December 26, 2013

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Volume 126, Number 52

Thursday, December 26, 2013

14 Pages, 70 Cents Plus Tax Per Copy

Christmas closings are listed The next two weeks will be busy ones as families celebrate Christmas and New Years. As a result, many businesses in the area will have different hours than normal. Make sure to get in your restaurant visits before Christmas! China will be happy to serve you Christmas Day, but they’re the only option for dining out in Hugoton that day. McDonald’s will close at 8:00 p.m. Christmas Eve and reopen Thursday, December 26 with regular hours. Subway, Jet Drive-In, Ranchito and Antlers plan to close at 2:00 p.m. Tuesday and will open Thursday with regular hours. Sonic will close at 5:00 p.m. Tuesday and reopen December 26. Pizza Hut and Southwest Family Steakhouse will close at 6:00 p.m. December 24 and will reopen Thursday with normal hours. Donut XPress will serve donuts only Christmas Eve and will reopen Monday at 5:30 a.m. White’s Foodliner will be open until 6:00 p.m. Christmas Eve They will open at 7:00 a.m. the day after Christmas. Pigs R Us will not be serving Sunday lunch again until 2014! They will be closed December 29. Express Lane will be open from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Christmas Eve and from 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Christmas Day. The Store in Moscow announced they will close Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. and will reopen Thursday. Rolla’s Corner Stop will close at 2:00 p.m. Tuesday and reopen Thursday. If you’re planning any special party punch, stop by Twisted H Liquor before they close at 7:00 p.m. Christmas Eve. They’ll reopen with normal hours Thursday. Country Garden reported they will close at noon Christmas Eve and will reopen Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. Creative Specialties will close at

noon Tuesday and will remain closed until Monday, December 30. They will reopen for funerals. Yardmaster will be open from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Christmas Eve for all your last-minute gift needs. They will be closed until Friday, when they will resume regular hours. Janet’s Bridal will be closed from December 24 through December 30. They will reopen for New Years Eve. The Hugoton Hermes will be closed Christmas Eve and Christmas Day both. Early deadline for the January 2 newspaper will be Thursday, December 26 at 5:00 p.m. First National Bank will close at 12:00 noon Christmas Eve and will reopen Thursday with regular hours. Citizens State Bank plans to close at 1:00 p.m. Tuesday and will be open December 26 with normal hours. The Senior Center will be closed both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Be sure to stock up on library books - the Stevens County Library will be closed Tuesday and Wednesday. Stevens County Retail Pharmacy will be closed December 24-25. Stevens County Medical Clinic will be closed at noon Christmas Eve and will reopen Friday with regular hours. Stevens County Courthouse will close at 5:00 p.m. Christmas Eve and will remain closed through Thursday, December 26. The City of Hugoton will close at 1:00 p.m. December 24. They will reopen Thursday with regular hours. The City of Moscow will be closed December 24-27. Alco will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Christmas Eve for that last minute trip to the store for more bows or tape, and Dollar General will also be open until 8:00 p.m. Tuesday for all those who might need to dash out to grab some treats for Santa. Entertainment - and some delicious popcorn and

candy - will be readily available at Showplace Video from 1:00 to 9:00 p.m. throughout the holiday for those lazy days with family. Barb’s Den will be open from 2:00 p.m. to midnight Christmas Eve and will be closed Christmas Day. Don’t forget to grab any home repair necessities before December 24 and 25 as Hi-Plains Lumber and Lin Goode & Co. will be closed both days. Lin Goode & Co. will reopen Thursday with regular hours. Hi-Plains plans to open back up Friday. Bultman’s announced they will be closing early Tuesday afternoon and reopen Thursday. American Implement will close at noon Christmas Eve and will remain closed through Christmas Day. Bultman Tire and United Wireless will close at 1:00 p.m. December 24 and will reopen Thursday. Southwest Kansas Sales will be closed Christmas Day. NAPA will close at noon Christmas Eve and reopen Thursday. Be sure to schedule Muffin or Sparky’s appointment with Animal Health Center soon, as they plan to close at noon Christmas Eve. They will reopen with regular hours Thursday. Insurance agencies Ag First, State Farm and Musgrove will close at noon Tuesday. Both Farm Bureau offices will be closed Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Pyramid Agency announced they plan to close early December 24 and remain closed through Christmas Day. Hopefully you’ve already got your new Chevy Tahoe bought for Christmas, as Riley Chevrolet will close Monday and remain closed through Wednesday; Ghumm’s Auto Center will be closing at 12:00 noon Christmas Eve and will reopen Thursday with regular hours. Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

The Christmas Story And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed. (And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria.) And all went to be taxed, every one into his own city. And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judaea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem; (because he was of the house and lineage of David) To be taxed with Mary, his espoused wife, being great with child. And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered. And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn. And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them; and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, “Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. “For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. “And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.” And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, “Glory to God in the Highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” Luke, Chapter 2, Verses 1-14

Rudolph has been taking vitamins and doing bodybuilding exercises in preparation for

Christmas Eve. The big reindeer can be seen at 815 Van Buren Street.

LEPC meets for last meeting of 2013 The Stevens County Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) conducted their final meeting for 2013. They met Wednesday, December 18 in the Stevens County Fire Department Emergency Operations Center in Hugoton. LEPC had a very good turn out for their meeting. Those present were Rodney Kelling, Susan Schulte, Richard Barnes, RoGlenda Coulter, Bailey Esarey, Richard Everett, James Everett, Joy Lewis, Paula Rowden, Joshua Grubbs, Brent Inkelaar, Gene Johnson, Greg Sohm, T.J. Steers, Phil Thompson, Tom Romero, Brian Schooley and Cathy Hernandez. The meeting was a lunch meeting so first off a lunch of chili and cinnamon rolls was offered up for the group. The meeting then officially opened. Chairman Richard Barnes had passed out the minutes from the September 24, 2013 meeting for all to read over. He asked for any additions or corrections. The date at the top had to be changed to September 24, 2013. That was the only change and the minutes were accepted. Tom Romero was a visitor so he was asked to introduce himself. There are plans to recruit him into the LEPC. He has 22 years’ experience working with the gas company and has been the area manager where he works for six years. He has lived in the Hugoton area all his life. There was no old business. For new business, officers had to be elected. When nominated as Chairman, Richard Barnes asked if anyone would like to take the office, he would just as soon step down. Paula Rowden was asked if she would like to have the position. She said if Richard was sure he didn’t want the office. He said that would be fine. Motion was then made for nominations to cease. Votes officially elected Paula as the new 2014 Chairman. Richard Barnes was then elected Vice Chairman and Rodney Kelling was reelected as Information Coordinator.

Copies of the ESF-8 - Public Health and Medical Service plans for Stevens County were handed out for all to look over. Richard Everette took over the meeting to talk about it. He said the #12 - Environmental Health - needed to be filled out better. Part of these included structures and water supply. Samples of the water are regularly taken. They are sent in and have to go UPS, not mail, because it would take too long. This needs to be put down as does the spraying of mosquitos - that the city does it already. The fact the city has dog control, has to be put in the plan. In case of disaster it needs to be worded in there with a plan for any displaced animals. The city dog control pens are not big enough for a large number of dogs if the need arises. They talked about the possibility of using some portable kennels and locating them out at the fairgrounds in the indoor arena. Paula said the emergency trailer has some of the portable kennels in it. Richard told the group Grant County is getting a portable shelter trailer together that will have kennels, food and water. Cathy Hernandez said the Grant County group is called SWKART, Southwest Kansas Animal Response Team. Also to be included, City Inspector Joshua Grubbs will be in charge of checking structure stability and safety in case of an emergency situation. If the structure is safe to go into, or be lived in, etc. Richard E. said all these updates need to be added to the Stevens County plan in the computer. Paula asked if she will have access to the plan. She was told she does and she will take care of it. Paula will also contact the city and find out the details of water testing. The upcoming incident exercise was discussed. It will be in April and will be a simulated ice storm power outage. An EOC will be set up. Abengoa representatives were asked about their generators in case of power outage. They will have enough to power Abengoa but not to help out the town. Continued to page 3

PMCA donates gasoline to Kansas Highway Patrol For the twenty-third consecutive year, the Petroleum Marketers and Convenience Store Association of Kansas (PMCA) donated gasoline to the Kansas Highway Patrol to fill up patrol cars during the holidays. Through the Holiday Highways Safety Program, the PMCA donates fuel to the Patrol to fill up patrol cars from December 24 through January 1. The donation will be of great assistance at a time when budgets continue to be tight. “For many years now, PMCA’s Holiday Highways Safety Program has

worked to help motorists in Kansas make it safely to their holiday destinations,” said Tom Palace, Executive Director of PMCA of Kansas. “Through their participation in this one-of-a-kind program, fuel distributors and convenience stores are voluntarily partnering with the Kansas Highway Patrol to ensure the safety of their customers, their families, and the many visitors traveling to and through Kansas over the holidays.” “Each year the PMCA of Kansas and their members generously provide

tanks of fuel for the Patrol to use while working the highways during the Christmas and New Year’s holidays,” said Colonel Ernest E. Garcia. “This allows us to focus our mission on helping keep Kansas roadways safe, and helping our motorists who need assistance on the highways. We want our travelers to be able to spend time with their loved ones, and PMCA’s thoughtful donation allows us to assist in that effort.” The PMCA of Kansas is a nonprofit organization Continued to page 3

The Hugoton Hermes

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Page 2

Experts offer tips to get a good night’s sleep A good night's sleep can go a long way toward improving quality of life. According to the National Sleep Foundation, experts say most adults need between seven and nine hours of sleep each night. Adequate sleep is essential to human health and safety, as it helps men, women and children alike function to their fullest capacity. Though the benefits of a good night's sleep are widely known, 65 percent of respondents in a recent NSF survey admitted they have problems sleeping a few nights each week. That's a significant cause for concern, as sleep deprivation has been linked to a host of health problems, including obesity and high blood pressure. Inadequate sleep has also been linked to decreased productivity, meaning professionals who are not prioritizing a good night's sleep could ultimately see their careers suffer as a result. A variety of factors can impact how well individuals sleep at night. Though some people have preexisting medical conditions that affect the

quality of their sleep, many more individuals who struggle with sleep can take some simple steps to alleviate such problems. • Establish and stick to a sleep schedule. Routine can make all the difference when it comes to falling asleep and maintaining that sleep through the night. That's because the sleep-wake cycle is governed by the circadian clock in the brain. This circadian function is strengthened when the body regularly wakes up and goes to bed at the same time. Once a sleep schedule has been established, men, women and children should do their best to stick to their routines on weekends, when many people tend to sleep in later. Upsetting a sleeping schedule on the weekend can make it more difficult for the body to readjust to the routine come Sunday night and Monday morning. • Emphasize an environment conducive to sleep. The NSF recommends individuals establish sleep environments that are dark, quiet, comfortable and cool. If an environ-

ment is not dark enough, individuals can wear eye shades or hang blackout curtains on windows to prevent outside light from entering their homes. Noise and other distractions, including cell phones that ring or vibrate each time a message is incoming, should be addressed. If necessary, men and women can store their cell phones in the kitchen or another room in the house overnight, reducing the likelihood sleep will be interrupted by incoming phone calls, emails or text messages. Noise distractions, such as a partner snoring, can be remedied with ear plugs. • Replace mattresses and pillows if necessary. Some sleeping problems are a byproduct of mattresses and pillows that are old and don't offer enough support. Quality mattresses can last a long time but should be replaced when they no longer provide a comfortable sleeping environment. Mattresses that make noise, feel lumpy or sag should be replaced. In addition, if sleeping partners routinely wake each other up

when one person gets up to use the restroom or get a glass of water, then chances are that mattress is no longer capable of providing an optimal sleep environment. Pillows should be comfortable but still provide support. Pillows also should be cleaned regularly to ensure they are not covered in allergens, which can negatively affect an individual's sleep. • Don't eat dinner or drink alcohol too close to bedtime. The body needs adequate time to digest meals, so individuals who routinely eat shortly before going to bed might find it hard to fall asleep because the body is still working to digest foods. That can be uncomfortable. Alcohol should also be avoided before going to bed, as it can negatively affect the body's ability to get a deep sleep. Though alcohol right before bed might help men and women fall asleep more quickly, the sleep they get won't be as restorative as if they had abstained from alcohol in the hours before they went to bed. From Metro Editorial Services.

Wholesale clubs judged best for low gas prices It’s no secret that many of us plan to drive to Christmas and New Year’s gatherings, but those who know where to fill up stand to reap the best savings. In a recent analysis of retail gasoline prices across multiple types of providers, GasBuddy finds that ‘wholesale clubs’ offer the greatest savings versus other compet-

ing gasoline sellers in the area. The wholesale clubs’ price advantage for 2013 represents a differential of 11 cents per gallon versus other local stations. “It's important with millions of Americans hitting the road for Christmas to give them tips on where they are likely to find the most savings at the pump,” says Patrick

DeHaan, senior petroleum analyst for GasBuddy. “We’re pleased to share the findings on price trends across retail categories and hope that our reminder will help motorists keep more of their money in their pocket.” “Of course, consumers have to pay an annual fee to have the ‘wholesale club’ savings available to them. But,

Consumer Alert

From the Office of Kansas Insurance Commissioner Sandy Praeger A Kansas Insurance Department employee recently received a credit card statement online that showed a balance due. Nothing new, you say - except the employee has never had that credit card. The holiday season is a time everyone should be aware of cyber scams, said Sandy Praeger, Kansas Commissioner of Insurance. “There are many fraudulent Web sites and scam artists who are working this holiday season to take your money or identity,” Commissioner Praeger said. “Kansans

should verify that the messages and solicitations you receive online are legitimate. We should also be cautious in giving out personal information electronically.” Some of the potential online holiday problems may include the following: • Electronic greeting cards that may contain malware. • Requests for charitable contributions from organizations that you are not familiar with. • Phony credit card applications. • Online auctions for selling gift cards.

