humanite issue nine

We as a society have always been interested in celebrities because they were different. We saw them as people who represented beauty, humor, success, or fame—those who have achieved the pinnacle of stardom. Their lifestyles, while glamorous, were detached from reality. And yet, in recent years, the role of the celebrity has changed.
The public does not worship celebrities and assign them an “otherness,” at least not as much as we used to. With social media and the decline of the once obsessive attitude towards celebrities, they’ve taken on a new level of relatability. Many celebrities have branched out, many of them starting new business endeavors. They are now less simply a commodity for us to consume, not as out of reach; the air of exclusivity has dispersed and left behind a more “human” aspect to celebrities.
With this closeness has also come more demand from celebrities to be authentic, to be “like us.” They are in the spotlight more than ever, and with that comes a mix of responsibility and additional scrutiny. As students and young people, we have probably the most access to and are most susceptible to influence from celebrities. In this issue, we deconstruct the new additions to celebrity culture and how celebrities are held to a different standard than before.

These types of occurrences did not only happen recently; in fact, we can examine world-renowned star Elvis Presley’s White House visit in 1970 as one of the first examples in modern history. Coined as one of the “weirdest White House meetings in history,” Presley explained a desire to get involved in the White House anti-drug campaigns. “I have done an in-depth study of drug abuse and Communist brainwashing techniques and I am right in the middle of the whole thing where I can and will do the most good,” Presley claimed. Although the situation seemed respectable, the underlying motive was to obtain an honorary
CLOUT CHASER by Milla Cheung layout by June Jeong
When holding such an influential title or platform, the question should arise whether or not the information is the truth, and whether or not they are voicing their opinion for clout. Celebrities’ actions should follow suit with what they advocate. From a moral standpoint, it would be corrupt for a celebrity to advocate for gun reforms for a safer country, then follow up by using guns. With the most current pandemic situation, it would also be confusing and mistrustful if a celebrity advocated for a greater percentage of vaccinated people, but didn’t get themself vaccinated (unless they have limitations due to medical issues). On such a global scale, the problem/situation is trivialized if the celebrity advocates for something they do not truly believe in. However, why is it important that the celebrity truly believes in what they advocate? We can theorize a category of situations where this may be a problem. Celebrities may only be advocating for a global issue for clout and to induce their own fame. Again, advocating for clout trivializes the matter and calls for the spread of dangerous motives and messages to the audience. Additionally, it affects the celebrities chasing clout as they pose themselves to the public as a parasite for fame. This negative connotation is only a lose-lose situation for the celebrity and the audience. Celebrities may also advocate fake information if they truly do not believe in and know the information they are relaying to the public.
badge from the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs. His meeting provided implications that A-list celebrities may choose to mingle in the political scene for personal gain.
A recent White House appearance by actor Matthew McConaughey featured a speech during the White House briefing in early June to ask the legislature for gun law reforms. Before the briefing, a primary school in Uvalde, Texas experienced a mass shooting that left 19 kids and 2 teachers dead. This tragic event prompted the actor to voice public concern about gun laws and possible reforms to prevent mass shootings from further occurring. McConaughey’s worry stemmed from his connection to his hometown, Uvalde where the mass shooting occurred. It is apparent that celebrities use their fame as a chance to speak at the White House and get involved in politics to the level of bringing awareness to the issue. Celebrities’ words are uniquely influential because they often reach those who aren’t regularly involved in politics— making it even more important to make sure that they aren’t saying things for personal gain rather than genuine concern.

