rolla was selected as Pioneer Woman of the Year by the Mor-

Thursday, January 10, 2013

The Hugoton Hermes


The Hugoton Hermes

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Page 4B

Kansas Common Sense The 113th Congress started this week and is accompanied by a sense of eagerness to achieve more in the next two years than Congress did in the last two. I am proud to continue to serve Kansans through my roles on the Senate Committee on Appropriations, the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, and the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs. Spending Debate Now Front And Center Kansans gathered together over the holidays with hopes of spending time with family and friends, and reflecting on the many blessings we enjoy as Americans. Instead, they were forced to spend Christmas and New Year’s Eve enduring the ups and downs of the ‘fiscal cliff’ debate, as the President continued his campaign for higher taxes as the solution to our economic crisis. Tax increases are damaging to the economy and make it more difficult for Kansans to make ends meet. With the expiration of the Bush tax cuts, Americans were facing more than $4 trillion in tax increases January 1, 2013. These increases were bound to affect all income levels. In fact, a Kansan earning an in-

come of $43,000 would have seen a $3,000 increase in their taxes – $250 every month. My goal has been to make certain tax increases affect the fewest number of Americans as possible. And while imperfect, I am glad that we were able to pass a deal – the Tax Relief Extension Act (H.R. 8) – that protects 99 percent of Americans. It also limits the tax increases on dividends and capital gains. Most importantly to Kansas farmers, ranchers and business owners, the deal permanently reduces the estate tax rates and locks in a $10 million per couple exemption. Gone are the short term fixes, allowing people to more confidently plan for the future. It is important to note that this deal only addressed one aspect of the ‘fiscal cliff.’ What is missing is the larger and much more damaging problem of government spending. This year’s deficit reached $1.1 trillion, the fourth straight year of trilliondollar deficit spending. This out-of control government spending has increased our national debt to a record $16 trillion and counting. President Obama has spent this political season try-

Solution to January 3, 2013 puzzle

ing to make the case for tax increases on higher income Americans as the solution to our trillion-dollar deficits. But the reality is the tax rates the President was successful in raising January 1, 2013, will bring in revenue – enough to cover our government spending for just 16 days. As Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner announced that we reached our $16.4 trillion borrowing limit December 31, 2012, President Obama’s tax increases bought us until January 16, 2013, when the Federal Government is broke once again. In February, the Treasury Department will ask Congress to raise the debt ceiling for the fifth time since President Obama assumed the presidency to allow the federal government to borrow and spend even more money. A debt ceiling is meaningless if Congress simply extends the Treasury’s borrowing capacity each time the limit is reached. I voted against an increase to the debt ceiling two years ago and want Kansans to know that I will not vote to allow the Obama Administration to borrow any more money unless we substantially change the way the government does business and significantly reduce spending. While some may say it is irresponsible to not raise the limit, our nation finds itself at a point of such indebtedness that it is more irresponsible to extend the debt ceiling without significant reductions in federal spending. There is no flexibility here – our country’s future is at stake and our children’s ability to pursue the American dream at risk. One thing we learned from the New Year’s Eve ‘fiscal cliff’ negotiations is that our work to tackle the spending crisis prior to the debt ceiling vote must begin today – it cannot wait until the eleventh hour. Americans are demanding that Washington get serious about spending; the President must come to the table with Congress now and put courage and common sense before politics. This means taking action on our nation’s real ‘fiscal cliff’ – the $48 trillion in unfunded obligations found in Social Security and Medicare. These so-called entitlement programs represent promises the federal government has made to Americans, and these promises must be kept. We must work together now to

