August 9, 2012

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Volume 125, Number 32

Thursday, August 9, 2012

20 Pages, 70 Cents Plus Tax Per Copy

Unofficial Primary Election results for Stevens County

The Grand Champion Swine is shown by owner Madison Hall. Her swine was the overall winner in the Hamp Division.

U. S. Representative 1ST DistrictT i m Huelskamp 970 State Senator 39th District Stephen R. Morris 949 Larry R. Powell 315 State Representative 124th District J. Stephen Alford 997 District Judge Dis. 26 Division 2 Clint Peterson 929 District Magistrate Judge Dist. 26 Position 5 Paula J. Sosa 1158 County Attorney Paul F. Kitzke 1052 County Commissioner Dist. 2 Gary L. Baker 204 Pat Hall 242

County Commissioner Dist. 3 David Bozone 312 Sheriff Ted E. Heaton 1067 County Clerk Pam Bensel 601 Judy Parsons 314 Trina L. Young 338 County Treasurer Vanessa Willis 1123 Register of Deeds Zilpha “Betty” Rosel 1118 W2P2 Precinct Committeeman William Howard Sutcliffe 188 W1P1 Precinct Committeeman 99 Gary Skinner W1P1 Precinct Committeewoman Sandra Skinner 101

Center 1 Precinct Committeeman Erick Nordling 16 Center 1 Precinct Committeewoman Debbie Nordling 16 Center 2 Precinct Committeeman Christopher Heger 86 Center 2 Precinct Committeewoman Stephanie Ann Heger 84 Moscow Precinct Committeeman Jerry E. Stuckey 104 Voorhees Precinct Committee woman Erica L. Kolb 32

In Stevens County there are 2908 register voters and 1369 voted Tuesday for an average of 47.08%.

Stevens County Fair 2012 blue ribbon winners are announced

Sorghum Queen Elizabeth Johnson wins the Grand Champion Goat with her entry at the Stevens County Fair.

The 2012 Stevens County Fair Blue Ribbon winners are listed below. Dog Show Abbey Goode- Blue; Kyra Shelton-Blue, Purple, Reserve Champion; Cutter Hawks- two Blue, Purple, Champion; Sydney Beesley- Blue, Purple, Ashlyn Champion; Schechter-Blue, Purple, Champion; Montana Beesley- two Blue, Purple, Champion; Lacey Brecheisen- Blue; Emma French- Blue, Purple, Champion; Emma McClure- Blue, Purple, Reserve Champion Creative Cooks Sydney Beesley- Blue; Montana Beesley- Blue; Stetson HonigBlue; Frances Gaskill- Blue, Be-

The Parade of Champions gathered in front of the fair building for a photo. Back row, left to right are Laramie Brecheisen, Emma French, Montana Beesley, Raegan Hinds, Elizabeth Johnson, Austin Mills and Lance Sandoval. ginner Grand Champion; Elizabeth Johnson- Blue, Senior Grand Champion; Rebecca Johnson- Blue; Lacey Brecheisen- Blue; Landon Brecheisen- Blue; Sarah Johnson- Blue, Intermediate Grand Cham-

Front row are Jay McClure, Megan Newlon, Ashlyn Schechter, Rebecca Johnson, Madison Hall, Brionna Beard, Nick Gold and Allen Shelton.

pion; Laton Heger- Blue; Casle Heger- Blue, Intermediate Reserve Grand Logan Champion; Brecheisen- Blue, Senior Reserve Grand Champion Food Preservation Victoria Bryan- Blue; Nicholas Bryan- Blue, Purple, Grand Champion; Megan Bryan- Blue, Purple, Reserve Grand Champion

Energy Management Logan Brecheisen-Blue, Purple Hand Held Pets Montana Beesley- Blue; Lacey Brecheisen- Blue; Lauren Sarchet- two Blue; Molly McClure- Blue, Champion, Reserve Grand Champion; Toby McClure- Blue; Brooke Hinds- Blue; Garrette Hinds- Blue; McKenzie Continued to page 3

Judge Dakota Reiss presents Nick Gold with Grand Champion ribbon and belt buckle for his Market Lamb.

Rebecca Johnson’s bucket calf is the Grand Champion Bucket Calf at the Stevens County Fair.

Montana Beesley’s horse is the Grand Champion Horse at the Stevens County Fair.

Claude Cerecero of the Flaming Pit won first place at the Backyard Cookoff. His partners are Alyssa and Jimmie Cerecero. Other pictures and stories can be found on page 5.

Commissioners decide to buy numerous signs this week The Board of Stevens County Commissioners met in regular session Monday morning, August 6, 2012 with all members, David Bozone, Gary Baker and James Bell present. Also present were County Counselor Bob Johnson, County Clerk Pam Bensel and RoGlenda Coulter from The Hugoton Hermes. The following is just an agenda for the day with a few of the unofficial highlights. Official minutes will be published at a later date. When this reporter arrived the commissioners had already had their budget hearing for the Stevens County Budget. They had also added Kristin Farnum and Deb-

bie Nordling to their agenda. Kristin and Debbie proposed a community sign to be located near the Senior Center and Chamber Office. The commissioners agreed to pay for the sign and the installation. JC Cantrell came in to present his report from the department of Road and Bridge. Sheriff Ted Heaton joined him to report for the Sheriff’s Department. When asked how many prisoners at this time Ted said seven, but an inspector visited recently and, upon the findings from this inspection, suggested that more prisoners be sent to the Stevens County facility. Continued to page 8

The Stevens County Commissioners agreed to buy the new sign for Pioneer Manor pictured above. It will be a routed single face monument sign with dimensional caps, ornaments and polecover with blue copy and yellow wheat to be routed and illuminated.

The Hugoton Hermes

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Page 2

Local Veteran requests deep consideration before voting Dear Editor, Change? Is that term familiar? Have you noticed the change? I’m sure you have. I have. I grew up in Hugoton as a local farmer, then a seven year stay with the Army, a Veteran, now retired from Panhandle Eastern Pipeline/Duke Energy, a short five year stint as City Inspector, then Corrpro Co. I love Hugoton and its people and I’m darn proud to live here! This is my home and the G.W. Anderson family has been a part of this community since the 1930s. Many of you know me. Some may frown a bit and say; “What the heck is the problem with Vern”. Well now, maybe I got your attention,…. I’m glad you asked. Let me tell you how I feel…I’m concerned…no, I’m very, very concerned as to our presidential election outcome and the status of this great country of ours. If you are like me, and I know some of you are, you too are wondering, maybe apprehensive and becoming a little more aggressive toward the stupidity and immorality of our leaders in this country. Who is running this country? Environmentalists? Illegal Immigrants? Greedy Atheistic Politicians? Are “We the people” actually voting these individuals into office? Has our society fallen to this level of apathy? Sometimes I ponder, ….… .”Is God setting us up for the downfall of the good ole USA?” Now, I’m not getting on my “religious” soap box, although I probably should be. What I want you to do is: THINK!… Is it not the general consensus, at least in this part of the country that we, as a “Christian” nation see our leader (at best), as a pompous, inexperienced, non-Christian and a supporter of Muslim based countries and peoples? It is unbearable even unthinkable that he bows and apologizes to the leaders of foreign countries

for the power becare laws that dicstowed on this Vernon Anderson tate how long life Nation by God. support and medOur President ical care can be has NO respect for Christians, given to the elderly? Unbelievthe American flag, Veterans, or able! What about the monetary this great country! His track resources for our Cities and record is utterly deplorable! He States to be solvent and mainhas duped the public (from the tain an everyday business? beginning) with falsehoods and Even our great Supreme Juditriple lip service. Not only is he cial system is corrupt. What is monetarily supported by anti- our President and Congress American multi-millionaires doing? What direction are we and billionaires; personally, I heading? Are WE THE PEOquestion his bonifide birthright PLE, without any control? It as a U.S. citizen. Do I sound certainly seems so. Does it biased? Am I chapped? You not? bet I am. Now, even at this hour, our Big money and anti-Ameri- second amendment is at risk. can powers, foreign and do- There are those in congress mestic are supporting and who wish to ban and control protecting this man. Our our firearms and ammunition country and its working class within this great nation. May people (you & I) are paying the our Omnipotent God protect price. We all know our children us from these ignorant people. and grandchildren cannot All we need to do is look to even begin to pay back the na- those foreign countries that tional debt he has created. I have passed laws to ban am ashamed of what I have al- weapons to the general public lowed to happen. Those of my and NOW see the terror and age need to apologize to our government corruption that children and grandchildren. exists there. Is anybody home God forgive us! We all have al- out there? OUR second lowed this to happen! I did not amendment is liberty’s teeth! It take a stand when I should keeps government corruption have! AND, NO I didn’t vote for at bay! Our democratic society him either! would cease to exist without it! Why do we (this country) still You have seen the mass killing support third world countries at the movie theatre in Aurora, with billions in foreign aid? Co. Legislators have passed Their leaders are fanatic reli- laws in Aurora and other cities gious dictators, who in turn to ban concealed weapons. make war against us, and sup- Even carrying a loaded gun in port our enemies, foreign and a vehicle is banned (Wichita domestic. Are we turning our- also). Are we all so afraid of selves into a third world coun- honest responsible people cartry that cannot even control rying firearms, that we cannot our own borders? Illegal immi- protect ourselves against the gration is rampant and our insane and crazed criminals? president wants to make it Those kind of people will ALeasier for illegal’s to stay here WAYS have weapons! Wake up and drain the welfare and eco- America! Get rid of ignorant nomic system of this once laws! One concealed weapon great country. And now, the there in Aurora could have President and our judicial sys- saved many lives! Personally I tem are forcing law suits would train and arm as many against our own State (Ari- responsible citizens with a zona) that tries to enforce the concealed carry firearm as I Federal immigration Statutes? possibly could. Everyone Why is it that we have a leader knows deterrence is the best and congress proposing health protection policy. Our State

All should pray for rain Dear Editor, “I descended Roberta from Heaven to earth in order to convert you.” In olden times, people were religious and their harvests were abundant. At present, on the contrary, they are scanty. If you want to reap an abundant harvest, you must not work on Sunday, for on Sunday you must go to

church and pray to God to forgive your sins. He gave you six days in which to work and one for rest and devotion, and to tender your help to the poor and assist the church. Reflection - All should pray for rain.

Vern Anderson

City of Hugoton Water Consumption and Climatological Data


July 2010

Business Hours, Call 544-4959 After Hours, Call 544-2020 Lamatsch • Barking Dog, Tenth and West City Limits, Unable to Speak to Owner, Officer Hagman • Medical Assist, 600 Block of Eleventh, Public Service, Officer Hagman • Loud Music, 600 Block of Jefferson, Unable to Locate, Officer Hagman • 911 Calls, Unknown Bar, Checked Both Bars, Officer Hagman Sunday, August 5, 2012 • Medical Assist, 900 Block of Coulter, Public Service, Officer Lamatsch

When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee. Isaiah 43:2

July 2011

TOTAL Gals. Pumped 63,082,100103,922,400 103,124,500 Peak Water Day Gals. 2,783,500 4,172,600 4,170,700 Average High Temperature 90.5 100.2 Average Low Temperature 65.7 68.0 Rainfall 4.38” 1.34”

Thank you, Roberta Skinner


Monday, July 30, 2012 • Vehicle Unlock, 1000 Block of South Washington, Citizen Assist, Sergeant Johnson Tuesday, July 31, 2012 • Vehicle Unlock, 200 Block of North Jackson, Citizen Assist, Officer Crane Wednesday, August 1, 2012 • Dog at Large, 500 Block of French, Dog Impounded, ACO Smith • Dog at Large, 100 Block of Van Buren, Owner Caught, Officer Crane Thursday, August 2, 2012 • Vandalism, 900 Block of South Washington, Took Report, Officer Crane • Domestic Battery, 100 Block of West Sixth, Subject Arrested, Officer Crane Friday, August 3, 2012 • Civil Standby, 100 Block of West Sixth, Public Service, Officer Hagman • Fire Department Assist, Monroe Street, Public Service, Officer Lamatsch • Loud Music, 600 Block of Jefferson, Advised to Turn It Down, Officer Hagman Saturday, August 4, 2012 • Criminal Damage, 700 Block of South Lincoln, Took Report, Officer Lamatsch • Dog at Large, Tenth and Jefferson, Unable to Locate, Officer Lamastch • Vehicle Unlock, 1000 Block of South Jackson, Citizen Assist, Officer Lamatsch • Report of Mistreated Dog, Tenth and Coulter, Officer Lamatsch • Motorist Assist, Eleventh and Adams, Citizen Assist, Officer

and local police are super people. But, they are spread way too thin to protect the general public! Call any one of them and they will tell you the same thing! I think it is well past the time to get out of our comfort zone and do some real soul searching about what we truly believe in! If you think for one minute the status quo is the way to go, you better get your head up and look around. We’re a broke country. I mean that in more ways than one. Our values, deeds and moral character are in dire straits! AND, I’m as guilty as anyone! It’s time to change! Obama coined the word “CHANGE” for his infamous election. Well, we had better do some changing or we’ll all be SHORT changed! Before I get off my soap box, one more thing…. Don’t reduce the military of this nation! If anything, MAKE IT STRONGER!! If we do not totally support the men and women who defend this great nation, we will fall. Remember, Democracy without the second amendment is just one generation away from tyranny. I don’t care if you’re Democrat, Republican, Independent, Black, White, Blue or Purple with Pink Polka dots! I truly believe if you vote an Obama liberal ticket in this next election, you will guarantee this country’s demise. Another four years of this administration will trash this country monetarily, militarily and economically! THINK, and be careful whom you vote for in the coming elections! Search out the candidates! Check their moral and religious backgrounds. What is their track record? Where did they come from? Are they Christian? Search your heart and pray diligently about your decision. The Fervent prayer of the righteous…….

July 2012

96.7 67.4 1.05”

Obituaries Jeffery “Stack” Harris Friends and family members gathered last week to remember and honor Jeffery Dean Harris of Hugoton. Jeffery “Stack” passed from this life Monday, July 30, 2012 at Via Christi St. Francis Hospital in Wichita. He was 43.

The son of the late Larry K. Harris and Marilyn Hall Harris, he was born September 24, 1968 in Hugoton. Jeffery enjoyed his family and friends and loved racing. He was a graduate of Moscow High School, a member of Moscow Fire Department, Stevens County EMS as a first responder, a charter member of the Moscow Buffalo Boosters 4-H Club, a life-time Boy Scout (Jeff had so much fun in Scouts with the others that he

Larry Jones Death has claimed the life of Larry Jones. Mr. Jones left this world Tuesday, July 31, 2012 at his home in Broken Arrow, Ok. surrounded by friends and family. Larry was born December 24, 1942 to Eugene and Grace Louise Jones in Liberal. March 15, 1967, Larry married Linda Diane Latham in Liberal. The couple recently celebrated their fortyfifth wedding anniversary. Mr. Jones retired in Hugoton from Anadarko Petroleum Company in 2004. While living in Hugoton Larry was a member of the Lion's Club. The couple moved to Broken Arrow in 2005. Larry was a member of the Akdar Masonic Lodge #555 as well as the Akdar Shriners where he was a past director of the Akdar Mini Kars as well as a Shriner of the

WHAT’S HAPPENIN’ August 6-10 - Hugoton Learning Academy Open Enrollment, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at 529 S. Main St. Call 428-6374 for more information. August 9 - Liberal Hearing Aid Center will be at the new Pioneer Manor, 1711 S. Main from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. They offer batteries, hearing aid cleaning and a free hearing test. Call 620-6245216 or 1-800-728-2945 to learn more. - Public hearing at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Room to finalize the zoning of the property east of Hugoton. August 10 - Farmer’s Market behind State Farm, 617 S. Main, 8:30 to 11:00 a.m. August 11 - Sew All Day at the Stevens County Activity Center.

- Monthly dance at the Stevens County Activity Center will start at 8:00 p.m. Cottonwood will play. August 12 - Pastor Bob Rich, from Hugoton Baptist Church, will speak at Pioneer Manor at 3:00 p.m. August 13 - Take a look at the peak of the Perseid Meteor Shower activity during the early morning hours! August 13-17 - Morton County Health Fair. Free to all participants. August 13-18 - Hugoton Swimming Pool will end their summer hours and be open from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. August 14 - The Stevens County Activity Center board will meet at 9:30 a.m. at the Center, 624 S. Main. - Brown Dupree Oil Co. will host an information meeting concerning the Spill Prevention

HUGOTON MUNICIPAL COURT Sanez-Castro, Abigail, Assault $160.00 1 Year Unsupervised Probation Smith, Terry Shannon, Jr., Domestic Battery $290.00 2 Days Jail Suspended 1 Year Unsupervised Probation Angulo, Augustin, Reckless Driving $200.00 5 Days Jail Suspended 1 Year Unsupervised Probation Angulo, Augustin, Exhibition of Speed $170.00 1 Year Unsupervised Probation Maciel, Osvaldo, No Driver’s License $360.00 40 Hours Community Service Maciel, Osvaldo, Speeding 45/25

$90.00 Signed Order to Pay Johnson, Jeremy L., Transporting Open Container-2nd $260.00 License Restricted 1 Year 1 Year Probation Golding, Francisca B., Battery amended from Domestic Battery, 2nd $260.00 1 Year Unsupervised Probation Morava, Nicholas Shane, Criminal Damage to Property $190.00 1 Year Unsupervised Probation Morava, Nicholas Shane, Disorderly Conduct $150.00 1 Year Unsupervised Probation

did not complete his last badge for Eagle Scout) and a member of CMA. Jeff was also a lifetime member of the JR. Nation Rules. Survivors include his mother Marilyn and husband Harry Bartel of Hugoton; one brother, Jarrod Harris of Topeka; two sisters, Janell Valdez and husband Bobby of Albuquerque, N.M. and Janean Harris of Topeka; his three nieces; one nephew; and many other relatives and friends. Jeff was preceded in death by his father Larry Harris; and grandparents, Code and Deanie Hall and Lawrence Harris. Funeral services were attended Friday morning, August 3, 2012 at the First Christian Church in Hugoton with Pastor Pam Peachey presiding. Burial followed in the Moscow Cemetery under the direction of Paul’s Funeral Home of Hugoton. A memorial has been established for the Moscow Fire Department. Memorials may be mailed to Paul’s Funeral Home, PO Box 236, Hugoton, Ks. 67951.

Control and Countermeasure plans at 10:00 a.m. in the Lawson Room at the Grant County Civic Center. If you’d like to attend, please contact the Brown Dupree Office at 620-356-1702. - Stevens County Economic Development Board will meet in the craft room of the Senior Center at 12:00 noon. August 15-25 - Hugoton Recreation fall sports sign-ups - including soccer, volleyball and football - at the Hugoton Recreation Commission, 211 S. Madison. Visit www.hugotonrec. com for more information. No phone registrations. August 16 - Sign up for Stevens County Emergency Medical Services EMT course at 7:00 p.m. at the EMS Training Center, 428 S. Jackson. Classes will be conducted Mondays and Wednesdays September 17 through March 2013.

month in 2008. Larry's passion was transporting children to various Shrine Hospitals. Larry is survived by his wife of the home; son Larry Todd Jones of Gladewater, Tx.; daughter Jami Jones Kelly and Ted Schaefer of Broken Arrow; four grandchildren, Drew and Alyssa Kelly and their father Mike Kelly all of Broken Arrow and Caitlyn and Ethan Jones of Phoenix, Az.; and his brother James Jones of Keystone, Ok. Those preceding Mr. Jones in death are his parents and two brothers, Leslie Jones and Clifford Jones. The family requests that in lieu of flowers donations in honor of Larry be sent to Akadar Shrine Children's Transporation Fund located at 2808 S. Sheridan Road, Tulsa, Ok. 74129.

Betty Hayes Lifelong Stevens County resident Betty Jean Hayes passed from this life Monday morning, August 6, 2012 at her residence. She was 85. Funeral services will be 10:00 a.m. Thursday, August 9, 2012 at the First Christian Church in Hugoton under the direction of Paul’s Funeral Home of Hugoton. A complete obituary will be in next week’s Hermes. A memorial has been established for the Hugoton Senior Center. Memorials may be mailed in care of Paul’s Funeral Home, Box 236, Hugoton, Ks 67951.

Stevens County Fire Department and Ambulance Report Stevens County Emergency Services run activity July 30 through August 5. Fire Department Hugoton Station Wednesday, August 1 5:27 p.m. called one half mile west and one half mile north of Road P and Road 10 for a junk pile fire. Friday, August 3 - 9:45

p.m. called to the alley behind 1201 S Monroe for a downed power line arcing and smoking. Fire Department Moscow Station No activity this period. Ambulance Activity Five medical runs, three transfers and one Life Flight.

Reminder - Stevens County is currently still under a Burn Ban.

