Week One Task-Ideation Pattern Arrangement of Microscopic Alcohol
Martini (Chosen Pattern)
Response to Lecture 1 and Readings This week’s lecture focused on forms of representations and rules that create complexity in nature. Through my experiment of reinterpret my chosen patterns, I find out the ideas that introduced in the reading, ‘Analytical Drawing’ can actually been translated as revelation of rules behind any man-made or natural structure and patterns. Rules in general, usually demonstrate simplicity itself by setting normality in nature or society; different rules also connect to each other and bonded with each other by law; it must also be considered cross dimensions, linking both
normality and law. While drawing my chosen pattern, I find that the ‘rules’ behind my chosen pattern can actually be defined geometrically, although varieties and uncertainties might be included, but the majorities are set by the same criteria. Also because my pattern has great range of scaling, it creates a sense of movement. I used the idea of solid lines and dotted lines introduced in the reading, which the solid line represents the scaling movement and the dotted lines represents the visual
connection between those movements. I also did the utmost simplification while presenting balance and symmetry. A key point I find out while creating my recipe, is the three representations can actually put into a network. Which means they can not exist separately, and must be bonded together as an integral. I feel those ideas introduced in both readings and lectures are also crucial to my further designing and modelling
Chosen Natural Pattern Martini in Microscopic View
Drawing 1-Movement
Drawing 2-Balance
Drawing 3-Symmetry
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