preserve Medicare for America’s seniors while sustaining the program for future generations. And, we must adopt a realistic plan to close Social Security’s budget shortfall and return the program on a sustainable path to ensure future generations have retirement security. We have yet to see willingness by the President to reduce spending, but with the revenue debate settled, spending is now front and center. Americans are ready for tough decisions, and they are looking for leadership from Washington. The grave spending crisis we face will not be easy to resolve, but we were not elected to ignore these problems; we were elected to confront them. The President and Congress must do what Kansans do: Make decisions based on solid values and be held accountable for those decisions. I stand ready to work toward a solution, and I am hopeful the President will join the effort to achieve meaningful spending reform. Working to Get Hurricane Sandy Victims Needed Help Everyone wants to see those families and communities in the northeast get the help they need as quickly as possible. As elected officials in Congress, however, we must make sure each and every dollar of taxpayer money is spent responsibly. The bill that ultimately passed provides $60.4 billion in discretionary funding, though much of the allocation is directed towards projects or programs unrelated to Sandy recovery efforts. An alternative bill, sponsored by Senator Coats of Indiana, would have provided immediate emergency spending for those affected by the storm, while providing an additional three months for Congress to determine the necessary long term needs to help prevent future disasters. Unfortunately, the Coats alternative did not pass. The full supplemental passed the Senate and concluded the Senate’s work for the 112th Congress. NBAF Land Transfer Announced Kansans received news from the Department of Homeland Security that they've long been waiting to hear: NBAF is moving forward. After years of hard work by Kansans and numerous studies that substantiate the need for NBAF, I’m glad to see that DHS and Secretary Napolitano have signed the


(First published in the Hugoton Hermes, 3t Thursday, December 27, 2012)

devisees, trustees, creditors and assigns of any person alleged to be deceased:


YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that an Amended Petition has been filed in the District Court of Stevens County, Kansas, by Frontier Fuels, L.P., praying for judgment against certain of the named Defendants and also asking for judgment foreclosing Plaintiff's Mortgage on the following described real estate, towit: Lots One (1), Two (2), Three (3) and Four (4), Block Two (2), to the City of Moscow, Stevens County, Kansas, together with all building, improvements, fixtures and appurtenances located thereon or attached thereto,


NOTICE OF SUIT STATE OF KANSAS TO: RS INVESTMENTS, LLC; FFCA ACQUISITION CORPORATION; LaSALLE NATIONAL BANK, TRUSTEE; and the unknown heirs, executors, administrators, devisees, trustees, creditors and assigns of any deceased Defendants; the unknown spouses of any Defendants; the unknown officers, successors, trustees, creditors and assigns of any Defendants that are existing, dissolved or dormant corporations; the unknown executors, administrators, devisees, trustees, creditors, successors and assigns of any Defendants that are or were partners or in partnership; and the unknown guardians, conservators and trustees of any Defendants that are minors or are under any legal disability; and the unknown heirs, executors, administrators,

and praying that all Defendants set up any right, title, lien, claim or interest they may have in the above described real estate or that the same be forever barred, and you are hereby required to plead to said Amended Petition on or before the 7th day of February, 2013, in said Court in Hugoton, Kansas. Should you fail therein, judgment and decree will be entered in due course upon said Amended Petition. Frontier Fuels, L.P., Plaintiff Richard R. Yoxall #9953 YOXALL, ANTRIM, FITZGERALD, McCAFFREY & FOREMAN, LLP 101 West Fourth Street Liberal, Kansas 67901 Phone: (620) 624-8444 Fax: (620) 624-8221 Attorney for Plaintiff

Find the Classifieds online at hugotonhermesnews.com/classifieds

By Senator Jerry Moran land transfer agreement and will work with the state of Kansas to move forward toward construction of the facility. The first step of the land transfer is good news for Kansas and critical to our national security. The facts are clear: without the capabilities NBAF provides, our country is at risk from foreign animal disease threats. The state of Kansas has committed $105 million dollars of matching state funds to the NBAF project and $35 million dollars of research funding for transitioning the NBAF mission to Manhattan. The approximately 46-acre site is located on the north side of the Kansas State University campus. It provides land acquisition potential; highway access; environmental compatibility; adequate utility infrastructure; an available local work force for skilled labor and academic research; and proximity to agricultural, academic, medical and bioscience resources. Go to http://nbafinkansas. org/what-is-nbaf/ to read more about the land transfer and what it means for NBAF. Addressing the Uncertainty of Farmers and Ranchers The nation’s farmers and ranchers have been in a state of limbo since the Farm Bill’s authorizations expired in September of last year. With an expiration of the last Farm Bill, the men and women involved in agriculture were facing an even greater level of