The Hugoton Hermes

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Page 3

Blue Ribbon winners Continued from page 1 Hinds- Blue; Raegan HindsBlue, Purple, Grand Champion; Ashlyn Schechter- two Blue; Carson Schechter- Blue Horse Halter Frances Gaskill- Blue; Austin Newlon- Blue, Purple, Reserve Grand Champion; Montana Beesley- Blue, Purple, Grand Champion; Sarah Johnson- Blue; Megan Newlon- Blue; Audrey Gilmore- Blue

Horse Showmanship Elizabeth Johnson- Blue, Purple; Montana Beesley- Blue; Sydney Beesley- Blue, Purple; Austin Newlon- Blue; Megan NewlonBlue; Frances Gaskill- Blue, Purple; Carson Gilmore- Blue; Effie Kolb- Blue Horse Performance Elizabeth Johnson-seven Blue; Sydney Beesley- five Blue, Purple; Sarah Johnson- five Blue; Austin

Newlon- seven Blue, Purple; Megan Newlon- eight Blue, Purple; Frances Gaskill- seven Blue; Carson Gilmore- six Blue; Cutter Hawks- three Blue, two Purple; Effie Kolb- three Blue; Montana Beesley- four Blue, Purple; Audrey Gilmore- Blue; Rebecca Johnson- four Blue Agronomy Cody Mills- Blue, Purple; Jacob Bell- three Blue, two Purple

KDOT representatives visit Hugoton about Safe Routes to School project Becky Pepper and Greg White from KDOT met with approximately 20 residents showing their support for the Safe Routes to School in the city council room Wednesday, August 1. Pepper and White had reviewed the plan and were in Hugoton to do the site review. Pepper told the group that there were 16 phase two projects submitted and there is enough funding to award four or, hopefully, five of those. It is a very competitive year. They like to come out to meet everyone and get a feel for the community support. Paul Stoner with EBH is working with the city on the Safe Routes to School project. He showed the map explaining the route that is planned. Kristin Farnum talked

about bicycle safety and pedestrian crossing education. Neal Gillespie said the town has a lot of people walking at present and most are walking in the streets. Getting a good sidewalk system would be beneficial to the community. It would be getting pedestrians out of the streets. Police Chief Courtney Leslie discussed the congestion at the schools with the kids walking home. Some are walking in the streets. The Safe Routes to School would increase the safety of these students walking to and from school. White talked about what would be required if Hugoton was awarded the grant and what to expect. The towns awarded the grant would be notified sometime in early

Hugoton residents listen as KDOT representatives Becky Pepper and Greg White discuss the Safe Routes to School project. Pepper and

September. After the meeting a small group took a short tour of the proposed site of Safe Routes to School.

Paul Stoner with EBH shows a plan of the Safe Routes to School project to the residents attending the Wednesday morning meeting.

White are visiting the 16 phase two project sites.

County Fair Board honors Friends of the Fair Stevens County Fair Board President Tony Martin announced Tuesday evening the winners of the Friend of the Fair Awards.

Billy Woodworth The first award went to Billy Woodworth. Tony stated Billy has put in a lot of time, effort and work at the Stevens County Fairs over the years.

Billy Woodworth has been involved in the fair since 1994 and has been on the fair board since 2008. Tony Martin presents the Friend of the Fair Award to Billy in recognition of his many contributions.

Tony Martin holds the Friend of the Fair Award presented to him by Theresa Cox in recognition for his many years of work and dedication to the Stevens County Fair.

Judy (Cox) Hamlin, Jerry Cox and Jeff Cox accept the Friend of the Fair Award in behalf of their deceased father Harold Cox.

Billy moved to Hugoton in 1986. He got involved in the fair in 1994 and is a big part of the fair. He joined the fair board in 2008. Billy has been married for 25 years to Loretta and they have two children. Harold Cox The next award was awarded to Harold Cox. It was awarded posthumously. Harold worked hard in the early days of the fair. He was involved in the horse division and loved to watch his grandchildren ride their horses in the horse show. Mr. Cox was instrumental in getting the big indoor arena built at the fairgrounds. He served as fair board president for awhile. His children came forward to receive the award in his honor. Tony Martin Representing the Stevens County Fair Board, Theresa Cox presented Tony Martin a “Friend of the Fair” award. Tony has been on the fair board since 1988. Only three others currently on the board have served longer - Gary Gold, Stanley McGill and Robyn Sullivan. As a child, Tony was in 4-H for 12 years and later became a leader of the Wrangler 4-H Club for 13 years. He became fair board president in 1993 and again in 2004. He has served as swine, sheep and goat superintendent for a number of years. Tony was instrumental in the building of the Swine building and the new Sheep and Goat building. As fair board president, he started the tradition of having entertainment in the evenings of the fair. He spends a great deal of time in the evenings throughout the year keeping the fairgrounds looking great. The Stevens County Fair Board thanks Tony for all his work and dedication.

Florticulture Kaitlyn Dobie- 11 Blue, two Purple, Reserve Champion, Champion Fashion Revue Kyra Shelton- Blue; Jordyn Beard- two Blue; Raegan Hindstwo Blue, Reserve Grand Champion, Grand Champion; Garrette Hinds- two Blue, Reserve Grand Champion; Carson SchechterBlue, Grand Champion; Austin Mills- two Blue, Grand Champion; Laton Heger- two Blue, Reserve Grand Champion; Brady Heger- two Blue; Stetson Honigtwo Blue; Lauren Sarchet- two Blue, Grand Champion; Sara Pinkham- two Blue, Reserve Grand Champion; Isabella Hallfour Blue; Jenna Beesley- four Blue, Reserve Grand Champion, Grand Champion; Grace Dillinger- four Blue; McKenzie Hinds- three Blue, Reserve Grand Champion, Grand Champion; Molly McClure- four Blue; Ashlyn Schechter- three Blue; Britta Beesley- four Blue; Maggie Whitefour Blue, Reserve Grand Champion, Grand Champion; Sarah Johnson- four Blue, Reserve Grand Champion, Grand Champion; Rebecca Johnson- four Blue; Casle Heger- three Blue; Brooke Hinds- Blue; Vivian Titustwo Blue; Elizabeth Johnsonthree Blue, Grand Champion, Overall Grand Champion; Madison Hall- two Blue; Toby McClurefour Blue; Lacey Brecheisen- two Blue; Megan Newlon- two Blue; Brionna Beard- two Blue; Sydney Beesleytwo Blue; Emma French- two Blue; Montana Beesley- two Blue; Adyson Gooch- two Blue; Montana Holt- Blue; Kynna Crawfordtwo Blue; Mikayla Martin- two Blue; Chloe Martin- Blue Fiber Arts Jordyn Beard- two Blue, Champion; Jaelynn Kelley- Blue, Reserve Champion; Effie Kolb- Blue; Kyra Shelton- Blue; Katya Wolters- two Blue; Emma McClure- two Blue; Rebecca Johnson- two Blue; Brionna Beardtwo Blue; Jenna Beesley- Blue; Nicholas Bryan- Blue; Victoria Bryan- Blue; Frances GaskillBlue; Adyson Gooch- Blue; Isabella Hall- Blue; Madison HallBlue; Casle Heger- Blue; Brooke Hinds- Blue; Jay McClure- Blue; Megan Newlon- three Blue, Reserve Champion, Champion, Reserve Grand Champion, Grand Champion; Ashlyn SchechterBlue; Allen Shelton- Blue; Vivian Titus- Blue; Lacey BrecheisenBlue; Emma French- Blue, Reserve Champion; Sarah JohnsonBlue; Austin Newlon- Blue, Champion; Megan Bryan- three Blue; Elizabeth Johnson- Blue Visual Arts Morgan Fleming – Blue; Laramie Brecheisen- seven Blue, Champion; Nicholas Bryan- Blue; Victoria Bryan- Blue; Maggie Whiteseven Blue, Champion, Grand

Champion; Nathan Leiningerthree Blue; Lacey Brecheisen- five Blue, Reserve Champion; Kaitlyn Leininger- six Blue, Champion, Reserve Grand Champion; Austin Mills- nine Blue, Reserve Champion; Kole Kahl – Blue Record Book Blue Ribbon Winners Megan Bryan, Briannah Davidson, Kaitlyn Dobie, Brady Heger, Laton Heger, Stetson Honig, Elizabeth Johnson, Hunter Kerbow, Nicole Kinser, Austin Mills, Lance Sandoval, Adam Seaman, Aaron Seaman, Ralynn Sittingdown, Jessica Stoddard, Jordyn Beard, Jenna Beesley, Nicholas Bryan, Victoria Bryan, Kynna Crawford, Grace Dillinger, Frances Gaskill, Carson Gilmore, Abbey Goode, Allison Goode, Isabella Hall, McKenzie Hinds, Jaelynn Kelley, Chloe Martin, Jay McClure, Molly McClure, Carson Schechter,

John Shelton, Kyra Shelton, Jamyn Wolters, Katya Wolters, Brionna Beard, Britta Beesley, Montana Beesley, Sydney Beesley, Claire Clark, Jeffrey Cutter, Morgan Fleming, Emma French, Audrey Gilmore, Nick Gold, Madison Hall, Casle Heger, Sarah Johnson, Dawson Kerbow, Mikayla Martin, Emma McClure, Toby McClure, Cody Mills, Austin Newlon, Megan Newlon, Ashlyn Schechter, Allen Shelton, Vivian Titus, Maggie White, Kayle Wolters, Conner Wells, Landon Brecheisen- Reserve Champion, Jacob Bell- Champion, Laramie Brecheisen- Reserve Champion, Logan Brecheisen- Champion, Reserve Grand Champion, Lacey Brecheisen- Champion, Grand Champion

More Blue Ribbon Winners Next Week

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The 4-H’ers of Stevens County would like to thank the following contributors for an outstanding year at the 4-H Food Auction during the Stevens County Fair. The funds raised will support the 4-H’ers throughout the year at camps, trips, events, scholarships and a variety of activities. American Implement Gary and Celain Baker Beesley Farms Dave Bozone Walt and Jennifer Beesley Citizens State Bank Cattle Care Services Don and Sharon Concannon Claggett Farms Dan Corpening Dave and Jan Cutter Farm Bureau Association First National Bank Gilmore’s Roustabout Service Ghumm’s Auto Center Kyle and Jamie Gooch Ted and Judy Heaton Angela Heger Marlin Heger Nancy Sides Hernandez Ron and Nancy Honig Hugoton FFA Hugoton Hermes

Bob and Melanie Johnson Martin Trucking Matt and Nancy Johnson Jordan Air Keating Tractor & Equipment Tony and Marilyn Martin Les and Lynette McNally Mills Farms-Pioneer Seed Sen. Steve Morris Moorman Feeds, Lee Isaac Dennis and Beth Moser Elizabeth Moser Bookkeeping Joshua and Keri Morris NAPA Jeff and Vicky Newlon Nieto’s Cafe Nurse Link Staffing Bob and Judy Parsons Peterbilt Trucking of Garden City Riley Chevrolet Rome Farms Kim and Karolyn Schroeder Willis Insurance

Special thanks to: Triple H Seeds - Chris Heger, Hi-Plains Pizza Hut-Kent Colvin for their purchases of the K-State and KU quilts

The Hugoton Hermes

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Page 4


Pat Arange’s

50th Birthday

August 18, 2:00-5:00 p.m. Pigs R Us Only the brave dare to touch this “hand-held pet” even if it’s as far away from the “business end” as possible! Adam Newton won Reserve Champion for his alligator.

Finger Foods and Cake will be served

Gas prices see spike in last week

Thank you for purchasing my 4-H livestock at the Stevens County Fair. Pioneer Electric - Bucket Calf Seaman Crop Consulting - Lamb

Average retail gasoline prices in Kansas have risen 5.0 cents per gallon in the past week, averaging $3.50 per gallon Sunday. This compares with the national average that has increased 9.3 cents per gallon in the last week to $3.60 per gallon, according to gasoline price Web site Including the change in gas prices in Kansas during the past week, prices Sunday

Lacey Brecheisen



Just hanging over the fence for a bit of gossip...NyKolle Phillips really enjoyed the fair.

Worship with your loved ones at Pioneer Manor August 12 Pastor Bob Rich Hugoton Baptist

Citizens State Bank

August 19 Pastor Bob Sanders Lonestar Friends Church

601 S. Main - Hugoton

PAUL'S FUNERAL HOME David & Brandy Robson

314 S. Van Buren 544-4122

August 26 Pastor Harry Cross Hugoton UMC

Pyramid Agency, Inc. 521 S. Main - Hugoton ST. HELEN CATHOLIC CHURCH

FAITH LUTHERAN Martes 7:00 PM Jueves 7:00 PM Domingo 3:00 PM 138 S. Main Hugoton Pastores: Martinez 620-544-7096

ASSEMBLY OF GOD Main and Second Street 544-2773 Ben Coats, Pastor Sunday School - 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship - 11:00 a.m. Sunday Evening - 6:00 p.m. Service Wed. Night - 7:00 p.m. Celebrate Recovery Every Monday at 7:00 p.m.

BETHEL FRIENDS CHURCH Eric Mason, Pastor Zac Johnson, Youth Pastor 11th & Jefferson - 544-8517 Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. Morning Service - 10:30 a.m. Wednesday Evening Ministries - 6:30 p.m. (Children, Youth, & Adult)

CHURCH OF CHRIST 1045 S. Van Buren 544-2825 Matthew Russell, Minister 1041 S. Van Buren Wednesday - 7:00 p.m. Sunday School - 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship - 11:00 a.m. Evening Service - 6:00 p.m.

CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS 520 E. First 544-2125 Sacrament - 9:00 a.m. Sunday School - 10:00 a.m. Priesthood - 11:00 a.m.

CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE 500 S. Van Buren 544-2493 Pastor Dave Piper Sunday School - 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship - 10:45 a.m. Evening Services - 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study - 7:00 p.m.

COWBOY CHURCH - HUGOTON Second & Fourth Tuesday of every month Stevens County Commercial Building at Fairgrounds 7:00 p.m.

FAITH CHAPEL CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST Tenth and Jefferson Lawrence Johnson, Pastor Sunday School - 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship - 11:00 a.m. Bible Band (Tuesday) - 6:00 p.m. Home and Forn. Miss. (Friday) - 6:00 p.m. Youth - 6:00 p.m. Bible Study - 7:00 p.m.

were 6.3 cents per gallon lower than the same day one year ago and are 17.2 cents per gallon higher than a month ago. The national average has increased 19.1 cents per gallon during the last month and stands 6.5 cents per gallon lower than this day one year ago. "Watching the national average last week, one might have expected war broke out in the Middle East or a major hurricane shutting down production, neither of which happened, yet gasoline prices spiked," said Senior Petroleum Analyst Patrick DeHaan. "The scary thought is what may happen to gasoline prices should one of the two actually take place. The Great Lakes was hosed with refinery issues and a major oil pipeline issue, and while other regions saw increases, they paled in comparison to those in the Great Lakes states. The good news for motorists is that the end to the summer driving season and change to winter-spec fuel is in view, which will likely put downward pressure on gasoline prices," DeHaan said. operates GasBuddy and over 250 similar Web sites that track gasoline prices at over 140,000 gasoline stations in the United States and Canada. In addition, GasBuddy offers a free smartphone app which has been downloaded over 20 million times to help motorists find gasoline prices in their area. Submitted by

Roybal - McConnell Reanna Jo Roybal and Rob McConnell of Cañon City, Co. were united in marriage Tuesday, July 17, 2012 in Montana at the Big Sky Resort on top of “their” mountain in a beautiful and spectacular wedding. The wedding party had to ride ski lifts and a tram to reach the top of the Lone Sky Mountain at 12,200 feet where they exchanged their vows. The bride was glowing and the groom was handsome as ever. They will be spending their life in Cañon City where Rob runs the family dairy. Reanna will graduate in December from Colorado State University in Pueblo, Co. as a teacher. She is also employed as a waitress at the Good Time Cafe. We wish them a long life of happiness and health.

1011 South Jefferson Street 544-2551 Saturday - 1:00 p.m. - Spanish Mass Sunday - 11:00 a.m. English Mass

Faith Publishing LLC 522 S. Main 620-544-4321


Ashlyn Schechter shows the blue ribbon she won with her five year old Ball Python snake.

Tenth and Adams 544-2092 Christopher M. Fincher, Pastor Morning Worship - 9:00 a.m. Sunday School - 10:30 a.m. Bible Study, Wednesday - 7:30 p.m.


TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH 544-2355 516 N.E. Avenue Morning Worship - 9:00 a.m. Fellowship/Refreshments - 10:00 a.m. Sunday School - 10:30 a.m. Rev. Larry Bradford, Interim Pastor 544-9492 or 598-2400 YOU ARE WELCOME!

600 S. Van Buren - 544-2715 Pastor Randy Nash UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Sunday School - 9:15 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. 828 S. Main Hugoton 544-8715 Fellowship - 10:15 - 10:30 a.m. Harry Cross, Pastor Worship Hour - 10:30 - 12:00 Sunday School - 9:45 a.m. Children's Church, 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship - 11:00 a.m. Jr. High Youth Group, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Sr. High Youth Group, 7:45-9:00 p.m. Information on small groups call 544-2715

FIRST CHURCH OF GOD 801 W. City Limits 544-2652 800 S. Van Buren - 544-2763 Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship - 10:30 a.m. Wednesday Evening Service - 7:00 p.m. Call 544-2652 fIor Church Bus

HUGOTON BAPTIST CHURCH -Eighth and Main 544-2210 Bob Rich, Pastor 506 East Eighth - 544-2295 Sunday School - 6:00 p.m. Morning Worship - 10:30 a.m. Youth Service - 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study - 6:00 p.m.

LIGHTHOUSE FELLOWSHIP 424 S. Jackson 544-4828 Michael Taylor, Minister 428-5686 Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. Sunday Church - 10:30 a.m. Wednesday - 7:00 p.m. Pre-Service Prayer - half hour before service

MOSCOW MOSCOW BAPTIST CHURCH 598-2455 Church - 598-2400 Home Rev. Larry Bradford, Pastor 1 mile S. of Moscow, 1/2 mile E. of Moscow/Hooker Rd. Morning Worship - 10:30 a.m. Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study - 7:00 p.m. Team Kids (Wed.) - 3:30-5:00p.m. Sept.-May

MOSCOW UNITED METHODIST 598-2426 Tim McCrary, Pastor 598-2421 Sunday School - 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship - 11:00 a.m. Kid’s Club - Wednesday 3:30 p.m. UMYF Jr. High - 6:00 p.m. UMYF Sr. High - 5:00 p.m.


ROLLA 14 Miles East of Hugoton on Highway 51 Bob Sanders, Pastor EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH Church 624-3784 Home 624-3104 202 Monroe St. - Rolla, Ks. 67954 Sunday School - 9:45 a.m. Henry McGuire, Pastor 593-4693 Contemporary Worship Celebration - 10:45 a.m. Sunday School - 10:00 a.m. Jr. High & Sr. High Youth Group - Sunday 6:30 p.m. Sunday Morning Worship - 11:00 a.m. Sunday Evening Fellowship - 6:00 p.m. Sunday Evening Service - 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Evening Adult Study - 6:30 p.m. Wednesday Evening, AWANA’s - 6:45 p.m. Prayer Meeting Wednesday - 8:00 p.m. ROLLA PENTECOSTAL Christian Life Club (age 2 - 18) - 6:30 p.m. MY FATHER’S HOUSE A Full Gospel Church 207 East 6th - Hugoton Pam Peachey, Pastor 544-2436 Services Sundays 10:30 a.m. & 5:00 p.m.

PRIMERO BAUTISTA IGLESIA HISPANO Congregación 618 Main sur - Hugoton 620-370-1003 Pastor Marcelino Auila Servicio de la Iglesia 11:00 a.m. - Domingo 7:00 p.m. - Miércoles


Corner of Third and Adams, Rolla Marcus Light, Pastor Church - 593-4626, Parsonage - 593-4796 Sunday School - 10:00 a.m. Worship - 11:00 a.m. Wednesday night meal - 6:00 p.m.

UNITED METHODIST CHURCH ROLLA - RICHFIELD 593-4596 or 593-4781 Sandy Ferguson, Pastor Rolla Morning Worship - 11:00 a.m. Sunday School - 10:00 a.m. Youth Groups - 5:00 p.m. Richfield Morning Worship - 9:15 a.m. Sunday School - 10:30 a.m.

