Volume 127, Number 10
Thursday, March 6, 2014
14 Pages, 70 Cents Plus Tax Per Copy
Sheriff Heaton announces charges have been filed in 2013 Moscow fire case Do you remember May 29, 2013? If you’re from Moscow, that date will likely live in infamy for the rest of your life. That fateful Wednesday morning, tens of thousands of hay bales, stored near the elevators in Moscow, blazed away after catching fire in the middle of the night. Theories regarding the cause of the conflagration ranged from spontaneous combustion due to the hot dry conditions to a malicious act of arson. Nine months - and an incredible amount of legwork - later, and Stevens County Sheriff Ted Heaton has deemed the cause of the fire to be arson. Paul Kitzke, Stevens County Attorney, has charged Martin Vasquez, age 24 of Johnson, with one count of arson. An unidentified juvenile is also expected to be charged with arson related to the Moscow fire. Vasquez has previously been charged with aggravated battery and arson. The unnamed juvenile is currently in custody for unrelated
crimes and will face arson charges within the month. The warrant for Vasquez states the defendant “feloniously, intentionally and knowingly, by means of fire, damaged property, to-wit: Hay, in which another entity has an interest without the consent of such other entity, to-wit: Abengoa Cooperation and Cattle Empire.” Damages to Cattle Empire alone were conservatively estimated at half a million dollars. Abengoa’s total cost has yet to be determined, but at this point $2 million has been reported to Stevens County Commissioners. If convicted, Vasquez could face a fine “not to exceed $100,000” in addition to prison time. The crime is ranked as a severity level 7 nonperson felony. Stevens County’s biggest fire in recent memory was an opportunity for community members to pull together and demonstrate the meaning of “small-
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Moscow residents spy some rather awesome sights during the fire. Here, hay bales glow with flames and heat, sending up orange
smoke into a dark blue sky. Photo courtesy of Lowell Stanley.
Hugoton Masonic Lodge celebrates its Centennial Hugoton Elementary is awarded grant Saturday, March 8, looks to be a BIG DAY in Hugoton as Hugoton Lodge #406 celebrates its Centennial year. The gala event will bring Grand Lodge of Kansas dignitaries from all over Kansas. The Grand Master of Kansas Masons, Rick Reichert and his wife Janet, as well as many of his Grand Lodge officers will descend on Hugoton this Saturday to help celebrate. The day will begin with local and Grand Lodge officers opening The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Kansas at 11:00 a.m. in the Lodge Hall at 112 West Sixth Street where they will receive instructions as to how the rest of the day will unfold. The Masons and their families and honored guests will then
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Superintendent Mark ers and staff are already to do some new and exCrawford announced doing to help our stu- citing things at our eleHugoton Elementary has dents be successful at an mentary.” Andrew Hysell is the been selected to take part early age,” said Crawford. in a new reading initia- “This grant will allow us Continued on page 3 tive that’s already underway across the state. The Kansas Reading Roadmap focuses exclusively on working with public schools to make sure all children are reading at grade level by the second semester of the third grade. “We are excited to be a part of this program because we believe it will jSuperintendent Mark Crawford shakes hands with Kim Ferenhance what our teach- tig.
Eckert represents Hugoton at State Grand Master Rick Reichert and his wife Janet will be in town Saturday during the Masonic Lodge’s centennial celebration.
Change your clocks and your smoke alarm batteries Daylight Savings Time begins March 9, and as communities prepare to “spring ahead” one hour, the Office of the Kansas State Fire Marshal urges residents to practice fire safety by testing their smoke alarms and changing the batteries. Alkaline batteries should be replaced at least once a year, and a good rule of thumb is to change the batteries when you change your clocks. “Ensuring you have working smoke alarms in your home is the single most important step you can take to increase your family’s safety from a home fire,” explains Doug
Jorgensen, State Fire Marshal. "Your risk of dying in a fire is greatly reduced when your home is equipped with working smoke alarms,” he continues. According to the National Fire Protection Association, almost two-thirds of home fire deaths resulted from fires in properties without working smoke alarms. A working smoke alarm significantly increases your chances of surviving a deadly home fire. To protect your home, follow these smoke alarm safety tips: • Install smoke alarms in every bedroom, outside
each sleeping area and on every level of your home,
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Now is the time to prepare. To urge Kansans to start planning for springtime weather-related emergencies, Governor Sam Brownback signed a proclamation Thursday, February 27, designating March 3-7 as “Severe Weather Awareness Week in Kansas”. The proclama-
Proud grandpa David Eckert enjoys a moment with grandson Takoda at the KMEA All-State Choir performance this past Saturday. Takoda was one of 250 students in the choir, and the only representative from Hugoton High School. The choir is comprised of “the best of the best” student musicians in Kansas.
Hugoton’s talent affirmed at Pancake Day Stevens County Hospital welcomes a new Nurse Practitioner, Steika Gilmore. She is originally from Hooker, Ok. Her father named her for an old Indian tribe called Steika. Welcome to Hugoton Steika!
Kansans urged to be prepared for severe weather Severe weather season is coming and we can be sure of one thing – somewhere, sometime in the coming months, Kansas is going to be hit with a severe storm, tornado, flooding and flash floods. Judging from past years, the state will be hit with severe weather more than once.
Takoda Eckert qualified and participated in the Kansas Music Educator’s All-State Choir from February 27 to March 1. The choir was composed of 250 students. They practiced 17 hours and performed Saturday afternoon along with 1234A Band, 56A Band, and the All-State Orchestra. Being a member of the ensembles is the top honor a high school music student in Kansas can receive. The average ACT score of students for this year’s
tion coincides with the national Severe Weather Awareness Week. “It just makes sense to plan ahead and heed storm warnings,” said Brownback. “This winter, when snowstorms were forecast, Kansans by and large did the wise thing and stayed off the roads as
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The Pancake Day finals were Monday, March 3 at 7:30 p.m. at the Liberal High school auditorium. Hugoton talent brought home many of the trophies and winnings. Tiny tot Faith Beesley won first place with her solo and dance to the “Hokie Pokie” and Jetta Giudicy won third with “When You Wish Upon a Star”. In the junior division Sydney Beesley won second place singing “Forget About the Boy”. In the senior division Moriah Rome won first place hula hooping to “Circus”, and in the adult division Collin McClendon (grandson of Doug and Rita Mills) won first place singing a solo.
Winners of the talent show for Pancake Day include Hugoton residents. Standing in back from the left are Collin McClendon, Montana Beesley and Sydney Beesley. In front are Faith Beesley and Jetta Giudicy. Inset is Moriah Rome. Photo courtesy of Renee Beesley.
The Hugoton Hermes
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Page 2
This IS the proud country of the red, white and blue!! According to Coloradoan.com, ‘Merica Day was a student idea to honor soldiers fighting for this country, but it was banned because “administrators… thought it could be offensive to the school’s international students.” This situation has been debated all across the country. Some individuals from the Web site say that they “can see both sides” of the argument, but I strongly disagree with them. America is an impressive country that deserves to be celebrated, so why are we ashamed to praise this great nation? I am an immigrant. I moved to this country when I was a toddler. Yes, my home country is near and dear to my heart, but I will celebrate the greatness of this country without hesitation. In no way, whatsoever, does celebrating America insult or offend me. This is the
Tina Wiebe - Richfield proud country of the red, white and blue. There is not a single logical reason to be protecting the feelings of immigrants. Our troops are giving up their lives in combat to protect every individual in this nation, civilians and immigrants alike. If honoring them for this grim feat is offensive, I have officially lost hope in humanity. People need to respect the country they live in. If the respect that this country has deserved is impossible to give, then why is it that immigrants are settling down here? I am not saying immigrants should not honor their own countries, but they need to stop being selfish when it comes to admiring America. It is not offensive, and it does
not dishonor the home countries of these people. Every American, including international citizens, should be proud of this country. People are offended if celebrating America is mentioned, but this is unbelievably ridiculous. These “offended” immigrants are being protected by the troops of America. If immigrants can not love and respect the country they live in, why are they still here? Offended immigrants and the people protecting their fragile feelings need to pick up a dictionary and look up the words “dignity” and “patriotism.” Tina Wiebe [Tina Wiebe wrote this for her senior English paper, taught by Mrs. Tina Huddleston. Tina is the daughter of Catarina and Francisco Wiebe from Richfield.]
Kansas collects taxes on your losses Dear Editor: Kansas collects taxes on your losses: If you haven’t started your tax returns yet, I must warn business owners and farmers about their Kansas taxes. If you had a bad year, you shouldn’t count on your Kansas taxes being lower. Although Governor Brownback promised business owners (sole proprietorships, LLCs and partnerships) that they would not pay taxes on their business income, it turns out that if they had losses, they pay more taxes than if they had income. Schedule S of the Kansas form K-40 takes your taxable income from your Federal 1040, then adds back any losses you claimed on your federal income, so you end up with a higher taxable income (even though the losses are clearly not income), and you pay taxes to
Beginning in March - Project Hope will be open from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. Sunday afternoons at 1030 S. Main. March 2-29 - Baker Arts Center will host local student artists’ work at their facility at 624 N. Pershing in Liberal. Museum hours are 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Tuesday through Friday and 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. Saturdays. March 3-7 - Severe Weather Awareness Week March 6 - Stevens County Genealogical Society will meet at 1:00 p.m. in the Kansas Room at the Stevens County Library. - A staff representative for Representative Tim Huelskamp will host office hours at the Stevens County Library from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. - Sons of Thunder will host their meeting beginning at 7:00 p.m. at the Grant County Civic Center. There will not be a meal served at the event. Men and boys above 12 are encouraged to attend. Eric Swanson will speak. Call Monty for information at 620353-9507 or visit sonsofthunderswks.com.
Kansas on y o u r losses. Plus, if you figured you would not owe Kansas taxes on this business income and therefore did not send enough in estimated taxes to Kansas, you will pay a penalty for underpayment of Kansas taxes. How is this right, I ask? The answer given by the Department of Revenue tax helpline is that the legislature wrote it that way. Somehow the Kansas Legislature did not understand how their law would work out for some businesses. They talk about increasing business opportunity in Kansas; but since most start-up businesses plan for a loss in their first few years, the current law in Kansas means that the start-up will pay taxes on their losses, even
t h o u g h promised no taxes on income. Why would anyone want to start a business in Kansas? Why would anyone who experiences a business downturn want to stay in Kansas when a bad year means you owe more taxes than if you had a good year? How would this impact our farmers who can’t move out of state? It seems they will be hit with a double whammy: higher income taxes when they have a bad year, plus higher property taxes to make up for the cuts in state funding to education and local governments. Kansas Legislators need to hear about this error in the tax law. They need to recognize that they can do more harm than good when they pursue tax policies that are out of the main-
stream. Unintended consequences can destroy any semblance of good intentions. (I find it hard to believe that they intended this result, but I know of at least one legislator who is proud to proclaim that he doesn’t read the bills, rather he just follows the recommendations of extreme right-wing groups.) The current attempt to give billionaires a tax break only results in penalizing small business owners and farmers when they have a bad year, as well as depriving the rest of the public of the services they need from state government. We need to vote for more constructive and fair tax policy-making in August and November this year. Ask the legislators and their challengers how they plan to respond to this situation. Sharon L. Gordon Udall, Ks
March 8 - Sew All Day at the Senior Center, 624 S. Main in Hugoton. Call 620-544-2283 for more information. - Hugoton Masonic Lodge will celebrate its centennial at the Memorial Hall, 200 E. Sixth in Hugoton at 1:00 p.m. The public is welcome to attend. - Hugoton Senior Center, 624 S. Main, will host a dance from 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. March 9 - Daylight Saving Time starts. “Spring forward” one hour. - Last day to order Girl Scout cookies! Call 620-428-1814. March 10 - Hugoton City Council will meet at 5:15 p.m. - Stevens County Library Board of Directors will meet at 5:30 p.m. March 10 & 12 - “Excel Fundamentals” course will be offered at Garden City Community College from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. Call 620-275-3259 or visit gcccks.edu/business-community for information about registration and payment. March 11 - Stevens County Economic Development will meet at the
Senior Center, Sixth and Main in Hugoton, at 12:00 noon. - “All About the Web” course will be offered by Garden City Community College from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Call 620-2753259 or visit gcccks.edu/business-community for information about registration and payment. March 12 - Southwest Kansas Groundwater Management District #3 annual meeting at the Grant County Civic Center Auditorium, beginning at 9:00 a.m. For additional information, call 620-275-7147 or visit gmd3.org. - Circle Time at the Stevens County Library at 10:30 a.m. for children ages 0-5 and their parents. - Hugoton Area Chamber of Commerce will meet at 12:00 noon. March 13 - Hugoton Elementary first graders will perform their music concert at 2:25 p.m. in the HES gym. - Stevens County Library will host a kids’ movie beginning at 3:35 p.m. - Hugoton High School’s National Honor Society will host
the Mr. HHS “pageant” in the high school auditorium beginning at 7:00 p.m. March 14-23 - Spring Break for USD 210 students. March 15 - Pioneer Electric Cooperative’s annual meeting and health fair at the Grant County Civic Center. The health fair will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, followed by a complimentary lunch. - Legislative update at the Stevens County Library Meeting Room at 4:00 p.m. Additional date: April 19. - Pioneer Electric Annual Meeting and Health Fair. Health Fair 7:00 a.m.; registration - 10:30 a.m.; lunch 12 noon; and meeting at 1:00 p.m. March 17 - Stevens County Commissioners will meet in the Commissioners’ Room at the Stevens County Courthouse, beginning at 8:30 a.m. - Stevens County Library will host Caring Connections for their monthly storytime starting at 10:30 a.m.
Sharon L. Gordon - Udall
tended First Baptist Church of Liberal. She was very active with her church and music and was known for her very formal and informal hospitality. She was completely dedicated to her family and her church. Survivors include her son Leonard D. “Bud” Hamm and wife MariKay of Dallas, Tx.; three daughters,
Marcellene “Marcie” Isaac and husband Lee of Hugoton; Elaine Megert and husband Joe of Scott City and LaVonne Ramsey of Liberal; two stepsons Larry Nikkel and wife Elaine of Wichita and Daryl Nikkel and wife Judy of Wichita; stepdaughter-in-law Nora Nikkel of Elizabeth, Co.; her 15 grandchildren: Del Hamm, Kevin Hamm, Les Isaac, Crystal Perry, Audra Christensen, Amber Frey, Eddie Joe Megert III, Shannon Cornell, Michael Ramsey, Todd Nikkel, Melanie Guilliot, Jeff Nikkel, Kerri Justus, Sheree Gerig and Stephanie Harder; and 30 great grandchildren. In addition to her two husbands, Rose was preceded in death by her parents, infant daughter Gellene Rose Hamm; step-son Harvey
Wilbur David Former Hugoton resident Wilbur Dean David passed from this life Wednesday, February 26, 2014 at Andover at the age of 77. Born February 4, 1937 in Hugoton, Wilbur was the son of Lawrence and Daisy David. In 2003, Wilbur and Dorothy Roll were married. She preceded him in death in 2007. Wilbur lived in Hugoton for a number of years before moving to Liberal where he was living at the time of his death. Mr. David was a member of the Assembly of God Church in Liberal. He was a farm laborer and recently in charge of maintenence for the Coronado Museum in Liberal. Survivors include his sis-
ter Betty Harris of Hugoton; three nephews, Delano Honaker, Gene Honaker and Cecil Harris; niece Rita Bymaster and husband Jeff and her children, Austin and Brandon. Cremation has taken place. There will be no services. Condolences may be sent to Betty Harris, Box 213, Hugoton, Ks. 67951.
