Volume 125, Number 47
Thursday, November 22, 2012
14 Pages, 70 Cents Plus Tax Per Copy
Pheasant Heaven Charities is great success again
Monday, November 12, the Canvassing Board for Stevens County canvassed the November Sixth General Election totals. After reviewing the totals, commissioners made and passed the motion to have a recount of the Second Commissioner District race between candidate Pat Hall and write in candidate Gary Gold, based on statute KSA 25-3107 and due to a discrep-
ancy on machine tabulated write-in votes. County Clerk Pam Bensel appointed four election board workers to do the recount November 15 at 9:00 a.m. in the commissioners’ room. The recount did not change the outcome. Pictured above, left to right, are the appointed workers, Edwina Daharsh, Donna Norton, Amy Mason and Cathy Wolters, counting the ballots.
County Commissioners approve vote canvassing The Board of Stevens County Commissioners met in regular session Monday morning, November 19 with all members, David Bozone, Gary Baker and James Bell present. Also present were County Counselor Bob Johnson, County Clerk Pam Bensel, RoGlenda Coulter from The Hugoton Hermes and Commissioner Elect Pat Hall. The following is just an agenda for the day with a few of the unofficial
highlights. Official minutes will be published at a later date. When this reporter arrived the commissioners had already heard from
the City of Hugoton and Rodney Kelling. The commissioners discussed how Black Hills is Continued to page 2
Faith Community serves dinner Faith Community Church is having a Thanksgiving Dinner Thursday, November 22. Join them for food, fun and fellowship starting at 10:00 a.m. with the meal
to be served at noon. The church is located at 531 S. Main in Hugoton. For more information or to help or donate please call 544-7077.
City Council asks commissioners to help with KDI sewer costs Hugoton City Council met for a special meeting November 19, 2012 at the council meeting room in the city building at 7:30 a.m. Attending the meeting were council members Mike Eshbaugh, Kim Harper and Greg Gill, Also present were City Clerk Thomas G. Hicks, Mayor Jack E. Rowden, City Attorney Wayne R. Tate, Outside Utilities Supervisor Dean Banker, Forewind golf course representative Alvin Riley, engineer Pete Earles, Patricia Ramirez and Hermes reporter Ruthie Winget. Wayne Tate informed the council members that Aben-
For weeks before the Pheasant Heaven Charities event was to take place, Great Plains Gas Compression was a beehive of activities. The employees were putting an extra shine on the building and members of PHC were rushing around working hard to make this year's grand event as great and even better than the years before. When Friday, November 9, 2012 rolled around everything came together to do just that. Anxious diners headed into the huge Great Plains
goa wants to request a pipeline easement to run water across part of the airport and along part of the golf course. However they did not get the paperwork to Tate yet, so nothing can be done at this time. Alvin Riley stopped in to inform the council the golf course board has no objection to the easment. Tate stated that more details are needed before any decision can be made. The council then discussed the extension of the sewer from Kansas Dairy Ingredients to the sewer plant. The cost will be $182,574. The pumps will need to be or-
dered as soon as possible as it takes 90 days for delivery. KDI is hoping to begin operations around the first of March. Members of the City Council met with the Stevens County Commissioners to ask if the county will pay half of the $182,574 which is the cost of extending the sewer. Half of this cost will amount to $91,287. The board passed the motion to place the order for the pumps subject to Stevens County paying half. The meeting adjourned.
PHC president Bob Passmore
The KU and K-State rivalry continued this year at the PHC fund raiser auction. This year K-State took the honors of bringing in the highest bid of the two. east building hungrily waiting to enjoy the well known feast inside. PHC’s plan to move the people inside works every time and in no time at all those diners were able to dive into the, as usual, delicious fare of calf fries, succulent beef and pork, and the usual wonderful accompaniments. The shortness of pheasants didn’t seem to matter as the huge Great Plains building was near to
bursting with people at this year's big charity event. Brad Musgrove reports as big a number of supporters as ever came to help make this year another huge success for Hugoton's well known charity function. While the crowd members were finishing off their meals, a local Veteran Honor Guard presented the flags. The flag salute was recited, the Continued to page 7
Claire Clark wins Hugoton Lions Club poster contest Claire Clark, a sixth grade student at Hugoton Elementary School has taken the first step to become an internationally recognized artist by winning a local competition sponsored by the Hugoton Lions Club. Claire’s poster was among more than 375,000 entries submitted worldwide in the twentyfifth annual Lions International Peace Poster Contest. She is the daughter of Matt and Keri Clark of Hugoton. Lions Clubs International is sponsoring the contest to emphasize the importance of world peace to young people everywhere. “Coming together for peace” was the title of Claire’s poster. The poster was selected for its originality, artistic merit and portrayal of the contest theme, “Imagine Peace.”
Claire Clark proudly shows her poster creation, “Coming together for peace”, that won the honors for the local Lions Club Peace Poster Contest. She stands between her parents Keri and Matt Clark. Good luck Claire as you go on with your poster. The judging took place November 12. Hugoton Lions Club President David Madsen
said he was impressed by the expression and creativity of the students at Continued to page 3
Hugoton holiday business hours are announced
Melody Ellis of Rolla is the winner in the Hugoton Area Chamber of Commerce’s Grocery Grab 2012. The event is hosted in partnership with White’s Foodliner. Melody uses her five minutes to get as much in her grocery basket as possible. Her total for the five minutes came to $437.67. Above, White’s employees and manager are scanning her groceries and sacking them up. Congratulations, Melody. The winners of the $100 gift certificates to Whites are Ag First, Edith Duarte and Jeff Moreland.
Believe it or not, the holidays are here! With them come special hours for area businesses and muchneeded days off for their employees! The Hermes has compiled a list for you to take along this week as you spend time with your loved ones and hunt for the perfect Christmas presents! Don’t plan to eat at a restaurant in Hugoton for your Thanksgiving dinner, as all will be closed Thursday. McDonald’s, Southwest Family Steakhouse, Pizza Hut, Subway, Sonic, China, Ranchito and Antlers Bar and Grill will be open for regular hours Friday. Donut XPress will close Wednesday and Thursday, but will reopen Friday. If you forget drinks or need some Tylenol, both of Hugoton’s convenience stores will be open. Presto will be open regular hours
for Thanksgiving, and Express Lane will be open from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Thursday. The Store in Moscow and Rolla’s Corner Stop will both be closed for Thanksgiving. If you want something to do check out Hugoton Recreation Commission! They will be open over all of Thanksgiving break November 21-25. It will be open Wednesday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Thursday from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., Friday 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and Sunday 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Don’t forget to pick up any flower arrangements to impress your Thanksgiving guests before the holiday. Country Garden will close at 1:00 p.m. Wednesday, and will remain closed until Monday. Creative Specialties will be closed Thursday and
plans to open Monday. They will reopen in case of a funeral. Yardmaster Lawn, Landscape and Gifts will be closed Thursday and reopen Friday at 1:00 p.m. so you can start your Christmas shopping. Janet’s Bridal and Boutique will be closed Thursday. First National Bank will be closed Thursday and reopen Friday with regular hours. Citizens State Bank will close at 1:00 p.m. Wednesday afternoon and reopen Friday until 4:00 p.m. The Hugoton Hermes office will be closed Thursday and Friday, so bring in your news items and ads Monday, November 26. White’s Foodliner will be open until 2:00 p.m. Thursday, in case you need to grab some extra rolls or a can of green beans. If your guests are getting bored, run Continued to page 5
The Hugoton Hermes
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Page 2
Let us remember to stop and count our blessings Stevens County Fire Department and Ambulance Report Stevens County Emergency Services run activity November 5 through November 11. Fire Department Hugoton Station Saturday, November 17 6:55 p.m. called to Highway 56 and Highway 25 North for a standby for a natural gas pipeline rupture. Fire Department Moscow Station Wednesday, November 14 3:18 p.m. to Road V between Roads 20 and 21 for a cotton fire. Thursday, November 15 11:03 a.m. on Road V between Roads 20 and 21 for a cotton fire. Saturday, November 17 6:55 p.m. called to Highway 56 and Highway 25 North for a standby for a natural gas pipeline rupture. Ambulance Activity Four medical runs and three transfers.
Wish Roberta a happy seventieth birthday Roberta Fox Cross will be celebrating her seventieth birthday this month. She graduated from Hugoton High School, then made her home in Oklahoma City, Ok. with her husband and three children. Roberta has been a multi-million dollar real estate saleswoman. She is the sister of Dana Fox Swan and Sonny Fox. Help make Roberta’s day special by filling her mailbox with birthday cards! Her special day is November 26. Send cards to: Roberta Carrier-Cross 5305 NW 123rd Terr. Oklahoma City, Ok. 73142
Dear Editor The reason for this letter is cause of thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is the time to be thankful for family and friends and loved ones we have left. There are so many people that complain and are not thankful for what we have. I am thankful for having the right to speak when I want to and I am thankful for the God given right to vote and go to church and pray when I want to and I am so thankful to the service men that fight for the freedom we do have. I think we need to stop and think about the people that are out there that are worse off than we are just like the people that lost their homes in the really bad weather out there in other states like New York City, losing everything they have in the floods. I do not
Charles Wagner believe that they are setting there complaining about it I think that they are saying thank you Lord for keeping your hands upon us through all these storms. I think we need to take a good long look at the elders in the nursing home some of them can not stand on their own they need help to get up and go to the restroom and they need help to get up to go to dinner or supper. You know back when JESUS was getting ready to lose his life it was his father's plan. But did JESUS complain about getting beat did he complain about getting the thorns in his head did he complain about getting the nail's in his hands and feet? No he took it like a man he did so
Mildred Cline Friends and family gathered Saturday afternoon to remember and honor Mildred E. Cline, 91, who passed away Thursday, November 14, 2012 at Stevens County Hospital in Hugoton. She was born March 2, 1921 at Hardesty, Ok., the daughter of Ollie and Sarah Ann Rogers Smith. September 18, 1938 Mildred and Chester A. Cline were married in Hooker, Ok. He preceded her in death May 22, 2000. Mildred and her husband were snowbirds going to Phoenix, Az. for 25 years. Mildred loved spending time and playing games with her husband and family. Some of her favorites were pool, Skipbo and dominoes. She read her Bible every day.
Stevens County Commissioners Continued from page 1 dragging their heels in getting gas to the new additions. They are kind of hard to work with not having a local office and the commissioners feel they should have already had this done. They also discussed how much the county was to pay for the new sign installed on the chamber building. JC Cantrell from Road and Bridge came in. He and the commissioners moved into executive session. When the commissioners came back into open session JC was telling them he had to chain the scales to prevent possible damage to the $800 sensors. He didn’t have anything else to discuss. Ashley Fiss came in to talk to the commissioners. Jim wanted some details for some billings. Ashley explained them and said she could get more detailed information if need be. Gary told of how he has been at the many functions the new manor has offered and he has heard nothing but positive feedback from the families and other visitors. Maybe a remark or two about why they didn’t just remodel the old one. His answer is, what would they have done with all the residents. Gary is very impressed with the new manor. Ashley then gave them the updated plans for the demolition of the old manor. Motion was made to pay
the bills. GIS (Geological Information Systems) Coordinator Susan Schulte came in to talk to the commissioners. They moved into executive session for non-elected personnel. When back in open session, the motion was made and passed to give Mario Hernandez a raise. General discussion followed. All the new plats have sewer and water to them. Gary received an email and a call from an Abengoa representative requesting a meeting to discuss easements for water. This has already been ok’d by the commissioners it would be just to work out some details. Bob says JC needs to be contacted also in this matter. The commissioners talked some more about the chamber’s sign. It looks as though the amount agreed upon should include the installation cost. They then talked about the yard at the new manor. They talked more about how to get hold of Black Hills. It doesn’t seem that they are very customer friendly. They really need to get their work completed out east of town. Bob explained to the commissioners about the resolution - petition they need to sign in order to get the tax sale in the works. Dave talked about the pilot program - payment in lieu of taxes - with Abengoa. It was said that Abengoa will be
HUGOTON POLICE REPORT Business Hours, Call 544-4959 After Hours, Call 544-2020 Monday, November 12, 2012 • Non-Injury Accident, Eleventh and Washington, Took Report, Sgt. Johnson • Civil Standby, 200 Block of East Second, Public Service, Officer Crane Tuesday, November 13, 2012 • Civil Standby, 1000 Block of Lincoln, Public Service, Sgt. Johnson • Vehicle Unlock, 200 Block of West Eleventh, Citizen Assist, Sgt. Johnson • Vehicle Unlock, 900 Block of Polk, Citizen Assist, Sgt. Johnson • Damage to Vehicle, 500 Block of Monroe, Took Report, Sgt. Johnson • Dog Complaint, 500 Block of West Eighth, Took Report, Sgt. Johnson • Dog at Large, 300 Block of Main, Dog Impounded, ACO Smith • Medical Assist, 100 Block of South Jackson, Public Service, Officer Crane
we would have a choice to be free and to follow him. He does not push himself on anyone. So why should we complain about what we have and not what we do not have we should be thankful for what we do have and not what we do not have. We need to remember that cause complaining does not get us anywhere at all. So lets all be thankful for what we have - family friends and loved ones we have in our life's - wifes, husbands, sons, daughters, boyfriends, girlfriends, friends, brothers and sisters, aunts, uncles, mothers and dads. I am so thankful that my mom and dad are in Heaven and they are not suffering anymore. I think we need to thank God for his love and mercy and grace. Thanks, Charles Wagner
Wednesday, November 14, 2012 • Suspicious Activity, 500 Block of South Adams, Investigated, Officer Hagman • Skunk, 100 Block of West Third, Unable to Locate, Officer Hagman Thursday, November 15, 2012 • Vehicle Unlock, 100 Block of West Sixth, Citizen Assist, Officer Hagman Friday, November 16, 2012 • Vehicle Unlock, 300 Block of South Monroe, Citizen Assist, Sgt. Johnson • Civil Standby, 400 Block of West Sixth, Public Service, Sgt. Johnson • Theft, 1500 Block of South Madison, Took Report, Sgt. Johnson • Vehicle Unlock, 400 Block of South Jackson, Citizen Assist, Sgt. Johnsonn • Welfare Check, 300 Block of Madison, All Okay, Sgt. Johnson
• Suspicious Activity, 1600 Block of Washington, Spoke to RP, Officer Crane Saturday, November 17, 2012 • Vehicle Unlock, 600 Block of Adams, Citizen Assist, Sgt. Johnson • Funeral Escort, 800 South Main, Public Service, Sgt. Johnson • Suspicious Kids, 200 Block of South Monroe, Everything OK, Sgt. Johnson Sunday, November 18, 2012 • Dog at Large, 1100 Block of Madison, Dog Impounded, Sgt. Johnson • Release Dog to Owner, 1700 Block of Washington, Public Service, Sgt. Johnson • Noise Complaint, 500 Block of South Harrison, Spoke to RP, Officer Crane • Vehicle Unlock, 1000 Block of Main, Subject Got It Unlocked, Officer Crane
Welcome to fall!
