Thursday, September 12 2-4 p.m. Stevens County Hospital Radiology Department Ribbon cutting at 3:10 p.m. Volume 126, Number 37
Thursday, September 12, 2013
16 Pages, 70 Cents Plus Tax Per Copy
Governor proclaims September as Farm Safety Month Raising awareness about the critical importance of on-farm safety, Governor Sam Brownback proclaimed September as Farm Safety Month in Kansas and the week of September 15 through 21, as Kansas Farm Safety and Health Week. The Kansas Department of Agriculture works with all stakeholders in the industry, including farmers and ranchers, Kansas 4-H, Kansas FFA, agricultural educators, Kansas agricultural organizations and other state agencies, to reduce the risk of injury on the
farm, to reinforce the importance of taking necessary precautions while working on the farm, and to protect public health and safety through outreach and educational initiatives as well as through responsible regulatory oversight. “Kansas has a rich heritage and history deeply rooted in agriculture that continues today as agriculture is the largest economic driver, employer and industry in Kansas,” said Secretary of Agriculture Dale Rodman. “Agriculture touches every Kansan every day, and it
is our duty to raise awareness to keep our state’s farm and ranch families safe. These hard-working men and women and their children work each day to provide a safe, abundant food supply for consumers around the world.” The theme for National Farm Safety and Health Week is ‘working together for safety in agriculture.’ KDA will be actively promoting Farm Safety throughout September. Please visit KDA’s social media pages - Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram - to follow farm safety posts and tips.
Hospital discusses financial issues The meeting of the board for the Stevens County Hospital and Pioneer Manor was called to order Monday, September 9, 2013, at 5:30 p.m. in the Community Room of the hospital. Present were board members Warren Willis, Joyce Baughman, Milton Gillespie, Patty Lahey, Keith Rome and Dean Van Horn. Kirk Heger was absent. Also present were Chief Financial Officer Dave Piper, Clinic Director Stacy Helget, Health Information Director Marilyn Crane, Director of Nursing Dawn Maas, Dr. Samer AlHashmi “Dr. Sam” and Hermes reporter Wilma Bartel. The agenda for the day and the minutes of the last meeting were approved unanimously. As Human Resources Director Robin Medina was not present, the board reviewed her written report about personnel and current job openings. Dr. Sam presented the medical staff report. He said the Emergency Room and Out Patient had been very busy the last month, due in part to injuries at the Abengoa construction site west of Hugoton. The nursing report was given by Director of Nursing Dawn Maas. She talked about the
Alzheimer’s seminar given in August at Memorial Hall and said the speaker had been very good but she was somewhat disappointed in the attendance. Stacy Helget gave the clinic report. She said numbers had been up in August, mostly due to school and sports physicals and reported the onset of allergy season was also responsible for the increase in numbers. Board Chairman Warren Willis said he had no issues to present as the chairman other than a scheduling conflict which made it necessary to change the date of the October board meeting. Mo-
tion was made and approved unanimously to move the date of the October meeting to Tuesday, October 1. The meeting will be at Pioneer Manor conference room. There was no update from Pioneer Manor. The financial report was given by Chief Financial Officer Dave Piper. He reported total expenditures for this year are higher than last year. Utilities at Pioneer Manor are significantly higher than previous years and repairs and maintenance costs for Pioneer Manor have been higher than expected for a new building. He said Continued to page 3
Hugoton Elementary’s fifth grade science instructor Kim Heger looks on as a fifth grade student demonstrates his weighing skills during Monday night’s open house.
Counselor Robert Johnson introduces newly appointed District Judge Linda Gilmore to Commissioners Pat Hall, hidden behind Bob,
Dave Bozone, James Bell and County Clerk Pam Bensel. Judge Gilmore was appointed by the governor to fill Kim Schroeder’s position.
Stevens County Commissioners meet The Stevens County Board of County Commissioners met in regular session Tuesday, September 3, 2013 with all members, James Bell, Pat Hall and Dave Bozone present. Also present were County Clerk Pam Bensel, County Counselor Robert Johnson and RoGlenda Coulter from The Hugoton Hermes. The following is just an agenda for the afternoon with a few of the unofficial highlights. Official minutes will be published at a later date. The commissioners’ agenda for Tuesday was: 8:30 - Bills; 9:30 - Tony Martin and Pete Earles; 10:00 - Brian Hemann with KDI - executive session; 10:30 - Phil Escareno with Black Hills in regard to the
number of houses in the next five years in the Pioneer Addition; 11:00 - Tony McBride; 11:30 - Deb Scheibler with Kansas Work Force One; and 12:00 Lunch. When this reporter arrived at 8:45 a.m., the commissioners were finishing talking with Neal Gillespie. Bob Johnson brought in the new District Judge Linda Gilmore to meet the commissioners. They all welcomed her. She has a law practice in Liberal and lives in Stevens County. She has been in practice for 18 years and was appointed by the governor to take Kim Schroeder’s position. Tony Martin from Road and Bridge came in to report for his department. While
Hugoton Elementary’s hallways were packed with parents and students Monday night for this year’s open house.
Council approves bid for new sewer lagoon and aerator Hugoton City Council met in regular session Monday, September 9, 2013 at the council meeting room. Attending the meeting were City Inspector Joshua Grubbs, Outside Utilities Supervisor Paul Nordyke, Electrical System Supervisor Gary Rowden, City Clerk Thomas G. Hicks, Mayor Jack E. Rowden and councilmen Dean Banker, Mike Eshbaugh, Dan Corpening, Shannon Crawford and Tron Stegman. Also present were Mark Kerbow, Carla Kerbow, Greg Gill, EcoDevo’s Neal Gillespie, City Engineer Pete Earles, City Attorney Wayne R. Tate, Police Chief Courtney Leslie, Sylvia Romo, KDI’s Matt Green and Hugoton Hermes reporter Ruthie Winget. Mark and Carla Kerbow, who reside at 900 S. Madi-
son, informed the city council about the sewer backup that happened in their basement September 2, 2013. The city’s main was blocked, causing damage to carpet and drywall. Their insurance would not pay for the damage since no blockage had occurred in their lines. The Kerbows were instructed by the council to get a total cost estimate for clean-up and damages. The city recommends every house with a basement should have a backflow preventer. Tom Hicks stated the city’s insurance will not pay for this damage since the city was not negligent. The city had inspected this line August 9, 2013 since this line sometimes has problems. They clean it once a year even though the insurance recommends
cleaning the lines only once every three years. Pete Earles brought in six bids for the new sewer lagoon and a new aerator. Sporer Land Development of Oakley turned in the low bid for both items to be $1,906,329.60. Sporer had installed the previous lagoon and had no problems. The council passed the motion to accept the low bid. Sylvia Romo complained to the council she had a serious dispute with a city employee who took advantage of her by brokering one of her trailer spaces to a construction worker. She wanted his supervisor to not send this employee to her property for any city electrical projects as she did not want him to be on her property again. Neal Gillespie stopped by
to give the council more information about the Rural Housing Incentive District. RHID captures 100 percent of the incremental real property taxes created by a housing development project to be applied to improvements such as special assessments. Gillespie will return with further information. The council approved Ordinance No. 802 which is a Standard Traffic Ordinance for the City of Hugoton. They also approved Ordinance No. 803 which is a Uniform Public Offense Code for the City of Hugoton. Tom Hicks reported the good news that sales tax collections were up so far this year. Tom informed the council Pioneer Electric has presented the city with a bill for
$131,011.76. The amount is the $.003 per kWh to be billed above the tariff rate, starting with the June 2012 billing under the new contract. A breakdown in communication between Sunflower and Pioneer resulted in the billing omission. The city attorney will contact Pioneer’s legal counsel about the matter. Gary Rowden recommended the city accept the proposal from Fairbanks Morse in the amount of $225,352 for the installation of catalytic converters on units #4 and #5 at the south power plant. The city council approved the moton to authorize the expenditure from Electric Distribution System Upgrade funds. The council went into executive session. Afterward, the meeting adjourned.
waiting for Pete Earles, Tony and Pat told of their tour of the John Deere factory in Davenport, Ia. where the county’s new graders are being built. They both really enjoyed the tour and were very impressed. Tony said it was pretty amazing and not very many get this opportunity. Tony had recently toured the Cat factory also so he was able to compare the two while it was fresh in his mind. Pam informed the commissioners they needed to appoint three SWKAAA (Southwest Kansas Area Agency on Aging) representatives from Stevens County. She said Roger Lynch volunteered. Motion was made and passed to appoint Roger to fill one of the positions. Pam said Karen Rich has been asked to check at the Senior Center. Mrs. Wagner might be asked if she is interested. Tony was still waiting for Pete. Tony said he has not heard of any problems with sprinklers on roadways. But a lot of sprinklers are being shut off now. They visited about four way stops being added in some places in the county. They talked about cell phone plans and mowing ditches. Tony told the commissioners of some projects Moscow Recreation has asked them to do. Commissioners and Tony were discussing streets and roads in the Pioneer Addition and went ahead and asked Phil Escareno about the gas lines. Commissioners asked if they would be putting gas lines in the streets. He said mostly down the alleys. He expects it to be happening within the next month. Tony said they would appreciate that so they can get started on the streets. Sheriff Ted Heaton came in to report for the Law Enforcement Center. Pete Earles came in. Commissioners expressed their concern of the bills they were receiving. They asked if everything had to be inspected. He said yes the City wants full time inspection as part of the project. Last month it came to 147 hours. Commissioners asked Pete how the project was coming along. He said it was very slow getting in the Continued to page 4
The Hugoton Hermes
Thursday, September 12, 2013
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Alta recalls Stevens County residents’ kindness five years ago In the September 5 Stevens County History There is a nice story written about me, written by Ruthie’s most talented hand; it brings precious memories. You understand. I had received with sincerely great elation, a really nice letter of special invitation to the Famous Poets Convention But knew I could not afford to go and happened to mention My regrets to a good friend named Jackie Lewis Her response, “Alta, you can’t miss an honor like this!” So she set about to remedy the situation and soon received widespread affirmation that my sorry at not being able to attend should come to an early, unmistakeable end. Shortly, many people began to come to my aid; funds were given and plans for my trip to Orlando were made Many in Stevens County gave, and others, including my first grade teacher, Citizens State, old friends, new friends, even my Nazarene Sunday School teacher. Some of my relatives sent money too, from far off states, as soon as they knew what was happening and how God was blessing me with such wonderful friends They agreed, wholeheartedly, that I should attend. So I was off to Florida through the azure blue skies, to experience an adventure I never dreamed would materialize.
Wow! I dscovered I was the only one from Kansas who was there! Among hundreds of people who came from everywhere! To shorten this poem, I will relate one happening: a thing that, to me, had always been really terrifying. Is a monster called an escalator, and I’d always avoided them like the plague before. But this one I couldn’t get around, because there was no elevator that I found. I stood at the bottom, agetting scareder by the minute, envisioning a fall and getting sucked down in it. Finally a kind lady recognized my plight and undertook to teach me how to approach and get on right. After a few tries, I actually conquered the thing and marveled at what peace a little knowledge can bring. I think I should have gotten a medal for such a great accomplishment done, But - alas and alack, I didn’t get none. Now I know this poem isn’t exactly what a poem should be, but for a “letter” to say what I want it to is hard to rhyme correctly. So, I’ll sign off by saying to my Stevens County family “It’s been a long time, but thanks again, for showing me you really cared about me!” Alta Pettis P.S. In a few weeks, God granting, I will be 85 years old and this event was/is the highlight of my life.
WHAT’S HAPPENIN’ Pioneer Manor residents play Bingo at 2:00 p.m. Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Community members are invited to volunteer or play a game with the residents! AL-ANON Family Group meets at 1405 Cemetery Road Mondays and Thursdays at 8:00 p.m. Call 620544-2610 or 620-544-2854 for more information. CELEBRATE LIFE every Monday night 6:30-8:00 p.m. at Assembly of God, 138 S. Main in Hugoton. Park in the back lot. HUGOTON LIONS CLUB meets every Second and Fourth Thursday of the month at Memorial Hall at 7:00 p.m. HUGOTON MASONIC LODGE #406 AF&AM meets every second and fourth Tuesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday nights - Inside Out Kids at the Hugoton Assembly of God, 138 S. Main, beginning with dinner at 6:45 p.m. Program will be from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. Rides are available by calling Pastor Ben Coats at 620-4281487 before 5:30 p.m. Wednesday evenings. - Moscow United Methodist will host Kids Club, beginning September 11 from 3:45 to 4:45 p.m. Kids Club is available for children ages Kindergarten through fifth grade. For more information, contact the church at 620-5982426. Friday nights - Looking for something to do Friday nights? You are invited to come to Faith Community Church at Sixth and Main for food, music and fellowship every Friday evening beginning at 6:00 p.m. For more information, call Eunice
Lunceford at 620-649-7644 or 620-428-5296. Temporary changes for Stevens County Library - Stevens County Library will be open from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Mondays through Fridays, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Saturdays and closed Sundays. September 12 - Open House at Stevens County Hospital to showcase improvements to the Radiology Department from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. with tours and refreshments. - Hugoton Kiwanis will meet at 6:30 p.m. at Ranchito TexMex Cafe. - Hugoton Aglow will not meet in September. They are looking forward to Sharon Bennell coming in October. September 14 - Sew All Day at the Hugoton Senior Center, 624 S. Main. Call 620-544-2283 for more information. - Hugoton High School volleyball will host their home tournament beginning at 9:00 a.m. - The Hugoton Senior Center will host a dance beginning at 8:00 p.m. at 624 S. Main. Craig Stevens will play. September 15 - Assembly of God will host services at Pioneer Manor at 3:00 p.m. September 16 - No school for USD #217 students. - Stevens County Commissioners will meet in the Commissioners’ Room at the Stevens County Courthouse at 8:30 a.m. - USD #210 Board of Education will meet at the HMS Library at 6:30 p.m. September 17 - Hugoton Area Chamber of Commerce will host their
monthly luncheon at 12:00 noon. Contact Ruth Van Horn at 620-544-4305 for more information. - Hugoton District Booster Club meeting at 7:00 p.m. September 18 - Early release for Hugoton Early Childhood Development Center, Elementary and Middle Schools and Learning Academy at 1:30 p.m. September 19 - Camera Club will meet at 7:00 p.m. at the Hugoton Recreation Commission, 211 S. Madison. September 20 - First National Bank will sponsor the eleventh annual Moscow Wildcats Tailgate Party at 5:30 p.m. There will be hamburgers, chips and bottled water available for all Wildcat fans! September 21 - Stevens County Healthcare will host their annual free health fair at the Hugoton High School cafeteria from 7:00 to 11:00 a.m. Pre-register at the hospital. There will be free labs, giveaways and community information booths. - Hugoton High and Middle Schools’ cross country teams will host their home race at Forewinds Golf Course starting at 9:00 a.m. - Garden City Community College will host a concealed carry course for residents interested in a Kansas Concealed Carry handgun permit from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. at the John Collins Vocational Building. Pre-registration is available by contacting or 620-2769629. - Seward County Community College/Area Technical School will host silent and auctions to benefit scholar-
ships at the Seward County Event Center at Liberal Fairgrounds. Refreshments will be provided. Call 620-4171652 for reservations. For tickets, call 620-417-1131 or go online to No tickets will be sold at the door. September 22 - Autumn begins! - Bethel Friends Church will host evangelist Gary Wright at 10:30 a.m. at Eleventh and Jefferson in Hugoton. September 22-24 - Bethel Friends Church will host evangelist Gary Wright at 7:00 p.m. at Eleventh and Jefferson in Hugoton. September 24 - Business Startup Seminar in Room SW229 of the Student Activities Building at Seward County Community College/Area Technical School in Liberal. There is no registration fee for the seminar, but pre-registration is required. Contact the Chamber of Commerce for more information at 620-544-4305. September 26 - Hugoton Kiwanis will meet at 6:30 p.m. at Ranchito TexMex Cafe. September 29 - Moscow Baptist Hillbilly Band will perform at Pioneer Manor at 3:00 p.m. October 1 - Deadline to hand in applications for military service academy nominations to Congressman Tim Huelskamp’s office. Please contact the Congressman’s office at 620-665-6138 or visit http://huelskamp. - National Night Out at the Hugoton City Park. For more information, contact the Chamber at 620-544-4305.