Fontell Littrell Memorial services for Fontell Littrell are planned for Saturday, March 8, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. at the First Christian Church in Hugoton.
Lorenzo Montoya Moscow resident, Lorenzo Montoya, 54, passed from this life Sunday, February 23, 2014 at Via Christie St. Francis Campus in Wichita. He was born November 22, 1959 in Mexico, the son of Heriberto Montoya and the former Candelaria Fabela. Lorenzo was a resident of the Sublette and Moscow communities where he worked as a farmer. His life revolved around his daughters and their activities. He was a member of the St. Helen Catholic Church of Hugoton. Lorenzo is survived by two daughters, Cruz and Isela Montoya both of Moscow; five brothers, Alfredo Montoya of Satanta, Juan Montoya of Greeley, Co., Emilio Montoya of Fort Hancock, Tx., Felix Montoya of Juarez, Mexico and Vicente Montoya of So-
corro, Tx.; three sisters, Cruz Santillan of Moscow, Felicitas Trejo of Anthony, N.M. and Hilda Lechuga of Garden City. Those preceding Mr. Montoya in death were his parents; three brothers, Fidel Montoya, Heriberto Montoya and Geregoria Montoya; and two sisters, Abrahana Longoria and Paula Montoya. Funeral Mass was attended at St. Alphonsus Catholic Church in Satanta, Thursday afternoon, February 27, 2014 with Rev. Jim Dieker presiding. Burial followed at Haskell County Cemetery in Sublette. Memorials are suggested to Lorenzo Montoya Memorial Fund in care of the funeral home. Thoughts and memories may be shared in the online guest book at www.swaimfuneralhome.com.
Alicia Variga Word has been received of the death of Alicia Variga. Mrs. Variga, 62 and former Liberal resident, passed away Wednesday, February 26, 2014 at Pleasant Hill, Mo.
She was born June 23, 1951 at Juárez, Chihuahua, México, to Asuncion Martinez and Alicia Ramirez. Alicia spent most of her life in Liberal, with the last two years in Missouri. She was a homemaker and attended various churches. December 12, 1974, she married Rodolfo Variga at El
Paso, Tx. He survives. Other survivors include her son Gilberto Variga and wife Lisa of Overland Park; two daughters, Sarah Mosqueda and companion Julio Gonzalez of Pleasant Hill, Mo. and Misty Solorio and husband Juan of Liberal; her nine grandchildren; and one great grandchild. She was preceded in death by her parents. Funeral services were attended Monday afternoon, March 1 at Iglesia de Cristo Maranatha Elim Church with Jorge Guiterrez and Mario Loredo officiating. Burial followed in Liberal Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be sent to the Alicia Variga Memorial Fund, in care of Brenneman Funeral Home, 1212 W. Second St., Liberal, Ks 67901. Condolences may be sent to the family at www.brenne manfuneralhome.com.
Rosella “Rose” Nikkel Death has claimed the life of Rosella Ann “Rose” Nikkel. Mrs. Nikkel, 97, passed away Friday, February 28, 2014 at Emeritus/Liberal Springs Assisted Living in Liberal. She was born November 27, 1916 in Hooker, Ok., the daughter of Abraham Aaron Wiens and Anna Klassen. March 6, 1935, Rose married Leonard Hamm in Liberal. He preceded her in death October 5, 1973. She later married Harvey Nikkel, May 8, 1976 in Hooker. He preceded her in death August 26, 1990. Rose attended Neff country school in rural Hooker. She has been a resident of Liberal since 1974 and was a homemaker. Mrs. Nikkel was a charter member of Gospel of Grace Church of Hooker and at-
Business Hours, Call 544-4959 After Hours, Call 544-2020
Nikkel Jr.; and her five sisters, infant twin Rubina, Elsie Penner, Leona Nikkel, Evelyn Neufeld and Delores Reimer. There will be no public visitation. A private family burial will take place at Hooker Cemetery of Hooker. A memorial service is planned for 10:30 a.m. Saturday, March 8, 2014 at the First Baptist Church of Liberal with Pastor Loren Robinson officiating. Memorial contributions may be given to Great Plains Christian Radio (KJIL) or Gospel for Asia, in care of Brenneman Funeral Home1212 W. Second, Liberal, Ks. 67901. Condolences may be sent to the family at www.brenne manfuneralhome.com.
Monday, February 24, 2014 • Violation of PFA, 700 Block of South Monroe, Arrested Subject, Officer Hagman Tuesday, February 25, 2014 • DUI, Vehicle Unlock, 1000 Block of South Main, Arrested Subject, Officer Hagman • Vehicle Unlock, 1200 Block of South Monroe, Citizen Assist, Officer Hagman • Welfare Check, 200 Block of South Jackson, Public Service, Officer Hagman Thursday, February 27, 2014 • Vehicle Unlock, 1000 Block of South Washington, Citizen Assist, Sergeant Johnson • Vehicle Unlock, 300 Block of South Jackson, Citizen Assist, Sergeant Johnson • Criminal Damage, 800 Block of South Washington, Investigated, Sergeant Johnson • Vandalism, 500 Block of East Sixth, Investigated, Sergeant Johnson Saturday, March 1, 2014 • Vehicle Unlock, 600 Block of Copperstone, Citizen Assist, Officer Lamatsch • Dog at Large, 1200 Block of Madi-
son, Returned to Owner, Officer Lamatsch Sunday, March 2, 2014 • Dog at Large, 1200 Block of South Monroe, Unable to Locate, Officer Lamatsch • Prank Call, 600 Block of East Eleventh, Spoke to RP, Officer Hagman
Thy sun shall no more go down; neither shall thy moon withdraw itself: for the Lord shall be thine everlasting light, and the days of thy mourning shall be ended. Isaiah 60:20
The Hugoton Hermes
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Page 3
School grant Continued from page 1 project director for Kansas Reading Roadmap launched by Governor Sam Brownback last fall. The Roadmap seeks to align proven reading models to achieve a greater impact. The Roadmap looks at both the school day and out-of-school time to identify opportunities for reading improvement. “According to the Annie E. Casey Foundation, children not reading at grade level by the fourth grade are four times less likely to graduate and be successful,” said Hysell. “This initiative is unique because it takes a comprehensive approach. A lot of times, there are great programs, but they are not aligned. We’re taking three proven programs and connecting them to work together.” There are three parts to the Reading Roadmap: • First, principals and teachers are trained in using the Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) program. • Families and Schools Together (FAST) is the second part, providing an award-winning parent engagement program.
Pictured from the left in back are Superintendent Mark Crawford, Davonna Daharsh, Beth Wilcher, Lauren Faehl, Kimberly Muss, Mair• Finally, Save the Children offers an after-school and “Summer Boost Camp” that, Hysell said, has been proven to help children improve their literacy skills. The grant brings programming and resources to smaller schools that would not be able to afford them. The Kansas De-
Severe Weather Continued from page 1 much as possible and made sure their emergency kits were stocked. Even though warmer weather is coming, we need to continue to be prepared and alert to the possibility of severe weather.” According to the National Weather Service, Kansas had 56 tornadoes in 2013, including 15 in one day; 45 of those tornadoes hit in May. However, Angee Morgan, deputy director of the Kansas Division of Emergency Management, said that does not mean May is the most dangerous month for severe weather. “Our first tornado hit April 7 in Russell County,” said Morgan. “The last one was August 13 in Lane County. That’s 128 days from the first to the last. And although 2013 was the quietest season since 1994, that doesn’t mean this season will be the same. Our advice is to always be prepared.” Morgan said a home emergency kit should include everything needed for each family member to survive for a minimum of three days without power. Kits should include one gallon of water per person per day; nonperishable, high energy foods; a battery powered NOAA weather radio; flashlights; extra batteries; a safe, alternate heat source; blan-
kets; medications and other essentials. Additional information about preparing an emergency kit may be found online at www.ksready.gov. Morgan also advised everyone to have an emergency plan for their home or place of business and ensure everyone knows the plan. “If you don’t have a storm shelter, make sure you know where the nearest shelter is,” said Morgan. “Designate a place to meet in case you become separated or how you will communicate if land lines and cell phone towers are knocked out. Review safety rules regarding downed power lines and broken gas lines. Once you have your plan in place, practice it so everyone knows what to do.” To help get more people involved in emergency preparedness, KDEM has instituted an online “Kansas Preparedness Challenge”. Completing each monthly challenge makes participants eligible for a prize drawing. Go to www.ksready.gov and click on the "Kansas Preparedness Challenge" link to get started. For more information on emergency preparedness, go to www.ksready.gov, www.redcross.org, or www.fema.gov.
lyn Burks, and Kim Fertig. In front are Primary School Principal Tiffany Boxum, Director of Curriculum Elise Heger and Melisa Norton.
partment for Children and Families is providing the funds for the afterschool programs, while the Kansas Technical Assistance Systems Network is
Masonic Lodge Continued from page 1 dine at Stevens County Memorial Hall at noon with entertainment provided by the Hugoton High School Vocal Music Department. At approximately 1:00 p.m. the public is invited to enter Memorial Hall for presentation of service award honors, widows’ recognition, past masters recognition and any other business requiring attention. The Grand Lodge will then form a Grand Procession to Rededi-
Jana Morris for the next month or so until Jana leaves. Linda Stalcup, hospital administrator, said Morris’ last day to see patients will be May 2. Helget said it appears flu season is over, but they are seeing a lot of allergies. Dr. Sam said he had seen a few cases of RSV in the last few days. Kathie Harbison, Pioneer Manor administrator, said the current census at the Manor was 70. Jennifer Featherston, director of nursing at Pioneer Manor gave her report. They have received three bids for the new electronic medical record system. The highest bid came from a company which is top of the line but includes more in their package than is needed by the Manor. The second highest bid was from the current vendor which also included more than would be used. The lowest bid was from Matrix at $24,148 with a $1,489 monthly maintenance fee. Equipment such as tablets would be extra but could be purchased a few at a time as needed so the cost impact would be minimized. The board unanimously approved the purchase of the Matrix system. Linda Stalcup, hospital administrator, presented her report. The hospital will be participating in the Healthy Kansans 2020 state improvement plan, a collaborative plan aimed at identifying and adopt-
cate the Lodge for use in the Hugoton community. Brothers of the Lodge to receive service honors are: Charles Harper and Kenneth Keith (posthumously) – 70 years; Charlie Thompson – 65 years; Hugh Holt – 60 years; Joe R. Lee – 50 years; Robert Bentz and David Eckert – 25 years. The Lodge recognizes 28 widows and all Past Masters of the Lodge.
Time change Continued from page 1 including in the basement. • Smoke alarms with non-replaceable (long-life) batteries are designed to remain effective for up to ten years. If the alarm chirps, warning the battery is low, replace the entire smoke alarm right away. • For smoke alarms with any other type of battery, replace batteries at least once a year. If that alarm chirps, replace only the battery. Date each unit when they are installed and replace them after ten years – or sooner if they do not successfully pass the test by sounding
the alarm when the test button is pressed. In addition to changing smoke alarm batteries, it is also a good idea to practice a family escape plan: • Plan and practice two escape routes out of every room in your house. • Designate an outside meeting place. • In case of fire, call 9-1-1 once you are safely outside your home. • Once outside, stay outside and don’t return for anything not even a pet.
Huelskamp is accepting applications for military service academies The Office of Congressman Tim Huelskamp is now taking applications for Military Service Academy nominations. The deadline for submission is October 1, 2014.
Hospital board approves low bid The meeting of the hospital board was called to order Monday, March 3, 2014, at 5:30 p.m. in the hospital community room. Present were board members Warren Willis, Joyce Baughman, Milton Gillespie, Kirk Heger, Keith Rome and Dean Van Horn. Absent was Patty Lahey. Others present were Linda Stalcup, hospital administrator; Kathie Harbison, Pioneer Manor administrator; Jennifer Featherston, director of nursing at Pioneer Manor; Dr. Samer Al-Hashmi (Dr. Sam); Stacy Helget, clinic director; Diane Porter, human resources director; Marilyn Crane, health information directory; Dave Piper, chief financial officer; Dwayne West of Custom Renovations and Hermes reporter Wilma Bartel. The agenda was amended to include Dwayne West and was approved unanimously. The minutes of the last meeting were approved unanimously. Dwayne West of Custom Renovations updated the board on the cost of changes to the new pharmacy. The estimate for changes was $103,473, with the costliest items being cabinets, lighting and the drive. The board discussed options for lowering the costs. Stacy Helget gave the clinic report. The new nurse practitioner, Steika Gilmore, started Monday. She will be shadowing
training educators on the use of MTSS. The University of Kansas will serve as the evaluator for the project.
ing health priorities to improve the health of all Kansans. Stalcup attended the Critical Access Hospital (CAH) Rural Health Symposium which addressed ways of providing relief from excessing and harmful policies undermining a hospital’s ability to provide care and protecting hospital payments as legislators look for savings. She advised the board of a trustee conference scheduled for early April in Garden City. Speakers will address state and national legislation affecting healthcare and talk about ideas for building new models of care in rural and frontier America. Dave Piper, chief financial officer, presented the financial report. He said the cost of utilities at the hospital are up six to seven percent, a reasonable rise with what was budgeted and are up 20-23 percent at the Manor. He said cash flow is markedly better than at the close of 2012. There being no old or new business, the board voted unanimously to adjourn following an executive session. After adjournment of the executive session, the board returned to regular session and voted to put the pharmacy renovation out for bids. The next meeting of the hospital/nursing home board is scheduled for Monday, April 7, 2014, at 5:30 p.m. in the Pioneer Manor conference room.
Congressman Huelskamp has the privilege of nominating a limited number of young men and women aged 17-23 to attend four of the nation's five service academies. The process requires an applicant to have a history of personal discipline and a commitment to his or her school and community. For more information, please call Congressman Huelskamp's Hutchinson office at 620-6656138 or visit https://huelskamp.house.gov/services/mili tary-academy-nominations.