The Hugoton Hermes (USPS 253-820)

522 S. Main Hugoton, KS 67951 - 620-544-4321 Owner/Operator Faith Publishing LLC RoGlenda Coulter, Kay McDaniels and Ruthie Winget RoGlenda Coulter, Bookkeeper/ Classifieds/Obituaries Kay McDaniels, Advertising/ Circulation/Layout Ruthie Winget, Composition/Layout Lori Demers, Sports Editor Wilma Bartel, Asst. Composition Marie Austin, Asst. Composition Toni Hamlin, Asst. Mailing Jean Coulter, Asst. Mailing

Ads email: Obituaries email:

Subscriptions $30.00 (including Kansas State Sales Tax) for Stevens and adjoining Kansas Counties, $35.00 elsewhere in state (including Kansas State Sales Tax), and for all out of state subscriptions. Online subscriptions are $25.00 a year. Online and printed subscriptions combined are $10.00 plus the cost of the subscription. Foreign Subscription Rate $40.00. School Subscriptions and Military Personnel $25.00 (including Kansas State Sales Tax) payable in advance. Advertising Rates Noncommissionable $5.00 per column inch, Commissionable Rates $6.25 per column inch, Classified $5.00 per column inch. Frequency is weekly every Thursday. Periodicals Postage paid at Hugoton, Ks. 67951. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Hugoton Hermes at 522 S. Main, Hugoton, Kansas 67951. Opinion Page Our opinion page is open to the public. We encourage comments from readers in the form of letters to the editor or guest columns. All letters must be signed and must include the address and telephone number of the sender. (names will be published but not address & phone#) Letters should be no more than 300 words. No libelous or offensive letter will be published. The guest column or letter to the editor does not reflect the opinion of this newspaper or its representatives.

Hoggatt - Clark Mr. and Mrs. Steven Clark of Amarillo, Tx., wish to announce their recent marriage June 30, 2012. Steven is the son of Mona and Richard Marquardt of Hugoton and Sonja is the niece of Ray and Leslee Hoggatt, also of Hugoton. The couple makes their home in Amarillo.


10:00 AMCT





The Hugoton Hermes

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Page 5

Backyard Cookoff is a “Flaming” success Stevens County Fair Board President Tony Martin announced the winners of the 2012 Backyard Cookoff. The contestants began cooking at 9:00 a.m. Tuesday and turned in their entries at 7:00 p.m. First place winner was Flaming Pits who won $600. Members of the team were Claude, Alicia and Jimmie Cerecero. Second place winner, winning the prize of $300, was Smoke Shop. The team members were A.J. Owens,

Paul and Linda O’Hara 1962

Alicia Owens, Rick Shelton and Dustin Hawks. Winning third place of $200 was Southern Smoke. Their team consisted of Travis Leal, April Leal, Trent Leal and Dallas Scott. Fourth place winner of $100 was the Cardinals. Their team consisted of Cam Day and Gary and Celain Baker. Judges for the contest were Bryan Norton, Don Trentham, Jim Murray, Courtney Leslie and Mary Chappell.

Paul and Linda O’Hara 2012

O’Haras celebrate 50 years together Paul and Linda O'Hara celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary August 1. Paul and Linda were married August 1, 1962, in Oklahoma and raised their family of four children in Hugoton, where they owned Paul's Pharmacy and other businesses prior to moving to Garden City. While in Garden City, Linda taught math and science

at Holcomb High School before retiring, and Paul served many area pharmacies as a part-time pharmacist. Having grown up on family farms in Elk City, Ok. and Canute, Ok., they enjoyed returning to their farming roots when they moved to an historic homestead in rural Beloit, where Paul continues to work as a relief pharmacist throughout the region and Linda enjoys volunteering and gardening.

AJ Owens and Rick Shelton win second place of $300 in the Backyard Cookoff. Not pictured but also on their team is Alicia Owens and Dustin Hawks.


Sydney Beesley won Grand Champion Showmanship Intermediate Division, High point winner (horse) Intermediate Division, Reserve Grand Champion Round Robin Intermediate Division at the Stevens County Fair last week.

to Cimarron Valley & Mr. Hinds for buying Megan Newlon’s Bucket Calf April Leal, Trent Leal and Travis Leal of Southern Smoke won third with a $200 prize in the cookoff. Also on the team was Gary Armstrong.

Brown Dupree Oil Co. will be hosting an informational meeting concerning the

Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure plans. Also known as the SPCC plans. The meeting will be held on

August 14th at 10:00 a.m. in the Lawson Room at the Grant County Civic Center. Cam Day of the Cardinals won fourth place in the cookoff, with a prize of $100. Also on the team were Gary and Celain Baker.

ATTENTION!!!! E-mail Newscopy and Ads to

Megan Newlon is the Champion in the Showmanship Sheep Intermediate Division at the Stevens County Fair.

Thank you for buying my 4-H animals at the 2012 Stevens County Fair. American Implement - Bucket Calf Kolb Farms - Goat Laramie Brecheisen

THANK YOU I would like to thank all of my constituents for your support in this election and all previous elections.

Pam Bensel Pol Adv. paid for by Pam Bensel.

The meeting will be put on by Jeff McPeak of Olson Associates. If you store fuel or oil in aboveground tanks or containers you might need a plan. If you would like to attend the meeting please contact the Brown Dupree Office at


Cooper is this week’s Stevens County Library geekoftheweek. He geeks playing outside.

Homemade Ice Cream


Natural Flavors

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Cookies ‘N’ Creme Yogurth Coconut Mango Bolys Chocolate (Sugar Free) Strawberry Peach Vanilla Cherry Cinnamon Strawberry Passion Fruit Blueberry Lime Raspberry Coffee Caramel Ice KitKat Reese’s Bolys Snickers Watermelon Grape Blueberry ...and many Orange Green Apple more Lemonade Pink Lemonade

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New High Speed Upgrade Get Cash Faster than Ever

502 S. Jackson Hugoton, Ks 67951

Member FDIC


The Hugoton Hermes

Thursday, August 6, 2012

Page 6

Gavin Pearcy gives it his all at the tractor pull Tuesday evening at the Stevens County Fair last week. Gavin is the son of Jonathan and Ashley Pearcy of Hugoton. Sorghum Queen Elizabeth Johnson celebrates her sweet 16 birthday at the 4-H Food Auction by selling her cake she made to the highest bidder.

The Stevens County 4-Hers outdid themselves for items to sell in the food auction. Above is the long line of tempting baked goodies waiting to be taken home and enjoyed by some generous bidder. A beautiful evening helped bring those bidders out.

Brookelynne Hinds takes the gold for her performance in the tractor pull at the Stevens County Fair. Brookelynne even out pulled her twin brother Raegan in the event to claim her honor.. Brookelynne has quite the cheering section urging her on.

Judy Clark is awarded a grand prize for her portrait at the Stevens County Fair. She won in the Amateur-Advanced Adult 19 and up group.

Kamryn Hall, age four, placed second in her age group in the Pedal Tractor Pull at the Stevens County Fair this week. She will be going to the Kansas State Fair in September to compete in the Pedal Tractor Pull. She is the daughter of Jonathan and Lynette Hall and granddaughter of Don and Patricia Phillips and Bill and Jean Mains.

Stormy, Abby and Gillian Heger show off their kittens for the handheld pets.

Ashlyn Schechter, Cutter Hawks, Abbey Goode and Abby Sheldon show off their entries in the dog show.

Verita Melton and Lisa Bennett of Citizens State Bank greet hungry diners at the BBQ sponsored by Citizens State Bank. The BBQ was Friday night at the Stevens County Fair.

Montana Beesley, Emma McClure, Emma French and Lacey Brecheisen hold their dogs at attention at the dog show.

Dancers enjoy the music of RiverRock after the barbeque Friday evening during the Stevens County Fair.

Hungry crowds line up to enjoy the delights of the Citizens State Bank’s annual barbeque.

Kandace Hernandez shows her rabbit named Jellybean with a little help from her grandmother Gayle Claggett.

Gayle Claggett presents President of the Fair Board Tony Martin a large jar filled with homemade cookies in appreciation of all his work. Lorie L. Martin stitched the picture at left in loving memory of Genevieve Martin and Quintin Martin. She entered it in the Stevens County Fair and received a Grand Champion for her loving efforts

Megan Newlon shows her quilt that won her the Grand Champion ribbon at the Stevens County Fair. She was also named the youth winner of the Northwest Cotton Growers Co-op Most Outstanding Exhibit because she used 100% cotton fabrics.

Auctioneer Mike Gatlin auctions off the KState and KU Tshirt quilts and ended up with the generous bids of $3700 for each quilt! Thank yous go out to Nancy Honig for donating her beautiful creations to the 4-Hers.

Carson Schechter proudly shows the family’s African turtles. One belongs to him and one to his sister. He said they will grow up to 4 feet long and 3 feet wide.

Stevens County Farm Bureau provides their annual fare of ice cold watermelon to the crowd after the barbeque.

The Hugoton Hermes

MUSEUM UPDATE from The Stevens County Gas & Historical Museum Gladys Renfro and Beulah Carter

The Stevens County Fair has come and gone!!! It was a good fair- thanks for stopping at our booth. It is always good to see old friends and make new ones. Don’t forget to thank everyone who makes it possible. Since we wrote the last time we have had visitors from Nashville, Tn. and Pitts-

burg, Pa. They all said it was hot in Nashville and Pittsburg. Are you praying for rain and cooler weather? We invite you to visit us at 905 S. Adams. Our hours are 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon and 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Saturday.

They’re baaaack... The vultures have returned to Hugoton and create an eerie early morning spectacle on the tower at the Museum. Photo courtesy of Lowell Stanley.

Scam targets seniors’ wallets The Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services’ Senior Medicare Patrol would like to alert Medicare beneficiaries of a potentially harmful phone call. Right now, scam artists in Kansas and Missouri are trying to trick seniors into giving them information that can be used to raid their bank accounts. Callers are being told that Medicare will be issuing them a new Medicare card, and that in order to complete the process and get their new card, they need to provide the caller with their confidential banking information. This is not a Medicare call, this is attempted fraud and theft. If you are a Medicare member, do not fall for it.

According to the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), Medicare does not make cold calls and would never solicit confidential banking information. To find out more, please contact the Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services, Senior Medicare Patrol to learn more at 785-2960377. This article was submitted by the Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services. The Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services’ mission is to foster an environment which; promotes security, dignity, and independence, while providing the right care, at the right time, in a place called home.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Page 7

Hugoton City Council approves 2013 budget The Hugoton City Council met for their regularly scheduled meeting August 6, 2012 at the council meeting room of the city building at 5:15 p.m. Attending the meeting were Councilmen Gary Baughman, Mike Eshbaugh, Kim Harper, Bob Mason and Greg Gill. Also present were Mayor Jack E. Rowden, City Clerk Thomas G. Hicks, City Inspector Tony Martin, Police Chief Courtney Leslie, City Attorney Wayne R. Tate and Outside Utilities Supervisor Dean Banker. Guests were Jan Leonard, Richard Barnes, Deanna Burkhart of Black Hills Energy, Forewinds Golf Course’s Alvin Riley and Hugoton Hermes reporter Ruthie Winget. Electric System Supervisor Gary Rowden was absent. Planning Commission City Inspector Tony Martin reported there will be a Planning Commission public hearing August 9, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. in the city council meeting room to finalize the zoning of the property east of Hugoton. Black Hills Deanna Burkhart of Black Hills Energy stopped by the meeting for her annual check in to see if the city had any problems with the gas company. She informed the council their city gas meters had been converted to automated meter reading. They will receive the new readings from a tower. The location of tower site has not

been set yet. She stated Black Hills is getting ready to put in new gas lines out to Abengoa. 2013 Budget Tom Hicks presented the 2013 budget to the council. Kim Harper put forth the motion to approve the proposed budget and Greg Gill seconded the motion. The budget was approved. Ordinance 791 The council voted unanimously to approve Ordinance 791 which will raise Hugoton’s mill levy from 35.98 to 39.61. Planter Repair The top of one of the planters on the west side of Main Street shows some damage. The council voted to accept Trinidad Don Juan’s bid of $1,200 to repair the damage. Pioneer Electric Tom Hicks reported Pioneer Electric sent a check of $32,450 to City of Hugoton to compensate for its extraordinary costs. During the month of May, the Holcomb 1 generator was off line for repairs. Thus, Pioneer need extra generation from Hugoton to compensate. City Clerk Hicks expressed his dismay when he received the 2012 July Pioneer Electric Bill for the month of June which came to $306,005.27. Last year’s bill for the same month was $173,946.09. This is the first month under the new contract. This comes to 8.41¢ per KWH. A year ago, Hugoton paid 5.03¢ per KWH.

Mango Languages at Library The Stevens County Library is pleased to announce it has added Mango Languages online language-learning system to its database offerings for patrons, through the State Library of Kansas. (The library will continue to offer the Transparent Languages database at this time, but encourages patrons to try Mango Languages as well.) Learning a new language with Mango Languages is free for all library patrons, and offers a fast and convenient solution for our community’s increasing language-learning needs. Each lesson combines real life situations and audio from native speakers with simple, clear instructions. The courses are presented with an appreciation for cultural nuance and real-world application that integrates components of vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar and culture. Users learn actual conversation, breaking down complex linguistic elements within an audio-visual framework that draws

important connections and builds on information they have already learned. Mango is available in two versions. One is Mango Complete, a 100-lesson course designed to provide a deep understanding of a language and its culture. The second is Mango Basic, which teaches everyday greetings, goodbyes and helpful phrases in a short period of time and is designed to appeal to a beginner in a new language. There are more than 40 foreign language courses available and 16 English as a Second Language (ESL) courses. "We are thrilled to add Mango Languages to our new list of databases." said State Librarian Jo Budler. "Kansans want to learn a second language for business, travel, or just because they think it would be interesting. No matter the reason, Mango makes learning a language fun and we hope the state takes full advantage of one of our newest investments towards enhancing Kansas." To learn more about Mango and get a preview of what the program has to offer, stop by the library and we will give you an introduction. You can access Mango through the library Web site at stevenscountylibrary. com.

Transformer Jan Leonard reported the KDOT committee from Safe Routes to School was impressed by the number of people who showed up in support of the proposed project. They will announce who will receive the $250,000 grant the first of September. Jan also reported a new transformer should be ordered for the Dairy Ingredients plant. Forewinds Golf Course Alvin Riley stopped by the meeting to see if the council had any questions about the golf course. He stated about as many golfers have been out as last year. He remarked the golf course is a nice facility. Water improvements Dean Banker reported the cost of pipe and parts to increase the water pressure for

Market Report

Trindle Street and Ninth will cost about $7,000. The council passed the motion to replace the water line. Banker reported that about 92 million gallons of water was pumped last month according to the water report. Police vehicle Police Chief Leslie reported she originally wanted to replace the Trail Blazer. However, the Animal Control pickup is in very bad shape. She stated this pickup should be replaced first. The council asked her to check for used pickups. The meeting adjourned until September 10, 2012.


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Gene Nunn

Stevens County EMS will be conducting an EMT Class Mondays and Wednesdays beginning September 17, 2012 and ending in March 2013. Everyone interested in taking the course needs to attend the sign up meeting August 16 at 7:00 p.m. at the

EMS Training Center at 428 S. Jackson.

We want to say

Thank You

Darin Heger & Circle H Farms for buying

Austin Newlon’s Reserve Grand Goat & Megan Newlon’s Reserve Grand Hampshire Hog


The fair building at the Stevens County Fair was bursting with booths from various business and individuals. Fair goers enjoy the cool air as It was called a micro-burst by some. Luckily no one was seriously hurt as the fair tent was blown down during the fair Friday night. It seemed to travel on the south side of Hugoton taking down some highlines on Monroe Street and taking the electricity out finally at the livestock sale and fair vendors outside.

they browse the various tables loaded with goodies.

Classifieds get RESULTS!

Call The Hermes today to get your ad in!

620-544-4321 or Email

Thank you for your votes! I appreciate your support! Paid for by Judy Parsons for County Clerk, Erick Nordling, Treasurer

The Hugoton Hermes

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Page 8

County Commissioners Continued from page 1 Ted also reported the break-in suspects from the Hancock break-in and the suspects from the Brollier break-in have been arrested. Ted said he has a trailer in his possession that may have been stolen. He told of destruction of political signs and a brick mailbox on the east side of Hugoton that was destroyed Friday night. He reported they have taken the minivan to Ulysses for repair. Ted also said when asked, that the nightlife in Stevens County has increased recently. He and his deputies are cruising around a lot more to hopefully discourage disorderly activities. Rodney came in to discuss the ambulance for sale. The bids were to be opened at 10:00 a.m. so he agreed to come back at that time. Pam and the commissioners discussed possible dates for meetings that need to be changed. At 10:00 a.m. Rodney Kelling came back in and the bids were opened for the ambulance the Emergency Medical Services had for sale. The burned firetruck had to be pulled out due to it being kept for evidence for the insurance claim being worked out. Only one bid was received for the 1991 Chevy ambulance. It was from Donald Perry and

the commissioners made the motion to accept the bid. Mr. Perry came in, wrote the check, and received the signed title. Rodney told of the planned EMS training class coming up in September. There is a cost but they are working toward a grant that may pay these costs. The main requirement for someone taking the class is they must be able to lift 75 pounds. The classes will lead up to a big state test in March. Dale Noyes came in to talk about his lot. He is ready to get started with his building. He said he was under the understanding he had bought the lot at a certain price and now finds out there will be more charges. The commissioners will discuss this matter more and get back to Dale. Next on the agenda was Tom Fuhrmann. He requested an executive session. Kim Harper came in to discuss matters with the commissioners. Tony McBride came in to report of the progress to the new Pioneer Manor. The garage door has been fixed and landscape all planted with some minor things that may have to wait until fall due to the drought. Warranty items have been checked: some work needs to be done to the

Located within Stevens County Hospital 1006 S. Jackson Hugoton, KS 67951 • Free in Town Delivery! • Friendly “Hometown” Service • Accept Major Insurance Plans • Open Saturdays! Open Monday - Friday: 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Closed 1:00pm to 1:30 p.m. for lunch

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geo thermal system; condensation pans have some issues; and the roof had some issues but it has been fixed. Next on the agenda were Ashley Fiss, Meagan Sullivan and Linda Stalcup. They came in to talk about the plans for the Physical Therapy to move into the south side of the old manor. Before Ashley arrived, the commissioners talked to Linda about openings to the hospital board. Linda also told the commissioners about the manor’s plan to purchase an electric cart of some kind like a golf cart that they can use inside the building. Hugoton Rotary has given some money toward purchasing this cart. Ashley Fiss then arrived and gave the commissioners some plans and ideas for creating a new Physical Therapy location in the south side of the old manor. Much discussion followed about the removal of the asbestos and other plans for the old manor. Linda said their open house for Pioneer Manor will possibly be September 1. They also discussed the sign for the new manor. Linda said they have no money for the sign. The commissioners asked to see a picture of it. Motion was made to have Ashley draw up plans for the Physical Therapy office. Motion passed with two votes for and Jim Bell voted no. When Dave asked why, Jim said he would like to look into the cost more and talk about what is wrong with the location they are in now. Meagan named off some of the reasons they would like to relocate. Jim said he doesn’t like the idea of putting so much money into the old manor. Ashley is going to find out how long the bid is good for the removal of the asbestos. It may be higher already due to places they could not get to during the inspection. Much discussion followed when the commissioners returned from lunch. They talked of wages and the special charges of the lots east of town. Dave stated he is in favor of not trying to recoup all

their expenses out there, but there are just no good answers. One motion was made with prices but was later rescinded. Then the motion to charge $16,000 for upfront lots and $12,000 for back lots, per acre, with no extra charges for improvements was made and passed. Motion was made and passed to raise the wages in question and motion was made and passed to pay for the new manor sign with leftover funds from the building of the manor. Meeting adjourned. The next commissioners’ meeting is August 20. COMMISSIONERS’ PROCEEDINGS JULY 16, 2012 The Board of Stevens County Commissioners met in regular session with Jim Bell and Gary Baker present. Also present were County Counselor Bob Johnson, County Clerk Pam Bensel and RoGlenda Coulter from The Hugoton Hermes. Jim called the meeting to order and moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting. Gary seconded. Motion carried. Gary moved to approve the county vouchers, Jim seconded and motion carried. The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts: General .. 24,772.79; Road & Bridge .. 14,089.29; Building .. 13,027.22; Noxious Weed .. 215.27; Highway Improvement .. 76,858.71; Insurance Agency – Damages .. 11,000.00; Fire Bequest .. 8,500.00; Community Health .. 10,550.03; County Equipment .. 7,236.62; Employee’s P/R Misc W/H .. 64.62. Bob Johnson gave the commissioners an affidavit for title departments to sign for the closing of the milk factory project. The commissioners discussed the air conditioning system for the courthouse. No decision made at this time. Dale Noyes came in to discuss the covenants and restrictions for the Stevens County Industrial Park area. He had concerns about not being able to have farm equipment sitting out in the open. He has a sprinkler business and he would have equipment sitting outside. The commissioners explained what that

particular section of the regulations meant. They assured him that his business would be fine. Bob reminded the commissioners about the special assessments on the lots in the Stevens County Industrial Park. They will need to be assessed on the tax roll as the lots are sold. Connie Gold and Vanessa Willis came to the commissioners meeting to talk about the special assessments on the lots. Pam Bensel will need to figure out the amount of cost for the water and sewer projects for these lots in the Stevens County Industrial Park. J C Cantrell came in to discuss the Road and Bridge projects. He says they are going to seal the road from the radio tower to the bridge on Road Y. Jim asked JC about the Seaboard trucks tearing up some of the County roads. J C said the trucks have damaged Roads 8, 9 and 12. Jim asked Bob to write a letter to Seaboard asking that the trucks be careful when traveling the roads. Ted Heaton came in to discuss the Sheriff’s office. Everything is going good at this time. Ashley Fiss reported to the commissioners about talking to Meagan Sullivan and Linda Stalcup to get their ideas for the plans to remodel the south end of the old Pioneer Manor building for the Physical Therapy unit. Ashley says she has a bid from the company that will be removing the asbestos from the middle section of the old Pioneer Manor building. Rodney asked if he could

ask for sealed bids on the technical rescue truck and the fire truck that burned. Motion was made and passed to allow Rodney to get bids for the vehicles. Commissioners asked Rodney about the status of the bathroom plans for the EMS building. He said Ashley Fiss is still working on the plans. Rex Brower and Matt Esarey came in to discuss the insurance policy with Musgrove Insurance Company for the mud bog event at Lake Russell for the Stevens County Fair, August 4. Rex says he still needs to talk to J C Cantrell about signs to put up at Lake Russell. Rex and Matt asked if some of the people coming for the event would be able to camp at Lake Russell the night before and after the event. The commissioners told them to check with Ted Heaton so an officer could check on everything throughout the night. Rex said he would check if an officer could be there during the event, also. Bill Suddeth with the Moscow City Council came in to inform the commissioners about a proposal the Moscow City Council had from BHC Rhodes Civil Engineers-Surveyors for surveying services – section corner control study in the City of Moscow. The cost for the services will be billed on an hourly basis with a not to exceed amount of $5,000.00. Bill asked for financial help from the County. Motion was made and passed to pay the cost of the surveying services up to $5,000.00. The board adjourned.