HUGOTON POLICE REPORT Business Hours, Call 544-4959 After Hours, Call 544-2020 Monday, September 2, 2013 • Vehicle Unlock; 100 Block of South Main; Citizen Assist; Officer Crane • Motorist Assist; Seventh and Washington; Public Service; Officer Crane • Civil; 500 Block of East Seventh; Public Service; Officer Crane • Dog at Large; 900 Block of South Jefferson; Officer Crane • Vehicle Unlock; 100 Block of South Monroe; Citizen Assist; Sergeant Johnson • Gas Drive Off; 1000 Block of South Washington; Located Subject; Sergeant Johnson • Investigate Vehicle; 600 Block of East Eleventh; Spoke to Subjects; Sergeant Johnson Tuesday, September 3, 2013 • Car Complaint; 500 Block of West Eleventh; Spoke to RP; Officer Crane • Vehicle Unlock; 1000 Block of South Washington; Citizen Assist; Officer Crane
• Motorist Assist; 300 Block of East Seventh; Public Service; Officer Crane • Hay Bales on Street; Eleventh and Washington; Traffic Control; Officer Crane • Possible Fight; 300 Block of Polk; Subject Left; Sergeant Johnson • Theft; 400 Block of South Main; Took Report; Sergeant Johnson • Public Service; Public Service; Sergeant Johnson Wednesday, September 4, 2013 • Gas Drive Off; Subject Returned; Officer Goetzinger • Civil Standby; 600 Block of East Eleventh; Public Service; Officer Goetzinger • Dog at Large; 1100 Block of South Monroe; Unable to Locate; Officer Lamatsch • Public Service; 200 Block of South Monroe; Public Service; Officer Lamatsch Thursday, September 5, 2013 • Damage to Vehicles; 700 Block of
City of Hugoton Water Consumption and Climatological Data August August August 2011 2012 2013 TOTAL Gals. Pumped 88,312,500 89,812,100 71,938,900 Peak Water Day Gals. 3,572,400 4,247,100 3,754,800 Average High Temp. 96.8 91.7 89.1 Average Low Temp. 67.0 61.4 63.1 Rainfall 2.58” 1.66” 3.87”
South Main; Took Report; Officer Hagman Friday, September 6, 2013 • Vehicle Unlock; 1700 Block of South Main; Citizen Assist; Officer Crane • Dog at Large; 400 Block of South Jefferson; Dog Impounded; Sergeant Johnson Saturday, September 7, 2013 • Traffic Control; Eleventh and Main; Public Service; Officer Crane • Dog at Large; 200 Block of North Jackson; Unable to Catch; Officer Crane • Vehicle Unlock; 600 Block of East Eleventh; Citizen Assist; Officer Crane • Civil Standby; 600 Block of West Eleventh; Public Service; Officer Crane • Vehicle Unlock; 100 Block of East Sixth; Citizen Assist; Sergeant Johnson • Non-Injury Accident; Eleventh and Main; Took Report; Sergeant Johnson • Vandalism to Mail Box; 100 Block of West Eleventh; Took Report; Sergeant Johnson Sunday, September 8, 2013 • Unwanted Person; 600 Block of East Eleventh; Advised Subject to Leave; Officer Crane • Stolen Items in Yard; 400 Block of West Sixth; Took Report; Officer Crane • Cat Bite; 1000 Block of South Jackson; Took Report; Officer
Crane • Theft; 500 Block of South Polk; Took Report; Officer Crane • Theft, Cemetery; Took Report; Officer Crane • Vehicle Unlock; 200 Block of Lincoln; Citizen Assist; Officer Crane • Found Bikes; 600 Block of South Adams; Took Report; Officer Crane
Obituaries Eric “Bubba” Knox Former Hugoton resident Eric Lislie “Bubba” Knox, passed from this life Thursday, September 5, 2013 at his home in Emporia. He was 21. Born August 11, 1992 in Liberal, he was the son of Mike Knox and Casey Rindels.
Eric grew up in Hugoton, graduated from Hugoton High School in 2011 and was currently a student at Emporia State University. While in high school Eric participated in wrestling and FBLA. He also played summer baseball. Eric enjoyed hunting and was interested in guns and knives. He leaves to mourn his
passing, his father Mike Knox of Hugoton; mother Casey Knox and step-father Bob Mangels of Ulysses; his sister Jami Knox of Birmingham, Iowa; step - grandparents Darrel and Pat Mangels of Ulysses; and his numerous aunts, uncles and cousins. Eric is preceded in death by his grandparents, Irvin “Irv” and Betty Rindels and Delbert and Bobbie Knox; and two uncles, Delbert Leslie Knox Jr., and Mike Rindels. Funeral services were attended Tuesday morning, September 10, 2013 at the First Christian Church in Hugoton with Pastor Heath Kelley officiating. Interment followed at the Hugoton Cemetery under the direction of Garnand Funeral Home of Hugoton. Memorial contributions may be given to the Hugoton Kids Club Wrestling or American Diabetes Association in care of Garnand Funeral Home, 423 S Main, Hugoton, Ks 67951.
Donna Harsh Death has claimed the life of Donna J. Harsh. Mrs. Harsh passed from this life Saturday, September 7, 2013 at Kansas City Hospice House. She was born March 22, 1927 in Cheyenne, Wy. to Robert Lee and Evelyn Samuels. Donna married Donald Eugene Harsh and lived in Hugoton until widowed in 1962. She then moved her children to Hays, where she finished her education, and established herself as a world-renowned figure in elementary education and children’s literature through her work at Fort Hays State. In addition to teaching and mentoring students as well as many other young people, Donna conducted children’s literature conferences and study tours all over the world for nearly 20 years. She was preceded in death by her husband Donald Eugene; her parents; and her
sister and brother-in-law, Ruby Lea and Harold Jones. She is survived by her children and their spouses, Steve and Barbara Harsh of Jamul, Ca., Linda and John Schukman of Leavenworth and Rebecca and Lee Davidson of Topeka; as well as her grandchildren, Annie Price and Laura Harsh, Elizabeth Daze and Abby Schukman, Holly Charlton and Parker Davidson; and four greatgrandchildren. To leave a special message for the family please visit www.PenwellGabelOlathe. com. A memorial reception will take place at a later date in Hays. In lieu of flowers the family suggests contributions to Fort Hays State University Foundation, Donna Harsh Memorial Fund at One Tiger Place PO Box 1060, Hays, Ks. 67601, or you may give online at https://secure. Please designate “Donna Harsh” memorial.
Judith Schoenberger Word has been received of the death of Judith Irene Schoenberger. Mrs. Schoenberger, 65, passed away September 5, 2013 at Kiowa County Memorial Hospital in Greensburg. Judy was born September 18, 1947 in Goodland, the daughter of Charles Edward Sherrod and the former Pauline Helen Dye. She was a teacher and librarian and later served as Deputy Register of Deeds for Kiowa County. Judy graduated from Goodland High School in 1965 and Fort Hays State University in 1972. She had lived in Goodland, Oakley, Victoria and Greensburg since 1972. August 30, 1969, Judy married Edward Schoenberger in Goodland. He survives. Other survivors include two daughters, Heather Augustine and husband Shawn of Manhattan and Rachel Ryan and husband Brad of Hutchinson;
one brother, Lloyd Sherrod and wife Judy of Panhandle, Tx.; two sisters, Mary Leber and husband Gene of Phoenix, Az. and Loretta Stukey and husband Mark of Admire; and her six grandchildren, Emily and Cameron Augustine and Claire, Tommy, Xavier and Max Ryan. Those preceding Mrs. Schoenberger in death were her parents and brothers Howard and Cecil Sherrod. The Mass of Christian Burial was attended Monday afternoon, September 9, 2013 at the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Pratt with Fr. Floyd McKinney officiating. Private family inurnment followed in Fairview Cemetery of Greensburg. The family requests memorials to the charity of the donor's choice in care of Fleener Funeral Home, 514 S. Main St., Greensburg, Ks. 67054.
Charles Ratledge The death of Charles Eugene Ratledge, 78, has been learned. Mr. Ratledge passed away Sunday, August 8, 2013 at Stevens County Hospital in Hugoton. The son of Jake Charles Ratledge and the former Beatice Grace Hoover, he was born February 9, 1935 in Timken. He and JoAnn (Tilford) Slemp Ratledge were married May 3, 1981 in Guymon, Ok. Mr. Ratledge was a member of the VFW of Hugoton. He came to Moscow in 1999 from Garber, Ok. Survivors include his wife JoAnn Ratledge of Moscow;
one daughter, Diona Hixon of Decatur, Ar.; three step sons, Keith Slemp of Moscow, Roy Slemp of Anchorage, Ak. and Kevin Slemp and wife Misty of Moscow; two brothers, Jim Ratledge and Birney Ratledge; three sisters, Thelma Blair, Wilma Grace Lindsey and Donna Slaughter; his eleven grandchildren; five great grandchildren; and many other relatives and friends. He was preceded in death by his parents; son Charles Foster Ratledge; three grandchildren; one brother, Dale Ratledge; and three sisters, Margaret Smith, Velma Smith
and Wanda Smith. Funeral services were attended Wednesday afternoon, September 11, 2013 at the United Methodist Church in Moscow with Rev. Tim McCrary presiding. Burial followed in the Moscow Cemetery under the direction of Paul’s Funeral Home of Hugoton. A memorial has been established for United Methodist Church. Memorials may be mailed to Paul’s Funeral Home, PO Box 236, Hugoton, Ks 67951.
The Hugoton Hermes
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Page 3
Wrangler’s 4-H Club elects officers for 2013-14 The 4-H year has gone really fast! The regular meeting of the Wrangler’s 4-H Club was called to order Monday, September 2, 2013 by acting president Nick Gold. Flag salute and 4-H motto were led by Nick Gold, Addy Gooch and Catie Gooch. Acting Secretary Brooke Hinds led Roll Call. Roll Call was, “What is your favorite thing about school?” A thank-you letter was read as a correspondence. Garrette Hinds gave the treasurer’s report. Jacob Bell gave the reporter’s report. McKenzie Hinds gave the historian’s report. There was no 4-H Council report. Carla
Kerbow gave the leader’s report. There was no unfinished business. Under new business, the club elected officers for the 2013-2014 year. There were no project talks. Recreation was led by Conner Wells. The club played freeze tag. Under announcements, club leader Carla Kerbow told the club there will NOT be an enrollment fair. There were no more announcements. There was a motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded. The meeting was adjourned. Submitted by Jacob Bell, Wrangler’s 4-H Club reporter.
John Dustin E Johnson Financial FinancialAdvisor Advisor .
608 S Main Street Hugoton, KS 67951 620-544-8818
Emily is now working toward experiencing 2,000 Books Before Kindergarten at the Stevens County Library!! Here Emily is proudly posing for her eleven hundredth book! Great job Emily!
SOCIAL SECURITY NEWS benefit verification letter these days is to go online to www. You may need a benefit verification letter for a number of reasons. Perhaps you need proof of income for a loan or to
Raymond has completed 300 books in the 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten challenge at the Stevens County Library. Way to go Raymond!
Financial Advisor
Bethel Friends Church
By Brandon Werth Social Security District Manager in Dodge City
GET YOUR BENEFIT VERIFICATION LETTER ONLINE Do you need a letter from Social Security verifying your benefits? The fastest, easiest, most convenient way to get a
Stephanie A Weeast, CFP®, AAMS®
verify your monthly income for housing, or state or local benefits. You may need proof of your current Medicare health insurance status. In some cases, a person may need proof of retirement status, disability status or age. For any of these situations, a benefit verification letter will provide the proof you need. Sometimes a benefit verification letter is called a budget letter, benefits letter, proof of income letter or proof of award letter. Don’t let the different titles confuse you; they are all the same thing: a benefit verification letter. Whatever the reason you need your benefit verification letter, you can get yours immediately online for free. To get your benefit verification letter, simply visit us online at myaccount and set up a my Social Security account. To create an account, you must provide some personal information about yourself and give us answers to some questions that only you are likely to know. They are the same types of questions you would encounter if you were trying to
open an online account at a financial institution or obtain your credit report. Next, you create a unique username and password you will use to access your online account. This process protects you and keeps your personal Social Security information private. Once you’ve established your account, it will be simple for you to come back and transact business with Social Security in the future. For example, in addition to getting another benefit verification letter in the next year or two, you can check your benefit and payment information as well as your earnings record. You also can change your address, phone number and direct deposit information. So remember: there’s no need to fight traffic and visit a busy government office in order to obtain proof of your benefits. Simply visit www. and establish a my Social Security account so you can obtain your benefit verification letter online in a matter of minutes.
would like to invite you and your family to attend special services with
Gary Wright September 22-24. Gary is a gifted evangelist who has dedicated his life to reaching the world for Jesus. Gary will be preaching at Bethel Sunday morning at 10:30 a.m., and Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday nights at 7:00 p.m. 11th & Jefferson Hugoton KS
Broken Chain
We little knew that morning that God was going to call your name. In life we loved you dearly, in death we do the same. It broke our hearts to lose you, you did not go alone; with you, the day for part of us went home. You left us God called you your love is still peaceful memories, though we cannot our guide; and you, our side. Our famsee you, are always at and nothing seems ily chain is broken, the same; but as God calls us one by one, the chain will link again.
Hugoton You would not know it by the mid-day temperatures, but with the first official week of football behind us, Fall has to be just around the corner. A reminder to all businesses on Main Street, to put out those Hugoton Eagle flags! Let’s show the Eagles our support as they get ready for their first home game against Holcomb Friday, September 13. There will be a Farmers’ Market, weather permitting, Saturday mornings from now through October from 8:00 to 11:00 a.m. in the parking lot south of the China restaurant. Everyone is welcome to come buy or sell homegrown and homemade items. SEPTEMBER HAPPENINGS! MARK YOUR CALENDAR! – Thursday, September 12, 2:00-4:00 p.m. – Open House at the Stevens County Healthcare’s Radiology Department.
(First published in the Hugoton Hermes, Thursday, September 12, 2013) 3t
They will be offering tours to show off their amazing new improvements and will serve refreshments. That afternoon at 3:00 p.m. there will be a presentation with Pioneer Electric and then a ribbon cutting following at 3:10 p.m. We encourage everyone to come out and see how the hospital is working to provide more modern facilities for our community. – Saturday, September 14, at 8:00 p.m. - There will be a dance at the Senior Citizens Activity Center. – Tuesday, September 17, 12:00 noon – Monthly Chamber Luncheon will take place at Memorial Hall. Our speaker will be Michael O’Kane with the Kansas Small Business Development Center to share with us about the many resources available through KSBDC to help small business owners. Be sure to mark your calen-
dars to attend this luncheon and call or email the chamber office with your RSVP. – Saturday, September 21, 7:00-11:00 a.m. – The Annual Free Health Fair will be at the Hugoton High School Cafeteria, sponsored by Stevens County Healthcare. Be sure to pre-register at the hospital information desk. Along with community information booths, annual free lab draws will be provided. Cash drawing for pre-registered only. Also, you will need a stamped selfaddressed envelope for results. – Tuesday, September 24, 6-9 p.m. — Business Startup Seminar will be in Room SW229 of the Student Activities Building at Seward County Community College in Liberal. This seminar is presented by the KSBDC. There is no registration fee for this seminar, but preregistration is required in
Hospital Board Meeting Continued from page 1 there were some problems with the electronic medical records software, which was impacting how some pastdue accounts were being sent to collections. They have submitted requests to the electronic medical record vendor to fix the problems. Piper was asked how much money the hospital received back from what it paid in for the bed tax. He said originally it was thought an additional stipend would be
received and they would turn out pretty well with the bed tax, but he has since learned over the last year that, though they do get a portion back, the funds have not been as much as expected. The bed tax was enacted approximately a year and a half ago and the board had been told by senators and representatives it would not affect the facilities very much, and most of the money would be received back. That has not
happened. The tax paid by the hospital amounts to approximately $32,000 per quarter. The ER call schedule was presented and reviewed. There being no old or new business and no public comments, at 6:11 p.m. the board voted unanimously to enter executive session following a short break. The meeting adjourned.
order to prepare handout materials. Contact the Chamber of Commerce at 620-544-4305 for more details and registration information. The Chamber will be hosting the Spook Parade October 31 and the Grocery Grab in November. Watch for further details about both of these Chamber events. Do you need an activity for your party or special event? Think about renting Captain Parsons’s Pirate Putt Putt from the Chamber. The Chamber has a nine-hole miniature golf course for rent. Call the Chamber Office for availability and rental fees. Don’t know what to get that certain someone? Stop by the Chamber Office and purchase a Chamber Gift Certificate. These certificates are redeemable at most Stevens County businesses. Shop Hugoton First! The Hugoton Area Chamber of Commerce is always taking memberships. If you are interested in becoming a member of the Chamber, please contact the Chamber office! The Hugoton Area Chamber of Commerce is here for you!
IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF STEVENS COUNTY, KANSAS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF LOIS M. SULLIVAN, DECEASED, CASE NO. 13-PR-28 NOTICE TO CREDITORS THE STATE OF KANSAS TO ALL PERSONS CONCERNED: You are hereby notified that on August 29, 2013, a Petition was filed in this Court by Loren K. Sullivan, an heir, legatee and devisee and the executor named in the Last Will and Testament of Lois M. Sullivan, deceased, dated February 3, 1995, requesting the Will filed with the Petition be admitted to probate and
record; Loren K. Sullivan be appointed as Executor, without bond; and he be granted Letters Testamentary. All creditors of the decedent are notified to exhibit their demands against the Estate within the latter of four months from the date of first publication of notice under K.S.A. 592236 and amendments thereto, or if the identity of the creditor is known or reasonably ascertainable, 30 days after actual notice was given as provided by law, and if their demands are not thus exhibited, they shall be forever barred. Loren K. Sullivan, Petitioner BROLLIER, WOLF & KUHARIC Box 39, Hugoton, KS 67951 (620) 544-8555 Attorney for Petitioner
HAS MOVED Their new location:
2171⁄2 North Jackson Call Gary Baker at 544-2121
Northridge 8
Southgate 6
Sequoyah 8
Guymon, Okla
Liberal, Kansas
Garden City, Kansas
The Hugoton Hermes
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Page 4
Jimmie and Wanda Shaddix September 1963
Wanda and Jimmie Shaddix September 2013
Jimmie and Wanda to celebrate fifty years Wanda and Jimmie Shaddix will celebrate their golden wedding anniversary Saturday, September 21. Their children and grandchildren invite family and friends to come help them celebrate and share memories that day at an open house cake reception in the Moscow United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. They request no gifts, please. Wanda and Jimmie were married September 21, 1963 in Hollis, Ok. and moved to Moscow in 1970.
They have three children: daughter Seresa and her husband Lacey Parton of La Crosse, son Jeremy Shaddix of Moscow and son Justin Shaddix and his wife Kim of Garden City, and five grandchildren: Jessica (Parton) Wilimon and husband Charlie of Satanta, Rebecca Parton of Wichita, Kelby Parton of La Crosse, Abbi Shaddix and Mason Shaddix, both of Garden City. Cards and best wishes may be sent to: Jim and Wanda Shaddix, PO Box 153, Moscow, Kansas, 67952.