Stevens County Economic Development Board, Stevens County Farm Bureau Association, and the Hugoton Area Chamber of Commerce invite all residents of Stevens County to attend the second Legislative Update on Saturday, March 15 at 4:00 p.m. at the Stevens County Library Meeting Room. Senator Larry Powell and Representative Stephen Alford will again be here to inform the residents of Stevens County on happenings at the State Capitol in Topeka and answer your questions and concerns. The first one was very informative and we hope you will plan to attend this event. I encourage the residents of Stevens County to stay informed on the issues under consideration by the legislature. The final Legislative Update is scheduled for April 19. The Libraries of Southwest Kansas in bringing a very special program to Southwest Kansas on customer service with the help of Southwest Kansas Chamber of Commerce. The Disney Way will be presented by speaker J. Jeff Kober on April 15 at the United Wireless Center in Dodge City. There will be two sessions – the morning session is for managers, the afternoon session is for frontline employees. Mr. Kober was formerly a leader with the Disney Institute and designed many of Disney’s customer service programs. Registration will be opening soon and we will put out more details when available.
Dustin E John Johnson Financial Advisor FinancialAdvisor .
608 S Main Street Hugoton, KS 67951 620-544-8818
The Stevens County Library will have complete details on this program. Kappa Eta in conjunction with the Hugoton Recreation Commission, and the Hugoton Area Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring their annual Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 19 starting at 9:00 a.m. This event will be at the Parsons Sports Complex on Washington Street and is for children ages birth-9nine. The Hugoton Area Chamber of Commerce and Stevens County Economic Development website www.stevenscountyks.com is a great place to view a calendar of events going on in the County. We also try to keep the community informed of upcoming events on our Facebook pages Get Hugoton! and Hugoton Area Chamber of Commerce. Give us a LIKE on Facebook. Chamber Gift Certificates are the PERFECT gift for Anyone, Anytime! Chamber Gift Certificates are the solution for all of your gift giving needs. Purchasing Chamber Gift Certificates ensures that your money is staying in our local economy making our local businesses strong. Stop by the Chamber Office and purchase a Chamber Gift Certificate. These certificates can be written for any amount and are redeemable at most Stevens County businesses. Shop STEVENS COUNTY First! The Hugoton Area Chamber of Commerce is here for YOU!
Stephanie A Weeast, CFP®, AAMS® Financial Advisor
Come support the American Cancer Society Stevens County Hospital Relay for Life Team will be waitressing at the Jet Drive-In
Saturday, March 8 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. to help raise money from tips for the American Cancer Society. So, everyone come eat and enjoy excellent service from some NEW waitresses!
Legislative Update Senator Larry Powell Representative Stephen Alford
Saturday, March 15, at 4:00 p.m. at the Stevens County Library Meeting Room Co-Sponsored by Stevens County Stevens County Economic Farm Bureau Development Board Association and the Hugoton Area Chamber of Commerce and their Gold Members Jordan Air Inc.
The Hugoton Hermes
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Page 4
Stevens County Commissioners
MUSEUM UPDATE from The Stevens County Gas & Historical Museum Gladys Renfro, Beulah Carter and Linda McCrary
To try and find something on painted theatre curtains is a difficult task, however, they do exist and in some places you can actually see them being used. The use of “borderless” curtains in theatres, as they were referred to, went from 1890 to 1940 conservatively. At the Stevens County Gas and Historical Museum, you can see two such displays. The two examples of hand painted artistry were taken out of the old Hugoton grade school and display advertisements dating back to approximately 1900. Because the curtains were painted it was necessary to have the curtains roll up rather than pulled to each side like they are today. This was accomplished with the use of ropes that, when pulled, rolled the curtain and did not crack or destroy the painting. During the time the theatre curtains were used at the Hugoton grade school, the advertisements include the phone number. They were painted on the advertisement in abbreviation (“Pho”) and the phone number (“Pho 321”). During this time if
you needed to call the pharmacy, you had to call the operator to connect you. Telephones during this time didn’t have buttons or even the classic rotary of numbers. (By the way, the Museum has a number of telephone and switch board operator stations to see as well.) To contact the pharmacy or your neighbor you had to ring her up by turning a knob on the side of the phone. The switch board operator would answer saying, “Number please.” You would tell her the number and she would connect you. Back then the need for seven or ten digits was not necessary due to the limited number of telephones, so phone numbers were much shorter. For instance, Porter Drug’s phone was simply “10”. Come see these fascinating hand painted curtains at the Museum, and see if you can identify any of the businesses advertised. We are open 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Saturday. See you there!
Cash and Carry Only March 5-12
Mane Hair Co. 511 S. Main, Hugoton, KS 620-544-4930
601 S. Main - Hugoton
Russell Lake is transformed Saturday after a gorgeous frost appeared overnight. Temperatures remained low through Monday, and the area saw a small amount of snow Sunday.
@ YOUR LIBRARY Your Information Source for 100 Years 500 Monroe Hugoton, Ks. 67951-2639 Phone: 620.544.2301 • Fax: 620.544.2322 Email: svcolib@pld.com
SUMMER READING T-SHIRT CONTEST The SCL’s third annual summer reading T-Shirt design contest is open to ages six to 18. Original hand-drawn entries are due by March 14, 2004. To get started, contact Stacey at the SCL. CELEBRATE 100 Participants may continue to register to participate in the adult winter reading program “Celebrate 100”, which runs through March 21, 2014. Books may be entered individually, or BINGO cards can be filled out for additional awards. This week’s winners are Lisa Bennett, Elizabeth Cooke, Don Goering, Anna Lofgren, Amanda Mangels and Ashley Pearcy. UNACCOMPANIED CHILDREN AT THE LIBRARY
You are invited to come worship with family and friends at Pioneer Manor
David & Brandy Robson
314 S. Van Buren 544-4122
March 9 Moscow UMC
521 S. Main - Hugoton
March 16 Assembly of God Faith Publishing LLC 522 S. Main 620-544-4321
We have a large group of unaccompanied children in the library after school. We appreciate that parents trust us with the care and feeding of their kids until they pick them up after they get off work. However, from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday during the school year, library staff members have been required to assist Miss Stacey in maintaining an environment that is pleasant and safe for all our patrons more and more often. We would like parents to remind their children of the “Three Rs.” Respect – Listen, say please and thank you, be kind to library staff and patrons, and follow the rules. Responsibility – know your phone number, put coats and bags away, clean up after yourselves, do your best, and do what’s right. Results – a safe environment where all patrons from the youngest to the oldest may feel comfortable whenever they come to the library. UPCOMING EVENTS AT THE SCL March 6, 1:00 p.m. – Stevens County Genealogical Society Meeting March 10, 5:30 p.m. – Stevens County Library Board Meeting March 15, 4:00 p.m. – Legislative Update in the Meeting Room March 18, 12:00 p.m. – Chamber Luncheon in the Meeting Room March 24 through 28 – Library accepting photos for April Exhibit April – Photography Exhibit July 7-11 – Library Centennial Celebration
The Hugoton Hermes (USPS 253-820)
522 S. Main Hugoton, KS 67951 - 620-544-4321 Owner/Operator Faith Publishing LLC RoGlenda Coulter, Kay McDaniels and Ruthie Winget RoGlenda Coulter, Bookkeeper/ Classifieds/Obituaries Kay McDaniels, Advertising/ Circulation/Layout Ruthie Winget, Composition/Layout Reece McDaniels, Sports Editor Wilma Bartel, Asst. Composition Marie Austin, Asst. Composition Toni Hamlin, Asst. Mailing Jean Coulter, Asst. Mailing Phoebe Brummett, Rolla Correspondent Sara Cross, Moscow Correspondent Ads email: hermes10@pld.com Obituaries email: hermesro@pld.com
Subscriptions $30.00 (including Kansas State Sales Tax) for Stevens and adjoining Kansas Counties, $35.00 elsewhere in state (including Kansas State Sales Tax), and for all out of state subscriptions. Online subscriptions are $25.00 a year. Online and printed subscriptions combined are $10.00 plus the cost of the subscription. Foreign Subscription Rate $40.00. School Subscriptions and Military Personnel $25.00 (including Kansas State Sales Tax) payable in advance. Advertising Rates Noncommissionable $5.00 per column inch, Commissionable Rates $6.25 per column inch, Classified $5.00 per column inch. Frequency is weekly every Thursday. Periodicals Postage paid at Hugoton, Ks. 67951. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Hugoton Hermes at 522 S. Main, Hugoton, Kansas 67951. Opinion Page Our opinion page is open to the public. We encourage comments from readers in the form of letters to the editor or guest columns. All letters must be signed and must include the address and telephone number of the sender. (names will be published but not address & phone#) Letters should be no more than 300 words. No libelous or offensive letter will be published. The guest column or letter to the editor does not reflect the opinion of this newspaper or its representatives.
The Stevens County Board of County Commissioners met Monday, March 3, 2014 with Pat Hall and Dave Bozone present. Also present were County Counselor Robert Johnson, County Clerk Pam Bensel and RoGlenda Coulter from The Hugoton Hermes. Commissioner James Bell was absent. The following is just an agenda for the morning with a few of the unofficial highlights. Official minutes will be published at a later date. The commissioners’ agenda had only Tony Martin scheduled in for 9:30 a.m. When this reporter arrived at approximately 8:45 the commissioners had already talked with Jan Leonard. He was there to talk about applying for a malt beverage license for Dirtona Raceway. The commissioners talked about seeing pipe strung out on the Barber property and presumed Black Hills got permission to put the gas line along this route instead of needing county right-of-way. Minutes were gone over and corrections suggested. Sheriff Ted Heaton came in to make his big announcement! The suspects in the Moscow Fire back in May have been caught!! This was very exciting news. Too bad James Bell was not present to hear the news. Everyone in the room exclaimed their congratulations to Sheriff Heaton. Warrants are out and both suspects are in custody. Tony Martin came in. He reported he has the road materials in now for summer projects. He will have Kirkham Michael come shoot the access road. Tony told of all the different county entities his department cleared the snow from, hospital, manor, health department, etc. He also added the asphalt plant’s change over is nearly completed. Jim Ghumm came in. He asked for an executive session with the commissioners. Phillip Willis brought in papers for the commissioners to sign. Details were wrapped up, signing checks and approving the minutes, then meeting adjourned. Official Minutes Commissioners Meeting February 18, 2014 The Stevens County Board of County Commissioners met in regular session Monday, February 18, 2014 with all members, James Bell, Pat Hall and Dave Bozone present. Also present were County Counselor Robert Johnson, County Clerk Pam Bensel and RoGlenda Coulter from The Hugoton Hermes. Meeting was called to order. Motion was made and passed to approve the minutes of the last meeting.The county vouchers were approved and the clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts: General .. 68,599.80; Road & Bridge .. 61,424.76; Building .. 3,000.40; Noxious Weed .. 509.99; Insurance Agency .. 140,910.00; Community Health .. 6,441.18; Employee’s P/R Misc W/H .. 77.48 Robert Davis came in to talk about the Airport Board setting up a zoning board for the Airport. Quince Burton with Black Hills Energy asked for an easement to put in a gas line along Road 12 and tie into existing line on Road N (20-33-37). He explained that the Abengoa plant is using more gas than they anticipated so Black Hills is trying to accommodate them. Thea Schnittker brought in three bids for a countertop in the Register of Deeds vault: Harrison Construction – solid surface $2,641.18 or formica $1,525.82; Parman Brothers – white granite $2,450.; Custom Renovations – formica $968.00 or granite - $3,880.00 Motion was made to accept the bid from Parman Brothers in the amount of $2,450 for the granite countertop. Mo-
tion carried. The bill will be taken out of building fund. Tony Martin came in to have commissioners authorize the award contract for Project #106C-0484-01 for the purchase of the qualified asphalt paving edging device for county installation to new or existing pavers. Tony talked about changing road products for road repairs this year. He informed the commissioners he was going to the Southwest Highway Department meeting in Garden City and informed the commissioners he had received the grader back from Murphy Tractor. Tony discussed some of the road projects the Road Department will be working on this summer. Ted Heaton updated the commissioners of the Sheriff’s Department. Motion was made and carried to rescind the motion to allow the 2013 encumbrance letter for the Stevens County Community Health in the amount of $47,300. Motion was made and passed to allow the revised 2013 encumbrance letter for the Stevens County Community Health in the amount of $49,400. Office furnishings – two meeting tables $600, kitchen chairs for dining area (12) $300. Public Transportation Vehicle – County pays 20% $7,000.00 (grant award for vehicle); Replace 2007 Ford Free Star Van and 2006 Ford Taurus both with more than 83,000 miles; 2014 Kia Sedona LX $22,900. trade difference - 1,400.; 2007 Ford Free Star - $21,500.; 2013 Ford Edge Sel $24,000 trade difference - 4,000.; 2006 Ford Taurus $20,000. Motion was made to allow the 2013 revised encumbrance letter for the Stevens County Community Health in the amount of $49,400. Motion carried. Motion was made to accept the two bids from Ghumm Auto for Stevens County Community Health. Motion carried. 2014 Kia Sedona LX $22,900. - trade difference 1,400.00; 2007 Ford Free Star - $21,500; 2013 Ford Edge-Sel Fwd. - $24,000.- trade difference - 4,000.; 2006 Ford Taurus - $20,000. Mike Moriarty-KDOT, Larry Thompson-KDOT District Engineer, Chuck Oldaker-KDOT Area Engineer, Jon Halbgewachs-Sr Vice President Kirkham Michael, Dan Corpening- Hugoton City Council, Dean Banker-City of Hugoton, Neal Gillespie-Economic Development Director, RoGlenda Coulter-Hugoton Hermes, Tony Martin-Stevens County Road Supervisor, Roger Lynch- Stevens County Planning & Zoning Administrator, Wayne Tate-Hugoton City Attorney, Tom Hicks-Hugoton City Clerk, Jack RowdenHugoton City Mayor and Paul Nordyke-Hugoton City Outside Utility Supervisor came in to discuss the Highway 51four lane project on the east side of town. A contract will be signed between KDOT and Stevens County, contingent upon the City of Hugoton approving it, saying that KDOT is paying 100% of the improvements on Highway 51 east of town. The county will pay for all improvements then the State will reimburse the County. Motion was made to accept the contract between KDOT and Stevens County contingent upon the City of Hugoton approving it. Motion carried. Stevens County will administer the Highway Project under KDOT with Kirkham Michael in charge of the project. Teresa Colantonio, with the Moscow Recreation Board, came in to ask for the remaining $50,000. that was given to the Recreation Board for repairs on the swimming pool. The commissioners agreed to disburse the remaining amount of $21,747.44. Meeting adjourned.
The Hugoton Hermes
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Page 5
me! are welco iends. All ages fr r family & Bring you
The Kansas Music Educators’ Association All-State Choir performs at Century II Convention Center in Wichita. Hugoton High School was represented by the talented Takoda Eckert
March 1. The 250 students practiced together for 17 hours over the course of the weekend in preparation for the concert.
State choir Continued from page 1 All-State Choir student was 27. The 1234A Band students averaged 27.275, 56A Band 28.6, and Orchestra 28.9. The average score for
the state was recently released as 21.8, while the national average is 20.9. The data speaks volumes on the importance of fostering a
Arson arrests town folks”. Throughout his investigation, Sheriff Heaton spoke to many of the unsung heroes who helped put out the fire, shelter for those fleeing from their homes, or provided food and drink to workers. The number of witnesses involved in the sheriff’s inves-
strong arts program in the district and calls for a balance to be struck between arts related programs, athletics, and the ever increasing
amount of high school students dropping art electives for college courses.