T.A. Hamilton entertains the lunch crowd at the Stevens County Fair Tuesday with the assistance of Aidan Schooley. His magic act was a huge success.


125 years of the Hermes From the August 9, 1940, issue of The Hugoton Hermes Plans to enlarge the County 4-H Club Fair August 30 and 31, were formulated within the Agriculture Committee of Chamber of Commerce in a meeting last week. Various committees have been appointed and work is now underway to make the fair bigger and better. It is the intention of the county 4-H groups with the cooperation of the Chamber of Commerce to make the fair open to the public. It is expected that definite information on plans and premium lists will be ready to announce within the next few days. The finance committee was busy Wednesday soliciting money for the premiums and other expense of the fair. It is estimated that about $125 will be necessary to support the additional fair attractions which amount will be contributed by merchants and business men of Hugoton and Moscow, and the board of county commissioners has agreed to give support to the fair. The old Amsden Lumber Co. yard and office buildings have been secured to house the fair~ this year. This is a very fine location, one block west of Main Street and is quite well suited for the fair, with a few minor. changes to be made in the buildings. . To enlarge the 4-H Fair, and to make it one that will be a benefit to the county and which every-

Sale Prices Good Thru Wednesday, Aug. 15

one will be proud of, will take the cooperation of everyone in the community and the county to put it over. Everyone is looking forward to a big time in Hugoton Friday and Saturday. August 30 and 31. “Hello, Give Me Heaven” No longer is the old song, “Hello, Central, Give Me Central” wholly a jest since Northwest Airlines announced plans to install plane-toground telephone service in its new fleet of Sky Zephyrs. Pictured, Miss Dorothy McDuff of New York tries a call with the help of hostess Elizabeth Haskins. You simply ring for the hostess, she plugs you in, the pilot relays your number to the ground by radio and the call is completed!

The Hugoton Hermes

Duke Mason entertains the audience at the Stevens County Fair Tuesday night. He was one of the bands scheduled to entertain during the annual affair.

Cathy Clark, at right, of VFW presents the American Flag to Carolyn Langley who won the drawing for the flag. Cathy states that the VFW are trying to put flags in every school room in Stevens County. The Stevens County Sheriff’s Department serves free hamburgers and hot dogs at the Stevens County Fair. The group takes a moment to have a picture snapped.

@YourYOUR LIBRARY Information Source for 98 Years 500 Monroe Hugoton, Ks. 67951-2639 Phone: 620.544.2301 • Fax: 620.544.2322 Email:

SUMMER READING AWARDS Don’t forget to pick up your summer reading awards at the library. All awards are set to expire on August 31. This includes T-shirt certificates! BOOK SALE The book sale is open! (A full price list is available at the sale.) Some of the subjects include history, cooking, music, literature, religion, car

repair, biography, and art. We have a few audio and video titles, as well as magazines, puzzles and plants. ONLINE CALENDAR Check our online calendar for a schedule of all library events. We’ve made a tiny URL for your convenience – HYPERLINK "http://tinyurl. com/6tlr9zw" http://tinyurl. com/6tlr9zw - or you can access the calendar through our webpage!

Stevens County Fair King and Queen hold court at the Fair Roy Horton and Ruth Betsworth Breeding were selected to reign as 2012 Pioneer King and Queen of the Fair. Roy Horton Roy Horton has lived in Hugoton all of his life. As a boy, his home at Third and Monroe Street was an ideal location for a family with one girl and six boys. Just across the street north of the Park and across the street west of the ballpark! Roy liked playing ball, especially baseball and also participated in football, basketball and track in high school. He played town team baseball a lot and coached Little League and Senior Little League. Roy played on the Northern Natural Gas Company Softball team for a number of years and was employed by Northern for 32 years. Mr. Horton is a member of First Christian Church and the American Legion. Not the first of his family to be honored as Stevens County Royalty, Roy’s mother Laura Horton was Fair Queen in 1967. Roy and his wife Ruth have been married 51 years and have two children. Their son Scott has blessed them with grandsons Adam, Trent and Nate Horton and their daughter Kay three grandchildren, Dalton and Cole Twilligear and Rylee Kay Shurtleff. Roy and Ruth have enjoyed many ballgames, a lot of family fishing/camping trips, and many years of RV travels. Roy is looking forward to fall sports and cheering for the Hugoton Eagles. Ruth Betsworth Breeding Ruth Maupin and her parents, Bill and Veda Maupin, moved from Holyrood to Hugoton in January of 1947. The ditches were piled high with drifted snow and it was cold! Her dad Bill was employed at Bloodhart Drug as a pharmacist for Mac McClung. Ruth had graduated from Holyrood High School in May of 1946, and after getting settled in their new surroundings, she started working at Republic Natural Gas in the Land Department with George Sims being her boss. She met

Roy Horton and Ruth Betsworth Breeding are honored at the Stevens County Fair Friday night. one of the most handsome, charming men in Hugoton, Morgan Orville Betsworth, who had just returned to Hugoton after serving three years in the Navy during World War II. They ended up getting married. Orville was hired to work for Northern Natural Gas, his main reason for being hired was he was a good ball player. Northern had a fantastic softball team and as a result, Ruth spent a lot of time on the sidelines with her sons, watching her husband and his teammates play softball. Orville also coached Little League baseball for 16 years and officiated baseball, basketball and football throughout 20 years or more. Ruth and Orville had three sons, Mike, Bill and Brent Betsworth who were also involved with baseball, basketball and football. Then came grandson Brad Betsworth and greatgrandsons Brock and Caleb Gifford. One of her favorite quotes used to be, “When I die, I will probably fall out of the

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Tate Stevens and band display their musical talent at the Stevens County Fair Thursday night. The band put on a great show to the delight of the fair goers.

3D Gospel featuring Delisa Dawn liven up Religious Night at the Stevens County Fair. The audience listened to some great music courtesy of the group.

Several booths are on display at the Stevens County Fair. Paula Rowden mans the Stevens County Health Department booth.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

bleachers.” Very seldom did she miss a game when one of her family was playing. During her 65 years of being a resident of Hugoton, Ruth was also employed as secretary for the Stevens County Extension Office; Library Clerk at the Hugoton Elementary School; and was the office manager for Chet Davis’ State Farm Insurance for 20 years before retiring in 1985. She and Orville were also active in youth activities at the Hugoton Baptist Church. Ruth lost her husband Orville due to a massive heart attack which occurred in Colorado in August of 1987, after retiring in 1985. She also lost her oldest son Mike at the age of 51, due to a massive heart attack in February of 2000. June 1989, Ruth and Charles Breeding were united in marriage and their ten years of good marriage ended in August of 1999, when Charles passed away. Charles and Ruth lived in the best of three worlds during their marriage, winters in Ari-

zona, spring and fall in Hugoton, and summers in Colorado. Someone mentioned not too long ago that Ruth needed to add another room to her shoe due to the fact she had so many grandchldren, great grandchildren and great great grandchildren she didn’t know what to do. She has six grandchildren, eight step grandchildren, Taylor Tarcy Betsworth’s son is deceased, 14 great grandchildren, ten step great grandchildren and two step great great grandchildren. Through the years she has lived in Stevens County, she has relied on her Christian faith, her friends and her family for the abundance of good times and help through the rough times and they have always been there for her. Her immediate families who live here in Hugoton are son Bill Betsworth and his wife Tarcy; Brent Betsworth and his wife Teri, their daughters, Camrie and Kylie; granddaughter Camee Gifford who is Bill and Tarcy’s daughter, and her husband Chad, and their chldren Caleb and Magee and their oldest son Brock Gifford and his wife Melanie. Their other daughter Trisha Putthoff lives in Shawnee with her husband Josh and three sons, Gabe, Jax and Beckett. Gabe has been battling Neuroblastoma cancer for the past five years. He will be eight years old in October. Brent and Teri’s son, Brad Betsworth and his wife Amanda and two children Brayden and Olivia, live in Galeton, Co., and their daughter Bethany Owens and her husband Zack and daughter Ryann, live in Centennial, Co. Ruth expresses her thankfulness for the many years she has lived and been a part of the landscape of southwest Kansas. The scene has changed through the years, but all is still beautiful and full of good people, good thoughts and good happenings. She thanks all of Hugoton and the surrounding area for her wonderful memories.

Hugoton Sports Boosters Sponsored


Saturday, August 18, 2012 at Forewinds Municipal Golf Course, Hugoton, KS Entry Fee - $40 per player $120 per team

Mulligans: $5 per player

****All Proceeds help fund many aspects of HHS Athletic Programs****

No more than 24 teams Hole-N-One on Hole #2 $5000.00 ($2500 to participant/$2500 to Sports Boosters)

Send entry to: Forewinds Golf Course c/o Brent Betsworth, PO Box 149, Hugoton, KS 67951 or call Brent (cell 620/544-3694) or Golf Course (620/544-8269). Entry forms may also be mailed to Kevin Watkins, 1047 S. Monroe, Hugoton, SK 67951

1540 West Industrial Park 620-544-2027 Come by our location or call Craig at 544-2027

Save 12.5% if paid within 10 days - 10% if paid within 30 days.

A new choice for your chemical, NH3, Liquid Fertilizer and Dry Fertilizer. We now carry banjo parts for all your needs and have a large selection of banjo fittings and hoses. We have 40 years of experience in both ground and air application. Hugoton Elkhart 620-544-2027 620-697-4706 Lakin Ulysses 620-355-7700 620-356-1070

The Hugoton Hermes

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Page 10

Dominic Esarey Memorial Mud run deemed a success

Neil Olivier sprays mud in the air as he blasts through the run. Olivier placed third in the 33-35" tire division of the Dominic Esarey Memorial Mud Run in Hugoton Saturday.

Thank you for purchasing my 4-H animals at the Stevens County Fair. Citizens State Bank - Steer Wolters Construction - Lamb Logan Brecheisen

End of Summer Pool Hours Hugoton Swimming Pool will be open regular hours until

Sunday, August 12


Saturday morning was met with a break in the extreme summer temps and an overnight rain setting the stage for the Dominic Esarey Memorial Mud Run at the city ponds at Hugoton's northeast edge. This inagural event was greeted with an enthusiastic crowd packing the stands to watch the action play out. The top three runs in each class earned their portion of the 100% pay out. Four classes based on tire size competed, as did an open class division where anything goes. Four-wheeler divisions were also part of the day's events, with two-wheel drive and four-wheel drive designations, in addition to side-bysides. After two runs through the muddy trench, distances and times were calculated to determine the outcome. Brad Hemann took top honors in the 33-35" class, busting through the pit in 7.78 seconds with mud flying. Jake Kerbon placed second in a time of 7.88 and Neil Olivier was third with 8.07 recorded by stopwatch. In the 36-39" division, Jeff Hemann won in a time of 9.16. Jack Kerbow, Jr. took second with his 9.61 average, and Michael Kost was third in 10 seconds flat.

The 0-32" tire division was won by Chris Moore. He placed first with 10.23 seconds average, followed by Manuel Sanchez with 11.35 and Aaron Gonzalez with 11.64. The open-class battle was topped by Jack Kerbow, Jr. in 9.79 seconds. Michael Kost turned in a 10.62 for second and Joe Walley 11.07 for third. Matt Esarey, event coordinator and father of Dominic, took part in the muddy festivities as well. In addition to being a fun day for families, this event brought opportunity for fundraising towards a Dominic Esarey Memorial Scholarship. "We're planning to hold other events," Matt explained of the coordinated efforts. "We want to get local churches and youth groups involved in something like this that gives kids something to do besides cruising around and getting into trouble." Matt and his family have been active in mud run events for the past six years, pointing out his late son Dominic absolutely loved the thrill of mud runs. "We would come out and have fun, it was one of his favorite things," Matt noted.

Jeff Hemann won the 36-39" tire size class of competition Saturday at Hugoton's Dominic Esarey Memorial Mud Run. He's pictured here with his muddy ride that took the cake. He had the fastest time average with a 9.61 second run. The top three mud run competitors in each of four classes took home a portion of the 100% pay out. He explained they would compete together in the Elkhart-hosted mud run each year. This Hugoton hosted event brought in competitors from surrounding states including New Mexico, Texas, Colorado and a good showing of local Kansans. There is no age limit to participate. Parental consent is required for

youths under 18 years of age. Workers at the event were all volunteers and a host of sponsors made the event possible which was coordinated by the non-profit organization Lock In Load Up 4X4. You can follow them on Facebook. Be on the lookout for future events and fun in the mud.

Beginning Monday, August 13 through Saturday, August 18, the pool will be open daily from 2pm-5pm.

Hugoton Recreation Commission

Four wheelers took their turn in the mud Saturday as part of the Dominic Esarey Memorial Mud Run. Spectators enjoyed a range of muscle trucks to one-of-a-kind custom mud-mobiles during the competition.

211 S. Madison

Attention Parents & Students

Matt Esarey takes a run at the mud pit during Saturday's competition. The Dominic Esarey Memorial Mud Run was the first of its kind hosted in Hugoton at the city ponds.

Coach Rod announces practice Hugoton Recreation Commission dates for cross country team Announces

2012 Fall Sports Sign-Ups Tuesday, August 15Saturday, August 25 8am-5pm

Sign up for the following leagues: * Soccer- Kindergarten to 2nd Grade Boys & Girls - Cost $15

Hugoton High School cross country coach Nick Rodriguez has announced the first practice dates for the upcoming season. Eagle runners will gather Monday, August 13 for the first practice of the new season, starting at 6:30 a.m. Athletes will meet at the high school track. Plans are to have two

practices a day, with the first being at 6:30 a.m. followed by 4 or 5 p.m. start times for an afternoon training session. The two-a-day practices will run for two weeks. The Blue and Red time trial will be Friday, August 24. Start time for the time trial is tentatively 4:15 p.m.

* Volleyball -3rd to 6th Grade Girls - Cost $15

Michael Baeza, Ulises Armendariz and Dakota Moodie played in the 15-year-olds Regional Babe Ruth All-Star Tournament this past weekend in Liberal. The three are part of the Cimarron River Rattlers. Cimarron River was eliminated in two games during the tournament over the weekend.

* Football -3rd to 6th Grade Boys $30 program fee $20 Equipment rental fee (refundable at the end of season) *This upcoming school year’s grade, participants must register at the above time in order to be put on C o ach e s teams. will be NO PHONE n e ed e d for REGISTRATONS. all age s. Register and pay program fees at HRC Offices, 211 S. Madison*

Bailey Esarey offers Brad Hemann a complimentary windshield wash after he made his run through the mud at Saturday's Dominic Esarey Memorial Mud Run in Hugoton.

Dakota Moodie pitches for the Cimarron River Rattlers All-Star baseball team Sunday afternoon. This was the team's second game in the 15-year-olds Regional Baseball Tournament. Moodie is joined by two other Hugoton athletes on the roster.

Sports by Lori Demers

Michael Baeza completes an out in the second inning of Sunday afternoon's Babe Ruth game as part of the Liberal-hosted tournament. Baeza is one of three Hugoton athletes on the Cimarron River Rattlers team that hosted State championship teams for the tournament. The winner of the tournament will compete for the national title at the Babe Ruth World Series.

Thank You

The Stevens County Fair Association would like to thank the following businesses for sponsoring the entertainment at the 2012 Stevens County Fair: Parsons Trust Tourism Board EOG United Prairie Ag American Implement Hansen-Mueller Kiwanis Ag 1st - Sheffield Agency Aqua Shield Dillco McBride Construction China Famingo Motel Mane Hair Co.

Ulises Armendariz, Michael Baeza and Dakota Moodie pay respect to the flag during the opening ceremonies National Anthem Saturday evening in Liberal as the 15-year-olds Regional Babe Ruth Baseball Tournament gets underway. They are pictured to the right as a group with their team. The three Hugoton athletes are

part of the Liberal based Cimarron River Rattlers All-Star team. They recently took second place at the State tournament and joined State champions from Iowa, Colorado, Missouri, Kansas, North Dakota, Nebraska and Minnesota for the Regional tournament in Liberal.

Backyard Paradise The Hugoton Hermes

Travis Coulter and Christy Haar’s backyard on Adams Street is a hidden-away haven for their family. Daughters Breckyn and Sahayla

brighten up the place even more with their playful ornery grins.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Two lucky families are the proud winners of these two bicycles. White’s Foodliner provided the bikes to collect funds for Project Hope. Left to right are White’s Dean Van Horn, Project Hope’s Debbie Nordling, the

Page 1B

first winning family - Sofia Valencia, Lupita Valencia, April Valencia, Zoe Valencia, and the second winning family - Alexis Clair, Gabriella Clair and Delona Clair. A total of $330 was collected for Project Hope.

Home & Business Security Systems

888-728-1974 Cunningham’s Colorado Peaches

Several residents from Pioneer Manor braved the heat to explore the fair last week. Standing are Donna Little and Karoll Wagner. Seated are Charles Ratledge, Shirlene Hagler and Lynetta Willis. Photo courtesy of Patricia Kleffman.

Straight from our family orchard to you! NOT packing shed peaches. Our are packed right in the orchard, from the tree to the box, to give you the sweetest, ripest peaches shippable. Bartlett Pears too, as available. Refrigerated - Semi-Truck Load - 7AM til sold out New Drive Through Service!

Guymon Thursday, August 16 Texas County Fairgrounds

Lynetta Willis proudly holds the blue ribbon she won in the quilting category. Photo courtesy of Patricia Kleffman.

“Cunningham” the name you can trust! 970-314-1469

It’s hard to tell what Donna Little enjoys more - showing off the pooch or the blue ribbon she won in the hand-held pet cagetory. Photo courtesy of Patricia Kleffman.

Dorcus Mead holds the white ribbon she won for her puzzle. Photo courtesy of Patricia Kleffman.

Thank you for buying my 4-H livestock at the Stevens County Fair Auction. G+ Ag - Steer Citizens State Bank - Lamb Landon Brecheisen

Weather Watch Tuesday, July 31

Saturday, August 4

Low - 71˚ High - 101˚

Low - 67˚ High - 84˚ Wind speed - 25 Wind gust - 30

Wind speed - 17 Wind gust - 22

Wednesday, August 1 Low - 71˚ High - 107˚ Wind speed - 18 Wind gust - 24

Thursday, August 2

Sunday, August 5 Low - 61˚ High - 93˚ Wind speed - 16 Wind gust - 21

Monday, August 6

Low - 73˚ High - 101˚ Wind speed - 17 Wind gust - 29

Low - 67˚ High - 101˚ Wind speed - 18 Wind gust - 23

Friday, August 3

Wind speed is shown in MPH.