Commissioners Continued from page 1 FAN OF THE GAME—Dave Eckert isn’t bashful about showing support for his team, the KC Royals. He was selected “Fan of the Game” at the Coffman Stadium in Kansas City last Wednesday, September 4, and had his picture shown up on the jumbotron. Besides having his photo splashed across the big screen, he received a $50 gift card. Dave and Brenda were in Kansas City with their daughter Angela Eckert Staten for a doctor visit.
Sniff out a bargain in the Classifieds!
Give Us A Call at 544-4321
Citizens State Bank 601 S. Main - Hugoton
curb and gutter and some Plains guys had been called to come help set up. The dirt work was going horrible with equipment breakdowns and other problems for the first three months. Fifty percent of what was put down in the beginning had to be replaced. He talked to Phil from Black Hills about putting in the gas lines. Tony said he knew Pete and himself do not agree but he thinks four inches of asphalt is good but Pete says it has to be six. Earles said for normal activity four inches would work but with the
Attend the church of your choice
PAUL'S FUNERAL HOME David & Brandy Robson
314 S. Van Buren 544-4122
Pyramid Agency, Inc. 521 S. Main - Hugoton
Faith Publishing LLC 522 S. Main 620-544-4321
AGAPE CHURCH OF HUGOTON 409 East Ninth, Hugoton 453-2711 Pastor Bob Rich Sunday – 10:30 a.m.
FAITH COMMUNITY CHURCH 531 S. Main 544-7077 Michael Taylor, Pastor Monday Bible Q & A - 6:30 p.m. Wednesday Book Study- 6:30 p.m. Friday Prayer - 8:00-10:00 p.m. Saturday Bible Study - 6:30 p.m. Sunday Coffee & Fellowship - 10:00 a.m. Sunday Services - 10:30 a.m.
FAITH LUTHERAN Tenth and Adams 544-2092 Christopher M. Fincher, Pastor Morning Worship - 9:00 a.m. Sunday School - 10:30 a.m. Bible Study, Wednesday - 7:30 p.m.
Martes 7:00 PM Jueves 7:00 PM Domingo 3:00 PM 138 S. Main Hugoton Pastores: Martinez 620-544-7096
600 S. Van Buren - 544-2715 Pastor Heath Kelley Sunday School - 9:15 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. Fellowship - 10:15 - 10:30 a.m. Worship Hour - 10:30 - 12:00 Children's Church, 10:30 a.m. Jr. High Youth Group, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Sr. High Youth Group, 7:45-9:00 p.m. Information on small groups call 544-2715
Main and Second Street 544-2773 Ben Coats, Pastor Sunday School - 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship - 11:00 a.m. Sunday Evening - 6:00 p.m. Service Wed. Night - 7:00 p.m. Celebrate Recovery Every Monday at 7:00 p.m.
BETHEL FRIENDS CHURCH 11th & Jefferson - 544-8517 Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. Morning Service - 10:30 a.m. Wednesday Evening Ministries - 6:30 p.m. (Children, Youth, & Adult)
CHURCH OF CHRIST 1045 S. Van Buren 544-2825 Parsonage 1041 S. Van Buren Wednesday - 7:00 p.m. Sunday School - 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship - 11:00 a.m. Evening Service - 6:00 p.m.
CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS 520 E. First 544-2125 Sacrament - 9:00 a.m. Sunday School - 10:00 a.m. Priesthood - 11:00 a.m.
CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE 500 S. Van Buren 544-2493 Pastor Dave Piper Sunday School - 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship - 10:45 a.m. Evening Services - 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study - 7:00 p.m.
COWBOY CHURCH - HUGOTON Second & Fourth Tuesday of every month Stevens County Commercial Building at Fairgrounds 7:00 p.m.
FAITH CHAPEL CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST Tenth and Jefferson Lawrence Johnson, Pastor Sunday School - 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship - 11:00 a.m. Bible Band (Tuesday) - 6:00 p.m. Home and Forn. Miss. (Friday) - 6:00 p.m. Youth - 6:00 p.m. Bible Study - 7:00 p.m.
801 W. City Limits 544-2652 Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship - 10:30 a.m. Evening Worship - 7:00 p.m. Wednesday Evening Service - 7:00 p.m. Call 544-2652 for Church Bus
HUGOTON BAPTIST CHURCH Eighth and Main 544-2210 506 East Eighth - 544-2295 Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship - 10:30 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study - 6:30 p.m.
LIGHTHOUSE FELLOWSHIP 424 S. Jackson 544-4828 Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. Sunday Church - 10:30 a.m. Wednesday - 7:00 p.m. Pre-Service Prayer - half hour before service
LONE STAR FRIENDS CHURCH 14 Miles East of Hugoton on Highway 51 Church 624-3784 Home 624-3104 Sunday School - 9:45 a.m. Contemporary Worship Celebration - 10:45 a.m. Jr. High & Sr. High Youth Group - Sunday 6:30 p.m. Sunday Evening Fellowship - 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Evening Adult Study - 6:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting Wednesday - 8:00 p.m. Christian Life Club (age 2 - 18) - 6:30 p.m.
PRIMERO BAUTISTA IGLESIA HISPANO Congregación 618 Main sur - Hugoton 620-370-1003 Pastor Marcelino Auila Servicio de la Iglesia 11:00 a.m. - Domingo 7:00 p.m. - Miércoles
SOVEREIGN REDEEMER CHURCH Pastor - Eric Mason 620-544-6386
ST. HELEN CATHOLIC CHURCH 1011 South Jefferson Street 544-2551 Sunday - 11:00 a.m. English Mass - 1:00 p.m. - Spanish Mass
TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH 516 N.E. Avenue 544-2355 Morning Worship - 9:00 a.m. Fellowship/Refreshments - 10:00 a.m. Sunday School - 10:30 a.m. Rev. Larry Bradford, Interim Pastor 544-9492 or 598-2400 YOU ARE WELCOME!
UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 828 S. Main Hugoton 544-8715 Jo Mead, Pastor Sunday School - 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship - 11:00 a.m.
MOSCOW MOSCOW BAPTIST CHURCH 598-2455 Church - 598-2400 Home Rev. Larry Bradford, Pastor 1 mile S. of Moscow, 1/2 mile E. of Moscow/Hooker Rd. Morning Worship - 10:30 a.m. Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study - 7:00 p.m. Team Kids (Wed.) - 3:30-5:00p.m. Sept.-May
MOSCOW UNITED METHODIST 598-2426 Tim McCrary, Pastor 598-2421 Sunday School - 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship - 11:00 a.m. Kid’s Club - Wednesday 3:30 p.m. UMYF Jr. High - 6:00 p.m. UMYF Sr. High - 5:00 p.m.
A Full Gospel Church 207 East 6th - Hugoton Pam Peachey, Pastor 544-2436 Services Sundays 10:30 a.m. & 5:00 p.m.
You are invited to come worship with family and friends at Pioneer Manor September 15 Assembly of God September 22 Lighthouse Fellowship September 29 Hillbilly Band
202 Monroe St. - Rolla, Ks. 67954 Henry McGuire, Pastor 593-4693 Sunday School - 10:00 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship - 11:00 a.m. Sunday Evening Service - 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Evening, AWANA’s - 6:45 p.m.
ROLLA PENTECOSTAL HOLINESS CHURCH Corner of Third and Adams, Rolla Marcus Light, Pastor Church - 593-4626, Parsonage - 593-4796 Sunday School - 10:00 a.m. Worship - 11:00 a.m. Wednesday night meal - 6:00 p.m.
UNITED METHODIST CHURCH ROLLA - RICHFIELD 593-4596 or 593-4781 Sandy Ferguson, Pastor Rolla Morning Worship - 11:00 a.m. Sunday School - 10:00 a.m. Youth Groups - 5:00 p.m. Richfield Morning Worship - 9:15 a.m. Sunday School - 10:30 a.m.
heavy construction planned due to the building of homes, this would be needed. Tony said the city only requires four. Dave said the guy paying the bill would make the decision. It will be left up to Tony. Tony said he hates to have the roads open all during the winter but it will probably be spring before it can be done. Pat asked if they have to inspect McBride’s work. He said they call when it needs to be done. Commissioners also talked to Pete about bridges. Believe it or not, Hugoton has a bridge. It is located on Washington Street. This is currently listed as county and needs to be transferred to the city. Pete will get the legal description to Bob for transfer. Brian Hemann came in and the commissioners moved into executive session. Phil and Mark from Black Hills Energy were next on the agenda. They came to talk about Black Hills’ gas lines in the Pioneer Addition. They said the way they were doing business has changed. They want to be paid the $22,000 up front. This would be for lines to 24 homes and would include the 12 lots on the back side. If 36 homes are not built within ten years, some money would be returned. Bob said the amount of gas used should be taken
The Hugoton Hermes (USPS 253-820)
522 S. Main Hugoton, KS 67951 - 620-544-4321 Owner/Operator Faith Publishing LLC RoGlenda Coulter, Kay McDaniels and Ruthie Winget RoGlenda Coulter, Bookkeeper/ Classifieds/Obituaries Kay McDaniels, Advertising/ Circulation/Layout Ruthie Winget, Composition/Layout Reece McDaniels, Sports Editor Wilma Bartel, Asst. Composition Marie Austin, Asst. Composition Toni Hamlin, Asst. Mailing Jean Coulter, Asst. Mailing
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Subscriptions $30.00 (including Kansas State Sales Tax) for Stevens and adjoining Kansas Counties, $35.00 elsewhere in state (including Kansas State Sales Tax), and for all out of state subscriptions. Online subscriptions are $25.00 a year. Online and printed subscriptions combined are $10.00 plus the cost of the subscription. Foreign Subscription Rate $40.00. School Subscriptions and Military Personnel $25.00 (including Kansas State Sales Tax) payable in advance. Advertising Rates Noncommissionable $5.00 per column inch, Commissionable Rates $6.25 per column inch, Classified $5.00 per column inch. Frequency is weekly every Thursday. Periodicals Postage paid at Hugoton, Ks. 67951. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Hugoton Hermes at 522 S. Main, Hugoton, Kansas 67951. Opinion Page Our opinion page is open to the public. We encourage comments from readers in the form of letters to the editor or guest columns. All letters must be signed and must include the address and telephone number of the sender. (names will be published but not address & phone#) Letters should be no more than 300 words. No libelous or offensive letter will be published. The guest column or letter to the editor does not reflect the opinion of this newspaper or its representatives.
into consideration. They also talked about right-of-way. The Black Hills’ representatives said that would call for negotiation. A draft of the contract with changes for number of homes to volumes of gas will be emailed to Bob. Commissioners asked when this project can be started. They were told they could start in about six weeks and be done in about a week. Susan Schulte came in and requested an executive session for non-elected personnel. Next on the Commissioners’ agenda was Tony McBride. He had a request for money for the new health center. Light fixtures that had been priced are no longer available. It will cost an additional $18,880 for the new light fixtures. This would be for 103 light fixtures and some other miscellaneous items. Tony reminded the commissioners this is a very frustrating job and they knew it would be. Motion was made and passed to pay for the lights. They also talked to Tony about the landscape at Pioneer Manor. The installing of the new air system for the courthouse is to be started this week. Commissioners started to adjourn as Ms. Scheibler didn’t show up, but she came in at the last minute. She explained what they do at Kansas Work Force One. They help local people find employment and employers find qualified employees. Nine area people are enrolled. It is federally funded but the county has to renew their contract every year. Motion was passed to renew the contract. Meeting adjourned. Official Minutes Commissioners Meeting August 19, 2013 The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with Jim Bell, Pat Hall and Dave Bozone present. Also present were County Counselor Bob Johnson, County Clerk Pam Bensel and Marie Austin from The Hugoton Hermes. Meeting was called to order, minutes read, county vouchers approved and the clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts: General .. 58,896.32; Road & Bridge .. 38,477.25; Building .. 2,632.38; Noxious Weed .. 4,151.42; Diversion .. 1,456.35; Community Health .. 2,703.95; Fire Bequest .. 6,834.00; Reg of Deeds Tech .. 1,194.00; Employee’s P/R Misc W/H .. 72.36. Gary Baker came in to observe the meeting. Motion was made and passed to go into executive session for contract negotiation for ten minutes with Bob Johnson present. Meeting reconvened. No action taken. Motion was made and passed to go into executive session for non elected personnel for 15 minutes with Bob Johnson, Alesia Hinds, Chris Hinds,
Stacey Dillinger, Vicky Newlon, Jeff Newlon, Darin K Heger and Michelle Heger with the Fair Association also present. Meeting reconvened with no action taken. Tony Martin came in and explained Murphy Tractor sent a bill for repairs that should be covered under warranty. He talked to the service manager and Ron McFarlane says he will take care of the situation. He reported they got the diesel from the pump at the Sheriff’s office and used it to start making asphalt for the streets in the Pioneer Addition. McBride Construction will do the dirt work and the Road and Bridge Department will lay the asphalt. Tony informed the commissioners that the Road and Bridge Department will mow the lots in the Pioneer Addition and Stevens County Industrial Park. Commissioners discussed the sprinklers spraying the dirt roads. Pat feels this is a safety issue. Gary Baker suggested contacting Groundwater Management of Garden City and allowing them to handle the situation. Bob Johnson told Tony Martin to get the land legal, road number and farmer’s name and he would contact the farmer and Groundwater Management by letter. Pat asked Tony if he would put a “Dead End” or “No Outlet” sign on Road S and Road 16. Dave asked if he could put a road sign on Road P and Road 1 at the Morton County line. Motion was made and passed to go into executive session for non elected personnel for 12 minutes with Bob Johnson and Tony Martin present. Meeting reconvened, no action taken. Aaron Cannon and Carol Meyer with Kansas Department of Commerce and Neal Gillespie came in to discuss the Rural Opportunity Zone (ROZ) program which is a tax credit and student loan program. Motion was made to pass Resolution 2013-07 stating Stevens County Commissioners Authorizing Participation in Student Loan Repayment Program. Dave moved to go into executive session for non elected personnel for ten minutes with Bob Johnson and Neal Gillespie present. Pat seconded. Motion carried. Meeting reconvened with no action taken. Mahlon Tuttle, Gove County Commissioner and Sheila Ellis came in to discuss the Lesser Prairie Chicken. They are asking for the commissioners to adopt Resolution 2013-08 The Natural Resource Coordination Plan of the Kansas Natural Resource Coalition and Resolution 2013-09 The Lesser Prairie Chicken Conservation, Management and Study Plan. Motion was made to join the Kansas Natural Resource Coalition at a cost of $2,600.00. By motion the board adjourned.
The Hugoton Hermes
Louese Sutton was expelled from school when she was five years old. She wasn’t a student though, because this was in 1926 before there was even a notion of kindergarten. Her father was the teacher of a country school not far from Tribbey, Ok., and Louese had been wanting to go to school with him. Finally her father put her on the horse with him, then off they rode to the country school nine miles away. At school she would draw the attention of the students and get them to laugh. On the fifth day, her father had had enough, so he put her under his desk. When the students began laughing again, her father looked under the desk and saw Louese was lying down, peeking through the small space between the floor and the desk and waving at the kids. That was the day she was expelled. Louese was born in 1921, and her life is full of interesting stories. Her earliest memory was when she was three years old. She remembers that her expectant mother went into labor, so Louese’s older brother took Louese to stay with her grandmother. After a day or two, she returned home, saw her twin baby brothers, and couldn’t figure out where those “little critters” came from and said, “I didn’t like them!” Her father explained to her that they were her little brothers and that when they got bigger, they would play with her. So that satisfied her. Her parents were loving, but also strict with Louese and her four siblings. They spent time with their children like playing baseball, but when it came time to do chores, the children were expected to help. They had all kinds of stock — cows, horses and pigs. Louese’s job was to go after the cows in the pasture and bring them up the lane. They raised chickens and sold eggs at the hatchery. They fed the chickens and milked the cows. It might be after dark before they finished the chores, but they knew the work had to be done. Her mother and father had a love affair with each other all their married lives. When her parents were dating, Louese’s maternal grandfather did not like Louese’s father and didn’t want the two to get married. They decided they were going to get married anyway. The mail carrier that delivered the rural mail was also the Justice of the Peace. So one day in 1913, Louese’s parents went out by the road to stand by the mail box, and when the mail carrier came to deliver mail, he also officiated the marriage vows. Louese graduated from high school when she was sixteen and received a scholarship to Oklahoma Baptist University in Shawnee, Ok., but her dad wasn’t ready for her to go away to school. He knew how boy-crazy she was and he wanted her to stay at home one year before she went to college. Well, of course, during that year she did meet a man and he was fifteen years older than she was. Well, she never did use her scholarship. She married in 1939 at the age of
seventeen, but she prefers to say that she was almost eighteen. Evidently it was a good decision because they were married 56 years before her husband passed away. They had three children — two boys and a girl. Louese never had the inclination to work outside of the home and always felt she was born to be a mother. Her husband worked in the oil field from the age of fifteen until he was 71. The first place they lived after they got married was Wyoming. They also lived all over the state of Kansas and finally wound up in Elkhart. Louese helped with Brownies and Girl Scouts for about eleven years and enjoyed working with the girls. All three of her children graduated from Elkhart High School. Her daughter married and stayed there. Very recently both of Louese’s sons have passed away. Louese moved to the Pioneer Manor a few months ago from Shawnee, Ok. When she first moved to the Manor, she naturally felt sorry for herself because she had just moved from an apartment where she cooked and did what she pleased. She had previously given up driving. In her mind she had to give up everything and felt completely under the control of other people. It was quite traumatic for her. Not being one to stay down for long, she has adjusted and at the age of 92, she appreciates each new day. She keeps a journal in which she records her thoughts, and she read aloud from one page. “As I awoke this a.m. I said, ‘’Another day, what does it hold for me? Happiness, sorrow, worry?’ Then I realize who holds my life in His hands, and I then thought, ‘Why should I have worries?’” Louese looked up from her journal and said, “Sometimes you wonder why. I know we’re not supposed to question things that happen because there is a purpose somewhere. Sometimes we don’t realize the purpose, but we keep looking for it. I think I’m like everybody else in that way.”