Subsequently, starting a career in rap has been often described as a way to escape the “hood” and poor areas that are often littered with gang violence and gang-related crimes. As rappers start to gain popularity and money from their careers, younger generations are growing more inspired to start their own rap careers. Still, there are drawbacks to joining the industry. Modern rappers are growing younger in age and participating in riskier lifestyles, which also affects their lyrics and musical messages. Sex, money, drugs, and murder have become prominent topics of hip-hop lyrics and expose audiences to reckless lifestyles. It has become common even for teenagers and children to imitate rappers by making risky monetary decisions and engaging in drinking, smoking, and even crimes.
A viral Instagram star and self-proclaimed rapper, 10-year-old girl Lil Tay suddenly grew into ephemeral fame in late 2018, becoming known as the “youngest flexer of the century”. Lil Tay would post a series of shocking videos on social media in which she would be throwing wads of cash, cursing at the camera, and even smoking and drinking. Tay claimed to be living the “hip-hop life” instead of attending school like a regular third grader. Although many fans were quick to scorn the young influencer for her questionable behavior, it was later revealed that Tay was a victim of abusive parents who supposedly coerced her into faking an influencer life for short-term money. Unfortunately enough, controversial internet stars like Lil Tay, Woahvicky, and Lil Pump worsened the public image of the hip-hop culture of “flexing” and committing Ironically,crimes.though, some rappers such as Polo G and Lil Tecca have admitted that their lyrics about buying designer clothing, taking drugs, and engaging in illegal behavior are all a facade to
Rap Violence: A Tragic Love Story
Culture & Gang
The Hip-hop Lifestyle In its rapid rise to one of the most renowned genres of music in recent decades, rap has undoubtedly cemented itself as a profitable and almost elusive dream career for many, especially the listeners who can relate to the upbringings and struggles in rap lyrics.
By: Jay Choe Layout: Ellen Ryu
The Birth of Rap
The dawn of the 21st century witnessed the introduction of a new contender to the music scene, one that represented not only African-American history but also the unfiltered perspective of one’s struggle and upbringing: hip-hop. A fast-paced and rhythmic form of music whose lyrics match the honest and deep views of its writer’s lifestyle, the genre of hip-hop music, more often referred to as rap, rapidly rose to prominence through pioneers such as The Sugarhill Gang, and later through distinguished legends such as Tupac and The Notorious B.I.G. As hip-hop grew in popularity from black audiences to more global audiences in the early 2000s, stories of rappers’ struggles in the “hood” reached listeners who were unfamiliar with their lifestyles but related to the inner battles and obstacles that were depicted in the lyrics.

Unfortunately, what used to be about a rapper getting out of dealing drugs and gang culture, has recently turned into something almost opposite. Modern rappers often “glorify” their involvement in gang-affiliated violence and drug use in their lyrics. In 1982, rap pioneer Grandmaster Flash released a mixtape called “The Message.” This song was arguably the first rap song to ever address the gangster lifestyle of a rapper. However, rather than love for the gang life, Flash speaks of life in the slums with disdain. Flash was the idol for many rap stars of the current generation, as rappers like Drake and Kanye West have mentioned that the message of getting rich, escaping the hood and providing for friends and family was the purest form of hip-hop, and ultimately what every rapper looking for a place in the industry should strive to accomplish. In 1995, an old-school rap hit about escaping the slums titled “Gangsta’s Paradise” rose to worldwide fame. In the verses, Coolio and L.V. rapped and sang of redemption, self-reflection, and the despair of growing up in the streets, with a sample from Stevie Wonder’s “Pastime Paradise” in the backdrop. The song starts with: “As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death / I take a look at my life, and realize there’s nothin’ left / ‘Cause I’ve been blastin’ and laughin’ so long / That even my momma thinks that my mind is gone.” Coolio’s words in this hit song were only one of the countless accounts where rappers rapped about the pure hardships of the hood life, and the feeling of dread and difficult self-reflection that one had to face. Still, gang affiliation seems to be a lingering factor in the rap industry. There is a different side to rap. For instance, a certain genre of rap, often called “gangster rap”, has had a rather negative impact on society. For instance, famous gangster rapper Scarface released a song titled “Diary of a Madman”, a disturbing narration of gang life: “Dear diary today I hit (an N-word) with the torch / Shot him on his face and watched him die on his front porch / Left his family heartbroken / Flashbacks of him laying there bleeding with his eyes open / I can’t put the (stuff) behind me / I know I’m here somewhere, but I can’t find me.” Ex-gang members have been affected and even “inspired” by such morbid lyrics. In the Chicago Tribune, a former gang member stated, “I remember listening to N.W.A. and they were singing ‘(F-word) Tha Police,’ and I became somebody who believed in that kind of language, and low-grading women and calling them out of their names. When I shot people, the first thing I did was put on a record.”
The Verdict Rap is a powerful weapon that can be utilized for many purposes, whether it be good or bad. Despite its history with gang affiliation and violence, it has still proven itself to be a powerful positive influence on both youth and those who are struggling with poverty.
Cocaine match the common hip-hop themes. Nonetheless, exposure to these themes in younger audiences has caused a phenomenon in which these stories of rapper lifestyles have been directly affecting the lives of many children in the modern age, further diluting the image of hip-hop. Gang Affiliation