Low - 65˚ High - 101˚ Wind speed - 41 Wind gust - 59

Weather data is taken from the Aviation Weather System at the Hugoton Municipal Airport.

STEVENS COUNTY Activity Center - 544-2283 Nutrition Center - 544-8041 ~ Barbara Beeks ~ The fair is over and it’s still hot. School will soon be starting. We hope all the students and the teachers have a very good year. What a beautiful Monday morning! Menu Aug. 9 ........................Meat Loaf Aug. 10 ...............................Fish Aug. 13.............Grilled Chicken Aug. 14...................Swiss Steak Aug. 15 ................Birthday Day ...............................Pot Roast Aug. 16 ....................Sloppy Joe Activities Schedule Thursday, August 9 Exercise....................10:30 a.m. Bridge......................................... Aglow..........................7:00 p.m. Friday, August 10 Exercise....................10:30 a.m. Bingo........................12:30 p.m. Saturday, August 11 Sew All Day................................ Cards .........................6:00 p.m. Dance.........................8:00 p.m. ..........................Cottonwood Monday, August 13 Exercise....................10:30 a.m. Line Dance.................7:00 p.m. Tuesday, August 14 Board Meeting ...........9:30 a.m. Exercise....................10:30 a.m. Wednesday, August 15 Birthday Day ............................. Exercise....................10:30 a.m. Paint...........................1:00 p.m. Thursday, August 16 Exercise....................10:30 a.m. Bridge.........................................


Call us TODAY!


The Hugoton Hermes

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Page 2B


Martial arts students emerge as champions Local martial artists Danny Tapia and Jorge Tinoco made their way to Lubbock, Tx. August 4, 2012 to compete in the Southwest Plains Texas Championship. Both young men earned

their rights to be called Grand Champions. Danny Tapia won first in Sparring in the 13-14 year old division and first in the 14-15 year old division which was

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Joe Self Chevrolet/Cadillac

8801 E. Kellogg, Wichita, KS


FOR COMPLETE LISTING & PICTURES SEE – “” TRACTORS – LOADERS – ‘03 JD 8420 MFWD, 5509 hrs. – ‘90 JD 4555, 13422hrs – ‘88 JD 4850 MFWD, 12097 hrs. – ‘97 JD TC44H loader, 6' w/grapple, 20,176 hrs. – ‘04 NH LS170 Skid Steer, 1352hrs. - 12' JD 544 dozer blade - Pr. bucket forks TRUCKS – TRAILERS – ‘89 Ford L8000 feed truck, NEW AT, w/RotoMix 490-14 feed mixer, scales – ‘89 Peterbilt ts day cab semi, Cat 3306B dies., 9sp., 169K mi – ‘81 GMC C70 Dies. water tank – ‘72 GMC 6500 tandem grain truck, 24' bed, 64k – ‘79 Chev C70 tandem grain truck, 24' bed, 64K – ‘78 Chev. C60 grain truck, V8, 5/2sp, 16' bed, as new m/s tires – ‘73 Chev C60 grain truck, 61k - '70's Chev 50 feed truck, BJM Mixer box, poor - '40's Chev grain truck, poor - - - ‘00 Neville Built ground load semi cattle trlr, nice – ‘00 4-Star 24'x6' alum gn stock trlr, good – Hale style 16' stock trlr, poor – 2 steel flatbed trlrs - 15' steel hay trailer - 5'x10' utility trlr - PICKUPS – UTV - ‘09 Polaris Ranger XP 700 EFI, 9662 mi, 690 hrs. – ‘05 GMC 2500 HD, V8, AT, 130k mi. – ‘04 GMC 2500 HD SLE 4x4, V8, AT, DewEze 475 hyd. bale bed – ‘04 GMC 3500 SLE 8’ flatbed, V8, 5sp, 112k mi – ‘85 Chev 10 4x4, LWB, V8, AT, 77k +mi – ‘87 Chev. 1500 flatbed salvage – ‘65 Chev 20, 4sp, flatbed, 86k+, poor - '80 Chev. C10 c&c, salvage – 4 Chev take off pu beds - New 8' steel flatbed - FARM IMPLEMENTS – ‘04 JD 567 Mega Wide rnd baler – ‘80 NH 315 small sq baler - A&L 650T grain cart - JD 7300 MaxEmerge 2 - 10 rx30" planter - 4 JD 9400 hoe drills 12x10", Hitch & trans - JD 8200 20 hole disc drill - Rhino SR15 PTO mower - 30' Bushog 6401 7x7 3pt bar w/10 row disc furrowers - 35' Sunflower 7x5 sweep w/pickers - Great Plains 27'x8”, 3pt dbl. disc drill - 24' Holcomb scrapper - 30' Hamby tool carrier w/clod buster roller - 30' JD 400 3pt rotary hoe - 30' Hamby tool carrier 9 furrowers - Cliff's Welding tandem GN 2 row 10 rnd bale side dump trailer - SB 5 bale rnd bale feeder trlr - JD 785 PTO manure spreader – NH 358 PTO grinder mixer - 30' Hamby tool carrier w/Blue Jet NH3 coulters & shanks - 2 Hamby 12' culti-packer sections - 10' hyd. scraper - 3pt. posthole digger - 3pt. 2 shank ripper - 7' JD 709 3pt rotary mower - 21' Loftness 3pt flail shredder - 21' Hamby tool carrier w/NH3 shanks Case IH 10' 3pt blade - 14' Krause HD disc,- Sunflower 19' trash mulcher - Sunflower 32' offset disc, - Samson small bale retriever - Lowe hyd. 12" post hole digger, skid steer quick mnt - 15' Hamby tool carrier w/28 shanks - JD 3pt boarder maker - 54' SpeedKing 8" grain auger, 20hp. elec - 9' 3pt 4 spear bale fork - 2 spear 3pt bale fork - Pickup bed trlr w/300 gal. fuel tank - 16 Bags Pioneer (2011) Sorghum Sedan seed - IRRIGATION - 31 jts. 10" gated alum pipe - Lots alum fittings & valves - Pipe trailer - Salvage eng’s – LIVESTOCK EQUIP. - 1600 gal. low pro poly water tank - Stroberg portable head gate, 3 gate panels, 40 -10' & 12' portable panels, portable loading chute - 5 20'x7 bar contin. panels - SB built wire roller trailer w/25-30 mi. barbed wire - Cattle med. equip. - Doz's bags cattle mineral - Misc. horse tack - feed bunks - mineral feeders - water tanks - 3 ½ round huts - 3 en gates - 3 New Mira Fount waterers - round bale feeders - Dudley wire roller - Calf Puller – Pipe saddle rack - Lots fence chargers - 100' wood posts, creosote & hedge – 64 jts drill stem tubing - 6 sticks 7/8" x20' sucker rod - 4 12"x20' column pipe – 17 pipe posts - 1300 ¾" rod posts - tee posts - 3 rolls net wrap - 20 bx 20,000' plastic #140 & #170 baler twine - cake feeder - 2 comp. dog box - FEED BALES - GRAIN BINS(to be moved) - 475 cu.yrd 2011 Sorghum Sedan silage, to be removed - 47 rnd bales 2011 immature milo - 192 rnd bales 2011 sedan cane - 33 rnd bales 2011 alfalfa - 30 rnd bales 2011 wheat straw 113 lg. square bales 2011 corn stocks - 500 small sq. bales 2010 wheat straw bales, stored inside - 4 overhead cone bottom feed/mineral bins on free standing frames 2 Butler upright bins, 8'x20'x7' cone - Butler 17'8" diam x 10' - 2 Butler 17' diam x16' on pit - Brock 16' diam x22' on pit - SHOP EQUIP. – TOOLS - Lincoln Ranger 250 weld/gen. 808 hrs - Lowery elec/dies.steam cleaner - bolt bins - tool cabinets – Linc. AC225 amp welder – bat. charger – sprayers – lawn & garden tools – power tools – hand tools – etc. - - 1000 gal. dies. tank - 500 gal. gas tank - 2 Palmer stackable 232 gal. oil tanks – 500 & 120 gal. LP tanks - oils & lubes - Dozen's of other items too numerous to list TERMS: CASH - Check w/ positive ID - NO BUYERS PREMIUM. - Bidders should determine condition prior to bidding. - No warranties expressed or implied. - Announcements take precedence - All merchandises must be removed within 14 days, unless other wise noted - LUNCH SERVED. FOR COMPLETE LISTING & PICTURES SEE “”



AUCTION There is a reason

3280 W. Jones/Box 398, Garden City, 620-276-8282 “”

above his status. He also won first in Forms and first in Breaking. Danny was named the winner of the Grand Champion Award, 12-17 year old division, colored belt. Jorge Tinoco won first in Sparring, second in Forms and first in Breaking. Jorge was named Grand Champion of the 9-11 year old division, colored belt. Due to an injury, Mr. David could only compete in Breaking, Black Belt division and came out with first place. The school as a whole came home with seven first place winners, a second place winner and two Grand Champions. Mr. David commented, “There were over 120 competitors in this tournament. I was so amazed how these young men performed. This was only their second tournament and to not only place but to walk out with six first place medals is awesome. Then to top it all off, to get enough points to become Grand Champions. It was such an amazing day for both young men.”

By Brandon Werth Social Security District Manager in Dodge City

Local Martial Arts instructor David Hardy, center, is surrounded by champions! Danny Tapia, at left, won the Grand Champion Award for the 12-17 year old division, while Jorge Tinoco, at right, claimed the Grand Champion Award for the 9-11 year old division. Mr. David won the Breaking, Black Belt division.

KDHE provides back-to-school information about birth certificates and immunizations In preparing students for school enrollment, the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) provides the following information related to birth certificates and immunizations. Birth Certificates The Bureau of Epidemiology and Public Health Informatics (BEPHI) provides the option to get a birth certificate online at: h.html. You can obtain your birth certificates in person from the Office of Vital Statistics from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday at 1000 SW Jackson Street, Suite 120 in Topeka. There is a fee for each certified copy of a Kansas birth certificate. General questions can be answered at 785-296-1400, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. The telephone service is automated with a directory to provide options for accessing recorded information for requesting certified copies, inquiring about the status of previously submitted request or speaking with a staff member, if other assistance is needed. Immunizations The Bureau of Disease Control and Prevention (BDCP) provides up-to-date immunization information, which includes the latest 2012-2013 School & Child Care Immunization information at: This site also provides immunization requirements, school entry requirements, the Medical Exemptions form and the Kansas Certificate of Immunization. For general questions or more information, contact Mike Parsons at 785-296-3975 or email at

Lance Sandoval, age 18, and Nick Gold, age 12, have qualified for State in 4-H Shooting Sports. They will be competing at Valley Center in October. Lance is the son of Anthony and Penny Sandoval and a member of the Heartland 4-H Club. Nick is the son of Jamie and Nicole Gold and a member of the Wranglers 4-H Club.


(First published in the Hugoton Her1t mes, Thursday, August 9, 2012) Notice of Canvass Date for Primary Election

In compliance with the provisions of K.S.A. 25-3104, notice is hereby given that the official canvass of the Primary Election returns for Stevens County will be Monday, August 13, 2012. The canvass will begin at 9:00

A.M. in the office of the Stevens County Commissioners, Stevens County Courthouse, Hugoton, Kansas. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 6th day of August, 2012. Pam Bensel Stevens County Election Officer


(First published in the Hugoton Hermes, Thursday, July 26, 2012) 3t IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF STEVENS COUNTY, KANSAS CIVIL DEPARTMENT U.S. Bank National Association Plaintiff, vs. Jose G. Martinez; Rosa V. Martinez; John Doe (Tenant/Occupant); Mary Doe (Tenant/Occupant); MIT Lending, Defendants. Case No. 12CV20 Court Number: Pursuant to K.S.A. Chapter 60 NOTICE OF SUIT

THE STATE OF KANSAS, to the abovenamed defendants and the unknown heirs, executors, administrators, devisees, trustees, creditors and assigns of any deceased defendants; the unknown spouses of any defendants; the unknown officers, successors, trustees, creditors and assigns of any defendants that are existing, dissolved or dormant corporations; the unknown executors, administrators, devisees, trustees, creditors, successors and assigns of any defendants that are or were partners or in partnership; the unknown guardians, conservators and trustees of any defendants that are minors or are under any legal disability; and the unknown heirs, executors, administrators, devisees, trustees, creditors and assigns of any person alleged to be deceased, and all other persons who are or may be concerned. You are notified that a Petition has

been filed in the District Court of Stevens County, Kansas, praying to foreclose a real estate mortgage on the following described real estate: Surface and Surface Rights Only, in and to: Lot Eight (8) in Block One (1) of the Spikes Fifth Avenue Addition to the City of Hugoton, Stevens County, Kansas, according to the duly filed andrecorded Plat thereof, commonly known as 612 East 4th Street, Hugoton, KS 67951 (the “Property”) and all those defendants who have not otherwise been served are required to plead to the Petition on or before the 5th day of September, 2012, in the District Court of Stevens County,Kansas. If you fail to plead, judgment and decree will be entered in due course upon the Petition. NOTICE Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, 15 U.S.C. §1692c(b), no information concerning the collection of this debt may be given without the prior consent of the consumer given directly to the debt collector or the express permission of a court of competent jurisdiction. The debt collector is attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose.

Prepared By: South & Associates, P.C. Brian R. Hazel (KS # 21804) 6363 College Blvd., Suite 100 Overland Park, KS 66211 (913)663-7600 (913)663-7899 (Fax) Attorneys For Plaintiff (145182)

SOCIAL SECURITY GOES COUNTRY (Note: It may seem crazy, but there are 20 country song titles or lyrics in this column (including the one in this sentence). Can you circle all of them? You probably think of July 4 as Independence Day. Did you know that it is also National Country Music Day? A new holiday? Not by any means. In fact, you might even say it’s been around forever and ever Amen. It was in the 1950s that the Country Music Deejay Association decided to start the holiday. It’s been celebrated every year since. Social Security’s been around nearly as long as country music - since the 1930s. Social Security was signed into law during the same depression era that found Gene Autry singing “Take Me Back To My Boots and Saddle.” Since its dustbowl beginnings, Social Security has helped many silver-haired daddies (and mammas who let their babies grow up to be cowboys) get back in the saddle again. By helping many older Americans stay out of poverty, Social Security is used to being told “I will always love you” and that “you were always on my mind.” Not to mention, “If you’ve got the money, honey, I’ve got the time.” These days, retirees live longer than ever. Today’s average 65-year old can expect to live another 20 years. About 55 million Americans will receive $760 billion in Social Security benefits this year; the average monthly benefit for a retired worker in 2012 is $1,229. But let’s give them something to talk about: Social Security is more than retirement. The agency could cry, “People who say 'Social Security Retirement’ never even called me by my name.” That’s because Social Security also pays disability and survivors benefits, as well as Supplemental Security Income, or SSI. Whether you’re at the start of your career, working 9 to 5, or well into mid-career, you should give some thought to planning your future retirement. To help you plan, visit our Retirement Estimator at www.socialsecu It’ll help you determine how much you need to save to harvest a comfortable retirement. Are you at the end of a career? Ready to take this job and shove it? There’s no reason to walk the line to your local Social Security office, even if you are king of the road. The easiest way to apply for retirement benefits is online, at www.socialsecu Being away from your friends at work may make you so lonesome you could cry, but at least you can count on a monthly Social Security payment. They may even begin to sing about the day of the month “when our old-age pension check comes to our door.” Or, in most cases, by direct deposit to your bank account. Here’s a word of advice for Lucille and Ruby. You may have picked a fine time to take your love to town, but if you were married for ten years or more, and are not remarried, you may qualify for Social Security benefits based on your ex’s work history whether your exes live in Texas or anywhere else. Were you able to find all 20 song references? Here’s an easier challenge: find everything you need related to Social Security at

The Hugoton Hermes

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Page 3B

Stevens County 4-H and FFA Members, Their Families and Leaders and the Stevens County Fair Association Say


...for Your Support at the Stevens County Fair Livestock Auction BEEF

Ashlyn Schechter is holding her Grand Champion Poultry. Her chicken was chosen for the honor at the Stevens County Fair.

Carson Schecter is the winner at the Stevens County Fair. His chicken is the Reserve Grand Champion Poultry.

1. Lance Sandoval, Grand Champion, 1305 lbs., $3.10, Citizens State Bank, Hugoton 2. Nick Gold,Res Grand Champion, 1360 lbs., $2.25, Gary and Connie Gold, Hugoton 3. Stetson Honig, Champion, 1085 lbs., $2.25, Pioneer Electric Cooperative, Inc., Ulysses 4. Briannah Davidson, Champion, 1145 lbs., $3.25, Antler´s Bar & Grill, Moscow 5. Logan Brecheisen, Res Champion, 1145 lbs., $2.45, Citizens State Bank, Hugoton 6. Emma McClure, Res Champion, 1075 lbs., $2.95, Kubin Aerial, Inc., Moscow 7. Donovan Torres, Res Champion, 1090 lbs., $2.75, Pate Agency, Don Beesley, Hugoton 8. Brady Heger, Blue, 1150 lbs., $3.20, Mycogen Seeds, Hugoton 9. Landon Brecheisen, Blue, 1160 lbs., $2.60, G+ Ag, Inc., Hugoton 10. Nicole Kinser, Blue, 1450 lbs., $2.60, Bultman Tire, Inc., Hugoton 11. Elizabeth Johnson, Red, 1125 lbs., $2.80, Citizens State Bank, Hugoton 12. Madison Hall, Red, 1335 lbs., $2.25, Cimarron Valley Irrigation, LLC, Hugoton

13. Toby McClure, Red, 1050 lbs., $3.10, Jim Persinger, Hugoton 14. Lauren Sarchet, Red, 1130 lbs., $2.95, Gourdin By-Products LLC, Moscow 15. Isabella Hall, Red, 1120lbs., $2.40, Brown-Dupree Oil Co. Inc., Ulysses and Hugoton 16. Riece Clinesmith, Red, 1145 lbs., $2.60, Antler´s Bar & Grill, Moscow 17. Tony Kinser, Red, 1300 lbs., $2.50, G+ Ag, Inc., Hugoton 18. Zackary Leininger, Red, 1000 lbs., $2.65, Mycogen Seeds, Hugoton 19. Kaitlyn Leininger, Red, 1075 lbs., $2.75, Mycogen Seeds, Hugoton 20. Adyson Gooch, Red, 1165 lbs., $2.35, Pioneer Seeds, Mills Farms, Hugoton 21. Devin Kraisinger, Red, 1295 lbs., $2.75, Rome Farms, Hugoton 22. Nathan Leininger, Red, 1000 lbs., $2.70, G+ Ag, Inc., Hugoton 23. Sarah Johnson, Red, 1115 lbs., $3.00, Cattle Care Service, Hugoton 24. Morgan Sarchet, Blue, 1060 lbs., $3.25, Gourdin By-Products LLC, Moscow


Judge Dakota Reiss hands Nick Gold the Reserve Champion ribbon for his Market Lamb.

The Reserve Grand Champion Market Goat is owned and shown by Austin Newlon.

Agriculture Corner FSA - NRCS - SCCD

544-2261 USDA is an equal opportunity employer and provider Kansas Launches Cost-Share Initiative to Improve Existing Livestock Water Supplies The Kansas State Conservation Commission (SCC) recently approved a plan to work with Kansas livestock producers on a cost-share program targeted at improving existing livestock water supplies. The Kansas Department of Agriculture’s (KDA) Division of Conservation urges livestock producers to focus project applications on restoration of existing ponds, well development, spring development or other water storage projects. The SCC, which is a board of commissioners consisting of five elected and four appointed members, approved the use of $500,000 of fiscal year 2012 cost-share funding that has been carried forward to provide immediate assistance to livestock producers in droughtstricken Kansas. Producers will have 45-days to sign-up for the cost-share assistance initiative and will be eligible to receive up to $2,000 per project and up to $4,000 per landowner. Projects

will be considered and approved on a first-come, first-served basis. KDA’s Division of Conservation will collect applications submitted by county conservation districts and then process and approve individual contracts. “The impacts of this drought are being felt far and wide and will continue to be felt even after rain arrives. We are here to help producers cope with the drought today but also help them recover and plan for future droughts,” said Kansas Secretary of Agriculture Dale Rodman. “From a newly adopted effort to restore existing ponds to drilling deeper wells, developing springs or digging new ponds, this funding will provide critical assistance to assure the hard-hit livestock producers in Kansas have water storage and supplies available for critical seasons going forward.” Pastures that currently have limited or no existing water supplies are the primary targets for this initiative. Livestock producers with existing ponds who are requesting cost-share assistance

must meet specific criteria to be eligible. Specifically, dams must be in satisfactory condition or the landowner must commit to bring the dam to a satisfactory condition and the pond must still be capable of serving a conservation use for stockwater. Cost-share funding can be used for sediment removal; principal spillway replacement; or embankment seeding. Rodman said the Division of Conservation and the county conservation districts will be flexible with livestock producers to help assure they meet the specific criteria. Projects related to well development, spring development and new ponds will follow current policy requirements. Rodman urged livestock producers to work with their county conservation district to submit an application for these costshare opportunities. Your Stevens County Conservation District is located at 607 East Eleventh Street in Hugoton. Call 544-2991, extension three.