Pioneer Manor residents play Bingo at 2:00 p.m. Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Community members are invited to volunteer or play a game with the residents! AL-ANON Family Group meets at 1405 Cemetery Road Mondays and Thursdays at 8:00 p.m. Call 620-544-2610 or 620-544-2854 for more information. CELEBRATE LIFE every Monday night 6:30-8:00 p.m. at Assembly of God, 138 S. Main in Hugoton. Park in the back lot. HUGOTON LIONS CLUB meets every Second and Fourth Thursday of the month at Memorial Hall at 7:00 p.m. HUGOTON MASONIC LODGE #406 AF&AM meets every second and fourth Tuesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday nights - Inside Out Kids at the Hugoton Assembly of God, 138 S. Main, beginning with dinner at 6:45 p.m. Program will be from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. Rides are available by calling Pastor Ben Coats at 620-428-1487 before 5:30 p.m. Wednesday evenings. - Moscow United Methodist will host Kids Club, beginning September 11 from 3:45 to 4:45 p.m. Kids Club is available for children ages Kindergarten through fifth grade. For more information, contact the church at 620-598-2426. Temporary changes for Stevens County Library - Stevens County Library will be open from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Mondays through Fridays, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Saturdays and closed Sundays. Available Now - Heritage Christian Academy invites you to participate in the Christmas Matching Funds Grant. Contributions from now until January 15, 2014 will be matched 100% up to $40,000. Contributions may be sent to HCA, PO Box 744, Hugoton, Ks. 67951 or visit at 505 E. First Street in Hugoton. - Stauth Memorial Museum, 111 N. Aztec in Montezuma, will host a traveling exhibit of World War I posters. The exhibit will be available until January 19, 2014. The Museum is open Tuesday through Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon and 1:00 to 4:30 p.m. and Sundays from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. They will be closed December 23-25 for Christmas and December

• Shipping notifications for items you didn’t order. • Opening up emails with unfamiliar names or addresses. • Fraudulent solicitations for health insurance, under the guise of the new health care law. “This is the time of year when we all need to be cautious of scam artists who want to take away our good cheer,” Commissioner Praeger said. Submitted by the Office of Kansas Insurance Commissioner Praeger.

for those who decline participation in wholesale clubs, the large grocery chains represent the next best option,” says Gregg Laskoski, senior petroleum analyst for Gas In 2013, consumers who opted for the large grocery chains saved approximately six cents per gallon compared to prices at their local competitors. Truck stops saved consumers nearly four cents per gallon versus their nearest retail competitors. GasBuddy operates over 250 similar Web sites that track gasoline prices at over 140,000 gasoline stations in the United States and Canada. In addition, GasBuddy offers a free smartphone app which has been downloaded over 25 million times to help motorists find the lowest gasoline prices in their area. To download the GasBuddy mobile application for free, go to

30-January 1 for New Years. Admission is free. Call 620-8462527 to set up a group tour. December 20-January 5 - Christmas Break for USD #210 students. December 23-January 6 - Christmas Break for USD #217 students. December 26 - Early deadline of 5:00 p.m. for the January 2, 2014 edition of The Hermes. December 27 - Praise and Worship at Memorial Hall with free supper at 6:00 p.m. Pastor Ben Coats will speak. December 31 - New Year’s Eve - New Year’s Eve dance at the Senior Center, 624 S. Main in Hugoton, beginning at 8:00 p.m. All ages are welcome. Please bring a snack to share. Coffee, tea and water will be provided. Craig Stevens will play. January 1 - Happy New Year! January 2 - Sons of Thunder Southwest Kansas Chapter will meet at the Grant County Civic Center, 1000 W. Patterson Ave. in Ulysses from 7:00 to 9:30 p.m. Ken Harder of Meade will be speaking. There will be a free meal, fellowship and worship. January 4 - Senior Social Soup Supper at the Senior Center, 624 S. Main in Hugoton, starting at 6:00 p.m. Please bring a pot of your favorite soup. There will be cards and games after the meal. January 6 - Caring Connections Daycare Center and Preschool opens. Call 620-544-2050 or email for more information. - Stevens County Commissioners will meet in the Commissioners’ Room at the Stevens County Courthouse, beginning at 8:30 a.m. - Hugoton City Council will meet at 5:15 p.m. in the Council Meeting Room at City Hall, 631 S. Main in Hugoton. - Stevens County Hospital/Pioneer Manor Board will meet in the Stevens County Hospital Conference Room at 5:30

Obituaries Elrie Kinser Word has been received of the death of Elrie Mayfield Kinser. Mr. Kinser, 101 years old and long time Stevens County farmer in the Bethel Community, passed away Tuesday morning, December 17, 2013 at Presbyterian Manor in Newton. He was born June 16, 1912 in Stevens County, the son of William and Blanche Cook Kinser. March 25, 1934, Elrie and Myrtle Wheeler were married in the Bethel Friends Church. Elrie and Myrtle moved many times during the early years of their marriage finding work with different farmers. In 1945 they settled with their family and farmed in Stevens County until their retirement in 1977 to Haviland. In 2007 they moved to the Presbyterian Manor in Newton. Survivors include their four sons and daughters-in-

law, Harold and Mary Ann Kinser of Sun City West, Az., Merl and Eunice Kinser of Coyle, Ok., Delmar and Phyllis Kinser of Newton and Irvin and Jean Kinser of Bonner Springs; nine grandchildren; four brothers, Floyde, Loyde, Arlie and Trulin Kinser; and four sisters, Fern Elam. Loene Berry, Hope Dunlap and Stella Hart. Elrie was preceded in death by his wife Myrtle August 16, 2009; three brothers, Leroy, Robert and Leslie; and two sisters, Fay Wheeler and Grace Morford. Funeral services and celebration of Elrie's life was attended Friday afternoon, December 20, 2013 at the Haviland Friends Church. Burial followed in Haviland Cemetery. Memorials are suggested to Gideon’s International and Barclay College in care of Fleener Funeral Home, 514 S. Main St., Greensburg, Ks. 67054.

John Loibl Friends and family gather over the weekend to remember and honor John Loibl. Mr. Loibl passed from this life Tuesday, December 17, 2013 at his home in Dodge City. He was 87. Born November 21, 1926 at Offerle, he was the son of John M. Loibl and the former Molly Burghart. A lifetime resident of the Dodge City area, he was a machinist for Roto-Mix in Dodge City, retiring in 1996. He enjoyed gardening and fishing. Mr. Loibl was a member of the Cathedral of Our Lady of Guadalupe; 3rd Degree member of Knights of Columbus Council 2955; and Moose Lodge, all of Dodge City. July 11, 1953 John married Liz Herrmann at Sacred Heart Cathedral in Dodge City. Survivors include his wife Liz of Dodge City; three children, Barbara Loibl of Dodge City, Nancy Robertson and husband Timothy of New Orleans, La. and Gregory Loibl of Hugoton; a brother-in-law, Lawrence Herrmann and wife Betty of Dodge City; sistersin-law, Henrietta Schulte of Fort Collins, Co., Sr. Barbara

Ann Herrmann of Wichita, Clara Schmitt and husband Charles of Kinsley and D’Nele Greenstreet of Spearville; his two grandchildren Sarah and John Robertson; and numerous nephews and nieces. Those preceding Mr. Loibl in death were his parents; a daughter, Brenda Loibl in 1967; one brother, Herb Greenstreet; and brothers-inlaw, Ray Schulte, Joe Herrmann and George Herrmann. Vigil service followed by Knights of Columbus rosary was attended Friday evening, December 20, 2013 at Ziegler Funeral Chapel of Dodge City. Memorial Mass was attended Saturday morning at Sacred Heart Cathedral in Dodge City with Fr. Terrance Klein presiding. Cremation has taken place. Inurnment will be in Maple Grove Cemetery of Dodge City. In lieu of flowers the family suggests memorials to Arrowhead West or Pheasant Heaven Charity of Hugoton both in care of Ziegler Funeral Chapel, 1901 N. Fourteenth Ave., Dodge City, Ks. 67801. Condolences may be sent to www.zieglerfuneral

p.m. January 8 - Southwest Kansas Irrigation Association annual meeting at the Grant County Civic Center Auditorium in Ulysses. Registration starts at 9:00 a.m., with the program beginning at 9:45 a.m. Lunch will be served at 12:30 p.m. Please RSVP by January 3. - The Red Cross will host a blood drive at St. Helen Catholic Church, 1011 S. Jefferson in Hugoton, from 12:00 noon to 5:00 p.m. Call 1-800-RED-CROSS or visit to make an appointment or for more information. January 11 - Sew All Day at the Senior Center, 624 S. Main in Hugoton. Call 620-544-2283 for more information. - Adult Senior Prom at the Senior Center starting at 8:00 p.m. This event is sponsored by local 4-H members. They will provide food and fun! Cottonwood will play. January 11-12 - Second annual Hays Family Invitational Roping and Bull Dogging at the Hays Family Arena in Bristow, Ok. The event will begin at 1:30 p.m. after lunch. For entries, call Chance Hays for tie down at 620-205-9355 and Renee Hays for breakaway at 918-671-9648. For directions, please call Bart Hays at 918-625-2523 or Dustin Oswalt at 405-207-8147. January 15 - Last day to participate in Heritage Christian Academy’s Christmas Matching Funds Grant. Contributions can be sent to HCA, PO Box 744, Hugoton, Ks. 67951 or visit 505 E. First Street in Hugoton. January 20 - Stevens County Commissioners will meet in the Commissioners’ Room at the Stevens County Courthouse, beginning at 8:30 a.m. January 29 - The State of Kansas will celebrate its one hundred fiftythird birthday.

EARLY DEADLINE Thursday, December 26 5:00 p.m.

The Hugoton Hermes

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Page 3

PMCA donates gasoline Continued from page 1 for independent petroleum distributors, gasoline retailers, and convenience store owners. This year, participating members of the PMCA graciously provided vouchers for 63 tanks of fuel for troopers to use as they patrol the highways this holiday season. Last year, during the 2012 Christmas and 2013 New Year’s reporting periods, the provided fuel allowed the Patrol to assist 2,457 motorists, remove 38 impaired drivers from the roadways, and issue

520 citations for occupant protection violations. The donation last year no doubt contributed to the Patrol’s efforts to keep the roadways safe during the Christmas and New Year’s holidays. This year, it will help further safety efforts during the holiday season. To find out more about the PMCA of Kansas, visit them at assoc/.

Nazarene Compassionate Ministries Christmas Dinner December 25 - 12:00 Noon Gift bags for hospital and Manor employees included candy, fruit and a coupon to use in the Hospital Auxiliary’s gift shop, located by the front doors of Stevens County Hospital.

LEPC Meeting

R.S.V.P. 544-2509 or 544-2101 Deliveries to handicapped or shut ins only!

Dustin EE John Dustin Johnson FinancialAdvisor Advisor Financial

Continued from page 1 Abengoa will also have the capability to purchase power from the nearby wind charger farm. The Red Cross has some changes. Matt Mercer is in Garden City. His official title is Disaster Response Program Coordinator. As of right now, calls will go to Wichita - not Garden City. They discussed where the shelter is at in the school. It is in the weight room on the back side of the school. The actual weight room is not a part of the shelter and the actual shelter is standing room only. The recreation building would be good to use for cots. The school is supposed to be getting a bigger sign at the location of the shelter and also one to be located on Main Street, but have not as of yet. Paula was asked how her “Zombie” eductional event went in October. She said it had to be rescheduled until next Spring. An American Cancer Society event fell on the same date. The date of the next meeting was discussed. It was set for March 5, 2014.


608 S Main Street Hugoton, KS 67951 620-544-8818

Stevens County Hospital Auxiliary members worked together Wednesday to put together gift

bags for every Stevens County Hospital and Pioneer Manor employee.

Open to all ages. Door Prizes will be given away throughout the evening. Join us to ring in the New Year in a smoke-free and alcohol-free environment. Please bring a snack to share. Coffee, tea and water provided. Come to dance or play cards and other games. Music provided by Craig Stevens.

December Students of the Month for Hugoton Middle School are eighth graders Chance Brack and Dallie Hoskinson, and seventh

tion recommends these sun protection tips: • Seek the shade, especially between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. • Do not burn. • Cover up with clothing, including a broad-brimmed hat and UV-blocking sunglasses. Use a broad spectrum (UVA/UVB) sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher every day. For extended outdoor activity, use a water-resistant, broad spectrum (UVA/UVB) sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher. Daily use of a sunscreen with SPF 15+ reduces skin aging by 24 percent. • Apply one ounce (a shot glass full) of sunscreen to your entire body 30 minutes before going outside. Reapply every

L & N AVIATION CO. Aerial Applicators All Types Of Spraying Fertilizing & Seeding Equipped with satellite guidance system 544-2008 Office - 593-4509 Night 544-6491 Mobile

Gene Nunn

PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF STEVENS COUNTY, KANSAS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF KENNETH D. KRAMER, DECEASED Case No. 13PR38 NOTICE OF HEARING (Chapter 59) THE STATE OF KANSAS TO ALL PERSONS CONCERNED: You are hereby notified that a petition has been filed in the above Court by Rita Goodling, to determine the heirs at law of Kenneth D. Kramer, and praying for the determination of descent of certain real estate situate in Stevens County, Kansas, as more fully described in the petition filed in this proceeding,

New Year’s Eve Dance 624 S Main • Hugoton 8:00 p.m.

For Fast Dependable Service Call

(First Published in the Hugoton Hermes, Thursday, December 12, 2013) 3t

Financial Advisor

Senior Activity Center

graders Megan Newlon and Nick Gold. Photo courtesy of Morey Mecklenburg.

Make resolution to promote skin health The new year is fast approaching, and with it comes the opportunity to ditch unhealthy habits. The Skin Cancer Foundation urges everyone to put skin health on their list of New Year's Resolutions. Here are five healthy and potentially lifesaving habits to adopt in 2014: 1. Protect Yourself Every Day Sun protection is essential to skin aging and skin cancer prevention - about 90 percent of non-melanoma skin cancers and 86 percent of melanomas are caused by the sun's harmful ultraviolet (UV) light. Since UV damage is cumulative over a lifetime, it is something to be concerned about on a daily basis. The Skin Cancer Founda-

Stephanie A Weeast, CFP®, AAMS®

and all other property, both real estate and personal property, or interests therein, including mineral interests, if any, owned by the decedent within the State of Kansas at the time of his death. You are hereby required to file your written defenses thereto on or before the 7th day of January, 2014 at 10:30 a.m. of said day, in the district courtroom at the county courthouse, in the City of Hugoton, Stevens County, Kansas, at which time and place the cause will be heard. Should you fail therein, judgment and decree will be entered in due course upon the petition. Rita Goodling, Petitioner KRAMER, NORDLING & NORDLING, LLC 209 East 6th Street Hugoton, KS 67951 Telephone: 620-544-4333 Attorneys for Petitioner

two hours after swimming or excessive sweating. 2. Visit the Doctor's Office for a Yearly Professional Skin Exam Skin cancer, the most prevalent cancer, is also the most treatable cancer when detected early. The survival rate for patients whose melanoma is detected early, before the tumor has penetrated the skin, is about 99 percent. The survival rate falls to 15 percent for those with advanced disease.An annual full-body skin exam performed by a dermatologist is essential. 3. Perform Routine SelfExams While self-exams shouldn't replace the important annual skin exam performed by a physician, they offer the best chance of detecting the early warning signs of skin cancer. If you notice any change in an existing mole or discover a new one that looks suspicious, see a physician. 4. Avoid Tanning There is no such thing as a safe tan-the darkened complexion that results from UV exposure actually represents DNA damage to the skin. The cumulative damage caused by sun exposure can lead to skin cancer, as well as wrinkles, brown spots and other signs of premature skin aging. People who first use a tanning bed before age 35 increase their risk for melanoma by an alarming 75 percent. Just one visit to a tanning salon also increases the risk for the two most common forms of skin cancer, basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma, by 29 percent and 67 percent, respectively. 5. Go With Your Own Glow The Skin Cancer Foundation advocates embracing one's natural skin tone. The Foundation's Go With Your Own

Glow™ campaign encourages women to love and protect their skin, whatever its natural hue. However, those who can't resist the bronzed look but won't sacrifice their health to achieve it should consider sunless UVfree tanners. They are available in many different formulations, including creams, lotions, gels, pump sprays, aerosols and wipes. Story submitted by the Skin Cancer Foundation.