The Lawsuit Between Amber Heard and Johnny Depp
Celebrities often appear as figures people look up to; however, this isn’t the case for Amber Heard and Johnny Depp. Getting into a lawsuit, these two have gotten into conflict and are now divorced. To portray the image of them before the divorce, this artwork illustrates the happy couple people used to portray them as. This piece was painted with gouache paint .

Celine Yang

Yes, Pham slapping Pederson is not OK in any instance whatsoever; yes, Pham should have controlled his temper to stop the incident from happening in the rst place. But the news reports that came a er, which involved many di erent players from around the MLB who are part of the said Fantasy Football league, goes to show how the media used that speci c incident to blow the whole situation out of proportion.
Being an athlete is one of the hardest, if not the hardest, jobs in the world. e physical demands that an athlete must endure, along with the psychological pressure that comes with the presence of fans and the competitive nature of sports, are only a few of the things that athletes have to deal with on a daily basis. However, given the limited number of athletes who are given a chance in one of the major leagues in the US, there is a strong spotlight cast upon these athletes and everything they do. is spotlight results in even the smallest action that an athlete takes being met with judgment from the public, which o en leads to harsh criticism. is potential for criticism is arguably more daunting and can have more severe e ects than other pressures that athletes may face. Furthermore, with other famous people, such as celebrities, facing this kind of judgment and criticism from the public for minuscule actions that they take, it is important for the media and the public to be aware and respect athletes’ and celebrities’ private spaces. An exceptional example of this is the recent Tommy Pham vs. Joc Pederson incident that happened in Major League Baseball (MLB). Ironically, despite the two players being professional baseball players, the feud turned out to be due to a Fantasy Football disagreement that the two players had. Although the news break started with Pham slapping Pederson in the face, it does not justify the media blowing the situation out of the water in the following days. For instance, Bleacher Report reported, “Pham accused Pederson of only telling half of the story, saying the league had its own rules separate
Another memorable incident was during the 2016 National Football League (NFL) season, where then-quarterback of the San Francisco 49ers Colin Kaepernick protested against racial discrimination by kneeling during the national anthem pregame. is was met with harsh criticism from the media, with some going as far as stating that “he chose a time where all of a sudden he became the center of attention. And it has disrupted that organization. It has caused friction. And it’s torn at the fabric of the team.” Whether the 49ers removed him from his starting position or whether he decided to leave the team on his own volition, Kaepernick has not played professional football for any other team since the 2016 season. Although it is true that Kaepernick did not necessarily play well in the 2016 season, many speculate that he lost his job due to his protests, along with all of the backlash that Kaepernick has
writtenHAVEATHLETESTOBEHAVEby:samhonglayout:sophiapark from the ESPN app,” and the New York Post headlined the issue with “Reds’ Tommy Pham: Giants’ Joc Pederson ‘deserved to be slapped.’”

faced until now. All in all, the actions of Kaepernick have been under scrutiny by the media and fans, with many people siding with the opinion that Kaepernick disrespected the country and the anthem itself, even though he was merely trying to protest for something that he believed in. As such, the media can result in the actions of an athlete being blown out of proportion, resulting in some athletes even losing jobs and some athletes facing heavy backlash and scrutiny. Given the nature of how hard being an athlete is, how much is too much? Certainly, the media keeps these athletes in check so that these athletes cannot act out of control, but there are also times where the media can result in many athletes struggling more than they should.