1. Madison Hall, Grand Champ, 262 lbs., $4.25, Pioneer Electric Cooperative, Inc., Ulysses 2. Hunter Kerbow, Res Grand Ch, 264 lbs., $3.25, Citizens State Bank, Hugoton 3. Dawson Kerbow, Champion, 271 lbs., $4.10, Stegman Farms, Hugoton 4. Brady Marshall, Champion, 275 lbs., $5.10, Southwest Fresh Potato LLC, Hugoton 5. Emma French, Res Champion, 280 lbs., $4.30, Seaboard Foods, Rolla 6. Casle Heger, Res Champion, 271 lbs., $4.90, Mycogen Seeds, Hugoton 7. Megan Newlon, Res Champion, 280 lbs., $4.50, Circle H Farms, Hugoton Blue 220 4.50 Jor8. Adyson Gooch dan Air, Hugoton 9. Austin Newlon, Blue, 237 lbs., $3.80, Citizens State Bank, Hugoton 10. Raegan Hinds, Blue, 224 lbs., $4.20, Cimarron Valley Irrigation, LLC, Hugoton 11. Brittney Kolb, Blue, 264 lbs., $5.10, Stegman Farms, Hugoton 12. Chloe Martin, Blue, 280 lbs., $5.00, Gilmore´s Roustabout Service, Inc., Liberal 13. Devin Kraisinger, Blue, 247 lbs., $3.80, Mitchell and Laura Hall, Hugoton; Great Plains Gas Compression, Hugoton; Jerry Stuckey Farms, Moscow 14. Laton Heger, Blue, 277 lbs., $4.50, Mycogen Seeds, Hugoton 15. Morgan Sarchet, Blue, 240 lbs., $4.10, BrownDupree Oil Co. Inc., Ulysses and Hugoton 16. Kole Kahl, Blue, 268 lbs., $4.40, Triple G LLC, Hugoton 17. Adam Seaman, Blue, 279 lbs., $4.40, Rome Farms, Hugoton 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Cloverleaf Cowboys decide how to spend Monsanto Funds The monthly meeting of the Cloverleaf Cowboys 4-H Club took place Monday, July 30 at 11:00 a.m. after Fair Work Day at the Stevens County Fairgrounds. President Elizabeth Johnson called the meeting to order. Roll call was, “Are you finished with your 4-H record book?” Minutes from the previous meeting were read by Secretary

Montana Beesley. Logan Brecheisen gave the treasurer’s report. The group discussed how they planned to spend their Monsanto Funds. They voted to approve the suggestions made by the Community Service Committee. Mrs. Vicky Newlon gave the Leaders’ Report. She told everyone about the club’s fair parade float plans and where to meet.

She also reminded everyone to bring pies Wednesday, and to please remember their assigned times to work in the concession stand. She concluded by wishing everyone “good luck” at the fair. There was no old or new business. The meeting was adjourned and several members had their record books signed. Submitted by Cloverleaf Cowboys reporter Landon Brecheisen.

Local youths win Stevens County Horse Show Stevens County Fair’s annual horse show took place Saturday morning, July 28 at the Elmer Loewen Rodeo Arena. Claiming the prize of Grand Champion was Montana Beesley. Reserve Grand went to Austin Newlon. Elizabeth Johnson won Senior Champion Showman while Sydney Beesley claimed Intermediate Champion Showman. Frances Gaskill ended up with Junior Champion Showman. Elizabeth Johnson also took home the Senior High Point Performance and Senior High Point Speed. Sydney Beesley won Intermediate High Point Performance and Megan Newlon claimed Intermediate Reserve High Point Performance. Frances Gaskill won Junior High Point Performance and Junior Reserve High Point Speed. Cutter Hawks was pleased to receive the Junior Reserve High Point Performance.

Rebecca Johnson was honored with the Intermediate High Point Speed and Austin Newlon won the Intermediate Reserve High Point Speed. Carson Gilmore claimed the Junior High Point Speed. Open class High Point Senior

winner was Judy Parsons, and open class Junior winner was Jessie Lamont. Sponsors showered the winners with prizes, and Stevens County’s horse show was a hit, as many local equestrians proudly displayed their ribbons.

Judge Frank Swan awards Nick Gold the Reserve Champion ribbon and belt buckle for his Market Beef.

11. 12. 13. 14.

18. Mikayla Martin, Blue, 275 lbs., $4.60, Martin Trucking, Inc., Hugoton 19. Lauren Sarchet, Blue, 268 lbs., $4.50, Gourdin ByProducts LLC, Moscow 20. Marshall McIntire, Blue, 232 lbs., $3.90, Don and Sharon Concannon, Hugoton 21. Nicholas Goode, Blue, 257 lbs., $3.90, Southwest Express, Inc., Hugoton 22. Abbey Goode, Blue, 253 lbs., $4.00, Marjorie Persinger, Hugoton 23. Allison Goode, Blue, 266 lbs., $4.70, Cactus Feeders, Ulysses 24. Tyler Minor, Red, 279 lbs., $4.00, MasCow Dairy, Brian and Stephanie Hemann, Hugoton 25. Stetson Honig, Red, 232 lbs., $4.20, Keating Tractor & Equipment, Inc., Liberal 26. Aaron Seaman, Red, 276 lbs., $4.50, McClure Farms, Hugoton 27. Garrette Hinds, Red, 221 lbs., $4.20, Rosemary Hinds, Hugoton 28. Ralynn Sittingdown, Red, 273 lbs., $4.30, Animal Health Center, Hugoton 29. Brady Heger, Red, 248 lbs., $4.80, Brown-Dupree Oil Co. Inc., Ulysses and Hugoton 30. Catie Gooch, Red, 280 lbs., $4.50, Rome Farms, Hugoton 31. Isabella Hall, Red, 256 lbs., $4.50, American Implement, Hugoton 32. Tyler Goode, Red, 277 lbs., $4.30, First National Bank, Hugoton 33. Brayden Kolb, Red, 265 lbs., $5.00, Cimarron Valley Irrigation, LLC, Hugoton 34. Effie Kolb, Red, 261 lbs., $4.60, Jordan Air, Hugoton


Rebecca Johnson, Grand Champion, 475 lbs., $3.25. Jordan Air, Hugoton Frances Gaskill, Champion, 190 lbs., $6.75, Stegman Farms, Hugoton Molly McClure, Res Champion, 255 lbs., $5.25, Moorman´s Feeds, Lee Isaac, Hugoton Montana Beesley, Blue, 500 lbs., $6.75, Doug and Rita Mills Farms, Hugoton Garrette Hinds, Blue, 265 lbs., $4.75, Pate Agency, Don Beesley, Hugoton Grace Dillinger, Blue, 450 lbs., $6.30, Great Plains Gas Compression, Inc., Hugoton Amber Baeza, Blue, 520 lbs., $6.00, L & L Farms, Lewis and Lee Wheeler, Hugoton Henry Beesley, Blue, 370 lbs., $4.60, Matt and Kyla Mills Farms, Hugoton Tacho Garcia, Blue, 360 lbs., $6.85, Kansas Dairy Ingredients, Brian and Stephanie Hemann, Hugoton David Beesley, Blue, 355 lbs., $5.10, Dennis and Elizabeth Moser, Moscow; L & N Aviation, Hugoton; Hoskinson Well Service, Hugoton; Bob Johnson Law Office, Iola; Barry and Leigh Angell, Hugoton Sydney Beesley, Blue, 480 lbs., $6.50, Doug and Rita Mills Farms, Hugoton Lacey Brecheisen, Blue, 280 lbs., $4.95, Pioneer Electric Cooperative, Inc., Ulysses Audrey Gilmore, Blue, 350 lbs., $5.00, Gilmore´s Roustabout Service, Inc., Liberal Laramie Brecheisen, Blue, 235 lbs., $5.10, American Im-

plement, Hugoton 15. Catie Gooch, Blue, 320 lbs., $4.75, Triple G LLC, Hugoton 16. Cutter Hawks, Blue, 300 lbs., $5.30, Lahey Farms, Moscow 17. Carson Gilmore, Blue, 290 lbs., $5.25, Conestoga Energy, Liberal 18. Abbey Goode, Blue, 340 lbs., $5.10, Rome Farms, Hugoton 19. Megan Newlon, Blue, 335 lbs., $5.55, Cimarron Valley Irrigation, LLC, Hugoton 20. Ashlyn Schechter, Blue, 215 lbs., $5.35, Davis Land & Cattle, Richfield; Hugoton Veterinary Clinic, Hugoton 21. John Shelton, Blue, 175 lbs., $7.10, American Implement, Hugoton 22. Kyra Shelton, Blue, 195 lbs., $7.50, L & L Farms, Lewis and Lee Wheeler, Hugoton 23. Casle Heger, Blue, 215 lbs., $8.00, Mycogen Seeds, Hugoton 24. Brayden Kolb, Blue, 425 lbs., $4.05, Circle H Transport, Hugoton 25. Chloe Martin, Blue, 270 lbs., $6.75, Martin Trucking, Inc., Hugoton 26. Claire Clark, Blue, 295 lbs., $7.25, Professional Commodities Management, Dodge City 27. Effie Kolb, Blue, 280 lbs., $5.10, Crazy House, Liberal 28. Mikayla Martin, Blue, 275 lbs., $4.60, MasCow Dairy, Brian and Stephanie Hemann, Hugoton 29. Cody Mills, Blue, 335 lbs., $7.50, G+ Ag, Inc., Hugoton


1. Nick Gold, Res Grand Champion, 140 lbs., $5.25, First National Bank, Hugoton 2. Lacey Brecheisen, Blue, 112 lbs., $6.25, Seaman Crop Consulting, Hugoton 3. Logan Brecheisen, Blue, 133 lbs., $5.75, Wolters Construction, LLC, Hugoton 4. Brittney Kolb, Blue, 136 lbs., $4.30, Jordan Air, Hugoton

5. Landon Brecheisen, Blue, 135 lbs., $6.75, Citizens State Bank, Hugoton 6. Brooke Hinds, Blue, 115 lbs., $6.25, Rep. Steve Alford, Ulysses 7. Donovan Torres, Blue, 123 lbs., $6.50, BrownDupree Oil Co. Inc., Ulysses and Hugoton 8. Raegan Hinds, Blue, 119 lbs., $6.50, American Implement, Hugoton

SMALL ANIMALS Goat 1. Elizabeth Johnson, Grand Champion, 72 lbs., $4.05, Dr. Effie Gaskill, Hugoton 2. Austin Newlon, Res Grand Champ, 88 lbs., $6.50, Circle H Farms, Hugoton 3. Emma McClure, Blue, 93 lbs., $5.25, A To Z Livestock, Hugoton 4. Jay McClure, Blue, 90 lbs., $8.75, Circle H Transport, Hugoton 5. Emma French, Blue, 57 lbs., $5.40, Jeff and Vicky Newlon, Hugoton 6. Sydney Beesley, Blue, 71 lbs., $6.25, Dr. Effie Gaskill, Hugoton 7. Montana Beesley, Blue, 37 lbs., $25.00, MasCow Dairy, Brian and Stephanie Hemann, Hugoton 8. Laramie Brecheisen, Blue, 74 lbs., $6.75, Kolb Farms, Hugoton 9. Kaitlyn Dobie, Blue, 75 lbs., $8.00, Cactus Feeders, Ulysses 10. Garett Walker, Red, 87 lbs., $10.50, American Implement, Hugoton 11. Madilyn Fleming, Red, 50 lbs., $14.50, Pate Agency, Don Beesley, Hugoton Rabbit 1. Nicholas Bryan, Champion, $270, Kathy Hill Processing, Moscow 2. McKenzie Hinds, Champion, $440, Rosemary Hinds, Hugoton 3. Katya Wolters, Champion, $425, Pioneer Electric Cooperative, Inc., Hugoton

4. Brooke Hinds, Champion, $460, Annie Stegman/AJ´s Enterprise, Inc., Hugoton 5. Megan Bryan, Purple, $290, McClure Farms, Hugoton 6. Victoria Bryan, Purple, $270, McClure Farms, Hugoton 7. Izzak Hernandez, Blue, $340, Claggett Farms, Hugoton Poultry 1. Ashlyn Schechter, Blue, $225, Hittle Cattle Company, Hugoton 2. Carson Schechter, Blue, $225, Hittle Cattle Company, Hugoton 3. Izzak Hernandez, Blue, Rooster, $510, Claggett Farms, Hugoton 4. Tony Kinser, Blue, $425, L & L Farms, Lewis and Lee Wheeler, Hugoton 5. Hunter Kerbow, Blue, $330, Stegman Farms, Hugoton 6. Dawson Kerbow, Blue, $410, Hugoton Hermes, Hugoton 7. Allen Shelton, Blue, $560, Keating Tractor and Equipment, Inc., Liberal 8. Kaitlyn Leininger, Blue, $430, Kathy Hill Processing, Moscow 9. Zackary Leininger, Blue, $350, McClure Farms, Hugoton 10. Nathan Leininger, Red, $340, Jordan Air, Hugoton

The Hugoton Hermes

Thursday, August 9, 2012 Page 4B

ROLLA NEWS Hummingbirds delight locals By Mary Courtney

August 13 - 17 Morton County Health Fair - free to all who participate.

Lana Jarvis and Traci Taylor enjoy wildlife and have had special visitors this summer. Lana spent time in Colorado where eight to twenty hummingbirds fed regularly at the feeders. Lana filled the feeders several times a day to keep the little hummers happy.

Traci’s hummingbird received his nourishment from the many petunias in the Taylors’ yard. These little pets become quite tame when food is made available. Traci and Lana will no doubt miss their fluttering feathered friends as school starts soon.

**Free Daily Hugoton Delivery** Same Day Delivery Even on Saturdays

These little beauties refresh themselves after an invigorating flight in Colorado. Lana Jarvis loved to watch them gather around the feeders while she was visiting the Centennial State.

***Independently owned and operated by Brett and Holli Horyna***

Phone 620-624-4065

Hours Monday-Friday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. 1033 N. Kansas Avenue in Liberal

Traci Taylor’s hummingbird friend enjoys a drink from the plentiful petunias in her home’s yard.

Rolla Hope to help baby Eli Rolla Hope is sponsoring a fund raiser for Josh and Kim Hull’s baby Eli. Eli was born three months early and weighed just over one pound. Eli has a long way to go be-

fore Josh and Kim can bring him home, but the Rolla Hope Foundation is striving to assist this young couple with their medical expenses.

Back to school dates announced Has the summer passed too quickly? For students and teachers, the answer is probably, “Yes.” But, parents often exclaim school can’t start soon enough. Well, the time has come for another school year to begin. Athletic practice begins Monday, August 13, while in-

service for teachers starts Wednesday, August 15. Classes for students will begin Monday, August 20. Students and parents can get those new backpacks, school supplies, and clothes ready and laid out for the first day of classes. It is coming fast.

MOSCOW NEWS by Melissa Moore

Moscow Community Calendar Thursday, August 9 Last day for water aerobics and night swim. Sunday, August 12 Pool hours changing from 1:00–6:00 to 2:00-5:00 Monday, August 13 Pre-K-12 grade enrollment

Paper copy mailed is $2100 for 9 months

Digital copy is $2500 for 12 months

College Students Stay Ahead of The Times With A Student Subscription To Stevens County’s Newspaper

Our special college subscription rate offers savings as well as sensibility Order Today! Your subscription begins in September through May.

CLIP AND MAIL OR BRING TO THE OFFICE Mail to: Begin My Student Subscription The Hugoton Hermes 522 S. Main DATE____________________ Hugoton, KS 67951 NAME____________________________________________________ ADDRESS_________________________________________________ TOWN________________________ STATE_______ ZIP_________

8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. School Board meeting7:00 p.m. Tuesday, August 14 Pre-K-12 grade enrollment 8:00-4:00 p.m. Thursday, August 16 First Day for teachers Monday, August 20 Pool closes for the summer Thursday, August 23 First Day of School for students.

Moore installed as new Superintendent Moscow schools welcomes a familiar face in the position of Superintendent of Schools. The school board has chosen Stu Moore to be the new Superintendent. Mr. Moore will continue his duties as Jr./Sr. High School principal as well. The board felt that in these challenging economic times that the district should reduce the number of administrators from three to two. Mr. Aaron Roop will continue to serve as Elementary Principal and district Activities Director. In addition, Mr.Roop will

Moscow students urged to take advantage of Project REAL this year Moscow Schools have been tentatively awarded the 21st Century after school grant. Project REAL (Recreation, Education, Academics, Learning) will be the name of this significant opportunity for students. Through this grant all students, K-12 will be provided the opportunity for tutoring and study hall to gain more success in the classroom, as well as, enrichment experiences in Art, technology, foreign language and character education. The

program will run from mid September to May after school Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. No sessions will be offered on Wednesday because of the strong attendance of students at TEAM kids and Kids Club. Summer school will be provided for all students Kindergarten through eighth grade. More information about the specifics of the program will be forth coming in future weeks.

HUGOTON EAGLES 2012-2013 DISTRICT PARKING SPACES Reserve parking for regular season home games! Sale Dates: Senior Citizens- August 13, 9:00 a.m. General Public - August 15, 9:00 a.m. Come by High School Activities Office, 215 West 11th to purchase. No phone calls please. Only one per family unit.

Cost: $30.00 (spaces are limited) Due to safety and insurance liability concerns no grilling will be allowed.

Our first home game is 8-31-12, EAGLES vs Goodland 7:30 pm.

With ds k c i St ssifie la the C

If you’re shopping for a new home or car, keep looking in the Classifieds. Every week, you’ll find a great selection of listings for real estate and automobiles at prices you won’t find from a broker or dealer.

also serve as assistant Jr/Sr High Principal. Mr. Moore holds an Educational Specialist degree in Administration and Supervision and a Masters degree in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, MS. He obtained his undergraduate degree in education from Emporia State University, Emporia, KS. He also graduated from Seward County Community College, Liberal, KS with an Associate of Arts degree. His high school diploma is from Hanks High School, El Paso, Tx. Mr. Moore is beginning his twenty-fifth year in education. He began his teachcareer in ing/coaching Elkhart as a Sixth Grade Language Arts teacher and Physical Education instructor. He held this position for ten years before coming to Moscow as the Jr/Sr High Principal. Mr. Moore is married to Moscow’s Kindergarten teacher, Melissa. They have two grown children, Jenica and Jace who graduated from Moscow Schools. Moore is excited to assume his new role in education. He states that he looks forward to working with all of the district staff and patrons to help our students achieve success in the classroom, extracurricular activities, and in whatever endeavors they choose to pursue upon graduation.

Enrollment for Moscow schools August 13-14 Moscow Schools will have enrollment Monday and Tuesday, August 13 and 14 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Pre-K through fifth grade will enroll at the Elementary School. Sixth grade through twelfth grade will enroll at the Jr./Sr. High School. Please bring birth certificate, Social Security card, immunization records and a copy of a school physical if this is your first time to enroll.

