Thursday, August 11, 2016 Volume 129, Number 32 18 pages, 69 cents plus tax per copy
City Council approves 2017 budget
Cancer survivors pose behind the banner at the Stevens County Relay For Life event Saturday
at the Hugoton High School parking lot. Relay For Life has raised over $60,000 so far this year.
“Put the Brakes on Fatalities” contests now open A poster contest and a video contest are open for entries to educate youth about increasing roadway safety and reducing traffic fatalities as part of Put the Brakes on Fatalities Day. Kansas kids ages five to 13 are encouraged to enter artwork in the fifteenth annual poster contest. Three statewide winners will receive $50 Visa cards from the Petroleum Marketers and Convenience Store Association of Kansas; movie passes from AAA Kansas; and one of three hotel and entertainment packages courtesy of: • Wichita: Best Western Airport Inn/Exploration Place • Topeka: Capitol Plaza Hotel/Kansas Children’s Discovery Center and Topeka Zoo • Kansas City: Crowne Plaza Kansas City-Overland Park Hotel/Prairiefire A total of 18 regional winners in the six regions and age groups (ages five to seven, ages eight to ten
and ages 11-13) will receive a bicycle and a helmet from Safe Kids Kansas. Poster entries must be postmarked by Friday, September 23. Information and entry forms are available at http://www dotorg/events/brakesonfatalities/2016_PBFD_Pos ter_Contest_INFO_FOR_W EB.pdf. This is the second year for the video contest for Kansas teens in grades eight through 12. Submit a six- to 60-second video to educate drivers about safe road behaviors. Prizes include an iPad, a GoPro and an Osmo Steadicam. Video entries must be posted by 11:59 p.m. Sunday, September 25. Information to submit entries is available by visiting m/news_and_events/blog /comments/put_the_brak es_on_fatalities_video_con test1. The Kansas Department of Transportation, the
Kansas Turnpike Authority and other traffic safety organizations are sponsoring the contests. 2015 Poster Contest Winners Southwest Kansas Cameron Hendrickson, Jetmore; Kayleigh Flores, Moscow; Rory James, Garden City. Northeast Kansas – Avery Marie O’Bray, Topeka; Tymaya Jones, Olathe; Reagan de Koning, Axtell. North Central Kansas – Ella Oehmke, Palmer; Kelsay Mueller, Palmer; Faith Beikman, Linn. Northwest Kansas – Janessa Therese Miller, Gorham; Jeremiah Hansen, Almena; Kaycee Jerby, Phillipsburg. Southeast Kansas – Regan Schenk, Independence; Abby Eastwood, Fort Scott; Shelby Jones, Ottawa. South Central Kansas – Kendall Rogers, Cunningham; Alex Williams, Douglass; Jacian Wynn, Arkansas City.
USD 210 plans several upcoming events School starts next week, and students who will be attending Hugoton Middle School and Hugoton High School are invited to an Open House Tuesday, August 16. HMS students and their parents will meet in the auditorium with HMS principal Lance Custer at 6:30 p.m. Afterward, attendees will have a chance to visit HMS classrooms and teachers until 7:30 p.m. High school students
and their parents will meet in the HHS cafeteria at 7:30 p.m. with new principal Melody Witt. HHS students and parents can then visit teachers and classrooms until 8:30 p.m. Also - the first day of school for HMS students will be a little different this year. Only seventh graders and new-to-thedistrict eighth graders will begin school Thursday, August 18 beginning at 8:05 a.m. Thursday will
Where in the World is The Hermes? The Hugoton Hermes travelled to Espanola, N.M. last week for a Mission Trip with the Hugoton United Methodist Church Junior High Youth and Mission Team. While there, the group did many varied tasks to help McCurdy Ministries with their many ministry projects. The Youth also enjoyed rafting and hiking at Bandolier National Monument. Photo courtesy of Eileen Gillespie.
be a day for students new to the middle school to get acquainted with the building and go through a shortened class schedule. All HMS students will attend Friday, August 19. Early Childhood Development Center students preschool, KinderPrep and Kindergarten - and their parents are invited to visit the ECDC Tuesday, August 16 from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. for a casual meet and greet before school begins Thursday, August 18. Students can drop off all their school supplies, see their classroom and meet their teachers. Also coming up is the Hugoton Elementary and the ECDC’s Open House Thursday, August 25 beginning at 6:30 p.m. Make sure to stay informed about all the activities of the USD 210 school system by liking their Facebook page “Hugoton USD 210”. You can also follow them on Twitter. The handle is “@HugotonUSD210 Eagles”.
The Hugoton City distributed extensive doc- share of a county one perCouncil met for their umentation detailing the cent sales tax for a period regular meeting Monday, 2017 budget. The docu- of two years, should a August 8 in the basement ments are available at the county sales tax election of the City Office. Attend- City Office for anyone be successful. At the end ing were councilmen wanting to look over them. of two years, the agreeFrankie Thomas, Shannon After some discussion ment would be reviewed. Crawford and Jason among those present, the After having had time to Teeter. Also present were council opted to approve think about that arrangeMayor Jack Rowden, City the budget for 2017. He ment, the city clerk sugInspector Joshua Grubbs, also gave the councilmen gested to take the two-year Outside Utilities Supervi- some figures to look over review out of the intersor Paul Nordyke, City regarding the city's mill local agreement and to be Clerk Tom Hicks, City At- levies over the years since specific about the future torney Wayne Tate and 1978. The city's current division of the sales tax. Chief of Police Courtney mill levy is 43.95 and is As a starting point for disLeslie. Councilmen Dan projected to be 45.00 for cussion, Hicks offered a Corpening and Dean 2017. proposal to give the county Banker were absent. 100% of the The minutes of city’s share for last month's meettwo years, 75% ing were approved in the third after a small correcyear, 50% in the tion. The municipal year, fourth judge's report for 25% in the fifth July 2015 was also year, and the approved. The councity would keep cil then heard from its share beyond Joshua Grubbs. He year five. The reported the weed city attorney will violations have check with the decreased. county attorney The council heard to see what the from two represencounty’s plans tatives with Black are for the Hills Energy. They wording of the said Bernard A newly constructed ramp at the intersection of ballot question. Smith's retirement Jackson Street and Seventh Street is officially open Sealed bids went smoothly, and for walking now, thanks to the Safe Routes to School for the 1980 the transition to the project. sprayer truck, employee has been the 2005 Trailalmost unnoticeable. RonRobert Rich was up blazer and the 1996 Case nie reported Black Hills is next, and presented some IH 4240 tractor were then now contracting out all figures regarding the opened. Jan Leonard had their one calls with a com- Stevens County Fitness the high bid for the tractor pany called USIC. He as- and Wellness Center's ex- at $6378, while Gary sured the council a penditures. The council Mostrum won the bidding qualified employee would discussed with Robert his for the Trailblazer with a be available at any time in plans for funding in the bid of $2001. Coltlyn the case of a gas leak. future, as well as possibil- Hale's bid of $364 was acBlack Hills now has three ities to keep the Fitness cepted for the 1980 employees in Hugoton, Center open for residents. sprayer truck. The council and one is Robert reported he was accepted all three high always on call. speaking with several bids. Marc Chaffin issued his other fitness center adJoshua Grubbs then report about the progress ministrators in the area, discussed the building of the Safe Routes to and is considering a key- project for My Father's School project. He pro- card system so the Center House on First Street. He jected the work would be can be used at any hour. spoke with Pete Earles complete within the next He also went over the about the plan, and Pete week or two. Mark also equipment, utility costs expressed some concern stated they had received and general upkeep of the about potential stormwano complaints from home- building. Robert and the ter buildup. Joshua was owners. He thanked the council agreed, once the instructed to speak with city for their help grinding Fitness Center is gone, it his contact at the church down some asphalt along won't be replaced. and urge them to come up the route, so the sidewalk At the last council meet- with a plan to contain would be ADA-compliant. ing, the city agreed to stormwater. Mr. Grubbs At 5:30 p.m., the city's enter into a inter-local also encouraged the counbudget hearing com- agreement giving the Continued to page 3 menced. Clerk Tom Hicks county the city’s statutory
Workers attempt to smooth out a section of a driveway for the Safe Routes to School project
currently under construction. The project is expected to be complete by next week.
The Hugoton Hermes
August 11, 2016
Page 2
what’s AL-ANON Family Group meets at 1405 Cemetery Road Mondays and Thursdays at 8:00 p.m. Call 620544-2610 or 620-544-2854 for more information. HUGOTON LIONS CLUB meets every Second and Fourth Thursday of the month at Memorial Hall at 7:00 p.m. HUGOTON MASONIC LODGE #406 AF&AM meets every second and fourth Tuesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. Every Sunday - Pioneer Manor Coffee Shop Social Time 3:30 p.m. Everyone is invited to come for Social Time and coffee with residents. Every Friday - Pioneer Manor Men’s Group 10:00 a.m. Everyone is invited to come for the Men’s Group and drink coffee with residents. Wednesday nights - Inside Out Kids at the Hugoton Assembly of God, 138 S. Main, beginning with dinner at 6:45 p.m. Program will be from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. Rides are available by calling Pastor Ben Coats at 620-428-1487 before 5:30 p.m. Wednesday evenings. June 27-August 19 - Stevens County Medical Clinic will host school and sports physicals from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. by appointment only, payable on arrival. No insurance will be filed. Contact the Clinic at 620-544-8563 for more information.
August 11 - Stevens County Genealogical Society will meet at 1:00 p.m. at the Stevens County Library. August 13 - Farmer’s Market in front of the Chamber office in Hugoton from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. August 15 - First day of classes for Rolla USD #217 students. - Stevens County Commissioners will meet at 8:30 a.m. at the Courthouse. August 15-24 - Sign up for Hugoton Rec Commission fall sports from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon Saturday at the HRC, 211 S. Madison. Kindergarten through second grade students can play soccer, third through sixth grade girls can sign up for volleyball, and third through sixth grade boys can play football. No phone registrations. August 16 - Soil health workshop from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at Prairie Seeds - Nick Vos 2545 Road J in Hugoton. Lunch will be provided. RSVPs are requested to 544-2991, extension 3. - The Hugoton Area Chamber of Commerce will host their monthly luncheon at Pioneer Manor. - Open Houses for Hugoton Middle and High Schools - sev-
HUGOTON MUNICIPAL COURT JULY 2016 Yarbrough, Brenda, Fail to Remove Weeds $1000.40 Moser, Andrew S., Parking Violation $45.00 Lopez-Leon, Ruben H., Overtime Trailer Parking $50.00 Shurtleff, Kay, Vicious Dogs (2) $260.50 Dogs Must Be Removed from City by 7/11/16 Shurtleff, Kay, Vicious Dog
$160.50 Dog Must Be Removed from City by 7/11/16 Hickey, Landon, Inattentive Driving $163.00 Yarbrough, Brenda, No Proof of Insurance $363.00 Pruett, William Dee, Disorderly Conduct $385.50 60 Days in Jail, Suspended 1 Year Supervised Probation
enth and eighth grade, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the HMS Auditorium, and ninth through twelfth grades from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. in the HHS Cafeteria. Parents are welcome to attend. There will be a brief meeting with the principal first, then an opportunity for students to meet their teachers in the classrooms. August 18 - First day of school for USD #210 students. August 19 - Conservation Innovation Grant Field Day, starting at 10:00 a.m. At the intersection of Highway 25 and Road AA, go half a mile north and turn west, travel one quarter-mile and the plots are on the south side of the road. Find out more on page 7 of this week’s Hermes. August 20 - Farmer’s Market in front of the Chamber office in Hugoton from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. - Free cancer screenings, courtesy of the Hugoton Masons, during the Morton County Health Fair from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon at the Morton County Hospital, 445 Hilltop Street in Elkhart. You can call
Stevens County Fire Department and Ambulance Report Stevens County Emergency Services run activity August 1 through August 7. Fire Department Monday, August 1, 1:36 am dispatched to 821 S Polk for a dumpster fire. Thursday, August 4, 1:16 pm sent to Ninth and Main for a motor vehicle accident. Friday, August 5, 10:58 am called out to Highway 56 between Road 9 and Road 10 for a motor vehicle accident. Sunday, August 7, 2:12 pm dispatched to Highway 25 and Road DD for a grass fire. Ambulance Activity Three medical runs, five
transfers and two vehicle accidents.
for kids biking or walking down the sidewalk? How about a watchful eye for the elderly couple out for an early morning stroll? Or someone else walking his or her dog? Such conduct while driving today has become the exception rather than the rule. Did I mention before that driving today is all about me getting where I need to go? What we need on our streets and highways today are motorists with the intelligence to understand that driving a car, pickup, motorcycle, bus, van, SUV or anything you crawl behind the wheel and drive requires your undivided attention. With the ever-growing number of people on roads today, driving must be tuned in to the business of driving. This means no phone calls, no meals, no makeup. Just drive. There’s seldom a phone in my car. When I carry one, I never call or answer it when I’m behind the wheel. I conduct calls when I leave the car after I arrive alive. I have no desire to talk on the phone while I drive. If I had my druthers, I wouldn’t carry a phone in my vehicle. My car functions the way it was intended without one. Anyway, I prefer to be ever vigilant looking out for all those motorists who are doing everything else in their cars but driving. Used to be one of the last bastions of individual freedom was cruising in your car with the windows down, the radio playing your favorite song and the wind whistling through your hair. Every so often, you’d raise your index finger to signal, “Hey” to an upcoming motorist who’d reply in kind. Doesn’t happen much today. More than likely the only finger you’ll see in 2016 is the middle one and it ain’t raised to say hello. Still I can dream, but not behind the wheel – that’s where I drive. John Schlageck is a leading commentator on agriculture and rural Kansas. Born and raised on a diversified farm in northwestern Kansas, his writing reflects a lifetime of experience, knowledge and passion.
Hope Kinser Dunlap Former longtime Hugoton and Liberal area resident, Hope Dunlap passed from this life with her family members by her side Friday, July 29, 2016 in Oklahoma after steadfastly combating the a of consequences substantial stroke. She was 93.
She was born July 4, 1923 into William and Blanche Kinser’s large family which included her brothers Elrie, Leslie, LeRoy, Robert, Floyd, Loyde, Arlie and Trulin and sisters Fay, Grace, Fern, Loene and Stella. originally was Hope married to Kenneth Miller, now deceased, of Liberal with whom she had four children. Later she married Lawrence Harris of Moscow whose devotion to her made it possible after his death for her to live comfortably in her declining years for which the family is most grateful. Lastly, she married the Rev.
Guadalupe Tonche Friends and family will gather this week to remember and honor Guadalupe Tonche, 67, who passed away Monday, August 8, 2016 at her residence in Liberal.