running in the red for sometime and when they get in the black they will talk more about this. Possible dates to meet with the Abengoa rep were talked about. More discussion followed about how much money was in the incentive fund. Jan Leonard came in to discuss the Safe Routes to School project. A grant for the cost of the project has been approved but the cost of the surveying and design work still has to be paid for in the amount of approximately $29,000. He was asking the commissioners to pay a third of this unless some other entities would help with the project. Jan went on to explain all the advantages of the safe routes. He said we were given 100 percent and now the government is not giving out 100 percent anymore. Hugoton was very fortunate to receive this. It could also be tied together with the Wildlife and Parks project. Commissioners said they would like to know more in numbers of who all would be willing to join in this investment. They asked Jan if he knew what percentage of children walk to school. He didn’t. He said the school would really like to see the traffic at the school cut down by children walking. Commissioners asked Jan to come back when he has a few more details for them. Discussion followed Jan’s leaving about kids walking to school. Gene Leonard came in. He requested an executive session for non-elected personnel. More discussion about the money requested by the city followed. A right-of-way will have to be worked out with the commissioners for ground they own which one of the proposed routes crosses. They have had one area being considered surveyed for future landfill pits so that is pretty much out. Dave expressed his favor to give the $91,287. with the understanding that’s the limit. Other costs will be up to the city. Bob reminded them the costs can be incorporated into the prices of the lots yet to be sold. This would go into the general fund though, not replacing the funds this would be taken out of. After more discussion a motion was made and passed to cooperate with costs up to $91,287 only. They discussed Jan’s request some more and decided to wait until more details are available. They signed the resolution and petition for the tax sales. Bob says it is suggested small towns have these tax sales every two to three years. Stevens County’s last one was around three
years ago. Bob was asked what happens when the IRS has claims to these properties. He said they have the right to come bid on them, otherwise the property is free and clear after the sale. Motion was made and passed to accept the minutes of the last meeting. Discussion ensued of the trees possibly needing to be replaced where the others were taken out in the courthouse yard. November 12, 2012 the Canvassing Board for Stevens County canvassed the November 6, 2012 General Election totals. Today the commissioners were given the results of the recount for their inspection. All things checked out with the matter in question. The official outcome was the same - Pat Hall is the new Stevens County Second District Commissioner. He ended up with 330 votes and Gary Gold with 309. Orignally the votes came to Pat 323 and Gary 155. Pat said he was present and some of the descripancy was that some of the write-in votes were written in but the ovals were not colored in. Motion was made and passed to meet with the Abengoa representative. Also a time needed to be set to accept bids and that will be at the next regularly scheduled commissioner meeting December 3. December 27 was decided to be the yearly finish up date for the commissioners’ last meeting of the year. Motion was made and passed to reappoint Jack Rowden to the Economic Development Board. There are also two open spots for the hospital board. The commissioners have two people in mind but decided to let them attend a couple of hospital board meetings before appointing them. Charlie Wagner, the Stevens County representative for the Silver Haired Legislature, brought in his report from his last meeting. Tony McBride came in to talk to the commissioners. He had some additional money requests for the old manor asbestos removal. Some additional asbestos has been found under some carpet. It is not as dangerous as the kind found in ceilings and around pipes but it is asbestos. After much discussion a motion was made to go ahead and pay the approximate $7,000. for the removal of this asbestos. The motion passed two to one as Jim opposed the motion. Tony was asked about the yard at the new manor. He said it is hard because the water has to be turned off and on due the possibility of freezing. Meeting adjourned.
When she was 88, she made a trip to Israel and was baptized in the River Jordan and swam in the Dead Sea. Mrs. Cline was a member of the Lone Star Friends Church and Women's Missionary Society. She was also a Lone Star Rural school board member and active in the annual Friend's Women's Retreat. Survivors include her two sons, Dave Cline and wife Joyce of Edmond, Ok. and Roger Cline of Liberal; three daughters, Magdalene Brier and husband Ed of Liberal, Wilma Jean Hearon and husband David of Hugoton and Ramona Webb and husband John of Cleveland, Mo.; 12 grandchildren; 25 great grandchildren; and two great great grandchildren. Those preceding Mildred in death were her husband; six brothers; three sisters; and one grandchild, Mark Hearon. Funeral services were conducted Saturday afternoon, November 17 at the Lone Star Friends Church with Pastor David Hearon officiating. Miller Mortuary of Liberal was in charge of the arrangements. In lieu of flowers the family suggests memorials to the Lone Star Friends Church in care of the mortuary.
Nicholas Chaffin Sublette resident Nicholas Eugene Chaffin, age 24, passed from this life Sunday, November 11, 2012 in rural Haskell County. The son of Victor Chaffin and Gina Spanier Chaffin, he was born November 1, 1988 in Garden City. Nicholas was a member of God’s New Covenant Church where he enjoyed running the sound system. He graduated from Sublette High School in 2008 and graduated from Seward County Community College Area Technical School in 2010. Nicholas enjoyed spending time with his family and loved his nieces and nephews. He was a farmer and enjoyed Cotton Harvest. Survivors include his father Victor Chaffin of Sublette; mother Gina Chaffin of Sublette; his brother John Chaffin and wife Robyn of Wichita; three sisters, Ashley Chaffin of Sublette, Veronica Chaffin and Carter Cullison of Moscow and Alexis Spanier of Sublette; his grandparents, Betty Chaffin of Sublette and Ronald and Sharon Spanier of Copeland; his Godmother Mary Knief; and his seven nieces and nephews. Nicholas was preceded in death by his brother Andru Chaffin and grandfather Henry “John” Chaffin. Funeral services were attended Friday morning, November 16, 2012 at Sublette Christian Church with Pastor David Erwin and Pastor Craig Atkinson presiding. Burial followed in Haskell County Cemetery of Sublette. Memorials have been established for The Family. Memorials may be mailed in care of Paul’s Funeral Home, PO Box 236, Hugoton, Ks 67951.
The Hugoton Hermes
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Page 3
Poster contest winner Continued from page 1 Hugoton Elementary School. “It is obvious that these young people have strong ideas about what peace means to them. I’m so proud that we were able to provide them with the opportunity to share their visions.” “Claire’s poster will advance to face stiff competition throughout the district, multiple district and international rounds of competition if she is to be declared the grand prize winner,” Madsen said. One grand prize winner and 23 merit award winners will be selected. The grand prize includes a cash award of $5000, plus a trip for the winner and two family members to the awards ceremony at Lions Day with the United Nations. The 23 merit award winners will each receive a certificate and a cash award of $500. “Our club is cheering for
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HI-PLAINS LUMBER will be CLOSED Robert Terrill, art instructor at Hugoton Elementary, proudly stands with the sixth grade winners of the Lions Peace Poster Contest. Standing left to right are fourth place Mattison Claire as her poster advances in the competition, and we hope her vision will ultimately be shared with others around the world,” Madsen said. View international grand
Taylor, third place Sara Neudorf, second place Elizabeth Friesen, first place Claire Clark, and Hugoton Lions Robert Veatch, Robert Eyestone and Charlie Wagner.
prize and merit award winners at www.lionsclubs.org. Lions Clubs International is the world’s largest service club organization with 1.35 million members in more than 46,000 clubs in 206 countries
and geographic areas. In addition to its efforts toward conquering blindness, the organization has made a strong commitment to community service and helping youth throughout the world.
WHAT’S HAPPENIN’ Project Hope needs food! Make your donation at Project Hope or First National Bank. Call Debbie Nordling at 544-8528 or Tammy Slocum at 544-8908 for more information. November-December - Rolla Hope will have a Rolla Hope Tree traveling around Rolla businesses. Names of children in need will be on it, so you can buy Christmas presents for them. You can also add names to the tree. November 21-25 - Thanksgiving Break for USD #210 and USD #217 students. November 22 - Happy Thanksgiving! - Faith Community Church, 531 S. Main in Hugoton, in-
vites everyone to a Thanksgiving Dinner with food, fun and fellowship, starting at 10:00 a.m. Meal will be served at 12:00 noon. For more information, or to help or donate, please call 544-7077. November 23 - The community is invited to sing some Christmas carols in front of the Chamber office at 6:00 p.m. The event is sponsored by the Santa Committee. November 23-24 - “Fueling the Way We Worked” will be open for special Thanksgiving hour from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon and from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. at the Stevens County Library. November 26 - Sixth annual Twilight Holi-
day Happening will take place at the Stauth Memorial Museum in Montezuma from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. This will be a relaxing evening of lights, music and refreshments to experience this breathtaking exhibit in never before seen illuminated, sparkling, twinkling splendor. Individuals, businesses, clubs and groups are all invited to exhibit. Please call 620-846-2527 soon to reserve your spot! November 26-30 - Groups and individuals will set up the Festival of Trees at the Stevens County Library. Contact Stacey at the SCL for more information, 620-5442301 or visit stevenscountylibrary.com.
November 29 - Square Dance Day December 3 - Stevens County Commissioners will meet in the Commissioners’ Room at the Stevens County Courthouse at 8:30 a.m. December 5 - Elkhart Co-Op will host “Education for Profit” at the Morton County Civic Center, beginning at 10:00 a.m. - Hugoton Municipal Airport will meet at the Airport lounge at 7:00 p.m. December 6-8 - Blue and Red Classic basketball tournament at Hugoton High School. December 7 - Pearl Harbor Day
How to cook a Thanksgiving Turkey Mrs. Hal l ’s Second Grade Class F rom the Kit chen of Margaretha Neud orf How to Make a Turkey Ingredients: 1. 2 tsp sallt, 2. 1 tablespoon Spice, 3. turkey. Put it in the oven 15 minutes. Directions. Then oven degrees is 80. Last you put the turkey out the oven then you eat it. F rom the Kit chen of Effie Kolb How to Make a Turky Ingredients: 1. get a turkey. 2. wash the turkey. 3. pat ingredients on the turkey. 4. stuf the turkey. 5. let the turkey sit. 6. put the turkey in the oven for 2 hours. Directoins 1. let it sit again. 2. put sesunings on the turkey. 3. put 6 tsp of peper. 4. eat the turkey. F rom the Kit chen of Ashley Mancera How to Make a Turkey Ingredients: 1. turkey 3. 4 cups spices 5. directions you put the turkey in the oven. Degree 38°
How to Make a Turkey Ingredients: 1. turkey 2. spices 3. juice 4. turkey sauce 5. peper. Directions: first put spices in the turkey: peper 3 tbsp salt 5 tbsp. Then you put on a little turkey juice and some juice. Now put it in the oven for 70 minuts. then 1/2 hours. Now 75 secons to chill. The turkey’s done! From the Kitchen of Martha S aldana How to Make a Thanks giving turkey Ingredients: 1. First you need a trukey. 2. Next you put spices in it. 3. Then you put it in the oven for 60° degrees. 4. You bake it for 59 hours. From the Kitchen of ? How to Make a Turkey Ingredients: 1. turkey 2. salsa 3. milk 4. 10 menit 5. oven. Directions: You can make a turkey for thikgiving. You can put
how to mack a turkey: 1. You buy the turkey. Then you bring it home. Then you mejer it. Then you put it in the stove about 360 pur heat. Then you tack it out then you cut it. In then you eat it. Thats how you mack a turkey!
From the Kitchen of Daniel How to Make a Turkey you Boucher a turkey take of the hair put it in the uven that is how you cook a turkey.
From t he Kitchen of Dalton How to Make a Turkey Daltons Turkey: ingtrysshgns 1. Get turkey 2. stuff turkey 3. put your turkey in the oven for 30 minuts. 4. eat it.
From the Kitchen of Gael How to Make a Turkey How to cook a turkey. Put a little candy on the side. And put salt and garlick salt on top and put a little hot chilley on top. cut tomatos on the side and sqish lemon on the hot chilley. pat in the oven for 65 min. And that how you make a Turkey.
From t he Kitchen of Aidan How to Make a Turkey 1. get a turkey. 2. Pull off feathers. 3. Then you wash them off. 4. then youy put seasoning. 5. then you rut the turkey in the stove. 6. then you put the turkey in the plat. 7. then the turkey is ready.
From the Kitchen of L akota How to Make a Turkey How to cook a turkey. First you put the oven to 360 per heet. Next you put kisse and chill. Hugs cndy then you put the turkey in the oven.
F rom the Kit chen of Marissa Mend oza How to Make a Turkey Ingredients: 1. Turkey 2. spices. 3. 22 tsp salt. Directions: You need to put the oven to 44° degree. Then you get it out of the oven and eat it. F rom the Kit chen of Daycen Austin How to Make a Turkey Ingredients: 1. turkey 2. trun over to exaktly 49° 3. add two cups of onions 4. cook turkey for 1 hour and 15 min 6. water. Directins: soak turky in water for 20 to 25 min cook turky for 1 hour and 15 min in oven at 49° F rom the Kit chen of Lu is Cruz How to Make a Turkey Ingredients: 1. turkey 4. bake it. Directions: first you get the turkey. You take the meat out. You put it in the ven for 1 hour and 24 minutes. Then you take the turkey out. You can put salt, pepper or spice. F rom the Kit chen of Azra Yardrogh How to Make a Turkey Ingredients: 1. Turkey 2. salt - 10 spoons. Directions: oven tempiter - 76° Stuff the turkey Put it in for 1 hour and 10 minutes.. F rom the Kit chen of Angel
From the Kitchen of Jeffery How to Make a Turkey you take the rap off the turkey. then you put it in the uven then you take it out.
From the Kitchen of Beau How to Make a Turkey 1. First thay By the Big terky. 2. Next thay open the red Bag. 3. Next thay pop it in the uvin. 4. Next thay set it ot 450. 5. Next than thay poll it out of the uvin. 6. than thay fit the tadoe. 7. Last thay eat. solsa and milk. You have to put the turkey in the oven fo 10 menit. From the Kitchen of Adam Men doza How to Make a Turkey Ingredients: 1. turkey 2. oven tepathr is 32° 3. tablespoon of salt. Directions: put the turkey in the oven for a hour. From the Kitchen of Christian Ornales How to Make a Turkey Ingredients: 1. Turkey 2. Oven degee: 75° 3. 2 t. salt 4. spices 5 5. one hours Directions: first you buy a turkey and you set the oven fo 75° You put in it 2 tsp 4 you pot in it 5 spices 5 you pc
Mrs. Hill ’s Second Grade Class From the Kitchen of Brisa How to Make a Turkey
From t he Kitchen of Zachary How to Make a Turkey 1. get a turkey. 2. pull off fethers. 3. wash the turkey 4. put seasoning on it 5. cook t for 15 mihuts 6. no wit’s ready. From t he Kitchen of Johana How to Make a Turkey how you make a turky. first you cite a turky. Then you take all the fethers off and chop off the hed. Then you put it in the oven and cook it, then you take it out. Last you eat it. From t he Kitchen of Ryle How to Make a Turkey Step 1. hunt a turkey. Step 2. Kill a tukey. Step 3. cook a tukey for 13:03 mitns and 3 sekons. Step 4. chek the tukey’s tepcher befor eating it. Step 5. eat the tukey. Step 6. and let your childreed have the wish bone.
