Hanoi, Vietnam August 1 to 7, 2016
7University TH
Scholars Leadership Symposium
Hanoi, Vietnam August 1 to 7, 2016
University Scholars Leadership Symposium
7 TH
ne thousand of the world’s most Promising Young Leaders will come together in Hanoi, Vietnam for the 7th University Scholars Leadership (USL) Symposium. The theme of the USL Symposium 2016 is “INSPIRING INDIVIDUALS, TRANSFORMING COMMUNITIES”.
This annual Leadership Symposium is hosted by Humanitarian Affairs United Kingdom in partnership with the Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. The 7th USLS is specially designed to impart the next generation’s leaders with awareness towards arising humanitarian issues in the world and to imbue compassion towards humanity among them.
In this challenging world - poverty, war, injustice, modern slavery, human trafficking, refugee crisis, terrorism, racism, inequality, climate change, political corruption, and so forth - have left many individuals in desperate situations. Basic human rights are exploited, homes are destroyed, families are torn apart, education is taken away, and innocent lives are lost every single day. This world is spiralling downwards – you can be the change to make the world spiral upwards. The 7th USLS will inspire and empower young scholars from all around the globe to look at the world in a different light, to think bigger beyond themselves, take actions to transform communities in need and make positive impacts in this world.
message from
Mr. Haoliang Xu
think Humanitarian Affairs UK has created such a wonderful platform for you to gather together to discuss leadership, to discuss your own actions, and to deal with humanitarian and development challenges that the world faces. So I think it is really a wonderful opportunity to have. I remember when I was young, I aspired to do something important, something that is unknown; but I didn’t have opportunities of this kind. I really encourage you to treasure this opportunity and to make the best use of it. The world is facing a lot of humanitarian and development challenges. In September this year, world leaders will approve the sustainable development goals that will go from 2016 to 2030. I hope that you will put what you do in the context of the development agenda for the next 15 years and really think about your role in the future development discourse. Be an active participant of the Development Disclose in the future, and wish you all the best.
Humanitarian H
umanitarian Affairs United Kingdom is a London based Social Enterprise with its Asia Regional OfďŹ ce in Thailand. Humanitarian Affairs is a member of the World Association of Non-Governmental Organizations (WANGO), the World Alliance for Citizens Participation (CIVICUS), UN Global Compact and the International Association for Volunteer Effort (IAVE).
Humanitarian Affairs aims to nurture young people into world-class citizens by providing them the opportunity to partake in socially beneďŹ cial activities that aim to alleviate the problems of communities in need. It does this by running programs and relief efforts that extend to poverty and disaster stricken countries and communities.
Humanitarian Affairs believes that by encountering different cultures and providing aid to those in need, the youths it mentors will develop both the intellectual and emotional capacity to care for those beyond themselves. Through its projects, Humanitarian Affairs aspires to transform momentary feelings of compassion into a long-lasting sense of responsibility, community and empathy for the less privileged communities.
Where Passion for Humanity is
gnite your passion for humanity at USLS 2016 – a burning passion that drives you to step out of your comfort zone and set your heart on a a greater cause beyond self. USLS will challenge you to carry out a life of change, passion, persistence, patience and purpose, and rekindle the light of humanity that is deep within you.
At USLS, you will see delegates from all around the world coming together, sharing bold ambitions and burning passion for humanity with one similar vision – to bring positive change to humanity.
It awakened the humanitarian within each of us and lit a candle of determination to make this world a better place. Zaina Alyemni , Sciences Po Grenoble, France
Where Great Minds meet for a Brighter Tomorrow
xperience the beauty of diversity and the contagious positive energy at the Vietnam Symposium 2016, where great young minds gather to empower each other in reversing the downwards spiral of the world today.
I walked into the auditorium’s electrifying atmosphere with my heart pounding almost ready to burst at the sight of seeing the world coming together as ONE for a humanitarian cause. Chandra Chuda Parameswara, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
USLS will provide you the perfect platform to establish international friendships, get a glimpse of different cultures in the world, and build valuable networks with like-minded young leaders who will ďŹ ght with you hand-in-hand to create a brighter tomorrow.
Where Potential is Unlocked and Empowered
o you think that you have what it takes to make a difference in this world? Discover your limitless potential at the Vietnam Symposium 2016, where global scholars get one-step closer to finding a fit in the global humanitarian puzzle.
