3 minute read
Editor’s Note
Dear readers,
IT IS THAT TIME OF THE YEAR AGAIN. As we say goodbye to 2021, and as we prepare to welcome 2022, it is our sincere hope that despite the hurdles, disruptions, and challenges, you have found reasons to express gratitude, celebrate the magnanimity of life, and count your blessings. Let us welcome new beginnings. Through it all, we remain committed to working, supporting, and collaborating with you.
The Office of Research & Innovation (ORI) expresses sincere thanks to you all—faculty, researchers, students, leaders, industry and community partners and members of our growing research community. Humber’s vision to lead, transform and differentiate is only possible because of you. We are indeed stronger together.
In this issue of SPARK, we highlight newly structured funding opportunities available to emerging and seasoned researchers, we acknowledge the impact of social innovation, and we celebrate the remarkable efforts of our growing Humber research community.
Humber SPARK is a collaborative space. We wish to extend an invitation to you, dear readers; please connect with us if you want to submit a completed article to be featured in SPARK. Is there a project you are working on? Is there a past project that you would like to share with a broader audience? Has a related book inspired you? Have your students come up with innovative and frugal solutions to a problem? Are you collaborating with a peer on an interdisciplinary project? Have you collaborated with an industry/community partner? Connect with us and share your story.
We are passionate about creating an environment, a safe space, a “Research Ba,” where change and failure are seen as opportunities to learn and grow. Building a sustainable research culture requires taking risks, failing, learning and trying again. We strive to make research accessible and approachable to everyone, and we aim to demystify innovation. Many new projects are on the horizon; and we encourage you to watch out for regular news and updates on our social media platforms.
I leave you with one of my favourite quotes from stoic philosopher Marcus Aurelius, Roman Emperor from AD 161 to 180, “Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.”
Wishing you a very peaceful end of the year and a hopeful and prosperous New Year 2022.
Until next time, Anju Kakkar, KMbS/Managing Editor, Humber Press, Office of Research & Innovation