The Christmas season is upon us and lights are shining all over town. Check out these lights on Fourteenth Street in Hugoton.
Volume 126, Number 50
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Santa has lots of helpers at the Winter Carnival Saturday afternoon. Children arrived at the
Shop with a Cop is Saturday at Hugoton Alco The Hugoton Police Department’s seventh annual Shop with a Cop is Saturday, December 14 at Alco. The eager young shoppers will set out with their shopping lists and police officers. Shop with a Cop is a unique program in which Hugoton Police Officers share Christmas shopping with underprivileged children in Stevens County. Donations to help with purchasing gifts come from businesses as well as individual community Hugoton’s members. own Santa Committe and the officers’ spouses help wrap the gifts up so they’re ready to be placed under the tree.
carnival to visit with Santa, play the fun games and sample lots of goodies.
18 Pages, 70 Cents Plus Tax Per Copy
Youth of Hugoton United Methodist Church brave the frigid winds Sunday afternoon to present a living Nativity Scene, showing true
dedication. It was beautiful as the young people showcased the reason for the season.
Hugoton City Council begins annexation process Hugoton City Council met in regular session Monday, December 9, 2013 in the council meeting room at 5:15 p.m. Attending the meeting were City Inspector Joshua Grubbs, Electrical System Supervisor Gary Rowden, Outside Utilities Supervisor Paul Nordyke, Mayor Jack E. Rowden, City Clerk Thomas G. Hicks and councilmen Dean Banker, Mike Eshbaugh, Dan Corpening, Shannon Crawford and Tron Stegman. Also present were City Attorney Wayne R. Tate, Police Chief Courtney Leslie, Express Lane Manager Keshia Leeper, Express Lane employee Tyler Anderson, EcoDevo Director Neal Gillespie, Forewinds Golf Course’s Alvin Riley, Vance Hall, Kendrea Hall and Hugoton Hermes reporter Ruthie Winget. The council approved the minutes of the previous
meeting as well as the November Municipal Judge’s report. Joshua Grubbs reported he had been working on contractor license renewal letters and checking on the contractor’s insurance. Tom Hicks commented he sent letters to all the residents along the alley behind the Express Lane, asking their opinion about making this alley a one way alley. He only received two replies. One of the residents would like to keep it two way. The manager of Express Lane stated they had no objections to making the alley one way except their vendors have no other place to park. The vendors presented a petition objecting to the one way alley. Vance Hall stated he still thinks this situation is a safety hazard. The council discussed placing a Left Turn Only sign close to the drive-
up window at Express Lane or a No Parking in Alley sign. The issue was tabled for lack of a motion. Tom reminded the council the temporary note of $782,000 for the Pioneer Manor addition improvements is due January 15, 2014. Because the improvements are not finished, the temporary note needs to be renewed. The bids received are as follows: Citizens State Bank interest rate is 0.750%. Cooper, Malone, McClain, Inc. interest rate bid is 0.950%. Commerce Bank
interest rate bid is 1.5% and UMB Bank interest rate bid is 1.8%. The council voted to approve the Citizens State Bank’s low bid. The temporary note maturity date is January 6, 2015. The council approved Resolution #2013-4 which authorized the issuance of temporary notes to refinance the infrastructure improvements in Pioneer Addition such as curb and gutter, sewer and water. The council voted to renew 2014 cereal malt beverage licenses for Express Lane /
City Councilmen gather for their December meeting. Left to right are Dean Banker, Mike Eshbaugh, City Clerk Thomas G. Hicks,
Valero, Whites Foodliner and Alfredo Don Juan Bar. Pioneer Electric had presented the city a bill, asking for $.003 per kWh to be billed above the tariff rate, starting with the June 2012 billing. A breakdown in communication between Sunflower and Pioneer resulted in the billing omission. Attorney Tate has been in contact with the companies concerning this matter. Sunflower and Pioneer Electric each agreed to pay one third of this amount. Hugoton will be responsible Continued to page 3
Mayor Jack E. Rowden, Dan Corpening, Shannon Crawford and Tron Stegman.
Stevens County Commissioners are met with unhappy Register of Deeds The Stevens County Board of County Commissioners met in regular session Friday, December 6, 2013 with all members, James Bell, Pat Hall and Dave Bozone present. Also present were County Counselor Robert Johnson, County Clerk Pam Bensel and RoGlenda Coulter from The Hugoton Hermes. The following is just an agenda for the morning with a few of the unofficial highlights. Official minutes will be published at a later date. The commissioners’ agenda was a little light and included: 8:30 - Bills and Robert Rich; 9:00 - Susan Schulte; 9:30 - Tony Martin; and 12:00 - Lunch. When this reporter arrived at approximately 8:35, the commissioners had already heard from Robert Rich in a personnel related subject. They were then looking over all the bills. Dave asked about some charges for a subpoena. They talked about the charges of porta-potties and if it is necessary to have them year round. They will talk to Tony when he comes in. They tossed around the idea of raising the rent of the building the church rents from the county since they
will no longer be paying the utilities. The meters have all been joined into one meter now. Neal Gillespie came in and talked about the Neighborhood Revitalization Plan that needs some things done. Bob and Neal have been working on it. Neal says he will need some help with the legal language. Some of these things need to be addressed for the new motel. KDOT will be coming out in January. The commissioners discussed the lines coming into the asphalt plant for the natural gas and the choices they have. Susan Schulte came in to talk to the commissioners about the broken mixer in Memorial Hall and the possibility of replacing it. She has checked some prices. She will do some more checking. She also talked about the fence around the units outside. She had visited with Tony McBride and he will be bringing in some costs. Tony Martin brought in his report from Road and Bridge. He told the commissioners of a program where Road and Bridge has been banking up money into a government program. The
government does not want to continue offering this and will reimburse the money to Road and Bridge. Tony had to apply for the money and turn in projects to prove uses for the money. Bob told Tony he needs to talk to the auditors about this. Commissioners talked to Tony about the conversion plan for the asphalt plant. He said Black Hills has not gotten back to him. They have given him a conversion chart. He said Amarillo Gas already has a line and a tap out there but Black Hills would provide gas to other businesses along the line if they put in lines. Tony said that he wants to be able to run the plant by March and he is not sure Black Hills will be connected by then. He is in favor of going ahead with the parts and getting the plant ready for when the gas is there. He thinks they may have the money in their budget already. When the commissioners asked about the porta-potties, Tony said they are required to have them there. Commissioners complimented the county employees for getting the snow cleared from the various county locations, hospital, manor, airport, courthouse, etc.
Tony then changed to Stevens County Fair Board news. He presented the names of the newly elected officers and members for approval from the commissioners. Officers are President Tony Martin; Vice President David Rome; and Secretary-Treasurer Theresa Cox. Members for the 2014 - 2016 year are: Gary Baughman, Richard Clinesmith, Derek Dillinger, Kristin Farnum, Nancy Hernandez, Kimberly Kraisinger, Ben McClure, Walter McClure, Stanley McGill, Karen Schechter, Lillian Seaman, Connie Slemp, Robin Sullivan, Brian White and Carrie Stoddard. Motion was made and approved to accept the lists from the fair board. The commissioners were then asked to go upstairs to look at the vault in the Register of Deeds office. Betty Rosel feels the integrity of the vault has been compromised by the newly installed ductwork of the heat/air system. Sheriff Ted Heaton brought in his report. He said the weather had brought on some wrecks but nothing like it could have been. They are housing five prisoners at this time. He re-
Stevens County Register of Deeds Betty Rosel feels the integrity of her vault has been compromised by the above ductwork of the new heat and air system. Holes were cut into the ceiling and floor as well as another vent cut into the side of the wall. ported on one of his officers getting bit. But it was not by an animal of the four legged variety - it was from a person being transported to another facility. It was a very serious injury. Ted explained the charges for the subpoena the commissioners were wondering about. He also warned the commissioners of the costs coming up to replace vests for his department. The vests are required to be replaced every three to four years. The costs will be reimbursed though. The commissioners went on to discuss various issues.
Pat said something he would like to see in Stevens County is an activity center like the one he visited recently. It could bring in a lot of revenue for the county. Pam visited with the commissioners about the possibility of changing the payroll of elected officials to biweekly instead of monthly. It was okayed. The commissioners will be meeting with the auditors this month and also the heat and air people about some problems. The next official meeting will be December 27. Continued to page 3
The Hugoton Hermes
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Page 2
Obituaries December 12 - Hugoton Aglow will meet at 7:00 p.m. for coffee and fellowship. A meeting will follow at 7:30 p.m. December 13 - No school for USD #217 students due to Teacher Inservice. - Praise and Worship at Memorial Hall with free supper at 6:00 p.m. Pastor Eric Mason will speak. December 14 - Alco and Hugoton Police Department have teamed up again for the seventh annual Shop With a Cop. If you would like to make a donation or recommend a child in need, please contact the Department at 620-544-4959, mail donations to PO Box 788, Hugoton, Ks. 67951 or drop off at the Police Department at 405 E. Fourth Street in Hugoton. December 14-15 - Jetmore United Methodist
Church will bring the Christmas story to life as they present tours of the “Journey to Bethlehem” at the Jetmore UMC, 205 E. Highway, from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. There will be a free will donation dinner served by the Hodgeman County Business Boosters at Jetmore’s King Center on the north end of Main Street from 4:00 to 8:00 p.m. December 16 - USD #210 Board of Education will meet at the HMS Library at 6:30 p.m. December 19 - Early deadline at 5:00 p.m. for the December 26 issue of The Hermes. December 20 - Santa Day at Rolla schools. - Praise and Worship at Memorial Hall with free supper at 6:00 p.m. Pastor Larry Bradford will speak. - Learn the “West Coast Swing” and the “Nightclub Two-Step” at Seward County
Community College/Area Technical School beginning at 6:30 p.m. in the SW002, the student union basement at SCCC/ATS. No partner is needed to learn the basics. December 20-January 5 - Christmas Break for USD #210 students. December 23-January 6 - Christmas Break for USD #217 students. December 24 - Christmas Eve Candelight Service at 6:00 p.m. at Hugoton Assembly of God Church at 138 S Main. December 25 - Merry Christmas! - Nazarene Compassionate Ministries dinner at noon. RSVP by Dec. 22 - 544-2509 or 544-2101. Please don’t be alone - come join us!! Deliveries for handicapped or shut-ins only! - Stepping Stone Shelter will serve their annual Christmas dinner at 1:00 p.m. at 1015
HUGOTON MUNICIPAL COURT NOVEMBER 2013 Singer, Federico; Failure to Stop at Stop Sign $135.00 Honaker, Gene L.; No Proof of Insur$360.00 ance 1 Year Unsupervised Probation Honaker, Gene L.; Illegal Registration $50.00 Honaker, Gene L.; Duty Upon Striking Unattended Vehicle $150.00 Froesse, David Boeschman; Driving in Violation of Restriction $160.00 DL Suspended 30 days Froesse, David Boeschman; Improper Turn $75.00 Haehn, Curtis Lee; Speeding 34/20
$129.00 Olivas, Melissa; Dog at Large $110.00 Olivas, Melissa; Untagged Dog $25.00 Juarez, Rigoverto; Handicap Parking $25.00 Ortiz, Maria; Parking in Prohibited Zone $45.00 Degollado, Miguel; Assault $190.00 No Trespass at DonJuan Bar for 1 Year Carbajal, Jose; No Driver’s License $320.00 5 Days Jail, Serve 3, Suspend 2 Carbajal, Jose; Transporting Open Container $200.00
Wilmeth, Kari; Dog at Large $110.00 Wilmeth, Kari; Untagged Dog $25.00 Diaz, Pedro; Domestic Battery $240.00 amended to Battery 5 Days Jail Suspended Jackson, William S.; Driving While $740.00 Suspended 30 Days Jail, Serve 5 1 Year Probation Badillo-Cruz, Carlos; No Driver’s License $680.00 10 Days Jail, Serve 4, Suspend 6 Badillo-Cruz, Carlos; Failure to Stop $75.00
Home Country There is a secret selfish longing we all share this time of year. It is traditional to give gifts at Christmas, of course, but there’s always the chance that those who adore us for our sterling qualities won’t give us what we really want or unquestioningly deserve. Therefore. . .we are allowed to have Christmas present dreams.
HUGOTON POLICE REPORT Business Hours, Call 544-4959 After Hours, Call 544-2020 Monday, December 2, 2013 • Medical Assist, Public Service, Officer Hagman Tuesday, December 3, 2013 • Non Injury Accident, 500 Block of South Jackson, Took Report, Officer Hagman • Medical Assist, Airport, Public Service, Officer Crane • Hit & Run, 100 Block of West Eleventh, Took Report, Officer Crane Wednesday, December 4, 2013 • Vehicle Unlock, 100 Block of South Jefferson, Citizen Assist, Sergeant Johnson Thursday, December 5, 2013 • Medical Assist, 1000 Block of South Monroe, Citizen Assist, Officer Crane Friday, December 6, 2013 • Vehicle Unlock, 900 Block of South Monroe, Citizen Assist, Officer Hag-
man • Non Injury Accident, 600 Block of East Third, Took Report, Officer Hagman • Theft, 900 Block of South Coulter, Took Report, Officer Hagman • Citizen Assist, 900 Block of South Coulter, Public Service, Officer Crane • Verbal Argument, 600 Block of South Monroe, Spoke to Subjects, Officer Crane • Vehicle Unlock, 1400 Block of South Eisenhower, Citizen Assist, Officer Crane Saturday, December 7, 2013 • Medical Assist, 1000 Block of South Washington, Public Service, Officer Hagman Sunday, December 8, 2013 • Citizen Assist, Public Service, Officer Hagman
She was born July 27, 1937 in Gorman, Tx., the daughter of Sug Robinson and the former Nanie Dell Copeland. Norma was a 1955 graduate of Eastland High School in Eastland, Tx.. August 26, 1955, Norma married Joel Glenn Maxwell in Cisco, Tx. He survives. Mrs. Maxwell attended
Ranger Junior College, Oklahoma Panhandle State University and Frank Phillips College. She graduated in 1988 with her degree in Nursing. Norma worked as a nurse at Memorial Hospital of Texas County in Guymon, Ok., Southwest Medical Center in Liberal and Pioneer Manor in Hugoton. Active in church, Norma taught Sunday school. She also coached bowling league and was a den mother for Cub Scouts. Her hobbies were oil painting, ceramics, crocheting, sewing and crafts of all kinds with a lifelong hobby of researching genealogy. Norma enjoyed watching sports and playing basketball and softball. She loved to fish, go camping and RVing after retirement. Other survivors include her son Randall Lynn Maxwell of Moscow; daughter Karen Cress and husband Fred of Liberal; her five grandchildren, Jody Cress and wife Christi,
Antonia Sauzameda Friends and family gathered over the weekend to remember and honor Antonia Alicia Sauzameda. Mrs. Sauzameda, 53, passed away Tuesday, December 3, 2013 at Southwest Medical Center in Liberal. She was born December 14, 1959 in Mexico, the daughter of Juan Paz and the former Manuela Garcia. Antonia was a resident of Hugoton for several years. She was employed by Seaboard Farms as a scale house operator before becoming disabled. She is survived by her father Juan Paz of Mexico; her two sons, Carlos Paz of Mexico and Salvador Chavez of Wichita; three daughters,
Perla Chavez of Liberal and Crystal Chavez Tinoco and Isabel Sauzameda both of Hugoton; her four brothers; three sisters; and ten grandchildren. Mrs. Sauzameda was preceded in death by her mother and one brother. Rosary was attended Sunday evening at St. Helen Catholic Church in Hugoton. Funeral Mass followed Monday morning at St. Helen Catholic Church with Fr. Francis Khoi Nguyen presiding. Cremation has taken place under the direction of Brenneman Funeral Home of Hugoton. Condolences may be sent to the family at www.brenne
Refugia Marie Sandoval Death has claimed the life of Refugia Marie Sandoval, 78, of Guymon, Ok. Mrs. Sandoval passed from this life Thursday evening, December 5, 2013 at the Harry Hynes Memorial Hospice at Via Christi Medical Center in Wichita.