The USLS will set a blazing fire in your heart to motivate you to yearn for more justice, give voice to the voiceless, step out of your comfort-zone, and truly embrace the risks that you must take to unleash the power within yourself and become the person that you were created to be. Evangelin Muilenburg, University of Notre Dame, Western Australia.
At USLS, you will discover things about yourself that you did not think existed. You will be empowered to know that you are never too small to make a difference. Get your full potential unleashed and find out how you can be “ You ” and make a positive change in this world at USLS 2016.
It h
Where Paradigm of Life is Shifted
he Vietnam Symposium 2016 will expose you to the agony, pain and sufferings of the voiceless in this world, which will allow you to walk in another pair of shoes and to understand the world through a different light.
USLS will move you to tears and make you realize that there are greater assignments in life than to just focus on your own comfort seeing the hardship and injustices experienced by the less fortunate in the world.
I went to the Symposium as someone who did not care about the world and came out as someone who really cares about issues facing the world. has since changed me into someone that lives life with a meaningful purpose in it. Monica Jocom, University of Sam Ratulangi, Indonesia
Group Discussion A
t the 7th USLS, delegates will gather for a group discussion at the end of each day to elaborate on what the Speakers have shared. Delegates will discuss on the many humanihumanitarian issues facing the world today; such as modern day slavery, refugee crisis, poverty, and so on. These sessions allow delegates who care for the different humanitarian issues to work on possible action plan. When passionate global young leaders come together to work towards a cause, that is when the world changes.
Workshop Session O
ur workshop session at the 7th USLS are specially designed for delegates who are eager to play a part in outreach programs to serve the communities in need. As a delegate, you will have the opportunity to either initiate a sustainable development project or lead a group of volunteers on a humanitarian mission or you may want to assist in the various ground breaking initiatives formulated by other delegates. The participation in such ground breaking developmental initiatives will provide you with an avenue to enhance your leadership abilities on the ground zero; the experience will leave you inspired and buzzing for change.
Learning Journey A
t the 7th USLS, all delegates will also get a chance to participate in a “Poverty Simulation� managed by Crossroads Foundation. This program is designed to help delegates understand what it might be like to live in a typical low-income family, trying to survive from hand to mouth. It is a simulation experience that puts delegates in the shoes of someone living in extreme poverty and sensitizes delegates to the realities faced by those struggling in their lives. In addition, delegates will participate in a full-day humanitarian activities and engaging in communities in need in different work areas in Hanoi. This experiential learning program will enable delegates to better understand the local communities in Vietnam. The Learning Journey is indeed an unforgettable experience that has touched lives of many past delegates and will continue to do so year after year.
Knowledge Whiz A
re you keen to start a humanitarian initiative and doesn’t know how to begin? If you’re seriously considering to develop a project to benefit a community in need, then you are invited to book an appointment with us and to meet one of our humanitarian specialists on an inspiring and thought provoking one on one session. You will acquire new skills and gain new knowledge that will help to build your confidence consequently propelling you to fulfil your dreams. If you want to be among the next generation leaders, and you have a humanitarian heart and spirit that pushes you to do something about the pain, suffering, hardship, and poverty in this world, then you can realise your dreams at the USLS.
Guest Speakers and Life Coach
he University Scholars Leadership Symposium has some of the world-reno coaches and motivational speakers that believe that all the young scholars wisdom and power within them to make their life what they want it to be. Our mo speakers have gained international acclaim and recognition for their humanita
Their inspirational stories of survival in the face of adversity and lost hope demon extraordinary strength of the human spirit. These humanitarians acknowledge the fact are people out there that have been failed by our systems, people whose rights have be ed, and deserve our help and compassion; their work and perseverance serve as insp many.
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David Begbie D
avid Begbie, the founder of crossroads, a NGO that aims to connect those in need with people who can help, identifies himself as being an ordinary man who stumbled upon a need in the world and found his calling. After founding Crossroads, David has become a world leader for humanitarian issues and has dedicated his life to finding the need in the world and helping to meet it. Through the simulations, his organization has created, he has changed people’s lives in a matter of minutes. David has witnessed millionaires cry, people standing up to take charge and become inspired to make a difference. David is a down to earth, driven and a committed individual.
