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The report presents cases of violations against human rights defenders 1 as of November 1, 2019. The report is based on the results of monitoring conducted by the Human Rights House Yerevan, interviews with individual human rights defenders, and data published by sectoral NGOs.
The report was prepared in line with principles and norms set out in the Booklet “Rights of Defenders: Principles and Standards Protecting and Empowering Human Rights Work”. 2 The report refers to 10 of the mentioned 16 principles and standards, which reflect the violations occurred.
The cases of violations against human rights defenders in the report are presented in a combination of the following two primary criteria: (1) the nature of public benefit of one’s action aimed at protecting human rights and fundamental freedoms, ensuring the rule of law and democracy, and (2) being committed to human rights and fundamental freedoms, in particular respect for the human rights of all, the recognition of equality and the elimination of discrimination.
The report provides a summary of each of the mentioned principles and standards, cases of violations against human rights defenders, as well as recommendations to the State and other public entities. The international experience presented in the aforementioned Booklet was also taken into account when making the recommendations. Human Rights House Yerevan will persist for the recommendations made in this report to be taken into consideration in the process of developing human rights-related policies and laws and their implementation.