Located within Stevens County Hospital 1006 S. Jackson Hugoton, KS 67951 • Free in Town Delivery! • Friendly “Hometown” Service • Accept Major Insurance Plans • Open Saturdays! Open Monday - Friday: 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Closed 1:00pm to 1:30 p.m. for lunch

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Northridge 8

Southgate 6

Sequoyah 8




Merry Christmas & Happy New Year Mane Hair Co. would like to welcome Jessica Sisseck to our talented team of stylists & also welcome back Jaymee Chamberlain-Milhon

The Hugoton Hermes

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Page 4

Do not risk a heart attack by shoveling snow Cardiovascular events like sudden cardiac arrest may increase during cold winter months, research shows. The American Heart Association says that for most people, shoveling snow may not lead to any health problems. However, the association warns that the risk of a heart attack during snow shoveling may increase for some, stating the combination of colder

temperatures and physical exertion increases the workload on the heart. Here are some tips from the American Heart Association to make snow shoveling safer: • Give yourself a break. Take frequent rest breaks during shoveling so you don’t overstress your heart. Pay attention to how your body feels during those breaks • Don’t eat a heavy meal prior

Hermes EarlyDeadline Thursday 12:00 p.m.

Market Report

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Don Beesley, Agent

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to or soon after shoveling. Eating a large meal can put an extra load on your heart. • Use a smaller shovel or consider a snow thrower. It is safer to lift smaller amounts more times than to lug a few huge shovelfuls. When possible, simply push the snow. • Learn the heart attack warning signs and listen to your body, but remember this: even if you’re not sure it’s a heart attack, have it checked out. Minutes matter! • Don’t drink alcoholic beverages before or immediately after shoveling. Alcohol may increase a person’s sensation of warmth and may cause them to underestimate the extra strain their body is under in the cold. It is also important to understand the heart attack warning signs prior to heavy lifting. Some heart attacks are sudden and intense, but most start slowly, with mild pain or discomfort. Often

Donate to Salvation Army The Salvation Army’s famous Red Kettles are nearing the end of another year, but the organization still needs your help! “There’s still plenty of time to donate if you haven’t already and help those who are less fortunate in your own community,” said Stephen Wheeler, service extension director for The Salvation Army, Kansas and Western Missouri Division. “Our Christmas Campaign runs through January 31 and we still have a long way to go to reach our goal. We are bracing for even greater need throughout the state of Kansas this coming year and are depending on the generosity of others in the community to help us provide support for families

Citizens State Bank 601 S. Main - Hugoton

PAUL'S FUNERAL HOME David & Brandy Robson

314 S. Van Buren 544-4122

Pyramid Agency, Inc. 521 S. Main - Hugoton

FAITH LUTHERAN Tenth and Adams 544-2092 Christopher M. Fincher, Pastor Morning Worship - 9:00 a.m. Sunday School - 10:30 a.m. Bible Study, Wednesday - 7:30 p.m.

FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Faith Publishing LLC 522 S. Main 620-544-4321

AGAPE CHURCH OF HUGOTON 409 East Ninth, Hugoton 453-2711 Pastor Bob Rich Sunday – 10:30 a.m.

ASAMBLEA DE DIOS LOS REDIMIDOS DEL REY Martes 7:00 PM Jueves 7:00 PM Domingo 3:00 PM 138 S. Main Hugoton Pastores: Martinez 620-544-7096

ASSEMBLY OF GOD Main and Second Street 544-2773 Ben Coats, Pastor Sunday School - 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship - 11:00 a.m. Sunday Evening - 6:00 p.m. Service Wed. Night - 7:00 p.m. Celebrate Recovery Every Monday at 7:00 p.m.

BETHEL FRIENDS CHURCH 11th & Jefferson - 544-8517 Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. Morning Service - 10:30 a.m. Wednesday Evening Ministries - 6:30 p.m. (Children, Youth, & Adult)

CHURCH OF CHRIST 1045 S. Van Buren Church: 544-2825 Home: 453-0965 Lee Rottman 1041 S. Van Buren Wednesday - 7:00 p.m. Sunday School - 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship - 11:00 a.m. Evening Service - 6:00 p.m.

CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS 520 E. First 544-2125 Sacrament - 9:00 a.m. Sunday School - 10:00 a.m. Priesthood - 11:00 a.m.

CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE 500 S. Van Buren 544-2493 Pastor Dave Piper Sunday School - 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship - 10:45 a.m. Evening Services - 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study - 7:00 p.m.

COWBOY CHURCH - HUGOTON Second & Fourth Tuesday of every month Stevens County Commercial Building at Fairgrounds 7:00 p.m.

600 S. Van Buren - 544-2715 Pastor Heath Kelley Sunday School - 9:15 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. Fellowship - 10:15 - 10:30 a.m. Worship Hour - 10:30 - 12:00 Children's Church, 10:30 a.m. Jr. High Youth Group, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Sr. High Youth Group, 7:45-9:00 p.m. Information on small groups call 544-2715

FIRST CHURCH OF GOD 801 W. City Limits 544-2652 Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship - 10:30 a.m. Evening Worship - 7:00 p.m. Wednesday Evening Service - 7:00 p.m. Call 544-2652 for Church Bus

HUGOTON BAPTIST CHURCH Eighth and Main 544-2210 506 East Eighth - 544-2295 Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship - 10:30 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study - 6:30 p.m.

LONE STAR FRIENDS CHURCH 14 Miles East of Hugoton on Highway 51 Church 624-3784 Home 624-3104 Sunday School - 9:45 a.m. Contemporary Worship Celebration - 10:45 a.m. Jr. High & Sr. High Youth Group - Sunday 6:30 p.m. Sunday Evening Fellowship - 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Evening Adult Study - 6:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting Wednesday - 8:00 p.m. Christian Life Club (age 2 - 18) - 6:30 p.m.

MY FATHER’S HOUSE A Full Gospel Church 207 East 6th - Hugoton Pam Peachey, Pastor 544-2436 Services Sundays 10:30 a.m. & 5:00 p.m.

Pastor - Eric Mason 620-544-6386

ST. HELEN CATHOLIC CHURCH 1011 South Jefferson Street 544-2551 Sunday - 11:00 a.m. English Mass - 1:00 p.m. - Spanish Mass

TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH 516 N.E. Avenue 544-2355 Morning Worship - 9:00 a.m. Fellowship/Refreshments - 10:00 a.m. Sunday School - 10:30 a.m. Rev. Larry Bradford, Interim Pastor 544-9492 or 598-2400 YOU ARE WELCOME!

UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 828 S. Main Hugoton 544-8715 Reverend Jo Mead, Pastor Monday Bible Study - 1:30 p.m. & 7:00 p.m. Wednesday Praise! Kids - 3:45 p.m. Wednesday Jr. High Youth Fellowship - 5:30 p.m. Wednesday Sr. High Youth Fellowship - 7:00 p.m. Sunday School - 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship - 11:00 a.m.

MOSCOW MOSCOW BAPTIST CHURCH 598-2455 Church - 598-2400 Home Rev. Larry Bradford, Pastor 1 mile S. of Moscow, 1/2 mile E. of Moscow/Hooker Rd. Morning Worship - 10:30 a.m. Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study - 7:00 p.m. Team Kids (Wed.) - 3:30-5:00p.m. Sept.-May

MOSCOW UNITED METHODIST 598-2426 Tim McCrary, Pastor 598-2421 Sunday School - 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship - 11:00 a.m. Kid’s Club - Wednesday 3:30 p.m. UMYF Jr. High - 6:00 p.m. UMYF Sr. High - 5:00 p.m.

PRIMERO BAUTISTA IGLESIA HISPANO Congregación 618 Main sur - Hugoton 620-370-1003 Pastor Marcelino Auila Servicio de la Iglesia 11:00 a.m. - Domingo 7:00 p.m. - Miércoles

You are invited to come worship with family and friends at Pioneer Manor

FAITH CHAPEL CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST Tenth and Jefferson Lawrence Johnson, Pastor Sunday School - 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship - 11:00 a.m. Bible Band (Tuesday) - 6:00 p.m. Home and Forn. Miss. (Friday) - 6:00 p.m. Youth - 6:00 p.m. Bible Study - 7:00 p.m.


LIGHTHOUSE FELLOWSHIP 424 S. Jackson 544-4828 Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. Sunday Church - 10:30 a.m. Wednesday - 7:00 p.m. Pre-Service Prayer - half hour before service

December 29 Church of God

people affected aren’t sure what’s happening and wait too long before getting help. Here are signs that can mean a heart attack is happening: • Chest discomfort in the center of the chest lasting more than a few minutes, or that goes away and comes back. • Discomfort in other areas of the upper body, such as pain in the arms, back, neck, jaw or stomach. • Shortness of breath with or without chest discomfort. • Other signs may include breaking out in a cold sweat, nausea or lightheadedness. Calling 9-1-1 is almost always the fastest way to get lifesaving treatment. If you or someone you know begins experiencing any of these symptoms, call 9-1-1 immediately. For more information, visit your physician or go online to

ROLLA EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH 202 Monroe St. - Rolla, Ks. 67954 Henry McGuire, Pastor 593-4693 Sunday School - 10:00 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship - 11:00 a.m. Sunday Evening Service - 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Evening, AWANA’s - 6:45 p.m.

ROLLA PENTECOSTAL HOLINESS CHURCH Corner of Third and Adams, Rolla Marcus Light, Pastor Church - 593-4626, Parsonage - 593-4796 Sunday School - 10:00 a.m. Worship - 11:00 a.m. Wednesday night meal - 6:00 p.m.

UNITED METHODIST CHURCH ROLLA - RICHFIELD 593-4596 or 593-4781 Sandy Ferguson, Pastor Rolla Morning Worship - 11:00 a.m. Sunday School - 10:00 a.m. Youth Groups - 5:00 p.m. Richfield Morning Worship - 9:15 a.m. Sunday School - 10:30 a.m.

and individuals in crisis.” One way to help your neighbors in need, while also giving yourself a boost at tax-time, is to make a year-end donation to The Salvation Army. “As long as a gift is made on or before December 31, it will count toward this year’s taxes,” said Wheeler. “It’s a great way to help us while also lowering your taxable income.” Anyone wishing to donate by credit card may call 1-800-SALARMY or go online to Checks may be mailed to The Salvation Army, 3637 Broadway, Kansas City, MO 64111. Donations may also be given directly to your county’s Salvation Army representative. Call 1-800336-4547, extension 368 for the name and contact number. “Another easy way to support The Salvation Army is to look for one of several donation envelopes we send to past and current donors throughout the holiday season,” said Wheeler. “They are pre-printed with our address, just stamp and mail.” The Salvation Army’s Service Extension Department serves 94 counties in Kansas and Western Missouri. More than 500 volunteers provide emergency crisis assistance to individuals needing help with utilities, prescriptions, food, rent and clothing. Service Extension volunteers also assist individuals who have been affected by natural and other types of disaster.

Clyde Lighty demonstates his talent of photography by winning first place with this photo “Pool Fun” during the Camera Club meeting Thursday.

“Boy and rabbit” by LeAnn Akins is the second place winner for the Camera Club meeting Thursday.

The Hugoton Hermes (USPS 253-820)

522 S. Main Hugoton, KS 67951 - 620-544-4321 Owner/Operator Faith Publishing LLC RoGlenda Coulter, Kay McDaniels and Ruthie Winget RoGlenda Coulter, Bookkeeper/ Classifieds/Obituaries Kay McDaniels, Advertising/ Circulation/Layout Ruthie Winget, Composition/Layout Reece McDaniels, Sports Editor Wilma Bartel, Asst. Composition Marie Austin, Asst. Composition Toni Hamlin, Asst. Mailing Jean Coulter, Asst. Mailing Phoebe Brummett, Rolla Correspondent Sara Cross, Moscow Correspondent Ads email: Obituaries email:

Subscriptions $30.00 (including Kansas State Sales Tax) for Stevens and adjoining Kansas Counties, $35.00 elsewhere in state (including Kansas State Sales Tax), and for all out of state subscriptions. Online subscriptions are $25.00 a year. Online and printed subscriptions combined are $10.00 plus the cost of the subscription. Foreign Subscription Rate $40.00. School Subscriptions and Military Personnel $25.00 (including Kansas State Sales Tax) payable in advance. Advertising Rates Noncommissionable $5.00 per column inch, Commissionable Rates $6.25 per column inch, Classified $5.00 per column inch. Frequency is weekly every Thursday. Periodicals Postage paid at Hugoton, Ks. 67951. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Hugoton Hermes at 522 S. Main, Hugoton, Kansas 67951. Opinion Page Our opinion page is open to the public. We encourage comments from readers in the form of letters to the editor or guest columns. All letters must be signed and must include the address and telephone number of the sender. (names will be published but not address & phone#) Letters should be no more than 300 words. No libelous or offensive letter will be published. The guest column or letter to the editor does not reflect the opinion of this newspaper or its representatives.

Le Ann Akins wins third place with her photo “Boy and calf”. She was awarded the third place at the Camera Club meeting last Thursday.