Kendrick Lamar’s New Album.
was rst released, the global population sparked with excitement and expectations soared high based on the rapper’s past history. It debuted at number one on the US Billboard 200, becoming Lamar’s fourth number-one album. Although his songs are generally famous for how they sound, there have been key themes embedded in the lyrics which are essential to note. For example, in “Auntie Diaries,” Lamar recollects a story concerning his transgender uncle and cousin, while referencing issues regarding societal and religious views of the LGBTQ+ community. Furthermore, the eighth track, “We Cry Together,” samples Florence and the Machine’s song “June.” Lyrically, it revolves around a heated argument enacted by Lamar and actress Taylour Paige. Nevertheless, the inclusion of rapper Kodak Black on the album assembled controversy due to him having been accused of rape in 2016 and pleaded guilty to rst-degree assault and battery. Some speci c songs were also met with heavy criticism due to Lamar’s repeated usage of “faggot,” in addition to “deadnaming and misgendering his trans relatives.”. is goes to show that although Lamar’s album conveys a deep mixture of emotion and meaning through the song lyrics, it was also met with criticism because of how he bequeathed celebrity culture. Moreover, his record label Dawg Entertainment, supported Kelly, a convicted serial sexual abuser, when Spotify threatened to pull his work. e album features rapper Kodak Black, who pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting a schoolgirl. Many people online drew the conclusion that Lamar hates so-called cancel culture more than he hates abuse. With brilliant wordplay and caustic candor, Lamar tries to disclose from the public and unpick the harm done to him and by him, his “daddy issues” (Father Time, which features Sampha on the hook), and his discomfort with savior status.
O en cited as the most in uential rapper of his generation, Kendrick Lamar is an American rapper, songwriter, and record producer. His rst major-debut album, Good Kid, M.A.A.D City, was released in 2012 and gained him global recognition and success. In the album, there are 18 tracks split into 2 sections. e songs contain elements of free jazz, funk, psychedelic jazz, blues, quiet storm, R&B, soul, rap, and West Coast hip hop. is article will further explore how the songs’ lyrics display themes such as generational trauma, in delity, and

Written by Joshua Lee Layout by Andrew Ham
In conclusion, although Lamar’s new album has sparked some criticism for his use of language and the fact that he despises cancel culture, his lyrics have deep emotion and themes engraved within them. He has attempted to incorporate several social issues revolving around our modern society today, and at the end of the day, it is his e ort of addressing societal problems through the art of music that counts, and it is important for us to acknowledge his positive in uences on celebrity culture.

Minji Kim
This piece was created digitally and is meant to portray some of the recent incidents regarding celebrities. The first was the incident during the Oscars, Will Smith slapping Chris Rock, the other being the trial of Amber Heard.

Influential or Controversial?
Prominent examples such as Tristan Thompson’s cheating scandal are frequently brought up on social media, piquing the audience’s interest in what other unanticipated dramas they can entertain us with. Although they gained fame at an unfathomable rate through a reality television show, how do they consistently impact the entertainment industry? “Keeping Up with the Kardashians” was introduced in 2007, depicting a large and rich family. During years of filming the reality show, the family showed progressive growth: a young naive girl at the beginning of the show to a successful entrepreneur of her own cosmetics, a girl who was aspiring to be a model who is now a top model. “Keeping Up with the Kardashians” undoubtedly skyrocketed their wealth and fame. Each family member achieved countless accomplishments from the mass popularity of the show while still maintaining the controversies and dramas within theKimfamily.Kardashian can be seen as the anchor of the whole show and family without a doubt, as most of the attention is towards her. Most people consider her to take the
When talking about reality TV shows, a specific group of people come into our minds: the Kardashian family. Having broadcast their glamorous life for 20 seasons straight, the KardashianJenner family has become an American pop-culture staple. The show brought the perspectives of a wealthy family, filled with drama and controversy. The reality show shared their biggest controversies and scandals from their own perspective, setting them apart from any other shows that exist.
The fame of the Kardashian family only gradually increases over the years, never disappointing the media. The various influences each member brought (Kylie Cosmetics, KKW beauty, etc) significantly contributed to the success of the whole family. The household name “Kardashians” can be recognized by everyone from different points of view, whether or not they consider them controversial or influential figures. The reality show unquestionably played a huge component in bringing fame while allowing the audience to realize the progressive success the Kardashian-Jenner family gained Alex Cho Layout by Eunice Rhee
role of the “biggest drama queen.” Kim Kardashian’s involvement in the reality show and outside the show has constantly made headlines, from being friends with top stars, having multiple weddings, and dating arguably the most popular rapper (Kanye West). For 15 years straight till this day, Kim Kardashian consistently brings unforeseen news. In recent news, Kim Kardashian was seen having a relationship with Pete Davidson immediately after her surprising divorce from Kanye West This brought major controversy, in which Kanye would promptly release a diss track on Pete Davidson, bringing major attention to the media. Although all the family members have played an important role, Kim Kardashian can be seen as the foundation of the flourishing of the family.