_____Over the past 11 years David has become the spokesperson for Crossroads. He has been a guest on TED, where ideas worth spreading are shared. Through the press, business corporations and United Nations events he has spoken about his work. He represented his work in South East Asia, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Central Asia, Africa and the United States. In 2007, David received the Hong Kong Humanity Award to honour his outstanding humanitarian contribution. Each year, many attendees of the World Economic Forum, such as UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon, British tycoon, Richard Branson participated in his simulation exercise. David continues his passion on changing people’s lives and rising world-wide awareness for global issues.
Dr. Pratibha Mehta D
r. Pratibha Mehta has been serving as the UN Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam since 2011. Prior to her posting in Vietnam, Dr. Pratibha Mehta served as the UN Resident Coordinator and Humanitarian Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative in the Republic of Yemen from 2008 to 2011. From 2004 to 2008, she served as the UN Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative in Mongolia. In 2003, she served on detail assignment as UNDP Resident Representative ad interim in the Philippines. From 1997 to 2004, Dr. Pratibha Mehta served in UNDP’s Bureau for Development Policy in New York as Senior Policy Adviser for Local Governance (2000-2004) and prior to that from 1997 to 1999 as Global Coordinator for the Local Initiatives for Urban Environment Programme covering 12 countries. Before she joined UNDP, Dr. Mehta served as the International Director of the Local
Agenda 21 in the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) in Toronto, Canada from 1994-1997. She worked in various capacities from 1981 to1994 in India which included heading the Urban Poverty and Social Development Unit (1986 to 1994) and as the Senior Urban Social Planner (1981 to 1986) at the National Institute of Urban Affairs, a premiere urban institute in India. Dr. Metha served at the Delhi Council for Child Welfare as Instructor for Child Development and in Mobile Creches, an NGO, as researcher. Dr. Pratibha Mehta holds PhD in Psychology from the University of Gujarat, M.Sc. in Child Development from M.S. University, Baroda, India. In addition she has a certificate in gender and sustainable development from University of London and a certificate in Advanced Negotiation from the Public Dispute Programme,
Matt Friedman M
att Friedman is an international human trafficking expert with more than 25 years of experience as a manager, program designer, evaluator, and front-line responder. He is currently the Chief Executive Officer of The Mekong Club, an organization made up of Hong Kong-based private sector business leaders who have joined forces to help fight human trafficking in Asia. _____From 2006 to 2012, Friedman was the Regional Project Manager of the United Nations Inter-Agency Project on Human Trafficking (UNIAP), an inter-agency coordinating body that linked the United Nations system with governments and civil society groups in China, Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam.
___ _Prior to this (1991-2006), Friedman worked for the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in Thailand, Bangladesh and Nepal. During this period, he designed and managed both country and regional human trafficking programs; helped to establish a range of comprehensive counter-trafficking initiatives focusing on prevention, prosecution and protection; and participated in the resource mobilization and the production of two award-winning international films about sex trafficking in Nepal and India.
Geraldine Cox G
eraldine Cox, started her career with the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs in 1970. Her first posting was to Phnom Penh, where she experienced life in a country at war when the Vietnam War spilled over into Cambodia. After resigning from the government in 1987 she worked for 8 years with The Chase Manhattan Bank in Sydney before deciding to live in Cambodia in 1996. Geraldine’s original experiences in Cambodia never left her and on a return visit in 1993 she became involved in helping an orphaned Cambodian child. From that small beginning Geraldine co- founded what is now the Sunrise Children’s Villages.
Pan Macmillan published Geraldine’s autobiography, Home Is Where The Heart Is in 2000 and Hollywood bought the rights to make a feature film based on her book. The documentary, My Khmer Heart, won the Hollywood Film Festival Documentary of the Year Award in 2000 and has since been bought and screened by HBO and Discovery Cable Channels. Her story has been featured on Australian Television over the last few years on Australian Story, The Sunday Program, This Is Your Life, Four Corners, Today Tonight, The 7.30 Report, 60 Minutes and Talking Heads.
Tim Peters T
im Peters, is known to many as the world’s most visible advocate for human rights in North Korea. Peters has devoted himself to helping North Koreans in crisis escape the oppression from their government and its regulations. In 1996, Tim Peters founded Helping Hands Korea and officially committed himself to actively helping North Koreans by partnering with like-minded individuals. In the face of public criticism, the never ending challenges and the risk Peters faces each day he has never wavered his dedication, faith and support for the refugees he helps.
As an American, Tim Peters has given three testimonials to the United States Congress and has pressured the government to take action and step in. Finally in 2005, the American government accepted its first North Korean refugee. In 2007, Peters was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize and was shortlisted as a finalist. In 2008, Peters was awarded the Stephen’s Prize from the Norwegian NGO “Norwegian Mission to the East” Peters has been recognized by many international publications including TIME magazine which did a cover story on him. Peters appears as a soft-spoken individual but the power and commitment he possess makes him a powerful leader. Each day, Peters faces the risk of getting caught, possibly killed but his commitment of bettering North Koreans lives outweigh the possible consequences. Today, Peters still continues to help North Kore-
Susan Hammond S
usan Hammond is the daughter of a United States Vietnam Veteran and has experienced firsthand the consequences of one of the most dangerous forms of dioxin, Agent Orange. As an American, Hammond realized that it was time to stop turning her back and washing her hands of what her people had done and step in. _____Hammond found her path in 1991, after travelling to Vietnam and Cambodia, she identified her interest for post-war Southeast Asia and got her MA in International Education. In 1996, Hammond returned to Vietnam where she became involved in fostering mutual understanding between the people of the US and Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia
and addressing the long-term impacts of war while working as the Deputy Director of the Fund for Reconciliation and Development (FRD) from 1996 to 2007. During this time she lived in New York, Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos coordinating programs for FRD. ____In 2007, Hammond founded War Legacies Project and is now the Executive Director. With her 15 years of experience, Hammond is a leading expert in her field and has made it her life’s work to raise awareness on Agent Orange consequences and provide aid to Vietnamese families. She is a true Humanitarian who is dedicated to helping and making a difference even through the challenges she faces.
Re g is t r at i o n F e e All applicants for the USL Symposium must pass through the Organisation’s screening process. Thereafter, successful applicants must confirm their participation by paying their registration fee. Successful Applicants and Faculty Observers may choose from a selection of registration packages which best suit their needs.
Early Registration (From 1 January 2016 to 31 March 2016) Late Registration (From 1 April 2016 to 22 July 2016) 6-Night Accommodation on on a Sharing basis Participation in the Learning Journey Meals including 6 Breakfast Meals, 5 Lunch Meals and 6 Coffee Breaks One Piece of Souvenir T-shirt Entry to All Guest Lectures and the Plenary Sessions Entry to all Networking Sessions Local Transportation during Official Activities A Certificate of Participation
Full Symposium
Convention &
Registration Fee
Registration Fee
Networking Access
(For 5 and above)
(Meals Without Breakfast)
USD 950.00
USD 890.00
USD 650.00
USD 990.00
USD 950.00
USD 700.00
Who Should Attend the Symposium?
Humanitarian Affairs invites all outstanding youth leaders, between the ages of 18 to 30, with the following qualities to participate in the 7th USL Symposium: • Youth Leaders who demonstrate a strong leadership potential and aspire to constantly learn on how to better themselves • Youth Leaders who have an open mind and a genuine appreciation for different perspectives and individuals of diverse backgrounds, interests and ambitions • Youth Leaders who show consideration for others and possess an interest to better society
If you think you fit the criteria to be a delegate at the 7th University Scholars Leadership Symposium 2016, do send us your application to : Secretariat@humanitarianaffairs.asia
Testimonials from th the 6 USLS 2015 Previous USL Symposiums have boasted a high satisfaction rate of 89% according to our survey results. We would like to share with you some feedback from delegates and Universities regarding past USL Symposiums.
Lulama Shongwe University of Pretoria South Africa
“The University Scholars Leadership Symposium was an inspirational engine that made me realize that I have the potential to do more and I can aim for bigger goals in life. I am the only one who can play my cards the best. I have realized that I do not have to be a CEO, politician, president or a millionaire in order to effect change; I simply have to be myself. It is the only way that I can contribute to and improve the quality of life through simple actions such as selflessness. ”
Delegate Testimonials “I honestly came home and encouraged all my friends to start saving their Rands so that they can join me on this amazing journey to the next USLS in Vietnam. A very big thank you to Humanitarian Affairs for conceptualising and hosting this life-changing event because I can only imagine the impact it has had and will have on the lives of many youths who are the future of this incredible world we live in.”