Southwest Kansas Irrigation Association 58th Annual Meeting January 8, 2014 Grant Co. Civic Center Auditorium Ulysses, Ks. Registration 9:00 a.m. Program 9:45 a.m. Lunch served at 12:30 Confirmed Speakers Secretary of Agriculture Jackie McClaskey Kansas Water Office Director: Tracy Streeter Kansas Department of Agriculture Division of Water Resources Chief Engineer: David Barfield Water Appropriation Program Manager: Lane Letourneau GIS Manager Kansas Geological Survey: Brownie Wilson Southwest Kansas Groundwater Management District #3 Executive Dir.: Mark Rude Topics Ethanol and the Renewable Fuel Standard 2). Kansas Water Office Governor’s 50 year vision request for the Ogallala 3). KDA DWR How a LEMA can work with added flexibilities and local community input in establishing public interest and on administration 4).KGS How the groundwater model can predict future results From current actions 5). GMD3 involvement and actions to address the tools Available to the District Please RSVP to 620-356-3021 by Jan. 3

The Hugoton Hermes

It took a long time for Almeta Thompson to finally have children to raise so she didn’t take her responsibility lightly. She did her best to be a good mother and train them in the way they should go. Almeta Thompson was born December 18, 1919 on a farm about seven and a half miles southwest of Hugoton. Her parents were Robert and Lily Ertz. She grew up on the farm and remembers the milk cows, chickens, pigs and horses. Almeta’s main duty was that of “egg gatherer”. There were 11 children in the family and four were younger than she. A younger brother died when he was three months old. Almeta attended Faye Country School and graduated from eighth grade. The one thing she remembers about the Depression was there was no money. She said, “We kids didn’t have to have money. Kids now have to have money to buy this or buy that. We never did fuss for money. Once in awhile the folks would give us some money and on a Saturday evening we’d go to the show. It was expensive then but not like it is now.” Almeta and her family would drive to Hugoton to grocery shop Saturdays. Her mother couldn’t see very well so Almeta and the other children would take her to the grocery store and help her. After buying groceries the kids would all go to the movie theater and her mother would wait outside for them in the car. Almeta’s dad would see some of their neighbors who also came to town for Saturday grocery shopping and spend time visiting with them on the street. When Almeta was 20 years old, she married John McCall. During World War II John served in the Army and Almeta stayed on the farm with her mother. John and Almeta had three children but all of them were stillborn. After nine years of marriage, John died in a car accident. A few years later, Almeta met Robert Thompson at a dance. They soon married and they, too, had three children. One of them was stillborn. Fortunately, though, they were blessed to raise two sons, Phillip and David, to adulthood. Bob worked for Mobil Oil Company. He passed away in 1993. He and Almeta were together for 42 years. Early on Almeta began working at the telephone office as a switchboard operator. Later she worked at the hospital doing many different jobs. She remembers working with Edith Weston who was

lelelelel Dear Santa, I have been good this year. I do what my mom tells me and I love her. Please bring me a cat to sleep with and it has to be a real cat from the pet store. Can you give me some earrings. I want a doll and her name is Tylly. Thank you for the toys I got last year. Kylie lelelelel Dear Santa, I have been good this year. I have help my mom take care of my brother. I help my dad take out the trash and I help my mom wash the dishes. I feed my brother his botte and I play with him. We chase the ball. May I have a X Box 360 and a X box one and a 4wheeler and a vest and Xbox mindcraft. Thank you for the presens last year santa. Ethan lelelelel Dear Santa, I hve been very good this year. At home I have been very good. At home I have helped my mom scrub the dishes and I clean my room. May I have a iPad and a Xbox one and a ball. Please bring me a robot and a real cat. Can you give me a real horse. Thank you for the toys from last year. Love Tyne lelelelel

the Director of Nursing. Almeta first worked in housekeeping then became an aide. She also worked as a cook in the kitchen with Hilda Shelton. Hilda was pleasant to work with and taught Almeta how to prepare meals for patients with various dietary needs. Almeta also worked at the museum for several years. Some of the handwork Almeta used to enjoy was crocheting, knitting and embroidery. She also enjoyed learning how to paint. She and four other ladies took lessons at the college in Liberal. Her children were the most important thing in her life so she wanted to be a good mother. She remarked the standards parents have for raising their children now are different than they used to be. Her advice: “Be good parents!” Her idea of being a good parent is to train children, correct them and teach them manners. She also thinks parents should attend church with their children to give them a good start in life. She had good parents who taught her well and went to church with her. Almeta stated she has had a pleasant




IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF STEVENS COUNTY, KANSAS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ELLINOR COX, DECEASED No. 13PR02 NOTICE OF HEARING (Chapter 59) THE STATE OF KANSAS TO ALL PERSONS CONCERNED: You are hereby notified that a petition has been filed in the above Court by Judy Hamlin, executor of the will and estate of Ellinor Cox, deceased, praying for final settlement of the estate, for approval of her acts, proceedings and accounts as executor, for payment

Page 5

Inspiring Chinese Massage Full Body Massage & Foot Massage Open 7 days a week – 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. January Special – $5 off with copy of this ad 625 Main St • Hugoton • 620-544-8883

Artificial Christmas Trees, Light Sets, Christmas Kitchen Items

December 27-31





Christmas Ornaments, Florals, Nativities, Christmas Decorative Figures Excluding Some Items

3rd & Main • Hugoton • 620-544-8030 Mon.- Sat. 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Open Christmas Eve 9:00 a.m. -3:00 p.m. Closed December 25 & 26 and New Years Day

Almeta Thompson knows how important it is to be a good parent.

Letters to Santa

Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. I clean my room I make my bed and at my Mom’s. I do the dishes. May I have a hamster. Can you give me a Cristmas tree. May I have a kitty. Can you give my sister a million sticks of bum? Can you give my Dad a Xbox? Please bring my grandma a sweater. Have a good time rideing the sleigh. Grace lelelelel Dear Santa, I have been very good this year. I help my Mom in the kitchen. I would a drum set and a doll that cries. I would like a fluffy kitty. Please bring me a toy horse. Plase bring Mom a plastic reindeer and Dad a Santa Claus in his sleigh. Thank you dear Santa for the toys you brought last year. Sahra lelelelel Dear Santa Claus, I have been very good this year. I help feed my horse and I help clean my room and I helped decorate the tree. I really want a Xbox mindcraft and can I have a Xbox one and can I have 4 wheeler. Can I have a LEGO STAR WARS that glows is the dark. Can you give my mommy a apple TV. I will leve 10 cookeis and some milk for you. Matthew lelelelel

Dear Santa, I was very good this year. I help my Mom do laundry and clean up. I want a gocart. May I hae a Xbox 360 and a real dog and bed. I want a robot. Can you give me a vase for my room. Please bring my Mom a vase for flowers. May I have for my sister three more dogs, please. I would like a hunting kit for me and my dad. Can you give a card game. Thank you for the toys. Love Tuckyr lelelelel Dear Santa, I was very good I do the laundry and I do dishes for my mom and dad. Plese bring me a Ipad and some markers and pencils too.

of court costs, attorney’s fees and expenses, and also praying that the Court determine the heirs, legatees and devisees entitled to the estate, and distributing and assigning the same to such persons, in accordance with the terms of decedent’s will, and for further relief. You are hereby required to file your written defenses thereto on or before the 17th day of January, 2014, at 10:00 a.m. of said day, in said Court, in the district courtroom at the county courthouse in Hugoton, Stevens County, Kansas, at which time and place the cause will be heard. Should you fail therein, judgment and decree will be entered in due course upon the petition.


It’s going to be a very good year, and how do we know? Because people like you make it so! So to all old acquaintances both far and near, Go our sincerest warm wishes for a Happy New Year!

First National Bank

JUDY HAMLIN Executive-Petitioner KRAMER, NORDLING & NORDLING, LLC 209 East Sixth Hugoton, Kansas 67951 Attorneys for Petitioner Telephone: (620) 544-4333

May I have a real cat and mouse and cage. Dear Santa I love you. Thanks for the piano last year. How are the elves? How are the reindeers? How are the presents? How is your wife? Can I have a 4 wheeler. Thanks for the toys. Love Brayden lelelelel Dear Santa, I’v been very good all year long. I help my Mom because I help sort out my toys. Santa I mostly want a electric guitar. And I want sum remote control robot I also want a Xbox One. And a labtop for sum security camras. And cash. Thank you for electric scooter. Aidan Allen lelelelel


PUBLIC NOTICE (First Published in the Hugoton Hermes, Thursday, December 26, 2013) 3t

Thursday, December 26, 2013


Member FDIC 502 S. Jackson Hugoton, Kansas

(620) 544-8908

The Hugoton Hermes

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Hi-Plains Lumber 507 S. Main 544-4304

A Nursing/Ancillary Resource Company 620-417-5679 Office • 620-544-7629 Fax Ed Stevenson RN • Alicia Stevenson 404 Jayhawk Ct. • Hugoton, KS 67951 •

Jeff Ramsey 613 S. Main • 544-4303 • Hugoton

838 E. 11th, Hugoton • 620-544-8522

Jordan Air Inc Call Terry at 620-544-4361

K-C Oil Company & Main Street Laundry 218 S. Main St. • 544-4660


600 E. 11th



Page 6

Eighth grade Lady Eagles play final game of season The eighth grade Lady Eagles played a tough Horace Good team December 9. The A-team did well scoring against their opponents despite a slow start. Hugoton fell behind in the first quarter trailing by three. Picking up their pace the Lady Eagles moved ahead by the half time buzzer with a 23 to 20 score. The second half was all Lady Eagles as they pounded their opponents with shots and held up a good defense. When the clock ran out and the game was over Hugoton had won another game, 40 to 29. Dallie Hoskinson drove past the Horace Good defense adding 24 points. Brooklyn Harper was the next top

scorer with seven. “Horace Good is one of the top teams in the league. The game was close as Horace Good came out and made plays early. We played well but tight. We missed some shots but got ourselves focused and played well down the stretch,” said Coach Rodriguez. The B-team was not so lucky, losing their game 18 to 32. Despite eight points by Trinity Warren, six points by Caitlin Lewis and four by Claire Lewis, the team could not stop their opponents from hitting their shots. “We missed too many easy looks and that hurt us in the end,” concluded Rodriguez.

Dallie Hoskinson, JoHanna Rawlins and Jaysa Featherston race down court at a recent eighth grade basketball game.

Eighth grade girls complete two years without a single loss The eighth grade Lady Eagles finished their season by winning two games in their final tournament. They not only won the championship, they also completed two years in a row without a single loss. This a big accomplishment for any team. The first game was against Liberal West in the semi finals. Hugoton jumped on the board quickly and by half time led 28 to 6. Continuing the pressure, the Lady Eagles added 12 points in the third quarter and ended the game with a giant lead over Liberal,

48 to 16. Dallie Hoskinson tore up the scoreboard, adding 19 points, followed by JoHanna Rawlins and Brooklyn Harper with ten each. “The first game was well played. We got the ball in great locations and scored on those opportunities,” said Coach Nick Rodriguez. Game two was against a tough Horace Good team. Hugoton again went to work early in the game and by half time had a 12-point lead. The Lady Eagles had a big third quarter taking their game to

43 while holding Horace Good to 16. As the game wound down and the final buzzer sounded, the Hugoton girls had defeated their opponents 54 to 24. “We played under control while Horace Good was playing too fast. We want a quick moving game and that is what they tried to do but we were ready for what they threw at us,” commented Rodriguez. Dallie Hoskinson again led her team in points taking her to 21 game points. She was followed by Laney Hoskinson

who scored 13. Despite no other Lady Eagle reaching double digits, five other players added points. The combination of points and good defense took these girls to a winning season. “The girls finished the season undefeated at 14-0. That is tough to do when everyone wants to be the first to give you a loss. These girls went two years undefeated, a tremendous accomplishment,” concluded Rodriguez.

Seventh Grade A-team tournament results

Dallie Hoskinson reaches for the basketball in some intense eighth grade action. The eighth grade girls finished their season undefeated.

The seventh grade Lady Eagles participated in the ARMS League tournament Monday, December 16 and Tuesday, December 17. The Hugoton team met Kenneth Henderson in their first game and was successful in defeating them 21 to 18. Rebecca Johnson was able to score ten points during the game along with six from Etni Guzman. Sesthleng Garcia also added three points along with a basket from Malorie McSpaden. “We started out the game really well and were lucky enough to hang on down the stretch and score just enough baskets to win the game,” said Coach Jill Nech.

Eighth grade girls defeat Liberal South

Claire Lewis looks for a teammate to throw the basketball to during eighth grade action.


531 S. Jackson Hugoton, KS 67951

624 S. Monroe 544-4683 Debbie L. Nordling State Farm Agent 617 S. Main Hugoton, KS 67951 620-544-8528

620-544-8908 • Member FDIC

Musgrove 620.544.4388 Insurance Services, Inc.

“Helping You Put The Pieces Together.” 1012 S. Main St., Hugoton, KS 67951

1026 S. Main Hugoton 620-544-8011

620-544-7800 620-544-2975

Phone (620) 544-4920 Hugoton, Kansas 67951 Commodity Hauling

Hwy 51 East Hugoton, KS

BROWN-DUPREE OIL CO INC. 1400 S Washington St. 356-3926 or 1-800-682-4143

Member FDIC

The eighth grade Lady Eagles finished out their season with a game against Liberal South. The A-team ended undefeated beating Liberal South, 47 to 11. Hugoton jumped on the board early and by half time was leading 27 to 9. A good third quarter skyrocketed the Lady Eagles to 45 and finished the game adding two in the fourth. Dallie Hoskinson scored 22 points during the game followed by JoHanna Rawlins with 11. “The girls played well. We missed some good looks at the basket but are playing a bit better on the defensive end,” said Coach Nick Rodriguez. The B-team Lady Eagles also did a good job holding the Liberal South team from their basket while adding points to their side of the scoreboard. Hugoton had a five-point lead by half time extending it to a six-point lead going into the final quarter. Hugoton had a big fourth quarter and when the clock had run out the Lady Eagles had won another game, 33 to 18. “The B-team did really well,” said Rodriguez. Seven girls scored in this game with Caitlin Lewis leading the team with nine points. Claire Lewis followed with six while four members added four each and one player added two.

Game two did not go as well for the Lady Eagles, losing this game to Horace Good. Five Lady Eagles scored two points along with four points by Sesthleng Garcia. “We had several shots at the beginning of the game that didn’t fall for us, or we could have been closer in the

first half,” continued Nech. The final game of the day for Hugoton was played against Liberal West. Four Lady Eagles were able to add points with Jayla Stump leading with nine. Despite a grand effort, the Lady Eagles fell short of the win, losing to Liberal 21 to 32. Garcia had

worked hard adding six points to the game along with four from Johnson and two from Casle Heger. By the end of the game Liberal had out scored Hugoton by eleven points, good enough to cinch the game.

Seventh grade girls place third in ARMS league tournament The seventh girls B-team did well at the ARMS league tournament played December 16 and 17. Monday, the young Lady Eagles battled Dodge City Middle School where the home team won 16 to 8. Mekenzie Hagman had six points during the game followed by Magali Chavez with five. Only two other Hugoton girls were able to score in this game. Claire Clark had three points while Abby Heger slipped inside the defense line to score one basket for Hugoton. Tuesday the Lady Eagles played two games. Going first against Horace Good the Hugoton team lost this battle, 10 to 42, sending them to play for third place. Hagman scored half as well in this game compared to the previous game. Clark, Chavez and Josselyne Jurado added two points each along with a free throw by Luz Romo.