PUBLIC NOTICE (First published in the Hugoton Hermes, Thursday, March 6, 2014) 1t BEFORE THE STATE CORPORATION COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF KANSAS
Continued from page 1 tigation is staggering, especially when one considers the amount of rumors and hearsay investigators had to sift through to find the truth. Finding the alleged criminals came down to “. . . names and talk and chasing down leads,” according to Sheriff Heaton.
Fortunately for everyone involved, the fire resulted in damage to material goods that could be replaced, and no one was seriously hurt. Also fortunately for the companies involved, Stevens County employs a diligent Sheriff’s Department that
worked with community members over several months to track down the perpetrators of the crime. Hopefully the resolution of the case will warn would-be criminals that Stevens County treasures its residents, and law enforcement will not rest until justice is
Local students earn KU honor roll distinction for fall semester Approximately 4,620 undergraduate students at the University of Kansas earned honor roll distinction for the fall 2013 semester. Students earning distinction are as follows: Christopher Hull of Rolla He is the son of Charles and Jean Hull of Rolla. Hull was named to the honor roll for the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Jace Moore of Moscow - He is the son of Stuart Moore of Moscow. Moore was named to the honor roll for the School
of Pharmacy. Kaitlyn Hemann of Hugoton - She is the daughter of Brian and Stephanie Hemann of Hugoton. Hemann was named to the honor roll for the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Laci Kinser of Hugoton She is the daughter of Trent and Verita Melton, former Hugoton residents. Kinser was named to the honor roll for the School of Pharmacy. Calle French of Hugoton She is the daughter of Jamie and Shelly French of Hugo-
ton. French was named to the honor roll for the School of Nursing. The students, from KU's Lawrence campus and the schools of health professions and nursing in Kansas City, represent 93 of 105 Kansas counties, 45 other states and 40 other countries. The honor roll comprises undergraduates who meet requirements in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and in the schools of allied health; architecture, design and planning; business; educa-
tion; engineering; journalism; music; nursing; pharmacy; and social welfare. Honor roll criteria vary among the university's academic units. Some schools honor the top ten percent of students enrolled, some establish a minimum gradepoint average and others raise the minimum GPA for each year students are in school. Students must complete a minimum number of credit hours to be considered for the honor roll.
Estella has lived in Hugoton for 14 years. She has worked in the dietary department at Pioneer Manor for approximately 18 months. Prior to working at the Manor, she worked at Subway, the library, and Shady Lane Bed & Breakfast. She enjoys cooking for the residents and feels very proud when they compliment her. She enjoys visiting with the staff and residents. She considers them part of her family. Estella is the proud mother of three children, a boy and two girls. Her oldest daughter is expecting her first child. Her son has a boy making her a very proud grandmother. The youngest daughter is 14 years old and keeps her busy with school activities. She feels Hugoton is a very peaceful town and a great place to live. CONGRATULATIONS, ESTELLA!!
Leona has worked at Stevens County Hospital for 19 ½ years in the business office and has been Office Manager for 3 ½ of those years. She graduated high school in Lamar, Co. That is where she met and married Rocky, her husband of 35 years. Their union produced a daughter Kelly and a son Kurtis. Kelly is married to Joe and Kurtis is married to Amanda. Leona is a very proud grandmother to 4-year-old Lane and 10-month-old Konnor. When asked what she likes about Stevens County Hospital, Leona reports she likes the challenge of attempting to keep up with the ever-changing healthcare rules and regulations. She feels in small rural hospitals, the staff knows and cares about the patients on a more personal level than in larger hospitals. Patients, more often than not, feel like a person, not just a number after an experience with Stevens County Hospital. Leona is the oldest of three children. Her parents and family address her as Faye. She likes to read when she has time, do yard work, play volleyball and bowl. She participates in a Liberal bowling league. These are all high on her list of past time activities. CONGRATULATIONS, LEONA!!
ing for the Unitization and Unit Operation of an Alternate Tract Unit pursuant to K.S.A. 55-1301, et seq., and the Basic Integrated Proration Order for the Hugoton Gas Field and Panoma Council Grove Gas Field. The unit area subject to the requested Order is as follows: Section 31-30S-38W (SE/4) Section 32-30S-38W (SW/4) In Grant County, Kansas Section 6-31S-38W (NW/4) Section 1-31S-39W (NE/4) In Stevens County, Kansas. YOU are further notified that unless written protest or request for hearing is received by the State Corporation Commission within 15 days after publication of this Notice, the Application in this matter will be granted pursuant to K.S.A. 77-537 after said 15 day period. Any such protest or request for hearing should be mailed to the State Corporation Commission of the State of Kansas, Conservation Division, 130 S. Market, Room 2078, Wichita, Kansas 67202 and to the Applicant at the address below. All parties in anywise interested or concerned shall take notice of the foregoing and govern themselves accordingly. LINN OPERATING, Inc. BY: Brandon S. Powell Landman Kansas Hugoton Assets 600 Travis, Suite 5100 Houston, TX 77002 (281) 840-4309 bpowell@linnenergy.com
The Hugoton Hermes
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Page 6
Varsity boys finish regular season with win over Lakin
Hi-Plains Lumber 507 S. Main 544-4304
Jeff Ramsey 613 S. Main • 544-4303 • Hugoton
Jordan Air Inc Call Terry at 620-544-4361
A Nursing/Ancillary Resource Company 620-417-5679 Office • 620-544-7629 Fax Ed Stevenson RN • Alicia Stevenson 404 Jayhawk Ct. • Hugoton, KS 67951 www.nurselinkstaffing.com • nursels@pld.com
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K-C Oil Company & Main Street Laundry 218 S. Main St. • 544-4660
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The Eagles traveled to Lakin Friday night to take on the Broncs that ended in another win for the Hugoton team. After the loss Tuesday to Holcomb the Eagles were fired up and out to redeem themselves, and they did just that in a big way. Starting out allowing the Lakin team to score the first points the Eagles kicked in and by the end of the first half Hugoton was up 27 to 18. The Eagles continued to play hard basketball and when that final buzzer sounded it was the Eagles all the way, 52 to 36. Reid Davis jumped against Lakin’s 6’ 3” senior to start the game and despite the Broncs getting the first basket, Davis was the first to score for the Eagles tying the score early in the first quarter. Besides a quick two point basket by Lakin at the beginning the Lakin team only scored twice more on three point field goals. When the first quarter ended four Eagles had scored including a three-point basket by Parker Titus, giving the Hugoton team a 13 to 8 lead. The second quarter started with Kellen Watkins getting on the board first with a basket from under the goal. Jeison Rodriguez quickly
followed with another two point shot before Lakin went to the line where both free throws were missed. With half the quarter gone Lakin had not scored yet and Logan Frederick boosted the score by hitting a three-point field goal. The first half, and especially the second quarter, belonged to the Eagles and at half time Hugoton was ahead by nine. Rodriguez sent the ball in to Ross Davis to start the second half. Lakin was first on the board but Rodriguez was quick to put the Eagles on the board. Rodriguez scored nine points in the game and was instrumental under Lakin’s goal as he prevented them from scoring. Titus kept the Eagles scoring during the game and by the end of the third quarter, he had added his second three-point basket of the night. The quarter ended with Watkins scoring a two-point shot, giving the Eagles a 45 to 31 point lead. The final quarter was the Eagles adding another seven points while holding Lakin to five. The last three minutes was a foul competition with Hugoton going to the line five times to shoot free throws. Lakin was the last to score, hitting a two point basket to
Ross Davis has to get up in the air to pass the ball to another teammate on the other side of the court during varsity basketball action against Lakin Friday. end the game. Sub-State tournament will be played at Goodland with the Eagles playing Friday
night against Goodland. Their game will be at 7:30 p.m. with the winner advancing to play Saturday.
Eagles fall to Holcomb after four quarters of varsity action It wasn’t the way the Eagles had hoped the game would have gone at Holcomb Tuesday night but it happened, a loss - 39 to 66. Hugoton scored 15 points by half time but was already trailing the Longhorns by ten. Then came the third quarter, when Hugoton added 15 points. However, so did Holcomb, keeping the Longhorns on top. The Eagles struggled
in the final quarter and when the game ended the Holcomb had trampled the Eagles by 27 points. Zackery Leininger had a good night adding 12 points and had five rebounds. Yates Sutton was the only other Eagle to reach double digits with ten points. Hugoton had a total of 17 turnovers during this league game.
Eighth grade boys wrap up regular season with an easy victory
Katy Heger goes up for a two-point basket during varsity basketball action Friday in Lakin.
Sports Schedule Thursday, March 6 High Basketball, Sub-State, V Girls @ Goodland; 5:00 p.m. MST Friday, March 7 High Basketball, Sub-State, V Boys @ Goodland; 6:30 MST Saturday, March 8 High Basketball, Sub-State, V Girls @ Goodland; 5:00 p.m. MST High Basketball, Sub-State, V Boys @ Goodland; 6:30 MST
531 S. Jackson Hugoton, KS 67951
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Phone (620) 544-4920 Hugoton, Kansas 67951 Commodity Hauling
Hwy 51 East Hugoton, KS
BROWN-DUPREE OIL CO INC. 1400 S Washington St. 356-3926 or 1-800-682-4143
Member FDIC
Jeison Rodriguez tries to evade the Lakin player for the twopoint basket.
By Tom Hicks The Hugoton Middle School eighth grade boys wrapped up the regular season with an easy, 44-15, victory at Liberal South February 27. The Eagles head into this week’s league tournament at Dodge City with a record of 9-4 overall and 9-3 in league play. HMS took immediate control by scoring the first 11 points in the game at Liberal. By halftime, the contest was essentially over with the Eagles in command, 30-7. The lead ballooned to 29 points, 42-13, by the end of the third quarter. Each team scored only two points in the fourth quarter. Ten points by Paden Cornelsen led a balanced scoring attack. Mitchell Hamlin followed with seven points.
Abraham Betance and Nathan Leininger contributed six points apiece. Luis Contreras and Isaac Sanchez each recorded four points. Damyan Don Juan scored three points. Marcos Baeza and Isai Cabezas added two points apiece. The Hugoton “B” team was leading, 10-9, going into the fourth quarter. HMS allowed ten unanswered points to fall too far behind, 19-10. A pair of free throws by Ivan Villa and a three-pointer by Jalen Rosales was too little, too late, as HMS lost 19-15. Azarael Rodriguez and Villa tied for the HMS scoring lead with four points. Rosales was next with his threepointer. Angel Quezada and Colton Swinney contributed two points apiece.
“Fun to watch” eighth graders even the score with Dodge City Comanche By Tom Hicks “We were fun to watch tonight. When we play like we are capable, we are really fun to watch. The way we can pass the ball, people enjoy watching us play. Everybody passed the ball extremely well. The play where Isaac passed the ball to Damyan and Damyan passed it back to Isaac for the basket, that gave me shivers. That is how the game is meant to be played,” complimented Hugoton Middle School eighth
grade boys‘ basketball coach Lance Cornelsen following Hugoton’s 48-35 victory over Dodge City Comanche February 25 in Hugoton. The win avenged an earlier 44-40 overtime loss in Dodge City. Cornelsen continued, “Defensively, I thought we were outstanding. The one kid got us for some points. But, they only had three other players score. Offensively, the way we shot the three-ball was a little surprising.” The Eagles connected on
four three-pointers. Damyan Don Juan knocked down a pair. Paden Cornelsen and Nathan Leininger also struck from long range. The Eagles displayed the balance in their team, with eight players getting in the scoring column. Don Juan was HMS’s leading scorer with 15 points. Mitchell Hamlin followed with 11 points. Cornelsen scored eight points. Leininger and Isaac Sanchez recorded four points apiece. Isai Cabezas, Luis
Contreras and Rodrigo Sanchez each added two points. The game was actually more lopsided than the final score. HMS led 18-11 at the end of the first quarter and 34-16 at halftime. The Eagles took their largest lead of the game of 20 points, 44-24, on the Isaac Sanchez-to-Don Juan-and-back-to-Sanchez basket to end the third quarter. Hugoton lost the “B” team game, 21-16. Azarael Rodriguez and Rodrigo Sanchez tied for high-point honors with seven points. Marcos Baeza scored two points.
Sports by Reece McDaniels
The Hugoton Hermes
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Lady Eagles break records at Lakin It was an exciting time for the Lady Eagles and their fans Friday night at Lakin. The Hugoton girls ended the first half with a 37 to 17 lead and stretched that score to a 67 to 38 win. That alone had the fans cheering but to add to the sweet win was a school record being broken by Katy Heger. It has been a long time since the old record of 30 points
made by a single player was set back in 1993 by Mindy Casebeer now Cornelsen. Mindy had set the bar that wasn’t broken until Friday night when Katy scored 32 points to beat that old record. “It felt good to break that record,” said Heger in a short telephone interview. “I could not have done it without my teammates especially Amy Scott,” she added. Scott had 12
assists in this game and also broke the record for assists set by Missy Payne. The Lady Eagles showed a lot of heart during the game, helping Heger to break a school record and in the process broke a second record by just being team mates. The Hugoton team had some big numbers by other players that did not set any records but were impressive nonetheless. Melissa Fabela scored 13 points during the game and was the only other Lady Eagle to reach double digits. Amy Scott had five steals, six rebounds and 12 assists for a very impressive night. Ana Pena had a good night with four assists, five deflections and added a free throw in the second quarter. Riley Sosa had five rebounds and scored a three-point basket in the third quarter. Estefani Armendariz had four deflections, three steals and scored six points throughout the game. Heger not only had the most points made but also had six
Riley Sosa guards the Lakin player while Amy Scott gets into position during action Friday.
Bradley Campbell tries to flip his opponent during a recent wrestling match.
Campbell places fifth at State Hugoton High School Wrestler Bradley Campbell traveled to Salina for 4A State Wrestling Friday, February 28 and Saturday, March 1. Bradley Campbell placed fifth at State in the 195 pound division. He was also chosen as Warrior of the Week. Bradley pinned his first round opponent in the first period. Then he lost a heartbreaker to Taylon Lamkin of Wellington in the quarter-finals. He pinned his next opponent then had to wrestle Diego Maravilla of Ulysses to place. “Bradley had wrestled Maravilla five times already this season. Bradley won the first match of the series at the Ulysses Tournament before dropping four in a row to him. Although Bradley had been pinned in those matches he had been winning two of them. So needless to say I was a little nervous before the match Saturday. Turns out I had nothing to worry about, Bradley completely dominated the match, pinning Maravilla in the third period. Unfortunately he lost his next match to the Spring Hill kid, but that put him in a position to exact revenge on Lamkin for fifth. Which Bradley did with a decision,” said coach
Brent Mahan. Bradley went 4 and 2 at the State Tournament, giving him a total of 39 wins on the season, which is now the school record. “The thing that is going to be missed most about Bradley Campbell is his leadership. We had a very inexperienced team this year and will be young again next year, but all those guys coming back had Bradley to look up to all season long and I think Bradley has done an excellent job modeling what it is to be an Hugoton Eagle wrestler,” said Mahan. “The perseverance he showed at the State Tournament is proof enough. To lose a match he probably should have won in the quarterfinals, to then have to wrestle a guy who had beaten you four times in a row by fall, and then to completely dominate that match and place fifth is quite incredible and shows an enormous amount of mental toughness,” concluded coach Mahan.