Today, social media platforms allow celebrities and other influential figures to broaden their outreach and interact with their fans on an almost personal level. With this Internet outreach ability, many celebrities have taken efforts to talk about political and social issues of today. This sort of behavior is not unprecedented; celebrities of the past have been known to comment on issues that they have found important, but it is only in the modern age that celebrities can speak very freely and easily to an extremely wide Celebritiesaudience.these days talk about a wide variety of political and social issues, including, but not limited to, LGBTQ+ issues, the BLM movement, global geopolitics (such as the Russo-Ukrainian War), immigration (particularly as it pertains to the United States), and gun control, just to name a vast few. However, what many people are frustrated about is the fact that these celebrities seem to have misinformed, and perhaps superficial, opinions on these matters. For example, celebrities who talk about gun legislation and gun control may not fully understand the complexities of gun laws in the United States as well as the various sociological and political issues that are tied to solving gun control; therefore, celebrities may make blatantly false statements or misinformed opinions on the topic that frustrate many people who are genuinely invested in the issue. Another frustration that many people who dislike celebrity opinions on political matters pertains to the idea of “celebrity wokeness.” To appease their audiences and fans, a lot of celebrities would espouse talking points of mainstream political views, particularly on social issues. Of course, not all celebrities talking about social issues is bad. Celebrities who may have faced genuine socioeconomic hardships, racism, sexism, sexual harassment and other difficulties in life have direct personal experience in those areas and should be free to talk about them, adding to the conversation and raising genuine awareness from a place of honesty. However, the issue arises with celebrities that simply only espouse culture war talking points to ensure that they satisfy their overly curious fans who want to know everything about them, assuring them that they hold the “right” views and such. But as not all mainstream talking points are based on real, proven facts nor are these celebrities talking from a place of honesty, it becomes hard to take them seriously as genuine contributors to an ultimately complex discussion on serious political matters.
While there should obviously be no law targeting celebrities specifically to limit their own freedom of speech, perhaps some grassroots, bottom-up movements
Celebrities and Politics
By: Peter Mingunn Kim Layout: Jihoon Kim
should address this societal issue of celebrities being too involved in such matters. Modern society’s obsession with celebrities and their lives is becoming unhealthy for our culture, meaning that this trend of celebrities talking about political positions they aren’t educated about is potentially part of the broader thread of consequences of Internet and mass media culture. People should obsess less over what favorite celebrities do or think and perhaps start compartmentalizing the roles of people and their occupations and promote discussions based on genuineness and honesty.