Stevens County Fire Department and Ambulance Report Stevens County Emergency Services run activity for December 2 through December 8. Fire Department Hugoton Station No activity this period. Fire Department Moscow Station No activity this period. Ambulance Activity Three medical runs, one transfer and one Life Flight.
by Slim Randles
Just take Doc. He knows he’ll be getting neckties from the grandkids and socks and underwear from Mrs. Doc. His daughters? Well, they’re the wild cards. They work hard each year to get Doc something different and special. But for Doc, when he sits quietly and dreams, there’s just that nine-foot Sage fly rod. Oh yes. With that, he’ll be able to feel the fish breathe down in Lewis Creek. Anita Campbell knows Dud will give her clothes that look really good to him but are either the wrong size or the wrong color, or they are a style she wouldn’t wear to the grand opening of a septic tank. But she always wears them for one day, anyway, and it’s a day when Dud is home and she knows she doesn’t have to go anywhere. Her secret Christmas dream has a lot to do with warm, sandy beaches, a tall, fruity adult beverage with an umbrella in it, and surfing lessons. She’s willing to compromise, of course, because of the expense. It doesn’t have to have an umbrella. Steve, like many cowboys, has been gratifying his secret Christmas dreams in the well-worn pages of catalogs. His compadres in the bunkhouse will shower him with snoose, of course, as that is his drug of choice, but for himself, there’s that pair of Tony Lama boots. Oh yes, the ones with the filigree-looking tops. He knows he’ll just naturally ride Ol’ Snort better if he’s wearing them. You know, every bride has this registry thingie she uses so Aunt Mims won’t get her a butter dish that doesn’t match the sugar bowl, so why doesn’t someone come up with a Christmas dream registry? You’re welcome. No charge. ------------
The daughter of Doroteo Ulibarri and the former Antonia Baca, she was born March 9, 1935 in Mosquero, N.M. Marie was raised in Mosquero and was baptized at St. Joseph Catholic Church March 24, 1935. She attended the Mosquero school system and graduated with the Class of 1954. March 24, 1955, Marie and Cipriano Sandoval were united in marriage in Mosquero. Mrs. Sandoval worked for the Mosquero schools until 1967, when the Sandoval family moved to the Oklahoma Panhandle. In June of 1969, they moved to Guymon from Texhoma. Marie had worked at Dunaway Manor, Gibson’s and C.R. Anthony’s. In 1975, she began working for the Guymon public school system as a custodian, retiring in 1991. Marie was an active member of the St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church in Guymon, where she had served as a Eucharistic minister, Sacristan, Cursillistas and Guadalupanas. Marie was also a member of the Memorial Hospital Auxiliary.
Those preceding Marie in death were her parents; her husband Cipriano, June 18, 2005; four brothers, Eugene, Epifanio, Jose and Estevan Ulibarri; her sister Josefita Pacheco; and one grandson, Chandler Clay Sandoval. Survivors include her four children, Stephen Sandoval of Chickasha, Ok., Anthony Sandoval and wife Penny of Hugoton, Dorothy Morris and husband Mike of Liberal and Chris Sandoval and wife Kimberly of Hugoton; eight grandchildren. Jeremy Sandoval, Nathan Sandoval, Bryan Morris and wife Heather, Malinda Morris, Kassidy Sandoval, Kenzey Sandoval and fiancé Clay Croft, Tyrell Sandoval and Lance Sandoval; three great grandchildren, Colter Sandoval, Sage Lindsey and Cipran Morris; her “adopted” grandson Alex Favela; two brothers, Epifanio Ulibarri and wife Manuelita and Cruz Ulibarri and wife Josie all of Albuquerque, N.M.; along with numerous nieces and nephews. Rosary was recited Monday evening, December 9 at the Bunch – Roberts Funeral Home. Mass of Christian Burial was conducted Tuesday morning, December 10 at St. Peter’s Catholic Church with Father Mike Wheelahan, Celebrant. Interment followed in the Elmhurst Cemetery in Guymon. Services are under the care of the Bunch – Roberts Funeral Home of Guymon. The family suggests that memorials in memory of Marie be made to St. Peter’s Catholic Church. Memorials will be accepted at the Bunch – Roberts Funeral Home, PO Box 1112, Guymon, OK. 73942. Friends can sign the online guestbook and leave condolences at www.bunch
George Burrows, Jr.
Norma Maxwell Word has been received of the death of Norma Jean Maxwell. Mrs. Maxwell, age 76, passed from this life Tuesday, December 3, 2013 at Kansas Medical Center in Andover.
N. Washington in Liberal. Anyone without a place to go is invited to join them! For more information, call 620626-6024. December 26 - Early deadline of 5:00 p.m. for the January 2, 2014 edition of The Hermes. December 27 - Praise and Worship at Memorial Hall with free supper at 6:00 p.m. Pastor Ben Coats will speak. December 31 - New Year’s Eve January 1 - Happy New Year! January 6 - Caring Connections Daycare Center and Preschool opens. Call 620-544-2050 or e m a i l caringconnectionsllc@gmail. com for more information.
Nancy Nicole Douglas, Carissa Lynn Spears and husband Israel, James Derrick Maxwell and Malissa Anne Denton; and six great grandchildren, Nancy Spears, Christopher Spears, Joel Cress, Kaden Gilmore, Waylon Douglas and Joseph Timmer, IV. Norma was preceded in death by son Marcus Kynn Maxwell and brother Jerry Dale Robinson. Graveside services were attended Monday morning, December 9 at Eastland Cemetery in Eastland, Tx. with Rev. Wayne Maxwell presiding. Brenneman Funeral Home in Liberal was in charge of the arrangements. Memorial contributions may be sent for the Marc Maxwell Memorial Scholarship in care of Brenneman Funeral Home, 1212 West Second, Liberal, Ks 67901. Condolences may be sent to the family at www.brenneman
Lifelong Stevens County resident George Henry Burrows Jr., 88, passed away Saturday, December 7, 2013 at Pioneer Manor Nursing Home in Hugoton.
The son of George Henry Burrows Sr and the former Valentine “Vallie” Horner, he was born June 4, 1925 in Stevens County. September 1, 1945, George and Jewell Higgins were married in the First Christian Church Parsonage of Hugoton.
A lifetime resident of Stevens County, George was a member of the First Christian Church of Hugoton where he was a deacon and trustee. He served on the Stevens County Commissioners Board for 19 years and was a Stevens County EMT for some time. Mr. Burrows was on Kansas Legislator Policy Group. Survivors include his wife Jewell Burrows of Hugoton; son Kenneth Burrows and wife Michael of Hugoton; daughters Shirlene Hagler and Lori Rome and husband David, all of Hugoton; his brother Everett Burrows of Hugoton; ten grandchildren; nine great grandchildren; and many other relatives and friends. Those preceding Mr. Burrows in death were his parents; son Dennis G. Burrows; two brothers, Ernest Burrows and Ray Burrows; and three sisters, Fern Burrows, Pearl Carley and Maudie Cott. Funeral services were at-
tended Tuesday afternoon, December 10, 2013 at First Christian Church in Hugoton with Pastor Danny Biernacki presiding. Burial followed in the Hugoton Cemetery. Paul’s Funeral Home of Hugoton was in charge of arrangements. A memorial has been established for Pheasant Heaven Charities. Memorials may be mailed to Paul’s Funeral Home, PO Box 236, Hugoton, Ks 67951.
For though he was crucified through weakness, yet he liveth by the power of God. For we also are weak in Him, but we shall live with Him by the power of God toward you. II Corinthians 13:4
The Hugoton Hermes
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Page 3
County Commissioners Continued from page 1 Official Minutes Commissioners Meeting November 18, 2013 The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with all members present. Also present were County Counselor Robert Johnson, County Clerk Pam Bensel and RoGlenda Coulter from The Hugoton Hermes. Meeting was called to order. Motion was made to approve the minutes of the last meeting and to approve
City Council Continued from page 1 for the other third which comes to $43,670.58. The council passed the motion to pay this amount subject to Sunflower and Pioneer Electric signing the release. The council passed the Resolution #2013-5 which states to waive the GAAP financial statement. This is passed annually. Attorney Tate explained the grant agreements for Moderate Income Housing were between the City of Hugoton and the State of Kansas. Tate did not want the city to be responsible for these agreements. He tweaked the agreement and the state has approved. He took the same agreements and presented them to the contractors to sign, so the city would not be as responsible for liability. Each builder is going to be responsible for the grant’s compliance requirement. The council voted to approve the Blue Cross/Blue Shield policy for the following year, even though the policy rate has increased 5%. Alvin Riley commented the Forewinds Golf Course was doing fine, although not many people are playing golf in this frigid weather. Christmas parties are being booked for the clubhouse. Police Chief Leslie reported their Shop with a Cop project will be this Saturday at Alco. Attorney Tate informed the council he had been working on the annexation of the Stevens County Industrial Park east of Hugoton and the Kansas Dairy Ingredients property. The city has to pass an ordinance and publish it. The county commissioners must approve this annexation. This annexation must be submitted to the Planning Commission for approval. The council approved the motion to pass the ordinance. They also approved the resolution to submit this annexation to the Planning Commissioners. After going into executive session, the council adjourned.
the county vouchers. The clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the treasurer chargeable to the various funds of the county for the following amounts: General .. 36,048.93; Road & Bridge .. 31,573.32; Building .. 25,495.12; Noxious Weed .. 254.70; Community Health .. 6,878.16; Wekando .. 3,750.00; Employee’s P/R Misc W/H .. 70.80. Dave explained his concern about the Abengoa employees not stopping when coming out of the plant between shifts, to Abengoa representatives who were present. Rodney Kelling came in to ask to be reappointed to participate for the Southwest Kansas Regional Emergency Planning Council of Homeland Security funding. Motion was made and passed to reappoint Rodney to participate for the Southwest Kansas Regional Emergency Planning Council of Homeland Security funding. Rodney asked the commissioners about getting a new fire truck. The fire monies will be short $30,000. to $50,000. so the County auditor, Theresa Dasenbrock, says the monies saved for the EMS Department could be reallocated for the Fire Department. Commissioners approved the reallocation of the monies. Motion was made and passed to allow Rodney to have specifications drawn up for a bid for a new fire truck. Bob Johnson and the commissioners discussed the cost of the lots in the Pioneer Addition. They talked about cost per lot and set it at $4,000. plus payment of all specials. Robert Davis, Gary Porter, Kim Harper, Dax Gaskill, Jeff Crawford and Dell Cullison, with the airport board, came in to discuss the sprinkler at the airport. Robert explained his concerns for safety issues. He said that the airport board offered to move the sprinkler at no cost to the owner and to advertise in the High Plains Journal for the sale of the sprinkler. Bob Johnson discussed some possible solutions to the situation. The airport board will work on a solution. Tony Martin informed the
commissioners of an Assigned Assessment Program in effect with the state. Motion was made and passed to approve the Assigned Assessment Program. Tony brought in an agreement for the FHWA Safety Edge Technology Project. The project supplies federal aid monies to be used on equipment for the construction and maintenance of county roads. Motion was made and passed to approve the agreement. Tony said Black Hills Energy had not contacted him about changing the asphalt plant over from diesel to natural gas. Jim Persinger has called twice. Tony asked about putting the fence around the Lake Russell area. He says the Road & Bridge guys will have time this winter. The commissioners chose to table the fence at this time. Tom Robb and Dan Allison with Abengoa came in to discuss the steam blowing at the plant. Tom said starting Tuesday, November 19, 2013 they will start the steam purge out of the boiler. The commissioners talked to Tom and Dan about the safety issues at the Abengoa plant. Dave expressed his concerns for the citizens of Stevens County because the contractors are not stopping at the stop sign coming out of the plant during shift changes. Dave informed them they need to change the stop sign to a legal size sign. Paula Rowden discussed the transportation program for the Health Department. Paula informed the commissioners about a presentation at KAC involving the Healthcare PlanKan Care. She informed them that Lynne Webb will be trained as a case worker to sign families up for Medicaid and get the help they need. Paula asked the State if they would help with this program. The costs of the electronic medical records are around $500,000. Paula said she is checking into getting a new vehicle that is not handicap accessible. She has funds that have been encumbered from 2012 that could be used to buy the vehicle. Roger Lynch came in to discuss the environmental assess-
Dustin EE John Dustin Johnson FinancialAdvisor Advisor Financial .
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wording for the Neighborhood Revitalization policy for the commissioners to approve. By motion the board adjourned.
Stephanie A Weeast, CFP®, AAMS® Financial Advisor
Merry Christmas
Nazarene Compassionate Ministries invites you to dinner
December 25
at Noon R.S.V.P by December 22 at 544-2509 or 544-2101
Please don’t be alone - Come Join Us! Deliveries for handicapped or shut-ins only!
FREE Scarf with
$ Register of Deeds Betty Rosel warns that if it stays - it will soon be Dallas Cowboy colors! But she is definitely not happy about the new addition in the vault.
Come in and visit with
Friday, December 13 from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m.
3rd & Main • Hugoton • 620-544-8030 Mon.- Sat. 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
25% Off
The 1st Annual December 6, 2013
Monday, November the 18th, 2013, at 7:30 pm, a monthly meeting was held with VFW Post 5391 and American Legion Post 150. The purpose of this meeting was to make a final decision as to the VFW Post 5391 membership transfer to Liberal, Kansas Post 3166 and the election of Trustees for the Stevens County Vets Group. Previously, Post 3166 was notified of a possible transfer of VFW 5391 membership to their post and subsequent closure of Post 5391 at Hugoton, Kansas. The Liberal Commander and auxiliary personnel eagerly welcomed the transfer of all members to the Liberal VFW Post 3166. After much discussion, a motion was brought forward and it was moved and seconded that Post 5391 membership be altogether transferred to Post 3166 at Liberal, Kansas. Post 5391 voting members unanimously agreed upon the membership transfer to Post 3166. It was also discussed that, as members of the VFW, they may at anytime transfer their post membership to any other VFW post within the State of Kansas. Additional business was conducted as to the appointing of Trustees for the Stevens County Vets Group. This communication is to serve notice to those VFW members, who desire their membership at a different post other than Liberal 3166; to initiate their own personal membership transfer to a different Kansas post. A consensus agreement has been reached with the members of Post 5391: As of March 1st, 2014 VFW Post 5391 Hugoton, Kansas will no longer be in operation. After March 1st, 2014, any official VFW communication should be directed to Post 3166 in Liberal, Ks. All VFW auxiliary personnel are hereby notified that they should contact Ms. Brenda Mallory, Ladies Auxiliary VFW Post 3166 in Liberal, Ks. Any transfer of LAVFW membership should be initiated through Brenda. All American Legion Post 150 members are hereby notified by the VFW to contact their respective 150 post officers as to the disposition of the American Legion, membership and the American Legion Auxiliaries. The Stevens County Vets Group consisting of members of the VFW and American Legion will be notified of upcoming January and February 2014 meetings to determine the processing of the property at 300 Monroe. Vets Group Trustees from the VFW and American Legion have now been appointed and will be in charge of any real property disposition. More information concerning the Stevens County Vets Group will be forthcoming in early 2014. We as Veterans, either VFW or American Legion, will continue to serve our community. We are truly proud of Hugoton and our people. Both of our Veterans groups have made some thoughtful and very heart wrenching decisions. Those decisions have come with a heavy heart. Our older Veterans are saddened by the changes in the United States and by our politics and government. Consequently, we as Americans are oriented in a different direction today than in past years. Many geopolitical and governmental regulatory changes have plagued our democratic society. Whether we agree or not, our voting class majority has changed this country entirely. Obviously today, we are a different people than our past heritage. Albeit, we are fortunate as Kansans, to live in the center of this great nation where our culture is a Godly, caring and compassionate people. Our personal truths and faith in God have kept us free. We are thankful as Kansans to be surrounded by States of equal character. As we regroup our Hugoton VFW and American Legion people, I feel we can withstand the political and socioeconomic changes and continue to uphold our USA heritage! Our people are solid and committed to freedom. After all, We Are Americans! V. Anderson Quartermaster Post 5391
Neal Gillespie informed the commissioners the KDOT grant has been awarded to do the road improvement project east of town. Neal will change the
The newly cut vent hole coming into the Register of Deeds’ vault seems to be glaring evidence of the loss of vault safety.
Dear VFW Member,
ment and the fencing of the waste area at the Abengoa plant. Gary Baker expressed his concerns on the healthcare for the country. Motion was made and passed to go into executive session for nonelected personnel for five minutes with Bob Johnson and Pam Bensel present. Meeting reconvened with no action taken. Ted Heaton came in to update on the Sheriff’s Department. Motion was made and passed to go into executive session for nonelected personnel for five minutes with Bob Johnson and Rodney Kelling present. Meeting reconvened with no action taken.
The Hugoton Hermes
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Hermes Deadline Mondays 5:00 p.m.