Sports by Reece McDaniels
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Call 806-268-4677 or 620-544-6915 for a quote
Katy Heger breaks the school record of points made in a single game. Mindy Casebeer set the previous record in 1993. Katy shot for a total of 32 points in Friday’s game. steals and six deflections. Sub-state games are coming up fast, this Thursday to be exact, and the Lady Eagles are first seed, placing them in a good position to win the tournament. The Hugoton girls will travel to Goodland Thursday to compete with their game starting at 6:00 p.m. against Scott Community High School.
Varsity Eagles battle for GWAC championship with Holcomb Every team has an off night but for the Lady Eagles it could not have come at a worse time than Thursday night at Holcomb. The Hugoton girls traveled to Holcomb to hopefully win the GWAC first place title. However the team lost to Holcomb 49 to 69. The finish placed the girls in second place, ending the season with a league record of eight and two. Amy Scott led her team in
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points, adding 13 points to the scoreboard; nine of which were scored in the first half. Katy Heger also scored in double digits with 12, all in the second half. Melissa Fabela shot two three-point field goals during the game as well as a two point shot near the end of the game. She ended Thursday night with eight points and five rebounds. A lot of fuss is often made on points but without rebounders teams often fall short. Ana Pena led her team in rebounds with six rebounds and six points. Estefani Armendariz also had five rebounds, and she and Scott each had three steals and three assists. The Lady Eagles have one last game in the regular season Friday against Lakin. As the record now stands the Hugoton girls have a 16 and 3 overall record.
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The Hugoton Hermes
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Page 8
Ag Wise
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Market Report At the Close Tuesday Brought to you by:
Wheat . . . . . . . . . . . .6.92 Milo . . . . . . . . . . . . .4.59 Corn . . . . . . . . . . . . .4.96 Soybeans . . . . . . . .13.48
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Topdressing Wheat With Nitrogen: Timing, Application Methods, Source, and Rates Some wheat has begun to green up, so this is a good time to start planning for topdressing nitrogen (N) on the winter wheat crop. With fairly small wheat in some fields due to late planting plus concerns over stands, winter survival, and dry soils in some areas, there are several key elements that need to be considered when deciding on the exact program you plan to use. These include: timing, N source, application method and N rate. Ideally, enough N was applied in the fall to meet the needs of the crop through greenup. With poorly developed wheat in particular, having adequate N available to support spring tillering when it breaks dormancy will be important. Some combination of fall preplant or atseeding N and/or early topdressed N is also needed to supply adequate N to support head differentiation a little later in the spring. Feekes 5 is the stage when head size is being determined, and this begins about two weeks before jointing. It’s important the N in topdress applications be moved into the root zone with precipitation well before jointing. The following will discuss some of the issues to consider when making topdressing decisions. Timing The most important factor in getting a good return on topdress N is usually timing. It is critical to get some N on early enough to have the maximum potential impact on yield, by producing adequate numbers of tillers and large heads. While some producers like to wait until spring just prior to jointing to topdress, this can be too late in some years, especially when little or no N was applied in the fall. For the welldrained mediumto fine-textured soils that dominate our wheat acres, the odds of losing much of the N that is topdress-applied in the winter is low since we typically don’t receive enough precipitation over the winter to cause significant denitrification or leaching. For these soils, topdressing can begin
anytime now—and usually the earlier the better. For wheat grown on sandier soils, earlier is not necessarily better for N applications. On these soils, there is a greater chance that N applied in the fall or early winter could leach completely out of the root zone if precipitation is unusually heavy during the winter or early spring. Waiting until closer to spring greenup to make initial topdress N applications on sandier soils, and following that with a second topdressing later will help manage this risk. On poorly drained and/or shallow claypan soils, especially in south central or southeast Kansas, N applied in the fall or early winter would have a significant risk of denitrification N loss. Waiting until closer to spring greenup to make topdress N applications on these soils will help minimize the potential for this N loss. This is another situation where a split N application could reduce loss. However, getting this accomplished on poorly drained soils can be difficult. Also, keep in mind that N should not be applied to the soil surface when the ground is deeply frozen and especially when snow covered. This will help prevent runoff losses with snow melt or heavy precipitation. Application Method Most topdressing is broadcast applied. In high-residue situations, this can result in some immobilization of N, especially where liquid UAN is uniformly distributed across the soil surface—as when N is combined with a herbicide application. If no herbicides are applied with the N, producers can get some benefit from applying the N in a dribble band spaced no wider than 15- to 18-inches. This can help avoid immobilization and may provide for a more consistent crop response. Source The typical sources of N used for topdressing wheat are UAN solution and dry urea. Numerous trials by KState over the years have shown that both are equally effective. In no-till situations, there may be some slight advantage to applying dry urea since it falls to the soil surface and may be less affected by immobilization than uniformly broadcast liquid UAN,
which tends to get hung up on surface residues. Dribble (surface band) UAN applications would avoid much of this tie-up on surface crop residues as well. But if producers plan to tank-mix with a herbicide, they’ll have to use liquid UAN and broadcast it. Some of the new controlled-release products such as polyurethane coated urea (ESN) might be considered on very sandy soils prone to leaching, or poorly drained soils prone to denitrification. Generally a 50:50 blend of standard urea and the coated urea—which will provide some N immediately to support tillering and head development and also continue to release some N in later stages of development—works best in settings with high loss potential. This approach can be an alternative to split topdress applications, especially on heavier textured, poorly drained soils where trafficability can be an issue. Rate Producers should have started the season with a certain N recommendation in hand, ideally based on a profile N soil test done before the crop is planted and before any N has been applied. If
some N has already been applied to the wheat crop, it is too late to use the profile N soil test since it is not reliable in measuring recently applied N. Topdressing should complement or supplement the N applied in the fall, with the total application amount equaling that targeted rate. One excellent way to finetune N topdress rates is with the use of sensors. Extensive research in Kansas for topdressing wheat resulted in the development of N rate calculators using input from NDVI sensors. More information on the use of these spreadsheets can be found at the K-State Soil Testing Laboratory web site. One other note: If the wheat was grazed this fall and winter, producers should add an additional 30-40 pounds N/acre for every 100 pounds of beef weight gain removed from the field. If conditions are favorable for heavy fall and/or spring grazing, additional N maybe necessary, especially for a grain crop. —Dorivar Ruiz Diaz, Nutrient Management Specialist —Dave Mengel, Soil Fertility Specialist
PUBLIC NOTICE (First published in the Hugoton Hermes, Thursday, February 27, 2014) 3t
County of Stevens, State of Kansas, to-wit:
Plaintiff, vs. BETTY L. PARKS AKA BETTY PARKS, ET AL., Defendants. Case No. 13 CV 22 Title to Real Estate Involved
(“Property”) said real property is levied upon as the property of Defendant Betty L. Parks and all other alleged owners and will be sold without appraisal to satisfy said Order of Sale.
NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that under and by virtue of an Order of Sale issued by the Clerk of the District Court of Stevens County, Kansas, in the case above numbered, wherein the parties above named were respectively plaintiff and Defendants, and to me, the undersigned Sheriff of Stevens County, Kansas, directed, I will offer for sale at public auction and sell to the highest bidder for cash in hand at the front steps of the Stevens County Courthouse, 200 E. 6th St. in Hugoton, Kansas on March 21, 2014, at 10:00 AM of said day, the following described real estate situated in the
_____________________________ STEVENS COUNTY SHERIFF Submitted by: MARTIN, LEIGH, LAWS & FRITZLEN, P.C. _____________________________ KS #20570 Beverly M. Weber Dustin J. Stiles KS #25152 bmw@mllfpc.com djs@mllfpc.com ATTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFF MARTIN, LEIGH, LAWS & FRITZLEN, P.C. IS ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE.
Agriculture Corner FSA - NRCS SCCD
544-2261 USDA is an equal opportunity employer and provider
Soil Moisture Probe Cost Share Available NRCS is accepting applications through the EQIP Ogallala Aquifer Initiative that will include practices such as conversion to dryland payments, replacing inefficient gravity irrigation systems and irrigation water management. Soil moisture probes are also an available practice for the first time. Applications are accepted on a continuous basis; however, to be considered for FY2014 funds, the application cutoff date is March 21, 2014. For more information contact your local USDA Service Center at 620-544-2261 or visit the Kansas NRCS Web page at www.ks.nrcs. usda.gov. Follow us on Twitter @NRCS_Kansas. USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
Water and the Future of Southwest Kansas SW KS Groundwater Management District #3 39th Annual Meeting March 12, 2014 Grant County Civic Center Auditorium Fairgrounds Ulysses, KS Meeting starts at 9:00 a.m. Lunch served at Noon Candidates for election to GMD3 Board: Grant Co. Stanton Co. Hamilton Co. Haskell Co.
Present Officer Clay Scott Seth Nelson Ross Geubelle Nathan Kells
Municipal (At-Large) Alan Schweitzer
Nominations Clay Scott Seth Nelson Ross Geubelle Darcy Alexander & Brett Rooney Alan Schweitzer
A recommendation vote will be taken to close SW Kansas to a new appropriation of water from the High Plains Aquifer. All members (cities, industry, water users) seeking to participate in a district vote and not in county records as principal owner of parcels greater than 40 acres in size must be pre-registered with the District Office by 5:00 p.m., March 8, 2013 Industry booth space and sponsorship available Voter registration forms are on our website www.gmd3.org For additional information call: (620) 275-7147
Weaver selected RMAC Freshman of the Year Two days after leading Colorado School of Mines men's track and field to fourth place at the 2014 RMAC Indoor Track & Field Championships, Patrick Weaver was recognized as the Freshman of the Year by the conference office Tuesday. Weaver posted two NCAA provisional times in the 800 meter, taking third in the final and earning Second Team AllRMAC honors Saturday in 1:56.52. He ran the second leg of the 4x400 meter clinching the program's first title in the event since 2009 with a provisional and High Altitude Training Center record time of 3:17.70. The Hugoton native became the first Oredigger to automatically qualify for the NCAA Championships, winning the 800 meter at the Joe Davies Open February 22 with the number two converted time in Division II of 1:50.41 (1:52.08) – fastest among all underclassmen. His personal record was 0.14 seconds off the Steinhauer Fieldhouse record, set by Nick Lara of Adams State in 2007, and bettered Carson Aberle of UC-Colorado Springs and teammate Garrett Hoch, who posted the number five and number eight times, respectively. Weaver also keyed Mines to
the number five time nationally and an RMAC-best of 3:15.92 (3:17.43) in the 4x400 meter to earn the indoor season's finale RMAC Track Athlete of the Week award. Weaver has ranked in the top three in 12 of 13 events this season, owning six wins, seven individual qualifying standards and four provisional times in the relays. He is the second Oredigger
to receive the yearly award since its inception in 2000 and first since 12-time All-American Mack McLain took home the honor in 2009. [Weaver was named Mines Student-Athlete of the Week in early February. He is the son of Jeff Weaver and Kathy Weaver.] Used by permission from Colorado School of Mines Athletics.
Patrick Weaver has been selected Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference (RMAC) Freshman of the Year. Last week he was named RMAC Track Athlete of the Week. Photo courtesy of Colorado School of Mines Athletics.
interview for the Presidential Scholarship. Of those interviewed, two students were awarded a $20,000 per year scholarship, an $80,000 scholarship over four years. Each Presidential finalist received a four-year renewable scholarship. Recipients are Jack Ayres,
Mary Nabhan
As of February 25, 2014 Hugoton Welding will no longer be in Business. Thank you for your support and business the past years. Bemon Chastine
Overland Park, Blue Valley Southwest High School; and Mary Abounabhan from Zahle, Lebanon. The Presidential Scholarship is the largest and most selective scholarship award made by Kansas State University. It seeks to recognize students who have been truly outstanding, both academically and as student leaders, during their high school career. "K-State takes great pride in being able to recognize outstanding students from Kansas and beyond who are making a significant impact in their high schools and communities. I am confident these students will become great KStaters and I look forward to welcoming them to our K-State family," said Kirk Schulz, university president. "These student achievers also are important for K-State's goal of becoming a Top 50 public research university by 2025." "The selection of these incredible students was extremely difficult and rewarding. It is through President Schulz's vision and the generous support of our alumni that this scholarship is possible. Given what these winners and finalists have already accomplished, the future of K-State and our nation will be in good hands," said Pat Bosco, university vice president for student life and dean of students. The Presidential Scholarship is made possible by the support of Kansas State University alumni Mike and Becky Goss and Mark A. Chapman. [Mary is the daughter of Michael Abou Nabhan and the former Shelley R. Timmons of Lebanon and granddaughter of Paul and Doris Timmons of Hugoton.] Used by permission from Kansas State University.