From the Kitchen of S amantha How to Make a Turkey how to cook a tukey step by step. 1. Buy a turkey. 2. heat oven to 360 degres. 3. put it in the oven for 2 hours 4. take out of the oven 5. add garlic and clover and salt yn pepper. 6. set the table 7. suve to family. From the Kitchen of Carmen How to Make a Turkey 1. first you go to a fram. 2 Next you cut it. 3. thire you take it home. 4. frouth you put it in the oven. 5. fiveth you put in the table. 6. sixth you call your family. 7. seveth you eat it! From the Kitchen of An gelica How to Make a Turkey First go to the stor and by the turky. Next get it out of the bag. Then put it in the bowl. Finly cook it for 15 mints.
Thursday and Friday, November 22 & 23 for Thanksgiving The store will reopen Saturday, November 24 from 9:00 a.m. to Noon
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The Smithsonian Exhibit "The Way We Worked" will be open Friday, November 23 and Saturday, November24 from 10 - 12 and 1 - 5 in the meeting area of the Stevens County Library
The Hugoton Hermes
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Page 4
Sons of the American Revolution attend monthly meeting
Fresh Cut Trees are in! 2 Types are available Concolor and Fraser Fir Select Christmas Items on Sale
3rd and Main • Hugoton • 544-8030 Monday - Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. We will be closed Thursday and reopen Friday at 1:00 p.m.
The Gem Gals came all the way from Larned to visit the Stevens County Library and "The Way We Worked" exhibit. They would like to chal-
lenge residents of Hugoton to visit TWWW here at the library, and to travel to Larned to visit the Santa Fe Trail Center Museum and Fort Larned.
SOCIAL SECURITY NEWS By Brandon Werth Social Security District Manager in Dodge City FIND TRUE VALUE THIS CYBER MONDAY AT WWW.SOCIALSECURITY. GOV Let the shopping season begin! The day after Thanksgiving has virtually become a holiday of its own. “Black Friday” is the busiest shopping day of the year, with people lining up at midnight for door-busting deals as they begin the busy holiday shopping season. And the Monday after that has become a virtual holiday, so to speak. “Cyber Monday” is the day web-savvy people search for deals on the Internet. But there is more than one way to find value on the Internet. For example, Social Security offers many online services to the general public — and they are free! Not only that, but doing business online with Social Security will save you time
531 S. Main • Hugoton
invites you to
Thanksgiving Dinner Thursday, November 22 Join us for food, fun and fellowship, starting at 10:00 a.m. with the meal to be served at Noon. For more information or to help or donate, please call 544-7077.
Worship with your loved ones at Pioneer Manor November 25 Pastor Tim McCrary Moscow UMC
Citizens State Bank
December 2 Pastor Ben Coats Assembly of God
601 S. Main - Hugoton
December 9 Light House Fellowship
David & Brandy Robson
314 S. Van Buren 544-4122
Pyramid Agency, Inc. 521 S. Main - Hugoton
Faith Publishing LLC 522 S. Main 620-544-4321
ASAMBLEA DE DIOS LOS REDIMIDOS DEL REY Martes 7:00 PM Jueves 7:00 PM Domingo 3:00 PM 138 S. Main Hugoton Pastores: Martinez 620-544-7096
ASSEMBLY OF GOD Main and Second Street 544-2773 Ben Coats, Pastor Sunday School - 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship - 11:00 a.m. Sunday Evening - 6:00 p.m. Service Wed. Night - 7:00 p.m. Celebrate Recovery Every Monday at 7:00 p.m.
BETHEL FRIENDS CHURCH Eric Mason, Pastor Zac Johnson, Youth Pastor 11th & Jefferson - 544-8517 Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. Morning Service - 10:30 a.m. Wednesday Evening Ministries - 6:30 p.m. (Children, Youth, & Adult)
CHURCH OF CHRIST 1045 S. Van Buren 544-2825 Matthew Russell, Minister 1041 S. Van Buren Wednesday - 7:00 p.m. Sunday School - 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship - 11:00 a.m. Evening Service - 6:00 p.m.
CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS 520 E. First 544-2125 Sacrament - 9:00 a.m. Sunday School - 10:00 a.m. Priesthood - 11:00 a.m.
CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE 500 S. Van Buren 544-2493 Pastor Dave Piper Sunday School - 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship - 10:45 a.m. Evening Services - 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study - 7:00 p.m.
COWBOY CHURCH - HUGOTON Second & Fourth Tuesday of every month Stevens County Commercial Building at Fairgrounds 7:00 p.m.
FAITH CHAPEL CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST Tenth and Jefferson Lawrence Johnson, Pastor Sunday School - 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship - 11:00 a.m. Bible Band (Tuesday) - 6:00 p.m. Home and Forn. Miss. (Friday) - 6:00 p.m. Youth - 6:00 p.m. Bible Study - 7:00 p.m.
December 16 Barbara Williams Hillbilly Band FAITH COMMUNITY CHURCH
531 S. Main 544-7077 Micahel Taylor, Pastor Monday Bible Q & A - 6:30 p.m. Wednesday Book Study- 6:30 p.m. Friday Prayer - 8:00-10:00 p.m. Saturday Bible Study - 6:30 p.m. Sunday Coffee & Fellowship - 10:00 a.m. Sunday Services - 10:30 a.m.
1011 South Jefferson Street 544-2551 Saturday - 1:00 p.m. - Spanish Mass Sunday - 11:00 a.m. English Mass
Tenth and Adams 544-2092 Christopher M. Fincher, Pastor Morning Worship - 9:00 a.m. Sunday School - 10:30 a.m. Bible Study, Wednesday - 7:30 p.m.
FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH 600 S. Van Buren - 544-2715 Pastor Randy Nash Sunday School - 9:15 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. Fellowship - 10:15 - 10:30 a.m. Worship Hour - 10:30 - 12:00 Children's Church, 10:30 a.m. Jr. High Youth Group, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Sr. High Youth Group, 7:45-9:00 p.m. Information on small groups call 544-2715
FIRST CHURCH OF GOD 801 W. City Limits 544-2652 800 S. Van Buren - 544-2763 Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship - 10:30 a.m. Wednesday Evening Service - 7:00 p.m. Call 544-2652 fIor Church Bus
HUGOTON BAPTIST CHURCH Eighth and Main 544-2210 Bob Rich, Pastor 506 East Eighth - 544-2295 Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship - 10:30 a.m. Youth Service - 6:30 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study - 6:30 p.m.
TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH 544-2355 516 N.E. Avenue Morning Worship - 9:00 a.m. Fellowship/Refreshments - 10:00 a.m. Sunday School - 10:30 a.m. Rev. Larry Bradford, Interim Pastor 544-9492 or 598-2400 YOU ARE WELCOME!
UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 828 S. Main Hugoton 544-8715 Harry Cross, Pastor Sunday School - 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship - 11:00 a.m. HugotonUMC.com
MOSCOW MOSCOW BAPTIST CHURCH 598-2455 Church - 598-2400 Home Rev. Larry Bradford, Pastor 1 mile S. of Moscow, 1/2 mile E. of Moscow/Hooker Rd. Morning Worship - 10:30 a.m. Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study - 7:00 p.m. Team Kids (Wed.) - 3:30-5:00p.m. Sept.-May
MOSCOW UNITED METHODIST 598-2426 Tim McCrary, Pastor 598-2421 Sunday School - 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship - 11:00 a.m. Kid’s Club - Wednesday 3:30 p.m. UMYF Jr. High - 6:00 p.m. UMYF Sr. High - 5:00 p.m.
424 S. Jackson 544-4828 Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. Sunday Church - 10:30 a.m. ROLLA Wednesday - 7:00 p.m. Pre-Service Prayer - half hour before service EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH 202 Monroe St. - Rolla, Ks. 67954 LONE STAR FRIENDS CHURCH Henry McGuire, Pastor 593-4693 14 Miles East of Hugoton on Highway 51 Sunday School - 10:00 a.m. Church 624-3784 Home 624-3104 Sunday Morning Worship - 11:00 a.m. Sunday School - 9:45 a.m. Sunday Evening Service - 6:00 p.m. Contemporary Worship Celebration - 10:45 a.m. Jr. High & Sr. High Youth Group - Sunday 6:30 p.m. Wednesday Evening, AWANA’s - 6:45 p.m. Sunday Evening Fellowship - 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Evening Adult Study - 6:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting Wednesday - 8:00 p.m. Christian Life Club (age 2 - 18) - 6:30 p.m.
MY FATHER’S HOUSE A Full Gospel Church 207 East 6th - Hugoton Pam Peachey, Pastor 544-2436 Services Sundays 10:30 a.m. & 5:00 p.m.
PRIMERO BAUTISTA IGLESIA HISPANO Congregación 618 Main sur - Hugoton 620-370-1003 Pastor Marcelino Auila Servicio de la Iglesia 11:00 a.m. - Domingo 7:00 p.m. - Miércoles
Corner of Third and Adams, Rolla Marcus Light, Pastor Church - 593-4626, Parsonage - 593-4796 Sunday School - 10:00 a.m. Worship - 11:00 a.m. Wednesday night meal - 6:00 p.m.
UNITED METHODIST CHURCH ROLLA - RICHFIELD 593-4596 or 593-4781 Sandy Ferguson, Pastor Rolla Morning Worship - 11:00 a.m. Sunday School - 10:00 a.m. Youth Groups - 5:00 p.m. Richfield Morning Worship - 9:15 a.m. Sunday School - 10:30 a.m.
and money. And it’s so easy to do. Here are some of the most popular services you’ll find at www.socialsecurity. gov. The online Social Security Statement is a hot new service that is a big hit with the millions of people who’ve used it since its launch last May. Your online Statement provides you with a record of your past earnings, and it uses those earnings along with projected earnings for future years to give you accurate estimates of future Social Security benefits. Get your Statement at www.socialsecu rity.gov/mystatement. The Retirement Estimator is an easy way to get an instant, personalized estimate of your future Social Security benefits. Just key in some basic information and the Estimator will use information on your Social Security record, along with what you input, to give you a benefit estimate on the spot. You even can experiment with different scenarios, such as changing your future earnings and retirement date. Check it out in English at www.social security.gov/estimator or in Spanish at www.segurosocial. gov/calculador. The online Retirement Application is the most convenient way to apply for Social Security retirement benefits. You can apply from the comfort of your home — it’s fast, easy, and secure. It’s so easy, in fact, that it can take you as little as 15 minutes to apply online. In most cases, after your application is submitted electronically, you’re done. There are no forms to sign and usually no documentation is required. Social Security will process your
The Hugoton Hermes (USPS 253-820)
522 S. Main Hugoton, KS 67951 - 620-544-4321 Owner/Operator Faith Publishing LLC RoGlenda Coulter, Kay McDaniels and Ruthie Winget RoGlenda Coulter, Bookkeeper/ Classifieds/Obituaries Kay McDaniels, Advertising/ Circulation/Layout Ruthie Winget, Composition/Layout Reece McDaniels, Sports Editor Wilma Bartel, Asst. Composition Marie Austin, Asst. Composition Toni Hamlin, Asst. Mailing Jean Coulter, Asst. Mailing
Ads email: hermes10@pld.com Obituaries email: hermesro@pld.com
Subscriptions $30.00 (including Kansas State Sales Tax) for Stevens and adjoining Kansas Counties, $35.00 elsewhere in state (including Kansas State Sales Tax), and for all out of state subscriptions. Online subscriptions are $25.00 a year. Online and printed subscriptions combined are $10.00 plus the cost of the subscription. Foreign Subscription Rate $40.00. School Subscriptions and Military Personnel $25.00 (including Kansas State Sales Tax) payable in advance. Advertising Rates Noncommissionable $5.00 per column inch, Commissionable Rates $6.25 per column inch, Classified $5.00 per column inch. Frequency is weekly every Thursday. Periodicals Postage paid at Hugoton, Ks. 67951. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Hugoton Hermes at 522 S. Main, Hugoton, Kansas 67951. Opinion Page Our opinion page is open to the public. We encourage comments from readers in the form of letters to the editor or guest columns. All letters must be signed and must include the address and telephone number of the sender. (names will be published but not address & phone#) Letters should be no more than 300 words. No libelous or offensive letter will be published. The guest column or letter to the editor does not reflect the opinion of this newspaper or its representatives.
application and contact you if any further information is needed. When you’re ready to retire, apply at www.socialsecu rity. gov/applyonline. Business Services Online is our one-stop shop for small business owners. The site allows organizations and authorized individuals to conduct business with and submit confidential information to Social Security. Employers can use it to file W-2s for their employees the fast, convenient, and paperless way — online. Visit Business Services Online at www.socialsecurity.gov/bso. In the American Customer Satisfaction Index, Social Security’s online services continuously receive the highest ratings in both the public and private sectors, year after year. To learn more about all you can do on Cyber Monday, or any day, visit www.socialsecu rity.gov/onlineservices.
The Colonel John Seward Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution had it's monthly meeting Tuesday, November 13 at the Branding Iron Restaurant in Liberal. The program for the meeting was presented by Bob Armstrong, Ed Lewis and James Young of The Patriot Guard. They presented the goals and philosophy of the Patriot Guard, discussed their participation in past events, and gave some history of the organization. All three were careful to stress that they will ride and/or form a flag line at a Veteran's funeral ONLY if invited by the Veteran's family. For more information or to invite them, contact Bob, Ed, or James, or any other member of the Patriot Guard. You can also find them at www.patriot guard.org or www.patriotguardks.org. The Daughters of the American Revolution were represented at the meeting by members from both the Cimarron River Valley Chapter and the Byrd Prewitt Chapter. The next meeting will be a joint meeting with the Cimarron River Valley Chapter of the DAR at Billy's December 15 at 11:00 a.m. If you are interested in joining either group you are invited to attend. You will be responsible for your own meal.
How to cook a Thanksgiving Turkey Heritage Christian Academy Pre-Kin dergarten Class F rom the Kitchen of Emersyn Cook in the oven at 3 degrees for 3 minutes. Take it to the farm. Put catsup on it! From the Kitchen of Chloe Find it. Cook it in the oven for 20 minutes at 60-80-29 degrees. Put butter and meat and bread on it. Eat it. Ummm! From t he Kitchen of Gavin Put turkey in the oven at 4 degrees for 6 minutes. Add pickles, salt and peppers. F rom the Kitchen of Wyatt Put pepper on turkey. Put in oven and roast at 18 degrees. Cook it 89%. From the Kitchen of Kaylor Cut off the neck. Take it to the farm. Mom will make a fire and cook it for 80 minutes. Papa will get pumpkins. F rom the Kitchen of Aurie Put salt and pepper on turkey. Wait. Toast it up and roast it. Put it on the stove for 10 hours. Then it’s ready to eat. From the Kitchen of Elizabeth Cut part of the body up. Take the meat out. Put on the stove for 45 minutes. Heritage Christian Academy Pre-School Class From the Kit chen of Jes sie Put strawberries, blueberries, cookies and nuts on turkey. Cook for 4 hours at 800 degrees. F rom the Kit chen of Tripp Put pint frosting on turkey. Bake in oven for 25 days at 5 degrees. F rom the Kit chen of Zoe Put blueberries on turkey. Cook in oven at 100 degrees for 100 days.