uncertainty than their profession usually entails. With the leadership of Senator Pat Roberts, the Senate passed a five year Farm Bill that would have given a greater level of certainty to the ag sector. While this new long term Farm Bill fell short of becoming law, I was encouraged that Congress included a one year extension of the last Farm Bill in the recently passed legislation. I am committed to working toward passage of long-term farm policy that saves money and ensures that the U.S. maintains the safest, most reliable food supply in the world. I look forward to working with my colleagues in the Senate as we address issues of great importance to Kansans. It is an honor to serve you in Washington, D.C. In recent weeks, I’ve been listening to Kansans calling and writing in to share their thoughts and opinions on the “fiscal cliff” and the big issues our country faces. Whether your thoughts are in the form of letter, a Facebook comment, or a phone call, please know that I am listening and I appreciate messages from Kansans who wish to make their voice heard. Please let me know how I can be of assistance. Very truly yours, Jerry To contact Senator Jerry Moran go to http://moran.sen ate.gov/public/index.cfm/con nect.

HERMES CLASSIFIEDS Deadline for all classified advertising is MONDAY at 5:00 p.m. All Garage, Yard and/or Moving Sale Ads MUST Be Pre-Paid. 1) Classified ad rate is $.20 per word per insertion. The weekly minimum is $3.35. 2) Classified display advertising rate is $5.00 per column inch. 3) All cards of thanks are charged at the display rate. 4) All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968, which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, children, or national origin or an intention to make any such preference, limitation, or discrimination." This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis.

HELP WANTED HOMECARE PERSON NEEDED IMMEDIATELY: Someone to stay 24 hours day & night - for mostly bedfast lady. Call 544-2229. (2c2)

HELP WANTED Truck Driver w/ current CDL license.

Please inquire at 428-5180/544-8889 Premier Alfalfa, Inc.


HELP WANTED (tfc2) Pearcy Irrigation is looking for a

Center Pivot Service Man. Ag related experience and/or strong mechanical ability desired. Stop by our office at 510 W. 5th for an application or call Jonathan at 620-541-1049.

Deadline for Classifieds is Mondays at 5:00 p.m.

HELP WANTED Hugoton Elementary School is accepting applications for a High Plains Educational Cooperative para professional. Applications are available at Central Office, 205 E. Sixth or online at www.usd210.org. 48 college hours or a passing score on the ParaPro test is required. Please contact Tiffany Boxum for more information at 544-4376 or tboxum@usd210.org. (2c2)

HELP WANTED USD #210 is looking for a

Part-time School Nurse. Minimum of LPN licensure. Please call Holly Grubbs 544-9789 or email hgrubbs@usd210.org for further questions. Application deadline is Friday, January 18.


STEVENS COUNTY LIBRARY FULL-TIME CIRCULATION CLERK Hours: Tuesday-Friday 10:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Applicants must have high school diploma or equivalent, computer and internet skills, be detail oriented and enjoy working with the public. Bi-lingual preferred, but not required. Benefits package includes health insurance, retirement and vacation. Submit application (available at the library circulation desk) to:

Eunice Schroeder, Library Director Stevens County Library 500 Monroe Hugoton, Ks. 67951


The Hugoton Hermes

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Page 5B

HELP WANTED CURRENT OPENINGS AT STEVENS COUNTY HOSPITAL, MEDICAL CLINIC AND PIONEER MANOR NURSING HOME Stevens County Healthcare has a position open at Pioneer Manor in the Dietary Department for a homemaker. Hours include day and evening, some weekends, and holidays. Need to have an understanding of basic food preparation, food safety, and sanitation important for this position. Homemaker will be working in a household preparing breakfast to order as the residents arrive in the dining room, and also preparing salads, desserts, and breads for the lunch and supper meals. (4c52)


112 S. Main • 620-356-5808 • Ulysses www.faulknerrealestate.com Se Habla Espanol-356-5808

217 N Jackson- Nice Brick Ranch, 3 bed/3 b, full basement, fpl, fence, workshop...much, much more!! Call today!!

1029 S. Van Buren- Ranch, 2 bed/1 b, fpl, att garage, storage shed. Call to set up a showing!!

All interested candidates contact Robyn Medina in Human Resources at 620-544-8511 or pick up application.