Market Report
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Page 4
Look who’s new Berrys welcome home Lucas Nathaniel Samantha Lian Berry is excited to announce the birth of her baby brother Lucas Nathaniel Berry!! Lucas was born in Liberal at Southwest Medical Center November 9, 2013 at 2:37 p.m. Lucas extraordinarily came into this world weighing seven pounds and seven ounces. He was 20 inches long. The elated and very proud parents are Randal and Michelle Berry of Hugoton. Grandparents include Jack Berry of Austin, Tx., Ron and Wanda Limper of Ulysses and Edward and Shirley Dowell of Hugoton. Great grandparents are Great Papa Karoll Wagner of Hugoton, Great Papa Dale Limper of Green Valley, Az.
David & Brandy Robson
314 S. Van Buren 544-4122
521 S. Main - Hugoton
Faith Publishing LLC 522 S. Main 620-544-4321
and Great Grandpa Burt DeWolf of Lakeside, Ca. Many more relatives and friends welcomed Lucas into their lives with hearts and arms wide open!! He is an incredible blessing to his family and friends!
Music experts name Mike and Kathy celebrate 40 years top Christmas songs Decorations and shopping are integral parts of the holiday season, but very often it is the music being played over the airwaves that sets the tone for the festivities to come. Christmas music has been enjoyed for decades and certain compositions are widely loved and played year after year. The American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers, who compiles lists of the most popular songs, lists “Santa Claus Is Coming to Town” and “Winter Wonderland,” both of which
601 S. Main - Hugoton
Samantha and Lucas Nathaniel Berry
were written in 1934, as the oldest and most popular tunes. The newest popular song is “Wonderful Christmastime,” composed in 1979. Though personal preference often determines a holiday playlist, the following tunes are of the more popular Christmas songs: • “The Christmas Song (Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire)” - Mel Torme, Robert Wells • “Santa Claus Is Coming to Town” - Fred Coots, Haven Gillespie • “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas” - Ralph Blane, Hugh Martin • “Winter Wonderland” - Felix Bernard, Richard B. Smith • “White Christmas” - Irving Berlin • “Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!” - Sammy Cahn, Jule Styne • “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer” - Johnny Marks • “Jingle Bell Rock” - Joseph Carleton Beal, James Ross Boothe • “I'll Be Home for Christmas” - Walter Kent, Kim Gannon, Buck Ram • “Little Drummer Boy” Katherine K. Davis, Henry V. Onorati, Harry Simeone Submitted by Metro Editorial Services.
The Hugoton Hermes (USPS 253-820)
522 S. Main Hugoton, KS 67951 - 620-544-4321 Owner/Operator Faith Publishing LLC RoGlenda Coulter, Kay McDaniels and Ruthie Winget RoGlenda Coulter, Bookkeeper/ Classifieds/Obituaries Kay McDaniels, Advertising/ Circulation/Layout Ruthie Winget, Composition/Layout Reece McDaniels, Sports Editor Wilma Bartel, Asst. Composition Marie Austin, Asst. Composition Toni Hamlin, Asst. Mailing Jean Coulter, Asst. Mailing Phoebe Brummett, Rolla Correspondent Sara Cross, Moscow Correspondent Ads email: Obituaries email:
You are invited to come worship with family and friends at Pioneer Manor December 15 Hillbilly Band December 22 Lighthouse Fellowship December 29 Church of God
Subscriptions $30.00 (including Kansas State Sales Tax) for Stevens and adjoining Kansas Counties, $35.00 elsewhere in state (including Kansas State Sales Tax), and for all out of state subscriptions. Online subscriptions are $25.00 a year. Online and printed subscriptions combined are $10.00 plus the cost of the subscription. Foreign Subscription Rate $40.00. School Subscriptions and Military Personnel $25.00 (including Kansas State Sales Tax) payable in advance. Advertising Rates Noncommissionable $5.00 per column inch, Commissionable Rates $6.25 per column inch, Classified $5.00 per column inch. Frequency is weekly every Thursday. Periodicals Postage paid at Hugoton, Ks. 67951. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Hugoton Hermes at 522 S. Main, Hugoton, Kansas 67951. Opinion Page Our opinion page is open to the public. We encourage comments from readers in the form of letters to the editor or guest columns. All letters must be signed and must include the address and telephone number of the sender. (names will be published but not address & phone#) Letters should be no more than 300 words. No libelous or offensive letter will be published. The guest column or letter to the editor does not reflect the opinion of this newspaper or its representatives.
Mike and Kathy Willis were married December 16, 1973. The couple is celebrating their fortieth wedding anniversary December 15, 2013. Their three children, Warren Willis, Jennifer Donaldson and Lisa Steers are hosting the celebration for their parents with a come and go reception. The reception will be at the First Christian Church from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. at 600 S. Van Buren in Hugoton.
Aglow will meet Thursday Many people feel a pang in the heart when someone, in an effort to be inoffensive, greets them with “Happy Holidays”. Respond with a hearty “Merry Christmas” and remember Christ is the reason for the season. The community is invited to help celebrate the season at Aglow Fellowship Thursday, December 12, at Seventh and
Main. Coffee and fellowship begin at 7:00 p.m. and the meeting begins at 7:30 p.m. The goal of the December meeting is not gift giving but rather praise and worship for the Lord and Savior. Those attending are asked to bring a plate with one of their favorite goodies and warm memories of Christmases past to share with others.
Beta Sigma tours Pioneer Manor The December meeting of the Beta Sigma Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma was in Hugoton Monday, December 2, at Pioneer Manor. Eudon Dutton played her harp and was assisted by her husband, Ed, on the flute for the residents before singing carols. The members then began the evening at 5:45 p.m. with singing Christmas carols with the residents. Winnie Hagenah led the carols. After singing the carols, the residents were served sweet breads provided by the members. After visiting with the residents, Celain Baker gave the members a tour of the wonderful facility. Each member brought a book to be donated to the facility for the residents to enjoy. At 7:00 p.m., Eudon Dutton, president, called the short business meeting to order. Janie Shelden read the minutes of the November meeting. Teresa Smith gave the treasurer's report. Teresa Smith will check about when Beta Sigma can do the Half and Half Jar for scholarships.
For World Fellowship, Alice Conner asked members who have Insurance for Long Term Care to give 50 cents or, if they do not have any insurance, to give $1.00. Eudon Dutton gave each member a copy of the book, “A Pearl in the Storm,” by Tori Murden McClure. A book discussion about this book will take place at the meeting in March. The meeting was closed with a Christmas Prayer by Winnie Hagenah. Hostesses for the evening were Winnie Hagenah and Annette Sosa. Members and guests enjoyed decorated Christmas cookies and delicious cider. Members and guests were given a Christmas ornament, 2014 calendar and candy cane. The March 3 meeting will be in Elkhart. Beta Sigma does not meet in January or February. Members attending were Tracy Brecheisen, Alice Conner, Eudon Dutton, Winnie Hagenah, Dot Leiker, Sue Meek, Janie Shelden, Teresa Smith and Annette Sosa. Two guests were Sherri Randle and Pamela Graham.
Look who’s new Chandler welcomed by Tennis family The Tennis family is proud to announce the birth of their grandchild. Chandler Dean Tennis was born to Jessica and Tristan Tennis December 2, 2013 at 7:31 p.m. Chandler weighed seven pounds and four ounces. He measured 20 inches long. He is welcomed by his parents, maternal grandparents, David and Jennifer Savage of Alma. Paternal grandparents are Kent and Connie Tennis of Hugoton. Maternal great grandparents are Jupe and Peggy Ten Eyck and John and Rayonna Savage of Alma. Paternal great grandparents include Dean and Vivian Ten-
Chandler Dean Tennis nis of Meade and the late Roland and Dorothy Moser and Vivian Savage.
The Hugoton Hermes
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Page 5
What’s Happenin’ with Hugoton Students?
Mrs. Lindsay Denton directs the fifth grade choir during their winter concert Monday afternoon. The Concert Choir, Eagle Choir and
Fifth and Sixth Grade Bands performed several seasonal selections much to the delight of the audience.
Hugoton Elementary Sixth Grade Choir performs for the audience Monday afternoon, December 9.
A little tyke enjoys a toy train during the ECDC’s Learn and Play event.
Hugoton High School’s Scholar Bowl team heads to Southwestern Heights to compete in a tournament. In back, from left to right are Triston Stegman, AJ Madsen, Denver Knox, Jimmy Eves and Mr. Hawley. In front are Lacie Swafford, Jackie Garcia, Mandy Mills, Katie Weaver, Sadie Wood, Bailey Haynes and Larisa Hernandez.
Mr. Mark Newton conducts the Sixth Grade Band Monday afternoon, December 9 during their winter concert.
Mrs. Lindsay Denton and her fourth grade music students present “Peace on Mars, Goodwill Toward Martians” Tuesday, December 3 at the HES gym. The musical extravanganza was written by Denton and her brother Jaymes Williamson.
Mrs. Ferguson’s eighth hour science class boasted 100 percent “survival rate” during their egg drop experiment. Eggs were cradled in all manner of protective containers, which were dropped from an impressive height in the gym. From left to right, students are Cruzito Vasquez, Dani Rubio, America Rodriguez, Sahayla Haar, Magali Chavez, Evelyn Camacho, Jagger Hertel, Carlos Tinoco, Mattison Taylor, Kobe Lindstrom and Breeanna Scott, along with instructor Mrs. Ferguson. Kaleb Grubbs kneels in front while a very excited Christian Pearson shows off his unbroken egg.
HES Eagle Choir takes the stage. The select choir is comprised of fifth and sixth grade vocalists.
Playwright Jaymes Williamson accepts a signed photo from the fourth grade students.
Hugoton Elementary third graders Brissa Farmer, Ana Mendez, Azra Yarbrough, Juliene Salazar, Effie Kolb and Eadyn Bertram enjoy a delicious Thanksgiving feast they helped prepare while dressed in their special attire of homemade tunics and construction paper headbands.
Hugoton Learning Academy Director Jan Kilbourne receives a lanyard from USD 210 Board of Education member Matt Mills. In honor of American Education Week, board members, along with Superintendent Mark Crawford, presented all USD 210 staff members with lanyards to show their appreciation.
Brooklyn Miller and Paola Luna perform at the winter concert Monday afternoon.
Upcoming events at USD 210
HCA announces January events Heritage Christian Academy will compete in the MidWinter Tournament Friday, January 24 at Garden City. First through sixth grade students will compete in academic events. HCA also plans to compete in the Junior Robotics Competition Saturday,
January 25 at Mid-America Air Museum in Liberal. More details will come soon! Also, HCA’s Christmas Break will be from Thursday, December 19 through Monday, January 6. Have a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year!
Chloe Martin helps Jesus Baeza hang up an ornament on the school’s Christmas tree. A festive atmosphere permeates the school, thanks to the efforts of all the students and teachers.
Mrs. Piper’s fourth grade class at Heritage Christian is excited to toss their “egg-cellent” contraptions during the egg drop last week. From left to right are Ross Grewell, William Barker, Gavin Williams, Chloe Martin and Lisa Fehr.
Hugoton’s Early Childhood Development Center hosted a full Hullabaloo Room Friday, December 6 for Grandparents’ Day. The children and their special guests crafted a Christmas creation and few seasonal songs.
Lisa Fehr and Annha Eshbaugh perform at Heritage Christian’s Christmas program Friday evening at the First Christian Church.
Heritage Christian Academy presented their Christmas Program, “Telling God’s Story” at
The first semester of the school year is coming to a close, but that doesn’t mean activities are slowing down! This coming weekend, head down to the high school gyms for some incredible basketball action. Hugoton will be hosting their annual Blue
Weston Johnson has been selected as Heritage Christian Academy’s Student of the Month for December.
First Christian Church in Hugoton Friday night in front of an appreciative audience.
& Red Classic Thursday, December 12 through Saturday, December 14. For boys’ and girls’ brackets, check out Page 8 of this week’s Hermes. If you’re more of a wrestling fan, HHS grapplers will head to Ulysses for their tournament this Friday and Saturday. Monday, December 16 the Board of Education will meet at the Hugoton Middle School Library at 6:30 p.m. Holiday parties will also be in full swing at HES and the ECDC next week, so make sure to drop off snacks and presents for under the classroom tree! Students will be dismissed at regular time Thursday, December 19 for winter break. Classes will resume Monday, January 6. Have a wonderful winter break and happy holidays!
Ross Grewell recites his lines during the HCA Christmas program Friday evening.
The Hugoton Hermes
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Hi-Plains Lumber 507 S. Main 544-4304
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Jordan Air Inc Call Terry at 620-544-4361
K-C Oil Company & Main Street Laundry 218 S. Main St. • 544-4660
600 E. 11th
Reed Rome tries to pin his opponent Juan Beltran during the wrestling meet against Liberal. Rome wrestles in the 113 pound division.
Page 6
Eagles squash Syracuse 51 to 36 The Hugoton Eagles got off to a rocky start Friday night at Syracuse but came back in the second quarter. By half time Hugoton had passed the Bulldogs, leading them 24 to 19. Hugoton was able to stretch their lead in the third quarter and went on to defeat Syracuse, 51 to 36. Logan Frederick, Yates Sutton, Ross Davis, Jeison Rodriguez and Kellen Watkins took the court to start the game. Davis jumped against Tierney DeWitt of Syracuse and the first quarter was underway. The Bulldogs got the ball on the jump and were first on the board with a two-point shot from near the basket. Syracuse had six points on the board before a bad pass turned the ball over to Hugoton. Ulises Armendariz picked up the ball and, with a quick layup, the Eagles were on the board. The first quarter ended with the Eagles trailing, 5 to 8. Syracuse threw the ball in
to start the second quarter but this time it was the Eagles who were first to score. Watkins attempted a shot but was fouled and went to the line to shoot two. Both free throws were good and the tone was set for this fast paced quarter. The ball went back and forth with both teams shooting. A minute forty-three was left in the first half when Frederick scored a two pointer pushing the Eagles ahead of Syracuse. Rodriguez, Wade Heger and Sutton each scored in the last minute, taking the Eagles to a 24 to 19 lead over Syracuse by half time. Watkins sent the ball in to Frederick to start the third quarter. Both teams attempted shots during the first two minutes of the quarter but neither could get the ball to drop through the hoop. Ross Davis finally fought his way through the wall of Bulldogs and scored a two point basket from under the net. Syracuse added a few
Logan Frederick blocks a Syracuse player during the varsity basketball game Friday night. Jeison Rodriguez and Yates Sutton are there to assist if necessary.
Parker Titus is set and ready for the free throw. Parker scored in the double digits during the game against the Bulldogs. points before Parker Titus scored a three point basket, taking the Eagles to 30 points. Titus attempted another three point basket with a minute left in the quarter but was fouled. Going to the line to shoot three, Titus scored all three free throws - continuing the Eagles’ streak. Syracuse opened the fourth quarter with a pair of free throws and a two-point basket before Hugoton could score their first basket of the quarter. The Bulldogs brought the game to within six points of the Eagles before Hugoton once again found their groove. Titus added a two-point basket on a steal followed by a three point basket by Rodriguez. Ross Davis got inside the lane twice to add another four points. Rodriguez scored the final two points for Hugoton with two minutes left to play. Syracuse managed to score a free throw in the next few minutes but
Pedro Ordonez battles Kyler Thompson from Liberal during wrestling action Thursday. Pedro wrestles at 126 pounds.
Sports Schedule Thursday, December 12 High School Basketball Boys V Tournament at Home @ 3:00 p.m. High School Basketball Girls V Tournament at Home @ 3:00 p.m. Middle School Girls Basketball: Eighth Grade BTeam at Liberal South Middle School @ 4:00 p.m.; Seventh Grade B-Team at Liberal South Middle School @ 4:00 p.m.; Eighth Grade ATeam at Liberal South Middle School @ 5:00 p.m.; Seventh Grade A-Team at Liberal South Middle School @ 5:00 p.m. Friday, December 13 High School Boys & Girls V Basketball Tournament (Blue & Red Classic) at Home @ 3:00 p.m. High School V/JV Wrestling Tournament at Ulysses High School @ 4:00 p.m. Saturday, December 14
High School Boys C-Team Basketball Tournament at Dodge City High School @ 9:00 a.m. High School V/JV Wrestling Tournament at Ulysses High School @ 10:00 a.m. High School Boys & Girls V Basketball Tournament (Blue & Red Classic) at Home @ 3:00 p.m. December 16 & 17 Middle School Girls Basketball Tournament — 7th Grade A-Team at Dodge City Middle School @ TBA; 7th Grade B-Team at Dodge CityComanche Middle School @ TBA; 8th Grade B-Team at Garden City-Horace Good Middle School @ TBA; 8th Grade A-Team at Garden City-Horace Good Middle School @ TBA Thursday, December 19 Middle School Wrestling Tournament (ARMS League) at Home @ 3:00 p.m.