Find The Hermes on Facebook! facebook.com/ thehugotonhermes
Thursday, March 6, 2014
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Soldiers get sweet surprise through Girl Scout cookie share program Kind Kansans who continue to buy cookies through the Girl Scout Cookie Share Program are helping ensure Kansas soldiers deployed overseas get a sweet surprise from home. More than 100 packages of Girl Scout cookies are now on their way to the 601st Aviation Support Battalion in Afghanistan, thanks to the $500 raised for the Cookie Share Program during a Cookie Share drive hosted February 22 by the Girl Scouts of Kansas Heartland and the Military Affairs Council in Salina. Through the Cookie Share Program, Kansans’ cookie purchases support not only Girl Scouts but also military
Two high school seniors earn state’s largest scholarship award Kansas State University has awarded Presidential Scholarships, the largest award in the state, to two high school seniors. The scholarship competition was January 27. The university received 200 applications, and a selection committee chose seven student finalists to
The Hugoton Hermes
STEVENS COUNTY SENIOR ACTIVITY CENTER Shila Moore, Director 544-2283 - Activities 544-8041 - Meals 624 S. Main, Hugoton This weekend will be a busy time here at the Senior Activity Center. Saturday morning, March 8, at 8:30 a.m. is our Sew All Day activity. Then that evening at 6:00 p.m. will be Cards and Games. Our dance is from 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. with music provided by Craig Stevens. All ages are welcome to join us for our activities. I’ll have the Life Story workshops March 5 and March 19 at 9:00 a.m. for those of you who would like to get started writing your life story. We’ve had a few sign up for our Dinner Theater trip to Cowtown in Wichita to watch the performance of the Diamond W Wranglers. There’s still space for more people but you need to sign up soon. We leave Friday, April 11, and return the next day. If you are interested, please call me at the Senior Activity Center. At 11:50 a.m. March 6 and March 11, representatives from Stevens County Health Department will be presenting on two different topics. Thursday, March 6, the presentation will concern self-management of chronic diseases. Then Tuesday, March 11, information will be presented about the Kansas Food Bank and how to qualify for that service. The Southwest Kansas Area Agency on Aging has two Certified Marketplace Navigators who can assist community members with Affordable Health Care. If you have questions and need help, please call 620-225-8230 and ask for Lyn Weatherhead or Lyle Dotson. If you have questions concerning caregiving, legal matters, disability, health insurance, housing, etc., please call Michael Johnston at the same phone number. Menu Mar. 6 ............Smothered Steak Mar. 7.............................Brisket Mar. 10.......................Spaghetti Mar. 11.............................B.L.T. Mar. 12.............Birthday Dinner .............................Roast Beef Mar. 13.......................Pork Loin Activities Thursday, March 6 Bridge.......................12:30 p.m. Friday, March 7 Bingo........................12:30 p.m. Saturday, March 8 Sew All Day................................ Cards & Games .........6:00 p.m. Dance.........................7:00 p.m. with Craig Stevens Monday, March 10 Line Dancing..............7:00 p.m. Tuesday, March 11 Bridge.......................12:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 12 Birthday Day Paint...........................1:00 p.m. Thursday, March 13 Bridge.......................12:30 p.m. Daily – Monday thru Friday Exercise....................10:30 a.m.
members and their families, local food pantries and charities. Agencies benefitting from the Cookie Shares also include McConnell Air Force Base, the Kansas National Guard, the Kansas Food Bank and Catholic Charities. “The Cookie Share Program provides a unique opportunity for the public to show their gratitude to past and present service members and their families who need our continual support before, during and after deployment,” said Rachel Hinde, director of communications and military affairs for the Salina Area Chamber of Commerce. Hinde is coordinating delivery of Girl Scout Cookies to the Fort Riley soldiers in Afghanistan, along with local service members and their families. She also plans to deliver Girl Scout Cookies to the families of the 601st Aviation Support Battalion at Fort
Riley who are waiting for their loved ones to return home. Salina schoolchildren are writing letters of appreciation to soldiers to be included with the cookie packages. The Girl Scouts of Kansas Heartland has distributed more than 62,300 packages of cookies through the Cookie Share Program since its inception in 2010, with more than half going to military members and their families. Last year, more than 15,700 cookie packages purchased through the Cookie Share Program were distributed by the Girl Scouts of Kansas Heartland. The 2014 Girl Scout Cookie Sale ends March 9, so Kansans still have time to support Girl Scouts, the military and local charities through the Cookie Share Program. Cookie packages purchased through the Cookie Share Program are tax-deductible.
Sip & Sample Baker Arts Center’s Wine Tasting Saturday, March 8th 2014 6:00 p.m. Members -$20, Nonmembers- $25 Must be at least 21 Wines to Taste * Door Prizes Silent Auction 624 N. Pershing, Liberal , KS
Sponsored by: Rafter J Liquor and Glazer’s Distributors
Located within Stevens County Hospital 1006 S. Jackson Hugoton, KS 67951 • Free in Town Delivery! • Friendly “Hometown” Service • Accept Major Insurance Plans • Open Saturdays! Open Monday - Friday: 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Closed 1:00pm to 1:30 p.m. for lunch
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Most gas furnaces have one speed. High. Trane’s XV 80, on the other hand, has a two-stage gas valve and a variable speed blower. Under most conditions it runs at low speed, maintaining a delightfully even level of warmth in your home. At either speed it’s remarkably quiet. And, with over 80% efficiency, extremely economical. Now how can you turn down a furnace like that?
519 S. Jackson - Across From The Post Office- Hugoton, Ks. Accepting
The Hugoton Hermes
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Page 2B
Rolla News By Phoebe Brummett
Thursday, March 6 High School Basketball, Sub-State at Home; Games begin at 6:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Friday, March 7 In-Service - NO SCHOOL High School Basketball, Sub-State at Home; Games begin at 6:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Saturday, March 8 High School Basketball, Sub-State at Home; Games begin at 6:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Sunday, March 9 High School Golf Fundraiser Dinner at Rolla
High School; 11:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. Monday, March 10 Junior High Scholars’ Bowl at Rolla; 4:00 p.m. Board of Education Meeting; 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 12 NHS/Stuco Blood Drive; 9:00 a.m - 3:00 p.m. Rolla Red Board Meeting; 6:00 p.m. High School State Basketball Thursday, March 13 NHS Inductions (Commons Area); 7:00 p.m. Friday, March 14 ARGH
Golf team plans fundraiser Sunday, March 9, will be a fundraiser at the Rolla High School for the golf team. The team will begin serving lunch
at 11:00 a.m. and will continue to serve until 1:00 p.m. It will be a free will donation. Thanks for your support!
Rolla Doctors Office 415 Washington St., Rolla, KS 620-593-4242 Office Hours 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday to Friday Dominador Perido, M.D. General Surgery Office Hours 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon Monday
Steven Samii, MD, MHA Office Hours 1:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Tuesday
Manuel Caga-anan, M.D. Internal Medicine Office Hours 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon Thursday
Haley McCammon, PA-C Office Hours 9:00 to 12:00 noon Friday
Supported and Sponsored by Morton County Health System Elkhart, KS
R olla s ch ool scientists head to State Rolla has some impressive science fair participants and now more of southwest Kansas knows it. Rolla took 21 students to the Regional Science Fair in Liberal Saturday, March 1, and brought home 16 State qualifiers. The State competition will be in April in Wichita. Representing Mrs. Kim Clark's fourth grade class were Chaseton Wasson and Gavin LaRue. Gavin won $300 for being the overall winner in the fourth-eighth grade division. Melanie Norton, Aspen Sohm, Michele Rodriguez and Audra Langley represented Mrs. Dawn Long's fifth grade students. Lena Martens and Ethan Garcia also represented Mrs. Long's class, but did not qualify for the State competition. Mrs. Sherry Pinkley's kindergarten and Mrs. Sylvia Villa's preschool classes represented Rolla in the elementary categories and received gold or first place for their boards. Sixth grade students who presented and qualified for State are Alexandra Hart and Maria Kroeker while Alex Hernandez presented but did not qualify for State. Eighth grade students were Angelina Fosdick, Vanessa Reza, Deserae Schwindt, Alexis Fisher and Paige Claassen. High school students who qualified for State were sophomore Garry Norton, junior Jordan Schwindt and senior Garrett Littlefield. Also participating but not qualifying for State were freshman Johnathan Madison and junior Tori Simmons. Congratulations to all the participants and good luck to the State qualifiers competing April 4 and 5 in Wichita! Congratulations and thank you to the teachers, including Mrs. Zeta Greene and Mrs. Kris Hall for their hard work in making this event an annual trip!
RJHS scholars take second at Hugoton
Regional Science Fair winners at SCCC include, back row, left to right, Garrett Littlefield, Jordan Schwindt, Deserae Schwindt and Paige Claassen. In front are Alexandra Hart, Maria Kroeker,
Melanie Norton, Alexis Fisher, Michele Rodriguez, Vanessa Reza, Aspen Sohm, Angelina Fosdick, Audra Langley, Chaseton Wasson and Gavin LaRue. Not pictured is Garry Norton.
RHS girls basketball team includes, back row, left to right, Teagan Simmons, Katie Murray, Coach Megan Taylor, Coach Andy Pinkley,
Sarah Easterwood and Jessica Pinkley. In front are Katy Howe, Karly Clinesmith, Janelle King and Kaleigh Barrett.
RHS girls just keep winning The Rolla High School girls’ basketball team has continued their winning streak, beating Elkhart’s Wildcats Monday, February 24 at Rolla, beating Syracuse
at Syracuse Tuesday, February 25 and finally winning against Deerfield Friday, February 28 at Deerfield. The team is pictured with their coaches before the game at
Deerfield Friday. Coach Andy Pinkley sports a bow tie due to a bet he lost with the girls. Congratulations to the girls! Keep it up!
Lady Pirates honored by MaxPreps Rolla’s girls’ basketball players of the games have been selected for various games during the 2013-2014 season. MaxPreps.com selected junior Katie Murray as the December 13 and January 17 “player of the game”.
Freshman Teagan Simmons was chosen for the January 30 “player of the game”. Senior Karly Clinesmith was chosen as the February 24 “player of the game”. Senior Kaleigh Barrett was chosen as the “player of the game” for
the January 21, February 8, February 13, and February 25 games. Congratulations to the girls! Kaleigh was also chosen by the Prep2prep.com Web site for the Dean’s List at both the Moscow and Ingalls games. Way to go, team!
The winning tradition for Rolla Scholars’ Bowl seems to be continuing! The junior high team traveled to Hugoton February 24 to compete in the scholars’ bowl meet. The varsity team, consisting of members Raegan Hinds, Allyson Norton, Paige Claassen, Henry Wiebe, Carson Milburn and Deserae Schwindt won second place. Coaches Holly Denton and Mary Courtney are very pleased with the results their junior high teams have demonstrated.
No school or ARGH Friday Friday, March 7, will be a no school, no ARGH day for Rolla. The teachers will be having inservice that day. Please don’t send your child to school this Friday!
Junior High Scholars’ Bowl members Raegen Hinds, Allyson Norton, Paige Claassen, De-
serae Schwindt, Henry Wiebe and Carson Milburn show off their medals.
Quilt added yearly to RJHS display Every January brings a new quilt to a collection that began about ten years ago. Every year, January is Kansas History Month for Rolla’s junior high. For the past ten years, Rachel Dunn has taken the quilt blocks made by the students in either the sixth or eighth grades (sometimes both) and made a quilt, celebrating Kansas’s birthday. The collection has grown quite large and is displayed in the
school’s multipurpose room for everyone’s enjoyment. Rachel, a paraprofessional who lives outside Richfield with her husband, Sam, and her granddaughter, Samantha, enjoys quilting and has taken time out every year to preserve the tradition for the middle school. Take time soon and check out these unique quilts. All of Rachel’s hard work and dedication to this project is very much appreciated!
Rachel Dunn’s creations are displayed in Rolla school’s multipurpose room. A quilt is added every January in honor of Kansas’s birthday January 29.
The Hugoton Hermes
Moscow News by Sara Cross
Wednesday, March 5 School will be dismissed at 2:30 p.m. for junior high scholars' bowl. Scholars’ Bowl, Here, 3:00 Thursday, March 6 HS Boys BB Sub-State at Rolla, TBA Friday, March 7 HS Girls BB Sub-State at Rolla, TBA
Saturday, March 8 Girls’ and Boys’ Sub-State BB Finals at Rolla
Alexis Manriquez tries to block the ball while a teammate gets into position.
Thursday, March 6, 2014
History From The Hermes
Sniff out a bargain in the Classifieds!
Compiled by Ruthie Winget Thursday, March 5, 2009 Jesse Medina was honored by the Hugoton Recreation Commission at the game this week. They presented him with the Outstanding Service Award. Jesse has been involved in HRC activities since 1980. He has coached Little League baseball teams, refereed football games, umpired baseball games and officiated at youth wrestlng tournaments throughout the years. Thursday, March 4, 2004 Stevens County Conservation along with Kansas Bankers Association presented awards at their annual banquet. Jeff and Vicky Newlon won the Soil Conservation Award. Sid and Sheila Burrows were selected for the Grasslands Award. Davis and Terri May of Moscow were presented the Windbreak Award. Thursday, March 10, 1994 Stevens County 4-H’ers took first place in both the junior and senior divisions of the Regional Consumer Education judging contest. Duane Baughman placed first in the junior division and Detra Wolters was the top scorer in the senior division. There were 48 participants in the contest. Thursday, March 8, 1984 Christy Leonard on the Hugoton FFA has received the degree of State Farmer. This degree is won by leadership, scholarship, recordkeeping and occupational experience. Leonard is one of sixteen to receive the degree out
of 550 FFA members. Thursday, March 14, 1974 George Burrows was appointed by the governor to complete the year as County Commissioner. The position was left vacant upon the death of Howard Drew. Thursday, March 12, 1964 Three senior Girl Scouts were presented the God and Community Award. Shirley DeCamp, Rose Mary Moon and Martha Carpenter achieved this high honor. Rev. James Holdredge presented the girls their awards at the Hugoton United Methodist Church. Thursday, March 11, 1954 Santa Fe Railroad has cut train freight service to three days a week due to low revenue. Trains will go west Monday, Wednesday and Friday and go east Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. There will be no service Sundays. Daily service will be started again when revenue increases. Friday, March 3, 1944 H.E. Mueller, who has been operating a dairy at Hugoton the past few years, is quitting business. He plans to sell his fifty head of registered and high grade milk cows by holding a public sale this week. If any readers have pictures or memories for the history page of the Hermes, please bring them in to Ruthie Winget at The Hugoton Hermes.
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Brice Valdez goes up trying for the shot during Sub-State action at Rolla Monday evening.
Brock Brazael dribbles the ball down court to set up the next play during Sub-State at Rolla.
The Little Gift Shop In The Corner Stevens County Hospital Auxiliary
Unique gifts for Any Occasion, Anniversaries and Birthdays Hours are 9 to 12 and 1 to 4 Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday. Sponsored by Stevens County Hospital
PUBLIC NOTICE (First published in the Hugoton Hermes, Thursday, March 6, 2014) 1t BEFORE THE STATE CORPORATION COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF KANSAS NOTICE OF FILING APPLICATION RE: Palmer Oil inc.----------.-- Application for the order to permit Injection Of salt water Into the UPC #23-6 Located in The SW-SE-NE-SW Sec:2332S-37W, Stevens Co. Ks. To: All oil and Gas Producers, Unleased Mineral Interest Owners, Landowners, and all persons whoever concerned. You and each of you, are hereby notified the Palmer Oil Inc. has filed application to commence the injection of salt water into the St.Louis Formation at the UPC #23-6 Located in the SW-SE-NE-SW Sec:23-32S-37W, Stevens County, Ks, with a maximum Operating pressure of 500#, and a maximum Disposal Rate of 2000 BPD.
Any persons who object to or protest this application shall be required to file their objections with the Conservation Division of the State Corporation Commission of the State of Kansas within 15 days from the date of the publication. These protests shall be filed pursuant to Commission regulations and must state specific reasons why the grant of the application may cause waste, violate correlative rights or pollute the natural resources of the state of Kansas. If no protests are received, this application may be granted though a summary proceeding. If valid protests are received, this matter will be set for hearing. All persons interested or concerned shall take notice of the foregoing and shall govern themselves accordingly. Jody L. Smith Name of person signing Palmer Oil Inc.. P.O.Box 399 Garden City Ks. 67846 620-275-2963
Jerry Stutzman, Broker, Licensed in Kansas & Oklahoma - GRI, MLS
PRIVATE AUCTIONS 160 Acres Farm Ground Texas County, Oklahoma Bid by March 11, 2014 135 Acres – Farm, Grass, Large Manufactured Home 2367 Road 20 Seward County, Kansas Bid by March 18, 2014 Jerry Stutzman, Broker — 353-9411
“If it’s important to you, it’s important to us.”
