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This is my portfolio. If you have question, feel free to contact vraysun@naver.com

[01 TERRACED INN] Guest House added to SMITH HOUSE of famous architect Richard Meier. Usually, Guestroom of Resort house is unused remaining room, but, I designed additional new small house attached to the SMITH HOUSE.

[01 TERRACED INN] Two floor simple house. It Consists of Livingroom, Bedroom, Restroom. I made hand-drawing of it.

[02 SPACE DRAMA] Breaking small box to make architectural shape. To maximize capacity of designer, Any Architectural limit was ignored. Just Emotion & Shape.

[02 SPACE DRAMA] Light & Shadow are most important things in this project. I described shadow as White color.

[02 SPACE DRAMA] Step by Step makes promenade. Building of Ramp, Steps, New wall structure, makes it possible to make person to feel brand-new image of space.

[02 SPACE DRAMA] By doing so, He or she become having MOMENTARY MEMORY. Scene & Scene, but consecutive memory.

[03 AOD; ART ON DEMAND] Section drawing below describes this project. Art gallery + Storage + Residence. Enjoying of Art also take place here.

[03 AOD: ART ON DEMAND] This is Remodeling Project. So, Right below is Remaining walls. I tried not to break them all.

[03 AOD: ART ON DEMAND] Physically Challenged person also can see Masterpieces easily. Short circulation of Art gallery makes it possible.

[03 AOD: ART ON DEMAND] Physical Model Photos. Exposed white girder makes new atmosphere to this warehouse building.

[04 STAY-TION FOR ALL] Residence up on the Train-road + Reversed Pyramid shape Facilities.

[04 STAY-TION FOR ALL] This city area is deserted and also subject of crime. This residence would act as Stimulating of this city area and solving of shortage of residence in this city.

[04 STAY-TION FOR ALL] Inside of Courtyard, There are many of community facilities for residents.

[04 STAY-TION FOR ALL] Three Reverse Pyramids are Concert-hall, Sports facility, Community center. All of them connected directly to train station by 2nd floor.

[05 SOCIAL AUGMENT; COLLABORATIVE COMMUNE] Old factory+market Renovation Project. Building new roof and made new programs.

[05 SOCIAL AUGMENT; COLLABORATIVE COMMUNE] Prologue of this project. Cloth Factory declines as 21c new industry develops. So, workers there lost jobs and this city area gradually turns into deserted area.

[05 SOCIAL AUGMENT; COLLABORATIVE COMMUNE] Making of New Roof & Inserting of New Platform. This platform acts as community spaces and other cultural programs will be here.

[05 SOCIAL AUGMENT; COLLABORATIVE COMMUNE] Using Different level of land, I made dynamic interior space by Skip-flooring. Part of roof was glazed in order to give interior space plenty of sun-light.

[06 EXTRA WORKS] I participated on Other many works. By doing them, I studied deeply on Urban problems and Described them as visible shape (Upper 3 things) Also, I winned one competition called ARCH MEDIUM.(Lower Left) In that project, I did suggest New paradigm of Library in which all the informations are made by citizens themselves. Thank you for reading my Portfolio.