From the Kitchen of Aislee Put peanuts, strawberries, peanut butter and pudding on turkey. Bake in "Easy Bake Oven" for 2 minutes at 2 degrees. From t he Kitchen of Aneta Put chocolate, beans and pumpkin seeds on turkey. Bake it on Tuesday at 23 degrees. F rom the Kit chen of Jaylee Put blueberries, strawberries and cake on turkey. Bake for 3 minutes at 100 degrees. From t he Kitchen of Kim Put ice cream, beans and bacon on turkey. Put in oven at 5 degrees for 3 hours. F rom the Kit chen of Allessandro Put peanuts, chocolate and peanut butter on turkey. Cook for 1 day. From t he Kitchen of Lauren Put peanuts, strawberries and sprinkles on the turkey. Bake in oven at 1 degree for 2 hours. Take out and eat. From the Kitchen of Ava Put strawberries and sugar on the turkey. Bake in the oven for 30 minutes at 2 degrees. Take out and eat. From the Kitchen of Hudson Put pepper, sprinkles and corn on the turkey. Bake in toaster for 10 minutes. Take out and eat. From t he Kitchen of Deric Cut off all the hair and cook in oven for 5-100 minutes.
The Hugoton Hermes
MUSEUM UPDATE from The Stevens County Gas & Historical Museum Gladys Renfro and Beulah Carter Visitors from October 11 to November 19 In Town ...........................11 Out of Town ....................33 Total Attendance .............44 Out of Town Visitors Kansas: Garden City, Inman, Moscow, Rolla, Shawnee and Wichita. California: Venchi Colorado: Lamar, Pagosa Springs and Penrose Illinois: Sugar Grove Massachusetts: Boston New Mexico: Albuquerque and Belen Oklahoma: Guymon and Townsley
Adams. Our hours are 1:00 to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday and 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Saturday. May all of you have a HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! We will be closed Thanksgiving Day but will be open Friday, November 23.
From our House to Your House – Happy Thanksgiving!
Gary and Diane Cryer were visitors this week. Gary grew up in Hugoton; he is the son of Virgil and Lucille Cryer. We invite you to visit us at the Gas Museum at 905 S.
Friday. They’ll reopen Saturday at 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 noon. Bultman Inc. will also close early Wednesday afternoon and remain closed through Thursday. Be thankful for good plumbing, because Lin Goode and Company will be closed Thursday and Friday. American Implement plans to be closed Thursday and reopen Friday with regular hours. Bultman Tire and Hugoton Tire will be closed Thursday, and be open with regular hours Friday. NAPA will be closed for Thanksgiving, and open with regular hours Friday. United Wireless and Southwest Kansas Sales will be closed Thursday, but will be able to help with any cell phone issues Wednesday and Friday during their regular hours. Riley’s will only be closed Thursday and Ghumm’s Auto
Page 5
Project Hope serves 155 families every month This year is the first year since Project Hope was established that there are not enough funds to furnish a ham or turkey for Thanksgiving for families that are in need. Last year the families received the normal food boxes and also a turkey or ham. However, there was more money in the bank last year. This year the board has had to spend almost all the money they receive just to provide food for the boxes. Project Hope now serves 155 families in Stevens County. Project Hope President Debbie Nordling reported many more people are in need of food than in previous years and less donations are coming in. Feeding Americans did a survey on Stevens County. They found 590 persons are at risk of going hungry in Stevens County. Debbie stated this is 10.7% of the county. Project Hope feeds 539 people monthly. Debbie commented in October, the board decided with the money in the bank they would
furnish extra food for each family box instead of giving each family a turkey or ham. They felt it was more important to provide extra food than to provide a turkey or ham for just one day. Food prices are up now and donations are down. The board felt this
Center will be closed Thursday and Friday. Both dealerships will be happy to help you find the perfect Christmas gift for your favorite driver! Schedule your checkup before Thursday, because the Stevens County Medical Clinic will be closed and reopen Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. There will be no Saturday clinic hours this weekend. Also, refill any prescriptions as the Stevens County Retail Pharmacy will be closed Thursday and reopen with regular hours Friday. Hopefully Fido and Mittens stay healthy through Thanksgiving, as Hugoton Veterinary and the Animal Health Center will both be closed Thursday. Stock up on books for the long weekend, because Stevens County Library will close Wednesday evening and reopen
with regular hours Monday. Hugoton’s insurance agencies - Ag First, Musgrove, State Farm and Farm Bureau - will all be closed Thursday and Friday. State Farm plans to close early at 1:00 p.m. Wednesday and Farm Bureau will close at 3:00 p.m. Wednesday. Take care of any government business before Thursday, as Stevens County Courthouse, City of Hugoton, City of Moscow and the landfill will be closed Thursday and Friday. The Senior Center will be closed Thursday and Friday. Project Hope will close for Thanksgiving Day. The Stevens County Gas & Historical Museum will be closed Thanksgiving Day and will open Friday with regular hours. Enjoy a safe Thanksgiving holiday with your family and friends this week!
would make the dollars donated go further. Donations are still coming in but in smaller amounts. Project Hope is very appreciative of all the donations, both food and monetary. However, most of the food goes out as fast as Project
Middle school students brought the collected items to Project Hope. The Middle School
Continued from page 1
to Alco or Dollar General for some board games! Alco will be open from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and Dollar General will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Alco and Dollar General will also be having big Black Friday sales Friday. Start saving at Alco at 5:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. and at Dollar General from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.! You can also fend off boredom by renting a movie at the Showplace during their regular hours Thursday so you can cuddle around the television with your family. Twisted H Liquor and Barb’s Den will be closed Thanksgiving but reopen with regular hours Friday. If you have plans for your inlaws to help with a building project, pick up materials by Wednesday, as Hi-Plains Lumber will be closed Thursday and
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Hope receives it. Christmas is coming soon and more donations will be needed. Please help everyone in Stevens County have a great Christmas and make sure no one will go hungry.
Thanksgiving Drive collected 661 food items, two turkeys and one ham.
p o C a h it w p o h S l a 6th Annu , December 15 ng Day Saturday pi op Sh e th st Alco will ho
donation or like to make a ld u o w u o y contact the If in need please d il ch a d en recomm Hugoton ent Police Departm 59, 9 -4 at 620-544 s to n mail donatio PO Box 788, 67951, Hugoton, KS nations at the or drop off do ent at Police Departm Street. 405 E Fourth ram in which is a unique prog shopping Shop with a Cop are Christmas sh s er ic ff O e County. Hugoton Polic ren in Stevens ild ch d ge le vi with underpri
The Hugoton Hermes
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Page 6
Seventh grade basketball girls defeat Garden City girls in tough battle After a tough game November 12, the A-team Lady Eagles worked hard to defeat Horace J. Good Middle School, 32 to 21 November 15. Dallie Hoskinson scored 12 points and Laney Hoskinson scored nine in this exciting game.
"We did a better job of using the backboard and putting our shots in that were close to the basket," Coach Jill Nech said. JoHanna Rawlins was the third big scorer in the game with five points. Claire Lewis, Caitlin Lewis and Jaysa
Featherston each added two, helping to defeat Horace Good. "We need to continue to work on playing man to man defense," concluded Nech. The seventh grade Lady Eagles B-team played a tough team November 15 as well re-
sulting in a loss for the Hugoton girls, 4-11. "As a team we still need to work on putting our shots in close to the basket," Coach Nech said. Brooklyn Harper and Jaysa Featherston were the only scorers in the game, adding two points each.
The C-team also ran into a brick wall against the Horace Good team. Trinity McPhillips was the only Hugoton girl to score in the game adding two points to the Lady Eagles side of the scoreboard. Horace Good pulled ahead to win the game with five.
Dodge City no competition for seventh grade Lady Eagles The seventh grade Lady Eagles A-team was successful in destroying the Dodge City girls in the November 12 game. Scoring 41 points during the game, Hugoton allowed four points by the Dodge City team. It was Coach Jill Nech's intention to have each player score. "Our goal was to get everyone who played to score a
basket, and we succeeded. By doing this it helps the girls pass the ball more and look for the open person," Nech said. Seven Lady Eagles scored with Dallie Hoskinson scoring the most with 18 points. JoHanna Rawlins followed with seven points. Jaysa Featherston scored six points and Laney Hoskinson added
four. "The girls did a better job rebounding this game but it is something we will continue to work on in practice and in the games," Nech added. Brooklyn Harper, Claire Lewis and Caitlin Lewis helped defeat the opposing team by adding two points each. While the A-team played
well, the B-team showed they were just as capable of defending their goal while adding points to their side of the scoreboard. "The girls did a better job as the game went on seeing open players and trying to pass to them," Coach Nech stated. By the end of the Bteam game the Lady Eagles had defeated Dodge City
team, 31 to 11. Brooklyn Harper was Hugoton’s big scorer with 16 points. Jaysa Featherston added seven while Ady Gooch and Trinity McPhillips each added four. "We will continue to work on putting our shots in close to the basket and making our lay-ups," Nech added after the exciting game.
Sports Schedule November 21-23 Thanksgiving Break Saturday, November 24 High School Football State; TBA Monday, November 26 Middle School Girls Basketball: Seventh Grade at Ken Henderson and Eighth Grade at Home; 4:00 p.m. Tuesday, November 27 Middle School Wrestling at Abe Hubert; 4:00 p.m. Thursday, November 29 Middle School Girls Basketball: Seventh Grade at Home and Eighth Grade at Liberal West; 4:00 p.m.
Electronic registration of deer is now available Nearly 100,000 hunters will pursue deer in Kansas this fall, and those numbers will peak from now through early December. The archery season is open, and November is the most popular month with bowhunters. The regular firearm season is November 28 to December 9. One important regulation hunters should be aware of is deer must be tagged before being moved from the site of
the kill. Unless a hunter has an either-sex permit, the head must remain attached to the carcass while in transit to a residence or place of commercial processing or preservation. However, the agency does offer a voluntary option for transporting harvested deer that allows hunters to register their deer through the Internet, using photos taken at the harvest site. Once registered, the
hunter may then transport the carcass without the head attached. If Internet access is unavailable at the kill site, the hunter can retain the photographs while in transit and a registration number can be obtained later. To access the electronic deer check-in, go online to the KDWPT Web site, www.ksout doors.com, and click “Hunting/ Big Game/ Deer/ Deer Check-in.” This is not a telephone registration system and it is not required. The hunter is walked through the registration process and given the necessary instructions. The registration process requires the hunter to submit two digital photographs — one close-up clearly showing the completed tag attached to the deer and a second showing the entire body of the deer with the head still attached. Once logged on to the KDWPT
Web site, a hunter must submit the photos and enter the KDWPT number from their permit, time and date of the kill and the county where the deer was taken. A confirmation number will be issued by email when the photos and data are successfully received. This confirmation number must be retained during transportation. Once these steps are completed, the deer head may be removed and the carcass prepared for transportation. The system allows KDWPT staff to see the deer and the hunter’s completed tag without the time and expense of maintaining a check station. This flexibility is a benefit to both the hunter and KDWPT. This option was developed to address two important issues regarding deer carcass transportation. The first concern is about the movement of any material from a deer that may contribute to the
transmission of chronic wasting disease (CWD). It is believed that spread of CWD could be diminished if certain body parts affected by the disease are not moved from the site where the deer is taken. Because CWD affects the brain and central nervous system, the transportation of a deer head and skeleton from one location to another is considered a likely means for the disease to spread. The new registration system allows a hunter to leave these items at the kill site, minimizing the possibility of spreading CWD. The second concern is directly related to the first. Many states have adopted strict regulations to prevent the spread of CWD. Typically, these regulations do not allow the transportation of a deer head with brain tissue from a state with confirmed CWD cases. Hunters have been cited in other states and their
deer confiscated for not complying with the transportation laws of that state. The new registration system allows a hunter to properly dispose of the head and legally transport the boned meat, as well as the cleaned skull cap and antlers, to the hunter’s home. More information on CWD and transportation laws may be found on the KDWPT Web site, www.ksoutdoors.com under “Hunting/ Big Game/Chronic Wasting Disease.”
Sports by Reece McDaniels
The Hugoton Hermes
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Page 7
Pheasant Heaven Continued from page 1 National Anthem sang and Benediction was offered by Randy Nash. During all the eating and paying respects, people were filing past the amazing array of donated merchandise lining the walls of the building. Tickets were being purchased to place in containers to try for a large list of items and a silent auction was also taking place for other items. Tickets were being purchased for the 50/50 pot also. To finish up the event filled evening, the famous PHC auction brought everyone to quiet attention. One of the favorite items in the long list of auction items was the fourth item on the list. It was the “Wild Card” which would garner the high bidder a choice of any of the other items on the list of 27. The Wild Card went over
TEMPERATURE Call 844 A large crowd of diners are enjoying the Pheasant Heaven Charities great food. They were served calf fries, pulled pork, beef, $5000.00! The purchaser chose the beautiful handmade wolf quilt donated by Garland and Barbara Beek. Some more popular items bringing in some precious
Loads of food being served at the Pheasant Heaven Charities event. Many people came back for seconds.
Calf fries were one of the favorite foods offered at the fundraiser. Wayne Harrison waits patiently for calf fries to be loaded on his platter by a hardworking volunteer.
barbecued ribs, potato salad, barbecue beans, cole slaw and beverages.
funds for PHC were the Tim McGraw autographed guitar donated by Kim and Karolyn Schroeder; a pencil drawing of Dale Earnhart Sr. and Junior donated by Casey Knox; a Pat Garrett Buck Knife donated by David Thompson and Tonya Pate; a handmade two-seat yard bench donated by Vic Watkins; Retha Wagner’s pheasant painting; a quilt donated by Debbie Stoddard; a cute cute little playhouse; and of course the two larger item guns the Benelli Max and the Colt brought in over $5,000 together. All in all the evening garnered the area citizens of southwest Kansas and surrounding areas some much needed funds for scholarships and other charitable needs that may arise for some of their neighbors, friends or family members. In 2004 all this came about when a few guys wanted to help out some friends in need and Pheasant Heaven Charities was born. The group consists of over a hundred partners and many more donors. It has grown by leaps and bounds in its eight years. It has a volunteer board of directors who make some decisions, but there are also appointed committees making the decisions about who will receive funds and the amount. Many many people
have been helped and touched by this fabulous group. Since their main fund raising event annually takes place the night before opening day of pheasant season, pheasant hunters also come out the winners with a wonderful place to congregate, eat and help out someone in need at the same time. What fortunate communities southwest Kansas and the surrounding areas are to have such a wonderful, widely known, charity group of such caring individuals. Sincere appreciation goes out to Pheasant Heaven Charities, and also to all the caring generous people who help make it such a big success.
and Mark Crawford. Treasurer Gary Gold reported the checking account balance was $1,194.04. Special Projects balance is $62,506.20 with $25,000 of the Special Projects earmarked for the Housing Incentive leaving a balance of $37,506.20. The board voted to transfer $1,500 from the Special Projects account to the checking account to pay bills. Neal remarked the Liquor by the Drink bill passed in the November 6 election. He
Mrs. Kerbow's class learns about the typewriter in the Smithsonian exhibit "The Way We Worked" at the Stevens County Libary.
commended the committee for their work in educating the public about the bill. Gillespie gave an update about the Kansas Dairy Ingredients project. KDI is purchasing all the land behind them which amounts to 67 acres. They are also buying at least one lot to the west of their project. The traffic study was completed; county commissioners and city council members were sent copies of the results. Jody Wacker brought in promotional materials from surrounding counties to get some ideas about a county magazine. She hoped to have a committee formed to work on this project. Jan Leonard made a motion for a committee to work on this promotional brochure as soon as possible. The motion passed. Neal reported a meeting concerning compressed natural gas fuel for vehicles was planned at Liberal. The director also informed the board Kansas Farmer magazine will have articles concerning Abengoa with cel-
Pol. adv. paid for by Greg Bond, treasurer.