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BROWN-DUPREE OIL CO INC. 1400 S Washington St. 356-3926 or 1-800-682-4143
Member FDIC
Hugoton High School cheerleaders pump up the crowd during the girls’ varsity basketball game Friday night in Syracuse. Cheerleaders are from
the left Leslie Miller, Elizabeth Johnson, Magee Gifford, Toni Melton and Erin Perry. Brittney Kolb is standing on top in center.
Eighth grade Lady Eagles defeat Dodge City The Eighth Grade Lady Eagles had little trouble defeating the Dodge City Comanches December 2. Both A and B-teams won their games with little opposition from their adversaries. In the A-game, Hugoton led at half time by 21 points and went on to win their game, 46 to 13. Dallie Hoskinson reached well into the double digits scoring 17 points. Two teammates almost reached double digits scoring nine each. Laney Hoskinson and Brooklyn Harper each had nine, followed by Caitlin Lewis with six. JoHanna Rawlins and
Claire Lewis each added two for a winning score. “We played fairly well,” said Coach Nick Rodriguez. “Not ideal to play a game after Thanksgiving break. In the last week we have played more games than practices because of the schedule and the break. We really need to get better against the zone. Our offense just does not flow as well against the zone, but we need to find the gaps and make things work better,” added Rodriguez. The B-team out distanced their opponents by ten points before the final buzzer. Hugoton only scored two points in
the first quarter but was ahead 16 to 7 by half time. The Lady Eagles added more points in the third quarter but allowed the Dodge City girls to add more points as well. Hugoton stopped the Dodge City team in the final quarter to take the win 28 to 18. Caitlin Lewis was the only Lady Eagle to score double digits with ten points in the game. Trinity Warren was next with eight followed by Britta Beesley and Claire Lewis with four each. Jaysa Featherston slipped past the defense and was able to add one basket for the team.
was unsuccessful in adding any more points. The game ended with the Eagles winning their first game of the season with a 15 point lead. The Eagles will be hosting the Blue and Red Classic this weekend and everyone is invited. This would be a good time to get out and support the Hugoton teams and see for oneself what this team is capable of doing. The boys will be playing at 8:15 p.m. against Guymon Thursday night.
Eighth grade girls tromp Dodge City Middle School There was no stopping the Lady Eagles eighth grade girls December 5 when they played Dodge City Middle School. The A-team stopped almost all attempts to score only giving up 13 points throughout the game. The B-team also did well stopping the Dodge City girls from scoring when they kept that team to six points. The A-team girls was off to a good run, scoring 22 points by half time while allowing Dodge City only eight. The third quarter was a big quarter for the Hugoton team, adding another ten points while giving up only two to their opponents. By the time the game ended, it was the Lady Eagles scoring well above the Dodge City girls, 42 to 13. Dallie Hoskinson was on her mark, scoring 22 points followed by 13 from Brooklyn Harper. Laney Hoskinson also did well, adding five points along with one basket from JoHanna Rawlins. “We played a good game. Teams are beginning to play us more zone and that takes away our dribble penetration, but we will have to find other ways to score,” said Coach Nick Rodriguez. The B-team was also hard to contain as they were able to stop the Dodge City girls almost in their tracks. By half time it was the Lady Eagles’ game, 16 to 4. Continuing to pressure Dodge City, the Hugoton team went on to win 30 to 6. Caitlin Lewis ran the ball past the opposing team to score 15 points. Claire Lewis also pushed hard and was able to add another eight points for Hugoton. Jaysa Featherston scored four points and Ady Gooch added three, helping to take the team to the winners’ circle. “We have one more week of regular season games then we close the season with our tournament,” concluded Rodriguez.
HHS wrestling team does well in competition against Liberal Redskins Hugoton High School wrestling team competed against the Liberal Redskins Thursday, December 5 in Hugoton. Six varsity wrestlers won their matches. Pedro Ordonez won by decision 11-7 against Kyler Thompson. Ordonez wrestles in the 126 pound division. At 138 pounds Edgar Villa won by fall in 5:42 against Jason Relles.
Hunter Kerbow won by major decision 14-6 against Josh Martinez. Kerbow is in the 145 pound division. Genesis Martinez won by decision 5-4 over Edwin Sabalvarro in the 160 pound division. Bradley Campbell defeated George Vaiasa by fall in 2:52. Campbell wrestles at 195 pounds. Heavy weight wrestler Nick Evans won his match against
Dustin Berens by fall in :33. Other wrestlers competing in Thursday’s duals were Reed Rome, lost by fall to Juan Beltran in :58; Danny Tapia lost by fall 2:31 to Peyton Yancy; David Tapia lost by fall 2:59 to Sam Cruz; Romano Burger lost by fall in 3:20 to Chris Boman; Noel Camacho lost by decision 6-7 to Shawn Lay; and Austin Harper lost by fall in 1:14 to Ryan McCurg.
The team wrestled in the Rocky Ford Duals Saturday, December 7. Results from that match will be in next week’s Hermes.
Sports by Reece McDaniels
The Hugoton Hermes
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Page 7
Lady Eagles smash Syracuse 76-31 The Lady Eagles were off to a great start Friday night as they played Syracuse on the Lady Bulldogs home court. Head Coach Andy Gillen had something to smile about as the half time score was 43 to 13. Hugoton continued to rule the court and by the end of the third quarter the Lady Eagles had a 37point lead over Syracuse. The Lady Eagles swapped out some of the varsity in the final quarter but the less experienced players kept the momentum going. When the final buzzer sounded, the Lady Eagles had won their first game of the season, 76 to 31. Hugoton was first on the board and continued to score, keeping the Lady Bulldogs from their goal for the first five minutes of the quarter. Syracuse finally got on the board but could only add three points to their side before the quarter ended. Sofia Jimenez scored the last twopoint shot for the Lady Eagles before the buzzer, ending the first quarter with Hugoton in a commanding lead, 17 to 3. Syracuse started the second quarter by shooting a two-point basket very early in the quarter. Hugoton got their first point of the quarter on a free throw from Amy Scott. Five free throws were scored by Hugoton during the first four minutes of the quarter. Half way through the second quarter, Ana Pena made a great steal and raced down court to score an easy layup for the Lady Eagles. When the
first half of the game ended, Hugoton was in the lead 43 to 13. The Lady Bulldogs scored the first two points of the third quarter, taking only a few seconds to do so. Hugoton quickly answered with a two-point shot of their own, leaving Syracuse to trail by 30. The Lady Eagles continued to pound the Lady Bulldogs in the fourth quarter. Hugoton threw the ball in to get the quarter started and within a few seconds Katy Heger scored a two-point basket on a fast run layup. Syracuse got a small break when Heger fouled out with 6:47 remaining in the quarter. Heger fouled a Syracuse player as she attempted a two point shot. Her shot was good and so was one of her free throws. The Syracuse points did not hurt the Lady Eagles and the game continued. The Lady Bulldogs could not get past the well played defense of the Lady Eagles and were only able to score eight points while giving up 16 to the Hugoton girls. Taylor Fiss scored the last points of the game with a simple two-point basket, giving the Hugoton girls a 76 to 31 win. Hugoton will host the Blue and Red Classic this weekend. Everyone should come out and watch this fast paced girls’ team! The Lady Eagles will play their first game of the tournament Thursday at 6:30 p.m. against Guymon.
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BIG AL HAS MOVED WEST!!! Megan Cornelsen is set for the shot during varsity action at Syracuse Friday. The Lady Eagles defeated the Syracuse Lady Bulldogs with a score of 76-31.
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Get Your Flys Ready For Summer.
Classes start
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Estefani Armendariz brings the ball down court Friday in the varsity basketball game against Syracuse.
Take me home for the holidays. The most loved gift..the pet you select from the Classified Ads.
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HUGOTON RECREATION COMMISSION Announces 2014 Girls Basketball Sign-Ups
December 16 - December 20 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Saturday, December 21 9 a.m. - Noon
Seventh grade girls prepare for the rebound during a recent game. After four quarters and the key to us continuing to win the rest of our season,” concluded Nech. The B-team may have had their best game to date. Scoring 23 points while holding their opponents to 12, the Hugoton team showed they were not only improving but up to the task of winning. Mekenzie Hagman led her team with ten points in this
overtime the girls win over Dodge City in a close game 31-28.
fast paced game. Claire Clark followed with eight, along with two from Vivian Titus and Evelyn Camacho and a free throw from Abby Heger. “The girls did a very good job on the offensive end. This is the most points that they have scored. Hopefully this will continue through our two remaining games,” added Nech.
that the girls have played so far. We had several opportunities to score more points but our shots just wouldn’t fall,” said Coach Jill Nech. Claire Clark and Mekenzie Hagman were the only Lady Eagles that could get their shots to fall through the
hoop. Both girls added four points each, enough to take the win by one. “This was also the best game the girls have played defensively and rebounding,” concluded Nech.
Seventh grade girls struggle against Liberal teams November 26 was not a good day for seventh grade girls’ basketball against Lib-
8200 W. Kellogg Wichita, KS
Hugoton Recreation Commission presents
B-team claims 8-7 victory over Dodge The Middle School Girls Bteam basketball team had a tough night December 2 when they faced the Dodge City girls. Keeping the game very close, the Hugoton girls got the win with a final score of 8 to 7. “This was the best game
Under the Big American Flag
Seventh grade girls win edge-of-your-seat contest The Seventh Grade Lady Eagles played against Dodge City Middle School December 5. Both A and B-teams played very well with both teams winning their games. The Ateam took their game into overtime while the B-team almost doubled their opponents’ score. In the A-game, the Hugoton girls took the game into overtime in order to win their game, 31 to 28. Jayla Stump pushed hard, slipping through the Dodge City girls’ defense. She scored eleven points and led the team in points. Etni Guzman followed with eight, along with four from Rebecca Johnson. “This is the most points that our girls have scored even though we missed several wide open lay-ups,” said Coach Jill Nech. Four more Lady Eagles added two points each for a winning score. “These girls did a good job of holding the other team scoreless in overtime. As the game went on we got better at rebounding. Free throws, lay ups and rebounding will be
Big Al
eral. The A-team fought hard but could only muster up 21 points while giving up 31 to the Liberal team. Jayla Stump slipped past the Liberal girls’ defense, scoring six points throughout the game. Etni Guzman and Sesthleng Garcia each scored four points followed by three from Malorie McSpaden. “The A-team did a very good job of having balanced
scoring. We just had two quarters where we struggled to play defense and struggled to shoot the ball,” said Coach Jill Nech. Rebecca Johnson and Ashlyn Schnechter also was able to score adding a basket each in the game. The B-team struggled the most, losing their game 1 to 17. Abby Heger scored the team’s only point coming from a free throw.
Sports by Reece McDaniels
This upcoming school years grade, participants must register at the above time in order to be put on teams. NO PHONE REGISTRATIONS. Register and pay program fees at HRC offices, 211 S. Madison.
The Hugoton Hermes
Thursday, December 12, 2013
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fie f . E ill r D ask G
Y Hugoton Sports Boosters RJ’s Ha ir Salon O s n i Watk n i v e K n o i t Connec s t r o p S XTO Energy Inc. U er b m u L s R Hugoton Rotary Hi-Plain e usgrov M d a r B
Jordan Air, Inc. Complete Aerial Application SPRAYING - SEEDING - FERTILIZING
Chris Heger Seed
y C t L L e c n i f f O u Law o C s Tate & Kitzke n r e e t v n e St Ce s s e Fitn Insurance Agency Debbie L. Nordling, State Farm Agent
Kramer Seed Farms
dy o b o t u nA Uptow Riley Chevrolet Buick SS E R P UT X N O D Lozar Plumbing id u l F o Dillc ice Serv Dustin E. Johnson
Stephanie A. Weeast
Jeff Ramse y
S U P Oxion P Oklahoma Smoke BBQ O R T Member FDIC
Randy Luca s
The Hugoton Hermes
Thursday, December 12, 2013
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STEVENS COUNTY Activity Center - 544-2283 Nutrition Center - 544-8041 ~ Shila Moore ~
Shaelynn Noyes takes the lead and shows her grandparents exactly how to make the Christmas creation with her grandparents, Linda and Dale Noyes and Rex Brower at the Early Child-
hood Development Center in Hugoton. Grandparents’ Day was celebrated by pre-K students Friday, December 6.
We had a fun time Friday night at the Senior Social playing Dirty Bingo. The next activity is this Saturday night with a dance at 8:00 p.m. The music will be provided by the Oklahoma Cowboy. If you would like to join us but don’t know how to dance, there are plenty of people there who are willing to teach you. So don’t let that be a deterrent. Don’t forget we have Line Dancing every Monday evening at 7:00 p.m. There is no bridge this month and the Sewing Day for December 14 has been cancelled. The Senior Center will be closed December 2425.
We are having a New Year’s Eve dance starting at 8:00 p.m., and Craig Stevens is providing the music. There will be door prizes from different businesses here in Hugoton. Please join us!
Menu Dec. 12 ...............Ham & Beans Dec. 13 ...............................Fish Dec. 16 ..........Smothered Steak Dec. 17...........Chicken Noodles Dec. 18 .....................Roast Beef Dec. 19......................BBQ Pork
For Fast Dependable Service Call
L & N AVIATION CO. Aerial Applicators All Types Of Spraying Fertilizing & Seeding Equipped with satellite guidance system 544-2008 Office - 593-4509 Night 544-6491 Mobile
Gene Nunn
SOCIAL SECURITY NEWS By Becky Ewy Social Security Assistant District Manager in Hutchinson
Aislee Austin and “Meemaw” Anita Gill craft a beautiful holiday sculpture out of ice cream cones, frosting and lots of delicious candy at Grandparents’ Day Friday morning.
Keri Morris and daughter Aneta decide just where is the perfect placement for gumdrops, marshmallows and candy canes while crafting their Christmas creation Friday at the ECDC.
Old Man Winter arrives this month. For much of the United States, that can mean the possibility of temperatures below freezing and winter storms. So isn’t it nice to know that in the 21st century you can take care of most necessary business online – including Social Security. Just go to www.socialse Here, you can handle much of your Social Security business quickly and securely from your home or office computer, or your tablet. At the Social Security Web site you can — • Create a my Social Security account for quick access to your information; • Get an instant, personalized estimate of your future Social Security benefits; • Apply for retirement, disability, spouse’s, and Medicare benefits; • Check the status of your benefit application; • Change your address and phone number, if you re-
Hugoton Rotary Club member Don Trentham explains every third grader will receive a child’s dictionary to use in their classrooms. The Hugo-
ton Elementary students were ecstatic when they heard the great news!
Hugoton Elementary third graders excitedly pore over their new dictionaries, donated to every third grade student in the school by the
Hugoton Rotary Club. This year marks the thirteenth such donation by the Club.
Northridge 8
Southgate 6
Sequoyah 8
ceive monthly Social Security benefits; • Sign-up for direct deposit of Social Security benefits; • Use our benefit planners to help you better understand your Social Security options as you plan for your financial future; • Request a replacement Medicare card; and • Apply for Extra Help with your Medicare prescription drug costs. Looking for more Social Security information? Go online to find out almost anything you need to know about the Social Security program. Information is available on subjects ranging from how to get a Social Security number for a newborn to returning to work while receiving disability benefits. If you need to reach us by phone, you can call us toll-free at 1-800-772-1213. We can answer specific questions from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday through Friday. Generally, you’ll have a shorter wait time if you call during the week after Tuesday. We can provide information by automated phone service 24 hours a day. (You can use our automated response system to tell us a new address or request a replacement Medicare card.) If you are deaf or hard of hearing, you may call our TTY number, 1-800-3250778. No matter how you choose to contact us, Social Security is here to assist you. We encourage you to give our Web site a try. You’ll get fast, convenient service by going to
Saturday, December 14 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Commercial Building @ the Fairgrounds
a b a b a b a b a b a
Premier Jewelry Papparazi Jewelry Mary Kay Pampered Chef a b a b a b a b a b a
Come out for your last minute Christmas gifts. We will also have baked goods, wooden bird houses and many more goodies!