By: Jaslyne Tam
On the flip side, cancel culture is infamous for not allowing people to grow from their mistakes and learn to become better people. In 2019, former President Obama made a speech in Chicago, stating that cancel culture supports a simplistic worldview and promotes the idea that a person is no better than the worst choice they ever made. The “demand for purity” and lack of tolerance for ambiguity are unrealistic. To quote him, “The world is messy ... People who do really good stuff have flaws.”
Cancel Culture
With the rise of social media and the Internet, the phenomenon of “cancel culture” has become more prominent in the media; this, with the rapid spread of information on social media, have exacerbated the repercussions of “being canceled.” If you are unfamiliar with “cancel culture,” it is the idea of taking away support for an individual, their career, popularity and/or fame because of something they’ve said or done that’s considered unacceptable. There have been many examples of this in recent pop culture including the likes of J.K. Rowling, Justin Timberlake, Shane Dawson, and more. However, the reasons for someone’s cancellation are varied, with some being necessary and reasonable, and others being gratuitous. Sometimes the grounds for a celebrity being canceled are completely warranted, such as racist beliefs, being accused of sexual harassment/assault , or, as in J.K. Rowling’s case, making transphobic comments. In June of 2020, the author quote tweeted an article titled, “Opinion: Creating a more equal post-COVID-19 world for people who menstruate.” In respose, she wrote “People who menstruate.’ I’m sure there used to be a word for those people. Someone help me out. Wumben? Wimpund? Woomud?” This was viewed to be transphobic as along with cisgendered women, transgender men and some nonbinary people also menstruate, while transgender women don’t. In response to the backlash, Rowling tweeted, “I know and love trans people, but erasing the concept of sex removes the ability of many to meaningfully discuss their lives. It isn’t hate to speak the truth” an apology that doesn’t address her bigotry. Today, J.K. Rowling is seen and known by many on the Internet for her Rowling’s platform and influence affects people worldwise, and these harmful views ripple, ultimately hurting many. Thus, in some cases, “cancel culture” has usefulness and virtue.
Layout: Sophia Park
The former President himself has also had his fair share of wrongdoings, thus should we shun him from the public stage and refuse to listen to what he says? There is no black-and-white answer to determine whether a person “deserves” to be canceled, and ultimately, it will happen no matter what. So this all begs the question: what can celebrities do after being “canceled”? It’s obvious that one should just apologize, however whether an apology should be accepted or whether it is “good enough” is heavily debated whenever someone is canceled. In more serious cases of sexual assault or harassment, a simple apology isn’t enough; but in other cases, even when a celebrity apologizes and promises that they’ve grown from their mistakes, “cancel culture”, the one that demanded an apology, deems the apology to be “fake” and “only to safe face” in the same breath. There is no objective way to tell if an apology should be accepted, and an apology can

only be accepted by those who were hurt by the offense, however, time and time again, as the Internet demands apologies from whom it cancels, it rejects the possibility that people can grow. Moreover, due to celebrities’ unique placement in the public eye, while similar actions done by the “normal” person are excused, the celebrity is scrutinized. Do celebrities deserve the backlash any more than the normal person? One may argue yes, as celebrities have, as stated above, influence and a platform that spans across the world. But it must be said that celebrities are human too, and thus they should deserve the same forgiveness we give to those around us. In the end, cancel culture as a whole seats itself astoutely in the grey area; there is no absolute way to determine who should get canceled and for which wrongdoing, there is no absolute way to determine if their apology after the fact is “good enough”, and there is no absolute way to determine whether to forgive them afterwards. However, the absolute truth of the matter is that cancel culture doesn’t give room for people, not just celebrities, to grow.