SOLD 2340 Road 20, Moscow - Beautiful Arkansas stone home, 4 bd/3 b, cen H/A, fpl, fin bsmt, 40 x 70 shop, much, much more!! All on 6+ acres! Call today for appt!!

101 S. Madison- $2,500 BUYER INCENTIVE!!! 3 bed/2 bath, central H/A, fence, attached garage. storage shed. Call for details!!!

Gas company pays up to 20,000 KW of electric usage per year. 848 Road G. - This all electric 2 story home with 5 bedrooms comes with 6 acres of land and 2 new heating and air conditioning systems. $145,000.00 Additional acreage available. Call today!

PRICE REDUCED: 1109 S. Madison St. - All you could ever want in a home. Home has 8 bedrooms, 4 1/2 bathrooms, 2 Living areas. Basement family room is equipped with cabinets, sink, and cook top. Bathroom downstairs has a large whirlpool tub. Kitchen and upstairs bath recently remodeled. New appliances in kitchen. Back porch remodeled and enclosed and nice sitting patio next to porch.

Lots in Spikes Addition 504 S. Wildcat Ct. 617 E. 4th

712 E. 5th St.

621 S. Main St. - Downtown business location for sale. Equipment in building is negotiable. Call Darrin for details.




1505 S. Madison St. - Nice 4 bedroom/2 bath home on large corner lot. Very nice layout, 3 car garage with work shop attached to end garage. Bedroom 4 has access to garage. This is a must see.

1501 Road 9 - Very well maintained brick home on 3.7 acres only 3 miles from town. 5 bed/4 bath. New roof 2010. Hardwood floors & new carpet on main level in 2009. A/C unit and Furnace replaced in 2011. Double oven & microwave new in 2011, refrigerator & dishwasher 2.5 years old.



Stevens County Road Supervisor position needed Applications are available at the County Clerk’s office - pick up between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. All applications need to be in the County Clerk’s office by February 1, 2013 at 5:00 p.m. Job description below.

352 Spotswood, Richfield- Ranch, 3 bed/1 b, cen heat, 150 x 300 lot. Good entry level/investment property! $38,000...Call for details!! Sellers are motivated!!

• Direct and indirect supervision over assigned employee workforce. This includes assigning, directing, evaluating and reviewing work of employees. Responsibilities include providing on-the-job training, evaluating job performance, recommending of new hires, promotions, status changes, discipline; and planning, scheduling and coordinating work operations. • Provides training to employees in current policies, codes, ordinances, statutes, and in the proper use of equipment. • Responsible for ensuring that the maintenance and upkeep of the county gravel roads, asphalt roads and be able to construct new roads. • Responsible for supervising and coordination program efforts, including distribution allocation of projects, equipment and materials. • Ability to calculate figures and amounts such as proportions, tonnage, percentages and volume of rock, gravel, asphalt, etc. • Ability to effectively present information and respond to questions from the County Commissioners, citizens and general public. • Must obtain class “A” CDL license. • Assists with the development of annual yearly budget, KDOT annual report and KDOT 5-year Projection Plan. • Must be able to respond to emergency and after-hour calls on nights and weekends. • A high school diploma or GED and a minimum of six years’ experience in road construction or maintenance with two years’ supervisory experience; or equivalent combination of education and experience. (4c51)

600 S. Jefferson - Price Reduced!! 3 bed/2 bath, cen H/A, fence, 30 x 40 building. Call for details!!

on 3 acres with 2 bed/1 bath living quarters FOR SALE

Enjoy a happy &

in Kit Carson, Co. Be your own boss and make good money!

prosperous 2013!



