The res dence ies in a p ot w th a b g he ght difference, wh ch s graded by green levels in its exter or area The entrance at the northwest side of the bu d ng leaves its ma n façade and its spaces free to face the v ew offered by the p ot’s ocat on The main bu lding s d v ded in three evels: the ground f oor with a l the da y iving spaces, the f rst floor w th the bedrooms, and the attic that serves as an off ce space
Each and every space has access to ts own balcony, wh ch results to versati e open ngs on the façade and user’s pr vacy. The materia palette that makes up the appearance of the bui ding attributes an urban and modern character to both indoor and outdoor spaces Stone and wood have been used for the facades’ c add ng The stone "coats" the entrance’s wal s and the external staircase, wh ch eads to the street, emphas z ng the axis of the access to the bui ding The wood cladding has been used to maxmize the açade’s versat l ty of the f rst floor, fram ng the master’s
1 0 l u x u r y s e a s o n s

bedroom enclosed ba cony Great empha-
s s was g ven on the un ficat on of the nter or w th the exter or, where the pool s A concrete pergo a connects the entrance w th the rest of the house and the poo area, creat ng a semi-outdoor space as a l v ng room’s extens on The e ongated open ng on the ground loor maxim zes the natura ight’s entrance indoors and offers unobstructed v ews The roofed pool areas “f ter” the br ght sunl ght during the summer months, offer ng privacy and re axat on throughout the day. The cons stency of the iving and d n ng room’s elongated f oor p an at the ground leve is intens f ed by wh te colored materials and furn ture, creating a sense of ca mness and comfort in the nter or. Although th s p ain approach dom nates al the residence’s areas, some wa ls of the v ng room and master bedroom are select ve y covered w th wood and marble, complement ng the aesthet c dent ty of m nima ist pur ty