The Hugoton Hermes Classifieds 620-544-4321

The Hugoton Hermes

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Page 5B


ROLLA BOARD OF EDUCATION Jean Ann Hull, President Norman Johns, Vice President Darren Clark Stacy Burrows Terry Hull Penny Rusch Erich Glave ADMINISTRATION Stuart Sutton, Superintendent Stuart Sutton, K-5 Principal Gardell Schnable, 6-12 Principal Kris Hall, Guidance Counselor HPEC STAFF Shelli Burrows, Interrelated Teacher Rachel Dunn, Paraprofessional Marina Hernandez, Paraprofessional Jon Schnable, Paraprofessional Alice Connors, Gifted Facilitator

JUNIOR HIGH/HIGH TEACHERS Tina Huddleston, English John Barrett, Social Sciences Bentley, Courtney, Denton, JH Computer, P.E. Greg Bentley, Health/P.E. Mary Courtney, Math, History, Lang. Arts. Kelly Schnable, Math Dawn Hart, ATA, English Holly Denton, 6th Grade/7th Social St. Sam Eiland, Band, Vocal Duane Geene, Welding, Industrial Arts Kris Hall, 6th Science Zeta Greene, Science Traci Taylor, Yrbk, FACS, Computer Traci Taylor, MultiMedia, Business BUS DRIVERS Duane Greene John Barrett Jessie Eckert Scott Ellis Dan Bucher

TEACHERS AIDES Charla Webb Sylvia Villa Toni Easterwood Betty Bushey LIBRARIANS Suzanne Murray, USD 217 Librarian Cindy Hittle, Head Librarian Morton County Rolla Branch Amanda Dunn, Morton County Asst. ELEMENTARY TEACHERS Sylvia Villa, PreKindergarten Sherry Pinkley, Kindergarten Lana Jarvis, 1st Gade Jolynne Fisher, 2nd Grade Susan Wylie, 3rd Grade Kim Clark, 4th Grade Dawn Long, 5th Grade Kaylee Norton, Title I, Migrant/ESL Greg Bentley, K-8 Computer Greg Bentley, K-5 P.E. Teacher Sam Eiland, K-12 Music

SUPPLEMENTAL ASSIGNMENTS Greg Bentley, Activities Director, JH Football, JH Boys’ Basketball, Assistant JH Track Jon Schnable, HS Football, Assistant HS Boys’ Basketball Kent Milburn, Assistant HS Football Zeta Greene, HS Volleyball, HS Track, JH Track, Senior Class Sponsor TBA, Assistant HS Volleyball Cory Lewis, HS Girls Basketball, HS Boys’ Basketball Andy Pinkley, Assistant HS Girls’ Basketball Jeff Braun, Assistant HS Track TBA, Assistant HS Track Kris Hall, HS Scholars Bowl, Senior Class Sponsor Mary Courtney, Assistant HS Scholars Bowl, JH & HS Cross Country, JH Scholars Bowl Shelley Barrett, HS Cheer Sponsor Beverly Light, Forensics TBA, Assistant Forensics

John Barrett, HS StuCo Sponsor, HS Golf, Junior Class Sponsor, Assistant JH Football, JH Girls’ Basketball Traci Taylor, Natl Honor Society, Yearbook Dawn Hart, JH Volleyball Toni Easterwood, Assistant JH Volleyball, Assistant JH Girls’ Basketball Jon Rusch, Assistant JH Boys’ Basketball Stuart Sutton, Assistant JH Track Holly Denton, Assistant JH Scholars Bowl Ellen Hall, JH Cheer Sponsor Shelli Burrows, JH StuCo Sponsor, Freshman Class Sponsor, Junior Class Sponsor Sherry Pinkley, Freshman Class Sponsor Kelly Schnable, Sophomore Class Sponsor Tina Huddleston, Sophomore Class Sponsor SUPPORT STAFF Shelley Barrett, Clerk Arleen Clinesmith, Treasurer, HS Secretary Jamie Milburn, GS Secretary Rita Granados, School Nurse Jeff Braun, Tech Coordinator Dan Bucher, Maint/Transportation Jessie Eckert, Maint/Transportation Helen Higgins, Maint/Transportation CUSTODIANS Gabriela Garcia Khrystyna Puig

Michele Russell

Cheryl Archuleta Waynette Bowers Betty Stout

KITCHEN Linette Salazar Gabriela Garcia

The First Day Of Classes For ALL Rolla Schools Is

AUGUST 20, 2012


USD 217 502 S Jackson • 620-544-8908 • Member FDIC

Aerial Application Ground Application Granular Application

Chemical Sales Fertilizer Sales Aerial Seeding

Crop Care by Air Hugoton: Ulysses: 1540 W 10th 9170 East Road 2 620-544-2027 620-3356-1070 Elkhart: Airport 620-697-4706

1850 W. Oklahoma Ave. Ulysses, Kansas 67880 620-356-1211

(620) 544-4331

Jordan Air Inc. Oil Field Services Co. Hwy 56 & 51 Jct 593-4357

District Office 593-4344 Elementary School 593-4731 Jr. High/High School 593-4345

507 S. Main Hugoton

Complete Aerial Application Hugoton Airport - 544-4361 Elkhart Airport - 697-2657

601 S. Main St., Hugoton, KS 67951

The Hugoton Hermes

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Page 6B


MOSCOW BOARD OF EDUCATION Paul Dobie, President Brian White, Vice President Lonna Teeter, Member J. Harley Davidson, Member Joe D. Thompson, Member Cary Roland, Member Marcus Howe, Member ADMINISTRATION Stu Moore, Superintendent/6-12 Principal Aaron Roop, K-5 Principal/ Asst 6-12 Principal/ AD CERTIFIED STAFF Shawn Anderson, JH Science/ Read/GS PE Cory Bixler, HS/JH Science Cindy Broaddus, Fourth Grade Gail Dale, Elementary Music Michelle Daniels, Foreign Language/Sixth Science

The First Day Of Classes For ALL Moscow Schools Is

Anna Dobie, Fifth Grade Brett Harp, JH English/ Soc St. Whitney Hefner, Third Grade Mark Horyna, Counselor Travis Johnson, HS/JH Social Studies Marcie Knoll, JH/HS English Shirley May, Title I Teacher Megan Meile, First Grade Melissa Moore, Kindergarten Stacy Roop, Media Specialist/ PreSchool Elvia Sanchez, ESL/ At-Risk Coordinator Denise Shoff, JH/HS Music Valerie Thompson, JH Math/ Business Danny Traub, Industrial Arts Tina White, JH/HS Math Velvet White, Second Grade SPECIAL EDUCATION Hope Pierson, Interrelated Carolyn Moss, Special Ed Para Linda McCrary, Special Ed Para LenNis Ward, School Psych

(formerly Lucky’s)

Open under new ownership. 101 Cimarron Hwy 56 Moscow 598-2244

NON-CERTIFIED PERSONNEL Pam Hittle, Superintendent’s Secretary/Board Clerk Amy Davidson, K-5 Secretary Nancy Owens, 6-12 Secretary Larry Holt, Technology Director Mickey Whetstone, Maintenance Kyle Hittle, Maintenance Alma Martinez, Custodian Rebecca Gonzalez, Custodian Hermila Gonzalez, Custodian Patti Seifried, Head Cook Shelly Stuckey, Cook Alejandra Manriquez, Cook BUS DRIVERS Stanley McGill Mark Horyna Kyle Hittle Mick Whetstone

AUGUST 23, 2012


PARAPROFESSIONALS Marivel Rojo, Migrant Alma Granillo, PreSchool Socorro Cecenas, PreSchool Jennifer Owens, Daycare Bertha Rodriguez, At-Risk Joyce Cox, At-Risk Sherri May, At-Risk

Welcome Back to School!

U.S.D. #209 MOSCOW

1850 W. Oklahoma Ave. Ulysses, Kansas 67880 620-356-1211

Aerial Application Ground Application Granular Application

Chemical Sales Fertilizer Sales Aerial Seeding

Crop Care by Air Hugoton: Ulysses: 1540 W 10th 9170 East Road 2 620-544-2027 620-3356-1070 Elkhart: Airport 620-697-4706

502 S Jackson • 620-544-8908 • Member FDIC

Jordan Air Inc. Complete Aerial Application Hugoton Airport - 544-4361 Elkhart Airport - 697-2657

HI-PLAINS LUMBER 507 S. Main Hugoton

(620) 544-4331

601 S. Main St., Hugoton, KS 67951

The Hugoton Hermes

Get set for a celestial light show!

Booths adorned the fair building at the Stevens County Fair last week. Fair goers shopped at the various booths and signed up for prizes.

Stevens County Hospital and Medical Clinic displays various items at their booth at the Stevens County Fair last week.

The Perseid Meteor shower occurs annually when the Earth passes through material left behind by comet Swift-Tuttle. As the month of August begins, you may begin to notice more shooting stars than usual streaking across the night sky appearing to come out of the constellation Perscus. The meteor shower activity will peak during the early morning hours of Monday, August 13. In the dark skies of outlying areas around Wichita or other Kansas cities, peak activity should reveal as many as 30 to 60 meteors per hour; in other words, an average of one meteor every minute or two. For this special event, the Lake Afton Public Observatory will open its doors at 11:00 p.m. Sunday night, August 12 and will remain open until 2:00 a.m. Monday morning, August 13. Of course, meteors cannot be observed through a telescope so, instead, the Observatory's big telescope will be available to observe star clusters, clouds of interstellar gas and dust, and distant galaxies. If you just want to observe the meteor shower outside, there is no charge but you may also want to go inside the observatory to see what is being shown through the big telescope. If you do, regular admission charges will apply, however, in honor of the meteor "shower", anyone who comes in with some form of appropriate shower attire - a rain coat, an umbrella, a bar of soap, a towel, etc. - will receive $1 off regular admission. The best advice for meteor watchers is to find a dark sky, lay back and patiently watch the sky so, bring your blankets, lawn chairs, bug spray, and friends to watch this celestial light show at the Lake Afton Public Observatory. Almost everyone has looked up at the sky and seen a falling star. Of course you are not actually seeing a star that's falling. What you are seeing is a meteor. On any given clear, dark night, away from the lights of the city, a person may see up to a half-dozen meteors every hour. These meteors you see are just bits of rock that burn up when they run into Earth's atmosphere. Most of them are no larger than a grain of sand and they burn up in a fraction of a second. If you hap-

pen to see a bright meteor that lasts for more than a fraction of a second, you've probably seen something that is pebble-sized. A meteor that is fist-sized or larger will not only put on a spectacular light show but will likely survive the trip to the ground. A couple of dozen times each year, you can go out and see anywhere from a dozen to a few dozen meteors per hour. These are considered meteor showers. The best known and usually most intense of these is the Perseid meteor shower which occurs each year around August 12. To understand where the particles that make up meteor showers come from we have to understand a little bit about comets. The easiest way to describe a comet, especially when it is in the frigid depths of the solar system, billions of miles away from the sun, is to think of a dirty snowball that's ten miles across. This dirty snowball is the nucleus of the comet. As this comet nucleus approaches the sun, the sun's heat warms its surface, and it begins to boil. As the ice boils off, gas and dust particles are released and pushed away from the comet's nucleus by sunlight and the solar wind to form a tail. If this particular comet orbits the sun, then the dust particles that form the tail will continue to orbit the sun in roughly the same orbit as the comet from which they came. When Earth passes through one of these particle streams, the dust particles run into our atmosphere and we have a meteor shower. Every year, in the middle of August, Earth passes through the trail of dust particlcs left by the comet Swift-Tuttle, giving us the Perseid meteor shower. The Lake Afton Public Observatory is located about 20 miles southwest of downtown Wichita on MacArthur Road at 247th Street West in Lake Afton County Park. It is immediately north of the lake, just off MacArthur Road. The Lake Afton Public Observatory is operated by the Fairmount Center for Science and Mathematics Education, a part of the Fairmount College of Liberal Arts and Science at Wichita State University. Additional support is provided by Sedgwick County.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Page 7B

Liberal’s Recognized Center for Hearing Care Excellence will be at the

New Pioneer Manor August 9 1:00 - 3:00 P.M. • Free Hearing Test • Batteries • Hearing Aid Cleaning • Ask about our new wireless technology

1411 W. 15th St. #201 Liberal, Ks.

620-624-5216 or 1-800-728-2945


PUBLIC NOTICE (First published in the Hugoton Hermes, Thursday, August 9, 2012)

First National Bank’s booth at the Stevens County Fair offers various items for give away and a box to sign up for a $50 dollar prize.

Steve Morris set up a booth at the Stevens County Fair last week. His giveaway fans were a hot ticket item in the sweltering heat.

This Armenian cucumber would make quite a salad. Keep in mind the plate underneath it is a salad plate for full-size people, not a little girl’s tea set.


MOSCOW, KS. 598-2356


The Hugoton Hermes

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Page 8B


PUBLIC NOTICE (First published in the Hugoton Hermes, Thursday, August 9, 2012)

Deadline for all classified advertising is MONDAY at 5:00 p.m. All Garage, Yard and/or Moving Sale Ads MUST Be Pre-Paid.


1) Classified ad rate is $.20 per word per insertion. The weekly minimum is $3.35. 2) Classified display advertising rate is $5.00 per column inch. 3) All cards of thanks are charged at the display rate. 4) All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968, which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, children, or national origin or an intention to make any such preference, limitation, or discrimination." This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis.

HELP WANTED DRIVERS: Sign-on bonus! Regional runs. Great miles, benefits, vacation, 401(k). Expanding fleet wants you! Apply: 800-973-9161. (4p32)


NOW (2c32) TAKING APPLICATIONS for Scale Help through corn harvest. Must be able to work days, evenings and weekends

Call 428-6518 The Hooker Soda Fountain and Grill in Hooker, Ok. is now accepting applications for a

Professional Restaurant Manager. Must have restaurant management experience. We are also accepting applications for waitresses, cooks and dishwashers.

Solution to August 2, 2012 puzzle

Please come by the Earth Tech office, 102 Broadway St. in Hooker, or please call 580-652-3924 or 580-302-4770 for applications. (tfc32)



is currently looking to fill an open seat on the Recreation Board. If you are interested in this position, please send a letter of interest to: PO Box 68, Moscow, Ks. 67952

ur O n i o J ! T ea m


Hourly Management Position Available ALCO is hiring a high-caliber group manager with leadership and organizational skills who can execute outstanding store operations and ensure great customer service. The qualified candidate must have at least one year of experience managing others in a fastpaced, energetic retail environment, along with experience in the areas listed below: - Retail store operations - Merchandising - Supervisory experience - Customer services - Retail sales Apply online at or in person at 509 W. 11th Hugoton, Ks. (4c31)

USD 217 - ROLLA, KANSAS is looking for a Special Education Paraprofessional for the 2012-2013 school year Salary determined by education and experience Qualifications: High School diploma or GED; can work well with children and peers Position open until filled Applications available at Please submit to: USD 217 District Office, 204 Van Buren, Rolla, Ks. 67954 Phone: 620-593-4344 Fax: 620-593-4250 (2c31)

NIGHT WATCHMAN WANTED Night watchman wanted at Centerfire Feedyard. Must provide at least three personal references and work history that can be checked. Duties include unloading cattle, penning cattle, and completing paperwork from truck drivers. You will check bunks several times a night, check feed mill and water systems.

Centerfire Feedyard provides excellent wages and benefits. Call 620-356-2010 to set up an interview.(2c32)

USD #210 EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Elementary School ESL/Bilingual Teacher Aide for Elementary School. This person will be working one-one-one and with small groups of students requiring additional ESL assistance. This position will be open until filled. Application available from Central Office or on the District Web site. Teacher Aide for Elementary School. Applications are available at Central Office, 205 E. Sixth Street or online at Primary/Intermediate School Hugoton Elementary School is accepting applications for a High Plains Educational Cooperative Para professional. Applications are available at Central Office, 205 E. 6th or online at 48 college hours or a passing score on the ParaPro test is required. Please contact Tiffany Boxum for more information at 544-4376 or Hugoton Learning Academy HLA Migrant Teacher Aide. Looking for a bilingual person to work 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. for $10.00 an hour. Coaching Available Middle School MS Volleyball (2) Applicants should contact Clint Merritt at High School HS Volleyball (1); HS Girls’ Golf (1) Applicants should contact Clint Merritt at USD #210 is an EOE.





Potential for full-time, some mechanical ability preferred, Driver’s license required, starting pay dependent upon abilities. Send contact info and previous employment to: Employment, PO Box 517, Hugoton, Ks. 67951

Help Wanted Great Plains Gas Compression of Hugoton, KS is looking for qualified pipe welder with good work ethic for employment in the Hugoton, KS Fabrication Shop. Applicant must pass B31-3 Welding test. Pipe and Fabrication skills are preferred, but will train the right person. Applicant must be able to speak and write English. Pay will be proportionate to experience. Position is for full time employment and includes benefits. Great Plains Gas Compression offers competitive pay and an excellent employment package, including insurance and 401(k) plan. A pre-employment physical and drug screen are required. Applications or resumes may be mailed, faxed or emailed to the Great Plains Gas Compression office. Telephone: (620) 544-4191 – FAX: (620) 544-4141 E-Mail: (4c29)


Stevens County Healthcare is searching for a Full-time Laundry Aide to work at Pioneer Manor Nursing Home. The shift for this position is 7:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. and does include working some weekends. Full-time employees are offered an outstanding benefits package including sick and vacation pay, along with Blue Cross/Blue Shield (2c32) Health Insurance. Stevens County Healthcare is searching for Full-time, Part-time and PRN RNs or LPNs to work the Med/Surg floor. These positions are for both day and night shifts (7 am-7 pm and 7 pm-7am). All candidates must have a Kansas RN/LPN license to be eligible. We offer outstanding benefits, competitive wages, sign-on bonus (FT and PT only) and mileage reimbursement if individual lives 15 miles or more outside of Stevens County. (tfc15) Stevens County Healthcare is searching for Full-time RNs, LPNs and CMAs to work at Pioneer Manor Nursing Home. These positions are for the night shift (6 pm - 6 am). Interested candidates must be certified with a Kansas license to be eligible for these positions. We offer excellent benefits and competitive wages. (3c30) Stevens County Healthcare is searching for a Full-time Medical Assistant to work in our Rural Health Medical Clinic. This position is Monday through Friday and one Saturday morning every five to six weeks. Interested candidates must have completed the Medical Assistant program and be licensed to be considered for this position. We offer an excellent benefits package and competitive wages. (4c29)

Please contact Robyn Medina in Human Resources for an application 620-544-8511


(First published in the Hugoton Hermes, Thursday, August 2, 2012) 3t IN THE DISTRICT COURT STEVENS COUNTY, KANSAS


IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Goldie F. Williams, DECEASED Case No. 10-PR-33 NOTICE OF HEARING THE STATE OF KANSAS TO ALL PERSONS CONCERNED: You are hereby notified that a Petition has been filed in this Court by Robert W. Williams and Albert L. Clark, Jr. duly appointed, qualified and acting Executors of the Estate of Goldie F. Williams, deceased, praying their acts be approved; the waivers of accounting be approved; heirs be determined; the Will be construed and

the estate be assigned to the persons entitled thereto; the Court find that attorney fees and expenses be paid; the administration of the Estate be closed, and upon the filing of receipts, the Petitioners be finally discharged as executors of the Estate of Goldie F. Williams, deceased. You are required to file your written defenses thereto on or before August 27, 2012, at 1:30 p.m. in the District Court of Stevens County, Hugoton, Kansas, at which time and place the cause will be heard. Should you fail therein, judgment and decree will be entered in due course upon the Petition. Robert W. Williams & Albert L. Clark, Jr., Executors

BROLLIER, WOLF & KUHARIC Box 39, Hugoton, KS 67951 (620) 544-8555 Attorney for Executors



(First published in the Hugoton Hermes, Thursday, August 9, 2012) 3t


Stevens County, Kansas, by Isabell Garcia, praying for an absolute decree of divorce from Saul Vazauez; and for other relief. You are hereby required to plead to said Petition on or before the 9th day of October, 2012, in the District Court at Hugoton, Stevens County, Kansas. Should you fail therein, judgment and decree will be entered in due course upon said Petition. ISABELL GARCIA Petitioner TATE & KITZKE L.L.C. 1024 S. Trindle, P.O. Box 909 Hugoton, KS 67951 (620) 544-2103

Check online for Hermes Classifieds at

(First published in the Hugoton Hermes, Thursday, August 9, 2012) 1t

to fund city services from January 1, 2013 until December 31, 2013.


Section 2. After careful public deliberations, the governing body has determined that in order to maintain the public services which are essential for the citizens of this city, it will be necessary to budget property tax revenues in an amount which exceeds the levy in the 2012 budget.

AN ORDINANCE ATTESTING TO AN INCREASE IN TAX REVENUES FOR BUDGET YEAR 2013 FOR THE CITY OF HUGOTON, KANSAS. WHEREAS, the City of Hugoton must continue to provide services to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of this community; and WHEREAS, the cost of providing essential services to the citizens of this city continues to increase.

Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect after publication once in the official city newspaper. Passed and approved by the Governing Body on this 6th day of August, 2012.

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE Governing Body of the City of Hugoton: Section 1. In accordance with state law, the City of Hugoton has conducted a public hearing and has published the proposed budget necessary

/s/ Jack E. Rowden Jack E. Rowden, Mayor (SEAL) /s/ Thomas G. Hicks Thomas G. Hicks, City Clerk

The Hugoton Hermes

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Page 9B

FOR SALE FOR SALE: Black Velvet Ranch, Registered Black Angus Bulls, Aaron Plunkett, Syracuse, Ks. 620-384-1101. (9c31) --------------FOR SALE: Yamaha Alto Sax, new pads. Comes with stand and books. $600. Call 598-2698.