ATTENTION!!! Due to Christmas and New Years being on Wednesdays this year, The Hugoton Hermes will print and distribute The Hermes Monday, December 23 for the December 26 paper and December 30 for the January 2 paper.
All copy for ads and stories needs to be in the office Thursday, December 19 for the December 26 newspaper and December 27 for the January 2 newspaper.
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year .
The Hugoton Hermes
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Page 2B
Deck the Hall With Extra Dollars Collect that extra Holiday Cash with Classified Ads.
1540 West Industrial Park 620-544-2027 Come by our location or call Craig at 544-2027
Save 12.5% if paid within 10 days - 10% if paid within 30 days.
A new choice for your chemical, NH3, Liquid Fertilizer and Dry Fertilizer. We now carry banjo parts for all your needs and have a large selection of banjo fittings and hoses. We have 40 years of experience in both ground and air application. Hugoton Elkhart 620-544-2027 620-697-4706 Lakin Ulysses 620-355-7700 620-356-1070
Kyson Whitaker sits as still as can be expected to get his face painted Saturday by an HHS dance team member. The winter carnival was sponsored by the Santa Committee. Lilyana Bustillos looks slightly unsure as to who the big red guy holding her is. Approximately 100 children attended the first ever Winter Carnival Saturday afternoon at the fairgrounds.
Give it your best shot! Citizens State Bank sponsored a bean bag toss at the Winter Carnival Saturday afternoon.
It’s so exciting to be elves - even if you’re just pretending! Boys and girls of all ages had tons of fun at the Winter Carnival Saturday.
THANK The Following Partners For Their Participation. The Businesses and Individuals were inadvertently left off of the page ad two weeks ago. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused. Bob & Florence Davis Harrison Construction Kramer Seed Farms Anonymous #3 ExxonMobil Employees Volunteer Group Norton Farms Inc G+ Ag, Inc. Cheryl Cox Rick & Judy Hamlin Gerrond Management Lahey Farms Anonymous #4 Bob & Deb Forward Terry L Gerrond Jack & Toni Hamlin Hi-Plains Lumber Inc./Robert & Misty Davis Applehutch, Roger & Wendy Holmes Anonymous #5
HHS dance team member Abby Crawford helps Aiden Evans select the perfect design to paint on his face.
Verda Swagerty did something that most women don’t do. She asked her boyfriend to marry her. Of course there’s more to the story. Formerly Verda Kemper, she first met Harold Swagerty one Sunday in 1944 when she was in eighth grade. Her friend brought over a couple of young men from Elkhart who came to Liberal to sign up for the Army. Her friend introduced them as Lawrence and Harold, but Verda didn’t know who was who. One thing she did know was that she was attracted to one and was hoping he wasn’t her friend’s boyfriend. When she saw him, the thought that went through her heart and mind was, “That is for me! That is for me!” As it turned out, the one she was attracted to was Harold and he was not her friend’s boyfriend. Verda was thrilled! She was already acquainted with Harold’s family because they had all attended the Camp Meetings for the Church of God in Liberal. Well, Verda invited her friend and the two young men to have dinner at her house, afterwards the girls accompanied the young men as they went to enlist in the Army. Harold and Verda didn’t start dating then, but they saw each other at a music festival and at a church youth convention. August 1, 1944 rolled around and Harold was off to the Army. Verda asked Harold’s cousin for his address and began writing to him. The two exchanged letters and when Harold came home on leave, they would see each other. Harold eventually served in the European Theatre. In May of 1947 he was honorably discharged from the Army. When he got home, he went to see Verda, and their relationship grew. Now comes the proposal. Harold and Verda were friends with another couple, Dean and Barbara. Dean and Barbara had decided to go to Clayton, N.M., to get married because Barbara was only 16 and her father refused to give his permission. The two couples were in the car together and Dean asked Harold, “Why don’t you and Verda go with us and get married?” Harold grinned with that “cute grin” and said, “I haven’t been asked!” Verda turned to Harold and said, “Harold, would you marry me?” Immediately Harold replied, “Yes!” So they went back home and told their folks they were going to go with Dean and Barbara and get married. Verda was 18 by then. Her parents, George and Jessie Kemper, knew Harold and didn’t object. Harold’s parents didn’t object either, so the next weekend November 16, 1947, they got married. Verda pretty much knew Harold would answer “Yes!” because they had previously talked about marriage. She also felt the Lord had been preparing her for a long time to marry Harold. Even when they first met and she was only 14, Verda
felt the Lord was telling her Harold was the one. After they got married, Harold showed Verda some of his family photographs. There was one picture of Harold when he was a little boy. He was a “chubby little boy”. When Verda saw that photograph, she remembered seeing a little boy just like him at a Camp Meeting when she was a little girl. Even though she was just a child at the time, she knew there was something about him. She wondered who he was but never did know his name. She kept wondering. Then when she saw the picture of him, she felt the little boy could have been Harold. “I was attracted to him for some reason. I don’t know why. God was really preparing me for him!” Verda’s Christian faith is the most important thing to her. She had rheumatic fever when she was in grade school and believes the prayers of the faithful people at the Camp Meeting are what helped heal her. “I can’t see how some people can do without at least going to church. To me it’s very important in life.” It was also important to her to marry someone that went to the same church as she and shared the same beliefs. “I had prayed that when I found somebody that I would marry that he would be in the same church. So that’s when I met Harold and I found out that he was. I was glad for that!” Verda and Harold had three children, Janell, Craig and Emery, eight grandchildren, and 19 great-grandchildren. For most of their marriage, Harold worked for Northern Natural Gas Company and Verda had an income tax service. They had 65 wonderful years together, then Harold “went to be with Jesus April 25, 2013.”
Verda and Harold Swagerty had 65 wonderful years together.
The Hugoton Hermes
Hugoton It was a cold, cold (did I say COLD?) day Saturday — but Santa made it to Hugoton! The 1st Annual Winter Carnival was held at the Commercial Building Saturday afternoon and it was a wonderful afternoon. The Santa Committee was excited to see the 100 children that came out with their parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles to have some fun and visit with Santa. Thank you to all of these families for the wonderful donation of food that could be made to Project Hope. Many will benefit from this wonderful donation. Thank you also to Hugoton High School FBLA for the “Rudolph Roundabout”, the Hugoton High School Dance Team for their great face painting and Citizens State Bank for the bean bag toss. There was cotton candy and popcorn for all. It was absolutely the most fun you can have on a cold, cold Saturday afternoon! As the holidays approach don’t forget that Chamber Gift Certificates are the PERFECT gift for Anyone, Anytime! Birthdays, Anniversaries, Christmas… Chamber Gift Certificates are the solution for all of your gift giving needs. Purchasing Chamber Gift Certificates ensures that your money is staying in our local economy making our local businesses strong. Stop by the Chamber Office and purchase a Chamber Gift Certificate. These certificates can be written for any amount and are redeemable at most Stevens County businesses. Shop STEVENS COUNTY First! Christmas is fast apDecember is proaching. likely to be a month full of activities. Here are just a few that are happenings in the County. Now through December 20, Stevens County Healthcare presents: The 1st Annual Toy Drive!! Bring a new toy and drop it off at any of the toy drive location boxes — Stevens County Hospital, Pioneer Manor, White’s Foodliner, or ALCO. All of the toys will be distributed to children in and around Stevens County. All toys must be new. Please help out a child that may not receive a gift this
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MUSEUM UPDATE from The Stevens County Gas & Historical Museum Gladys Renfro and Beulah Carter
CHAMBER OF COMMERCE year. Also, if you know of a child that needs a Christmas gift, please contact Alisha at 620-544-6162. Thank you and God Bless!! (In addition to the above locations, anyone that would like to drop their toy donations off at the Chamber of Commerce office is welcome to do so. I will see that they get to the Hospital by the 20th. Thursday, December 12 from 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. —The Stevens County Library is again having their Recipe Swap Luncheon. This come-and-go luncheon is for all those who have entered recipes in the swap. Make the recipes you entered (enough to serve 12-15 people each) and bring them to the luncheon. You will get to try everyone’s recipes and take home a booklet with ALL of the recipes that were entered. Contact a library staff member for additional details. Thursday through Saturday, December 12-14 is the annual Hugoton Red & Blue Classic Basketball Tournament. Both the Eagles and the Lady Eagles will play first round games Thursday, December 12. The Lady Eagles play at 6:30 in the West Gym at the High School followed by the Eagles. The Farmers’ Market is now closed for the season. But, keep your eyes on the Chatter, they are hoping to do it again in 2014 — just waiting for better weather and a harvest of items to sell! Hugoton Area The Chamber of Commerce and Stevens County Economic Development website m is a great place to view a calendar of events with all of these activities which are happening in the county and to get more details on Chamber and Economic Development programs. Be sure to check it out. We also try to keep the community informed of upcoming events on our Facebook pages Get Hugoton! and Hugoton Area Chamber of Commerce. Give us a LIKE on Facebook. The Hugoton Area Chamber of Commerce is here for YOU!
The Stevens County Gas and Historical Museum is located at 905 S. Adams. You are invited to visit Mondays
Reinke recognized record attendance during this year’s convention. Gold, silver and bronze Reinke Pride awards were given to a total of 118 dealerships. The Reinke Pride awards are determined as part of an incentive program that distinguishes superior achievement levels according to an evaluation based on a dealership’s exterior and interior housekeeping and maintenance, indoor and outdoor displays, safety, retail environment, merchandising, profession-
through Fridays from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. and Saturdays from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.
Deck the Halls With the Hugoton With the Hugoton Hermes Hermes PUBLIC NOTICE (First Published in the Hugoton Hermes, Thursday, November 28, 2013) 3t IN THE TWENTY SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT DISTRICT COURT OF STEVENS COUNTY, KANSAS GARY SKINNER, Plaintiff, v.
The antique cash register shown above is on display at the Stevens County Gas and Historical Museum. Checkout registers are a lot different today than they were yesteryear.
KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE DIVISION OF MOTOR VEHICLES, J & P CYCLES, AND JOEY FREEMAN Case No. 13-CV-26 NOTICE OF SUIT To the Kansas Department of Revenue Division of Motor Vehicles, J & P Cycles, and Joey Freeman, Defendants,
and all other concerned persons: You are notified that a Petition to Quiet Title has been filed in the TwentySixth Judicial District Court of Stevens County, Kansas by Gary Skinner, Plaintiff, praying for clear title on a 2002 custom sport motorcycle, and all parts, and you are hereby required to plead to the Petition on or before January 7, 2014, in the court at Hugoton, Stevens County, Kansas. If you fail to plead, judgment will be entered upon the Petition. /s/ Jeremiah Johnson Jeremiah Johnson, #21968 Attorney for Gary Skinner, Plaintiff White & Johnson, LLC 701 Vilymaca – PO Box 450 Elkhart, KS 67950 (620) 697-2163 Fax: (620) 697-2165
Located within Stevens County Hospital 1006 S. Jackson Hugoton, KS 67951
Colter has read 400 books in the 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten challenge at the Stevens County Library. Wow! Great job Colter!
• Free in Town Delivery! • Friendly “Hometown” Service • Accept Major Insurance Plans • Open Saturdays! Open Monday - Friday: 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Closed 1:00pm to 1:30 p.m. for lunch
Timber has joined the 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten challenge at the Stevens County Library. We're glad you've joined us Timber!
Open Saturday 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Closed Sunday
Call Us Today! 620-544-8512
l a u n n st A
Sean has joined the 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten challenge at the Stevens County Library. Welcome aboard Sean!
Reinke recognizes Superior Irrigation Reinke Manufacturing Company, Inc., a leading manufacturer of mechanized irrigation systems, is excited to announce that Superior Irrigation Service Company in Hugoton has received a Gold Reinke Pride award in recognition of the company’s 20122013 marketing year success. The Reinke dealership was honored during Reinke’s recent annual convention October 20-22, 2013, in Omaha, Ne. “Congratulations to Superior Irrigation Service Company on this recognition of their ongoing hard work and success,” said Reinke Vice President of Marketing Tim Goldhammer. “We appreciate their ongoing commitment to Reinke and to their community. We are proud to have them as a dealer.” Reinke dealerships from across the United States and Canada gather each year to attend the company’s convention. The convention awards ceremony recognizes select Reinke dealerships for their hard work and dedication to sales and marketing throughout the past year.
Thursday, December 12, 2013
alism, promotions and event participation, and market share. “It’s great to be able to come together each year to applaud the efforts of our dealers and recognize them among their peers,” said Goldhammer. “Our annual convention is an opportunity for Reinke and our dealers to share ideas, have some fun and get set for another successful year in the agriculture industry.” Submitted by Swanson Russell for Reinke Manufacturing Company, Inc.
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Linda Noyes and son Brian Noyes proudly accept the “Gold Reinke Pride Award” their company, Superior Irrigation Service was recently presented at the Reinke’s convention.
time BEST to bu y
in rebates!
Riley Ford 715 East Oklahoma, Ulysses (620) 356-1231
BUY – before they are all gone...
The Hugoton Hermes
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Page 4B
Agriculture Corner
TEMPERATURE Call 844 Custom Strip Till Work CPS Operating is now taking orders for spring crop acres. Using John Deere guidance system, let us take care of any dry fertilizer and anhydrous ammonia application needs.
Contact CPS Operating for more information on strip till work. 620.428.6400 or 620.544.5223
“Supplying your custom farming needs”
FSA - NRCS - SCCD 544-2261 USDA is an equal opportunity employer and provider
Applications for Conservation Stewardship Program Due January 17 The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) is opening the Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) for new enrollments for federal fiscal year 2014. Now through January 17, 2014, producers interested in participating in the program can submit applications to NRCS. “Through the Conservation Stewardship Program, farmers, ranchers, and forest landowners are going the extra mile to conserve our nation’s resources,” NRCS Chief Jason Weller said. “Through their conservation actions, they are ensuring that their operations are more productive and sus-
Average gas price under $3.00 / gallon Average retail gasoline prices in Kansas have fallen 1.5 cents per gallon in the past week, averaging $2.96 per gallon Sunday. This compares with the national average that has fallen 0.7 cents per gallon in the last week to $3.24 per gallon, according to gasoline price Web site Including the change in gas prices in Kansas during the past week, prices Sunday were 20.4 cents per gallon lower than the same day one year ago and are 2.3 cents per gallon higher than a month ago. The national average has increased 3.9 cents per gallon during the last month and stands 10.4 cents per gallon lower than this day one year ago. "The National Weather Service says this week begins with much of California under a 'hard freeze warning' and separate storm systems tracking across the Great Lakes region and from the Gulf Coast to the northeast, bringing snow, sleet and freezing rain from the Lower Mississippi River Valley northeastward to New England,' said Gregg Laskoski, senior petroleum analyst, GasBuddy. "Under conditions like that, consumer demand usually declines and that often results in a nominal decrease in retail gas prices," Laskoski added. "That may be what lies ahead this week." Submitted by
Pearcy Irrigation
tainable over the long run.” The CSP is an important Farm Bill conservation program that helps established conservation stewards with taking their level of natural resource management to the next level to improve both their agricultural production and provide valuable conservation benefits such as cleaner and more abundant water, as well as healthier soils and better wildlife habitat. Weller said today's announcement is another example of USDA's comprehensive focus on promoting environmental conservation and strengthening the rural economy, and it is a reminder that a new Food, Farm and Jobs Bill is pivotal to continue these efforts. CSP is now in its fifth year and so far, NRCS has partnered with producers to enroll more than 59 million acres across the nation. The program emphasizes conservation performance — producers earn higher payments for higher performance. In CSP, producers install conservation enhancements to
make positive changes in soil quality, soil erosion, water quality, water quantity, air quality, plant resources, animal resources and energy. Some popular enhancements used by farmers and ranchers include: • Using new nozzles that reduce the drift of pesticides, lowering input costs and making sure pesticides are used where they are most needed; • Modifying water facilities to prevent bats and bird species from being trapped; • Burning patches of land, mimicking prairie fires to enhance wildlife habitat; and • Rotating feeding areas and monitoring key grazing areas to improve grazing management. Eligible landowners and operators in all states and territories can enroll in CSP through January 17th to be eligible during the 2014 federal fiscal year. While local NRCS offices accept CSP applications year round, NRCS evaluates applications during announced ranking periods. To be eligible for this year’s
enrollment, producers must have their applications submitted to NRCS by the closing date. A CSP self-screening checklist is available to help producers determine if the program is suitable for their operation. The checklist highlights basic information about CSP eligibility requirements, stewardship threshold requirements and payment types. Learn more about CSP by visiting the NRCS website or a local NRCS field office. USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. To file a complaint of discrimination, write to USDA, Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Stop 9410, Washington, DC 20250-9410, or call toll-free at (866) 632-9992 (English) or (800) 877-8339 (TDD) or (866) 377-8642 (English Federalrelay) or (800) 845-6136 (Spanish Federal-relay). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
A greener meat — call it Blue By Steve Kinser It seems very popular to be green these days. You see articles on how to live more green. Car and appliance retailers run ads boasting about being greener than their competitors. I even saw an ad that claimed to have the greenest eggs. They weren’t talking color; they were all claiming to conserve natural resources. Whether it was fuel, electricity, or feed, they claimed to do more and go farther on less. Then I thought “I have green beef.” But that doesen’t sound very appetizing so let’s just call it blue beef. That is what I raise; blue beef or sometimes called Belgian Blue beef. So, how can I say my cattle are more environmentally friendly or that they can produce more with less input? Well here goes, I have to admit there isn’t a lot of hard research that has been done here in the United States. I have put a few of my blue cross bulls on feed trials. In the six years that they were in a pen with just blues, that pen had the highest feed efficiency on the bull test. For the 120 day test, my feed costs where $70-plus less than the average for the rest of the test which did include some bulls that could be as much as six months older. I also remember a good selling pen of bulls that averaged $200 a head more to feed for
the 120 days than mine. I developed a theory, since genetically my cattle produce a very limited amount of fat and fat has twice as many calories as protein, it has to take regular cattle more energy to put on all that extra fat. So point number one, blues seem to have higher feed efficiency and use less natural resources. Secondly, blues are noted for their hyper-muscular growth. This allows the blues to stack a lot of weight or meat on the rail. Where regular cattle put 55-65 percent of their live weight on the rail, blues can yield 68-75 percent on the rail. Then there is their percent trim or how much of their hanging weight is considered waste. In a USDA meat animal research center test done in
the 1990s comparing Angus and Blues, the Angus had 66 pounds more waste per half, or side, of beef. With the blues’ increased yield on the rail, this gave the Blues 100 pounds more retail product per side. Recently, when two of my calves were processed at Yoder Meats, I was told they yielded 75 and 77 percent of their carcass weight in retail product. Regular cattle typically are in the 40 – 55 percent range. So, high feed efficiency, high yield and high cutability, that should equal green, well. . . let’s just say blue beef. Steve Kinser lives on a ranch near Hugoton where he raises Belgian Blue cattle. Used by permission from
Steven Kinser of Hugoton raises Belgian Blue cattle.
is pleased to announce we are now your local Diversified Insurance Agency.
Diversified is the most trusted name in Irrigation Equipment Insurance Being the Agent and Equipment Dealer allows us to process claims more quickly and efficiently, meaning less down time for you.
Call Beth 620-428-6333 or Jonathan 620-541-1049
Thank you for your past business and we look forward to better serving you in the future. Jonathan Pearcy
Drought conditions continue By Amy Bickel, The Hutchinson News Drought continues to linger across all but the southeast corner of Kansas. According to the U.S. Drought Monitor, an inch or more of precipitation fell across parts of the Midwest,
locally in southern Iowa, southern Illinois, and parts of Missouri. Moderate drought conditions were trimmed slightly in northern Missouri. Although a few half-inch precipitation reports were received, most stations in northeast Kansas were much
drier this week, compounding longer-term (month-to-date and 6-12 month) departures, so the abnormally dry rating was extended across northeast Kansas and slightly in northwest Missouri. Used by permission from
The Hugoton Hermes
See Mike Breez December 18 Don’t forget!!! Moscow Community, come out and enjoy Mike Breez December 18 at 7:00 p.m. in the new gym. It will be lots of fun for the whole family.
UMC Christmas C a n t a t a w ill be Sunday Everyone on the Moscow Junior High basketball team was able to play at the
Deerfield game Monday. This makes for a very special and fun game for all.
Moscow Wildcats A and B teams claw Deerfield Junior High Monday, December 9 was a very fun day for all involved with the Moscow Junior High basketball team. Due to a high numbers of kids participating this year (which we love), playing time has been sparse for some of the younger basketball players.
Yesterday at Deerfield Moscow won both the A and B game and everyone got to play and contribute to this effort. “As a coach who has watched all of these kids try to learn every day in practice, it was fun to see everyone get
to play and leave the gym excited and happy,” said Coach Brown. Go Wildcats! Written by Coach Brown, Head Junior High Boys’ Coach.
Moscow Lady Wildcats lose to Ingalls in tight game The Moscow Lady Wildcats battled hard against the visiting Ingalls girls Friday night. Both teams fought for the win and by half time the Moscow girls were leading 19 to 15. As the game resumed in the second half it looked as if the home team was going to pull out the win. However, Ingalls had a different idea and by the time the game came to an end Moscow was down by one, 43 to 44. In the first quarter Moscow only had one basket scored by Kaitlyn Dobie. Kendra Haines added four free throws out of six attempts giving the home team six points going into the second quarter. Ingalls was
leading at this time with nine. Moscow picked up the pace in the second quarter, adding 13 points before the half time buzzer sounded. Kelsey Mueller scored seven points in the quarter including a three point basket. Haines, Dobie and Maria Cecenas each added two point baskets for a half time total of 19 points. The third quarter brought a fired up Lady Wildcat team back on court and by the end of the quarter Moscow had added another 13 points. Madilyn Fleming and Briannah Davidson each added four points along with a two pointer from Cecenas. Mueller
hit a second three point shot, taking the team to 32 points. At this time Ingalls trailed with 26. Moscow remained steady adding another 11 points in the fourth quarter but the final quarter went to Ingalls. Haines added another five points including a three point basket and fouled out before she could add any more points. Mueller also scored a three point basket giving her 13 points throughout the game. Mueller led her team in points followed by Haines with 11. Ingalls finished up the fourth quarter adding 18 points and took the win from the Moscow girls by one point.
Wildcats defeat Ingalls in home game The Moscow boys got off to a slow start Friday night in the home game against Ingalls. The Wildcats only scored six points in the first quarter but picked up the pace to end the first half leading 17 to 14. The Moscow boys had their best quarter in the third, adding 15 points to their side of the scoreboard. By the time the last buzzer sounded, the Wildcats had won the battle, 41 to 36. Moscow only scored six points in the first quarter coming from a three point basket by Tad Stuckey and a
basket by Brice Valdez as well as a free throw by Matt Pearson. Ingalls had taken the lead in this quarter by two points. It was the second quarter where the Moscow team seemed to find their groove and begin hitting their shots. Alexis Manriquez stepped up his game in the second, scoring five points. The first half ended with the Wildcats leading by three. Pearson was on fire in the third quarter, scoring four baskets and two free throws. He ended the game leading his team in points; he scored
PUBLIC NOTICE (First Published in the Hugoton Hermes, Thursday, December 12, 2013) 3t IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF STEVENS COUNTY, KANSAS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF KENNETH D. KRAMER, DECEASED Case No. 13PR38 NOTICE OF HEARING (Chapter 59) THE STATE OF KANSAS TO ALL PERSONS CONCERNED: You are hereby notified that a petition has been filed in the above Court by Rita Goodling, to determine the heirs at law of Kenneth D. Kramer, and praying for the determination of descent of certain real estate situate in Stevens County, Kansas, as more fully described in the petition filed in this proceeding,
and all other property, both real estate and personal property, or interests therein, including mineral interests, if any, owned by the decedent within the State of Kansas at the time of his death. You are hereby required to file your written defenses thereto on or before the 7th day of January, 2014 at 10:30 a.m. of said day, in the district courtroom at the county courthouse, in the City of Hugoton, Stevens County, Kansas, at which time and place the cause will be heard. Should you fail therein, judgment and decree will be entered in due course upon the petition. Rita Goodling, Petitioner KRAMER, NORDLING & NORDLING, LLC 209 East 6th Street Hugoton, KS 67951 Telephone: 620-544-4333 Attorneys for Petitioner
15 points in three quarters. Stuckey hit his second three point field goal along with a basket from Valdez. The third quarter ended with the Wildcats well in the lead with 32 while holding the Ingalls team to 23. Moscow added another nine points in the final quarter but gave up 13 to their opponets. Valdez added a pair of two pointers to end the game with a total of ten points for the night. As the game came to an end Moscow had won their game with a nice lead over Ingalls.
Christmas lights will be judged in Moscow The Moscow Rec will be hosting their annual Christmas lights contest. Judging will be during the evening of December 19. The winner will be announced at the grade school program December 20. If you live out in the country and want your lights judged please call Rusty with the Rec at 598-2995.
Send Your Santa Letter to Santa Claus c/o The Hugoton Hermes 522 S. Main, Hugoton, KS 67951 or bring them in to the office.
The United Methodist Chancel Choir will present their annual Christmas Cantata, entitled “By Heaven’s Light” Sunday, December 15 at 7:30 p.m. The cantata will include a special number by the children’s choir. There will be a covered dish supper at 6:00 p.m. in the fellowship hall, and as tradition has it, the dessert pieces are individually wrapped and placed randomly around the tables. Dessert is always a surprise and a little trading is sometimes in order. The community is invited to attend both the supper and the cantata.
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Page 5B
MOSCOW NEWS by Sara Cross
Congratulations to the High School boys’ basketball teams for their victories over Ingalls Friday night! Thursday, December 12 HS BB @ Rolla Tournament, girls play @ 3:30 p.m., boys play @ 5:00 p.m. Wednesday, December 11 Senior Citizen Christmas Party in the concessions area, 1:00-2:30 p.m. Pancake Supper in the lunch room, 5:00 p.m. Friday, December 13 School starts at 10:15 a.m. due to teacher inservice.
HS BB @ the Rolla Tournament Saturday, December 14 HS BB @ Rolla Tournament Sunday, December 15 UMC chancel choir presents “By Heaven’s Light” at 7:30 p.m. Carry-in supper begins at 6:00 p.m. Tuesday, December 17 MHS Band and Choir Christmas concert “When Christmas Comes to Town” @ 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, December 18 Mike Breez performs at the new gym at 7:00 p.m.
School musical will be Tuesday “When Christmas Comes to Town” will be Tuesday, December 17, in the Moscow High School Auditorium at
7:00 p.m. featuring the fifthtwelfth grade bands and choir. They will be directed by Gail Dale and Denise Shoff.
Jordan Air Inc. We appreciate our local farmers
College reps will SPRAYING - SEEDING - FERTILIZING C omp lete Aeria l Ap plic atio n be at Moscow High School Seward County Community College/Area Technical School will be at a number of high schools for SCCC/ATS basketball nights. College representatives will be at Moscow High School, Thursday, December 19 for the high school basketball game. College representatives will be on hand to talk about the college. High school juniors and seniors will also have the opportunity to win a scholarship. For information, contact the Admissions office at 620417-1100.
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Come Enjoy Some Awesome Red Dirt Country Music to Start Your Christmas Vacation!!!!
December 20 and 21 Take me home for the holidays.
The most loved gift..the pet you select from the Classified Ads.
The Hugoton Hermes
Wes Cosman Band 9:30 p.m.-1:30 a.m. $5 cover per person
Call 598-2078 for take outs East Highway 56 Moscow
will be printing the Christmas Greetings ads December 19, 2013. If you have not been contacted by us and wish to place an ad please give us a call at 620-544-4321. Our deadline for the paper is Monday, December 16 at 5:00 p.m.
The Hugoton Hermes
Thursday, December 12, 2013
ROLLA NEWS By Phoebe Brummett
December 12-14 Rolla Basketball Showcase Thursday, December 12 BB Games begin @ 3:30 p.m. Rolla Girls @ 6:30 p.m. Rolla Boys @ 8:00 p.m. Friday, December 13 ARGH BB Games begin @ 3:30 p.m. No School Teacher In-Service Saturday, December 14 BB Games begin @ 2:30 p.m. Sunday, December 15 The Armouraires are giving a Christmas Concert at Rolla UMC at 6:00 p.m. A carry-in dinner begins at 5:00 p.m. The Richfield Community Christmas Supper will be at
6:00 p.m. at the Richfield School. Tuesday, December 17 Junior High and High School boys and girls basketball games vs Balko have been rescheduled and moved to Tuesday, January 14, 2014. Thursday, December 19 School Christmas Concert @ 7:00 p.m. Friday, December 20 Santa Day - Dismiss School @ 12:15 p.m. Choir @ 12:30 p.m. December 22-26 KSHSAA No Practice Days December 23-31 Christmas Break - No School
Richfield supper postponed until Sunday, December 15 The Richfield Community Christmas Supper was postponed due to the extremely cold weather. It will take
place Sunday, December 15, at 6:00 p.m. at the Richfield School. Please bring salads and desserts to share!
RHS opens season with loss to Goodwell Rolla High School basketball began their season Friday, December 6, at Goodwell, Ok. Unfortunately, Goodwell Eagles’ talons were out and the Pirates sailed
home defeated. The coaches will regroup and the Pirates will be ready for battle with the Moscow Wildcats Tuesday, December 10, at Moscow.
The Community is invited to a
Sunday December 15
the Armouraires Southern Gospel Music
6:00 p.m.
Rolla UMC 600 Monroe - Rolla
A carry-in dinner begins at 5 p.m. A love offering will be accepted for the concert. For more information call 620-593-4596.
Page 6B
RJH wins three out of four against Deerfield Rolla Junior High Pirates fought with the Deerfield Spartans Thursday, December 5. The Pirates were victorious in three out of four games. The next game for the Pirates junior high squad will be Tuesday, December 10, at Moscow. Keep fighting Pirates!
Donate for Santa Day Santa Day, a Rolla tradition since the early 1960s, is fast approaching. The way it was told, Santa Day began as an alternative to handing out sacked treats when Neill Hays discovered all the bags of candy had just been thrown away. Rather than waste buying the candy to have it thrown away, he decided to have a gift exchange of sorts so that every child in Rolla could have at least one gift before Christmas. Anyone who would like to help by making a donation, please contact Stuart Sutton at the Rolla District Office at 5934344 or Gardell Schnable at the High School at 593-4345.
Rolla yearbooks are available The Rolla yearbook staff will have pages in the yearbook devoted to the City of Rolla and the Centennial Celebration. If you are interested in purchasing a yearbook please contact Traci Taylor or Arleen Clinesmith at the High School. The phone number is 593-4345.
Sherry Kelling’s piano students gather to perform a glorious recital. Everyone who attended
enjoyed the wonderful occasion.
Christmas songs enjoyed by all at Kelling’s piano recital There were songs in the air in Rolla Sunday, December 8 at the Rolla United Methodist Church as Sherry Kelling’s piano students came together for a wonderful Christmas Piano Recital. From Samantha Dunn’s first year of “We Wish You A Merry Christmas” to seniors duet, Kaleigh Barrett and Karly Clinesmith playing “Angels We Have Heard On High”, the spirit of Christmas was shown throughout. Matthew Easterwood played “Joy to the World”. Abigail Garcia’s song was “Silent Night”. Kenneth Fosdick played a rendition of “Jingle Bells”. McKenzie Hinds played “O
Christmas Tree”. Monte Fosdick played “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen” while Audra Langley played “Silver Bells’. Alexandra Hart’s version of “Santa Claus is Swingin’ to Town” had everyone’s toes tapping. Andres Villa played “Deck the Halls”. Deserae Schwindt’s song was “Angels from the Realms of Glory” while Jasmine Miller played “A Holly Jolly Christmas”. Angelina Fosdick played “Some Children See Him”. Allyson Norton played “Angels We Have Heard on High” while Artemio Villa played “Carol of the Bells.” Garry Norton, a Gild pianist, played “We Three Kings of Orient Are”. Kyri Brum-
mett played “It Came Upon A Midnight Clear.” Sarah Easterwood played “Believe”. Jessica Johns teamed up with Mrs. Kelling to play a duet of “Jingle Bells” and then Jessica entertained the crowd with “Veni, Veni (O Come, O Come Emmanuel). Kaleigh Barrett played “The First Noel” while Karly Clinesmith, another Gild member, played “Ding Dong! Merrily on High”. The final song of the evening was the duet by Kaleigh and Karly. Refreshments of cookies and donuts were served in the Fellowship Hall. The evening’s event was a joyful occasion, indeed!
Students travel to Dodge City for district honor choir There was singing in the air Saturday, December 7, at the Southwest Kansas Music Educators Association high school district honor choir concert. Junior Katie Murray, a threetime choir member and sophomores Kyri Brummett and Sarah Easterwood once again traveled to Dodge City for an eight-hour practice session before the afternoon concert for family and friends. The guest clinician, Dr. Terry Crull from Hays, took time to have his picture taken with the Rolla choir members, much to the delight of Mr. Sam Eiland, Rolla director. The choir of 183 southwest Kansas high school students sang five different songs to the enjoyment of the crowd. It was a wonderful concert!
Guest clinician, Dr. Terry Crull, poses with Rolla choir members at the Southwest Kansas Music Educators Association high school district honor choir concert.
Dick Rodriguez of the Knights of Columbus presents Rolla Schools Superintendent Stuart Sutton a check from their Tootsie Roll campaign.
All Around 4-Hers Knights of Columbus present check plan bake sale The Rolla All Around 4-H Club meeting took place December 2, 2013. Roll call was, “What is your favorite Christmas song?” In old business, members talked about having a skit for County Club Days. Club leader Cindy Howe suggested doing “Snow White and the Seven 4-Hers.” By a unanimous vote, the club voted to perform that skit for County Club Days. Another discussion was Rolla’s Santa Day. The club will be hosting a bake sale fundraiser for Santa Day starting at 12:30 and ending at 4:00 p.m. New business was the Rolla Hope Tree. Rolla Hope is a community group that helps people who are not always able to help themselves. In the end, the members decided to donate a $75 Dillons gift card to Rolla Hope. They tabled a discussion about donating money to the State Horse Show, to pay the judges for classes. The next meeting is scheduled for January 6, 2014. Submitted by Aspen Sohm, Club Reporter.
Dick Rodriguez of the Knights of Columbus presented Superintendent Stuart Sutton of Rolla Schools with a check for $508.19 from their Tootsie Roll campaign. The donation is used
for the special education department. Mr. Sutton was very grateful to accept this donation and sends thanks on behalf of the school and the special education department.
Rolla Doctors Office 415 Washington St., Rolla, KS 620-593-4242 Office Hours 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday to Friday Dominador Perido, M.D. General Surgery Office Hours 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon Monday
Steven Samii, MD, MHA Office Hours 1:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Tuesday
Manuel Caga-anan, M.D. Internal Medicine Office Hours 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon Thursday
Haley McCammon, PA-C Office Hours 9:00 to 12:00 noon Friday
Supported and Sponsored by Morton County Health System Elkhart, KS
The Hugoton Hermes
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Page 7B
History From The Hermes Compiled by Ruthie Winget Thursday, December 11, 2008 Patricia Kleffman is the winner of the Hugoton Area Chamber of Commerce Holiday Open House drawing this year. Her name was drawn from Country Garden, winning her gift certificates from participating merchants. Emmett Reardon will celebrate his hundredth birthday December 19. He was born in Texas County, Ok., in 1908. Thursday, December 18, 2003 Governor Kathleen Sebelius announced the reappointment of Dale Sutton of Hugoton as one of six to the Solid Waste Grants Advisory Committee. Sutton, now retired, spent 34 years working for Natural Gas Gathering and Transportation including 17 years as Plant Supervisor. He is also a former Stevens County Commissioner. Thursday, December 16 1993 Showplace Theatre celebrates forty-five years of business with a reception in the Showplace lobby this weekend. The movie theatre opened December 16, 1948. It was then called the Rusada Theatre. The opening movie was “Hills of Home” starring Lassie, the wonder dog. Barbara Webber celebrated her one hundredth birthday at Pioneer Manor. She was born December 19, 1893. Thursday, December 15, 1983 The bodies of Carson Friend, age 25, and his wife of two years, Donna Friend, age 17, were found twelve miles
**Free Daily Hugoton Delivery** Same Day Delivery Even on Saturdays ***Independently owned and operated by Brett and Holli Horyna***
Phone 620-624-4065
Hours Monday-Friday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. 1033 N. Kansas Avenue in Liberal
WEEK OF CRASHES — Among several wrecks in the past week, varying from very minor to almost fatal, were these two. In the Mercury coupe shown at the top, John Akers, 76, narrowly escaped with his life in an accident at the southwest corner of Hugoton Saturday morning. In the background is the car driven by Georgia Easley, Elkhart, which struck the Akers car on the side south of Big Bow. The Rolla couple had been shot. The deaths were ruled as a triple homicide as the young woman was seven months pregnant at the time of her
Solution to December 5, 2013 puzzle
nearest the camera. Mrs. Harry Leonard and five children escaped injury and crawled out the open door of the overturned Leonard car shown in the bottom picture. The car rolled after being hit from the rear on Highway US-270 five miles north of Hugoton as Mrs. Leonard prepared to make a turn Saturday evening. From the December 17, 1953, issue of The Hugoton Hermes.
death. The engagement of Kimberly Cox and John Chamberlain has been announced. A March 17 wedding is planned. Thursday, December 20, 1973 Service Awards were presented to seven city employees at the meeting last Monday. Employees honored were Dwayne Anderson, 16 years of service; Floyd Knox, 16 years; Glenn H. Mitchell, 16 years; Mike Romero, 14 years; and Ralph Peterson, 10 years. Everett Rowden with 26 years of service and W.H. Mitchell with 25 years both received 25 year awards. Thursday, December 19, 1963 Carlis Passmore, fireman, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Passmore of Hugoton, is participating on the
PUBLIC NOTICE (First Published in the Hugoton Hermes, Thursday, December 12, 2013) 1t ORDINANCE NO. 804 AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING INTO THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF HUGOTON, KANSAS, TWO TRACTS OF REAL ESTATE LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER (SE/4) OF SECTION FIFTEEN (15), TOWNSHIP THIRTY-THREE (33) SOUTH, RANGE THIRTY-SEVEN (37) WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, STEVENS COUNTY, KANSAS; TRACT ONE CONTAINING 45.01 ACRES MORE OR LESS AND TRACT TWO CONTAINING 5.00 ACRES MORE OR LESS, PURSUANT TO K.S.A. 12-520C. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF HUGOTON, KANSAS: Section 1. CONSENT FOR TRACT 1. On or about July 18, 2011, the Board of County Commissioners of Stevens County, Kansas, executed a written Consent to Annexation in favor of the City of Hugoton, Kansas, covering the following described real estate, to-wit: Tract 1. A tract of land located in the Southeast Quarter (SE1/4) of Section Fifteen (15), Township Thirty-three (33) South, Range Thirty-seven (37) West, of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Stevens County, Kansas, less a tract of land and Kansas Department of Transportation highway right of way, which is more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest corner of said Southeast Quarter (SE1/4), Section Fifteen (15); thence on a bearing of North 00°10’48” West, along the West line of said Southeast Quarter, a distance of Forty and Ninety-four hundredths (40.94) feet to the North right of way line of Kansas Highway 51 and the Point of Beginning; Thence North 89°56’04” East, along said right of way, a distance of Two thousand Ninety-nine and Thirty-one hundredths (2099.31) feet; Thence North 00°03’56” West, a distance of Fifteen and Zero hundredths (15.00) feet; Thence North 89°56’04”
East, a distance of Eighty-five and Seventy-nine hundredths (85.79) feet, along the North right of way line of said Kansas Highway 51, to the West line of a five acre tract of land; Thence North 00°13’20” West, along the West line of said tract, parallel with the East line of said Southeast Quarter, a distance of Four hundred Twenty-two and Fourteen hundredths (422.14) feet to the Northwest corner of said tract; Thence North 89°38’37” East, along the North line of said tract, parallel with the South line of said Southeast Quarter, a distance of Four hundred Sixty-seven and Zero hundredths (467.00) feet to the Northeast corner of said tract and the East line of said Southeast Quarter; Thence North 00°13’20” West, along the East line of said Southeast Quarter, a distance of Three hundred Seventy-seven and Sixty-three hundredths (377.63) feet; Thence South 89°56’04” West a distance of Two thousand Six hundred Fifty-one and fifty-four hundredths (2651.54) feet to the West line of said Southeast Quarter; Thence South 00°10’46” East along the West line of said Southeast Quarter a distance of Eight hundred Seventeen and Fourteen hundredths (817.14) feet to the North right of way line of said Kansas Highway 51 and the Point of Beginning. The above-described area contains Forty-five and Zero one hundredths (45.01) acres more or less, and is subject to rights of ways, easements, restrictions, reservations, appurtances, encumbrances, and leases of record. Section 2. CONSENT FOR TRACT 2. On or about May 6, 2013, Kansas Land, Feed and Cattle Company, LLC, executed a written Consent to Annexation in favor of the City of Hugoton, Kansas, covering the following described real estate, to-wit: Tract 2. A tract of land in the Southeast Quarter (SE/4) of Section Fifteen (15), Township Thirty-three (33) South, Range Thirty-seven (37) West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Stevens County, Kansas, being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest corner of said Southeast Quarter
(SE/4); Thence on an assumed bearing of N00°10’48” West along the West line of said Southeast Quarter (SE/4) a distance of 858.09 feet, said point being the Northwest corner of the Stevens County Industrial Park, Plat No. 1; Thence N89°56’04” East along the North line of said Industrial Park a distance of 1121.66 feet to the point of beginning; Thence continuing N89°56’04” East along the North side of a 20 foot alley that is adjacent to lots 9, 8 and the West ½ of lot 7, Block 2, Stevens County Industrial Park, Plat No. 1 a distance of 754.85 feet; Thence N00°13’20” West a distance of 292.45 feet; Thence S 89°56’04” West a distance of 734.69 feet; Thence S03°43’23” West a distance of 293.09 feet to the point of beginning. The above tract contains 5.00 acres more or less. Section 3. STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS. Tract 1 and Tract 2, as specifically described above, are located in Stevens County, Kansas, the same county in which the City of Hugoton, Kansas is located; and Tract 1 and Tract 2 do not adjoin the City of Hugoton, however the owners have consented in writing to the annexation of Tract 1 and Tract 2 into the corporate limits of the City of Hugoton, Kansas; and all statutory requirements have been met. Section 4. ADVISABLE TO ANNEX. Pursuant to K.S.A. 12-520c, the Governing Body of the City of Hugoton, Kansas, finds it advisable to annex Tract 1 and Tract 2 into the corporate limits of the City of Hugoton, Kansas. Section 5. EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its adoption and publication in the Hugoton Hermes, the official city newspaper. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Governing Body of the City of Hugoton, Kansas this 9th day of December, 2013. (SEAL) /s/ Jack E. Rowden Jack E. Rowden, Mayor ATTEST: /s/ Thomas G. Hicks Thomas G. Hicks, City Clerk
minesweeper USS Gallant in a coordinated United States and government of the Republic of China amphibious warfare exercise titled “Big Dipper” along the southern coast of Taiwan. Daisy Mills was elected Noble Grand at the Freedom Rebekah Lodge last week. Thursday, December 17, 1953 Albert Burdett, an employee of the Chemical Process Company, collected the $215 first prize in the Hugoton Cash Day program Saturday after hearing his name announced as the winner in the Western Auto Store. Add Hathaway collected second prize by being in the Ramey Service Station during the drawing. If any readers have pictures or memories for the history page of the Hermes, please bring them in to Winget at The Ruthie Hugoton Hermes.
Give someone a gift subscription this holiday season. Your gift will be remembered every week all year long!
The Hugoton Hermes 522 S. Main Hugoton, Ks. 67951 620-544-4321
The Hugoton Hermes
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Page 8B
HERMES CLASSIFIEDS Deadline for all classified advertising is MONDAY at 5:00 p.m. All Garage, Yard and/or Moving Sale Ads MUST Be Pre-Paid.
1) Classified ad rate is $.20 per word per insertion. The weekly minimum is $3.35. 2) Classified display advertising rate is $5.00 per column inch. 3) All cards of thanks are charged at the display rate. 4) All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968, which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, children, or national origin or an intention to make any such preference, limitation, or discrimination." This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis.
HELP WANTED HELP WANTED: Antlers Bar & Grill, Moscow, Ks. seeking strong, motivated individual to cook evenings and weekends. Fast paced kitchen but will train. Great pay. Stop by and talk to Cassie or Teresa. (1c50)
--------------HELP WANTED: Staff Development Coordinator. If you have a passion for people, we have a great opportunity for you! Wheatridge Park Care Center, is offering an opportunity for the right person to join a team of highly professional, caring individuals. Our mission of “Dignity in Life” extends to our great residents and our wonderful team! Wheatridge Park offers competitive pay, an excellent work environment, great benefits, education assistance and for a limited time, a sign-on bonus for up to $3,000. If you are a nurse with a great passion for people and a passion for serving, please e-mail your resume to or mail to: Lindsay Durler, Administrator, Wheatridge Park Care Center, 1501 South Holly Drive, Liberal, KS 67901. EOE. (2c49) ---------------
HELP WANTED: Ulysses Feedyard is looking for a qualified individual to drive a Feed Truck/Hay Truck. This job requires basic math skills. Duties include delivery of feed/hay from Mill to Cattle. As well as daily maintenance & up keep of equipment. We will train the right person. No CDL required, but must have valid Driver’s License. Competitive pay, affordable insurance & great benefits. Please apply in person
Ulysses Feedyard 1765 E. Rd 21 Ulysses, Ks. 67880 620-356-1750 (2c50)
Stevens County Health Department has an opening for a Full-time Registered Nurse.
for very progressive, family-oriented company. Benefit package includes uniforms, health insurance, paid vacation and sick leave. Competitive pay based on experience. Clean CDL required. Applicant must pass physical, drug screen and back exam.
Apply in person at: Lathem Water Service Hwy 25 S, Ulysses, KS Or call 620-356-3422
Now Hiring at Caring Connections DayCare Center & Preschool We are looking for individuals of all ages to come and snuggle on babies, play with toddlers and enjoy hanging out with older kids! There is also a “kitchen staff” position available!
Full-time and Part-time positions to fill Requirements: must have a high school diploma or equivalent, be able to pass a background check and enjoy children! For an application, email
or call 620-544-2050 OR attend an informational meeting Friday, December 6 at 2:00 pm or Monday, December 9 at 6:00 pm at Caring Connections DayCare Center, 516 NE Avenue in Hugoton (3c49) (inside Trinity Baptist Church)
Stevens County Healthcare is searching for Full-time, Part-time and PRN RNs and LPNs to work at Pioneer Manor
Route Sales Representative for Liberal, KS. Competitive compensation package $160.00 Daily Base Wage, plus Commission & Incentives. Base annual salary approximating $41,600.00 per year, paid training. Extensive benefit package.
Apply online at Search Jobs, enter “Liberal” into keywords Call Anthony with questions at 806-881-6854 EOE
These positions are for all shifts. Qualified candidates must have Kansas RN/LPN licensure to be eligible. We offer an outstanding benefits package, competitive wages, sign on bonus of $2000 with one year contract for FT RNs/LPNs; $1000 with one year contract for PT RNs/LPNs; and mileage reimbursement to RNs/LPNs who live 15 miles or more outside of Stevens County.
Applications may be obtained at Stevens County Hospital, 1006 S. Jackson or call Human Resources at 620-544-6141 for more information.
NOW HIRING Multiple Positions
Now Hiring: Two very high quality, detail oriented, automotive paint and body technicians and One experienced manager for our auto body shop. Also, One car salesman for our dealership. (Call for job duties & qualifications) Job Qualifications Include: High School Diploma, Vocational / Technical School Graduate or equivalent Must be punctual and organized Must be able to manage workloads as they increase and meet deadlines for optimal customer service Job Duties Include: Automotive damage analysis Paint matching and correction High quality paint work High quality body repairs and metal work We offer benefits and a VERY competitive pay plan!! – Please call for details! We are accepting applications in person at our office All interviews will be by appointment
Located: 531 S. Jackson, Hugoton, KS 67951 Phone: 620-544-7800 Fax: 620-544-7816
PUBLIC NOTICE (First Published in the Hugoton Hermes, Thursday, December 5, 2013) 3t IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF STEVENS COUNTY, KANSAS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF DELORES WILLIAMS, deceased. Case No. 13-PR-1 NOTICE OF HEARING The State of Kansas to All Persons Concerned: You are hereby notified that a petition was filed in this Court by Grant C. Shellenberger, Administrator of the Estate of Delores Williams, deceased, requesting that Petitioner’s acts be approved; account be settled and allowed; the heirs be determined; the Estate be assigned to the persons entitled
CIRCULATION CLERK The Stevens County Library is seeking a Full-Time Circulation Clerk for the evening and weekend schedule. High school diploma or equivalent required. Library and/or public service experience preferred. Must have strong customer service, computer, oral and written communication skills. Benefits include retirement and health insurance. Salary commensurate with skills and education.