By John Schlageck, Senior Editor/Writer, Kansas Farm Bureau
The world is my oyster Self-absorbed. It’s all about me. I am the center of the universe. All of these words come to mind when today’s endless stream of motorists talk, tweet and Face-book while speeding down the boulevard. This recent phenomenon has become epidemic and it’s spreading. Harsh words? Certainly, but there are also harsh consequences in lives lost, maimed and injured permanently in traffic accidents caused by those who place their own need to continually talk or text on the phone before focusing on the task at hand – driving safely and consciously. In 2014, 3,179 people were killed and an estimated 431,000 more were injured in motor vehicle crashes involving distracted drivers, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Association. Ten percent of all drivers 15-19 years of age involved in fatal crashes were reported as distracted at the time of the crashes. At any given moment across America, approximately 660,000 drivers use cell phones or manipulate electronic devices while driving. Those who aren’t calling or texting are distracted while driving by something else in one or both of their mitts. You know a mascara brush, a hamburger, a liter of water or a tablet while they steer with their knees. Recent research at Virginia Tech revealed an almost three-fold increase in the odds of crashing or nearly crashing when dialing a hand-held phone while driving. Risk associated with text messaging may be much higher based on a new study of truck drivers. The main finding here was a 23-fold increase in the odds of crashing, nearly crashing or drifting from a travel lane among truckers who texted while driving. This list continues. Whatever happened to the conscientious and courteous driver of yesteryear? How many motorists today continually scan the road and sidewalks in front of them
620-629-5277 for more information. There will be skin cancer screenings, bone density tests, prostate screenings and health education offered. - Lambs of the Kingdom will meet at River of Life Church, 424 S. Jackson in Hugoton, for an afternoon of fun! Call 620544-4828 for a form to sign up. Kids from five to 13 are welcome, and the event is FREE. Parents must accompany their child to sign up. August 22 - USD 210 Board of Education at the HMS Library at 6:25 p.m. for budget hearing and the regular monthly meeting to follow at 6:30 p.m. - First day for senior citizens to purchase parking spaces for HHS football games, starting at 8:00 a.m. Contact the High School office at 215 W. Eleventh to purchase. No phone calls please. Sales will open to the general public Wednesday, August 24 at 8:00 a.m. August 25 - First day of school for Moscow USD #209 students. - Hugoton Elementary/ ECDC Open House at 6:30 p.m.
She was born in Chihuahua, Mexico October 9, 1948 to Francisco Pastrana and Elvira (Sanchez) Pastrana. April 20, 1981 she married Toribio Tonche. He proceeded her in death. As a member of the Liberal Kingdom Hall of Jehovah Witnesses, her faith was very important to her. She was a loving mother, grandmother and sister. Survivors include her son Jesus Pastrana and wife Raquel of Denver, Co.; four daughters, Roxanne Tonche
and husband Tony Valdez of Liberal, Reyra Rodriguez of Wichita, Rita Diaz and husband Hector of Denver and Yuvia Tonche of Liberal; two brothers, Genaro Pastrana and Jesus Pastrana, both of Denver; her four sisters, Elvira Pastrana, Francis Pastrana, Maria Elena Pastrana and Rosa Pastrana, all of Denver; her eight grandchildren, Dreamer Pastrana, Shambre Gonzales, Fabyan Diaz, Adriana Diaz, Julio Quintero, Joaquin Quintero, Julian Hernandez and Jacqueline Lopez; and her great grandchild Isaac Guzman. Guadalupe was proceeded in death by her parents and daughter Maria Rodriguez. Memorial services are planned for 2:00 p.m. Saturday, August 13 at Brenneman Funeral Home with Robert Forks presiding. Visitation will be at Brenneman Funeral Home Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Condolences may be sent to the family at www.brenne
HUGOTON POLICE REPORT Business Hours, Call 544-4959 After Hours, Call 544-2020 Monday, August 1, 2016 • Dog at Large, 400 Block of South Monroe, Dog Impounded, Officer Lamatsch • Hit & Run, Eighth and Van Buren, Took Report, Officer Fedelin • Vehicle Unlock, 1700 Block of South Main, Citizen Assist, Officer Fedelin • Fireworks, 1000 Block of South Jackson, Officer Fedelin • Argument, 500 Block of East Ninth, Subject Removed, Officer Fedelin • Motorist Assist, 1000 Block of South Washington, Public Service, Officer Fedelin Wednesday, August 3, 2016 • Possible Domestic, 200 Block of North Main, Subjects Gone on Arrival, Sergeant Johnson • 911 Hangup, 900 Block of South Lincoln, All Okay, Officer Crane • Medical Assist, 1000 Block of South Madison, Officer Crane Thursday, August 4, 2016 • Vehicle Unlock, 600 Block of South Harrison, Citizen Assist, Sergeant Johnson • Unwanted Subject, 600 Block of South Monroe, Officer Hagman • Criminal Damage to Property 200 Block of West Eighth, Took Report, Officer Crane Friday, August 5, 2016 • Vehicle Unlock, Citizen Assist,
Officer Lamatsch Saturday, August 6, 2016 • Dog at Large, Eleventh and Washington, Unable to Locate, Officer Lamatsch • Dog at Large, 1000 Block of South Madison, Unable to Locate, Officer Lamatsch • Dog at Large, 900 Block of South Lincoln, Dog Impounded, Officer Lamatsch • Dog at Large, 1000 Block of Trindle, Dog Impounded, Officer Lamatsch • Vehicle Unlock, 200 Block of West Second, Citizen Assist, Officer Lamatsch • Dog at Large, 1000 Block of South Adams, Dog Impounded, Officer Lamatsch • Dog at Large, 200 Block of West Eighth, Dog Impounded, Officer Lamatsch • Dog at Large, 900 Block of South Polk, Dog Impounded, Officer Lamatsch • Dog at Large, 900 Block of East Tenth, Dog Impounded, Officer Lamatsch • Dog at Large, Rec Department, Dog Impounded, Officer Fedelin Sunday, August 7, 2016 • Storm Damaged Window, 700 Block of South Adams, Officer Lamatsch
Floyd Dunlap who spoke appreciatively of the tranquility she brought to the home. Mrs. Dunlap’s life ranged from living in New Jersey waiting for her husband to return from World War II to being twice a preacher’s wife in Oklahoma and Texas. After returning to the Liberal/Hugoton area where she was born, she took special pride about working in the men’s clothing department of the C R Anthony’s stores in Liberal. She loved to dress sharp and look nice as she competed for top sales person, reveling in those years she managed to the in status achieve company’s $100,000 club. Hope found her happiness in service to others, as a homemaker, a preacher’s wife, and because her house was laid out so efficiently for such purposes, when she hosted huge family get-togethers, holiday celebrations, reunions, and a steady stream of visiting relatives, friends and acquaintances. Such occasions supplied her fervent ambition to see that everyone was well-served with sprawling portions of food and beverage. She never believed her guests had eaten enough. She wanted everyone to take something home with them. This desire continued even to her final months when, even though she might be unable to remember who you were, nor manage it, she wanted to find something she had “cooked” for you or to share what anyone had brought her. Her greatest gifts were twofold: one, her kindness, generosity, concern for others, and a sense always that you be taken care of if she could manage it at all; the other was her being part of such a sprawling family. This allowed her children, in growing up, to be surrounded by what seemed like a boundless number of aunts, uncles and cousins, to learn easily the value of family and the simple pleasures of visiting with people and caring for them, which clearly represented her most fervent calling and a recipe for turning out decent human beings. Should this be her only remaining footprint, she can rest at home in Hugoton as she yearned to having had a virtuous life well-lived and her job complete. She was loved and admired by many. Having buried three husbands, Hope is survived by the families of son Dennis R. Miller and wife Rebecca; grandson Zac Miller and wife Sarah; granddaughter Emily Earnest and husband Matt; son Dale L. Miller and wife Mary; granddaughter Sara van Dijck and husband Jasper; and granddaughter Kacy Warren and husband Micah. Of her 14 siblings, only four remain. Preceding Hope in death, besides her parents and her three husbands, was infant son Larry, her daughter Patricia Ann Miller and grandson Gabriel S. Miller. Funeral services will be Friday, August 12 at 10:00 a.m. at the Bethel Friends Church in Hugoton. Visitation with the family present will precede the service at the church from 9:00 to 10:00 a.m. Burial will be at the rural Bethel Community the of west Cemetery Moscow-Hooker Road. Condolences may be sent to the family at www.brenne Memorial contributions may be sent to Barclay College in Haviland, in care of Brenneman Funeral Home and Cremation Services, 1212 West Second, Liberal, Ks 67901.
The Hugoton Hermes
August 11, 2016
Page 3
2016 Stevens County Relay for Life ~ August 6
Creative, elegant and clever luminarias beautify the parking lot track during the Relay for Life Saturday, August 6 at the high school. Each luminaria is carefully hand-decorated by participants in honor of cancer survivors, or in memory of those who have passed during their fight against cancer.
Gabby Rawlins sings the Star Spangled Banner to kick off the Relay for Life event Saturday evening at the Hugoton High School. This year’s fundraising efforts have netted the organization over $60,000.
Hugoton’s local Boy Scout troop members salute the flag during the Pledge of Allegiance and the National Anthem at Saturday’s Relay for Life event.
Cancer survivors, caregivers and supporters circle the walking track in the parking lot of Hugoton High School during the Stevens County Relay for Life Saturday, August 6.
The sale of tickets for Abengoa’s orange Chopper motorcycle raised nearly $50,000 for the Relay for Life.
Luminarias decorated in honor of survivors, as well as some honoring those who have passed, were placed in the middle of the track.
City Council
Continued from page 1
cil to consider enacting a stormwater drainage policy. Paul Nordyke was up next, and reported the samples from well #15 were back. It is now up and running with the rest of the system. His department is still working out the First Street water line issue. Paul reported he is also researching how to conduct water from one end of town to the other better. Wayne Tate reported about the tower lease extension with Plains Tower. The current lease doesn't expire until 2020, but the company likes to have at least 15 years' lead time to ensure their investment is secure. Currently, the lease is for $1900 per year. Wayne agreed to
renew the lease until 2035, as long as the company paid $7000 per year, with a compound increase of three percent every year, ending at $10,600 per year in 2035. Wayne also asked the council to approve a resolution for a property on Adams Street. The owner was contacted in March 2016; he requested and was granted - an extension. The property is still not cleared as of the council's August meeting, so the council opted to give the owner 20 days to clear the property before the city crew cleans it up. Police Chief Leslie had nothing to report. Council members Frankie Thomas and Jason Teeter had nothing further. Shannon
Crawford asked Paul Nordyke when the church demolition was supposed to occur. Paul said his crew will wait until the Sno-Ball is closed for the season, due to safety concerns. He is also waiting for a firm date from the company who will demolish the building. City crews can carry off the debris, but a qualified company must come in to knock the building down. The council moved to approve the Appropriation Ordinances No. 2059 and No. 2060. They then moved to adjourn. The next council meeting will be Tuesday, September 6 at 5:15 p.m. in the Council Meeting Room.
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Give us a call today! 544-4321
Presented by Hugoton Masonic Lodge #406 + Staff from KU Medical Center
The Hugoton Hermes 12
August 11, 2016
Page 4
Time...Keeps On Ticking But Our Deadline Is the Same! Monday at 5:00 p.m.
“Notes From Nancy” by Stevens County FACS Agent Nancy Honig
The Hugoton Hermes
• Concrete • Stucco • • Driveways • •Patios •Foundations • and MORE!
708 S. Jefferson
Aldo Marioni & Antonio Rodriguez
Se habla español
Fair Bounty Another fair is in the books and this year marked my twentieth fair as the Family and Consumer Science/ Youth Development Agent in Stevens County. One of the things I enjoy most about the fair is seeing all of the amazing food products our 4-H’ers make and bring to the fair. Since I occasionally do some foods judging in surrounding counties I get the opportunity to taste some of those delicious 4-H projects. At a recent fair I judged, I sampled a delicious homemade rosemary bread and it reminded me of how wonderful adding herbs to your breads can be. It was so delicious I baked it myself a few days later and it inspired me for this week’s column. Bread dough and batters are a great way to capture the aroma and flavor of herbs, infusing your bread with an
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Thank You I would like to thank the residents of Stevens County who voted for me in the Primary Election. Your support was much appreciated.
Don Beesley
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The Stevens County Gas and Historical Museum is full of all kinds of exhibits. One of them is a pressurized gas pressing iron. It was manufactured in 1930 to 1932. This iron was donated by Robert Musgrove of Rolla. It was heated by pressurized gas instead of heating it on a
We have 40 years of experience in both ground and air application. Hugoton Elkhart 620-544-2027 620-697-4706 Lakin Ulysses 620-355-7700 620-356-1070
When I kept silent, my bones grew old. Through my groaning all the day long. For day and night Your hand was heavy upon me; my vitality was turned into the drought of summer. I acknowledged my sin to You, and my iniquity I have not hidden. I said, “I will confess my transgressions to the Lord,” Psalm 32:3-5 NKJV and You forgave the iniquity of my sin.
confession, to be genuine and true, is usually something which is shameful for us to admit because it reflects poorly Citizens State Bank on our character, and something for which others may not forgive us. The minor faults and foibles which are easy to confess 601 S. Main - Hugoton and easy to forgive are window-dressing on the true confession. The true confession is the actual window on our soul which says to PAUL'S FUNERAL HOME others, as it were, “take a look at the real me. This is the horrible David & Brandy Robson thing that I did, or failed to do, or merely thought, and I am 314 S. Van Buren 544-4122 ashamed.” Shame is not something which we praise or advocate much in our modern culture, but when we confess our deepest and Pyramid Agency, Inc. darkest sins we will probably be ashamed, and perhaps that is the mark of a true confession. One should face the prospects of con521 S. Main - Hugoton fession with fear and trembling, and not expect that one will be forgiven immediately, if ever. A confession which lowers you in the eyes of others is probably a more genuine one than one which makes you look good. We should also be wary of the confession Faith Publishing LLC which builds us up as it goes along, or offers extenuating circum522 S. Main 620-544-4321 stances for what we did. A good confession is honest, penitent, and while accompanied by a certain amount of shame it’s also likely to be cathartic. Christopher Simon
Terry Miller - 453-2212 428-1135 ASSEMBLY OF GOD
Main and Second Street 544-2773 Ben Coats, Pastor Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship - 10:45 a.m. Life Groups Sunday Nights - 6:00 p.m. Inside Out Kids Wed. - 6:30 p.m. Student Ministry @ The Turnaround Wed. 7:00 p.m.
BETHEL FRIENDS CHURCH 11th & Jefferson - 544-8517 Roy Bogan, Pastor Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. Morning Service - 10:30 a.m. Wednesday Evening Ministries - 6:30 p.m. (Children, Youth, & Adult)
CHURCH OF CHRIST 1045 S. Van Buren Church: 544-2825 Home: 453-0965 Lee Rottman 1041 S. Van Buren Wednesday - 7:00 p.m. Sunday School - 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship - 11:00 a.m. Evening Service - 6:00 p.m.
CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS 520 E. First 544-2125 Sacrament - 9:00 a.m. Sunday School - 10:00 a.m. Priesthood - 11:00 a.m.
CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE 500 S. Van Buren 544-2493 Pastor Dave Piper Sunday School - 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship - 10:45 a.m. Evening Services - 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study - 7:00 p.m.
FAITH CHAPEL CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST Tenth and Jefferson Sunday School - 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship - 11:00 a.m. Bible Band (Tuesday) - 6:00 p.m. Home and Forn. Miss. (Friday) - 6:00 p.m. Youth - 6:00 p.m. Bible Study - 7:00 p.m.
FAITH LUTHERAN Tenth and Adams 544-2092 Kurt Hering, Pastor Morning Worship - 9:00 a.m.
FIRST CHURCH OF GOD 801 W. City Limits 544-2652 Israel Franco, Pastor Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship - 10:30 a.m. Wednesday Evening Service - 6:30 p.m. Call 544-2652 for Church Bus
HUGOTON BAPTIST CHURCH Eighth and Main 544-2210 Pastor Gary Stafford Parsonage - 544-2295 Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship - 10:30 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study - 6:30 p.m.
LONE STAR FRIENDS CHURCH 14 Miles East of Hugoton on Highway 51 Church 624-3784 Home 624-3104 Pastor Gary Damron Sunday School - 9:45 a.m. Blended Worship Celebration - 10:45 a.m. Jr. High & Sr. High Youth Group - Sunday 6:30 p.m. Wednesday Evening Adult Study - 6:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting Wednesday - 8:00 p.m.
MY FATHER’S HOUSE A Full Gospel Church 207 East 6th - Hugoton Pam Peachey, Pastor 544-2436 Services Sundays 10:30 a.m. & 5:00 p.m.
PRIMERO BAUTISTA IGLESIA HISPANO Congregación 618 Main sur - Hugoton 620-370-1003 Pastor Marcelino Auila Servicio de la Iglesia 11:00 a.m. - Domingo 7:00 p.m. - Miércoles
RIVER OF LIFE CHURCH (formerly Lighthouse Fellowship) 424 S. Jackson 544-4828 Don Quattlebum, Pastor Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. Sunday Church - 10:30 a.m. Wednesday - 7:00 p.m.
SOVEREIGN REDEEMER CHURCH Pastor - Eric Mason Sunday School - 9:00 a.m. Coffee/Fellowship - 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship - 10:30 a.m. 620-544-6386
stove or plugging it into electricity. The Stevens County Gas and Historical Museum is located at 905 S. Adams. You are invited to visit Mondays through Fridays from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. and Saturdays from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m.
The Stevens County Gas and Historical Museum has a pressurized gas pressing iron as one of their exhibits. It was donated by Robert Musgrove of Rolla.
Main ARTery to host “Rendezvous with the ARTs”
True Confessions
600 S. Van Buren - 544-2715 Pastor Heath Kelley Sunday School - 9:15 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. Fellowship - 10:15 - 10:30 a.m. Worship Hour - 10:30 - 12:00 Children's Church, 10:30 a.m. Jr. High Youth Group, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Sr. High Youth Group, 7:45-9:00 p.m. Information on small groups call 544-2715
yeast Proof the yeast in the water for five minutes, then add to one cup of flour, the sugar, salt and oil in a mixer and mix on medium for three to four minutes. Switch mixer attachment to a bread hook and begin adding flour gradually along with the remaining seasonings. Knead until dough pulls away from side and is smooth. Let rise in a greased bowl for one hour. Punch down dough and form into a round loaf, and place it on parchment paper on a cookie sheet, or on a bread stone. Let rise for another hour then brush with olive oil and sprinkle with coarse sea salt or Kosher salt. Bake for 20 minutes at 375 degrees then turn up heat to 425 and bake for ten more minutes.
from The Stevens County Gas & Historical Museum Beulah Carter, Interim Curator Stanley McGill and Billy Woodworth
We now carry banjo parts for all your needs and have a large selection of banjo fittings and hoses.
409 East Ninth, Hugoton Sunday – 10:30 a.m.
herbs, you can substitute fresh herbs. Dried herbs are stronger than fresh herbs so you will need to use more of the fresh herbs. If the recipe calls for one teaspoon of dried, crushed herbs or one quarter teaspoon of powdered herbs, use three teaspoons (one tablespoon) of fresh. Here is the rosemary bread recipe I judged. Give it a try yourself, and don’t forgot to add those fresh or dried herbs to other dishes. It is a great way to impart flavor without adding sodium to dishes! Rosemary Bread 1 cup warm water 3 tablespoons olive oil 1½ teaspoons sugar 1½ teaspoons salt ½ teaspoon Italian seasoning ¼ teaspoon ground black pepper 1 Tablespoon dried rosemary 2½ cups flour 1½ teaspoons active dry
Save 12.5% if paid within 10 days - 10% if paid within 30 days.
A new choice for your chemical, NH3, Liquid Fertilizer and Dry Fertilizer.
herbal essence. Fresh herbs provide the best aroma and taste - but dried herbs do work well in baked goods. If possible, reconstitute your dried herbs first by adding them to the liquid in the recipe and letting them infuse while you are getting the rest of the ingredients ready. Recipes generally tell us how to prepare our herbs. Examples include mince, dice, chop or whole leaf. If no directions are given, it is common to mince or finely chop the herbs. Mincing causes more of the herb’s flavor to be exposed. This can be done with a sharp knife or by using a pair of kitchen scissors to snip the herbs. You don’t want the herbs to overpower the other flavors in the dish. When doubling a recipe, do not double the herbs or spices. Increase their amounts by one and a half. If a recipe calls for dried
ST. HELEN CATHOLIC CHURCH 1011 South Jefferson Street 544-2551 Sunday - 11:00 a.m. English Mass - 1:00 p.m. - Spanish Mass
TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH 516 N.E. Avenue 544-2355 Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. Worship Service - 10:45 a.m. Rev. Larry Bradford, Interim Pastor 544-9492 or 598-2400 YOU ARE WELCOME!
UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 828 S. Main Hugoton 544-8715 Reverend Rebecca Davison, Pastor Wednesday Praise! Kids - 3:45 p.m. Wednesday Jr. High Youth Fellowship - 5:30 p.m. Wednesday Sr. High Youth Fellowship - 7:00 p.m. Sunday School - 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship - 11:00 a.m.
MOSCOW MOSCOW BAPTIST CHURCH 598-2455 Church 1 mile S. of Moscow, 1/2 mile E. of Moscow/Hooker Rd. Morning Worship - 10:30 a.m. Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study - 6:00 p.m. Team Kids (Wed.) - 3:30-5:00p.m. Sept.-Apr. Youth Study Thursday - 7:00 p.m. Pastor Sean Schraeder
MOSCOW UNITED METHODIST 598-2426 Lay Leader Patty Lahey 598-2426 Sunday School - 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship - 11:00 a.m. Kid’s Club - Wednesday 3:30 p.m. UMYF Jr. High - 6:00 p.m. UMYF Sr. High - 5:00 p.m.
ROLLA EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH 202 Monroe St. - Rolla, Ks. 67954 Sunday School - 10:00 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship - 11:00 a.m. Sunday Evening Service - 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Evening, AWANA’s - 6:45 p.m.
ROLLA PENTECOSTAL HOLINESS CHURCH Corner of Third and Adams, Rolla Marcus Light, Pastor Church - 593-4626, Parsonage - 593-4796 Sunday School - 10:00 a.m. Worship - 11:00 a.m. Wednesday night meal - 6:00 p.m.
UNITED METHODIST CHURCH ROLLA - RICHFIELD 593-4596 Buzz Lambrecht, Pastor Rolla Morning Worship - 11:00 a.m. Richfield Morning Worship - 9:15 a.m. Sunday School - 10:30 a.m.
Main ARTery is celebrating its eleventh “Rendezvous with the ARTs”, and ten years of doing business on Main Street in Ulysses! In 2005, Jeani Gustafson and Tracy Teeter got together and created the first Rendezvous with 11 artists, at the Historic Adobe Museum in Ulysses. It was such a huge hit it had to be done again! Over the years, the Main ARTery has doubled in size to
7,000 square feet, grown to 25 artists, and has over 20 vendors. The Main ARTery offers a large variety of fine art, fine crafts, antiques, furniture, art supplies, classes and workshops. There has definitely been a lot of growing pains throughout the years! Please, join them in their celebration at the Main ARTery. There will be a reception August 26, from
6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at 103 South Main in Ulysses. Refreshments will be provided. For additional information, you can contact Tracy Teeter at 620-424-3828, or visit, or mainarterykansas. Submitted by the Main ARTery.
Save when buying school supplies Back to school season can be as expensive for parents as it is exciting for students. Once the initial letdown of the end of summer vacation wears off, many kids are excited to return to school, where they can see their friends, study their favorite
The Hugoton Hermes (USPS 253-820) 522 S. Main Hugoton, KS 67951 - 620-544-4321 Owner/Operator Faith Publishing LLC RoGlenda Coulter, Kay McDaniels and Ruthie Winget RoGlenda Coulter, Bookkeeper/ Classifieds/Obituaries Kay McDaniels, Advertising/ Circulation/Layout Ruthie Winget, Composition/Layout/Advertising
Marie Austin, Asst. Composition Toni Hamlin, Asst. Mailing Louressa Gill, Asst. Mailing Phoebe Brummett, Rolla Correspondent Judy Hickert, Moscow Correspondent Ads email: Obituaries email: Subscriptions $30.00 (including Kansas State Sales Tax) for Stevens and adjoining Kansas Counties, $35.00 elsewhere in state (including Kansas State Sales Tax), and for all out of state subscriptions. Online subscriptions are $25.00 a year. Online and printed subscriptions combined are $10.00 plus the cost of the subscription. Foreign Subscription Rate $40.00. School Subscriptions and Military Personnel $25.00 (including Kansas State Sales Tax) payable in advance. Advertising Rates Noncommissionable $5.00 per column inch, Commissionable Rates $6.25 per column inch, Classified $5.00 per column inch. Frequency is weekly every Thursday. Periodicals Postage paid at Hugoton, Ks. 67951. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Hugoton Hermes at 522 S. Main, Hugoton, Kansas 67951.
Opinion Page Our opinion page is open to the public. We encourage comments from readers in the form of letters to the editor or guest columns. All letters must be signed and must include the address and telephone number of the sender. (names will be published but not address & phone#) Letters should be no more than 300 words. No libelous or offensive letter will be published. The guest column or letter to the editor does not reflect the opinion of this newspaper or its representatives.
Member 2016
subjects and participate in extracurricular activities. Parents of school-aged youngsters may share in that excitement while also knowing that back to school season can stretch their budgets. One of the ways to salvage those budgets is to save on school supplies. Fortunately, there are several ways parents can do just that. • Be patient. Shopping early can save shoppers money in many instances, but parents may benefit by exercising patience when it comes to buying school supplies for their children. Teachers often give students lists of supplies they will need for each class, and parents who wait to receive such lists can avoid spending money on items their kids won’t need. Even if you wait it out, you may be able to get a head start, as some teachers may post supply lists on school Web sites, while others might email lists to parents before back to school season hits full swing. • Take inventory. If you have more than one child, chances are you already have lots of school supplies around the house. Dust off kids’ backpacks and study areas from last school year to determine which supplies you need to buy and which you already have. Going forward, encourage kids to store their supplies in a predetermined area once the school year ends, as this will make next year’s inventory that much
easier to examine and assess. • Spend more now to save later. While inexpensive supplies can be hard to resist, such items likely won’t withstand the test of time, forcing you to spend time and money each year buying replacement supplies. Paying more now for certain items, including stronger backpacks and more highly rated calculators, may end up saving you money in the long run, even if the initial pill is somewhat tough to swallow. • Use technology to your advantage. Department stores and businesses that sell school supplies, such as pharmacies and office stores, may or may not discount too many items once back to school season hits full swing. But savvy parents can still find deals by using technology to their advantage when shopping for school supplies. Download apps like RetailMeNot to your smartphone and enable its updates so your phone notifies you of any discounts the moment you walk into a given store. If you don’t receive any updates, search for discounts via the app or the Internet as you shop. Chances are strong that there are deals to be had, even if you don’t learn of the deals until you arrive at the store. School supplies can be expensive, but parents can employ several strategies to save on school supplies now and in the future. Submitted by Metro Editorial Services.
Check out The Hermes online!
The Hugoton Hermes
Stevens County Medical Foundation is offering a scholarship The Stevens County Medical Foundation is again offering a scholarship to a Stevens County graduate pursuing a degree in the medical field. This fall's scholarship will be awarded in memory of Evelyn Bansemer for the amount of $1270, payable over two semesters. The mission of the Medical Foundation is to provide medical equipment and support for Stevens County. The Foundation has supported many students over the years as well as providing medical equipment to help the County's needs. If you are interested in applying for this year's scholarship please send the following information to: Stevens County Medical
Foundation, P.O. Box 94, Hugoton, KS 67951 by August 15, 2016. 1. You must be a secondary education graduate from Stevens County Kansas (High School, Charter School, GED, etc) 2. Please include a copy of your acceptance letter into your chosen medical program (not veterinarian) 3. Include a copy of your most recent transcript. You must have earned and maintain a 2.5 GPA 4. Two letters of recommendation from personnel / teacher within your accepted program 5. A short paragraph introducing yourself and your chosen program to the committee
August 11, 2016
Page 5
CASH in on the CLASSIFIEDS!! You may not find the pot of gold but we’ll do our best to get you as close as we can!
Max Williams uses the Vision Screening machine the Foundation helped purchase for the Lions Club. If you have any questions please contact Rhonda McBride at 620-544-3259, Sharon Concannon at 620544-4318, or Mary Gonzales at 620-544-8563. Be sure to like them on Facebook - “Stevens County
Medical Foundation” and see the different programs, students and groups they have supported through the years. Again, applications must be postmarked by August 15, 2016!
I want to thank everyone who voted for me in the primary. Even though no one was running against me, it still shows your support. Thanks again, Vanessa Willis Political advertisement paid by Vanessa Willis
History From The Hermes Compiled by Ruthie Winget Thursday, August 11, 2011 Three Hugoton baseball players have been selected for the 2011 Kansas Babe Ruth Classics. The athletes selected are Ross Davis, Reid Davis and Yates Sutton. The All-Star event will spotlight the best of the best in talent across the state in the 15year-old division. Thursday, August 16, 2001 Curtis Crawford, age 17, son of Jeff and Diane Crawford, has earned the rank of
Eagle Scout. He is a lifetime member of Stevens County and a member of Troop 189. Motorcycle Club’s first race in Hugoton was August 8. Thursday, August 14, 1986 Chelle Heger and Charles Leininger were married August 9, 1986 in the Friends Church in Haviland. Following a trip to Canada, the couple will be at home in Haviland. Thursday, August 17, 1961
Hugoton, 1950, eighth grade graduation, left to right, front row - Ruth Seaman, Dick Brubaker, Imogene Downing, Dick Harris, Shirley Creamer, Ronald Brown, Vera Blackburn, Shirley Cryer, Larry French, Lavon Wilson, Ronald Betsworth, Geneva Moser and Lee Stoops; second row - speaker Mr. Timmons, Edward Anderson, Gewana Taylor, Sue Warren, Audrey Grace, Carl Curtis, Rita Miller, Clark Shelby, Helen Rankin, Alvin Fese, David Sessler, Robert Moorehead, Sheila Creamer, Mrs. Heansley and Mr. Georing;
Galen Keith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Keith, has been selected Honorman of his company by his shipmates. He is stationed at the U.S. Naval Training Center at San Diego, Ca. Friday, August 7, 1936 Baseball was a serious sport during this era. Last game to Garden city 15-7. Visitors are crabbers - can’t take it. Bill McIlrath was hurt in the game. Garden City did
third row - Carlos Perry, Dewayne Anderson, Barbara Blackburn, Robert Duncan, Gwen Snipes, Mary Oder, Leland Rowden, Dixie Kagarice, Jack Rogers, Bonnie Rowden, Gordon Odell and Frances Nordyke; fourth row - Roger Bennett, Shirley McIlrath, Ronald Popejoy, Forrest McCoy, Lavon Wilkins, Kendrick Thompson, Martha Reames, Ben Moon, Loree Thornberry, Gary Walker, Beverly Wells, Harry Horton and Marie Rawlins. Photo courtesy of Dixie Kagarice, taken from the August 8, 1996 issue of The Hugoton Hermes.
PUBLIC NOTICE (First published in The Hugoton Hermes, Thursday, August 11, 2016)
lots of crabbing, but scores 15 runs to win. Heated arguments, McIlrath and Stevens hit home runs and other incidents happened in Sunday’s contest. In trying to beat out a hit to first base, McIlrath ran into Stremel, Garden City’s first sacker, who stooped over to take a low throw and the local star pitcher fell and his shoulder was injured so badly a bone was fractured and he had to leave the game. It happened in the seventh inning. Payne, veteran submarine pitcher, finished the game. It is thought McIlrath will be out of the game for several weeks and may be the rest of the season. Claude French was forced to leave the game from getting hit with the ball. Twelve hits coupled with six Hugoton errors contributed to Garden City’s fifteen tallies, while the Gassers were seven runs off nine hits and two errors. McIlrath struck out seven Garden batters. Christy fanned thirteen of the Hugoton hitters. Christy and Shoop, “Chubby” Brecheisen, manager of the Garden City club, were chief among the crabbers from the beet city. It started or rather these three players took exception to the way McIlrath took position in the pitcher’s box and the delivery of the ball. This is the first time that any team ever raised a howl or registered a kick against his position in the box since the writer has been around this neck of the woods. However, one of the leading players on the Hugoton club said they were justified in their claim. The fans could not see it that way and they put up a big howl and it came to pretty hot words wth some of the loyal supporters. If any readers have pictures or memories for the history page of the Hermes, please bring them in to Ruthie Winget at The Hugoton Hermes newspaper.
Thank You
for your support I’ve enjoyed serving
Stevens County the past four years and am looking forward to serving you the next four years!
Pat Hall Political Advertisement paid by Pat Hall
OF CHOICE Find the right remedy for your symptoms. From vitamins and
supplements to over-the-counter and prescription medications, we have a variety of options to take care of your needs, your way.
Transfer Your Prescription With a Phone Call
620-544-4065 531 S. Main Street The Old Porter Building Hours M-F 9am - 5:30 pm Sat 9 am - Noon Independently Owned/ Independently Operated
The Hugoton Hermes
August 11, 2016
Page 6
Daughters of the American Revolution meet The Byrd Prewitt Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution met Saturday afternoon, August 6 at the Grant County Adobe Museum in Ulysses. The meeting was really more of a workshop than a formal meeting. The meeting dates and programs for each meeting were planned. Even though it was not a formal meeting, the gavel was passed and the new officers
will now occupy their elected offices for the next three years. Officers are as follows: Regent - Lola Caraway; Vice Regent - Catherine Fowler; Secretary - Nina Sipes; Treasurer - Lynda Fort; Registrar Gayle Walker; Chaplain Susan Alexander; Librarian Wendy Calderwood; and Historian - Becky Wilsey. Submitted by the Byrd Prewitt Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution.
COMPLETE MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES • Including Family and Marriage Counseling •
Kansas Weekly Gas Prices
Pictured left to right, are current Regent and former Treasurer Lola Caraway and Vice Regent and former Regent Catherine Fowler. Photo courtesy of the Byrd Prewitt Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution.
Southwest Guidance Center Call 624-8171 for an appointment
I would like to thank the person who paid for my season pass at the Hugoton Pool. I have really enjoyed the pool for many years. This year I didn’t miss one day and really enjoyed it.
From Pat Arange
Stevens County 4-H Horse project members would like to say
“Thank You”
Hometown Fabrics and More is the new business in town! They hosted their Grand Opening Thursday, August 4 at 625 S. Main and entertained a large number of customers with raffles, coffee and baked goodies. If you haven’t yet - stop in and visit the new store from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
to all of the 2015 sponsors:
Brad & Sue Weller Pate Agency, Don Beesley Kolb Farms Hancock Electric, LLC Lewis, Hooper, & Dick, LLC Jeff & Vicky Newlon State Farm Insurance, Debbie Nordling Effie Gaskill, DDS PA The Hugoton Hermes Matt & Keri Clark Riley Chevrolet Dave Bozone Ranch
Areas nearby Kansas and their current gas price climate: Wichita - $1.98 per gallon, down 0.4 cents per gallon from last week's $1.98 per gallon; Lincoln - $2.19 per gallon, up 1.1 cents per gallon from last week's $2.18 per gallon; and Topeka $1.92 per gallon, up 1.8 cents per gallon from last week's $1.90 per gallon. "Government EIA data last week showed a sizable draw on gasoline inventory followed by a strong jobs report, with new jobs for July reaching 255,000. And consequently, WTI crude oil ended the week nearly $3 higher than where it began," said Gregg Laskoski, senior petroleum analyst for GasBuddy. "While that may create a brief pause early this week in the decline of retail gasoline, we expect that the prevailing price trend (incremental decline) will resume shortly, barring any additional refinery problems in the midwest, or, potential Atlantic hurricane activity." For LIVE fuel price averages, visit http://media.gas
Don’t forget to file a complaint with the FBI’s IC3
HUGOTON EAGLES 2016 DISTRICT PARKING SPACES Reserve parking for regular season home football games! Sale Dates: Senior Citizens- August 22, 8:00 a.m. General Public - August 24, 8:00 a.m. Come by High School Office, 215 West 11th to purchase. No phone calls please. Only one per family unit.
Cost: $30.00 and can be used at all V/JV/MS home games
Senior Citizen Passes are again available to any district patron over the age of 65. Those can be picked up at anytime in the High School office
Our first home varsity football game is 9-16-16, EAGLES vs Colby 7:00 pm.
August 5, the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) embarked on a campaign to increase awareness of the IC3 as a reliable and convenient reporting mechanism to submit information on suspected Internet-facilitated criminal activity to the FBI. As part of the campaign, digital billboards featuring the IC3’s contact information are being placed within the territories of a number of Bureau field offices around the country. While the number of complaints being reported to the IC3 did increase in 2015 from the previous year, anecdotal evidence strongly suggests there are many other instances of actual or suspected online frauds that are not being reported, perhaps because victims didn’t know about the IC3, were embarrassed they fell victim to a scammer, or thought filing a complaint wouldn’t make a difference. But the bottom line is, the more complaints we receive, the more effective we can be in helping law enforcement gain a more accurate picture of the extent and nature of Internet-facilitated crimes - and in raising public awareness of these crimes. The FBI field offices taking
Start school with an exam. Don’t worry, it’s one you can pass easily. Routine physical exams are important because they allow us to detect potential health problems as well as evaluate your health and nutritional habits.
June 27th - August 19th 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Physicals are by appointment only!! No Saturday Appointments!
Average retail gasoline prices in Kansas have fallen 1.2 cents per gallon in the past week, averaging $2.01 per gallon Sunday, according to GasBuddy's daily survey of 1,329 gas outlets in Kansas. This compares with the national average that has fallen 0.5 cents per gallon in the last week to $2.12 per gallon, according to gasoline price Web site Including the change in gas prices in Kansas during the past week, prices Sunday were 43.5 cents per gallon lower than the same day one year ago and are 8.1 cents per gallon lower than a month ago. The national average has decreased 12.1 cents per gallon during the last month and stands 47.8 cents per gallon lower than this day one year ago. According to GasBuddy historical data, gasoline prices August 8 in Kansas have ranged widely over the last five years: $2.44 per gallon in 2015, $3.29 per gallon in 2014, $3.53 per gallon in 2013, $3.57 per gallon in 2012 and $3.56 per gallon in 2011.
PAYABLE UPON ARRIVAL. NO INSURANCE WILL BE FILED! For Annual Well Child Physicals, insurance will be filed & the physical forms will be filled out at that time.
After August 19th you will pay the full amount for the physical. Physical forms must be picked up and completed prior to visit.
All students must be accompanied by a parent or guardian or the following consent form must be signed. NO EXCEPTIONS!!
You will need a copy of your immunization records. Contact us at 544-8563 to schedule your appointment. Call early for scheduling availability.
Date: ____________Student Name:_______________________________ I authorize Stevens County Medical Clinic to provide treatment, including diagnostic procedures, as determined by the physician or his assistant, to the above named student. Signed______________________________________ Parent/Legal Guardian
part in the billboard campaign include Albany, Buffalo, Kansas City, Knoxville, New Orleans, New York City, Phoenix, Oklahoma City, Salt Lake City, and San Diego. They were selected because they house multi-agency cyber task forces that participate in an IC3 initiative called Operation Wellspring. This initiative connects state and local law enforcement with federal cyber resources and helps them build their own cyber investigative capabilities, which is important because not all Internet fraud schemes rise to the level necessary to prosecute them federally. We hope to expand Operation Wellspring to other FBI offices in the future. Through the Wellspring initiative, IC3 personnel using the complaint database and their analytical capabilities - create intelligence packages focused on particular geographic regions. These packages can highlight trends, identify individuals and criminal enterprises based on commonalities in complaints, link different methods of operations back to the same organization, and detect various layers of criminal activities. The packages also contain results of preliminary investigative research performed by IC3 analysts, including criminal records checks. Once complete, these intelligence packages go to the appropriate FBI cyber task force and are then handed off to state and local task force members trained to investigate these kinds of crimes. Beyond Operation Wellspring, the IC3: • Forms alliances with industry representatives (online retailers, financial institutions, Internet service providers, etc.) that have increased the flow of the IC3’s most valuable commodity information. • Makes its complaint database available to all sworn law enforcement (and FBI personnel) through the Bureau’s secure Law Enforcement Enterprise Portal. Accessing the database, users can get information on victims and financial losses within their particular area of jurisdiction to help build cases. Authorized users can also run a variety of statistical reports for themselves and can contact the IC3 for additional analytical assis-
tance. • Publishes an annual report highlighting the numbers and common types of complaints, along with emerging trends. The most recent 2015 Internet Crime Report described the three major fraud types reported to the IC3 last year—business e-mail compromise, e-mail account compromise, and ransomware. • Produces periodic public service announcements to alert consumers about the latest and/or emerging cyber crimes and provide tips on how to recognize them. Recent announcements covered tech support scams, stolen identity refund fraud, and the continuing threat from business e-mail compromise schemes.
• Explains IC3 Unit Chief Donna Gregory, “IC3 is often the first piece of the investigative puzzle. We receive victim complaints and then analyze, aggregate, and exploit those complaints to provide law enforcement with comprehensive reports that can be used to open new investigations or enhance existing ones.” So if you or someone you know may have been victimized by a cyber fraudster, please submit a complaint to the IC3. And for additional information about filing a complaint, please review the IC3’s Frequently Asked Questions page. Submitted by the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center or “IC3”.
Attention Parents & Students Hugoton Recreation Commission Announces
2016 Fall Sports Sign-Ups Mon., Aug. 15-Fri., Aug. 19 8am-5pm
Saturday, August 20 8am-12pm
Mon., Aug. 22-Wed., Aug. 24 8am-5pm
Sign up for the following leagues: * Kindergarten SoccerFirst and second Grade Boys & Girls Cost $15 * Volleyball -3rd to 6th Grade Girls - Cost $15 * Football -3rd to 6th Grade Boys $20 program fee *This upcoming school years grade, participants must register at the above time in order to be put on teams. NO PHONE REGISTRATONS. Register and pay program fees at HRC Offices, 211 S. Madison*
C o ac h es will be n eed e d for all age s.
The Hugoton Hermes
August 11, 2016
Page 7
Water conservation techniques demonstrated at T&O Farms’ Field Day T&O Farms, LLC, the first Water Technology Farm, hosted more than 200 attendees to demonstrate technologies implemented that focus on irrigating effectively from a depleting water source. The Water Technology Farm concept was developed as an action item within the Kansas Water Vision which Governor Brownback called for in 2013 to address the state’s water supply issues. “It’s time to be passionate about our opportunities in
western Kansas. These types of technologies are vital to helping us preserve and extend the aquifer for as long as we can,” said Governor Brownback. “It’s time to think about the aquifer as a bank account and having an account that you’re passing on to your children or grandchildren.” Owner of T&O Farms, LLC, Tom Willis shared his vision for the three year project as well as the future of water supply in Western Kansas. “My motivation is two-fold,
Southwest Kansas farmers gather to speak about water conservation in one of T&O Farms’ fields near Garden City. Photo courtesy of the Kansas Water Office.
not only do we have an ethanol business here but I farm. I want to pass this farm to my son when he returns from serving our country,” said Willis. “My goal for this three year project is to prove it is possible to grow more with less and see this duplicated all over the aquifer.” Director of the Kansas Water Office, Tracy Streeter, was appointed to lead the Water Vision Team. Two years ago the team developed the Water Technology Farm concept and knew in order to be successful it had to be based on public private partnerships. The farm has 24 sponsors showing the drive for Kansans wanting to conserve water. “This farm is a product of two action items in the Vision, Water Technology Farms and Water Conservation Areas, (WCAs).” said Streeter. “It is exciting to stand here today and say not only is this farm one of the three WCAs in Kansas but to also share to date these technologies have demonstrated the potential for a minimum of at least three inches of
water conservation in the first year of this three year project.” Attendees heard comments and technical briefings from Jonathan Aguilar of K-State Research and Extension, Loren Seaman and Scott Schechter of Seaman Crop Consulting, Monty Teeter of Teeter Irrigation and Mike Meyer of the Kansas Department of Agriculture Division of Water Resources. The technologies were also demonstrated firsthand to the attendees. Participants observed the irrigation systems in place, which includes four fields equipped with Dragon-Line™, a technology that delivers water and nutrients directly into the soil rather than spraying the whole canopy and field, and four equipped with low pressure spray nozzles. Each field also has two soil moisture probes to sense the current
soil moisture and if or when water application is needed. The systems are fully automated and link water use, groundwater levels and moisture sensor data. Two other Water Technology Farms in Kansas are being created as well and others are planned for the upcoming 2017 growing season. For more information about the farms or WCAs visit the vision page at Partners for Water Technology Farms include: T&O Farms, LLC, Kansas Water Office, K-State Research and Extension, Kansas Depart-
Heater’s Sprinklers LLC Your Local Lawn Sprinkler Expert
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Sprinkler Repairs and Maintenance New Lawn Installs
Austin Heaton, Owner
Contact 620-544-6777
Market Report At the Close Tuesday Brought to you by:
Wheat . . . . . . . . . . . .2.90 Milo . . . . . . . . . . . . .2.27 Corn . . . . . . . . . . . . .2.92 Soybeans . . . . . . . . .8.85
A speaker addresses the crowd at T&O Farms’ Water Technology Field Day Tuesday, August 2. The Field Day introduced those attending to local ag advocates including Hugoton’s Loren
Seaman and Scott Schechter with Seaman Crop Consulting and Monty Teeter with Teeter Irrigation. Photo courtesy of the Kansas Water Office.
Cowboys conduct July meeting President Sarah Johnson called the July meeting of the Cloverleaf Cowboys to order. Flag Salute and 4-H pledge was led by Megan Newlon and Josh Burrows. Vice President Sydney Beesley called roll call and it was answered by “Is your record book done?” There was a quorum present at the meeting. Lacey Brechiesen read the treasurer’s report and Linda Gilmore and Amanda Willis gave the leader’s report. In the leader’s report, Amanda said
to be at the park by 4:30 for the 4-H parade float. The club voted to wear red, white, or black clothes for the parade to match the theme of the Fair. There was no old or new business. Carson and Audrey Gilmore gave a project talk about “What to eat when you compete in sports.” Rebecca Johnson and Megan Newlon led the club in singing the “Itsy Bitsy Spider” song. Sydney Beesley moved the meeting be adjourned and Mikayla Martin seconded it.
therein, owned by Stella Mae Barton, within the State of Kansas, at the time of her death on December 1, 2015. You are hereby required to file your written defenses thereto on or before the 2nd day of September, 2016, at 1:30p.m. of said day in said Court in the district courtroom in Hugoton, Stevens County, Kansas, at which time and place the cause will be heard. Should you fail therein, judgment and decree will be entered in due course upon the petition.
THE STATE OF KANSAS TO ALL PERSONS CONCERNED: You are hereby notified a petition has been filed in the above Court on August 4, 2016, by Jodi L. Hart, one of the heirs of Stella Mae Barton, deceased, praying for the determination of descent of all property, both real estate and personal, or interests
JODI L. HART Petitioner TATE & KITZKE L.L.C. 1024 S. Trindle, P. O. Box 909 Hugoton, KS 67951 Telephone: 620-544-2103 Attorneys for Petitioner
PUBLIC NOTICE (First published in The Hugoton Hermes, Thursday, August 11, 2016) 1t BEFORE THE STATE CORPORATION COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF KANSAS NOTICE OF FILING APPLICATION RE: American Warrior Inc.-- Application for the order to permit the Injection Of salt water Into the Glen Marcellus #5-36 Located in The SESW-NE-NE. Sec:36-32S-35W Stevens Co. Ks. To: All oil and Gas Producers, Unleased Mineral Interest Owners, Landowners, and all persons whoever concerned. You and each of you, are hereby notified the American Warrior Inc. Has filed application to commence the Injection of salt water into the Chester Formation at the Glen Marcellus #536.Located in the SE-SW-NE-NE Sec:36-32S-35W, Stevens, County, Ks.With a maximum Operating pressure of 500#, and a maximum Injection Rate of 500 BPD.
Any persons who object to or protest this application shall be required to file their objections with the Conservation Division of the State Corporation Commission of the State of Kansas within 15 days from the date of the publication. These protests shall be filed pursuant to Commission regulations and must state specific reasons why the grant of the application may cause waste, violate correlative rights or pollute the natural resources of the state of Kansas. If no protests are received, This application may be granted though a summary proceeding. If valid protests are received, this matter will be set for hearing. All persons interested or concerned shall take notice of the foregoing and shall govern themselves accordingly. Jody L. Smith Name of person signing American Warrior inc. P.O.Box 399 Garden City Ks. 67846 620-275-2963
Governor Sam Brownback speaks to those gathered about the purpose of the Kansas Water Office, encouraging them to be “passionate” about western Kansas’ opportunities. Photo courtesy of the Kansas Water Office.
Soil health workshop announced A soil health workshop will take place from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at Prairie Seeds Nick Vos 2545 Road J in Hugoton Tuesday, August 16. This workshop will cover issues such as cover crops, microbes and their role in the ecosystem and NRCS programs available. A field demonstration and Q&A panel will also take place. Lunch will be provided. Seating will be limited, so RSVPs are requested at 620-5442991 extension 3.
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Joshua Morris, Stevens County Extension Agent A.N.R. office: 620-544-4359
Kisseka, Research Irrigation Engineer and Dr. Jonathan Aguilar, Extension Water Resource Engineer. Representatives from USDA-NRCS and Ag Sense will be available to discuss the results. Contact me at the Extension Office, if you have any questions about the field day.
Pate Agency, LP
Buying Life Insurance
Ag Wise
K-State Research Being Conducted in Stevens County • What: Stevens CIG Field Day • When: Friday, August 19, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. • Where: At the intersection of Highway 25 and Road AA go half a mile North and turn West. Travel about a quarter of a mile and the plots are on the south side of the road. • Why: Local research results Friday, August 19, 2016 there will be Conservation Innovation Grant (CIG) Field Day. This is one site of several being conducted nationwide. At the field day speakers will be showcasing some of the first year results. If you are interested in learning more about interactions between reduced tillage, soil water storage, and nutrient leaching under limited irrigated cropping systems, I would highly encourage you attend this field day. Speakers from the Southwest Research and Extension Center in Garden City are Dr. Isaya
ment of Agriculture, Kansas Farm Bureau, Kansas Geological Survey, Teeter Irrigation, Conestoga Energy Partners, Helena, United Sorghum Checkoff Program, Kansas Corn Commission, KState Mesonet, Servi-Tech Expanded Premium Services, LLC, Seaman Crop Consulting, Hortau, AquaSpy, CropMetrics, Hugoton, Southwest Groundwater Management District No.3, Netafim, Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, Valley Irrigation and Presley Solutions. Submitted by the Kansas Water Office.
Insurance Agency Karen Yoder, Agency Manager 600 S. Main • 316-544-4314 • Hugoton, Ks.
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Enter your alfalfa for the Kansas State Fair
“There’s still time to get your entry in for the Kansas State Fair’s Market Alfalfa Show,” says Gene Algrim, Contest Manager. Entries for the contest must be pre-entered and the sample mailed by August 15 to the Kansas State Fair, Competitive Exhibits Department, 2000 N. Poplar, Hutchinson, 675025598. Please write, “Market Alfalfa Show” on the package. “Alfalfa is a vital forage crop in the state and the contest helps to recognize and reward the importance of quality alfalfa, adds Roger Black, President of the Kansas Forage and Grassland Council. The council sponsors the judge for the Market Alfalfa Show along with providing a plaque for the
winner. All samples are analyzed by SDK in Hutchinson and judged based on relative feed value, crude protein and a visual observation. Judging for this year’s contest will be done by Dr. Doohong Min, Assistant Professor, Forages, at Kansas State University. Sampling should be done using a forage core sampler. Samples not exhibiting evidence of being collected with a forage core sampler will be disqualified. It is recommended that ten bales be sampled and mixed. For help in sampling, contact your local county extension office. Submitted by the Kansas Forage and Grassland Council.
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The Hugoton Hermes
August 11, 2016
STEVENS COUNTY SENIOR ACTIVITY CENTER Shila Moore, Director 544-2283 - Activities 544-8041 - Meals 624 S. Main, Hugoton
St. Helen Catholic Church’s Hispanic Community honors Reverend Francis Khoi Nguyen Sunday in recognition of his upcoming birthday, Tuesday, August 9. After mass
Sunday, the members all sang “Happy Birthday” and the kids went up to sing to him. He baptized all of the kids who went up to him. Photo courtesy of Catalina Guzman.
GCCC to host new student orientation
New Student Orientation will be on the campus at Garden City Community College starting Thursday, August 11 through Saturday, August 13. All new students living in the residence halls will be checked in with residential life Thursday August 11, and the orientation will open with “A Minute to Win It” activity at 7:00 p.m. Check in for the New Student Orientation will be Friday August 12, from 7:30 to 8:30 a.m. in the Dennis Perryman Athletic Complex Lobby. Students will participate in a variety activities aimed at introducing students to college life on the Garden City Community College campus. Fun activities like a scavenger hunt, radio remote, and a karaoke contest have been planned. Students will also have valuable informational meetings with campus security, advisors, tech support, and financial aid during the event. Students have the
chance to win great prizes including computers, calculators, and gift certificates. Students participating in the orientation can go like the Facebook page “GC3student success” for an extra entry into the grand prize drawing. The activities will end Saturday night with a GCCC football scrimmage and watermelon feed. The New Student Orientation is required for all new students who will be attending GCCC for the first time this fall, and all students enrolled in PCDE101. Students who still need to register for the orientation can go to 2016/orientation. For more information contact Leslie Wenzel, Director of Student Success, at leslie.wenzel@ Classes for the fall semester at GCCC will begin Tuesday, August 16. GCCC shortened summer hours ended Friday August 5, and
regular hours began Monday August 8, 2016, with doors open from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Submitted by Garden City Community College.
Saturday, August 13, 2016, is Sew All Day beginning at 8:30 a.m. That evening at 6:00 p.m. is a potluck with Pitch and Canasta afterwards. Also from 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. that evening is our monthly dance and potluck. Oklahoma Cowboy and Texas Lady will be providing the live country music. Tuesday, August 16, 2016, from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. is our next blood pressure check. Coming up Friday, August 26, 2016, at 12:30 p.m. is Montana Bingo. This is during our regular Bingo time, and Sara Lee Anderson’s family will be calling Bingo and providing prizes. The prizes are all products from Montana. This year’s Quilt, Art, & Photography Show will be Friday and Saturday, September 9 and 10, 2016. Please bring your items to the Senior Center
Thursday, September 8, 2016, between 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. You will need to pick up items Sunday, September 11, 2016, between 1:30 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. We welcome all age groups to participate in this annual event. If you like to play pool or snooker, please join our group every Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. We deliver lunch Monday through Friday to homebound people. If you are in need of our services or you know someone who is, please call the Senior Center. We will give you information about cost, menus, etc. Senator Pat Roberts’ office is available to assist you with problems you may be having with federal agencies like Social Security, Veterans’/VA issues, military cases, Medicare, passports, and IRS. If you need help, please call his Dodge City office at 620-227-2244. If you have questions concerning caregiving, legal matters, disability, health insurance, housing, etc., please call Michael Johnston at Southwest Kansas Area Agency on Aging at 620-225-
8240. Menu Aug. 11 ...............Ham & Beans Aug. 12.......................Spaghetti Aug. 15......Oven Fried Chicken Aug. 16 .....BBQ Beef Sandwich Aug. 17 .....Chicken Fried Steak Aug. 18..............Sausage Gravy .............................& Biscuits Activities Thursday, August 11 Exercise ...................10:30 a.m. Friday, August 12 Exercise ...................10:30 a.m. Bingo .......................12:30 p.m. Saturday, August 13 Canasta, Pitch & Potlock........................6:00 p.m. Dance.........................7:00 p.m. Oklahoma Cowboy and Texas Lady Monday, August 15 Exercise....................10:30 a.m. Line Dancing..............6:00 p.m. Tuesday, August 16 Exercise....................10:30 a.m. Pool & Snooker ..........9:30 a.m. Blood Pressure.........11:00 a.m. Wednesday, August 17 Exercise....................10:30 a.m. Painting & Coloring ...1:00 p.m. Thursday, August 18 Exercise ...................10:30 a.m.
Jaron Dane Thompson named to Dean’s List
Hunter Williams pedals the tractor heading for the finish line during the Stevens County Fair.
Jaron Dane Thompson, son of Joe and Valerie Thompson of Hugoton has been named to the spring 2016 Dean’s List at Evangel University in Springfield, Mo. During the spring semester Thompson was senor with a major in Spanish Education Full-time students who have earned a grade point average of 3.6 or higher on a 4.0 scale are eligible to be on the Dean’s List For additional information contact Paul K. Logsdon at
417-865-2815, ext. 7292. Evangel University, which includes the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary (AGTS), is a comprehensive Christian university committed to excellence in educating and equipping students to serve the church and society globally. Evangel serves more than 2,100 students from all 50 states and numerous foreign countries, offering 65 undergraduate majors and 17 master’s and doctoral degrees.
WELCOME BACK ADMINISTRATORS, TEACHERS AND SUPPORTING STAFF! Heritage Christian Academy BOARD OF TRUSTEES President - Lalane McClure Vice President - Jeremiah Johnson Secretary - Diana Crawford Members - Nicole Crites, Heath Kelley & Tanner Rindels ADMINISTRATION Principal - Misty Martin
TEACHERS Pre-K /Kindergarten Linda Holcomb Blanca Guereque, Aide First & Third Anna Lofgren Christina Tower Second Susan Lewis Fourth, Fifth & Sixth Bible, Social Studies, Spelling & Language Arts Jaclyn Yowell
Bible, Spelling, Science & Math Mariette Gerber Bible, Spelling, Reading & Computers Diane Lambrecht Seventh-Twelfth Michael Burrows Art Emily Johnson P.E. Rusty Crites Music Kami Williams
Jordan Air Inc. Complete Aerial Application
(620) 428-6086
Hugoton Airport - 544-4361 Elkhart Airport - 697-2657
Agricultural Sales and Services, Direct and Local
Commodity Hauling Customer Service: 888-890-5554 Emergency Assistance: 800-694-8989
1015 W City Limits St Hugoton, KS 620-544-4920
First National Bank Hugoton/Liberal
502 S Jackson • 620-544-8908 • Member FDIC
(620) 544-4331
601 S. Main St., Hugoton, KS 67951
did you know?
The Grand Champion Swine at the Stevens County Fair is owned by Casle Heger and bred by Brady Heger-BBSP-Brady Bunch Show Pigs! Casle will be taking her Grand Champion to the State Fair in September. Photo courtesy of Michelle Heger.
The arrival of cooler weather marks a prime time to plant bulbs that will bloom come spring and summer. Bulbs should be planted as soon as the ground is cool, ideally when temperatures average between 40 and 50 F. Just be sure to plant bulbs at least six weeks before the ground freezes for optimal success. Always follow the bulb distributor’s guidelines for planting, including suggestions regarding spacing and soil depth. Remove any weeds and loosen the soil to get started. In addition, think about mixing in compost or other organic matter to enrich the soil if it lacks nutrients. Submitted by Metro Editorial Services.
Consumer Corner
by Kansas Attorney General Derek Schmidt
Students – watch out for these scams as you head back to school Often in this column, we highlight scams targeting senior citizens. While scam artists definitely still target senior citizens, there are other groups that scammers have their sights on. There are also a host of scams aimed at college students and graduates. Door-to-door sales. Usually when we talk about doorto-door sales in this column, it’s about how to avoid getting ripped off by someone at your door selling something. It’s also important to be cautious when a company approaches you about becoming a doorto-door salesperson. Several companies are known to target recent high school graduates and college students to do jobs as door-to-door salespeople. Often, they don’t disclose details in the job description until well into the recruitment process. Instead, they are often pitched to the student with phrases like “flexible hours” and “direct marketing.” While there are legitimate companies who do sell products this way, before becoming involved with one, it’s important to do your homework. In particular, make sure their training includes compliance with all state and federal consumer protection laws, for example the threeday right to cancel and how to properly handle a customer’s personal information. A failure to be properly trained in these areas could leave you as the salesperson on the hook for violating state or federal law. Also, be sure the products you are being asked to sell are legitimate, genuine products. Our office has recently become involved in several cases involving counterfeit goods being sold, so it’s important to know that what you’re selling is what you say it is. Student loan consolidation. After graduation, consolidating your student loans
may be a good idea to save time and money. But beware. There are also scammers out there who will prey on recent graduates looking to save money on their loan payments. Some of these organizations use names that sound official and legitimate, but are not connected to the federal student loan programs. Make sure you’re dealing directly with your student loan lender or servicing company by calling the phone number or using the website printed on your student loan statement. When considering consolidation, keep in mind that it may not save you money. Consult with your college’s financial assistance office if
you’re unsure of your options. You should never have to pay an upfront fee for loan consolidation. If you get asked for one – that’s a good sign it’s a scam. Also, beware of any consolidation offer that advises you to stop making payments or to stop communicating with your current loan servicer. Stopping payments, even when a consolidation is in process, could leave you liable for late fees and damage your credit rating. If you’ve been a victim of one of these scams, report it to our Consumer Protection Division by filing a complaint online at www.InYourCor or by calling (800) 432-2310.
Thursday, Thursday August 11, 2016 Page 1B
Local students have been awarded scholarships from Fort Hays State University for the 2016 to 2017 academic year. Some students on this list have been previously announced, but the scholarships in this list are in addition to or are a highervalue replacement for an earlier scholarship. Recipients are listed with their scholarships, their graduating high schools, parents or guardians and intended majors, when a major has been declared. A few students did not disclose their parents' names or high schools. Hugoton students include Chase Clinkingbeard, a 2014 Hugoton High School graduate and a Seward County Community College transfer student, accepted a $1,500 Transfer Student Award. Clinkingbeard, son of Shon and Kim Clinkingbeard of Hugoton, plans to major in agriculture. Megan Cornelsen, a 2016 Hugoton High School graduate, accepted a $1,500 Hays City Scholar Award and a $500 Academic Opportunity Award in nursing. Cornelsen, daughter of Lance and Melinda Cornelsen of Hugoton, plans to major in nursing. Zack Littell, a 2016 Hugoton High School graduate, accepted a $1,500 Hays City Scholar Award and a $900 Academic Opportunity Award in political science. Littell, son of David and Brandy Littell of Hugoton, plans to major in political science. Miguel Macias, a 2016 Hugoton High School graduate, accepted a $2,000 Access
to Academic Opportunity Grant. Macias, son of Miguel and Sandra Macias of Hugoton, plans to major in health and human performance. Mitchel Reyes, a 2016 Hugoton High School graduate, accepted a $4,000 Access to Academic Opportunity Grant. Reyes, son of Julian and Esperanza Rodriguez of Hugoton, plans to major in athletic training. Reed Rome, a 2016 Hugoton High School graduate, accepted a $500 Academic Opportunity Award in agriculture. Rome, son of Keith and Lisa Rome of Hugoton, plans to major in agriculture. Marissa Romero, a 2016 Hugoton High School graduate, accepted a $1,000 Traditions Scholar Award and a $500 Academic Opportunity Award in nursing. Romero, daughter of Tommy Romero and Jolee Lynn Micheau of Hugoton, plans to major in nursing. Lacie Swafford, a 2016 Hugoton High School graduate, accepted a $1,000 Traditions Scholar Award and a
$500 Academic Opportunity Award in English. Swafford, daughter of Stephanie Scraper of Hugoton, plans to major in English. Moscow students include Madison Owens, a 2016 Moscow High School graduate, accepted a $3,500 Presidential Award of Distinction. Owens is the daughter of Howard and Jennifer Owens of Moscow. Rolla students include: Chandler Burrows, a 2016 Rolla High School graduate, accepted a $3,500 Presidential Award of Distinction and a $900 Academic Opportunity Award in history. Burrows, son of Stacy and Shelli Burrows of Rolla, plans to major in history. Jason Rusch, a 2014 Rolla High School graduate and a Seward County Community College transfer student, accepted won a drawing for a $400 FHSU Student Recognition Program Scholarship. Rusch is the son of Jon and Penny Rusch of Rolla. Submitted by Fort Hays State University.
Northridge 8
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Sequoyah 8
Guymon, Okla
Liberal, Kansas
Garden City, Kansas
Agricultural Sales and Service, Local and Direct Moscow location (formerly Kubin Aerial)
Hugoton location 1114 Road A
PUBLIC NOTICE (First published in The Hugoton Hermes, Thursday, August 4, 2016)
Private First Class Chance M. Ghumm is promoted to Lance Corporal August 1, 2016 at Camp Pendleton Marine Corps Base in California where he is currently stationed. Photo courtesy of Stacy Ghumm.
The Hugoton Hermes
August 11, 2016
Page 2B
MOSCOW BOARD OF EDUCATION Brian White, President Marcus Howe, Vice President Kristy Brazeal, Member Kent Knoll, Member Brandi Lahey, Member Terry Pierson, Member ADMINISTRATION Stu Moore, Superintendent/PK-5 Principal Tina Salmans, 6-12 Principal/ AD LICENSED STAFF Shawn Anderson, K-12 PE/JH Computers Susan Bean, Third Grade Gail Dale, Elem Music/JH/HS Music Michelle Daniels, Foreign Language/Sixth Soc Studies/ESL Anna Dobie, Second Grade Brett Harp, JH English/ Science
Enrollment is August 11 & 12, 2016 First Day Of Class Is
AUGUST 25, 2016
Jordan Air Inc.
Deborah Hockett, JH/HS Science Mark Horyna, Counselor Marcie Knoll, JH/HS English Keyla Kuehler, First Grade Shirley May, Title I Rees McKinney, Social Studies Melissa Moore, Reading/FACS Ben Smith, Fourth Grade Jodi Staggers, JH Math/Computer Valerie Thompson, Fifth Grade Ginny Titus, PreSchool Danny Traub, Industrial Arts Kayla Wester, Kindergarten Tina White, JH/HS Math
SPECIAL EDUCATION Hope Pierson, Interrelated Karen Messerly, Speech Cher Bohl, Early Childhood Rachel Spencer, School Psychologist
PARAPROFESSIONALS Marivel Rojo, Migrant Director Julie Allen, Migrant Paraprofessional Socorro Cecenas, PreSchool Aide Michele Snyder, PreSchool Aide Jennifer Owens, Daycare Director Alma Granillo, Daycare
Welcome Back to School!
Complete Aerial Application Hugoton Airport - 544-4361 Elkhart Airport - 697-2657
U.S.D. #209 MOSCOW
First National Bank Hugoton/Liberal
502 S Jackson • 620-544-8908 • Member FDIC
Jeff C. Ramsey, Agent 613 S. Main (620) 544-4303
Jasmin Hernandez, Daycare Sherri May, At-Risk/Library Aide
NON-CERTIFIED PERSONNEL Pam Hittle, Superintendent’s Secretary/Board Clerk Sarah DeVaughan, JH/HS Secretary Chelsi Valdez, Elementary Secretary Larry Holt, Technology Director Mickey Whetstone, Maintenance Supervisor Hermila Gonzalez, Custodian Lydia Granados, Custodian Alma Martinez, Custodian Patti Maxwell, Head Cook Shelly Stuckey, Cook Alejandra Manriquez, Cook Marina Rojo, Lunchroom Aide Larry Bradford, Psychology/ Speech
BUS DRIVERS Mickey Whetstone Susan Roland Sabrina Guerrero Jerry Guerrero Sean Schraeder
Bartlett Grain Company, L.P. Moscow 598-2144
Customer Service: 888-890-5554 Emergency Assistance: 800-694-8989
WHITHAM ENTERPRISES 200 S. Rd. 20 Moscow, Ks. 67952 620-598-2388
(620) 428-6086 Agricultural Sales and Services, Direct and Local
Commodity Hauling
1015 W City Limits St Hugoton, KS 620-544-4920
(620) 544-4331
601 S. Main St., Hugoton, KS 67951
The Hugoton Hermes
August 11, 2016
Page 3B
Moscow News by Judy Hickert
Lots of wildlife is seen during the summer camp weeks at the Spanish Peaks Scout Ranch.
Pierson family works at Spanish Peaks Scout Ranch
Hope, Zach, and Rachel Pierson went to Spanish Peaks Scout Ranch June 12 for five weeks of summer camp and working at the camp. The first week the staff spent cleaning, setting up tents, and getting ready for the scouts. Terry Pierson joined them June 18 to work as a medic and first aid and emergency prep teacher. Zach served as Director of First Class Trail. This summer he hiked his
twenty-second 20 mile hike over his career as a scout. Hope was the commissary director and Rachel assisted in the commissary. Rachel also hiked her first 20 mile hike. Activities included the scoutmaster cookoff. Felicia Moreland of Hugoton came to the scout ranch for the last week to help. All came home July 17 after an exciting summer camp experience.
The bear is looking to see if he can find something tasty to eat from the dumpster.
The table holds the pots from the scoutmaster cookoff at the Spanish Peaks Scout Ranch.
Fantastic views - just slightly different than those seen in southwest Kansas - can be seen during the Pierson family summer camp vacation at the Spanish Peaks Scout Ranch. Maria Cecenas of Moscow is being awarded the Stevens County Hospital Auxiliary Scholarship for Continuing Education in the Medical Field. Pictured left to right, are June Trentham, Eileen Gillespie, Pam Moore, Judy Persinger, Charlotte Veatch, Maria Cecenas, Robynn Rome and Marcie Isaac. Proceeds from the Hospital Gift Shop fund the scholarship.
Moscow family visits several states during vacation Terry and Hope Pierson, Alex, Zach and Rachel and Rachel's niece Sarah Adams and children Madison and Carson all left July 21 to travel to Biloxi, Ms. for a memorial service for Sarah's husband, Mark Adams July 23. Following the service Sarah and Hope, Rachel, Madison and Carson all traveled on to Pensacola, Fl. for several days of relaxing on the beach. Thursday, July 28 they
headed for Nashville, Tn. to visit Sarah's in-laws. They tried to visit the Grand Ole Opry, but it had closed shortly before they arrived. But they were able to tour the downtown and visit some of the famous bars. July 31 they went on to Memphis to see friends of Sarah, then headed home August 2, stopping in Oklahoma City to visit a friend of Hope's. They were glad to be home, but had a great trip.
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Piersons visit relatives at Oklahoma City
Terry Pierson, along with Zach and Alex, visited Terry's brother Tim Pierson and family, in Oklahoma City, July 24-26. The boys enjoyed going to Frontier City while there.
Tapanga Dahle returns to Stevens College Tapanga Dahle, daughter of Brad Dahle, is returning to Stevens College at Columbia, Mo. for her second year. She is majoring in Psychology. Tapanga spent the summer in Moscow and working at McDonalds.
College bound student Alex attends SCCC Alex Pierson will be attending Seward County Community College for his first year studying pre med.
KSU awaits Zach Pierson Zach Pierson is returning to Kansas State University at Manhattan for his sophomore year, majoring in Industrial Engineering.
(First published in The Hugoton Hermes, Thursday, August 11, 2016)
The Hugoton Hermes
August 11, 2016
Page 4B
Meet the Staff at Rolla Chuck Stahly Chuck Stahly joined the USD 217 Rolla Maintenance Staff toward the end of the last school year. He is a Rolla High School graduate, returning to his home town. He will be an assistant coach for high school football. Chuck is most looking forward to being back at Rolla. Welcome home Chuck!
Chuck Stahly, Maintenance
PUBLIC NOTICE (First published in The Hugoton Hermes, Thursday, August 4, 2016) 3t IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF STEVENS COUNTY, KANSAS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Gail Jean Gillespie, deceased, CASE NO.15-PR-44 NOTICE TO CREDITORS THE STATE OF KANSAS TO ALL PERSONS CONCERNED: You are hereby notified that on November 12, 2015, a Petition for Probate of Will and Issuance of Letters Testamentary was filed in this Court by Roger Gillespie, one of the heirs, devisees and legatees of Gail Jean
Gillespie, deceased. All creditors of the decedent are notified to exhibit their demands against the Estate within the latter of four months from the date of first publication of notice under K.S.A. 592236 and amendments thereto, or if the identity of the creditor is known or reasonably ascertainable, 30 days from actual notice was given as provided by law, and if their demands are not thus exhibited, they shall be forever barred. Roger Gillespie, Petitioner James A. Kuharic, #08952 Brollier, Wolf & Kuharic Box 39, Hugoton, KS 67951 (620) 544-8555 Attorney for Petitioner
PUBLIC NOTICE (First published in The Hugoton Hermes, Thursday, July 28, 2016) 3t IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF STEVENS COUNTY, KANSAS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF GUVANA C. HOLCOMB, DECEASED Case No. 2016 PR 24 NOTICE OF HEARING (Chapter 59) THE STATE OF KANSAS TO ALL PERSONS CONCERNED: You are hereby notified that a petition has been filed in the above Court on July 26, 2016, by Robert H. Holcomb, husband of the decedent, Guvana C. Holcomb, praying for the determination of descent of the real estate as more fully described in the petition, and all other property, both real estate and personal property, or
interests therein, including mineral interests, owned by Guvana C. Holcomb within the State of Kansas at the time of her death on September 15, 2015. You are hereby required to file your written defenses thereto on or before the 23rd day of August, 2016, at 9:30 a.m. of said day, in the district courtroom at the county courthouse, in Hugoton, Stevens County, Kansas, at which time and place the cause will be heard. Should you fail therein, judgment and decree will be entered in due course upon the petition. Robert H. Holcomb, Petitioner KRAMER, NORDLING & NORDLING, LLC 209 East 6th Street Hugoton, KS 67951 Telephone: (620) 544-4333 Attorneys for Petitioner
Jon Schnable Jon Schnable is a returning teacher to Rolla. He will be teaching K-12 Physical Education, Weights, Health and K-6 Computer. He will be Rolla’s head football coach and the assistant boys’ basketball coach. Jon graduated from Fort Hays State University and has worked for Stanton County before returning to Rolla. He has been in education for five years. Jon and his wife Anne have two daughters, Emma who is two and Averie who is eight months. He looks forward to the close community in Rolla. Welcome back to Rolla Jon!
Aaron and Megan Gibler Aaron and Megan Gibler will both be working for the Rolla School but in very different capacities. Aaron will be working as Maintenance/ Transportation Director. He graduated from Hooker High School and from OPSU. He previously worked for the City of Hooker. Aaron and his wife have two “precious” fur babies at this time. He is most looking forward to working for a great school district. Megan will be teaching sixth grade math, junior high computers, and will be the Migrant Liaison for Rolla. She graduated from Rolla High School and then OPSU. She worked for Hooker High School before returning to her roots in Rolla. This will be her third year in education. Megan will also be coaching junior high boys’ basketball and assistant junior high track coach. She is looking forward to giving back to the community that gave her so much! Welcome to Rolla Aaron and Megan!
Still running out to fetch the paper? Subscribe to The Hermes and we’ll deliver it for 30% less! (local subscribers $30/year - non-local $35/year versus $39 for weekly pickup)
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In-County or adjoining counties 1 yr. $30 2 yr. $57 3 yr. $85 Non-Local KS, Adjoining States and Other States 1 yr. $35 2 yr. $65 3 yr. $97
Jon Schnable
Megan Gibler
Get the most out of physical education classes School gives students a chance to learn and grow. During the course of their academic careers, students explore many different subjects, hopefully finding at least one that inspires them to one day pursue rewarding careers. Physical education is one subject that is often overlooked. Gym class may seem like just a fun elective, but the importance of physical education cannot be understated, especially as so many youngsters struggle to maintain healthy weights. Physical education can help children live healthier, more fulfilling lives, benefitting them in ways that go beyond their waistlines. • Improved health and stamina: The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that only 29 percent of high school students are getting the recommended 60 minutes a day of physical activity. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommends that young people between the ages six and 17 should get at least an hour of physical activity each day. Physical education classes can help students meet or exceed those physical activity recommendations. • Creates a love for sports: Gym class exposes students to various athletic activities, encouraging them to dabble in different sports. That opportunity may expose young children to a sport they will embrace and play for the rest of their lives. • Improved academic performance: A large-scale study of 12,000 Nebraska schoolchildren published in The Journal of Pediatrics found that physical fitness could be linked to improved academic performance. Submitted by Metro Editorial Services.
We Don’t Clown Around When it comes to bringing you accurate and timely news we take our business SERIOUSLY.
Also Indicate Whether New Renewal Adding To Current Picks up in Hermes office Check us Out!
Winnie Hagenah
Tim Dunn
Winnie Hagenah Winnie Hagenah will be working through High Plains Educational Cooperative in the Rolla School for their special education department as the Interrelated Teacher. She graduated from West Texas A & M in Canyon, Tx. and also from Fort Hays State University in Hays. Winnie worked for the Hugoton school district prior to coming to Rolla. Winnie is married to TV Hagenah. She is looking forward to meeting her students and working with an awesome staff. Welcome to Rolla Winnie!
In-service days began Monday, August 8 in Rolla, and that means school is just around the corner. The rush to get all the students’ supplies in order has hit and last minute eye and dental appointments are being made. Classes begin in Rolla Monday, August 15 at 7:50 a.m. and the day will end at 4:00 p.m. Rolla will continue to use the shortened week
and will not have school Fridays. Due to budget cuts at the state level, there will be no Friday ARGH this year. Meals are served on a cash basis and free and reduced meal applications are available if needed. New teacher faces will be seen along with returning teachers. Hopefully everyone has a great year!
Aaron Gibler
Sales Tax is Included In All of the Above
Online Subscription - $24.96/year - visit or call 620-544-4321 to get started!
Tim Dunn Tim Dunn joined the USD 217 Maintenance Staff in the fall of last year and then was asked to be a bus driver when the need arose for a new route driver. Tim graduated from Rolla High School, then attended college at Colby Community College before finishing his degree in Ag Business at OPSU. He worked with Wycliffe Associates in Orlando, Fl. before returning to this area. Tim and his wife Janna and their daughter Adria now make Rolla their home. Tim looks forward to cooperation most. Welcome back to Rolla!
Pool closes Sunday evening The Rolla pool will have its last swim of the season Sunday, August 14. There will be a night swim that night to celebrate the end of
summer. A huge shout out to all the lifeguards of this season and to the managers for a job well done! See you next summer!
Solution to the August 4, 2016 puzzle is on page 8B.
The Hugoton Hermes
August 11, 2016
Page 5B
Rolla News By Phoebe Brummett
Deserae Schwindt is Reserve Champion Quilter. Photo courtesy of Shawn Schwindt.
All the children who are showing livestock gather together for a brief prayer before beginning the swine show. What a testimony to
live in southwest Kansas! Photo courtesy of Melanie Brewer.
Morton County Fair is complete for another year The Morton County Fair is complete for another year. Everyone who participated was a winner, with some winning more than others. It was also a tough year for a few, the heartbreaking tears of a young 4-Her selling her goat that she had grown to love and the devastating loss of life of another animal right before the sale for one of the older 4-Hers. Dealing with all
kinds of problems while trying to display items at the fair, from weather not cooperating to the failed cookie/ cake recipe, all provide a growth experience for those who choose to find it. The
four H’s represent Head, Heart, Hands, and Health. Each one of these is affected with fair experiences. Congratulations to all who participated in the Morton County Fair!
Winners in the Horse Show are Grand Champion Senior Division Kenzie Jones, Reserve Grand Champion Carlie Jones, Intermediate Divison Reserve Grand Champion Austin Apelu, Grand Champion Devry Bellomy and Junior Division Grand Champion Dalen Bellomy. Photo courtesy of Cassie Thrall.
Tyson Apelu is the Stick Horse Champion. Photo courtesy of Cassie Thrall.
Farm Olympics Champs are, left to right, Jamie Milburn, Jade Greene, Will Frownfelter-holding his younger son, Chris Higgins-holding one of his daughters, Clayton Thrall and Nicole Clark. Photo courtesy of April Kerbo.
Jaxon Schwindt is the Grand Champion in Ceremics (Cow Skull) and State Fair Bound! Jaxon also won first place in the tractor pull contest Saturday! Photo courtesy of Shawn Schwindt.
SaKya Milburn shows her sheep during the sheep show. She placed Reserve Champion in Intermediate Showmanship and went on to compete in the Round Robin. She also won the Sheep Herdsman Award two days in a row! Photo courtesy of Priscilla Milburn.
Farm Olympics Team with Rolla roots are, front left to right, Cassie Thrall, Jubi Worm and Dandi Thomas. In back are Carson Milburn, Josey Barnes and Tyson Deaton. Photo courtesy of April Kerbo.
Rolla history from David Stout One of the things which amazed me while reading my Aunt Donna’s accounts of growing up in Rolla during the 1930s was the similarities of some of her experiences to mine 14 years later. In this week’s column, I’d like to bounce back and forth between some of her recollections and my own. Aunt Donna wrote, “In addition to the house, we had a garage some distance from the house, a chicken coop nearby and a small shed for storage.” In my case, living on a farm years later, of course we had all these same things, but one of my earliest memories of our chicken coop was my standing outside, looking through the window at a hen about to lay an egg. At the moment of “birth,” the hen raised herself up on her haunches ever so slightly, turned the appropriate body part towards me for ideal viewing, and laid a beautiful egg. Now, because that chicken coop was later flipped intact upside-down by a tornado the month following my sixth birthday, this meant that my farm-type “reproductive eggucation” began when I was no more than six years old. As for Aunt Donna, I have no idea when hers began. In any case, she continued describing their Santa Fe housing arrangements in Rolla: “A two-holer outhouse stood among the other outbuildings, and in those days we didn’t have toilet paper but we had a good supply of Sears and Roebuck catalogs. If you had to spend much time there, you always had something to read. Fortu-
nately, if you had to go at night, there was a large covered pot in the bedroom closet.” I’m not going to say much about this at this time, but I’ll get back to the subject in a subsequent article. For now, I just have to wonder how many of Rolla’s farm kids even know what a “two-holer” is. If you don’t know, ask some of the older people of my generation. We still had them in the Rolla City Park when we were growing up. Now, continuing with Aunt Donna’s memories, as she explained, their running water came from their own well. “A big windmill and water tower stood at the back of the property. There was a pipe strung high between the windmill and water tower, and this pipe served as the instrument to hold a strong rope bag swing that Dad built for us.” Aunt Donna went on to explain what a rope bag swing was, writing, “A bag swing is a gunny sack filled with sand and suspended from a single rope. To swing on it, Dad built a ramp from a railroad tie, attaching additional wood to the tie making it more like a ladder which led to a small platform we would stand on, hold on to the rope and jump onto the sack. It was much more fun than a conventional swing with two ropes and a board seat.” A picture is worth a thousand words, so rather than expounding on “rope bag” and “gunny sack,” I’m simply attaching this photo of myself standing next to a “rope bag gunny sack” swing that Aunt Donna’s father (my grandfather) made for me on our
David Stout, age 3½, December 1948, next to his gunny sack swing. family farm 14 years later. Finally, Aunt Donna introduces someone that both she and I “…always looked forward to seeing – the ‘Rawleigh man.’ He came by our house about every six weeks or so bringing wonderfully smelling spices for Mama and Chicklets for me. Chicklets were small pieces of gum covered by a hard white sweet shell. In addition to selling spices, he also carried some medicinal supplies like the Rawleigh salve Mama doctored me with when I skinned my knees or elbows.” Years later when I lived on the farm, “The Rawleigh Man” would visit us periodically, and like Aunt Donna, I loved when he opened the doors on the side of his little truck and
you could smell all those wonderful spices. Unlike Aunt Donna, I didn’t much care for the Chicklets, but that Rawleigh salve was the best I’ve ever had. All soreness would be gone the day following its application to any cut or abrasion. So, give me that old-time Rawleigh salve!
“That old-time Rawleigh salve”
Winners at the Morton County Fair are Brynlee Williams Reserve Grand Champion Rabbit and Rylan Williams Grand Champion Rabbit. Both received Rabbits Herdsman Awards. Brynlee also received Youngest Girl in the Swine Project. Photo courtesy of Jamie Mason.
The Hugoton Hermes
August 11, 2016
Page 6B
ROLLA BOARD OF EDUCATION Erich Glave, President Darren Clark, Vice President Lloyd Dixon Jean Ann Hull Kent Milburn Penny Rusch Amanda Dunn
Becky Sohm, 5th Grade Kim Clark, Title I/ESL Jon Schnable, K-8 Computer Sam Eiland, K-12 Music JUNIOR HIGH/HIGH TEACHERS John Barrett, Social Sciences Megan Gibler, Computer/Math/Migrant Kelly Schnable, Math Suzanne Murray, English/Reading Sam Eiland, Band, Vocal Jon Schnable, PE, K-12 Duane Greene, Welding, Shop Zeta Greene, Science Kris Hall, Guidance Counselor, 6th Science Dawn Hart, Language Arts/Art Traci Taylor, Yearbook, FACS, Computer
ADMINISTRATION Kim Mauk, Superintendent Kim Mauk, K-5 Principal Gardell Schnable, 6-12 Principal Kris Hall, Guidance Counselor HPEC STAFF Winnie Hagenah, Interrelated Teacher Rachel Dunn, Paraprofessional Alesia Hinds, Paraprofessional Cassie Thrall, Paraprofessional Alice Connors, Gifted Facilitator Kim Cruz, Psychologist
BUS DRIVERS Duane Greene Tim Dunn SUPPLEMENTAL ASSIGNMENTS Jon Schnable, HS Football, Assistant HS Boys’ Basketball Chuck Stahly, Assistant HS Football Zeta Greene, HS Volleyball, HS Track, JH Track Andy Pinkley, HS Cross Country, JH Cross Country, HS Girls’ Basketball Scott Ellis, HS Boys’ Basketball John Barrett, HS StuCo Sponsor, HS Golf, JH Football, JH Girls’ Basketball Jason LaRue, Assistant JH Football Kim Mauk, JH Volleyball Jessica Slaughter, Assistant JH Volleyball, Assistant HS Girls’ Basketball, Junior Class Sponsor Megan Gibler, JH Boys’ Basketball, Assistant HS Track Becky Sohm, HS Scholars Bowl Alesia Hinds, HS Cheer Sponsor, JH Cheer Sponsor, Sophomore Sponsor
TEACHERS AIDES Jolene Sherman, Academic Turnaround Facilitator LIBRARIANS Suzanne Murray, USD 217 Librarian Cindy Hittle, Head Librarian Morton County Rolla Branch Hannah Bolin, School Library Aide ELEMENTARY TEACHERS Hannah Bolin, PreKindergarten Sherry Pinkley, Kindergarten Sherry Pinkley, 1st Grade Lana Jarvis, 2nd Grade Jessie Slaughter, 3rd Grade Sherri Randle, 4th Grade
Beverly Light, Forensics Traci Taylor, National Honor Society, Yearbook, Assistant JH Girls’ Basketball Dawn Hart, Senior Class Sponsor, Freshman Class Sponsor Georgina Brown, Junior Class Sponsor Jamie Milburn, Sophomore Class Sponsor Cassie Thrall, Freshman Class Sponsor, Assistant JH Track Michelle Smith, Senior Class Sponsor Kris Hall, JH Scholars Bowl Suzanne Murry, JH StuCo Sponsor SUPPORT STAFF Shelley Barrett, Board of Education Clerk Arleen Clinesmith, Board of Education Treasurer, HS Secretary Andy Pinkley, Athletic Director Jamie Milburn, ES Secretary Valeria Pando, School Nurse Rusty Tuman, Tech Support Aaron Gibler, Maintenance Tim Dunn, Maintenance Chuck Stahly, Maintenance CUSTODIANS Annie Klassen Maria Martens Yesica Estremera KITCHEN Tammi Bolin Lori Sheedy Georgina Brown
First Day Of Class Is
AUGUST 15, 2016
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The Hugoton Hermes
August 11, 2016
Page 7B
SOCIAL SECURITY NEWS By Rich Fowler Social Security Operations Supervisor in Dodge City DON’T GET SCHOOLED – BE PREPARED WITH SOCIAL SECURITY Your summer job has ended, so there’s no better time than now to start planning for retirement. You can easily be ahead of the game and secure your future with a few simple steps. As a millennial, you are in the best position for planning, investing, and saving for your retirement, growing that nest egg as large as it can be. The sooner you start, the more money you will have. There are two easy ways to prepare for retirement at a young age: Start a my Social Security
account. Having a personal and secure account is easy, but better yet, it empowers you. You can access the services you need in the convenience of your own home without traveling to a local office and waiting in a long line. To view your social security statement, go to As you can see, many of our resources are available online and my Social Security is one of the best places to access vital information about your retirement. We are constantly adding new features to make your experience with us faster and more convenient. You can even replace a
lost or stolen Social Security card in certain states. You should also start a myRA account. It’s never too early, and the more you save now, the more you will have later. myRA is designed for people who don’t have a retirement savings plan through their employer, or are limited from other savings options. Check it out at If your employer provides a retirement savings plan, such as a 401(k), learn more about that plan’s potential matching contributions or other benefits. Did you know that a 20year-old worker has a one-in-
four chance of becoming disabled before reaching full retirement age? Social Security will be there for you if you become disabled and cannot work. Accessing your online account can also help you determine your estimated future disability benefits. To learn more about disability and to apply, go to tyssi/apply.html. Remember, that summer job might be behind you, but you have a bright future ahead. Social Security is there, helping you every step of the way, securing today and tomorrow.
PUBLIC NOTICE (First published in The Hugoton Hermes, Thursday, August 4, 2016)
The following is a listing of the 2015 unpaid Real Estate taxes due the Stevens County Treasurer as of August 4, 2016. A $16.00 advertising fee per parcel and interest at the rate of 4% will be added to the tax amount shown. If the taxes remain unpaid as of September 1, 2016, the County Treasurer will sell on said date the Real Estate described to the County for the amount of the taxes and legal charges due. The sale as described above is not a sale to the public; it is the legal process under which redemption period for payment of 2015 Real Estate taxes, fees and penalties begin. In the event said Real Estate taxes are not paid within the prescribed period, a foreclosure suit and Sheriff’s Sale will occur in due time. Vanessa Willis, Stevens County Treasurer
You have a bright future ahead. Start planning now for retirement with a my Social Security account.
Time...Keeps On Ticking But Our Deadline Is Always The Same! Monday at 5:00 p.m. The Hugoton Hermes 620-544-4321
The Hugoton Hermes
August 11, 2016
Page 8B
for Hugoton & Liberal (tfc26)
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Solution to August 4, 2016 puzzle August 11, 2016 puzzle can be found on page 4B
h t i W Stick ssifieds a l C e th
If you’re shopping for a new home or car, keep looking in the Classifieds. Every week, you’ll find a great selection of listings for real estate and automobiles at prices you won’t find from a broker or dealer.
The Hugoton Hermes Classifieds 620-544-4321
The Hugoton Hermes
August 11, 2016
Page 9B
112 S. Main • 620-356-5808 • Ulysses Se Habla Espanol-356-5808
901 S Van Buren- Ranch style, 4 bed/2 bath, fpl, appliances, cen H/A, det grge, fence. Nice location! Call today to see this property!
1501 S Monroe - 1 1/2 Story home, 3 bed/2 bath, appliances, galley kitchen, fpl. Corner lot in Kallenbach Addition. Call today to see this unique home!
UCE D !!
625 Road N - $100,000- Minimize your utility bills with this energy efficient passive solar home. Supplemental heat, if needed, supplied by a pellet stove. Central H/A is ducted if needed. The domestic water well is shared with adjacent property. There is a bonus room above the garage with a small motel heat/cooling unit. All bathrooms have been updated recently. Selling AS IS.
NEW REDUCED PRICE - $119,000 - 502 S. Wildcat Ct.- This nice home is just the right size and price for a family to grow into, or for those wanting to downsize. Big back yard and oversized garage all on a quiet culde-sac. New exterior paint and modern color scheme inside. This home is ready to move right in. The garage with workshop area has its own central heat unit.
705 Washington, Rolla - Beautiful Brick Ranch Style, fin basement, 5 bed/3 b, att grge, fence, appliances! Move in ready! Call today!!
307 N. Kansas, Suite 101 Liberal, KS 67901
(620) 624-1212
1637 St Hwy 25 - Ranch style, 5 bed/3 b, fin bsmt, 80’x40’ Morton bldg, 3 stall lean to with runs, arena. 18 acres +/-. Call today to seen this nice property!
UCE D !!
1103 S. Jefferson St. - This nice home is ready to move into. New paint on the exterior and interior. New laminate and vinyl floor coverings. Remodeled bathroom with tile floor, granite countertop, modern sink and new tub/shower unit. Immediately available.
218 N Oklahoma Ave, Elkhart - Ranch 310 S Monroe - Ranch Style, brick, 2 bed/1 style, 3 bed/2 b, cen H/A, fpl, att garage. Nice bath, cen H/A, kit appl, det garage. Call location! $62,500 w/buyers incentive! Call today to see this home. today!!
ROLLA PLAZA APARTMENTS 1- and 2- bedroom apartments available
408 E. Fifth - Ranch style, 3 bed/3 bath, part bsmt, att garage, cen H/A, sheds. $125,000
(Rental Assistance Available) Equal Housing Opportunity
620-492-6608 Office tfc16
1110 S Jefferson - Price Reduction! 3 bed/3 bath, updated kitchen w/appliances, att garage, includes MIL qtrs, cen H/A, wood floors...much more. Call to see this home!!
998 Road P - Country living, brick ranch style, 5 bed/3.5 b, bsmt, att garage, 90 x 50 metal bldg, with 4 overhead doors, 60 x 45 barn. 7+ acres on paved road. Call today!! 131 S Madison - Brick, ranch style, 2 (3) bed/1 b, wood floors, updated kitchen & baths, cen H/A, att garage, fence, mower shed, 30 x 40 building. Move in ready!! Call today!!
821 S Polk Street - Cute bungalow! 3 bed/1 bath, updated kitchen bath. Move in ready! Det garage and carport, fence and dog run. $78,000
SOLD 202 S. Jackson - Nice Ranch Style!! 2 bed/2 b, kitchen w/island, nice updates, sheds, att carport, covered patio. $115,000
ED (tfc29)
1201 S. Monroe - Ranch Style/ 5 bed/2.5 b, fin bsmt, att garage, det garage.
1003 S. Adams - Beautiful, 1 1/2 story, 5 bed3 bath, fpl, 2 decks, oversized garage lot for 810 East 6th Street - Residential w/workshop, storage shed and much, LD SO sale! 3.7 acres +/-. Call for details!! much more! $275,000
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Great Deals ~ Easy Financing ~ Quality Service Office: (620)544-7800 531 S. Jackson Hugoton, Ks. 67951 (tfc6)
Jay D's Satellite
The Hugoton Hermes
August 11, 2016
Page 10B
HUGOTON BOARD OF EDUCATION Matt Mills, President Todd Gayer, Member Mike Persinger, Member Stephanie Heger, Member Barry Hittle, Member Paula Rowden, Vice President Dettra Crawford, Member
Lisa Rome, Life Skills Annette Sosa, ELA Teacher Ashley Rawlings, Business/Computer Teacher Derek Hartman, Social Studies Renee Beesley & Sydni Root, Music Carlie Rooney, Science Teacher Jennifer Beesley, Math Teacher Ross Addison, Woods HS & MS Amy Freeman, General Music/Band Director Susan Carey, HS Business/Computers Larry Bradford, PT Teacher Savannah Thomas, HS Social Studies
CENTRAL OFFICE STAFF Davonna Daharsh, Fin. Man/Fed Prog./ Food Service Arlet Estrada, District Secretary Kimberly Korf, Board Clerk Ginny Pearson, Payroll Clerk Kathy Purcell, Registrar/HS Secretary
HEADSTART Maria Aguirre
ADMINISTRATION Adrian Howie, Superintendent Tiffany Boxum, Primary School Principal Elise Heger, Intermediate School Lance Custer, Middle School Principal Principal Melody Witt, High School Principal C. J. Korf, Activities Director Stuart Scott, IT Director CENTRAL OFFICE Holly Grubbs, Nurse Maria Estrada, Custodian Lisa LeNeve, PR Arick Miller, Maintenance Director Christina Williams, Nurse
HIGH SCHOOL SUPPORT STAFF Daira Brower, Food Service Eugena Burnett, Secretary Janeth Calzadillas, ESL Aide Angela Heger, Music Aide Jill Leonard, Custodian Jose Licon, PT Grounds (Summers only) John Moser, Custodian/FS/Bus Driver Shawnda Noyes, FS Janeth Castro, ESL Aide Anna Reimer, FS Teresa Snyder, Bookkeeper Helena Wiebe, Food Service Justina Wiebe, Food Service Sandra Williams, Food Service
HIGH SCHOOL CERTIFIED STAFF Nathan Hawley, Science Kerrinne Fann, Science Lindsay Tuman, Library Media Specialist Chrissy Lacy, Math Chelle Leininger, High School Counselor Les McNally, AGED/FFA Teacher Kandice Dance, ELA Teacher Eric Fulton, E20-20 /Coach Gregory Leeper, IT Chris O'Loughlin, Health/PE Teacher Nick Rodriguez, Social Studies
MIDDLE SCHOOL CERTIFIED STAFF Bobbi Ferguson, 7th Grade Science Nikolaus Barre, PE Teacher Nicole Gold, 7th Grade ELA Teacher Cory Graber, Teacher Toya Gustafson, 8th Grade Math Teacher Stephanie Leeper, 8th Grade ELA Teacher Morey Mecklenburg, 8th Grade Science Teacher Shannon Nordyke, ESL/Read 180 Teacher Jill Skinner, Social Studies Teacher
Hwy 51 & Washington
544-8686 Hugoton Open Mon-Fri 9 to 5:30
Robert Terrill, Art Teacher Keenan Thompson, Social Studies Teacher
Traci Goode, 2nd Grade Tonya Hill, 2nd Grade Barbara Concannon, 3rd Grade Kristen Howie, 3rd Grade Sherry Meitler-Wood, 3rd Grade MIDDLE SCHOOL SUPPORT STAFF Sarah Neeland, 3rd Grade Margarita Escalera, Teacher Aide Leisa Hittle, 4th Grade Harry Ferguson, Facilities Director Livia Custer, 4th Grade MS/HS Jennifer Fox, 4th Grade Karie Gaskill, Counselor Stacy Dillinger, 5th Grade Rita Gonzalez, Secretary Kimberly Heger, 5th Grade Maura Martinez, Custodian Avery Miller, 5th Grade Judy Nichols, Teacher Aide Teresa Lewis, 5th Grade Rosa Ordonez, FA/Custodian Teresa Cox, 6th Grade Sandra Ruiz, Custodian Anthony Davis, 6th Grade Estella Pena, Teacher Aide Lacy Giudicy, 6th Grade Kimberley William, Custodian LaDonna Hall, 6th Grade Melanie Gifford, Teacher/Coach HUGOTON LEARNING ACADEMY Trevor Leeper, IT Bonnie Lomax, Music Teacher Jennifer Burrows, Teacher Tommy McClure, PE/Reading Teacher Sue Omo, Teacher EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPElizabeth Settlemyer, Teacher MENT CENTER Barbara Trujillo, Teacher Shelby Evans, PreSchool Karen Kiley, ESL Teacher Ashley Goode, PreSchool Joan Perry, PreSchool ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Susan Scott, PreSchool SUPPORT STAFF Laura Boese, Kindergarten Cher Bohl, After School Program Melissa Sullivan, Kindergarten Rosemarie Cabezas, Teacher Aide Carla Kerbow, Kindergarten Juana Camacho, Teacher Aide Joyce Losey, Kindergarten Liliana Chavez, Custodian Melissa Sullivan, Kindergarten Carmen Cifuentes, Teacher Aide Nancy Arellano, Teacher Aide Sara Cox, FS Rebecca Marquez-Medina, Teacher Aide Susan Ellsaesser, Counselor Virginia Martinez, Teacher Aide Linda Gooch, ES Secretary Deborah Quattlebum, Teacher Aide Maria Garcia, Custodian Dessie West, Teacher Aide Maria Jimenez, Bookkeeper Melynda Howe, PAT Coordinator Eber Juarez, Custodian Diane Lambrecht, Substitute Teacher Susan Lowry, Teacher Aide Shelby Martin, Secretary Vicki Lowry, Substitute Teacher Sonia Macias, Migrant Coordinator Maria Juarez, Custodian ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Michael Hesston, Custodian CERTIFIED STAFF Terry Miller, Custodian Alayna Bergkamp, 1st Grade Brenda Mills, Teacher Aide Sarah Kitzke, 1st Grade Felicia Moreland, Teacher Aide Chelsea Trujillo, 1st Grade Melisa Norton, After School Holly Denton, 2nd Grade Coordinator/ Teacher Aide Susan Frederick, 2nd Grade Deanna Quillen, After School Program
Danny Ray, Teacher Aide Claudia Sanchez, Teacher Aide Tina Schechter, Teacher Aide Nora Shuck, Teacher Aide Kara Stump, Long Term Sub Teacher Jacquelyn Teeter, After School Coordinator Stacey Trujillo, Food Service Josefina Cruz, Custodian Ashley Wettstein, Teacher Aide Cindy Wood, Food Service Vera Zabel, Teacher Aide TRANSPORTATION Rebekah Allen, Bus Driver Richard Anderson, Bus Driver Tina Anderson, Bus Driver Vernon Anderson, Bus Driver Gerald Guerrero, Bus Driver Galen Keith, Bus Driver Will Martin, Bus Driver Greg O’Loughlin, Bus Driver Judy Zordel, Bus Driver Grant Thompson, Bus Driver Wanda Thompson, Bus Driver Sylvis Littrell, Sub Bus Driver Tommy Romero, Sub Bus Driver Jackie Anderson, Transportation Secretary/Bus Driver Marc Griffin, Transportation Mechanic Scott Schechter, Transportation Director/Coach GROUNDS Danny Gerrond - Grounds Director Steven Craig, Grounds
First Day Of Class Is Thursday, AUGUST 18, 2016
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