FOR SALE: 80 acres dryland with domestic well south of Woods. Call Mike Packer 785761-3981. (3c31)


Oak, Piñon, Mesquite, Pecan & More


112 S. Main • 620-356-5808 • Ulysses Se Habla Espanol-356-5808

Delivery & stacking available




Call DJ @ 620-430-1273 Days 620-428-6127 Evenings (tfc)

1986 Harley Davidson FLH Electraglide

Sale includes solo seat and new tourpack, new windshield, lots of extras, must see to appreciate! Text or call

620-453-0427 CAMPER FOR SALE 2003 Coleman Caravan 25 ft. pull camper

$12, 50 $11, 0 995

2 slideouts, electric jack, queen size bed, good condition, lg bathroom w/ tub & shower, microwave, refrigerator, stove, air conditioner, 2 new spare tires

CALL 620-544-6818

GARAGE SALES GARAGE SALE: Friday, August 10, 8 am-3 pm, First House North of Post Office in Moscow, Oak Bunk Beds, Clocks, Rocker, GliderRocker, Much More Miscellaneous --------------GARAGE SALE: Friday, August 10, 6-9 pm, and Saturday, August 11, 8 am-???, 217 N. Jackson, Children’s/Misses’ Clothes, Household, Shoes, Holiday Decor, Shop Miscellaneous, Crib Mattress, Hunting, Prom Dresses, Etc. --------------YARD SALE: Saturday, August 11, 8 am-???, 821 S. Polk --------------GARAGE SALE: Saturday, August 11, 8-11 am, 1400 S. Jefferson, Kitchenwares, Shoes, Kitchen Table & Chairs, Decor, Men’s Clothes - Size Large, Women’s Clothes - All Sizes, Children’s Clothes - Sizes 18 Months-Youth Medium --------------GARAGE SALE: Saturday, August 11, 8 am-Noon, 500 Copperstone Place, Clothes: Baby-Adult, Miscellaneous and Baby Items --------------GARAGE SALE: Saturday, August 11, 8 am, 513 E. Fifth --------------GARAGE SALE: Saturday, August 11, 9 am, Third Street Roundtop Next to Hugoton Rec’s Bob Sosa Building ---------------

1105 S. Madison- 4 bed/2 b, cen H/A, fpl, fence, att garage, basement. Call for details.

20579 Road D, Moscow, KS - Reduced Price! Completely remodeled and renovated 2bd/1b home with 5 acres! $40,000!!

801 S. Main Street - Price Reduced!! 3 bed/2 bath, cen H/A, fence, oversized garage, fpl, lots of storage. Call for details!!

THANK YOU I want to thank all my friends and family who helped make my ninetieth birthday so wonderful. Thank you for all the cards and good wishes and to my family for the wonderful trip to Colorado. Jean Coulter THANK YOU Words cannot adequately express our gratitude to those who have blessed us in so many ways after the loss of Virgil. A great big THANK YOU to the wonderful people of this community! Joyce Cox Travis & Billie Cox and family Jeff & Sara Cox and family Joe D. & Valerie Thompson and family T.C. & Danace McDonald and family

600 S. Harrison Street - CUTE!! Brick, 2 bed/1.5 b, att garage, cen H/A, and more!! Call for details!!

101 S. Madison- $2,500 BUYER INCENTIVE!!! 3 bed/2 bath, central H/A, fence, attached garage. storage shed. Call for details!!!

600 S. Jefferson - Price Reduced!! 3 bed/2 bath, cen H/A, fence, 30 x 40 building. Call for details!!


330 Kansas – Elkhart - This is a 3 BR, 1 BA Fannie Mae HomePath property. Purchase this property for as little as 3% down! This property is approved for HomePath Renovation Mortgage Financing. Selling as is no warranty expressed or implied.

PRICE REDUCED: 1109 S. Madison St. - All you could ever want in a home. Home has 8 bedrooms, 4 1/2 bathrooms, 2 Living areas. Basement family room is equipped with cabinets, sink, and cook top. Bathroom downstairs has a large whirlpool tub. Kitchen and upstairs bath recently remodeled. New appliances in kitchen. Back porch remodeled and enclosed and nice sitting patio next to porch.

612 E. 4th St. - Nice 2001 Manufactured home on full basement. Each bedroom on main level has its own private bathroom. 2 bedrooms in basement with possibility of more. Basement also has hookup for second utility room. Can access basement from inside house or from garage.

1505 S. Madison St. - Nice 4 bedroom/2 bath home on large corner lot. Very nice layout, 3 car garage with work shop attached to end garage. Bedroom 4 has access to garage. This is a must see.

Lots in Spikes Addition 504 S. Wildcat Ct. 617 E. 4th

712 E. 5th St.


(620) 428-1042 CELLULAR

307 N. Kansas, Suite 101 Liberal, KS 67901

928 S. Jackson - Frame, 2 bed/2 b., lg family rm, basement, cen H/A. Call for details!

509 Recreation Drive, Moscow - Brick Ranch, 4 bed/3 b, fin bsmt, fpl, wood floors, deck, and much more!!! Call for your private showing!

615 - 623 S. Monroe- Commercial propertyformerly Ann's Port and Motel. Great Business opportunity with ample parking. Call to see this property today!!!

(620) 624-1212 BUSINESS Now see these and other SW. Kansas properties at


SOLD 402 S. Main Street - Commercial Propertyover 5,000 sf zoned B-2, 75 x 190 lot, parking. Call for details!

SEEKING EMPLOYMENT: 15 years experience caring for the elderly. References provided upon request. Linda Lamberson 544-7647 or 453-2453. (2c32) ---------------



522 West 7th - 4 bed/2 b, full basement, cen heat, open parking, corner lot. Call for details!!

1277 Rd W - Country Home with acreage! Brick 5 bed/3 b, fpl, basement, deck, all electric, 69x48 ship. A Must See!!


623 East 4th - Custom built, 5 bed/3.5 b, fin bsmt, appl, fence, att grge, 2 yrs old. Muchmore... Call for your personal showing!

FOR RENT: 2 bedroom mobile home - 615 S. Jackson, Lot #3. Uptown. Call James 544-2229. (2c31)


515-517 West 6th - Commercial Building and Lot - 40x140 Metal building with land. Call for details!!

--------------FOR RENT: 4 bedroom, 2 bath house south of Ulysses. Prefer work crew, $750/mo. No pets. 620-356-4203. (2p32) ---------------

Feature Of The Week FOR RENT

208 West 1st Street - Nice split level home, 3 bed/2bath, bonus room, 2 living areas, fpl, oversized single garage, fence, appliances, and much more!! Call today for your special showing!!

40’x80’ Lined & Insulated Metal Building with Office.

Call 544-2945

Chance Yoder - Salesperson Agricultural Land Residential & Commercial Specialist

Chance Yoder- Cellphone 544-1907

Chance Yoder

“Call Us For All Your Real Estate Needs”


603 Madison in Rolla

Very well-built, beautiful brick home. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, office, bonus room, full finished basement with huge storeroom, fenced patio, oversized 2car garage, underground sprinkler.

620-544-5499 or 620-428-2929

HOUSE FOR SALE IN MOSCOW Ranch style, 4 bedrooms/ 3 bathrooms full basement, 4 car garage

if no answer, leave message (tfc48)



ROLLA PLAZA APARTMENTS 1 & 2 Bedroom.Rental Assistance Available. For more information call Dayna Folger at 620-492-3698 (tfc40)

1 bedroom newly decorated apartment for Senior Citizens For Information Call Plaza Office - 544-4011 or Selia Crawford - 544-2182

Karen Yoder- 544-4161 or Cellphone 544-3730

Karen Yoder


FOR RENT: 2 bedroom/2 bath trailer - 402 S. Jefferson. 620453-0385. (1p32) --------------FOR RENT: 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments. Furnished or unfurnished. Bills included, washer and dryer, and cable. Call 5442232. (tfc)


Mark Faulkner-Broker Karen Yoder - Associate/Broker Residential & Commercial Specialist

THANK YOU THANK YOU I want to thank Dr. McGroarty and the hospital staff for the wonderful care I received while in the hospital. Stevens County is blessed to have such an excellent facility. Kathryn Barber

Gas company pays up to 20,000 KW of electric usage per year. 848 Road G. - This all electric 2 story home with 5 bedrooms comes with 6 acres of land and 2 new heating and air conditioning systems. $145,000.00 Additional acreage available. Call today!

708 E. Fourth St. NEW CONSTRUCTION!! 3 BR, 2 BA, 2 Car Garage, Full Basement!! Buyer has opportunity to pick colors & other amenities of home. Allowances will be given for paint, flooring, and appliances.




(620)544-7777 UPERIOR 510 E. 3rd OLUTIONS Hugoton



Call 620-598-2927 PREGNANT? NEED HELP? Call Birthright of Garden City, 316-276-3605 or Birthline in Liberal, 1404 N. Western, 620-626-6763. (tfc3) -----------ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS will help you if you sincerely want to stop drinking. Call 544-8633. (tfc1)

CELEBRATE RECOVERY every Monday night 7:00 p.m. at Assembly of God, 138 S. Main. (tfc25)

AL-Anon Family Group

THANK YOU To everyone who has supported us during our most difficult time of Chay’s illness and death, we share our sincere thanks and appreciation. Thank you to our friends and neighbors for taking care of the farm to allow his brothers to spend time with him. Growing up in Hugoton provided a blessing of many lifelong friends who traveled to Dallas to be with him and share wonderful memories. We thank Reverends Bradford and Nash for their words of encouragement, Brad, Krista and Randy for the beautiful music and Brandy for helping us bring him home. Roger and Gail Gillespie Seth Gillespie Nate and Krista Gillespie Cody and Caden Gillespie

Men & Women of alcoholic family & friends meet at 1405 Cemetery Rd. Mon. & Thurs. 8 pm 544-2610 or 544-2854 (tfc)

Pioneer Manor Family Support Group

Project Hope Open Tues & Thurs 8:30 - 11:30 a.m. (tfc37) (tfc15)

3rd Tuesdays - 1:00 p.m. 3rd Thursdays - 5:15 p.m. Chapel at Pioneer Manor

WANTED WANT TO PURCHASE: Minerals and other oil/gas interests. Send details to P.O. Box 13557, Denver, Co. 80201. (104p5) --------------NEEDED: Gas stove, refrigerator, full size or queen size box (tfc31) springs and mattress and love seat. Call 544-5616. --------------

Visit The Hugoton Hermes online!

Licensed & Insured Over 30 years experience in Residential & Commercial Wiring



LAWN PRO Will Schnittker



THANK YOU The family of Jeff “Stack” Harris would like to thank everyone who remembered us with prayers, cards, phone calls, flowers, food, memorial contributions and thank the ladies of the Moscow Methodist Church, Moscow Baptist Church and My Father’s House who prepared the meal for the funeral. Everyone’s thoughtfulness is deeply appreciated. Marilyn, Harry, Janell, Bobby, Jarrod, Janean, Auriona, Gracious, Trevon and Rylee

1030 S. Main

Frankie Thomas, owner

544-5915 or 544-7776


Office: (620)544-7800 531 S. Jackson Hugoton, Ks. 67951

Alan D. Higgins, Owner

Price Red uced! 509 Recreation Drive - Moscow

Great Deals ~ Easy Financing ~ Quality Service

PO Box 473, Hugoton, Ks. 67951 620-541-1579 620-541-1580 SE HABLA ESPAÑOL (tfc30)


Only $17.50/month!!! Call 544-4321 TODAY to find out more!!!

(620) 428-6518 1182 Road Q • Hugoton (tfc12)

O.D.’s SHOP Small Engine Repair Your Snapper Dealer 620-428-6063 113 S. Main Hugoton

ThDe ugout


600 E. 11th

621 S Main St - Hugoton


Open Mondays, Tuesdays & Wednesdays 6 to 8 p.m. Other hours call for an appointment (2c32) (620) 544-9051



*Laminate *Vinyl

To see YOUR business here, call 544-4321 or email!

The Hugoton Hermes

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Page 10B


HUGOTON BOARD OF EDUCATION Martin Daharsh, President Don Beesley, Vice President Todd Gayer, Member Stephanie Heger, Member Barry Hittle, Member Nancy Honig, Member Doug Martin, Member CENTRAL OFFICE STAFF Bill DeCamp, Maintenance Supervisor Davonna Daharsh, Fin. Man/Fed Prog./ Food Service Lupe Camacho, Secretary/Receptionist Traci Shields, Board Clerk Max Williams, Payroll Clerk ADMINISTRATION Mark Crawford, Superintendent Tiffany Boxum, Primary School Principal Lance Custer, MS Principal Howard Barton, Intermediate School Principal Gregg Errebo, High School Principal Clint Merritt, Activities Director/Asst. Principal Stuart Scott, Technology Coordinator HIGH SCHOOL CERTIFIED STAFF Nathan Howley, Science Dettra Crawford, Physics/Chemistry Kerrinne Fann, Biology Toya Gustafson, Math Winnie Hagenah, HS Reading 180 Katie Szymczak, PE Jan Kilbourne, Driver’s Education Lindsay Krehbiel, MS/HS Media Specialist Chrissy Lacy, Math Aubrey Rice, Language Arts Chelle Leininger, Foreign Language Brent Mahan, HS Social Studies Brittani Mahan, Counselor Les McNally, Ag Education Craig Szymczak, Weight Training John Moore, Drafting/Technology/MS Economics Chris O'Loughlin, History/Health/PE Paige Rawlings, General Business/Technology Nick Rodriguez, Social Studies Cara Rogers, Business/Computers Lisa Rome, Life Skills Richard Rome, Woods Annette Sosa, Language Arts Andrew Gwemap, Language Arts Barb Trujillo, ESL

Doug Waters, Art Judy Waters, Language Arts Anna Wold, Math HEADSTART Diana Hurtado HIGH SCHOOL SUPPORT STAFF Alfonso Delgado, Custodian Sonia Delgado, ESL Aide Yolanda Hernandez, At Risk/Mig. Spec./Trans. Greg Leeper, Technology Assistant Jill Leonard, Head Custodian Gena Burnett, MS/HS ISS Aide John Moser, Custodian Kathy Pate, Counselor Secretary/ Yearbook Ginny Pearson, MS/HS Bookkeeper Teresa Snyder, Secretary Nikki Trejo Media Aide/ESL Aide MIDDLE SCHOOL CERTIFIED STAFF Todd Fulton, Language Arts Brian Campbell, Math Nicole Gold, Language Arts Bobbi Ferguson, Science Karie Gaskill, Counselor/Social Studies Jeff Livengood, PE Morey Mecklenburg, 8th Science Trevor Waechter, 7-12 Vocal Music Jill Nech, Health/PE Mark Newton, 5-12 Instrumental Music Shannon Nordyke, Reading 180/ESL Lisa Rome, Teen Leadership/Computer Apps. Scott Schechter, Math Jill Skinner, Social Studies Emily Snyder, Social Studies Robert Terrill, 4-8 Art MIDDLE SCHOOL SUPPORT STAFF Susy Baeza, Aide Daira Brower, Food Service Gloria Evans, Food Service Harry Ferguson, Head Cust./Channel 12 Holly Grubbs, District Nurse Angela Heger, Music Aide Maria Monroy, Custodian Judy Nichols, Media Aide Rosa Ordonez, Custodian Estella Pena, ESL Aide Anna Reimer, Food Service Tina Stelzer, Secretary Sandra Williams, Food Service

Christina Williams, District Nurse Donice Medina, Secretary HIGH PLAINS EDUCATIONAL COOP CERTIFIED STAFF Kelli Nix, Early Childhood Interrelated Teacher Tammi Eckert, 1-2 Interrelated Teacher Jeanne Ahlquist, 3-4 Interrelated Teacher Kimberly Cruz, 5-6 Interrelated Teacher Alexa Beltz, HS Interrelated Teacher Sara Merritt, High School Psychologist Deanna Quillen, Speech Pathologist Sherri Randle, Gifted Facilitator LenNis Ward, School Psychologist HIGH PLAINS EDUCATIONAL COOP SUPPORT STAFF Linda Barnes, HS Para-professional Antonia Crawford, Early Childhood Paraprofessional Maria Corpening, MS Para-professional Irma Diaz, ES Para-professional Melissa Fisher, Speech Para-professional Robin Hull, Para-professional Maria Jimenez, Psychologist Secretary Aurora Lopez, ES Para-professional Amanda Mangles, MS Para-professional Virginia Martinez, Early Childhood Paraprofessional Jessica Mendoza, ES Para-professional Deena Mortimer, Early Childhood Paraprofessional Debra Moser, IS Para-professional Jolene Rowden, ES Para-professional Stacey Trujillo, ES Para-professional Dessie West, Early Childhood Paraprofessional HUGOTON LEARNING ACADEMY Jan Kilbourne, Director/Teacher Emily Snyder, Vocational Coordinator Barb Trujillo, Adult ESL Coordinator Michael Burrows, HLA Teacher/Tutor EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT CENTER Shelby Evans, PreSchool Joan Perry, PreSchool Sarah Fiehler, PreSchool Susan Scott, KinderPrep Lois Mason, Kindergarten Carla Kerbow, Kindergarten Laura Boese, Kindergarten Mindy Cornelsen, Kindergarten Joyce Losey, Kindergarten

ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CERTIFIED STAFF Misti Nixon, 1st Grade Sue Omo, 1st Grade Traci Goode, 1st Grade Sarah Kitzke, 1st Grade Rhonda Ray, 1st Grade Stacy Dillinger, 2nd Grade Susan Frederick, 2nd Grade Kendrea Hall, 2nd Grade Tonya Hill, 2nd Grade Barbara Concannon, 3rd Grade Leisa Hittle, 3rd Grade Teresa Lewis, 3rd Grade Sherry Meitler-Wood, 3rd Grade Melanie Errebo, 4th Grade Brittany Barnhardt, 4th Grade Veronica Neveraz, 4th Grade Shelly Finney, 4th Grade Theresa Cox, 5th Grade English/Lang. Arts Kim Heger, 5th Grade Science LaDonna Hall, 5th Grade English/Lang. Arts Livia Custer, 5th Grade Sarah Splichal, 5th Grade Math Candice Campbell, 6th Grade Math Elise Heger, 6th Grade English/Lang. Arts Melanie Lott, 6th Grade English/Lang. Arts Anthony Davis, 6th Grade Science Lindsay Denton, 3-6 Vocal Music Helen Bunyan, ESL Terri Daniels, 3-6 Health/PE Susan Ellsaesser, Counselor Pre K-6 Karen Kiley, ESL Bonnie Lomax, K-2 Vocal Music Rhonda McBride, Librarian ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SUPPORT STAFF Adriana Alfaro, Secretary Kathy Allen, Nurse Tamara Baehler, PreSchool Aide Linda Bentz, Food Service Rosemarie Cabezas, 1st Grade Aide Liliana Chavez, Custodian Sara Cox, Food Service Magdalena Don Juan, Custodian Elisabet Fabela, PreSchool Aide Amanda Garcia, Reading Aide/ESL Blanca Guereque, PreSchool Aide Michelle Henne, Migrant Clerk Mendy Howe, Parents as Teachers Susan Lowry, IS Classroom Aide

(620) 544-4331


Shelby Martin, ECDC Secretary Linda May, Food Service Brenda Mills, Library Aide Angelica Monroy, Custodian Felicia Moreland, Kindergarten Aide Ardis Newton, Kindergarten Aide Melisa Norton, Aide/Afterschool Prog. Dir. Danny Ray, 1st Grade Aide Donna Reed, Bookkeeper Josefina Salcedo, Aide Claudia Sanchez, Kindergarten Aide Tina Schechter, IS Classroom Aide Tom Schechter, Head Custodian Nora Shuck, ESL Aide Vera Stoops, IS Classroom Aide Kara Stump, Kindergarten Aide Jacque Teeter, Reading Aide Jo Thompson, Food Service Beverly Tuman, Food Service Cindy Wood, Child Nutrition Director Vera Lee Zabel, 2nd grade Aide TRANSPORTATION Dwayne Anderson, Bus Driver Tammy Titus, Bus Driver Beverly Crane, Bus Driver Sabrina Guerrero, Bus Driver John Moser, Bus Driver Tommy Romero, Bus Driver Victor Watkins, Bus Driver GROUNDS Danny Gerrond - Grounds Director

The First Day Of Classes For ALL Hugoton Schools Is Thursday, AUGUST 23, 2012

601 S. Main St., Hugoton, KS 67951

Aerial Application Ground Application Granular Application

Chemical Sales Fertilizer Sales Aerial Seeding

Crop Care by Air

502 S Jackson • 620-544-8908

507 S. Main Hugoton • Member FDIC

Hugoton: Ulysses: 1540 W 10th 9170 East Road 2 620-544-2027 620-3356-1070 Elkhart: Airport 620-697-4706

Jordan Air Inc. Hwy 51 & Washington Dale Noyes 544-4488

1026 S. Main 620-544-8011

544-8686 Hugoton Open Mon-Fri 9 to 5:30

Complete Aerial Application Hugoton Airport - 544-4361 Elkhart Airport - 697-2657

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