Louese Sutton knows there is a purpose somewhere.
CASH in on the CLASSIFIEDS!! It’s the next best thing to winning the LOTTERY!!
PUBLIC NOTICE (First published in the Hugoton Hermes, Thursday, September 12, 2013) 1t
by a statutory provision that is classified as a traffic infraction in K.S.A. Supp. 8-2118.
ORDINANCE NO. 802 AN ORDINANCE REGULATING TRAFFIC WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF HUGOTON, KANSAS; INCORPORATING BY REFERENCE THE "STANDARD TRAFFIC ORDINANCE FOR KANSAS CITIES," EDITION OF 2013; DEFINING TRAFFIC INFRACTIONS AND TRAFFIC OFFENSES; PROVIDING CERTAIN PENALTIES; AND REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 795, AND ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF HUGOTON, KANSAS: Section 1. INCORPORATING STANDARD TRAFFIC ORDINANCE. There is hereby incorporated by reference for the purpose of regulating traffic within the corporate limits of the City of Hugoton, Kansas, that certain standard traffic ordinance known as the "Standard Traffic Ordinance for Kansas Cities," Edition of 2013, prepared and published in book form by the League of Kansas Municipalities, Topeka, Kansas. No fewer than one (1) copy of said Standard Traffic Ordinance shall be marked or stamped "Official Copy as Adopted by Ordinance No. 802," and to which shall be attached a copy of this ordinance, and filed with the City Clerk to be open to inspection and available to the public at all reasonable hours. The police department, municipal judge and all administrative departments of the city charged with enforcement of the ordinance shall be supplied, at the cost of the city, such number of official copies of the Standard Traffic Ordinance similarly marked, as may be deemed expedient. Section 2 TRAFFIC INFRACTIONS AND TRAFFIC OFFENSES. (a) An ordinance traffic infraction is a violation of any section of this ordinance that prescribes or requires the same behavior as that prescribed or required
(b) All traffic violations which are included within this ordinance, and which are not ordinance traffic infractions, as defined in subsection (a) of this section, shall be considered traffic offenses. Section 3. PENALTY FOR SCHEDULED FINES. The fine for violation of an ordinance traffic infraction or any other traffic offense for which the municipal judge establishes a fine in a fine schedule shall not be less than $10.00 nor more than $500.00, except for speeding which shall be not less than $10.00 nor more than $500.00. A person tried and convicted for violation of an ordinance traffic infraction or other traffic offense for which a fine has been established in a schedule of fines shall pay a fine fixed by the court not to exceed $500.00. Section 4, REPEAL. Ordinance No. 795. and all ordinances, or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed; provided, however, that said ordinance shall remain in force and effect as to offenses committed prior to the time this ordinance shall take effect. Section 5: EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its adoption and publication in the Hugoton Hermes, the official city newspaper. Passed and approved by the Governing Body of the City of Hugoton, Kansas, this 9th day of September, 2013. /s/ Jack E. Rowden Jack E. Rowden, Mayor (SEAL) ATTEST: /s/ Thomas G. Hicks Thomas G. Hicks, City Clerk
Classmates of ‘53 are posed for their Hugoton Grade School graduation in 1949. Back row: Bobby Hodges, Earl Johnson, Vernon Grogan, Ila Gressly, Don Crane, Ralph Bane, Don Starr, Bob McClure, Don Horton and Franklin Brechbuhler. Third row: Barbara White, Betty Harveston, Raymond Murdock, Frankie Powell, Clinton Nordyke, Norman Paden, Gary Ausbun, Pat Wells, Douglas Slagle and John Sissel. Second row: Teacher Audrey Binns, Marilou Peachey, Barbara Anderson, Donald
Page 5
Olinger, Glen Claggett, Virgil Johnson, Bruce Hall, Danny Workmen, Robert O’Dell, Shirley Leeper, Phyllis Nordyke and Principal E.F. Timmons. First Row: Roger Parsons, Donna Ray Peachey, Bonnie Jo Dunlap, Judy Richardson, Gayle Kenoyer, Jessie Lois Thompson, Joann Flower, Gayle Parsons, Evelyn Betsworth and Phil Brubaker. Taken from the September 18, 2003, issue of The Hugoton Hermes when the class was preparing for their fiftieth reunion.
History From The Hermes Compiled by Ruthie Winget Thursday, September 18, 2008 First Lieutenant Zane M. Hershey was among seventeen graduating pilots out of Vance Air Force Base in Enid, Ok. Zane will now start training to fly an AC-17, one of the largest and most powerful aircraft in the U.S. Air Force. Zane is the son of Mike and Valerie Hershey of Hugoton. Thursday, September 18, 2003 Sue Omo has been announced as a Region I semifinalist for the 2004 Kansas Teacher of the Year Award. She is one of six semi-finalists from Region I which covers the first U.S. congressional district. First Lieutenant Skylar Gerrond is presently stationed in Iraq. His wife, Julia, is still in Germany teaching art to Kindergarten, first and second grade students. Thursday, September 16, 1993 Stevens County 4-H member Warren Willis placed first in the 4-H Week and Crops Identification Contest at the State Fair in Kansas Hutchinson. Warren won this same award three years
@YourYOUR LIBRARY Information Source for 99 Years 500 Monroe Hugoton, Ks. 67951-2639 Phone: 620.544.2301 • Fax: 620.544.2322 Email:
NATIONAL LIBRARY CARD SIGNUP MONTH September is Library Card Sign-up Month - a time when the American Library Association and libraries across the country remind parents that a library card is the most important school supply of all. The observance was launched in 1987 to meet the challenge of then Secretary of Education William J. Bennett who said: “Let's have a national campaign...every child should obtain a library card and use it.” Since then, thousands of public and school libraries join each fall in a national effort to ensure every child does just that. Library cards are free. Limited borrowing privileges are granted on the spot. The SCL requires a photo ID and signature for a library card. Libraries play an important role in the education and development of children. Studies show that children who are read to in the home and who use the library perform better in school and are more likely to continue to use the library as a source of lifetime learning. TEMPORARY LIBRARY HOURS Until further notice, the library will be open from 9 – 6 Monday through Friday, 9 – 5 Saturday and closed on Sunday. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. SAFETY SIGN-UP Please remind your children to sign up if they are in the library unaccompanied
Thursday, September 12, 2013
by an adult. Our policy for unaccompanied children is as follows: All children seven (7) years of age or younger or one with special needs relating to physical and mental ability will, at all times, be attended and adequately supervised by a responsible adult, babysitter, or mature adolescent sixteen (16) years of age or older. Children ages eight – 15 should not be expected by a parent or guardian to supervise younger siblings. Children eight (8) years of age and older may use the library unattended providing proper behavior is maintained. CIRCLE TIME SIGNUP Preschool Circle Time registrations are still available! Circle Time is for children ages birth – Preschool and is scheduled for Wednesday mornings at 10:30. NEW COPIER CHARGES Our new patron copier now has a vend station attached. This means that patrons will pay in advance for copies made. The vend station accepts coins and bills. The library does not carry extra change for the machine. Both regular and legal sized copies will be 25 cents, while 11 x 17 sheets will cost 40 cents. CLICK FOR BABIES Knit or crochet to prevent infant abuse. Drop off your completed purple baby caps at the library and we’ll send them in! Contact the library for additional details.
ago. Warren is the son of Mike and Kathy Willis of Hugoton. Thursday, September 15, 1983 The Hugoton High School twirling team were judged the Outstanding Five at Weatherford, Ok. at a clinic they attended there. The team consists of Kim Mills, Julie Kramer, Linda Grant, Crystal Bryant and Shonya Almond. Thursday, September 20, 1973 Shelley Perry and Dona Matthews, both elementary teachers in the Hugoton schools, have been selected as Outstanding Young Women of America for 1973. They will appear in the annual biographical compilation OUTSTANDING YOUNG OF AMERICA. WOMEN These two are now being considered for further state and national awards. Thursday, September 12, 1963 Joyce Gentzler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kester Gentzler, will be installed Worthy Advisor of the Order of Rain-
bow for Girls September 15, 1963 in the Masonic Hall. Larry Shelton, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Merle Shelton of Hugoton, departed Yokosuka, Japan on a six month cruise taking him to ports in Japan, the Phillippines and Taiwan. Thursday, September 17, 1953 Betty Heger escaped injury when a plane groundlooped during a training flight landing at the Hugoton Airport early Friday morning. The plane was damaged in the accident which occurred during a routine training flight. If any readers have pictures for the history page of the Hermes, please bring them in to Ruthie Winget at The Hugoton Hermes.
for reading The Hugoton Hermes Official Newspaper of Stevens County
PUBLIC NOTICE (First published in the Hugoton Hermes, Thursday, September 12, 2013) 1t ORDINANCE NO. 803 AN ORDINANCE REGULATING PUBLIC OFFENSES WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF HUGOTON, KANSAS; INCORPORATING BY REFERENCE THE “UNIFORM PUBLIC OFFENSE CODE FOR KANSAS CITIES,” EDITION OF 2013 WITH CERTAIN OMISSIONS, CHANGES AND ADDITIONS, AS DETAILED HEREIN; PRESCRIBING ADDITIONAL REGULATIONS; AND REPEALING THE “UNIFORM PUBLIC OFFENSE CODE, 2012 EDITION,” INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE UNDER ORDINANCE NO. 796; AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCE IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF HUGOTON, KANSAS: Section 1. INCORPORATING UNIFORM PUBLIC OFFENSE CODE. There is hereby incorporated by reference for the purpose of regulating public offenses within the corporate limits of the City of Hugoton, Kansas, that certain uniform public offense code known as the “Uniform Public Offense Code for Kansas Cities,” Edition of 2013, prepared and published in book form by the League of Kansas Municipalities, Topeka, Kansas, save and except such articles, sections, parts or portions as are hereinafter added, omitted, deleted, modified or changed. No fewer than one (1) copy of said Uniform Public Offense Code shall be marked or stamped “Official copy as adopted by Ordinance No. 803” with all sections or portions thereof intended to be added, omitted or changed clearly marked to show any such additions, omissions, or changes and to which shall be attached a copy of this ordinance, and filed with the City Clerk to be open to inspection and available to the public at all reasonable hours. The police department, municipal judge and all administrative departments of the city charged with enforcement of the ordinance shall be supplied, at the cost of the city such number of official copies of the Uniform Public Offense Code similarly marked, as may be deemed expedient. Section 2. There are additional public offenses which have been added to previous editions of the Uniform Public Offense Code adopted by the City of Hugoton. These additional offenses are detailed under Sections 11-102 to 11-123, inclusive, of the Code of the City of Hugoton, Kansas, 2011.
That the “Uniform Public Offense Code for Kansas Cities, Edition of 2012, is hereby supplemented, by adding Sections 11-102 to 11-123, inclusive, of the Code of the City of Hugoton, Kansas, 2011, which sections are hereby incorporated by reference as though fully set forth herein, with the exception that references to specific section numbers of previous editions of the Uniform Public Offense Code are to be revised to correspond with the 2013 edition. Section 3. Article 9 of the Uniform Public offense Code for Kansas Cities, Edition of 2012, as adopted and incorporated by reference herein is hereby amended by adding the following section: 9.14 EAVESDROPPING-”WINDOW PEEPING”. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to knowingly and without lawful authority enter into a private place with intent to observe the personal conduct of any other person or persons therein. (b) A “private place” within the meaning of this section is a place where one may reasonably expect to be safe from uninvited intrusion or surveillance, but does not include a place to which the public has lawful access. (c) Eavesdropping is a Class B misdemeanor. SECTION 4. REPEAL. That the “Uniform Public Offense Code, 2012 Edition,” incorporated by reference under Ordinance No. 796 is hereby repealed; provided, however, that said “Uniform Public Offense Code, 2012 Edition,” shall remain in force and effect as to offenses committed prior to the time this ordinance shall take effect and all ordinances, or parts of ordinances in conflict therewith, are hereby repealed. SECTION 5. EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its adoption and publication in the Hugoton Hermes the official city newspaper. Passed and approved by the Governing Body of the City of Hugoton, Kansas, this 9th day of September, 2013. (SEAL) /s/ Jack E. Rowden Jack E. Rowden, Mayor ATTEST: /s/ Thomas G. Hicks Thomas G. Hicks, City Clerk
The Hugoton Hermes
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Eagles fall to Cowboys in season opener
Hi-Plains Lumber 507 S. Main 544-4304
Jeff Ramsey 613 S. Main • 544-4303 • Hugoton
Jordan Air Inc Call Terry at 620-544-4361
A Nursing/Ancillary Resource Company 620-417-5679 Office • 620-544-7629 Fax Ed Stevenson RN • Alicia Stevenson 404 Jayhawk Ct. • Hugoton, KS 67951 •
838 E. 11th, Hugoton • 620-544-8522
K-C Oil Company & Main Street Laundry 218 S. Main St. • 544-4660
Page 6
600 E. 11th
Ross Davis ducks low as he makes his way toward the goal during Friday’s game at Goodland, dragging a few Cowboys behind him.
The Eagles kicked off their 2013 football season by traveling to Goodland Friday night. Hugoton received the ball to start the game and for the first half played a really tough game. By the end of the second quarter the Eagles led, 16 to 8. Goodland made some big changes in the second half that shut the Eagles down. The Cowboys pulled ahead and did not let up. It wasn't until the last seconds of the game the Eagles were able to score one last time. Hugoton took a loss for the opening game, 24 to 43. Hugoton started the game receiving the football after the coin toss went in favor of the Cowboys. Goodland opted to receive in the opening of the second half giving the Eagles first chance to score. Back deep for the opening kick, Wade Heger received the kick and was soon downed at the 17 yard line. A flag was called and the Eagles had to start their drive from ten yards back. The Eagles pushed deep into Cowboy territory before having to give up the ball. It was the Cowboys, however, that made the first touchdown of the game with 4:26 on the clock. A twopoint conversion was successful and Hugoton was now down by eight. The Eagles worked their way down field and by the start of the second quarter the Eagles were in scoring range. Nic Fredrick started the team off by getting within four yards of the goal. Quarterback Yates Sutton ran the ball in for the Eagles’ first touchdown, followed by a two-point conversion carried in by Ross Davis. The second was a tough quarter with both teams receiving many penalties. After ten minutes had ticked by in the second quarter the Eagles once again made a touchdown giving them the lead.
Hugoton ran the ball in for a second two-point conversion taking the Eagles into the second half in the lead, 16 to 8. Goodland made some big changes in the second half, and Hugoton was not able to adjust. Goodland started running the ball past the Hugoton boys, and near the end of the final quarter the Eagles were down 16 to 43. Hugoton had a little over three minutes to score or go home with only two touchdowns. Goodland kicked to the Eagles and Ulises Armendariz took the ball down field. It looked as if the Hugoton team was going to run out of time before another touchdown could be made. Not giving up, the Eagles came together one last time with 31 seconds left in the game. The Eagles scored a final touchdown by Parker Titus. A pass to Kellen Watkins scored a third two-point conversion, and the Eagles ended the battle with a strong play. A few interesting stats from Friday's game: Ross Davis had 25 carries and led the team with 126 yards rushing. Yates Sutton passed for 56 yards and had a total of 129 yards for the game. Bradley Campbell had nine tackles and Timmy Haller sacked Goodland’s quarterback twice. Overall, Hugoton had 21 first downs while the Cowboys only had 12. The Eagles had more penalties against them with 12 flags thrown while Goodland only had seven. Hugoton lost 95 yards overall from penalties and Goodland only had 42 yards lost from flags. The Eagles will be facing Holcomb this Friday night at the Eagles’ home field. Game starts at 7:00 p.m. and should be a great game to watch. Come out and support the home team while the weather is nice.
He’s open and headed toward the red zone! Mitchell Persinger wastes no time getting down field.
Yates Sutton side steps the Goodland Cowboy as he tries for more yardage Friday night at Goodland.
Girls’ and boys’ cross country teams sweep Meade Invitational
It was an all out effort to keep the ball in play at Stanton County last Thursday. Ana Pena and Krisan Crawford dive for the ball while Estefani Armendariz readies to send the ball back over the net.
The cross country team is off to a great start for the 2013 season. Both teams came home with first place trophies after they competed at the Meade Invitational last Thursday. Most of the kids came home with either a team or individual medal. “Our girls’ team is much improved and could be the best team we have had in four years. I look for great things from our young ladies all year,” said Coach Nick Ro-
driguez. The boys also look to do well this year. “We are not going to be as strong as we were the last two years but if we get some young guys to step up and play some important roles than we could be a team that gives people some concerns. It will be all up to how hard we work each and every day on how we finish the season. Hopefully we stay committed to working hard and looking for great things
Sports Schedule Thursday, September 12 Middle School Football at Kenneth Henderson; 4:00 p.m. Friday, September 13 High School Football V vs. Holcomb at Home; 7:30 p.m. Saturday, September 14 High School V/JV Tournament at Home; 9:00 a.m. Cross Country V at Wamego; 9:30 a.m.