1111 S Jefferson- 3 bed/1 b, cen H/A, fence, carport, storage bldg. Call for details!!

Feature Of The Week

902 S. Harrison - Move in ready!!! 2 bed/1 b, beautiful kitchen, wood floors and carpet, deck, paved patio, fence, cen H/A!! Great starter home!! Call for appt!! Mark Faulkner-Broker Karen Yoder - Associate/Broker Residential & Commercial Specialist

Karen Yoder- 544-4161 or Cellphone 544-3730 Chance Yoder - Salesperson Agricultural Land Residential & Commercial Specialist

Karen Yoder

Chance Yoder- Cellphone 544-1907

Chance Yoder

“Call Us For All Your Real Estate Needs”

FOR SALE BY OWNER ced! Redu e c i r P

603 Fifth Street in Rolla

PREGNANT? NEED HELP? Call Birthright of Garden City, 620-276-3605 or Birthline of Liberal, 1404 N. Western, 620-626-6763. (tfc3) --------------ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS will help you if you sincerely want to stop drinking. Call 544-8633. (tfc1) ---------------

CELEBRATE RECOVERY every Monday night 6:30 08 p.m. at Assembly of God Fellowship Hall, 138 S. Main. (tfc25)

AL-Anon Family Group

Pioneer Manor Family Support Group

Men & Women of alcoholic family & friends meet at 1405 Cemetery Rd. Mon. & Thurs. 8 pm 544-2610 or 544-2854 kansas-al-anon.org (tfc)

Project Hope Open Tues & Thurs 8:30 - 11:30 a.m. Sunday 1:30 - 3:00 p.m. 1030 S. Main (tfc37) (tfc15)

3rd Tuesdays - 1:00 p.m. 3rd Thursdays - 5:15 p.m. Chapel at Pioneer Manor



Very well-built, beautiful brick home. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, office, bonus room, full finished basement with huge storeroom, fenced patio, oversized 2car garage, underground sprinkler.



20579 Road D, Moscow, KS - Reduced Price! Completely remodeled and renovated 2bd/1b home with 5 acres! $40,000!!

SATELLITE TV: Call JAY D’s Satellite for LOCAL service! New installs - upgrades - Dish Moves - Remotes. Dish and DirecTV 800-952-9634. www.jaydsatellite.com. (tfc48) ---------------

620-544-5499 or 620-428-2929

FOR RENT FOR RENT: 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments. Furnished or unfurnished. Bills included, washer and dryer, and cable. Call 544-2232. (tfc) ---------------


Oak, Piñon, Mesquite, Pecan & More Delivery & stacking available


Call DJ @ 620-430-1273 Days 620-428-6127 Evenings (tfc)

WANT TO PURCHASE: Minerals and other oil/gas interests. Send details to P.O. Box 13557, Denver, Co. 80201. (150p49-12) ---------------


2003 Coleman Caravan 26 ft. pull camper


801 S. Main Street - Price Reduced!! 3 bed/2 bath, cen H/A, fence, oversized garage, fpl, lots of storage. Call for details!!


--------------FOR SALE: 1991 Acura Integra B20 Vtech. New transmission and clutch. 7,000 miles on new motor. $5500 OBO. Call or text 620-453-0957 after 3:30 p.m. (2c2)

Now see these and other SW. Kansas properties at www.hugotonhomes.com


928 S. Jackson - Frame, 2 bed/2 b., lg family rm, basement, cen H/A. Call for details!

Call 620-544-4321 or email hermesma@pld.com today!


(620) 624-1212 BUSINESS

915 S. Jackson - 2 Bed/2 bath, partial bsmt, 45 x 24 Morton bldg, fence, cent H/A. Call for showing!!



307 N. Kansas, Suite 101 Liberal, KS 67901



See YOUR ad here!

FOR SALE: Puggle puppies to a good home. $50, very cute! If interested, call 620-541-1521 or 620-541-1525.

(620) 428-1042 CELLULAR

$11, $9,9495 OBO95

2 slideouts, electric jack, queen size bed, good condition, lg bathroom w/ tub & shower, microwave, refrigerator, stove, air conditioner, 2 new spare tires

CALL 620-544-6818

FREE TO GOOD HOME PUPPIES NEED GOOD HOMES: Two Labradoodle/Lab mix puppies from really good parents. 7 weeks old - 1 male, 1 female, black & white. Call 544-4457. (1c2) ---------------

Have you checked with us? We just may have that ink cartridge (or labels or paper or rubber bands) you are looking for!