Stevens County Hospital
Specialty Clinics The forensics students are part of the team that again brought the league championship to Hugoton. In the front row (from left to right) are Stephanie Mills, Sherry McCurry, Tracy Thurow, Denise Lambert, Kristina Hittle, Juli Kramer, Tawni Stegman, Linda Grant and Cheryl Keith. In the back row are Scott Woolverton, Leslie Topliss, Lora Trentham, Crystal Bryant, Rob Wilson, Cyndi Porter, Mike Metcalf and Tina Littrell. Sheri Walkemeyer was not pictured. From the March 8, 1984 issue of The Hugoton Hermes.
Beta Sigma Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma awards Alyx Ellsaesser the 2014 Scholarship The March meeting of the Beta Sigma Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma was in Elkhart Monday, March 3, at the Elkhart Middle School Library at 7:00 p.m. Eudon Dutton, president, called the meeting to order. Janie Shelden, secretary, called the roll with eight members and one guest answering with “Who will win the NCAA tournament?” Eudon read a devotion entitled, “The World Is Mine”. For World Fellowship, Alice Conner asked each member to put in ten cents for each team that they are for in the Top 16. For Key Polish, Retta Eiland passed out a sheet entitled, “What is Your ROI?” (Return on Investment). Janie read the minutes of the December meeting. Teresa Smith, treasurer, gave a report about the scholarship money from the Half and Half jars. Diane Finn read a scholarship application from Stevens County. No applications were received from Morton County. Alyx Ellsaesser of Hugoton will receive the 2014 Scholarship from Beta Sigma. Sue Meek read a new membership application from Pamela Sue Graham. Pamela will be a new member. She teaches Seventh and Eighth Language Arts and Spanish in Elkhart. Beta Sigma plans to sell cinnamon rolls with juice or water to the bikers participating in Biking Across Kansas June 7 as they pass through Hugoton from Elkhart. Retta Eiland’s name was drawn for a DKG apron. Pamela Graham’s name was drawn for an Amazon Book Gift Card. Alice Conner’s name was drawn for a DKG Car Tag. Janie Shelden’s name was drawn for a DKG Hand Towel.
Hostesses for the evening were Diane Finn and Teresa Smith. A St. Patricks Day theme was carried out with a beautiful cake, lime sherbet punch, mints and rainbow Skittles. Each member also received a little pot of gold filled with candy. The program for the evening was an interesting book discussion on the book, “A Pearl in the Storm” by Tori Murden McClure. The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m. The next meeting will be a salad supper in Elkhart April 7. Members attending were Alice Conner, Eudon Dutton, Retta Eiland, Diane Finn, Pamela Graham, Dot Leiker, Sue Meek, Janie Shelden, and Teresa Smith.
Scheduled for March 2014 Dr. Plomaritis Dr. Farhoud Michelle Gooch Dr. Frankum Dr. Ansari Dr. Brown Dr. Plomaritis Dr. Hu Michelle Gooch Dr. Frankum Dr. Ansari Dr. Plomaritis
Orthopedics Cardiology Dietician General Surgeon Orthopedics Podiatry Orthopedics Ear, Nose, Throat Dietician General Surgeon Orthopedics Orthopedics
Mon. Tue. Thu. Fri. Mon. Thu. Mon. Wed. Thu. Fri. Mon. Mon.
3/3 3/4 3/6 3/7 3/10 3/13 3/17 3/19 3/20 3/21 3/24 3/31
For appointments with: Dr. Ansari 624-6222; Dr. Brown 544-8339; Dr. Farhoud 1-855-969-8900; Dr. Plomaritis 275-3030; Michelle Lock-Gooch 544-8339; Dr.Frankum 544-8339 Dr. Hu 227-1148 For all other appointments please call 544-8339 or 544-6160.
Flu shots are available in the Specialty Clinic.
Northridge 8
Southgate 6
Sequoyah 8
Guymon, Okla www.northridge8.com
Liberal, Kansas www.southgate6.com
Garden City, Kansas www.sequoyah8.com
The Hugoton Hermes
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Page 4B
Now Hiring
TRANSPORT & BOBTAIL DRIVERS WANTED for very progressive, family-oriented company. Benefit package includes uniforms, health insurance, paid vacation and sick leave. Competitive pay based on experience. Clean CDL required. Applicant must pass physical, drug screen and back exam.
Apply in person at: Lathem Water Service Hwy 25 S, Ulysses, KS Or call 620-356-3422
8 Officers Needed
Officers - $10-$12/hour Lead Officers - $11-$13/hour
Help us provide dignity in life for our elderly
Call 866-840-2066 Ask for Carl
HI-PLAINS LUMBER Now accepting applications for Full-Time or Part-Time Employee. Successful candidate will be reliable, dependable, self motivated, detail oriented and a team player. Must be neat, clean and presentable to the public. Must be able to lift. Must be able to pass drug & alcohol test and have good references. Benefits include Blue Cross/Blue Shield health insurance.
We’re looking for top-notch RNs and LPNs to join our team. You’ll enjoy benefits such as: up to $3,000 sign-on bonus, competitive wages, $2 evening & $3 night & weekend differential, 401(k), continuing education reimbursement
Join us at Wheatridge Park Care Center if you are truly interested in others’ lives. Join to give the care you’ve wanted to give in a setting that fosters quality. Join to enjoy a warm, family-oriented workplace in an inviting home-like facility.
1501 S. Holly Drive, Liberal, Ks. 67901 620-624-0130 • 620-624-0144 www.wheatridgepark.com
No Experience Needed - We Will Train You! Located IN Hugoton
Apply in person or Send Resume to Hi-Plains Lumber 507 S. Main Hugoton
Now taking applications for Detail Person Starting pay commensurate with experience. SALARY PLUS COMMISSION. Paid Holidays, Paid Sick Leave, Medical Insurance, Retirement, and Uniforms. Will train right person with good attitude.
Solution to February 27, 2014 puzzle
Job Opportunity as a Salesperson Available!
Contact Alvin Riley
Are you:
1034 S. Main Hugoton, Kansas 620-544-4363
Enthusiastic and Energetic? Career Oriented? Willing to grow and open to change within a company? Hardworking? Punctual? Dependable?
Now taking applications for Service Manager Starting pay commensurate with experience. SALARY PLUS COMMISSION. Paid Holidays, Paid Sick Leave, Medical Insurance, Retirement, and Uniforms. SIGN-ON BONUS IF ASE CERTIFIED AND/OR GM TRAINING. HELP US EXPAND OUR GROWING SERVICE BUSINESS. Will train right person with good attitude. Contact Alvin Riley
RILEY CHEVROLET BUICK 1034 S. Main Hugoton, Kansas 620-544-4363
If so, then we want YOU to be the salesperson on our team! Pay will be salary and commission based, with health and dental benefits. We also provide paid vacations and holidays with flexible time off.
Stop by our office or e-mail to apply Ghumm’s Auto Center 531 S. Jackson, Hugoton, Ks. 67951 bregac@pld.com
2c9 (2c9)
We’re Hiring!!
Prior automotive experience required or trade school ASE Certification preferred Ability to read and comprehend instructions Professional appearance and work ethics Must have own tools Valid driver’s license
Starting Wages: $24/hr Benefits Include: Blue Cross/Blue Shield Health Insurance, plus dental; paid vacations and holidays with flexible time off
Come in to apply or email: Ghumm’s Auto Center 531 S. Jackson Hugoton, Ks. 67951 bregac@pld.com
CURRENT OPENINGS at Stevens County Healthcare
Human Resources at 620-544-6141 for more information regarding any openings. Applications may be obtained at Stevens County Hospital Information Desk,
Please contact
located next to the Medical Clinic.
Resumes may be emailed to dporter@svcohosp-pm.org.
The Hugoton Hermes
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Page 5B
HELP WANTED Position Available at USD 217 Rolla Schools
Paraprofessional/Teaching Assistant At Risk Job Title: Paraprofessional/Teaching Assistant for Junior/Senior High School Term: 2014-2015 School Year, 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. M-Th Salary: Based on Experience Qualifications: (1) High School Diploma (2) College Hours Desirable Deadline for Applications: March 13, 2014 Applications can be picked up at USD 217 District Office 204 Van Buren Rolla, Ks. 67954 620-593-4344 • Fax: 620-593-4250 Email: sbarrett@usd217.org
KANSAS DAIRY INGREDIENTS is seeking a Process Control candidate to be responsible for activities related to the servicing and upkeep of electrical systems and controls automation equipment in dairy processing facility. Overall, the candidate must have the proficiency to maintain, troubleshoot, install, repair, and/or calibrate electrical, electric-mecanical, and electronic devices/instrumentation as part of several, independent PLC-controlled control systems. Salary based on position, education, qualifications and experience. This position is full time with a benefit package that includes employer provided medical insurance, holidays, vacation and sick leave. For an application or job description, please contact Judy Parsons, Plant Administrator, at 620-453-1034, email resume to jparsons@kansasdairyingredients.com or send resume/application to Kansas Dairy Ingredients PO Box 428 Hugoton, Ks. 67951.
FOR SALE FOR SALE: Two upright freezers: 5.0 cu. ft. and 7.5 cu. ft. Like new. 620-544-8442. (tfc3)
--------------FOR SALE: Bermuda grass hay, rounds and small bales. Call 620-544-6652. (8p5) --------------FOR SALE: Livestock equipment: posts, wire, tanks, round bale feeder, truck & trailer, calf cradle, cattle chute, bail mailer. Larry Raney - 620-544-1814. (tfc51)
--------------FOR SALE: Hugoton Girl Scouts will be selling cookies until March 9. Get them while they last! $3.50 per box & 8 different varieties. Call 620-428-1814. (1c10) ---------------
112 S. Main • 620-356-5808 • Ulysses www.faulknerrealestate.com Se Habla Espanol-356-5808
1155 Road 25, Rolla - Beautiful Brick, 4 bed/3 bath, att garage, horse barn, equip shop, detach garage, feeding facility, all on 510 W. 8th Street- 3 bed/2 b, cen H/A, fire160 acres. Call today for your private show- place, 2 car attached garage, includes appliances. Call for details!! ing!!
848 Road G. - This home has 2 new electric heat and A/C units. House formerly on free gas. The gas company pays for up to 20,000 KW of Electric usage in lieu of free gas. The seller has purchased a used updated fireplace insert, but it has not been installed. The site also contains a mobile home site with septic, water and electric available. Lots of built in storage and a 10' x 10' concrete storm shelter accessed from within the house. Additional adjacent acreage is available for purchase.
(620) 624-1212 Now see these and other SW. Kansas properties at www.hugotonhomes.com
711 East 5th Avenue- Beautiful ranch style, 3 bed/2 bath, Open Floor plan, Oak cabinets, finished bsmt, att garage,cen H/A. Much more... Call for your showing.
1108 S Main Street- Beautiful Ranch, 4 bd/2 bath, fpl, open floor plan, 2 living areas, WIC. A MUST SEE!!
4 quarters in Seward County, Kansas north of Liberal Good water with 4 sprinklers, turn-key operation 2 Owners selling together
Darrell W. Smith, Sales Agent - 620-360-0083 Darrel E. Johnson, Broker - 620-629-3328 708 Adams, Rolla - Beautiful, ranch style, brick home. 5 bed/3 bath, Oak cabinetry, finished basement, sprinkler, att garage, workshop, fence, dog run...and much more!! Call to view this lovely 531 S Main Street- New Reduced Price!! home!!
1111 S Jefferson- 3 bed/1 b, cen H/A, 2322 Road 7 Ranch Style, 4 bed/2 bath, fpl, fence, carport, storage bldg. Call for decover patio, fence, WIC, outbuildings, 10+/- acres. tails!! Much, much more!! Call to see this property!!
SOLD 210 West 11th St- Over 4,000 sq ft brick, 4 bd, 3 ba, full finished basement, fenced yard, 3 fireplaces, formal dining, includes kitchen appliances, circle drive, lots of storage. Call to see this beauty!!
104 Sid Avenue Elkhart- Ranch, 4 bed/2 bath, new windows, nice wood floors, appliances, att garage, basement, cen H/A, fence. Call today to see this home!!
SOLD 813 S Washington Frame, 4 bed/2 bath, finished basement, nice kitchen w/appliances, att garage, fence. Much more!! Call for your showing!!
131 S Madison- 2 bed/2 bath, 2 living areas, kitchen/dining combo, att garage, 30 x 40 metal bldg, 10 x 12 storage shed, fence, sprinkler, carport. Great neighborhood!!
Feature Of The Week 901 S Trindle Ranch, 4 bed/3 bath, fpl, fence, sprinkler, att garage, beautiful oak detailing! Call to see this beauty!!
Call DJ @ 620-430-1273 Days 620-428-6127 Evenings (tfc)
Hotel General Information:
Terms: Cash or terms agreeable to Seller
• • • •
This information is simply an approximate guide; any person that relies on this information and considers it material to the purchase as to satisfy themselves as to its accuracy and condition of the structure including fixtures and appliances.
120 Main Street, Ulysses, Kansas www.FaulknerRealEstate.com
Mark Faulkner-Broker Karen Yoder - Associate/Broker Residential & Commercial Specialist
Karen Yoder
FOR RENT: 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments. Furnished or unfurnished. Bills included, washer and dryer, and cable. Call 544-2232. (tfc) ---------------
Deadline Mondays 5pm
(Rental Assistance Available) Equal Housing Opportunity
For more information call Dayna Folger at (tfc46) 620-492-3698.
2 Senior Apartments Available
L at
Sunflower Plaza This institute is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer
• Must be 62 or disabled to qualify • Rent based on adjusted income • All electric appliances • Coin-operated laundry facilities • Rental assistance available
109 W. Seventh - Hugoton 544-4011 Call Selia Crawford at 544-2182 If no answer, leave message
Chance Yoder- Cellphone 544-1907
“Call Us For All Your Real Estate Needs”
Ranch Style, 4 bedroom, 3.5 baths, full finished basement.
Call for appointment 544-5759 or 544-6825(4c10)
(also by appointment - call 620-544-5225)
Saturday, March 8, 9:00-11:00 a.m. Household Items: Like New Electric Walker Machine, Extra Nice Leather Dark Green Divan & Foot Stool, Leather Divan w/Sit Up One (2 Patches), Overstuffed Loveseat, Nice Overstuffed Matching Divan, 4 Really Nice End Tables, 4 Really Nice Lamps, Kitchenette 4 Armchairs on Rollers, AND MORE!
FOUND KEYS: Keys found laying in the street in the 700 block of Jefferson, during February 2014. To identify and claim the keys, please come by the Hermes office at 522 S. Main Street or call 620-544-4321. (3p10) ---------------
DOWN to Sell This Week!