Monday, September 16 High School Girls Golf V vs. Garden City at Buffalo Dunes; 1:00 p.m. Tuesday, September 17 High School Girls Golf JV at Ulysses; 3:00 p.m. Middle School Cross Country Boys at Liberal South; 4:00 p.m. Middle School Volleyball 7A/7B & 8A/8B Guymon Duel at Guymon; 4:00 p.m.
531 S. Jackson Hugoton, KS 67951
624 S. Monroe 544-4683 Debbie L. Nordling State Farm Agent 617 S. Main Hugoton, KS 67951 620-544-8528
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Hwy 51 East Hugoton, KS
BROWN-DUPREE OIL CO INC. 1400 S Washington St. 356-3926 or 1-800-682-4143
Member FDIC
at the end of the season” added Rodriguez. Results GIRLS’ VARSITY Team Place First Katy Heger 18:19 5 7 Sarah Johnson 19:05 Maria Martinez 19:30 9 Mariana Shuck 19:55 15 Katie Weaver 20:41 17 Jackie Garcia 20:51 19 Lauren Fox 20:56 20 BOYS’ VARSITY Team Place First Isaac Castro 18:31 2 Luis Castro 18:32 3 Reed Rome 19:48 7 Zack Littell 20:13 15 Kole Kahl 20:21 17 Edgar Villa 21:20 22 Takoda Eckert DNF
JV GIRLS Alexis Clair Mandy Mills Sadie Wood JV BOYS Miguel Martinez Victor Romo Edgar Avalos Alfonso Villa David Kurt Tucker Martin Garrett Hamlin Chance Ghumm Taylor Slocum Chalen Talbert Israel Montoya Armando Garcia Vicente Flores Adam Scott Joshue Gonzalez
26:10 26:16 26:16
6 7 8
21:30 21:36 21:46 22:00 22:29 22:51 22:53 23:28 24:11 25:30 25:38 26:54 29:17 29:36 29:54
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 13 15 16 21 25 26 27
Hunters are always encouraged to refer to the 2013 Kansas Hunting and Furharvesting Regulations Summary before hitting the field.
Deer season debut with archery and muzzleloader For some, the beginning of fall is heralded by leaves changing colors, for others it’s cooler temperatures and shorter days, but for hunters fall is marked by the start of deer season. In less than one week, hunters will take to tree stands and blinds throughout the state, bow in hand and powder horn packed. The 2013 muzzleloader season will begin September 16 and run through September 29. New this year, hunters are allowed to use muzzleloading rifles, muskets and pistols, .40 caliber or larger. The 2013 archery season will begin September 16 and run through December 31. New this year, crossbows are legal archery equipment for all archers. However, anyone who hunts big game or turkeys with a crossbow
must obtain a free Crossbow Survey ID Number available online at Hunter orange, a hat and vest, must be worn by all hunters during the muzzleloader season, and shooting hours are one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset. The next deer season will be the new two-day Pre-rut Whitetail Antlerless Only season from October 12 - 13, 2013, followed by the Regular Firearm season December 4 15, 2013. To download an electronic version of the 2013 Kansas Hunting & Furharvesting Regulations Summary, visit and click “Hunting / Hunting Regulations.” Printed copies can be found at local license vendors and at any Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks, and Tourism regional office.
Amy Scott drives the ball down field in the girls golf tournament last Thursday. Hugoton hosted the tournament.
Sports by Reece McDaniels
The Hugoton Hermes
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Lady Eagles win two at Stanton County The Lady Eagles traveled to Stanton County to open their 2013 volleyball season. The varsity went 2-1 for the day playing three teams on the Johnson City court. Playing Stanton County first, the Hugoton girls won after two sets, 25-10 and 25-17. Going up against Ulysses in the next game, Hugoton lost after two sets, 20-25 and 12-25. The minor setback brought the team back out for a third game against Sublette. The final game against the Lady Larks was well played by both teams, resulting in a second victory for the Hugoton girls. Set one was won by the Hugoton team, 26 to 24. After changing sides of the court the Lady Eagles went to
work to win the second match. Both teams played extremely well keeping the score close. It was the Lady Eagles who came out on top and claimed the victory 27 to 25. The Lady Eagles’ JV team also participated in their first games of the season at Stanton County. Hugoton was only able to win one out of the three games they played. After a long and hard fought battle the Lady Eagles’ JV squad won their final game against Sublette.
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Lady Eagles! Riley Sosa sets the ball up for Keely Hittle to kill during Thursday’s game at Stanton County.
HMS eighth grade “B” team faces several tough teams
Early Prairie Chicken season requires legwork The early prairie chicken season (Northwest and East units), September 15 - October 15, 2013, gives bird hunters a unique opportunity to walk up greater prairie chickens and work bird dogs long before traditional upland bird seasons open. The early season was established to provide additional hunting opportunity for this tallgrass prairie icon and let hunters enjoy a true one-of-a-kind grassland hunt. The traditional prairie chicken season is November 16-January 31, 2014 in the East and Northwest units, and November 16-December 31 in the Southwest Unit, and during this season, most prairie chickens are taken by pass shooting. Hunters scout feed fields near large tracts of native prairie for feeding prairie chickens, and then take up stations around feed fields well before sunrise. As the sun crests the horizon, prairie chickens will lift out of the prairies and fly to feed. Hunters lucky enough to be positioned in just the right spot may get shots. However, prairie chickens are strong fliers and challenging quarry for expert wingshots. Prairie
Sports by Reece McDaniels
Serve It Up
Watch out! Kelsey Hittle tosses the ball up for a wicked serve at Stanton County. HHS ladies went 2-1 in their opening season tournament.
chickens rarely flush within shotgun range of walking hunters during the regular season. During the early season, flocks of young birds are more likely to hold for walking hunters and pointing dogs. However, prairie chickens are truly birds of the prairie, and hunters will walk many miles of grassland to find birds. While it can seem like finding a needle in a haystack, the unique hunting opportunity, scenery and connection to the prairie keeps hunters coming back. All prairie chicken hunters must have a prairie chicken permit in addition to a hunting license. Permits may be purchased wherever licenses are sold and online. Information provided by hunters at the time of purchase will help biologists estimate prairie chicken harvest and hunting pressure. During the early season, the daily bag limit for prairie chickens in the East and Northwest zones is two, and the possession limit is eight. For more information and a map of prairie chicken hunting zones, go to www.ksout
The eight grade volleyball B-Team won all four games and served 71% as a team at Dodge City Tuesday, September 3. The top three servers were Lupe Lopez with 96%, Carmen Morin with 95% and Salma Avalos with 93%. Coach Tina Salmans said, “The girls played very well as a team and did a great job getting the ball back over the net. Our goal for next game is to use three hits on our side and try to ‘bump, set, spike’. I’m very proud of how the girls played.” After hard work and dedication on the girls’ part, the team took first place in the tournament at Ulysses Saturday, September 7. Hugoton served 81% as a team and the top four servers were Felecia Beard 100%, Salma
Avalos 100%, Carmen Morin 100% and Lupe Lopez 92%. During tournament play, the Lady Eagles played Dodge City Comanche two games 15-9 and 15-10; Goodland 15-10 and 15-6. During finals, Hugoton played Horace Good 15-7 and 15-7 and for the championship they played Kenneth Henderson 15-12 and 15-11. Coach Tina Salmans said, “After our last games, we set a goal to ‘bump, set, spike’ in each of our games. We practiced passing all week and it paid off. The girls were on fire and proved it with a first place finish in the tournament. We worked hard as a team and had fun! I’m pumped about the rest of the season!”
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TEMPERATURE Call 844 Hugoton’s eighth grade “A” team, along with Coach Bobbi Ferguson, take a minute to beam about their wins last Tuesday. Teamwork was a very important factor during the tournament.
Middle school volleyball wins third at Ulysses tournament The Ulysses Tournament is a tough 14 team competition. The eighth grade ATeam girls battled it out in pool play against Dodge City, Comanche and then Goodland Saturday. They then advanced to semi-finals against Ulysses. “We played them very close taking them to three sets. Our final game was against Dodge City Middle School for third place,” said Coach Bobbi Ferguson. “I feel like we had a very successful day and the team is really starting to look good.
We will need to focus on serving and communication,” concluded Coach Ferguson. Johanna Rawlins received the Samck’em award with 17/20 for 85%. She also had four aces, nine kills and one block. Britta Beesley was nine for nine for 100% and had two aces. Claire Lewis was six for seven for 85.7%. Laney Hoskinson was 22 for 24 for 91.7% and had five aces. Total team serving was 82.8%.
Eighth grade “A” team wins four at Dodge City tourney Tuesday Located within Stevens County Hospital 1006 S. Jackson Hugoton, KS 67951
Page 7
“This was our first League event and we came out with a 4-0 record!” said Coach Bobbi Ferguson. Hugoton went three sets with Liberal West and Liberal South and beat both Dodge City teams in two sets at Dodge City Middle School Tuesday, September 3. “Serving was a problem for us all night and something we will need to focus our attention on in the future”, continued Coach Ferguson. The team served only 75.7% for the night. As an A-Team the Lady Eagles need to serve above 85-90% each match.
“The girls played very well together and did a good job setting up the ball,” concluded Coach Ferguson. The team record is 4-0. the Smack’em Award went to Brooklyn Harper and the Fired Up Award to Caitlin Lewis. Brooklyn Harper was 56 for 64 for 87% with 21 aces and three kills. Laney Hoskinson was 27 for 33 for 81% with five aces and three kills. Dallie Hoskinson was 24 for 30 for 80% with seven aces and four kills.
The Hugoton Hermes
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Farmers gather for the Cotton Field Day Thursday, September 5, at the Marcus Howe farm east of Moscow. This plot provides
information about ways to irrigate corn and cotton at the same time and with lower water rates.
The Hugoton Hermes accepts Visa & MasterCard ADVERTISING DEADLINE - MONDAY 5PM
Market Report At the Close Tuesday Brought to you by:
Wheat . . . . . . . . . . . 6.82 Milo . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.64 Corn . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.09 Soybeans . . . . . . . . 13.55
Pate Agency, LP The Crop Insurance Specialists
Don Beesley, Agent
Page 8
Find The Hermes on Facebook! thehugotonhermes
Office: 620-544-8068 Cell: 620-544-6888 Equal Opportunity Provider
Corn producers prepare for the Monsanto Corn Plot Tour by resting under the shade from the 100° temperature Thursday, Septem-
Emergency loans available from Farm Service Agency “Loans covering physical and/or production losses are scheduled for repayment as rapidly as feasible, consistent with the applicant’s reasonable ability to pay,” said Schnittker. The current interest rate is 2.875% percent but is subject to monthly changes until the loan is approved. FSA’s Farm Loan Programs staff is committed to new and existing customers, FSA customer goals and our rural communities. FSA’s service extends beyond the typical loan, offering FSA customers ongoing consultation, advice and creative ways to make your farm business thrive. At the Farm Service Agency, we want to be your lender of first opportunity to overcome these adverse weather conditions
and rebuild your operation to get back on track. FSA’s loan staff can refer customers to other public and commercial financing sources that can serve as a blend with FSA’s farm loan programs. FSA loans covering physical losses may be used to replace installations, equipment, livestock, or buildings (including homes), lost through this disaster. FSA loans covering production losses may be used to buy feed, seed, fertilizer, livestock, or to make payments on real estate and chattel debts. “Funds can also be used for other essential operating and living expenses,” Schnittker said. To be eligible for an emergency disaster loan, an appli-
Eligible Counties Seward
Grant Haskell Kearny Morton Seward Stanton Stevens Hamilton
C ROP I NSURANCE I S O UR O NLY B USINESS * September 30 is the deadline to transfer or update your 2014 Wheat Policy * Bazine:
(785) 398-1400 cell (785) 398-2600 office
Hugoton: Kerry Hittle, Office Mgr. (620) 544-2600 office
ber 5. After the tour, they enjoyed a meal prepared by Oklahoma Smoke BBQ.
Incidence Code 02-24-26, 2013
cant must be operating a family size farm or ranch, must be unable to get credit elsewhere, and must have suffered a qualifying physical and/or production loss from the disaster. Farmers who suffered at least a 30 percent reduction to at least one cropping enterprise, may have a qualifying production loss. Emergency disaster production loss loans cover 100 percent of qualifying losses. Farmers and ranchers that think they may eligible should contact the FSA County Office in Hugoton, Kansas or call 620-544-8541 Ext. 1205 for additional information and how to apply. USDA is an equal opportunity employer and provider.
Type of Disaster Application Period Deadline Severe Winter 12-09-2013 Storm and Snowstorm in Oklahoma
04-01-13 through Late Freeze 05-10-13
Ag Wise Joshua Morris, Stevens County Extension Agent A.N.R. office: 620-544-4359
Planting Wheat into Dry Soils Soils remain very dry in many parts of western Kansas. Planting time is getting near in northwest Kansas and higher elevations in west central Kansas. If moisture conditions do not improve, producers in those areas basically have three main options: Option A: Dust it in at the normal seeding depth and normal planting date — and hope for rain. This is probably the best option. The seed will remain viable in the soil until it gets enough moisture. Last season, some of the wheat seed planted in October lay in the soil until the following spring without germinating. Before planting, producers should look at the long-term forecast and try to estimate how long the dry conditions will persist. If it looks like there’s a good chance the dry weather will continue until at least the back end of the optimum range of planting dates, producers should treat the fields as if they were planting later than the optimum time. Rather than cutting back on seeding rates and fertilizer to save money on a lost cause, producers should increase seeding rates, consider using a fungicide seed treatment, and consider using a starter fertilizer. The idea is to make sure the wheat gets off to a good start and will have enough heads to have good yield potential, assuming it will eventually rain and the crop will emerge late. Wheat that emerges in November almost always has fewer fall tillers than wheat that emerges in September or October. There are some risks to this
option. For one thing, a hard rain could crust over the soil or wash soil off planting ridges and into the seed furrows, potentially causing emergence problems. Another factor is the potential for wind erosion if the field lies unprotected with no ridges. Also, the wheat may not come up until spring, in which case it may have been better not to plant the wheat at all and plant a spring crop instead. Probably the worst-case scenario for this option would be if a light rain occurs and the seed gets just enough moisture to germinate but not enough for the seedlings to emerge through the soil or to survive very long if dry conditions return. This could result in a loss of the stand. Option B: Use a hoe drill to plant deeper-than-normal into moisture now, if possible. This option can work if the variety to be planted has a long coleoptile, the producer is using a hoe drill, and there is good moisture within reach. The advantage of this option is that the crop should come up and make a stand during the optimum time in the fall. This would keep the soil from blowing. Also, the ridges created by hoe drills also help keep the soil from blowing. The main risk of this option is poor emergence. Deepplanted wheat normally has below-normal emergence, so a higher seeding rate should be used. Any rain that occurs before the seedlings have emerged could add additional soil into the seed furrow, making it even harder for the coleoptile to reach the soil surface. Any time you increase the seeding depth, the
seedling will have to stay within the soil just that much longer before emerging through the soil surface. Delayed emergence leads to more potential for disease and pest problems, and reduced tillering potential late in the season. It’s even possible that the wheat would get planted so deep that it would germinate but never emerge at all, especially if the coleoptile length is too short for the depth of planting. Generally speaking, it’s best to plant no deeper than three inches with most varieties. Option C: Wait for a rain, and then plant. To overcome the risk of crusting or stand failure, producers may decide to wait until it has rained and soil moisture conditions are adequate before planting. Under the right conditions, this would result in good stands, assuming the producer uses a high seeding rate and a starter fertilizer, if appropriate. If it remains dry well past the optimum range of planting dates, the producer would then have the option of just keeping the wheat seed in the shed until next fall and planting spring crop next year instead. The risk of this option is that the weather may turn rainy and stay wet later this fall, preventing the producer from planting the wheat at all while those who “dusted” their wheat in have a good stand. There is also the risk of leaving the soil unprotected from the wind through the winter until the spring crop is planted. Crop insurance considerations and deadlines will play a role in these decisions. —Jim Shroyer, Crop Production Specialist
Talbert graduates from basic combat training PVT Chalen Talbert graduated from Basic Combat Training, Charlie Company 3rd Battalion, 47th Infantry August 15, 2013 in Fort Benning, Ga. Basic Combat Training is a ten-week program, extremely rigorous, demanding and a proven process transforming dedicated volunteers into proficient soldiers. PVT Talbert is the son of Ray and Bobbie Talbert of Hugoton. Tanner Talbert is his proud brother. Grandparents are Ray and Lita Talbert and Jim and Lynne Fink of Hugoton, and great grandma Leona Fink is from Phillipsburg. Family and friends attended the graduation ceremony in Fort Benning. PVT Talbert was welcomed home by many friends and family, including his HHS buddies and their families, Jim Langley and the Dust Bowl Riders.