Zaina Alyemni Sciences Po Grenoble France
Tim Porter University of Adelaide Australia Matt Mahmoudi Queen Mary University United Kingdom
“One of my greatest reservations about international conferences in general, is the fact that delegates show up, ready to throw solutions at each other, thinking they each have the best solution to a given international problem. However, the USLS was unique; what positively surprised me and left a lasting impression on me was the fact that, every single delegate at USLS attended the symposium with only the expectation of being exposed to other cultures, learning from others' experiences, and collaborating on formulating ideas.”
Alexandra Crisan University of Groningen Netherlands
“The USLS was an indescribable experience that words cannot do justice in describing it. I can honestly say that I haven't experienced anything like it; the ability to travel internationally to meet with like-minded individuals from diverse cultures, languages and backgrounds, bound together with a common passion of doing some good in the world. This diversity and drive was what made the symposium an incredible experience for me. Never before have I been surrounded by so many ambitious, extroverted and intelligent leaders, who despite having achieved so much in so few years, care more about making a difference than they do about advancing their own self -interests. It was so refreshing to find such an engaging group of people with whom I could share such an empowering week.”
“This symposium was life changing. We learned a lot. Each of us went home wanting to be a change-maker. It awakened the humanitarian within each of us and lit a candle of determination to make this world a better place for the 51 million refugees worldwide, the millions of orphaned children, the abused and the elderly. To sum it all up, it made us look at everyone but ourselves for a change. I left that symposium with the knowledge that, although I did not have billions of money like Bill Gates to establish foundations to help the less fortunate, I had enough determination, willpower, motivation, and enthusiasm to be the contemporary Mother Theresa.”
Professor Caroline McMillen Vice-Chancellor and President The University of Newcastle Australia
“We believe that empowering our students to become global citizens and future leaders is how we’ll solve the challenges facing tomorrow’s world. The University Scholars Leadership Symposium was a wonderful experience for our students – it inspired them to continue to strive to be such leaders, and provided the opportunity to build the global networks that will help them along the way.”
“University Scholars Leadership Symposium organised by Humanitarian Affairs is an amazing event that brings together hundreds of young people from across the world to focus on some of the most urgent and significant challenges faced by humanity. It is an excellent opportunity for the youth to be exposed to such demanding issues in an enabling and informative environment in which they can build lasting friendships with each other. For building peaceful societies in the future, the world needs such initiatives as USLS and Coventry University is a proud participant of this process over the last six years. When I took 19 Coventry University students from 12 different countries to the 6th USLS in Hong Kong, I was hugely impressed with the impact that the symposium had on them and their perceptions of the world of humanitarian affairs. Many thanks for making this happen year after year and look forward to the next USLS.”
Jeffrey J.P. Tsai, Ph.D. President Asia University Taiwan
Testimonials from Universities
“I was able to attend the University Scholars Leadership Symposium in Hong Kong with my students. All my students have told me that they have learnt so much from this extra-ordinary experiences that they would love to attend it again. USLS is a wonderful platform for youth to connect to the world and to understand culture, religion, and ideas from different parts of the world.” “The Symposium has shifted paradigms, broadened perspectives and opened up the minds of the NTU students, not only in the sphere of humanitarian work, but also in their awareness and contemplation of the needs and pressing issues facing the world today. Our students are deeply inspired by speakers who brought with them the cumulative wealth of their experience in social causes that have made real impact to lives around the world - and greatly encouraged that "no one is too small to make a difference”. Their biggest takeaway: that humility and grit, constantly keeping the motivations in check, whilst upholding moral and ethical integrity throughout - are keys to efficacious and sustainable social causes. A number of them have begun exploring how they can serve, starting from their immedi“The University Scholars Leadership Symposium is an excellent platform for empowering future leaders. Our students came back from the Symposium with much enthusiasm to serve the communities in need. I believe USLS is an excellent platform to nurture our youths into a compassionate global citizen.”
# humanitarianAffairs