By: Waan Choi Layout: Ellen Ryu
Maintaining image and reputation is such a significant part of celebrities’ lives that we, ordinary people, often forget how they also have private lives just like us. Celebrities are unable to do many things that we are able to without large amounts of judgment from society, especially any romantic activities, including going on dates or getting married. This is especially true as all celebrities have fandoms. When celebrities engage with one another, this can allow fandoms to clash, either increasing their popularity or causing lots of different issues. A famous example would be the sheer mass of media coverage of American rapper Kanye West and American socialite Kim Kardashian’s relationship, and how it influenced their marriage and ultimate divorce. This couple isn’t the only case of a divorce in Hollywood though; Hollywood and the general entertainment industry are known for their high divorce rates among its workers, where there is a 52% divorce rate, almost twice the rate for ordinary people. This clearly displays a distinction
whethercelebritiesbetweenandus,itbetheroleofthemediaorwhatcelebri-tieswantfromtheirmarriages.Butwhatissodifferentaboutcelebritiesthatastablemarriageisvirtuallyimpossible to Marriageachieve?isacultural and legal union of two individuals that is performed for various purposes; for some, it is because the couple truly loves each other, while others are purely transactional. However, celebrity marriages have far more complex causes, as celebrities must take care of their image and reputation during the whole process. This is one of the hardest parts of celebrities’ personal lives, as they would have to find the balance between their private life and public image; for instance, while kissing their partner in public could bring them short-term media attention, in the long-term, fans would lose interest in a celebrity already “taken” by someone else. If celebrities, however, significantly prioritize their outer images over their love life, this can also harm their personal relationships with their partner, as they would feel less important in their lives.
Kylie Jenner’s breakup with the famous rapper Tyga was due to this exact reason of Kylie’s preoccupation with her image. Caring for one’s public image itself already seems very tiring, however, as celebrities have far more responsibilities, such as managing schedules and events. Celebrities often occupy jobs such as actors, musicians, and athletes, so they constantly travel to many locations to film
When Love is Messy, Scandalous, and Expensive

movies, hold concerts, and play sports. First, this prevents celebrities from staying in one area, disallowing them to be with their partners unless the partners are related to their work, which is very unlikely, or unless they relocate with their partners, which is often infeasible. For those who have been in long-distance or online relationships, it is a common fact that not physically being with one’s partner increases the chances of losing feelings or even other problems like cheating; this problem is far more prevalent for married celebrities. Because celebrities often have to digest a very busy schedule, even if they were to be with their partners, they would fail to have that much responsibility in the relationship. There would be different problems of who takes care of the children, and not being able to emotionally support your spouse. Celebrities often are very attractive, and many jobs that they take such as actors involve interacting with other very handsome and beautiful celebrities, which provides far greater temptations for these love-less couples. On the other hand, there are many in the entertainment industry that use this fact to their advantage. Because they are aware of the great amounts of the media spotlight that are put on them when they have such issues, they purposely try to live very scandalous lives. Celebrity divorces are one of the hottest and most popular issues that people want to know about, since, as aforementioned, many fans do not like their celebrities in relationships. Also, these divorces are very dramatic, with millions of dollars spent on the best lawyers and prosecutors. These court trials would be choosing where hundreds of millions of dollars would go, as the intellectual property or economic aspects of celebrities are just so enormous. However, you may think to yourself that all these problems are mutually shared by ordinary people like us, just without the high divorce rates. The reason why divorce rates are so high in Hollywood is that for celebrities, divorce is a far easier solution to all of these problems. For celebrities, fame and popularity are everything; for many of those already successful and great looking, it would be an easy task to find another partner. It is true that divorces cost a lot of money, such as preparing for court and hiring lawyers itself take thousands of dollars, but since celebrities hold so much wealth, this wouldn’t be an obstacle to their career. Divorcing has become such a norm that now it is considered part of American culture, or Hollywood culture. Of course, it is up to these celebrities to decide for themselves whether divorce would suit best for their lives. However, the media and the fandoms must not be the cause of their problems; after all, celebrities are people just like us too. The media should not invade their private lives or create false rumors that can ruin the celebrity’s reputations, while fans should refrain from harshly judging celebrities or intentionally trying to sabotage their idol’s love life. After all, finding true love is already difficult enough even for us; why make it harder for our favorite celebrities?

CREDITS Bryan Kim Aimee IreneLeoRachelJasonSopheenJayWaanAlexLilaJaslyneMillaChaminArielSahngwonLindseyPaulJunseoLaurenTomokiPeterJoshuaEricNateSamuelAliceJuneAndrewEuniceJihoonRachelWoojuneChoiKimYoonKimRheeHahmJeongLeeHongWilsonChoLeeKimIshikawaKimLeeMoonLimLeeYuKimCheungTamThirouard-kikuchiChoChoiChoeLeeLeeChoSuginoNam Sylvia JasonCelineMinjiDavidHanaEllenSophiaChenParkRyuItoKimKimYangBaek