The final game of the day for the Lady Eagles was against the Dodge City Comanches. The winner would take the third place positon in the tournament. Hugoton battled hard and when the final buzzer sounded, it was the Lady Eagles who took the third place honor, 24 to 16. Magali Chavez was the only Hugoton girl to hit double digits during the tournament scoring 12 points against the Comanches. Claire Clark was the next high scorer with six points. Three more Hugoton girls

Sports by Reece McDaniels

added points to give the Lady Eagles the win. Makenzie Hagman, Josselyne Jurado and Vivan Titus each added two points helping to take the team to the third place position. “I was very proud of the improvements that this team made throughout the year,” said Coach Ferguson. “You could see that they got better in every game that they played,” concluded Ferguson. The B-team ended their season with a 7-8 record and was third in the league tournament.

The Hugoton Hermes

FSA urges farmers and ranchers to vote in county committee elections USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA) Administrator Juan M. Garcia announced the FSA County Committee Elections began December 20, with the mailing of ballots to eligible voters. The deadline to return the ballots to local FSA offices is January 17, 2014. Producers have been instructed to destroy the FSA County Committee Election ballots (FSA-669’s) mailed November 4. The new ballots mailed to producers will have the word “corrected” printed on the outside of the mailing, the ballot itself, and the return envelope. Producers must complete and return the corrected FSA-669 to have their vote counted. Eligible voters who do not receive a ballot in the coming

week can obtain one from their local USDA Service Center. The last day for voters to submit corrected ballots in person to local USDA Service Centers is January 17, 2014. Ballots returned by mail must be postmarked no later than January 17. Newly elected committee members and their alternates will take office February 18, 2014. County committee members are an important component of the operations of FSA and provide a link between the agricultural community and USDA. Farmers and ranchers elected to county committees help deliver FSA programs at the local level, applying their knowledge and judgment to make decisions on commodity price support programs; conservation

programs; incentive indemnity and disaster programs for some commodities; emergency programs and eligibility. FSA committees operate within official regulations designed to carry out federal laws. To be an eligible voter, farmers and ranchers must participate or cooperate in an FSA program. A person who is not of legal voting age, but supervises and conducts the farming operations of an entire farm may also be eligible to vote. Agricultural producers in each county submitted candidate nominations during the nomination period, which ended August 1. Close to 7,700 FSA county committee members serve in the 2,124 FSA offices nation

wide. Each committee consists of three to 11 members who serve three-year terms. Approximately one-third of county committee seats are up for election each year. More information on county committees, such as the 2013 fact sheet and brochures, can be found on the FSA Web site at or at a local USDA Service Center. USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. To file a complaint of discrimination, write: USDA, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Ave., SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call 866-6329992 (Toll-free Customer Service), 800-877-8339.

Kansas Outdoor Recreation Draft Report is ready for review online A draft of the Kansas Outdoor Recreation Report - also called the State Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP), is now available for review at the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism’s (KDWPT) Web site, The National Park Service requires Kansas to produce the report in order to remain eligible for Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) Grants. Kansas has received more than $50 million in LWCF grant funding since the program began in 1965. The Outdoor Recreation Report/Plan is used by the state to assess the status of outdoor

experiences and to examine important outdoor issues facing the state. It contains recommendations for how the state might best address some of its shortcomings, with the intended results being a more optimal supply of experiences and enhanced benefits to residents and visitors. As the plan was developed, KDWPT sought public input on topics including managed park use, issues and needs, and the types of experiences park-goers hope to have in the future. To review the draft plan and submit comments go to and click on “State Parks.”

bushels/acre (10.1 tons/ hectare) is the second highest on record. Weather was again the challenge, as a cold and wet spring delayed planting across much of the corn belt. Some areas also experienced flash-drought conditions in mid-summer, although this was generally offset by cooler temperatures. These weather adversities slightly reduced planted acreage and yield, while harvest quality remained very high. As compared to prior years, weather related impacts were modest and predictable. Aflatoxins were significantly lower than in the 2012 crop, with 99.4 percent of the samples testing below the FDA

happy new year! We’re bubbling over with gratitude for your generous support. Thanks!

Twisted H Liquor

109 West 5th Street Hugoton, KS 67951 (620) 544-2602

We will be open till 10 p.m. New Year’s Eve

Page 7



be produced from Section One (1), Section Two (2), and Section Three (3), all in Township Thirty-three (33) South, Range Thirty-eight (38) West, Stevens County, Kansas; and All minerals in and under or that may be produced from Section Seven (7), Township Thirty-three (33) South, Range Thirty-seven (37) West, Stevens County, Kansas; be assigned in accordance with the terms of the Will.

CASE NO. 2013-PR-39 NOTICE OF HEARING THE STATE OF KANSAS TO ALL PERSONS CONCERNED: You are hereby notified that on the 16th day of December, 2013, a Petition has been filed in said Court by Harold V. Eason and Diann L. Eason praying for admission of foreign Will to probate and record without administration; and all of decedent's right, title and interest, including but not limited to all royalty, overriding royalty, mineral ownership and life estates, in and to the following described real property situated in Stevens County, Kansas:

You are hereby required to file your written defenses thereto on or before the 17th day of January, 2014, at 9:30 o'clock a.m. of said day, in said Court, in the City of Hugoton, in Stevens County, Kansas, at which time and place said cause will be heard. Should you fail therein, judgment and decree will be entered in due course upon said Petition. HAROLD V. EASON AND DIANN L. EASON, Petitioners TAMARA L. DAVIS TAMARA L. DAVIS, P.A. 107 LAYTON ST., SUITE A DODGE CITY, KS 67801 PH. (620) 225-1674 Attorneys for Petitioners

All minerals in and under or that may

Hugoton Recreation Commission presents


Get Your Flys Ready For Summer.

Classes start

Monday, January 6 at 7 pm in the Old Ceramics Building @ The Hugoton Rec For more info call Robert Veatch at 544-8697

FFA members Luis Flores, Reed Rome and Landon Brecheisen deliver 400 pounds of FFA fruit to Project Hope.

Report indicates high quality US corn ready to market Record production, high quality, and minor weather-related impacts are the top-line findings of the 2013/2014 Corn Harvest Quality Report, released December 20 by the U.S. Grains Council. “After a record drought last year, the world has been watching intently the 2013 U.S. corn crop,” said USGC President and CEO Tom Sleight. “Production has rebounded, and quality is high despite some weather challenges. It’s good news all around.” Total U.S. corn production of 13,989 million bushels (355.3 million metric tons) is an all-time record, and the average yield of 160.4

Thursday, December 26, 2013

aflatoxin action level of 20 parts per billion. Starch content was up, while protein content, which is inversely related to starch, was down slightly. Oil content was similar to 2011 and 2012. Moisture content, reflecting weather conditions, was slightly higher, as were stress cracks, but total damage levels remained very low, comparable to 2012 and below 2011 levels. Average test weight remained well above the limit for No. 1 grade corn, indicating overall good quality. “The report compares a wide range of quality factors across time,” Sleight noted, “and after the rollercoaster ride last year, the message in 2013 was that there were no surprises. A few test factors ticked up, others ticked down, consistent with weather conditions, while overall quality at harvest was very high. With record production, this is certainly a good news report.” Corn quality will be affected by further handling, so the Council annually publishes a second report, the Corn Export Quality Report, which assesses quality at the point of loading for international shipment. The 2013/2014 Export Quality Report will be published in March 2014. The two reports, utilizing consistent methodology to permit the assessment of trends over time, are intended to provide reliable, timely, and transparent information on the quality of U.S. corn as it moves through export channels. “The takeaway message this year is that the United States has abundant supplies of high quality corn,” Sleight said. “We would remind buyers that they will get the quality level that they contract for, but with record production and good quality, it is a buyers’ market as we head into 2014.” Submitted by the U.S. Grains Council.

211 S. Madison

The Hugoton Hermes

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Hugoton Elementary Kindergarten classes come caroling at the Hugoton Hermes newspaper. The young Hugoton students sang

Page 8

“Rudoph the Red Nosed Reindeer” to an appreciative audience in the Hermes office Thursday afternoon. The Kindergarten

classes sang up and down Main Street to the area businesses. Joyful faces and music filled the office for a few bright minutes.

Chelle Leininger is inducted into the honor society of Phi Kappa Phi Income Tax Preparation for Individuals and Businesses Payroll • Financial Planning • Auditing Hours Monday through Friday — 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. Saturday — 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. 21 Plaza Drive • Liberal • (620) 624-8471 Website:

The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi is pleased to announce Chelle Leininger of Hugoton was recently initiated into Phi Kappa Phi, the nation's oldest and most selective collegiate honor society for all academic disciplines. Leininger was initiated at Kansas State University. Leininger is among approximately 32,000 students, faculty, professional staff and alumni to be initiated into Phi Kappa Phi each year. Membership is by invitation and requires nomination and approval by a chapter. Only the top ten percent of seniors and

7.5 percent of juniors, having at least 72 semester hours, are eligible for membership. Graduate students in the top ten percent of the number of candidates for graduate degrees may also qualify, as do faculty, professional staff and alumni who have achieved scholarly distinction. Founded in 1897 at the University of Maine and headquartered in Baton Rouge, La., Phi Kappa Phi is the nation's oldest and most selective all-discipline honor society. The Society has chapters on more than 300 college and university campuses in North America and

the Philippines. Its mission is "To recognize and promote academic excellence in all fields of higher education and to engage the community of scholars in service to others." Since its founding, more than one million members have been initiated. Some of the organization's more notable members include former President Jimmy Carter, NASA astronaut Wendy Lawrence, novelist David Baldacci and YouTube cofounder Chad Hurley. The Society has awarded approximately $15 million since the inception of its awards program in 1932. Today, $1 million is awarded

each biennium to qualifying students and members through graduate fellowships, undergraduate study abroad grants, member and chapter awards and grants for local and national literacy initiatives. On the web: elle-Leininger-Inducted-intoThe-Honor-Society-of-PhiKappa-Phi/7566930.

Barb’s Den presents


! usic m ve

Aiden has experienced 200 books in the 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten challenge at the Stevens County Library. Great job, Aiden! Keep it up!!

and To our Neighbors, Associates, Customers & Friends


9:00 p.m. Tues., Dec. 31 ($5 cover charge) 109 East 6th Street

r a e Y w e Happy N

We’re sending this little note your way, To wish you a happy holiday Filled with enough joy and cheer, To last throughout the coming year And to our customers and their kin, Many thanks for dropping in! Seated left to right are Jean Coulter and Ruthie Winget. Standing in back are Reece McDaniels, Kay McDaniels, Toni Hamlin, RoGlenda Coulter, Marie Austin, Christy Haar and Wilma Bartel. Not pictured are Moscow correspondent Sara Cross and Rolla correspondent Phoebe Brummett.

l i ve

mus ic!

HMS students create conservation posters Hugoton Middle School students uncorked their creative juices to cook up some award-wining posters for the Stevens County Conservation District’s 2013 Poster Contest. This year’s theme was “Where Does Your Water Shed?” Salma Avalos’ poster

won first place distinction for Division 4 and has been submitted to KACD for the State contest. Mrs. Ferguson and Mrs. Mecklenburg did this activity in science class. Congratulations to all the poster contest winners!

The Hugoton Hermes

Eighth grade winners of the Stevens County Conservation District’s 2013 Poster Contest are first place Salma Avalos, second place Britta Beesley and third place Madison Shuck. Photo courtesy of Morey Mecklenburg.

Mike and Sandy McClure have a beautiful winter wonderland in their front yard.

Larry and Nelda Brady display a beautiful Nativity scene in their front yard for the holidays.

Jordan Air Inc. We appreciate our local farmers SPRAYING - SEEDING - FERTILIZING

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to Ring in the 2014 Year

e with us. t a r b le e c e Com arge! $5 cover ch

Call 598-2078 for take outs East Highway 56


Page 1B

Donate during National Blood Donor Month Salma Avalos is the first place winner of Division 4 in the Stevens County Conservation District’s 2013 Poster Contest. Photo courtesy of Morey Mecklenburg.

Seventh grade winners are first place Dawson Kerbow, second place Hannah Archuleta and third place Guillermina Badillo. Photo courtesy of Morey Mecklenburg.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

STEVENS COUNTY Activity Center - 544-2283 Nutrition Center - 544-8041 ~ Shila Moore ~ I hope you had a Merry Christmas and are enjoying the holiday season. The next big event at the Senior Center is the dance New Year’s Eve which begins at 8:00 p.m. The adjoining dining room will be available for those who would like to play cards or other games. We will be giving away door prizes throughout the evening. Please bring a snack to share. Music will be provided by Craig Stevens. All ages are welcome to join us for a fun evening! The next Senior Social will be a Soup Supper Saturday, January 4, 2014, at 6:00 p.m. Please bring a pot of your favorite soup. We will play cards and games after the meal. The Adult Senior Prom dance will be Saturday, January 11, 2014, at 8:00 p.m. The 4-Hers will sponsor this event and will provide the food and fun. The 4-H youth will also call Bingo in the dining room and have prizes. The band that night will be Cottonwood. Every Friday after lunch we play Bingo. We also have exercising Monday - Friday at 10:30 a.m. Saturday evenings at 6:00 p.m. The dining room is open for cards and games. Line dancing will be cancelled for December 30, but will resume January 6 and be every Monday at 7:00 p.m. The second Saturday of each month is the "Sew All Day" activity, and at 1:00 p.m. every Wednesday, bring your paints, brushes, and canvases to the board room to create your works of art. All events are at the Senior Center located at 624 S. Main. Please call 544-2283 if you have any questions. Menu Dec. 26...................Beef Burrito Dec. 27......Oven-Fried Chicken Dec. 30 ...Chicken Cordon Bleu Dec. 31...............................Stew Jan. 1..................Center Closed Jan. 2.....................Swiss Steak

January is National Blood Donor Month, and the American Red Cross invites those who are eligible to join the millions of blood donors across the country in helping ensure a stable blood supply for patients in need. American Red Cross will be in Hugoton January 8 from 12:00 to 5:00 p.m. at St. Helen Catholic Church, 1011 Jefferson. People have many different reasons for donating blood. Jill Long’s is her late husband, Bill, who died from esophageal cancer. After his stage 4 diagnosis, he was able to survive for three more years, thanks in part to the blood transfusions he received. Long said she believes “the gift of time” is what blood donors really give. “It took me only a few minutes to donate my blood, while he spent all day receiving someone else’s - just so that he could keep fighting to stay alive,” she said. They were both grateful for the opportunity to fight, Long said. Now, as a blood donor, she said she feels like she can help other families in similar situations “battle to stay together as long as possible.” January can be a difficult month to collect donations due to inclement weather and seasonal illnesses. The Red Cross encourages eligible donors to make an appointment to give during National Blood Donor Month by visiting or calling 1-800-RED CROSS. Upcoming blood donation opportunities: Finney County January 6 from 2:00 to 7:00 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church, 1010 Fleming in Garden City. January 7 from 2:00 to 7:00 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church, 1010 Fleming in Garden City. Grant County January 7 from 12:00 Noon to 6:00 p.m. at Grant County Fairground, 1000 W. Patterson Ave. in Ulysses. Gray County January 13 from 3:15 to 7:30 p.m. at Gray County Rec Center, 17002 Highway 50 in Cimarron. Hamilton County January 9 from 1:00 to 6:00 p.m. at Hamilton County Fair Building, 806 S. Main in Syracuse. Haskell County January 15 from 2:00 to 6:00 p.m. at Satanta Community Building, 108 W. Pawnee St. in Satanta. Meade County January 6 from 3:00 to 7:00 p.m. at Fowler Senior Center,

P lease Adopt Me! Siblings Elizabeth, Isabella & Aiden are three great kids who care a lot about each other and would like a family that will adopt them together. The oldest, Elizabeth, is a great athlete and does well in sports, something she works hard at and takes pride in. She enjoys being as active as possible, spending time with friends, watching movies and being involved in her church youth group. The middle child Isabella is characterized as outgoing and a good student. She is a great helper and enjoys being involved in many different activities. Isabella is most proud of her “personal style” as she has an outgoing and great personality. The youngest is brother Aiden. He is a very sweet and well behaved boy. Aiden is a great listener and is well mannered. He is very active and enjoys playing with toy cars and being outside. All three children would do well

Elizabeth, Isabelle & Aiden, ages 13, eight and four with a family that is strong and committed to each other. A family that can provide structure and consistency through positive example would be a great fit for them. To learn more about adoption visit or call 877-4575430. The children’s case numbers are CH-5932, CH5930 & CH-5931.

310 Church in Fowler. January 7 from 3:30 to 6:45 p.m. at Plains Community Center, 812 Grand Ave. in Plains. January 10 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at St. John Forst Center, 500 W. Carthage in Meade. Morton County January 14 from 11:45 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at Elkhart City Hall, 433 Morton St. in Elkhart. Scott County January 8 from 12:00 Noon to 6:00 p.m. at William Carpenter Building, 606 N. Fairground Road in Scott City. Simply call 1-800-RED

CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or visit to make an appointment or for more information. All blood types are needed to ensure a reliable supply for patients. A blood donor card or driver’s license or two other forms of identification are required at check-in. Individuals who are 17 years of age (16 with parental consent in some states), weigh at least 110 pounds and are in generally good health may be eligible to donate blood. High school students and other donors 18 years of age and younger also have to meet certain height and weight requirements.

Tommy Romero presents Karen Rich with a plaque in appreciation for her 26 years of service on the Stevens County Medical Foundation Board. Karen, you are much appreciated for your service and dedication to the community.

**Free Daily Hugoton Delivery** Same Day Delivery Even on Saturdays ***Independently owned and operated by Brett and Holli Horyna***

Phone 620-624-4065

Hours Monday-Friday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. 1033 N. Kansas Avenue in Liberal

Stevens County Hospital

Specialty Clinics Scheduled for January 2014 CLOSED Dr. Frankum Dr. Plomaritis Dr. Farhoud Dr. Brown Dr. Ansari Dr. Hu Dr. Frankum Dr. Plomaritis Dr. Farhoud Dr. Ansari

General Surgeon Orthopedics Cardiology Podiatry Orthopedics Ear, Nose, Throat General Surgeon Orthopedics Cardiology Orthopedics

Wed. Fri. Mon. Tue. Thu. Mon. Wed. Fri. Mon. Tue. Mon.

1/1 1/3 1/6 1/7 1/9 1/13 1/15 1/17 1/20 1/21 1/27

For appointments with: Dr. Ansari 624-6222; Dr. Brown 544-8339; Dr. Farhoud 1-855-969-8900; Dr. Plomaritis 275-3030; Michelle Lock-Gooch 544-8339; Dr.Frankum 544-8339 Dr. Hu 227-1148 For all other appointments please call 544-8339 or 544-6160.

Flu shots are available in the Specialty Clinic.

The Hugoton Hermes

Thursday, December 26, 2013

ROLLA NEWS By Phoebe Brummett

December 22-26 KSHSAA No Practice Days December 23-January 7 Christmas Break - No School January 11-12 Second Annual Hays Family Invitational Roping and BullDogging at Hays Family Arena in Bristow, Ok., @ 1:30 p.m.

Page 2B

The day Santa came to town A Rolla tradition since the 1960’s took place Friday, December 20, 2013. Santa Day, as the event has been called, was in the old gym. The Rolla High School choir sang “Here Comes Santa Claus” to usher in the jolly old elf. Santa then handed out candy canes to the long line of children and teenagers. This year a train was used to give rides instead of the traditional fire truck rides. The hay scramble took place, even in the freezing temperatures. Children from birth to col-

Tuesday, January 14 Junior High Girls’ Basketball (V) at Balko @ 4:00 p.m. Junior High Boys Basketball (V) at Balko @ 5:00 p.m. High School Girls Basketball (V) at Balko @ 6:30 p.m. High School Boys Basketball (V) at Balko @ 8:00 p.m.

lege were given a gift and drawings took place for gift certificates, savings bonds and coins. Each family who attended was given a Christmas turkey or a pork shoulder roast. No one went away empty handed! Donuts, pop and coffee were served by the junior class of Rolla. The Santa Day committee would like to express their appreciation to everyone for their generous support of this unique event. Merry Christmas to all!

Look who’s new Lois welcomes Jonas William Lois Dunn’s newest great grandson finally made his appearance. Jonas William finally decided to obey his eviction notice and was born Wednesday, December 18, at 2:22 p.m. He weighed nine pounds, two ounces and was 21 inches long. Jonas was welcomed by his big brother Jeremiah and his parents Benjamin and Kelly Stukey of Goddard. Paternal grandparents are Doug and Becky (Dunn) Stukey of Wichita. Maternal grandparents are Carol and Hank Winsor of Goddard. A host of

Jonas William Stukey aunts, uncles and cousins are excited to welcome him to the family as well. Congratulations to the new family!

Schools provide Christmas music for community The Rolla School Christmas program provided lots of Christmas music for the whole community to enjoy Thursday, December 19. The program began with the fifth grade band playing for their first concert. Songs played by the band were “A Mozart Melody”, “Ode to Joy”, “A Variation On a Famous Melody” and “Jingle Bells”. Next the elementary choir came and performed. They


sang four songs to the enjoyment of the crowd. The junior high choir was next with their three songs and featured a duet with Paige Claassen and Aaliyah Earl and another with Deserae Schwindt and Andres Villa. The high school choir followed with their four songs, each showcasing an aspiring young soloist. The first was Sarah Easterwood, followed

by Katie Murray, then Kyri Brummett and finally Jessica Johns. The last ensembles of the evening were provided by the combined junior high and high school band. They entertained the community with five songs, ending the evening with a “Celtic Bell Carol”. The evening was full of fun and great music!

l a u n n A st

Hays Family Invitational Roping will be January 11-12

INV LARGE to c ENTO hoo se f RY rom

G N I R A CLE models la l 2013

The second annual Hays Family Invitational Roping and Bull Dogging will be January 11 and 12, 2014, at the Hays Family Arena in Bristow, Ok. The event will begin at 1:30 p.m. after lunch. A full concession of homemade grub will be available as well as Carl Coles famous barbeque. There is a cash entry fee per roping/bull dogging. Each roping is three straight rounds. $2000 will be added in tie down, $2000 will be added in bull dogging and $1500 added in break away

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tries, call Chance Hays for tie at 620-205-9355, down Renee Hays for breakaway at 918-671-9648. For directions, please call Bart Hays at 918-625-2523 or Dustin Oswalt at 405-207-8147.

Bracelets offered for Rusch fund Friends of Jonathon Rusch are offering bracelets that are green and black. The bracelets will read “Be Hopeful JDR”. All proceeds will go to a fund being set up for his family. If you would like to purchase one, please contact Cassie Thrall at 620-360-0813, Kendra Lewis at 620-655-6016 or Jean Ann Hull.

Do not remove grain products from your pet’s diet

s e t a D e l a S mber 2–3 1 e c e D 2013 Ford Edge

(males 15 years or younger may compete). Walking fresh calves will be tied the night before. Please call ahead. All proceeds will go the the Walter Neill Hays Long Term Alzheimer’s Care. For en-

in rebates!

Riley Ford 715 East Oklahoma, Ulysses (620) 356-1231

BUY – before they are all gone...

The potential benefits of grain and gluten-free diets are a trendy topic of discussion in the grocery aisle today. But pet owners often have similar questions about whether these diets are right for their cats or dogs. Michele Dixon, a health and nutrition specialist with Petcurean, gives us some important facts before removing grains from your pet's diet. Petcurean is a Canadian company with expertise in premium quality recipes for dogs and cats. Consider the following: • While food allergies can sometimes be related to a grain-based protein, such as corn or wheat, it is often a source of meat protein that causes the allergic reaction. • If you suspect your pet has a specific grain allergy, immediate elimination of all grains from your pet's diet is not necessary. • When they are ground and moderately cooked, grains can be a quick and excellent source of highly digestible energy for your pet. Dogs and cats do not digest raw starches or whole grains very well. • Pet owners who are looking

to eliminate grains from their pet's food as part of a low-carb diet should be aware that a grain-free diet doesn't necessarily mean it is low in carbohydrates. Other types of

carbohydrates, such as potatoes, tapioca, or peas, might be included in the recipe. So knowing what to look for is very important. From Metro Editorial Services.

Rolla Doctors Office 415 Washington St., Rolla, KS 620-593-4242 Office Hours 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday to Friday Dominador Perido, M.D. General Surgery Office Hours 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon Monday

Steven Samii, MD, MHA Office Hours 1:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Tuesday

Manuel Caga-anan, M.D. Internal Medicine Office Hours 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon Thursday

Haley McCammon, PA-C Office Hours 9:00 to 12:00 noon Friday

Supported and Sponsored by Morton County Health System Elkhart, KS

The Hugoton Hermes

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Page 3B

History From The Hermes Compiled by Ruthie Winget Thursday, December 25, 2008 Dallie Hoskinson, daughter of Jeff and Deleta Hoskinson, won First Place in the 2008 NFL Pepsi Punt, Pass and Kick State Competition in Kansas City Sunday at the Kansas City/Chargers game. Thursday, January 1, 2004 Courtney Leslie was recently hired by the City of Hugoton. She is the first female police officer hired by the Hugoton Police Department. Previously Courtney was a member of the Oklahoma National Guard as a supply corporal in a quartermaster group. Thursday, December 30, 1993 Kimberley Brennan of Hugoton, a 1973 graduate of Wesley School of Nursing in Wichita, received her Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing from Kansas-Newman College in Wichita. Kimberley was employed full time while working toward her degree. FmHA announces the retirement of DonEtta Moser, State Program Review Assistant. Thursday, December 29, 1983 Two Hugoton businesses were broken into last week and various merchandise was stolen. One of the back door windows was broken out at Montgomery Wards and OTASCO suffered a small hole which was made in the sliding overhead door at the rear of the building. Only a small computer was stolen


TEMPERATURE Call 844 PRIMARY CHOIR—Youngest choir in local churches are members of the primary choir of the Hugoton Christian Church. Director is Mrs. Don Lynde, right rear, and pianist, Mrs.. Jay Saunders, left rear. Members, back row, left to right: Ina Lopez, Billy Burrows, Connie Curtis, Joyce Dunlap, Peggy Barricklow, Maxine Knox, Barbara Hall, Donna Brumley, from Montgomery Wards but OTASCO’s owner, Raymond Berry, determined four guns, a stereo, a 19” TV and an Atari game had been stolen. Thursday, January 3, 1974 Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Leonard were installed as Worthy Patron and Worthy Matron of the Order of Eastern Star at the Masonic Hall Friday. Thursday, January 2, 1964 James N. Bell, boatswain’s mate third class, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Bell of Moscow, is serving aboard the amphibious assault carrier USS Valley Forge, a Pacific Fleet unit presently being modernized at the naval shipyard, Long Beach,

Roger Thompson, Betty Bishop and Pat Saunders; front row: Kay Ramey, Trudy Lopez, Juanine Markle, April Brumley, Mickey Prine, Dennis Sapp, John Michael Clements, Patty Simmons, Diana Lynde, Charles Simmons and Dennis Burrows. Members are all first, second and third graders. From the December 31, 1953, issue of The Hugoton Hermes.

Ca. Thursday, December 31, 1953 Glenda Johnson, Stevens County’s cherry pie baking contest champion, will participate in the annual state contest at the K-State College campus at Manhattan. First place award in the state con-

test is a trip to Chicago and an opportunity to enter the national contest. If any readers have pictures or memories for the history page of the Hermes, please bring them in to Ruthie Winget at The Hugoton Hermes.

MUSEUM UPDATE from The Stevens County Gas & Historical Museum Gladys Renfro and Beulah Carter The Stevens County Gas and Historical Museum is located at 905 S. Adams. The

museum will be closed for the holidays until January 2, 2014 at 1:00 p.m.

1540 West Industrial Park 620-544-2027 Come by our location or call Craig at 544-2027

Save 12.5% if paid within 10 days - 10% if paid within 30 days.

A new choice for your chemical, NH3, Liquid Fertilizer and Dry Fertilizer. We now carry banjo parts for all your needs and have a large selection of banjo fittings and hoses. We have 40 years of experience in both ground and air application. Hugoton Elkhart 620-544-2027 620-697-4706 Lakin Ulysses 620-355-7700 620-356-1070

Custom Strip Till Work CPS Operating is now taking orders for spring crop acres. Using John Deere guidance system, let us take care of any dry fertilizer and anhydrous ammonia application needs.

Contact CPS Operating for more information on strip till work. 620.428.6400 or 620.544.5223

“Notes From Nancy”

“Supplying your custom farming needs”

by Stevens County FACS Agent Nancy Honig

New Years Eve Party Planning New Years Eve is almost here and for many it is a time to celebrate with family, friends and food. It is sometimes said that good hosts and hostesses have an almost magical ability to make any meal seem like a holiday. But I think the magic is found in a few simple guidelines anyone can follow when throwing a party. They include some advance planning, thoughtful recipe selection, careful shopping and the preparation of some of the dishes well ahead of time. * Keep it simple. Few people will pay close attention to the details, so don’t sweat the small stuff. Although most parties will be held in the dining room, consider other settings such as a spacious kitchen, family room or den. This is especially helpful to consider if you are serving a buffet. * Start with simple soups and breads. Everyone likes comfort food and it makes for simple and easy cooking. Purchase already cleaned vegetables and fruits for side dishes. Serve cooked vegetables plain, without fancy sauces. It will be lower in calories and easier to prepare. * Use things already on hand. Look for everyday items that can be perked up with a little garland, bows, or lights. Pull out little-used dishes, silver, and antiques, and make them part of the holiday look. Arrange your room thoughtfully so that conversation can flow. * Don’t try all new dishes. Keep to traditional foods your family enjoys, and that you are familiar with making. Adding one or two new recipes is challenge enough. Also, make sure you plan a time line for cooking. Keep in mind combining dishes that can be made a day or two ahead with dishes that need last minute hands-on preparation. As a hostess, plan that you can be with your company and not in the kitchen the whole evening.

Planning a Buffet Table * A large table is best so that the setting is not crowded. An extra large serving table is convenient for napkins, flatware and glasses. * It’s a nice idea to have each course of the meal served in a different area; it helps eliminate congestion, allows guest to mingle, and there´s no need to clear the table between courses. For example, try serving appetizers in the living room, the main course from the dining room, and dessert with coffee in the kitchen or family room. Even a large hallway, outfitted with a narrow table, can be used as a serving spot. At a party, there is always congestion around the food area. Scatter the food, and you’ll scatter the crowd. * Place foods on a buffet table in logical serving order to avoid the necessity of back tracking. Plates should be placed at the beginning and flatware and napkins at the end. * A new, large trash can, covered with fancy paper if you like, is ideal for holding ice and chilled drinks. Line the can with a large plastic trash bag to prevent leakage. One or two in central locations make great self-serve “bars”. To make certain you have enough ice, a good rule of thumb is one pound of ice per person. * To keep cold things cold on your buffet, put cracked ice (not crushed) in a large bowl or tray and cover it with endive or parsley. Arrange cold foods on the bed of greenery. This makes it attractive as it keeps the foods chilled. * To keep dips cold, fill a large glass or plastic serving bowl with ice cubes or crushed ice. Fill a smaller bowl with your dip and set on top of ice. Replace the ice as it melts. * Sometimes dip trays get quite messy. Under the dip bowl, use a large paper doily that can be replaced as needed during the party. I wish each of you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

The 1923 Model T Ford touring car is displayed at the Stevens County Gas and Historical Museum. It is on loan from Sue Omo. Her father is the late Howard Gracie.

SOCIAL SECURITY NEWS By Rich Fowler Social Security Operations Supervisor in Dodge City

RESOLVE TO CREATE A BETTER RETIREMENT FINANCIAL PLAN IN 2014 Another New Year is just around the corner, offering a new opportunity to improve your life in any number of ways with a wise New Year’s resolution or two. (No doubt, for most of us the possibilities are endless.) But one good idea for many might be creating (or updating) a long-term financial plan. According to a 2013 survey by the Employee Benefit Research Institute, “the percentage of workers confident about having enough money for a comfortable retirement is essentially unchanged from the record lows observed in 2011.” Only 13 percent are very confident of being able to afford a comfortable retirement, while 28 percent are not at all confident. If you are among those with lower financial confidence and you haven’t started to save for retirement already, now is the time to begin - no matter what your age. If retirement is near, you’ll want to jump into the fast lane right away. If you’re younger and retirement seems a lifetime away, it’s still in your best interest to begin saving now, as compound interest will work to your advantage. Experts agree saving when you’re young will make a world of difference when the time comes to draw on your retirement savings.

Don’t take our word for it. You can check out the numbers yourself. A great place to start figuring out how much you will need for retirement is to learn how much you could expect from Social Security. You can do that in minutes with Social Security’s online Retirement Estimator. The Retirement Estimator offers an instant and personalized estimate of your future Social Security retirement benefits based on your earnings record. Try it out at mator. We encourage saving for retirement, but there are reasons to save for every stage of life. A great place to go for help is is the government’s Web site dedicated to teaching Americans the basics about financial education. Whether you are planning to buy a home, balancing your checkbook, or investing in your 401(k) plan, the resources on can help you. Another excellent resource is the Ballpark E$timator at park. This online tool takes complicated issues, like projected Social Security benefits and earnings assumptions on savings, and turns them into language and numbers that are easy to understand. So turn over a new financial page in your life with the start of a new year, and get started at www.socialsecu





DISCOUNT - Consign by 1/14/14 & deliver by 1/29/14 for 5% off total commission! CONSIGN BY 1/19/14 TO BE ON BROCHURE - CONSIGNMENTS ACCEPTED UNTIL 2/05/14 - CONSIGNMENT INFO & COMMISSION SCHEDULE AT CALL CONSIGNMENTS TO 800-466-8214 or FAX TO 620-277-2044 or E-MAIL TO



AUCTION There is a reason

3280 W. Jones/Box 398, Garden City, 620-276-8282 “”

The Hugoton Hermes

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Page 4B

HERMES CLASSIFIEDS Deadline for all classified advertising is MONDAY at 5:00 p.m. All Garage, Yard and/or Moving Sale Ads MUST Be Pre-Paid.

1) Classified ad rate is $.20 per word per insertion. The weekly minimum is $3.35. 2) Classified display advertising rate is $5.00 per column inch. 3) All cards of thanks are charged at the display rate. 4) All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968, which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, children, or national origin or an intention to make any such preference, limitation, or discrimination." This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis.


PUBLIC NOTICE (First Published in the Hugoton Hermes, Thursday, December 26, 2013) 1t THE STATE CORPORATION COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF KANSAS Before Commissioners: Mark Sievers, Chairman Thomas E. Wright Shari Feist Albrecht In the matter of the Application of Chaparral Energy, L.L.C. for an exception to the 10-year time limitation of K.A.R. 823-111 for its Cutter South Mississippian Unit #502, well located in the Center of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SW/4 SW/4) of Section 27, Township 31 South, Range 35 West, Stevens County, Kansas. Docket No. 14-CONS-385-CEXC CONSERVATION DIVISION License No.: 33127 NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO:ALL OIL AND GAS PRODUCERS, UNLEASED MINERAL INTEREST OWNERS, LANDOWNERS, AND ALL PERSONS WHOMSOEVER CONCERNED: Chaparral Energy, LLC has filed with the State Corporation Commission of the State of Kansas an Application re-

questing an exception to the 10-year time limitation for a temporarily abandoned well within its Cutter South Mississippian Unit. The subject well is located as follows: The Center of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SW/4 SW/4) of Section 27, Township 31 South, Range 35 West, Stevens County, Kansas You are further notified that written protest of this Application must be received by the State Corporation Commission, Conservation Division, at the State Office Building, Room 2078, 130 South Market, Wichita, Kansas 67202 within fifteen (15) days after publication or other service of this notice. Objections or complaints shall be mailed to the Kansas Corporation Commission, Conservation Division, 130 South Market, Suite 2078, Wichita, Kansas 67202, with a copy to the Applicant’s attorneys listed below. All parties in any way interested or concerned shall take notice of the foregoing and govern themselves accordingly. Jeff Kennedy, #12099 MARTIN, PRINGLE, OLIVER, WALLACE & BAUER, L.L.P. 100 North Broadway, Suite 500 Wichita, KS 67202 Office: (316) 265-9311 Fax: (316) 265-2955 Attorneys for Chaparral Energy, L.L.C.


for very progressive, family-oriented company. Benefit package includes uniforms, health insurance, paid vacation and sick leave. Competitive pay based on experience. Clean CDL required. Applicant must pass physical, drug screen and back exam.

Apply in person at: Lathem Water Service Hwy 25 S, Ulysses, KS Or call 620-356-3422


PUBLIC NOTICE (First Published in the Hugoton Hermes, Thursday, December 26, 2013) 3t



commonly described as 1505 S. Madison St., Hugoton, KS 67951

JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association,

to satisfy the judgment in the above-entitled case. The sale is to be made without appraisement and subject to the redemption period as provided by law, and further subject to the approval of the Court. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgager, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s attorney.

Plaintiff, vs. Gene W. Sallee, Cari S. Sallee, Defendant(s). Case No. 12CV28 Div. No. K.S.A. 60 Mortgage Foreclosure

CIRCULATION CLERK The Stevens County Library is seeking a Full-Time Circulation Clerk for the evening and weekend schedule. High school diploma or equivalent required. Library and/or public service experience preferred. Must have strong customer service, computer, oral and written communication skills. Benefits include retirement and health insurance. Salary commensurate with skills and education.

Applications and a full job description are available at the library. (tfc47)

Now Hiring 8 Officers Needed

Officers - $10-$12/hour Lead Officers - $11-$13/hour

No Experience Needed - We Will Train You! Located IN Hugoton

Call 866-840-2066 Ask for Carl


Ted Heaton Sheriff of STEVENS County, Kansas


Solution to December 19, 2013 puzzle

Under and by virtue of an Order of Sale issued by the Clerk of the District Court of STEVENS County, Kansas, to me the undersigned Sheriff of STEVENS County, Kansas, I will offer for sale at public auction and sell to the highest bidder for cash in hand at the main lobby of the STEVENS County Courthouse at Hugoton, Kansas, at 10:00AM on January 17, 2014, the following real estate: LOT THREE (3), BLOCK SEVEN (7), KALLENBACH'S 4TH ADDITION TO


Kenneth C. Jones #10907 Jonah W. Lock #23330 10484 Marty Overland Park, KS 66212 (913) 648-6333 Phone: Fax: (913) 642-8742 ATTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFF

PUBLIC NOTICE (First Published in the Hugoton Hermes, Thursday, December 19, 2013) 3t IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF STEVENS COUNTY, KANSAS THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF STEVENS COUNTY, KANSAS PLAINTIFF V. SOUTHWEST BANK, N.A., ET AL. DEFENDANTS CASE NO. 12C33 NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE STATE OF KANSAS TO: Southwest Bank, N.A., et al. PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given under and by virtue of an Order of Sale issued out of the office of the Clerk of the District Court of Stevens County, Kansas, in the above entitled action, I will, on the 20th day of January, 2014 at 10:00 o’clock a.m. on said day, at the Stevens County Commissioners Meeting Room in the Stevens County Courthouse, 200 East 6th Street, in the City of Hugoton, Kansas, offer at public sale and sell to the highest and best bidder for cash in hand, all of the following described real estate situated in Stevens County, Kansas, to wit: Property Description and Persons Having an Interest Therein Total Due as of January 20, 2014 a. Lot One (1), Block Five (5), Townsite of Meadows a/k/a Feterita, Stevens County, Kansas. $ 96.73 b. Surface and surface rights only in and to Lot Four (4) in Block One (1) of Washington Square Addition Replat to the City of Hugoton, Stevens County, Kansas. $14,420.26 c. Surface and surface rights only in and to Lot One (1) in Block Two (2) of Washington Square Addition Replat to the City of Hugoton, Stevens County, Kansas. $13,164.68 d. Surface and surface rights only in and to Lot Two (2) in Block Two (2) of Washington Square Addition Replat to the City of Hugoton, Stevens County, Kansas. $12,550.34 e. Surface and surface rights only in and to Lot Three (3) in Block Two (2) of Washington Square Addition Replat to the City of Hugoton, Stevens County, Kansas. $ 13,921.60 f. Surface and surface rights only in and to Lot Four (4) in Block Two (2) of Washington Square Addition Replat to the City of Hugoton, Stevens County, Kansas. $13,120.73 g. Surface and surface rights only in and to Lot Five (5) in Block Two (2) of Washington Square Addition Replat to the City of Hugoton, Stevens County, Kansas. $13,116.27 h. Surface and surface rights only in and to Lot Six (6) in Block Two (2) of Washington Square Addition Replat to the City of Hugoton,

Stevens County, Kansas. $13,116.26 i. Surface and surface rights only in and to Lots One (1) and Two (2), Block Eighty-five (85), City of Hugoton, Stevens County, Kansas. $ 9,212.97 j. Surface and surface rights only in and to: Lot Four (4), in block Ninety-one (91), according to the duly filed and recorded replat of Block 91, City of Hugoton, Stevens County, Kansas. $ 8,785.32 k. Surface and surface rights only in and to: North Half (N/2) of Southwest Quarter (SW/4) of Section Twenty-five (25), Township Thirtythree (33) South, Range Thirty-five (35) West of the 6th p.m., Stevens County, Kansas. $ 3,453.53 l. Lots Four (4) and Five (5), Block Fifty-nine (59), in the City of Hugoton, Stevens County, Kansas. $ 3,317.95 m. The surface and surface rights only, including all water rights, in and to the Southwest Quarter (SW/4) of Section Thirty-two (32), Township Thirty-twoT(32) ED South, AC West RETR(36) of the Range Thirty-six 6th p.m. less a ten (10) acre tract more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of the SW/4 32-32-36, thence east on the south line of the quarter a distance of 40 rods, thence north a distance of 40 rods,thence west 40 rods to the west line of the quarter, thence south on the west line of the quarter a distance of 40 rods, to the place of beginning. Excepting and Reserving unto the grantor, a fifty foot (50’) right of way easement for the installation, replacement and operation of a domestic gas tap pipeline running from the Mobil Jordan #1 well, across the tract conveyed herein to the principal dwelling located on the ten (10) acre tract reserved herein. $ 1,203.25 n. Surface and surface rights only in and to: Lot One (1) Block Five (5), of the Hugoton Second Industrial Subdivision to the City of Hugoton, Stevens County, Kansas, according to the recorded plat thereof. $ 6,388.20 o. Surface and surface rights only in and to: Lot Sixteen (16), Block Twenty-two (22), City of Hugoton, Stevens County, Kansas. $ 766.29 The above described real estate is taken as property of the respective defendants designated herein as the owners thereof and is to be sold without appraisement and without right of redemption to satisfy said Order of Sale and the respective liens thereon. Witness my hand at Hugoton, Kansas this 19th day of December, 2013. Ted Heaton, Sheriff of Stevens County, Kansas JOHNSON LAW OFFICE, P.A. Robert E. Johnson, II P.O. Box 866 Iola, Kansas 66749 (620) 365-3778 Attorney for Stevens County, Kansas

The Garden City Co-op, Inc. is looking for a full time Elevator manager position in the Ulysses area. Grain handling experience preferred. Training will be provided for this position including a variety of responsibilities. Competitive wages and excellent benefit package. Please submit resume or apply at Garden City Co-op, Inc., 501 S Colorado, Ulysses, Kansas. The Garden City Co-op, Inc. is an equal opportunity employer. (6c50)

NOW HIRING Multiple Positions

Now Hiring: Two very high quality, detail oriented, automotive paint and body technicians and One experienced manager for our auto body shop. Also, One car salesman for our dealership. (Call for job duties & qualifications) Job Qualifications Include: High School Diploma, Vocational / Technical School Graduate or equivalent Must be punctual and organized Must be able to manage workloads as they increase and meet deadlines for optimal customer service Job Duties Include: Automotive damage analysis Paint matching and correction High quality paint work High quality body repairs and metal work We offer benefits and a VERY competitive pay plan!! – Please call for details! We are accepting applications in person at our office All interviews will be by appointment

Located: 531 S. Jackson, Hugoton, KS 67951 Phone: 620-544-7800 Fax: 620-544-7816


Current Openings at Stevens County Hospital, Medical Clinic and Pioneer Manor Nursing Home Stevens County Medical Clinic is currently taking applications for a Full-time Receptionist. This position is Monday through Friday 8:00-5:00 and every third Saturday 9:00-Noon. The successful candidate must have good communication and time management skills. Bilingual preferred, though not required. No clinic experience necessary, training will be provided. We offer an outstanding benefits package and competitive wages. Stevens County Hospital is searching for Full-time, Part-time and PRN RNs or LPNs to work on the Med/Surg floor. These positions are for night shift (7 pm-7 am). All candidates must have a Kansas RN/LPN licensure to be eligible. We offer an outstanding benefits package, competitive wages, sign on bonus of $2000 with one year contract for FT RNs/LPNs; $1000 with one year contract for PT RNs/LPNs; and mileage reimbursement to RNs or LPNs that live 15 miles or more outside of Stevens County. Stevens County Hospital is looking for a team-oriented Radiographic Technologist to work PRN shifts. All eligible candidates must have a current Kansas license, be a registered ARRT, and be able to perform routine diagnostic X-rays and CT exams without supervision. If you are interested please contact Diane Porter in Human Resources at 620-544-6141 or send your resume to 1006 S. Jackson, Hugoton, Ks. 67951.

Please contact Human Resources at 620-544-6141 for more information regarding any current openings. Applications may be obtained at Stevens County Hospital Information Desk, located next to the Medical Clinic. Resumes may be emailed to

The Hugoton Hermes

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Page 5B


is currently seeking an enthusiastic, customer-service oriented person to join our retail sales staff. Must be able to lift 50 pounds and work 9:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday. Plant knowledge helpful. Apply at Yardmaster 225 S. Main in Hugoton (2c51)

PT Truck Drivers No Overnight Trips 212 Logistics Trucking is growing and has openings in Liberal and Garden City. Work for a company that believes in providing excellent customer service, taking care of its equipment, and treating you right. PT work is primarily weekends - 1 or more weekends per month, depending on your availability. CDL and 2 years’ experience required, with DOT clearance and acceptable MVR history - no DUIs. Drug screen & background check conducted.



112 S. Main • 620-356-5808 • Ulysses Se Habla Espanol-356-5808

901 S Trindle Ranch, 4 bed/3 bath, fpl, fence, sprinkler, att garage, beautiful oak detailing! Call to see this beauty!!

1155 Road 25, Rolla - Beautiful Brick, 4 bed/3 bath, att garage, horse barn, equip shop, detach garage, feeding facility, all on 160 acres. Call today for your private showing!!

104 Sid Avenue Elkhart- Ranch, 4 bed/2 bath, new windows, nice wood floors, appliances, att garage, basement, cen H/A, fence. Call today to see this home!!

Move In Ready

HOME FOR SALE Dallas Bressler (owner)

David Light 620-544-9763 Fax: 620-356-5462 Office: 620-356-5808

1029 S. Van Buren- New Lower Price!!! 2 bed/1 b. att garage, cen H?A, fpl, fence, shed. Call to see this home!! 1408 S Jefferson St - L vacant lot - KallenSO D bach Fourth Addition

2322 Road 7 Ranch Style, 4 bed/2 bath, fpl, cover patio, fence, WIC, outbuildings, 10+/- acres. Much, much more!! Call to see this property!!

Chance Yoder- Cellphone 544-1907

“Call Us For All Your Real Estate Needs”

Chance Yoder

FOR RENT FOR RENT: 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments. Furnished or unfurnished. Bills included, washer and dryer, and cable. Call 544(tfc) 2232. ---------------


(Rental Assistance Available) Equal Housing Opportunity

For more information call Dayna Folger at (4c46) 620-492-3698.

THANK YOU THANK YOU I want to thank all my friends and family for all the cards, phone calls, visits and prayers while I was in the hospital. I also want to thank Dr. Katmath and Southwest Medical Center, ICU for their wonderful care. Thank each and every one of you!! Ed White

Donut X-Press would like to express their THANKS for the opportunity of serving breakfast to the kids of “Shop With A Cop”. FOR SALE BY OWNER

Handicap Accessible Apartment

L at

Sunflower Plaza

• Must be 62 or disabled to qualify • Rent based on adjusted income • All electric appliances • Coin-operated laundry facilities • Rental assistance available MORE!!

HOME FOR SALE IN ELKHART 205 Sid - 3 Bedroom 1.5 Bathroom, 1,444 sq.ft. with additional footage upstairs, Sprinkler System, Privacy Fence and Patio in Backyard, Car Port and Storage Shed


AND 2 Senior Apartments Also Available

For information, call Plaza Office Call Selia Crawford at 544-2182 544-4011 (tfc6) If no answer, leave message

WANTED WANT TO PURCHASE: Minerals and other oil/gas interests. Send details to P.O. Box 13557, Denver, Co. 80201. (150p49-12) ---------------


Appraised at 82K-negotiable

FOR SALE BY OWNER - 705 Van Buren 1400 sq. ft. Unfinished basement Appliances included

1 Car DriveThru Garage Storage Shed Sprinkler System



Call 620-544-7317 for appointment (4p51)



LAWN PRO Will Schnittker


PREGNANT? NEED HELP? Call Birthright of Garden City, 620-276-3605 or Birthline of Liberal, 1404 N. Western, 620-626-6763. (tfc3)

ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS will help you if you sincerely want to stop drinking. Call 544-8633. (tfc1) ---------------

Celebrate L i fe

Project Hope


7:00 ~ 8:00 p.m. Mondays

Frankie Thomas, owner

Assembly of God, 138 S. Main

Open Tues & Thurs 8:30 - 11:30 a.m.


(park in back lot)

1030 S. Main

1182 Road Q • Hugoton (tfc12)

An Encouragement Group


AL-Anon Family Group Men & Women of alcoholic family & friends meet at 1405 Cemetery Rd. Mon. & Thurs. 8 pm 544-2610 or 544-2854 (tfc)


201 6th Ave, Rolla

Feature Of The Week


LOST DOG: Full blood Rottweiler. His name is Tank & he’s nine years old. He’s been missing from north of Hugoton since December 13. Please call Stacy O’Bryan at 620-424-4483 or 620-952-0638. Reward offered. (1p52) ---------------

508 S. Van Buren

3 bedroom/2 bath Completely updated home 1900 sq ft living area, plus att. 865 sq ft 2 car garage Fenced yard, nice neighborhood Sprinkler system, covered patio Large lots provide extra parking

3 Bedrooms, 2-Car Garage, Large Shop, Travel Trailer Cement Pad for Hookups, Full Basement, Approximately 6 Acres. Please call David Light at 544-9763.

131 S Madison- 2 bed/2 bath, 2 living areas, kitchen/dining combo, att garage, 30 x 40 metal bldg, 10 x 12 storage shed, fence, sprinkler, carport. Great neighborhood!!



Eileen Gregg, Broker

711 East 5th Avenue- Beautiful ranch style, 3 bed/2 bath, Open Floor plan, Oak cabinets, finished bsmt, att garage,cen H/A. Much more... Call for your showing.


Karen Yoder

Call DJ @ 620-430-1273 Days 620-428-6127 Evenings (tfc)

3816 total sq. ft., Basement, Fireplace, 3 Car Garage, Extra Lot, Enclosed Hot Tub Room Prestigious Location - Commercial Building

ts er Lo Camp ent R for

1111 S Jefferson- 3 bed/1 b, cen H/A, fence, carport, storage bldg. Call for details!!

Chance Yoder - Salesperson Agricultural Land Residential & Commercial Specialist

Delivery & stacking available

Entertainers’ Delight! 607 Jessica Lane

210 West 11th St- Over 4,000 sq ft brick, 4 bd, 3 ba, full finished basement, fenced yard, 3 fireplaces, formal dining, includes kitchen appliances, circle drive, lots of storage. Call to see this beauty!!

Karen Yoder- 544-4161 or Cellphone 544-3730

Oak, Piñon, Mesquite, Pecan & More

Storm Room, Family Room, 2 Fireplaces, Unique Kitchen, 3 Car Garage, 3439 sq. ft. of Beauty!


Mark Faulkner-Broker Karen Yoder - Associate/Broker Residential & Commercial Specialist

FOR SALE: 1978 Chevy pickup & 1964 GMC pickup. Call 620-544-7763. (3c50) --------------FOR SALE: Livestock equipment: posts, wire, tanks, round bale feeder, truck & trailer, calf cradle, cattle chute, bail mailer. Larry Raney - 620-544-1814. (tfc51)

Big ~ Bold ~ Beautiful! 1410 S. Main


Applications may be obtained at Stevens County Hospital, 1006 S. Jackson or call Human Resources at 620-544-6141 for more information.

FOR SALE: White twin sleigh bed from Ashley Furniture. Mattress and box springs from Denver Mattress included. Like brand new. $450. 620-544-2871. (tfc48) --------------FOR SALE: 1993 1/2 Chevy pickup. Excellent condition. $2200. 26’ Road Ranger travel trailer. Great shape. $2200 OBO. Call 620-4530780. (4p49) ---------------

(620) 624-1212 Now see these and other SW. Kansas properties at

Call 620-428-1112 or 620-453-2493

These positions are for all shifts. Qualified candidates must have Kansas RN/LPN licensure to be eligible. We offer an outstanding benefits package, competitive wages, sign on bonus of $2000 with one year contract for FT RNs/LPNs; $1000 with one year contract for PT RNs/LPNs; and mileage reimbursement to RNs/LPNs who live 15 miles or more outside of Stevens County.


307 N. Kansas, Suite 101 Liberal, KS 67901

REAL ESTATE 813 S Washington Frame, 4 bed/2 bath, finished basement, nice kitchen w/appliances, att garage, fence. Much more!! Call for your showing!!


NURSES Stevens County Healthcare is searching for Full-time, Part-time and PRN RNs and LPNs to work at Pioneer Manor


603 S. Jefferson St. - Call William Hockett at Landmark Real Estate Center at (620)624-1212. New conditioned Home is move in ready. Only 2 doors from school!

206 West 5th StreetYour ready for business!! Beauty Salon w/fixtures...includes hair stations, manicure & pedicure station, tanning beds and more!! Call today!!

715 S Adams- 2 bed/2 bath, fpl, 2 living areas, WIC Mst Bed, lots of storage, det garage.

Rolla area business is looking to fill a secretarial position immediately. Must have some computer skills and some accounting required. Benefits include BCBS with dental, retirement benefits and all major holidays paid. Will train the right person. Salary based on experience. Send resume to: PO Box 66 Rolla, Ks. 67954 2c51)

C UNDER 531 S Main Street- Commercial Property Porter Building - 5,886 sf, retail & office space, central H/A. Prime Location! Call to view this property.


Secretarial Position Available

848 Road G. - This home has 2 new electric heat and A/C units. House formerly on free gas. The gas company pays for up to 20,000 KW of Electric usage in lieu of free gas. The seller has purchased a used updated fireplace insert, but it has not been installed. The site also contains a mobile home site with septic, water and electric available. Lots of built in storage and a 10' x 10' concrete storm shelter accessed from within the house. Additional adjacent acreage is available for purchase.

1003 S. Adams Street -This home is richly adorned with up to date modern color schemes and top grade wood trim and solid wood doors throughout. The kitchen cabinets and full wall of pantry has more than enough room for the most exotic chef's needs. Solid surface counter tops make cleaning the kitchen and bathrooms a snap. Enjoy that cup of coffee on the balcony/deck off the master bedroom on the upper level. The 45X24 morton garage contains a 24'X17.5' work shop which is insulated, heated & cooled and also has a sink.


Great Deals ~ Easy Financing ~ Quality Service Office: (620)544-7800 531 S. Jackson Hugoton, Ks. 67951 (tfc6)


Pioneer Manor Family Support Group

3rd Tuesdays - 1:00 p.m. 3rd Thursdays - 5:15 p.m. Chapel at Pioneer Manor

“Give Me A Sign”

Teri’s Signs & Designs

620-541-1077 Owner/Designer

Custom Digital Vinyl

DOT & Designs & Logos for Trucks & Businesses Wall Art for Gifts & Home & More See me on facebook at: terissignsanddesigns


(620)544-7777 UPERIOR 510 E. 3rd OLUTIONS Hugoton


Alan D. Higgins, Owner

KIRBY VACUUM CLEANER Customers for Factory Authorized Sales & Service Please call Jeff 800-821-5050 - We also offer Refurbished Kirbys4p52

600 E. 11th



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Licensed & Insured Over 30 years’ experience in Residential & Commercial Wiring

All Firearms at Dealers Cost During December



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Handy Haulers

Lawn Mowing/Odd Jobs

Kelly Mace

910 Van Buren 544-4403 or 453-9098 26p12

View these classifieds on our Web site at!

The Hugoton Hermes

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Page 6B

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

Citizens State Bank directors, officers and employees are seated left to right: Jack Rowden, Teresa James, Craig Young, Milton Gillespie, Loren Zabel and Robin Sullivan. Standing first row are: Jackie Lewis, Breanna Turpin, Judy Jordan, Janett Peinado, Kay Young, Hope Unruh, Adriana Alfaro, Judy Heaton, Jamie Anderson and Malissa Hicks, In the back row are Billy Woodworth, Kathy Nix, Betty Peterson, Ying Lin, Anita Gill, Lisa Bennett, David Snyder, Michelle Slaughter, Flora Estrada, Janine Beltz, David Nix, Stachia Nordyke and Cass Young. Not pictured are Gail Crane, Karen Yoder and Alma Hernandez.

May the meaning of Christmas be deeper, its friendships stronger, and its hopes brighter, as you and your loved ones revel in the magic of the holiday season. It’s been a privilege and a pleasure serving you this past year. We are very grateful for your kind support and look forward to your continued friendship in the new year.

P.O. Box 728, 601 S. Main St., Hugoton, KS 67951

(620) 544-4331


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