4 minute read

Porn Re-wires the Brain

Have you ever seen a pornographic image and realized later that you just can’t get it out of your mind?

Do you feel compelled to go back and sneak another peek? You’re not alone in your addiction. Both men and women, of a wide age range, struggle with this. The attitude that “this is only a men’s issue” is incorrect. Both men and women struggle with this.

Porn damages men and women emotionally, mentally, and physically. Porn causes a chemical response in the brain that actually changes the way we view and experience sex. These images cause the release of massive amounts of natural chemicals, such as dopamine, in our brain and can result in powerful addictions. We then need to see more images and seek additional experiences to get that same chemical rush. This is how the porn industry makes money.

A generation ago, people had to seek out pornography and hide their stash. In contrast, today people have to take intentional steps to avoid “adult content.” Exposure to pornography is prevalent with easy access through today’s technology. Addiction to porn can break relationships, bank accounts, and people’s brains. Fortunately, society is starting to wise up to these realities. Concerns from medical experts have now elevated pornography to a public health crisis.

The effect of this conditioning is that you will need to see more and more pornography and, for some, more and more extreme forms of pornography, to get the same “high.” Consequently, when we want to have sex we may have difficulty becoming aroused. Our bodies can become so conditioned to pornographic images and thoughts that we can’t get aroused without them. Pornography-induced erectile dysfunction is becoming more and more common. Someday you’re going to meet a woman or man you want to spend your life with. Can you imagine needing to look at porn to be able to have sex with the woman or man you love? Be fair to your future spouse and free yourself of this addiction so you can fully love and be loved.

So, what now?

First, recognize that you need help. This takes strength and resiliency but you can do it! You are stronger and capable of more than you think!

Fighting against an addiction to porn can be mentally exhausting. You can feel as though you are all alone, and then even when you are porn free, the images you viewed in the past can re-surface in your brain. This means you have to fight smarter, not harder. It’s possible to create positive habits that will eventually rid you of the epidemic that plagues so many individuals with guilt and shame. Hope is not lost, simple adjustments in your everyday routine will help you steer clear of pornography and keep it out of your life.

1. Change your situation

If you have felt the pull to view porn in the past, it’s better to avoid the “gateways” that will lead you right back in to it. To change your habits, change your situation. Avoid problem websites and browsing when you are tired. You might even want to block certain sites in your browser. You could also use a text only browser for a while. If your defenses are low consider avoiding the internet altogether. Here are some practical tips: don’t keep your smart phone next to your bed. If you need it for an alarm clock, get an actual alarm clock or switch your phone onto airplane mode. Did you just suffer a bad break-up? If so, only browse during the day.

2. Habit Accountability

It can be difficult to overcome porn by yourself. One thing that has proven to be helpful for people is setting up some sort of accountability system. If you think about it, you’re much less likely to view porn if you have an accountability partner. This is someone you trust and report to on a frequent basis. This person can give you advice when you hit a setback and encourage you when you’re doing well. In addition to your accountability partner, use accountability software. Install a program on all of your electronic devices that provides a record of your internet activity to your accountability partner. It may seem like a scary thing to do; however, just the knowledge that your web activity can be seen by someone else will most likely keep you out of the darkest areas of the internet.

Though you might feel completely alone in this, you are not. Celebrities like Terry Crews, Russell Brand, pro basketball player Lamar Odom, and many more have broken free and are speaking out so that you can know that you can conquer this!

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Hear Terry's interview on overcoming his pornography addiction:


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