• Free in Town Delivery! • Friendly “Hometown” Service • Accept Major Insurance Plans • Open Saturdays! Mike Gatlin takes his usual place during PHC’s auction and auctions off some of the wonderful items at the Pheasant Heaven fundraiser.
lulosic ethonol and also about Kansas Dairy Ingredient. Neal stated the Sleep Inn has at least one investor and hopefully others are interested. A meeting is planned for the future. The Housing Assessment will be conducted in Hugoton December 3-4. This assessment is required for entrepreneurs to be interested in building houses in Hugoton. Usually it takes two weeks to complete the assessment. Adria Kaiser brought in an appraisal of the house she is moving into Stevens County for the Housing Incentive. She may be the first recepient of the EcoDevo incentive. She used local contractors for the dirt work and electricity. Neal reported they are waiting for more information before the new Web site can be completed. The board voted to go into Executive Session concerning personnel. The meeting adjourned.
STEVENS COUNTY Activity Center - 544-2283 Nutrition Center - 544-8041 ~ Barbara Beeks ~ Hasn’t the weather been beautiful? Let’s hope it holds for all the travelers this week. Ready or not Thanksgiving is here! Have a safe and happy holiday. Menu Nov. 22 .........CENTER CLOSED Happy Thanksgiving! Nov. 23 .........CENTER CLOSED Nov. 26.......................Pot Roast Nov. 27 .............Chicken Breast Nov. 28.......................Spaghetti Nov. 29 ...............Ham & Beans Activities Schedule
Sheriff Ted Heaton
Located within Stevens County Hospital 1006 S. Jackson Hugoton, KS 67951
Economic Development Board meets to discuss community issues The Stevens County Economic Development Board met Tuesday, November 13, 2012 in the craft room at the Stevens County Senior Center. Present at the meeting were board members Jack Rowden, Jody Wacker, Steve Rome, Jan Leonard, Gary Gold, Bryne Sullins and Doug Martin. Also attending the meeting were EcoDevo Director Neal Gillespie and Hugoton Hermes reporter Ruthie Winget. Absent were secretary Kristin Farnum and board members Josh Morris
I would like to thank the citizens of Stevens County for your support in the General Election.
Thursday, November 22 Center Closed Happy Thanksgiving! Friday, November 23 Center Closed Monday, November 26 Exercises..................10:30 a.m. Line Dance.................7:00 p.m. Tuesday, November 27 Exercise....................10:30 a.m. Wednesday, November 28 Exercise....................10:30 a.m. Paint...........................1:00 p.m. Thursday, November 29 Exercise....................10:30 a.m.
Open Monday - Friday: 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Closed 1:00pm to 1:30 p.m. for lunch
Open Saturday 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Closed Sunday
Call Us Today! 620-544-8512 WOLTERS CONSTRUCTION, LLC General Contractor Hugoton, Ks.
Chief Custom Homes & Wolters Construction
MODEL HOME 708 East 4th Street
Model Home is for sale or we’ll build to your budget.
The Hugoton Hermes
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Page 8
Ag Wise Joshua Morris, Stevens County Extension Agent A.N.R. jcmorris@ksu.edu office: 620-544-4359
Jan Leonard is finishing up the Christmas decorations with the lights on the trees down Main Street.
Market Report At the Close Tuesday Brought to you by:
Wheat . . . . . . . . . . . .8.31 Milo . . . . . . . . . . . . .7.17 Corn . . . . . . . . . . . . .7.72 Soybeans . . . . . . . .13.18
Pate Agency, LP The Crop Insurance Specialists
Don Beesley, Agent
Office: 620-544-8068 Cell: 620-544-6888 Equal Opportunity Provider
A Message of Thanks
Water-Holding Capacities of Different Soil Types in Kansas (Editor’s Note: This article is an excerpt, slightly modified, from the new K-State publication Efficient Crop Water Use in Kansas, NF-3066, available at: http://www. ksre.ksu.edu/library/crpsl2/ mf3066.pdf -- Steve Watson) The capacity of different soils to store water varies primarily based on soil texture and soil organic matter. Soil texture is difficult to alter, but loss of the surface horizon to erosion has had a significant effect on many agricultural soils in Kansas since surface and subsurface soils often have different textures. Field capacity refers to the amount of water that is stored in the soil after the excess (gravitational) water has drained away. As shown in
the table below, some water is still present in the soil at the permanent wilting point, but plants are not able to extract this water. The available water is the water between the field capacity and the permanent wilting point. For example, for the deep, silt loam soils in western Kansas, a soil at field capacity will contain an average of
1.8 inches of water per vertical foot of soil or approximately 10.8 inches of available soil water in the upper six feet of the soil profile. A range of values is given for each soil texture class, and one reason for this relates to the amount of organic matter in the soil. In other words, it would be expected that a silt loam soil with one
percent organic matter would hold less water at field capacity than the same soil texture with two percent or even three percent organic matter, because organic matter has a tremendous amount of water holding capacity. -- DeAnn Presley, Soil Management Specialist
Water-holding Capacities for Soils Soil water content on volumetric basis (%) Water-holding capacity Field capacity Permanent wilting Available water (inches/foot) point Texture class Average Range Average Range Average Range Average Range Sand 0.96 0.60-1.32 12 7-17 4 2-7 8 5-11 Loamy sand 0.96 0.72-1.44 14 11-19 6 3-10 8 6-12 Sandy loam 1.56 1.32-1.80 23 18-28 10 6-16 13 11-15 Loam 1.80 1.32–2.16 26 20-30 12 7-16 15 11-18 Silt loam 1.80 1.32–2.28 30 22-36 15 9-21 15 11-19 Silt 2.04 1.44–2.40 32 29-35 15 12-18 17 12-20 Silty clay 1.80 1.44–2.16 34 30-37 20 17.24 15 12-18 loam Silty clay 1.80 1.32–2.28 36 29-42 21 14-29 15 11-19 Clay 1.80 1.20-2.40 36 32-39 21 19-24 15 10-20
Why it’s called Turkey Day
We’re counting our blessings this Thanksgiving, and we couldn’t have asked for a better bunch of neighbors than you! Have a wonderful holiday and please accept our heartfelt gratitude for your most generous support this past year.
B &T Farms (620) 544-5949
By John Schlageck How did the turkey reserve its place on our traditional Thanksgiving table? That bird is what the pilgrims feasted upon according to fact and fable. You’ve all heard how our ancestors hunted this bird. But here is the real story – the turkey scoop. Seems our forefathers remembered to take their muskets that day, but forgot to take their ammunition. As the men marched toward the woods, they took one addition, an Indian scout. You guessed it. To take the scout along was tradition. Besides, the pilgrims needed someone who knew where the turkeys were. As the story played out, the great white hunters spotted an elk. It was a fine animal for a Thanksgiving feast. It sported a trophy rack no doubt. Several hunters took aim, pulled back their triggers and clicked. They soon discovered their muskets had no shot. This realization made them sick to their stomachs. What could they do? What would they have for their Thanksgiving feast?
On what would they sup that night? One wise - or unwise - lad suggested stewing their shoes. “I’ll gobble them up,” he said. Well, the rest of the hunting party was in no mood for jokes. One of the hunters threw the lad’s musket into the field just as an old Tom turkey – who had heard the gobble – popped up his head. The critter’s fate was sealed. What senses he had were knocked out that day. The turkey was plucked, stuffed and roasted. In exchange for his silence, the scout was invited to eat while the hunters boasted and embellished the story about the day’s hunt. They truthfully said, “We didn’t fire a shot.” Those early-day hunters had no need for ammunition. That’s why today turkeys are raised on farms – to shoot them would break with tradition. On a more historical note, Thanksgiving, or Thanksgiving Day, is a traditional North American holiday, which is a form of harvest festival. Although this feast is consid-
ered by many to be the very first Thanksgiving celebration, it was actually in keeping with a long tradition of celebrating the harvest and giving thanks for a successful bounty of crops. The date and location of the first Thanksgiving celebration is a topic of discussion, though the earliest attested Thanksgiving celebration was September 8, 1565, in what is now Saint Augustine, Fl. Despite research to the contrary, the traditional "first Thanksgiving" is venerated as having occurred at the site of Plymouth Plantation, in 1621. What foods topped the table at the first harvest feast? Historians aren't completely certain about the full bounty, but it's safe to say the pilgrims weren't gobbling up pumpkin pie or playing with their mashed potatoes. It’s a relatively safe bet the only two items on the menu for sure were venison and wild fowl. Today, Thanksgiving is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November in the United States. Thanksgiving is usually a gathering of friends and/or family. At this
time you say all your thanks and wishes. In our country, certain kinds of food are traditionally served at Thanksgiving meals. First and foremost, baked or roasted turkey is usually the featured item on any Thanksgiving feast table (so much so that Thanksgiving is sometimes referred to as "Turkey Day"). Stuffing, mashed potatoes with gravy, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, other fall vegetables, and pumpkin pie are commonly associated with Thanksgiving dinner. All of these dishes are actually native to the Americas or were introduced as a new food source to the Europeans when they arrived. Have a Happy Thanksgiving and don’t forget to count your blessings. John Schlageck is a leading commentator on agriculture and rural Kansas. Born and raised on a diversified farm in northwestern Kansas, his writing reflects a lifetime of experience, knowledge and passion. Reprinted by permission for Kansas Ag Land, www.ksagland.com.
Boating during the winter requires added precautions Northridge 8
Southgate 6
Sequoyah 8
Guymon, Okla www.northridge8.com
Liberal, Kansas www.southgate6.com
Garden City, Kansas www.sequoyah8.com
Preventive Maintenance Program: Oct. 15, 2012 – Jan. 11, 2013 ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲
No orders for Preventive Maintenance will be taken after Jan. 11, 2013 $75.00 / TOWER INCLUDES 1 ROUND TRIP MILEAGE OCT. 15 – DEC. 15 PARTS DISCOUNT: 15% DEC. 16– JAN. 11 PARTS DISCOUNT: 10% CHECK LIST WILL BE GIVEN WINTERIZING AT THE PIVOT ▲▲▲▲ ▲
Blow out Collector Ring. (Optional: Cleaning Collector Ring – extra labor) Blow out panel, check wire tightness and plug holes. Check tie-downs & Grease pivot. Check grounding. All systems will be properly grounded. Check fuses. The correct fuses will be installed. PARTS THAT WILL BE CHANGED Diaphragms Drain seals Ground rod Copper grounding wire Motor-lead Safety micro-switch Power cable Fuses Gearbox cap Plugs ▲ ▲▲ ▲▲ ▲ ▲ ▲▲ ▲
▲ ▲▲ ▲▲ ▲▲ ▲▲ ▲ ▲▲ ▲ ▲ ▲
WINTERIZING AT THE TOWERS AS NEEDED Blow out tower boxes Check wire tightness Ohm safety micro-switch (will be changed if needed) Inspect motor-lead Check u-joints Drain water off gearboxes Check oil level & top off if needed Check tower drains Check lug nuts Check tires – Visual & pressure (plastic caps will be changed to stainless) Visual check for loose nuts & bolts List missing drops Listen to gearboxes for grinding or slipping gears Listen to contactors & micro-switches Look visually at alignment parts
Call: Cimarron Valley Irrigation 544-7323 Chris Hinds 544-6645 Robert Evans 544-6843 Josh Evans 428-5794
Following basic safe boating rules is necessary whenever you’re on the water, but it takes on a new level of importance when the water is cold. As a rule of thumb, if the sum of the air and water temperatures added together equals less than 100 degrees and you fall into the water, you could be looking at a hypothermic situation. Hypothermia occurs when your body loses heat faster than it can produce it, and cold water robs the body of heat 25 times faster than cold air. When your core body temperature drops below normal (98.6 degrees F), you become hypothermic. Your preparation and how you handle yourself following a fall into cold water will determine your odds of survival. Remember the “1-10-1” rule. If you fall overboard, you usually have one minute to get your breathing under control. An involuntary gasp occurs when your body encounters the cold water, and this can cause you to breathe in a large amount of water, which can lead to drowning. After the initial shock, you will experience about one minute of deep and uncontrolled breathing. Calming yourself will be easier if you're wearing a life jacket because it will keep your head above the water line and help you avoid breathing in mouthfuls of water. Over the next ten minutes, your blood flow will start to
move away from your hands and feet in order to keep your body’s core warm. The body instinctively attempts to keep vital organs warm and functioning. This affects nerves and muscles farther away from your core, limiting their ability to function. It is during this crucial time that any attempt at self rescue should be made. Get out of the water. Even if your boat is capsized and upside down, crawling onto the part of the boat that is still above water will increase your odds of survival. If you are not wearing a life jacket and can’t get out of the water, you will eventually lose the ability to tread water or swim due to the lack of response from your arms and legs. Keeping your core protected can help keep you conscious longer, and using the Heat Escape Lessening Position (HELP) will keep your core warmer longer. Wearing a life jacket makes the HELP position easier; you just pull your legs up to your chest and hug your knees. This keeps your body compact and surrounds your chest with protection. If you are in the water with other people, you can huddle together and share warmth. Most people will lose consciousness in one hour, but if you are wearing a life jacket, your face will be above the water and you will still be able to breathe even if you start to fade. Always dress for the
weather by wearing layers that can be removed if the weather warms, and avoid cotton clothing. Cotton will keep the water trapped by your body instead of wicking it away, and it takes a long time to dry. But if you do end up soaking wet, never remove your clothing and shoes unless you have a dry set to change into. Even though the clothes are cold and wet, they provide insulation to your body and will actually keep you warmer. By understanding how hypothermia affects your body and the 1-10-1 rule - one minute to control your breathing, ten minutes to rescue yourself and one hour before you lose consciousness - you can increase your chance for survival if you run into problems while boating in cold water. Of course, wearing a life jacket is always the smart choice while boating during any time of the year.
Find The Hermes on Facebook! facebook.com/ thehugotonhermes
State Farm sponsors special event “What are you thankful for?” State Farm Insurance asked everyone to pop in to their office November 14 for a Special Event and to pick up their 2013 calendars. The theme for the Special Event was “What are you thankful for?” There was a drawing during the special event and the winner of the drawing was Cary Roland. He won a turkey. Cary’s wife Susan came by to pick up the turkey and posed for a photo with Debbie Nordling.
The Hugoton Hermes
Susan Roland, wife of Cary Roland, the winner of the turkey give-away at State Farm, takes possession of the prize from Debbie Nordling.
by Stevens County FACS Agent Nancy Honig
come more severe with time. Memory problems due to dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease, are permanent, and they progress in severity. Alzheimer’s disease is not a normal part of aging, but a neurological disease that causes areas of the brain to shrink and decline in function. Individuals with Alzheimer’s disease experience progressively greater difficulty managing activities of daily living. Only ten percent of people aged 65-85 have Alzheimer´s disease, but it affects nearly 50 percent of those over 85. Seven Warning Signs of Alzheimer´s Disease 1. Asking the same question repeatedly. 2. Repeating the same story over and over. 3. Forgetting activities that were previously done easily and regularly, such as cooking, making repairs or playing cards. 4. Losing ability to manage money, pay bills or balance a checkbook. 5. Getting lost in familiar surroundings or misplacing oftenused objects. 6. Neglecting to bathe or wearing the same clothes over and over, while insisting a bath was taken or clothes are clean. 7. Relying on someone else, such as a spouse, to make decisions or answer questions the individual previously would have handled without help. Although the preceding list includes early warning signs of Alzheimer’s disease, someone may have several or even most of these symptoms and not have the disease. That individual should be thoroughly examined by a medical specialist trained in evaluation of memory disorders. Other signs that could indi-
cate Alzheimer´s disease, or might be due to other causes, include: memory loss that persistently affects work skills; difficulty completing familiar tasks; disorientation to time and place; poor or decreased judgment about simple tasks, such as dressing; problems with abstract thinking; misplacing items; extreme, inexplicable changes in mood or behavior; changes in personality; or loss of initiative. Memory Loss: When to Seek Further Evaluation Probably age-related forgetfulness ... • When driving to an appointment, you forget the street address, but can find the building anyway. • You leave the faucet or stove on, but remember just as you are on your way out the door. • You ask someone the same question you asked yesterday. • You forget the name of someone you met the night before, or ‘blank out’ for a moment on a friend’s name. • You complain and joke with other people about your forgetfulness. Talk to your doctor ... • While driving to a familiar location, you become disoriented and have trouble figuring out where to go. • You leave the faucet or stove on and leave the house - and it´s not the first time it has happened. • You repeat a question several times on the same day and don´t realize it. • It sometimes takes a lot of effort to remember the name of a close friend or relative. • Other people express concern about your memory lapses and suggest that you see a doctor about it.
@YourYOUR LIBRARY Information Source for 98 Years 500 Monroe Hugoton, Ks. 67951-2639 Phone: 620.544.2301 • Fax: 620.544.2322 Email: svcolib@pld.com
HOLIDAY HOURS FOR THE WAY WE WORKED Although the library will be closed Thursday, Friday and Saturday for Thanksgiving, the Smithsonian exhibit will be open Friday and Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to noon and 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. Groups and individuals are welcome during those times. THE WAY WE WORKED “The Way We Worked” Smithsonian exhibit and our local exhibit “Fueling the Way We Worked” is open. The exhibit is available during library hours and on evenings and weekends by appointment. You will need at least an hour to go through both exhibits. If you plan to bring a large group, please call the library to set up a tour so
that a guide can be made available for your group. RECIPE SWAP We have extended the deadline for Recipe Swap entries. In order for us to include your recipe in the book, recipes must be in NO LATER THAN SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24. The Recipe Swap Luncheon will be Thursday, December 13, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Stevens County Library Meeting Room. There are three ways to enter your recipes in the swap. You may enter your recipes online through our website at www.stevenscountylibrary.com; you may email your recipes to library@stevenscountylibrary.com; or you may simply bring your recipes to the library. Make your
Weather Watch Tuesday, November 13
Saturday, November 17
Low - 27˚ High - 61˚
Low - 41˚ High - 71˚
Wind speed - 28 Wind gust - 33
Wind speed - 23 Wind gust - 28
Wednesday, November 14
Sunday, November 18
Low - 24˚ High - 63˚ Wind speed - 16 Wind gust - 20
Low - 41˚ High - 73˚ Wind speed - 18 Wind gust - NA
Thursday, November 15
Monday, November 19
Low - 28˚ High - 63˚ Wind speed - 23 Wind gust - 30
Low - NA High - NA Wind speed - NA Wind gust - NA
Friday, November 16
Wind speed is shown in MPH.
Low - 23˚ High - 61˚ Wind speed - 23 Wind gust - 26
Page 1B
American Legion Auxiliary is looking for new members
“Notes From Nancy” Is it forgetfulness or something more? The holiday season is often a time to see family and friends we don’t see every day. Sometimes we notice changes in behavior and memory in our loved ones, but do we look deeper to understand what might be going on. November is National Alzheimer’s Awareness Month, and the holidays may be a perfect time to learn more about the disease and whether you have a loved one who might be at risk. Humans begin to lose brain cells a few at a time in their twenties. The body also slows production of the chemicals that brain cells need. With age, these changes have an increasingly greater effect on memory. Aging may change the way the brain stores information, making it harder to recall stored information. Typical changes associated with aging include: • Slower mental processing. It may take a little longer to learn new things. • Slower recall of information. Names, faces and facts may not come to mind as quickly. • Reduced ability to focus on multiple tasks. Memory Loss: What’s Normal? What’s Not? A memory problem is serious when it affects daily living. Occasionally forgetting names is not unusual, but a more serious problem may exist when someone has trouble remembering commonly done skills, getting to a familiar place, or following steps, such as preparing a recipe. Normal memory problems are often temporary, due to stress or other factors. Individuals might have a memory problem that is annoying, but is manageable and does not be-
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Weather data is taken from the Aviation Weather System at the Hugoton Municipal Airport.
recipe (enough to serve 12-15 people), bring it to the luncheon, sample the other submitted recipes, and take home a booklet of all the recipes entered! The luncheon will be a come and go format and if you are not able to stay and visit, you can grab a plate “to go.” FESTIVAL OF TREES This year, due to the Smithsonian exhibit, the Festival of Trees will be set up in the main area of the library. You, your club or your organization is invited to enter a tree in the festival. Location in on a first-come, first-served basis. Fill out an entry form, set up your tree between November 26 and November 30, and encourage your friends, family, acquaintances, and strangers to vote by placing undamaged and unexpired nonperishable food items under their favorite tree! Food items will go to Project Hope. See our webpage for details. ‘TIS THE SEASON TO SHARE Beginning Monday, November 26 and through Saturday, December 15, all money for fines, fees, faxes, copies, and new cards will be donated to Project Hope. This is an opportunity for our patrons to contribute to a worthy cause during this season of celebration.
The American Legion Auxiliary met at the home of Hedy Lairmore November 12. That same day in the morning, Hedy and Pat Rodgers attended the program of the first and second graders honoring the Veterans. Hedy is a World War II Veteran and Pat represented her brother who is missing in action in Vietnam. Hedy brought some of the cards and thank you notes from the children to the afternoon meeting. The meeting opened in the usual manner. There were very few members present. Letters were read that had been received since the last meeting. Once again the need for new members was requested as membership is slowly falling. Members were asked to place orders for pop-
pies by January to give the hospitalized Veterans plenty of time to make them. There will be an American Legion Christmas party in McPherson December 1. The two day gift shop at the Fort Dodge Soldiers’ Home is set for December 23. It was voted to send $50 to the Christmas gift shop and to order poppies as usual. Refreshments were served following the meeting. The American Legion and Auxiliary will have a covered dish dinner at the Vets Hall Monday, December 10 at 6:30 p.m. Editor’s Note: In last week’s Hermes, we incorrectly identified the American Legion as the organization handing out poppies. The American Legion Auxiliary gives out pop-
These Veterans were honored at the middle school auditorium Tuesday afternoon. Left to right are Shirley Rome, Hedy Lairmore, Gary
pies in May for Memorial Day, while the VFW gives out poppies in November for Veterans’ Day. We apologize for the confusion and thank these groups for their service!
James Langley, 20 year Veteran, spoke at the Veterans Day program Tuesday.
Skinner, Courtney Leslie and Rick Kates. Thank you Veterans for our freedom!
Resistant Weeds By: Helena
12:00 - 12:30 12:45 - 1:15
Lunch Break Lunch Speaker: Kansas Wheat GrowersFurture of Wheat Sponsor Booths - Main Exhibit Hall
1:15 p.m.
Changes in Fuel Industry By: Valero
Brought to you by: Pate Agency – Scott Power – Western Marketing – DuPont – Bayer American Implement – Morton Cty ASCS – Ag Compliance – Sorghum Growers – KSU – FcStone – Helena – Western Feeds – Syngenta – Mycogen Seeds – Morton Cty ASCS – Simplot – Elkhart Coop
The Hugoton Hermes
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Page 2B
Boekhaus wins jackpot in Dodge City
By Mary Courtney
November 21 - 23 Thanksgiving Break Monday, November 26 Sports Banquet; 6:30 p.m. Coach/Parent meeting; 8:00 p.m. MTSS Team at Moscow Tuesday, November 27 High School Scholar’s
Bowl at Tribune; 4:00 p.m. Thursday, November 29 Junior High Basketball at Deerfield; 4:30 p.m. Friday, November 30 High School Basketball vs Goodwell; 6:00 p.m. JV Basketball; TBA ARGH!
Chase Boekhaus won the jackpot at Dodge City Saturday in the number 13 in the Hampton Arena in team roping. His college roommate, Tad Sheets, was his partner.
Chase Boekhaus takes his horse through its paces at the Hampton Arena in Dodge City last Saturday.
Rolla Schools collect change to raise funds for Hurricane Sandy victims A change drive fund-raiser, sponsored by the sophomore class, took place at Rolla Junior High and High School, for the people affected by Hurricane Sandy. Bills were also gratefully received! A total of $390.46 was taken in and will be donated to the Salvation
Army in the hardest hit region. The sophomore class will treat themselves to an ice cream sundae party, which was the prize for the class with the most donations. They brought in $152.63 and were followed by the senior class with $79.95.
Chase is the son of Rodney and Tami Boekhaus, and the grandson of Bill and Pam Boekhaus and Irma Lee and Wayne Hoskinson.
Rolla Students will resume their busy schedules after Thanksgiving break Returning to school after Thanksgiving break will mean busy days and nights for students and staff at Rolla Schools. Monday, November 26, the fall sports banquet, sponsored by the Rolla Booster Club will be in the multi-purpose room. The community is invited to attend, and each family is asked to bring a side dish or dessert. There will be a basketball coaches and parents meeting following the meal.
Tuesday, November 27, the high school scholars' bowl team will head north to Tribune for an invitational meet beginning at 4:00 p.m. The junior high basketball teams will travel to Deerfield Thursday afternoon for contests that start at 4:30 p.m. The first home basketball game will be Friday, November 30, against Goodwell. The varsity games will start at 6:00 p.m. Junior varsity games will be announced.
Community Notes School let out Tuesday for Thanksgiving break and will resume Tuesday, November 27. The senior movie night went really well; they had six people there and would love to have more people to come. The city and Rec had their monthly meeting last Wednesday night. The Rec will have their annual "Christmas lights" contest. Winners will be announced at the elementary school Christmas program in December. There will be no "team kids" or "kid's club" at either church this week due to the holiday. The Moscow store will close early Wednesday and be closed Thursday but will have regular hours Friday.
The Moscow girls junior high basketball team gets runner-up at the Hardesty Tournament Saturday November 10, 2012. The team is
Moscow Junior High basketball teams played Copeland last Tuesday but couldn’t pull off a win. Above, the boys take in some last minute tips from their coach.
coached by Aaron Roop and Sherry May. Photo courtesy of Lorie Christensen.
MHS offered food and freaks last Friday at a dinner theater presentation of “Horror High.” It appears everyone had a frightfully good time. The hard work of the cast and director, Marcie Knoll, is greatly appreciated!
HUNT BURIED TREASURE right in your own back yard (or attic, basement and garage).
Moscow's preschool and kindergarten classes attended SCL’s “Kansas Reads to Preschoolers” storytime and stayed for a tour of TWWW
exhibit. Above, they model their Bob the Builder hats received as souvenirs of their visit.
The origins of “tithing” Tithes have become synonymous with religious giving, but tithing was not always connected to religion. "Tithe" comes from the Old English word "teogoa," which means "tenth." It evolved to refer to a percentage of an individual's income that is paid in dues, primarily to a church. A tithe also referred to a group of ten households that lived close to one another and acted as sureties to the king.
Some suggest the religious tithe concept was established in ancient Hebrew and Old Testament teachings. While there may be mentions of tithing in religious documents, most scholars confirm that New Testament scriptures are most responsible for the concept of religious tithing. The Christian Church didn't officially adopt tithing until the year 787 under Pope Adrian I. Tithing actually can be traced back even further than the be-
ginnings of Christianity and Judaica, however. There are references to tithes as early as ancient Mesopotamian times and other eras of the Ancient Near East. A tithe may be an amount voluntarily held aside for charitable giving. It also may be a tax or levy placed on a person's income. To keep with the ancient concept of tithing, many people tithe ten percent of their income. From Metro Editorial Services.
The Hugoton Hermes 544-4321
The Hugoton Hermes
History From The Hermes Compiled by Ruthie Winget Thursday, November 29, 2007 Debbie Stoddard of rural Moscow is preserving Stevens county’s history through its cemeteries. She makes marker stones out of limestone to mark graves that have no markers or have damaged metal markers at the Stevens County cemeteries. Thursday, November 28, 2002 Joshua Lewis, a senior at Hugoton High School has been selected to receive two citations for outstanding achievement. He has won the nomination for Principal’s Leadership Award and the nomination for the Toyota Community Scholars Program. The winners will be notified later. Thursday, November 26, 1992 Belva Hickey was the winner of $100 in Gas Capital Dollars in the Hugoton Customer County promotion. Her winning entry was drawn at Bultman’s, Inc. This makes her eligible to compete to win
the trip for two to Branson, Mo. Thursday, November 25, 1982 T.A Dudley will celebrate sixty years in the bankng business this week. Citizens State Bank plans to celebrate with a reception. Tol took a job as bookkeeper with the Moscow State Bank in 1922. Thursday, November 30, 1972 Merl Jones, Stevens County blacksmith for almost 48 years, plans to close his doors in the near future. Jones was drafted in World War II and had to close his shop. When he returned home, every farmer needed something patched or made due to the scarcity of manufactured products. Then modernization hit and his business has slowed drastically. Thursday, November 29, 1962 Hugoton Plumbing Company has opened its doors in the building south of the Flamingo Motel. Kenneth Betsworth is the new man-
ager. Thursday, November 27, 1952 Triplets were born November 19, 1952 to Mr. and Mrs. Earl E. Ellis, residents of southwest Stevens County in the Tucker Hospital in Elkhart. The girl weighed 6# 9 oz. and the boys weighed 5# 15 oz. and 5# 11 oz. They are thought to be the first triplets born to Stevens County parents. Mother and babies are all in fine health. (Photo of the family is below.) Friday, November 27, 1942 A 20-minute blackout December 14 will give Stevens County the first test of direct warfare when it will be a ‘lights out’ over the entire Stevens defense region. This includes Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wyoming with headquarters in Omaha. If any readers have pictures for the history page of the Hermes, please bring them in to Ruthie Winget at The Hugoton Hermes.
Elkhart are rightfully proud of their first triplets, as are mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ellis, who are thought to be the first Stevens County parents with triplets. From the November 27, 1952, issue of The Hugoton Hermes.
125 years of the Hermes
From the November 6, 1942, issue of The Hugoton Hermes. GREAT CHANGES in automobiles are certain after the war. What will they be? Will your post-war car be tear-drop in shape?...Will it have sealed plastic windows to preserve air-conditioned interior temperature?...Have “shiftless” tansmission?...Longer-lasting synthetic rubber tires?...A smaller engine using higher octane gasoline to deliver greatly increased horsepower per pound of weight? From the November 1, 1962 issue of The Hugoton Hermes Local Boy Meets Ike Carl Mac Thurow had a very eventful few days last weekend. After the football game at Manhattan, he stood over by some handshakers and met General Eisenhower. The general, a very gracious man, had a big grin for the
small boy and asked him if he were going to play football for Kansas State someday. Then Monday evening Carl Mac went with his parents to a P.T.A. forum conducted by Cecille B. Denville [sic] of Hollywood, after which he secured the great film producer’s autograph.
Page 3B
History of the Thanksgiving Day parade Thousands of people line the streets of midtown Manhattan every year to catch a glimpse of the balloons and performers marching in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. Millions more will tune in to watch it on television. The Macy's parade is intertwined with Thanksgiving, making it as much a part of the holiday as turkey and pumpkin pie. The parade has evolved throughout the years, and the history of the parade is both interesting and informational. Historians believe the parade was instituted by European immigrants who made up the majority of employees at the retail giant Macy's. In the 1920s, employees who were now proud Americans wanted to celebrate with traditions that were similar to traditions in Europe. This included a parade down the streets. Animals were borrowed from the Central Park Zoo, bands played and marchers wore different costumes. In 1927, concern for children lining the parade route led parade officials to replace live animals with the signa-
Don’t give your turkey a bath!
Oh! Triplets! Bound to attract a lot of notice in their lifetime, the Ellis triplets here ignore it all. One of the boys (the mother didn’t know which) takes a hearty drink of milk while his brother has a snooze and sister watches the funny people. The Tucker Hospital staff of
Thursday, November 22, 2012
When it comes to your Thanksgiving turkey, a Kansas State University food safety expert has two tips that could help keep your holiday meal safer: * Don't give your turkey a bath. * Always take your turkey's temperature. Washing the turkey before popping it in the oven may be something you saw your mom - or grandmother -- do, but Doug Powell, professor of food safety, said it's a practice where mom really didn't know best. "Washing the bird has long been disregarded because of the food safety risk of cross-contamination," he said. "Do not wash that bird -- you’ll spread bacteria everywhere." Studies have found food poisoning bacteria like campylobacter or salmonella are common on poultry carcasses and can easily be spread by the splashes from washing the bird, Powell said. That means the sink, countertops, water taps and anything else in the vicinity -- including other food -- can become crosscontaminated. Washing hands after handling and preparing the bird also is a must. Once the unwashed bird is in the oven, Powell said cooks should do themselves a favor and rely on a good thermometer to let them know when the main attraction is ready. Turkey should be cooked to an internal temperature of 165 degrees. Just checking to see if the juices from the bird run clear when the bird is pricked isn't an accurate indicator of its doneness. "Color is a lousy indicator of safety," Powell said. "No matter how you cook your bird, the key is to use a tip-sensitive digital thermometer to verify safety." To help keep foodborne illness from spoiling the Thanksgiving holiday, check out food safety infosheets, prepared by Powell and Benjamin Chapman, a food safety specialist and assistant professor of family and consumer sciences at North Carolina State University, available at Powell's blog: * For tips on why not to bathe the bird, http://barfblog. com/infosheet/bathing-birds-isa-food-safety-mess/. * For tips on preventing holiday foodborne illness, http://barf blog.com/infosheet/avoid-food borne-illness-during-the-holi days. * For tips on holiday meal safety, http://barfblog.com/infos heet/holiday-meal-food-safety2/. A holiday food safety video also is available at Powell's blog, http://barfblog.com, as well as Spanish and French translations of the infosheets.
ture helium balloons people now know and love. A dragon and Felix the Cat were some of the first balloons. The festivities continued to grow during the 1930s, when Santa was added to the parade's growing list of participants. 1933 was the only year that Santa led the parade rather than closed it. During World War II, the parade was put on hiatus, as
the rubber for the balloons and the helium was donated to the war effort. The parade resumed in 1945 and was televised only in New York. The 1947 film "Miracle on 34th Street" made the parade even more popular. NBC televised the parade nationwide the following year, drawing viewers from all over the country. From Metro Editorial Services.
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The Hugoton Hermes
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Page 4B
Call 511 to connect with Kansas Department of Transportation for winter travels updates The Kansas Department of Transportation would like to remind travelers to use the free traveler information services it provides to prepare for their holiday/winter travels. With weather updates provided every 15 minutes, Kansas 511 can be a resource to help travelers learn about winter driving conditions. • KanDrive, www.kandrive. org, KDOT’s traveler informa-
tion gateway for Kansas and surrounding states, provides essential information you need to plan your trip. KanDrive features include camera images, motion camera views, an interactive 511 map of Kansas roads, road conditions and work zones and links to helpful transportation resources, such as Kansas Turnpike information, Kansas Byways, weather information and metro traffic
information. Much of the same information can be accessed by calling 5-1-1 from anywhere in Kansas. • Camera snapshots of the roadway are updated every few minutes from closed-circuit cameras installed along I-70 and other highways. A camera tour is provided so travelers can select and see all camera images on a specified highway. • Motion camera links are
also provided for many cameras along I-70 between Goodland and Auburn Road west of Topeka. These can be accessed by clicking on the camera icon and then clicking on the “motion camera” link (if provided on that camera) beneath the lower right corner of the camera view. Still shots will be updated every two seconds. • Electronic sign message views show construction, acci-
Constant supervision is required when children help in the kitchen As the holiday cooking season approaches, Safe Kids Kansas reminds parents and caregivers to check the kitchen for preventable hazards and to supervise children at all times in the kitchen. “It’s important to keep cabinets closed and locked, and to store hazardous substances out of reach, but that’s not enough,” says Cherie Sage, State Director for Safe Kids Kansas. “The most important safety precaution in the kitchen is constant, close, attentive supervision.” Whether a child is helping an adult cook or simply watching, he or she should always be actively supervised, which means that the child is in sight and in reach
at all times. “Burns from spills, steam, hot surfaces and flame can be especially devastating injuries,” says Sage. “Because young children have thinner skin than adults, they burn more severely and at lower temperatures.” Scald burns from hot liquid or steam are the most common type of burns among children ages four and under. A child will suffer a full-thickness burn (third-degree burn) after just three seconds of exposure to 140degree water. Safe Kids Kansas recommends these precautions against kitchen burns: • Never leave a hot stove unattended. (Unattended food on the stove is the number one cause of home fires.)
Solution to November 15, 2012 puzzle
• Never hold a child while cooking or carrying hot items. • Cook on back burners whenever possible, and turn all handles toward the back of the stove. • Don’t allow loose-fitting clothing in the kitchen. • Keep hot foods and liquids away from the edges of counters and tables. Be especially careful around tablecloths, children can pull hot dishes down onto themselves. • Tie up the electrical cords of small appliances. A toddler playing with a dangling cord can pull a toaster or microwave down from a countertop. In addition to hot surfaces, hot liquids and sharp objects, the other major hazard in the kitchen is poison. Store potentially hazardous goods, such as cleaning products and alcohol (including many baking extracts), in locked cabinets out of reach. Also,
install a carbon monoxide detector to alert everyone to get out of the house in the event of a buildup of the odorless toxic gas given off by fuelburning appliances. Children who can follow directions may be ready to help out in the kitchen with tasks that do not involve knives, appliances or heat. “You know your own children. Don’t give them knives or let them handle anything hot until they have shown the maturity and coordination to do it safely,” says Sage. “Some children mature faster than others, so it’s up to parents to use good judgment about each child’s capabilities.” For more information about safety and burn prevention, visit www.safe kids.org. Visit us at www.safekidskansas.org and on Facebook. Story submitted by Safe Kids Kansas.
hold their regularly scheduled December board meeting on Wednesday, December 5th, 2012, starting at 9:00 a.m. CST in the Southwest Kansas Groundwater Management District No. 3 board room, 2009 E. Spruce Street, Garden City, Kansas.
Take notice that the Board of Directors of the Southwest Kansas Groundwater Management District No. 3 will
By: Kent Dunn President of the Board
dent and safety messages currently being displayed. • Metro Traffic Management Center websites (Kansas City and Wichita) - Traffic Management Centers in Kansas City (KC Scout) and Wichita (WICHway), use up-to-the minute information to provide travel speeds and camera views on select routes, posted messages on electronic signs and other helpful information for drivers. KanDrive provides links to KC Scout (www.kcscout.org) and WICHway (wichway.org), the new Wichita metro website. A new link at the top of the 511 Map page, “Metro Traffic Sites” now provides drop down links to metro traffic information for both of these sites. • RSS feeds and GeoRSS feeds to the 511 map page (http://511.ksdot.org). KDOT also encourages travelers to use other free traveler information services to assist them in trip planning or in staying informed as they travel: • The 511 Mobile site at http://511mm.ksdot.org provides map, camera and electronic message sign views, road conditions, work zone and event information and links to weather. The site is accessible from multiple devices, including iPhones, Droids and Windows mobile devices, Version 6.0 and higher. Any devices not compatible with the new
application will be able to access text information only for road conditions and work zones. • 511 Phone - From any phone anytime, travelers may call 5-1-1 from anywhere in Kansas or 1-866-511-KDOT (5368) from anywhere in the U.S. to get route-specific road conditions, work zone information, including detours and closed roads, and travel-related weather information to plan their trips or for updates as they travel. Additional content and features will be coming soon, with more information coming when they are available. It’s also important to remember safe winter driving skills such as reducing speed for conditions and allowing extra time to travel. Turn off cruise control. Increase the distance between your vehicle and the vehicle ahead of you. Accelerate and brake gently to reduce the chance of losing control of your vehicle. Don’t follow snow removal equipment too closely. For everyone’s safety, drivers should buckle up, not drink and drive, safely secure children in safety seats and avoid distractions such as talking or texting on their cell phone. Story submitted by Kansas Department of Transportation.
HERMES CLASSIFIEDS Deadline for all classified advertising is MONDAY at 5:00 p.m. All Garage, Yard and/or Moving Sale Ads MUST Be Pre-Paid. 1) Classified ad rate is $.20 per word per insertion. The weekly minimum is $3.35. 2) Classified display advertising rate is $5.00 per column inch. 3) All cards of thanks are charged at the display rate. 4) All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968, which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, children, or national origin or an intention to make any such preference, limitation, or discrimination." This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis.
HELP WANTED JET DRIVE-IN (tfc44) Server Needed
Find just the right person for the job with The Hermes Classifieds! Call today 544-4321
changing her name from Abbi Dawn Wheeler to Abbi Dawn Lopez. The Petition will be heard in Stevens County District Court, 200 E. 6th, Hugoton, Kansas, on the 20th day of December, 2012 at 1:15 p.m. If you have any objection to the requested name change, you are required to file a responsive pleading on or before December 20, 2012 in this court or appear at the hearing and object to the requested name change. If you fail to act, judgment and order will be entered upon the Petition as requested by Petitioner.
is currently looking to fill an open seat on the Recreation Board. If you are interested in this position, please send a letter of interest to: PO Box 68, Moscow, Ks. 67952
Abbi Dawn Wheeler Petitioner, Pro Se
“The Company That Works for You”
Must be 18, Punctual, Responsible and Friendly. Apply in Person 401 S. Main - Hugoton
NOTICE OF HEARING - PUBLICATION THE STATE OF KANSAS TO ALL WHO ARE OR MAY BE CONCERNED: You are hereby notified that Abbi Dawn Wheeler, filed a Petition in the above court on the 8th day of November, 2012, requesting a judgment and order
Abbi Dawn Wheeler 403 N. Wildcat Ct. Hugoton, KS 67951 620-453-0944 or 620-482-0329
PUBLIC NOTICE (First published in the Hugoton Hermes, Thursday, November 22, 2012) 1t ORDINANCE NO. 12-06 AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING CERTAIN LANDS TO THE CITY OF MOSCOW, KANSAS, IN CONFORMITY WITH THE PROVISIONS OF K.S.A. 12-520, AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. WHEREAS, the Governing Body of the City of Moscow, Kansas, has reviewed a written Consent for Annexation covering the lands described below; and WHEREAS, the Governing Body of the City of Moscow, Kansas, finds that one or more of the conditions specified under K.S.A. 12-520(a) exist, namely, that the following described land adjoins the city and a written petition for or consent to annexation has been filed with the city by the owner; and WHEREAS, the Governing Body of the City of Moscow, Kansas, finds it advisable to annex such land; and
The surface and surface interests only (being all of the interests except the oil, gas, and other minerals) in and to a tract located in the Northeast Quarter (NE/4) of Section Twenty-six (26), Township Thirtyone (31) South, Range Thirty-six (36) West of the 6th P.M., more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the West line of said Northeast Quarter of Section 26, 1150.52 feet North of the Southwest corner of said NE/4 of Section 26; thence East 260 feet; thence South 100 feet; thence West 210 feet; thence in a Northwesterly direction to a point on the West line of said quarter-section to a point 80 feet south of the point of beginning; thence North 80 feet to the point of beginning. (commonly referred to as 319 Brollier Road, Moscow, Kansas) Section 2. This ordinance will be effective after it has been published one time in the Hugoton Hermes, the official city newspaper, but not earlier than January 1, 2013. Section 3. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed.
WHEREAS, the Governing Body of the City of Moscow, Kansas, further finds based upon the provisions of K.S.A. 12-520a (f) and K.S.A. 12-520b (c), that no resolution, notice or public hearing, or a plan for the extension of services, are required are required since all of the owners of the following land have consented to this annexation in writing.
Section 4. As directed by K.S.A. 12522, upon the passage and publication of this ordinance, the city clerk is directed to file a certified copy of such ordinance with the county clerk, the register of deeds, and the county election commissioner, if any, of Stevens County, Kansas.