PREGNANT? NEED HELP? Call Birthright of Garden City, 620-276-3605 or Birthline of Liberal, 1404 N. Western, 620-626-6763. (tfc3) -------------ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS will help you if you sincerely want to stop drinking. Call 544-8633. (tfc1) ---------------
Call 620-544-4321 or email hermesma@pld.com today!
Turn in your consignments to: Walter McClure 544-4202, Ron Brewer 544-8985 or any other Hugoton Kiwanis Club Member
KIWANIS AU CTION March 28 & 29, 2014
Project Hope Open Tues & Thurs 8:30 - 11:30 a.m. 1st Sunday each month 1:30-3:30 p.m. 1030 S. Main
(First published in the Hugoton Hermes, Thursday, March 6, 2014) 3t IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF STEVENS COUNTY, KANSAS
The City of Moscow, Ks is taking sealed bids on a 40-ft. metal Roundtop that sits on a 40 x 60 concrete slab on a 66 x 144 lot. It is located at 116 McLeod St. in Moscow. We will be taking bids through May 1, 2014. The City of Moscow has the right to refuse any and all bids.
IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF BENJAMIN G. MASON, DECEASED Case No. 14PR____ NOTICE TO CREDITORS (Chapter 59) THE STATE OF KANSAS TO ALL PERSONS CONCERNED: You and each of you take notice that on the 4th day of March, 2014, pursuant to her petition, Margaret A. Mason was appointed as administrator of the estate of Benjamin G. Mason, de-
WANTED WANT TO PURCHASE: Minerals and other oil/gas interests. Send details to P.O. Box 13557, Denver, Co. 80201. (150p49-12) ---------------
(tfc37) (tfc15)
Pioneer Manor Family Support Group
3rd Tuesdays - 1:00 p.m. 3rd Thursdays - 5:15 p.m. Chapel at Pioneer Manor
AL-Anon Family Group Men & Women of alcoholic family & friends meet at 1405 Cemetery Rd. Mon. & Thurs. 8 pm 544-2610 or 544-2854 kansas-al-anon.org (tfc)
Please mail bids to: City of Moscow PO Box 7 Moscow, KS 67952
Consignments are due by March 14 to be included on the sale bill
Chance Yoder
Thursday & Friday, March 6-7, 5:00-6:30 p.m.
20 Rooms, 10 non-smoking 770 SF 1-bedroom apartment Approx. $110,000 gross annual income Rooms include telephone, microwave, refrigerator and cable TV
David Light 620-544-9763 mobile 620-356-5808 office
Chance Yoder - Salesperson Agricultural Land Residential & Commercial Specialist
Offered at $199,000
20-room Motel w/ Apartment SALE
Delivery & stacking available
Call 620-544-5916
WHITE REAL ESTATE, LLC 701 Vilymaca, PO Box 450 Elkhart, Ks. 67950 620-697-2163 or 800-845-7419
Elkhart Motel
Commercial Property - Porter Building 5,886 SF, retail and office, central H/A. Prime Location!!! Call to view this property!!
Oak, Piñon, Mesquite, Pecan & More
50 HP Electric Motor with a soft start panel.
1003 S. Adams Street -This home is richly adorned with up to date modern color schemes and top grade wood trim and solid wood doors throughout. The kitchen cabinets and full wall of pantry has more than enough room for the most exotic chef's needs. Solid surface counter tops make cleaning the kitchen and bathrooms a snap. Enjoy that cup of coffee on the balcony/deck off the master bedroom on the upper level. The 45X24 morton garage contains a 24'X17.5' work shop which is insulated, heated & cooled and also has a sink.
307 N. Kansas, Suite 101 Liberal, KS 67901
Karen Yoder- 544-4161 or Cellphone 544-3730
150 HP Electric Motor with a soft start panel.
ceased. Letters of Administration were issued to her on said date by the District Court of Stevens County, Kansas. All parties interested in the estate will govern themselves accordingly. All creditors of the decedent are notified to exhibit their demands against the estate within four (4) months from the date of the first publication of this notice as provided by law. If their demands are not thus exhibited, they shall be forever barred.
Great Deals ~ Easy Financing ~ Quality Service Office: (620)544-7800 531 S. Jackson Hugoton, Ks. 67951 (tfc6) (tfc46)
LAWN PRO Will Schnittker
KIRBY VACUUM CLEANER CUSTOMER for Factory Authorized SALES, SERVICE or SUPPLIES Please call Jeff @ 800-821-5050 We also offer Refurbished Kirbys THANKS FOR YOUR BUSINESS!(4p10)
Alan D. Higgins, Owner “Give Me A Sign”
Teri’s Signs
Custom Digital Vinyl
& Designs
DOT & Designs & Logos for Trucks & Businesses Wall Art for Gifts & Home & More
620-541-1077 Owner/Designer
See me on facebook at: terissignsanddesigns
(620)428-6518 1182 Road Q • Hugoton (tfc12) FDT ELECTRIC
Frankie Thomas, owner Licensed & Insured Over 30 years’ experience in Residential & Commercial Wiring
600 E. 11th
Margaret A. Mason, Administrator KRAMER, NORDLING & NORDLING, LLC 209 East Sixth Street Hugoton, Kansas 67951 Attorneys for Petitioners Telephone: (620) 544-4333
(620)544-7777 UPERIOR 510 E. 3rd OLUTIONS Hugoton
IN STOCK *Carpet *Tile *Laminate *Vinyl
544-5915 or 544-7776
The Hugoton Hermes
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Page 6B
Author KB Gressitt visits Hugoton area to gather facts for future book The Stevens County Gas and Historical Museum recently had a very sweet and interesting visitor. Her name is
Kit-Bacon Gressitt, or “KB” as her family and friends call her. KB came into this area from California to do research about
For Fast Dependable Service Call
L & N AVIATION CO. Aerial Applicators All Types Of Spraying Fertilizing & Seeding Equipped with satellite guidance system 544-2008 Office - 593-4509 Night 544-6491 Mobile
Gene Nunn
Hugoton Masonic Lodge
Centennial You are cordially invited to help celebrate
100 Years of the Masonic Lodge in Hugoton
Saturday, March 8 Memorial Hall - 200 E. 6th Street at 1:00 p.m. for the Presentation of Service award honors, Widows recognition, & Past Masters recognition. The Grand Lodge will then form Grand Procession to Rededicate the Lodge
The Public is Welcome
her great grandmother. She said the stories about this intriguing great lady were so outlandish that she had to check out the facts for herself. Plus Mrs. Gressitt is in the process of writing a book about this history-laden lady. Her great grandmother’s maiden name was Ada Latta. She was a young single Southern Baptist “spinster”, as they called her in that day - 1893. But it sounds as though Ada was far from a quiet little spinster you might picture. She was reported to have joined the 100,000 pioneers riding to claim a piece of land in the Oklahoma Land Rush of 1893. This did make for a great story but KB doesn’t think it was completely true. Very few single women were able to complete this act alive since it was exceedingly dangerous. The early stories, or myths, KB heard were that Ada climbed on her horse and wildly rode out to Oklahoma to do the land run when they opened the strip. The myth also went on to claim that Ada’s land claim just happened to end up right next to a John A. Rutter’s claim. KB did find a marriage certificate dated 18 days after the run for Ada and Mr. Rutter saying they were married in El Reno. But KB found in her research, facts that point to the couple actually meeting in 1886 in Hugoton. Ada came to Kansas with her displaced family and helped settle the new town of Hugoton after her father passed away at least ten years before the Oklahoma land claim. Ada, herself, did make a land claim in Stevens County. This was quite
an easier feat than the crazy Oklahoma run. She did in fact make a claim in Oklahoma also, but KB suspects her great grandfather Rutter helped Ada with that one. Miss Latta came out with her widowed mother Martha and her four siblings including Linn, age 19 or 20 who started a bakery advertised to have the best bread in all of Hugoton, then a restaurant and then an ice cream parlor; Guy, who was 16, there was no mention of him in the old newspapers; Lee, age 12 or 13 was in the normal school teachers program; and sister Matti, who, according to a newspaper article, enjoyed a Christmas party in 1887 in which kids attended and had a wonderful time. Martha opened a local hotel, advertised in the Dermot newspaper, and Ada opened a millinery shop in 1887 or 1888, after teaching at Hugoton’s first school on Main Street in 1886 and 1887. The small half family, leaving Kentucky, came to Stevens County because Martha’s husband, Ada’s father, Benjamin Franklin Latta died quite young of blood infection. As was the way back then, the eldest son inherited the family farm after the death of his father. Kit-Bacon’s search has brought many interesting tidbits about our community in its colorful beginnings. Her ancestors owned and managed a
large number of businesses. KB found out just the day she visited the Hugoton museum that her great grandfather Rutter, Ada’s husband, was a town trustee for the town company Cimarron Valley Town Company - which was formed to buy the land to plat the town of Hugoton. This company was formed in McPherson and was aimed just for the reason to make a large amount of money (any way they could). John Rutter was also an assessor and considered one of the leaders of the community. As in a lot of politics, these town leaders were not a spotless bunch. KB tells of accounts of her great grandfather being involved with the Woodsdale murders. He was found innocent in court but did later tell of
being a little involved, not actually with the murders, but was there. He felt guilty all the rest of his life. KB also has many more details to share about the county seat war. KB has done so very much research on all of these stories and history. We at The Hermes cannot wait to read her book which is about a third done. If her book is only a fraction as interesting as sitting and talking with KB, it will be a great read. Mrs. Gressitt has allowed herself two years, and is one - very intriguing year in - so she only has one year of research left. She promises to come back when the book is done with books in hand and a book signing. The Hermes will keep you informed.
USD 210 Board approves hiring of new principal The Hugoton USD #210 Board of Education met in a specially scheduled meeting Monday, March 3, 2014 in the Board Conference Room of the District Office. Present at the meeting were board members Barry Hittle, Matt Mills, Stephanie Heger, Martin Daharsh, Don Beesley and Todd Gayer. Also present were Traci Shields, Mark Crawford and Kay McDaniels. Not present was Paula Rowden. The Board approved the agenda. Board President Stephanie Heger announced Bradley Campbell placed fifth at State last weekend. She also said some weightlifters competed at a State meet in Abilene. Superintendent Mark Crawford talked about the basketball teams headed to Sub-State this week. Girls play Thursday and boys play Friday at Goodland. Winners will play Saturday at Goodland. Crawford talked about taking a pep bus to Goodland Friday to watch the basketball games if girls and/or boys win the first round. He also talked about State basketball at Wichita. The first game for the girls would be March 12. If the girls keep winning they would play Friday and Saturday. The boys would play Thursday, March 13 and if they win the boys would play Friday and Saturday. Mark informed the board of the excellent work of the snow removal in preparation of teacher in-service Monday morning. West Ed consultants will be at the school Tuesday. Crawford also talked about the 1985 John Deere tractor the school uses. It is an 850, 3 cylinder diesel engine. The tractor is in need of repair or replacement. The motion to approve the
Trinity Baptist Church 516 Northeast Ave Hugoton, KS
Sunday School 9:30 a.m.
Worship 10:45 a.m.
Everyone welcome!
! Rev. Larry Bradford Interim Pastor
Prices subject to in stock units only.
Kit-Bacon Gressitt points out an interesting piece of history in one of the Stevens County Gas and Historical Museum’s ledgers to Gladys Renfro, Museum curator.
620-544-2355 or 620-544-9492
hiring and a two year contract for Larry Lyder as the new principal at Hugoton Intermediate School effective July 1, 2014 per salary recommendation by the superintendent was approved. The lowest responsible bid for a section of the Elementary School roof located over the east hall of the gym at $14,994 from DV Douglas was approved. The motion to approve the bid work from Aqua Shield to replace a 75 foot section of gutter, including downspouts and concrete work was tabled. Also approved was the motion
to approve a new certified English Language Learner support teacher position for the 20142015 school year. The district has gone from 151 ELL’s in 2007-2008 to the current number of 294 ELL’s. Draft plan: The new ELL teacher would work with fifth and sixth grades. Karen Kiley would continue to work with Primary students and Helen Bunyan would work mainly with third and fourth grades. The board went into executive session, then the meeting was adjourned.
Russell Lake, east of Hugoton, was a winter wonderland Saturday. The trees were covered with beautiful glittering hoarfrost in the frigid temperatures but the lake has not frozen.
PUBLIC NOTICE (First published in the Hugoton Hermes, Thursday, March 6, 2014) 3t IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF STEVENS COUNTY, KANSAS JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association, Plaintiff, vs. Perry D. Crane, et al Defendant(s). Case No. 13CV18 Div. No. K.S.A. 60 Mortgage Foreclosure NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of an Order of Sale issued by the Clerk of the District Court of STEVENS County, Kansas, to me the undersigned Sheriff of STEVENS County, Kansas, I will offer for sale at public auction and sell to the highest bidder for cash in hand at the main lobby of the STEVENS County Courthouse at Hugoton, Kansas, at 10:00AM on March 27, 2014, the following real estate: THE SURFACE AND SURFACE RIGHTS ONLY IN AND TO A TRACT OF LAND LOCATED IN THE NORTHEAST QUARTER (NE/4) OF SECTION TWENTY-ONE (21), TOWNSHIP THIRTY-THREE (33) SOUTH, RANGE THIRTY-SEVEN (37) WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., MORE FULLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT 805 FEET SOUTH AND 1620 FEET WEST OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 21-33-37, THIS POINT BEING ON THE SAME LINE AS THE WEST SIDE OF BLOCK TWO (2), KALLENBACH'S FIRST ADDITION TO THE CITY OF HUGOTON, STEVENS COUNTY KANSAS, AND 355 FEET SOUTH OF THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID
BLOCK TWO (2), THENCE EAST PARALLEL AND 295 FEET FROM THE SOUTH LINE OF TWELFTH STREET A DISTANCE OF 130 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 75 FEET, THENCE WEST 130 FEET, THENCE NORTH ON THE SAME LINE AS THE WEST SIDE OF SAID BLOCK 2 A DISTANCE OF 75 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. ALSO DESCRIBED AS: LOT FIVE (5) IN BLOCK TWO (2), KALLENBACH'S THIRD ADDITION TO THE CITY OF HUGOTON, STEVENS COUNTY, KANSAS, ACCORDING TO THE DULY FILED AND RECORDED PLAT THEREOF. commonly described as 1208 South Madison, Hugoton, KS 67951 to satisfy the judgment in the aboveentitled case. The sale is to be made without appraisement and subject to the redemption period as provided by law, and further subject to the approval of the Court. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgager, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s attorney. Sheriff of STEVENS County, Kansas PREPARED AND SUBMITTED BY: SINGER JONES & LOCK, P.A. _____________________________ Kenneth C. Jones #10907 kjones@stlaw.net Jonah W. Lock #23330 jlock@stlaw.net 10484 Marty Overland Park, KS 66212 Phone: (913) 648-6333 Fax: (913) 642-8742 ATTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFF