1 minute read
Made Invasive Species Invasive
but sometimes are introduced to create medicine or improve the environment. One example is the cane toad. The cane toad is native to Central and South America but was introduced to Australia to control pests in sugar cane plantations. However, the plan backfired and the cane toad became a pest as well. When unintentionally moved, insects or animals are transported by boats, trains, or planes, during processes of trade. The Brown Tree Snake was unintentionally moved from Australia to India on a military aircraft. From there, the snake has traveled to many countries and even caused the extinction of bird species in Guam. Thus, humans have played a major role in allowing invasive species to take over a region.
In order to prevent species from spreading to other countries without good intentions, stricter rules should be enforced when transporting items across borders. There should be multiple ways and levels of inspection on the goods themselves and on the source of transportation. Additionally, educating and spreading awareness on such species would be crucial for farmers or people in general so that they do not use or grow these species. Preventing disasters such as deforestation from happening is also a solution as many species are forced to leave an area because the living conditions are not suitable for them. Therefore, it is important that invasive species become less invasive and stay in their natural habitat.