PASSED AND APPROVED by the Governing Body of the City of Moscow, Kansas, this 14th day of November, 2012.
Section 1. The following described land, meeting the conditions for annexation prescribed in K.S.A. 12-520, is hereby annexed and included and made a part of the City of Moscow, Kansas:
/s/ William Bell William Bell, Mayor ATTEST: /s/ Sandra Mitchell Sandra Mitchell, City Clerk
Animal Production Team Members $10.50 - $11.50 starting pay (depending upon location) 49 hours/week Plant Production Team Members $13.25 starting pay, plenty of hours $10.50 Load Out and Truck Wash $500 sign on bonus, 50 hours/week Load Out - $10.00 per hour Truck Wash - $9.00/hr, overtime pay Maintenance Technicians $500 sign on bonus, $11-$16 per hour Class A CDL Drivers $1,500 sign on bonus, home daily Visit our employment offices: Guymon - 2801 Hurliman Road; Liberal - 111 Tucker Rd, Ste. E; Rolla - 301 Eight Street 877-JOB-PORK www.seaboardfoods.com eeo
The City of Hugoton is accepting applications for the position of Outside Utilities Supervisor. The position is for a working supervisor who will be in charge of the water, wastewater, sanitation, and street departments. Currently, there are seven employees under the director of the outside utilities supervisor. The outside utilities supervisor also has some administrative duties in the office and is expected to attend city council meetings. The successful applicant must be able to successfully oversee the completion of projects within his/her departments, to effectively supervise the employees under his/her direction, to work with the other supervisors in the city, to deal directly with the public when necessary, and to communicate his/her needs for equipment and personnel to the city council. Requirements are a high school education or equivalent, valid driver's license, and certifications in water/wastewater operations or the ability to get the certifications. Residency and citizenship or work VISA also required. The position is an annual appointment by the mayor with council approval. Salary based on qualifications and experience. Excellent benefits. Send resume to city clerk, City of Hugoton, PO Box 788, Hugoton, Kansas 67951 by mail, to 620-544-4535 by fax, or to thicks@pld.com. Resumes accepted through November 30, 2012. EOE. (1c43)
The Hugoton Hermes
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Page 5B
HELP WANTED FARM OPERATIONS EMPLOYEE NEEDED to join the team at G&T Farms. Varying duties will encompass all aspects of farming. Must work well with others, have a valid drivers license, and be dependable with a self-starter attitude.
Call 620-428-6086 to set up an interview
112 S. Main • 620-356-5808 • Ulysses www.faulknerrealestate.com Se Habla Espanol-356-5808
Gas company pays up to 20,000 KW of electric usage per year. 848 Road G. - This all electric 2 story home with 5 bedrooms comes with 6 acres of land and 2 new heating and air conditioning systems. $145,000.00 Additional acreage available. Call today!
621 S. Main St. - Downtown business location for sale. Equipment in building is negotiable. Call Darrin for details.
CDL DELIVERY PERSON NEEDED Must be able to pass background and drug tests, have a clean record, and obtain hazmat endorsement. A self-starter who will take care of customers is welcome to apply in person at:
G+Ag, Inc, 1114 Road A, South of Hugoton. 620-428-6086
CURRENT OPENINGS AT STEVENS COUNTY HOSPITAL, MEDICAL CLINIC AND PIONEER MANOR NURSING HOME Stevens County Healthcare is searching for a Full-time Laundry Aide to work at Pioneer Manor Nursing Home. The shift for this position is 7 am - 3:30 pm and does include working some weekends. Full-time employees are offered an outstanding benefits package including sick and vacation pay, along with Blue Cross/Blue Shield Health Insurance. For an application please contact Human Resources 620-544-8511. (4c47) Stevens County Healthcare is searching for Full-time RNs, LPNs and CMAs to work at Pioneer Manor Nursing Home. These positions are for the night shift (6 pm - 6 am). Interested candidates must be certified with a Kansas license to be eligible for these positions. We offer excellent benefits and competitive wages. Please contact Robyn Medina in Human Resources for an application 620-544-8511. (4c44) Stevens County Healthcare is searching for a Full-time CMA to work the night shift (6 pm - 6 am) at Pioneer Manor Nursing Home. Interested candidates must have a Kansas CMA license to be eligible for this position. We offer competitive wages and an excellent benefits package. Please contact Human Resources for an application 620-544-8511. (4c44)
20579 Road D, Moscow, KS - Reduced Price! Completely remodeled and renovated 2bd/1b home with 5 acres! $40,000!!
600 S. Harrison Street - CUTE!! Brick, 2 bed/1.5 b, att garage, cen H/A, and more!! Call for details!!
801 S. Main Street - Price Reduced!! 3 bed/2 bath, cen H/A, fence, oversized garage, fpl, lots of storage. Call for details!!
1111 S Jefferson- 3 bed/1 b, cen H/A, fence, carport, storage bldg. Call for details!!
PRICE REDUCED: 1109 S. Madison St. - All you could ever want in a home. Home has 8 bedrooms, 4 1/2 bathrooms, 2 Living areas. Basement family room is equipped with cabinets, sink, and cook top. Bathroom downstairs has a large whirlpool tub. Kitchen and upstairs bath recently remodeled. New appliances in kitchen. Back porch remodeled and enclosed and nice sitting patio next to porch.
Lots in Spikes Addition 504 S. Wildcat Ct. 617 E. 4th
712 E. 5th St.
REALTOR® Associate
208 West 1st Street - Nice split level home, 3 bed/2bath, bonus room, 2 living areas, fpl, oversized single garage, fence, appliances, and much more!! Call today for your special showing!!
(620) 624-1212 BUSINESS
GARAGE SALE 928 S. Jackson - Frame, 2 bed/2 b., lg family rm, basement, cen H/A. Call for details!
522 West 7th - 4 bed/2 b, full basement, cen heat, open parking, corner lot. Call for details!!
600 S. Jefferson - Price Reduced!! 3 bed/2 bath, cen H/A, fence, 30 x 40 building. Call for details!!
GARAGE SALE: Saturday, November 24, 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m., 101 Liniger in Moscow, North of Post Office. Antique Round Oak Table, 4 Pressed Back Chairs, Expandable Table, Square Table, Two High Chairs, Knives, Belt Buckles, Clocks, and Much More. Lowell Stanley 620-287-0287. ---------------
We work directly with children and their families in their homes, schools and community. These children are experiencing an emotional disturbance and need help to learn new skills and remain safe in their environment. Come be a part of our professional team as we work cooperatively within the agency and with outside providers to meet the needs of our children. This very rewarding position lets you see positive change take place in a child’s life. A minimum of a bachelor’s degree in a related human service field or equivalently qualified by work experience is required. Base pay starting at $12.98/hr., also additional compensation is given for experience. Candidates must pass KBI, SRS, motor vehicle screens, and have a valid driver’s license. Benefits Include: Retirement: fully vested at time of employment Health/Dental Insurance - portion of premium paid by AMHC Life Insurance & Long-Term Disability - premium paid by AMHC Holiday, Bereavement and Vacation/Sick days
Applications are available www.areamhc.org Applications/Resumes can be sent to: E-mail hr@areamhc.org or faxed to 620-272-0171 or
FOR SALE: 1997 Carri-Lite 5th Wheel. 32’ x 15’ with 1 slide. Excellent condition. Very clean, lots of options. Must see to appreciate. Call 620-697-2401. (4p46) --------------FOR SALE: 16-11R22.5 Used Trailer Tires on Budd Wheels. Good tread. $65 each or $50 each for all. Call 620-428-1239. Can be seen at 1401 S. Industrial. (1p47)
Hugoton Hermes Deadline is Mondays 5:00 PM!!
FOR SALE: Shoodle - 1/2 Poodle & 1/2 Shih Tzu, 7 weeks old, white with beige on ear. Call 544-2459. (1c47) --------------FOR SALE: York self-contained Heat/Air. 90,000 BTU furnace & 4 ton A/C. $2500. Call 428-1281. (tfc38)
Oak, Piñon, Mesquite, Pecan & More Delivery & stacking available Call DJ @ 620-430-1273 Days 620-428-6127 Evenings (tfc)
$11, $9,9495 OBO95
2 slideouts, electric jack, queen size bed, good condition, lg bathroom w/ tub & shower, microwave, refrigerator, stove, air conditioner, 2 new spare tires
Very well-built, beautiful brick home. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, office, bonus room, full finished basement with huge storeroom, fenced patio, oversized 2car garage, underground sprinkler.
! uced
515-517 West 6th - Commercial Building and Lot - 40x140 Metal building with land. Call for details!!
603 Fifth Street in Rolla
1105 S. Madison- 4 bed/2 b, cen H/A, fpl, fence, att garage, basement. Call for details.
Mark Faulkner-Broker Karen Yoder - Associate/Broker Residential & Commercial Specialist
Karen Yoder- 544-4161 or Cellphone 544-3730 Chance Yoder - Salesperson Agricultural Land Residential & Commercial Specialist
Karen Yoder
Chance Yoder- Cellphone 544-1907 “Call Us For All Your Real Estate Needs”
Chance Yoder
FOR RENT FOR RENT: 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments. Furnished or unfurnished. Bills included, washer and dryer, and cable. Call 5442232. (tfc) --------------FOR RENT: 3 Bedroom House in the Country. No Pets please, unsafe location for children. Call 620-624-1482. (tfc41) --------------FOR RENT: Two Bedroom Mobile Home. Newly remodeled, perfect for single person. If interested call 620-544-1957 for an appointment to view. If no answer leave your name and number and I will get back to you. (tfc) --------------FOR RENT IN MOSCOW: Trailer House Lot & RV Lot. Call 620-544-6819. (1c47) -------------FOR RENT IN MOSCOW One Bedroom House Call 620544-6819. (1c47) --------------
620-544-5499 or 620-428-2929
PREGNANT? NEED HELP? Call Birthright of Garden City, 620-276-3605 or Birthline of Liberal, 1404 N. Western, 620-626-6763. (tfc3) --------------ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS will help you if you sincerely want to stop drinking. Call 544-8633. (tfc1) ---------------
CELEBRATE RECOVERY every Monday night 6:30 08 p.m. at Assembly of God Fellowship Hall, 138 S. Main. (tfc25)
AL-Anon Family Group
Pioneer Manor Family Support Group
Men & Women of alcoholic family & friends meet at 1405 Cemetery Rd. Mon. & Thurs. 8 pm 544-2610 or 544-2854 kansas-al-anon.org (tfc)
Project Hope Open Tues & Thurs 8:30 - 11:30 a.m. Sunday 1:30 - 3:00 p.m. 1030 S. Main (tfc37) (tfc15)
3rd Tuesdays - 1:00 p.m. 3rd Thursdays - 5:15 p.m. Chapel at Pioneer Manor
WANTED NEED TO BUY: Good used washer and dryer. Call 544-3056. (1c47)
--------------WANT TO BUY: 1 young rabbit buck. No dwarfs or lopes. (tfc45) Will take any color but brown. Call 544-6915. -------------WANTED: Milo stalks or immature milo to bale. Call 620544-5949. (8c43) --------------WANT TO PURCHASE: Minerals and other oil/gas interests. Send details to P.O. Box 13557, Denver, Co. 80201. (104p52) ---------------
(620)544-7777 UPERIOR 510 E. 3rd OLUTIONS Hugoton
(620)428-6518 1182 Road Q • Hugoton (tfc12)
Alan D. Higgins, Owner
CALL 620-544-6818
2003 Coleman Caravan 26 ft. pull camper
Red Price
Feature Of The Week
AMHC Attn: HR PO Box 1905 Garden City, Ks. 67846
1277 Rd W - Country Home with acreage! Brick 5 bed/3 b, fpl, basement, deck, all electric, 69x48 ship. A Must See!!
513 French Street 1400 sq. ft, 3 bed., 2 bath, heated 2 car garage with alley access, storage shed, fenced backyard. Call 620-482-4640 for appointment.
1029 S. Van Buren- Ranch, 2 bed/1 b, fpl, att garage, storage shed. Call to set up a showing!!
Spend 100% of your time doing what you do BEST!
307 N. Kansas, Suite 101 Liberal, KS 67901
Now see these and other SW. Kansas properties at www.hugotonhomes.com
SOLD 623 East 4th - Custom built, 5 bed/3.5 b, fin bsmt, appl, fence, att grge, 2 yrs old. Muchmore... Call for your personal showing!
(620) 428-1042 CELLULAR
101 S. Madison- $2,500 BUYER INCENTIVE!!! 3 bed/2 bath, central H/A, fence, attached garage. storage shed. Call for details!!!
Ulysses AMHC is currently looking to fill positions for Children’s Case Managers.
1501 Road 9 - Very well maintained brick home on 3.7 acres only 3 miles from town. 5 bed/4 bath. New roof 2010. Hardwood floors & new carpet on main level in 2009. A/C unit and Furnace replaced in 2011. Double oven & microwave new in 2011, refrigerator & dishwasher 2.5 years old.
615 - 623 S. Monroe- Commercial propertyformerly Ann's Port and Motel. Great Business opportunity with ample parking. Call to see this property today!!!
1505 S. Madison St. - Nice 4 bedroom/2 bath home on large corner lot. Very nice layout, 3 car garage with work shop attached to end garage. Bedroom 4 has access to garage. This is a must see.
Frankie Thomas, owner
544-5915 or 544-7776
Great Deals ~ Easy Financing ~ Quality Service Office: (620)544-7800 531 S. Jackson Hugoton, Ks. 67951 (tfc6)
600 E. 11th
Licensed & Insured Over 30 years’ experience in Residential & Commercial Wiring
308-383-1985 Master Plumber in Hugoton Small Engine Repair Your Snapper Dealer
620-428-6063 113 S Main, Hugoton (tfc)
IN STOCK *Carpet *Tile *Laminate *Vinyl
ACCEPTING BIDS Forewinds Golf Course - Hugoton, Ks. 67951 Now taking bids for a new or used Gator type vehicle See Rick or Brent at the course for specifications
Phone: 620-544-8269 BIDS ARE DUE December 10, 2012 at 12:00 p.m. at the Golf Course Forewinds Golf Board reserves the right to refuse any and all bids.
See YOUR ad in the The Hugoton Hermes Business and Professional Directory! Call 620-544-4321 or email hermesro@pld.com today!
~ Your ad will also be included in The Hermes online classifieds ~
bla ha añol e S sp E 620-309-1891 • 620-417-5313
PO Box 473 - Hugoton, Ks. 67951
Call 620-544-4321 or email hermesma@pld.com to be included in The Hugoton Hermes BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY
The Hugoton Hermes
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Page 6B
Thanks to All the Businesses and Individuals that donated cash or giveaways for the Door Prizes. All those who showed up Thursday night to help clean the calf fries.
A Special Thanks to All of those who donated items for the auction and raffle. All the supporters who came out, participated and supported the event.
Thanks to The Cooks, Servers, Clean-up Folks, and Honor Guard Thanks to all for your many, many, many hours of work. Without your help our fundraising efforts would certainly fail.