Private Chalen Talbert
The Hugoton Hermes
The 95th National Convention of The American Legion recently concluded in Houston, Tx. All 50 U.S. states, Washington, D.C., Mexico, France, Puerto Rico and the Philippines were represented. The American Legion has a membership of 2.4 million and when combined with The American Legion Auxiliary and The Sons of The American Legion, approximately four million people make up The American Legion family. Tom and Phyllis Gregg attended and were impressed by the five Spirit of Service Award recipients. These awards are presented yearly to individuals in each branch of the service who are actively committed to
STEVENS COUNTY Activity Center - 544-2283 Nutrition Center - 544-8041 ~ Barbara Beeks ~ Good Monday morning! It’s hot already! Surely we could use some cool-down. All is going well here at the Center. It seems like the numbers are up right now. We hope they can stay that way. This Saturday is our “Sew All Day” day. If you like to sew, come join us. We have a good time and like to share ideas and whatever. Saturday evening is our regular dance night. The dance starts at 8:00 p.m. Craig Stevens will be here to play for us. We are back to playing Bridge two times a week. The Snooker and Pool tables are available all day. There is always Bingo Friday right after lunch. Have a great week! Menu Sep. 12 .......................Spaghetti Sep. 13................................Fish Sep. 16 .......................Pot Roast
Sep. 17..........Baked Potato Bar Sep. 18.......................Meat Loaf Sep. 19..............Polish Sausage .................................& Kraut Activities Schedule Thursday, September 12 Exercise....................10:30 a.m. Bridge......................................... Friday, September 13 Exercise....................10:30 a.m. Bingo........................12:30 p.m. Saturday, September 14 Sew All Day................................ Cards .........................6:00 p.m. Dance.........................8:00 p.m. with Craig Stevens Monday, September 16 Exercise....................10:30 a.m. Line Dance.................7:00 p.m. Tuesday, September 17 Exercise....................10:30 a.m. Wednesday, September 18 Exercise....................10:30 a.m. Paint...........................1:00 p.m. Thursday, September 19 Exercise....................10:30 a.m. Bridge.........................................
Because the immune system may decline with age it is important for older people to get a flu shot. It is one of three simple steps you can take to fight the flu. First, get a flu shot. A yearly flu vaccine is the first and most important step to protecting yourself against the flu. Yearly vaccine is needed because the flu virus changes year to year; each year’s vaccine is made to protect against the three most common viruses for that year. The most serious complication of flu is pneumonia, so, in addition to age, people with chronic health conditions, including asthma, COPD, diabetes or heart disease, are at especially high risk. This fall is the ideal time to get the 2013-2014 flu shot. It takes about two weeks after vaccination for antibodies to develop in the body and provide protection against the flu. The “seasonal flu season” in the United States can begin as early as October and last as late as May. During this time, flu viruses are circulating in the population. Getting an annual seasonal flu vaccine is the best way to reduce the chances that you will get seasonal flu, and lessen the chance that you will spread it to others. When more people get vaccinated against the flu, less flu can spread through that community. People often ask if they can still get the seasonal flu even if they get the vaccine. The answer is yes. The ability of flu vaccine to protect a person depends
Backyard Paradise
volunteer community service during their off-duty hours. In addition, the national winners for Law Enforcement Officer and Firefighter of the Year were announced. Youth program winners were also recognized. These included American Legion baseball player of the year, Eagle Scout of the year, Boys Nation President, two Shooting Sport Champions and Oratorical contest winners. The National Oratorical winners were awarded scholarships of $14,000, $16,000 and $18,000 for third, second and first place respectively. In addition, the five winners of the Samsung Scholarships were announced. The Samsung
Group, a South Korean business, gave The American Legion five million dollars in 1996 to provide scholarships for descendants of American Veterans of the Korean War. Only the interest from these monies is used and to date these scholarships have totaled $4.66 million. Each Samsung scholarship recipient received $20,000. Information regarding these awards and scholarships can be obtained through your local American Legion post or online at www. Tom Gregg is past Kansas State Commander 2008-2009, and a Life member of Dexter D. Harbour Post # 79 Ulysses.
Gas prices higher, but still less than September 2012
by Stevens County FACS Agent Nancy Honig
flu out of our houses, if possible. For those over the age of 65 this is especially important. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), influenza is a major cause of hospitalization, disability and even death for older people. Every year in the U.S., about nine out of ten flu-related deaths occur in adults over 65.
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American Legion National Convention concludes in Houston
“Notes From Nancy” Flu Season is Approaching During these beautiful early fall days, the cold winter months filled with coughs and colds seem far away. Unfortunately, the daylight is shorter each day and those cold winds will soon be blowing. We often think colds and flu are just part of winter. We should instead practice ways now to keep colds and
Thursday, September 12, 2013
on two things: 1) the age and health status of the person getting vaccinated, and 2) the similarity or “match” between the virus strains in the vaccine and those circulating in the community. If the viruses in the vaccine and the influenza viruses circulating in the community are closely matched, vaccine effectiveness is higher. If they are not closely matched, vaccine effectiveness can be reduced. However, it’s important to remember that even when the viruses are not closely matched, the vaccine can still protect many people and prevent flu-related complications. Second, stop the germs. Remember, hand washing is the number one way to reduce the spread of germs! • Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue and toss it after use. • Wash your hands often with soap and water. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. • Avoid close contact with sick people. • If you are sick with flu-like illness, stay home for at least 24 hours after your fever is gone (without the use of fever-reducing medications). Third, use flu antivirals if a doctor prescribes them. Prescription anitvirals such as Tamiflu and Flumadine do not prevent or cure the flu. They are sometimes given to make the flu milder and possibly prevent serious complications. They work best if used within 48 hours of first symptoms (cough, sore throat, fever, aches and stuffy/runny nose), but may be given later if the person is very sick or is at high-risk of complications. Antivirals are no substitute for the flu vaccine. It may only be the middle of September, but it is definitely time to think about the flu and how to protect yourself and family. And, as a side note, don’t forget to go to the Stevens County Health Fair next weekend and learn other ways to protect your health.
Average retail gasoline prices in Kansas have risen 1.8 cents per gallon in the past week, averaging $3.59 per gallon Sunday, according to GasBuddy's daily survey of 1,329 gas outlets in Kansas. This compares with the national average that has fallen 2.3 cents per gallon in the last week to $3.59 per gallon, according to gasoline price Web site Including the change in gas prices in Kansas during the past week, prices Sunday were 15.7 cents per gallon lower than the same day one year ago and are 10.4 cents per gallon higher than a month ago. The national average has not moved during the last month and stands 22.3 cents per gallon lower than this day one year ago. "Gas price limbo has continued for another week, with average prices across the United States virtually the same as
they were a month ago," said Senior Petroleum Analyst Patrick DeHaan. "Opening week for football certainly brought more excitement than we've seen at the gas pump lately, but one thing is for sure — with gas prices averaging 22-cents per gallon lower than last year, there's a lot of extra hot dogs and beer that can be consumed instead of being redirected into the tanks of American motorists. While the situation in Syria bears further monitoring, and hurricane season remains on the radar, we've still seen prices continue to hold level. In fact, the cumulative yearly average for a gallon of gas stands at $3.57 per gallon, compared to one year ago when it was $3.62 per gallon, so while motorists feel this has been a bad year for gas prices, it hasn't been as painful as 2012," DeHaan said. Submitted by
Big Al
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Large Living Estate Auction September 21 – 10 AM Glassware-Antiques-Collectibles-Furniture- Household Location: Old Dekalb Corn Plant Ulysses, KS
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Jordan Air Inc. We appreciate our local farmers SPRAYING - SEEDING - FERTILIZING
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Herschel and Joy West show their beautiful rock garden in front of their home at 807 S. Jackson
Street. At right Joy also shows her glass bird bath made out of interior light fixtures.
1-800-264-4361 Elkhart - 697-2657
The Hugoton Hermes
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Lock entrances to grain handling areas to keep bystanders and children out.
Wear approved hearing protection when working around noisy equipment, aeration fans, dryers, etc.
Inspect the equipment and correct any hazards before operating.
Northwest Cotton Growers Co-op Gin
Pate Agency, LP The Crop Insurance Specialists
Don Beesley, Agent Office: 620-544-8068 Cell: 620-544-6888 Equal Opportunity Provider
Page 2B
Triple H Farms LLC
598-2008 Moscow, KS
Run the blower to ventilate the silo at least 20 minutes before entering.
OWENS WELDING & CUSTOM FABRICATION 1411 Industrial St 428-2148
Keep all guards and shields in place on power equipment.
104 E. 7th Hugoton, KS 67951 544-2949
Always turn equipment off, lower hydraulics and remove the key before leaving equipment unattended.
KRAMER SEED FARMS 1114 S. Monroe 544-4330
620-544-4557 - Office Hugoton
Grow With Us!
Take frequent breaks in the shade or in a cool environment during the hottest times of the day.
Let somebody know where you will be working during the day, and carry a cell phone for emergencies.
Elkhart Co-op Equity Exchange
Insurance Agency
Feterita Rolla Dermot
Karen Yoder, Agency Manager 600 S. Main • Hugoton
24 Hrs. Road & Local Service 620-544-7424 700 E. 11 St. Hwy 51 Hugoton, KS
217 1/2 N. Jackson 544-2121
Avoid an animal’s hind legs and approach larger animals at the shoulder.
When visiting a farm, parents should ensure that all access doors to grain storage structures are locked before letting kids out of their sight.
Never permit smoking in barns or near any flammable materials.
New hay should be checked frequently for possible heating.
601 S. Jackson • Hugoton 620-544-2975
Hansen-Mueller Company 1182 Road Q, Hugoton, Kansas 67951 (620) 428-6518
A respected leader in the grain industry since 1979.
(620) 544-TIRE (8473) Highway 51 East Hugoton, KS 67951
Keep kids away from stallions, bulls, boars, and rams, and emphasize the importance of having an accessible escape route whenever working with animals.
Uncovered hay stored outdoors should be formed into tight stacks to resist penetration by rain.
Avoid breathing harmful fumes or vapors. Remove junk piles and store raw materials safely.
Fuel should never be stored inside a building.
B&T Farms
Inspect your farm on a regular basis for hazards that can injure children wandering on your farm.
Southwest Kansas Co-op Fuel Service, LLC 304 W. Highland Johnson 492-2126
Make sure that all hay is properly dried before putting it in the barn.
502 S. Jackson Hugoton, Ks 67951 620-544-8908 MEMBER FDIC
ROME FARMS 544-8991
Kei t h, D av e & St ev e Rome
A working farm is a busy place. While being careless is easy and often unintentional, do everything you can to ensure that your farm is as safe as it can be.
DILLCO FLUID SERVICE INC. 513 W. 4th St. 544-2929
601 S. Main 620-544-4331
Check for power lines before operating equipment. Always stay at least ten feet away from power lines.
Develop a schedule for conducting routine safety checks around the farm.
Serving Southwest Kansas Since 1980 •Commercial & Residential • Concrete Contractors • Curb & Guttering Our Speciality 613 E. 11th, Hugoton 544-7146
(620) 428-6086 Created to Serve
Wear proper attire, including steel toed shoes. Kids should always wear helmets when riding animals.
1242 Road 12 544-2688
Avoid wearing loose-fitting clothes or dangling items when working with machinery.
Accepting Contracts on Fall Corn Harvest Steven Bagley, General Manager 620-544-4379 • Hugoton
Steer clear of animals with newborns, no matter how cute and cuddly such animals might appear.
Bryne and Tina Sullins
598-2304 Check with us for your baling needs.
The Hugoton Hermes
Never allow more than one rider on a tractor at one time, and never allow young children to ride on tractors.
Mount and dismount on a tractor’s left side to avoid controls.
835 E. 11th St. 544-4464
Commodity Hauling
Remember to clearly label and store all pesticides in a lockable, welllighted and wellventilated area.
Wear appropriate clothing, including protective footwear, masks and a hat for sun protection.
Jordan Air Inc.
Hugoton, Ks.
Service To All Brands 928 East Eleventh Street Hugoton, KS
Robert Johnson, Attorney at Law Daniel Schowengerdt, Attorney at Law 118 W. Madison Avenue Iola, KS
Always read and follow owner’s manuals and safety decals on all equipment.
Office 620-544-4488
Dale Noyes and Crew
Have another person present when loading or unloading hay or equipment.
Only one person should be allowed to drive an ATV, with no passengers.
I RR IGATI ON Contact Jonathan 620-541-1049 Will Cullum 620-453-0079 Office 620-428-6333
Never allow extra riders on machinery. No seat, no rider!
K-C Oil Company
110 E 6th St. Hugoton 544-2620
Hoskinson Water Well Service
Warren and Amanda Willis Hugoton
Always inspect machinery and complete any necessary repairs before operating.
Keep children away from tractors and other farm machinery.
Label grain bins to warn of entrapment hazards.
Bartlett Grain Company, L.P. Moscow 598-2144
1520 W. 10th 544-8995
Always make your presence known before touching a farm animal.
Wear protective equipment like masks and goggles to safeguard your lungs and eyes.
E Hwy 51, Hugoton (620)544-4351
(785) 398-1400 Kerry Hittle, Office Mgr. (620) 544-2600 office
513 W. First Street Hugoton 544-2195
Remember to drive safely and watch side roads for other vehicles.
Plan an escape route when working around animals in tight areas.
Develop a “safety first” attitude around harvesting equipment.
Protect the safety and prosperity of your farm by making sure your farm animals are contained in a secure area.
Jeff C. Ramsey, Agent Darrin Hewitt, Agent
218 S. Main St. 544-4660
613 S .Main, P.O. Box 610, Hugoton, KS 67951 (620) 544-4303 Fax: (620) 544-4925
Never attempt to unplug equipment when power is engaged.
Carry a fire extinguisher on each piece of powered equipment.
Mike Willis BULTMAN Seed Sales 544-7333 Fax • 544-8333 INC.
Equip livestock pens with emergency exits.
“Your Complete Domestic Well Service”
1026 S. Main 620-544-8011
Page 3B
Make sure farm equipment is properly hitched to ensure stability.
838 E. 11th Hugoton 620-544-8522
Call Terry at 620-544-4361
JONATHAN PEAR CY 510 W. Fifth Hugoton
Outfit all farm buildings with smoke detectors and fire extinguishers.
Paramount Service & Supply Inc.
620-544-2189 Hugoton, Kansas 620-544-7226
Never operate machinery when you are fatigued, stressed or highly medicated.
Handle cattle with respect and awareness. They have the strength and speed to cause serious injury.
Thursday, September 12, 2013
“Supplying all your custom farming needs”
2 locations in Hugoton:
Clifford & Paula Shuck 620.428.6400
528 S. Main St Hugoton 544-8820
1400 S Washington 544-9010 428 S Main 544-1352
Hugoton 509 NW Ave. 620-544-2017 West Road 11 620-544-8898
Moscow 300 N. Road 20 620-598-2214 East Hwy 56 620-598-2101
The Hugoton Hermes
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Page 4B
MOSCOW NEWS by Sara Cross
Wednesdays Starting September 11, Kids Club will meet at Moscow United Methodist Church every Wednesday from 3:45 to 4:45 p.m. unless there is no school on that day. For information call 5982426. Thursday, ,September 12 Junior High Volleyball and Football at Walsh at 4:00 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. Friday, September 13 High School Football at Satanta at 7:00 p.m. Saturday, September 14 High School Volleyball tournament in Jetmore; 9:00
a.m. Monday, September 16 DVD Bible Study at the Moscow United Methodist Church starting at 6:00 p.m. Contact Patty Lahey at 5982290 for information. Tuesday, September 17 High School Volleyball; 4:30 p.m. (Senior Night for Volleyball players) Friday, September 20 Homecoming parade sponsored by the Moscow Booster Club, starting at 4:15 p.m. Call Kristy Brazeal at 541-1602 for information. High School Football vs Deerfield at home
Head coach Shawn Anderson leads his junior high team to their first victory Thursday night
against Rolla. Good job boys!
UMC will offer its first Kids Club Wednesday
Many fans showed their support for Cheryl Miller by wearing a blue ribbon. The fans are being supportive and getting awareness for colon cancer out there.
Moscow United Methodist Church will have its first Kids Club of the year Wednesday, September 11 from 3:45 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. It will be every Wednesday thereafter. If there is no school for a particular Wednesday, then there will be no Kids Club. Kids Club is available for children ages K-5. For more information, please contact the church at 598-2426.
Little Emery Anderson is cheering on and supporting the team during game day last week.
Citizens State Bank replaces Marque sign The community appreciates Citizens State Bank for replacing the Moscow Wildcat Marque sign on the highway.
Miller gets support Cheryl Miller appreciates the Moscow community and football players for showing their support for her by wearing blue Friday night at the home football game.
Solution to September 5, 2013 puzzle
Cuylor Cross leads the Moscow football players Friday night in wearing blue for colon cancer awareness in honor of Cuylor's grandmother Cheryl Miller’s beginning fight with colon cancer.
DVD Bible Study begins Monday You are invited to a DVD Bible Study beginning Monday, September 16 at 6:00 p.m. It will be at the Moscow United Methodist Church.
There are no materials to purchase for this study. For more information please contact Patty Lahey at 598-2290.
If anyone has any Moscow news to share, please let Sara Cross know. Send to
Even the Moscow Wildcat mascot wears a blue ribbon for support and for awareness.
1540 West Industrial Park 620-544-2027 Come by our location or call Craig at 544-2027
Save 12.5% if paid within 10 days - 10% if paid within 30 days.
A new choice for your chemical, NH3, Liquid Fertilizer and Dry Fertilizer. We now carry banjo parts for all your needs and have a large selection of banjo fittings and hoses. We have 40 years of experience in both ground and air application. Hugoton Elkhart 620-544-2027 620-697-4706 Lakin Ulysses 620-355-7700 620-356-1070
The Hugoton Hermes
These little cuties handed out the prizes won by different community members and teachers at the teacher appreciation dinner offered by the United Methodist women.
Reliable reporting Local news & events Sports Get your subscription today! Stevens County and surrounding counties just $30.00 a year or on line for $25.00 a year! Non local and out of state is just $35.00 a year or on line for $25.00 a year! Student Subscription is $25.00 for 9 mos.
Special sections Valuable advertising There’s a lot inside – and online. Take us everywhere.
SUBSCRIBE TODAY 522 S. Main Hugoton, KS 620-544-4321
Moscow homecoming parade is set Moscow Booster Club would like to announce that they will sponsor a homecoming parade Friday, September 20 starting at 4:15 pm. This is an all school parade so any person wanting to enter to promote their school spirit please contact Kristy Brazeal by Tuesday, September 17 at 620-541-1602. We encourage any student, faculty or fans
to participate. The Booster Club will provide the candy for the parade. We encourage all entries to be in good taste and sportsmanship. Please join us in supporting our junior high and high school volleyball, football, cross country teams and cheer squads in this celebration of school spirit.
The Hugoton Hermes
Reeds celebrate with 1950s party
Temple Reed, along with her husband of sixty years, Ron celebrate their anniversary with a 1950s style shindig Saturday evening. Here, their granddaughters model their 1950s “Barbie doll” outfits.
Volleyball team wins over MJHS Rolla junior high's football and volleyball teams opened their seasons against the Moscow Wildcats. The Lady Pirates varsity and junior varsity volleyball teams scored victories, but the football team fell to the Wildcats in their season opener.
Saturday, the Lady Pirates competed in the Ulysses Tournament. They defeated Guymon Middle School, but lost their next two games. They will be in action against South Baca and Deerfield next week.
Ron and Temple Reed celebrated their sixtieth wedding anniversary Saturday night with scores of friends and relatives attending. Their 1950's theme was fun for all attendees who sported the plastic cat-eye and “nerdy” black eyeglasses throughout the evening. Ron and Temple's children Kathy Mackie and Mike and Greg Reed helped with the arrangements for the evening. Their granddaughters donned gowns from the 1950s and looked just like the original Barbie dolls. Friends and former colleagues drove from all over the Midwest to enjoy the festive affair with Ron and Temple. The Reeds taught for many years in Rolla High School. Ron taught social studies and served as the school counselor, as well as coaching a variety of sports. Temple was an English teacher and
coached forensics. Since their retirement, Temple has directed productions of the Morton County Theater Group, and Ron has built homes, play sets and has done everything else Temple told him to do. The Reeds have been outstanding community members and great friends. We congratulate them for their six decades of marriage!
RHS boys defeat Tyrone The Rolla high football team defeated the Tyrone, Oklahoma Bobcats Friday night. It was an especially sweet victory for the Pirates since Tyrone solidly defeated Rolla last year. Although the Pirates lost a few key big men from last year's team, everyone filled in the gaps and played hard every play. Coaches Jon Schnable, Jeff Braun and Kent Milburn were thrilled with the performance of the boys.
HUNT BURIED TREASURE right in your own back yard (or attic, basement and garage).
First graders Grace Baker, Tuckyr Russell, Aidan Allen, Sahra Kroeker, Tyne EllisClaassen, Brayden Stewart, Matthew Easter-
wood, Kylie Brummett and Ethan Glave display their school supplies donated by Rolla Lions Club.
graders with their entire list of school supplies, they help purchase glasses for students in need, give scholarships to graduating seniors, and support students who need assistance with special educational trips and ven-
tures. Club members presenting the supplies to Miss Jarvis's first grade class are: President Cheryl Archuleta, Pat Floyd, Leland Lehnert, Merlin Stout, Ron Reed, Stuart Sutton and Jorge Pando.
Jessica Johns competes in the Quarter Horse Show Sunday at the Kansas State Fair. Jessica took first in youth reining and second in Novice Horsemanship and open ranch pleasure. She and her family will go to Oklahoma City later this year for the AQHA open world show in ranch horse pleasure.
Educate young women about breast cancer At the age of 12 to 15, many young women are experiencing the body and life changes that accompany adolescence. It can be difficult to imagine that breasts that are just beginning to develop may contain cancer. But such is the reality for some girls. The majority of women who receive a breast cancer diagnosis are over the age of 40. Experts at Monroe Carell Jr. Hospital at Vanderbilt University note that only five percent of breast cancer cases are found in women under the age of 40. However, the hospital recently treated a 14-year-old girl who found a lump and learned she had a rare form of breast cancer called a phyllodes tumor. In 2009, a 13-year-old from Little Rock, Ar. found a quarter-sized lump in her right breast, while a 19-year-old student at the College of New Jersey was diagnosed with
cancerous cells and underwent a bilateral mastectomy. Though such cases are rare, it behooves teenage and adolescent girls to familiarize themselves with the disease and be mindful of their breast health. Some organizations have increased breast cancer messages for young girls, and it is not uncommon to find young women participating in runs and fundraisers for breast cancer research. Some organizations even conduct breast cancer workshops to educate young women about breast health. Dorothy Paterson of Texas, a former Girl Scout leader who was diagnosed with breast cancer herself, began conducting workshops for Girl Scouts in 2007. The idea isn't to scare girls into believing they have the disease, but rather to increase their awareness of changes in their bodies
that may or may not be normal. Some parents worry that educating children about breast cancer may cause them to worry unnecessarily, especially considering a young girl's risk of developing breast cancer is so minimal. However, others see the importance in schooling girls early on about a disease that is so common. Advocates of teaching young girls about breast cancer often note that any effort to help save lives and promote health is worthwhile. Just as with older women, adolescents and teens should realize that eating healthy foods, exercising, avoiding alcohol and tobacco, and maintaining annual physical exams with a doctor are key ways to reduce the risk for cancer. From Metro Editorial Services.
ROLLA NEWS By Mary Courtney
Friday, September 13 High School Football vs Deerfield at home Friday, September 20 High School Football at Goodwell, Ok. Friday, September 27 High School Football at South Gray Friday, October 4 High School Football vs Fowler at home
Friday, October 11 High School Football vs Ashland at home Friday, October 18 High School Football at Ingalls Friday, October 25 High School Football vs Bucklin at home Friday, October 31 High School Football at Moscow
Online!!! Go to to see the latest edition
Call us for advertising opportunities on a local Web site
Rolla Doctors Office 415 Washington St., Rolla, KS 620-593-4242 Office Hours 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday to Friday
Manuel Caga-anan, M.D. Internal Medicine Office Hours 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon Thursday
The Hugoton Hermes 544-4321
Jessica impresses State Fair judges Jessica Johns competed in the Quarter Horse Show Sunday at the Kansas State Fair. She placed second in Novice Horsemanship and open ranch pleasure, and first in youth reining. She rode her seven year old mare, Smoke N Gin in these competitions. Because she earned points at several shows throughout the summer, Jess qualified for the AQHA open world show in ranch horse pleasure. She will be traveling to Oklahoma City in November for this prestigious show. Although she also qualified for the AQHA youth world and novice world in reigning and cutting, and horsemanship and reining, she and her family decided not to attend that show.
Page 5B
Willie Posey, DO Dominador Perido, M.D. Steven Samii, MD, MHA Office Hours Internal Medicine / Cardiologist General Surgery Office Hours 1:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Office Hours 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Tuesday 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon Wednesday Monday
Rolla Lions distribute supplies to first graders The Rolla Lions Club presented school supplies to all first grade students again this year. The club serves the community well, but is especially generous with the students in USD #217. In addition to providing first
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Haley McCammon, PA-C Office Hours 9:00 to 12:00 noon Friday
Supported and Sponsored by Morton County Health System Elkhart, KS
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Thursday, September 12, 2013
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HERMES CLASSIFIEDS Deadline for all classified advertising is MONDAY at 5:00 p.m. All Garage, Yard and/or Moving Sale Ads MUST Be Pre-Paid.
1) Classified ad rate is $.20 per word per insertion. The weekly minimum is $3.35. 2) Classified display advertising rate is $5.00 per column inch. 3) All cards of thanks are charged at the display rate. 4) All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968, which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, children, or national origin or an intention to make any such preference, limitation, or discrimination." This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis.
HELP WANTED HELP WANTED: Housekeeper for B&B Motel. Call 620-5442466. (4c37) ---------------
for very progressive, family-oriented company. Benefit package includes uniforms, health insurance, paid vacation and sick leave. Competitive pay based on experience. Clean CDL required. Applicant must pass physical, drug screen and back exam.
Apply in person at: Lathem Water Service Hwy 25 S, Ulysses, KS Or call 620-356-3422
USD 210 EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY District: Energetic individual to serve as
Secretary in the Central Office. Skills needed include organization, basic technology and basic office skills. All candidates will be considered but applicants with previous experience and/or bilingual are encouraged to apply.
Position open until filled.
Kates Pet Grooming - Reliable & Hardworking male or female - Must be able to lift 50 lbs - Love cats and dogs - Able to stand on cement for long periods & get wet - Must be able to get down to clean out cages to clean up pee & poop and mop. - Follow directions, read and speak English.
Kates Pet Grooming
Competitive pay with potential of full time job placement.
Call CPS Operating for more information on how you can work in a progressive and dynamic farming environment.
324 /2 S. Jackson between 8 am - noon to get an application! 1
620-428-6400 or 620-544-5223 (5c34)
HPEC SPECIAL ED PARAPROFESSIONAL Working in Rolla Schools Job Title: Special Ed Paraprofessional Term: 2013-2014 School Year Salary: Base Hourly Wage - $8.00 Placement on salary schedule is based upon review of previous experience, in-service participation, and/or relevant college course work. Deadline for Applications: Open until filled Applications can be picked up at USD 217 District Office, 204 Van Buren, Rolla, Ks. 67954 or downloaded online: (Please return applications to Shelli Burrows) For more information, call 620-593-4344 Fax: 620-593-4250
Pacific Ag is currently seeking a full-time Ag Mechanic. Salary is based on experience. If interested, please contact: (620) 544-8522 or
Or stop by the office: 838 E 11th St Hugoton, KS 67951
Remember: Hermes Deadline: Mondays 5:00 p.m. Email ads to
“The Company that Works for You”
NOW HIRING!!! Employment Nurse Guymon, OK – Hurliman Road Coordinate, schedule, and perform new hire physicals
Starting Pay - $18.50/hr Immediate Benefits RN / LPN preferred; medical assistant or equivalent, 3 yrs experience required Must be bilingual (English, Spanish)
View other Career Opportunities at our website:
Great Work Environment! Excellent Benefits! Central Employment Office – 2801 Hurliman Road, Guymon, OK Career Center 877 JOB PORK EOE
Starting pay $8.00/hr Must be 17 years old or older
Workers for feed lot and fence building in the Ulysses area. Full time position.
Call Brandon at 620-544-6345 or the office at 620-544-8300
ULYSSES WAREHOUSE OPERATOR required to unload bulk hopper cars, inspect and load out trucks, maintain inventory records, prepare shipping documents (bill of lading, scale ticket, and conveyance form) and perform basic maintenance. Ability to work independently and safely is essential. Reporting will be to the Engineering Manager located in Winnemucca, NV. This position will require close attention to quality assurance and feed industry safety standards. Compensation will depend on experience. An excellent benefit package is provided.
For application contact 888-848-8178.
HELP WANTED Plains Auto Parts Hwy 54, Plains, Ks
Needs a full-time Counter Person. For more information or to apply Call 620-629-1606 or stop by in person.
Call Jason Schoenfelder at 903-249-2213 or Office at 620-544-8300.
Seasonal Harvest Operators Experience preferred but not required. (6c32)
CIRCULATION CLERK The Stevens County Library is looking for a dedicated, energetic, public service oriented staff member to perform all circulation desk operations. Position is 40 hours per week, 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, occasional Saturdays. Salary: based on qualifications Benefits: Health Insurance, KPERS, Paid vacation after 12 months
Applications and a full job description are available at the Library.
NOW HIRING Maintenance/Truck
Starting at $9.00/hr Must be 18 or older to apply.
Apply at McDonald’s 612 E. 11th
Warehouse operator is required for MIN-AD’s warehouse and transload facility in Ulysses. Warehouse operator will be
FARM WORKERS. Must have experience with John Deere equipment, AMS (Automated Driving) and center pivot irrigation in Ulysses area. Also, workers in Guymon area for center pivot irrigation. Valid insurable Drivers License required. Full time positions.
Pay DOE Call (620)544-8522
needs a Bather.
Come by
Grain cart driver needed for full time harvest season.
APPLY AT McDonald’s 612 E. Eleventh Hugoton
HELP WANTED (4c36) Pearcy Irrigation is growing their service department and needs two Center Pivot Service Men. Ag related experience and/or strong mechanical ability desired. Stop by our office at 510 W. 5th for an application or call Jonathan at 620-541-1049.
Stevens County Healthcare has a position open at Pioneer Manor in the Dietary Department for a Homemaker. Hours include day and evening, some weekends and holidays. Need to have an understanding of basic food preparation, food safety and sanitation important for this position. Homemaker will be working in a household preparing breakfast to order as the residents arrive in the dining room and also preparing salads, desserts, and breads for the lunch and supper meal. Stevens County Healthcare is looking for a team-oriented Radiographic Technologist to work PRN shifts. All eligible candidates must have a current Kansas Licensee, be a registered ARRT, and be able to perform routine diagnostic X-Rays and CT exams without supervision. Stevens County Hospital’s Long Term Care Unit is currently searching for a Full-time CNA to work the night shift at Pioneer Manor from 6 pm - 6 am. All interested candidates must have or be eligible for a Kansas CNA License. We offer a great benefit package and an incentive for CNA experience. Stevens County Hospital’s Long Term Care Unit is currently searching for a CNA to work the evening shift at Pioneer Manor from 6 - 9 pm. All interested candidates must have or be eligible for a Kansas CNA License. We offer a great benefit package and an incentive for CNA experience. Stevens County Healthcare is searching for Full-time RNs and LPNs to work at Pioneer Manor Nursing Home. These positions are for the night shift (6 pm - 6 am). Interested candidates must be certified with a Kansas license to be eligible for these positions. Stevens County Healthcare is searching for Full-time, Part-time and PRN RNs or LPNs to work on the Med/Surg floor. These positions are for night shift (7 pm-7 am). All candidates must have a Kansas RN/LPN licensure to be eligible. We are also searching for PRN CNAs to work as needed. All candidates must have a Kansas CNA license to be eligible. We offer outstanding benefits, competitive wages, sign on bonus of $2000 with one year contract for FT RNs/LPNs; $1000 with one year contract for PT RNs/LPNs; and mileage reimbursement to RNs or LPNs that live 15 miles or more outside of Stevens County.
Please contact Robyn Medina in Human Resources 620-544-8511 with any questions. Applications can be picked up at the Information Desk located by the Medical Clinic.
Hugoton Hermes Deadline - Mondays 5:00 p.m.
8 Officers Needed Officers $9-$11 per hour Lead Officers $11-$13 per hour No experience needed - we will train you! Located in Hugoton
Call 866-840-2066 Ask for Carl
CURRENT OPENINGS AT ABENGOA BIOENERGY We are recruiting for the following positions at our first-of-its-kind facility in Hugoton: Plant Engineers; Microbiologist; Electrical Maintenance Technicians; Plant Operators (Shift Workers). Applicants should have a good work ethic and the ability to work closely within a team environment. Good pay and great benefits with Health, Dental, Vision and Life Insurance plus a matching 401k plan. Apply online at Click “English” then “Employment” at the bottom of the page. Then click “Job Location” to find the Hugoton positions. You can also fax your resume to the attention of ABBK HR Manager at 636-728-1148 or email
APPRENTICE/ JOURNEYMAN LINEMAN Southern Pioneer Electric Company is seeking a highly motivated individual for the position of Apprentice/Journeyman Lineman. Must have a High School diploma or equivalent. Onthe-job training will be provided and individual must acquire, within a reasonable time span, the skills and knowledge utilized in the construction and maintenance of overhead and URD distribution and transmission system and related activities. Successful applicant will be required to climb poles, use equipment, and must successfully complete the Apprenticeship program. Interested candidate must have excellent interpersonal communication skills, a high degree of accuracy and attention to detail, be selfmotivated, and enjoy public contact and ability to work with a variety of employees and consumers under differing circumstances. Working conditions include mostly outside work in all types of weather with heavy lifting. May also require working some irregular hours including nights, weekends, and holidays. Southern Pioneer Electric will reward the right person with a competitive compensation and benefit package. Finalist will be required to successfully pass a post-offer physical examination and alcohol-drug test, and must possess or obtain a valid Kansas CDL. At time of employment, must reside within 15 minutes of headquarters in Liberal KS. For a complete copy of Position Outline or Job Specifications, contact Melissa Morales at Southern Pioneer Electric. Application or resumes may be mailed to Southern Pioneer Electric, ATT: Melissa Morales, Human Resources, PO Box 430, Ulysses, KS 67880, hand-delivered to Pioneer Electric, 1850 W. Oklahoma, Ulysses, Kansas, and emailed to Deadline for submission of applications or resumes is September 16, 2013. Southern Pioneer Electric is an E.O.E.
The Hugoton Hermes
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Page 7B
FOR SALE HOUSE FOR SALE: Large brick home in Elkhart, 5292 sq. ft., 6 bedrooms, 4 baths, 4 car garage, $275,000. Call 620-697-2235 or 620-518-1837. (4c34)
--------------FOR SALE: Three China Cabinets, 6’ tall, 40-46” wide. All like new. Three-piece Entertainment Center with 30” television set. Like new. Call 620-544-1710. (tfc35) --------------FOR SALE: 1996 Jayco Designer fifth wheel camper. 36.5 feet long, 14 foot slideout, garden tub and shower, 3 burner stove with oven, refrigerator with ice maker, 10 gallon hot water. Call 620(4p34) 544-1814. ---------------
FOR SALE: 8000 watt porter cable generator for sale. Electric start. Call 620-4173998. (2p37) --------------FOR SALE: Computer desk with bookcase, $75.00; Loveseat (makes into twin bed), $50.00; Berkline recliner moss green, $25.00; Humphries aluminum storm door, $75.00; Insulated duck overalls, size medium, $25.00. Call 620-544-2568.
112 S. Main • 620-356-5808 • Ulysses Se Habla Espanol-356-5808
Oak, Piñon, Mesquite, Pecan & More
1111 S Jefferson- 3 bed/1 b, cen H/A, fence, carport, storage bldg. Call for details!! 107 N Jackson St - vacant lot - Moorhead Addition 1408 S Jefferson St - vacant lot - Kallenbach Fourth Addition
711 East 5th Avenue- Beautiful ranch style, 3 bed/2 bath, Open Floor plan, Oak cabinets, finished bsmt, att garage,cen H/A. Much more... Call for your showing.
L at
Sunflower Plaza
• Must be 62 or disabled to qualify • Rent based on adjusted income • All electric appliances • Coin-operated laundry facilities RE!! • NO yard work AND MO
1 Senior Apartment For information, Also Available call Plaza Office Call Selia Crawford at 544-2182 544-4011 (tfc6) If no answer, leave message
928 S. Jackson - Frame, 2 bed/2 b., lg family rm, basement, cen H/A. Call for details!
1155 Road 25, Rolla - Beautiful Brick, 4 bed/3 bath, att garage, horse barn, equip shop, detach garage, feeding facility, all on 160 acres. Call today for your private showing!!
902 S. Harrison - Move in ready!!! 2 bed/1 b, beautiful kitchen, wood floors and carpet, deck, paved patio, fence, cen H/A!! Great starter home!! Call for appt!!
SOLD 905 S Jefferson- Ranch style, 4 bed/3 bath, 2 fpl, att garage, cen H/A, large lot.
SOLD SOLD 1035 S Van Buren-Nice 2 bed/1 b, cen H/A, att garage, circle drive, sprinkler, fence, storage shed. A Must See!!
314 West 4th-Complete remodel w/updated kitchen, 2 bed/1 bath, central H/A, carport, fence...corner lot. A must see!!!
SOLD 915 S. Jackson - 2 Bed/2 bath, partial bsmt, 45 x 24 Morton bldg, fence, cent H/A. Call for showing!!
30.00 Local and $35.00 non local Call now:
Assembly of God, 138 S. Main
Open Tues & Thurs 8:30 - 11:30 a.m.
(park in back lot)
1030 S. Main
AL-Anon Family Group Men & Women of alcoholic family & friends meet at 1405 Cemetery Rd. Mon. & Thurs. 8 pm 544-2610 or 544-2854 (tfc)
(tfc37) (tfc15)
Pioneer Manor Family Support Group
3rd Tuesdays - 1:00 p.m. 3rd Thursdays - 5:15 p.m. Chapel at Pioneer Manor
(620)544-7777 UPERIOR 510 E. 3rd OLUTIONS Hugoton
Alan D. Higgins, Owner
600 S. Jefferson - Price Reduced!! 3 bed/2 bath, cen H/A, fence, 30 x 40 building. Call for details!!
(620)428-6518 1182 Road Q • Hugoton (tfc12)
LAWN PRO Will Schnittker
620-544-1517 FDT ELECTRIC
Handy Haulers
Frankie Thomas, owner
Kelly Mace
Licensed & Insured Over 30 years’ experience in Residential & Commercial Wiring
Lawn Mowing/Odd Jobs 910 Van Buren 544-4403 or 453-9098 26p12
Mark Faulkner-Broker Karen Yoder - Associate/Broker Residential & Commercial Specialist
544-5915 or 544-7776
Karen Yoder- 544-4161 or Cellphone 544-3730 Chance Yoder - Salesperson Agricultural Land Residential & Commercial Specialist
Karen Yoder
Chance Yoder- Cellphone 544-1907
“Call Us For All Your Real Estate Needs”
Chance Yoder
600 E. 11th
IN STOCK *Carpet *Tile *Laminate *Vinyl
617 E 3rd 2-3 bedroom 1 bath and partially furnished. Phone # 620-544-7046 leave message. (3c37) 3325 sq ft 5 bed/3 bath 2 living rooms Master suite upstairs
1003 S. Adams
See YOUR ad here! THIS SPACE FOR RENT Call 620-544-4321 or email today!
Car port Det. garage in back Fenced yard
Dallas Bressler (owner)
3 Bedrooms, 2-Car Garage, Large Shop, Travel Trailer Cement Pad for Hookups, Full Basement, Approximately 6 Acres. Please call David Light at 544-9763. David Light 620-544-9763 Fax: 620-356-5462 Office: 620-356-5808
--------------WANTED: Offering $5 for recently killed rattlesnakes. Minimum of 18” usable skin and rattler required. Will possibly pick up in Stevens County. Call 544-3039 and ask for G.W. (3p36)
--------------WANT TO BUY: Silver Coins, Marbles, Oil Lamps, Old Tools, Pedal Toys, Toy Tractors, Pre 1970 Toys, Old Musical Instruments Any Condition, Hunting Knives, Pocket Knives, Fishing Lures. Call 620-360-0249. (4eotp35)
Great Deals ~ Easy Financing ~ Quality Service Office: (620)544-7800 531 S. Jackson Hugoton, Ks. 67951 (tfc6)
201 6th Ave, Rolla
7:00 ~ 8:00 p.m. Mondays
620-428-6063 113 S Main, Hugoton (tfc)
1029 S. Van Buren- New Lower Price!!! 2 bed/1 b. att garage, cen H?A, fpl, fence, shed. Call to see this home!!
WANT TO PURCHASE: Minerals and other oil/gas interests. Send details to P.O. Box 13557, Denver, Co. 80201.
One-Year Subscription
Project Hope
Feature Of The Week
Find someone to mow the lawn. • Find someone to clean the house. • Find that special recliner. • Look for a job. • Buy a new used car. • Check out the real estate section. . . . and lots more.
Celebrate L i fe
Your Snapper Dealer
Call 620-544-3201
Even if you don’t get out much these days, you can still “go shopping” in the Classifieds. Get exactly what you’re looking for, delivered right to your front door.
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS will help you if you sincerely want to stop drinking. Call 544-8633. (tfc1) ---------------
Small Engine Repair
GARAGE SALES GARAGE SALE: Friday, September 13, 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m., 807 S. Adams, inside, Household Goods and Clothing --------------THREE FAMILY YARD SALE: Friday, September 13, 2:00 p.m.-???, 306 1/2 W . 9th St., Table with 6 Chairs, Single Chairs, Dishes, Clothes, Etc. --------------GARAGE SALE: Friday, September 13, 4:00-8:00 p.m., and Saturday, September 14, 8:00 a.m.-12:00 Noon, 804 S. Jefferson, Furniture, Baby Stroller, Lots of Toys and Miscellaneous --------------GARAGE SALE: Saturday, September 14, 7:30 a.m. - 12:00 Noon, 615 S. Jefferson, Bike, TVs, Golf Clubs, Weight Machine and More. --------------HUGE GARAGE SALE: Saturday, September 14, 8:00 a.m.12:00 Noon, 200 Van Buren, Appliances, Some Furniture and Miscellaneous --------------GARAGE SALE: Saturday, September 14, 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m., 613 S. Van Buren, Clothes, Toys, TV and Much More. ---------------
PREGNANT? NEED HELP? Call Birthright of Garden City, 620-276-3605 or Birthline of Liberal, 1404 N. Western, 620-626-6763. (tfc3)
An Encouragement Group
FOR RENT: 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments. Furnished or unfurnished. Bills included, washer and dryer, and cable. Call 544-2232. (tfc)
Handicap Accessible Apartment
(620) 624-1212
Now see these and other SW. Kansas properties at
307 N. Kansas, Suite 101 Liberal, KS 67901
531 S Main Street- Commercial Property Porter Building - 5,886 sf, retail & office space, central H/A. Prime Location! Call to view this property.
Delivery & stacking available
TAKING BIDS: 2008 Country Clipper mower. 60” cut, displacement 747cc, Kohler Pro30 engine, 273 hours. Deadline to submit bids is September 27, 2013. Send bids to Moscow Township Cemetery, Box 22, Moscow, Ks. 67952. Call 620598-2465 for more information. (1c37) ---------------
17957 Road B, - Liberal - Owner Financing is Available - Abandoned communication tower on 4.6 acres located 5 miles north of highway 51 on Marteney Road. Remove the tower and have a nice Residential home site right on a blacktop road. New Listing 603 S. Jefferson St. Call William Hockett at Landmark Real Estate Center at (620)624-1212. New conditioned Home is move in ready. Only 2 doors from school!
Call DJ @ 620-430-1273 Days 620-428-6127 Evenings (tfc)
Gas company pays up to 20,000 KW of electric usage per year. 848 Road G. - This all electric 2 story home with 5 bedrooms comes with 6 acres of land and 2 new heating and air conditioning systems. Additional acreage available. Call today!
104 Sid Avenue- Ranch, 4 bed/2 bath, new windows, nice wood floors, appliances, att garage, basement, cen H/A, fence. Call today to see this home!!
--------------FOR SALE: Mattress and roll of carpet. Call 620-5447976. (1c37)
HOME FOR SALE BY PRIVATE AUCTION 1107 S. Monroe HUGOTON, KANSAS T h e C LW Tr u s t i s c u r re n t l y s e l l i n g t h e h o m e l o c a t e d a t 11 0 7 S . M o n ro e , H u g o t o n , K a n s a s b y p r i v a t e a u c t i o n . T h e h o m e c o n t a i n s a p p ro x i m a t e l y 2,284 square feet on the main floor and approximately 700 square feet in the b a s e m e n t . T h e m a i n f l o o r h a s 2 b e d ro o m s , 2 b a t h s , a f o r m a l l i v i n g room /d in in g area, a f am ily room w it h a w ood b u rn in g f irep lace an d a n a tt ach ed on e car garage. Th e b as em en t is u n f in is h ed w it h a h alf b at h . Bid ding will commence on September 9, 2013 at 8:00 a.m. Bidding will t erm in at e on S ep t em b er 30, 2013, at 5: 00 p .m . Plea s e s u b m it yo u r b id s t o Wayn e R . Tat e b y callin g 620- 544- 210 3. Th e h om e w ill b e s o ld “as is ” an d w it h ou t an y w arran t ies , exp res s or im p lied . Th e Tru s t res erves t h e righ t t o reject any and all offers, to extend the time for accepting bids and to further n egot iat e w it h an y of t h e b id d ers . A cop y of t h e p rop os ed real es t at e con t ract can b e ob t ain ed d u rin g regu lar of f ice h ou rs , f rom Wa yn e R . Tat e, at Tat e & Kit zk e, L.L.C ., 1024 S . Trin d le, Hu got o n , Ka n s as .
The Hugoton Hermes
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Page 8B
Patrice Theberge stops in Hugoton on his way to Costa Rica
Patrice Theberge takes a break from his travels to pose for a picture for the Hermes and to check out his social media accounts in the
Stevens County Library’s Computer Lab. Check for his current location at
If you thought you’d had a rough summer, consider the well-planned wanderings of Monsieur Patrice Theberge of Quebec City, Canada. Packing his custom bicycle with provisions including food, a tent, an air mattress and a stove among other things, he set out June 21 on his 2000+ mile journey toward Costa Rica! Garnering the attention of several Hugoton residents, Patrice’s bike carries all he could need — save for a few “comforts of home” like a warm shower or a nice comfy La-Z-Boy. Wednesday, September 4, Patrice made his way to Hugoton, where he visited the Stevens County Library to update his social media accounts. The Hermes caught up with him in the SCL’s Computer Lab, where he decided to take a break from updating his online blog
Beta Sigma Chapter meets at Hugoton High library
For Fast Dependable Service Call
L & N AVIATION CO. Aerial Applicators
The September meeting of the Beta Sigma Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma was in Hugoton Monday, September 9, 2013, at the Hugoton High School Library. Eudon Dutton, president, called the business meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.. Eleven members answered roll with "Organizational Tips For Your Classroom". For Devotions, Alice Conner told of a letter from a mother whose daughter was killed at the Sandy Hook School. For World Fellowship, Alice Conner asked each member to give twentyfive cents if she left dishes undone and twenty-five cents if she stuffs stuff in tubs. For Key Polish, Retta Eiland told members the type of leaders they are by their lipstick (flat, pointed, lopsided). Janie Shelden read the minutes of the April meet-
All Types Of Spraying Fertilizing & Seeding Equipped with satellite guidance system 544-2008 Office - 593-4509 Night 544-6491 Mobile
Gene Nunn
ing. Teresa Smith gave the treasurer's report. Delicious refreshments were provided by hostesses Annette Sosa and Eileen Gillespie. Each member was given a clip and note pad to help them keep organized. Eudon Dutton showed an interesting DVD entitled "Get Organized with Cyndi Seidler" for the program. Each member was given a folder with ideas to help keep them organized. Dot Leiker's name was drawn for a DKG apron. Sue Meek's name was drawn for a book, Organize Now!, by Jennifer Ford Berry. Retta Eiland's name was drawn for a letter/ card organizer. Members attending were Tracy Brecheisen, Alice Conner, Eudon Dutton, Retta Eiland, Eileen Gillespie, Winnie Hagenah, Dot Leiker, Sue
**Free Daily Hugoton Delivery** Same Day Delivery Even on Saturdays ***Independently owned and operated by Brett and Holli Horyna***
Phone 620-624-4065 Hours Monday-Friday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. 1033 N. Kansas Avenue in Liberal
— www.patbike543. revol — to chat about his trip. As he stepped out of the air conditioning, “It’s so cold in there compared to out here in the sun!” Patrice proceeded to explain his complicated schedule of stopping every hour to stretch, and every three hours to eat. Patrice stated he attempts to travel approximately 60 kilometers, or 38 miles, per day, traveling at about ten kilometers per hour. At this point, he is ahead of schedule regarding his route to Costa Rica. When asked, “Why Costa Rica?” he answered he loves the people and the culture after his last visit two years ago. When speaking with Patrice, you quickly learn he is a very likeable and friendly guy, greeting nearly everyone he comes across. He seems used to the attention he gets
Jean Randall brought in this prized photograph belonging to her mother Edna Carpenter to the Stevens County Gas and Historical Museum. Left to right are family members Jill Maria Randall Tanking, Tony Stegman, Jan Randall Lunceford and Jean Randall. The hair wreath in the center of the picture was made by Georgia Mae Chittenden out of crocheted family hair wrapped around fine wire.
Meek, Janie Shelden, Annette Sosa, and Teresa Smith. The next Beta Sigma meeting will be October 7, 2013 at Rolla. Story submitted by Sue Meek.
manipulating his slightly unusual contraption across thousands of miles in Canada, the United States and soon Central America. One thing is for certain: Patrice is a man who recognizes and counts his blessings. He praised the Web site, an online community of approximately 36,000 long distance cyclists who outline where fellow cyclists can depend on a warm shower, a hot meal, or a warm bed. During his interview, two clean cut missionaries — also visiting the SCL — overheard his inquiries about where he could pitch his tent for the night. They offered the enormous grassy comfort of their church building’s grounds. After thanking them and posing for The Hermes’ picture, Patrice and his two new friends walked down to Hugoton’s Main Street, leaving this reporter with a smile and an interesting article for The Hermes. You can follow Pat on his journey remotely by visiting www.patbike543.revolublog.c om or on Facebook. Remember, French is Patrice’s first language so you’ll have to translate, but the extra effort is worth it to vicariously travel through the United States into Central America!
Open house at hospital Electric cooperatives have assisted Kansas in becoming a leading state in delivering economic development assistance through the use of USDA Rural Development Agency’s Rural Economic Development Loan and Grant (REDLG) Program and the Cooperative’s local relending program, the Revolving Loan Fund (RLF). Since 1998, these programs have assisted over 84 rural Kansas businesses, impacting over 2,151 jobs, and providing over 28 million in loans and grants across the Sunflower State. Pioneer Electric Cooperative assisted Stevens County Hospital in utilizing the RLF program to finance the remodel of the outdated X-ray room and equipment. The funding also went towards purchasing a portable X-ray unit and updating the mammogram system to a Computed Radiographic Digital Program. “These upgrades will enable us to become more efficient, precise and prompt in our daily diagnosis of routine diagnostic procedures and mammogram procedures,” Linda Stalcup, Stevens County Hospital CEO said. “We are planning to add advanced pain management procedures with the acquisition and use of the portable equipment.” The RLF program provides
supplemental funding to eligible rural projects through Pioneer Electric Cooperative. Under the RLF program, Pioneer Electric provides low-interest term loans to local businesses and individuals for projects that will create or retain employment in rural areas. The ultimate recipients repay the cooperative directly, who in turn re-loans monies to other eligible borrowers. “The Board of Trustees of Pioneer Electric were excited and did not hesitate when Stevens County Hospital approached the Cooperative to seek funding to remodel and update its X-ray room and equipment,” Executive VP-Assistant CEO Randy Magnison said. “The Cooperative is committed and it is important that when possible, we assist the critical care facilities in our rural communities to retain state-of-the-art services that benefit both our members and the communities in which they live.” The remodel is located at the Stevens County Hospital in Hugoton. Since the completion of the project, Stevens County Hospital hosted a come and go open house Thursday, September 12. It consisted of building tours, refreshments and a ribbon cutting.
MUSEUM UPDATE from The Stevens County Gas & Historical Museum Gladys Renfro and Beulah Carter The Stevens County Gas and Historical Museum is located at 905 S. Adams. You are invited to visit Mondays
through Fridays from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. and Saturdays from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.
New in town? Get acquainted with Hugoton and all it has to offer by ordering a subscription to the
52 Issues
Just $30.00 CALL 620-544-4321 To Order!
Museum Curator Gladys Renfro celebrated her birthday September 5, 2013 with this beautiful bouquet of flowers. She teased that she is coming up thirty five years old.