Applications and a full job description are available at the library. (tfc47)
CITY OF MOSCOW Applications are now being accepted for the City Clerk position for the City of Moscow. This position is responsible for maintaining city record, preparing and maintaining minutes, ordinances and resolutions. You must be able to respond to citizen concerns and complaints, and you should possess excellent communication and organizational skills. We require the applicant to have basic accounting skills, as well as knowledge of computer software programs such as Word and Excel. This is a full time position Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.
Please submit your application by calling 620-598-2234. Please leave a message and we will reply to you as soon as possible. (2c50)
8 Officers Needed
Officers - $10-$12/hour Lead Officers - $11-$13/hour
No Experience Needed - We Will Train You! Located IN Hugoton
Call 866-840-2066 Ask for Carl
Current Openings at Stevens County Hospital, Medical Clinic and Pioneer Manor Nursing Home
For Results You Can Measure!
Please obtain an application from the Health Department at 1042 S. Jackson.(2c49)
Now Hiring
NURSES 2014 Career Opportunity Schwan’s is hiring for a
Stevens County is an EOE Full-time position comes with full benefits.
to it pursuant to the laws of intestate succession; fees and expenses be allowed; costs be determined and ordered paid; the administration of the Estate be closed; the Administrator be discharged and Petitioner be released from further liability. You are hereby required to file your written defenses thereto on or before December 30, 2013, at 2:30 p.m. in the District Court of Stevens County, Kansas, at which time and place the cause will be heard. Should you fail to file your written defenses, judgment and decree will be entered in due course upon the Petition. /s/Grant C. Shellenberger Grant C. Shellenberger, SC# 17184 500 North Kansas Avenue Liberal, Kansas 67901 620-624-5599 620-624-5525 (fax)
Stevens County Medical Clinic is currently taking applications for a Full-time Receptionist. This position is Monday through Friday 8:00-5:00 and every third Saturday 9:00-Noon. The successful candidate must have good communication and time management skills. Bilingual preferred, though not required. No clinic experience necessary, training will be provided. We offer an outstanding benefits package and competitive wages. Stevens County Hospital is searching for Full-time, Part-time and PRN RNs or LPNs to work on the Med/Surg floor. These positions are for night shift (7 pm-7 am). All candidates must have a Kansas RN/LPN licensure to be eligible. We offer an outstanding benefits package, competitive wages, sign on bonus of $2000 with one year contract for FT RNs/LPNs; $1000 with one year contract for PT RNs/LPNs; and mileage reimbursement to RNs or LPNs that live 15 miles or more outside of Stevens County. Stevens County Hospital is looking for a team-oriented Radiographic Technologist to work PRN shifts. All eligible candidates must have a current Kansas license, be a registered ARRT, and be able to perform routine diagnostic X-rays and CT exams without supervision. If you are interested please contact Diane Porter in Human Resources at 620-544-6141 or send your resume to 1006 S. Jackson, Hugoton, Ks. 67951. Stevens County Healthcare is searching for a Dietary Cook to work at the Hospital. This position is PRN (as needed) with less than 20 hours per week; does include some weekends. Interested candidates must be willing to work flexible hours. Stevens County Healthcare has a position open at Pioneer Manor for a Homemaker in the Dietary Department. Hours include day and evening, some weekends and holidays. Candidates need to have an understanding of basic food preparation, food safety and sanitation. This Homemaker will be working in a household preparing breakfast to order as the residents arrive in the dining room, and also preparing salads, desserts and breads for the lunch and dinner meals. Stevens County Healthcare is searching for Part-time Housekeepers to work at the Hospital. These positions are 32 hours each week and include a full benefits package. Interested candidates must be willing to work flexible hours, including some weekends. Stevens County Healthcare is accepting applications for a Fulltime Day Shift (6 am-6 pm) licensed CNA to work at Pioneer Manor. This position requires a love of geriatrics and ability to work in a team setting. Nursing home experience preferred, though not required. We offer competitive wages and an outstanding benefits package.
Please contact Human Resources at 620-544-6141 for more information regarding any current openings. Applications may be obtained at Stevens County Hospital Information Desk, located next to the Medical Clinic. Resumes may be emailed to
CASH in on the CLASSIFIEDS!! It’s the next best thing to winning the LOTTERY!!
The Hugoton Hermes
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Page 9B
112 S. Main • 620-356-5808 • Ulysses Se Habla Espanol-356-5808
The Garden City Co-op, Inc. is looking for a full time Elevator manager position in the Ulysses area. Grain handling experience preferred. Training will be provided for this position including a variety of responsibilities. Competitive wages and excellent benefit package.
2322 Road 7 Ranch Style, 4 bed/2 bath, fpl, cover patio, fence, WIC, outbuildings, 10+/- acres. Much, much more!! Call to see this property!!
901 S Trindle Ranch, 4 bed/3 bath, fpl, fence, sprinkler, att garage, beautiful oak detailing! Call to see this beauty!!
Please submit resume or apply at Garden City Co-op, Inc., 501 S Colorado, Ulysses, Kansas. The Garden City Co-op, Inc. is an equal opportunity employer.
FOR SALE: White twin sleigh bed from Ashley Furniture. Mattress and box springs from Denver Mattress included. Like brand new. $450. 620-544-2871. (tfc48)
--------------FOR SALE: 1993 1/2 Chevy pickup. Excellent condition. $2200. 26’ Road Ranger travel trailer. Great shape. $2200 OBO. Call 620-453-0780. (4p49) ---------------
FOR SALE: 1978 Chevy pickup & 1964 GMC pickup. Call 620544-7763. (3c50) --------------FOR SALE: 1989 F150 4x4 4.9L 5 speed. $1000 OBO. 620-3910502. (1p50)
Sunflower Plaza
813 S Washington Frame, 4 bed/2 bath, finished basement, nice kitchen w/appliances, att garage, fence. Much more!! Call for your showing!!
Delivery & stacking available Call DJ @ 620-430-1273 Days 620-428-6127 Evenings (tfc)
(Rental Assistance Available) Equal Housing Opportunity
715 S Adams- 2 bed/2 bath, fpl, 2 living areas, WIC Mst Bed, lots of storage, det garage.
1155 Road 25, Rolla - Beautiful Brick, 4 bed/3 bath, att garage, horse barn, equip shop, detach garage, feeding facility, all on 160 acres. Call today for your private showing!!
210 West 11th St- Over 4,000 sq ft brick, 4 bd, 3 ba, full finished basement, fenced yard, 3 fireplaces, formal dining, includes kitchen appliances, circle drive, lots of storage. Call to see this beauty!!
(21tfc) 110 West 7th Two Unit Brick Apartment FOR SALE BY OWNER 1200 square feet upstairs and 1200 in downstairs unit. Upstairs - 2 bedroom & bath
104 Sid Avenue Elkhart- Ranch, 4 bed/2 bath, new windows, nice wood floors, appliances, att garage, basement, cen H/A, fence. Call today to see this home!!
131 S Madison- 2 bed/2 bath, 2 living areas, kitchen/dining combo, att garage, 30 x 40 metal bldg, 10 x 12 storage shed, fence, sprinkler, carport. Great neighborhood!! 1408 S Jefferson St - L vacant lot - KallenSO D bach Fourth Addition
SOLD 1035 S Van Buren-Nice 2 bed/1 b, cen H/A, att garage, circle drive, sprinkler, fence, storage shed. A Must See!!
Feature Of The Week 531 S Main Street- Commercial Property - Porter Building - 5,886 sf, retail & office space, central H/A. Prime Location! Call to view this property.
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS will help you if you sincerely want to stop drinking. Call 544-8633. (tfc1) ---------------
Celebrate L i fe
Project Hope
7:00 ~ 8:00 p.m. Mondays Assembly of God, 138 S. Main
Open Tues & Thurs 8:30 - 11:30 a.m.
(park in back lot)
1030 S. Main
Karen Yoder
Chance Yoder- Cellphone 544-1907
Men & Women of alcoholic family & friends meet at 1405 Cemetery Rd. Mon. & Thurs. 8 pm 544-2610 or 544-2854 (tfc)
Chance Yoder
“Call Us For All Your Real Estate Needs”
3429 sq. ft., 12-14’ ceilings, 3 car gar. Family room + living room
Entertainers’ Delight
2116 sq. ft. Basement! Workshop & Extra Lot
Prestigious Location
Commercial Building Eileen Gregg, Broker
Call 544-1517 and schedule your light display now!
(First Published in the Hugoton Hermes, Thursday, December 5, 2013) 3t
Big ~ Bold ~ Beautiful!
Case No. 13 CV 22 Court No.
Dallas Bressler (owner)
WANT TO PURCHASE: Minerals and other oil/gas interests. Send details to P.O. Box 13557, Denver, Co. 80201. (150p49-12) ---------------
THANK YOU THANK YOU Thank you everyone who came to our reception to celebrate our fiftieth anniversary. We especially want to thank our daughters Cindy Arnold and husband David and Terrie Williams and husband Damon for giving us such a wonderful party. We are so blessed by all our friends and loved ones. Curtis & Velda Tackett
THANK YOU Dear Precious Friends, Oh how I thank every one of you and thank God for you! The cards I received, (and still am receiving), have such wonderful hand-written notes, and the printed verses are beautiful. Thanks for the calls and visits. You made my eighty-fifth a most glorious event, one that will be remembered forever. Every card I receive up to November 7, 2014 is still for my eighty-fifth. A special thank you to the Hermes for printing my poem and picture and their request for a card shower for me. God bless you every one. Sincerely, Alta
David Light 620-544-9763 Fax: 620-356-5462 Office: 620-356-5808
Pioneer Manor Family Support Group
3rd Tuesdays - 1:00 p.m. 3rd Thursdays - 5:15 p.m. Chapel at Pioneer Manor
Mortgage Company, praying for foreclosure of certain real property legally described as follows: THE SURFACE AND SURFACE RIGHTS ONLY, IN AND TO THE SOUTH ONE HUNDRED FEET (S100`) OF THE WEST ONE HUNDRED FEET (W100), OF LOT SIX (6), BLOCK NINETY-TWO (92), CITY OF HUGOTON, KANSAS; AND A UTILITIES RIGHT OF WAY OVER AND ACROSS THE EAST 100 FEET OF THE SOUTH 100 FEET OF LOT 6 IN BLOCK 92, ("PROPERTY") and for an in rem judgment against Defendant Betty L. Parks and any other interested parties and you are hereby required to plead to the Petition for Foreclosure on or before January 16, 2014 at Stevens County, Kansas. If you fail to plead, judgment and decree will be entered in due course upon the request of plaintiff.
201 6th Ave, Rolla 3 Bedrooms, 2-Car Garage, Large Shop, Travel Trailer Cement Pad for Hookups, Full Basement, Approximately 6 Acres. Please call David Light at 544-9763.
Camper Lots for Rent
AL-Anon Family Group
Chance Yoder - Salesperson Agricultural Land Residential & Commercial Specialist
Official Newspaper of Stevens County
PREGNANT? NEED HELP? Call Birthright of Garden City, 620-276-3605 or Birthline of Liberal, 1404 N. Western, 620-626-6763. (tfc3)
An Encouragement Group
Find the perfect Christmas present in The Hugoton Hermes’ Classifieds!
can assist you with the job of putting your Christmas lights up and taking them down.
The Hermes
Karen Yoder- 544-4161 or Cellphone 544-3730
for reading
1029 S. Van Buren- New Lower Price!!! 2 bed/1 b. att garage, cen H?A, fpl, fence, shed. Call to see this home!!
Need help with your Christmas light displays?
Call 544-7350 or 544-1936
1111 S Jefferson- 3 bed/1 b, cen H/A, fence, carport, storage bldg. Call for details!!
Mark Faulkner-Broker Karen Yoder - Associate/Broker Residential & Commercial Specialist
(620) 624-1212 Now see these and other SW. Kansas properties at
711 East 5th Avenue- Beautiful ranch style, 3 bed/2 bath, Open Floor plan, Oak cabinets, finished bsmt, att garage,cen H/A. Much more... Call for your showing.
1 Senior Apartment For information, Also Available call Plaza Office Call Selia Crawford at 544-2182 544-4011 (tfc6) If no answer, leave message
NOTICE: Don’t spend Christmas alone! Come join us at 12:00 noon. Call 544-2509 or 544-2101 for reservations. (1c50) ---------------
307 N. Kansas, Suite 101 Liberal, KS 67901
Downstairs - 3 bedroom & 1 1/2 bath
For more information call Dayna Folger at (4c46) 620-492-3698.
• Must be 62 or disabled to qualify • Rent based on adjusted income • All electric appliances • Coin-operated laundry facilities RE!! • NO yard work AND MO
!! educed Price R
Oak, Piñon, Mesquite, Pecan & More
Handicap Accessible Apartment
206 West 5th StreetYour ready for business!! Beauty Salon w/fixtures...includes hair stations, manicure & pedicure station, tanning beds and more!! Call today!!
FOR RENT FOR RENT: 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments. Furnished or unfurnished. Bills included, washer and dryer, and cable. Call 5442232. (tfc) --------------FOR RENT: 2 private RV lots available in Hugoton Dec. 15. Utilities provided. Contact Steve (3c50) at 612-280-0153. ---------------
603 S. Jefferson St. - Call William Hockett at Landmark Real Estate Center at (620)624-1212. New conditioned Home is move in ready. Only 2 doors from school!
848 Road G. - This home has 2 new electric heat and A/C units. House formerly on free gas. The gas company pays for up to 20,000 KW of Electric usage in lieu of free gas. The seller has purchased a used updated fireplace insert, but it has not been installed. The site also contains a mobile home site with septic, water and electric available. Lots of built in storage and a 10' x 10' concrete storm shelter accessed from within the house. Additional adjacent acreage is available for purchase.
1003 S. Adams Street -This home is richly adorned with up to date modern color schemes and top grade wood trim and solid wood doors throughout. The kitchen cabinets and full wall of pantry has more than enough room for the most exotic chef's needs. Solid surface counter tops make cleaning the kitchen and bathrooms a snap. Enjoy that cup of coffee on the balcony/deck off the master bedroom on the upper level. The 45X24 morton garage contains a 24'X17.5' work shop which is insulated, heated & cooled and also has a sink.
Title to Real Estate Involved NOTICE OF SUIT STATE OF KANSAS to the above named Defendants and all other persons who are or may be concerned: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a Petition for Mortgage Foreclosure has been filed in the District Court of Stevens County, Kansas by Generation
BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Great Deals ~ Easy Financing ~ Quality Service Office: (620)544-7800 531 S. Jackson Hugoton, Ks. 67951 (tfc6)
(620)544-7777 UPERIOR 510 E. 3rd OLUTIONS Hugoton
Alan D. Higgins, Owner
KIRBY VACUUM CLEANER Customers for Factory Authorized Sales & Service Please call Jeff 800-821-5050 - We also offer Refurbished Kirbys4p48
LAWN PRO Will Schnittker
620-544-1517 FDT ELECTRIC
Frankie Thomas, owner
(620)428-6518 1182 Road Q • Hugoton (tfc12)
600 E. 11th
See YOUR ad here!
Find us online:
Call 620-544-4321 or email today!
Licensed & Insured Over 30 years’ experience in Residential & Commercial Wiring
All Firearms at Dealers Cost During December
CALL 620-544-3000
IN STOCK *Carpet *Tile *Laminate *Vinyl
544-5915 or 544-7776
Handy Haulers
Lawn Mowing/Odd Jobs
Kelly Mace
910 Van Buren 544-4403 or 453-9098 26p12
View these classifieds on our Web site at!
The Hugoton Hermes
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Page 10B
Wishing everyone a Blessed Christmas from our family to yours In this season of giving, we’d like to give you our best wishes for a holiday celebration that’s as special as you are to us. For your support, we are deeply grateful, and for your friendship, we are doubly blessed.
Pictured from left to right in back are Barry Angell and Jeremy Campbell. In front are Tammy Slocum, Karina Romo, Adria Kaiser, Chelsea Warren, Karessa Schwindt, Julie Sutton and Brandy Littell.
Holiday Open House Friday, December 13th 9:00 to 3:00 Join us for Holiday Treats!
First National Bank Liberal/Hugoton
502 S. Jackson Hugoton, Kansas
(620) 544-8908
Member FDIC