KIWAN IS AUC TION March 29 & 30, 2013

If not, we will be glad to order items for you and keep in stock and on hand for when you need it again. Come in and check out our shelves full of other office supplies. 522 South Main Hugoton, Kansas

Turn in your consignments to: Walter McClure 544-8445, Ron Brewer 544-8985 or any other Hugoton Kiwanis Club Member

Consignments are due by March 15 to be included on the sale bill

Ph: 620-544-4321 FAX: 620-544-7321




(620)544-7777 UPERIOR 510 E. 3rd OLUTIONS Hugoton


Alan D. Higgins, Owner

ACCEPTING SEALED BIDS FOR SALE, BY SEALED BID, AS IS: 1995 Chevy 1500 Silverado pickup, white in color. 4x4 P/B, A/C, P/W, P/L, 101,464 miles. Vehicle can be seen at the Hugoton Police Department at 405 E. Fourth. Bids will be accepted until 01/23/2013. Sealed bids can be delivered to City Clerk Tom Hicks at 631 S. Main. For information about the vehicle, call Courtney Leslie at 544-4959. (2c2) ---------------







(620)428-6518 1182 Road Q • Hugoton (tfc12)

308-383-1985 Master Plumber in Hugoton



LAWN PRO Will Schnittker

620-544-1517 FDT ELECTRIC


Frankie Thomas, owner

Small Engine Repair

Licensed & Insured Over 30 years’ experience in Residential & Commercial Wiring

Your Snapper Dealer

620-428-6063 113 S Main, Hugoton (tfc)

Call 620-544-4321 or email hermesma@pld.com


600 E. 11th

IN STOCK *Carpet *Tile *Laminate *Vinyl


544-5915 or 544-7776

Great Deals ~ Easy Financing ~ Quality Service Office: (620)544-7800 531 S. Jackson Hugoton, Ks. 67951 (tfc6)

The Hugoton Hermes

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Page 6B

2012 Hugoton Recreation Commission Boys’ Basketball Teams

Mavericks front row, left to right, are Alex Maravilla and Carson Schechter; kneeling are Chay Burnett, Andres Salinas and Tylan Austin; back row: Kian Lopez, Sawyer Harper, Coach Joe Lopez, Britt McQuitty and Cade Mecklenburg.

Bulls front row, left to right, are Alec Langley and Cameron Medina; kneeling are Danny Sawyer, Rafael Guereque and Damien Mendez; back row: Coach Nikki Gilmore, Clay Gilmore, Elias Carson, JD Robson, Cody Perez and Coach Amber Perez.

Heat front row, left to right, are Jadon Teeter, Aaron Quevedo and Ashton Burrows; kneeling are Joseph Sanchez and Javier Terros; back row: Coach Barry Angell, Wyatt Angell, Eric Munoz, Coach Stacy Burrows, Quenten Gillen and Coach Andy Gillen.

Clippers front row, left to right, are Jaden Hill and Coy Nix; kneeling are Jonathan Cruz, Logan Goetzinger, Haden Daharsh and Luis Rodriguez; back row: Riggs Martin, Jeison Coreno, Gavin Williams and Coach Caleb Williams.

Photos courtesy of Kathy Pate

HI-PLAINS LUMBER 601 S. Main 620-544-4331

E Hwy 51 Hugoton (620)544-4351

507 S. Main Hugoton


Dillco Fluid Service 544-2929

BG’s Designs Call Sonja at 544-5357 or Linda 544-4630

Customer Service: 888-890-5554 Emergency Assistance: 800-694-8989

Phone (620) 544-4920 Hugoton, Kansas 67951

Warren and Amanda Willis Hugoton 620-544-4732

Lin Goode & Company Hugoton/Liberal

502 S. Jackson, Hugoton, Ks 67951 620-544-8908 www.fnbhugoton.com MEMBER FDIC

BROWN-DUPREE OIL CO INC. 1400 S Washington St. 356-3926 or 1-800-682-4143

Commodity Hauling

Jeff C. Ramsey, Agent Darrin Hewitt, Agent 613 S. Main (620) 544-4303

Stevens County Hospital 544-8511 Stevens County Retail Pharmacy 544-8512

Stevens County Medical Clinic 544-8563 Pioneer Manor 544-2023

Plumbing • Electric Heat & Air

519 S. Jackson 620-544-4349

Más-Cow Dairy 499 N. County Road 20 Moscow


1850 W. Oklahoma Ulysses (620) 358-1211

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